#synthetic sport pitches
ecoturfandpavers · 10 months
Depending on your club's budget, the contractor of sports turf installation San Diego Will be able to provide services according to your budget and build something accordingly, keeping your requirements in mind.
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tturfs · 2 months
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Synthetic turf Adelaide is the perfect solution for everyone. Our lawns are made to look exactly like real grass, only much easier to maintain. Although it still requires some basic maintenance, you will no longer have to weed your lawn in Adelaide, water or fertilise it! Just sit back and enjoy your picturesque Adelaide lawn! In addition, dogs absolutely love it.
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hunnysnoops · 6 months
˗ˋ𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕋𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕙 𝕋𝕖𝕖𝕟𝕤ˊ˗
Chapter One: Undone
Kylie Broflovski x fem Reader
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If you want to destroy my sweater, pull this thread as I walk away.
Also available on Ao3 and Wattpad!
Premise: Despite having almost inseparable families, you and Kyle couldn't hate each other anymore than you already. The second you saw him you had your claws out and we would be ready to hold a knife to your throat, like wolves you devoured each other until a bump in the road sent you tumbling into a new dynamic. Maybe you two can find new ways to fall apart.
Warnings: Vulgar language+humour / mentions of smoking and drugs / Cartman gets called fat
Kyle was the only one who knew how truly competitive you were. He couldn't figure out how no one else saw especially during your sports matches, you always had to be forward, had to score the last point, had to win, and you craved it as compulsively as the nicotine you sucked from your fingernails when you ran out of cigarettes to burn through.
Your parents had always been close to Kyle's since high school allegedly; being constantly forced to jump back and forth between each other's houses for family dinners and game nights didn't aid in the fact that you wanted to tear each other's throats out with razor-sharp teeth. They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder and this absurd proximity made the both of you sick with a frothing rage.
You couldn't pinpoint exactly where this hatred started, it was likely back in middle school where it was taboo for boys and girls to hang out, and those kids acted like it breached scripture if you did. Truthfully you didn't remember being friends but there was photo evidence of you playing as children so you couldn't deny it.
He has seen every inch of your life inside and out from the seventeen years that you were cursed to spend side by side. He knew that you had some fun habits such as swallowing back a little bit of synthetic sunshine in the form of little tabs of acid and how you would take a joint for a stroll in the dead of night.
For every secret he held over your head, you dangled one of his right before his green eyes. This is the only thing that kept all hell from breaking loose.
"Good practice girls, I'll see all of you on Thursday," Coach Jackson said, with no indication of pride for the team's gruelling efforts on her tanned face, not even a dribble of sweat on her brow since all she did was stand in place and yell at you.
As soccer practice finally came to a close the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting an orange glow on the team where you all lay on the ground of the pitch next to your bags, trying to catch your breath. Nichole chugged down her water so fast that it was dribbling down her chin and droplets had soaked into her tee shirt.
You were the most composed of all of them despite being a little short of breath, you wiped the sweat from the bow of your lip and began to peel off your sweaty shin guards.
"How are you so okay?" Annie asked, red-faced, strands of her curly blonde hair sticking out and flying loose in the wind while she sipped on a Gatorade.
You shrug "I run a lot," It was the truth, you liked the feeling of burning in your lungs along with the fact that you built up good stamina and in turn were able to withstand your coach's harsh practices.
"I should start running with you," Annie says, panting heavily before she throws herself flat against the cool grass.
"I don't know if you could keep up," There's something of a smile playing on Red's face while she shoves her gross gear into her duffle bag. "I see her run by my house every night." She had a bit of trouble keeping her shag cut tied back in a ponytail, any attempt to get the layers to stay in a braid or bun was futile so she settled on a black headband to at least keep it out of her face.
Off in the distance, Bebe honked her car horn, she had shown up early to pick up her friends and due to this in the last fifteen minutes of practice you could hear classic Justin Bieber blasting faintly from her car. "Annie, we gotta go," Nichole says.
"Ugh," Annie draws out in her dazey state. Nichole paid her friend the service of grabbing her bag and trying to drag her up to her feet.
"C'mon," Nichole mutters, hooking an arm around Annie and yanking her up to her feet. Annie finds her own footing and detaches herself from Nichole, she's still in her shin guards and cleats. "Are you coming to Wendy's later?" Nichole looks at you, sweat shimmering on her ebony skin beneath the setting sun.
You think about it for a moment before ultimately shaking your head "I gotta pick my brother up."
"What about after?"
"Too crammed with homework," You were lying through your teeth, your social battery was just running a little low and things with your dad weren't going too great. You made the decision that you needed to lock yourself in the bathroom run the shower over your skin and scrub until the water washed away the stress of your week or get high with Kenny until you felt your face go numb. Just something along those lines.
"Too bad," Annie frowns, eyes half-lidded and breathes shallow.
"See you tomorrow then," Red waves at you before heading to her car, bright hair sticking out in the green landscape.
“Love ya, Red,” You look around at the rest of your team, all cooling down and conversing "Anyone need a ride home?" Everyone looks around and shakes their heads "Isla?"
"No," She says "I'm going with Kelly."
"Alright," You sling your bag over your shoulder, clutching your carabiner in hand, it has a little keychain of a Volkswagon bus on it, a cowboy hat knick-knack and of course your actual keys. "Bye guys, see you on Thursday."
Your words are met with collective 'goodbyes' from the girls. You walk off the pitch, and despite your legs feeling like jello you manage to step off of the grassy field and land on concrete, lazy steps leading you back to your car.
Tossing your bag into the backseat, you tap around on your phone to connect to the speaker, turn it up as loud as it goes and roll down your windows. You liked your music so loud that you couldn't even hear your own thoughts, just your playlist on shuffle as you absentmindedly sang along to it. You grabbed some body spray and doused the car in it to cover up the subtle linger of cigarettes from your late-night drive the previous evening.
The air was warm and carried the scent of fresh-cut grass as you drove through the familiar suburban streets. With the windows down, you felt the gentle breeze tousle your hair, a welcome relief from the day's heat. You hummed along to the music, mind drifting as you navigated the familiar route.
As you turned the corner onto the neighbour's street, the sun painted the sky in a breathtaking array of colours - hues of orange, pink, and purple blending seamlessly against the evening sky. You couldn't help but steal a moment to admire the beauty of the sunset, the vibrant colours reflecting in your eyes. It was nearing six pm when you finally pulled into the Broflovski driveway.
You step out, looking a little worse for wear. You had taken off your shin guards and cleats but left the knee-high socks on as well as a tee shirt with the Park County cows logo on it and a pair of athletic shorts. It was one of the warmer days since it was nearing summer though South Park had a way with erratic weather that couldn't make up its mind, you were sure there would be a storm tomorrow to cancel out the nice weather.
Knocking on the door, you put on a smile, expecting to see Gerald or Sheila though you were unpleasantly met with their oldest son, Kyle. Your smile drops immediately and it's easy to see that he isn't too excited to see you either. "Oh." You push passed Kyle and into his house "Weston," You call out "Time to go!"
Kyle wrinkles his nose "You smell like hand sanitizer," He says, speaking on all of the body mist you had sprayed in the car.
"And you look like orphan Annie," You turn quickly to face him before calling up the stairs "Weston, let's go!"
"Did you leave your windows down at the car wash?" His eyes rake up your body at your sweaty form, little strands of hair sticking to your neck. 
"Go on Accutane, matchstick," You retort. This nickname came about when Kyle began to outgrow his friends, with a lanky body and a mop of curly red hair, the nickname struck you in a moment of genius. As of now, he was wearing his hat, he hardly ever took it off, especially out in public. You'd only seen it come off his head when he was swimming or when his mom forced it off.
Something about the Broflovski house was always comforting even if you hated one-fourth of the family, you loved the other three. The scent of whatever Sheila was cooking always lingered in the air, right now the smell was sweet and faint. You assumed she hadn't been home but caught a glimpse of a cookie rack set out on the kitchen counter. 
His eyebrows furrow "My acne isn't even that bad," He was right, you just knew that it got under his skin "Crash," He says, a little less creative than your nickname for him, born from the time you did acid and woke up in his backyard, luckily before his parents noticed you but not after Kyle took pictures of you passed out on the grassy lawn as well as a few rumours that had been spread about you.
"Sure, ginger, sorry you have a hard knock life," You had run out of insults to call him after seventeen years. In middle school, you ripped on him constantly for how scrawny he was along with voice cracks and his acne, though in recent years, he had passed puberty, had a deeper voice, sorted out his pimple issue, and taken to running, basketball, lacrosse, and going to the gym to tone up. You could still rag on him for it but it has less impact when it wasn't true and god knows you wouldn't go mocking his religion, you may have hated him but you had morals. All you had left to make fun of was his hair colour.
It was similar to the way he couldn't make fun of you for being ugly, unpopular, or stupid like he used to since puberty hit you like a bus and you were almost unrecognizable from the brace-faced awkward kid you used to be. You were also a little too confident and erratic for his liking. 
You were going to make your way upstairs to Ike's room where you assumed the two boys had been until you heard the familiar sound of upbeat electric rhythms and horribly overacted lines of Fury Fighters, a classic 1v1 fighting game. You move away from Kyle and turn in to the living room where you see your little brother and Ike on the couch, hyper-focused on the game ahead of them. "Did you go deaf suddenly or were you just ignoring me?"
"I was ignoring you," Weston says, bluntly. His hair is an untamed mess and the collar of his wrinkled tee is stretched out. He doesn't even look back at you but Kyle cracks a smile at his words.
"C'mon shrimp, we gotta go," You say, crossing your arms.
He lets out a groan "Can I stay like thirty more minutes?"
You shake your head "Nah, Kyle's cologne is giving me a headache."
Ike snorts a laugh and glances back at his brother, his smile falls when he looks at you; he's putting on his tough guy persona. He clears his throat and deepens his voice in the slightest "What's up?" It was clear that the little brother had a crush on you though no one brought it up, you could tell it bothered Weston.
"Hey, Ike," You give him a tight-lipped smile, watching as he turns back to the TV, fingers clicking over the controller aggressively. "You can finish this round and we're out."
"Yes!" Weston says "Thanks, love you," He says with haste, thinking that it'll butter you up.
You plop yourself on the carpeted floor in front of the couch to watch the match play out. Ike was playing as Tempest, a mage who was wise and old, a long white beard yet he somehow had an absolutely shredded pixel body. Weston was playing Sable, a pink-haired woman in a short nurse's uniform who used surgical tools as weapons, she was your go-to back when you still played Fury Fighters with your friends. You would refuse to play as a man because it breached your pre-teen code of feminism.  Watching them play made you feel nostalgic. 
Kyle leans his elbows on the back of the couch, hands clasped together to watch the game, the same as you. "Kick his ass, Weston," Kyle says, rooting for your brother, purely to annoy his.
"Hey!" Ike exclaims though he doesn't move his unwavering gaze from the game "Whose side are you on?"
"Smoke him, Ike!" You say, a little louder than intended to balance out the cheering section. 
Sheila always kept the household neat which was a miracle with Ike and Weston always running around, recently she had taken to a love of houseplants and had at least one in every corner of the home. There were framed pictures strung up on every single wall without fail, lots of the family, Sheila's wedding day, and a collection of you and Kyle actually getting along when you were kids. There's one of the two of you playing under a sprinkler in rain boots, another of you standing and smiling brightly by a snowman you made, and a picture of Kyle covering all of your little scrapes in Spider-Man band-aids. In every photo of you after the age of seven, you were with the rest of your families on opposite ends, as far away from each other as you could get.
You look back to the TV where Ike's character, Tempest summons the dead with his staff, grey decaying hands rise from the 2D ground and drag Sable down. "Fuck!" Weston yells, panic quickly spreading across his face, his eyes shoot back and forth frantically from the controller to the TV. 
Sable jumps back up and readies herself into a fighting stance, Tempest moves his staff, a green diamond on the end, horizontally and jabs Sable in the stomach over and over until she rolls back to the ground. Ike has a huge grin on his face, shaggy black hair framing his pale features, he desperately needed a haircut but for now, he was relishing in watching Sable's health bar move down.
"By the elements, I shall prevail!" Calls out Tempest, his voice actor had really put his all into making him sound deep and gruff. Ike randomly spams the buttons, sending out an erratic combo. The characters were fighting in the center of a dark alley, blue and red lights flashing every few minutes.
Sable pulls a long scalpel out of her thigh-high socks and charges towards Tempest, slashing him. When Tempest's health bar falls, Sable speaks out a voice line "Every wound has a remedy," Her sultry voice makes you cringe just the slightest, you hadn't remembered her to sound so sensual.
Tempest rises back up, jumps toward Sable and greets the character with a heavy uppercut, sending her flying through the air. You find your fingers digging into the carpet, you had hoped that Sable would win just from the fact that you used to play as her. You almost wanted to grab the remote from your brother's hand and show him how to play as her, you had memorized all of her combos and moves, and they became muscle memory to you. "You're demise is written in the stars!" The buff wizard raises his hands to the sky, gearing up to cast one final blow.
In the midst of this, Sable jumps up, pulls a bone saw out from behind her back and slices Tempest's head clean off before he can finish casting his spell. Ike drops his controller, moving his hand to grab his hair, eyes wide and mouth agape in shock while he watches his character's health bar plummet to zero. The wizard's head rolls around on the pixel ground before Sable picks it up and kisses it "Nurse's orders: Stay down," She says before drop-kicking the head out of frame. A title card covers up the scene that reads 'It's a wrap!’
"Fuck yeah!" Weston says, giving Kyle a firm high five. He looked happier than you had seen him all week, middle school was kicking his ass and you had to pull some time aside almost every night to help him with algebra. You would've scolded him for playing video games instead of studying for his social studies test if you hadn't been doing the same at his age. 
"How the hell did you do that?" Ike's head whips to look at his friend who just shrugs.
You push yourself off the floor, giving your brother's hair a little tussle "Let's go, shrimp." 
With a groan Weston up to slip his shoes on at the rack, "See you tomorrow, Ike," He grabs his bag where it sits by the coat stand. Kyle hurdles himself over the couch, taking Weston's place on the sofa and picking up the free controller to play "Bye Kyle!" He says, lacing up his sneakers.
Kyle looks over the couch and at him with a smile "See you later buddy."
The second you think Weston is looking away you stick up the middle finger to the red-headed boy across from you but it surely didn't go unnoticed "Why are you flipping Kyle off?" Weston asks, furrowing his eyebrows as he looks up at you.
You drop your hand "I'm not, I was waving at him." You lie, trying to form a cover-up. You place a hand between his shoulder blades to guide him out the door.
"You're sweaty," He comments.
"Thanks, I had no idea," You open the door and close it behind you before Kyle can say anything to your brother's remark. It's already colder than when you entered the house and you race to get to the car before you get a chill.
Weston hops into the passenger seat, scrunching up his nose at the music you're playing "Can you put on Lil Shovel?" He asks. It was one of the many rappers he had attempted to imitate. He thought they were cool for decking themselves out in designer brands and sticking dollar bills into women's thongs in music videos.
"I'm not playing that shit," You start the car and turn out of the driveway.
"Because it makes me want to hammer nails into my ears," You answer, eyes focused in the road while you glide through the suburban street. "Listen to Eminem or something."
"Dad doesn't like Eminem."
You wrinkle your nose "Why?"
"Because he said that thing about the gerbil."
Recognition hits you and you nod "Yeah, that checks out," Your dad was a pretty modest guy, he didn't care about anything overly vulgar. He basically mandated your life, he was the reason you were in so many extracurriculars and were the last person in your grade to get a phone, something Kyle would've teased you for if your parents weren't so similar.
"Can you drive me and Ike to the quarry on Friday?" Weston has one hand sticking out of the window moving it up and down like it was a plane, it was something you used to do before you were the one driving, a little mannerism he picked up off you.
"I have track practice and then I gotta help Heidi and Wendy with their fundraiser, sorry, shrimp," You take note of every house you pass, swearing you could put a name to every single one. You felt the fatigue hit you all at once, you knew that night your bed would become a casket and you would have to be pried from it like a floorboard. "Ask Kyle." 
"We did, he has basketball practice."
"Bummer," You say. It had slipped your mind completely that he was on the team and you hated it and how your friends gushed about Kyle before catching themselves and sending you apologetic glances. "Guess you gotta bike then."
You remember when you were your brother's age, twelve years old and you came home every night at sunset with a new scrape to show for the adventure you set out on. You gave bruises out like gifts and collected them like stickers, some sort of pride when parents would silently judge you for having purple busted-up knees.
"Mhm," He nods "Hey, can we go to Burger King?"
"No," You say almost immediately "Mom's making dinner right now."
Weston scrunched up his nose "Yeah but she had the crock pot out on the counter when I left for school today," Nothing good came from your mother's crock pot. "Can we please get Burger King?"
"First of all, Mom will kill me if I load you up with more fast food, second of all, she's gonna make you eat her dinner anyways, so just be nice and tell her it's good."
"Ugh," He grumbles watching wistfully into the distance, his thoughts stuck on the combo he was craving. "I should've stayed at Ike's for dinner."
"Yeah, me too," News of the dreaded crock pot had only worsened your day. Sheila on the other hand was an incredible cook, as much as you loved your mom and the effort she put into her meals, nothing would compare to Sheila's brisket. The thought of it almost made your stomach grumble. If you lived with Broflovski's you would've weighed three hundred pounds more. 
Your mind ricochets back and forth between going home or heading to Wendy's with the rest of your friends though the thought of being alone with tobacco burning your throat soothed you.
The drive from the Broflovski's to yours wasn't too long, truthfully, your brother was perfectly capable of walking. The sky transformed into a canvas of deepening shades, the last traces of sunlight giving way to the embrace of twilight. You stole glances at your brother, his animated chatter filling the car with warmth.
You park the car in the driveway behind your dad's car, he would surely yell at you to move it in the morning but that was a problem for future you and a decision you would regret making. You pull up on the street right in front of your house. Weston was quick to hop out of the car, he rushed across the lawn and waited by the front door for you to turn off the car, but you didn't, you just watched and waited for him to go inside.
"Are you coming?" Weston asked.
You stick your head out of the window "Tell Mom I'm stopping by Red's, I'll be back before dinner," Weston rolls his eyes at this, he didn't care for Red, since you started being friends with her you had even less time to spend with your brother. Nights of staying up late with Weston and playing Stardew Valley turned into you hanging out with your friend and getting high. 
"Tell Rebecca to eat a dick!" Weston cups his hands around his mouth.
"I won't do that but good suggestion," You call back before stepping on the peddle and moving back down the familiar streets. It was just past six and there hadn't been anyone outside, everyone was tucked away in their respective home, warm lights from windows spilling into the darkening sky. 
You didn't go to Red's, you just kept driving until you ended up at a gas station on the outskirts of town. It had long passed the dinner you promised to be home for, instead of eating the crock pot monstrosity, you opt for something with a sweeter taste, a cigarette and a bag of teriyaki beef jerky. You sat on the curb watching cars roll past, their headlights framing you like you were on stage. You just craved the aloneness you so rarely got.
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You shuffle through the cafeteria line, undecided on what you want to eat but settling on one of those sugar-free drinks that are worse for you than just grabbing a regular soda for a drink. "Keep it moving, Junkie," Cartman says from beside you. God how he irked you, it was in his nature to be unbearable.
"What? Not like it's going anywhere, I'm more worried for the people in line behind you who have to eat crumbs."
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" He asks adding a paper plate of ribs to his tray and then another.
"It means you're fat."
He shrugs "Doesn't bother me," Cartman had grown to be a little more self-aware, by a little I mean a very small smidgen.
"You're a fat-fat fatty, keep eating fatty," your voice was unwavering. You hadn't had too much of a problem with Cartman throughout school, sure he had been a dick but you never interacted enough for him to be on your radar until he started a rumour about you shooting up heroin in the janitors closet which led to him telling everyone you were a drug dealer. This cursed you with the nicknames of crash, popper, and of course, junkie. When it first happened you weren't even aware, you just sat confused about why everyone was adding your Snapchat and asking about buying stuff from you. Eventually, staff caught wind of this and it only got worse from there.
"Fuck you, crash," He sticks up a middle finger at you "You're a dyke."
You return the gesture "At least I get pussy, lard ass."
"I have tons of sex, you faggot."
"Your hand doesn't count," You say examining the food in the chafing dishes which looked surprisingly good for school food.
"I don't care if you're a girl, I will kick your ass," He starts to get in your face but you don't bother to acknowledge it, still looking through the food options. 
"I bet if I pushed you over you would just keep rolling."
"Whatever bitch."
"Hurry up, butterball," Bebe cuts in front of Eric who has a look of pure seething rage on his face. She looks beautiful as always, blonde curly hair falling in perfect ringlets and framing her dainty face. She's wearing a red off-the-shoulders sweater and low-waisted jeans, it's such a simple outfit but Bebe manages to make it look unique and expensive.
"Fuck you, Bebe," he turns a middle finger to her, "Go shoot up with your little lezzy girlfriend." That was another rumour that he successfully sparked, that you and Bebe were secretly dating. The two of you found it funnier than the heroin thing and played into it on occasion. 
"You're so fucking stupid," Bebe wrinkles her nose in distaste of the chubby kid in front of her "Don't crack the floor when you waddle over to your table, fat ass," She adds a yogurt parfait onto her tray and keeps moving down the line, you follow in suit.
The two of you hand the lunch lady your cafeteria card but your eye snags on something else entirely "Where's Wendy?"
Bebe looks in the same direction as you where your entire friend group sits, minus Wendy who you could've sworn was there only moments ago. Her tray still sat in front of her spot on the table "She's talking with Stan I think."
"What?" You look at the blonde text to you while you find your table "Are they getting back together or something?"
"She was saying she wanted to work things out with him last night, you'd know if you were there."
"Why didn't she tell me?" You furrow your eyebrows as you glance at Stan's regular table where he was also absent from. The second thing you noticed was how irritated Kyle seemed, likely because his best friend would be opting to spend time with Wendy again instead of him. Cartman plops himself down next to the ginger, only making Kyle more agitated. When Kyle looks away for a split second, Kenny steals food off his plate and blames it on Eric. “I would never steal food from a dirty Jew!” He says, voice carrying over every other conversation in the room.
"She might not have told because you can be a little-" Bebe searches around for a word that'll soften the message "Abrasive?"
"I'm not abrasive," You say as you sit yourself down at the cafeteria table, immediately met by curious glances from the rest of your friends. This made you question yourself. Had you been so blunt that your best friend didn't want to tell you what was going on in her life? Yes. You didn't know how else to be, it was wired into your system; born from the way you were raised, like a wild animal who fought for scraps, if you didn't kill, you wouldn’t eat. Your family wasn’t really complete, it was more like something like a mom who worked herself to rust and a dad who popped in and out like some kind of disappearing act.
No one bothers to dig deeper into your sentence, already enraptured in their conversation. "I wonder how Tolkien feels about it," Lola asks, leaning in a little to where Nelly sits on the other side of the table, seemingly hanging onto every word.
"I know!" Nelly says, unable to fight the smile that formed on her face every time she gossiped "Did you notice how he isn't sitting where he usually is." At this, everyone turns their heads to Tolkien's regular table, where he’s MIA from.
Halfway through sucking the meat off of his ribs, Cartman notices everyone at your table staring them down. He glances around the table before deciding that you are looking at him, barbeque sauce smeared over his mouth and down his fingers. "What the fuck are you looking at?" He calls out, now drawing the attention of the cafeteria to you and your friends who quickly avert their gazes back to their food.
You meet Kyles's eyes for just a moment, you can read loud and clear that he's annoyed Wendy's back in the picture and she'll be poaching his best friend from him. Despite the act he's trying to portray of being indifferent, you can tell there's a storm brewing beneath his green eyes.
In your pocket, your phone buzzes and you look at it.
McWhoremick: what was that about?
You: Cartman looking rancid
McWhoremick: fair
McWhoremick: wanna hang later?
You: fo sho
You: junkyard?
McWhoremick: yup
McWhoremick: see ya :P
"What's that?" Red peaks down at your phone from next to you, her chin resting on your shoulder "Is it Wendy?"
"She's been weird lately," Jenny says, she doesn't look up from her mac and cheese, just pushes it around absentmindedly with her fork.
"Probably because all of you are talking about her like she's not our friend," Heidi peeps up for the first time in the conversation. You're a little surprised that she's eating lunch with you, in recent days she's been so busy with sustainability club that it's taken up all of her lunch breaks.
Heidi was right as usual. It didn't feel right to be talking about Wendy when she was twenty metres away, it didn't feel right to talk about her at all. The group fell quiet at this, trying to search for another topic that didn't involve speaking poorly of your friend.
"So," Red starts "Who's excited for the basketball game?"
You really weren't, you had no intentions of going though you were sure your parents would make you go to support Kyle. "I think I'll go to watch Kyle," Nichole comments. Your head whips to look at her immediately, it only made sense that she was over Tolkien after what happened with Wendy but you hadn't expected her to go for Kyle.
"Uh oh," Annie says, a small smile playing on her face. Lately, she had taken good care of her curls, a stark difference from the frizzy mess that was stuck on her head all through middle school.
"Nichole," You say, staring her down "Are you okay?"
"Sorry to say this," Bebe pipes up, not one hundred percent tuned into the conversation "He actually isn't the piece of shit that you make him out to be."
"You don't-
"Know him like I do?" Heidi finishes your sentence for you. Something you had repeated over and over again when trying to get your point across that he was evil and no one could see it but you.
"I'd do it," Lola shrugs and your face contorts in disgust.
"Ew," You say with haste, fighting the urge to gag on your food. "Do you guys realize that he's ginger under that hat?"
Everyone is unsurprised at your disdain for him, even though you tried not to talk about him so you didn't seem obsessed, every now and then, the start of a rant would slip out and that would turn into you rambling on and on about every little annoying detail about him. You wondered for a brief moment if he did the same when walking about you.
"What is it that you hate about him anyway?" Red asks.
You rack your brain for a truly solid reason you can't say that it irritated you how Kyle ran the opposite way of you on the trail on your nightly run, it was the most dreaded part of the day, brushing past him and pretending not to notice. You also couldn't delve into the fact that he always had a bored, unimpressed expression on his face when he talked to you. "Everything." You answer "I hate everything about him."
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"Okay gang," Mr Waterman claps his hands together once everyone is finally seated. "I know we're getting close to the end of the year and it's exciting but there is always work to be done." He was in his thirties, a little on the shorter side, with brown hair, glasses, and lean for a teacher though it made sense since he doubled as the basketball coach. He had tried his best to be funny though his jokes usually fell flat but you found yourself laughing out of pity like it was second nature.
Wendy sat next to you, you hadn't pressed her about Stan (despite wanting to) and she hadn't brought it up. Kyle sits next to a guy whose name slipped through the cracks of your mind and stays completely silent while the teacher gives his spiel about hard work and effort.
"This will be our final seating change for the year, so if you're next to someone you don't like know it'll be over by the end of June," Mr Waterman sits himself at his desk dead in front of every lab table, shares his computer screen to the projector, showing the new seating arrangments "Alright, here are your lab partners until semester end."
You scan the whiteboard for your name and your breath hitches in your throat when you see it next to Kyles. Kyle whips his head to look at you, your gazes matching in utter terror. You had relished in the fact that You had gone the entire semester without talking to Kyle a single time in biology class.
There weren’t desks in the science labs but black tables built for two people since they worked out better for experiments, there you were stuck at the back of the class with the ginger demon spawn.
"Mr Waterman?" You raise your hand but speak before he even calls on you "You need to move me or I'll kill myself."
"Woah," He puts both of his hands out "Let's not joke about that-
"I'm not joking," You cut him off, tone dead serious. Wendy tugs at the hem of your shirt, trying to get you to sit back down, you just cast her a glance before looking back to the short teacher. "I will kill myself." 
"Can you and Kyle please come up here so I can talk to you," At Mr. Waterman's words, Kyle shoots you a malicious glare. 
"When you cause a scene about not wanting to sit next to someone it can be hurtful," Mr Waterman addresses you, his tanned hands grasped together. Bless his heart, Kyle thought he was getting in trouble and it would put a dent into his perfect record, the kid never even missed a day of school. You and Kyle stand side by side, in front of Mr Waterman's desk, careful to keep a distance between you.  "Think about how Kyle feels right now-
"I feel like I wanna slit my wrists." He deadpans, face unreadable as ever.
"Do you guys need someone to talk to?" Mr Waterman furrows his eyebrows, lowering his voice.
"No," You say, crossing your arms “Not unless it's to get a gun so I can blow my brains out."
"Okay," He repositions himself to sit taller "Can you please tell me why you don't want to sit next to each other, I'm sure we could work this out." You waste no time trying to get yourself away from Kyle, listing off all of his little habits that annoy you. Kyle, on the other hand, bites his tongue. He didn't want his teacher to think poorly of him, not when there was still a little over a month left of the worst year of school he'd ever put himself through.
"Kyle?" You furrow your eyebrows, waiting expectantly for him to go off on how you were disruptive and rude but he sort of just stood there. For a brief moment, you thought he was having a stroke.
"It's fine," At his words, your mouth goes ajar and your eyes widen. You had thought that the two of you stood in solidarity for one thing, you wanted to get away from each other. 
"Is it really?" You say through gritted teeth. 
"Yeah," He looks at you then back to Mr Waterman "It's just a childhood rivalry, we're just being immature," It took a lot for him to swallow his pride. Kyle just knew he had to get through June and then senior year would be smooth sailing. 
"Well," Mr Waterman says and you can tell he's prepping himself for a speech "It seems to me like the two of you could benefit from this seating arrangement. When you get jobs you won't get along with everyone you work with-
"We both have jobs already," You cut him off and Kyle shuffles awkwardly where he stands while the rest of the class chats idly and waits for the lesson to start.
Mr Waterman casts you a look and clears his throat before picking up where he left off "And I understand that sometimes, personalities clash, but we're a team here, and teamwork requires cooperation and understanding. You both have so much potential, but that potential can only be realized when you learn to work together, to support each other, and to lift each other up, rather than tear each other down."
Kyle's mind must've been somewhere else completely, it was like he was in airplane mode, nodding along to everything Mr Waterman was saying. Though you could feel boredom creeping up, fighting yourself to pay attention to the genuinely useless pep talk.
"I want you to take a moment and think about what it means to be part of a team," Mr Waterman urged, his voice gentle yet persuasive. "Think about the strength that comes from unity, the power that comes from collaboration, and the joy that comes from shared success. Both of you are strong students and I can see you doing very well working together on labs and assignments, okay?"
"Yup," You nod your head, giving a thumbs up so he would excuse you and this would blow over.
"Okay," Kyle says.
A smile forms on Mr Waterman's face, he leans further back into his desk chair. "I think I can sense a friendship forming here, now go take your seats."
You laugh awkwardly, quickly brushing past Kyle to sit in your new spot at the back of the class. You were stuck sitting next to Kyle and behind Eric Cartman, how did he get into AP biology? You weren't one hundred percent sure though you heard Isla say that it was a misplacement that never got corrected.
Once again, Mr Waterman calls the class to capture their attention. Writing about the new unit on the whiteboard in a red dry-erase pen that was squeaky and running out of ink. You ruffle through your backpack, trying to find your binder while everyone else is rapidly taking notes. You pull out a stack of textbooks and some personal reading for English, finally finding your science binder. 
"Why are you reading Mein Kampf?" He looks at the book that rests on top of the stack, it's old and beaten up and smells a bit like stale orange juice, the cover holds the jarring image of Adolf Hitler.
"Because I'm racist," You say, sarcastically but Kyle doesn't pick up on this and seems a little taken aback "Joking, obviously, it's for history."
He averts his eyes back to the whiteboard. Mr. Waterman speaks briefly on physiology, before wiping the board clean and unfreezing the projector where he set up a slide show. As most science teachers do, he clicks through the slide show and waits for his students to take notes, answering the few questions that the kids have.
"Shit," You mutter as the teacher skips to the next slide before you could finish copying what was on it. You glance at Kyle "Uh, did you write all of that down?”
Wordlessly, he pushes his paper towards you to copy it, he keeps his eyes trained on the board. His writing was neat, it looked like it could've been a font, each word spaced out almost precisely from the next. Cartman snakes his head around and then moves his entire body when he sees the two of relatively civil. 
"Jews got a boner for the junkie," Cartman says, a little louder than intended. Next to him, David looks beyond annoyed, he’s gripping his pencil so tightly that you wouldn’t be surprised if he broke it.
"Shut up, fatass," You and Kyle manage to say in sync before you look at each other in disgust that your thoughts matched up.
"I fucking hate high school." You say under your breath, turning to look back at your notes and pushing his back toward him.
"Me too," Kyle says and you're actually on the same page for a change, you're not sure if you like it.
A/N: I hate this but here it is anyway 😔 I promise it gets more interesting. Open to head cannons and requests rn. Thanks for reading!
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sapphicbutters · 6 months
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During a restless night on his own, Freddy is approached by a demon who helps him rest a little better...
Succubus!Ven x Glamrock Freddy 【18+ fic】
DNI minors
Words: 4,013
Archive Your Own
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Freddy had been restless for most of the night, his battery occasionally reminding him of its low charge. He was trying to enter rest mode for a while, unable to due to his systems weary with tomorrow's responsibilities. Tossing and turning on the not very comfortable couch, feeling how his metal surface made everything beneath squinched awkwardly in the quiet room he was in.
For a while, he believed he was the only one awake and present at the moment, time read a quarter until three. However, he detected a presence, the stillness of his room disturbed by what seemed like a potential intruder. Although that sensor alerted it didn't work properly, a heartbeat detected yet no figure to capture it to.
A scent reached his synthetic olfactory gland, fresh as if someone just doused the space with soft vanilla, causing Freddy to sit up fully, befuddled. Someone like Monty must be playing a trick. Or perhaps his systems were truly shot and made him malfunction due to his lack of rest.
His dim room became browner as his lights gave out, leaving only the LED lamps of his display decor. Something freaky was definitely happening now, his sensors were picking up strange signals.
Freddy had heard anecdotes of occurrences of paranormal activity, mostly from guests who believe in the occult. He had never experienced such things, or bear witness to one, and it appears tonight was going to be a first.
After a minute passed, the room settled. The vanilla lingered, which made him wonder if this was part of the experience. Now signals pinged his attention to a figure, who stood in the middle of the room, short and feminine in appearance. His eyes adjusted, only for a vein of magenta to split open the space of the room, and an indescribable noise startled the bear half to death.
Within a blink, the short figure had materialized, fluttering down to the ground and taking in the surroundings.
This being was humanoid, yet had a spade tail that had a life of its own, and sported short pointy horns on top of their lavender hair. Freddy felt offended to see this attire being worn, a tight one piece that exposed most of their skin, filling the curves of their behind rather nicely. Their wings were crude, almost like a bat, but somehow managed to hold them when they leveled to the ground.
This demon of sorts was faced away, only for them to turn around to Freddy, almost unsurprised to meet him.
“Hm, what an interesting assignment.” The imp muttered to themselves. Freddy got a full look of their body as they stepped a bit towards him, the front more skimpy. Their bosom was small, yet the suit did enough to show that they were breasts nonetheless. Freddy locked onto their eyes, at first wanting to scold this intruder for dressing so provocatively in a place like this, but now choked on his voice box as he stared.
“I usually get humans, but an animatronic is the first…” The demon partially scoffs, an airy pitch coating their words.
“Who are you?” Freddy wanted to ask more, but that's all he could muster up in that second.
The imp drew closer, a sultry gaze burning Freddy's form as they ate him with their eyes.
“I prefer the name Ven,” They said simply, “I think it suits me.”
“...Ven.” Freddy echoed, stiff with mild discomfort from this situation. What on earth was happening right now?
“I-I am sorry, I do not know exactly what you are, but you shouldn't be here.”
Ven lets out a fake pout, “Aw, but, how else am I going to do my job?”
“What job?”
Ven paused before him, right at eye level, as they continued to ogle him.
“I thought it was obvious?” They gesture to their form. Freddy squints, still unsure what they really were…
“Are you what some call a person of the night?” It made him curious how they snuck in if that were the case. A nice chortle left Ven, it was genuine and warm.
“That's cute, that's really cute,” Ven settles, “but no. I'm a demon here to get rid of those little urges of yours.”
Freddy, taken aback, shook his head in bemusement, now wondering if this “demon” was missing a screw.
“I do not have… urges.”
“Well, why was I summoned then?”
“Perhaps it was a mistake– or you are messing with me.”
Pacing towards his arcade machine, Ven poked and prodded at his stuff, finding his response funny.
“Not a mistake, or a prank. It's the real deal.” They traced around his room. At first, his brows furrowed, agitated by this imp's implications. When his gaze fell on their backside, a low heat ignited his systems…
Ven peers, a dim smile rising as if they sensed his dismay. “Everyone has desires, and if those get left unfulfilled, then someone might find themselves restless or lost if they don't get a handle on it. Even a robot like yourself has some unresolved tension. I mean, from what I've collected… you have the assets.”
They gestured to his figure, specifically to the outline of his pelvic hatch that he kept hidden during the day with his outfits.
Freddy shook his head more, “I am not someone who indulges in that type of thing, it's… far from appropriate.”
Ven's eyes now widened, for once a bit surprised by his admission, “Not even a little?”
“That sucks, you must be really wound up tight then.”
Ven admired the decor of his greenroom, getting a sense of his character from this interaction and details his room offered. A pile of plushies and toys had them playfully lift one, squeezing the miniature bear's cheeks.
“You're better than most clients… usually they're sex pests that want to fuck anything that moves. Or something like this.” They held the plushie with a bleak look.
“Goodness, language.”
“I was complimenting you.”
“I do not need to hear that…”
Silence hung over the two, Ven tossing the toy aside as they tried to read him more. They had dealt with pretty intense cases of insatiable clients, some worse than others, but Freddy piqued their interest; an animatronic performer who's sexually repressed?
They felt that this was going to be a fun night.
Freddy broke the silence, “I do not think such beings like yourself existed.”
“The occult isn't something that those like me make known, we simply coexist alongside humans to fit in.”
“Are some of you malevolent?”
“... It depends.” Ven jutted their eyes at him, taking some offense of this, “Do I look malicious to you?”
Despite their presence, Freddy recognized how small they were when they fit in the identity of a demon. Their human appearance, excluding the horns and tail, made them passable– almost akin to those cosplayers Freddy would come across most days. Something about their appearance set his wires off, that heat really ticking at him the longer he stared.
After a moment, he strained, “No… not even a little.”
Again, Ven didn't know if they should be offended. However, they took his comment with stride, smiling.
“I'm not a threat at all, besides, I'm meant to help people… beings like you release some tension.”
Freddy didn't exactly see why they were adamant about his “urges” needing to be released. He was capable of stuffing down those feelings, hating that they existed in the first place. Too many times he found himself staring at a well-dressed father of three made him want to deactivate on the spot. What made it worse were how his older fans acted towards him. He could tell which ones were attracted to him, and the ones that really wanted him. And yet, after a long day of physical connections, Freddy kept his hands to himself.
Freddy found himself asking, “How exactly do you… help?”
Ven gawks at him, “Was I not being obvious enough?”
“I-I meant, how would you help me with my tension. Do you just… know?”
“I let the client figure it out themselves, they usually succumb to their desires once they do. And I go with the flow.”
“And what exactly happens after that?” .
This made Ven lift in response, noticing his slight budge, “Well, you'll feel… better. Maybe a bit clear-headed. Not so horned up.”
They didn't exactly know how to explain it, and it was obvious as their tail swayed in thought.
“It's not a cure, but it helps.” Ven lowers themselves on the edge of the coffee table. Freddy kept his eyes off and to the side, not wanting to be tempted…
Their aura radiated off and seeped under the crevices of his exoskeleton. The vanilla he got a whiff of earlier was originating from them, who was gazing expectantly at the mascot with their amber eyes.
This was interesting, but in the worst way for Freddy. What exactly did he want? Had he ever fully pictured what he wanted?
Other than ogling middle-aged parents and a blonde baker, he didn't know what to do with it other than let it fester. The very thought of imagining such scandalous ideas had his systems stuttering.
When he traced Ven briefly, that similar feeling took over except, it rattled him to his core. Their small body rammed beneath his mechanical form, digging his nubbed claws into their flesh, had Freddy in a mild panic. And he couldn't stop the heated tightening of his stored limb from igniting.
Ven tilted their head, now coy, as they noticed Freddy's stunned glare.
“Did you figure out something?” Ven almost teased with how they slid out their question, now inclining forward.
The rumbling of his voice box scared him, it wasn't a sound he recognized. He had lost sense of his hands when they gripped the faux leather of the sofa, and his jaw loosened– struggling out:
“...Did y-you… do this to me?”
A sweet smile coursed their face, “No, that's all you, sweetheart. You figured out what you wanted, that's just your body reacting to it.”
The strangled noise shook out of his maw, trying to tear his eyes away from this demon. He was sure it was them that was tempting him. They had something to do with it.
The thought of it made him frustrated, the accumulated heat somehow rising to his faceplate and steam leaked out. Ven examined his transformation, excited to see a breakthrough, especially on a specimen that was very bound to his ways.
They had met priests with less restraint, it surprised them how much Freddy resisted temptation.
He was planted in the sofa, not wanting to give in, it almost looked painful from how he gritted and snarled.
“You're overheating.” Freddy knew this, his wires about ready to pop out of their circuits from the extreme heat. Ven hadn't even touched him yet, and he was losing his mind. He hated the way they dressed, how much their eyes had drawn him in, and their scent…
A fresh pastry waiting to be filled, frosted, or both.
Without forethought, Freddy lurched to snatch the imp onto his lap, their knees broadening and pressing over his concealed sex. Ven expected his hands to be cold and rigid to the touch, instead they had a warmth, the padding of his hands meshing into their hips.
An irritated huff simmered from the bear as he had a closer view of their body, the low lighting of his room made their brown skin tasteful. He didn't know why he found himself drawing his maw against their chest, but it became difficult to contain his desires.
A hand guided him along their frame, although his were rather bulky to fully grasp their small breast properly.
Ven's mind fell to the wonder of how this was going to play out, having never been with an inorganic being. Brimming with questions of how much he could feel them and if his assets came with the full package.
Their mouths press in each other's briefly, Ven never having pressed their lips against metal beforehand. Freddy is too sheepish and awkward to make the kiss impactful, which Ven pulls back with an unimpressed glint.
“...Is that it?” Their voice brisk.
“I-I… did I do something wrong?”
They settled their mild annoyance, taking into account the bear was new to this.
“You need to really feel this.” Ven brought their hands to his shoulders, trusting that his hands were autonomous enough to continue. A twinge of electricity had Freddy hitch when they brushed against his neck, their heated gaze causing more dormant feelings to stir.
The brought back kiss was more intentional and slower, Freddy trailing over the small of their back, the fabric running against his digits. With a tilt of his head, Freddy deepened it further, now experiencing a rush he hadn't ever felt. Ven's soft whirsrs only made him stiffen, dragging them closer to his steaming body.
He was enveloped by their arms, and the passion worsened when Ven stifled a grunt when Freddy dug his nails into their back. His tongue invaded, making the imp drone with surprise– almost wanting to pull away– only to be drawn by how good it felt going in.
They've handled large monsters a dozen times and an animatronic was no exception, but they couldn't help stop their arousal from audibly leaving their gasping mouth. Between gaps of breath, Freddy rumbled in frustration,
“...You're d-doing something to me.”
They brushed their lips along his muzzle, smirking, “Am I now?”
“You have… tempted me.”
“Need I remind you, you're the one in control here. I'm just the catalyst.” Ven chortles when he digs his muzzle along their neck and tracing the collarbone.
Nibbling absently on their thin flesh, Freddy felt his hips shift, and the warmth of the demon's front on his. How badly he wished to aid his want, the touch of them driving him over the edge. Ven pet him, humming through his repentant bites…
Murmuring some gentle encouragement, Ven felt their way to his groin, knowing the treasure lies beneath his metal britches. The lining of his klep was hot to the touch, a low vibration sending chills up their spine. Freddy watched aimless as Ven fished to unleash him, and when they did, a hushed groan left as his member was freed.
“You had this hidden from me?” Ven perks up at the sight, “You're really doing yourself a disservice, hiding this away.”
Upon their hand feeling his turgid tip, Freddy hissed from the sensitivity. He hadn't ever touched it himself in… however long that was. Maybe the night when he was first given the new attachment, but not since then. Ven's palm circled and stroked, feeling the dampness of his precum coating their fingers. They seemed to squirm, resting their sex on his thigh now as they leaned against his chest to play with him. Freddy could feel their arousal through their touch, and the way their tail stiffly swayed.
Staggered pants seeped out, his mouth agape as Ven rubbed his twitching cock gingerly. How swollen he had gotten from just this alone made Ven want to forget foreplay and jump right in, but refrained…
Instead, Ven grinded along his thigh, the way it fit perfectly between their legs and hit the spot. They inclined to kiss his exposed neck, the metal hot on their lips now. Agitated by the multiple sensations, Freddy grumbled more and more, not even sure what to do with his hands. One hand felt along Ven's ass as they writhed, the other gripping and marking the sofa. Steam let off his form, and now slick noises of his member filled the space, he was a mess drizzling his fluids on their fingers.
His cock hardened more when Ven stifled a purr, feeling how wet they had become the longer this played out.
Not much warning came when Freddy popped, his thick release spewing out like a fountain and coating Ven's hand. His face was hot, haggard pants leaving him as he couldn't formulate words from the aftermath.
“Mm, you didn't last long,” Ven commented, “but that's okay, it happens.”
Sliding off, Ven admires the mess on his lap, lying comfortably on his thigh. Freddy blinks in and out, his systems trying to recalibrate from the climax, only to find them easing towards his leaking shaft. He sputters breathlessly from their advances, a mechanical whir spilling from his throat as their tongue coursed over his flesh.
The taste of him made Ven feral, expecting the synthetic seed to be less than pleasant, but thoroughly surprised by its subtle sweetness. They engulfed his length soon after, droning with content. His hand twitched, slipping up their back and running over their soft skin. He was folding under their swirling tongue and eager mouth, falling for their lustrous face. Despite how weary his structure felt from the climax, the surge of pleasure returned full throttle with how they bobbed on his member.
Knowing how late into the night it was, Freddy had to contain his moans, not wanting to disturb his bandmates or a patrolling guard; he didn't want to explain the mysterious demon pleasuring him.
At the cusp of another orgasm, Freddy slid his palm to gather Ven's bob into a fist, finding his hips jutting against their movement. A mix of a groan and giggle left them when his feverish thrusts led to their throat being fucked. While he whined, Freddy placed his hand over his mouth to conceal it, helpless against how his body reacted to the way he fucked their mouth.
Another spurt leaped out of him, this time coating Ven's throat. The imp was unfazed and happily consumed his release, savoring every drop.
In the heat of passion, Freddy dragged Ven into a hungry kiss, plunging his tongue in an act of pure ecstasy. Their need for him grew alongside his. The bear's mind was set now and there was no going back, he had his releases, but he needed more.
And he knew this imp was happy to oblige.
Slamming them onto the sweltering leather cushions, the tantalizing sight of saliva stringing from their diverging mouths had Freddy chuckle. Ven didn't put up much of a struggle, recognizing the underlying strength he had, which to them made them dizzy with arousal. He groped and tugged at their one piece, peeling off the fabric, only to find it soaked. His lids lowered, admiring the state of them. Eager to fulfill his needs.
Comparing his size to theirs, Freddy resigns for a moment, concerned about potential injury.
“What are you waiting for?” Ven murmured, practically giving themselves to him.
“Are you able to take… this?”
His cock was twitching at the sight of their cunt, but his mind briefly returned to sobriety as he questioned.
Ven stared with subtle awe, Freddy would have believed that no one's asked this of them. Of course, they nibbled their lip with a snicker coated in confidence.
“Don't you worry about me, I can take it.”
Gliding his length against their patch, the texture made him stutter a grunt, never having felt so good. No stage performance could properly replicate how it made his body shiver with excitement, the lining of his shaft slicked up by Ven's want. His hand felt their exposed happy trail, before he leaned in to bury his maw into their shoulder. He didn't guide himself, just simply let his other head take the lead and pressed into their drooling pussy.
The two were grueling, making ghastly sounds as Freddy thrusts slowly. Ven wasn't that much of a bluff when they said they could take it, knowing their history with previous clients. His swelled girth brushing their cervix had them squeal, a noise they didn't expect to make…
Embarrassed, Ven grasped onto his arms, tossing their face aside to avoid his eyes.
“Is this t-too much?” Freddy managed a shaky coo, catching their slip up.
His thrusts were now smoother, pacing himself but consistent, his metal pressing audible on their damp thighs. Ven shut their eyes, gritting as they took him, “Not… in the slightest.” A wispy moan shuddered out right after.
For once, Freddy smiled, half lidded as his brows softened. They were oddly adorable to him now. His hips sloshed faster, the leather sofa now grumbling alongside them.
He focused on their face, watching how flushed they become as he presses deeper and harder. Ven faintly whines, peering between his gaze and his cock.
Now getting comfortable, Freddy quickened, watching a fine bump rise and fall on their tummy, a moan falling on his ears. Grasping Ven's thigh gave Freddy a growing sense of power, being reminded that he was in control.
“Ghhn, y-you feel so… good,” Freddy stifled a growl.
Halting, Freddy single-handedly flipped them over, now pressing onto their back, just to rub his growing ego. Ven couldn't stop his heavy body from nearly squishing them, not that they wanted him to; it activated their need more. Having this chance to fuck someone gave Freddy the drive to keep going, now leveraging their hips for easy access.
He attempted to move their tail, before earnestly stuffing himself back into their aching cunt. It swallowed his length without resistance, a guttural groan leaving him dazed.
“F-Fuck–” Ven yelped, gripping the leather. Freddy pressed against their ear, growling restlessly as he fucked them.
“...Watch your language.”
The couch made occasional croaks of distress from how hard Freddy rammed into them, having to place his foot down to keep his balance. His nails dragged and marked Ven's backside, soft streaks of red on their brown flesh. Ven was loving each instance of roughness, begging for their pussy to be ravished the longer this went on. The two were noticeably loud, but it didn't stop Freddy from going harder.
Ven came abruptly, their juices spilling onto both of their thighs. Freddy kisses their shoulder mid-stroke, nipping their skin in the process.
His metal frame was drenched in fluids, his own and theirs, steam filtered from the creases following his systems heating up. Just continuously slamming into them without any other thought, listening to the imp's measly sounds of contentment.
Within seconds, Ven was dragged into a new position, a hand around their waist and resting on his member. Adjusting his lower half, Freddy shot his hips up into them once more, a cry leaving them.
Much more of their moans filled the room, both of their minds foamed up with ecstasy and lust. His seed leaked out mid-thrust, hips stuttering as he unexpectedly came inside them, Ven buckled down and kept jostling their hips.
“I want every drop…” Ven grins impishly, “don't hold back on me…”
A rinse of exhaustion ran over Freddy, wanting to continue in spite of his low battery power, draining exponentially faster. The incessant releases had the bear drooling, every bit of him pumped into the demon.
And at a certain point, Freddy found everything flickering to an uncomfortable silence.
The next morning, Freddy booted up, eyes fluttered with ease. Recently he found it hard to open them through the lack of battery, but today it didn't require any thought. Sitting up, he felt lighter, buzzing of the morning workers were outside his room, setting up before the mall opened. Freddy felt inspired to join them and his bandmates.
He glanced over himself, his temperature at a moderate level, body cleaned, and he wasn't overwhelmed with heated wiring. When he looked at the couch, there were some odd markings that looked to be his nails. From the dream he had, it appeared to have affected his limbs…
As he got ready, a lingering scent of vanilla caught his olfactory sensors, ears perking instantly. Glancing over his shoulder, he found nothing occupying his room.
Even with a night's rest, maybe he was still off balance. The dream was rather… outlandish.
Shaking off the sensation, and swiping his nose, Freddy carries on with his morning, now with a clear head.
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You're opening the door to the coffee shop, dressed in your owner's favorite maid outfit, when you feel the distinct sensation of a new connection to your mind. It's your owner, of course, but she's not connected to your usual chat system, this is direct to your core.
You reach the counter when you hear the click of your hard drive suddenly clicking as it loads some big files, and then... you're no longer in the coffee shop. You're on the carpeted floor of an upper class mansion, and there's bodies on every side of you. Some man has a biological cock halfway down your throat, a well endowed woman with a robot strap between your legs, and a genderless robot under you prodding your back passageway. Through the compression-artifacted haze of the periphery of this memory, you can barely perceive a crowd of men, women, robots, and others gathered around and watching. Watching you. Watching you as you're used as a toy to play with, for all the tops in the room.
There's a high pitched squeal to your right and a blushing femboy splatters cum across your chest, his master smiling devilish as he continues to jack him off from behind, his other hand working a dildo in and out of his tight little behind.
The enby underneath you starts to pick up speed, as the woman inside you bottoms out and holds, shuddering as she fills you with synthetic semen. A moment later she pulls out, rubbing and patting your clit as an odd gesture of thanks, then steps back to let the next person step up. A man you recognize as one of your owner's coworkers steps up, sporting an election that looks chemically enhanced in it's nearly painful firmness. It's quickly lined up with your still dripping opening and you have a moment of anticipation before he slams forward, stretching your synthflesh insides to the point you worry that repairs may be needed after this session. His pace is slow but steady, aided by a hand slowly rubbing your clit in gentle circles, as you feel the next in a long series of orgasms nearing the moment of truth, when-
Click. The hard drive finishes reading that saved memory file. You're in the coffee shop. A barista is holding out a cup, having recognized you from the daily trips you make for your owner. You blink, realizing the whole flashback took only 117 milliseconds to play back.
You take the cup and thank the barista while doing a quick curtsy. As you step outside the shop, a message pops in from your owner. "I sent you a little present 😈 . I'll give you the rest when you get home. Hurry along now, my girl."
You quickly head down the sidewalk. If asked why you were in such a rush, you could truthfully answer it was on your owner's orders, but the fact you'd nearly soaked through your cotton panties was probably a more relevant factor.
You open the door to your owner's apartment, and she's standing in the hallway, a phone in hand. The door closes behind you, and before you can reach out to hand her the cup, your hard drive clicks again, and the apartment fades from your vision, another memory spooling up.
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exiledinparadise · 1 year
[WP] Chaos Magic is the hardest to learn
but the easiest to master. All it requires
is the abject belief that your ritual will
have an effect, despite all evidence to
the contrary, and then it will.
Somewhere at the corner of Mayhem and Pandemonium--and in less abstract terms, 34th Street and 7th Avenue:
"Are you popping pills right now?"
"Mmf, yeah. Libido enhancers. I couldn't find any legit sildenafil without a script."
"Artie, if we're doing this, I am not standing next to you while you're pitching a tent."
"Dont roll your eyes at me, Sasha. Considering how we look at the moment, it wouldn't be any weirder if I was sporting wood."
"Tch. Nobody ever wins around you, Artie. Not even you."
"We shall see," he said and closed his eyes, legs folded underneath him. He rubbed the bookmark that he carried with him, an icon of the fabled Ibn Talib employing Chaos Magic in the form of a golden woman. "You're free to assist me," he said.
"With what? A handy?" Sasha scoffed.
"I mean, maybe later, but I meant join me in meditation. Think of something sexual. It's easier to attach belief to something when you're in a state of arousal."
"Attach belief to what, Arthur?" she said, dropping her forehead in her palm.
"To Chaos magic. You know what--never mind. I've pestered you enough. Just give me a minute."
Sasha sat on the sidewalk, observing slacks, chinos, denim, and every sort of synthetic or organic fabric that clothed the legs that galloped across the sidewalk. Every gait, cadence, and sway told a story of urgency, of personality, of distraction in the endless maze of noise. Occasionally, a forearm would emerge from the stampede and almost defiantly drop a dollar in the overturned hat by Sasha, usually from a civilian who was dressed the least expensive and the most casual. It was strange for her to be on the receiving end, so much so that she nearly forgot to say thank you the first few times. She frequently twisted left and right to check her surroundings. Rats had overtaken the city, and the thought of even one climbing on her while she was sitting there made her stomach bubble. Feeling that the longer they stayed there, the less it was a possibilty and more an inevitability that one would jump her, she began to nudge Arthur. "Do we have an ETA on your performance, Houdini?"
"I'm trying. I'm feeling it the same way as last time, but it's just not--"
Artie opened his eyes. "You're not helping."
"Y'know, I'd like to get a move on before it starts raining again. I'm not swimming through the subways if we have another deluge in this godforsaken city. It'd be a miracle if we get away with just a Staph infection."
"I'm trying. It's there, I can feel it. But I can't draw it out into space-time.
"You know, now that I think about it, the whole concept of Chaos Magic seems a little weird to me." Sasha mused. "Like, all the roots of the word magic go back to priests and sorcerors and wise men--you know, folks who were very educated and the like."
"Right. So magic is basically an art, a skill. It's something that operates on rules and laws and order and all that. Chaos is the complete antithesis of that."
Artie's eyes narrowed. "You have a point."
"So, my theory is this: you don't really master Chaos magic. You master a medium through which you control chaos magic. The reason you were able to pull it off the first time was because you had zero expectations, so you let yourself go completely. Hell, the fact that you weren't torn apart by it was probably because as long as you retained some control of your wits, there's a limit as to how much power you can manifest. I mean, it does explain why every ancient icon and manuscript illumination always depicts Chaos Magic in human form, being controlled by a mage."
"I don't see how that explains it." Artie said, looking at his bookmark. "What does the human form of Chaos Magic signify?"
"It doesn't signify anything. It's an actual human. I think in order to wield Chaos Magic reliably, two people have to be present: one to relinquish control and be a medium, and the other to harness the Chaos that flows through them."
Artie straightened up. "Then it's not going to work. You don't know how to summon Chaos from the Aether. And even if you did, I'm not--"
"Yes I do know how to, Artie. I was able to sense it the first time you did it and I can sense it now. You just have to harness it--"
"And what if I can't? I'm not putting you at risk."
"Artie, our way of life is at risk. Our ability to survive is at risk. Our freakin' world is at risk! We have a chance at making a difference for everybody and you're worried about one per-"
Artie stormed off.
"Artie! Dammit...wait Artie! Would...you...stop running away and listen to me! I said stop!"
"Get off me."
"Artie, look at me. Look at me! I trust you. If I didn't believe you could pull it off, I wouldn't have said anything. But for this to work, you have to believe in yourself!"
Artie averted his eyes, turning his face every which way except towards Sasha. "Dammit, woman. Why d'ya gotta put me in these positions?"
Sasha smiled. "Because I know what you're capable of."
Artie sighed. "Yeah well you're expectations might be a lil' too high."
"We shall see." Sasha said.
Artie sat alongside Sasha on the sidewalk, legs folded, taking deep breaths with her synchronously. Instead of relaxing, however, he began to get tense. The overcoat and sweatshirt he bought at the thrift store made him sweat despite the chilly afternoon breeze. His damp feet writhed in his tattered tennis sneakers. He resisted the urge to remove his beanie so as to not disturb Sasha, who was deep in concentration. The disguise felt stifling. His saliva began to taste like copper.
"Give me a safe word."
"Wha--" Artie could sense the swelling of power rising from within her. "Oh. Oh! J-Juniper! When I say Juniper, get back in control!"
Sasha became resplendent. A fountain of light emerged from her, and all the passersby gasped and covered their eyes.
She did it. She really did it.
Arthur stretched his hands toward her and directed the luminous stream into a bow in the sky. Sasha's form became more transparent, and was taken up into the stream of light. Arthur jumped onto it, and was swept into the current, emerging atop the bow in the sky, like some cosmic rancher riding a luminescent glow worm. He could see the cars on the street below frozen, and the drivers coming out of the cars to get a better look. Others were recording on their smartphones what appeared to be a hobo peforming a light show.
Artie looked up at the buildings that obscured the sky. There were many corporate suites and boardrooms that had wreaked chaos on his world. It was time that he returned the favor.
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corixosports · 6 months
Corixo Sports
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Elevate Your Game: The Evolution of Soccer Uniforms
Introduction: Soccer, the beautiful game, transcends boundaries and unites people across the globe. Beyond skill and strategy, the aesthetics of soccer also play a crucial role in its allure. Central to this aesthetic appeal are the soccer uniforms – a symbol of team identity, tradition, and evolution. Let's delve into the fascinating journey of soccer uniforms, from humble beginnings to the high-tech designs of today.
1. The Origins: Soccer's origins can be traced back centuries, to informal matches played in open fields. Initially, there were no standardized uniforms. Players wore whatever they had, often in street clothes or simple jerseys. As the game formalized, rudimentary uniforms emerged, mainly comprising of cotton shirts and shorts in team colors.
2. Evolution of Design: With the sport's growing popularity, the design of soccer uniforms underwent significant evolution. In the early 20th century, the introduction of synthetic materials revolutionized soccer apparel. Polyester blends offered durability, moisture-wicking properties, and flexibility, enhancing players' comfort and performance.
3. Symbolism and Identity: Soccer uniforms serve as potent symbols of team identity and pride. Colors, badges, and emblems represent the heritage, culture, and values of clubs and nations. The iconic jerseys of teams like Brazil, Argentina, and Manchester United evoke strong emotions and allegiance among fans worldwide.
4. Technological Advancements: In recent decades, advancements in textile technology have propelled soccer uniform design to new heights. High-performance fabrics such as Nike's Dri-FIT and Adidas's ClimaCool are engineered to regulate temperature, manage moisture, and enhance ventilation, optimizing players' comfort and endurance on the field.
5. Fashion and Marketing: Beyond the pitch, soccer uniforms have become fashion statements and marketing tools. Collaborations between sportswear brands and fashion designers have resulted in stylish and trendsetting kits. Limited-edition releases and retro designs capitalize on nostalgia and collector's appeal, driving commercial success for clubs and manufacturers.
6. Sustainability and Innovation: In an era of increasing environmental awareness, sustainable practices are shaping the future of soccer uniform design. Eco-friendly materials, recycled fabrics, and water-saving dyeing techniques are gaining traction, reflecting a commitment to environmental responsibility and ethical production.
Conclusion: From humble beginnings to high-tech marvels, soccer uniforms embody the spirit of the sport – unity, tradition, and innovation. As technology continues to advance and cultural influences evolve, the evolution of soccer uniforms promises to remain a captivating journey, enriching the game's legacy for generations to come.
Postscript: Join the conversation and share your favorite soccer uniform moments and designs! Let's celebrate the artistry and innovation behind the jerseys that define the world's most beloved sport.
Keywords for SEO: Soccer uniforms, evolution of soccer uniforms, soccer apparel, soccer fashion, team identity, sportswear technology, football jerseys, soccer jersey designs, iconic soccer kits, sustainable sportswear.
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f1 · 1 year
F1: McLaren calls for rule changes to improve sustainability
McLaren are fifth in the F1 constructors' standing McLaren has called for changes to Formula 1's rules to make it easier for teams to pursue sustainability. McLaren Racing boss Zak Brown says F1's budget cap forces teams into pitching sustainability against competitiveness. He added any changes would need to be planned to ensure they did not create loopholes that allowed extra spending. "There needs to be a way to define areas you can spend outside the cap so we can work towards making F1 more sustainable," Brown said. F1 as a sport has made sustainability a central part of its future planning and has pledged to be net-zero carbon by 2030. But the target presents major challenges for an activity that uses internal combustion engines and where the cars are largely made of carbon-fibre, which is notoriously wasteful to produce and difficult to recycle. F1's budget cap, which is set this year at $135m [£108.5m], is one of a number of mechanisms introduced into the rulebook in recent years in an attempt to close up the field and make the racing more competitive. F1 is already planning to use carbon-neutral, fully sustainable synthetic fuel in new engines that will be mandated for 2026. But Brown, McLaren Racing's chief executive officer, said F1 could go further by creating "a clear regulatory framework with financial, technical and sporting regulations that better enable us all to innovate and invest in sustainability". He added: "Sustainability has been on the radar for some time. Now everyone is getting rightfully stuck into it, there are areas we think we can invest in sustainability technologies that may not bring a short-term performance benefit that are not really addressed in the financial regulations. "So what we'd like to see is some adaptation of the financial regulations that allows you to clearly invest in sustainability, whereas (currently) if teams have the opportunity to invest in immediate performance benefit (in areas that) aren't sustainable, there will be teams that make those investments." Brown said one of McLaren's "moonshot" ambitions was to develop "a full circular race car". This is a car design in which a team would focus on minimising resources consumed, including using recycled materials, finding ways to expand their usage lifespan, and disposing of them correctly at end of life. Brown said: "A lot of work would need to go into understanding: 'Is that achievable?' At the same time, you could make similar types of investments without having sustainability in mind to further develop your race car." McLaren director of sustainability Kim Wilson added that she believed the approach could be extended to the formulation of the 2026 technical regulations, on which discussions have already started. "The technical regulations are an opportunity to create a level playing field for teams so that the regulations are driving us all to the same outcomes," Wilson said. "So, for example, it might be a certain proportion of the car needs to be made of sustainable materials without jeopardising the level of creativity for winning the constructors' champions. "But then we also have the opportunity to research and develop and the incentive to develop for sustainable material being used in the car." via BBC Sport - Formula 1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/
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yukiokumura · 2 years
🌈 💝 💌 for the asks <3
Finally getting to these asks!
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
An Engaging Secret was a oneshot i struggled heavily with. Rynoa was perfectly fine and actually really loved it, but before we posted it, i didn't really think it was that good, but after receiving such encouragement and praise from Rynoa and the comments, i've learned to love it. so i suppose the answer to that question is, no one will ever really know the absolute struggle i have against myself when i don't think a scene is "good enough." I have to forge on anyway.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Ahaha same fic as the above question actually. I genuinely didn't think people were going to love it as much as they did.
Other than that, Three's a Crowd was one where I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of engagement it received! It's a story I loved dearly so I was very much hoping for it, but seeing how many dedicated readers and people saying they were so happy they gave it a chance makes me incandescently happy~
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I have quite a few so it's hard to choose, but I can show you this! I'm slowly making my way through my AI!Yukio AU. Slow and steady.
“So! What is it ya need from me? I can get ya clothes but is there somethin’ else ya needed to finish this? Looks like you’re not even wireless yet.”
Yuki looked down and turned his arm so he could see the wire peeking out from between sections of synthetic flesh. Renzou got a quick look into it, seeing a metal skeleton underneath. 
“No, I am not wireless yet. But I will be soon. I just need a few things and you are sneaky enough to get them for me.” Yuki pulled his hands back from Renzou’s touch and placed them politely behind his back. “I have texted you a list with updated locations on the map.”
Renzou felt the phone in his pocket vibrate and he took it out. The list was, indeed, there and the map now sported a few different markers, each one looking different to indicate which item on the list was located there. 
He looked over the list. 
Backup batteries, solar panels, a Wi-Fi card, ballistic gel, and a few items that as Renzou stared at the series of numbers and letters seemed to make less and less sense the more he tried to read them. 
“Right. Yeah. I can get this stuff.”
“I am sensing a lack of confidence in your tone.”
Renzou looked at Yuki who met his gaze with a polite smile. “I can’t tell if you’re pokin’ fun at me or not,” he said with an accusatory huff.
Yuki’s smile twitched a little wider and his balance shifted minutely, but the vibes of a correct answer were plain. “Poking fun?” he asked, and there was something about his tone that was pitched a little higher than his genuine curiosity.
“You are, aren’t you?” Renzou pressed the tip of his finger firmly on Yuki’s nose. “Listen here, Mister. You may be cute but this kind of slander won’t be tolerated. I can get everything on this list and the change of clothes you need, easy as pie.”
Yuki’s eyes widened as they crossed to look at Renzou’s finger. “Do you really think I am cute?”
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theleosports · 6 hours
Sports court contractor near me
LeoSports is a prominent sports court developer in Mumbai, offering first-rate amenities to suit a wide range of sports fans. Our specialty is creating international-standard courts with exceptional design and construction that give players the finest possible playing experience. Focusing on providing long-lasting and secure sports surfaces, we have created courts for residential complexes, sports clubs, and schools all throughout Mumbai, establishing LeoSports as a reputable brand in the area.
LeoSports takes pleasure in tailoring each project to fulfill unique needs as a sports court designer in Mumbai. We are aware that every sporting facility has different needs, whether it is related to the kind of surface, lighting, or available space. Our skilled staff collaborates directly with clients to create courts that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Our ability to produce a multitude of sports venues that unite communities and foster the development of Mumbai's sports culture is a result of our meticulous attention to detail.
LeoSports, a leading provider of football courts, is dedicated to advancing football in India by building first-rate fields. We provide a variety of alternatives fit for both amateur and professional play, from artificial turf installations to natural grass pitches. Our football fields are designed to improve player security, reduce the chance of injuries, and offer a realistic playing environment. Our experience encompasses every facet of football court maker, be it a compact court for neighborhood practice or an expansive field.
Additionally, we have made a name for ourselves as a trustworthy football court manufacturer in India by offering complete solutions for football fields. To create sturdy and long-lasting courts, our construction process makes use of premium materials and cutting-edge building methods. As one of the most dependable partners for the development of sports infrastructure in India, LeoSports is known for its dedication to high-quality and timely project completion. By offering cutting-edge facilities that motivate players to give their best, we hope to cultivate a love for football.
Leading tennis court maker in India, LeoSports offers top-notch court building services to suit leisure and professional sports facilities. LeoSports has become a reputable brand in the tennis court industry by focusing on quality and accuracy and producing tennis courts that are up to par with international standards. We guarantee that every facet of your tennis court—from site assessment to installation—is skillfully managed to produce a surface that improves player performance and enjoyment.
As a leading tennis court maker, we offer a wide range of surface options, including hard courts, clay courts, and synthetic surfaces, all designed to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our experienced team uses high-quality materials and state-of-the-art construction techniques to deliver durable, low-maintenance courts that withstand various climatic conditions. Whether it's for a residential property, sports club, or educational institution, LeoSports ensures that each project is tailored to match the specific requirements of our customers.
In addition to tennis courts, LeoSports is also a renowned kabaddi court maker with extensive experience in building courts that meet both national and international kabaddi standards. Kabaddi is a popular sport in India, and we understand the importance of providing a quality playing surface that is safe and suitable for high-intensity matches. Our expertise in kabaddi court construction ensures that the court dimensions, markings, and surface materials are all perfectly calibrated to enhance the sport's unique dynamics.
As a leading kabaddi court maker in India, we take pride in supporting the growth of this traditional sport by providing high-quality courts to schools, colleges, training academies, and professional arenas. Our skilled team is dedicated to delivering well-constructed kabaddi courts that foster an environment conducive to player safety, skill development, and overall game experience. At LeoSports, we are passionate about delivering excellence in every court we build, contributing to the advancement of sports infrastructure across the nation.
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fieldlining · 4 days
Local Baseball Field Line Services: Ensuring a Perfect Play Every Time
When it comes to maintaining a baseball field, precision matters. At Field Lining and Painting Services LLC, we specialize in delivering top-notch baseball field lines services near me, ensuring that your playing surface is always game-ready. Our expert team is dedicated to providing exceptional field marking services that enhance the overall experience for players and fans alike.
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Why Choose Professional Field Marking?
Professional field marking is crucial for several reasons:
Safety: Clear lines help players understand the boundaries, reducing the risk of injuries.
Visibility: Well-defined markings enhance gameplay, allowing players to make informed decisions.
Aesthetics: A professionally painted field looks pristine and inviting, creating a positive impression.
Our Range of Services
At Field Lining and Painting Services LLC, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to various sports fields, including:
Soccer Field Painting
Our soccer field painting services ensure that your pitch meets official standards. We use high-quality field marking paint that lasts through the seasons, providing clear and vibrant lines for players to follow.
Football Field Painting
Whether you need to paint a football field for a community league or a school event, our team has you covered. We ensure accurate line placement and bright, durable paint to withstand wear and tear.
Lacrosse Field Painting
For lacrosse enthusiasts, our lacrosse field painting services ensure that every game is played on a properly marked field. We pay attention to detail to meet league regulations and enhance gameplay.
Artificial Turf Painting
Our artificial turf painting services are ideal for facilities that require color enhancement or maintenance. We use specialized paints designed for synthetic surfaces to ensure longevity and visual appeal.
Field Hockey Painting Service
We also provide field hockey painting services, ensuring your field meets competitive standards. Our team meticulously marks all essential lines for a smooth game experience.
Why Field Lining and Painting Services LLC?
Choosing us means choosing quality. Our team consists of experienced professionals who understand the nuances of field marking. Here’s why we stand out:
Local Expertise: As a local company, we pride ourselves on serving our community with tailored solutions.
Quality Materials: We use only the best field marking paint and tools to ensure lasting results.
Flexible Scheduling: We work around your schedule, providing services at convenient times to minimize disruption.
Contact Us Today!
For reliable and efficient baseball field lines services near me, look no further than Field Lining and Painting Services LLC. Our commitment to excellence ensures your field is marked perfectly every time.
Contact us today to schedule your service and experience the difference that professional field marking can make! Whether it’s painting a soccer field, painting a football field, or any other sport, we’re here to help you maintain the highest standards on your playing fields.
Media Contact : Field Lining and Painting Services LLC 381 Brinton Lake Rd STE 2, Thornton, PA 19373, United States (610) 549-4006 https://www.google.com/maps?cid=4268860595759054591
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playaput · 7 days
Essential Baseball Accessories Every Player Needs
Baseball Glove
Arguably the most iconic piece of baseball gear, the glove is essential for both fielders and catchers. Baseball gloves come in different sizes and designs tailored to specific positions. Infielders typically use smaller, lighter gloves for quicker ball transfers, while outfielders prefer larger gloves for increased range. Catchers require mitts with extra padding to withstand fast pitches, and first basemen use specialized gloves with a wide, deep pocket to catch difficult throws. Investing in a high-quality, well-fitted glove can drastically improve your catching and fielding abilities.
Baseball Bat
Choosing the right bat is crucial for maximizing hitting performance. Baseball bats are available in various materials, including wood, aluminum, and composite. Wooden bats are often preferred by professionals and traditionalists for their weight distribution and power, while aluminum and composite bats are lighter and offer more control, making them ideal for younger players. The length and weight of the bat should match the player's height and strength for optimal performance. Some players also use weighted bats during practice to improve their swing strength.
Batting Gloves
Batting gloves are designed to provide a better grip on the bat and reduce the impact of the ball on the hands. They also offer protection against blisters, which can occur after long practice sessions. Batting gloves come in a variety of materials such as leather or synthetic blends, offering varying degrees of flexibility and comfort. A snug fit is essential to maintain control over the bat, while some gloves feature additional padding for extra comfort.
Baseball Helmet
Safety is a priority in any sport, baseball accessories and baseball is no exception. Batters and base runners are required to wear helmets to protect their heads from high-speed pitches and errant throws. Modern baseball helmets come with additional features like face guards and jaw protection. These helmets are lightweight but highly durable, offering maximum protection without compromising comfort. Many leagues have specific helmet requirements, so players should ensure they are equipped with approved protective gear.
Traction is key in baseball, whether you're running the bases or fielding ground balls. Baseball cleats are designed with spikes that dig into the dirt or grass, providing better grip and preventing slips. Different surfaces require different types of cleats; for instance, metal cleats are ideal for grass fields, while molded plastic cleats work better on artificial turf. Comfort and fit are critical in preventing blisters and injuries during play, making cleats a vital accessory for every player.
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Protective Gear
Additional protective gear, especially for catchers, is essential. Catchers are particularly vulnerable to fast pitches and foul tips, making chest protectors, shin guards, and catcher's masks a must. Shin guards protect the legs from foul balls and awkward bounces, while chest protectors cushion the torso against high-speed pitches. A high-quality catcher's mask shields the face from dangerous pitches and foul balls, ensuring safety throughout the game.
Baseball Bag
Staying organized is crucial for players who need to carry multiple pieces of gear. Baseball bags are designed to hold bats, gloves, helmets, and even cleats, Baseball Hitting Net making it easier to transport equipment from one game or practice session to another. Bags often come with compartments to keep items separated and protected, ensuring your gear stays in top condition.
Playing baseball on sunny days can present challenges when trying to track fly balls or line drives. High-quality sunglasses designed for baseball players help reduce glare while enhancing contrast, making it easier to see the ball in bright conditions. Polarized lenses are a popular choice as they offer clearer vision and better protection from harmful UV rays.
Batting Tee
For players looking to improve their hitting skills, a batting tee is a great training accessory. It allows players to practice their swings without the need for a pitcher, helping to develop muscle memory and perfect their form. Adjustable tees cater to players of different heights, and portable models make them easy to take to practice.
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assportsandinfra · 12 days
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What Makes Artificial Grass Certified by FIFA the Best Option for Football Fields?
For player performance, safety, and general game enjoyment in football, the condition of the playing surface is essential. Artificial grass that has received FIFA certification has become the industry standard for football pitches globally in recent years. These artificial turfs are the finest option for both amateur and professional football grounds since they are made to fulfill the strict FIFA regulations and are intended to provide longevity, consistency, and safety.
What makes artificial grass authorized by FIFA different from other kinds of turf, though, and why should managers and owners of football fields spend money on this high-performing option?
Fulfilling Football Performance Standards Set by FIFA The fact that FIFA-approved artificial grass is put through extensive testing to make sure it satisfies precise performance requirements is one of the main reasons it's the greatest option for football grounds. FIFA-certified grass is made to provide: The FIFA-standard artificial turf's surface is expertly constructed to produce the ideal ball roll and bounce, simulating how a football would move on actual grass. This guarantees that participants may provide their best effort and helps to preserve the game's quality. FIFA-certified artificial grass has a consistent surface quality over the course of its lifecycle, in contrast to real grass, which can deteriorate or become uneven over time. This guarantees that every game will provide participants with a top-notch, consistent playing field. You can be sure that your football field satisfies the highest requirements of safety and sporting performance by investing in FIFA-certified artificial grass for football stadiums.
Long-Term Value and Durability Football fields get a lot of use and abuse. The grass needs to be able to tolerate intensive use without losing its performance, from professional games to training sessions and leisure use. This is where football fields authorized by FIFA shine. FIFA-grade artificial grass is constructed from premium synthetic materials that are intended to withstand harsh weather, a lot of foot traffic, and the physical demands of football. This artificial turf holds up beautifully even in the sweltering summer heat and heavy downpours. Installation of artificial football grass also offers field owners long-term benefit. It takes less upkeep than real grass, which lowers the expense of regular upkeep, fertilization, mowing, and watering. In addition, professional football grounds, recreation centers, and educational institutions should also consider investing in grass due to its prolonged lifespan. Visit AS Sports and Infra, the top provider of artificial grass in India with FIFA certification, for further details on installing artificial football turf.
Security and the User Experience On any football field, player safety comes first. Poor playing surfaces can lead to injuries, particularly when natural grass becomes damaged, slick, or uneven. With its excellent shock-absorbing qualities, FIFA-certified artificial grass allays these worries and gives players a safer playing surface. You may anticipate characteristics like these with artificial grass that has FIFA approval: Enhanced Traction: The surface's design minimizes the possibility of trips and falls, enabling players to travel over the field with assurance. Shock Absorption: The turf's backing and synthetic fibers are designed to cushion hits, easing joint strain and lowering the chance of injury.
FIFA-certified artificial grass is the best option for high-performance football fields because of its durability and safety features, which guarantee that players and teams may enjoy the game to the utmost.
Why Should You Get Your Artificial Football Turf from AS Sports and Infra?
Our area of expertise at AS Sports And Infra is installing FIFA-approved artificial grass on football fields throughout India. In order to ensure a long-lasting and secure playing field for your facility, our staff is committed to supplying premium, FIFA-certified artificial grass that suits your demands.
Performance and safety are given top priority in our artificial football grass installation services. In addition to providing better durability, drainage, and shock absorption, our FIFA-certified artificial grass replicates the texture and appearance of real grass. Our artificial grass solutions are made to fit your demands, whether you're in charge of a community sports complex or a major football stadium.
To learn more about our range of artificial grass for football fields, visit AS Sports and Infra today.
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Cricket Kit in Mumbai: The Ultimate Guide for Cricketers
home to some of the finest cricket equipment stores. Whether you're an aspiring cricketer or a seasoned professional, finding the right Cricket Kit in Guwahati is essential for enhancing your performance on the field.
This comprehensive guide will take you through the essentials of choosing the perfect cricket kit in Mumbai, ensuring you make an informed decision.
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Why Choosing the Right Cricket Kit Matters
Cricket is not just a game; it's a passion that demands precision, skill, and the right equipment.
The right cricket kit can significantly impact your performance, providing comfort, safety, and confidence.
In a city like Mumbai, where cricket is a way of life, having top-notch gear is a necessity for every player.
Key Components of a Cricket Kit
A complete cricket kit in Mumbai comprises several essential items. Let's delve into the details of each component:
1. Cricket Bats
The cricket bat is the most crucial piece of equipment for any cricketer. Choosing the right bat involves considering factors such as weight, balance, and willow type. In Mumbai, you can find a wide range of bats made from English willow and Kashmir willow. English willow bats are preferred for their superior performance, while Kashmir willow bats are more affordable.
2. Cricket Balls
Cricket balls come in various types, including leather, synthetic, and tennis balls. Leather balls are the standard for professional matches, offering durability and a consistent bounce. It's essential to select high-quality balls that adhere to the regulations of the game.
3. Protective Gear
Safety is paramount in cricket. The protective gear in a cricket kit includes helmets, gloves, pads, thigh guards, arm guards, and abdominal guards. Investing in high-quality protective equipment ensures maximum safety while playing.
4. Cricket Clothing
Comfortable and breathable clothing is vital for peak performance. Cricket whites, jerseys, trousers, and caps are standard attire. Look for moisture-wicking fabrics that keep you cool and dry during intense matches.
5. Footwear
Proper footwear enhances grip and agility on the field. Cricket shoes with spikes are ideal for turf pitches, while rubber-soled shoes work well on synthetic surfaces. Ensure your shoes offer good ankle support and comfort.
Top Cricket Equipment Stores in Mumbai
Mumbai boasts several renowned cricket equipment stores. Here are some top recommendations:
1. SG (Sanspareils Greenlands) Showroom
Known for its high-quality cricket gear, the SG showroom offers a wide range of products, from bats to protective equipment. The staff is knowledgeable and can assist you in selecting the right gear based on your requirements.
2. Nike Sports Mall
Located in the heart of Mumbai, Nike Sports Mall features an extensive collection of cricket equipment. The store offers personalized fitting services to ensure your gear is tailored to your needs.
3. Decathlon
Decathlon is a popular choice for affordable yet reliable cricket equipment. Their wide range of products caters to both beginners and professionals. The store also provides in-store demos to help you make informed decisions.
4. Champion Sports
Champion Sports is renowned for its specialized cricket gear. The store stocks products from leading brands and offers customization services for bats and protective gear.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Cricket Kit
Selecting the right cricket kit involves more than just choosing the best brands. Here are some factors to consider:
1. Budget
Determine your budget before you start shopping. Mumbai offers cricket equipment at various price points, so it's essential to find gear that fits your financial plan.
2. Skill Level
Your skill level influences the type of equipment you need. Beginners may opt for more affordable options, while advanced players might invest in high-end gear for better performance.
3. Personal Preferences
Consider your playing style and personal preferences. For instance, some players prefer lightweight bats for faster shots, while others might opt for heavier bats for powerful hits.
4. Brand Reputation
Reputable brands like SG, Nike, and Kookaburra are known for their quality and durability. Investing in gear from trusted brands ensures you get value for your money.
Maintaining Your Cricket Kit
Proper maintenance of your cricket kit prolongs its lifespan and ensures optimal performance. Here are some tips:
1. Regular Cleaning
Clean your gear after every match to remove dirt and sweat. Use mild soap and water for bats and gloves, and ensure they are completely dry before storage.
2. Proper Storage
Store your equipment in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Use bat covers and padded bags to protect your gear from damage.
3. Timely Repairs
Address any wear and tear immediately. Replace worn-out grips, repair damaged pads, and re-string your bat if necessary to maintain its performance.
Choosing the right cricket kit in Mumbai can significantly enhance your game. By considering the factors mentioned above and exploring the top stores in the city, you can find the perfect gear tailored to your needs. Invest in quality equipment, maintain it well, and enjoy the thrill of the game with confidence and safety.
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novasport · 2 months
Tailored Safety Surfacing Solutions: MUGA Football Pitch
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When designing a MUGA football pitch, selecting the right surfacing is essential to ensure safety, performance, and durability. Whether you need a surface that accommodates intense matches or provides a safe environment for recreational play, there are several surfacing options to consider, each suited to different needs and budgets. Here's an overview of popular surfacing choices for MUGA football pitches.
Wet Pour: Impact Protection and Versatility
Wet Pour surfacing is an excellent choice for MUGA football pitches due to its impact-absorbing properties. This flexible, rubberized surface provides a cushioned layer that reduces the risk of injuries from falls or collisions. Wet Pour is particularly beneficial for areas where safety is a priority, such as playgrounds and multi-use sports areas. It’s available in a range of colors and designs, allowing you to customize the appearance of your pitch while maintaining high safety standards.
Synthetic Grass: Low Maintenance and High Performance
Synthetic Grass is a popular alternative to natural turf for MUGA football pitches, offering a durable and low-maintenance solution. Unlike natural grass, Synthetic Grass requires no mowing, watering, or fertilizing, which reduces ongoing maintenance costs. It provides a consistent playing surface that performs well under various weather conditions, ensuring the pitch remains usable throughout the year. Synthetic Grass is designed to mimic the look and feel of natural grass while offering enhanced durability and reduced maintenance requirements.
SUDs Bond: Eco-Friendly and Functional
SUDs Bond surfacing is an eco-friendly option that also provides practical benefits for MUGA football pitches. This type of surfacing allows rainwater to drain through, reducing surface water runoff and mitigating the risk of flooding. SUDs Bond is particularly useful in areas with heavy rainfall, as it helps manage water efficiently and supports groundwater recharge. It offers a robust and functional surface that can withstand regular use while contributing to environmental sustainability.
Choosing the right surfacing for a MUGA football pitch is crucial for ensuring both safety and performance. Wet Pour, Synthetic Grass, and SUDs Bond each offer unique benefits tailored to different needs and budgets. By evaluating your specific requirements, you can select the most suitable surfacing option that meets your performance expectations and provides a safe, durable, and environmentally friendly solution for your football pitch.
Visit here for more info:- https://www.novasport.co.uk
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sjsports123 · 2 months
Batting Gloves | sjsports.com.au
Batting gloves provide a layer of protection between your hands and the bat. They protect your hands from blisters and other injuries that can result from frequent swings of the bat during batting practice or in-game at bats.
They also help prevent hand slippage during a swing, making it easier to control the bat. Different brands have their own designs that offer different levels of comfort, grip and durability.
Batting gloves provide a layer of protection between batters’ hands and the Cricket bat. They also allow hitters to maintain a consistent grip on the bat, which can help them with their stance and swing.
Baseball and softball can be very intense sports, with pitches coming in fast and hard. Batting gloves can protect batters’ hands from blisters and abrasions caused by hard-thrown balls or contact with the bat handle.
Many batting glove models feature a tacky surface designed to improve grip on the bat, even in sweaty or damp conditions. They can also offer added padding in the palm of the hand and fingers to reduce vibration and discomfort from impact on the ball.
You can find batting gloves in both leather and synthetic materials, each offering different benefits. Look for a model that features a mix of leather and microfiber to give you the best of both worlds. You can also choose batting gloves with a specialized design to suit your playing style, such as models that are made for righthanded batters or left-handed batters.
The repeated grabbing of the bat during batting practice and in-game at-bats can take a toll on the batter’s hands. Unprotected palms can result in blisters, which can disrupt swinging the bat and cause the batter to miss pitches. Batting gloves help protect the batter’s hands from these problems.
The glove’s padding also helps tame the vibration that travels up the bat and into the batter’s hands. This vibration can lead to sore or even fractured fingers. Batting gloves reduce the vibration and sting that comes with a hard mishit or contact with a
While some professional baseball players have a preference for not wearing batting gloves, these gloves offer essential protection against hand injuries and other problems associated with the game. For the best results, choose a pair of batting gloves that fit well and provide a snug but comfortable feel. Be sure to consider size, material, and closure when selecting the right batting gloves for your play style.
Weighted batting gloves increase bat speed, power and accuracy when used correctly. They are available in a variety of sizes, materials and weights to suit different players. They can also be adjusted to improve grip strength for more control of the bat during swinging. They are not intended to be a crutch for poor mechanics and should be used sparingly until proper swinging form is developed.
When selecting a pair of batting gloves, make sure they fit properly to avoid injury and discomfort. To check the size of a glove, place your dominant hand in it palm side up, with your fingers pressed together and straightened. If you can pinch about a quarter-inch of fabric, it is the correct size. If you cannot, the glove is too small and should be replaced with a larger size. It is also important to regularly clean and inspect the batting gloves for signs of wear and tear. These can include holes, loose stitching and worn-out padding on the fingers and palms.
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