#swimmy tail
1k request: Stede has his own version of a merman dream. But. Ed's a catboy instead.
You are an absolute genius. This possessed me mind body and soul. Absolutely inspired.
Stede Bonnet was dying, probably.
The world was hot and strange, and their bedroom felt weird and empty. His head felt swimmy. The last thing he really remembered was Ed trying to feed him some soup and looking terrified when he couldn’t finish more than a few spoonfuls, and he remembered wanting to fight the entire world for making Ed look so scared.
He remembered Ed putting a wet cloth on his forehead, and it had felt like heaven, and he remembered Ed whispering that he was just burning up, begging please don’t leave me - he wasn’t sure he’d been meant to hear that part.
And now the world was dark and hot and strange. He registered being in his bed, but it was lonely, and he tried to focus on breathing. He didn’t want to go, he wanted to hang on, but it was so hard. He wanted to rally his strength, find the will to choose to live, but he was so fucking tired.
He felt the world start to slip, bleeding away at the edges-
Stede gasped as he opened his eyes. He was used to the sight of Ed in bed with him becoming the new most beautiful thing he’d ever seen every morning, but this was on a whole new level.
The Ed that crawled into bed with him had big, adorable, soft-looking gray kitty ears, and a long, fluffy tail that curled up into a curious hook, and his movements jingled with the bell on his collar. Stede’s heart absolutely melted at his big, adorable eyes, and the way his ears were slightly folded back with concern.
“You can’t leave me,” Ed pouted, curling up into Stede’s side, fingers starting to knead nervous biscuits into Stede’s chest. “I love you, I need you! I’d be so sad without you!”
Stede reached out to touch his adorable, soft ears, and Ed headbutted his hand, leaning into the contact with a cute little mrrp?
“Please don’t go,” Ed said, leaning forward to nuzzle his cheek cutely against Stede’s shoulder, the bell on his collar jangling. “You promised you’d never leave me again.”
Stede had promised him that. It would be an absolute dick move, to abandon his boyfriend when they’d only been living together for a couple months. Stede Bonnet, taken out by a little head cold? Ha! If his throat wasn’t so sore, he’d laugh at the thought.
“Please come back to me.” Ed pressed his nose under Stede’s jaw, purring softly, an adorable little noise. His fluffy tail thrashed anxiously over the covers. “We’ll keep each other safe. We promised each other, didn't we? I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I can’t lose you.”
Stede took a deep, rallying breath, and he tried to sit up. All he really managed was a groan in the back of his throat and a twitch of his hand.
“Yes!” Ed’s ears pricked forward with excitement, his eyes getting somehow even bigger and more adorable. “You can do it, babe, c’mon! Fight it! You’ve got this!”
Stede thought he might be able to manage a word. “Ed,” he groaned.
“That’s it!” Ed wiggled happily, pushing his head against Stede’s shoulder before doing this sort of adorable stretch onto his back, his shirt riding up to show off his adorable, soft tummy. As usual, the sight made Stede want to brush his fingers adoringly through his happy trail, bite gently at the soft skin there to make Ed squirm and giggle…
He couldn’t be finished. He wasn’t going to die before burying his face in Ed’s tummy one last time.
With a prodigious effort, Stede opened his eyes.
That was a little strange. He’d thought his eyes were already open, but when he opened them again, the cat-Ed in his lap was gone, and their bedroom felt more real than it had just a few moments ago. He could feel the soft quilt under his fingers, and as he sat up, the cloth that had been placed on his forehead, which had long since stopped being so pleasantly cool against his skin, kind of flopped down into his eyes.
And…there. Stede’s entire body relaxed when he realized Ed was still with him, asleep in a chair at his bedside. He’d fallen over so his head was resting on Stede’s thigh, his soft snores like a cute little purr.
Stede reached down to pet Ed’s hair. “Ed?”
“Mm - Stede?” Ed rubbed at his eyes with his knuckles as he sat up, starting to smile at him automatically before the realization hit. Shit - Stede! How do you feel?”
Stede let Ed press the back of his hand to his forehead. “Pretty great, actually.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” Ed groaned in relief, climbing into bed next to him so he could hold his face and pepper his cheeks with kisses until Stede was laughing. “You were so warm, and I couldn’t get your fever down, and I didn’t know what to do-”
“It’s alright.” Stede held Ed’s hand to his chest, letting him feel the steady beat of his heart. “You saved my life, I think.”
Ed raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Stede sighed in fond reminiscence. “I was thinking about how I felt like absolute shit, and then you just appeared to me.”
“Woah,” Ed breathed. “Like a mermaid? What color were my scales?”
“More like a cat,” Stede said, scritching at Ed’s beard, smirking at the way Ed’s eyes fluttered shut and he leaned into it. Still very catlike, really. “You were so cute. You had these big soft ears, and a cute fluffy tail, and I knew why I had to stay alive.”
Ed humored him. “Why’s that?”
“So I could do this.” Stede lunged forward, gently pushing Ed over so he could press his face into his soft, adorable tummy. Oh, yeah. The world felt right again.
Ed snorted, wrapping his arms around Stede to hold him close. “Never change, Stede.”
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radioiaci · 22 days
@damnedrainbows ▹ liked for a starter (for Husk).
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"I've been meaning to ask, my feline friend," Alastor practically crooned at the other - well into his third (or fourth?) glass of scotch for the evening, the tail that he kept normally hidden doing a little sway back and forth with his obvious intrigue into the topic of conversation, despite its mundanity.
"Do you groom yourself in a typical fashion? Or is it more cat-like? You don't use your tongue, do you?"
Reaching out from his seat on the other side of the bar, the slightly tipsy radio demon brought claws to lightly pluck a hair or two from Husk's fuzzy arm. Inspecting it closely, though it was difficult. His vision was already just a touch swimmy.
He fought the urge to put the small strand of fur in his mouth to determine how it tasted.
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shinyshade8026 · 2 months
what happened to swimmy tail?? :(
I'm surprised you're not talking about the fact the tips of his ear's are torn!
It happened when he was in the river! Tad got tossed around pretty hard by the currents and well... sharp stones...
He was in his water form due to the water touching him but also because his mind was panicking and made him change like that. So the tadpole tail was torn, not his actual tail
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salchat · 1 year
“Joke’s on you, pipsqueak," said Bobby.  "It’s summer break.”
The kid’s swimmy eyes blinked.  He sniffed.  “What?”
“There ain’t no school to go to right now.”
“Summer break’s for running about and playing games and such.  Didn’t your brother tell you that?”
Sammy just looked up at him solemnly.  His droopy little mouth drooped a bit further.
“I guess not,” said Bobby, softly.  He ruffled the little boy’s hair.  “Dean’s not saying much about anything at the moment, is he?”
“No, Uncle Bobby,” muttered Sammy.
“Don’t suppose you know what that’s about, do you?”
The mop of hair shook.  The sneakers ground into the dry dirt, one toe and then the other.  “Dad took Dean somewhere at night.  I woke up when they came back and Dad had hurt his arm and Dean was all white like he was sick and he wouldn’t talk to me.”
“And he hasn’t said anything since?”
“No, Uncle Bobby.”
"Okay."  Across the yard, the older boy hadn’t moved, his body hunched over, his hands dangling limply between his bent-up legs.  He wasn’t right, that was for sure.
The night before, Bobby had been at the tail end of a bottle, drifting down into the usual heap of crap that went on in his head if he let it.  Then from outside, there’d come the rumble of a familiar engine and the creak and slam of car doors followed by a hammering fit to raise the dead, or at least to sober up a maudlin-drunk Bobby.
"I need a few days," John Winchester had growled.
Bobby couldn't remember what reply he’d made, if any.  The boys had been pushed in through the door, Sammy first, yawning and trailing a blanket, then Dean, carrying the bags, saying nothing.
John hadn’t stayed to see the boys settled.  Hadn’t even shut off the Impala's engine, in fact.  Just mumbled something which might have been thanks - but probably wasn't - and then off he went, wheels kicking up the dust behind him.
It hadn’t been the first time they’d been dumped like that.  The boys had sorted themselves out with minimal input from Bobby, taking over the dusty spare room, falling into the twin beds with mismatched bedspreads.
In the morning, he’d been expecting two whirlwinds to blow through the house, emptying the fridge of anything remotely edible before disappearing into the yard to find out what was new and find themselves as much trouble as they could.  And Sammy was much the same as usual, chattering away and jumping about like he couldn’t keep still.  But Dean was silent and blank - eating if Bobby told him to eat, helping with the chores if Bobby told him to, but doing nothing off his own bat - nothing apart from watching his brother, following him around like a silent shadow, like a ghost that had given itself one task and was going to stick to it forever.
What the hell had that Goddamn fool Winchester done to his oldest son?
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ratcandy · 7 months
hang on I talked about these guys once ages ago but I was reminded of them this morning and feel a need to share them. Now that there's suddenly more eyes here. Need everyone to know one of my favorite insects
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look at this thing. Appreciate how it looks like a cross between a stick bug (with a slender, elongate body) and a mantis (those sick raptorial claws). Look at and appreciate how silly they look, all weirdly positioned and wonky.
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On first glance you'd probably think this thing is a mantis that just lies flat. Or perhaps a stick bug that evolved in a weird way. But no actually. It's neither of those things.
It's in the order Hemiptera, which is the order inhabited by stink bugs, assassin bugs, leafhoppers, and cicadas. Because it's got a rostrum. Which is essentially a fucked up and evil beak.
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(Photo credit, which is actually just electronically published images from the book "Guide to Aquatic Invertebrates of the Upper Midwest")
And they are positioned like that because they're an aquatic species. They're little swimmy bitches.
So that's fucked up, right. Because it looks so much like a stick or mantis, only to juke you with being a True Bug. Well what's even MORE fucked up?
what do you think we Called these things. What did we as a human species decide to name them.
that's right
that's not even the same CLASS !! Those are ARACHNIDS!! These are INSECTS!!!
At least for the other half of the family (Nepidae) it makes SOME amount of SENSE,
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(Photo credit)
LIKE I GET THAT, even if it's still an Insect at least I get it SUPERFICIALLY...
but when you off-handedly refer to these thangs as a water scorpion, people are probably thinking one of those guys with the long barbed-tails and big snippy snippy claws and are all horrified when you're like "oh I just pick up that little twig in my hands hehe" NO!!!! They'rE NOT scorpion .
It's a silly little stick cosplaying as a mantis when in reality it's a stink bug. and it's name is Wet Scorpion.
Appreciate. Appreciate it with me
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
what are some oddly specific hc of Ambush? I’m hyperfixated on multiple entities I swear-
Oooo I have some.
Though I love tinybush headcanons I do like the idea Ambush is BEEEEEG listen, both ideas battle in my head lol.
Tiny..Rush., though..
It can turn off its glow like a little night light or even glow pleasantly when it’s bedtime :)
Can hoot like an owl or even whistle thanks to its weirdly shaped mouth.
Can suck it’s tail into its body by simply sucking in its breath.
Will occasionally come into the rooms, find a warm vent and curl up to sleep on it. Sometimes 120 and A90 will join…maybe even A60 to.
Once smashed a grandfather clock on Greed’s head.
Hates water, but GUESS WHO SWIMS ANYWAYS because it’s kid got a swimmy tail.
Technically a rush headcanon too, but towards the end of a week it’ll probably be burnt out (literally due to the amount of crucifixes used on it) and super tired so it’ll bury itself in a bath tub under something cool like ice and let out a bunch of stress relieving “OoOoOoOOOOooOoO’s”
When it’s babies were reaaaaal tiny they’d use its tail as a slide.
Okay but imagine if turned off it’s light when it was really desperate to kill someone and your an intruder and you turned around and just saw this.
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Boo :)
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chickenpeep77 · 4 months
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Six legged swimmy thing. Tasseled tail is probably for camouflaging in plants.
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guthrie-odonto · 1 year
So here’s a theory I’ve had for quite some time but has recently gotten more evidence—to put it into Monsterverse classification:
Titanus Lechuza: the Owl Beast Titan
Essentially, this is stating that the owl beast is some kind of titan or titan-adjacent, maybe an adolescent. Here’s the evidence we have so far, in order of episodes:
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First off, going off of the mindscape as well as how big her beast mode gets in the finale, this thing’s HUGE. Not kaiju-sized, though, hence why I emphasize that it could be an adolescent or something of that nature.
(note: I know what you’re thinking about this thing’s head not being the fanged skull of King, his dad, or the titan trappers’ costumes, but 1) we don’t know for absolute certain if all titans look like that, and 2) the owl beast specifically takes after a barn owl—the shape and white color of this owl’s facial disc contrasting with its eyes does leave its face looking particularly skull-like)
Titans are naturally immune to the scalding hydrosphere of the demon realm, as shown by King taking a swimmy on titan trapper island and Titan!Luz standing in the boiling rains unaffected. Granted, there was the shield spell that Eda cast over the house at the beginning of “The Intruder” (even then, we don’t know if it lasted after she collapsed, given how exhausting casting the spell made her), but the very fact that the owl beast was bold enough to crash out of the window and subsequently make its way to Hooty kinda says something about how afraid of boiling rains this “beast” is…
The real kicker for this theory for me: the island Papa Titan hid King’s egg in was hidden by that sigil on the ceiling to the point of Lilith saying it wasn’t even on any maps? How then, was Eda able to just randomly stumble upon this island and therefore meet King for the first time
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In “Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s door”, we learn that the inciting incident that trapped the owl beast in the curse, and subsequently Eda, was it being hunted down by “the collector”. Now I think it’s kind of implied that this was one of the archivists instead of our Collector, but that lends even more credence to this being a titan of some kind since it’d give this archivist a motive. As for them calling the owl titan a “beast”, something tells me the archivists wouldn’t see the titans as their equals (and just look at the language the titan trappers use when talking about these behemoths)
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When Eda re-enacts the “owl beast’s fucking pissed” meme I made in the buildup to “For the Future”, there’s obviously the six wings, but she also has a noticeably more wolf or coyote-like tail…
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We’ve seen that this is a precedent in titans not just from King himself, but from the dad bod form Papa titan chooses to take when talking to Luz and the Titan disguises used by the titan trappers! (not to mention that, although the curse is canonically exacerbated by stress, Eda coincidentally went beast mode from her grief and anger right when King went feral…)
Not only that, but look at titan!Luz, formed when Papa Titan imbued her with the last of his life energy to stop Belos once and for all, and Harpy Eda, formed from Eda and the owl beast working as one:
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… they got the same eyes.
Conclusion: if I’m correct in this one, I guess it takes a (half)titan to raise a titan.
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grimmmedic · 1 year
The Ultimasaurus Draconis blinked a groggy golden eye open, faintly catching the faint sounds of helicopters overhead. The swimmy feeling of tranquilizers still made him feel sleepy and not quite right. He flexed his jaw, feeling the sluggish movement of his muscles.
He pushed himself up with his arms, huge talons gripping the earth to provide leverage, but he was far too unsteady to get to his feet. A mix of Giganotosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, and Argentinosaurus gave him his sheer size, even at a young age, with massive legs and arms (thanks to a dash of Therizinosaurus and Spinosaurus) ensured he could even walk on all fours if he wished. But right now, he was too sleepy.
Arc shook his head, grumbling in his throat before looking over and noticing his brother, Seraph, lay curled up not too far away, a massive bulk of ivory and gold scales, in contrast to his brother’s obsidian and crimson. Arc swatted him lightly with the flat side of his tail, but Seraph merely grumbled and rolled onto his side. Pffft. Useless scalebrain.
Finally feeling a lot more steady, Arc pushed himself to his feet, yawning; better check out the surrounding area and ensure it was secure. 
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scaposum · 1 year
Nyaaaaawn BTW I've been thinking a lot about what "kind" of dragon I am. I think I'm so feathery and fluffy for insulation because I come from somewhere that can get cold. Also feathers can keep me warm in the water because I like to swimmy. Considering the urges I get and my small size I probably ate a lot of plants and sometimes would dive for fish. Aquatic plants like moss and pondweed good :3 and flowers are always a favorite! I could climb trees to eat their blossoms and fruit. Winter diet is a lot of diving under the ice for fish and eating stockpiled seeds/nuts/dried flowers. I would HATE anything with feathers or fur or big crunchy bones JUST SMALL FISHIES AND PLANTS PLEASE... Physiology stuff: I'm like. Small. Big dog sized but with a longer neck. Maybe three and a half feet or so? Four legs, sort of feline/canine ish paws, long tail with a plume of feathers at the end, a pair of feathered wings shaped for speed and power much like a falcon's. Also going to say my paws have a little bit of webbing for swimmy. But I am not an aquatic dragon I just dive sometimes
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johndoeswords · 1 year
The Tail of Walther & Wilhelm (an excerpt)
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Walther’s wet eyes watered more in the wind. Tiny snowflakes kicked up into his whiskers and landed on his snout. He grimaced in the cold, a single breath of wind skated across the desolate cemetery, cut through his now-not-so-thick seeming sweater, and disappeared into the dark woods beyond the wrought iron gate on the other side of the clearing.
Walther waddled up onto the hard base on which the concrete fairy sat unmoving. 
Lifting himself onto his hind legs with his tail strung out behind him for balance, just its tip still touching the ground behind, he placed his paws up on the edge of the frozen basin.
In the bowl half full of glassy white ice a small pool showed no reflection, only a clouded crackled translucence that obscured the concrete bottom beneath.
He looked again into the fairy’s stone eyes, level with his this time, and straight-on. Swallowing hard, he couldn’t help but smell a life beneath the cold surface. He’d heard the stories but wasn’t fool enough to have ever tried following their lead. They were told as heed, not instruction. 
The fairy’s face smirked - or maybe it was cast in a smirk and Walther just noticed now that he was face-to-face with the thing - he heaved a sigh and looked down into the frozen water in the basin. Lifting his head back up to look into the creature’s eyes one last time, he finally managed a word - whispered.
The stone creature’s eyes glinted. This time Walther knew he wasn’t imagining the change. Slowly, they seemed to smooth and fill, melting the rough worn concrete into a glassy black. The eyes were like frozen pools themselves, only filled with an inky blackness not in any water Walther would ever care to drink. The eyes focused into a single dark color and stared deeply into the possum’s purse-lipped face.
The stone fairy did not move its lips but Walther heard the reply all the same: “What do you seek?”
Walther’s mind raced. Had this been what his brother had seen? What did Walther seek, really? A nice pile of leaves, a bit of snowberry missed by the birds, a small hole that would fit his head and body and not let a fox find him, a bowl of eggs and pecans, a thousand things… 
It took a moment for him to regain his composure. He knew the answer. He had practiced it in his dreams, in his nightmares, on his walk to the cemetery which had felt like both.
“A den from the cold”, he replied.
A small part of him wished he’d said nothing. Wished he’d turned around. Wished he’d not even noticed his brother was missing.
The larger part of him, his stomach that usually just stored the pit, felt suddenly swimmy and weightless. Every hair on the possum's body stood on end. It felt like lightning just about to strike, but never cracking. He looked into the basin and saw its contents melting, moving, like a pot of oil on a hot stove, struck by an undercurrent of heat but still and quiet on the surface. The basin itself had smoothed and turned from its rough concrete into a shining silver. 
The possum’s back feet lifted off the stone underneath him and he clung to the edge of the basin, gasping now instead of sighing. 
He stared into the fairy’s black eyes - the stone was melting away and coloring in skin, and hair, and clothes - shimmering wings that glowed like transparent rainbow, all of the fairy, the basin, the pool, seemed to be alive with warmth and color - all but the fairy’s toes, still concrete and stuck to the stone circle beneath them.
Walther looked up, again into the fairy’s still-black eyes. He saw the face and lips moving this time, the smirk now very much alive. “Your tail”, the living fairy said, gently.
Walther raised his eyebrows, glanced back and saw the tip of his long pink tail still touching the snowy ground from which he had stepped up only minutes (that felt like months) earlier.
“You’ll have to let go, you won’t be able to find until you do”, the fairy said simply, seeing into Walther’s heart.
The cautious possum choked back his every natural instinct to turn, to run, to flee, to faint, to….
He closed his eyes, and lifted his tail off the earth.
A brief excerpt from a tragically unfinished short story about a very anxious little opossum trying to find his brother.
Inspired by a lovely photo that I'd be delighted to know the original artist of, but in the meantime, found on @the-possum-posting here
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alphynix · 4 years
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Mixosaurus cornalianus here was a small early ichthyosaur, only about 0.8-1m long (2'7"-3'3") and generally considered to be transitional between the eel-like swimming style of basal forms and the more dolphin-like later forms. Living during the Middle Triassic, about 242 million years ago, it inhabited a shallow tropical sea that covered what is now the modern border between Switzerland and Italy.
It was previously thought to be a slow swimmer with a low and poorly-developed tail fin, and whether it even had a dorsal fin or not was unclear. But now new specimens with soft tissue impressions have given us a big surprise.
Not only did it actually have a fairly well-developed semilunate tail fin, but it also had a dorsal fin positioned much further forward on its body than expected, giving it a shape similar to some small sharks and representing the current earliest known dorsal fin of any amniote.
Bundles of stiffening collagen fibers inside its fins were very similar to those known from later Jurassic ichthyosaur species, indicating that this adaptation evolved much earlier in the lineage than previously thought. Along with stomach contents showing it mainly ate both cephalopods and small fish – fairly fast-moving prey – this suggests it was a capable open-water swimmer. It wouldn't have been quite as speedy as its much more specialized Jurassic relatives, but it may have still been about as efficient as the small modern sharks it resembled.
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today in, are my fish going to die
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italoniponic · 2 years
This is not a request, but you're like my favorite Twisted Wonderland person on Tumblr and you're always friendly and I don't have anyone else to share my TWST thoughts with. 😂😭 So I hope you don't mind me sharing this random thought I had. It's so stupid and I literally got the idea from an old TV show I enjoyed as a child where a girl accidentally accepted someone's proposal without knowing it was a proposal. 😂 Please forgive me for the length.
So, the NRC students are from all over, right? Some places IRL have some interesting courting methods that aren't the usual date, proposal, marriage some people are used to (I'm from the US, it's basic and boring here). So imagine catching someone's fancy in Twisted Wonderland. You're friends at first, then there's some unconfirmed but not entirely subtle feelings between you two. Then all of sudden they offer you a gift, or invite you somewhere specific, say a certain phrase to you, etc. And you somehow react or respond in a way and BOOM, boy of your choice thinks you're dating, or even engaged.
Like, Azul is showing you this really pretty pearl or something from the Coral Sea. You think he's giving it to you, so you take it. And now he's all flustered like, "wait a second they think I proposed????" and poor thing is completely losing it internally. He's half like "I'M TOO YOUNG TO GET MARRIED" and half like "Our wedding colors should be the same as the lounge colors..."
Meanwhile with Floyd, he also gave you the previously mentioned pretty pearl KNOWING you don't understand the meaning behind it. You happily accepted it, and then he throws you over his shoulder and starts telling everyone you're getting married.
I think the beastmen would have interesting ways as well, like giving you specific items as a courting method. And once again, you just accept the gifts without knowing and then BOOM, Leona's family is gushing over his "fiance", Ruggie is writing home to his granny about you, and Jack's tail won't quit wagging.
Or Sebek, being half human and half fae, only knows the basics of human proposals- as in, he doesn't realize humans often propose with a ring. He assumes anything jewelry-wise is related. So you somehow come across say, a shiny pin/broach, or something of the sort and give it to Sebek as a gift. And he's just screaming "I'M MARRIED TO MY DUTY AS A KNIGHT" and then chokes out "B-BUT I SUPPOSE I COULD FIND ROOM FOR YOU IN MY LIFE" and you're just like "???"
I'd like to imagine Kalim as the opposite scenario with Sebek: he just gives you a beautiful ring and invites you to a special ceremony and since you're used to his random gifts and parties, you think nothing of it. Next thing you know, he's skipping around school humming the wedding March and Jamil is like "WAIT- KALIM DOES Y/N KNOW YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED?!"
And lastly Malleus. Maybe him inviting you back home has substantial meaning. So he's just like, "would you, Y/N... accompany me to the Valley of Thorns (I can't remember if that's the name)?" and you're like "sure!!!" And Lillia is far too amused to step in and explain to you the meaning behind Malleus's invitation- plus he wants grandbabies so what's the harm?
I have a couple more ideas but this is already so long. Thank you for reading my weird and jumbled thoughts!!!
- 🏊‍♀️ Swimmy (again)
Hi again, Swimmy!~ Don't be afraid of send long asks, I actually like to talk a lot so it goes hand in hand.
Before anything OMG THE BEGINNING JUST MADE ME SO HAPPY To hear that I'm someone favorite fandom person is like, such a honor! And everytime I read that, it feels like the first time and just like the first idk how to respond???? Oh, darling, thank you! It was the sweetest thing to read that <3
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Okay, back to the actual ask! Also lot's of fangirling bc I love thinking about marriage and those things
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THAT With your permission, I want to separate this into a special folder in case I have the sudden inspiration to write an actual fic about it (idk how much of the boys I can cover tho, but anyways). Because the entire concept is so funny and also adorable in a special way
Here in Brazil, people also propose with a ring and all that but some people (as well in other countries) might have some ideas to make the whole thing more different or unexpected. I personally like the good old just kneel down and offer the ring... that might be bc I don't have much patience with surprises most of the time. BUT! When it's that special person, everything suddenly feels more special either way
So yeah, some of the boys having a "tradition from their homeland" to propose could go with me. *shifting to my Silver stan heart* I imagined Silver proposing to me like that. Maybe something that Lilia taught him bc that's the way faeries propose. Or it's Lilia's family way to propose! I made some similar hc in the first years request with Sebek but it was for dating (that maybe faes already understand like some type of commitment) and it's taught in Sebek's mom family. The whole thing of offering a bouquet of rosemary and red carnations that means "love and affection between lovers". I wonder which way Lilia could taught Silver to propose to someone... maybe Sleeping Beauty related somehow?
Talking about Diasomnia, I'll go for Malleus now. He inviting you to the Valley of the Thorns (I prefer this term tbh) to meet his grandmother but he doesn't think about explaining why that's important and Lilia don't wanting either can make such a funny story. Especially bc all faes in the court are arguing about the wedding or some of them are actually planning stuff, and you are just "wow! look at this place, it's so amazing!" not realizing a single thing.
Still on Sebek, the concept of "humans only proposes with jewelry" is wonderful and his response simply hilarious! After that, you take your time to explain to him the "ring" tradition and he thinks he should make up for things by buying you a ring ("after all, we're engaged") and you're split between stopping him and maybe actually being engaged....
Kalim taking you to the nupcial party (like, some special party to celebrate the engagement first) and not realizing that you're oblivious to his real reasons, meanwhile Jamil is like "you gotta be kidding me". The worst part? When you understand things, you decide to just go with it. You love Kalim with all your heart, so why not? That makes Kalim so much happier! But Jamil is so done with you two (he's part of the team "you can't marry someone after so little time together")
Leona and Ruggie's part might be something very traditional and famous from Afterglow Savannah that recall Nala and Simba. I just love that scene of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?", I refer that everytime I can when it's something about Leona and confessing/proposing. But the Upendi in Lion King 2 could go well too! It's just a date together (traditionally, in the jungle part or somewhere next to a water font) and you make a heart with leaf to your partner and let it go with the wind. Rook may do the same since he came from there too
Now for Jack....??? Something with the moonlight, sounds like a wolf pack way to propose. I'll go crazy with this bc he's one of my favorites, hope you don't mind. Oh, imagine him taking you to somewhere you can see the bright moon (specially full moon) and he gifts you with a moonstone collar, swearing with the Moon above you that he'll always be there for you forever tail is wagging, face is blushing hard and you're like "this collar is so beautiful, thanks for the gift!" "u-uh, glad you like it. In our marriage day, I'll gift you something similar but as a ring." "really? wait MARRIAGE DAY?!" (talking for me, I would gladly accept my fate)
Floyd WOULD do exactly that! Jade? The same. One of those situations where you already accepted so, there's no coming back lol Throwing you over his should is probably Floyd way to express his joy and to be quick while announcing the marriage bc he wants the whole NRC to know
FLUSTERED MESS AZUL FLUSTERED MESS AZUL You cracked me with the "Our wedding colors should be the same as the lounge colors..." He's been planning this all this time! But then you're like "oh, but someday I'll happily marry you, Azul... AZUL??" he's dead now, passing a way with a smile on his face bc there's no other reaction to this
Pls, Swimmy, if you have more of those ideas, send me! I loved them! It's was so fun imagining all of this <3 Thank you so much!
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memorybypass · 6 years
Happy duck loves her cat big brother. Tail wags and head bob, she's looking at the cat just offscreen. Millie the cat always watches them in the tub, he's afraid they'll drown. Oil the duck loves him so much, she snuggles up against him and grooms him all the time. Duck translation: Tail wags mean happy, head bob means I love you.
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helpimhyperfixating · 2 years
for the follower event: y/n and merman! jonathan maybe? since its mermay :)
Follower Event request rules ^^
I gotchu!
I do ask though that if you send in a request, please do put a little scenario description of what you want me to write cause I had some trouble coming up with something for this 😅 Just to speed things up a bit and make it easier for me ^^
Also, it’s still may, it still counts.
The beginning is a little sucky but the rest is alright :)
Word Count: 1408
Swimming in rapid circles, you watched the whale Mer chase his son.
George was giggling loudly and happily, shrieking whenever he felt his father’s hands touch his waist or tail, threatening to catch him, only to then speed up a little bit and escape his grasp.
A smile was on Jonathan’s face the entire time, his eyes darting between the little pup in front of him and his mate. Unfortunately, this made him miss the rock George darted behind, instead slamming headfirst into the thing.
Gasping, you slapped a hand in front of your mouth before giggling as you quickly swam towards the large Mer. He was rubbing his head a little awkwardly but when you approached he quickly straightened up.
Smiling widely, you placed a hand on his cheek before reaching your other up to his head. Touching it softly, the only indication of pain was an awkward half-smile half-grimace and you shook your head happily, feeling Jonathan put his hand on the middle of your back, leaning into your hand on his cheek, craving your touch.
Even after all these years you two were still acting like lovesick pups, no matter you having George, no matter Jonathan becoming the leader of the pod, you still looked at him with those adoring eyes he couldn’t get enough of.
“Papa, are you okay?” Looking to your right, George was peeking over the rock, seeming concerned yet still wary, alert thanks to the game they were just playing.
“I’m okay, don’t worry.” Jonathan laughed softly, yet without the little boy noticing, his smile grew a bit more mischievous and with a swish of his powerful tail, the Mer had rounded the rock and scooped up his son.
George shrieked in both fright and then glee, the water rushing past him as Jonathan swam him faster than he could ever swim by himself through the communal area of the pod territory.
“Mama!” George called for you for help, trying to struggle though his giggles resounded through the water.
Quickly coming into action, you swam over with just a few strokes of your tail, quickly catching up as you rushed your mate from the side, intent to hijack your pup from his arms and tease him as you swam away, yet Jonathan saw you coming from a mile away.
Stretching out your hands, you were ready to pry George out of his father’s grasp, yet instead, Jonathan abruptly turned, bumping his hip into yours. The impact sent you off course, allowing the blue whale Mer to wrap his free arm around your waist and curl you into his body, trapping your arms by your sides as you were caged in.
“Jojo!” You laughed, flopping your tail a bit while George dramatically called out, his one hope for escaping now trapped just as he was.
Jonathan smiled as he hugged you both closer to him. There was nothing in the world he would trade for moments like these.
“Come on, George.” You scolded lightly, shooing him further into the grotto.
“Your father is coming, he’s just doing a perimeter check of the territory.”
Pouting a little, the pup allowed you to swim him over to the bed where you gently pushed him down, a soft chirr starting in your chest for him, instantly working to calm him down more.
“I’m gonna go out and meet him, but then we’re both joining you, okay?” Getting a little nod from the pup, you smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to his head, getting a soft but satisfied exhale from the boy. “If there is anything wrong, just go to Speedwagon or Erina, alright?” The nod you got this time was ten times sleepier, making you satisfied as you petted his head one last time before swimming out, stopping your chirr.
Once outside of the grotto, you saw a few Mer swim around here and there, though most of the pod was getting ready for sleep as the water turned darker with the rise of the moon.
Waving at some of them as they greeted you, you sniffed softly, quickly picking up on your mate’s scent and flicking your tail to speed up and go in his direction.
You didn’t have to find him when he was out like this, it’s not like he needed your help. But you knew he appreciated the company immensely. And besides that, you felt it was your job as the matriarch to help your mate in any way you could, even though usually your responsibilities lay more within the pod itself.
It took a while before you found Jonathan. The whale was about halfway done with the check when you did, yet as you swam towards him, you saw him pick up on your approach, his head turning every which was as he looked for where you were, his eyes soon landing on you.
The soft look that overtook him was ready to melt you, just like any other time he looked at you like that.
Swimming over to meet you halfway, the Mer began to circle you, his tail entwining with yours as he softly nuzzled you.
“Hi, darling.” He spoke softly, a hand on your arm before he pressed a kiss to your temple, a soft purr automatically emanating from his chest.
Jonathan sometimes reminded you of a baby seal with how easily excited he became. Any time the two of you were alone, his purr was turning on.
“Any troubles?” You asked after a moment.
“None so far.” He affirmed what you thought already, given his relaxed state, before turning a bit more bashful. “Do you want to join me?”
Smiling at him, you nodded. “It’s why I came out here, you silly fish.”
Seeming relieved, Jonathan didn’t at all respond to you calling him a fish, instead untangling from you as he instead grabbed your hand, gently starting to drag you with him as he swam the territory.
Quietly entering the grotto, it had now turned fully dark, the two of you relying on your night vision to see.
George was right where you left him, sleeping peacefully and you looked back at Jonathan, seeing him swim through the opening behind you. His wide frame took up the entire span of it and it surprised you every time how he could swim without being noticed, sometimes just turning up out of seemingly nowhere.
Swimming past, Jonathan glided his hand up your tail lovingly, tracing your side fins with affection before diverting to grabbing your hand and pulling you along, since you stopped in the middle of the cave.
It worked to pull you out of your thoughts as you now swam over to your son together.
Laying down, you curled your tail around him protectively, the pup immediately snuggling into you and your warmth in his sleep, his muscles relaxing as he completely sank into the bed and your tail, your side fin covering him as a blanket.
Only once you settled did you realise your mate hadn’t moved an inch, instead he was looking at the both of you, his eyes soft.
He could hardly believe his luck sometimes. Not only did you imprint on each other, the two of you got a pup together. George was one of the few pups in the pod right now, times hard and luck not on anyone’s side.
Yet as he looked at the two of you, he knew there was nothing he wouldn’t do to keep you safe.
Drifting down, he purred softly as he settled down with you, his stomach sandwiched to your tail surrounding George as he slung his arm over the both of you, his tail curling around your back until he could provide the tail fin as a pillow for you.
“I love you.” He spoke softly once he was fully settled and he watched you sleepily smile at him, making a warm feeling spread from his stomach to his chest and out.
“Love you too…”
It wasn’t until he was sure you were both in deep sleep that he leaned forward and softly pressed his forehead to yours, exhaling heavily through his gills with a small smile on his face.
“I’ll always keep you safe.” He whispered, keeping his eyes closed as he scooted just a little bit closer, keeping both you and George as close as possible to him, safe, protected, and most importantly of all - loved.
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