#swimming pool heating austin
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torakowalski · 1 month
Swimmer Steve has reached summer 1988 and is inching closer to become Olympic Swimmer Steve!
I've got a confession. When I checked where the Olympic swimming trials were in 1988, the site I found told me Indianapolis. So I wrote this part! But then I double checked and it turns out the 1992 trials were Indianapolis but the 1988 ones were Austin. HOWEVER, it's too late, so pls accept this tiny deviation from reality.
(part one | part five)
"This is so fucking cool," Gareth yells in Eddie's ear, over all the different noises crashing around the natatorium.
"Yeah?" Eddie says, way more pleased than he wants to let on. He doesn't know why Gareth's here, but they all are: Gareth and Jeff and Chris, plus Robin and all Steve's kids.
Wayne's sitting further back with Mrs Henderson, away from some of the noise, but he's here too.
"Hell, yeah." Gareth grins at him. "How many times can you say you've seen someone you know audition for the Olympics?"
"It's not called auditioning," Chris says, elbowing him.
"It is, if you want to annoy Steve," Eddie tells him. He thinks it goes without saying that he always wants to annoy Steve.
It's blind luck that the Olympic swimming trials are happening in Indianapolis. Sure, Steve acted like it was no big deal, and said he didn't expect anyone to come, but Eddie knows how goddamn delighted he is that everyone's made it here for the second day.
Eddie's pleased too, of course he is, but he did kind of enjoy yesterday when it was just him here for the heats. Sue him, but he gets Steve to himself so often that he's maybe forgotten how to share.
There's some shuffling from further down the row of seats, and then Gareth gets shoved out the way and Dustin takes his place.
"Who are our main competitors?" he asks, looking at Eddie expectantly. He's got a notebook out and everything, like he's gonna come up with a plan to take them down.
Eddie starts to answer and realises that the rest of Steve's gang are listening in too. It dawns on him that he's the expert here. He's the one who's been up and down the country, going to meets with Steve, and he knows about this shit now.
He never thought he'd willingly learn anything about a sport, and even less that he'd admit to knowing anything, but it turns out you'll do a lot of unexpected shit when you're head over heels for a jock.
Even a straight jock. Even one who's been nothing but sweet about his stupid crush.
Speaking of which, here he comes now, golden skin and black speedos, standing out from the rest of the hopefuls, at least to Eddie.
"What happened to his chest hair?" Lucas asks, from one of the seats in front of Eddie. Their little Hawkins gang is really taking up a lot of this stadium.
"Right?" Max mutters, sounding disappointed.
Eddie tips forward to lean in between them. "He has to wax. Legs too."
"Ow," says Lucas, shuddering. "What's wrong with staying hairy?"
"You didn't say that when you asked why I hadn't shaved," Max says.
Lucas throws up his hands. "I didn't mean it that way! I've said I'm sorry and that I didn't mean it that way!"
It sounds like an old argument. The only bad thing about spending all his time with Steve these days, is that they miss a lot of the kids' day to day dramas. The ones that are too small to get relayed to them over the phone, anyway.
He knows Steve feels that too. He's planning to have a real break back home, after the Olympics. If he makes it to the Olympics. Fuck, Eddie hopes he makes it to the Olympics.
There's a buzz down below by the pool, everyone lining up for the first semi-final. Backstroke first. One of Steve's favourites.
"Okay," Eddie says, and takes a deep breath. "Here we go."
Steve makes it through all his semis easily, which Eddie had known he would, but had still panicked about.
There's a break before the finals, but Eddie unexpectedly can't make himself move. He's too keyed up, so tense and nervous for Steve that it's gone all the way around in a circle and frozen his legs.
"He's doing great!" Dustin says, easy and relaxed, because he's not worried. Whether Steve believes it or not, Dustin thinks he can do anything.
"Yeah." Eddie nods. "Yeah. Yeah, really great."
Dustin frowns at him. "... isn't he?"
Fuck, now Eddie is infecting other people with his anxiety. That's not cool. "He is doing so great," he says. "Like, fucking fantastic." He grins at Dustin, wide enough that he feels it stretch the scar on his cheek that doesn't move as easily as the rest of his face.
"So what's wrong with you?" Dustin asks.
If it was anyone else, except Wayne and maybe Gareth, Eddie would deny anything being wrong at all. But he and Dustin are bonded by like, bats and death and shit. So instead, he finds himself admitting, "He just wants this so bad. It's gonna shatter him, if he doesn't qualify."
"But he will," Dustin says. He grins crookedly at Eddie. "It's cute how much you care about him getting what he wants."
"Shut the fuck up," Eddie tells him, but affectionately.
They grab lunch while the 1500 metres guys do their semis, and they're back before the 50 metre finals.
Steve doesn't do 50 metres, says it's too short to be interesting, but Eddie thinks there's something cool about watching people whizz along down one length then be done. The fact that he enjoys races that Steve isn't even in is no good for his cred and not something he's gonna tell anyone.
Two minutes before Steve's first final, Robin drops into the seat next to Eddie. She doesn't say anything, just reaches out and clutches his hand.
Since he knows exactly how she feels, he just clutches back.
Steve qualified third fastest out of all the semi-finalists for this one, so he's in a decent, middle lane. He's easy to spot in his yellow swim cap, amongst all the reds and blacks.
"I'm gonna throw up," Robin says conversationally.
"Yup," Eddie agrees.
It's backstroke again first, so the swimmers all get into the water before the start. It feels like it's happening in slow motion, which might be because Eddie isn't breathing.
The whistle blows and they're off. It's a 200 metre race, so four lengths. Steve keeps up easily for the first length, is slightly ahead at the start of the second, but he falls behind just, just slightly right before the turn for the third.
Robin's fingernails digging into the back of Eddie's hand are all he can feel.
"Go Steve!" Max yells, followed a second later by the rest of the kids.
But Eddie already knows it's too late, Steve pushed himself too fast too early and he's not gonna catch up.
He finishes fifth. And, like, that makes him the fifth fastest guy in America in the backstroke, but fifth isn't gonna get him a spot at the Olympics.
"It's okay," Eddie hears himself saying, because the kids look kind of stunned. "It's okay, backstroke's done, we move on. He's still got three more finals; he just needs to place first or second in one of those. It's totally okay."
"What if it's not?" Robin hisses.
"Then I'm gonna cry."
She nods. "I'll join you."
Eddie watches as Steve drags himself out of the pool. He stands for a minute, then follows the others back to the changing rooms, without looking up at the stands.
He finishes third in the butterfly.
He comes second in the breaststroke, but it's a joint second, tied with some guy from Nebraska, and Eddie just doesn't know if that will be enough. What he really needs is a win.
"He's better than this," Robin says, voice hoarse from yelling Steve's name. "He is, right? He's been winning all his other meets."
"He's nervous. He's tensing up." Eddie wants to go down there and do something, anything to make Steve believe he can still do this.
It's late by the time the swimmers troop back out for the breaststroke final. Eddie's tired just from watching, he can't imagine how they all feel.
Steve's last out because he won this semi-final. He's the favourite for this one, but even across the distance between them, it's easy to see he's still frustrated with himself from the other races.
"Everyone cheer," Eddie orders before jumping up and fucking, whooping. Making a fool of himself at a sports event? He never thought he'd see the day.
Steve sees him then sees the kids join him and laughs, his whole body relaxing. He waves, waves again.
"Knock 'em dead, Harrington!" Eddie yells and ignores the looks he gets from the other families dotted around.
"Drown them!" Dustin yells, which makes Steve cover his face with his hands, but probably to hide his laughter rather than his dispair.
"He's gonna do it," Robin says. "He's got to."
Eddie sinks back into his seat, and can't say anything.
They line up, Steve dead centre this time. The whistle blows.
Steve's dive is beautiful, sends him nearly half way down the pool before he has to come up for air. He makes the first tumble turn ahead of everyone else, and then he's unstoppable. It's like he's been waiting for this moment, like everything has kicked into place.
He's in the lead for the second length, the third. A guy from California starts to creep up on him half way down the last length and Eddie has a second to think this is all gonna get snatched away, but it turns out Steve's not gonna let it.
He puts on a burst of speed that looks superhuman, fucking shoots himself through the water, leaves everyone in his wake and slaps his hand down on the end two maybe three strokes ahead of everyone else.
Their section erupts.
Dustin and Gareth and Robin all hug Eddie, like he's somehow had anything to do with this. Over their shoulders, he can see Wayne and Mrs Henderson cheering as loud as the rest of them.
He kisses Robin's cheek, says, "You're crying."
"Damn right, I am," she sniffs. She pats her hand against his cheek. "So are you."
"Huh," says Eddie, who hadn't noticed. "Your boy done good."
"Our boy," Robin says, "is going to the Olympics. You should say congrats to him with a kiss."
Eddie snorts. "Maybe I will," he says, knowing he won't. Steve doesn't want that. "Maybe I will."
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itsstrange · 1 year
Pool Party
Fandom: Supernatural / The Boys
Relationship: Jensen Ackles x Reader
A/N: Had this idea when I woke up from bed lol idk I sometimes be getting the randomness ideas either in the shower or waking up from a dream, but I’m not complaining because they turn out to be loved by so many of you 😆
Summary: “Wanna go for a swim?” Just a harmless offer right? Nothing dangerous right?
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: Smut, 18+, Pool Sex, Fingering, Confessions, and once again 18+
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(Y/n) walked back and forth in her home gathering everything she needed for the party and loaded them into her car. Extra bags of chips, couple gallons of sodas, some juice boxes for the little ones, cases of beers for the adults, her famous birthday cinnamon roll lasagna cake, and finally the gift for the birthday girl. Once she was sure everything was packed and ready to go, she grabs her keys, phone, a lollipop and is finally out the door.
The drive to his house was probably 15 to 20 minutes away from her, which was good for many reasons. If he needed a favor she was there in a matter of minutes, if she needed a favor he was there in under 10, maybe 15 if he had the little ones in his truck. Point is, the distance to his house from hers was perfect.
Finally arriving and pulling into the beautiful home, she notices how multiple cars were neatly parked inside the driveway. Some she recognized where some she didn’t, however, she did spy Jared’s red 2021 Ram parked near the entrance of the home and noticed how a reserved sign was near the truck, causing a scoff to escape from her. Of course he’d save a spot for her, he always made her park inside his home rather than out in the streets, said he felt ‘much more comfortable’ knowing her car was visible. Although, despite his dramatic-ness, (Y/n) couldn’t help the way her chest warmed up every time he cared for her. Even if it was the smallest things, her chest warmed up, as well as her heart fluttering uncontrollably. He just had that effect on her.
Once parking, she opens the trunk to start unloading the bags, however, just as she was about to grab the third bag a familiar voice settles beside her before another pair of hands is helping her with the dessert plate.
“Thanks Alan,” She tells Jensen’s father as he walks with her towards the entrance of the home,
“No problem kiddo, figured you needed a hand,”
“You saw me coming in?” She asks as they both make their way towards the kitchen,
He shakes his head, placing the plate on the counter, “Was actually heading towards my car to grab some sunglasses. Suns’ bright today,”
A chuckle leaves her lips as she places the bags on an empty space, “Sure is, heard it’s gonna be a hot one today,”
He shakes his head with a scoff, “It’s aiming for the 90’s,”
(Y/n) chuckles in disbelief. It wasn’t even summer yet and they’re already heading towards a heat wave. Gotta love Austin, Texas.
Heading back towards her car, she shuts the trunk and opens the back seat where the birthday present laid. Which literally engulfed her whole car from how big it is. She’s actually surprised she was even able to see from her rear mirror from how big the damn present was.
“Jesus Christ, you hunt down a bear or somethin?” Alan comments after watching her struggle in taking out a large, really large stuffed bear,
She chuckles as she pulls on the large foot, “Something like that. Went to five different places for this damn thing,”
The older man only chuckles at her with a shake of his head when she finally frees the stuffed bear from her small poor car. How exactly did she manage to stuff a 6 foot bear into her 8 series BMW? She wasn’t sure either, but she made it to the party, which was all that mattered. Locking her car and taking the stuffed bear, that nearly engulfed her, she heads back towards the home. Obviously she had help, Alan grabbed a hold of some part of the bear to prevent it from blocking her sight, otherwise she’d either walk into a wall or tripped over some stairs.
After convincing Alan she’d be able to make it to the living room without killing herself, he chuckles as he makes his way to the backyard just as she carefully makes her way down the small stairs that lead towards the living room, where she planned on leaving the bear for now. As she semi struggled to place the stuffed animal on the ground, that deep familiar voice she loves hearing, rings beautifully in her ears.
“Oh god, you actually got it,” It wasn’t even a question, it sounded more like if he was shocked but not shocked that a 6 foot bear was now being laid in the center of his living room,
A wide smile spreads on her face, even if the large stuffed animal hid it from him as she carefully placed it on the carpeted floor. Turning around with a wide smile, she excitedly points at the teddy.
“Pretty cool huh?” She looks back at the monstrosity, who had a large black bow tie around his neck,
Jensen hums in agreement, even if he definitely did not think so.
The moment JJ had asked for the bear Jensen knew her wish was gonna come true, because knowing (Y/n) all too well he knew she would happily deliver. Especially when she knew Jensen was against the whole idea, but even then, Jensen was never able to say no to either one of them.
“They actually had a bigger one, but that one wouldn’t have fit in my car,”
“How tall was the other one?” He furrows his brows at her, already having a horrifying picture of its height,
She shrugs her shoulders, “About 7 or 8 inches taller,”
Jensen only scoffs in disbelief, shaking his head with a smile tugging on his lips. He will never get tired, or use to her wild imaginations. She was unique, and he loved it.
Slightly grinning at the present she turns around to face the Texan, only to feel her smile widening when she realizes what exactly he’s wearing. A light blue short sleeve with pink mermaids and dolphins laid on top, with black cargo shorts and converse on his feet. He looked absolutely adorable, yet handsome at the same time. He could honestly slay any look without any effort.
“Cute shirt,” She tells him with a smirk,
Sharing the same look on his lips, Jensen looks down at his shirt before looking back at her, “The girls picked it out, so I had no other option,”
A chuckle escapes from her as she walks towards him and lets a forefinger gently prod at a pink mermaid that’s on his stomach, “Don’t lie, you wanted to wear it,”
When she averts her (E/c) eyes up to his apple orbs, she hadn’t realize just how close she was to him. Only a couple inches stood between them as they stared at each other, and it was up to either one of them to reach out to close the gap, but neither made the first move, even if they both shared the same thoughts without even knowing.
As Jensen hovered over her, bright green eyes staring straight down at her own beautiful (E/c) orbs, he had the biggest urge to touch her, taste her lips, he has been for a while now, but restrained himself from doing so. He didn’t want to ruin their friendship for having feelings she most likely didn’t have towards him. But she did. He just didn’t know it.
She’s been sharing the same feelings since the day they first met, which made her feel guilty at first since he was married at the time, but even after he got divorced she didn’t indulge or press on the feelings. It wasn’t the right time nor it was appropriate. The man had just ended his marriage, he was hurt, healing, what he needed was a friend, not someone who was taking advantage of the moment to express her feelings or tell him she ‘was the one’ it would just be selfish and absolute heartbreaking if he’d reject her if it had happened. So instead of letting her feelings take over, (Y/n) became what Jensen needed the most, a friend, and has been ever since.
Nothing changed after that, yeah she still loved him and wished for more, but she also still loved being friends with him. Before (Y/n) even realized her feelings towards the man they were good friends, and now after a couple months later of the divorce their friendship still held strong, which is all she wanted for them.
“Hey Ackles!” The sound of Jared’s voice coming into the room causes them both to break eye contact, “Oh hey (Y/n),”
She smiles at him as he quickly engulfs her small frame with his large arms and pecks the top of her head before pulling away to direct his eyes at Jensen, “Your old man needs more pepper,”
Jensen nods his head, “Alright I’m comin,”
Gently punching his shoulder with a nod, Jared leaves the room. Leaving the space around them to be extremely difficult to breathe for some odd reason, but Jensen was quick to avoid the unsettling tension.
“C’mon,” He motions his head out the living room, “I’m sure the kiddos are dying to see you,”
At his words he lets his fingers interlock with her own, causing her body to go rigid, definitely was not expecting that but shrugs it off by allowing the man to lead her out the room, even if she can walk around his house with eyes closed she still lets him guide her out the house. Once making a quick stop to grab some pepper from the kitchen he leads them out the house, fingers still interlocked with each other until he lets her go out the doors first before following after. He wasn’t going to lie, he was freaking the fuck out when he interlocked their fingers, he thought she’d push him away, curse at him, but watching as she didn’t do anything only made him freak out even more. Did she like it? Or was she uncomfortable that she just allowed it? Or did she actually like holding hands with him? Question after question appeared in his head as he made his way over to his father who was preparing the burgers.
Turning around after giving him the pepper Jensen turns around at the perfect time, from where he stood he watches as she engulfs a squealing JJ into her arms before spinning them both in the center of the yard, causing his heart to flip in his chest at the sight. What makes a smile appear on his lips was the moment she walks towards his other two kids, Zep and Arrow, who also run towards her with wide smiles and open arms. Just the sight alone of her interacting with his kids, treating them as if they were her own and giving them so much love was enough for Jensen to realize, he was madly in love with her.
If only she felt the same way right?
10:30 pm
After eating multiple burgers, drinking multiple beers and juice boxes, singing happy birthday to the birthday girl, opening her presents and surprising her with the large Teddy, the day was finally coming to an end. Once it had hit 9pm, a lot of the kiddos were absolutely drained from running around the house, or just being in the water all day, that’s including Jensen’s little ones. Once they were all tucked into bed, it was pretty soon when a lot of family members began leaving the party. A couple people still remained, like Jensen’s family, Jared’s family, Misha and his kids stayed for a while before heading off to their hotel since they had an early flight the next day, and other good friends stayed. But once it hit 10pm everyone began parting their ways, only leaving Jared, Genevieve, Jensen’s parents and (Y/n) at the house, where they soon began picking up trash from left to right.
Even if Jensen told everyone to leave it alone and he’ll clean up tomorrow, everybody continued picking up trash from tables and the floor. Causing Jensen to let out a soft chuckle when (Y/n) only shoves him the plastic black bag to hold as she throws in empty beer cans and bottles. Making it look less a mess and easier to deal with the next morning. Once the backyard looked semi decent, and Jensen’s father finished cleaning up the grill, both his parents, Jared and Gen give their farewells before leaving. Once he walked them towards the entrance of the home, Jensen makes his way back to the backyard, where (Y/n) remained piling the trash bags together in one corner.
“Hey c’mon leave that there, I’ll do it myself tomorrow,” Jensen stops her by her wrist as she reaches for another trash bag,
she gives him a smile, “It’s the least I can do, I mean we did trash your house,”
Jensen softly chuckles with a shake of his head, “You already do so much for us.. for them,”
A warm, shy, smile spreads on her face, a smile that Jensen has grown to love.
With the smile still plastered, she shrugs a shoulder, “I love you guys,”
Oh how those words made Jensen feel as if he was floating in the air, like some cheesy romance movie with hearts surrounding them. But even if those words weren’t exactly meant the way he’s taking it, it still sounded absolutely amazing to hear those words fall from her lips. However, little did he know she did mean her words, and she was honestly freaking out when she finally admitted to him.
Green eyes stared into (E/c) ones in silence. Only the sounds of crickets chirping around them was heard. It was honestly peaceful, they both felt at ease as they stared at each other. If it wasn’t for the small fear riding at the back of his head, he would have had her lips on his by now, but the fear still lingered the more he wanted to give in to the urge. Yet, he already was giving into it, he hadn’t realize he still held onto her wrist nor did he realize his thumb was gently rubbing circles on her skin, but once he did, he still didn’t let her go. He craved for her touch, but he wanted to do more than touch her, he wanted to hold her in his arms, feel her warmth day and night.
Which gives him an idea.
“Wanna go for a swim?” He says after a while of silence, motioning his head towards the pool,
(Y/n) chuckles, “At this time?”
Jensen causally shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t see why not?”
A scoff leaves her lips when she watches him walk backwards towards the pool as he keeps their gazes locked with a smirk. He eventually turns and stands on the edge of the pool before discarding his clothes. First his shirt revealing his muscular shoulders, then his shoes, socks, and finally his shorts. (Y/n) should definitely look away, but she just couldn’t. Her eyes were locked on the man’s half naked frame, feeling the way her mouth goes dry the longer she stares. (E/c) eyes roamed his muscular back and down towards his ass that we’re sadly covered by his black briefs.
Slowly, very slowly, she averts her eyes from his bottom to his shoulders once again, but just as she rises her eyes they immediately lock with his. She feels herself go stiff when he catches her staring, causing her face to grow hot. Although, instead of teasing her with a smart ass remark, he just sends her a smirk before diving into the pool. Giving (Y/n) a couple seconds to catch her breath before he emerges from the water. (Y/n) remained standing in her spot as she watches the way droplets of water cover his perfectly shaped face, and the way it had flattened his hair, and definitely not being able to push aside the feeling that forms in between her legs when he slicks his wet hair back.
“C’mon, water feels great,” Jensen tells her, smile slightly tugging on his lips as he keeps himself up float,
Aside from feeling the way her core begins throbbing for this man, she still sends him a scoff, “You’re crazy,”
And making me horny. She mentally thinks to herself.
“You can wear my shirt,” Even if I prefer nothing on you right about now. Jensen thought to himself, still keeping that welcoming smile on his lips,
(Y/n) intakes a deep breath through her nose and let’s it back out through her nose while slightly tilting her head to the side. She hates how he can easily convince her without even trying. With hesitating steps, (Y/n) toes off her shoes along with her socks before making her way towards his shirt. Picking it up she stares at it in her hands and then towards Jensen, who only sends her a wide grin before turning around to give her some privacy while she changes. The moment he does, she quickly slides her jeans down her legs, not catching how he sneaks a glance at her and not knowing how quick his member jolts in his briefs. However, right when she stands from removing her jeans he turns back around and waits patiently until she allows him to look.
Speechless is what happens when his green orbs land on her frame. His shirt was rather large on her frame, making it look like a dress on her, only her smooth legs were exposed to him. She looked absolutely fucking beautiful, breathtaking under the moon light, if it weren’t for the fear and respect he had towards her, he would’ve already had her in his arms.
The look that settles on his face was visible as day, earning a shy smile to form on her lips as she shyly places a strand of hair behind her ear, cheeks burning as he continues to stare at her. Observing her, admiring her frame.
Eventually, she slowly walks towards the edge of the pool where Jensen swims to meet her halfway. Her feet were the first to make contact with the water as she sat on the edge of the pool, it really did feel amazing against her skin, fresh and just the right temperature.
Without a word, Jensen swims towards her, keeping himself upright in front of her, her knees touching his chest as he reaches towards her hips. Gripping onto his firm shoulders as he carefully and effortlessly carries her into the water, not once did they avoid gazes. Bright green and glistening (E/c) orbs kept a firm lock on each other, never parting away from each other, not even after she made it into the water.
“Feel good?” Jensen suddenly whispers, voice laced with thickness, eyes still staring deeply into her own,
A small smile tugs on her lips as she too couldn’t seem to avert her gaze, “Feels good,” she responds to him small smile tugging on the corner of her lips,
Still smiling at her he slowly lets her go, allowing her to swim freely around the pool, green eyes not once averting from frame not even when she dives under the water for a split second. Hell, when she emerges from underneath it was a goddamn sight for him, her beautiful hair slicked back, the moons light shining off her beautiful skin, Jesus.. she is fucking breathtaking. He honest to god doesn’t understand how her previous dickhead of an ex thought it’d be a great idea to go ahead and cheat on her, that stupid idiot doesn’t know what he lost, however, what he will know is she has been found by someone who will most definitely love her like she deserves to be loved, cared for, spoiled and not discriminated.
“You building something back there?” Her soft voice breaks him out of his thoughts, noticing how she leaned against the edge of the pool and staring straight ahead where his next project was under construction,
A soft chuckle leaves his lips as he slowly swims towards her, bare shoulder touching her own, “JJ and the twins want horses,”
He tells her with a defeated sigh, earning a surprised look from her along with a heartfelt chuckle.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up having a whole farm out there,”
Jensen groans with a shake of his head, “Don’t.. don’t encourage them please. I definitely won’t survive, especially when you four gang up on me,”
Another chuckle escapes from her, “I don’t influence nor do I encourage them into anything,” she says as she splashes him,
“Oh yeah?” He raises a brow at her as he continues, splashing her back, “So you didn’t influence them into having a full blown war with those mini nerf guns?”
“Hey, you gotta admit. That was a fun day, besides if I remember correctly you were also apart of that war,” She points out, splashing him once again with water only this time it reaches his face, causing him to close his eyes with a deadpan look,
When he slowly opens his eyes, they lock with her own, a smile slowly spreading on her face as she mumbles an apology to him, but instead of accepting it he lunges at her, causing a small yelp to leave her lips. Yet, before he can wrap his large arms around her she uses her feet to push against the wall to escape from him. Loud giggles are shared as they chase one another in the water, splashing each other, pushing each other until eventually as she was focused on rapidly splashing him with water she didn’t notice how he dove underneath and swam towards her. In matter of seconds another loud yelp with a giggle leaves her lips when she feels the way his large arms wrap around her waist that slightly lifting her out of the water before bringing her back inside.
She emerges from the water throwing profanities at him as she removes wet strands of hair from her face with heartfelt giggles. Displaying a wide grin and letting deep chuckles escape from his lips, Jensen helps removing hair from her face. However, just as he tucks a wet strand behind her ear they lock eyes, bright green emeralds stare straight into her orbs, smile slowly fading as he observes her features, feeling the way his chest becomes heavy, a feeling he can no longer hold in anymore. A feeling he’s been pushing aside for what seemed like ages, a feeling he’s been trying to hide, but now, with her in front of him, skin soaked and illuminating beautifully underneath the moonlight, those eyes he’s fallen dearly for, and that smile that he can never get tired of has him losing the battle.
So slowly and hesitant he cups her cheek with the same hand that tucked a hair behind her ear, and lets it rest there as he continues to stare into her eyes in silence. Waiting for her to say or do anything to stop him, but when she doesn’t and only stares up at him with now widen, pleading eyes, he slowly oh so slowly begins bending down. He hovers over her lips, giving her the opportunity to push away, to stop, when she doesn’t he finally allows their lips to collide with each other in a soft, gentle manner.
They share two, slow, lasting pecks before he slowly pulls away. Green eyes observing her own, trying to read any regret, any doubt, but when he only reads reassurance a small tug can be seen on the corner of his lip before he once again bends down. Letting their lips mold together much firmer. The kiss slowly begins escalating, becoming more heated as they share their warmth, their hidden feelings, their love. No words were needed, the way they both desperately kissed one another was enough for either one to know how the other felt.
Being completely lost and focused on the way his lips fitted perfectly with her own or the fact that his tongue would smoothly and perfectly dance with her own, (Y/n) hadn’t realized Jensen was slowly guiding them backwards, until she feels something firm settling on her back and feeling the way he easily lifts her from under her legs which she automatically wraps around his own waist. The kiss never falters, not even when he pins her against the wall of the pool or when their hips meet in the middle, causing a groan to rumble in his throat where a broken moan escapes from her mouth. However, after the fourth thrust she couldn’t bare it no longer, she wanted him, she needed him now.
“Jensen,” She breathlessly whispers his name against his lips as he once again rubs his covered member against her aching core,
Slightly pulling away to look into her eyes, his words fall breathlessly from his mouth, “You sure?”
Damn him and his well-mannered side. It shouldn’t turn her on at the fact that he’s asking for her consent, but fuck does it ignite her emotions even more for this man.
Breath coming out harshly through her mouth she nods her head, (E/c) eyes looking directly into his green orbs, “Yes. Please..please,”
The last beg came out a little more desperate and whiny but she could care less at this point. Hell, he could care less because as soon as those words came out he pecks her lips one last time before averting his lips to the side of her neck. His hands that were placed underneath her bottom, make their way down her body to the hem of his shirt before pulling it off her frame. Tossing it somewhere outside the pool he lets his lips explore, as he lavished the new piece of revealed skin he lets one hand travel behind to undo her bra. Placing it outside the pool he slightly angles his head to look at her completely.
And ohh did she look absolutely gorgeous. Skin beautifully slicked with droplets of water falling down her entire frame, lips raw and swollen, eyes completely dilated, chest displayed to him and only him. She looked absolutely breathtaking.
“You’re so beautiful,” He whispers as he bends down to latch his lips onto hers,
A small broken whimper can be heard in between them as he ghostly begins traveling his fingers against her bare stomach until he reaches the waistband of her underwear, where he then slowly begins sliding the garment down her legs. Once off he places them above her head, near the edge of the pool.
A small shiver travels through her body as he leaves feathery kisses throughout her chest, yet, the same time a shiver rolls through a moan escapes from her when she suddenly feels the way his thick digits begin circling against her clit. Then a gasp when two fingers slowly push past her folds.
“So fucking perfect,” Jensen whispers against her parted lips, sinking his digits deeper, earning another whimper from her,
“Fuck baby… you’re so tight,” He whispers again just as his finger is knuckle deep into her aching core,
Her hips begin moving the same time he starts moving in and out in at a slow pace, which drove her mad. As much as she wanted him to take his time in prepping her, teasing her, cherishing her, making her cum with just his fingers, she wanted more. She needed more. So with another broken moan, a pleading tone and a desperate thrust of her hips she hoped he would read on what she truly yearned.
Which he must’ve had because his breath fans hotly against her lips as he gently retrieves his fingers from her mound, leaving her empty for a couple seconds as he quickly shoves his briefs down, far enough where his aching member is free. Panting against her lips he easily guides her down until he feels the tip of his cock rubbing firmly against her folds, earning another moan to rip out from her as he rubs on her a few more times. Then, with a gentle swift motion he slides right inside causing a loud gasp to escape her parted lips.
A groan rumbles in his throat as he stills inside of her, taking long steady breaths through his nose as he focuses on not reaching the end right there and then. Because fuck, she felt absolutely heavenly. Her walls hugged him tightly as she too grew accustomed to his girth, taking slow breaths through her nose with eyes closed.
When she slowly parts them open, she immediately locks with dark, hooded green eyes. Only a sliver outline of green can be seen considering his pupils have dilated, it was then she took in his appearance, despite his hungry look in his eyes, his lips were also raw and swollen, shades of red tinted his cheeks to the tips of his ears, droplets of water slid beautifully on his skin, hair damped and disheveled from her fingers constantly running through them. He looked absolutely magnificent, everything about him shined beautifully underneath the moonlight.
“I love you,” She finds herself whisper, hand reaching to cup the side of his cheek,
A large hand also cups the side of her jaw, long fingers cradling the back of her neck before slowly and gently guiding her face closer to his.
“I love you,” He whispers back, gently latching their lips once again,
A small choked whimper vibrates against his lips just as he begins grinding his hips against her, then a gasp when he pulls out of her only to push back in with a little more force. He keeps the pace up for a few minutes, just luxuriating and getting lost in the way they both feel around each other, the way he feels her tightening around him with every thrust, the way she feels him inch by inch. It was such a delicious rich feeling. A such beautiful intimate moment.
However, after a heavy sigh and breathlessly saying his name against his lips he picks up the pace. Waves beginning to flow around them as his speed slowly increases, soft moans fall from her parted lips, eyes closing when the familiar pooling sensation begins to build at the bottom of her core from the way his speed only picks up. The waves forming stronger around them from his pace, but only calming for a second as he quickly maneuvers them towards the ladder. Snaking both arms beneath her knees and pinning her against the ladder, where she manages to grab some grip on the rails, a breathless groan falls against his lips as he fastens his pace. Waves now splashing around them, moan after moan slipping from her mouth at the change of speed. Eyes closing shut from pleasure when his hips meet with her own, his cock hitting and stretching deliciously along her aching walls.
Due to his change of speed and his hips hitting her clit with each thrust he gives, she quickly begins reaching the end of the line. What finally makes the dam break would be him gripping onto her hips and slamming her down in time with his brutal thrusts, his cock repeatedly hitting that one spot that has her seeing stars right before feeling her vision goes dark for a few seconds.
Grunting from the sudden tightness that engulfs him, Jensen breathlessly groans on the side of her neck as he continues to fuck her through her orgasm, quickly feeling his own rising. Which after a couple thrusts later a heavy breathless groan slips from the man as he finally stills inside of her, feeling himself twitch inside her raw and abused walls right as he feels the way his thick seed paints her insides.
“Oh.. fuck,” He pants against her neck, body slightly twitching from the intense orgasm,
They both remain holding on to each other for a few more minutes. Riding both their high’s together and catching each others breath. After minutes passed, Jensen slowly lifts his head from the crook of her neck, green tired orbs meeting with her own, feeling the way his lip tugs upward at the sight of her and the fact that she was finally his. The three words repeating over and over in his head, feeling the way his chest expands knowing she was finally his.
Not being able to contain himself, he lets the word fall freely once again before gently latching onto her lips. They shared a few, long, loving pecks before pulling away from each other to climb out the pool and get dressed. Despite their clothes being soaked to the brim, they still slipped them on before making their way inside the home hand in hand, not once parting from each other, not even when Jensen nearly fell on his ass when he slightly slipped along the wooden floor as they made their way towards his bedroom. A couple giggles erupted from them as they carefully walked towards his room.
Once inside, they quickly shed their soaking clothes before hopping into the shower, where they remained standing under the shower head until the water that was once warm turning cold against their skin and leaving them with pruned fingers. After drying their bodies with a towel, Jensen slipping into a pair of clean briefs and (Y/n) shrugging on one of his clean t-shirts along with some sweats of his, they both climb into bed where their limb’s perfectly tangle together.
They stayed awake, softly talking to one another, enjoying each others warmth, sharing various stories about everything and anything until eventually (Y/n) slowly starts dozing off. Cheek resting heavily against his chest, his heartbeat softly soothing her to sleep.
“God I love you,” He whispers, pulling another warm, happy, smile on his face,
Gently, he pulls her closer towards him, leaving a long kiss on the crown of her head before finally letting sleep overpower him. Despite feeling relief now that he knows she too shared the same feelings, that she is finally his, he still can’t help the small voice at the back of his head. He knows this will be challenging, there will be days where it will be difficult to get through, but as long as she held on to him through the obstacles he knew they’d be okay. He knew she’d never let him down, and he knew she knew he’d never let her down. He loves her, and he will damn sure fight for their love, because except for his kids she is also his reason to keep going in life. To keep pushing.
Because she’s worth fighting for.
-> Alright y’all hope you guys liked this one, it has been dusting away in my drafts and it’s about time it sees the light!
-> Just wanna say, writing smut is not my strong suit, still trying to make it better for y’all so I do apologize if it’s not good enough 😌
-> Lastly, thank you to everyone who continues to read my crappy posts Much love! 🫶💗
-> Make Sure To Turn On Post Notifications!! 🔔 For More Updates!
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blainesebastian · 2 years
words: 1,305 ship: austin butler x reader summary: @prompted-wordsmith requested: “ Austin getting the reader matching jewelry” warnings: none notes: thanks for reading! will be posting another update when i’m back from miami, around tuesday or wednesday xoxo  tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
A few things you’ve noticed about yourself and about Austin since you’ve begun dating him is that, for one, he talks a lot with his hands. Whether it’s during an interview or if he’s excited or animated about something, he’ll move his hands when he speaks. It’s cute really and he’s got these long piano fingers that are definitely something to think about—running through your hair, brushing against your cheek, the way his thumb caresses your knuckles. Something else you’ve realized too is that he wears rings on fingers. Sometimes only one or two per hand, delicate gold for the most part, rarely silver. When he’s doing award shows or events, businesses will pay him to model and advertise, but even when he’s just out and about with you on a lazy Sunday, there will be a ring on one of his fingers.
You’re a fan for sure, sometimes can’t stop yourself from thinking about that cool metal grazing the skin of your shoulders or slipping lower, pressing against the heat of the inside of your thighs.
Something you didn’t notice you were a fan of until Austin unintentionally planted these ideas into the back of your mind. Now you kind of take note of whenever he’s wearing jewelry—especially rings.
Austin’s obviously a beautiful man, so wearing small accent pieces is actually just one more thing you can check off a list of what attracts you to him. Sometimes he wears this thin gold chain around his neck that your fingers play with in the shower and he rarely does bracelets but when he does it usually highlights the suit he’s wearing for whatever event he’s attending. It’s the rings though that really draw your attention—not only does it highlight his hands and long fingers? But it’s also easy for you to begin imagining what it’d be like for him to wear a ring on a certain finger to indicate that he’s yours, completely.
You’ve been with Austin a few years now and…you know it’s not completely out of the realm of things to start considering marriage, even with how busy both of you are. You blame this thought process on the fact that you haven’t been able to stop thinking about the accessories he wears and how effortlessly good he looks in them. Who can really blame you, right?
Music pulses through speakers at an after-event party you’re both at, sitting on Austin’s lap on a patio couch overlooking a pool that some people are swimming in. There are rounds of people that stop to talk to you both, mostly just quickly catching up before moving on, which is fine with you—more time spent with Austin without interruption is for sure a gift given how busy both of you are.
However, you’re definitely not complaining when Michael B Jordan stops by to say his hellos because wow that man is beautiful in person. Austin’s arm tightens around your waist and you smile as you glance down at him.
“No need to be jealous,” You tease, “I’m all yours.”
Austin rolls his eyes but he’s smiling as he squeezes your hip, “M’not concerned.”
You laugh, your hand slipping down to his, running your thumb over the ring he’s wearing. It used to be a nervous habit of yours, to trace your fingers along a piece of jewelry, to ground yourself in the moment with Austin. Sometimes people forget that a lot of this is still very new to you, wading into the water of his world, trying to figure out where best you fit. There are sometimes overwhelming moments where you worry you won’t, even after all this time, where you worry Austin will realize it’ll be easier with someone who already knows how to navigate where he’s from and where he’s going.
Austin keens his chin down a little, brushing his lips along your temple as his other hand rests on top of yours, “You do that a lot.” He notices, the playing with his rings thing.
Smiling, you let out a soft laugh, “Yeah, I like when you wear jewelry.” And it’s not completely a lie? Not quite the truth either.
Austin presses a kiss to the side of your head before he slides off his ring, lazily slipping it on one of yours. Your smirk, twisting it around your finger and lifting your hand but…the band is far too big for one of your fingers, it slides right off. This is one of your favorite that he wears, it’s this twisted silver band, kinda looks like a braid, an infinity design because it weaves around the entire thing.
“This kinda reminds me of us coming together, you know? Two lines intertwined.” You smile, putting the ring back on his finger.
God, you realize how corny that sounds coming out of your mouth. You expect Austin to tease you with a playful joke, but instead, he hooks a finger underneath your chin and turns your head to kiss you.
Running a hand through your hair, you wait for Austin outside of a small diner where you’re going to meet for lunch. They’re supposed to have an all-day breakfast menu and you’re definitely interested in pancakes and French fries…plus maybe a milkshake because that feels impossible to pass up.
He’s only running five minutes late but you know how possible that might turn into ten, he’s been busy ironing out events with his agent and wrapping up a filming process. It’s a beautiful day out, so you don’t mind, lingering by the diner on a bench and reading a book.
“Y/N,” You look up as Austin approaches, letting out a soft sigh, “So sorry I’m late, traffic was busier than I expected.”
“That’s alright,” You smile, sliding your book into your tote before standing from the bench, “You had another five minutes before my stomach would be insisting on me starting without you.”
He smirks a bit at the joke, running a hand through his hair, “I also was in the middle of pickin’ something up for you.”
Your eyebrows draw together in soft confusion, getting ready to ask him what he’s talking about before he takes out a small rose-colored velvet pouch from his jeans pocket. You’re trying to put two and two together but not coming up with any number resembling four—it’s not your birthday, you don’t have some sort of anniversary coming up…right? And Austin must see the wheels turning in your head before he shakes his own,
“Just because.” He clarifies and you chew on your lower lip, that’s definitely thoughtful.
No matter how many times Austin spoils you? you can’t stop this pink blush from kissing your cheeks. Difficult to get used to but you’re trying. Humming lightly, you open up the small pouch and dump out what’s inside in the palm of your hand.
A small gasp leaves your lips because—it’s a ring, but not just any ring, it’s the same one that Austin wears but in your size. The intertwined silver in a smaller band, perfect for your pointer finger. You know it’s kind of ridiculous to have such an emotional reaction but you can’t help it, a lump in your throat as you slide the ring onto your finger.
Austin smiles, lifting his hand to clasp your palm—the same hand that has the matching ring, his fingers brushing along yours. This is one of the most thoughtful gifts you’ve ever gotten,
“Thank you,” You smile up at him, pressing yourself up on your toes to kiss his cheek.
Austin wraps an arm around your shoulders, keeping you close as you move to walk into the diner and you move your hand to entwine both of your fingers together. Not that you weren’t feeling connected before? But especially now.
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isaacswhy · 1 year
softwilly x gn!reader (sfw) summary: nick comes home a day early from his business trip and surprises you. a little bit of "missing my bf" angst requested?: no
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Life without the boys around the house was hard. It was a planned thing, so you knew well in advance, but it still sucked one way or another. You lived with Nick, your boyfriend, and his content creator friends in their group house in Austin. It was a hard adjustment from when you moved with Nick from his hometown in New Jersey, but a welcome one. You got to become close friends with each and every member of the household, loving your new roommates.
However, they'd leave about once a month. Conventions, sponsored trips, or just business calls that required them all to fly out across the country. No matter what it was, you were always left alone in that big house. You didn't mind the peace and quiet, but you truly just missed the comfort and company all the boys gave you, especially Nick.
They were out for a week, this time. In Los Angeles, a brand needed them to come out and do a business meeting to coordinate a new sponsorship. It was nothing new to you. Nick told you two weeks ahead of time, and when it came down to them driving out to the airport, you wistfully waved your goodbyes.
The week was spent inside, mostly. You had a computer in the guest room you'd play games on most of the day, stopping to use their little home gym setup in the garage for a brief workout, then you'd retire to Nick's room and sleep in his bed, in his clothes. It was the most you could do to not break down at the concept of him not being around.
Luckily, the air conditioning was just fixed, so you barely escaped the June heat. It beat down on the house hard, and was one of the main reasons you never escaped it. Only occasionally would you leave the house to go pick up food, a coffee, or maybe a trip to the swimming pool. Other than that, the house was your refuge.
By day six, you were worn down. It was hard to stay focused on any individual task and you found yourself laying in Nick's bed on your phone for hours in the morning. The hoodie you wore was losing Nick's smell, but you couldn't be bothered to change. It took a lot out of you even to take a shower the night before, but you managed it.
By the early afternoon you just sat on the couch in the living room catching up on an anime Nick had told you about. Things felt excessively dull and you could tune out your worries with a show in the background. The clock was about to strike four when suddenly, you heard keys in the door.
You whipped around to see the doorknob turning, the door opening as you tried to scramble to your feet. An intruder? A house of this size could merit it, but they had the key. All your questions melted away as soon as you watched a familiar man step inside.
Black hair, slightly grown out, in a tank top with a tattoo up his arm. Pierced ears and a big smile on his face as soon as he saw you. Nick. You flew into his arms.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You said, laughing out of sheer amazement.
"I came home a day early to see you!" Nick giddily responded, hugging you back tightly.
"Why? Don't you have to do a photo shoot today?" You broke from the hug and met his eyes.
Nick shrugged. "I stayed late yesterday to do the photos so I could fly out early. Are you watching Demon Slayer?"
You nodded. "Of course I am. You told me to watch it, right?"
"Yes the hell I did. Want me to order some food and get you caught up?"
"This is why I love you, Nick. Yes, a thousand times yes." You smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips.
You walked back to your blanket on the couch, slipping under it as your boyfriend pulled out his phone and ordered some food on DoorDash. He asked you what you wanted, and worked around your vague indecision. It wasn't long before he slipped on the other side of the couch with a blanket of his own, resuming your show. Of course, Nick had to make a few comments on where you were in the show and the things "you'd like".
Your food arrived not long after and the two of you spent the rest of the day watching shows. You were finally caught up, so you were satisfied with that day's work. Nick had to pull you up from the couch, walking together back to his room.
The two of you spent about an hour laying on Nick's bed catching up about the last week. He informed you the flight back to Austin would be around ten in the morning for the rest of the group, so you wouldn't see them until around one or two at the earliest, with the complications of airports and flight times.
Sleep came easy in Nick's arms that night. You yearned for his embrace for almost an entire week, and it coming early couldn't have made for a better night's sleep. You could die happy. You could spend all your days like that, in his arms and protected from the rest of the world. He was your everything.
The next day, you woke up cold. Nick wasn't next to you, and you frowned at the idea that he was gone. You were then greeted by another pleasant surprise of pancakes as you walked into the kitchen, your boyfriend giving you a wide grin, proud of his work. They were delicious.
It was a morning of shows, watching YouTube videos, and waiting for your roommates to arrive. It didn't take long for them to, around 2:25 they blundered into the house with carry-on bags galore. You assisted a few of them getting their things situated in their rooms, while Nick handled the few you didn't.
You carried Isaac's bag into his room, the last of the bunch you'd have to worry about. He had a suitcase in hand, but it didn't phase him. He was far too big and strong, for your standards.
"You didn't have to carry that," Isaac mentioned on your way to his room.
"Then why'd you ask me to?" Your eyebrows furrowed, "If you're so strong that you didn't need my help."
"The strong part is true, I'll give you that, but I thought I'd get a second away to talk."
"Oh. What is it?"
"Nick, he flew out early to see you." Isaac pursed his lips, clearly considering what his next words would hold. "I've never seen him so.. head over heels for someone, I guess. I've known him for years, and in the year you've been together, I've never seen him happier. Leaving us early to go be with you just solidified that fact in my head."
This shouldn't have shocked you, realistically, but it did. You'd known Nick for three years, but being with him blinded you to how he'd changed over the last year. To Isaac, he was outside looking in.
"Thanks for telling me that. I'd never thought about it in that way, I guess. I love him a lot. He does so much for me. Never in a million years did I think I'd be dating the guy I had a fat crush on in high school, living in a mansion in Texas." You explained.
"He truly loves you, too. He'd go to the ends of the earth for you, if it meant being together another five minutes, I'd say. Thanks for making my best friend happy, man."
You hugged Isaac briefly. "No problem. Anytime."
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nalaniisthebest · 2 years
Jacuzzi- Austin Butler
summary: you and austin are costars that secretly are friends with benefits and he texts you to him in the jacuzzi..
black actress x reader
gentle dom austin!!!!
warning: smut, public sex, unprotected sex, mentions of cheating, cursing,
word count: 1.3k
“what if someone sees us?” i asked worried.“then let them, i want the whole world to see how good you ride my dick..” austin replied pulling the string to the bottom bikini, making it fall off my body floating away from us…
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I TOOK one last look at my black bikini in the mirror before grabbing my phone off the hotel bathroom counter reading the time.. 11pm
i sighed grabbing a towel from the hallway closet and put my slides on before leaving my hotel room.
{ }
i opened the door to the indoor pool confused. austin wasn’t here.
“austin?” i called out. i searched around the indoor pool, not being able to find him. i was about to call his phone when i look out the window to see him in the outdoor jacuzzi.
“you have to be kidding me.” i mumbled to myself. i opened the door leading outside as the december wind hit my bare skin, making me shiver.
“you remember that it’s december, right?” i called out as austin turned around with a smile on his face. “i mean they never closed the outside pool and jacuzzi, so.” austin replied shrugged as i started walking towards him.
“you look amazing in that bikini.” he told me once i was close enough not the yell at him.
“even though i was kinda hoping you’d come with less clothes.” he said making me chuckle as i put my leg into the heated water as austin watched never taking his off me
“yeah right. it’s too fucking cold to be out here” i said fulling entering the jacuzzi. i watched as austin eyed me up and down smiling before looking up at me.
“well that’s why we’re in the jacuzzi, love.” he said grabbing me by my waist, pulling me toward him so i can straddle his lap. “so we can stay warm..” he mumbled before giving me a quick peck on the lips. i rested my hands on his neck and he kept his hands on my waist.
“so, what was the real reason you called me down here, mhm?” i asked already knowing what he wanted. he bit his lip before answering. “well..” he sighed “i was down here all by myself and the thought of you came across my mind and i missed you.” he answered as i shook my head..
“and what would your girlfriend think, mhm?” i asked as he shrugged his shoulders. “think about what?” he asked. “oh cmon butler, im not dumb. i know why you wanted me to be down here.” i said with full confidence. “cause you want to fuck me.” i said before he could say anything. the smirk on his face got somehow bigger.
“oh baby. you know me so well. better then she would has.” he whispered before chasing his lips into mine. our kiss was slow, and passionate. i could feel a pool of wetness start to pool in my bottoms, but this wasn’t enough. i wanted more. i slowly started rocking my hips against his lap, making him groan into our kiss. austin moved the kisses down to my neck, kissing, sucking, biting all over my neck leaving marks all over.
“a-austin..” i mumbled as he pulled away from me from. “mhm?” “we can’t do this outside.” i told him as he chuckled. “i’m being serious.” i said as he continued to chuckle.
“what if someone sees us?” i asked worried..“then let them, i want the whole world to see how good you ride my dick..” austin replied pulling the string to the bottom bikini, making it fall off my body floating away from us.
“austin..” i said as he pulled down his swimming trunks. he quickly hushed me. “just enjoy the moment with me baby, okay?” he mumbled as i nodded. i alined myself with austin’s dick and sunk down wasting no time. “mmm” i softly moaned just from the of austin being inside of me.
“baby you feel so good. fuck you’re so tight.” he moaned licking his lips. austin pulled my crop top up as my brown boobs fell out making him groan. he attached his mouth onto my left boob. sucking, biting leaving marks before he switched to the other one.
i continued to bounce up and down trying not to be as loud as i really wants to be. “fuck” i mumbled leaning my head back. “baby you don’t have to hold it in. you’ve been doing so good for me. let it all out.” he said leaving soft kisses on my stomach and chest while gripping my ass.
austin harshly slapped your ass while you felt pressure on clit making a loud come from your mouth. “austinn..” you moaned again leaning your head back. “there she is.” austin said harshly rubbing your clit while leaving kisses all over your boobs. “don’t get quiet on me now love. let me hear you.” austin said rubbing your clit.
“shit!” you moaned making you bounce faster. the sound of your moans and water splashing fills the quiet void outside. you start the feel the knot in your stomach unravel as you clutched around austin making him groan.
“shit.” he moaned leaning his head against the jacuzzi. “baby, im so close. austin please.” i begged as he looked up at me. “you’ve been such a good girl tonight, making both of us feel so good.”he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer, while he held me down filling the empty space between us. his hips met with mine making a loud moan fall from my lips, keeping the same fast thrust.
“i don’t think you understand how much you drive me crazy.” he whispered in my ear making me moan once more. “i’m inlove with you and the way you use me to fuck yourself.” he admitted, kissing my ear as my head fell back. i felt him kissing my neck and my chest all over again. austin whispering all these things dirty things is driving me crazy. and i wanted to cum. i needed to.
“a-austin i can’t hold it anymore. im gonna cum.” i told him. “it’s okay baby, let it all out. im right behind you love.” he told me. the knot in my stomach burst as i let it all out. i came all over dick letting out one last moan. i clench around austin as i quickly felt his thrust slow down. “fuck!” he moaned shooting his loads inside of me. his thrust came at stop as he just rested his head against my chest..
“that was really good, but can we go inside. my arms are freezing.” i said killing the silence as austin chuckled. “let’s go baby.” he said moving his head off of me and pulling down my crop top. we got at out the jacuzzi and started walking to the elevator.
“let’s take shower so i can fuck you now.” austin said as the elevator door opened and i chuckled. “okay austin.” i said shaking me head
(don’t mind if this was bad it’s been a while since i’ve written smut!!!!)
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mrsniallhoran505 · 2 years
Good morning Austin Girls!
Fluffy Friday theme: first kiss
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It wasn't meant to happen the way it did. Austin wanted it to be a bit more romantic than it was. He wanted it to be more than a first in a long line of kisses. Especially since it was your first.
But each time he tried to make it romantic something went wrong. First you were star gazing after a moon lit dinner, when he went for the kiss you bumped heads and couldn't stop laughing long enough to continue.
Second time he had just taken you to see your favorite band. You'd been wanting to see them forever but could never afford the tickets, let alone front row. So when Austin surprised you with them out of nowhere you were over the moon. During one of your favorite love songs he went to kiss you but the lead singer was in front of you singing right at you and you never got the hint.
Third time he tried... Well let's just say you learned you were allergic to certain exotic fruits and the ER wasn't the best setting for a first kiss.
Fourth time you were late to the romantic dinner Austin had planned. He didn't tell you so he couldn't blame you but by the time you got to his place he was asleep and your dinner was cold and a bit hard. You felt horrible but Austin assured you it was ok and you could always have dinner another night.
Fifth time was at a carnival. He knew you liked to ride the Ferris wheel at night. So he made sure to kill time playing rigged games and winning small stuffed animals for you. And he may or may not have paid the ride operator to stop you at the top for a bit. But this ferris wheel was a bit bigger than the one you're used to and you were afraid of heights. So he had to comfort you and the kiss was the last thing on your mind.
When the kiss actually happens it was a heat of the moment thing. You were at a local swimming pool meant to be exercising and doing laps. Austin kept splashing you or bumping into you and pretending he didn't see you.
Finally you snapped at him for messing around too much when you were trying to exercise. He went from laughing to serious.
"oh angel, I'm sorry." He pulled you close to kiss your forehead. "I was just trying to have some fun."
"I know Austin, but I have a goal I'm trying to reach... We can play when I'm done." You looked up at him with a pout. It made him smile. He brushed the hair out of your face, smiling down at you. He meant to agree and just let you go back to swimming but you just looked so beautiful.
You had some water droplets hanging off your lashes, you lips were a bit red from biting them when you checked your lap time. He just had to.
He cupped both your cheeks and pressed his lips to yours. He didn't understand how you could be so soft and taste so sweet. Especially given the amount of chlorine in the pool.
You were a bit shocked and nervous, you had no experience in kissing. You know it's sorta dumb and lame that you've never had a kiss given your age, but it never felt right to you. All the previous partners you had wanted to rush it or laughed when you said you'd never kissed anyone. Austin didn't, he promised to wait till you were ready.
When Austin realized you were just frozen in place he pulled back and started apologizing. He knew he ruined it for you when he swore he wouldn't.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N, i-i.." His rant was cut off when you pressed your lips to his.
"it's ok Austin... It was perfect." You smiled at him. Now that he knew he did it right he pulled you close and kissed you again. And again.. and every chance he got after that.
GMAG! Tag list:
@introvertisms @crackerbarrelslut
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faegoddessog · 1 year
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 8/41
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Chapter 8: The Goddess at Natural Bridge
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, dominant female character, cunnilingus, unprotected PIV (please play safely!)
Series Masterlist
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Author's Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter 8: The Goddess at Natural Bridge
After a quick rinse off and a delicious breakfast of homemade waffles, you talk about what to do next.
“Let’s go for a drive and a picnic!!” you say, “I have a car in the garage downstairs."
“Are you ok with driving on the wrong side?” he asks.
“Oh yeah, switching is not a problem for me,” you wink, you aren't sure if he caught your reference.
“I am down if I can get out without being seen,” he says, “it’s our 3 days after all.”
You guys pack a lunch and head downstairs. You pile him under some nonsense in the back of the old Land Rover and drive out. As you stop at the entrance waiting to turn, a man with a camera runs up to your open window.
“Hey, have you met Austin Butler yet? He’s supposed to be living in this building,” the man asks.
“I do not know ooo zat ees. Leaf me alon, shoo,’’ you say in your best French accent.
“Il est en acteur,“ the man replies en francais.
“Je n’ai pas le temps pour les acteurs. S’en aller!” you say in perfect, haughty, French and wave him away. He flips you off as you drive away. After about 10 min of driving, you tell Austin the coast is clear, no one was following you.
“Was that French? ” he says, untangling himself from his cover and climbing into the front seat.
“Yeah, I speak enough to get by,” you say smiling, feeling really cool for sneaking him out and showing off your French.
"That was awesome, what did you tell him?" he asks.
"He said you were an actor and I told him I didn't have time for actors and to go away. I enjoyed the irony," you reply laughing.
“Where are we headed?” he asks.
“A place called Natural Bridge, I’ve heard it is really cool,” you inform him. You point to the radio, “you are the tune commander, let's get some driving music going!”
“ As long as yer OK wi' Elvis…” he drawls.
“I ‘spose that’ll do, hunny,” you say in your own southern accent.
You drive inland, about an hour. Most of the drive you both are just enjoying the views, the tunes, the feeling of freedom and allowing space for introversion. Your backside is a little sore, but it’s a delicious kind of sore that reminds you of squirming on Austin’s cock.
When you arrive, there are no other cars in the parking lot, which apparently is a miracle. You set off on the short walk to the waterfall. It’s all jungle and wooded. The pool of water under the cave-like waterfall looks so inviting, but the sign said ‘no swimming’ so you don’t even mention it. You guys have a lovely walk, just enjoying the nature therapy. You have always found waterfalls exhilarating, the power of water over time on something so hard as stone.
Austin brought his camera and is snapping pics of you in front of the waterfall, leaning on trees etc. He keeps giving you directions like a proper photographer, telling you to 'make sure you are thinking of something'. Clearly he loves the creative process of it. You have never modeled before, but this is just playing around, so you do your best and follow his directions. He shows you how to use it and you take a couple of him. You refuse to let him put his model face on, you want him just being him.
As you both stand at the railing in the cave and watch the water pound down through the hole it carved above, he slips in behind you, arms around your waist. One hand slipping under the waistband of your biking shorts, the tips of his long fingers gently pressing your mons.
“How’s about we find somewhere off the beaten path?” he says in your ear. Sex outside was one of the ideas he had talked about last night.
You lean back into him, one hand snaking up to the side of his head. ‘MMMmhmm, I thought you’d never ask,” you turn your head to kiss him.
He takes his hand out from your pants and grabs your hand. You start walking, scanning the path for a suitable spot. You think about the covered picnic tables, but then reject them, even though they seem to provide some cover, you could be set upon at any moment there.
You find what looks like a game trail on the far edge of the 1km walking path that branches off the main trail. After about 5 min into the jungle it ends at the stream. You decide to walk up the stream for a bit and find what looks to be the perfect spot. Overhung with bushes between a tree and water on the other side of the stream.
“C’mon!” you shout to be heard over the rushing water.
You wade across in your Chacos. Austin shakes his head, and starts to untie his hiking boots. The water is only 10 ish feet across and not too deep. The coolness on your feet is a lovely counterpoint to the jungle warmth as you make your way across, splashing just for fun.
Once across, you duck under the large bush and find a perfect little hiding spot. After checking for any sign of ants or biting insects, you open your backpack and pull out the blanket you brought, spreading it over the little pebble beach underfoot.
Austin takes his time getting across. As you toe off your hiking sandals, he ducks in just behind you, carrying his shoes, stepping gingerly on the wee rocks with his bare feet,
“This is perfect, I couldn’t see you at all once you were in here.” His hands are wrapping around your waist again, pulling you to him.
Feeling his naked skin, you realize he has already taken his shirt off. You turn around, running your hands up his bare chest, up to his face, and pull him into a deep kiss. He is kissing you back, crushing you to him. You feel wrapped in him as he hunches slightly over you in this shorter space. When he pulls back a bit, you get your hands on the button and zip of his fly and undo them. You reach down under his waistband. He groans in the back of his throat as your hand closes around him and you pull out his gorgeous cock.
“I like it when you make those noises.” you say, “Lets me know that you like what I am doing.”
“Oh, I do like it. So far I like everything you do,” he says, kissing you hard, “and everything you want me to do to you.” He pulls his shorts and underwear down and off. He lowers to his knees in front of you, kissing your belly as you pull off your top and sports bra. Your breasts in the fresh air feel amazing. His fingers are brushing across one of your nipples, sparking with the bump of each finger, while his mouth finds the other. His tongue flicks across the tip. Your fingers run through his black hair, holding his head to you as he sucks and sends sweet tendrils of pleasure that make your pussy clench. Hooking his fingers on your shorts, he peels them down.
“Oh my,” he exclaims, ”no underthings again! Damn baby, you are a dirty girl.”
Your coquettish face says ‘who me’ as you pull off your shorts.
He continues on to your other breast, he looks up at you with those stunning blue eyes and smiles with your breast in his mouth.
All of a sudden, it hits you. How the fuck did you get here? In the rainforest, with your own personal dark Adonis worshiping at your feet as though you were Aphrodite Herself. Indeed you do feel like a goddess standing there unashamedly naked, in the wild with him kneeling before you, his long hard cock ready to pleasure you. The thought makes you bold. If You are a goddess, then he has to do as You wish. You take a deep breath, pulling energy up from the earth on the inhale and down from above on the exhale.
You reach down and grasp his chin pulling him away from Your tit. Looking at him with power and lust in Your eyes. “I am your Goddess, am I not.”
He nods slowly. You had talked a little about power plays last night, so he is going with it, if hesitant.
“You say, ‘Yes My Lady’”, still holding his chin.
“Yes My Lady,” he jumps into the part, now that he knows his line, with a look of utter devotion.
“Mmm,” You lean down and say in his ear, “ I love that your cock,” You reach down and cup him,“ is ready for Me and I plan on riding you until I cum all over it.”
He bounces a bit in Your hand as he clenches.
”If you are good, I will let you cum too,” You give his balls a little pat, then straighten up.
“I want you to use that delicious tongue to make sure I am good and wet." Legs spread, Your hips thrust forward. He sits back on his heels to get his face low enough.
“Yes, My Lady” he says with a smile as he presses his face to Your nook. He starts out lapping slowly at Your bare lips with a flat tongue.
As he reaches up his hands to help, You say: “No hands, I want only your mouth on me. And don’t think about touching yourself either, that is for Me to play with.”
“Yes My Lady” He says lips against Your peach, and he puts his hands behind his back.
Pressing his face to You, his tongue dips between Your lips then strokes up and out, grazing Your clit on the way. He goes in again, tongue going a little deeper this time, flicking back and forth at Your entrance then licking up.
“Mm, that’s good. Do it again, deeper and longer, and look at me.” You reach above with one hand to hold on to a branch steadying Yourself.
“Yef Ma ladah” He mumbles as he dives into Your muff, wiggling his head back and forth to get as deep as he can.
His nose pressed against the little patch of hair You keep, tongue curling along Your lips and thrusting as far as he can into Your slit. The sight of this astoundingly gorgeous man on his knees; head tilted back; praying at the oldest altar known to humankind; never taking his eyes off Yours; is breathtaking. If You weren’t being a Goddess right now, You would be a puddle at his feet. You put one hand on his head, holding it still as You crush Your pelvis into his face for a heartbeat. He flicks his tongue onto Your clit as You pull his face away. A string of wetness bridges from his mouth to Your cunt. His chin is dripping.
You didn’t think he could get hotter. You were wrong.
“Lie back” You say, stepping to the side.
As he complies he says, “Please My Lady, may I have more of Your sweet nectar on my tongue?”
In any other context it would be ridiculously corny, but here, in this unexpected scene, it somehow works. You were trying to decide whether to ride his face or his cock next anyway.
“Awww, such a good devotee, always wanting to please Me.”
You stand over his chest and holding on to his hands for support, lower down, knees on either side of his head. He cranes his head up as You lower down, eagerly sucking and licking Your clit and alternating with dipping his tongue into You as far as he can.
Goddess it feels good. You start feeling the seeds of an orgasm sprout under your nub.
"mmmm yeeeeessss. That's it pet.," You lift up and sit back, giving him breathing room.
Panting just a little, he looks up at You through heavily lidded eyes, deep in lust. You casually reach behind and start toying with hard cock. He groans at Your touch.
"That was excellent, pet. I was quite close to drenching your face. Do you want that? Can you take more?" You ask.
His only answer is to reach his face towards Your pussy, tongue out and flicking.
"Ah, Ah," You tighten Your grip on his dick. "What do we say?"
"Yes, my Lady Goddess." his tone is begging for more.
"Mmm, that is better," as you settle back down on his face, his mouth devouring You. You can’t help but start rocking back and forth across his tongue and mouth, trying not to grind too hard into his beautiful face. You start pinching Your nipples and moaning. He doubles his efforts and manages to catch Your clit and sucks hard. Suddenly the dam breaks and You have to shove Your hand into your mouth to keep from screaming into the jungle. Your juices flow onto his face and he laps greedily at your cunt with little growls of pleasure.
Pulling back, Austin’s messy face is smiling up at You. ‘Thank you My Lady.”
You move back along his body, taking his wet face in Your hands.
“My pussy juices gracing your face is the only thing that could make you look even better than you do already, my pet,” You croon to him before you lean down and kiss him hard, tasting yourself on his tongue.
"Now, touch me,” You order.
"Yes My Lady" His bottom lip brushing yours as he says the words of acquiescence.
His hands eagerly stroke up Your legs and hips and back with his fingertips. He runs his hands over Your ass, reminding You of the soreness there and how this morning your roles were opposite. You take his lower lip between Your teeth as part of Your kiss. A low growl escapes Your throat. You grab his shaft, rubbing the tip of him around the entrance of Your pussy to get it good and wet.
“I’m going to take you inside of Me now,” You say against his ear, as a little moan escapes him, “I want to hear in that luscious voice of yours how much you appreciate and love getting to be that close to your Goddess, Understand?”
“Yes My lady,” he says with a nod.
You start to slide down, on hands and knees over him, eyes closed, glorying in the feel of him inside You, especially just after a clit orgasm.
“Oh. My, Lady,” he gasps with each breath, in Your ear. “You. Feel. So. Exquisite. Wrapped a-a-a round me.”
You smile and start to move along his length, up and down.
“Being inside of You is heaven, My Lady.”
You start to move faster, up and down.
“Tasting you still on my tongue is my reverie" his deep voice in Your ear making You hotter.
You are slamming up and down on him, grinding Your clit onto his pubis as You fill Yourself with him.
“I love it when you use me. Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he moans, head thrown back.
It feels so good, but it’s not quite enough.
“I need you to thrust into me dear one, I need you hard and deep now,” You say in his ear. You sit up hovering a bit above him to give him room to fuck You, and so You can rub Your clit.
“Yes, My lady” he moans as he starts to drive into You.
You place his hands on Your tits, “Pinch My nipples," he obeys.
”You feel so good, My Goddess.” He says, tilting his head so he can watch himself slide in and out of You.
You feel transcendent with him beneath You, plunging into You, naked in the forest. The wild surrounding you both. As You rub Your clit with Your fingertips, You couldn't stop Yourself pitching over the edge into that incomparable oblivion if You tried. You moan out a string of ‘yesses’ and ‘fucks’ as You clench around him, full body twitching on top of him.
"Stop" You command, catching Your breath. He is trying to stop thrusting, but can’t quite. His hands are gripping Your hips, holding on for dear life.
“May I, My Lady?” he groans, eyes shut, through clenched teeth.
For a quick second, You think about telling him no, but You aren't that cruel of a Goddess.
“Yes,” You say breathlessly leaning over him, “fuck My pussy until your cum drips from it.”
Permission given, begins thrusting harder and faster than before. Your eyes and mouth gasp open as You feel him hitting all Your spots again. You are so sensitive still, You don’t even need to touch Your clit to start feeling Yourself rise again. He grins at Your reaction. “Oh gods,” You moan at him, You are about to break again when You hear him through gritted teeth.
“Oh. My. Fucking. Goddess.” Thrusting with each word, cumming deep inside You.
“Don’t stop” You demand. A half dozen more thrusts and You are coming undone all over him, screaming soundlessly, jerking and bucking, grinding, hands digging into his shoulders, feeling Your juices and his cum sliding between you. You lay down on top of him, both of you twitching and panting, smiling. Intoxicated by one another.
“Oh wow, that was fucking hot Austin. I am jello. Thank you.” you breath, head on his chest. His arms are wrapped around you.
“Oh no, thank you My Lady, " using your Honorific one last time. "Damn, I’ve never been ordered around quite like that before. It was kind of freeing, not having to decide what to do next.” You can hear the lazy smile in his voice.
“Yeah, it’s kinda nice to just do as you’re told sometimes, like this morning. It wasn't too much for you?” You inquire.
“Oh no, The goddess thing was surreal, you all of a sudden just turned into this imposing figure that I wanted to please,” he says with a little awe in his voice, “it was amazing, you are amazing.”
“MMM Thank you love. If that is true, it is because I'm right here, right now, with you.” You prop your head up on his chest, he pulls you up into a sweet kiss.
"What made you decide to do that? Did you plan it?" he asks after laying his head back down and snuggling you to him.
“No, it was total spur of the moment. Us being naked out here, you kneeling in front of me, I just felt like Aphrodite being worshiped by Adonis, so I thought, why not?” you laugh.
“If worship were always like that, I’d go to church more,” Austin shakes his head.
“If you think about it, sex is the closest to our creator we can get. It is literally the physical act of creation. One could make an argument that it’s the oldest way to praise the deity,” you soapbox a little.
"I've never thought of it like that, but you can be my goddess anytime hunny," he slips into Elvis a bit, not even realizing it.
You recover together, eating the picnic you brought. He asks if he can take pictures of you naked. You agree only if you can get copies. He asks you to pose like Aphrodite recreates a few sexy memorable moments from the past hour. You even lay down at the edge of the creek for him, water flowing over your naked body.
"Where are you going to have those developed? Aren't you scared they will leak?" you ask.
"No I do it myself. I used to have a dark room in my basement. So I'll find somewhere."
When you get back to the main path, you watch to make sure no one spies you stepping out from the woods. There was no sign saying you couldn’t, but better to keep it under wraps.
Austin holds your hand for the rest of the walk, rubbing your knuckles tenderly. There are definitely more people here now. You wonder if any of them can tell how much you both are glowing.
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austinswhitewolf · 1 year
Karaoke Chance Pt. 4
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Happy Weekend Everybody!!! <3
Once you had returned the paddleboards, you both decided to go back into the water and swim a bit. The water was so nice and the temperature was perfect. It wasn’t long though before the waves were getting a bit larger, breaking farther out. Austin was facing you with a grin while you were bobbing on your toes, arms wading around the water. Your eyes grew wide and before you could say a single word, a wave crashed over him, and when it moved past you, he was standing there, looking like a drowned rat. His hair down over his forehead and his eyes were closed, almost frozen. The look on his face was priceless, causing you to burst out laughing. It took him a moment before he reached up and wiped his eyes and pushed his hair back. When he finally opened his eyes and looked at you, the look in his eyes glinted.
“Think that’s funny?” He asked with a slight tilt of the head. The moment he grabbed for you, you let out a part screech, part laugh and raced towards shore. Though, with you being shorter than him by a good six or eight inches, he easily reached the sandy ground and was able to catch up with you quickly. Long calloused fingers slid around your ankle and pulled you back towards him. You flailed around in the water for a moment before your back was against his chest and his arms were now around your waist. You were still laughing and when he told you to take a deep breath, you did and moments later you were flying up and to the side. How could this man be so strong!? He literally tossed you up almost completely out of the water before you came down a few feet from him. Spluttering as you came up, you flicked your hair up over your head and then wiped your eyes. “Okay, truce! Truce.” You laughed softly and shook your head. His laughter curled around you and heated your blood. He stepped over to you and slid his arm back around your waist as you wiped more water off your face. “Okay, I’ll agree to a truce.” His eyes were gentle as he watched you, the warmth of your skin against his felt so right. Once water stopped dripping down your face from your hair, you leaned against Austin’s side. Although you were both pushed forwards a few steps when another wave swept against you. “Maybe it is time to retreat from the waves.” You said with a soft laugh, mainly holding onto him now as you tried to stay standing against the waves. “Yeah, that may be a good idea.” Austin kept you against his side while moving to shallower water. Once you were able to stand without the waves pushing you too much, you put your feet down fully and then slid your arm around his waist. “The airbnb has a hot tub and pool. Would you want to maybe pick up some dinner and just relax there for the evening with me?” You ask, glancing up at him. “I would like that.” He ducked his head a little when he noticed a guy with a camera aimed towards the two of you. “Besides, it looks like the paps finally figured out where I really am. Thought I would have been able to avoid them today but guess not.” He grumbled. “I can’t imagine what it is like having to keep things private from the world. Would you want to drop me off with the food and then maybe do a loop if they are following you?” “That's actually a smart idea.” 
As you both reached shore, stepping up the beach to where your towels were, Austin wrapped his around his waist while you wrapped it around your shoulders. You took the key off your ankle and headed to the locker to get your things. Once you opened it, you grabbed your bag, shirt and shorts as well as your sandals. Austin grabbed his shirt and threw that on before grabbing his phone, wallet and keys. 
By the time you reached his vehicle, the sand had dried and rubbed off your feet and ankles so you slipped your sandals back on. Austin grabbed a pair of flip-flops out of the back seat and set his shoes there instead. He folded his towel up and sat it on his seat to sit on so he didn’t soak his seat. You copied his movements and made sure to keep your hair over your shoulder and not behind you. 
“What would you like to eat?” He asked while backing out of the parking spot and pulling around and onto the road. 
“Would you want to get some burgers? I’ve been wanting one since last night at the bar.” You said with a sheepish smile. “Burgers it is. Luckily, my favorite burger place is on the way.” “If they are your favorite, they must be really good then.” You give him a wink and grin. A laugh soon left both of his and your lips.
It was decided that while Austin went in to order, you would stay in the vehicle and watch for more paps. Wanting to know if they had followed. As he stepped out of the restaurant and climbed into the vehicle, handing the food to you, there had been nothing that caught your eye for anyone following at all. “I haven’t seen that guy from the beach, and no one else I've seen has a camera of any kind besides a cell.” “We should be good then.” He responded as he pulled out into traffic and headed to your rental. It only took maybe ten minutes to pull into the driveway. Austin grabbed the food from you and opened your door for you. “Thanks.” You said as you led the way to the front door. Once inside you guide him through to the back where a table and chairs were next to the pool. You stopped at the fridge while he continued out, grabbing a few bottles of beer for each of you. Reading the note stuck to the door of the fridge, Bri and Kate were going out again tonight, wanting to go bar hopping along the beach area. Austin set the food out and had pulled two chairs out for the both of you to sit. 
It didn’t take long for the burgers to disappear completely. “Okay, you are correct. That was the best burger I have ever had.” You admitted while leaning back in the chair and taking a sip of your first beer. “See! I knew you would like it. Whenever I’ve been away filming for a while I always get a burger from them within the first few days I’m home.” Austin collects the garbage and puts it back into the bag the food came in and tied it off. “I would do the same thing. There isn’t any place with something that is equal to this back home.” You get up, grab the bag and throw it away in the kitchen. Once back outside, you see Austin looking over the backyard that was blocked off from prying eyes with privacy hedges. “This really is a nice spot, quiet and beautiful.” He said with a smile. “Places like this are hard to find nowadays.” “Well, we have all evening, at least until bar close because Bri and Kate are bar hopping along the beach.” You push your chair in, grab your almost empty beer and the unopened one before moving over to the hot tub. Setting the bottles down on the edge along with your phone, you slip out of your shorts and shirt before stepping into the hot water. Austin was quick to join you and as he slid down into the water, he let out a sigh and closed his eyes. Though he jumped slightly when you turned the jets on without saying anything and a cheeky grin. 
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Skinny Dipping
Relationship(s): August Walker/Sadie Yoo
Tags/Warnings: Skinny Dipping, Lake, Playing Hooky, Summer, Heatwave, Swimming, Kissing
Summary: A heatwave has hit Austin. August and Sadie find a way to cool off
Written for @yeehawgust Week 4 Prompt 25: Heatwave
Taglist (if you would like to be added, let me know!): @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
It was the middle of August and Austin was looking at the hottest day on record in 30 years. It was times like this when Liam wondered why he didn’t just stay in New York. But the horses still needed to be looked after and Stella was probably going to brain him with her shovel if he made her muck out the stalls alone for much longer. So, back to work.
He yelped when a burst of water hit his back and he turned around to see August laughing with the hose dribbling on the ground. “Horses are watered,” he sputtered between laughs. “I’m gonna head back to the house now. Sadie’s coming over with popsicles.”
“Tell her to share!” Stella demanded from within the stables.
“Yeah, yeah….”
Liam shook his head and grabbed a wheelbarrow so he could move in some fresh hay. Maybe he should just go back to New York.
The air conditioner was running full blast but it was still too damn hot, even inside. “Thanks for letting me crash,” Sadie said, presenting the promised popsicles. “The AC at Geri’s place broke and the Side Step was packed.”
August grimaced and put the popsicles in the freezer. Thank goodness he had the day off. “It’s no problem. So, what do you want to do?”
Sadie shrugged, ripping open the popsicle she kept for herself. “Dunno. Too hot to think of anything. Know any fun ways to cool off that don’t involve vegging out in front of the tv with all the fans going?”
August thought for a moment, then smiled. “I think I have an idea…. Do you know how to swim?”
Sadie quirked an eyebrow. “Yeah but I’m pretty sure the public pool is full by now….”
“Who said anything about a public pool?”
She scoffed. “What? You got a private pool you’ve been keeping from me? Or are we finally digging the plastic kiddie pool out of the attic?”
August smirked. “Who said we even needed a pool?” He disappeared into the other room to get towels for them. “Come on; I know a place.”
“What? Wait, what do you mean we don’t need a pool? August? August!”
“Why are we at a lake?”
“So we can cool off in it. And be alone.”
Sadie bit her lip. “Okay…. Is it safe? I’m not gonna crawl out of there with some weird rash or anything, right?”
“I’ve never gotten anything.” August squeezed her hand. “Come on; would I have brought you out here if it was gonna end in a doctor’s visit?”
“I guess not….” Sadie approached the lake with trepidation, testing the water with her toes. “It is pretty cool.”
August stripped down to his boxers and jumped in, splashing Sadie in the process. He chuckled when she yelped and jumped back. “A little warning would’ve been nice,” she muttered, but there was no heat behind it.
“Sorry; I got a little impatient.”
She rolled her eyes. “Walkers,” she muttered before stripping down and joining him in the water.
“You said we’d be alone out here, right?” she asked sweetly, swimming over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Yeah; everyone else is busy at work so we should be alone out here….”
She giggled. “Somebody’s playing hooky,” she teased, pecking him on the lips.
“Yeah, but don’t tell anybody. I’ve got a good reputation around here?”
“Hm, that so? Wouldn’t want to sully it.” She kissed him again, wrapping her legs around him now too. “Guess we better keep quiet….”
August certainly wasn’t going to complain about that.
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tangiblejournal56 · 1 year
Sitting on my bed, art supplies & books surrounding me, “Eli the Barrow Boy” playing softly, the tsch-tsch sound of my dangling paper cranes as the fan makes them dance.  It’s too late to be considered Saturday still, soon dawn will be creeping in through my window with its heat & glare.  I hope to be long asleep by then, dreaming of Max as I continually do these days.  The dreams help, the need to see his face, hear his voice, subsides slightly.  A fraction.  A hair.  Not at all, really.
Today was spent on buses, wandering around Austin with Jacob.  Stopping in at the grocery store, his shock & celebration over his vegan chili on sale, unheard of prices, he was so damn happy.  Plans for a big chili dinner ensued.  Once home, already dark out, we went to the pool with our beer & cigarettes, spending two hours floating & discussing particle accelerators, the Tsar Bomba, aerogel, physics.  Favorite topics of his, how he enjoyed teaching me about these subjects so foreign to me.  How skilled I am in discovering people’s passions & letting them discuss those passions to their hearts’ content, how I use that skill to endear myself to them.  Not that I need to do so with Jacob, when drunk as well as sober he will tell me he adores me.  As if it weren’t evident in how endlessly he teases me over all my neuroses & silliness.  All for my reactions, disgust, exasperation, “Jaaacob, doooon’t!”  I was never very feminine until around him so constantly.  Now I shave my legs daily, I clean all the time, I attempt to cook for his as he is as helpless as I am in front of a stove.  Somehow I am terrified to let him see me unladylike, though he is the last person to care about those things.  I’m not even trying to get him to fall for me, I have no interest in dating him.  To what end do these things matter?
We slept together once again.  He brought home a large bottle of cheap vodka & we became spectacularly drunk, watching a documentary on an inventor & architect.  Then down to the pool, swimming & playing water games with the young children.  When they’d gone to bed, we became flirtatious, he grabbing my breasts, myself touching his junk as well.  Back inside, I tried to help him change into his pajamas, & somehow this led to sex.  When I tried closing my eyes & imagining Max, for a few moments I actually enjoyed it.  How awful is that to admit?  I sleep with him so he won’t be lonely, & so I won’t let my feelings of attraction for him go too far.  A very strange sort of irony.  There was one enjoyable moment, I admit, he was teasing me, holding back, & when I’d beg him for it, he’d grin, “No.”  He really liked teasing me, that glimmer in his eyes, that sexy grin.  Again wanting a reaction.  Then after, both retreating to our own beds.  It’s odd, this little pattern we’ve developed.  I don’t see it occurring often, I’m always surprised by its existence.  I would bet it doesn’t happen again.  I am quite taken aback, though, that despite other girls (Spill, to be specific) wanting this, he chose me for his fuck buddy.  Perhaps because of my ability to keep my private life private.  Though I did quietly admit it to Josh tonight.  “I don’t want to say I expected it, but I kind’ve knew it was a possibility,” was his reaction.
Jacob & I also discussed the baby for a little bit tonight.  I didn’t know if he’d even known about it, which he did.  “Uh, everyone knew,” he said in his blunt but not rude way.  He said he’d wanted to bring it up before, hadn’t gotten around to it yet.  Not much was said, a few random details here & there.  It was a pretty comfortable conversation.  I don’t think I could conceive of a better roommate than him, we are completely compatible, cooking together, playing board games, even laying on the living room floor together reading quietly.  I try to be as accommodating as possible, & he just goes with the flow of everything.  I wonder when the day will come when he is annoyed by me, & barely acknowledges me.  He is someone who needs nothing of anyone.  Even if it’s sex, I’m happy to be the person who gives him what he needs.
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blnk338 · 1 year
hi hello i am once again (this is the first time) asking for 831 content. like i KNOW you prolly can’t tell much because of like lore and trauma and stuff but like they’re so cooooool and i have a gigantic crush on ALL OF THEM AND REAPER USED TO BE SO HAPPYYYYY. do you have any plans on possibly giving lil sprinkle hints and stuff abt them throughout the story? bc like 3 of them are still alive and well and one is like. kidnapped 🤨 soooo idk i know reaper has some deep seeded trauma like every girlboss does but idk
i also don’t know if this ask makes any sense. i’m very eepy BUT no pressure to write or add anything i’m just genuinely curious. ANYWAYS i hope your week goes well!!! and pls stop eating shrimp bc we need them to fry the rice !!!!
fun fact I was actually going to make something for them so...
//drinking mentions
"Okay, so, it's gum, but it's natural." Tahoma tried, offering Izzie the packet. It was a sweltering summer in Austin and the two of them and the rest of the 831 were waiting outside the lines of parked taxis and Ubers rumbling, hidden from the heat. "No gum is natural--"
"Yeah, but it's not like you're going to eat it!" Izzie just shook her head and leaned further into the concrete wall, sipping her water like a drunkard at noon. Each and all of them had pretty much run out of water by that point, but Okazaki and her ever-growing intelligence snuck in another bottle in her bag, aptly saying "fuck TSA." Johnny was well and done with her, sighing as he popped another piece of gum into his mouth as Rigo groaned loudly, Nadya shoving him. "If you keep moaning someone's gonna think you're having sex."
"In this weather? I'm sweating enough as is."
"I thought you liked hot," Marisha quirked, pushing her lips out as she fanned herself with the collar of her shirt. "Yeah, but this shit's dry!"
"At least California has a beach-- all Austin has is a river you can't swim in." Angel wiped her forehead, rubbing her eyes in the process. She hadn't slept on the flight and, frankly, the nearly twenty hours of travel, she was ready to hit Phil's guest bedroom's mattress and sleep for an equal amount of time.
The doors wheezed open, Rosie stepping through with seven different water bottles in her arms, the rest of her team practically leaping at the chance to take one from her. Everyone thanked the woman with all of their heart, gulping down every drop, Nadya crushing the plastic bottle like a Four Loko, sighing in relief. As if right on queue, the massive black SUV that they were so familiar with pulled up and honked loudly.
Shades pulled down, bright American smile sparkling as the window rolled down, their captain's arm out his own window, patting the roof. "You folks need a lift?"
They piled and packed in like sardines, grateful for the ever-blasting AC that he cranked up to max. "Hope I didn't leave you guys out there for too long."
"No offense, Cap, but you were forty-three minutes late." Rigo tapped his wrist, his metaphorical watch clinking (he made the noises with his mouth). "Always so exact," Phil smiled, rolling up the windows as Achebe settled herself in the front, happy to get her own special seat while the rest of her team had to sit on top of each other (though none minded all that much, they were just happy to be out of the heat). "And that was thirty-eight minutes we sat outside when we could've been inside your house, in your pool-- oh, wait, did-- Nadder, did you order already?"
"What? Dude, we just got here, why would I have ordered?"
"Because I was talking about Lolo's and I thought we were on the same page." Phil grinned over the 2015 Summer Pop that played over the radio, cranking the volume. "Can't hear you two over the sound of Calvin Harris!" The rest of Nadya's and Rigo's unharmful argument over whether or not the former could predict the Californian's hunger was muted by "How Deep Is Your Love?" as the team was driven to the not-so-humble abode of Phillip Graves.
It was everything the sweaty brigade of military idiots needed; from a pool and green, green grass in his backyard, to a three-bedroom, fully airconditioned suburb-style house. As all of the group crammed in right behind Phil, his keys jingling as he unlocked the door, he chuckled, the group pushing through as he let them inside. The first time that they'd been over, there were kids' toys, drawings of crayon figures, and dozens of stacked apple sauce packs in the pantry. By the second trip, they were gone. There was a mutual agreement not to talk about it, but Graves' team still softened their blows on him.
But as the team made their way from the front entry to the living room, they stopped. Nadya was in the back of the group, rummaging through her backpack, bumping into the back of Navarro. "Shit-- why'd you..." But as she stepped around the massive woman, she stopped too, her jaw slacking. "... Dad?"
To be continued...
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blainesebastian · 1 year
pool day (ccg universe)
words: 1,170 ship: austin butler x reader summary: couldn’t let this image go unwritten about lmao  notes: just something short and sweet because of my ccg musings with bri *u* warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @austinbutlermischief, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
On hot summer days like today, where the heat seems absolutely unbearable, you are thrilled to know that your best friend Jillian has a pool. Her brownstone is beautiful, one of those special finds in New York that manages to have an actual yard. A complete mistake, a small structure being torn down right when Jillian bought it, so she has a fenced in area behind her house in which she’s had a patio built, a yard. A lot of savings went into this, but also? She’s been making her money in the Hollywood makeup industry for a few years now.
You have to admit, the ambition to buy beautiful spaces in New York is tempting but you and Austin are still in the same apartment you bought together. It’s not cramped by any means, but sometimes you find yourself thinking about a light blue house with a wraparound porch.
One day.
But for now, you adjust your sheer, white sarong along your waist, fixing the tie. Smiling as you hear Luci squeal in the water, you turn to look at Jillian when she hands you another mixed drink,
“Thank you, not just for the drink but for having us over.”
The curly-redhead grins, “Girl please, I’m the one who’s getting a treat—your husband in swim trunks?”
A soft laugh rumbles in your chest and you take a look back at the pool. Austin has his hair slicked back from the water, arms outstretched to Luci on the steps, trying to encourage her to jump to him but she won’t. Just keeps giggling and splashing him with water. He’s forgone putting the water wings on, trying to teach her how to float on her own. Should be an interesting afternoon. Personally, you’re just hoping you’ve put enough sunscreen on her.
“And,” Jillian amends, “Luci spending time with her favorite aunt.”
“You’re the only local aunt.” You tease with a grin, your sister living out of state.
Jillian pretends to look offended but then she smiles as she takes a sip of her cocktail.
She’s invited a few more people that you’ve both worked with on sets before in the past, but it never feels overly crowded. You mingle a bit, catch up, before wandering over to the side of the pool where Austin and Luci are. You set your drink down, toeing off your sandals before sitting down and put your feet into the water.
“What are we doing?” You ask Luci, she’s currently holding onto the sliver bar on the steps, the water up to her waist. “Don’t you want to go in all the way?”
“No thank you.” She replies and Austin chuckles a little as he runs his hands through his hair. You can’t possibly fathom how he’s not wearing his sunglasses, your eyes kinda squinting in sympathy as the sun reflects off the water. You’re looking at more than that though—his toned shoulders, arms, the way the water slips down his skin.
Jillian’s right—quite the scene.
You take a sip of your drink, setting it aside again as Austin swims up to you. Your legs open slightly to accommodate him, shivering just a little as his wet hand touches your knee,
“What about you mama?” He asks, “You gettin’ in?”
“I was thinking about it,” You reply, lifting your hand to run through his wet hair. You can’t help but smile a little when his eyes close, nearly keening into the touch. “You’re definitely makin’ the water look appealing.”
“Oh yeah?” Austin asks, raising his eyebrows, “You need help deciding?”
And you know the exact look in his eye when he inches closer, his arms slipping around your hips. “Don’t do it.” You say firmly but can’t quite stop the amusement coloring your tone, a flutter in your chest. You could get up if you wanted, but you don’t.
Austin smiles and there’s a brief moment where you think he’ll back off but then in a quick, swift movement he tugs you forward into the pool. A squeak leaves your lips, your hands falling onto his shoulders and you just kind of brace for impact because there’s nothing else you can do.
Doesn’t matter that you’re wearing your sunglasses and cover-up, you tumble into the pool against Austin’s chest, breaking the surface of the water in a laughing mess. Your hair is wet and across your sunglasses and you can hear Luci clapping and giggling while Austin tries to help detangle you.
“Haven’t you done enough?” You ask, the pleasing tone in your voice giving away how you truly feel. A chuckle rumbles in your chest as Austin helps get your sunglasses free, pushing your hair out of your face and tipping your chin up.
“Not yet.” He says, smiling as he leans down to kiss you.
You definitely allow yourself to indulge in that for a few moments, wrapping your arms around his neck and continuing the kiss until Luci decides she wants to be included.
“Momeeee.” She whines and you turn, putting your sunglasses on your face and untying the sarong to place it by your drink. The fabric slops onto the pavement with a very audible noise but, with how hot it is out? It’ll be dry in no time.
“Oh now you want to swim?” Austin teases, watching as Luci flings herself off the steps and attempts to swim to them. This is one of the first times she hasn’t had the inflatable wings on, so there’s definitely a bit of struggling.
“C’mon,” You encourage her, holding your arm out and having her kick, “There you go.”
You take one step forward to meet her and she grabs on, holding on tight. You laugh lightly, keeping her upright as she uses her other hand to wipe her face and kind of sputter—but she’s laughing, smiling so brightly, proud of herself for doing something on her own.
“Good job,” Austin smiles, helping to brush hair out of her face.
Luci insists on swimming between your arms and Austin’s, settling against his chest. You reach for an inflatable inner tube, shaped like a dragon, and tug it closer so Luci can get her hands on it. She begins talking your ears off about a dinosaur that swims in water and you come to the realization that one day she’s going to be older and even more wise and knowledgeable.
Austin seems to read your mind, floating closer to you and pressing a kiss to your temple, holding Luci upright and balanced as she reaches for this dragon and grabs onto the neck. He eventually sets her inside the inner tube ring, instructing her to hold on before he lets go.
He never lingers too far away though, just in case the thing capsizes.
Despite the heat, it always feels like there’s this comfortable bubble around you and your family—and you’ll hold onto that as long as you can, leaning against Austin’s chest and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
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Gossippy Gossip
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People! People shut the fuck up! I have got some Gossippp for you. Who knew all you had to do was lock people’s junk up to get them to get all drama llama. Your girl is like a pig in shit over here. Ok, ok. Breath bish. Breath. Ok. I’m ready. Let’s do this. 
So you all know the deal with this Locktober thing so I won’t say anything else. Except let’s just take a moment to appreciate how fucking kinky our Headmaster is. Like who sits around thinking of kinky ways to fuck with us that fucking he can make into a portmanteau. Or whatever the fuck that is. Props Headmaster FP (Grand Master Flashy Pants to you and me). Anyhow, let’s get to the juicy stuff. I think I just gotta start with the head to head match up of Logan v. Jones. Right? I won’t say I didn’t see this coming, because those gears were grinding the second they met, but I didn’t expect all out war. Ok, fine, all out popularity poll. No wait anti-popularity poll. I got my vote in how about you? And because I’m a shit disturber here’s the link right here. But since I do not want either of these hot heads on my ass I’ll be keeping my own vote on the DL. 
What’s not on the DL is how Oliver Smythe feels about keeping his hairy canary caged up. That boy accepted a whooping and an electric shock collar rather than just lockin’ it up. Don’t know whether to be impressed, shocked, or just twerk in front of him to see what happens with that collar. 
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Now, while that shit put the lic in public, Brother Ollie isn’t the only soul not down with packaging up his trouser sausage. Sky Evans has himself a stylish zappy collar too. Doesn’t seem to be keeping the little guy down though. I’ve seen him zapping across campus for days. Or maybe he’s always vibrating like that.  On a less cheerful note I’ve heard tell that the stress is getting to our own little swimming pool jell-o chef Austin Fabray. He seems to have gotten himself into a spot of trouble. Is it because of the cage? I don’t know for sure, but you all tell me. Seems a little coinkydink right? Come on Chandler give the guy a break. Who can think straight when their little brain is getting squished? Am I right? 
But listen, just so you don’t think I only enjoy hearing about people fucking their shit up, I’ve got some good news. Stonewall’s very special little puppy Alejandro Lodge has got himself enough points to be claimed and I’m sure we’re all sure which alpha wolf is going to jump on that, like a dog in heat. Wonder how Mr. Confidence for Days Logan Lodge feels about his kid brother beating him to the finish line? Shh, shh... positive. I’m supposed to be keeping this part positive. Congrats Alex. You deserve it you little tail wagger. 
Welp, I think that wraps it up for me today. I’m pretty sure there will be plenty to talk about after the masquerade. There’s always lots to talk about after the masquerade. But hey maybe y’all can make some predictions. Which siblings will accidentally fuck or at least accidentally fuck the same person... at the same time? Which member of faculty will expose themselves? Which enemies will go down on each other in the middle of the dance floor? Who will go overboard with their costume? Who will show up in a sheet with the eyes cut out? Message me bitches and tell me what you think. Until then this is your girl Mayhem Molly, signing off. 
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novumtimes · 2 months
Olympics Day 2: Early success for Irish rowers and in pool but Aidan Walsh exits boxing tournament
Irish timetable for Sunday:  Rowing 9.40am – Fiona Murtagh and Aifric Keogh (Women’s Coxless Pair heat) 10am – Ross Corrigan and Nathan Timoney (Men’s Coxless Pair heat) 10.30am – Margaret Cremen and Aoife Casey (Women’s Lightweight Double Sculls heat) Boxing  10.32am – Aidan Walsh (IRL) v Makan Traore (FRA) (Men’s 71kg round of 32) Swimming 10.39am – Mona McSharry (Women’s 100m Breaststroke heat) (Semi-finals at 8.10pm) Equestrian  10.42am – Sarah Ennis (Eventing Team and Individual Cross Country) Rowing 11.20am – Paul O’Donovan and Fintan McCarthy (Men’s Lightweight Double Sculls heat) 11.40am – Emily Hegarty, Natalie Long, Eimear Lambe, Imogen Magner (Women’s Coxless Fours heat) Sailing  12.15pm – Robert Dickson and Seán Waddilove (Men’s Skiff Races 1-3) Equestrian 12.18pm – Susie Berry (Eventing Team and Individual Cross Country) 12.54pm – Austin O’Connor (Eventing Team and Individual Cross Country) Women’s Rugby Sevens 2.30pm – Ireland v Great Britain (Pool B) Boxing  4.22pm – Gráinne Walsh (IRL) v Anna Luca Hamori (HUN) (Women’s 66kg round of 32) Women’s Rugby Sevens 6pm – Ireland v South Africa (Pool B) Boxing  7.32pm – Jack Marley (IRL) v Mateusz Bereznicki (POL) (Men’s 92kg round of 16) Source link via The Novum Times
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