#sye talks
syeko · 1 year
Is anyone else’s tumblr being super super glitchy? It’s been that way since yesterday ahhh 😭
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syekick-powers · 3 months
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"And I can't love you, any more than I do..."
(original pose by @adorkastock)
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pastelpousay · 2 months
OKAY SO IM GOING TO BE TAKING A BIT OF BREAK FROM MY ART SO I CAN WRITE MY FIC (should probably start referring to it by it’s title 💀) but uhhh yea I’ve been microfocusing on my art for a moment 😭 I’ll probably make more Hadina art but at a much slower pace cuz I’ll be in school and ‘won’t say I’m in love’ chapter 2 will be in the works and I’m still mapping out the plot and things as it goes along.
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heysye · 5 months
Tagged by: @chenanigans
Name: sye, also known as.... sye
Sexuality: ace
Hogwarts House: Favourite D&D Classes: bard but its also the only thing ive played and i havent played a whole ton yet.... but that soon shall change
Dog or cat person: my sweetest baby kitty kirby has been sick this week and it reminded me of my overwhelming love for her so i am legally obligated to say cat person... shes doing better now :)
Current time: 12:40 pm
Dream job: i could find contentment in a lot of things, doing character design or concept work on a game or animation would probably be THE dream (i have a small role similar to this right now, but like fulltime would be banger). thats kind of a pipe dream though, i dont see it happening. i want to get my doctorates in physical therapy but straight up cant afford grad school... pathology would be great too but there are literally no programs in my state for it... life just aint compromising with me
Favorite animal: froggies! always and forever my number 1... but also axolotls and herps, buggies (beetles!), anddd umm. goldfish!
Blog creation date: idk how to check that uhh i think 2020/21 on this one? my first blog was from like 2013 but was nuked because i didnt really use it
Reason for URL: my name is sye and sometimes people say hey to me
Followers I’d like to know better (if you wanna do it lol): i think chen is like the only person ive met through tumblr and interacted with so maybe some friends from elsewhere who'd have fun? :) @dykedragons @lonelyquail @silverkrystel @vecderg ? oh @caromari too if its your jam lol
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cauterisen · 4 months
kimiko tohomiko honorary american yes but also kimiko tohomiko 4 honorary brazilian
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alexisgentry · 2 years
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Had a lovely week off watching a zillion great movies.
My reviews are on Letterboxd.
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horrorwebs · 2 years
shes saying things about me WHAT is she saying. what does it all mean
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999moreyears · 2 years
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pianistwriter80 · 2 years
hear me out: sith AND vampire anakin...with obi-wan...
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
i just read feysand x reader housewife and I’m wondering if i can request a cassian x housewife reader. like imagine being stressed ab work and then you talk to cassian ab it and he says that you shouldnt worry over things like stressful work, and that you should do whatever makes you happy. so like imagine then reader stays at home and foes whatever she wants woth no stress, maybe she has a business that sye runs so she isn’t burnt out like she used to be and it is all in her speed, maybe she loves writing and starts doing it since she didnt have time before. And omg imagine beefy daddy cassian coming home and he’s so big omg and gives her a hug with his ripped juicy arms and he’s just so manly omg🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 sorry if this is confusing i genuinly lost my mind thinking ab this
At Home
Cassian x reader
A/n: @thehighladywrites has inspired me to write this plus I’ve been dreaming of daddy Cass all week so this is a treat for all of us lmao
Warnings: fluff 🤗
Cassian hated how stressed you were about going to work and how tired you were at the end of the day
It killed him to see you like this
Cass didn't want to stress you out by talking about it so he waited until you came to him
You came home early from work in tears, your mascara all smudged and all sniffly
You went right to Cassian's office and he dropped everything he was doing to comfort you
He took you out for a nice dinner that night to finally propose what was on his mind, stay home and let him take care of you
It was a dream of Cassian's to be able to take care of his mate and now he has the chance
Rhys certainly paid Cassian enough
By the time you sit down for dinner you still have a pout on your lips from earlier
After ordering a bottle of wine and your favorite appitizer Cassian reached across the table to hold your hands with his large ones, "Sweetheart, I want to talk to you about something."
You look up at him, hope twinkling in your eyes. "What's up Cass?" you askk quietly
A small smile pulls at his lips. "I hate seeing you this upset. And I know you like working and being independent, but what do you think about quitting and letting me take care of you? Of us."
You thought you were going to break down again. Not trusting your voice you nod as you pull your lips into a tight smile. "Please," you whisper out
Cassian was ecstatic that he could finally take care of everything for you
In bed that night you went over what would happen from here on out. Cassian would pay for everything, even if it was just a fun purchase you wanted. You are free to spend your days however you want. If you want to stay home and do nothing, great!
If you wanted to start training he'd take you with him
If you wanted to pick up a new hobby Cassian would support you
You went to workout/train for a few weeks with Cassian and the Valkyries for a few weeks until it started to not be fun
You were able to grow closer with the rest of the IC now that you stopped working
Feyre and Mor became two of your best friends
You were even invited to join Valkyrie book club which you loved
Reading all of these books inspired you to start writing yourself
At first it was just for fun and you brought it to book club for the girls to read
Then they started encouraging you to write for real and see if you could get published
Cassian fully supports this and loves how creative you've been. It makes him so happy to see you like this
Another perk of staying home is that you get to spend more time with Cassian
You were super attached to him in general
How can you not love that beefy, sweet, tall illyrian he just has so much love to give and you bask in it
If Cass is away at the house of wind for the day you bake his favorite cookies and you started making delicious dinners for you two
Your favorite part of the day is when Cassian comes home
You run to greet him at the door, "Cassie!" "Sweetheart!" he crouches down a little with his arms open waiting for you to throw yourself at him
He hugs you tight to his chest and spins you around, putting you down and kissing you, telling you how much he missed you
When Cass works from home you sit in his office with him, mostly on his lap becuase you two can't stand to not have your hands on each other
You love being wrapped up in his big arms
sometimes you squeeze and poke at his biceps for fun just to see him flex them as a reaction
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
Have you seen Peacock yet? In love with the idea of Yandere!John and Yandere!Emma keeping you as their pet. They both love you so much. Emma’s a softer yan but she still doesn’t want to let you go. 🥰🥰🥰
warnings: dark, implied/described noncon, kidnapping/captivity, yandere, housewife kink
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You shivered slightly as Emma ran her hands over your hair, humming to herself. "Is the water too cold, sweetie?" she asked.
You didn't answer. It was a little tepid, but that wasn't why you shivered. She sighed a little as she ran her hand down your back, fingers ghosting over a bruise by your shoulder.
"He can be a little... rough, can't he?" she noticed, lowering her voice, and you still didn't respond, looking away from her even more as if the tile wall by the bathtub was suddenly fascinating to you. "Lean back, sweetie, so I can wash your hair."
You did as you were told, laying back to submerge the back of your head in the water; you kept your eyes open at first, but when she looked right at you with those dark brown eyes, you quickly shut your own.
Her hand scooped water over your hairline, carefully avoiding getting any in your eyes. You sighed as you felt her be so delicate with you... you only wish those hands had been so kind before. John didn't say anything when he fucked you; he just held you down, and left you in the bed alone when he was done. Emma came in after, seeming surprised and uncomfortable at the sight of you like that, before softly suggesting 'lets get you cleaned up, dear.'
She sat you back up carefully; at first, you were so unwillingly lost in your memories that you didn't notice her trying to prompt you to lift yourself again.
There was silence, spare the gentle sloshing of water around the tub, and Emma's quiet humming.
"Will you ever let me go?" you blurted out suddenly.
She stopped humming. She sighed a little. "He thinks you're safer here."
"But what do you think?"
She bit her lip, looking away demurely. "Well... I don't think that makes any difference, does it?"
You felt anxiousness stir in your gut as you thought of what you could say then, but feared it would get you in trouble. You couldn't really afford to keep any cards in your hand now, could you? "You could... you could tell him to let me go," you suggested hesitantly.
"Oh-- no, that's not an option," she insisted quickly. "It would be easier to help you adjust to living here now."
Your shoulders sank; realizing this route of conversation was useless, you mostly stopped listening and tried to just think of anything else.
"He's just trying to court you," she explained, "but he doesn't know how."
Not getting a response, she still went on, but moreso talking to herself.
"Maybe he just needs a little help..."
Don't be so nervous. She might like you if you give her a chance! -Emma
John looked at the note with a frown. He wasn't sure what to think of it. He really would've preferred that Emma stayed out of his romantic life, but he also couldn't deny that she probably had some advice he could use... a woman's perspective, that is. John really didn't know anything about women. Hence, keeping you here.
Stepping into the room, he winced a little when he saw you jump, obviously trying to hide how afraid you were of him. He couldn't blame you. But he couldn't help it, either.
For a long moment, you just looked at him; he suddenly realized it was bizarre that he hadn't said anything.
"You look pretty."
He found himself absent-mindedly rubbing his palms on his slacks. "Um... she picked out the dress for me..." you informed him.
"It's pretty. You look pretty," he said again.
You jolted slightly, again, when he stepped in, but he ignored it and walked to the record player. He turned it down-- way down-- and started a slow song quietly. He wasn't sure what he expected; he certainly imagined what might happen, that he might be able to dance with you, but he didn't expect it. You wouldn't want to--
"Do you want to dance?" you offered suddenly, making him whip his head around in surprise. You'd stepped closer to him but seemed to shy away when he looked at you-- he tried to soften his face.
"...do you?" he returned incredulously.
"I... I might," you shrugged, acting a little shy suddenly-- he thought it was rather adorable.
"Why?" he wondered bluntly.
"It sounds fun," you answered with a little smile, but then you glanced away and gave a second answer-- the more honest one, it seemed. "I... I want things to be different, with us."
He nodded. He did, too. He didn't like hurting you... he just didn't think he had any other choice.
"So, I thought... maybe we could dance!" you finished.
"Y-yes, um, sure," he agreed. "I haven't... danced in a long time..."
"That's alright," you assured sweetly, "I'll teach you."
He didn't completely trust your kindness, even if it made his cheeks burn a bit. You'd been so scared of him before, so empty behind the eyes when he forced you onto the bed--
"Can you waltz?" you asked.
"We can do something easier," you decided quickly instead, motioning for him to come a little closer. Nervously, but obediently, he did.
He carefully took your waist, sighing harder through his nose than he meant to-- he didn't want you to know how nervous he was.
But he probably gave it away when you reached up and held his shoulders, and he looked at you with wide eyes.
Then, you started to sway together-- slowly, in time with the music. He couldn't look away from you, even when he realized that you were looking away out of awkward discomfort. You just looked so beautiful like this, and holding you in his arms just felt so right. He held his breath when you leaned in and laid your head on his chest, as if one wrong move would scare you off.
He thought about asking you why you were doing this. He thought about telling you that he knew all along you were made for him-- that you would be happy here, if you let yourself accept it. He thought about just grabbing you and pulling you closer, desperate to feel your body against his own. But he was too scared: he didn't do anything, not until you told him to.
You looked up at him suddenly, with wide and pleading eyes. "You can kiss me, John," you whispered.
What could he possibly say to that? Thankfully, he got the sense that he didn't really need to say anything... he could just kiss you, apparently, so he did. He wasn't really sure if he was doing it right-- but it felt right, pressing his lips to yours softly. You were so sweet and delicate... he melted a little, right then, knowing more than ever that he made the right choice bringing you here. His heart was pounding and his mind was swarming with the overwhelming obsession with you that he could hardly believe he'd once tried to fight.
You started to pull away, but his desperation took over-- he grabbed your face and kissed you harder, following you when you stepped back until you stumbled into the dresser and he had to catch you. "John, wait--" you mumbled.
"Don't wanna wait," he groaned in reply. "I waited so long for you already--"
Still, you pushed him back at the shoulders, and he quickly wiped his mouth as he broke away from you. "I'm sorry," you said right away, "it's not-- it's not that I don't want you to... I just wanted to talk to you first."
"Oh... okay," he mumbled, feeling more confused than ever. What was there to talk about?
"I... I think you're very sweet," you told him, "and I always thought that-- it's why I came to the bank so much, you know. To see you."
He smiled a little. He'd always suspected that, but never let himself truly believe it. A girl like you would never go for a guy like him... or he wouldn't have had to do this.
"But it's just... it's not practical, is it?" you said. "The way you went about it--"
"I-I just need you too much," he tried to defend.
"No, I understand," you promised with a sigh, "and I'm not angry. But... I think maybe... it might be better if you let me--"
You whined a little. "You didn't even hear what I wanted--"
"I don't need to. You want to leave," he accused. "And I won't let you."
"John, you can't do this. You can't keep me here forever!" you yelped.
"You say you want things to be different with us, then you say that," he sneered. "You want to make me angry, don't you?"
"No, John," you denied quickly, but he was already stepping closer, backing you into a corner. "John, please--"
"You want me to be like this!" he continued regardless. "You're trying to make me angry!"
You shook your head, eyes welling as he pushed you back.
"You know you can't leave. You know I can't let you leave," he growled, grabbing you hard as you whined and tried weakly to fight him. His chest swelled with an addictive sort of rage... no, he didn't want to hurt you, but something made him feel sickly proud when he did, because he could. "You belong to me now. Nothing's ever gonna change that."
"Please," you sobbed weakly, hiding your face in your hands-- but he pulled them away and pinned them back, pressing himself to you until you looked up at him fearfully.
"I'm never letting you leave this house," he assured, "you'll be lucky if I let you leave that bed again."
You had barely even opened your mouth to protest when he wrapped his hand around your neck, choking your cries into silence.
"Not another word, Mrs. Skillpa," he whispered sharply. "This is my house-- and I own everything in it. I'm in charge here, understand?"
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syeko · 1 year
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syekick-powers · 3 months
For ask game betrayal and failure
since you said i should answer them about whatever characters im going to answer these two questions for sylvus cenryx and sebylen. just for funsies.
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Sylvus: sylvus has thankfully not experienced major betrayal or betrayed someone outside of his horrid relationship with his adopted sibling. those two have backstabbed each other so many times growing up that sylvus expects saleth to do so over the slightest issue.
Cenryx: oh yeah he has definitely been betrayed. he got majorly betrayed by a high-ranking figure in the cult he used to be in. it completely traumatized him and made him paranoid about other people betraying him again. he hasn't really betrayed someone else but if he didn't trust or like someone he would do so easily.
Sebylen: sebylen hasn't really experienced major betrayal and would only betray someone who trusted them if they viewed that person in an incredibly unfavorable light.
failure: What’s your OC’s greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
Sylvus: he definitely considers how horrible his relationship with saleth is to be his greatest failure. he absolutely cannot move past it still and is instead running from it at any given time.
Cenryx: he considers his greatest failure to be getting pulled into the cult who raised him to adulthood in the first place. while he wouldn't go back and undo the failure, he hates the fact that their recruitment tactics worked on him. he has not really been able to fully move past it, but keeps that a secret from everyone.
Sebylen: they've had some up and down moments throughout their life but hasn't really considered anything their "greatest failure" so far. they're relatively young (for an elf) so as a result are still pretty fresh-faced and comfortable with themself.
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yurachka2 · 3 months
Sebby Started have feelings ? Through out the entire 213 chapter of latest black butler chapter.... I have noticed sebby wanted to spend 'alone' and 'relaxing' time with Ciel very desperately....like sebby was trying to find some petty excuses to spend some relaxing 😎 and alone time with Ciel....It almost sounded like 'they were on a Honeymoon' together lol 😅 .... that's a huge change in sebby if I compare with previous arcs ....the more I re read the ch 213 , more sebby starts to sound like a opportunistic boyfriend who never got the chance to have a proper 'alone' time with their 'highly ambitious career oriented gf' ....but obviously Ciel was having none of that.... another significant change in sebby....is he genuinely clueless? Or becoming clueless as in being love with Ciel ??!?! After getting hit by Undertakers death Sye in the book of Atlantic ....I have started to notice a great change in him ....like watching his own camera 📸 roll flashbacks made him realize that 'there is something more than just eating souls' .... It even looks like sebby is very much into the journey and the lore with Ciel ...like sebby is truly enjoying his moments...but it also looks like sebby doesn't want to eat Ciel's soul anymore....like as if he found something more profound than 'chasing after high quality souls' ...it looked like sebby deliberately not wanting to chase after his soul....he just wants to spend some alone and relaxing 😎 time with his precious young master...but it looks like Ciel is clueless about sebby's recent desires...that's why ciel was slightly irritated when sebby was suggesting a relaxing moment...in Ciel's head he was extremely stressed like he was thinking 'Im a fugitive I gotta hide ..no time to relax' ...in sebby's head 'Finally! Some alone time with my precious young master...I will talk my way out to have some relaxing time with him' ....is that's why they freaking forgot to disguise 🥸? Like most of the jobs like that depended upon sebby...but sebby being this clueless about disgusing their appreance really a drastic change in his character....until at the end that damned Dwarf caught them and ruined their honeymoon 😭
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heysye · 2 years
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hello friends from twitter :) its nice to see so many of yall here now too! thanks for comin
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bonez-and-gutz · 7 months
intro post!!
making one of these cause i’m getting more and more followers (aaaa!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫)
my name is sye, i am 22 years old, im bi (but i prefer guys), ftm pre-everything (hoping to start t soon 🤞), and i have a boyfriend who i love very much
i post about mostly nsfw topics but i also occasionally post written smut for different fandoms and sometimes vent posts because mental health is icky
click the keep reading to see k1nk list and DNI
-under 18
-fem aligned
-into detrans/forced feminization
-r@pe/inc3st kinks
-pro an@
-glorify sh
all of these are giving and receiving :3
-kn!fe/gUn play
-pet play (to a certain extent)
-int0x (w33d)
-fingers 🤤
-free use
i am taking requests for smuts and other fics, but i do not write about real people or minor characters
i am in a relationship!! i do not want anyone hitting on me in my dm’s!! dm’s are open to anyone who wants to talks or be moots, but any sexual or romantic remarks and you will be blocked :3
i am more than happy to take compliments when it comes to my blog or discuss the content i post or answer questions abt my sex life (cause it’s fun). but i will not engage in any conversation that is even remotely related to sexting or roleplay. that is not my blog, you can find that somewhere else.
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