emma-williams · 2 years
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I posted 344 times in 2022
That's 344 more posts than 2021!
31 posts created (9%)
313 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 343 of my posts in 2022
#p: emmie - 62 posts
#t: juniper - 38 posts
#t: emmie - 32 posts
#t: xavier - 32 posts
#o: amaya - 23 posts
#p: juniper - 21 posts
#p: antony - 18 posts
#p: chris - 14 posts
#swtask - 14 posts
#swstt - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#crying because emma doesn't have a family so shipmates are her chosen family
My Top Posts in 2022:
Emma absolutely could not wait to see Juniper and Atlas. She was so happy for her friend that they had a perfect baby boy, and Emma was going to make sure Juni was taken care of, too. She went to Starbucks on the way over to Juni and Chris’ place and got four different drinks for the new mom just because she didn’t know what they liked. It was just easier to get a few drinks and then Emma would have something that was leftover.
She pulled up to the gate and told the security guard her name and that she was expected. Emma thought it must have looked so funny that her cheap little car was parked next to a vehicle that cost more than she made in a year. Maybe two. When she got to the door, she knocked. Yes, it was good for babies to hear noise so they could sleep through it later, but she still wanted to be quiet. Emma put on a big smile and greeted Juni when they opened the door “Hi! You look amazing. And I have coffee. There is an iced almond milk vanilla latte, an iced oat milk caramel macchiato, a hot flat white, and a hot chocolate. I wasn’t sure about what you liked, so you have options,” she smiled. “I want to make sure you’re taken care of, too.”
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10 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Parental Support | Emma & Juni
The morning after Juniper announced they were pregnant, Emma spent a while cracking open coconuts and draining the water from them into a jug. She knew from experience that coconut water was very hydrating and would be great for Juni. Emma was apprehensive about telling Juni that part of her past, but she also thought that if she could help the other get through the trying first trimester, it would be worth telling them. She just hoped Juni would keep her secret. 
She waited until Juni was out of the bungalow before walking over to them with the jug. “I got some coconut water for you. It’s really not cold, but it should still be nice to drink. And, it um... It should help with the dehydration and morning sickness,” she said with a small grin.
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14 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Off the Wall | Em&Em
Emma was having a wonderful time at the wedding. She even cried when Antony and Sebastián exchanged vows, though she hardly knew the two men. Weddings just made her emotional, and the two men were so clearly in love. It was all she wished for. She tried so hard before, but she was glad she left. Happier. Much happier.
The music they were playing was great, and she was dancing the night away long after she ditched her nice shoes for flip flops. She did stop during a slow song to grab some punch. On the way back to the dance floor, she passed Emmie “I haven’t seen you out there much... or at all. That outfit is far too lovely to not show it off. I simply won’t let you be a wallflower the whole time. You have to come dance with me. Please?”
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17 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
The moment Emma knew something was wrong, she got ready to head out for Emmie’s place. She was going to make a beeline for the store first to get her girlfriend’s favorite snacks and drinks, but when she read that the lunch with Emmie’s mom was a disaster, she got twice as many snacks. She knew her girlfriend well enough to know she would need the comfort, both with cuddles and food.
Once her front seat was full of food, she headed to Emmie’s. It was one of the many instances she was glad to have a key. Emma put the pints of ice cream in the freezer before heading up to her girlfriend’s room with the armfuls of bags. “Hi,” she said and put the bags on the table next to the bed, then she shut the door. “I brought you everything you love so you can pick what you need.” After taking off her shoes, Emma climbed into the bed and wrapped her arms around Emmie. “Do you want to talk about it first? Or do you just want to cuddle for a bit?”
58 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“I feel like the new kid in school. You all seem to know each other already.” Emma gave a nervous laugh and looked at the person she walked over to. “Please tell me it gets less overwhelming. I’ve been overthinking this since the moment I signed the contract.”
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107 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
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riley-francis-moore · 2 years
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I posted 571 times in 2022
That's 571 more posts than 2021!
31 posts created (5%)
540 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 570 of my posts in 2022
#p: aldrich - 57 posts
#t: aldrich - 45 posts
#p: emmie - 45 posts
#o: antony - 40 posts
#p: astrid - 34 posts
#swtask - 34 posts
#t: astrid - 34 posts
#p: celeste - 29 posts
#o: amaya - 25 posts
#swdinoing - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#(is this a thing? idk. and i'm not going to search it. it's at least a thing in our universe)
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Final Confessional
Mentions: Aldrich, Luna, Khamani, Sebastián Notes: Riley’s last Ship-Wrecked confessional
Riley sat with his legs crossed and looked at the producer. “Hit me with your best questions.”
“Okay, so we’ll start easy. You and Aldrich are cute together. What first drew you to him, and how do you feel about him now?”
“First off, thank you. We are extremely cute together. Is it shallow to say his looks first drew me to him? And his sexy Italian accent? Maybe it is, but I quickly learnt that he is an incredible man. He took care of me after I got sick, and he is just sweet. Judging from his looks, you would never know. I’m glad I got to know him better. Not only is he wonderful, but my ramblings didn’t scare him away. They apparently endeared me to him.” Riley grinned as he thought about his luck. “I am very much in love with him. I don’t know exactly what’s next for us, but I imagine it involves a lot of Italian food, traveling, and just being with each other.”
“You answered the follow up question I was going to ask. So here’s another one, do you think you two will end up married?”
“Honestly, I have no idea. I’m not opposed to the idea of marriage. But we aren’t going to rush into things. I want to just enjoy being with him. All I know is that we would have the most epic wedding. He’s a party planner, and would throw us a spectacular wedding and reception!”
“Your time here hasn’t been without drama. You and Khamani got into it a bit during the Truth, Dare, or Noms task. Have things settled down a bit?”
“I haven’t gone out of my way to talk to him after that. I did talk to Luna about it, though, and while I still don’t love the idea of them together, Luna is my best friend. If she’s happy with him, then I suppose I’ll learn to deal with him. Just don’t expect Khamani and I to ever be besties. We can be civil for Luna’s sake, but I still think he’s a fucking prick,” Riley shrugged.
"What’s next for you when you get home?”
“First, I’m going to eat my weight in fish and chips. Mostly chips if we’re being honest. I’ll get back to working on games and The Hallowed show. Then Luna and I are going to take the gaming industry by the bollocks and try to change things. The industry as it is is toxic. There are gatekeepers, misogynists, racists, etcetera. If we can make a small change by talking to industry experts, then I think it will lead to bigger changes. We can start with blunt conversations about it, with the help of Sebastián and his radio show. Then we can try to host panels about it at Cons. That’s where Luna’s job and expertise comes in...” Riley stopped himself. “I’m rambling. You don’t give a fuck about this. Anyway. Back to work,” he said, chuckling.
“Okay, then. Final questions. What’s something we can improve on for next season? And what’s some advice you have for the next group of Ship-mates?”
“This one is easy. You need to add more date nights, even if they’re with random people. Give them a romantic date to try to get to know someone. This walking up to someone on the beach is fine, but I would like to see more date opportunities. And when people are together, also give them dates. Ship-mates shouldn’t have to try to find a private spot on the island to have alone time. Anyway, I would tell the next group to just go with the flow as much as possible. You’ll make friends, you’ll meet people you can fall in love with, and you’ll meet people you don’t particularly like. Just accept that all.” Riley stood up and shook the producers’ hands. “Good luck with the next group.”
3 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
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Confessional - Post Truth or Dare
(mentions @aldrichpalermo, @lunazuniga, @detkhamani) 
“You lot wasted no time ushering me in here after that task. I guess I just needed to snog an Italian man to get some attention, eh? Kidding. A little,” Riley shrugged and sat down on the couch, adjusting the lav mic around his neck.
“We’ve seen you make out with Aldrich before. Cameras everywhere. You haven’t exactly been hiding it well.”
“Well, can you blame me? He’s the hottest man I’ve seen in my life, and he’s somehow attracted to me despite my word vomit the first time I talked to him,” he shook his head. “He called my rambling cute. Did you put that in the show?” he wondered.
“You know you’re not supposed to ask that kind of stuff.”
“I know, I know. But you have to give the viewers at home some reason to think I’m not a complete dork. I know I am, but maybe you can do a little editing magic to make me seem more suave and charming than I really am,” he grinned.
“You’re purposely avoiding talking about the kiss. Spill. What was going through your mind when you asked Aldrich to be your boyfriend?”
Riley looked between the producer and the camera. “I was thinking that I fancy him more than I’ve ever fancied another man. It’s not just his looks, but his personality. He’s not a prick despite knowing he’s fit as fuck. And we had already kissed, so I already knew he liked me back. It wasn’t a difficult ask. I guess the only reason he might have said no is if he doesn’t want commitment. He wouldn’t be the first person on this island to lead someone on.” The comment was very pointed. “Before you ask, I said everything I want to say about Khamani to his face.” 
“We almost thought you were going to hit him.”
“Ha! No. Have you see him? He could knock me to the ground with a slap. I don’t have a death wish. I also wouldn’t do that to Luna. As much as I dislike him, Luna is my best friend here. Hell, my best friend in general. I might change my mind about hitting him if he hurts her again, though. Anyway,” he sighed. “Aldrich makes me happy. When can I take him on that camera and recording-free date?”
3 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
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Outfit for SebTony Wedding
4 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
(Love) Sick || Riley & Aldrich
Riley didn’t know what food was tainted at the birthday party, but he did know it left him feeling incredibly itchy, covered in red splotches, and sick. The only food allergy he knew he had was shellfish. It wasn’t severe enough to cause anaphylaxis, but it did cause itchiness to his skin and mouth. Obviously, he avoided anything that was labeled with shellfish in it, so he figured there must have been cross contamination. Fortunately, there was some allergy meds in the medical tent. They were taking forever to kick in.
He sat up a little in bed when he heard someone walk in. To his dismay, it was Aldrich. The last person he wanted to see him like this. “I hope you weren’t looking for me. I know I’m missing the after party-party, but I feel like rubbish.”
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28 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Riley was thinking up some fun truth or dares he could offer people. He didn’t want to trick anyone into eating any of the ‘noms’ on the table nearby. “Play the game with me?” he asked, looking at the nearest person. “I promise to go easy on you. I don’t want anyone to have to eat one of those things because of me.”
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61 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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thomas-meier · 2 years
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I posted 704 times in 2022
That's 658 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (6%)
659 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 700 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#p: celeste - 117 posts
#p: raj - 64 posts
#p: emmie - 50 posts
#t: xavier - 43 posts
#p: antony - 40 posts
#swtask - 39 posts
#t: celeste - 38 posts
#p: juniper - 37 posts
#p: khamani - 30 posts
#p: xavier - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#(just assuming he knows juni’s name because they have been on the island and tom at least introduced himself when they arrived)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Thomas was glad he and Celeste chose to have the baby shower away from home. There were so many people in the restaurant there to support their twins, and he was completely blown away. There was so much love filling the space, and the presents were piling high on the gift table. It was far too generous. Thomas knew the twins were going to be the luckiest little girls in the world. He walked by the snack table and put some fruit and a couple of chocolates on a plate before he sat down at an empty spot at one of the tables. “I just wanted to thank you again for coming to support us. It means so much to Celeste and I that you’re here. Did you enjoy the food? Did you get enough? There’s plenty left,” he grinned. “Lord, I’m really starting to sound like a parent, eh?”
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19 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
Thomas was drawing shapes in the sand as he waited for lunch to finish cooking over the fire. It was pretty much the same thing he had for dinner yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. He was honestly getting sick of it and was running out of ways to serve it. He looked up when he saw someone walking toward him. “I’m happy to share, but you have to give me a lap dance first.” He deadpanned for a moment, then burst into laughter. “I’m just kidding. You should have seen the look on your face,” he laughed some more. “I tried to kind of glaze the fish with pineapple juice. So we’ll see how it is.” He patted the ground next to him. “You can sit. I don’t bite- even if you’re into that sort of thing.”
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24 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Bungalow Cuddles | Thomas & Celeste
Thomas was beyond grateful to finally get permanent access to the bungalows. Sleeping on sand and out in the elements for weeks was brutal. It wasn’t comfortable. Sand got everywhere. He got wet if it rained at night. He was also pretty sure it would take years for his skin to recover from the near constant exposure to the sun. He would have to see a dermatologist as soon as he got back. The biggest perk was that he could shower anytime he wanted. He could also escape the heat and the sun by going inside. But as grateful as he was, Thomas was also surprised that he couldn’t fall asleep on the wonderfully comfortable bed in the bungalow. So he got out of bed and crossed the room to Celeste’s bed. He was grateful she also won a permanent spot in the bungalow. After the yacht party, he was pretty sure they were in the same bungalow together on purpose. Maybe he’d thank the producers.
He carefully and quietly crawled into her bed. “Shit. I didn’t mean to startle you,” He whispered. Thomas didn’t know if she jumped from being scared or if she just shifted from him getting into the bed. “I can’t sleep, and thought that if I can’t sleep, I might as well be not sleeping next to you.” Was it cheesy? Yes. But he meant it. Especially after the yacht party. He was thrilled that he and Celeste felt the same about each other and they could focus on their relationship. Thomas moved a little closer and draped his arm across her waist as he got settled into the bed. “Did I wake you up?”
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28 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
Text | Group Chat
Thomas: [photo attached]
Thomas: Everyone meet Shay Edith & Sasha Tracy Meier.
Thomas: Celeste is the most incredible and natural mum, and the babies are everything we dreamed of and more.
42 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thomas stood next to the table with the ‘noms’ on it, and he covered his mouth to keep from gagging. Everything there looked like something they would offer on Fear Factor. “This is hands down the worst challenge they’ve given us. Who in their right mind is going to say ‘that truth - or dare - is too much for me. I’d rather eat cod sperm?’” 
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84 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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lunazuniga-smith · 2 years
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I posted 484 times in 2022
That's 450 more posts than 2021!
67 posts created (14%)
417 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 480 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#chat: khamani - 107 posts
#chat: juniper - 47 posts
#chat: astrid - 24 posts
#text: chris - 21 posts
#chat: emmie - 18 posts
#swtask - 18 posts
#chat: tony - 17 posts
#text: riley - 17 posts
#swstt - 16 posts
#chat: chris - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 64 characters
#this is a cute and unlikely pair of friends and im living for it
My Top Posts in 2022:
After finishing off her challenge with Raj, Luna had decided to go off to the beach to wash off the paint from her body. She didn’t mind this particular task even if it made her really look into herself. It was constructive and she got to know Raj a bit more. Still, she was loyal to Juni and it would take hopefully them talking and getting to a good place for Luna to feel like all is well. As she wiped off the paint, she became lost in her thoughts. Juniper and how they felt, the fact that she hasn’t really interacted much with Khamani since his return, and feeling incredibly homesick all went through her mind. Thankfully, she spotted Emmie not too far and waved, shouting out to her. “Hey, Emmie! Looks like we had the same idea.” 
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20 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
Getting the chance to see Riley and spend some time with him was at the top of Luna’s list of things she loved to do. Preparing for San Diego Comic Con and the actual event had taken up a lot of her time along with all the other things going on in her life. She was beginning to look for a home with Khamani and having Cannon in their lives had also changed things for the better for her. Being so busy didn’t leave much time to talk to her best friend and catch him up and she also wanted to catch up on his life. Her father’s restaurant had the best Mexican brunch in town and the nice breeze that came through as they ate their meals made for the perfect setting. “okay so first catch me up and tell me what I’ve missed in your beautiful life.” 
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20 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
“Juniper, you life saver.” Luna smiled as she added the finishing touches to her cosplay. Admittedly, it was the easiest she could think of especially considering where their current location was. It was also one people like Oliver probably expected from Luna since they’ve talked about it. Still, it proved to be a bit difficult. No red wig, no ivy, no makeup. She’d have to really sell the actually design to prove that she in fact, can make costumes out of a handful of materials. Palm leaves weren’t difficult to work with and she had spent the last couple of days getting perfectly shaped leaves for her design. While she enjoyed the running and organizing of cons, Luna loved dressing up the most. Seeing how much little girls loved seeing themselves in her made her the happiest. Secretly, she hoped she didn’t look too foolish as she approached the others decked out in her poison ivy cosplay. She cleared her throat, a proud smile pulling at her lips and flipped her hair. “Pamela Isley, here.  I am the new Eve. The mother of the men of tomorrow...” She turned slowly to show off her digs. “Aaannd this is my talent. I make cosplays back at home and I decided Poison Ivy was the easiest to show off for this challenge!” 
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20 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
There was something admirable about seeing Khamani with Seb and Leo. Luna was seeing a side of him that made her adore him even more. She could feel the mutual respect between them and the familial love too. After the ceremony, she mingled with a few others, letting Seb’s son talk her ear off about his Marvel and DC theories. Her cheeks were already hurting from the talking but she could tell how much the young boy appreciated her input. “Well, as long as your dad knows your follow my stream.” Her streams were always G rated as she knew how important of a role model she was to most kids and she chuckled as she watched him leave with her written handle on a napkin. Luna was flattered she had a new follower in little Leo. Letting out a content sigh, she let a laugh escape her lips as she turned to face the others, bumping into her boyfriend and laughing even more, both hands now on his chest. “Oh, hey there, Padrino. How are the best man duties coming along?” 
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24 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Text: Riley
Luna: After SDCC, we are turning up because I am so stressed you can probably hear me sighs from where ever you are now.
Luna: Are you going online tonight? I need a quick game. Anything. I'll play Fortnite for God sakes lol
40 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
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devilofsf-cisco · 2 years
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I posted 547 times in 2022
That's 547 more posts than 2021!
81 posts created (15%)
466 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 547 of my posts in 2022
#astrid - 195 posts
#chris - 77 posts
#chris text - 61 posts
#astrid text - 27 posts
#taking the plunge para - 24 posts
#dos oruguitas para - 20 posts
#try everything para - 20 posts
#meet the family para - 18 posts
#love language para - 17 posts
#swtask - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#//this reply cracked me up. not even shared his career and he's out here talking about loincloths and unitards xd
My Top Posts in 2022:
“Tell me you’ve swiped some of the finger foods,” Cisco said, tipping his cocktail class to his lips. Once he lickd away remnants from his lips, he smiled, “You look great by the way. Consider this me asking you to save me a dance at some point tonight. And with the unwritten rules of birthdays and birthday parties, I’m about ninety-nine percent sure you can’t say ‘no’.”
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40 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
Try Everything | Astro
It was Cisco’s turn to pick an activity for he and Astrid’s Try Something New Sundays. During the weeks since coming back from the island, he’d been working on building his strength back up from the months away from the gym, and he was possibly joining a new filming project soon. But he enjoyed the time he would get with Astrid, especially on Sundays with their new tradition.
He’d just gotten out of the shower and dressed in a simple outfit of jeans and a v-neck t-shirt, and as he walked to the living room, he was greeted by Ace and Daisy. “Hey you rascals,” he replied, rubbing their heads and patting their backs with each hand. “Where’s your mum at?” he asked, watching them casuall wander away.
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41 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Text | Astro
Cisco: Hey darling, when you get this, I've got some great news to share.
47 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Taking the Plunge | Astro
Wanting to spend some more one-on-one time together, Cisco invited Astrid for an easygoing hike and a swim thereafter. Having jogged around the island daily, he had a good idea of how long it took to get to significant spots on the island. The waterfall wasn’t far at all, but Cisco figured they could take a scenic route to get there if they so chose. With the two of them now having bungalow access, he’d been well-rested, trimmed his mess of a beard, and was dressed for a nice time in the water with Astrid. While waiting outside of the bungalow for her, he’d done some light stretches, reaching down to his toes and doing some lunges, up until he saw her. “Hello, darling,” he greeted, smiling at the sight of her. “Ready to go?”
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48 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If, just hours earlier, you had told Cisco that the first thing he’d be doing upon joining the cast of this show was getting dressed like he was going on a hot date...only to be told to put on a giant dinosaur costume and board a yacht, he would’ve thought you’d gone crackers.
Yet here he was, boarding a yacht with a bunch of strangers. In a dinosaur costume. “Bloody hell,” was the first thing out of his mouth. He’d worn uncomfortable outfits. He’d been rigged to ball-crushing harnesses and wires that gave some God-awful wedgies. But this was something else entirely. And although he’d done his best to shrug it off and carry his usual ease and comfort, the situation didn’t stop him from telling the first person he crossed paths with, “I truly didn’t think I’d be wond’rin this early on just what I’d gotten myself into.”
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54 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
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juniwilson · 2 years
“For the most part, I’ve liked doing the challenges for fun but this one... I don’t have the stomach for the ‘noms’ options. Can you give me a ‘truth’ question or something for this?” Juni asked, pulling a face as they stared at the table of various foods.
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56 notes · View notes
emmie-fitzgerald · 3 years
“So for my talent, I am going to read a chapter of this book in record time. Yes all of you have to watch, and if you talk I’m going to get distracted and have to start over,” Emmie said, before sitting down on a log and opening her book and reading it. She had been trying to figure out what her talent would be all week, and this seemed like the best idea. And truly, she was reading fast, as she flipped through the pages. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to do anything (after all that lip balm was NEEDED at this point), but normal talents that people showed off were not in Emmie’s repertoire. 
“Alright done,” she said a few minutes later as she closed her book, “And then since I’m just going to get the other out of the way because you know there’s that old saying that there’s a fine line between love and hate? Well, I guess that’s true and my vagina is mixing up the signals because I guess I have to say Violet and Sadhbh. But I’m just saying unless she’s craving hate sex, she’s wrong.” 
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@livewithvi​ @happysadhbh​
54 notes · View notes
spill the tea 12
“Mmm I’m not sure. Maybe @chris-grimaldi​?” 
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23 notes · View notes
penned-cbarbosa · 3 years
Celeste sat around the fire with the other ship mates either huddled close for warmth or seated nearby. With the newest task thrown out there, now seemed as good a time as any to get it out of the way. Standing and instinctively dusting sand off of her butt, she cleared her throat and spoke up a little louder than normal. “So,” she said, addressing the others. “I’m gonna get my Show & Tell out of the way.”
After being unsure of what sort of talent she could show on the island and with limited resource, she opted to show her flexibility. Celeste gave a few rolls of her shoulder and then lifted both arms directly up, parallel to each other. She soon began to bend back, more and more until her body formed an arch. Once she felt confident in her balance, she walked on her hands and feet for a bit before carefully bending her knees and hefting her legs up into a handstand. She kept her legs tightly together and as straight as possible before relaxing and bending her arms, tucking into a somersault and rising back to her feet again.
When she finished, she took a small bow, cracking a small smile. “And now... the tell...”
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30 notes · View notes
riley-francis-moore · 2 years
Riley was thinking up some fun truth or dares he could offer people. He didn’t want to trick anyone into eating any of the ‘noms’ on the table nearby. “Play the game with me?” he asked, looking at the nearest person. “I promise to go easy on you. I don’t want anyone to have to eat one of those things because of me.”
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61 notes · View notes
thomas-meier · 2 years
Thomas stood next to the table with the ‘noms’ on it, and he covered his mouth to keep from gagging. Everything there looked like something they would offer on Fear Factor. “This is hands down the worst challenge they’ve given us. Who in their right mind is going to say ‘that truth - or dare - is too much for me. I’d rather eat cod sperm?’” 
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84 notes · View notes
castillodeleon · 3 years
Love Languages-SebTony
There was something that felt special about this little date. He got the chance to dress up, it would be the two of us basically away from the island and even though they had agreed on no titles,  Sebastián felt incredibly confident that this was all going in the right direction. In his head, they possessed all the titles and there was no one else that could possible take his attention. He adjusted his lapel and made his way to the meeting point he had talked to Tony about. This was about to be the best birthday present and it made him even happier knowing he had his sister’s support. When he spotted Tony, he smiled from ear to ear as he made his way toward him. “Hey, handsome. I’m here about a balloon and a date. Would you happen to know anything about that?” 
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lunazuniga-smith · 3 years
“Juniper, you life saver.” Luna smiled as she added the finishing touches to her cosplay. Admittedly, it was the easiest she could think of especially considering where their current location was. It was also one people like Oliver probably expected from Luna since they’ve talked about it. Still, it proved to be a bit difficult. No red wig, no ivy, no makeup. She’d have to really sell the actually design to prove that she in fact, can make costumes out of a handful of materials. Palm leaves weren’t difficult to work with and she had spent the last couple of days getting perfectly shaped leaves for her design. While she enjoyed the running and organizing of cons, Luna loved dressing up the most. Seeing how much little girls loved seeing themselves in her made her the happiest. Secretly, she hoped she didn’t look too foolish as she approached the others decked out in her poison ivy cosplay. She cleared her throat, a proud smile pulling at her lips and flipped her hair. “Pamela Isley, here.  I am the new Eve. The mother of the men of tomorrow...” She turned slowly to show off her digs. “Aaannd this is my talent. I make cosplays back at home and I decided Poison Ivy was the easiest to show off for this challenge!” 
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chris-grimaldi · 2 years
Spill the Tea #10
“Okay, I know that you’re covered in tea, but it is also kind of true.”
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baileyballs · 2 years
“Aight, so I got a couple questions I need answered, especially now that some people have like been back in the real world and shit. So like... we can always go ‘truth’ for ‘truth’ but I’m always down for a dare. So hit me with your best shot. I can take whatever you choose to dish at me.”
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detkhamani · 2 years
Khamani stared at the table of various dishes, thinking out loud, “There’s a few of these I wouldn’t mind trying but since I don’t get to choose which one I’d end up eating if I ended up choosing the noms option... Unless you wanna go ahead and pick the chocolate-covered crickets, the gator tail or the durian fruit for me, I’ll go with dare.”
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