#syd's corner <33
pinkanonhopes · 11 months
LEO!!! i’ve been meaning to send you an ask and then i saw u sent me one and it was the perfect reminder :) how are you? i hope you’re doing great as well! i wish you all the kindness and love and warm comfort in the world 🫂
hi my dearest!!!! first of all, i'm only answering now cause i've been out of town and very busy. sorry for the wait hon <3
i am doing very good!! i've just come back and it has been a very busy and very tiring week so i'm feeling pretty sleepy and not in the mood to do much but i've got a couple of nice things to do so. it's nice. i can chill and read and play the piano and learn new songs and go to the park in the evening. the perfect summer indeed.
i wish you only the very best sweetheart!!!!!!! <333333
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Her Song part 33
"I'm just gonna go take a quick walk around the building. He might be here," JJ announces.
"Okay. Be safe," I reply. She nods and exits the apartment, leaving Florence and I alone in the living room.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me about any of this," Florence starts. "I mean, we're in a relationship, are we not? I know we haven't really had this talk yet, but I'm not gonna dance around it with high school bullshit. I really care about you, Y/N, and that means no keeping secrets from each other."
"I know, Flo, I know I should've told you. But I was just so focused on getting you and Syd out of here, I wasn't thinking. I just want you to be safe, mon amour. Je t'aimerais jusqu'à la fin de mes jours."
Her glassy eyes look into mine and I smile softly. "I have no idea what the fuck you just said, but it was really hot," she says. We both laugh and I pull her body close to mine, wrapping her in a tight hug.
"It doesn't matter," I whisper into her neck, pressing a kiss to the soft skin. "I wanna do this. I wanna be all in with you. As soon as Ben is gone, I want you. For real. I want the world to know that I am head over heels for Florence Pugh. I want Syd to know. I just want you."
"Head over heels, huh?"
"From the second I laid eyes on you."
"Let's tell the world, Y/N."
"Yeah." We smile like teenagers in love and kiss fervently, forgetting the troubles surrounding us, just for a moment. My phone dings in my pocket. I ignore it and hold Florence closer. It dings again. I sigh and dig it out.
"What the hell?" I mumble, jumping up from the couch. I get out on the balcony and squint my eyes to try and see the rooftop of the building across the street. I can't see anything. My phone vibrates with an incoming call from JJ.
"JJ, what's going on?"
"Well, I caught your friend here lurking around the building. Not very nice," a male voice gravels through the phone. "Don't worry though, sweetheart, I took care of her for us. See you soon."
"Ben, I swear to god if you touch her-" He cuts me off by ending the call. "Shit!" I yell.
"Y/N, what's going on?" Florence asks shakily. 
"Stay here, call the police," I instruct as I throw on a pair of shoes.
"Are you fucking crazy? You're not going out there alone! Tell me what's going on!"
"Flo, there's no time! Just trust me, okay? Call the cops. I'll be back." I open the apartment door and step out, looking back as I exit. "I love you, Flo." And then I close the door, running through the apartment building. Down the stairs. Down. Down. Faster. Down. Across the street. My lungs are burning. I don't have a fucking plan. I reach the building across the street. The doors are locked. I run around the side, trying every door in sight. They're all locked.
"Fuck!" I grunt, pulling on another door. I run around the back of the building, tripping over the cracked concrete but quickly getting back up. I see the fire escapes, and I take my chance. I climb up and up until the black metal stairs end. There's still about ten feet to the roof. Fuck. I glance over at the metal pipe attached to the side of the building and swallow thickly. Before I can change my mind, I grab ahold of it and swing my body off the fire escape, placing my feet on the rivets in the pipe. I take a few shaky breaths, then force myself to climb. Up and up, until I reach the top and heave my body onto the roof. "Holy shit," I breathe, standing shakily. I glance around but don't see anything. 
I pause, thinking I heard something. A man's voice. I can't make out what he's saying, but I know it's him. And it sounds like he's dragging something. JJ. I step quietly across the roof, pausing when I reach the corner of what looks like a small utility room. I peer around the corner and immediately jump back, seeing Ben dragging JJ's motionless body across the roof.
"Y'know, it's not very nice to spy on people, Agent Jareau. You couldn't have just left us alone, huh? It's too bad...You were a pretty one," he mumbles.
My heart lurches in my chest and I step out from the corner. "Ben!"
He looks up with wide eyes, momentarily looking ashamed to be caught red-handed. "Well hey there, darlin'. Glad you could join us. Wanna lend a hand?" I don't say anything. "No? Okay then. Why don't you sit pretty and give me a few minutes okay? Then we can talk, yeah?" he says brightly with a sickeningly sweet smile.
"Fuck you," I spit, but I'm frozen to my spot. My legs won't move forward. I'm scared of this man. I don't want to be, but, fuck, I am.
"Oh, we'll get there, baby, trust me. But right now I'm busy," he grunts, dragging JJ's body once again. I lunge forward and push him, but he barely budges and now I'm only a few inches from his huge body. "See now that was just unnecessary, sweetheart," he says tightly, grabbing my arm.
I wince, already feeling the bruises forming on my arm. "Ben, you're hurting me," I say through clenched teeth.
"If you want me to play nice, then you're gonna have to behave," he spits.
"Hey, douchebag!" someone yells, and then Ben collapses to the ground. Florence is standing there holding a pipe, her mouth agape.
"Holy shit, Flo. I told you to stay there! What the fuck!" I yell, panicking.
"Oh, yeah, you clearly had the situation under control here. I'll just go then, yeah? You can deal with the big stalker-man by yourself, hm?" she retorts, visibly panicked.
"I was working on it!" I scream.
"You cunt!" Ben seethes as he staggers into a standing position, clutching the back of his head. He stumbles toward Florence and I jump in front of her. He steps closer and I slap him across the face as Florence and I both scream. "I'm gonna kill you both, I swear to god!" Florence knees him in the nuts and he crumples to the ground, his face bright red. He grabs her ankle, pulling her to the ground as he punches the side of her face, and she falls unconscious. He lunges at me with a knife, tackling me to the ground and holding the blade to my throat. "I didn't wanna have to do this but I'm running out of options, sweetheart. I'm giving you one last chance to behave. Are you gonna be a good girl for me?"
"Go to hell," I grit out as I feel a line of blood trickling down my throat. He puts more pressure on the blade and I feel it cut deeper, but then his face goes slack and he falls to the ground beside me. I don't even register the gunshot. I only stare into his glassy eyes. Everything is ringing and I'm getting dizzier. He's dead? They're safe. It's okay. He's dead.
I faintly hear yelling. Someone is kneeling over me, tapping my face. "Hey,  Y/N, baby, c'mon. Say something, please. It's Flo, can you hear me?"
"It's, yeah...I can- I can hear you," I mumble.
"She's losing a lot of blood," Flo says tightly.
"I know. The ambulance is on the way," JJ answers, blood dripping down the side of her face.
"Flo? Am I- Am I gonna die?" I cough, blood spilling from my mouth.
"No, darling, you're not gonna die. I promise, okay? You're gonna be just fine. Syd needs you, Y/N. Just keep your eyes open, okay?"
"Okay," I whisper, but everything's getting heavier and I'm just so tired. My eyes start slipping closed.
"Hey, don't do that. Stay with me, Y/N. Y/N? Hey, I love you, asshole. Keep your eyes open. Just for a few more minutes, okay?"
"Okay," I promise, and then my eyes close and everything goes black.
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dannyxwhitechapel · 1 year
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❝ I wanna tear this place apart tonight                                         And have you thank me for my rage ❞
( n/a / 33 / cis male / he/him ) — did you see DANNY WHITECHAPEL wandering around the island today? they kind of look like CHRIS WOOD from certain angles? i heard around town that the FREELANCE HACKER is CHARMING, and PATIENT, but also IMPULSIVE, and MANIPULATIVE. people say that they remind them of BRIGHT COMPUTER SCREENS, TWIZZLERS HANGING FROM THE CORNER OF HIS MOUTH AS OFTEN A CIGARETTE, and LEATHER JACKETS, and HEARTACHE by FROM ASHES TO NEW is definitely their theme song. they seem like a nice enough person, but we all know how hard it is to keep a pristine reputation in a small town. ( marie / 27 / est / she/her )
triggers: mentions of parental neglect, childhood abuse, domestic abuse, death, violence
Character Name: Daniel Samuel Anderson (now Whitechapel)
Nickname: Danny, Danny Boy,
Age: 33 years old
Birthday: June, 27th 1989
Gender/Pronouns: Cis man, He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Hacker.
How long they’ve been in Kingshaven: Two month
Similar: Kai Parker, Alex Karev, Crowley, Katherine Pierce, Mon-El, Joey Tribianni (foodie), Stiles Stilinski (techie), Theo, Johnny Faust, Damon Salvatore
Inspo: Spotify | Pinterest
pretty goofy (idiot)
THE CHESS MASTER - this is an incredibly patient muse, they may seem oblivious, but in reality, they are quietly plotting something big. they’re intelligent and not everyone around them is aware of this, which works to their advantage.
key points:
Danny was born into a trashy family that lived in a small town on the outskirts of Nashville, TN.  His father was famously abusive in the household, beating on him and his sister more often than not. His mother was an addict who used heroin and coke as a means to escape the life they lived. 
She passed away when Danny was eight and his sister was three. Overdose. After that, Danny was left to try and raise his sister while dealing with their abusive father. Most of Danny’s life was spent figuring out his next meal and avoiding a beating at his father’s hand. 
The only ray of minor sunshine in his life came in the form of his first love (wanted connection). They grew up together, neighbors, This person knew of the horrors behind the Anderson home, but she tried her best to alleviate it through their friendship. Danny and her were complete opposites but it worked. They grew up as best friends and she was the first person Danny found himself actually caring for. More information is found below. 
His father eventually passed away during Danny’s junior year of high school under suspicious circumstances. Without the man’s domineering hand upon him, Danny’s familial ties disintegrated. He didn’t particularly care for his family and though maybe odd, the lack of being able to connect with people wasn’t abnormal...at least to Danny it wasn’t. 
From early on, Danny had developed a love for technology. A geek to the core, he was quick to learn his way around a computer and even quicker to learn his way around the web. 
He has built a reputation online as one of the best-known hackers. He is a certified hacker for a legal front but most of his sizable income comes from jobs he does through the dark web. 
A year and a half ago, Danny met Syd Whitechapel while the man was passing through his town. Their connection was conflicting at first. The two are far too similar at times to seemingly make it work. Not to mention that Daniel had been living in the closet for far too long. 
Sooner than both thought possible, they fell in love. Even faster than that, it seemed, the two were on the road. They left behind a mess of Danny’s hometown but there were no regrets.  A couple of months later, Danny planted a wedding ring on Syd’s finger while they were in bed together and that was their marriage. 
They lived on the road for most of their time, only stopping in towns for a couple of weeks at time. 
Two months ago, Baby - Syd’s car that Danny is convinced he loves more than him - shit the bed. Much to his husband’s dismay. While they are waiting for the car to be practically built back from the shell up, they are making somewhat of a life in kingshaven.
What the town doesn’t know is they gained more than they bargained for with these two. 
Do not call him by his full name. He absolutely hates it.
Has a pretty bad temper and is sadistic to the core. A bored Danny is a dangerous Danny. His mind needs constant stimulation or he grows exceedingly restless and that leads to impulsive decisions that bring the sense of chaos and adrenaline he needs.
The kind of guy that can be ruled by his emotions (impulsivity) and thinks about things later.
Lower on the sociopathy scale so he’s able to feel some emotions at a higher intensity and comprehend to an extent but he prefers not to. He technically has a sense of right and wrong but blatantly doesn’t give a shit and would prefer to cause destruction at others' expense.
As a result of - what he calls his “normie” side, Danny can make more connections and does care about certain special people.
Daniel loves twizzlers - that is the way to the man’s heart. 
He knows how to ride a motorcycle. Owned one back home but sold it when he hit the road. 
Was a bartender in his early twenties and hated it so he only did it for a couple of years. 
Danny is fascinated with technology. He has heavily invested in it since he was young and has become a tech wizard of sorts, going as far as becoming one of the most well-known hackers on the dark web, even if not known by his actual name. Mostly, he does it for fun because why the fuck not? Besides the illegal stuff he gets to pull is downright ridiculous and sometimes, enjoyable. Plus, his comfortable bank account is not complaining at all.
He wears a silver band with the words partners in crime on his left ring finger - it’s his wedding band, handmade by his husband. It’s a combination of the original rings Danny got and the creation of Syd’s hands.
Often is seen wearing a black leather jacket
Fluent in English, some French and is determined to learn Ukrainian.
wanted connections
First Love/Best Friend: This girl was Danny’s best friend growing up and one of the few people he genuinely cares about. He has always had a soft spot for her and probably always will. She was sunshine in the midst of his dark childhood and the reason why Danny even knows how to love or really form any sort of connection with people. They dated through high school but mutually broke up at the end of it as life took them separate ways. They reunited briefly back home before Danny left Nashville. There is a sense of unfinished business among them.
Younger Sister: The Anderson siblings would have had a difficult relationship. To an extent, Danny would have been protective of his sister. Whether that is born out of genuine concern or obligation is up for debate. His sister would have had a front-row seat at the earlier and maybe more subtle signs that Danny had never fully been there in the head. The early signs of lack of empathy, manipulation, and sadistic behavior. However, these were minimal and often went unnoticed or overshadowed by the horrors of their home. Brushed under the rug as a result of just trying to survive. She left home to live with some distant relatives when she was twelve and they haven’t seen each other since. We can discuss their dynamic afterward. Would love to explore that relationship and how it would be now that they are grown up and have been separated for so long. 
Enemies: Danny has no regard for right or wrong and whatever he does is born out of either spite, boredom, or sadistic need. I would love to see an enemy relationship that bites him in the ass. Someone he wronged in the past? someone who can sense something isn’t fully right about him and calls out his bullshit? 
Previous Customers: Danny’s jobs online vary from menial things or higher jobs. From black mail, to finding out personal details of someone, to hacking into a major corporation for retaliation. He’ll do anything for the right price and nothing is too dark or dirty for him. Does your muse have a dirty little job that might need some assistance? 
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ob-la-di-ob-la-di · 3 years
pink floyd
Omg I just have answered this!!! Anyway thank you babe for the ask<33
Favorite song: Mother
Least favorite song: I don't have any
Have I ever seen them live : unfortunately No *runs away to a corner and cries*
Favorite band member : Syd
Least favorite band member : *inserts blinking white man gif*
How many of their albums you have: all of them :)
Favorite album : The Wall ( rog and I have same concept)
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bedbellyandbeyond · 5 years
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(Story Post, New Character)
They didn’t waste time after breakfast getting ready for the ritual. There were pearl coloured robes for the humans to wear but Dusty and Köbi were expected to be in their true forms (or at least truest form with out blinding the others). In their true forms however, they both had wings and took up a lot of space. They had to tuck their wings very close as they were packed into the elevator, both not wanting to touch wings as well and limiting their space even more for it. Dante was blowing feathers out of his face as he waited to see what floor Sydryn chose.
They chose the ninth floor, the very top of the whole complex. It took only moments for them to be lifted up there and then the doors were opening again. What they saw then didn't even make sense for the layout of the building. They were entering what appeared to be an enormous cathedral. Gold gilded the walls and ceiling. Niches held statues of various divine creatures and prophets. To call it a cathedral would greatly diminish the intersectionality of it all as it appeared that religious symbolism from all corners of the world had a place here. Decorated prayer mats adorned the floor, a Shinto arch framed the way in from the elevator, and a bronze font sat on the side of the entrance. There were other forms of symbolism the party had never seen before and too many to list. A figure dressed in black, white and gold robes, with alabaster skin and golden horns, swept towards them and bowed, golden jewellery dangling from their neck. It was quite clear that this dragon hoarded religion. Sydryn was immediately disgusted by the sight of their peer. They scowled at them as they approached but stepped forward to greet them. “Azeros,” Sydryn addressed. “We've come to use your space.” “What kind of greeting is that to your superior?” Azeros said, getting even closer to Syd and taking their arm. “Good morning. Blessed be the day.” Sydryn was clearly using everything in their power not to spit in the face of this dragon. “Good morning.” “Please. Do you really want to carry that negativity to our offspring?” Azeros asked, placing a hand on Sydryn's stomach. The doctor immediately snapped and grabbed Azeros's arm, twisting it backwards. “Don't you ever touch me.” Azeros groaned in pain and pulled their arm away when Sydryn's grip eased. “You haven’t introduced me to your companions.” Sydryn glowered and pointed between Ruben and Dante. “That one's the lover and that one's the bonded. You can determine the rest.” Azeros rolled their eyes and pushed past Sydryn to their visitors. Köbi was absolutely over the moon in this great hall of religious symbols and artefacts. Dusty was very much the opposite. “Angel, welcome,” Azeros said eyeing Köbi in an almost lustful manner. “It is an honour to have you here in my domain.” Köbi beamed. “Your collection is very impressive. I feel like I'm in...well. If I can't say in front of the humans...” Dante and Ruben both looked at him curiously. “I understand,” Azeros said. “Make yourself at home here.” They moved on to Dusty. “You are also very welcome here. There are many religions who worship the demon. Perhaps after the unbinding, you would chose to stay with me. Both of you.” “Not in your wildest dreams,” Dusty stated glaring at the dragon. “There's no way I'd even consider having a sleepover with someone Syd clearly hates so much.” Köbi didn’t say anything, clearly considering the option. Azeros chuckled. “Sydryn loves me. Our fates have always been intertwined.” “I couldn't loathe you more,” Sydryn stated. “And you think talking to me like that will allow you to use my home?” Azeros asked. “No.” Sydryn looked up at the other. “I know carrying your eggs inside me gives me the right to use your home.” “Now, now...” Azeros withdrew a bit. “You know we all agreed long ago on repopulation terms. You're not the only pregnant dragon right now.” “I agreed to repopulate. I did not chose to repopulate with you,” Sydryn stated pointedly. “Not to mention, you don’t have to carry any eggs. You get to sit around comfortably watching the rest of us suffer.” “I was run through in battle,” Azeros reminded them. “Isn’t that suffering enough?” Sydryn set their jaw and muttered. “You should’ve perished and saved us our suffering…” Azeros rolled their eyes and sighed. “Second eldest always repopulates with the eldest,” they stated. “These rules are known.” “These rules are nonsense,” Sydryn said. “The only factor to consider when choosing partners is whether or not the dragons are related.” “So we're partners?” Azeros said, smiling. “Barely mates.” Köbi raised a hand. “I don't mean to interrupt, but we're losing the morning.” “Right. This way,” Azeros said, waving them down the centre of the hall. The centre was setup as if morning mass was about to begin, but they passed the pews and behind the altar to a much smaller room beyond. The ceiling was still high and vaulted. The room was an opalescent white and carved with unknown ruins. There was a large stone table in the centre of the room the size of a king sized bed. An altar at the back held a large codex bound in leather hundreds of years old. Slots in the domed ceiling allowed for sunlight to pass through stained glass windows, though the imagery in the windows were not the biblical narratives one expects. Instead it depicted scenes of creatures and monsters of all sorts: dragons, demons, angels, centaurs, mermaids, giants, griffins, kappa, kitsune, Jotun, and so on. “What religion is this room for?” Dante asked. “Prodigean,” Azeros said, grinning as they stepped behind the altar. “A very ancient power dedicated to the worship and management of monsters.” Köbi frowned. “I don't fancy the term...” “Of course you wouldn't,” Dusty said. “This is probably the first time anyone's called you that.” “Demons are monsters,” Köbi argued. “Angels are the opposite so we can't possibly be monsters too.” “Have you ever considered we're just two sides of the exact same coin?” Dusty asked. “Absurd.” “Now, I've had to make some modifications to the ritual we are performing,” Azeros stated. “The original would require the human to perish but I’ve merged it with a lifesaving ritual so all should go swimmingly.” “Whoa, hold on a minute,” Ruben stopped. “You merged it? You’re talking about this fatal ritual like some kind of soup recipe you can just throw a couple extra onions in. Aren’t rituals, like, pretty fucking strict about what you can and can’t do?” “Child, I have studied religion and rituals for centuries before your grandfather was even a sperm in his father’s scrotum,” Azeros stated. “I know the limitations.” “You better because this is my partner’s life we’re talking about here,” Ruben growled. Azeros approached Ruben and took his chin in their thin clawed hand. The dragon leered deeply into the human’s eyes but Ruben didn’t waver. Azeros released him and turned to Sydryn. “My dear, when you told me they were in a lover’s quarrel, I had my doubts about this working, but this child is absolutely madly in love. He’s perfect.” Ruben and Dante both glanced at each other, turned away, and blushed. Azeros’s joy only grew. “There’s no faith greater than trusting one’s life to another. Köbi, please look over this tome with me.” “Right.” The angel walked over beside the dragon and read through the ritual they were to perform. From beyond another door, Sydryn was wheeling in IV equipment, including a reclining medical bed, a pole and empty blood bags. They’d also changed into scrubs and they were probably the brightest pink scrubs anyone had ever seen. “Ruben, please join me here.” Ruben walked over and sat down as the doctor got set up. “Forgot you were a licensed doctor for a second… So I’m giving blood the old fashion way then.” “No, the old fashion way would be the way that book describes it,” Sydryn said. “We’d just cut open your palm and Dante’s with some rusty old knife, and make you clasp them tightly together, just hoping your blood would enter his. It’s barbaric and likely to get you killed. This way,” they held up the IV bag, “is definitely the newest way of doing things.” “Geez.” Ruben rubbed his arm. “I’m 33, not 303. IV is the old fashion way to me…” “Being the only way in your lifetime doesn’t make it old,” Sydryn stated. “Put your legs up and your arm out.” Dante went over and sat on the edge of the table nearest the blood donation. He kissed Ruben’s head as the doctor checked his boyfriend’s temperature. “Thank god you’re not my brother. You’d have to knock him out to get blood out of Lino.” “Trust me, I am always glad I’m not your brother,” Ruben stated. Sydryn finished up checking his health then sterilised the the skin over the vein they were going to use. “Count back from five.” “How much are you tak—Ow. Fuck, man,” Ruben complained. “A pint. It’s not my fault you didn’t count,” Sydryn said, taping down the needle now stuck into Ruben’s arm. A machine on a trolley nearby cradled the the IV bag and appeared to rock the blood out of Ruben’s arm. Dante gagged and looked away. Ruben frowned. “You too then?” “I’m not afraid of needles like Lino. I just don’t like seeing blood…” “Then you might want to close your eyes for the whole ritual,” Azeros input, looking up from the codex. “It is entirely blood based.” Dante paled a bit but Ruben rubbed his shoulder with his free arm. “You’re going to be fine,” Ruben said. “You’ll have my blood in you from now on.” “No, Dante’s body will have replaced the blood in about a hundred to a hundred and twenty days,” Sydryn corrected. “It’s the demon’s blood which has lived inside him for so long.” “Wait…” Ruben frowned. “So this whole bonding thing is because Dusty’s blood is inside Dante’s? Would that have any affect on Marco?” “The child? Did you even take basic biology in school?” Sydryn asked. “Actually, no. I didn’t,” Ruben said. Not finishing high school was always a soft spot for him. Dante ran his hand through Ruben’s hair. “Only my DNA was passed on to Marco. Not the contents of my blood. Only Yori’s blood could’ve had an affect on Marco, but I don’t even know if Yori has blood…” “He doesn’t,” Sydryn stated. “What’s a Yori?” Köbi asked getting curious. “Dog spirit.” “A spirit you say?” Azeros asked, interest also peaked. “Like a ghost or a god?” “Wouldn’t you like to know,” Sydryn scoffed. They left the room for a moment only to bring back cookies for Ruben. It took another ten minutes for the bag to fill, and then Ruben was cleaned up and they were ready to start the ritual.
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canonicallyanxious · 5 years
“i never lose your stuff.”
Untitled Original Project | Jessie Yang/Sydney Walker | 1.2k words
It’s Femslash February and it’s Valentine’s Day!!! I wanted to do something to celebrate, so even though I haven’t written much recently i do have a tiny thing to offer - a little pre-canon sketch of some of my oc’s from a story i’m currently working on. In this scene, Jessie is 14, and Sydney is 13. Please enjoy! <33
Jessie loves track meets, loves them with all her heart, she really does. The warming up, the racing, the spectating, and also surrounding herself with people who are almost as intense about track and field as she is. She always tells her coach she kind of wishes track meets happened every day, and her coach always says that if they actually were every day she’d be wanting to quit the sport entirely within the week. But as amazing and wondrous and brilliant as Coach T is, between the two of them there’s only one person who can see inside herself, and even if no one else in the world believes her, she at least knows the truth, and that’s pretty much all that’s ever mattered to her.
The one part of track meets she loves a little less than the rest of it - just a little - is the before part. Not the warming up, but the getting ready. There’s plenty of other people who probably hate that part, too, because the nerves can be especially bad in the locker room when you’re surrounded with your competition and there’s absolutely no one to talk to and all you can really do is wait until your time to go out on the track.
That’s not her reason, though.
Her reason is that it’s so fucking boring.
Honestly if she could just come here and run in her street clothes she’d do it. But jeans and long loose hair in the wind aren’t particularly conducive to winning a gold medal, and she likes winning gold medals too much to actually risk trying. So here she is, yanking through the snarling tangles of her hair to manhandle the mess into something that won’t get in the way - a tight ponytail, usually, but with her thick and smooth hair it takes way more bobby pins than it should - and biting her tongue so she doesn’t scream out loud. It’s a bit early for that kind of thing, she knows.
There’s a light tap on her shoulder, and she twists around to see who it is. It’s a black girl who’s a couple inches shorter than her, treble clef necklace gleaming in the overhead lights and heels of her velcroed shoes pressed neatly together.
“Hey, Jessie,” the girl says, beaming.
“Syd!” Jessie surges forward to wrap her in a big, gangly-armed hug. Syd huffs a laugh into her shoulder as she staggers back from the force of it, and that’s how Jessie knows she doesn’t mind the surprise attack. “What are you doing here?”
“That’s what you always say,” Syd sniffs as she pulls away. “Like you’re even surprised at this point.”
And of course she’s right, because she always is. But sometimes pretending to be surprised can feel kind of good. Like they just ran into each other simply because they were meant to.
Syd’s eyes shift to the brush in Jessie’s hand, and then the top of her head, her eyebrows raising. Probably shocked at the complete disaster that is Jessie’s attempt to tie her stupid hair up.
“I don’t understand,” Syd says. She reaches out to pull her fingers lightly through Jessie’s hair, and tucks a loose strand behind her ear. “You have the straightest hair known to mankind. Why is this so hard for you?”
“You know I’m not good at the girly shit.” Jessie wipes her nose with the back of her hand.
“It’s not girly stuff,” Syd chides. “It’s just - life stuff.”
“Hey, you’re great with life stuff,” Jessie says. She sticks out her hairbrush and smiles at Syd hopefully. “Why don’t you do it?”
Syd shakes her head, though there’s no hiding the smile tugging at her mouth, either. “I swear you do this every time. You can’t always count on me to do your hair for you, Jessie Yang.”
“Please?” Jessie clasps her hands together and pulling her face into an exaggerated pout. It’s not the kind of thing that would work on anyone - Jessie’s not that brand of adorable. But that’s not really the point, is it?
Syd gives her a pointed look - one that lets her know she knows her game exactly - but she reaches out and takes the brush anyway. “Here, turn around,” she says. “You can borrow my scrunchie, ‘cause I don’t think these cheap hair bands are gonna cut it. Just please don’t lose it.”
Syd’s long and careful fingers start pulling through Jessie’s hair, a slow and gentle motion. Already it feels so much better. Jessie lets her eyes slip shut.
“I never lose your stuff,” Jessie says, which is true. She’s losing her own hair bands all the time, every day. But never Syd’s.
“Yeah, I guess that’s true,” Syd says. The brush starts running through Jessie’s hair, pulling at her scalp in a way that tingles not too unpleasantly. “How are you feeling about today, anyway?”
Jessie has to resist the urge to start bouncing on the balls of her feet, thinking about the upcoming races today. Probably wouldn’t help Syd at all. “Good, I’m feeling real good. I think this one’s going to be a piece of cake.”
“Yeah, I think so, too,” Syd says. “It’s nice out but not too hot. Perfect racing weather. And you’ve run against everyone in your division here, right?”
“Yeah,” Jessie says, clenching her hand into a fist. “I’m gonna crush them into dust.”
“Please don’t actually do that,” Syd says. “I don’t want you to go to jail.”
“Metaphorically, though, can I crush them?”
“Metaphorically, you can do whatever you want.” Syd touches her fingers to the back of Jessie’s neck, feather soft. Her hand is cold. “Done-zo.”
“Nice.” Jessie whirls around and hugs Syd again, mostly because she can’t help herself. Syd’s hands come up and rest under her shoulder blades, warm and reassuring. Not that she needs the comfort, honestly, because she’s not usually in the habit of getting nerves before a race. But - it’s nice, still. It’s proof that someone believes in her - that someone wants to believe in her. And if that person is Syd, all the better.
Some days she wakes up with Syd’s faith tucked snugly under her collarbone and she knows she could do just about anything in the whole entire world.
Jessie leans back, placing her hands on Syd’s shoulders and grinning down at her. “Thanks,” she says.
Syd smiles back, one of those that touches the corners of her eyes more than her mouth; it’s warm, like the sun, and as sincere as the truth. “You’re gonna do great, Jessie,” she says, and goes on her tip-toes so she can press a quick peck to Jessie’s cheek. The customary good luck kiss. Jessie feels herself grin wider at the gesture.
“Waffle House after?” Jessie says, just to be sure.
Syd shakes her head and laughs. She turns and moves to leave the room, twisting her head back around to shoot one last smile at Jessie. “Do you even have to ask?” she calls out behind her, making a jaunty little salute as her farewell.
Jessie turns around to face her locker, the warmth of her own smile still lingering on her face and in her chest.
Yes. The answer is always yes.
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My Top 50 Songs of 2017
Rules and disclaimers:
No more than five songs per artist, and no more than two songs from the same album/EP. Features count as a song for each named artist. I will try to link the songs to their headers where possible. For songs fifty through twenty-one there will be a short quip; the top twenty will have a more detailed discussion.
This list is subjective, as should be obvious. If you don't like this years, maybe you’ll like next years. In the interest of sharing cool tracks, I will list some honourable mentions that didn’t make the list as I heard them too late for consideration. Some songs (and their videos) contain explicit lyrics and imagery.
 Honourable Mentions
Wolf Alice – Yuk Foo
Chromeo – Juice
Rina Sawayama – Alterlife
Sampha – (No One Knows Me) Like The Piano
 50. Tyler, The Creator – I Ain’t Got Time
The percussion on this track, especially the first half, is just sublime. Shout out to the random shakers on the chorus.
49. Syd – All About Me
From one member of Odd Future to another, this song somehow straddles the line between chill and hard, and pulls it off.
48. T-Pain & Lil Wayne – Listen To Me
Who would have thought sampling the ‘Oompa Loompa song’ would sound so hard?
47. Belly – Man Listen
Belly makes some hype music, but his rhyming on this first verse should not go unnoticed. Quality track, with a catchy melody.
46. HAIM – Nothing’s Wrong
The “tell-t-tell me” in the background of the chorus is one of the best things to happen in music this year.
45. Kacy Hill – Hard To Love
The swell of this song, combined with a chorus that only grows larger each time you hear it, makes for 80s infused pleasure.
44. T-Pain & Lil Wayne – Heavy Chevy
This song is just so, damn, southern.
43. Kacy Hill – Arm’s Length
Kacy Hill’s vocal performance on this track is exceptional, and that chorus hits like a truck.
42. Calvin Harris – Slide (Ft. Frank Ocean & Migos)
If you had told me at the start of the year that Calvin Harris would produce some of the smoothest tracks of the year, I would have called you insane. But, here we are. I’d like to give a special shout out to that pitched up vocal sample for being everything that’s right in the world.
41. Travis Scott – Butterfly Effect
The catchy chorus here is accented perfectly by the switch up for the rap verse, which may be my favourite part of the track.
40. Vince Staples – BagBak
Vince Staple’s fusion of electronic music with hip-hop adds a constant sense of movement to a track dripping with political critique and comments on racial inequality.
39. Action Bronson – The Chairman’s Intent
Action Bronson always comes through with constant bars, flow and charisma, so throwing in a catchy refrain is just putting the cherry on top.
Highlight: “I started clapping when the chef brought the duck to the table
Uh, that shit was shining like an angel”.
38. Syd – Body
I’m not sure I fully appreciated how smooth, and sexy, this song was until I began planning this list. The whole track is coercive, and the break down after the chorus serves to let you settle in before the ride continues.
37. Raekwon – My Corner (Ft. Lil Wayne)
First and foremost, I’d like to address the fantastic snare that anchors this track. Secondly, I’d like to remind everyone that Wayne murders his feature, with a flow that just glides through rhyme after rhyme.
36. Lorde – Green Light
Yes, this song is making damn near every list, and with good reason. Lorde’s imagery is superb, and the way this song builds musically is something to behold.
35. DJ Khaled – It’s Secured (Ft. Travis Scott & Nas)
Travis Scott’s hook is phenomenal, anchoring Nas’ vivid lyricism and capitalising on the hype of the instrumental. Maybe we need Travis Scott on more Nas songs?
34. Gucci Mane – Curve (Ft. The Weeknd)
Gucci and The Weeknd suit each other so very well, creating a song that never stops flowing, and revels in its debauchery.
33. Sabrina Claudio – Unravel Me
Alright, why did I have to discover Sabrina Claudio through Spotify radio? How is this track not being plastered over every R&B fan’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts? If I hadn’t found this song so late in the year there’s a good chance it would have landed higher on this list. What a beautiful track.
32. Japanese Breakfast – Machinist
The first time I heard this song is by far my favourite ‘what the fuck’ moment of the year. Add a saxophone solo on top and you have a fantastic track.
31. Lady Gaga – The Cure
I can’t get this chorus out of my head and I don’t want to. Now, that may be aided by the fact that I picture Lady Gaga dancing like an 80s robot while delivering the lyrics, but I can live with that.
30. Cam’ron – D.I.A.
This is some classic Dipset, from the beat to Cam’ron’s nonchalant dismantling of every other rapper’s brag.
Highlight: “50 keys in the tub, that's a real bird bath”.
29. Stormzy – Cold
I love how dramatically hard this beat is, and Stormzy’s refrain “I've been cold the whole season, I should call my next one "Freezing"” is such an excellent, tongue in cheek, cap on the chorus.
28. Injury Reserve – Boom (X3)
Is this the hardest chorus of 2017? Yes, yes it is.
27. Future – Comin Out Strong (Ft. The Weeknd)
Honestly, at this point we need a Weeknd x Future project. The Weeknd is his usual, swaggering self, and Future comes with some surprising intensity and entertaining adlibs.
26. Stormzy – Big For Your Boots
Combine Stormzy’s raw personality on the mic with another catchy hook, and you have a track with insane replay value.
25. Rick Ross – Trap Trap Trap (Ft. Young Thug & Wale)
This song is plain hard. Rick Ross’ change up in flow and voice on his first verse hit perfectly, and Young Thug’s personality complements the track superbly. Throw in some great bars from Wale and you get one of the best trap tracks of the year.
24. N.E.R.D – Lemon (Ft. Rihanna)
The production on this track is incredible, and words can’t describe how badly I want a straight up rap album from Rihanna.
23. The Killers – Run For Cover
The lead single from ‘Wonderful Wonderful’ hits with a fantastic chorus and lyrics that attack the current (or constant) political climate. I’d be remiss to not acknowledge how much this song reminds me of “When We Were Young”, one of my favourite Killer’s tracks.
22. Young Thug & Carnage – Homie (Ft. Meek Mill)
Wait, one second, I might have to revisit my comment on the hardest chorus of 2017... Even if Young Thug does sound like the Cookie Monster.
21. Vince Staples – Big Fish (Ft. Juicy J)
I do love a Juicy J chorus, not to mention a beat with a groove like this. Place a smooth flow from Vince Staples on top and you’ve got a track that will always move your head.
20. Frank Ocean – Chanel
This song has already received accolades from many publications, and the symbolic use of the Chanel logo to frame Frank Ocean’s exploration into the duality of things is surprisingly powerful. Yes, Frank Ocean is a fantastic writer, but this track serves to demonstrate how the mainstream, both in terms of pop culture and music, can be explored and appropriated to analyse deeper social issues. More than that, the fantastic second verse where Frank Ocean belts his lungs out is one of the most cathartic moments in music this year, and serves to remind the listener of how excellent a vocalist he is.
19. HAIM – Want You Back
HAIM’s ‘Want You Back’ was one of the tracks that grew on me the most this year, it’s infectious, 80’s infused sound constantly weaving its way back into my rotation. It’s a song that builds, starting stripped back, and minimalist, before exploding into the chorus with layered vocals, percussion, and some impressively effective vocal samples. There is a certain swagger to the verses here, tying the personality of the band with the sound they create, giving the track it’s smooth movement, and self-assurance. Yes, the relationship is over, but this song is sure in its desire for it to return, and knows it will succeed.
18. A$AP Ferg – Plain Jane
This song is so very addictive. A straight up flexing anthem, ‘Plain Jane’ lands this high on the list for Ferg’s impeccable use of flow. For this kind of track to be effective it needs an MC to bring confidence, swagger, and mic presence that owns the beat and owns who they are. A$AP Ferg executes this perfectly, gliding along the beat to hit all the right points alongside the percussion, and flipping his flow just enough on the chorus to provide a catchy break. It’s a comfortable, commanding presence, accented by a hard beat that is just that bit quicker, and more rhythmically consistent, than the typical trap affair.
17. Lorde – Perfect Places
If any song on this list could be said to have captured what 2017 felt like as a year, especially how it felt for the younger generation, this was it. ‘Perfect Places’ is a masterful display of song writing, diving headfirst into the need for escape in a world that is constantly hammering at our doors. Yes, it deals with the timeless insecurity of becoming a young adult, but more than that it acknowledges the “graceless”, constant nature of it all. There is a distinct helplessness to it all, and as heroes fade what else is there to do but search for an escape? And that’s just the lyrics. The gorgeous production hits like a wall on the chorus, and the synth that accents the refrain is simply stunning. The defining moment of the track, however, is the smallest. Lorde’s mouthed, clicking trigger, where the metaphorical gun that is this song is cocked before exploding into the chorus.
16. Young Thug – Relationship (Ft. Future)
‘Relationship’ contains one of the most exactly crafted choruses of the year. Young Thug begins it, providing his trademark charisma and vocal inflections, and singing in a way that is evidently building to something. Then the beat drops and hits exactly on the first line from Future, signalling the change to more euphoric lyrics from the artist. The rhymes that follow are consistent, but it’s that rising melody that Future provides that will get stuck in your head for days. Once some solid, quotable verses are added, and this song is full of quotable lyrics, it’s back to the chorus, and back to one of the best moments in music this year.
15. PLAZA – Personal
There’s nothing like some good, autotuned debauchery. Plaza’s ‘Personal’ is a vibe; a constant, wavering scent of smoke on the air, smoke that rests deep in your lungs. It’s the taste on your lips the next morning, and the broken, bleary smile given before an early departure. Indeed, it’s the OVO sound through and through. PLAZA flows over the beat smoothly, providing a simple, catchy refrain, that epitomises the song, and the mindset of lust over reason. The song is accepting of this, acknowledging that perhaps the pursuit of carnal pleasure is not entirely good or bad, but simply feels right.
14. Drake – 4422 (Ft. Sampha)
To call this a Drake song seems disingenuous. Even if it was part of the ‘More Life’ package, this is a Sampha song, albeit one fitting of the Drake catalogue. A gorgeous vocal performance from Sampha, ‘4422’ is beautiful in its simplicity. It’s a track that resonates due to its blatant need for any amount of commitment that is not forthcoming. Why? We don’t know. No one knows, because sometimes these moments, and feelings, are inexplicable hunches. They are the twists of the stomach, when we know what feels right, and what doesn’t, but we can’t reconcile the issue and so slip into anxious turmoil. Sampha knows this, and he wants it to end, if only they could meet halfway.
13. Drake – KMT (Ft. Giggs)
I could not stop listening to ‘KMT’ this year. It’s just such an easy, catchy listen. The beat is your standard trap banger, albeit those on beat drums in the introduction are somewhat unique and build the tension excellently. For that matter, the strings themselves are catchy and tension inducing as well. At the end of the day, however, the reason this song is up so high is because it’s just so damn fun to listen to. The lyrics are quotable and often silly or over the top. The flows are catchy, yes, even the ones borrowed from other rappers. Furthermore, Giggs’ voice and adlibs suit the track perfectly, and it all builds to one of the most hype listens of the year. Trust me, if you want to have some fun, crank the speakers and just let yourself be taken away by this track.
12. Kendrick Lamar – HUMBLE.
How much really needs to be said about Kendrick’s ‘HUMBLE.’? The track that cemented Kendrick as the biggest name in rap sees him step into a lane more pop orientated, but yet still viciously lyrical. The beat, courtesy of Mike WiLL Made-It, is not quite the normal trap affair, focusing instead on a staccato piano line that in a lot of ways reminds me of the more simplistic, yet catchy, early 2000s hip-hop beats. It hits perfectly, and Kendrick steps into it with ease, diving in and out of the beat with one of his catchiest flows yet. To top it off the song is filled with quotable lines that you have no doubt seen plastered all over social media, and with good reason. This song is tongue in cheek fun, with just a hint of a more serious edge to it, and I love it.
11. Jay-Z – The Story of O.J.
The best way to experience this song is with the phenomenal video (linked in the title above) which does a remarkable job of conveying the ideas of the track. A journey into the mindset of a fiscally responsible Jay-Z, ‘The Story of O.J.’ attempts to address the need for wise financial decision making to pull people, especially those discriminated against, out of the world they find themselves in. Yet, throughout it all, Jay-Z makes it clear that no matter the success he, or others around him, might experience, they will still be seen in the same, racist light. For a song that attempts to offer hope it is a bitter taste, suggesting that although over time things will change, for now the colour of your skin will still alter people’s perception of you. All of this is delivered over an immaculate beat from No I.D., complete with an incredible sample and tight, punchy drums.
10. PLAZA – Run This
The way this track builds is nothing short of brilliant. It opens up with PLAZA lamenting his interactions with a girl, his reverb soaked voice echoing over stuttering synths. And then the hats come in, and you know those incredible kicks are about to hit. Those three, perfectly timed kicks, hitting on the start of his line like a truck. The track then builds further, the element of ambition and desire slipping into PLAZA’s vocals, the melody switches up, and further synths come in. But then the song pauses for the briefest of moments, the chorus hits, and PLAZA slips into one of the catchiest melodies of the year. It’s flawless, intoxicatingly arrogant, hype, and so very replayable.
9. Bob Dylan – Making A Liar Out Of Me (Rehearsal)
When Bob Dylan released a new bootleg series, I knew there’d be something good on there, and I wasn’t let down. ‘Making A Liar Out Of Me’ is Dylan at his poetic best, delivering line after line of vivid images and scathing critiques. Of much debate is who this song is aimed at. Is it a lost lover? A politician he had faith in? Higher ups in the church that have been abusing their position of power? God, and Dylan’s faith itself? Or, even, Dylan himself? Yes, this track comes from Dylan’s Gospel era, but it’s using that hint of Christianity to inform it’s critique, to build a pastiche of this person who has horribly let him down. I could simply paste the whole song’s lyrics here and leave you to make your own peace with the track, and in essence that is what I’ll do, but I’ll leave you with a personal highlight of mine:
“Well I say that, that ain't flesh and blood you're drinking
In the wounded empire of your fool's paradise
With a light above your head forever blinking
Turning virgins into merchandise”.
8. dvsn – Conversations In A Diner
I’m unsure how many people would have chosen the closer off dvsn’s ‘Morning After’ to land this high on their year end list, but more certainly should have. It is a beautiful end to a stunning record. The vocal performance from Daniel Daley is gentle, delicate and absolutely embodies the love he is attempting to convey. ‘Morning After’ was an album about struggling to keep a relationship going, and to capture those moments of perfection that remained, and this song is a heartfelt promise to continue trying. It’s an exceptionally mature end to the album, accented by some beautiful piano and a perfectly timed choir.
7. Jay-Z – Bam (Ft. Damian Marley)
This is straight up, uncompromising, old school, braggadocios Jay-Z. Over a beat that contains another excellent sample and fantastic drums (shouts out to No I.D. once more), Jay reminisces on the actions that lead him to where he is today. It’s an acknowledgement of the ego that allowed him to succeed, and it contains some of the most vivid images and best lines on ‘4:44’. Damian Marley’s feature is superb, fitting well with the sample, and his charisma builds off Jay’s perfectly. The highlight of the track for me is the superb transition from chorus to verse, where Jay shouts over the last line of the chorus: “Fuck all this pretty Shawn Carter shit n****, HOV”. It brings so much energy to the track and stylistically harkens back to ‘Public Service Announcement’ off ‘The Black Album’.
6. Roy Woods – Instinct (Ft. MadeinTYO)
A track that came out very late in 2016 on Roy Woods’ ‘Nocturnal’ EP (and thus qualifies for this list), I rediscovered the song when the music video dropped earlier this year. Up until that point I hadn’t realised how fantastic the drop on the first verse was, but Roy Woods going crazy in the video certainly opened my eyes. From then on this track was inescapable for me; I’d keep starting it off, listening to those intro lines from Roy Woods, and waiting for the drop. To this day, when that kick hits, and the flow switches, I can’t help but move. It’s the rhythm of this track that really leaves it sticking in my mind, from Roy’s upbeat, braggadocios lyrics and flow, to MadeinTYOs more laid back, controlled cockiness. Throw in a few more quotable, sometimes ridiculous lines (You ain’t got sauce like I got sauce”), and you easily have one of my favourite tracks of the year.
5. dvsn – Body Smile
Another gorgeous song by dvsn, ‘Body Smile’ sees Daniel Daley once more flexing his vocal chops to make up for the things he has done to break his lover’s heart. Of course, he’s not going to make up for them simply by singing, he’s going to make up for it with a night of, apparently, the most passionate, loving sex, ever conceived (no pun intended). Perhaps that is a ridiculous sentiment, but then, in an album dripping in the raw physicality of a relationship, it makes perfect sense. It’s about marrying the emotional with the physical, recognising sex as capable of being more than just enjoyable, but rather as being an honest, unhindered expression of love. That’s just the context of the song. The production itself is slow, ebbing and seductive, culminating in a stellar vocal performance on the final chorus. Then there’s the pre-chorus, which contains one of my favourite vocal melodies and rhythms of the year, with the way it slinks through each word, as if Daniel Daley is trying to skip through the wrongs, but proceeding to get more and more caught up on his mistakes. Yet, all of this song culminates in the last two lines of the chorus, where Daley stops belting, the instrumentation dies down, and we get a beautiful, seductive, pleading falsetto. It’s stripped back, raw, and honest, just as the song is supposed to be.
4. Bleachers – Don’t Take The Money
Jack Antonoff had a big year, but amongst all his writing for other artists he found time to record an exceptional pop song of his own. ‘Don’t Take The Money’ is an undeniable anthem, painting the stress of being in a relationship with vivid metaphors and a mammoth chorus. It attempts to deal with the constant anxiety that comes from being in a relationship, especially, perhaps, when it is not going so well. What if this incredible person disappears? What happens to me? What if they take the metaphorical money and run? It’s an uncertainty fuelled track that acknowledges the incredible nature of love by recognising how fragile it is. Then there is the fantastic, aching production, that grows into a huge, passionate chorus. The percussion, and use of bells, accents it all so well, and it’s the moments when the instrumentation calms that you notice just how textured it is.  
3. The Killers – Tyson vs Douglas
There is so much I want to say, or feel I could say, about this song. First, I want to make it clear how great the instrumentation is. The driving guitar and dramatic synth; the way Brandon Flowers voice screams out the chorus. The sheer size and blatant anxiety of the chorus. It all feels cinematic, as if capturing that final punch and replaying it again and again. But, that’s not really the point. The point is that in front of that TV set was a generation of boys realising their heroes, and, perhaps, father figures, were not invincible. In a world that can be so absurdly masculine, they were witnessing just how fragile it all really was. And that’s not to say it’s bad, but it is a loss of innocence. A realisation that their father, or hero, is fallible, and that sometimes they will break down. They will lose. They will cry. This is a world outside of the conception of a child, and here it is happening in front of them, again and again. It’s a feeling of helplessness because it acknowledges how little control anyone can have over the world around them. In the bridge Brandon Flowers sings “you said it was nothing, but maybe you’re wrong”, because he realises it wasn’t nothing. Every boys view of the world changes when they see their hero, or father, fall, and this song perfectly captures that moment. Incredible.
2. Kendrick Lamar – DNA.
It’s so rare to see a rapper absolutely snap on a track, and on ‘DNA.’ Kendrick lets loose. A track that deals with everything that Kendrick believes makes both him who he is, and makes every other person on the planet what they are, DNA. is a vivid portrayal of the complexities of black culture and the way it is perceived. This idea is demonstrated just before the beat switch, when Kendrick samples a comment from Geraldo Rivera in which he claims that ‘this is why I say that hip hop has done more damage to young African Americans than racism in recent years’. An idea, that aside from being utterly ridiculous, serves as ammunition for a vicious final verse from Kendrick in which he berates the cheapening, and pigeonholing, of black culture, and makes it clear that who he is is something to be proud of.
1. Carly Rae Jepsen – Cut To The Feeling
‘Cut To The Feeling’ has been my number one song of the year since the day I heard it. No other song released this year is so euphoric, so infectious, so bouncy, or so downright undeniable. It provides moment after moment of highlights, and is quite possibly the best produced track of the year. The song starts simply enough, a nice, catchy clap rhythm, building to the vocals, but as soon as the vocals start, everything begins growing. The kicks come in, and Jepsen delivers some staccato vocal melodies with their assistance, before disappearing into a shuddering, building ‘oh’. An ‘Oh’ that takes us to a chorus. The chorus. The kicks hit, the synths and bass swell, and Carly Rae Jepsen sings her damn lungs out. The melody is shoutable, it’s catchy, and its rhythm matches every jump you’ll be making as you dance along. It’s the second half of the chorus that really drives it home for me, where somehow the song grows even larger, and Jepsen sings “I wanna play where you play with the angels”, hitting the word ‘angels’ in the most, well, angelic way possible. Yet, every line delivered in the song hits perfectly, so for me to even highlight them is almost unnecessary. That’s what this song does so very well, every musical aspect is in complete harmony. An outstanding effort in pop music, and without a doubt my top song of 2017.
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pahketz · 7 years
1. Is there a boy/girl in your life? Kinda, idk what’s happening right now tho 2. Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? I don’t remember who last hurt me so I guess I forgive them? 3. What do you think of when you hear the word “meow”? Cats? what else am I supposed to think? 4. What’s something you really want right now? Either to be away from school forever or Torchy’s 5. Are you afraid of falling in love? With the wrong person yes, or with someone who doesn’t love me 6. Do you like the beach? I fucking love the beach. not Galveston beach tho, it’s ugly 7. Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Probably, I don’t remember 8. What’s the background on your cell? It was a generic metallic grey sheet, but now its a cartoon solar system, cuz space is rad 9. Name the last four beds you were sat on? Wtf? My college bed, my home bed, and idk any others 10. Do you like your phone? Yea, the screen’s acting up and a 7 Plus would be nice, but overall I like it 11. Honestly, are things going the way you planned? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no 12. Who is the last person whose phone number you added to your phone? Dude named DJ, he’s alright I guess 13. Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? Por que no los dos? 14. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Well usually emotional lasts longer, but nothing matches the pain of stubbing your pinky toe 15. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Zoo, definitely 16. Are you tired? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA I’m always tired 17. How long have you known your 1st phone contact? If it’s alphabetical then since middle school, but if it’s the 1st number I added to my phone then since Pre-K ish 18. Are they a relative? I’m assuming you’re asking about 17, no they aren’t 19. would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? Only been one, idk she was super religious which wasn’t my cup of tea but it was nice to have someone that cared about me like that. I’m not really sure 20. When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? 30 minutes ago ish 21. If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? Bitch I don’t even know if the socks I’m wearing are the socks I want to keep wearing. Also my life is kinda held together by thumb tacks and scotch tape, so probably not today 22. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Definitely 23. How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? zero, i’m lame 24. Is there a certain quote you live by? “I have no idea what is going on around me, and I’m kinda scared to ask anyone about it”-Me, just now 25. What’s on your mind? Why is there so much trash in the corner of my room? 26. Do you have any tattoos? No, I hate needles. If I didn’t I’d probably get a few 27. What is your favorite color? The color of the blood of my enemies. Or blue 28. Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? I don’t even know what time it is right now, and there’s a clock right in front of me. but hopefully soon 29. Who are you texting? A friend needing a ride back from a party 30. Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? Such a specific question, I don’t think so 31. Have you ever had the feeling that something bad was going to happen and you were right? Probably I can’t think of an example off the top of my head tho 32. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? I’m pretty sure I do 33. Do you think anyone has feelings for you? If they do they should tell me cuz I’m oblivious af 34. Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Everyday cuz my eyes are pretty af 35. Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? “The last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?” Weird question but ok 36. Were you single on Valentine’s Day? Single on V Day for the past 18 years 37. Are you friends with the last person you kissed? I hope so otherwise I have no idea what’s going on 38. What do your friends call you? Oh boy... Pahketz. not funny. nerd. gay. a waste of space. nobody will ever love you. why are you talking to us. you know, the funny stuff... 39. Has anyone upset you in the last week? Texas A&M University 40. Have you ever cried over a text? No, men don’t cry because of our fragile masculinity 41. Where’s your last bruise located? No clue 42. What is it from? No idea, I try to exert as little effort as possible, which leads to very minimal bruising 43. Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? right fucking now 44. Who was the last person you were on the phone with? My mommy :) 45. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? I only have 3 pairs of shoes so I guess not 46. Do you wear a hat if you’re having a bad hair day? I wear a hat every day, so take that as you will 47. Would you ever go bald if it was in style? almost went bald junior year, it sucked. no 48. Do you make supper for your family? No, but I like to bake occasionally 49. Does your bedroom have a door? What kind of bedroom doesn’t have a door? AND 50. Top 3 webpages? Youtube, Netflix, Reddit
Thanks Syd :D
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pcinfra6 · 7 years
Omaxe Cassia 3BHK Ground Floor in New Chandigarh Mullanpur Omaxe Cassia 1725-Sft Corner Ground Floor at 69 Lakh Omaxe Cassia 1725-Sft First Floor at 53 Lakh Omaxe Cassia 1725-Sft Second Floor at 54 Lakh Omaxe Cassia 2200-Sft First Floor at 72 Lakh For Details visit webpage: http://broadwaysrealestate.com/omaxe-mullanpur/omaxe-cassia-floors Broadways Real Estate:95010-31800, 98728-31800 WHATSAPP: Send SUBSCRIBE to 9501031800 for Property Update Website: http://broadwaysrealestate.com omaxe cassia floors mullanpur, 3bhk cassia floors new chandigarh, floors in mullanpur, omaxe 3 bedroom mullanpur, omaxe 3bhk cassia floors mullanpur, omaxe cassia new chandigarh, omaxe cassia mullanpur, omaxee 3bhk cassia new chandigarh, omaxe 4bhk cassia, omaxe cassia floors 3bhk, omaxe mullanpur Highlights of Omaxe Cassia Floor Location: Omaxe Phase 3, Mullanpur Floor Type: (G+2) Independent Floors Plot Area: 300 and 400-Syd Built Up Area: 1725 and 2200-Sfta Accommodation: 3BHK+ Servant Room + 3Wash Room and 4BHK+ Servant Room + 3Wash Room Italian Marble in Living and Dining Room Ground Floor has lawns in Front and Rear Independent parking for all floors Modular Kitchen with Chimney &Hob for all Floors Wardrobe in Master Bedroom with Laminated Wooden Flooring Terrace right of 60 % for 2nd floor Five Giant Parks (One 8-Acre and rest half an Acre each) Musical Fountain, 5-Star Luxury Club, Tree-lined avenues Surrounded by 30 Kms of reserved greens Site Locality of Omaxe New Chandigarh Near to Botanical Garden Pollution free environment Near to Proposed Bus Stand Mullanpur Tree-lined 100 metre road on both sides Beautiful view of mountains Shivalik Hills Surrounded by 30 Kms of reserved greens Near to Proposed Amusement Park / Film City Only 3.5 Kms. from Sector 38 West, Chandigarh Connected to 6 lane highway from Madhyamarg Going to be Punjab’s first ‘eco-town /Green City 4-Kms From Chandigarh Boundary on Baddi Road. State of the art Health village with Medicity in 125 acres 8-Kms from PGI Hospital and Punjab University Omaxe Cassia Floors New Chandigarh Omaxe Cassia Floor 3BHK and 4BHK is constructed on 300 and 400-Syd Plot area having built up area of 1725 and 2200-Sft. Cassia Floor is situated at Omaxe Mullanpur New Chandigarh and is a part of 500+ Acre Omaxe Township at Mullanpur. Mullanpur is spread across 6123.7 hectares in 33 villages around the Chandigarh periphery.. A state-of-the-art seven-star hotel being developed by Omaxe, coming up on 25 acre land, the hotel project outlay is Rs 200 crore. DLF has planned to invest Rs 1,000 crore in Mullanpur for the mega township project on around 170 acre land. With coming up of luxury hotel in Mullanpur, tourism potential of this area would get a boost as the master plan presents an opportunity for a well-managed eco-town environment.
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pinkanonhopes · 1 year
LEO!!! it’s been so long since i’ve been active on here and since i’ve sent a message IM SORRY </3 finals szn is awful i hate it :(( but how are you doing?? i hope you’re doing well <33!
HELP i literally forgot how to send messages and like. use tumblr and interact w/ ppl on here. this is so awkward sjdksjwb
SYD!!!!!! no worries, it's perfectly fine (and it's not awkward at all!!!). i'm doing pretty good!!!! life has been treating me well lately. sending you this lovely drink to help with your finals <33
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pinkanonhopes · 1 year
omg LEO i was looking at your spotify (hope that doesn’t sound weird jsksksjd) and i saw that u listen to bts, ateez, and agust d <33 you have VERY good music taste friend <333
yesss!!!! i don't listen to kpop that often now, but i was a big fan a couple of years ago and still love a lot of stuff. actually, listening to your playlist was kind of a trowback for me lmao
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pinkanonhopes · 1 year
leo!! i listened to the song u recommended on the song tag game while choosing mine and it was so sweet wtf!!! it sort of reminded me of the song okinawa by 92914, i definitely recommend that one :)
anyway, i hope you’re having a good day/night!!!
syd!!!! hello!!
i'm happy you liked the song!! it's one of my absolute favourites since i was 13. one of those songs that i always listen to when i need to calm down or when i'm travelling and stuff like that. it's so so so nice. i'll listen okinawa right now!!!!!
also i'm listening now the one you put on the tag game and while i'm not a big taylor swift fan this is very nice!! so soft.
i'm having a great day!!!!! hope you have a great one as well!!!!!!! <333
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pinkanonhopes · 1 year
leo!!! i saw u had a headache (also i understand the feeling from being around a bunch of 13 y/o 😭😭) so i just wanted to say that i hope you feel better!!! also ty for the question, ur questions are always so fun <33
hey syd!!!!! i did feel a little bit better afterwards but now my headache is coming back :( stupid period. anyhow thank you so much!!! i read this message yesterday right before going to bed and it was such a nice way to end the day. <333333
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
OH i just saw that u won’t be on for a few days so have a nice break 🫶🏽 enjoy my previous ask when u get back online sksjdjsjsbs
ahahah i'm still here!!! just for a couple hours though. but thank you again you're so sweet :__
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
hi leo!!!! i saw ur posts a day or two ago (i’ve been so busy, i meant to send this then 😭) and i just wanna say that i hope ur doing well!!! i hope that things are working out well for you and that ur able to take time for yourself 🫶🏽🫶🏽 and if not, then i hope things get better soon <3
okay that’s it bye bye leo!!!! have a good rest of ur night/day :))
*sobs* aaaa thank you so much syd <333 this is so so so nice. i am doing pretty well, but this ask made my day even better!!!! thank you, i wish the most wonderfulest sunday ever :D
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
leo!!! you changed ur url!!! im not sure when so i might be late akdjsjsh but it’s so cute i adore it!!!!
hi syd!!!! yeahh i did!! chenged it only a couple days ago so you're not late and thank youuuuu <3333
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