#syren au
sourapplesauces · 6 months
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@sywene-06 's ragapom becuase these deesigns are soooo AUBHGH chefs kiss love these two sm
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sywene-06 · 9 months
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Some more mafia au if anybody cares….
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imeriayapping · 4 months
What do i do with all of this loscar fic ideas in my head 😭😭 like i have to mane for a person that doesn't properly write
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gee-arid · 1 year
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What? More comic covers for my goofy aus? Wild
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ethersierra · 1 year
The amber and Kodira fic potential is so high... In canon, in AUs, pre-canon, anything... They could fit anywhere. So why are there only six ficlets on AO3... I know I am the people who should be writing more but but I'm trying my best okay
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celestiall0tus · 11 months
Syren Notes - All That Remained
And here we go with another egregious example of bad writing decisions.
So, this is very much a double edged sword. On one hand, I agree with naturegreen that the secret of Master Fu wasn't hers to tell. She was told basically to keep her piehole shut until he was ready. But this really was just to create unnecessary drama and boy does it hurt.
I do agree that Chat should have been in the loop since the moment Lady learned of Master Fu. He is a hero and should know about the other hero bullshit as Lady does. There really is no benefit to keeping him in the dark other than basic ass fucking drama. And that shit is so surface level that it hurts.
Then there is Adrien. So, I see more of the entitlement here. Feeling that he deserves to know. Which, yes, he does. However, there was no need to push Plagg to reveal such things. He honestly does need to learn that no means no and to deal with it.
And, fuck, I hate to get into this because of what we see in later seasons, but I just need to say it now. Adrien doesn't feel like a victim of abuse with how the writers are portraying him. Yes, he has moments in later seasons where we see moments of that. However, all I'm seeing (in season 2) is a whiny average teen with a mildly average life. And I know that people react to abuse and trauma differently, but fucks sakes. This doesn't feel like that in the slightest. And it's bothering the ever living hell out of me.
I know the writers are inconsistent with their characters and having them act certain ways for the plot, but come on! Abuse is something serious and needs to be written well from the very fucking beginning to be believable. In later seasons, taking out these earlier ones, I could possibly believe it. Here? Fuck no.
Personal notes. Ondine is... a far cry from what I remembered her as. I still think she's too good for Kim. Kim is... well, Kim.
SIGH Getting to the end of these. Well, Kuro Neko will be next. Get ready for that dumpster fire.
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars The Movie Ch. 15/Epilogue
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Six months later…
Korvo and Terry are spending time with the kids as they smile.
Terry: I'm telling ya, it's been a good six months.
Korvo: Yeah. sees Jesse rolling the dice as he gets a score Whoa! Nice job on Monopoly honey!
Jesse: Yeah!
Sonya: giggling while Janiz, Kimber, Evil Terry, Dr. Weatherstone, Nova, Sherbet and the AIS joins in
Evil Terry kisses Dr. Weatherstone on the cheek.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Wow! Awesome job guys!
Yumyulack: Thanks Phoebe.
Nova comes up and kisses Phoebe on the cheek as she smiles. Sherbet sits down next to them as she hugs her new mom Nova. Suddenly someone is heard screaming. The family looks. Then, they look at each other as they heroically smirk.
Terry: You guys ready for this?
The family then nod at each other.
Korvo: Fuck yeah.
We then cut to the city where a morbidly obese creature is wreaking havoc. Suddenly, an ice breath hits him, which came from Dr. Weatherstone, now known as the Blizzard as the rest of the Mighty Solars land.
Terry/Mighton: You just met your match, fatso!
Janiz/Ms. Quasar: You ready guys?!
Mighty Solars: READY!
As the heroes prepare for battle a monologue from Quasarblast is heard as he looks at his family, friends and loved ones.
Korvo/Quasarblast: voiceover There will always be some tough times when you have to go through some changes…
Then, he joins up with his friends as they get in a heroic stance.
Korvo/Quasarblast: voiceover But no matter what happens, even if you have a side of yourself you’re afraid, that doesn’t mean you’re gonna lose yourself. Because, you have the best people in the world, your family and the people you care about that is always gonna be right by your side, even through our darkest moments. Because, that’s what makes you a hero…
Quasarblast then nods at his family and friends for the signal. Vil-Gil-An-T takes Fung-irl's hand.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Ready sisters?!
Jesse/Fung-irl and Sonya/Nighthowler: Yeah!
Pupa/Mighty Pupa: Yeah!
Korvo/Quasarblast: MIGHTY SOLARS, ROLL OUT!
Mighty Solars: YEAH!
The scene then zooms out to the Mighty Solars Movie Logo. Then credits roll while “One For All” from Dan Stevens play:
As the credits roll, one music plays after “One for All” ends. “F.L.Y.” from Ice Nine Kills:
Then an end credits scene is shown. The end credits show the Solars, in their human forms, with Sonya and Phoebe. Human Korvo and Human Terry then looks at their new baby. A baby girl named Lili.
Human Korvo: Hello Lili…
Lili coos and holds Terry's hand.
Human Terry: She’s beautiful…
Human Korvo: I know...
Evil Terry, Dr. Weatherstone, the AIS, Janiz and Kimber came up them as they join them watching the sunset as they sit down.
Dr. Weatherstone: Guys, Evil Terry and I have some exciting news.
Human Korvo: What is it?
Evil Terry: We're getting fucking married, baby!
The Solars gasp in joy and congratulated them.
Human Jesse: Oh my gosh! Congratulations!
As the family congratulated the family, Dr. Weatherstone smile and talks to Lili.
Dr. Weatherstone: Hey Lili.
Lili coos.
Dr. Weatherstone: What do you think Lili? Are you happy your uncle and I are getting married?
Lili babbles and touches Evil Terry's face. As the family celebrate, the screen fades to black. Then, it shows the 20th Century Fox Productions logo.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
What if Master fu knew who hawkmoth was (let's say around syren before or after isbyour call)
(What if Fu figured out who Hawkmoth was?)
-after the events of Syren, Fu decided to agree with Ladybug and reach out to Adrien.
-Though Fu had an underlying method for going to see Adrien.
-Fu still believed Marinette’s theory of Hawkmoth being Gabriel agreste was possible.
-When he met with Adrien, Fu sent Wayzz to investigate
-After departing, Wayzz returned to him with news.
-Wayzz had found the garden and Emilie.
-Fu had speculated, The only way to explain all the evidence. Gabriel had to be Hawkmoth.
-Fu thought of what to do with this information.
-Fu decided he needed to be absolutely sure of this theory.
-Fu decided to spy on Gabriel.
-Season 2 continued onward. No changes for our heroes.
-It took some time but heroes day gave Fu the proof he needed.
-Gabriel agreste had to be hawkmoth.
-Fu decided to tell Marinette.
-Marinette said she planned on telling chat noir, but Fu said he would inform chat noir.
-Fu needed to know what Adrien would do.
-Chat noir arrived in a secret location told to him by fu.
-Fu told Adrien he needed him to hand over his miraculous and pass a test.
-Adrien detransformed and took off his ring.
-Fu described a scenario, one of a man desperate for the miraculous and doing everything he could to bring back his wife.
-“Would you let this man get the miraculous to bring back his wife.”
-Adrien said that he wouldn’t.
-“What if Ladybug had died. Would you use her miraculous to bring her back?”
-Adrien felt his heart tighten… but he answered
-“She wouldn’t want to be brought back that way.”
-Fu smiled. He knew the boys heart. Saying he wouldn’t would be a lie. But he knew Ladybug wouldn’t want that, and chat noir would respect her wishes.
-“what if I told you that the miraculous would bring back your mother?”
-“I do want my mother back… but the wish is dangerous.”
-Fu tells Adrien that his father is Hawkmoth.
-“Do you believe you can fight him, knowing this?”
-Adrien took a moment. He tightened his fist.
-“I’ll do what I must, for Paris and everyone I hold dear.”
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awkwardknight · 1 year
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No control over myself. Not sure what his tail looks like, I don't want to to do a stinger, I've already done that for a different character, and I don't want to give him a little fluffy plume thing because that's what my dnd character's drake has
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darklyevermore · 1 year
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My girl and her husband ❤️ thinking of Kyrie and Syren Delphi everyday anyday ❤️
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mizumi-kahago-art · 2 years
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Halloween Monster AU - Day 19: Sayaka as a Syren
Very closely related to Mermaids. The comments I got on my Mermaid Sayaka made me chose for her to become a Syren, the very deadly kind, who lures Sailors into their wet grave by singing to them. 
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conn-artist · 1 year
I am obsessed with my mermaid AU but anytime I try to draw it I run out of steam. Here is what I have from it this time:
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It would be really cool if you could like/reblog this so my brain makes the good chemical and I can put more spoons in to sharing this.
Oh, also the idea is that these are Stephen’s notes from studying mermaids (+sirens +selkies)
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tirednaturalist · 1 year
I am obsessed with my mermaid AU but anytime I try to draw it I run out of steam. Here is what I have from it this time:
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It would be really cool if you could like/reblog this so my brain makes the good chemical and I can put more spoons in to sharing this.
Oh, also the idea is that these are Stephen’s notes from studying mermaids (+sirens +selkies)
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(E)GG AU: Fu’s Story
One day, Wayzz sensed the Peacock cracking. He couldn’t tell exactly where it was (a precaution to protect against bad Guardians), just that it was in Paris. Fu transformed, intending to handle it himself, but quickly realized he was too old to wield the Miraculous.
(As kids lack maturity and the elderly have lived long enough to reach insanity, the Miraculous are designed so that holders outside of their “prime” can only use a power once per recharge (without the use of spells). Due to the effects of aging, elderly holders typically also experience loss of agility.)
Knowing he’d have to trust another holder again, he traveled to Paris to start seeking out new heroes.
(His experiences during The Great War influenced him to only release the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous, be adamant about not revealing their identities to anyone, and (partly influenced by his upbringing in the GO) seek out teen heroes: old enough to handle the power (though limited if he needed to relinquish it), but also too young to easily pack up and go (unlike the couple of adults who’d tried that). (Furthermore, though he had an understanding of modern revelations about youth, thus also being against teen marriage, it was still through an ancient lens. So, though he was aware of how stressful and demanding heroism and a double life would be, if they proved to be “mature”, he viewed placing the responsibility and high expectations on teens just the same as he would with a young adult.))
By the time the Butterfly was activated with nefarious intentions, he was prepared to give his top picks a final test just to double-check. (He’d admit he was more than a bit biased in picking Adrien, but how could he deny someone who only wished for freedom? Besides, as the boy was beloved by all, it would spare Plagg from having to once again deal with his power being used to tear down all his holder’s enemies. (Even still, the (subconscious) influence of The Great War made him hesitant to reveal his existence to the Cat holder (and the Ladybug holder by extension).))
Marinette and Adrien did even better than he expected, despite the first-time hiccup. He surely thought Marinette would quit after forgetting to purify the akuma, but she got back out there (which is far more than he could expect from himself) and exceeded all his expectations. He felt terrible for just throwing them into the fire, but he couldn’t risk connecting them to him. It wasn’t like he would be a good guide anyway, especially not above ancient beings.
But fate had other plans (yes, eventually meeting Adrien, but that would be later): Marinette brought the Grimoire to him, and gave him hope. Perhaps false, but hope nonetheless. The Grimoire had been left back at the temple, and if it survived, maybe some of the Guardians survived too. Much better suited for passing on the legacy than he was. Even still, Marinette certainly had the kwamis’ favor and the skill for it, maybe it was time to pass his knowledge on before time caught up with him. Passing on the Turtle (however temporary) must’ve been his first hint.
(He refers to his box as the “Chinese Miracle Box” because it’s the last box from the Chinese temple. With all the cross-culture influences, box trading, and even some Miraculous swaps between boxes, most of the boxes only represented awkward mash-ups of cultures.)
Getting sick was a stark reminder of his mortality. He wasn’t all that sick, he knew he wasn’t. He would recover just fine, probably in a few days and the medicine would quell his symptoms in the meantime. But… thinking about if he was that sick, the possibility of him later becoming that sick… It left him in the kind of mental anguish that hurt him physically. He was glad the doctor brushed it off as him being dramatic– he was! And neither she nor Marinette deserved to put up with his problems. But… still… He wanted to see Marianne again. He wanted to be with her again. And he completely understood if she didn’t want to after he left her behind for so long, but she deserved closure for why; that she did nothing wrong. And his anxiety pressured him to tell her now, so he asked Marinette to pass on his letter to her.
Marianne knew Fu’s letter was off. She knew reading to the end would clear everything up. It was just… all the talk of being “too late”… it sounded like the words of someone… No. No! It had to be something more bearable! It had to be… He didn’t love her anymore! Yes! Something she could get over. After all, they hadn’t seen each other in years. It would be pretty messed up that he sent Ladybug to deliver his message instead of coming in person to say so, but that’s a much better option than he physically couldn’t. Because he could! He’s fine! He’s alive! He’s not…! He’s not… He just doesn’t love her anymore because they haven’t seen each other in so long…
“Backwarder… You want to go back and make up for lost time.”
Oh, how she did. Maybe… Maybe they would’ve had more time before… before… Just become akumatized and you won’t have to think about it.
Why did she act so rashly? Now she and Fu were going to lose even more time together because she couldn’t just read to the end… That’s okay. He’s okay. That’s what’s important to her. She missed Fu, but if Ladybug was with him, that means he’s not alone. And she has Mr. Ramier, so she isn’t either. They’re okay.
It hurt Fu to lose Marianne again, but he should’ve known he was asking too much. He was supposed to be focused on helping Marinette become a Guardian, not his late-life romance. Though it was nice to know Marianne was okay.
[In this version of the Butterfly, Hawkmoth’s empathy is so bad, he constantly misreads feelings/doesn’t bother to look deeper into buried feelings (often just makes stuff up when he can’t tell at all). (There are many akuma I apply this idea to, but that’s a discussion for another post.)]
When he heard of the new exhibit from China, he was curious about what was dug up in his first home, and decided to tune in to the news broadcast. He never knew whether or not that had been a good thing.
He couldn’t leave her to fix his mistakes again. Not this one. He knew Marinette. He knew she would do everything she could to stop it. But she couldn’t. And she would die trying. After Adrien sacrificed himself first. No. He would handle this himself. He’d take their Miraculous to keep them out of danger and lead that beast away from everyone. He’d lead it all the way back to China and drown with it in a volcano if he had to. He would not– could not– let it destroy innocent people all over again. Perhaps Hawkmoth and Mayura would leave Paris to avoid getting their Miraculous eaten, or simply because he took the Ladybug and Cat with him. Maybe he could take them down with that beast. If he couldn’t, maybe the other heroes Marinette and Adrien met could. He just had to get that beast away from Paris. Away from Marinette and Adrien and Marianne. He had to.
He really shouldn’t have underestimated Marinette. She was an incredible Ladybug, and once again, she proved she’d earned her spot among the legendary heroes. He hoped he wasn’t too insulting in his doubt. The restoration of the temple, the Guardians, Su-Han, the news brought him to tears. But he knew he had to remain in Paris. Hawkmoth and Mayura were his responsibility. Besides, he was surely exiled now that Su-Han was back to explain what Fu had done. Someone would certainly come for the box, and he would give it up, but he would still stay to deal with the consequences of the attacking akumatized victims and sentimonsters.
(He even got his magic compass, and other assorted treats, back from the staff. His staff which was now at the Louvre. He allowed Ladybug to give it to them, as it was beautiful and well-designed and a piece of his history that should be shared with the world. Though he had mixed feelings about giving it to the same people who literally dug up his trauma.)
He never wanted to make Marinette the Guardian like this. If she didn’t need the magic he was passing onto her, he wouldn’t have put the burden on her at all. She didn’t need the stress. She was going through so much already. But someone would come for the box, and they could help her. He just hoped she’d be okay in the meantime.
It was strange not having memory. He didn’t even have enough to miss it. A courtesy of fate, he supposed. He felt bad not recognizing the people who apparently knew him, but they were so kind, he could hardly be upset by the idea of getting to know them again. Especially Marianne. He didn’t know why, but he felt so safe with her, like he could tell her anything. Maybe he used to.
Marianne thought she would’ve been more upset seeing Fu without his memories, but he looked so… relaxed. It was the first time she saw him without the weight of the world in his eyes. It was in an admittedly tragic way, but he was at peace. And she found herself just happy to be with him again. That they could be in peace.
Fu was different, of course. Sort of in the way that she felt like she was making a new friend (which she believed was only fair, as Fu was experiencing the same but to an even higher degree). Yet, he wasn’t as much of a “blank slate” as she had initially worried, and still retained many of his old habits and sense of morals. Just more relaxed, and less nervous. She supposed that made sense; the memories weren’t gone, even if he couldn’t access them. It would take some getting used to, he really wasn’t her old friend anymore, but she had no complaints, she liked her new friend too.
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solidisnotliquid · 3 months
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Wanted to use this template for my favorite Jax AUs >:)
Original - by Gooseworx
Carnival AU - by sm-baby
Casino AU - by Syrene
Office AU - by pika.vani
1920’s AU - by Fisaliz
Boxing AU - by burrotello
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deadeyemarkxman · 1 year
『I kinda want to do the bingo thing but like what is Hazen’s type??? Literally anyone who is nice to him???』
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