#syren rain ghoul
ashthewaterghoul · 15 days
Fall For Them - A Rain Ghoul One Shot
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Gen, Rain/whoever the fuck he’s decided to murder this month
Tags: Murder ghouls, syren!rain, they/them Rain, gn!Rain, death, cautionary tale sort of, Song: Fall For Me (Sleep Token).
Words: 1,152
When someone new comes to the Abbey, the receive a lot of rules and instructions. But none more stressed than this, Do NOT go near the river on the full moon. In fact, do not go out at all. Remain indoors with the windows and doors shut and locked. To those stupid or unfortunate enough to disobey the rules and warnings, they may wander out at night and hear a lone song in the distance.
A/n: I change like one lyric at the end but it fits so oh well lol. Any feedback is welcomed and appreciated <3.
    When someone new comes to the Abbey, the receive a lot of rules and instructions. But none more stressed than this, Do NOT go near the river on the full moon. In fact, do not go out at all. Remain indoors with the windows and doors shut and locked.
    On any other day of the year, the river is fine. It’s the usual spot for Water Ghouls to gather, to swim, soak and bask in their element. As long as you don’t disturb them, they won’t disturb you. It’s their domain, their pride and joy so all respect what they want. One thing they want, however, they are rarely granted with the Clergy’s blessing. Only on rare occasions that trespassers or those up to no good wander onto the property do they get want they want. That thirst that pops up on the full moon.
    Just like they tidal pools they’re born into, a Water Ghoul’s cycle is controlled by the phases of the moon. A new moon is when they are most clear of mind, and it’s when they make bigger, important decisions like leaving their birth pods, choosing a mate, bearing kits etc. As the lunar phases go on, they become more protective, shorter tempered. Until they are left with a fine string of patience on the full moon.
    They yearn by then, and all in the Abbey know to leave the Water Ghouls be because in their fugue-like states of desperation they are more than capable of bringing even the most stoic of Ghouls to their demises. It’s a good thing that this Ministry has the Ghost project because the soundproofing in the studio finds its way out to all the doors and windows and corridors.
    To those stupid or unfortunate enough to disobey the rules and warnings, they may wander out at night and hear a lone song in the distance.
Read below the cut or on ao3
    “In a city of ice there are burning cathedrals,     Turning the skies into glass.     And though echoing futures are the buckling sutures,     That hold shut the wounds of the past."
    It feels like it’s being sung just for them, pulled from their very soul and exactly what the weak resolve of a human needs to hear to be lured in. They feel understood in a level that reverberates deep in their soul. They feel seen. While it may feel like they’ve been especially chosen, they will never know just how special they aren’t.
    “So won't you fall for me?     Won't you fall for me?     Through a fractured existence,     Won't you fall for me?     Won't you fall for me     From reality?     To the rhythm of eternity,     Won't you fall for me?”
And how could anyone say no to that.
    “My insecurities surround me like lions in the den,     And I feel like I'm losing touch with what I am again.     And slowly I remember why I cannot pretend     That I never think of you in all this screaming silence.
    Oh God I wish you were here!”
A Ghoul might just be able to resist, at the very least stop their feet moving to the lake, to fight against the yearning projected onto them and times by ten. But the humans are powerless to resist a Syren’s song. And as one human shall find out tonight, a Syren will not care for innocence, for morals, for character. Only a breathing, bleeding heart in front of them, and a soul to snuff out.
    “So won't you fall for me?     Won't you fall for me?     Through a fractured existence,     Won't you fall for me?     Won't you fall for me     From reality?     To the rhythm of eternity     Won't you fall for me?”
As a human gets closer to the voice, they lose all autonomy. No matter how loud that one little shred in the back of their mind screams to turn tail and run, they never will.
    Tonight, they’ll see Rain poised with their arms on the dock, the rest of their body hanging down into the water below. Smiling fiendishly as the human draws nearer, sharklike teeth on full display. Rain is the most captivating of any of the Water Ghouls, their skin a calming grey illuminated by bioluminescent dots and lines, their eyes a hypnotising teal, their song most deadly, its tentacles constrict around any soul and never let go, not until all light is gone.
    “Won't you fall for me?     Won't you fall for me?     With my love as your garden,     Won't you fall for me?”
    This human practically runs into the water, desperate to be with the Syren. Rain’s metres-long tail, adorned with sparkling blue and black scales, coils around the human’s legs as the fluke wraps around and binds their ankles. They’re too entranced to noticed how barbs poke through the scales, digging into their flesh and holding them there.
     “Won't you fall for me     From reality?”
As Rain brings them both under the water, ruffling gills adding to their beauty, they lift their spell for one moment. One glorious moment when the fear of the human’s doom coats their face. They realise the hundreds of barbs holding them in place that only dig in deeper as they struggle, the burn in their lungs for oxygen that they’ll never get and the self-pity for being so foolish to ignore the warnings.
    The spell gets put back after that and Rain gets drunk on it, revels in how they go lax and completely give in to their doom, whether they want to or not.
    “You are mine in the end     So won't you fall for me?”
Rain drinks it in just how they drink in the blood of their prey. Taking what they want, flesh and blood and bone, claiming another soul before offering the rest the other Water Ghouls. As much as they don’t want to, it has to be done. It’s a sign of respect to share the bounty and a way to keep the peace. If they didn’t do it, they wouldn’t live to lure and ensnare another soul. While being the most alluring of the several Syrens in the Abbey, they aren’t the strongest. Not yet, at least. As soon as they’ve dethroned the strongest, they can keep the body for all they want.
    Rain is practically high on the blood in their gills, though, and they start swimming around themself in delight at another successful full moon. The Clergy never dare punish the Water Ghouls for their violence lest they put a target on their own backs, the next song truly being one for their own soul to hear. Rain relishes in that hold they have, without even needing to sing a single note.
    A look above the surface of the water tells them there’s enough time to try for a few more souls to claim. Maybe this time they’ll sing for their Jolly Sailor Bold. That soul is sure to be delicious.
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ashthewaterghoul · 23 days
Syrens can’t speak on land.
Rain gets summoned and isn’t used to not being able to talk. He’s a deep-sea Ghoul, rarely breaking the surface of the water so he’s only ever gone short periods of times not being able to speak.
Water Ghouls have their own type of sign language so they can commune above water and even under the water if they’re hunting.
When Rain is summoned he is not only silenced due to the amount of time he has to spend above water, but because none of the other Ghouls know sign, and the sign the humans have is different and makes no sense to Rain.
Rain also can’t write been as water, paper and ink don’t exactly mix so he never learned.
He just resigns to nodding and shaking his head and trying to mime as best as he can.
That’s until one day when the Fire Ghoul that has a Water’s name sneaks into his room and raises his hands, making the familiar shapes of infernal sign.
“I’ll be your voice. The voice I never had when I was summoned.”
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ashthewaterghoul · 19 days
Murder Ghouls but specifically Water Ghouls being Syrens and luring people to their dooms with their hypnotising voices.
They can’t help it when the humans practically come in flocks desperate for their attention.
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