#symmarah kids
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nitewrighter · 2 years ago
Twins meeting Niran? I swear, he would tell them so many embarrassing stories about their mom. Would they call him uncle?
Yes, they do call him Uncle, though it's 80% because Niran repeatedly referred to himself as Uncle when they were growing up.
Lifeweaver: Satyaaaaaa! You had baaaabiiiies! Oh my god, look at you! You're glowing! And you just got your body right back after popping them out! Of course you did! Effortless perfection as always!
Symmetra, holding both the twins in a front-and-back baby carrier: That's... very kind of you Niran, but I didn't carry the twins.
Pharah, standing next to her in a baby-spit-up stained shirt and sweatpants, face puffy from postpartum sobbing, holding an open carton of ice cream: Niran.
Lifeweaver: ...Fareeha.
Pharah: Aren't you going to tell me I'm glowing and I got my body right back?
LifeWeaver: Yyyyyes. Everything I just said to Satya definitely applies to you.
LifeWeaver: *holding baby Samir* ...
Baby Samir: *staring*
LifeWeaver: *staring*
Symmetra: Are you two... doing all right?
LifeWeaver: *whispering to Satya* I had a moment just like this with a Philippine Tarsier in my travels.
LifeWeaver: *spinning a tiny biolight daisy into existence in front of Baby Rajeev* It's called Biolight, and I promise, I'm going to use it to make the future so much better for y--
Baby Rajeev: *grabs the flower and eats it*
LifeWeaver: Eh--
LifeWeaver: You know, you two should be nicer to me. I changed your diapers.
Teen Samir: ...Mom said you screamed and threw a full diaper out the window.
LifeWeaver: That was just the first time! I got better!
Teen Rajeev: It hit Torbjorn.
LifeWeaver: God, he was so mad.
LifeWeaver: Your mom was quite the party animal back in our architech days.
Rajeev: Really?
LifeWeaver: No, she yelled at me for staying up late and nearly blowing up our dorm with my biolight experiments and only forgave me when I helped her hide her cat from the RA's.
Samir: ...Biolight can explode?
LifeWeaver: No, no, no, obviously not. The ammonium nitrate I was using to try and stabilize its carbon components, however--
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gencyfan23 · 5 years ago
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This is based on @nitewrighter mini stories which I have fun doing so enjoy.
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familyiswhoyouchoose · 6 years ago
So @jihi26 asked: When did Satya and Fareeha adopt/have Khalid?
Mariam and Khalid were adopted in March of 2079. The exact date is to be determined. So it was about three years after the Recall began. Satya and Fareeha found them on a recon mission of one of Vishkar’s facilities. Thankfully, they got to them in time.
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bunnyribbit-ow · 8 years ago
Oh so Google's got time to acknowledge Holi. I see how it is...
Symmetra, probably 
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mylifethroughthetrees · 8 years ago
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I’ve kinda wanted to do something like this for a while after seeing it and now, since I have my new laptop, I can! Overwatch Shipping Chart that I have edited. Bold means that it is my favorite out of each category, didn’t do one for NOTPs because I don’t really have a favorite. Sorry if I spelled any of these wrong, was doing this off the top of my head.
My OTPs:
Zarmei (?)
No Problem With This:
Ana / Gabriel Reyes (I know I have two going from Ana to 76 but one was supposed to go to Reaper lol)
Pharah / Reinhardt (She like definitely looks up to him and would absolutely be buff bffs)
Orisa and Zenyatta (I like to believe all of the omics are bffs even though I forgot a line to Zen and Bastion)
Tracer / Pharah (They totally become gay bffs after recall. Pharah is kinda jealous that Tracer got to do what she never could but instead of being mad they become bffs)
McPharah (if not shipping then these two are like my favorite bff pair. McCree was like a brother to Pharah and she looked up to him a lot when she was a kid)
NOTPS (even if I kinda get hate for some idc, it’s my opinion anyways):
Shimadacest (Like no. This also goes for Ana and Pharah as well bc like no plz.)
Winston (unless its like a BFF ship then no. Don’t want to see or hear it)
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greeds · 8 years ago
all of the love asks!!!
Blush : uhhh i go back to telling myself im aroace and thatits not a crush and im incapable of love HDFHJDF but im getting better atconfronting and accepting my feelings/crushesKiss : a friend once sent me a picture of a painting and toldme the colour of the sun reminded her of me and it made me cry lolCuddle : JAMIEHeartbeat : theres a lot of characters but heyi love luke skywalker. i love him so fucking muchRomance : visit an art museum or stay home and watch a movie, itcan be anything so long as it takes attention off of me fjhdsgdfJoy : hanging out with my friends and siblingsHappiness : my brother and sister!!Love : LOLBeloved : god . i think im so funny and my commentary duringmovies is the only reason i havent been assassinated yetSweet: its a long list but Space Age Love Song by A Flock of SeagullsCute : album: Highlights by TanlinesThoughtful : my name is xioCharming : my friends..Beautiful : im a dumbassAffection : finnpoe, mcgenji, symmarahKind : idk specifically but fire/fighting typeHeart Beat : ive been thinking about jessica chastain every day forthe past three days for no particular reason so ill have coffee w her. have iever mentioned im gayGiggle : uh i fall in love with strangers,Laughter : me SJHFBDG im kidding its wesSmile : big smiles and crows feetWarmth : the living room when its just me and my siblingsHuggable : orchids!!Soul Mate : jamie, wes, leo, anaUnique : funny, gay, has similar interestsTrust : irl no but i would lay my life down for anyone i interact with onlineDearest : not to be a gay and a millennial but my phone bc itsmy only connection to all the ppl i love
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the-queen-and-her-soldier · 8 years ago
symmarah as parents? :3 omega verse or otherwise (gosh ana would spoil that kid rotten) i have a hc that amari daughters, while healthy, are small babies. so if satya ever were pregnant shed barely start showing until the last months. unlike mercy :p
Since Pharah is a Beta as far as I’m concerned, I imagine they’d adopt. Not even on purpose, but there’s this war orphan who won’t let go of Symmetra’s leg and before anyone can stop it, Satya has a little traumatized boy to take care of. (Pretty sure I talked about this before, but no matter!)
- all of Overwatch bands together to draw the little one out of his shell; Winston makes the best peanut butter and banana sandwiches, Ana gives out grandma candy, Zarya gives him a fist-bump every time they meet, McCree lets him wear his hat, Bastion beeps gently at him...(despite everyone’s efforts and Satya’s apparent coldness, the boy still won’t leave her side)
- what finally gets him out of his numb state is seeing Pharah fly; watching her soar through the sky makes him smile for the first time since they pulled him out of the rubble (Pharah does not quite know how to deal with it, but the boy seems happy just watching her silently)
- Symmetra worries about him being anywhere near Pharah when she’s training and starts accompanying him to the practice range (she realizes that their presence means Pharah will have to do another training unit later, but Fareeha insists that she doesn’t mind)
- eventually, it becomes a weekly habit; Symmetra and the kid watch Pharah practice flying maneuvers before they all go to lunch together (sometimes Pharah comes by in the evening to tuck the little one in)
- they only realize what it all means when Winston tells Satya he found someone who will take the kid in; they both find themselves watching him while he plays with Hana and can’t quite speak aloud what they’re thinking
- in the end, the boy refuses to leave what he now sees as his family; everyone believes Satya will refuse, but she simply accepts it
- long story short, Pharah and Symmetra become a couple and parents to a little boy in one fell swoop and barely even notice it
- Satya is a strict mother, but also undeniably loving; both of them value discipline and raise their son to be an intelligent and passionate individual
- they never end up having more children, but neither of them is sad about it
- when he grows up, their son will join Overwatch like his mothers and his grandmother before him; as the strategist, he ends up pulling the strings in the background and is often solely responsible for making missions run smoothly
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spearcast · 8 years ago
0: i know this isn't your overwatch blog but what are some of your favorite things in ow? like, fav ships, fav characters, fav relationships in general, fav headcanons, etc
aaaa, thank you! i much appreciate the message
well. fav ships would have to be symmarah, symbra (sometra? sombra/symmetra), sombramaker, reaper76- but my all time fav is mcgenji. it’s so Good and Soft like?? bless. i do really like others tho they’re not necessarily “otp” status for me, like mchanzo and roadrat and pharmercy, and i’ve seen quite a few things that i like from rarer ships like hanzo/widow and hanzo/symmetra and symmei and stuff!!
take three guesses as to who my fave character is and i bet you’ll get it on the first try
THAT BEING SAID while mccree is My All Time Fav Best Boy Ever i really like genji too and i need to give him more love- i probably couldn’t pick a fave out of the ladies bc they’re all So Good (but pharah and d.va come to mind first)- and like. even characters i wasn’t sure about at first are really growing on me, like hanzo and mercy and such
HAVE I EVER BROUGHT UP HOW MUCH I LOVE THE FAMILY DYNAMIC BETWEEN GABRIEL AND JESSE AND ANA AND FAREEHA AND SOMETIMES JACK because God Damn i am here for that and all the angst that can be associated with it. that and stuff like mercy and mccree being friends, mccree and sombra being sibling-y, dad!gabriel and dad!jack whether together or like a divorced couple moving on in their lives. i’m Here For It and it’s my fav
fave headcanons... mccree being mexican/native american/mixed, dad!gabriel and son!jesse, confused college kid jack who isn’t actually as Golden Boy Perfect as most believe, Hana Song who is yes  a trickster and mischevious but also who is a Big Goddamn Hero to her country and the world and expects you to treat her like it bc she deserves it, bi!mccree, and honestly? any sexuality/gender headcanons are usually good with me like. i love seeing characters interpreted as trans or nb and seeing characters interpreted as any variety of sexualities like. yes, be free my lgbtq+ children
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nitewrighter · 2 years ago
Rajeev: I roll to seduce the dragon.
Samir: Ok, roll.
Rajeev: *rolls* 18, Yes!
Samir: Cool, heads or tails?
Rajeev: Uh, heads.
Samir: *lands on tails* Oh, your the bottom.
Rajeev: I'm sorry WHAT?
Samir: Roll for fortitude saving throw of seventeen or higher.
Rajeev: Fortitude!?
Samir: The dragon's member is about... *checks manual* one foot in circumference. It's literally going to rearrange your guts.
Rei: ...there's no way that's in the manual.
Samir: Sure it is.
Rajeev: *rolls dice* ...eleven.
Samir: *tongue click*
Aedan: Wait--can I cast minor illusion on the dragon?
Rei: Oh--! I still have a spell slot! Can I cast mage hand?
Samir: ...You know, you could just cast 'Raise corpse' on Rajeev after and not waste two spell slots jerking the dragon off.
Aedan: Yeah but... If it means saving our teammate.
Rei: All for one and one for all!
Rajeev: Aw, guys...
Samir: *weary sigh*
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nitewrighter · 2 years ago
What are some embarrassing secrets of the OW members and what are the reactions of the kids when they inevitably find out?
Cassidy: *sitting in a chair rock documentary style* I used to say 'Blackwatch plays by its own rules' a lot. It comes up a lot in old debriefings. Even worse when I sound smug as hell in that shit. Y'know you tell yourself it was a different time but *sucks breath through teeth* yeah it does not look good.
*camera cuts to Jaime in that same rock documentary interview chair*
Jaime: When did I find out Cole is an accessory to extrajudicial murder?' I mean Vishkar had a real hard-on for anti-Overwatch propaganda--not that they needed to try super hard to make it. I knew about the Venice Incident well before I got on the Watchpoint, but y'know, one day you'll be browsing through the files yourself, you'll learn something new and you're like 'oh hey, I know that war criminal. He's making tamales tonight.'
Samir: Uncle Niran's always telling us goofy stories from his and Satya's academy days. A lot of it was really funny stuff, like Mom's first hard-light constructs unintentionally looking really phallic or that time she accidentally set off the fire alarm or stuff like that, but usually there were at least 11 details he would include offhandedly that made you go, 'Wow. You guys were in a cult.'
Marti: *sitting in the interview chair* The thing is, when you have an Auntie who makes it her business to know literally every shameful secret of every powerful person in the world, you get an interesting scope on things. Oh you get extremely jaded, absolutely, and then you get the hubris, and then it just kind of boils down into... a lot of people being boring, actually. And a lot of the time you just kind of end up feeling sorry for people. Auntie actually made me do a full background check on Morrison all by myself before she let me train with him. *sips drink*
Interviewer, offscreen: That's quite an ask.
Marti: *setting drink down* Obviously. He was a massive public figure so I think a major goal of hers was just delaying me training with him while I sorted through all the junk. Anyway I learned that his grandmother had the third largest Precious Moments figurine collection in Indiana, which apparently made him suffer from night terrors until age 13, and also that he spent 11 months in intensely secretive litigation following the Crisis because there's basically an entire subgenre of shoestring-budget gay porn starring an uncanny lookalike operating under the name, 'Jack Whorrison.' Turns out Auntie scrubbed pretty much every video of that from every networked hard drive in the world as a birthday gift to him in her third year after defecting. I found it in her records--no actual videos, just the algorithms she wrote to hunt them down. She gets so embarrassed when she does genuinely nice things for people.
Interviewer, offscreen: Did you ever investigate whether Jack Whorrison was another cloning attempt by Talon?
Marti: Why would they clone him for that. No, that was literally just a blonde dude.
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nitewrighter · 2 years ago
Would Rei and Rajeev have noticed the weird vibe/tension going on between Aedan and Akasha when they were having those moments? (Also hey! Just noticed RnR and AnA! How fun!)
Aedan: I just... really hope I haven't screwed things up with her.
Rei: It's weird. I mean, I get why having her chronal accelerator damaged would.. put her back, like that, but it's weird that she seems about the same with everyone else.
Aedan: You think it has something to do with that mission?
Rei: Well, that's when it started, as far as I can tell. But it's not really the same caginess she had when she first came here. It's almost like... she's flustered.
Aedan: *scoff-laugh* Flustered?
Rei: This isn't me being jealous, this is me picking up on vibes.
Aedan: *eye-roll* Well I can hardly see what a malfunctioning chronal accelerator has to do with me.
Rajeev: Everything okay?
Akasha: I wish people would stop asking me that.
Rajeev: *patient head tilt* ...
Akasha: I will be fine--I will. I just... need to stay focused and stop picking at the scab.
Rajeev: All right. You don't need to talk about it. I"m just... here if you need anything.
Akasha: Okay.
*long pause*
Akasha: It doesn't count if you kiss someone in another timeline, right?
Rajeev: ...what?
Akasha: I mean, you were dead in that timeline anyway so--oh god, that's horrible.
Rajeev: I was dead!? Wait--who did you kiss--*pause* Aedan!? That's why you two have been so weird?!
Akasha: He doesn't know! I mean there's no reason to tell him since we didn't actually--
Rajeev: I was dead!?
Akasha: Well obviously you're not dead here. See!? This is why I didn't want to talk about it!
Rajeev: *gasp* Was he still evil in that timeline?
Akasha: Yes--I mean--not really? Neither of us were defected---
Rajeev: But that means that's a timeline where you successfully murdered me and Samir. Oooohhhh what if Rei was still a Talon guinea pig or dead there?
Akasha: You are morbidly excited about this.
Rajeev: Wait, if Samir and I are dead, then maybe that means the watchpoint went full lockdown and she never got kidnapped, which might be why Aedan never defected---
Akasha: Look it doesn't matter! I don't--I don't want that reality.
Rajeev: *putting his hands up* Okay--okay-- *pause* So is he a good kisser?
Akasha: Rajeev!
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nitewrighter · 2 years ago
How about some info about fankid relationships we dont see much? Like Gyo and the Amari twins please?
Ooh fun! Well again, a thing to keep in mind is that Guillaume is like, four years older than the twins, but since he was the Oldest Boy on the Watchpoint they did follow him around, and because they were, like everyone else, younger than him, he wasn't super fond of being followed around by 'babies.' They did grow on him, though. They were useful for basically distracting Rei from following him around because she would take it on herself to boss them around because she was slightly older than them, but also they would embarrass him in front of Annie because it was clear nothing ruffled his feathers faster and that was funny to them. So your basic young kid dynamics, with things kind of balancing out as they got older and Rei just ended up hanging out with Annie more. Guillaume did end up getting closer to Samir than he thought he would because they're both on similar wavelengths of being kind of reserved, serious kids, though Guillaume was definitely entering a more sullen phase when he left for boarding school.
Actually during Gyo's last year in boarding school Samir had been asking about the boarding school for years (Because even if Annie and Rei were frequently decrying it as a 'school for rich jerks' he saw a lot of mystery and romance in all the pamphlets). Samir finally convinced both his moms and Gyo's parents (and the Boarding school staff) to let him shadow Gyo at the school. And Gyo was finally coming out of his awkward phase at this point, so basically just imagine teenage, vampire prince, Baby John Wick-looking Guillaume being trailed around by this sober, staring, skinny little brown boy for a week. A lot of people asked him if Samir was his sidekick, and Samir was convinced that Guillaume's big, spooky, super-old school was full of mysteries to be solved and he was always either annoyingly right at Guillaume's side and asking his friends a lot of embarrassing questions, or wandering off getting into god-knows what kind of trouble. Guillaume had to retrieve Samir from the undercroft, from the attic, from the groundskeeper's equipment shed, from the girl's dorm (which he ended up in by complete accident), from a dumbwaiter shaft, and from an actual secret passage in the walls ("Samir, get out of the walls! You're freaking people out!"). The school staff told Satya and Pharah in no uncertain terms that Samir was not Académie du Sainte Alchoin material and both Satya and Pharah were like "oh noooo he had his heart set on it. :( :( :(" (there was no way in fuck they could have afforded actually sending Samir there anyway).
And now you're asking, "But Nite, why was there a secret passage in the school?" And the answer is "The passage was constructed by the school's founder, Etienne Beaufoy, pretty much exclusively to accommodate for secret gay sex trysts with Guillaume's ancestor, Sylvain Guillard." The passage was used by servants, spies, and assassins over the years before the estate was eventually turned into a school, but the original purpose was, as it turns out is the case with a surprising number of secret passages, gay sex. Guillaume was able to solve the mystery himself shortly before returning home to the Watchpoint, and he was like "Oh yeah, spies and assassins were definitely using that passage" to Samir, not mentioning the original purpose of the passage. The passage later got offhandedly mentioned while Widowmaker was in the room and she went, "Oh, Sylvain's passage is still there?." And Samir's like "What do you mean Sylvain's passage?"
Basically as a team dynamic when Gyo's finally on the team, though, he gets along pretty well with the twins. He's also warmed up significantly to Rajeev, who's always trying to get him to crack a smile, with dumb jokes during missions. Gyo and Rajeev are also definitely gym buddies, with Rajeev miraculously managing to convince Gyo to take a stupid amount of flexing photos. Rajeev's also not above ribbing him in front of Annie--old habits die hard like that--but it's more endearing now.
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nitewrighter · 1 year ago
Samir has to meticulously check his character's names to Rajeev-proof them, least, for example, the initials of his character let Rajeev call him "PMS"
He was kind of asking for it with "Pryderi Mohinder Safir." I mean I think it's a pretty banger name, but what did he expect?
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nitewrighter · 2 years ago
Junkrat trying to out-uncle Niran and Cassidy with the twins.
Niran: Happy Birthday, boys! I made you both this terrarium to share!
Cassidy: Well I got Rajeev a new basketball, and I got Sammy that detective kit he's been eyeballin'.
Samir: Don't call me 'Sammy.'
Cassidy: Oop--my bad, kid.
Junkrat: Fer shame, cowboy! Everyone knows Samir hates being called 'Sammy.'
Pharah: Wait--how did you get in the apartm--
Junkrat: Happy Birthday, kiddies! I got you gas masks for when your home and everything you know and love gets inevitably reduced to a blasted, irradiated wasteland! And I put stickers on 'em! So they're fun!
Rajeev and Samir: Yay!
Symmetra: No, that is not 'Yay!'
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nitewrighter · 2 years ago
I just finished reading your kidfic after seeing your recent posts about the fankids here on Tumblr, and I'm so happy I did! I really felt invested in them as characters, especially Rei and Aedan (both on their own and as a ship). If you're looking for more prompts, I'd love to see more of the kids interacting with the non-parent agents like Tracer, Dva, or Lucio!
Ahh I feel like it's been a while since I did fankid interactions!
Zarya: I noticed someone has been getting into my protein powder. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you, ptichka?
Rei: mmm... nope! Nope. Don't know anything about that.
Zarya: Of course. And I'm sure it is a coincidence that the break-ins always seem to happen right after your training sessions with Hanzo?
Rei: Oh come on, you basically have a silo of the stuff! You can spare a scoop!
Zarya: I can, but ninja or not, you have to ask.
Tracer: I'm glad to see Morrison taking someone new under his wing. He hasn't done something like that in ages! I think it's good for him.
Marti: Who.. was the last person he did it for?
Tracer: Me! Hopefully he won't let you think he's dead for five years!
Marti: ...you guys are never going to let him live that down, are you?
Tracer: Definitely not.
D.Va: Oooh! The twins! Can you read each other's minds?
Samir: There's nothing to read--
Rajeev: *overlapping* He's thinking about butts.
[If Aedan has his Talon Labtech or Oasis skin equipped]
Aedan: Professor, are we still meeting tomorrow? I had some questions about the texts you recommended.
Sigma: Oh--Oh dear. I'm afraid we'll have to reschedule, Aedan. It would seem Mr. Ogundimu has need of my skills with some thorny issue abroad. He was sparse on the details, but I shall help in any way I can.
Aedan: Oh--Well... be careful out there.
Sigma: *chuckle* Don't worry about me, dear boy. Just give those readings another look, I'm sure you'll have it figured out by the time I get back.
Lúcio: Man, I knew Vishkar was messed up, but it sounds like those orphanages are a whole other level...
Jaime: I'm still going to go back for the others. I have to. I don't really know how, yet, but someday.
Lúcio: Well, when we figure that out, I'll be right there beside you.
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nitewrighter · 2 years ago
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hello, I'm here to deliver a boy
Aaaaahhh!!! I love him!!! And Samir’s there too, lol! Thank you so much!!!!
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