askhumanhtf · 1 year
Sooooo...... can some of you guys and gals tell how old you are? (I need you just in case I wanna ask you stuff)
(posting with text and not images for this one since it might take up less data)
I'll give you my HCs for their ages!! :D
Cuddles: 15
Giggles: 14
Toothy: 16
Lumpy: 36
Petunia: 21
Handy: 20
Nutty: 19
Sniffles: 21
Pop: 30
Cub: 4
Flaky: 17
Mole: 23
Disco Bear: 25
Russell: 16
Lifty & Shifty: 24
Mime: 19
Cro-Marmot: ...idk probably 1000000000000
Flippy & Fliqpy: 29
Splendid & Splendont: 20
Lammy: 15
Mr.Pickles: idk he's a p(sychotic)ickle
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no-moremusic · 5 months
eddie picking up the s keychain for sychotic
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Intrusive troll biology with Paclus Sacrin
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SS: No quarrieS=S were S=Submitted to me S=So im going to go ahead and continue on the path of bridging our S=Species together through the S=Spirit of mutual realization that our biology is diS=Sgusting!
SS: today we are going to diS=ScuS=S=S Trollian Reproduction!
SS: now to S=Start, im going to S=Say S=Something. You are going to feel the urge to revert to a nearly decade old verS=Sion of yourS=Self.PleaS=Se attempt to avoid that! or don't! im not nearly checked in enough to be worried about it!
SS: now moS=St of you are already acquainted with the bucket thing, trollS=S of each quadrentS=S fill up a bucket with reproductive material before they are S=Slated to be drafted, S=Said materium is brought to the mother grub, then S=Some form of magic happenS=S and boom! baby trollS=S in copiouS=S amountS=S of egg S=Slime!
SS: now before we S=Start up on the S=SuppoS=Sed magic, we S=Should attempt to underS=Stand the concept of a common anceS=Stor, not the mythological AnceS=Stor, but infact the the TrollittoS=Sphex BurmenS=SiS=S!
SS: notably the oldeS=St S=SpecieS=S of troll at the croS=S=S S=Section of a convergent evolution line between S=Some beeS=S and beetleS=S that were Very inveS=Sted in each other. creating a uniquely fucked up race of hyper violent pS=SychoS=S~!  with that we have a more deS=Scribable and leS=S=S alien way for you, a normal human with way to much intereS=St in alien bodieS=S a in to underS=Stand S=Said alien bodieS=S! 
SS: gaining traitS=S from both beetleS=S and beeS=S, you would aS=S=Sume it would be a fucked up croS=S=S S=Section but thankfully itS=S almost full on bee! ancient trollS=S were divided in worker and S=Soldier trollS=S, thiS=S diS=Stinction becomeS=S more pronounced aS=S trollS=S gained more S=Sentience, efficiency and more intereS=St in understand themselveS=S. 
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SS:the SoldierS=S unfortunately never managed to gain S=Such speedy S=Sentience, relying S=Still on the pheromone baS=Sed orderS=S of the mothergrub. who at thiS=S point had a worker troll harem, which iS=S why the mother grub haS=S the face of a troll but no other featureS=S that resemble a troll. that genetic material is processed the natural way and boom, eggS=S and egg S=Slime! just... copiouS=S amounts of S=Slime...
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SS: S=Sorry, i worked a few S=SweepS=S at a brood cave as a egg S=Slime S=Sweeper and it waS=S horrible and one of the few timeS=S i actually felt groS=S=Sed out. I got over it of courS=Se but getting over it and being fine with the egg S=Slime are two  different thingS=S in my profeS=S=Sional opinionS=S
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SS: anywayS=S at S=Some point in troll culture the acceptability of fucking a maS=Sive troll faced bug started to plummet! from what I can S=See the hacking of pheromone S=Signals of the S=SoldierS=S was aS=Stoundingly eaS=Sy for early troll S=SocietieS=S, and with that the ability to preform artificial inS=Semination on the mothergrub with collected genetic material(aka, the bucket). the “Natural” proceS=S=S of reproduction was leS=S=S about the need to create more trollS=S but something more akin to how you humans S=See S=Sex, S=Something for both pleaS=Sure and S=Solidifying relationS=ShipS=S and a way to feel aS=Stoundingly weird  and awkward about becauS=Se you don't know how it workS=S and everyone haS=S an opinion on where and how you S=Should learn it! then it was hijacked by a pS=Sychotic faS=SciS=St regime that waS=S blown apart by meteorS=S summoned by weird angS=Sty teen godS=S but now where back to the pS=Seudo normal S=Sin againS=St nature verS=Sion minuS=S faS=SciS=St control.  
SS: well that'S=S all from me for now, pleaS=Se! feel free to aS=Sk me anything you happen to have questionS=S on in termS=S of Biology, ChemiS=Stry or Alchemy! oh if you need baking tipS=S i can help with that aS=S well!
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jade-eclipse-lithium · 5 months
Don’t forget the “P” in “Receipt”.
Oh the dinosaur terodactyl. (Pterodactyl)
Not you’re just a fantom (Phantom) in the room.
Y’all sychotic. (Psychotic)
How neumatic. (Pneumatic)
What do you not get?
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sychoticco · 4 years
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Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
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marnie1964 · 3 years
Thank you for tagging me @mochisquish & @ted-imgoingmad 💖
Rules: spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url
Johnny remember me - john leyton 
Everybody (backstreet’s back) - backstreet boys 
Night prowler - ac/dc 
East bound and down - jerry reed 
Silver stallion - the highwaymen 
U remind me - usher 
I’m waiting here - david lynch, lykke li 
Sleeping beauty - night things 
Psychotic reaction - count five 
Axolotl - the veils 
She’s a mystery to me - roy orbison 
Tears dry on their own - amy winehouse 
Out of the blue - roxy music 
National anthem - lana del rey 
Christmas in hollis - run--d.m.c.
Hypnotized - fleetwood mac 
I'll be around - the spinners  
Eyes without a face - billy idol 
Nobody else will be there - the national 
I don’t think that this many people use tumblr, but if you’re out there--consider yourself tagged!
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vampycanines · 4 years
@lesbe-in tagged me to write my url out in songs, thank you!
throne - bring me the horizon
i wish - hayley kiyoko
new - loona / yves
psychotic kids - yungblud
absinthe - i don't know how but they found me
nina cries power - hozier, mavis staples
house of cards - bts
under the water - aurora
make my bed - king princess
as long as we can - blackout problems
neon gravestones - twenty one pilots
tagging @honeycheeriosbabe @claudyjane @iwannabekilledbyfood and everyone who wants to do it!
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the80sbaby · 6 years
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Finished #Beauty4Ashes already 6 songs into my follow up #wewantsmoke💨��💨 #The80sBaby #80sCrewMusic #Mixtapes #STL #HoodMusic #MurdaMusic #PineLawn #PittCity #62 #Smoke #SychoT #TeamMuzik #Rap #NewMusic #Artwork # https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo5Qu63n0vS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3xee30q9hwpp
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whakandmo · 6 years
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metalindex-hu · 4 years
Eric Clayton – Hallgasd meg Saviour Machine frontemberének szólóalbumát
Eric Clayton – Hallgasd meg Saviour Machine frontemberének szólóalbumát - http://metalindex.hu/2020/09/16/eric-clayton-hallgasd-meg-saviour-machine-frontemberenek-szoloalbumat/ -
A Thousand Scars címmel jelent meg a legendás gótikus színházi metalt játszó Saviour Machine frontemberként ismert Eric Clayton szólólemeze. A 78 percnyi, önéletrajzi ihletésű dalokat tartalmazó albumon dalait Clayton írta, a zenét pedig a The Nine-beli zenésztársai, valamint Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz) segítségével komponálta.
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chaoticxgoth · 7 years
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If only I had a sychotic,sociopath, killer to love me💙🖤
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mentalhealthnurse · 6 years
CBT for psychosis, major depressive disorders and severe depression
Kingdon, D., Thase, M. E. and Tarkington, D. (2014)  The promise of cognitive behavior therapy fortreatment of severe mental disorders: a review of recent development.  World Psychiatry.  [Online]  Vol. 13(3), pp. 244-250.  Available: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/wps.20149 [Accessed on 11 October 2018].  
CBT for Psychosis
Whereas many psychosoci al a p-proaches to p sychotic disorders sidestepped delusions and hallucinationsas appropriate targets for intervention,CBT did not, and promising findingsfrom the first generation of randomizedcontrolled trials (RCTs) began to emergein the 1990s. There have been morethan fifty RCTs, which have informed anumber of meta-analyses and narrativereviews. These have generally been posi-tive, and guidelines internationally haverecommended the use of CBT in peoplewith psychosis , especially medication-resistant cases (4,5). Typically, effectsizes ranging between 0.3 and 0.5 havebeen found (6,7).
Utility of CBT for treatment-resistance
One persisting question has beenthe utility of CBT for the patients whomay need the greatest amount of help,namely those who are resistant to mul-tiple courses of therapy with antipsy-chotics. The meta-analysis of Burnset al (9) directly addressed this issue,examining the adjunctive benefit ofCBT in patients with medic ation resis-tant syndromes both on completion oftreatment and at follow-up. Twelverandomized controlled tria ls, with 639participants, were included. Of these,552 completed the post-treatment as-sessment (drop-out rate of 14%). Anoverall benefit for adjunctive CBT wasfound at post-treatment on both posi-tive symptoms (Hedges’ g50.47) andglobal symptomatic status (g50.52),and these effects were maintained atfollow-up (g50.41 and 0.40, respective-ly, for positive and general symptoms)
CBT: Best studied form of psychotherapy for major depressive disorders
CBT is by far the best-studied form of psychotherapy for treatment of major depressive disorders (28). It is also the best studied form of adjunctive psychotherapy for use in combination with antidepressants
CBT for severe depression
To date, no large scale studies or meta-analyses have confirmed the hy-pothesis that the advantage of combining CBT and pharmacotherapy is larger for more severe depressions. 
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sychoticco · 4 years
it never ends... #SYCHOTIC
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gamersspin · 6 years
RT @VvvSupreme: Ahora comienza la Valor Series en NA. Nuestro equipos: Sychotics, Glory of Gods y @VeniVidiViciw están listos para dejar lo todo en la arena. Nadie dijo que sería fácil, pero tampoco imposible. No quiero tener los mejores equipos, pero si hacer de mis equipos los mejores. https://t.co/8sS1HrUc6L
Ahora comienza la Valor Series en NA. Nuestro equipos: Sychotics, Glory of Gods y @VeniVidiViciw están listos para dejar lo todo en la arena. Nadie dijo que sería fácil, pero tampoco imposible. No quiero tener los mejores equipos, pero si hacer de mis equipos los mejores. pic.twitter.com/8sS1HrUc6L
— vVv Supreme (@VvvSupreme) August 26, 2018
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sychoticco · 4 years
Come and find us. #SYCHOTIC
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