I am so, so sorry that Arryn knows that T/auradonna fic exists.
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blessthebees · 5 years
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
heaven forbid that someone actually needs to be medically diagnosed as trans to be trans. i cant just choose to be a different gender, thats not how that shit works. or do you believe someone like trisha patyas is /actually/ trans? secondly, owl doesn't hate bees, i've personally seen her on a discord, discussing good things about bees. and her blakexadam server is set up for a completely different reason. fuckn check your facts. she doesn't hate bees, she hates wasps, which is what you are.
I believe that cis people don’t have the right to gatekeep the trans community or define transness, and since I’ve had a number of trans people agree with me that she’s a shitty person I’m gonna trust their judgement on issues that affect them.
And yes, she does hate B/umbleby and its shippers. Why do you think she wastes her time constantly yelling about how abusive and toxic it is as a ship and complaining that no one should ship it because it’s unhealthy? But of course she never applies the same logic to any other ships that should be abusive by her criteria cause we gotta have that sweet double standard, am I right? I’d be eager to see an explanation for why she bothered creating an entire list of reasons why B/umbleby is supposedly unhealthy and why she refers to it as a “toxic ship” at every opportunity if she apparently likes it so much lmao.
There is no good reason to have a space for T/auradonna on your server. None. It’s giving a platform for people to ship an underage girl who was still practically a child with the mass murderer who abused her and it’s disgusting.
“Wasp” means nothing. It has no set definition so anyone can decide what they individually want it to mean. It’s pointless to say “oh but X person doesn’t hate Bees only wasps” because who decides what makes someone a “wasp”? The person calling them a “wasp” does, and they can call literally anyone a “wasp” if they don’t like them.
I did check my facts, and they showed that she’s a pretentious narcissist who thinks she can speak for communities she’s not a part of as well as insisting that a perfectly healthy ship is problematic, and also that she’s a massive fucking hypocrite. She just wants to get attention by shouting her nonsense as loudly as possible, which is why I’ve specifically not advocated for going after her or trying to deplatform her curious as to how speaking against harrassment makes me a “wasp”, and I cannot take anyone with that attitude seriously.
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myrwbydiscourseblog · 5 years
y'all think that making bb canon is some sort of conspiracy, but:
someone saying that the ship is unhealthy while also supporting t/auradonna;
people being disrespectful and discriminatory;
believing that s/un will be an assholes when b/lake shows up dating y/ang or that b/lake will cheat on her with him;
tagging the crew multiple times and going into a lot of rt's tweets- aka harassment- asking for a certain ship to be canon;
calling one of the vas unprofessional/a c*nt for expressing her opinion, although no one from the crew has manifested anything against it- aka thinking you know how the process of the show works better than the people working on it themselves;
erasure of two confirmed lesbian characters' sexualities;
people shipping e/mberald, an actually abusive ship
are all okay things with you, seen as none of you call people out for that. so long as they agree with you, you don't care that they do and say wrong things, right? as long as they support the same thing as you, you don't give a shit.
oooooh, the bias...
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sir-adamus · 4 years
Some dude's unbiased opinion on the bb tag:*mild comments (borderline NICE) about ships like e/nabler and t/auradonna (and whatever the fuck is R/uby and O/zpin)* Same dude's unbiased opinion on the bb tag: if you ship bb there's A CHANCE you are a respectful person but you rub your ship in other people's face. 🙄 I f*cking swear...
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intro-v · 5 years
How to know if someone is a hypocrite in FNDM
Hating T/auradonna but loving E/mberald and vice versa
Despising R/osegarden and saying “Its because of O/zpin, it makes it weird” but loving C/loqwork 
Agreeing that A/dam is an abusive piece of shit but write Y/ang, B/lake or S/un as a poor-man’s version of A/dam
Thinking E/nabler is actually a good ship and thinking that B/umbleby is the worst thing ever
Literally just in general thinking that legit toxic ships are better than stuff like B/umbleby, E/clipse and R/enora 
Honestly just being a fujoshi 
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19-bellwether · 4 years
I browsed through some t/auradonna blogs and they have literally the exact same vibe as r/eylo blogs. I can't even be mad. It's just amusing by this point, and a bit disappointing.
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sapphic-sustrai · 5 years
Blake for the ask thingy!
Sure thing!
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi Bi Bi!!
OTP: Bumbleby for sure, but Catmeleon is also very good!!
BROTP: I like Blake & Ilia’s, but I also like Blake & Weiss.
NOTP: T/auradonna, but I also don’t really like B/lacksun. It’s not nearly as fucking awful as the first ship, but they just don’t work well romantically in my opinion.
First headcanon that pops into my head: Blake’s actually a pretty good artist. She has several doodles in her notebook of various things, she’s even sketched her teammates & friends if they’ve requested her to do so.
One way in which I relate to this character: We both want to fight for what’s right. Except, for me it’s fighting for LGBTQA+ rights. 
Thing{s} that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: When people portray her as someone who can’t stand her teammates, “antics”, when even back in Volume 1, she was participating in the antics. Also, I hate it when people portray her to just be, “arm candy”, or treat her as another person’s, “trophy”, when it comes to shipping. 
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Cinnamon roll... that has committed crimes. 
Character headcanons
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smile-charlie · 6 years
I’m looking for people to follow!
Specifically rwby blogs
Bonus points if
You ship bumbleby, whiterose, precious gems, martial arcs, poly jnr, nuts and dolts, taiqrow or cloqwork
You don’t hate Jaune, Sun, Ozpin, Taiyang, and preferably not Raven
Don’t interact if you ship t/auradonna, r/osewick, ozpin/ruby, blake/qrow, or enabler
Please like/reblog this post and I’ll check you out! 💕
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honeyby · 6 years
I can't believe I just read "I find b/umbleby can be just as toxic as t/auradonna" with my own two eyes
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suwunnysideup · 6 years
tagged by: @yang-belladonna​ (thanks a lot!!)
Real Name: Corey or Corinne. Depends on who’s with me
What you can/should call me: Corey or Sunny works just fine!
Where I’m from: Las Vegas
How old am I: 15
Fandoms I’m in: (whoo boy) RWBY, Fairy Tail, FMAB, DBZ, VLD, Hellsing Ultimate, Teen Titans, Akame ga Kill, Legend of Korra, My Hero Academia, LWA, DC, Marvel, Soul Eater, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Toradora, Young Justice and Steven Universe(I’m a little behind on SU tho)
Starsign: Libra
Sexuality (you don’t have to mention this): Pansexual
Gender Orientation (you don’t have to mention this one): cis girl but kinda questioning it
Favorite Pairings or OTPS: (whoo boy) Gajeel and Levy, Juvia and Gray, Yang and Blake, Weiss and Ilia, Jaune and Pyrrha, Ren and Nora, Sun and Neptune, Korra and Asami, Raven and Starfire, Pidge and Allura, Tsuyu and Ochako, Sucy and Lotte, Kobayashi and Tohru, Tsubaki and Black Star, Taiga and Ryuji, Roy and Riza and Steven and Connie
Ships you hate and will never ship in your life (NOTPS): T/auradonna, E/nabler, Riza and Edward, Alucard and Seras, Tohru and Kanna and Lapis and Jasper
hhh i’ll tag: @asheternal​ @deciido​ @yang-is-a-branwen​ @kisaramix​ and @iduckinglovedragons​
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citadelofmythoughts · 5 years
Think this got eaten, so just for fun, rank random rwby ships in terms of these: The Best, the Sweetest, the coolest, the most mediocre, the creepiest, the most creepily weird, Just Plain Bonkers and finally “Why?”
I think we can already guess the first one.
The Best: Bumbleby - Gay slow burn between two wonderful characters.  The sweetest: Gonna go with Renora, I have to hope that they’ll work through their issues after everything they’ve been through The coolest: Crosshares simply by virtue of Coco’s sheer level of coolness
The most mediocre: B/lksun - I don’t hate Sun but ultimately this ship has nothing that appeals to me, Runner up - Lancaster
The next three categories are very hard to tell apart really. Lets just say that anyone who ships non-platonic E/nabler should be banned from social media for life. T/auradonna is pathetic and evil.  And for “Why”?” - I just saw Blood Magic on a list of RWBY ships (Ruby and Salem) and I had to close the browser tab. WTF is wrong with some of you?
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
💚 and 💣
💚 (ship that you secretly like): I was super into them before I ever made this blog but Willow and Tara and Xena and Gabrielle were my first two wlw ships.
💣 (ship that pisses you off): Blake and Adam.
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
Wow O/wl has a "tauradonna" chatroom in her server this is so gross and hypocritical. She claims to be a paladin of the anti-abuse cause, decides to go on a personal attack on the bee ship and the be ship -only-, and then gives people a platform to rant about the most abusive ship in the show? She writes smut with an abuser? She claims that those who ship Taura are healthier than bees? Literally how can she do/say this shit and not stop for a second to think about how illogical it is??
Because honestly I don’t even know if she believes half the crap she comes out with. She just wants people to pay attention to her so she feels smart. But if she does actually believe it all then... yikes. It’s trashy af either way but I can hope that she’s only pretending to be quite that awful.
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
Sorry, but I saw that ask and have to say: don’t those fans know that Cinder slapped emerald, and in general is just a murdering and abusive (personality wise) psychopath? And that her behavior with emerald was treated comedically in Chibi? Sorry but I don’t like the whole “male abusers are bad, but female abusers are okay” mentality
Yeah honestly it really pisses me off that some people have the whole double standard of loving Cinder but hating Adam/shipping Emberald but bashing Tauradonna etc. They’re both trash and the only way Adam could work in Chibi is if he was mocked relentlessly like Cinder.
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
Uh... I'll say it, but about that last guy you replied to; T/auradonna was NOT small in early RWBY. It only got really squashed with the abuser reveal in late Volume 3, but before then I'd easily put it on par with B/lacksun and M/onochrome in popularity
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