clairelutra · 1 year
Hi! I've been trying to find a Miraculous Ladybug fic for days, and despite the fact that I swear I bookmarked it, I'm not having any luck, and I'm wondering if it might have been one of yours that you (justifiably) took off of AO3?
I can't remember all the details, but the long and short of it is that Marinette and Adrien end up sexting each other (pretty sure as Chat Noir and Ladybug), and Alya basically ends up giving them objective lessons separately? Like, she doesn't have anything to do with either of them relationship wise, romantically, or sexually, she's basically just giving them a formula for how to do it well? And nobody knows that it's each other that they're sending them to, not even Alya? Marinette might have even been the only one she gave actual lessons to, and Adrien just somehow got access to them?
that's an AMAZING idea and I'm now sad that it definitely wasn't mine :'(
Maybe my followers can help?
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wisesnail · 9 months
I've just gotten into The Sandman and came across your artwork in my first post-season foray into needing more content, and my mouth is literally dry from my jaw being dropped in awe for so long! You've done art for so many fandoms I love, and I'm 100% shook over how absolutely stunning your work is. Like, how???? How is it possible for a human to make things that pretty????? (Tbh, I've fallen a little bit in love with you over your art tonight. Thank you for putting such beautiful creations out into the world 😭❤️)
Sometimes I come across messages like this, and they really made my day! I'm a bit insecure about my artworks, so hearing that someone likes them is really a boost!
Thank you @eccentricrage for taking the time to leave me this message! I hope you continue enjoying my content (yay for sharing the same fandoms, a person of taste I see <;) and have fun with The Sandman tag! 💙
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bangtan-topia · 3 years
Hello! I saw your ask conversations with Ray regarding your Greek Mythology Twilight AU, and I find myself hella intrigued by it. If you plan to delight the masses by sharing it, may I ask where it would be posted?
Hiya! I'm glad you're interested! Once I have an AO3 account, hopefully by late Feb, I'll be posting it there. Of course I'll be sending Ray a link once it's posted, but let me know if you want me to send you a message when it's up.
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
Happy Level Up Day! Congrats on gaining enough XP to hit a new level! You're doing amazing and I hope you get awesome perks this year!
This that energy I’m trying to manifest so thank you babe
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teamironmanforever · 4 years
HC: when his kids are feeling self conscious about their knowledge on a subject, Tony will pretend he believes a totally bogus theory on the subject just to get the kids raging about it and telling him why he's wrong and he will slowly pick at their points gently to help them naturally flesh out their arguments and ideas using their own reasoning.
oh my god yes 
and it’s probably during dinner too, when everyone is sitting at the table, where they can all talk together and listen, pitch in, stir the conversation - because you know Tony demands that everyone be sat together for meals, since he never had that. 
He never had someone to sit, eat, listen, chat when he was growing up. And he’ll be damned if his children grow up the same way. 
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naferty · 7 years
Oh my goodness, I'm in love with your Stuckony Soulmate AU, and the Tsum Tsum AU! I can't wait for the "fuck you" of the former, and the "wtf?!" Of the latter! Will you please tag me in them when you update?
Soulmate aus all around! 
I had this hilarious image of 
Tony to Gregory: “Fuck you”
Tony to Steve: “Fuck you”
Tony to T’Challa: “Fuck me”
Tony to Bucky: “Fuck you”
Tony to Jarvis: “Hey Jarvis, you didn’t hear that, right?”
And “wtf?” you aren’t possibly imagining Steve and Bucky running through war fighting Hydra with tiny Tsum Iron Man and Tsum Black Widow, their two tsum tsums cuddling next to the fire as Steve and Bucky exchange stories with the howling commandos and watch as all their tsum tsums start wrestling. Or are you imagining that scene, that one scene that would have us clutching our hearts, the scene where Bucky is reaching out for Steve’s hand and Nat tsum is on his shoulder trying to grab Tony tsum’s little stubs for hands and right as Bucky is about to reach Steve the rail breaks and down Bucky goes and all Steve and Tony tsum can do is watch as they descent, hearing Bucky’s screams and Nat tsum’s squeals of fear. 
Don’t imagine any of that. It’ll hurt less. 
Also don’t imagine Tony tsum hiding after that, refusing to come out Steve’s pockets and Steve’s heart breaking even more as he hears Tony tsum’s crying squeaks.
Don’t do it. Just don’t. 
And tag you shall be.
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skyelle0 · 7 years
Tagged by: @nvara-of-mortains-own thanks! i feel really nice and mushy.
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better or just because you feel like it
Relationship status: single as all fuck, not thanks to lack of trying mind you
Favorite Color: uhhh,, i really don't know, i usually tend to ask myself: are you being truthful right now or you just pretending?, but probably blue or smth.
Lipstick or Chapstick: i usually forget to put it (my lips hate me for that) but chapstick
Last song I listened to: Breathe - Jeremy Zucker
Top 3 TV Shows: there are so many! okay, uh, Stranger, OA, Voltron.
Top 3 Characters: Lance McClain, Toni Stark (from the limitations of wax, does that count? idc) aand Nathan Byrn.
Top 3 Bands: i don't really listen to bands?? but here are some i listen to sometimes; tøp, years & years, sonder.
Books I’m Reading: the trials of apollo, the hobbit (left it there for like a year and i need to change that), uhhhhm, do fanfics count? nah, who am i kidding i'm just waiting for updates.
Pet Peeve(s): chewing with you mouth open, slow walking, heavy breathing, grammar but in spanish because in english i couldn't give more of a fuck, there are probably more but none come to my mind rn.
Fastest way to piss you off: being a rape apologist, saying mean stuff about people with mental disorders, insulting people who have committed suicide, telling me how to act, my dad being an asshole, ppl not respecting my boundaries, slut shaming; i'm honestly such a porcupine, if you poke me or scream at me annoyingly i'll most likely slap you (i'm not a monster tho, only when you have done it several times) or poke you back with something sharp, i'm not really patient. but i'm never angry for long unless you are being racist/mysoginistic/homo-bi-ace-trans-pan-+phobic.
Funniest rumor/assumption about you (that you know of): that i'm straight, that i don't have feelings, that i have a thing for my bff (it has come to a point where it is absurd), that i like to study, that i'm completely mentally sane (like please have you met me), and me being biphobic for being pan - i'm still not sure how that one works -.
What made you smile today?: my bff, several tumblr posts, a fanfiction and this! obviously, also, bacon.
I’ll tag….
@hufflepuff-from-canada @eccentricrage @staywild--moonchild @kevin10dlp @coree6433 @elizahagane @booksrbest @ijustneedmorespace @call-me-perry
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allthemarvelousrage · 8 years
You're the patron saint of Iron//Hawk??? That's amazing!! I just got into the fandom, do you have any fic, art, and/or blog recs?
If I’m allowed to rec myself, I write a lot of IronHawk with fem!Tony (but not always). My AO3 profile is http://archiveofourown.org/users/ficlicious, and I have a serious IronHawk problem. I rec “Soulmate Material” and “Love Story” in particular. :)
I’m also fond of  The Spy Who Loved Me by @summerpipedream, Sugar Daddies by akira_of_the_twilight, In the Midst by heartequals,  There are others. I’ll dig them out of my bookmarks. 
I don’t tend to follow fandom blogs so much as I follow people’s blogs, but @medie is my terrible, horrible, no-good enabler who throws Pretty at me on a constant basis, and @eccentricrage, @constancetruggle and @readaholic19 have also supplied me with nefarious plotbunnies. 
Hoodies. Robots. I see you, CT. 
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 years
Headcanon: Toni comes home from a day at the office once the Avengers start becoming a family, and as soon as she walks through the elevator doors, she's ripping her bra out of her shirt and chucking it while shouting "Begone THOT!" Rhodey tells her it's a cute new bra to dig at the boys (because ha, he knows her collection), Tasha nods understandingly and also compliments it, Bruce and Clint laugh, Thor is amusedly confused and Bucky and Steve are Uber confused and uncomfortably heating up.
Look no, look
The first time Toni takes her bra off without ever taking her shirt off everybody but Rhodey, Natasha, and, unsurprisingly enough, Clint, look at her like she’s fucking magic.
Because men.
But yeah the first time she does it, long after they’re a family and this kind of shit is safe(TM) for her, she tosses the thing to the side.
Only she hits Steve square in the face with it.
So here’s Steve, all 6+ feet of pure muscle, with this skimpy black lace bra hanging from his head and the boy looks like he’s going to die.
No one knew his face could get that red.
No one thought it was humanly possible.
Bucky isn’t much better, he’s frozen, eyes wide and cheeks just a bit flushed.
Toni’s pretty sure she broke the both of them tbh.
Rhodey thinks it’s the Best(TM) and makes sure to hold up all the new bras Toni takes off like that and comment on how cute they are, or how they match those panties Pepper bought her, or if she still has “the ones like this one but with the little cut outs, you know the ones I’m talkin about Tones”.
Everyone else is taking bets on when the Brooklyn Boys will either spontaneously explode or swoop Toni up and run away with her.
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 years
Question for ya that I've been wondering for a while that I can't (for the life of me) remember if it's been asked before: what's Toni's stance on tongue piercings, and would she ever get one?
I’d say she’s, in general, fine with them but it’s not something she’d personally go for.
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 years
Depends on the day. Maleficent: sassy, punny evil/... Self explanatory Merida: fuck tradition/"fuck you cannon" Rapunzel: sweet, adventurous, strong hearted/"okay y'all, you can have some fluff today" and you're really nice to your fans, "what's that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of the AU I'm tackling today," going through all the BS you do and keep on swinging
Pt. 2 because I forgot to add this bit Merida: BAMF, when she does something well, she fucking does something goddamn spot on/ALL OF YOUR WRITING SKILL
All of these are fantastic though I will add that Merida probably also fits cause of the accent. I’m Southern instead of a Scot but damn if they both aren’t thick as all hell.
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rayshippouuchiha · 7 years
Wanda, Thanos, Justin Hammer.
This actually a harder choice than one would think?
Fuck: Wanda, because fuck her. It’d have to be hate sex tbh. 
Marry: Justin Hammer. Oh I’d marry him in a heartbeat and then I’d promptly divorce him, take half his money, half the shares in his company, and promptly ally myself with Stark Industries.
Kill:  Thanos. I mean it’d solve so many problems? Also he dared to lay hands on my actual children so he’s super dead.
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rayshippouuchiha · 7 years
Headcannon question time? Yes please. How does Toni show her physical affection with everyone, and does her physical affection change with anyone post Stuckoni (and if so, how)? Everyone from J and the Bots to Happy and Pepper to Clint and Natasha.
Toni doesn’t do well with physical affection outside of Rhodey and the bots, not at first, not till she’s known you for a while.  She is, arguably, touch-starved in a lot of ways.
So with Rhodey she’s obviously very hands on and touchy.  With JARVIS he has no body so she shows her affection by letting him constantly watch her, by having very very few boundaries when it comes to what he sees because it lets him feel safe and secure to have her under his surveillance.  The bots are a mix of toddlers and puppies when it comes to affection so there’s lots of pets/hugs/patting and letting them always, always, press close to her.
With Happy and Pepper there are rare full body hugs but normally her physical affection is smaller, softer.
She puts her hand in the crook of Happy’s arm, trusts him to get within arm’s reach, lets him tuck her behind him when they move through crowds even if he isn’t her bodyguard anymore. She lets him dominate the space around her in a small way because she knows it makes him happy to protect her in any way he can.
With Pepper it’s tugging gently on her hair like Pepper does on hers, it’s gentle hand holding, it’s putting herself between Pepper and anyone else who might pose a threat even though she knows Pepper is a BAMF in her own right.
It’s letting both of them hand her things and never flinching away when they move closer.
When it comes to the Avengers it’s different for each of them I think once they’re settled and a family.
It’s hands on arms and shoulders and full body hugs with Bruce because she’s not afraid of him or Hulk and she wants the both of them to know.
With Thor it’s indulging his courtly manners. It’s kisses to her knuckles, her hand in the crook of his arm as they walk together, a million and one courtesies that Thor clings to now when he’s far from Asgard and missing everything he once took for granted.
Clint is a rougher kind of affection, more childish.  A peppy sort of humor that belays the suffering they’ve both endured.  It’s less physical affection and more gentle warfare, pranks and gags and dry, silly humor.  It’s also late nights pressed shoulder to shoulder, hearing aids off and hands moving silently and fluidly as they talk without ever saying a word.
Natasha is harder because they both have so many years of using their bodies, their beauty, as weapons in their own ways.  So for them physical affection is a act of never touching without permission.  It’s dancing together, side by side, in the ballet studio they both know how to use.  It’s dancing together at galas, palms just shy of touching as they stun a crowd by twirling across the floor together.
For Bucky and Steve it’s all heavier, hotter.  More.  It’s things picked up and cobbled together from all the other relationships she has and then singular things added to it.  It’s letting herself be physically vulnerable to them.  Letting them crowd her against wall, sitting on their laps, letting them curl around her, box her in, and not feeling trapped.  It’s kisses on lips/cheeks/foreheads. Hands on shoulders, backs, hips.
It’s, eventually, hair down, wings and arc reactor uncovered.
And after they’re together nothing would ever change with Toni and the others because Steve and Bucky would never do that to her.  Would never try and change the way she shows her love.
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rayshippouuchiha · 7 years
 “Shall we play, Miss?” ... “You want me to come out of the kitchen?”  Toni asks with a feral grin as she reaches up and grabs the collar.  She stuffs it into the bag, sits it and her new creation on the ground at her feet, and slowly straightens back up. Beneath her skin the armor shudders and then surges upwards, gliding over her body as smooth as the silk of her stockings. “Fine,” Toni calls right before she lowers the faceplate, “I’ll come out of the kitchen.”
Okay so I particularly enjoyed writing this scene for a number of reasons.
First, beyond the fact that it was a turning point and funny as all hell, there was the fact that I picked the kitchen as the room Toni holed up in.  I had, initially, had the idea to have her locked up in someone’s bunk, like either Rocket or Peter’s, but the idea of the kitchen was too much to pass up for a number of reasons.
For one there’s the fact that the kitchen is a woman’s “traditional place”. Having Toni locked in there, weakened and shackled with a collar, only to free herself with the help of JARVIS and become a true threat that’s ready to attack was some damn nice imagery. 
Then there’s the fact that the kitchen is, traditionally, the heart of the home and Toni, unknowingly to the Guardians and herself, has slipped right into the hearts and souls of the Guardians themselves.
Beyond that the word choice for how the armor covers her post-Extremis is very very deliberate.  Toni’s taken the armor into herself now in a way that wasn’t possible before.  The references to it “gliding over her body as smooth as silk” plays with the idea of how Toni has, over the course of her life, turned her sexuality and her own sensuality into a weapon.
Now it’s even more overt.
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rayshippouuchiha · 7 years
Sooooo...Toni and Shuri being BFFLS (Especially in a potential IronPanther AU of LoW) and Rhodey and T'Challa just going Rhodey: "Oh... T'Challa: "...fuck" As they see two technologically brilliant ladies turn the world 180 with their minds working together?
Look Toni and Shuri, after a moment or two of posturing and some adjustments as they feel each other out, would get on like a house on fire.
Cause they could meet each other as equals in a way that very few people have been able to with either of them.  Shuri is a genius and actual royalty and Toni is a genius and basically American royalty.  They’d click over a lot of different issues.
Rhodey and T’Challa are simultaneously proud and terrified.  Cause yeah they’re both geniuses too and scientists in their own right but, let’s be real here, when Toni and Shuri get together people start running for cover.
Like once they’re comfortable together I imagine it’d be a lot of mad cackling, explosions, and innovative tech spewing out left, right ,and center.
T’Challa’s smitten, Rhodey’s half smitten at this point, the Dora are amused and exasperated by turns.
Toni and Shuri just high five and figure out the best way to revolutionize another industry.
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naferty · 7 years
Oh my goodness, part three was awesome!! The mic drop moment when Jarvis was all "boy, STFU and sit the hell down" was Golden! I'm rooting for T'Challa b/c I'm super salty at Stucky, but I understand if you go for all four of them. NGL, I hope IronPanther gets married before Tony lets Stucky in though. I feel like it would be adequate punishment for Stucky and reassurance for T'Challa. Regardless of how it goes, I can't wait for part four! Thank you for tagging me!!!!!
Tony like
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T’Challa by his side like 
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And Steve and Bucky like
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Not married yet, and might not be able to when Steve and Bucky ask for help. Tony is more than willing to just push them aside and get the wedding going but T’Challa will actually be the reason that gets pushed back and insecurities will make an appearance. Self-sacrificing T’Challa is not something Tony will allow, no matter how much the man wants him to gain his ‘happiness.’ 
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