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lynarc · 7 months ago
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CM - Summer Syrene
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gzeidraws · 1 year ago
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Reward art of Syrene dressed as Hughette for labmemb3r, for donating as part of the FE Rally for Gaza event!
👉 ferally4gaza.crd.co 📅 March 6th - April 17th The event is currently in need of more artist volunteers! Please contact s0colas on Twitter or email [email protected]
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fhtagn-and-tentacles · 5 months ago
by Paul “Zeronis” Kwon
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fefuckability · 6 months ago
Sacred Stones Qualifier 5
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Feel free to reblog and comment with your reasons!
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well, time to go back and tag all the other sets in this sub-arc that sprung out of nowhere. Thanks for reading what became the Friends Dinner sub arc
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pageofqueens · 1 month ago
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junestr · 1 year ago
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ermmm wet’s just say i may ow may not be cooking wight now!!!!
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lasaraconor · 2 years ago
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Frederic Leighton - The Fisherman and the Syren 1858
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owainbradys · 2 years ago
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*projectile tears*
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lynarc · 10 months ago
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Bridal Syrene & Palla
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 2 years ago
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zairak · 2 years ago
They really gonna do my girl Vanessa dirty like that and make her the demote? No one even uses Syrene unless they need an extra flier because Vanessa and Cormag both died somehow!
Glad Gilliam gets to be a 5* though. No Franz yet sucks but I get it's a Frelia themes banner so he wouldn't be on it
I haven't gone back to FEH but I keep up with trailers
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sacred-stanning · 10 months ago
Chapter 17 Part 4: Starting the map and immediately having two conversations
I'm ready to start the map, and here's who I'm bringing.
I wanted to bring Ross to keep giving him levels, but I decided to bring Duessel instead because some of the promoted enemies can hit hard, and I wanted a second def sponge aside from Franz.
Seth is still on hiatus.
I definitely did bring all the fliers though, given all the water on this map.
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Gerik starts us off by breaking the tree to make a bridge.
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And in the process of moving units around to send some up and left and some up and right, I discover that Ephraim and L'Arachel have unlocked their A support conversation.
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"You don't have to be on guard standing all the way over there. Just come over here already!"
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"...you're sure you have no intention of attacking me then?"
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"Are you sure you won't force me down to the ground the moment I move closer to you?"
(It's definitely not her intention, but L'Arachel sure is telling us a lot about her fantasies here...)
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Ephraim realizes that he shocked her last time they talked, and he apologizes for it.
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"...well, I will forgive it only this time!"
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"It was my first time seeing a naked man..."
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"Naked??? I only was trying to show you my shoulder!"
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"I was so shocked I couldn't sleep at all that night!"
(...because you were scared? ...or excited???)
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"D-Don't stare at me like that!" (<- line from photo below)
Ephraim apologizes again, and says he didn't intend to stare.
To which L'Arachel responds:
わたくしの身体つきに魅力がないとでも おっしゃるんですの!
"Are you saying that my figure holds no charm at all!?"
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"For you to cause such a stir within me, and to say that you feel nothing at all...!"
L'Arachel then says basically that she won't allow this and pledges that she will cause Ephraim to feel something the way he did to her.
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"She has an unexpectedly cute side as well!"
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At any rate, here's where everyone is at the end of turn one.
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After breaking the tree to make a bridge with Gerik, I had moved Franz up above him to intercept the two Paladins above. Franz does just that, and gets a level up for his troubles.
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And as turn two starts, Vanessa flies up and talks to Syrene.
"Captain Syrene! Are you ok?"
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Syrene is surprised and says something like, "Vanessa, you're here!?"
To which Vanessa replies, "Yes, and Prince Innes is here as well."
(Well, he's on the bench, but...)
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"Captain, in order to protect you from harm, allow us to take over from here."
The Japanese wordage here conveys it really well, but the way Vanessa is talking to Syrene is extremely stiff and formal. She's addressing her as a military superior, not as her sister.
As one example, in the sentence below she uses "nasaranu" for the verb "to (not) do" in reference to Syrene. Not only is the form "nasaru" the respectful form that you use with a superior that you're speaking to or about, but the negative "nu" ending is also a formal form that is usually only seen in written form in modern Japanese. (Normally, "nai" would be used instead.)
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"Very well, we will combine our forces under the leadership of your army. I will take my orders from there henceforth."
Syrene also is speaking fairly formally to Vanessa, though her level of formality is a little less since she is speaking to an inferior, rank-wise.
You can see it in the first sentence where she ends with "subeki ne". "Subeki" is a more formal sounding form for the verb "must / should do", but then she doesn't add "desu" and ends it with "ne" which sounds a little more casual and conversational.
If it were Vanessa saying the same thing to Syrene, presumably she would say, "subeki desu".
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As Vanessa attempts to leave, Syrene calls to her again, and says,
"It's been a while since we last met. You've become very impressive!"
My translation sounds a little odd. It would probably be more natural to translate it to something like, "You've grown up so much", or maybe "You've become such an amazing knight / soldier / woman / person". (Syrene doesn't actually specify in what area Vanessa has become amazing, but we can assume from context that she means it for Vanessa either as a total person, or specifically in her role as a knight.) But the one-to-one translation of the word she uses, "rippa", is something like "impressive" or "amazing".
Since Syrene is addressing her sister as a sister here, the tone of her speech is suddenly much more casual and warm sounding. She uses the base form of the verb "became" (natta) followed by the ending "wa ne" which is a soft, feminine-sounding ending used often in more casual speech. (Though admittedly, I feel like the ending "wa" is used far less often in actual speech in real life than it is used in media like this to make a character sound more gentle.)
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"And you've become much more beautiful too!"
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(That's a literal translation, but maybe a more natural one would be something like, "W-what do you mean?" or something along those lines maybe? Vanessa is surprised by the sudden sisterly affection coming from Syrene and isn't sure how to respond. It's very cute.)
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And with that, we have our last recruit of the game.
Syrene is honestly kind of unimpressive, especially for how late she shows up.
For instance, she has 15 speed. Vanessa had 20 speed before even promoting. 10 strength is really not very good either, and the other stat that you can sometimes expect from a Falcon Knight, resistance, is only 10. So despite being a late-game pre-promote, she just doesn't bring much to the table.
For further comparison, our other former Pegasus Knight, Tana, already has 15 strength, 20 speed, and 11 res at this point, and she's only on promoted level 2. Tana and Vanessa also both have 9 con, to Syrene's 7, so they get weighed down by heavy weapons less.
Syrene does show up with a Silver Lance though!
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Syrene let her eyes linger on Vanessa for a moment as Vanessa took up a defensive position a short ways off. She wished they had had more time to catch up, but now was not the time for that. Still, she watched her younger sister for a moment and felt the realization wash over her, "She's not a kid anymore!"
While both Syrene and Vanessa served as Frelian Pegasus Knights, for the past couple of years they had been stationed in different units, and had rarely seen each other.
"In fact," Syrene thought, "the last couple of times I had leave and visited home, she was on duty. I haven't properly spent time with her in almost 4 years now!"
She thought of the shock on Vanessa's face when she had told her that she had matured and become more beautiful. "She shouldn't be so shocked that her older sister is doting on her! As soon as I have a chance, I need to check in on her and make sure she's really ok. She's always been so hard on herself, and with this war happening, I'm sure she's been totally focused on her duties as a knight and hasn't been taking care of herself at all."
Syrene remembered the first time she had gone on a mission with her sister, when she was still a new recruit. They had been sent to a hilly countryside near a village where bandits had been attacking. Most of the bandits they had been able to apprehend alive, but one or two had fought back and been killed. Syrene still remembered the blank look on Vanessa's face as she had examined the dead bodies. But she also remembered how later on, when Vanessa excused herself to go to the bathroom, Syrene had found her sobbing quietly on her own. She had maintained perfect composure in front of all of the other knights, but she wasn't actually ok.
"And the worst part is that she didn't say anything to me! She just went off on her own to cry! Why would she hide her feelings from her own sister like that? It's just not healthy..."
Next time: Moving in to protect the civilians
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lickithrice · 6 months ago
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there is a really long silly straw. you cannot go see what it leads to. who among the cast is getting to it and guzzling down on the mystery drink the fastest and who is going to stand there and judge them when it turns out to be the warmest, nastiest strawberry kiwi capri sun imaginable
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are-they-in-heroes-yet · 1 year ago
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Is in Heroes!
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