#swing trading for beginners
sharemarketinsider · 29 days
Swing and Positional Trade Ideas
Here is a list of stocks, we can consider for swing and promotional trade. (Buy-side) These stocks are showing good potential for an upside move.
2. PAGEIND CMP- 42230
6. INDIGO CMP- 4487
9. GRASIM CMP- 2757
10. DABUR CMP- 645
Analyse as per your knowledge then only take a trade.
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sharepricetarget · 6 months
स्विंग ट्रेडिंग कैसे करें ?
आप स्विंग ट्रेडिंग करना चाहते हैं परंतु आपको नहीं पता है कि स्विंग ट्रेडिंग कैसे करें (swing trading kaise kare) तो आज आप यह लेख पढ़कर स्विंग ट्रेडिंग कैसे की जाती है सीख जाएंगे | 
वैसे तो स्विंग ट्रेडिंग करना बहुत ही आसान है परंतु इसे करने के लिए जिन भी चीजों की आवश्यकता पड़ती है, वह बहुत लोगों को नहीं पता होती है जैसे कि – सब्र ( सबसे महत्वपूर्ण), स्ट्रैटिजी, स्टॉक चुनना इत्यादि | 
आज इस लेख में मैं आपको इन्ही चीजों के बारे में बताऊँगा जिससे आप भी स्विंग ट्रेडिंग कर के पैसे कमा सकते हैं | तो चलिए अब हम swing trading kaise kare के हर एक प्रोसेस को जान लेते हैं | 
अगर आप स्विंग ट्रेडिंग करना चाहते हैं तो आपको सबसे पहले स्विंग ट्रेडिंग वाला माइन्ड्सेट बनाना पड़ेगा, तभी आप स्विंग ट्रेडिंग अच्छे से कर पाएंगे | 
स्विंग ट्रेडिंग के लिए माइन्ड्सेट कैसे बनाए?
जैसा कि आप जानते हैं स्विंग ट्रेडिंग में हमे अपने स्टॉक को कम से कम 7, 10, 15 दिन या उससे ज़्यादा दिन के लिए भी रखना पड़ता है | इतने दिन का सब्र भी हमे नहीं होता है क्यूंकी हमे तो 1- 2 दिन में ही पैसे को डबल करना रहता है वह भी ऑप्शन ट्रेडिंग एवं इंट्राडे ट्रेडिंग कर के | 
तो सवाल अब यह आता है कि स्विंग ट्रेडिंग करने के लिए अपने माइंडसेट को कैसे बनाएं ?
माइंडसेट  बनाने के दो ही तरीके हैं –
सबसे पहला आप उस स्टॉक से तभी निकलेंगे जब आपका टारगेट आएगा | 
दूसरा आप उसे स्टॉक से तभी निकलेंगे जब आपका स्टॉपलॉस हिट होगा | 
जब भी आप किसी स्टॉक में अपनी एंट्री बनाए तो उसका एक स्टॉपलॉस और टारगेट पहले से निर्धारित करके रखें | |  जब आपका उस स्टॉक में टारगेट आए या फिर आपका स्टॉपलॉस हो तभी आपको उससे निकलना है | 
जब आप ऐसा करने लग जाएंगे तो आपका इससे स्विंग ट्रेडिंग वाला माइंडसेट बनेगा और आपको यह भी पता लग जाएगा कि जो भी ट्रेड लेते हैं उसमें से आपको कितने में प्रॉफिट होता है और कितने में आपका स्टॉपलॉस होता है | 
यह सब चीजें आपको यह जानने में मदद करेंगी कि स्विंग ट्रेडिंग में आपका सफलता दर ( सक्सेस रेट)  क्या है? |  इसके अलावा इससे आप यह भी जान पाएंगे की स्विंग ट्रेडिंग आप कर सकते हैं या नहीं | 
 जब भी आप ऊपर दिए हुए दोनों पॉइंट को फॉलो करने लग जाओगे तो इससे यह होगा कि आपको ट्रेड में रुकना आ जाएगा या यूँ कहूँ तो आपका सब्र (patience) बनने लग जाएगा | 
स्विंग ट्रेडिंग में यही सबसे महत्वपूर्ण होता है और वह है इंतजार करना  क्योंकि हम ऐसे बने हैं कि हम इंतजार कर ही नहीं सकते हैं हमें जो भी चाहिए तुरंत चाहिए होता है खास तौर पर शेयर मार्केट में | यह आपको स्विंग ट्रेडिंग में तो मदद करेगी ही पर उसके साथ-साथ यह आपको आपके निजी जीवन में भी बहुत तरह से सहायता कर सकती है | 
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ranjith11 · 1 year
Trading was HARD until I understood these 4 TRADING RULES that changed my LIFE!
In this week’s video, I am thrilled to share my personal journey and reveal the 4 life-changing rules that completely transformed my day trading experience. If you've struggled with day trading before, fret no more. These rules hold the key to unlocking success in the dynamic world of day trading!
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march10 · 1 year
Here is a video that demonstrates futures day trading. From Zero to $2720. Watch How to Day Trade Futures l From Zero to $2720 video to know more
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sreepadamangaraj · 2 years
Day Trade Futures! From Zero to $1770!
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Best strategy for crypto trading
Cryptocurrencies are the future of trading. If you want to make money in the crypto world, consider the following tips on how to trade cryptocurrencies:
Join crypto trading forums
Online communities are a great place to learn. You can get help from other traders, share your experiences with the group and find out about new trading opportunities.
Many crypto trading forums also have a chat feature, so you can communicate with other members of the forum in real time. This is useful if there's something specific that you're looking for or if someone has an interesting story to tell about their experience at a particular exchange or market (e.g., "I bought ETH at $10 by following [your friend]’s advice.").
Crypto day trading strategy
Crypto day trading strategy is a short term trading strategy that is based on the hourly, daily and weekly charts. It is an effective way to make profits in a short period of time.
Crypto day trading strategy involves technical analysis and price action. Technical analysis helps you understand the market movements, while price action gives you an idea about where you should place buy and sell orders so as to maximize profits at any given point in time.
The basic idea behind crypto day trading strategy is to identify trends in order to predict future price movements based on past trends observed over various time periods (i) hourly charts show how prices move within minutes or hours; ii) daily charts give an idea about how prices move within one week; iii) weekly charts show how prices move over one month's period
Make a stop-loss plan
A stop-loss plan is a key component of any trading strategy. It's a price level that you specify in advance, usually based on the current market value of your investment. The purpose of a stop-loss is to protect yourself from sudden losses and to ensure that you don't end up losing more money than necessary.
In order for this strategy to work properly, however, there must be an element of risk management involved as well—and this is where things start getting tricky!
Choose the right trading platform
Choosing the best strategy for crypto trading is one of the most important steps to take when starting out in crypto. You want to make sure that you're using a platform that has been well-regulated, licensed and has an excellent reputation.
You should also consider:
Customer support - Is it easy for     people to reach out? Do they respond quickly? How many hours are they open     on weekdays/weekends/holidays? Can they provide live chat sessions or     phone support?
Fees - What kind of fees do they     charge (fees per trade, monthly subscription fee)? Are there any hidden     costs such as withdrawal fees or transfer fees (for moving money between     exchanges)? How much does it cost per month if I keep my funds on this     exchange for two years without making any trades at all during that time     period?"
Never trade what you can't afford to lose
You should never risk more than you can afford to lose. You should never trade if you're in debt or relying on the money to pay bills. And if you're not prepared to lose, don't do it!
By using the mentioned tips, you can start your cryptocurrencies trading journey.
To make money in cryptocurrency, you need to understand the market and track your investments. Here are some tips that will help you do so:
Get familiar with the major coins     and their prices. You can do this by visiting sites like coinmarketcap or     CMC for short. This site lists all of the top cryptocurrencies by market     cap (the total value of all coins) as well as their prices at any given     time. If you want to know how much an individual coin is worth today,     check out its price on CMC or another similar website like CoinMarketCap!
Understand how exchanges work     before trading on them; they’re not complicated but if they were easy     enough then everyone would be doing it already! Exchanges allow people who     want to buy/sell different types of assets online without having access     directly through one entity such as eToro etc...
As you can see, there are many different things that you should consider when starting your cryptocurrency trading journey. By following the tips listed above and making sure that you have a strategy in place before taking any trades, you will be on the path to success!
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ozzgin · 3 months
what races, classes, and subclasses in dnd would the yakuza boys like to play? (or the yokai harem 💕)
I'm going to use BG3 as a reference, because I never had the friends to play/get to know D&D. :') So there may be some slight inaccuracies to the original lore.
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Daitou would be intrigued by a race like Dragonborn or Githyanki. They look different and intimidating, which resonates well with him. He'd probably pick a class like a Paladin or Warlock, because again, he can relate to the concept. "Heh, that's a little like me and Boss, ain't it?" he'll conclude after you explain what everything means. Bonus: he'd probably relate a lot to Durge.
Kazuya would go for a Tiefling or Elf. Either a Bard, or some ridiculously strong combo like Gloom Stalker Assassin. He likes being a charismatic character, but also thrives for power. "What do I pick so I'm the strongest of the team?"
Kiritsubo might go for a Dragonborn because he's a dragon spirit himself; he doesn't really understand all these fancy names, so he just picks whatever feels familiar. Using the same logic, he'd choose either Fighter or Barbarian. "I just have to swing a sword around, r-right?"
Murasaki would be intrigued by the Githyanki or (female) Drow. The discipline, the reputation, the arrogance, they certainly feel like home. As for class...he'd probably research some multiclass combination in order to be an efficient jack of all trades. Maybe something involving Sorcerer, for the long range and spell variety.
Suma is a simple man. He wants to use his fists. Give him a Half-Orc Barbarian or Monk and he'll be happy.
Yuugiri would probably choose an Elf because they look nice. Then go for some Bard/Rogue combination, so he can steal, backstab, and manipulate people. "What? I can roll to convince the enemy to just...kill themselves? This will be my signature move."
Sakaki immediately chooses Deep Gnome. They're frequently enslaved and mistreated (at least in BG3), and he finds the misery poetic. For the same reason he'd go for something like Cleric, Trickery Domain. "I have been killed again. Revive me if you must: but I shall savor death's sweet embrace." Bonus: Probably a Shar simp.
Sekiya is amused by the idea of being a human. Becomes terribly flustered and embarrassed when you tell him it's considered a boring choice. Went for Warlock because it was recommended as a balanced choice for beginners. Has been killed several times because he jumps in to protect his spider familiar. "You know what I can't summon again? The trust I could've lost if I let my companion die."
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nifm-institute · 1 month
NIFM Institute in Mumbai — Best Stock Market Training Courses in Mumbai
NIFM Institute in Mumbai is the best share market classes in Mumbai for stock market trading & training. At NIFM, we’ve always been partial to independent thinkers. Where we’ll teach you not only how to trade in the share or financial market but also how to make a living out of it in our stock market courses in Mumbai. NIFM share market training programs are simple to understand and easy to follow with practical case studies in an organized manner with a systematic flow. In our stock market courses, we will teach you to learn every factor that can affect stock market industry ups and downs, when to enter or exit, money-making strategies, discipline in the stock market, and control risk and loss.
Overview of Stock Market Courses in Mumbai
Trading in the stock market is a process that requires constant thinking, analysis, and discipline. What you think and what you choose determines your success in the business.
NIFM is the pioneer institute of stock market trading courses in Mumbai. Our institution has been focusing on providing qualitative stock market trading knowledge for over a decade in India. NIFM believes in classroom & practical sessions where the interaction of experienced trainers and other participants brings out the best results and clears all doubts about the toughest topics and makes them crystal clear. NIFM has helped thousands of investors learn the skills necessary to have the ability and confidence of the pros. We are the only stock market institution having 20+ branches all over India, where 50,000+ students have done certification of stock market courses, Job oriented courses, investor & trader courses under the supervision of industry experts. We have exclusively developed job oriented courses with 100% placement assistance for those who want to make a career in the stock market. NIFM has 6+ branches or institutes for stock market courses in Maharashtra.
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Source of Content: https://www.nifm.in/blog-details/387/stock-market-courses-in-mumbai.php
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kayleerowena · 2 years
Oh, if you wouldn’t mind questions— I was planning on trying to do a bit of a tour of cons over the summer, try things out while I’m off school, but I’m not entirely sure what a good starting number would be or where to start finding places to exhibit/how far ahead I need to apply.
i absolutely don't mind questions! i started out with doing 1-3 small cons and zine fairs a year, and nowadays i do 4-5. this year i did 3 big ones — flamecon in nyc, small press expo in maryland, and tcaf in toronto — and 2 small — brooklyn indie comics showcase in nyc & hallowzine in maryland. i think 1-3 is a good number to aim for when starting out!
bigger cons are usually much more expensive to table, especially if you have to travel for them. when i started tabling cons, i waited until i knew around how much money i could expect to make during a day of tabling before i started applying to any conventions where tables would cost more than $100. ideally, when you table you'll make back whatever money you spent on tabling/merch/printing/travel, and everything after that is a bonus! smaller conventions and zine fairs generally don't cost more than $20-30 to table at, in my experience, so if you find local ones it's easy to make your money back and get an idea of what items sell well, what you need to make more of, and etc.
zine fairs are a really good way to get started, in my experience. there's a couple places online that collect links to various zine fairs and comic cons — i don't know that any of them are always 100% complete or up-to-date, but here's a couple links:
printed matter
stencil.wiki (also includes application links for some upcoming cons!)
broken pencil
if you're in the nyc area and looking to do a larger convention, flamecon has always been a really good experience for me — and tables are (i think, usually) first-come-first-serve, rather than an application system with a jury, so it's easier to get in as a con beginner than juried conventions are, generally speaking. it's the first big convention i ever did, and i've done it three times now and had a blast every time! i'd still recommend doing a few smaller ones first, though, just so you get in the swing of things.
as for how far ahead to apply, that really depends on the convention. i'd recommend looking into conventions and zine fairs in your area and joining their email lists! bigger conventions generally start applications like 6 months before the con, while tiny zine fairs might not have applications open until a month beforehand. it really depends on the place and the people running it!
going to conventions and zine fairs even if you're not tabling is also a really good way to learn about more events happening in your area. you can bring zines or small comics to trade or give to people, too!
i also recommend following @howtobeaconartist — they've got a ton of useful resources and advice. hopefully this is helpful!
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usstocktradings59 · 1 year
Best Stock Market Comprehensive guide for beginner to advance #stockmarkettrading
Stock Market Trading Strategies: A Comprehensive Guide
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## Introduction
In the dynamic world of finance, stock market trading strategies play a pivotal role in navigating the complex web of markets. A trading strategy acts as a roadmap, providing traders with a structured approach to making high-quality trading decisions. By defining specific rules and parameters, these strategies offer a systematic and disciplined approach to capitalizing on market opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore six different types of trading strategies and techniques that every trader should know. So, let's dive in and unravel the secrets of successful stock market trading.
Understanding Trading Strategies
At its core, a trading strategy is a set of rules that guide traders in executing profitable trades. These rules can encompass various aspects, including chart patterns, price action, technical indicators, and fundamental analysis. The primary objective of a trading strategy is to streamline the process of analyzing market information and provide traders with a structured methodology for decision-making. By offering structure, focus, and consistency, these strategies empower traders to navigate the market with confidence.
The Top Six Types of Trading Strategies
Day Trading: Day trading is a popular strategy that involves buying and selling financial instruments within the same trading day. Day traders aim to capitalize on short-term price fluctuations and take advantage of intraday volatility. With a focus on quick profits, day traders employ various techniques such as scalping and momentum trading to identify lucrative opportunities.
Swing Trading: Swing trading is a strategy that capitalizes on medium-term price movements. Unlike day trading, swing traders hold positions for several days to weeks, aiming to capture substantial price swings. Technical analysis plays a crucial role in swing trading, helping traders identify entry and exit points based on trends and patterns.
Positional Trading: Positional trading is a long-term strategy that requires traders to hold positions for extended periods, ranging from weeks to months or even years. Position traders focus on identifying significant market trends and aim to ride the trend for maximum profit. They rely heavily on technical analysis and fundamental factors to make informed decisions.
Algorithmic Trading: Algorithmic trading, also known as automated trading, leverages computer algorithms to execute trades. Traders design algorithms that analyze vast amounts of data, identify trading opportunities, and automatically place orders. Algorithmic trading enables traders to execute trades at high speeds, capitalize on market inefficiencies, and manage risk more effectively.
Seasonal Trading: Seasonal trading involves capitalizing on recurring patterns and trends that occur within specific timeframes. Traders analyze historical market data to identify seasonal patterns and adjust their trading strategies accordingly. This approach is commonly used in sectors influenced by seasonal factors, such as agriculture, retail, and tourism.
Trend Trading: Trend trading relies on identifying and following market trends. Traders use technical analysis to determine the direction of market momentum and execute trades in alignment with the prevailing trend. Trend traders aim to capture the bulk of a trend's movement, whether it's an upward or downward trend.
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sreepadamangaraj · 2 years
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How to Day Trade Futures is clearly something that intrigues you and a lot of people.
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goodluckcapital · 1 year
Swing Share Trading Tips In India
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Goodluck Capital offers profitable swing share trading tips in India. Our team of experienced analysts identifies potential stocks using in-depth research and analysis, taking into account various factors like company financials, market trends, and global events. Our swing share trading advice is intended for investors who hold stocks for less days to fewer weeks on average. To assist our clients in making decisions based on current market conditions, we regularly update them. With our expertise, investors can trade with confidence and increase their chances of success. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, our Swing share trading tips can help you achieve your financial goals.
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koffing-time · 1 year
Which Pokémon took you the longest to bond with? (tix)
Do you have a naming convention for your Pokémon? (olivia)
Did any of your Pokémon have temperament issues when they first evolved? How did you handle it? (both)
I think I'll leave out Appleslice and Bun because i still have to properly get to know them, and the Yveltal as well because obviously the same. I will also leave out Caramel and Tofu, i think we did bond somewhat already, but they also have been with me for less than a month, so you know? Difficult to judge right now.
I doubt however that they will be "worse" than Chocco. He has very bad mood swings sometimes and that can make it really difficult with him, but I still love him very very much. We had struggled a lot with each other for years actually, there were days we couldn't be separated and others where he literally tried to burn me alive. We've gotten accustomed to each other though, and I'd even say we've grown a proper bond.
I do not have a naming theme (like Tix)!
I had a tendency to name my Pokémon after, just, random things i associated them with when i was a kid. When Marbles was still an exeggcute, he looked like a bunch of oversized marbles, and Beach Ball obviously looks like a big beach ball. Grill was cooking for me while i was doing my gym challenge, so that's where his name comes from. He almost did not even get one in the first place, i just could not find a fitting one.
Well, The Kalosian is obviously a very odd nickname though, and would not fit into this scheme. She is also a trade evolution. I traded her for a shelmet with someone from Kalos. I could not pronounce the original nickname, so instead i referred to her as "the kalosian escavalier" for some time, and she seemed to like it.
And, well Hans was given to me by the Striaton Gym because i do not have a water type and also my Pokémon are way too strong for beginner level trainers (1-2 badges). He did not have a name and i was very obsessed with Hans Zimmer at the time, so that's where his name comes from.
I don't think any of my Pokémon had issues after evolution. Most of them aren't even evolved, so that's also a thing. I guess Poppy was suddenly very energetic, but nothing unusual I'd say.
As for me, yes, all of them (well, those that are evolved). My general advice would be to give them time and especially space to get their energy spent and get used to their new body. Evolution takes a heavy toll on Pokémon, especially if they undergo a very drastic change.
For example, Marbles was like a foot tall as exeggcute? When i evolved him, he suddenly grew over 20 times in size. Gaining the dragon type is also quite strange i have to assume. He was upset that communication became more difficult at first, and it was a little bit traumatic that he could not be inside with me anymore. To accommodate that, I started camping outside with him. It became better with time, and he is now okay with sleeping in his pokeball.
For Grill: it is known that darmanitan are even more fiery than darumaka, but i was not really prepared. I sort of had to retrain him entirely which took years. Things he was allowed to do were now off limits, because his fire was hotter and his arms stronger and so on and it became a safety issue. Of course that upset him. I had to make an agreement with Clay in deiftveil city so i could use (part of) his gym grounds for a few weeks so Grill could power himself out without destroying things.
And The Kalosian... It was just a hard time for her. I and the other trainer were not thinking right. We both caught a Pokémon and immediately traded it for evolution. Do not do it like me. She got thrust into a trainers pocket and then she also had to deal with evolution into Escavalier. In case you do not know, it is much more stressful for the Escavalier than for the Accelgor, but both are changing very fundamentally. I'm still very sorry for having done this to her, but i think she has forgiven me and is now a cherished part of my little family. Again, giving her time and freedom to explore herself with as few boundaries as possible was a good way for us. Setting new rules slowly and letting her adjust to them one at a time is important.
In hindsight, i would change a lot regarding the care for my Pokémon when i was a child/teen. I really was not the best trainer. - Olivia
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
may I request an in depth analysis of:
Magma Whip Candlestick
Rogier’s Rapier, with special reference to affinities and weapon arts that aren’t dex or int related
I will answer this one but please one at a time.
Magma Whip Candlestick is a whip, and whips are good. You can't really go wrong with it. It's good dual-wielded, it's good in your offhand. But the damage is worse than the analogous Giant's Red Braid, and the weapon is a bit shorter as well. However, it makes up for it with it's Ash of War which is perfect area denial, and can even be used as a nuclear option in an invasion scenario.
The thing about this ash is that you can hold it for as much as your stamina bar/mind bar allows. When your opponent is within range, you can just keep hitting, which makes it extremely useful when your enemies are cornered. On top of that, the magma on the floor protects you from retaliation if you whiff. And don't get fooled, that Magma is not like your Magma Sorcery magma, that magma deals considerable damage you can't really ignore and tank through.
The drawback is the start-up animation. The initial swing of the Sea of Magma is kinda slow and doesn't cover a lot of area. It's the next hit that has a lot of range, but by that time the opponent has all the time in the world to retreat. That's why using the ash is the most useful for trades and cornered opponents. You can't really use it out of neutral and it doesn't combo with anything really.
In PVE it's a great source of area denial. If you have a large enemy who would get hit by numerous magma splashes, or a group of weaker enemies, it's really good to just slap away at them with the Sea of Magma. It's both fun and safe.
7.5/10 weapon
Rogier's Rapier is a thrusting sword, and thrusting swords are great. They're good in mainhand and offhand, they're great two-handed, they are quick and really effective. Rogier's Rapier range isn't bad, but it's no Cleanrot, and the damage doesn't compensate for it. What we're really using it for is the heavy attack: a really quick double-hit. More often than not, if a weapon has a fancy-shamncy heavy attack, it's probably trash in PvP. That is not the case for Rogier's Rapier. It's GOOD and I mean "you can literally replace the regular r1" good. It breaks poise really efficiently, staggering even the most poised-up opponents after patch 1.07. my favourite thing to do is to use it with physical affinities, because of the strong status build-up potential. Cold, Poison and Bleed are all ready good as well for the same reason. The particular ash of war doesn't really matter that much, though. When I use the rapier I prefer to rely on the weapon moveset itself, and the ash of war is just a nice addition. HOWEVER.
A nice touch about it is the 110 crit modifier, which makes Quickstep really really good. It has good synergy with this weapon in particular. Backstab fishing requires a lot of skill and pressure, but rogier's Rapier really rewards it well. On top of that, the strong attack is extremely good as a wake-up tool. If you time it right, at least one hit will land, which is all it takes after a crit with this weapon. Pair it with the Dagger Talisman and you got yourself a crit machine.
I think it's a weapon with a very high skill ceiling. It's good, and you might just put in the effort to learn it. It's not good for beginners, though. If you're new to pvp, use the cleanrot.
8.5/10 weapon
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sharemarketinsider · 1 year
Most Profitable Chart Patterns
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Unlock the secret to making consistent profits in trading! In this blog post, we will learn the most profitable chart patterns that can skyrocket your earnings. Whether you’re new or experienced, these patterns are your key to success.
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doodle-emblem · 1 day
From Novice to Trader The Ultimate Forex Trading Course for Beginners
Welcome to from novice to trader the Ultimate forex trading course for beginners,your gateway to mastering the exciting world of foreign exchange trading. Designed specifically for those new to the forex market, this course offers a comprehensive foundation in trading principles, strategies, and tools. You’ll start with the basics, learning key concepts and terminology, and gradually progress to advanced techniques used by seasoned traders. With clear, step-by-step guidance and practical insights, this course will equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to navigate the forex market and start your trading journey on the right foot.
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