#swirving in their lanes
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howlingwolf23 · 3 months ago
So there's this post about how customer\employee relationship has gotten worse since Covid. And I do believe that but it's also like that but in other areas, it has also become more of this "me vs everyone" in areas we might not have noticed yet.
A big one for my city is driving.
I live in a small college town so the occasional bad drivers from out of town was no surprise but that was usually the number one complaint of "stupid out of towners" or "damn college kids" don't know how to drive around here.
But post Covid? Holy shit! It seems like it has gone mad!
Nobody goes when the light goes green because so many red light runners. And i don't mean that usual prick, last second, squeezing in.
I mean the light has been red for several beats, it has been green the other way for a beat and half where even the slow trucks\sunday drivers\slow reaction people can be half way into the intersection and there is still a red light runners coming through.
So now everyone waits like 2 or 3 solid seconds before moving just in case that asshole is around and guess what? there usually is.
On top of that, I have seen someone do this, in front of a cop. Fucker did nothing. Not even a flash of the lights warning.
Or people in the wrong lane but they need to turn, they are one just lane over, so they will just turn anyways even if there is already cars in the turning lane, even if their is 1 line to turn on to.
Or the road merges, everyone knows this road goes from 2 to 1 lane so zipper merge but not this asshole, they have to gun it to get 1 more car length ahead in bumper to bumper traffic just to slam on their brakes and turn at the first street.
People flying through school zones, not even slowing down, just keep doing the regular speed limit.
Pedestrians too, just walking anywhere they like, crossing the road like there's no cars on 3 lane wide roads, just walking, taking their time as cars have to slow down, sometimes stop or on smaller, residential streets, just walking in the middle of the road and refusing to move left or right for traffic.
It's just madness sometimes driving through town, and that's ignoring the other major issues you'll see when driving through the town.
I think it's 2 parts, 1) people got used to the more empty streets and now feel like they, personally, own the streets, and others are now invading their space 2) something about Covid just really did a number on everyone, not sure if it was the isolation that made people forget to be kind\general rules of society or if it the Mask Wars that started the "us vs them" mentally people seem to have post-covid.
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impala-dreamer · 4 years ago
I had a thought on my way home just now. Why don’t we ever hear Dean bitching about toll roads on Supernatural? And, follow up: would we get Dean having a profanity-laden rant about toll roads on the HBO version?
Dean held the steering wheel with one hand as he dug into his pocket with the other. There were coins at the very bottom and he rummaged around, trying to pick the quarters apart from the pennies.
As the Impala slowed, Sam popped the glove box open and pulled out a small, off-white rectangle and held it up to the windsheild just underneath the mirror.
"What the fuck is that?" Dean asked, nodding towards the strip of plastic.
Sam shrugged. "EZ-Pass."
Dean frowned and the car swirved a bit to the left as he tugged a dollar fifty from his pocket. "The fuck is an EZ-Pass?"
"Uh... it pays the toll for you and then you get a bill. All electronically." Sam said, wondering how on Earth Dean hadn't heard of it before. "Thought it would be easier than carrying around all that change. Especially on the turnpike."
The line between Dean's eyes deepened and he shook his head. "No. I don't want that."
Sam laughed. "Dean, it's just a new way to pay tolls. You don't need exact change anymore. And I linked it to your Hector Mandalorian visa card, so we won't even get a bill."
Dean licked his lips and shifted in the seat as he approached a cash only lane. "I don't want it. They can track you through those things. Fucking bullshit."
"Who can track you? What? Who's tracking you?"
"They. They track you, Sammy. I'm not playing those games. We go cash in this car. Old school."
"Old is right."
Dean scowled as he rolled down the window by hand and pulled up to the toll booth. He tossed his exact change into the basket and the electronic arm across the path lifted.
"Was that so hard?" He mocked, sneering at his brother as he stepped on the gas. The Impala sped away into the night, speeding down the highway well over the limit. "No Easy Thing in my Baby," he grumbled.
"EZ-Pass," Sam corrected, annoyed.
Sam shoved the pass back into the glove box and slammed it shut. "Whatever, Old Man."
"If I'm old, you're getting there, brother." Dean leaned back and rocked his hand on the bottom of the wheel, guiding the Impala down the road. A few miles later, a sign for an upcoming toll glowed in the headlights. Dean grit his teeth. "Are you fucking kidding me? I just paid a buck fifty back there! This is some bullcrap. I'm telling you, Sam, this state is full of fucking crooks!" Again, he lifted his hips to dig into his pocket, fishing for change. "Shit." He looked to Sam. "Hey- you got any change?"
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chokemeanakin · 5 years ago
Anakin Teaches You How To Drive Headcanons- Anakin Skywalker x gn Reader
This wasn’t requested, but in honor of my second attempt at passing my drivers test in a couple of weeks, I had a fun little thing bouncing around my brain that I wanted to put out. have fun 😝✨
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You never needed to know how to drive an airspeeder because you came from a more rural planet where transportation mostly consisted of walking, riding on the backs of various indigenous wildlife, or occasionally coming across a run-down speeder bike.
When you got to Coruscant, you always relied on taking the busy streets or the bus to get places you needed to go. Anakin insisted you take an airspeeder instead— it was safer, faster, and much cleaner than slumming it around down in the crowded alleyways.
You had to tell him it wasn’t really a possibility for you... although you knew the basics of piloting starfighters, that knowledge did not carry over to airspeeders.
Anakin offered to teach you.
He picked you up on your balcony, seated in a slick-looking, boujee yellow airspeeder.
“Where’d you even get this?” You asked him, taking the hand he offered to help you get into the drivers seat as he slid over to the passenger side.
“Oh, just some senator.”
“They’re letting us use it?”
“They’re letting us borrow it...” from the look on his face, they were not. He shrugged and said, “Look, what they don’t know can’t hurt them.”
You looked at the shiny exterior of the car. It was one of the more expensive ones, no doubt. Anakin truly had an eye for picking the finer things in life.
“If I crash this...” you warned.
“I know how to cover our tracks. It wasn’t us.”
You laughed at this, and then turned toward the controls. There were handles, buttons, levers, flashing lights. You thought a good place to start was by grabbing onto the levers.
“Alright, so these handles are to steer— turn left to go left, right to go right— the pedals by your feet are break and accelerate, this lever puts you in reverse, this one puts you in drive, there’s your headlight, that’s your turn signal—“ and on and on and on.
Your brain was whirring with all this information, sometimes Anakin’s brain moved too fast and he didn’t realize he’d left you in the dust. But it really was something you could handle— not that much different from a star fighter, after all.
So when he asked, “Got it?” You nodded your head and pressed the lever by your feet.
You didn’t move
You pressed again and again and again, jamming your foot down harder each time. You checked the dash to see if you were in drive. You were. You looked at Anakin, confused.
He leaned over and peered down at the levers by your feet. “That’s the break,” he laughed, and then stopped suddenly. “... I hope you’re not planning on driving with your left foot.”
“A foot for each peddle right? Left goes on break, right goes on go?”
After squabbling over the senselessness of that rule, he got you to practice going between break and accelerate with your right foot only before actually beginning for real this time.
“Okay, step on accelerate, gently now—“
You pushed the pedal down and went shooting into the sky, narrowly avoiding another speeder as you yanked the steering wheel to straighten yourself out.
“Force! I said gentle!”
You lifted your foot off go and slammed it on break instead, causing you both to pitch forward and almost smack your heads into the dashboard.
“Y/n you have to go! You’re in the middle of the airway!”
“What?? What do you mean?!” You yelled in panic, desperately yanking at the levers to reverse, go forward, anything. There were speeders coming at you from both ways, and you were t-ed up across multiple lanes.
Anakin reached across you and set the settings straight. He ordered you to press go and took hold of the steering, maneuvering you safely away from the airway.
Once you were in the clear, he dropped back into his seat and let out a big breath.
“Okay, bad idea to start you out up there.”
“I SUCK!!!” You cried.
“No no no! That was my mistake! You’re doing great!”
You let out another sound of despair and then tapped on accelerate gently. The speeder smoothly flew forward a couple inches, so you pressed down harder until you got to a good speed.
“See? You’ve got this,” Anakin encouraged, reaching for the safety handle by his side. “Now you’re approaching a building, so turn the levers slowly...”
It was very jerky, but you avoided crashing into the building so it was a win in your book.
You decided you needed to smooth out your turns, so you kept the lever all the way to the left and made donuts in the open air. Then you practiced going the other way.
“Now make figure 8’s around the skylights,” Anakin suggested, so you went around and around these lights in circles until you were dizzy and your turns were perfect. When you wanted to stop, you let up on accelerate and abruptly jammed on break again.
“Oof— geez,” Anakin braced a hand on the dashboard. “You don’t have to slam on the pedals. Just be slow and gentle, it’ll make it a much smoother ride.”
After experimenting a bit more in the free space, you said you were ready to go on the streets again.
“Are you sure?” Anakin asked nervously. You nodded. “Alright, head for the airway but stop before going on. You have to look both ways to make sure no one’s coming at you from either direction.”
You did as told, trusting his instincts more than yours to tell you when to go. When he gave the signal, you burst across the lane and began driving. You didn’t know why Anakin was freaking out again.
“You’re in the wrong lane!” Anakin grabbed for the steering wheel to get you to turn around, but you slapped his hands away.
“I can’t learn when you’re trying to drive for me!”
“You can’t learn if we’re both dead!”
You managed to inch your way into the other lane just as another speeder went whizzing by. Anakin thanked the force this backstreet wasn’t as busy as the usual highways in the main streets of Coruscant, otherwise you’d be toast by now.
“Alright,” Anakin took another calming breath. “There’s a stoplight coming up. You know what the signals are right?”
“Yes sir.”
“Okay, so just go straight after the light.”
You peered around the area, waiting for the light to turn green. You ended up spotting your favorite cafe place and nudged Anakin with your elbow. “You wanna get some drinks?”
“Sure, but we can circle back around if you just go straight.”
“But it’s right there. Why can’t I just take a left?”
Anakin has faith in you, but he saw his life flash before his eyes. “Fine.. take a left.”
He instructed you to put your turn signal on, then explained how you’re supposed to wait for oncoming traffic to go before you and then watch for more oncoming speeders so that you could take the left turn.
The light turned green, and for some reason your jumpy brain had you slam on the gas pedal and skirt through the intersection, bypassing all speeders and causing them to stomp on their breaks to avoid hitting you.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!” You screamed as you sped along, swirving this way and that to get the speeder under control. Multiple honks followed after you, and it wounded your feelings more than you ever imagined it would.
“Hey... they’re honking at me...” you said sadly, peering behind you at the angry cars.
Anakin straightened the levers as you started to swerve. “Just— just focus on parking. Look. A pull-through spot up ahead.”
You were actually phenomenal at parking. If phenomenal meant being crooked across the lines and taking up at least 3 spaces.
When you turned the engine off, you looked at Anakin hesitantly. He was staring straight a head, blinking the disbelieving look out of his eyes.
“I’m never stepping foot in a speeder ever again,” you decided, confidence plummeting.
This snapped Anakin out of it, and he took your hands in his. “Don’t say that! It’s your first day. Driving in a speeder is much different than a star fighter, there’s many more obstacles and rules and regulations. As far as first days go, you’re doing better than even I did!”
You weren’t, but he lied because he loves you.
You both went in to get your drinks and then Anakin insisted he drive the way back home.
You wanted to focus on your drink anyway so you let him. Honestly, you were done testing your luck today and were just happy you didn’t crash the damn thing.
Anakin dropped you off back on your balcony again and promised to come over later after he returned the speeder. He also promised he’d take you out driving again— “This weekend, when the streets aren’t so busy...”
With lessons from the best pilot in the galaxy, you think you’ll be driving your own speeder in no time 🥴
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bigbropyro · 4 years ago
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Crazy bitch hit my truck trying to squeeze in front of me. The right lane is closed and she came flying up until the lane ended and swirved into me. I hate this fucking city and most of the people in it.
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juststanmonstax · 8 years ago
So iv'e realized having a bias in monsta x is too difficult, so i'm just going to stan one of them everyday of the week
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seaglass-n-sanddollars · 5 years ago
1am adventure
When you are driving to work on rte 4 at 1am and the car in front of you is going just 15mph in a 55mph zone. Ugh. When it finally went to 4 lanes he chose to drive half in the driving lane half in the passing lane. The car behind me passed us both in the oncoming 2 lanes and the car in front if me swirved like he was going to hit him...so then theres the debate...do i try to pass??? Driving to work adventures smh...
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wonderland-irwin · 6 years ago
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azaraspirit · 4 years ago
dealt with a motor bike going down brighton who was a total dickwad. should have passed him when i had the chance. He was joy riding the whole time, swirving all over in his lane then spread his arms put going down the hill. asshole. and had the nerve to flip me off bc i was on his tail. and i was like "buddy the only reason im right behind you is cause you're going 25 in a 40." fucking prick. if you own a motor bike please don't ride down major roads. 😡 i wish i had a dash cam so i could report him for recklace and dangerous driving.
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kitcomverse-blog · 7 years ago
A KiriBaku and KatsuDeku rant/opinon thing
Hello All! Today I just wanted to express my opinon on a certain matter that is very, whats a good word, wild? or even dare I say crazy. I personally am a KiriBaku shipper, now before you bash me over it listen up on what I have to say on these ships. This following statement applies to both ships in fact: Some of you so called shippers need to stay in your damn lane. Why do I say this? Because some shippers of both sides are a bit wild. Now why would I call some shippers wild? For many many reasons but, my point is stay in your damn lane. do not swirve out of your lane. why? Because why hate on KiriBaku if you ship KatsuDeku, like seriously? THERE IS NO REASON TO. And the same applies for KiriBaku, why hate on KatsuDeku? If you have your personal reasons, keep them to yourself, vice-versa. Ships are supposed to be fun! and nice! not some thing you tear apart because you dont ship it. RESPECT Eachothers ships!!! Don’t Ship KatsuDeku? Thats Fine still be nice to the people who do! Don’t ship KiriBaku? That’s fine! also still be nice to the people who do.
There are many reasons for each ship to be shipped by someone, if you ship KatsuDeku and you see the potential friendship/relationship, then go right ahead! You do you! If you ship KiriBaku and you think they have potential because hell Bakugou might even trust him, thats completely fine!
Why Hate on a ship because of its shippers? Like honestly its a bit stupid too.
Why can’t we all just respect one another? How many times will it take to get through someones head that these are fictional characters, not some posessions?
I tried not to be biased during this time because I'know some would take offense! otherwise thank you for listening!
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sea-oceancurls · 4 years ago
Fuck it. Tumblr is my therapist.
Tw ; animal death
I saw a cat get hit by a car today. I almost hit it first. it was in the middle of the road, in the dark, but I could see it scrunched and looking up at my car terrified. I saw it in the last few seconds so I swirved to try and go over it completely. There was a dirt ditch and construction on one side and traffic on the other so i couldnt swirve out of the lane. I dont think i hit it. I tried so hard not. I held my breath the whole time. I didnt feel any bumps or anything under the car. Realistically i do not think i hit it, but i still cant help but feel like it could have been me or my fault. If it wasn’t me, then it was the industrial truck behind me. I ended up stopping to turn around and help the cat about 50 ft up the road but when i got back over to it, i was too late. That part hurts me too. I wish i wouldve just stopped right in the road when i saw it. But i thought it would run away once my car passed it. I dont think it was me, i didnt feel anything under the car, but i still feel so bad. Ive been upset ever since with this total gut aching feeling. I started crying. Just a few minutes ago i saw someone in my town share a missing cat post. The cats name was Tommy. He went missing on fort pond road. Thats exactly where i saw this cat get hit by a car. Its horrible. Its just so horrible. I feel so bad for the family.
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seraph1m-mouth-113 · 5 years ago
This except I have a seizure or anurism and my truck swirves into the other lane, kills a whole family or a bus load of kids..... holy fuck. Serious, fear like I think about it more than twice a month, sometimes more like twice a week...
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Bless you. A fear submitted by Ezra to Deep Dark Fears - thanks!
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poeticdegenerate · 5 years ago
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The problem with riding my bike is that I obey the law. See, in my state a bicycle is required to behave just like any motor vehicle. You stop at red lights and stop signs, occupy one lane of traffic, signal when turning, and are even required to have a headlight and red backlight when riding at night. However, very few people ride bikes as a main form of transit in my city and those who do behave like pedestrians on the sidewalk. This was all too apparent to me as I stopped at the intersection of 15th and Main, waiting for an opening to turn right as a couple of confused drivers stopped behind me. I signaled by waving my right hand, which prompted the pedestrian across the way to wave back. I sighed as I looked at the busy Main Street, knowing that by riding in the correct lane I would slow traffic ever so slightly and receive a cacophony of horns as punishment. So to spare myself the headache, I signaled forward and crossed the intersection, staying on 15th. A block later I stopped at another sign, signaled right, and then turned onto Corning. It would add about four blocks to my trip but it was worth it.
Now, my bike is not fancy. It's an old, small framed five speed and it's stuck in fourth gear permanently. I remembered this fact as my legs burned, pushing me gradually up the hill that is Corning. I cursed under my breath, knowing that main Street would have been a much less intense work out. Ahead of me I saw another stop sign, and my fingers instinctually out stretched to encompass my break levers.
But then I hesitated. There was something off. I didn't hear the squeak of any uncared-for automotive breaks. I looked behind me and was surprised to see no cars. As I neared the intersection I looked left and right, only to see empty street. Before I knew it I was flying through the intersection unburdened by the stop sign. I whinced at my own distracted riding, reminding myself that I can't afford to receive a ticket.
Then I began to crest the hill and I breathed a sigh of relief for my aching legs. The sight before me though, what Corning had to offer at the top of that hill, was unbelievable.
An empty road. No cars, no pedestrians, no other cyclist's shooting me weird looks as they weave their way through the unkept sidewalks. Nothing. I was alone.
As I starred at the artwork in front of me, my front tire dipped and I started down the hill. I felt the wind start to whip around me as I sped up, nearly three hundred pounds of human picking up momentum down the slope. The road looked so pretty as it bumped and whured beneath my tires. It was spider webbed with the cracks of so many winter freezes and patched like a quilt with the fresh, white caps of newly filled potholes.
There was another intersection coming up, a four way stop, but I didn't reach for my brakes again. Instead, I stood on my pedals as my tires hit the dip where the streets met, just a hair from air time as I continued to pick up speed down the hill.
There wasn't anyone else around to tell me otherwise so this was my street now, I had claimed it. I dropped my hands from the handle bars, allowing nothing but speed and momentum to hold me aloft and upright. I eyed the opposite lane with a smirk and then leaned to my left, sliding into it and then swirving back out as I leaned right. I continued to move serpentine down the slope, careening left and right between the lanes in perfect control of my momentum. I flew across another intersection, and then another, soon ceasing to keep track.
I leaned back on my seat and put my hands in my pockets as the hill began to level out and I stopped gaining ridiculous speed. Gently, my bike slowed down and to keep myself upright I put one finger on the handle bars and stopped gliding cross the lanes. The end was in sight now, the rail road track the bisected Corning and forced Main Street underground.
With a heavy heart, I leaned to my right and took a wide turn to become parallel with the tracks, ignoring the stop sign and dipping into the left lane as one last leasurely act of freedom. As I inched closer to Main I leaned forward once again and took a firm hold of my handle bars.
Then, I signaled left and turned onto the sidewalk, making room for the first class citizens driving cars, because you can lay claim to anything as long as you're willing to give it up in the company of others.
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dr-emile-picani · 6 years ago
Emile shrugs before looking up and seeing a car swirve into their lane unannounced and he yells. “REMY!”
Chase wraps his arms around his waist. “Cause I’m funny, sweet, handsome, caring, and-“ he kisses his cheek. “-can do wonders to you.”
Emile was always protected, didn’t know how but he Always was. Right now he was simply just sitting in school and sighing as he thought about what could happen that day.
Logan, a guardian spirit, stood watch at the edge of the forest near the school. He was in his favorite form, that of a stag, and had his eyes trained on his charge Emile.
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howlingwolf23 · 8 years ago
Mom's favorite story
My mom's favorite story about me and my smart mouth happened when i was 5. We were leaving walmart and this elderly gentleman waved us out the door. This guys was really fun and nice. He would play music on instruments and dance. On our way out this particular day, he said "have a good day and be safe out there." i stopped and thought about it as we walked to the car. "Mom? What did he mean? 'Be safe out there'?" "Well there's a lot of dangerous drivers and people." "What do you mean dangerous?" "Like swirving in and out of lanes and speeding" "Oh! Like you mom?!" Her head just sunk. "I know what I am doing. I do drive fast but I'm careful." "Oh ok mom." To prove how my mom drives, she was taking me to my grandma's house. The street it goes from 3 lines down to 1. She was behind about 8 to 10 cars. The drive to my grandma's is a long drive, about 30 mins from where we lived. She somehow guns it. Darting in and out and made it to the front before the lanes narrowed. She did this in a span of about a quarter mile. My grandpa was apparently apart of the pack of car's. My mom had dropped me off and left for a good 10 minutes before he even made it home.
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ellyon-d-lucci-blog · 6 years ago
#Smoke!!! Yessir have my #movements on a curve, shit my lane closed,.... SWIRVE. Oh you think I switched, bitch that would be just borin, I rather jump off, cause cruise in a delorean. #bars I am gonna use that shit on track. #music is #allday nigga. #guttergang #ILLNoise #FTL #noclout post #realtalk on #real shit. (at East Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzIjIjtHahy/?igshid=1blm54ljlsrhs
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willisilliw · 6 years ago
Unforgettably Cold
It was almost noon and I was about to leave you. I was going home to shower, nap, and come back. I remember how sad you were. Your eyes widened; you were reaching with your gaze, but held me when you glanced down, then back to me. I walked back towards you and said "I'm going to be back in no time!" with a smile. You veered your gaze away and back at me again. You nodded with no change in expression.
At this point, I basically took a cab everyday. It was a long ride home, but I fell asleep the whole way back and didn't really notice it. I got home and showered to relax a bit before I fell asleep.
I got a call from Irina and didn't think much of it. I picked up and I could hear the urgency in her voice. I immediately got up and started to get dressed. She said that you may have just passed or that you're really close.
I rolled the stop sign down my block; ran the light on the next block. I gassed forward and ran the next light. I sped down the street as a car was about to back out without looking and swirved around him to make it to the green light ahead. The man followed me and came out to lecture me, but I stared at him and yelled "I'm sorry, but my fiancé is dying". I watched him walk back to his car while tears rolled down my eyes having to admit what I had understood over the phone. Again, I sped down the streets. I cut across a line of cars waiting to make the left turn and sped down Ocean Parkway. As I sped down, I passed every line of cars using the left turn lane. I could think of nothing but you. I admit it seemed reckless, but there was no other way for me to see you. I just knew to keep myself alive and out of jail long enough to see you. I didn't stop. I could only think of moving as fast as I could - trying my best to get to you. The whole drive I could only think of your gaze begging me to stay.
When I arrived, they told me that you were gone for a minute, but somehow brought you back. You were asleep and I couldn't bare to leave you. After some time, you woke, but struggled to speak or even stay awake at all. I hugged you in my arms and said "I regret not starting a family with you". I could feel your frail body attempting to squeeze mine. You spoke with your mom and some others for a brief moment before falling back asleep.
A few hours later, the doctors came to discuss how to proceed because they were ready to let you go. I was mad at the air in the room. I was furious that anyone was even considering it after all that you had done and were still doing. In my mind, I could guess what you would have wanted and you would have agreed.
As the room silenced in confusion and sadness, you woke for a moment. I was so happy to feel you moving even if just barely. I held you in my arms to help you up and whispered the most selfish question "do you want to keep going?". You were obviously in a lot of pain already and everyone else wasn't sure what was best for you. The past month you weren't sleeping well. Your back was aching from the fluid filling your lungs and stomach. You were struggling so much to fight for us. You couldn't make out any sounds, but I knew you could understand what I was saying. You squeezed my hands once for yes. I was excited because all I could think about was how much we had been through and how nothing stopped us. With that one squeeze you relinquished everything I had been feeling. I knew what you wanted. You fell asleep again because you couldn't stay awake. We all gathered waiting for you to wake up. I tried to talk the whole time, but fell asleep sometime around midnight. It was 1:15am, Allen wakes us up. I hadn't let go of your hand, so I felt how cold they were. You were gone.
I will never forget how cold your hands were.
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