#swimming pool paint colours
andrecoatings · 1 year
BG Pool Paint Kit – Ocean Blue
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Buy Online Ocean Blue BG Pool Paint kit
BG Pool High Solid Epoxy Pool Paint System-Quality that Endures
BG Pool Paint offers the ultimate coatings experience in pool paint systems. BG Coatings only source the best raw materials available to formulate and produce a state of the art technology coatings system, which results in a finish for your pool that is truly sublime. Our smart micro-technology paint offers improved resistance against pool chlorinated chemicals and chalking.
BG Pool Paint Epoxy System can be applied over old and new surfaces such as concrete, fiberglass and marble sheen.
With more than 50 years experience in the coating industry, BG Pools utilities European technology to offer an array of vibrant colours to renew your old pool surface or to coat your new pool with a finish that is smooth and seamless.
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Advantages of BG Pool High Solid Epoxy Pool Paints System:
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Only use the finest raw materials to formula BG Pool High Solid Epoxy Pool Paint.
Can be used on ponds as well as other aquatic facilities
Order up to 3 FREE original hand painted Master Samples
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Local Technical support center available @ 1300–894–994
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poolpaintsydney · 5 months
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🌴 another one of my original paintings framed in ash
🌴 buy my prints here:
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soulofstarsandink · 1 year
1. Feyre painted the night sky on her drawer in the cottage.
2. Feyre had heard of Rhysand long before she met him. She recalled hearing of “One High Fae that could turn your bones to dust from a hundred yards away.”
3. One of the first things Lucien says to Feyre is that her eyes “are like stars.”
4. When first arrived at the Spring Court, Feyre unknowingly dresses herself in Night Court colours. (A dark blue tunic, another tunic “one of purple so deep it could have been black.”)
5. When Lucien and Feyre encounter the Bogge, Feyre distracts herself by thinking of “a starry, unclouded night sky, peaceful and glittering and endless.”
6. Rhysand appears as a “shadow I could never quite glimpse” in Feyre’s nightmares before they met. “Behind me - a shadow lurked - no, watched. I didn’t dare turn to look at it, to see who might be within the shadows, observing.”
7. Amarantha appeared in Feyre’s nightmares before she knew of her, as a “A pale, faceless woman dragging her bloodred nails across my throat” - a nightmare of Rhysands perhaps?
8. When the Suriel told Feyre to “Stay with the High Lord”, it didn’t specify which High Lord.
9. When Tamlin takes Feyre to see the pool of starlight, she describes the setting filling her with “both longing and mirth…it just seemed…right.”
10. Despite only having heard and not seen the Attor, Feyre manages to paint its exact image “a tall, skeletally thin gray creature with bat ears and giant, membranous wings.” How would she have been able to do this? Possibly an image from someone else’s mind?
11. During Calanmai, Feyre disregards Tamlin’s order to stay in her room as “there was a string - a string tied to my gut that pulled me towards those hills, commanding me to go, to hear the faerie drums…” “but a wild wicked voice weaving in between the drumbeats whispered otherwise. Go, that voice said, tugging at me. Go see.”
12. The first thing Rhysand ever says to Feyre is “There you are, I’ve been looking for you” before telling the three lesser faeries, “Thank you for finding her for me.”
13. During Feysand’s first encounter, Feyre thinks to herself Rhysand’s words “were tinged with an arrogance that only an immortal could achieve” to which he “laughed under his breath” having heard the insult.
14. When Feyre first drinks faerie wine, she describes it as “like a million fireworks exploring inside of me, filling my veins with starlight.”
15. Still intoxicated she states she wants to swim in the night sky, “to bathe in its colours and feel the stars twinkling between my fingers.”
16. Tamlin and Feyre had their first kiss during the shortest night of the year.
17. Rhysand states “only my prisoners and my enemies call me (Rhysand).” It’s then interesting that Feyre refers to him as ‘Rhys’ in her POV in moments when she can see beneath his villain mask. (And EXTRA interesting when she refers to him as such during their first kiss.)
18. When Rhysand senses Tamlin and Lucien have hidden Feyre “a flicker of excitement - perhaps disbelief - flashed across his features.”
19. Rhysand was the only person Under the Mountain that bet on Feyre slaying the worm.
20. Feyre’s bargain tattoo is similar to the Illyrian tattoos that are given for luck and glory.
21. When Rhysand dressed Feyre under the mountain he crowned her with a “small golden diadem imbedded with lapis lazuli” - a stone that inspires confidence and is worn by royalty.
22. When Rhysand informs Amarantha of his bargain with Feyre, it’s also an act of defiance as he mentions the bargain is “for the rest of her life”, hinting he believes she will survive the remaining tasks.
23. Before the second trial, Rhysand dresses Feyre in a ‘blood orange’ gown - a colour symbolising good fortune.
24. During their first mind convo, Rhysand says “Good girl.” (Not a fact, just hot tbh.)
25. When Rhysand sends the music to her cell, she unknowingly imagines Velaris and “a palace in the sky of alabaster and moonstone, where all that was lovely dwelled in peace…everything I wanted was there - the one I loved was there-“
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novlr · 11 months
How to write the heat?
Quick Tips on How to Write Heat
Heat can have many connotations in your stories beyond just temperature. It can be a sensation, an event, or even a metaphor for something else. The way a character internalises or experiences heat will also be unique to them, so here are some quick tips on how to use imagery to convey heat in a variety of ways.
In Nature
Use colours like red, yellow, or orange
Parched scenery, like cracked earth and dry leaves
Bright sunlight
Blistering winds
Heat waves radiating from hot asphalt
Animals huddling in the shade
Wide and barren landscapes
Hot sand to contrast with cool water
Wilting vegetation and a change in colour
The sound of cicadas
Foods and Objects
Hot peppers with bright colours
Spicy dishes (and how characters handle them)
Melting ice cream and frozen drinks
The sizzling sound of food in a hot pan
The smell of a barbeque
Cold drinks that provide relief
Flip flops, shorts, and tank tops
Sunscreen and hats
Metal and leather that is too hot to touch
Salt or minerals left on surfaces after liquid evaporates
Faded colours on objects left in the sun
Peeling paint
The hiss of steam from a kettle
Character Moods
Easily frustrated
Character Body Language
Wiping sweat from their faces
Fanning themselves
Shifting uncomfortable
Sluggish movements
Licking lips and swallowing due to dehydration
Shedding layers of clothing
Unconsciously moving toward the shade
Constantly drinking
Breathing heavily
Squinting or shielding eyes
Flushed skin
Panting or shallow breathing
Avoiding physical contact
Actions and Events
Seeking shelter during a heatwave
Roadtrips in a hot car with the windows open
Swimming at a pool, lake, or a beach
Sharing drinks with friends at a cafe, bar, or beer garden
Planning holidays to cooler climates
Staying indoors to read to watch TV where it’s cool
Watching the sunset or sunrise when it’s cooler
Going out at night to avoid the heat of the day
Beach parties and barbeques
Wildfire warnings
Outdoor markets and garage sales
Camping trips
Positive Aspects
Heat can be a time of joy, where families and friends can enjoy time together doing outdoor activities not available to them the rest of the year. Food becomes lighter, the days are longer, and people tend to get more exercise. There are also positive ways to describe the juxtaposition of something hot after immediately experiencing the cold, like a hot drink on a cold day.
Negative Aspects
Not every association with heat is positive. Hot weather brings environmental damage like droughts and wildfires that affect agriculture and wildlife. It can also lead to physical discomfort, like heat rash, dehydration, sunburn, sleep disruption, or being forced to work or exercise in uncomfortable environments.
Helpful Synonyms
Common metaphors
Passion or desire
Anger and conflict
Pressure or stress
Excitement and energy
Change or transformation
Danger or warning
Life and vitality
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 9 months
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Team work makes the dream work!
A shout out to all the players on team-merman for @ourflagonmax @rafaelvalladao 3D sculpted our scales in brazil. @metmobile printed the scales here in our studio and @an.introduction.to our master mould maker made fibreglass moulds into which we began casting casting and more casting…. 3000 individual scales in multiple colours with an array of glitters from @mysticartglitters … so so so much GLITTER! How cute does my man @metmobile look, delicately dusting glitter into scale moulds 😍
Then our lovely @homemade_byaline would come to the studio every evening and patiently trim excess silicone off scales with teeny tiny nail scissors late into the night. While this was all going on @thecreativetradecollective babes lent a hand with meticulously painting silicone scales onto our lycra tail skins (sewn and airbrushed by yours truely of course)
The idea was to have a combo of hand painted silicone scales and fully cast silicone scales. The end result was SEAMLESS!!! And again…. more glitter.
And I basically had my fingers in all these pies, sculpting, painting, sewing, liaising with our talented designer @gypsytaylor , casting, mixing, sparkling, sourcing, delegating, sleeping (no… no not sleeping!!!) Ironically myself and @an.introduction.to probably did the most hours, but we didn't get any fun posey photos with our work!!!
Always the way!!!!
And last but not least, we had a freediver Jose come and test run our fishy wares in my swimming pool (my neighbours must think I'm so weird!)… more photos to come of our resident merman.
source: hayleyegandesign on instagram
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vampyrsm · 7 months
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‣‣ Synopsis: Something terrible awaits the former Shogun's daughter, trapped in the maw of her enemy. The Shogun promises nothing but misery for one, and a marriage proposal for another. Eyes of blue see the true depths of her soul, and he bestows judgment upon her.
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‣‣ Main Masterlist | AO3 ‣‣ Pairing: Sukuna x Reader ‣‣ Word Count: est. 7.3k ‣‣ Warnings: Blank blogs & Minors DNI. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. Set in the Early-Heian Period, trueform!Sukuna, female reader, descriptions of torture, descriptions of wounds, death, the Shogun has his own warning, as do the Zen'in clan, threats of noncon (it's very brief), misogynistic views, beatings with weapons.
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Seas of rolling silver, a soft breeze that rolls along the tops of the Chinese Silver Grass, stray tops of the long flowering leaves fluttering along to be lost in the world. The grass is long enough to provide shelter, an open-topped enclosure away from the harshness of the outside world.
Your fingers brush along the feathered tops of the grass, watching it fall away and break away to float into the unknown. It was awfully peaceful here, a sense of serenity that could only be achieved in such a beautiful place. It has your lungs shrinking deeply to release a long breath, your muscles relaxing along with it.
The trees in the distance were a brilliant orange, leaves of Autumn falling away with the gentle breeze that rolled away. Autumn was always a favourite season of yours, to watch the leaves change colour and then to fall away when it was time. 
A shifting in the grass next to you has your eyes drifting away from the golden horizon, and down to the man next to you. 
Sukuna lays on his back, two hands tucked behind his head and the other two resting atop the lightly coloured kimono he decided to wear today. His face was the picture of bliss, his muscles entirely relaxed and if you looked close enough, the corner of his lips were lifted in a very subtle smile. 
The sun painted him in a gorgeous softness, across his features and melted into the pink tones of his hair. His tattoos were such a stark difference to the light and yet he looked devastating. You wanted to reach out for him, to trace along those tattoos with the tips of your fingers until you could retrace them with your eyes closed.
Love. That’s what you felt for him. Fully and truly, you loved him with every ounce of your being. And that’s why it hurt to stare at him, to see the softness on his face that you knew he would never allow himself to feel. His chest barely moves beneath his kimono, a gentle exhale with an even softer inhale. 
Then his eyes crack open, peering up at you through a squinted glance. The sunlight only amplifies the red of his eye, intensifying it until it looks like pools of crimson blood swirled there. The flecks of maroon were lost in the sea of red. 
“Kill him.” He says, and his voice sounds like it’s a mile away. Like he’s whispering on the wind that brushes against the bareness of your face. 
You open your mouth to reply, to ask him what he means by that, who is ‘him’. But instead, something icy cold washes over you from head to toe. Your body jolts at the sensation, and an ache blossoms in your upper arms and wrists. Your head slams back against something hard enough to cause your vision to swim momentarily.
Gone is the lightness of the autumnal sky and instead, you’re greeted with damp walls and dim lanterns. Your body shivers in the cold, and the sound of shoes on stone flooring has you looking around in the darkness. A man stands before you, a bucket in his hands that was most likely filled with the ice water that had been thrown on you.
“Welcome back to the Land of the Living.” He laments, chucking the bucket into one corner with a horrendous bang in the barrenness of the room. He takes steps towards you, and you can’t help but bristle. 
You try to lurch your arms forward, to throw everything you have at him but you only move a few inches before you’re stuck in place. The metal tightly bound around your wrist hisses against your skin, or rather, it burns against the use of your cursed energy. 
“Keep that up and you’ll have no hands left.” The man in front of you crouches suddenly, and you jolt at just how close he suddenly was. “So how about you relax, and listen to what I have to say.”
You lift your gaze from the long metal chains that you were bound with, and you smack the back of your head once again against the stone brick wall behind you. The man all but grins at your reaction, crystalline blue eyes dance with mirth. 
Sugawara Michizane.
“Long time no see.” This close you can see the divine power that rests within those eyes, they swirl with something powerful and dangerous. Something that makes your stomach clench and that snarling darkness within bares its teeth in defiance of such power. “I bet you thought you killed me, huh?” 
“No.” You manage to grit out the word. His cursed energy output was crushing, to say the least, and without your own to battle with his—it was like you were being crushed beneath a mountain.
“Oh?” He still smiles with white teeth, sharp canines on show. His hair is long, even in the bun he has it swept back in, stray strands flop over his eyes slightly when he tilts his head to follow your head when you droop in your restraints. “Did your husband tell you that?”
It takes everything within you to not spit in his face at the taunting tone of his voice, it certainly wouldn’t make your current situation any easier. So you let out the breath held in your lungs through a shaky exhale, and Sugawara seems pleased even with that. His eyes framed with white lashes dance between your own, and it’s no different to the first time you’d met him.
He’s not actually looking at you, but rather through you; into you. Picking you apart like a vulture would until it finds the juiciest part to eat. 
Thankfully he doesn’t goad you further, instead, he stands up to his full height. You have to crane your head up to look at him, he wasn’t nearly as tall as Sukuna but even for a simple human man, he was exceptionally tall. Something about every aspect of him was different. 
“You should thank me for being the one to wake you up.” He comments, brushing a hand over his hair to brush the stray hairs out of his face. You squint at the state of his hair, it certainly wasn’t the mandated style that the Shogunate had to adopt—he wasn’t a puppet of the Shogun, it seemed. “There’s a few people here who want to see if they can tame the demon whore.”
“I’d like to see them try.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, you don’t have access to your cursed energy anymore.” He scuffs his sandals on the floor as he drags the bucket back over towards you, flipping it over to sit down on it before you. “You have no way of fighting back. That’s how the Shogun wanted it.”
Bile burns at your throat. He wanted you completely helpless and vulnerable. A reminder of your position in the world.
“And you?” You try your hardest to not show the emotions that flitted through you. “Do you have no plans to break me?”
Sugawara is quiet for a moment, the light in his blue eyes a faint glow in the darkness of the room. You can feel the thrum of his cursed energy, it laps at your body like that of waves on the beach—he was reigning it in, he had no need to posture anymore. 
He clears his throat, a shake of his head before his eyes dart down to look at the floor. “No. I wanted you dead, not because you were a traitor but because anything is better than being back in the hands of the Zen’in clan.”
“Then let me go–”
“Don’t be so stupid.” He snaps back in return, enough venom on his tongue to make your spine straighten. “You’re never leaving here. You’ll die here.”
“Kill me.” You seethe the words, jaw locking with the flex of it. Sugawara stares at you, the slight widening of his eyes tells you even he is shocked by your words. “Kill me before he makes a show of me.” 
You don’t want to think of what you’re saying truly means. To die would be losing a part of yourself, you’d lose not just your life but Sukuna in the same breath. It pains you to even think the words, let alone speak them but it’s nothing but the truth. You’d rather be killed by a Samurai than paraded around by the Shogun until he inevitably mounted your head on a spike as a message—a message to those who harboured thoughts to disobey him, and to Sukuna.
“Don’t be foolish.” Sugawara snaps in retort, his nose scrunching up in disgust. “To kill you is the same as raising my weapon against the Shogun—I’d be as good as dead.”
The air grows uncomfortable between the two of you, a tension that could snap with the lightest of breezes. Your fingers curl into your palms painfully, the shackles holding you to the wall hiss at the flexing of cursed energy beneath your skin. 
“Coward.” The word lands against his face with the bloodied spit that you aim in his direction. Sugawara rears back suddenly, gone is the composure of a Samurai and instead in his place is a man scorned. “I’ll kill you first.” 
Sugawara moves far quicker than you can keep up with, it takes half a millisecond for him to cross the space between the both of you. Your head rattles for the third time since reawakening against the stone wall, a warmth blossoms there. His fingers are cold as they curl around your throat, and you can feel a buzz of something at the edge of his fingers.
He holds you there, just an inch between your nose and his own. His eyes are wide, the blue within almost blinding with how close he is to you. And despite how close he is, and how quickly he moved, his breaths are calm and collected. The energy that curls around his body protectively buzzes to life in the stale air of the cell, it bites into your skin and presses you further into the wall.
It’s crushing you. 
Blood pools on your tongue, dripping from your mouth in strings of spittle when you grin up at Sugawara. That chained darkness within stirs awake, itching at your bones to be released. The shackles holding you whine beneath the pressure of both your own energy and the pressure of Sugawara’s. 
Your lips tingle from the lack of oxygen, the pressure behind your eyes is nearly enough for you to concede—to give into the pressure and let it crush you. But Sugawara had chosen to bow his head to a Shogun he feared, a wolf with his tail between his legs is no wolf at all… instead he’s just a scared dog. 
But as quickly as the pressure came, it was taken away. Sugawara takes three steps backwards and stands as straight as a metal pole. His energy vanishes as if it weren’t crushing you into the wall behind you. Your body sags immediately, the chains tug your arms harshly upwards and you can’t help but wince at the blistering pain already forming at your wrists.
“Lord Sugawara.” A voice calls from beyond the bars of the holding cell, and Sugawara holds his gaze over you for a few seconds longer before he turns towards the voice. “The Shogun has asked you to bring the prisoner to his private courtyard.” 
You can’t see Sugawara’s face anymore but you see the stiffness in his shoulders, how he tenses even after nearly choking you to death. And you know not to show your own fear, to not bend beneath the all-encompassing icy feeling as the words settle into your mind.
The private courtyard. Away from prying eyes and lingering ears that may relay a message to his enemies. 
“Very well.” Sugawara says with a half bow, his hand resting on the hilt of his katana. The sound of footfall fades away until you’re left in the stifling silence once again. When Sugawara turns to face you again, his face is stoic—the blue in his eyes akin to that of a frozen lake, locking away any emotion that he may have felt just moments ago.
He’s uncaring when he pulls harshly on the heavy chains that hold you hostage, his hand wrapping them around his forearm to ensure you don’t run as soon as you get some leeway. A hand buries itself into your unkempt hair and yanks you from the floor, your feet protest against the coldness of the stone flooring. 
“Hold your tongue and you may live to see another day.” The words are the only thing Sugawara says to you before he drags you from the cell, your feet struggling to keep up with his wide strides. Doors are opened before he reaches them, and you can only briefly glance over your shoulder to glance at where you have been kept. 
You’d only visited the Zen’in estate a handful of times as a child. Your father had always preferred to live within the estate made by the Emperor, a housing estate fit for the Shogun but also could hold his hundreds of Samurai soldiers. But when you had visited the Zen’in estate, it was such a strange ominous feeling to step foot inside.
You weren’t heir to the Zen’in clan, and everyone sneered in your direction. Even as a child, hateful eyes watched you—as if they could see the future written on your very skin. Servants never looked at you, and the men of the family would often comment on how you’d be nothing but a child bearer for some of the lesser Zen’in family members.
Of course, your father had never been present for such comments. You doubt they would’ve said such a thing in the presence of the first Shogun, a man who had a warrior spirit like no other. Part of you wishes he was, to see the true wrath of your father at such a young age perhaps would’ve made the blow of his betrayal to you in the future much easier to swallow.
The stares of the Zen’ins are no different now, in fact, it may even be worse. Men snarl in your direction, spitting at your feet as you pass by and whispers of ‘demon whore’ is a reoccurring thing. You want to disobey Sugawara’s demand of holding your tongue and keeping quiet, these men were nothing but young boys who had been gifted a pretty sword. 
They’d cower at your feet if they caught a whiff of the power that rumbles within.
A tug of the chains at your wrists has you stumbling sharply around a corner, the tatami mats are a nice change from the harsh stone flooring that lined parts of the estate. Light from outside streams through the open doors and windows, enough to tell you that morning had already broke but not how many days had passed since you were attacked in the village.
You take the moment to quickly glance over yourself, you were still in your kimono. The blood that had been fresh is now a near-black from how dried it became, the mud on your feet flakes with each hurried step you’re forced to take. Your wounds are healed, thankfully, the burns on your arms are non-existent and you wonder if you had done it yourself whilst you slept or if someone here had the ability to heal others.
Sugawara’s kegetsu shoes scraped against the tatami mats which each step he took. It was enough to draw your attention back to the man himself, you hadn’t gotten a good look at him in the dim lantern light of the cell. His clothes were made of the finest fabrics, you could tell that much. On his shoulders was a fine Mino; the cloak of straw swished with each step he took. 
You wondered where he may have gone before interacting with you to wear such a thing. You’d only ever seen the samurai of the Shogunate wearing cloaks like that when it was raining, or when they had to venture into snowfall. 
His traditional armour was stripped down however to the bare basics, you could spy the armoured sections on his upper arms and shoulders, as well as on his legs. He didn’t wear the traditional helmet however, the string attached to his straw hat was loose at his neck whilst the hat itself sat against his back. He didn’t look like he belonged in the Shogunate at all, you wouldn’t be surprised if he belonged to his own clan. 
A man of his power wouldn’t bow to a Zen’in. Never.
The corridors twist and turn, the servants thinning out the further you stray away from the cells. The air is tense, even with the absence of cursed energy. You knew you were growing closer to your uncle, to the Shogun.
A large shoji door is slid open in front of you, and a tug on the chains at your wrists forces you to step over the threshold into the wide-open room. It was grand, for lack of a better word. It housed the Shogun, complete with his sleeping quarters as well as a large hearth and a multitude of shelves filled with scrolls.
It was just like your father's own personal quarters. Except your father had never, ever brought hostages into his home.
You’re dragged forward out towards the courtyard, it was much smaller than the main one where your uncle would hold an audience with his Shogunate and the surrounding villages. It was an enclosed space, cut off from the world, it was meant to be a place of relaxation and zen for the Shogun. 
Instead, your uncle has turned it into a makeshift torture chamber.
Your uncle himself is standing at the edge of the wooden platform that looks down into the courtyard, and before him are two people. Bound and gagged, a man and a woman. They’re stripped naked, and immediately you can feel your stomach churning in discomfort as to what’s to come. 
Slowly, Sugawara comes to a stop. His hand tightens around the chains slightly at the sight in front of him, and you can practically taste the buzz of his cursed energy when it flares momentarily before vanishing just as quickly. Wordlessly, he bows deep at the waist and in turn, drags down your chains which brings you stumbling forward in an awkward half-bent bow.
Except, you do not lower your head when your uncle turns around. He looks just like your father, a spitting image of his older brother. His face is cold, mouth a thin line and eyes darker than that of coal. His armour is absent, a clear sign that even in the face of the woman who had been housed with Sukuna for months is not a threat to him. 
You want to make him choke on his own tongue.
“When they said you looked like a demon’s whore, I didn’t realise it was this bad.” The Shogun sneers at you, glaring down his nose where you still refuse to bow your head to a man like him. “I should cut your head off where you stand for such insubordination.” 
Your lip twitches, a barely concealed curl of your lip in anger. The metal shackles at your wrists burn tenfold, whatever they had imbued into the metal is strong enough to completely nullify your ability to use your cursed energy—yet it still burns deep within, yearning to be released. 
“But I have plans for you.” He says, raising a single hand and there’s a shuffle of feet from one of the cowering servants who drops a bow in his hand along with a dozen arrows. “You’re going to tell me just how to kill that bastard of a demon, and in return, you get to live.”
“And if I don’t?” You spit against your better judgment, and Sugawara spares you just a sideways glance once he returns to his full height.
“I think you’ll find yourself quite agreeable to these terms.” 
His shoulders roll, and with it the haori he was wearing falls to the ground to pool at his feet. It’s effortless with how easily he pulls back the string on the traditional bow, the arrow lined up with the man on the left. Immediately the naked man quivers in fear, eyes wide and spit dripping from around the cloth gagging him. 
So this was how your uncle was going to play.
“We’ll start easy, I don’t want to overwhelm your mind.” He snickers at his own words—a jab at the fact you were a woman, not because he was concerned for your wellbeing of being away for so long. 
“Where is he?” Question one, and immediately you draw your eyebrows together. How did they not know where he was? Yorozu knew, which meant they knew where you were—...but they drew you away from the temple, they didn’t dare to step foot onto the temple grounds itself. Your Uncle glances over his shoulder at your silence, clearly noticing your confusion. 
“He was sighted in the village after we captured you, but since then no one has been able to report back on his whereabouts. Given that you’re his… whore, we thought you might know.” 
“Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.” 
The Shogun stares at you for a long tense moment, the bow in his hand creaks from the pressure of him holding the string back. “How unfortunate.” 
The arrow whistles through the air, and immediately the man screams albeit muffled. You glance at the man, to find the arrow embedded in his thigh and the blood spills from the entry wound into the otherwise clean gravel below. The woman next to him wails too, her eyes puffy and red from crying—his wife. He had brought you a man and his wife.
“Fine. Tell me what he did to you.” Another arrow is drawn up, the string pressed against your uncle's cheek. He glares at you, and in turn, you glare back. Your silence is your answer. 
A whistle and a scream, this time the woman. Her body convulses and you’re drawn to see the arrow had impacted her in the shoulder, the blood drips down between her breasts and pools in her lap. Her husband next to her screams for the both of them. 
“How many sorcerers are under his control?” Silence. An arrow—the man’s stomach. He still lives.
“Is it true that he eats women and children?” Yes—but you remain silent. Your eyes never once leave your uncles this time, and you see the crack forming in his armour. He’s starting to lose his patience.
The arrow this time is aimed higher, and the sound is something only a dead body could make. It’s a thump, a tension that sits over the courtyard before a woman screams. It’s not a scream that could be put into words, a scream that comes deep from the gut. Pure agony, devastation and heartbreak.
The Shogun doesn’t break eye contact with you whilst he loads the next arrow. 
“How do I kill him?” This time, it’s you who breaks. You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up your throat, the grin on your face is something you’d seen on Sukuna’s face countless times—it was a demeaning grin, filled with malice.
“You can’t.” You snicker at the red of the Shogun’s face, his anger bubbles quickly. Sugawara at your side even shuffles a step backwards, his fingers still tight around the chains that bind you. “You’re too weak, all of you.”
The arrow is released before you even finish your sentence, the wails of the woman silenced before there’s an arrow pointed directly at you. The Shogun stands closer, the string drawn taut and his facial features are tight with anger. 
You smile at him. 
“General Jien,” Sugawara speaks up, bowing his head when your uncle's eyes flick towards the blue-eyed Samurai. “Killing her would be a waste.”
Jien Zen’in stays silent, his eyes remain locked onto Sugawara. His fingers twitch at the string, and surprisingly—you feel your heart lurch in your chest in a tinge of fear. 
“Break her. Torture her, do whatever you need to. Lure the King of Curses in—she’s in good condition, there’s no evidence that she was mistreated.” Sugawara wets his lips, and you feel that darkness within snarl. “Clearly the King of Curses has only one weakness. Her. Kill her once we kill Sukuna.”
His words are worse than any wound you’ve ever received, it cuts deeper than any blade and is sharper than the arrow still aimed between your eyes. Sugawara had seen more than you anticipated, no doubt he could see the mixture of cursed energy within you—his eyes were something special. 
And he offered your love for Sukuna up to the Shogun on a silver platter.
The Shogun laughs, his stance loosens and the arrow is lowered from in front of you. “I knew you were good for something besides those eyes of yours—” The Shogun grins, unaware of the bristling Samurai next to you. “Very well. I’ll have her sent back to her cell, and you can oversee the torture yourself. Make sure they don’t kill her, I don’t care about anything else.” 
Sugawara bows deeply, the chains rattling and with it, you’re forced to bow. Instead of allowing your insolence to slip by however, you feel the bone in your calf snap. Your Uncle draws his leg back, moving much quicker than you anticipated—he too had a technique like your father's, like yours. 
You crumble to the floor, your knees slamming into the wooden floorboards. Despite the stony mask you wore, you can’t help but scream in pain at the radiating ache that comes from your now shattered tibia. Your hands fall forward to try and catch yourself before your nose smashes into the floor, Sugawara does nothing but let the chain slacken lest you pull him down too.
Another crunch and your fingers are snapped beneath the wooden shoes your uncle wears. You scream again, and the Shogun laughs at the sound. You watch in horror when he grinds his heel into the ground, rolling it against your shattered bones and the skin that tore apart. 
“What a beautiful sound!” The Shogun announces loudly, withdrawing his foot to allow you to see the damage to your hands. You can feel the burn of the metal at your wrists, but it’s nothing compared to the pain that thrums from your hands. “I like the way the whore screams, maybe I’ll come and visit her.”
Sugawara remains silent at your side, and you can feel the burn of his eyes on your hands. He did this, he’s the reason you’ll suffer beneath the hand of a cruel Shogun. 
“Take her away. She’s bloodying the floor, who knows what she’s infected with.” The Shogun takes a step back, and you tense involuntarily at the sound of his shoes scraping on the floor. “If she’s reformed quickly, maybe you’ll want to marry her Sugawara. Strong children would serve me well.”
The pain is enough to ensure you hold your tongue, but the withering glare you send to the Shogun is enough to cause his spine to straighten. You hope when he stares into your eyes, he sees nothing but the date of his death and you as the executioner. You promise, no, you vow to kill him.
Sugawara’s hand buzzes against your back, and you can feel the burn of his cursed energy there. Not even he dares to drop his guard around the Shogun or you, for that matter. He helps you to your feet, and the pain shoots up sharply from the base of your heel to your hip bone. Your chest lurches with the pain, but you don’t gift the Shogun one of your ‘beautiful screams’—instead, you bite your tongue and stare up at him.
Before either of you can spit further insults and speed up the inevitable sentence of your death, Sugawara strides away. You’re forced to follow after, you hobble awkwardly on one good leg and another that burns with pain. You can feel the sticky wetness that drips down your calf, no doubt a bone has protruded yet that’s not enough to cause you to dip your head in defeat.
The corridors are still barren as you traverse them once again behind Sugawara, only the sounds of your grunting and heavy breaths. Sugawara doesn’t slow his pace to match yours. 
“You’re a coward.” You spit once you’re further away from the Shogun, away from prying ears. “Nothing but a lowly dog who sits in the lap of a man who’d wear your hide as a coat if he could.”
“And you’re a foolish girl. If you told him what he wanted to hear you wouldn’t be dragging your leg behind you.” He snips back, an ice-cold glare over his shoulder is thrown your way. “And you’ll likely never wield a sword again. All because you’re a prideful whore. You truly believe Sukuna cares for you?”
“You do.” You retort, and Sugawara snorts.
“No. I just think you have something that belongs to the King of Curses, and he’ll want to ensure he gets it back.” That’s all the confirmation that you needed, Sugawara had definitely seen the vow or at least the outcome of it. He saw how your soul was tangled with Sukuna’s, how you were more valuable alive. You’d become Sukuna’s demise, a weapon to be used against him. 
Your face hardens at that, just knowing you were to be used as a tool to lure in Sukuna sours your stomach. You wanted to believe he wouldn’t fall for it, but everything Sugawara said was true; you had a part of Sukuna bound to you. He would want that back instead of having it fall into the enemy's hands.
Sugawara doesn’t comment further, dragging you along behind him. The stares of the Zen’in clan are worse on the way back, they snicker and scoff at you. A woman who was meant to be strong enough to live beside the great King of Curses was reduced to nothing but a mangled mess. Your blood smeared across the stone floors, sank in between the cracks and not once did Sugawara stop. 
The walk back to the cell is longer than it was on the way out, but once you get there, you instantly want to retreat back up those dreaded stairs. In the cells are three men, all of them with sickening grins and wooden sticks you knew to be training swords for children. Sugawara doesn’t falter in his steps, and the men all but part for him to pass by to allow the blue-eyed Samurai to reattach you to the wall. 
With your back pressed into the cool stone once again, your arms spread wide at your sides and your feet trying desperately to touch the ground enough to alleviate the pain in your shoulders. Sugawara stands in front of you, with wide shoulders and enough height to block out the sight of the three men.
His eyes meet yours, and you see an emotion turning over in his eyes. He looked sorry. “Don’t fight them.” He whispers, masking his words with a rattle of the chains, double-checking you were securely in place. 
You want to spit in his face, to curse him and his bloodline for daring to feel guilt for putting you in this exact situation. Instead, you keep your eyes locked with his when he takes steps back, the men behind him taking steps forward. You don’t once break eye contact with him, not even when the tall one with inky black hair steps in front of you. 
A hand clasps around your jaw, rough calluses digging into your flesh there as he squeezes. Your jaw pops in protest, forcing your mouth to open and the man in front of you deepens his smirk into something that would be fitting of an Oni. 
“The Shogun gave us special orders on how to handle you. We’re to break you.” Eventually, you drag your eyes away from Sugawara to stare at the man in front of you, you hope he can see the clawing darkness deep within you, you hope he can see his own death by your hand for daring to lay a hand on you.
However, he drops your head with a rough push into the wall behind you. Your brain rattles within your skull, and it takes everything within you to not let your eyes roll closed at the pain that radiates there. You barely get a second to breathe before something rips down your front, gone is your kimono that Sukuna had draped over you the night you had left the temple. 
There’s a quick thwack through the air before the wooden katana collides with your stomach, you feel the skin break and tear from the sheer force of the hit. Your stomach lurches, and your body twinges with pain. Two more hits come swiftly after, each one from a man in front of you.
They all laugh at the way your body curls inwards on itself, and how your hands uselessly grab at the chains, uncaring for the bones that are snapped and exposed, which hold you up as if they’d somehow hoist you up and out of the way. A wooden crack of a katana against your thigh has your chest tightening, another across your breasts is enough to make you shriek in pain.
Your teeth sink into the flesh of your bottom lip, the blood there tastes like acid on your tongue. Putrid with your failure, you had fallen for their trap. You had given yourself over to them so easily. You were the only one to blame, and you could only hope Sukuna stayed far, far away. 
The skin across the front of your body blossoms with bruises and open wounds, your skin mottles and bleeds with burst blood vessels. But beneath all of that, you can feel the curling warmth just under your skin. It tries minutely to heal the damage done to your body, but the damage coming at you outweighs how little you can heal at a time.
You’re unsure how long you stay there strung up to the wall like a piece of meat, but the three unknown Zen’in members have taken an interest in using their fists and the hard wooden soles of their shoes to see who can make you scream the loudest. A crack across your face has your head reeling, the cool stone of the wall behind you is a welcome reprieve against your split cheek. 
Their jeers and taunting comments are like waves of rocks, you hear nothing but the bashing of your blood in your body. The pounding of your heart against your ears is deafening, the rapid beats futile in trying to replace the blood lost.
A hand sinks into your hair, pulling harshly at the roots until you’re yanked forward to face the man in front of you. His face is speckled in your blood, and his eyes are wild with sick pleasure. “Is this why that bastard kept you around? You’re nothing more than a piece of meat—good for nothing but a good beating and a nasty fuck.”
You want to frown at his words, to show the clear disgust and disdain you feel for his words but your face is numb. The muscles in your cheeks burn with pain and you can hardly see out of the black-eye one of them had graciously given you with a swift right-hook. 
“Maybe we should see just how good you are.” His tongue peeks out from his mouth, wetting his lips as well as swiping up the blood there. When he grins, the red is spread across his teeth. “Everyone knows the best way to make a woman obedient is to give her a nice thick cock—”
“That’s enough for today,” Sugawara calls from the other side of the cell, his arms crossed over his chest. His face is a mask of stony coldness, not an inkling of disgust for what he had to witness for God knows how long. “The Shogun doesn’t want her ruined. She’s to be my wife.” 
All three men glare over their shoulders at Sugawara, but evidently, he must hold a higher rank in the Shogunate because they back off immediately. But not without a quick puckering of lips and spit landing on your body, seeping into open wounds and stinging against frayed nerves. 
The cell is plunged into familiar silence, a welcome change from the sound of your flesh and bone breaking beneath fists and wooden training swords. Your body visibly sags against the wall, your brain fuzzy enough to stop you from flinching when someone crouches down in front of you. His hands are gentle at your wrists, loosening the chains in the hoops so you could rest fully on the ground.
Icy stone bites at your bare flesh, yet you cannot find it within yourself to flinch or air your discomfort. Sugawara brushes the hair out of your face, pulling strands of it free from your slowly healing wounds. He doesn’t comment on how you shouldn’t have access to even that part of your cursed energy, perhaps he had truly felt guilty for what you had been put through.
He sits with you, in the damp darkness of that cell. He doesn’t move away when you finally cry, the tears a coppery saltiness that stains your lips and drips from your chin. Instead, he lays a scratchy blanket over you—more of a sack than anything but it’s enough to save your modesty, if there was anything left to save.
You don’t remember your eyes closing, nor do you remember Sugawara sitting outside of your cell that entire day, and the following night to ensure no one had come to finish the job.
The previous day…
Snow dances and twirls beneath heavy feet, flakes of pure white nestle into pink hair and settle against broad shoulders. The village is silent, nothing but a whistling wind that blows through the ruined buildings.
Sukuna stands silent in the village, Uraume only a few paces away with their hands bundled within the thick sleeves of their robes. It had only been a matter of hours since Sukuna had tracked down the trace of your energy, it was faint as if someone had tried to cover up your tracks. But Sukuna could recognise it anywhere, after all, it was mixed with his own.
His feet come to a slow stop, and he glances down to the body partially buried beneath snow. They have no head, and it reeks of death already. He can see the traces of your energy here the most, impacted in one big puddle as if you threw everything at this unidentifiable body. 
You put up a fight, a good one. Sukuna couldn’t help but feel pride at that, yet there was something that buzzed uncomfortably at the back of his mind. You were strong, yes, and you had done a decent amount of damage with your cursed energy. He can see the deep divots where you had used Cleave and Dismantle in equal measure against those who had trapped you in the village.
That discomfort at the back of his mind makes itself present when he takes a deep breath in, the mingling of scents and cursed energy burn at his nose. Only one person in the entirety of Japan could hold such divine power, one he had warned you about in the past. You weren’t meant to go up against Him alone, Sukuna was to be at your side—the both of you together would’ve been unstoppable.
“Show yourself.” Sukuna calls over the raging winds, his eyes still locked onto the fresh scorch marks that mar the wood of the dilapidated buildings. 
Slow steps crunch against the snow, a dragging sound that could only be identified as someone dragging their long kimono through the snow. Sukuna lifts his head, and his eyes lock with gelid ones. Yuki Onna is otherwise flawless, there’s no hint of the horror that lurks beneath her skin and yet her lips carry a frown that looks awfully wrong on the face of such a woman.
Yuki Onna comes to a stop, with enough space between herself and Sukuna. Good, he thinks, she respects him enough to keep her distance.
“What happened here?” Sukuna demands, and the snow-like woman finally drifts her eyes down along the body on the floor, and again over the snow in the distance that looked undisturbed since the snow had begun to fall again.
“She didn’t run.” Yuki Onna starts, her voice like claws on ice. “I warned her, she did not listen.” Her words end in a hiss, and Sukuna only deepens his frown.
“Who attacked her?” He probes instead, all four of his hands itch to sink his claws into the cursed spirit and demand answers immediately.
Yuki Onna shifts on her feet, turning to glance again towards the undisturbed snow as if she could see just who or what had unfolded here. “A woman, with hair as pink as cherry blossoms. And men, only two survived. They tasted of deceit and ash.”
Sukuna’s chest rumbles in distaste. He had an itching suspicion that the Sun, Moon and Stars squad would be involved in your capture. He had only heard of one name, a woman with pink hair as described by the Yuki Onna. Sukuna knew much about the assassin organisation, it was a place for those who stripped themselves of names and held only names attaining to the solar system. 
Except one. The woman. Takako Uro. Sukuna knew her, of course he did. He knew too that she would be dead at the hands of her own sooner rather than later, her name was a death sentence. To be named in a nameless group was to have a target painted on your own back.
He doesn’t bother to thank the cursed spirit for giving up the information, instead he turns abruptly on his heel and stomps his way back through the snow towards Uraume. The aforementioned raises their head again when Sukuna approaches, casting a short glance towards the spirit in the background who drags the partially destroyed body away into the shadows of the burnt out village.
“I need you to find out where the Five Empty Generals are currently hiding. Yorozu will be with them.” Uraume bows deeply at his command, but before they can leave he continues. “And find me Kenjaku. Her sudden absence isn’t unnoticed.”
“As you wish, Master Sukuna.” Uraume disappears in a flurry of snow, an icy chill blowing along with their cursed energy.
Sukuna remains standing in the village for a moment longer, his fingers automatically lifting from the warmth of his kimono sleeves to brush against deep cuts into the rocky surface of what was once a reinforcement wall of the village. It buzzes at his touch, and he can just taste on the tip of his tongue the amount of power you had thrown in this direction.
Those long claws at the tips of his fingers curl into the stone, scraping painfully loud before his hand is a tight fist. Sukuna couldn’t feel you anymore, that part that lived within him was quiet and dormant. Not dead but resting, locked away where he couldn’t utilise it. 
Wherever you were being held, Sukuna couldn’t feel you. That slither of himself entwined with your own soul was absent, nullified by something stronger than himself. 
The wall beneath his fist cracks and explodes, sliced haphazardly into nothing but dust and rubble at his feet. He would get you back, even if it was the last thing he did—he would ensure you were back with him, safe.
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dreamauri · 1 year
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♪ — 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗠𝗨𝗦𝗜𝗖 𝗗𝗜𝗘𝗗 - part six max verstappen x girlfriend! driver! reader (angst + fluff, minor smut) “. . . Where have you been?”
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"Oh my lord Max." You laughed watching your boyfriend jump in the pool. He was most definitely drunk, because he was fully clothed. The reason why he was in the pool was because literally. "You're so hot, hotter than the sun." "But you're hugging the sun, aren't you going to catch fire?" "Oh shit! I'm on fire!" Splash!
You laughed looking at the boy who was treading at the edge with his eyes looking at you with the most loving gaze. You were quick to get on your knees and try to reach for the blond. Alcohol does not mix with water. "Maxie, take my hand." "No, I don't wanna be on fire."
He swam ( more like paddling like a puppy ) away from you. You were getting a good laugh out of this, setting your wine glass down and getting a spare towel. "Maxie stop running away." "I want to live." He replied as he escaped you once more.
You slipped into the pool swimming after him, finally catching him and pulling him out. "Noooo." Max whined as you wrapped the towel around him. "My sun went out." He sighed looking at you, leaning into your embrace. You laughed rubbing his shoulder to comfort him as you pressed small kisses on his lips.
"I'm fine, Maxie." You chuckled looking into his blue eyes that looked at you with worry, leaning your forehead against his. He smiled gently pressing a kiss to your lips. "I'll always be there for you, Maxie."
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"Look at that dribble." Carlos laughed as he watched you get past Daniel and Max like a pro, shooting towards the goal but ultimately missing. The three boys laughed as you looked disappointed at the empty goal. "How do you miss that?" Daniel asked wheezing on the floor.
You frowned at him, giving Carlos ( your team mate who was making fun of you ) a dirty glare. Next was Max, who was standing straight like a pencil, doing his best to hold his laugh in. "You look like shit." You scoffed at him, folding g your arms and looking away embaressed. Your insult only made all the boys die even more.
Max lost his composure falling to the floor, laughing as he pleased. Your gaze softened for a moment, you never heard him laugh this much before.
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"Did you know? The fans behind you, they're Y/N's fans." "I've been told, yeah." Max looked back, looking at the crowd cheering for him. A warm smile covered his face as he turned back to the interviewer. "And how does that make you feel?" "It's uh, definitely a good thing. Makes me feel like she's here with me." Max nodded looking back at the crowd singing in your native language.
When max walked back to his garage he looked at his new car for this season. Although not much has changed with the paint job and the sponsors, your racing number was on the nose of his car ( something he begged your father to have ) even though he could have the number 1 now that he won the World champion title after you left.
The pre season testing had been completed and Max can finally go home. Passing through the fan zone, Max met his and your fans alike. He took pictures and signed autographs, as well as received gifts.
Upon entering his empty apartment, the blond took refuge on the couch. The spot where he had turned into his bed, even though there was a one in perfectly good condition in the bedroom next door ( which has not been touched since you received your world champion title ).
It's been like this for two years now, Max liked to pretend you were too lazy to get out of bed, napping or eating while watching Kimi's races. But deep down, he knew you weren't. With a deep sigh he pulled the extra bag he had to buy to fit all the gifts he received.
Most of the gifts were for him, minus the few pink themed ones for you which was a result of your obsession with your pink coloured Porsche sitting in the garage. The pink stuff was set on one side for you and the blue or orange on another side for him.
Max received shirts, bracelets, letters, a lot of things really. What caught his eyes the most was a flip book, a work of art containing water paintings of moments you shared with Max across your journey though f1.
When he flipped to the last page his eyes where met with a printed QR code. This could be either a bad or a good thing, and before he got the chance to find out his phone rang. "Hey Verstappen." Your father's voice rang through the apartment.
"What's so important you had to call me in the middle of the night?" He sighed rubbing his face tired.
"You might want to come down to the hospital." He replied sighing. "Hi, Max" he heard Daniel in the background. That's all Max needed to put on something appropriate and go down to the medical centre. When he finally found the two men through the ER, he was welcomed by a nice surprise.
"I think I stubbed my toe." Daniel joked looking down at his broken foot. "What did you do?!" Max was panicking, the season had barley started and Daniel ( who was finally in a RB seat ) was out.
"Someone slammed the door on his foot." Your father explained sighing in annoyance. Max never liked your dad, since he was a kid. He was always so mean and cruel. And although he tried to fix things recently, whether by comforting Max or you, he still had this dark and intimidating aura.
A former world champion and the father of one, sitting on a stool, eating mac and cheese. Very scary. Daniel laughed seeing Max looking at your dad amused. "Who gave the old man food?" Your father rolled his eyes as he continued to eat.
"It should be an easy recovery, a month or two." Max sat on a spare chair listening to Daniel explain the injury in medical terms he didn't understand. And soon, after Christian Horner was informed of the inchident, Max was able to return to his apartment, laying on the couch facing the racing sims on the other side of the room.
"Maxie, you hungry?" "I'm good, Mijn liefje. Thank you." [my love] He looked up at you, a soft smile spread on his face. Although he should've been concentrating on the online race in front of him, you had his attention wherever he went.
You chuckled gently putting the pair of glasses you found on the boy. "Since you're not hungry, I guess I get the beautiful tomato soup in the kitchen all to myself~" You teased kissing his cheek. "Hey! No fair! I want some." "Then you'll have to hurr-" ring! ring!
"Kan ik geen moment van rust hebben?!" [can i not get a moment of peace] Max shouted over the phone agitated. Who was interrupting him this late?! What he heard next made him feel like a maniac. He was back in the hospital, jogging ( he was told he wasn't allowed to run ) through the halls and up the stairs.
Once he reached room 717, he came to an abrupt stop. A deep breath escaped his lips as he opened the door. "Your late."
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"I'm hooked on a feeling. I'm high on believing. That you're in love with meeee. I'm hooked on a feeling!" Max sang through his radio as he completed his cool down lap. Once he jumped out of the car, he was greeted with cheers from the fans and his team. But most importantly, your smile.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"There's nothing for miles." "You don't say. We've been walking here forever." You groaned arms dangling down. You were sitting on Max's shoulders, dangling down upside down out of boredom.
The beach was stretching out for miles on end, the waves crashing into each other was the only noise you could hear.
"You think the kids are fine?" He asked worriedly, stopping for a second and looking back. "Yes, Maxie. Have a little faith in them." "I do have faith, I'm just-" "I'm scared too. But you know, I've got you, so I'm less scared." You assured, patting his thigh.
"Ps. Why's your ass so big?" "It is not." Max defended swinging you sideways. You could only laugh, smacking him over his swim trucks before wriggling out of his hold and running away. Max was quick to follow you, running after you. "Come back here!"
"Run run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the- AAAH." "Gotcha!" Max wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up and spinning you. You were laughing loudly, relaxing in his arms as he pressed kisses on your cheek.
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evermore-grimoire · 1 year
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The Evermore Grimoire: Mermaids of the Seven Seas
The Pacific Mermaids are a pod of mermaids who can move with both vigour and grace deep within their home, the Pacific Ocean. Whilst all mermaids can swim exceptionally fast, these mermaids are faster thanks to their beautiful streamlined tails that reflect the vibrant colours of coral that paint the ocean floor. Their power of Hydrokinesis is the perfect match to their eager way of life which also makes them the most open-minded pod of the Seven Seas when it comes to their magic. In fact it was the Pacific Mermaids who joined forces with a coven of witches centuries ago to vanquish a great evil, which the coven of witches gifted them the Book of Tides as a thank you. However this great triumph eventually led to a great downfall that rippled throughout all the pods of the Seven Seas. The last Prince and heir to the throne of the Pacific Mermaids became jealous of his mermaid bride (and future Queen) when the rest of the pod began to admire and listen to her kind words of wisdom more than his own. His jealously only grew when he saw how naturally gifted she was with her powers as well as the magic she created in the Book of Tides. Over time the Prince began to sway other mermen to his way of thinking as he believed that he should be the one that the pod admired and loved the most. His plan was to kill his mermaid bride and use the Book of Tides to solidify his place on the throne, alone. However his bride’s loyal confidantes caught wind of the Prince’s plans and began preparing for the possibility of a civil war within the pod. Little did they know that the rebellious group of mermen had secretly spread the word throughout all the pods of the Seven Seas to usurp all mermaids and the royal families to ensure that the pods would be ruled by mermen alone. The war itself was brutal and bloody, which led to the Book of Tides being lost at sea forever. Members of the royal families throughout the pods of the Seven Seas either sacrificed themselves and their magic or they were killed in an effort to try and win the war. Once the war did come to an end, thanks to the Atlantic Mermaids, all mermen were banished from their pods forever. The Prince from the Pacific Mermaids was imprisoned in a cave in the deepest and most desolate part of the Pacific Ocean for the rest of his life. As for his mermaid bride, well she survived but was left heartbroken at his betrayal and the damaged his jealousy had caused to her beloved world. So she decided to leave the Pacific Mermaids and swim throughout the Seven Seas alone, but it’s believed that she kept watch on the Moon Pool that her pod created to make sure that no male mortal or witch would ever discover their magic and potentially create another war against mermaids.
original artwork by Vlad Stankovic
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ja3hwa · 1 year
Jongho | Blue Lagoon
「Synopsis」 : You head out to sea in hopes the storm hadn't hurt your lovers. But what you are met with was more than expected.
「Word count」 : 2.0k
-> Genre: Smut. Fluff. Fantasy. Adventure.
Paring: Vampire!Pirate!Jongho x Siren!Reader
[Warnings] : Swearing. Pet name. Blood. Bodily fluids. Blood drinking. Sir kink. Blowjob. Throat fucking. Dirty talk. Nudity (Sexual & Non-Sexual). Let me know If I missed anything.
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The cave was warm compared to the freezing storm out at sea. Yunho gave the all-clear when he jumped from the deck to the sand bank. He made sure the anchor was set so they wouldn’t float away, also giving the grounds around them a once over just in case something else decided to pick the same cave as a place of refuge from the hell-bent storm. Wooyoung shouted about getting dinner started making everyone head for the lower deck, sensing their stomachs empty and in need of Wooyoung’s cooking.
Jongho however stayed on the stern deck, looking out to the waterfall that had an opening in the cave roof, making some rain pour in with a loud trickle. He noticed little lagoon pockets, most of them looked shallow but he knew all too well that they were indefinitely deep, making a cave system right beneath their feet. Some blue glowworms gathered on the wet roof, lighting up the cave, making him suddenly see a shadow out of the corner of his eye. He turns and stood up from his slouched position on the railing, trying to get a better look at the figure in one of the small lagoon pools. Maybe it was something to fear or something that could harm the ship, but he suddenly saw a light mixer of colour painted on a long and elegant tail. He knew exactly what he was looking at and it made his heart skip a beat.
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The sea was calming around your body. It’s quiet and peaceful compared to the world above. You took a large inhale, letting the gills on the side of your neck filter the water inside your system. It was comfortable, familiar. You missed being underwater, but you loved the surface world as well. You missed your tail every day, but not as much as you liked your legs. It was lonely in the sea. Being an outcast from your home because of your special ability. Being a shifter. A rare form of Siren, a mermaid crossbreed. In other words, an abomination. Something that shouldn’t exist, but I guess your parents didn’t get the memo about that.
You navigate the ocean with ease following the scent of the destiny―the ship Yeosang was aboard―. The smell of wet dark spruce, a hint of honey and chard coal, the scent you loved whenever you stood on the deck of the beautiful vessel. You look up to the break where the water meets the opened air, seeing rain dancing on the face of the big blue. It’s getting heavier, you thought, worried the boys might be in trouble, but when you spot teal blue light bubbles, you knew there is a cave system nearby. Maybe they took their ship into a cave?
Swimming through the small crevasse you try your best not to get your large tail suck. But luckily you were just able to wiggle yourself through. You see thousands of lights from glowworms in your blurred view. The surface. Your hands are the first to exit the water feeling the warm air on your cold fingertips. You close your eyes cutting through the water's face before taking a sharp breath of oxygen in, feeling your lung fill with air as your gills close and seal up against your skin from the loss of water around them.
You open your eyes, looking around the large structure, rubbing your eyes in order to clear your vision. A skip in your heart makes your worried nerves finally calm down, seeing the ship sitting out of the storm. Safe. Placing your arms on either side of the lagoon pocket trying to pull yourself up and after a small attempt you got up, twisting your body so your butt could sit on the ledge. You look around the large hollowed rock structure, suddenly grazing on a figure heading in your direction.
“Shit.” You flopped your tail out of the water, placing a hand on your chest before whispering an enchantment allowing you to shift from your tail to your human legs. You prepared to try and explain to whoever was heading your way why you were naked in a cave but before any excuses come to mind a sigh left your lungs as you spot who it was. “Jongho…”
“Hey there Honey. I thought it was you.” His soft voice and kind smile made your heart flutter. He knelled down to your sitting form not dropping his graze from your face. Such a gentleman. He opens a satchel that rests on the side of his hip, pulling out some clothes for you to dress in. He spoke of keeping clothing for you in the past once you told him about you being a shifter. You found it sweet that he and Yeosang were wanting to care for you so much. You always felt love with their protection.
You take the long shirt from the kind male, smiling with a small thank you leaving your lips. Pulling the cloth over your head to take notice that he finally dropped his view, looking at all of you now that you are covered. He let out a gulp as if he wanted to say something. But he couldn’t seem to find the right words.
“You okay Jong?” You tried to get up so you could stand with him but your legs wobbled and your knees buckled making you fall forward. Luckily Jongho caught you.
“Careful honey. Don’t want ya hurtin’ yourself.” He chuckled wrapping his arms around your soft waist, his fingers diving into your plump skin with care. His face was suddenly inches from yours, feeling his heart rate spike from the distance. Time froze as his red eyes glowed while they gaze into your teal ones. You lent in closer, hoping he would seal his lips against yours but he pulls away instead.
“Why are you here Sweetheart?” he whispers, making you let out a huff while rolling your eyes slightly.
“The storm… I wanted to….” You felt a lump in your throat overthinking basically setting you up for failure but yet here you are. Wanting to make sure he was safe. That they were all safe. Jongho gave a small kiss on your forehead, closing his eyes for a moment, taking in your scent that has lingering hints of sea salt.
“I get it…” His lips trail down from your forehead, the crease of your eye, cheeks, jaw and neck. You took a sharp inhale, letting your fingers slip into his belt loops to pull him closer to you. He placed open mouth kisses down your neck until he finds the right spot making you groan softly. A hunger was brewing in his gut, letting his fangs graze your jugular.
“Are you going to bite me, sir?” You teased suddenly feeling your head starting to spin. He just chuckled in response, licking a long strip up your neck before letting his fangs pierce your flesh. You let out a gasp, hands flying to his chest, scrunching the fabric of his blouse. Your blood trickles into his mouth letting him taste the sweet iron twang on his tongue. You felt lightheaded, trying your hardest to keep your body upright. He finally breaks his fangs from your skin. He watched the blood spill out of your neck, dripping down to your collarbone. Fuck, you are so beautiful when covered in blood.
“Baby…” He went to speak but you wasted no time in pushing him against the large flat rocks that lay beside the lagoon pools, making him lean back with a widen stance of his legs. You grinned while you watched him wipe your blood off his chin. You drop to your knees stalking over to your lover. He watched you with a sly smirk, feeling his cock twitch at your excitement. You really got horny from him drinking from you? Yes… You pull down his briefs and took his cock out quickly. Wasting no time in giving him a lick from his base to tip, flicking your tongue on his slit. Jongho let out a soft moan from your action. You lick him like that for a moment, getting him wet and sloppy. You wrap your hands around him and started jacking him off at full-speed. The filthy sounds of him getting wet and you pumping him echoes in the one side of the cave. The feeling made him close his eyes for a moment to just get lost in the pleasure before they popped open when you swallowed him.
“Honey─” He gasps, his hands flying to your head instinctively. His fingers curl as he felt your head move up and down at a quickened pace. He hums deep in his chest making you dig your nails into his thick thighs before pulling off him with a pop.
“Jongho please,” you moaned. “Can you please..use me.” You pressed kisses all over his cock, occasionally licking it from base to tip. Jongho cursed under his breath and took a hold of your head with both hands. You hum excitedly while he sighed deeply, looking at you as you open your mouth as your permission.
“Damn,” he whispers and with one more low curse, he slid himself in your mouth. Your throat muscles immediately hugged his hard cock tightly, and he felt them moving as you swallowed. He groans, hips moving back and forth slowly at first, giving you some time to adjust, but after a small tap on his thigh that he could translate as a go-ahead he picked up his pace. Soon, he was fucking your throat at a pace that could count as fast,
“You want me to use you, huh?” He rasped. His breath was coming out in pants. You swallowed and hummed around him. “Alright, baby, here it comes.” He tightened his hold on your head and thrusts in. He could feel you struggle a little, throat muscles spazaming and after a couple more seconds of having you there, he pulls your head off, and you gasps wetly and loudly. Your face was a mess, but holy shit did it turn on Jongho more than he ever got before…
“You look so ruined, Fuuck,” he curses. You moan and bent your head to take him in your mouth again, making him thrust in and out of you a couple more times before keeping himself buried there for a moment. He felt you gag softly, nails digging into his thighs, but he didn’t pull out, didn’t move, he just kept your head on his cock. The gagging intensified a bit, the spasms of your muscles following. Just when you dug your nails painfully deep, he pulls out. The gasp you let out was louder than the first one.
“Sir, shit,” you whispered. Your voice, horses and your face was painted with tears. Jongho clenched his jaw and buried himself deep in your throat making you moan when he did. Immediately, you start to swallow around him as you snake a hand to grasp his balls. He gasps when he felt the tight grip you had on them, doubling over, but not pulling out this time for a breather. You fondle his balls, holding them tightly, pulling on them and swallowed around his cock. You heard a strong thud before Jongho let out a punch sound and a choked moan, and he came down your throat. When he finally pulled out, he watches a string of saliva follow, connecting your mouth and his dick together.
“Holy shit,” he pants, breathless. You just smile making his heart flutter. “You’re gonna be the death of me.” he laid down on his back, letting the cold rock cool his body temperature.
“You love me.” You giggle using the lagoon water to wash your face and neck, letting the salty water tend to your wound.
“Of course I do.” He replies.
Ateez Masterlist
Taglist : @yunhofingers @violetwinters @lmhmh01 @purrhwa @joti17 @jess-1404 @pinki-minki @yesv01 @minkiflwr @rielleluvs @dilfjohhny @whatudowhennooneseesyou   @az-con @jen176pink @sundaybossanova @8tinytings @mysticfire0435 @yeosan8 @spookyauthorspopmusictrash @zi-ever @fl0r4f4wn @candypop1611 @yvnjin-s @meltheninja13 @atinyreads @e-ahn19 @stardragongalaxy @kitten4sannie
© 𝐉𝐚𝟑𝐡𝐰𝐚. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape, or form.
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devilish-parrot · 24 days
Tally Hall themed names for pets:
you can also use this to name your children (or renaming yourself)
If you own a tally hall themed zoo(bin), then you know where to look for names
these are all of course only sugestions. im not forcing you to name you dog zirconium pants.
Most of this isnt serious but if you see some good ideas, go for it. youre welcome in advance
(this has been sitting in my drafts for months and ive lost motivation to finish it but you can roughly guess how it goes)
peoples names:
Electric guitar
Acoustic guitar
Roland Amp
Pair names:
What, When
Circles, Spirals
Birds, Bees (unfortunetly most people will think its a sex ed reference)
Mary-Kate, Ashley (most ppl will think its a direct reference to the olsen twins though)
Juno, Sun
Good, Evil
T, A-L-L-Y
Case, Bass
Click, Flick
Collectable, Delectable
No Answers, No Questions
Bubmle, Mumble
Once, Twice
Where, There
Here, There
Twice, Thrice
Direction, Voice
Double, Bonus
Bung Vulchungo, Zimbabwe Songbirds
Laugh, Kick it back
Rythm, Rhyme
Whether, Whatever
Whether, Anything
Bungalay, Bungalow
Too much, Not enough
Back, Forth
One Thing, Another
Spring, Storm
Enthusiastic, Alive
Silent, Explosive
Over Again, Never Again
Laugh, Clap
Serious, Delirious
Gallows, Ghetto
Town, Meadow
Billows, Over the Sun
End of a time, Another Begun
sky, all the land
Song Lyrics:
Good Day
Id like to say hello and welcome you good day
Glass eyes
Cardboard houses
Xray Vision
Silly Rhymes
Silly games
Question Marks
2. Greener
Breaking me slowly
Greener shade of envy
3. Welcome to Tally Hall
Mini Mall
Mega Mart
Eddie Thatch (most ppl will think youre directly referencing blackbeard)
Tizzy Hizzy
Tally Hall (not the most creative but whatever)
Automated Players
Suave Fellow
Heterophonic Tunes
Proud Loud Guy
Sipping 'gnac (or Cognac)
Bill Laimbeer
Unpredictable Games
English Chap
Robo-Electronic Ebonics
Quick Distraction
Mechanic Attraction
Good Old-Fashioned Puppet Show
Marionette Quintet
We think we're playing in a band
4. Taken For a Ride
Helpless land
Sadistic Mystic
Fifteen Flights
Painted Whispered Light
Forgotten Hill
Stranded Senate
White Brick House
Lonely Papaerbacks
Wooden Sign
One Secondary Smile
Extra Mile
Chemistry (is gone)
Taken for a Ride
World Renowned
Last real day of silence
Picture of a Letter
No Secrets (In the door)
5. The Bidding
Mmm-mmmmm-mmmm-mmmm (you have to hum the tune)
Cardboard Box
Liqor shop
Pavlov Dog
(Activate my) Bell
(Not a) Single Lady
I graduated at the Top
(I like to take advantage of the) Bourgeoisie
Couple bucks
Four Times a Lady
Dont shop Around
The Bidding
He's Sold
6. Be Born
Quite Content
Swimming Pool
Pink-Skinned Babes
Forever Young
See the Sun
Six Inches
Dozen People
(Follow my) Instruction
Little Ball
Bah/ Dah/ Baheyah
7. Banana Man
Colonel P.T Chester Whitmore
Bung Vulchungo
Zimbabwe Songbirds
Banana man
White Hot Sand
Banana Tree
Banana Flow
Mm mm mm mmm
Spirit Game
Spirit Names
Spirit Cloud
Fire light
Little Fun
Bumping of the drum
Go with the Flow
Whatever you may never know
Beckoning Man
Nine o clock
Busy Town
8. Just Apathy
Just one state of mind
Something better
(no) Perfect find
Why i bother
Consider the Possibility
Im so tired
I feel bad
I made her sad
I need to learn
Step blindly
close my eyes
Acting kindly
9. Spring and a Storm
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Please stop complaining
Clouds growled overhead
Drained my soul away
Mr moon
Eternally high (great name for a giraffe)
Over and over and over again
Never again
10. Two Wuv
little thing
just a fling
solely mine
great eyes
enrolled in your school
im calling from tally hall
say that again slowly
lovliness blossomed
11. Haiku
ancient asian poetry
lost in the sauce
formulaec verse
tried attempts
lah da dee diddum lah dah dah dum ditto dum doo lah dee doh
12. the whole world and you
pretty people
passing letters
questions answered
la la la la la la la la la la la la
distant cities
revealed the truth
not about me
13. Ruler of everything
juno was mad
shot at the sun
wily one only friend
mechanical hands
ruler of everything
zurconium pants
standing so tall
side of the hill
observing the birds
circle in for the kill
detective undercover brotherhood
objective obscene
flibbity jibbity jibber jabber
word to sell story to tell
ringing the bell
you resemble a fool
bumbling dragon
14. Hidden in the sand
playing in the sand
found a little band
bid adieu
buy a pony
15. Mucka Blucka
mucka blucka
mucka ba-ba
jerk chicken
Good & Evil
Never meant to know
lay of the land
feather in cap
sun in the sand
together again
the earth can stay below
meat from the bone
perfectly equal
being alone
outermost clime
parts combine to one
around the sun
the sun the shadows cast
reasons on the other hand
2. &
love of the s*n
martyr claiming friends
either perspective of &
weak, strong
wet, dry
right, wrong
live, die
sane, gone
love, not
we forgot
hear it
dont deny it
high, low
new, old
stop, go
hot, cold
john, yoko
dark, light
good night
lesson fron their fathers
same command
lives stuck beside
words, numbers
sound, silence
stop the peace, keep the violence
no, yes
we digress
sad, hapenis (i know how to spell happiness i just cant unhear "ha penis oh god")
big bad betty
golden rule
jungle meet
nothing to love, no one to beat
thungs we know, things we dont
think, cant, will, wont
loath to gather
together, bereft
capitalists, communists
hokey pokey
hate eachother, love yourselves
heaven, hell
3. you & me
starting out a road
carefully unload
another seed to sow
getaway undone
divine, circular design
do do-do do-do
time, place
points along a line
keep on turning
sitting in the park
carefully remark
better when youre learning
in the dark
keep on turning
turn away and around
ive been coming down
4. cannibal
place where she can stay
need to feed
willing victim
rips out my bones
blood is drained
calls it a game
dig up the skeletons
corners disguised
phantom of glammer
5. who you are
sitting, waiting, hoping
air, night, airplane
flight overcame
emmiting a glow
holding the thoughts
thinking too often
little aloft
not enough heart
armed to the teeth
falls down
rose up, rode underground
finding found
6. sacred beast
service of the king
in control of everything
queen decides
lives, dies
tonight we will sing
love, *humming and whistling*
easiest thing
slay the sacred beast
claim our innocence
wont return
riding high
easisest thing
claim our innocence
it knows its only truth
made of lies
auht, ever-wise
other sides of our disguise
seperate peace
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andrecoatings · 1 year
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poolpaintsydney · 5 months
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autistpride · 3 months
Autism Acceptance
Prompt day 1: April 1
word count 1340
Remus did not want to go to day camp. But his parents would not hear his no. They insisted that it would be good for him to learn these life skills and it was just during the day for the month of June. He would go after breakfast and be back home before supper, the same hours as the school day. It was even at his highschool, so he would know the building and where everything was.
But he still was adamant that he did not want to go. He wanted to stay home and read his books, draw, and listen to music and his videos. He wanted to play with his legos. Yes they absolutely needed to be reorganised again, this time by the number of studs instead of by colour like his mum had helped him do years ago.
Who needs to learn to ride a bike, make a sandwich, swim, do washing, or tie his shoes anyways?! He could keep wearing his velcro ones and when would he ever care to use a bike. He was perfectly fine not going in the gross water at the pool or the beach or the lake or wherever they were at. He liked playing in the water during the summer, but he much preferred the sprinkler or the kiddie pool that his parents set up each year in the back garden.
Remus grumbled and made his displeasure known the whole time his mum was packing his snack and lunch and putting them, his rescue meds, and his favourite book and his taggie in his backpack.
He frowned when his dad made a joke about him wearing the same grey hoodie and blue knitted stocking cap in the middle of summer but he wore them anyways like he always did.
He wore his headphones over his ears and clung to his stuffed kitty as he waited outside their small home for the bus to arrive to take him to the first day of the worst summer of his life.
Sirius did not want to attend the life skills camp. What a waste of a perfectly good summer in which he could be tanning, swimming, bowling, or at the arcade. Hell Sirius could even just spend it sleeping in and getting laid.
James however talked him into it. James had said it would look good on their college applications to have volunteer hours on there and this would be a good cause to support.
The camp needed peer mentors to partner with the disabled students as a “buddy” while they learned to do things that would help them be more independent. So Sirius packed his lunch and tossed it and a few bottles of water into his bag, started his bike, and rode to the public school that he had never attended.
When he arrived he was lucky no one was able to see through the visor of his helmet as his face contorted to one of shock and slight disgust. The school was a two story brick building obviously made in the early 1900s. The white paint on the window frames was chipped and peeling and the sign out front had obviously been the newest thing about the entire facility. He parked, locked his helmet up, slung his bag over his shoulder and pocketed his keys as he headed to meet with James, sign in, get his name tag, and find out which poor sod he would be partnered with.
Sirius was now the official buddy of someone named Remus Lupin. Poor boy had parents similar to him, giving a kid an unusual name like that. He was given a little “about me” about Remus to look over before the attendees arrived on the bus in twenty minutes.
Remus was autistic. He carried around a stuffed cat named Pandy that he had had since he was a toddler. His hat and hoodie were comfort items and he did not need to take them off unless he wanted to. He hated his clothes getting wet, getting his hands dirty, and did not like some activities due to sensory aversion like paint, mud, playdough, glue, or slime. He loved to read and build with legos. He also loved music and hummed and sang songs he liked. He hated loud noises and wore headphones, but he vocally stimmed loudly and liked to script his favourite films. James explained that stimmed or stimming was a repetitive movement or noise that served a purpose, often to help regulate. Remus also had epilepsy and would have emergency medication with him in case he had a seizure. Sirius wasn’t sure that he would be a good fit. He knew nothing about autism or epilepsy. But he wanted to make it work and he was determined. He had never been a quitter. So he read everything he could find quickly on his phone and prepared for the bus to arrive.
Remus had counted the turns of the familiar route while his legs bounced and his little hand man jumped over the cars and people and signs they passed. When the bus came to a halt, Remus stayed seated until most of the students had left and Ms Hootch came over and told him he could unbuckle like she always did. Ms Hootch had been his driver ever since he could remember. He liked her and the other students didn’t be mean to Remus on the bus because she wouldn’t let anyone feel sad on her bus.
He unbuckled and he stood, grabbed his bag and carefully put it on before clutching Pandy to his chest and walking to the exit. He slowly went down the stairs and was met by his friend Minnie. She was his helper, but she was still his friend. With her was another boy. He was the prettiest boy Remus had ever seen. He had long dark hair and even wore sparkles on his eyes!
“Remus, this is Sirius. He will be your buddy for camp this summer,” Minnie said with a smile.
“You're pretty and shiny like a disco ball,” Remus said.
The boy, Sirius, laughed. “Thanks I think.”
“You're welcome” Remus replied nonchalantly before looking at Sirius’ outfit. He was wearing a band tee with one of Remus’ favourite bands on it and Remus squealed loud and high pitched.
Remus started to sing one of the songs from the album and thought maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad summer after all.
Sirius had waited while students climbed down off the bus when he was approached by a stern looking woman.
“Sirius Black?” she asked in a no nonsense tone.
“I am Minerva. I am one of Remus’ teachers. I’ll come with you to introduce you both and will be close by during the days while you both are here in case he needs anything. You can come to me at any point if you need help.”
Minerva motioned for him to move forward. There was no one around the door to the bus anymore and all the other students and their partners, including James, had already made their way inside to do the welcome games.
Sirius was surprised when a tall, gorgeous boy stepped into view and down the stairs. His smile when he saw Minerva was breathtaking.
Sirius listened as Minerva introduced him and laughed in surprise when Remus called him pretty like a disco ball. That had to be the weirdest compliment he had ever received but he liked it.
Remus’ squeal startled him at first and he jumped at the sudden noise right near his ears but resisted the urge to yell out. Minerva gave him a look of approval at that and he felt a sense of pride that he did something right.
However, what shocked him the most was to hear Remus begin to sing his favourite song. His voice was enough to make Sirius think he had heard angels. He grinned and began to hum along.
Maybe this would be a great summer after all.
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hart-feathers · 1 month
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Photo Source [Unsplash]
Fic Snippet
CW : Merman Hannibal . Mentions of Disposal of a Body . Dismembered Body
Current WIP
Working Title : Pearls and Paisley
Pairing : Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
This fic will be a fill for one of my bingo prompts - Accidental Exhibitionism
When a human finds their way to Hannibal's cove he becomes fascinated by them.
Hannibal is relaxing in his personal hideaway - a natural cave created over eons by water eroding the cliff that sprawls into the edges of the ocean, an outcrop of rock spilling into the sea in a crescent shape hides the mouth of his cave from prying eyes and creates a large calm pool sheltered from the wilder waves of the open sea. He lays back on the smooth rock beneath his shoulders, soaking up the sun, and absently flexes his tail which makes the turquoise water ripple around his waist.
The sound of a boat engine disturbs his peace, humans don't usually travel this far up the coast line due to the danger the jagged cliffs and rocks pose in the shallow water. His lip twitches in irritation but he doesn't move, unwilling to potentially expose himself needlessly. Thankfully, the boat passes by the mouth of his cove but it slows and purrs to a running stop within his earshot. A symphony of splashes interrupts the chorus of ocean song and Hannibal's lip curls in distaste, it's unfortunately typical of humans to dispose of their trash in the ocean, polluting the beautiful water. After a few moments the splashing subsides and is followed by an almost suspicious silence, then the boat slowly begins to move.
Hannibal's fingers twitch restlessly and he slides into the water so only his head is above the surface. The boat cruises into view, a small personal vessel with the word ‘Nola’ painted on the side, occupied by a single man. Hannibal watches, ever curious, as the man halts the boat in the middle of the cove. He moves around with a calm confidence that doesn't usually speak of having secretly thrown waste into the ocean. He tilts his head as the man steps down onto the small platform at the back of the boat, he kneels and seems to be washing his hands in the water. Hannibal dips his mouth below the surface and his eyebrows raise in surprise to taste faint traces of blood. Even more intrigued by the stranger, Hannibal tracks his every move as the man goes about his vessel, seemingly cleaning and reorganising it. Then the man stops and puts his hands on his hips, he turns his face to the sun and a small smile flickers across his lips - Hannibal finds himself unexpectedly struck by his beauty. Hannibal has never really seen the appeal of humans before, he finds their plain legs unappealing compared to the elegance of a colourful merfolk’s tail, but this man, this man is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Wild dark curls of hair ruffle in the wind at the nape of his neck, a thick stubble decorates his jawline and his pale throat is decorated with faint freckles, he has strong hands and corded forearms that speak of capability and strength. Hannibal is besotted with this stunning creature who has unwittingly wandered into his domain. Before he can even think of acting on his new desire the boat engine strikes up and the man sails out of the cove and out of view.
Hannibal slaps his fluke in irritation and growls softly in his throat, but he decides not to dwell on the loss and swims to investigate exactly what the pretty little human was throwing into the ocean. What he finds is a small frenzy of fish, which will no doubt soon lead to an income of sharks, gathered around several objects scattered within close range on the sea bed. Hannibal swims into the fray to investigate and what he finds takes his breath away - on the sandy floor of the ocean is a human body. It is not intact but instead has been dismembered, upon closer inspection Hannibal finds that the limbs have been disconnected at the joints instead of being cut. He carefully looks over all the remains and grins, how his human killed and butchered this person is impossible to tell, if anyone finds the bones they will have no way of knowing they were murdered. And Hannibal does presume his pretty boy murdered them, why else would you desecrate and dispose of them this way. He drifts away from the feast, the carcass will soon be picked clean by all manner of ocean life. He finds himself even more fascinated with the strange man who drifted into his life and can only hope the man will return.
Several days later Hannibal is once again languidly floating in his cove when he hears a boat motor, with a sharp flick of his tail he hides within the safety of his cave and the cover its shadow provides. His heart flutters as the bow of a boat enters the cove, ‘Nola’ painted in large letters. He drifts to the edge of the cave, careful to remain behind the edge of darkness that hides him, so he can be as close as possible to his pretty human.
The boat motor stutters to a stop closely followed by the soft splash of an anchor and the cove goes quiet once more. The sides of the boat are low enough for Hannibal to see the fluffy head and ears of a brindle coloured dog wandering confidently around the boat. Hannibal isn't fond of dogs, they're too much like seals - noisy, boisterous, far too inquisitive for their own good and their ability to sense danger makes them a liability. As if on cue, the dog hops up on its back legs, front paws resting on the side of the boat, and for a moment its gaze wanders then finds Hannibal with alarming precision. He tenses and waits for the sharp bark alerting the human to his presence, for the frantic vocalisation of a dog trying to protect its master from a threat. But it doesn't come. Instead the dog just stares at him, tongue lolling out happily as it pants and tilts its head as it observes him. Hannibal hums faintly and watches the dog in turn, its golden fur shines in the sun and the dog seems healthy, the animal is clearly well cared for. His human calls to the dog, his name is apparently Winston, and Hannibal can hear the affection in the man's voice - his love for the dog abundantly clear in his soft gaze and the way his hands gently rub the dog's ears. Hannibal feels a jolt of yearning twist in his gut, he desperately wants to have those nimble hands touch him with such tenderness, a sudden and unfamiliar desire for intimacy making home in his bones.
For the rest of the afternoon Hannibal watches the man and dog as they relax on the boat, bathing in the warm sun and enjoying some fish his human cooks on a small grill. His breath hitches as he watches the man throw off his shirt and slide into the cool water of the cove pool. Hannibal greedily drinks in the sight of his pale, hairless chest as it glistens with droplets of ocean water, small pink nipples that pebble at the temperature change catch his attention and he licks his lips. Hannibal’s heated appreciation is interrupted by Winston jumping into the water, he paddles around his master and occasionally turns towards Hannibal but he never attempts to swim towards him and, surprisingly, doesn't intentionally draw the human’s attention to him either.
All too soon, though it's been hours, his human lifts anchor and leaves the seclusion of the cove. This time, at least, Hannibal is reassured by knowing his boy is likely to return.
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novlr · 5 months
What are some ways to describe summer ?
Summer is not just a season; it’s a vibrant setting that can add life and color to your writing. Whether you’re crafting a sun-soaked romance or a beach thriller, the way you describe summer can immerse readers in your story. Let’s dive into how you can capture the essence of summer, focusing on the various senses and elements that make this season unique.
Sunsets that paint the sky in hues of orange, pink, and purple.
Children chasing ice cream trucks down suburban lanes.
Sunbathers dotting the coastline.
Sprinklers casting rainbows across freshly mowed lawns.
Flower gardens in full bloom, a riot of colours.
Sunglasses showing reflections of the bright world.
Sun hats and flip-flops scattered around pool decks.
Fireflies illuminating the night.
Street markets bustling with locals buying fresh produce.
Hikers on forest trails.
The cacophony of cicadas in the late afternoon.
Waves crashing against the shore in a constant rhythm.
The sizzle and pop of barbecues in backyards.
Children’s laughter as they play outside.
Ice clinking in glasses of lemonade or cocktails.
The distant whirr of lawn mowers.
Splashes and shouts from swimming pools.
Chirping songbirds greeting the morning.
The crackle of bonfires during cool summer nights.
The melodic chimes of ice cream trucks roaming the streets.
The salty tang of sea air at the beach.
The overpowering scent of chlorinated pools.
Freshly cut grass after morning lawn care.
The scent of sunscreen and tanning oils on warm skin.
The smoky aroma of grills at a neighborhood cookout or family barbeque.
Fragrant blossoms like jasmine and roses in full bloom.
The earthy smell of rain on hot pavement.
The mix of fruits, vegetables, fried food, and flowers at an open-air market.
Melting tar with an accompanying heat shimmer on hot roads.
Campfire smoke clinging to clothes and hair during outdoor adventures.
Beach volleyball games, sand flying as players dive for the ball.
Leisurely picnics in the shade of ancient trees.
Hiking trips taking advantage of the long daylight hours.
Sailing and boating, the wind filling sails on sunlit waters.
Outdoor concerts, where music floats on the warm night air.
Road trips with car windows down, hair whipping in the wind.
Fruit picking in orchards and berry farms.
Camping under the stars, a tent and a sleeping bag for a home.
Water fights with hoses, water guns, and balloons.
Attending summer festivals full of food, music, and dance.
Character body language
Wiping sweat from the brow or fanning themselves to cool down.
Squinting against the harsh sunlight or seeking out spots of shade.
Sipping cold drinks, or gulping down water.
Lounging lazily, limbs relaxed and sprawled out.
Applying sunscreen meticulously.
Adjusting sunglasses or hats for better protection.
Dipping toes tentatively into the sea or a pool.
Tugging at clothes sticking to sweat-dampened skin.
Laughing with carefree abandon, a reflection of summer’s ease.
Turning pages of a paperback with fingers damp from pool water.
Positive descriptions
The liberating feeling of diving into cool water on a scorching day.
The tranquil peace of a sunrise beach yoga session.
The simple pleasure of ice cream melting on the tongue.
The bliss of a hammock nap swayed by a gentle breeze.
The joy of endless blue skies promising adventure.
The warmth of sun-kissed skin after a day outdoors.
The satisfaction of a well-tended garden coming to life.
The contentment of sharing a sunset with loved ones.
The thrill of catching the perfect wave while surfing.
The comfort of balmy evenings spent on porch swings.
Negative descriptions
The oppressive heat making the air feel thick and suffocating.
The relentless buzzing of mosquitoes on a muggy night.
The sting of sunburn after a day of neglecting sunscreen.
The frustration of packed tourist spots and overcrowded beaches.
The exhaustion induced by long days and sweltering heat.
The discomfort of air thick with humidity.
The annoyance of sand finding its way into every nook and cranny.
The disappointment of a rained-out picnic or canceled event.
The lethargy of a heatwave, energy sapped by the relentless sun.
The discomfort of trying to sleep in an overheated, uncooled room.
Helpful Adjectives
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