#swift like mercury
useramor · 8 months
not gonna listen to taylor's new album for obvious hater reasons but i will be looking up the lyrics to see if she remembered how to songwrite again because after midnight's oh i got worried
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percolating the allusions to marriage, invisible rings, calling someone her husband etc etc it's giving very much that "we didn't get married because we just assumed we kind of already were but eventually that just wasn't enough" that I observe in so many long term relationships
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amalgamationink · 5 months
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NAPOWRIMO24 #29: mercurial
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there's six Os. if we get rep tv next i'm going to scream
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leiiilaaaa · 2 months
3rd house placements and your voice!
hii, i wanted to do more of a light & fun themed post that goes over the kind of voice you have, the type of communicator you are, and other things as well according to your 3rd house placements. if you do not have any placements in your third, check out the house ruler and apply it accordingly, ex; my third house is ruled by pisces, apply the neptune features to it!
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sun in 3rd house - talk about thinking out-loud!! sun in 3rd people are such great communicators, they get things across loud and clear. never ones to hold back, natural conversationalists, and you have a voice that often sounds younger. when you talk it's heartfelt and you feel that half-assings in conversations is just not you! sometimes, your age is mistaken due to your lengths of knowledge and the ability to express your inner child through your interests. you use your hands often when you speak! often have such a memorable voice and this placement is a strong indicator of being a music artist too; justin beiber, jay z, drake, britney spears, all very household names and all are always getting their voice impersonated by other people interestingly enough!! there's versatility that spews through these people, not hard at all for them to improvise, standup, debate, etc. can be gossipy though and involved in dramas very easily because of this.
moon in 3rd house - mental clarity goes crazy here. your emotions give you all the drive you need- creatively and you don't hold back on that. they intellectualize their emotions and can formulate feelings into words very well. the kind of voice they have is much softer, eloquent, and comforting. they're the kind of people that send you a voicemail and you listen to it over and over again because it's endearing. "say it with your chest," type of people, as the moon is mostly fixated in the chest-stomach region. they have a good discernment of their environment, walking analysts, know when to intervene, etc. celebrities with moon in 3rd; jennifer aniston, megan markle, margot robbie, etc.
mercury in 3rd house - very fast-paced talkers, versatile in the way they communicate. also uses their hands while they speak, has a witty and sarcastic tint to them when they speak. often very humorous people and naturally highly innovative. for these people ideas flow into them at fast rates, often giving them plenty of projects to work on. placement of high intelligence, and great at mirroring. "excuse me, may i interrupt," types of people. love adding on to others and i notice with 3rd house mercuries as they get older, they do become a lot quieter and keep ideas to themselves. celebrities with this include; jim carey, nikola tesla, stephen hawking, etc. (like i said super wise and funny thats a dub for sure)
venus in 3rd house - first thing that comes to mind is glamorous voice. often times they talk about their love-lives (yes they always have the craziest stories about others or themselves in love). just like the sun, these people have a notable voice too. one that can even get them famous. often these people have strong followings, or crowds that really like listening to them. highly influential and lowkey some party heads. might have some commitment troubles, but other than that they have good projecting voices- soothing, and has good posture too. celebs with this; cristiano ronaldo, taylor swift, kris jenner, etc.
mars in 3rd house - i like to say they have some of the most electric voices ever. seriously. they know exactly how to spice up conversations and they move a lot when they talk. they inspire others to take course of action, usually very good individuals at gaining crowds as well, but what differentiates venusian people and mars people- is the attitude. mars gain people's attention through their eccentric-ness. other people find mars in 3rd house bundles of expression, always on the go and actually very good manifestos. usually has raspiness and deepness to their voices because they tend to shout a lot. celebs with this; miley cyrus, harry styles, katy perry, etc.
jupiter in 3rd house - these people have a love for languages. usually very diverse linguistically, and always the guy that knows a guy. very good at developing acquaintances in their environment. usually has more high-pitched voices, slow and even sensual, but clear. they like knowing a bit of everything while they can. sometimes, these people can attract things out of thin air, and receive many comments on their voice or abilities to make their life experiences sound a lot less gruesome than it really is. kind of in their own little world and has open demeanor. often times you see these people unexpectedly associating with others that "make no sense" for them or in environments that "make no sense for them". side note: the biggest struggle these people will face is people trying to mold them to be somebody they're not. they love to expand wherever they can. celebrities with jupiter in 3rd; lana del rey, lionel messi, jim carey, and gordon ramsey.
saturn in 3rd house - mean big business ok!! let me tell you, these people are amazing at using their environments for their endeavors. they're very humble speakers, reserved and kind of talk when asked to. they are great at explaining principles of underlying things, usually seems older than what they really are. they stick to one thing at a time, and they are actually easy to read while talking to them. their body language is more telling than their words sometimes. watch a saturn in 3rd house's jaw clench when they are stressed, or crack their knuckles while thinking heavily. celebrities with this placement; steve jobs, kylie jenner, bjork, zoe kravitz, etc.
uranus in 3rd house - "you can't outdo the doer," is what i get from this placement. highly intellectual people, makes significant shifts into the world. when they speak, they're actually very good at impressions, get told they don't look like how they sound, or will attract many "haters" because they challenge status quo mentality. they will never stand down when communicating their deepest interests. they seem quirky & nerdy, however highly reliable and feels a strong sense of "these people need me." as they become older, they are more cherished, while they are younger they might seem air headed. their voices are so unique to them, that you cannot easily be reminded of them by others. they are completely in their own lanes. one of a kinds. celebrities with this placement; albert einstein, elon musk, celine dion, michael jordan, etc.
neptune in 3rd house - has a deep understanding of the environment they're in. they are very quiet and timid. these people really like to connect to people based off their souls and not their physical forms. and when they speak, they have a genuine tone and strive for genuine connection. sometimes, these people think many people they cross paths with are meant to make them feel good, feel bad, question, etc. highly accepting and others can admire this person too. seems ditzy, but on the inside is a whirlpool of feeling and emotions they sense. sometimes they can get abnormal praise, simply for the way they express themselves. i notice with these people they love to make facial movements when speaking, like very dramatically sometimes. you can always tell when these people are nervous too, watch how many times they shake their feet to soothe themselves. always seems very introspective wherever they go. celebrities with this placement; al pacino, leonardo dicaprio, beyonce, kendrick lamar, etc.
pluto in 3rd house - bringing pluto into this mix, wherever they go they love to change what they can in their environments. they want to change things for the better, and usually really find interest in talking about things that isn't so typical in conversation. they are very serious people when in discussion. they hate to say a lot without leaving impact. these people will sound much older and have a profound tone. often they bring the collective darkness to a collective lightness. i notice they love using metaphors, talking in 3rd person, and dropping their egos a lot in conversations. makes undeniable changes to societal norms or social structures. these are life changers and add some humanitarianism to everyday encounters, really love dropping a lot of their own lore too! celebrities with this; angelina jolie, martin luther king, adam levine, kylian mbappe.
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thank you so much for skimming through this i appreciate it as always, let me know if you relate, disagree etc. super interesting in seeing what you think, let me know if u want me to do more like these <3
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rmstitanics · 24 days
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CANCER MOONS and 4H MOONS might enjoy media with the found family trope.
Those that have an 8H STELLIUM, PISCES MOON, 12H STELLIUM, or SCORPIO URANUS would make great divination witches, tarot readers, astrologers, and / or ghost hunters.
MERCURY OPPOSITE MARS folks have no filter in every sense of the concept. They tend to speak their minds and say the MOST out of pocket things, and also might be prone to swearing like a sailor.
“Taylor Swift only writes music about her exes—” NO. Her entire discography reflect the journey to heal the inner wound of CANCER CHIRON, which is all about feeling unloved and abandoned by others. If you’ve got this placement, you probably relate on a spiritual level to her song “The Prophecy”.
12H STELLIUMS may have had some paranormal experiences in their childhood or early adulthood.
SUN SQUARE URANUS aspects may be prone to a feeling of always being at war with themself — whether spiritually, emotionally, or psychologically. Although they do a good job at hiding this inner conflict, it might still manifest in social interaction by others perceiving them as contradictory due to actions not aligning with words.
AQUARIUS MOONS are natural humanitarians, and would find lifelong emotional + spiritual fulfillment in community service or philanthropy.
I encourage individuals who have NEPTUNE TRINE MERCURY in their chart to try astral projection or lucid dreaming — you’ve got a natural affinity for it!
If you have your SUN PLACEMENT AND CHIRON PLACEMENT IN THE SAME SIGN, your Chiron wound is likely a major and crucial part of your core personality. For example, Abraham Lincoln had his sun sign and chiron sign in Aquarius, indicating that the core wound of always feeling like an outsider in the community was a foundational aspect of his character.
CAPRICORN CHIRONS might enjoy writing or reading historical fiction — especially historical fiction that features characters who others view as “outsiders” achieving succsss in the public eye against all odds.
4H SATURN placements may have chosen or will possibly choose to attend university far away from home in a desperate attempt to break free from strict parents.
SATURN TRINE NEPTUNE aspects make for individuals who care deeply about topics related to social justice and are driven to take action and participate in organizing their communities. They could be involved in social media activism and have accounts dedicated to posting about certain issues, but it is essential for these natives to also take concrete actions locally.
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kiddotarot · 26 days
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Explanation = 1H and 2H are the house which shows your face structure and the part of your head, voice. And any other planet which influence these houses can decide your face structure and any other combination in your planets can also effect it so you can mix different planet and can recognize your speciality. Special Thanks to jay for teaching me this much ☺️ enjoy!!!
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SATURN = If your saturan is in first house or it's aspecting your 1h or it is dominating your chart then you can have some kind of marks on your face , there can be something related to teeth shape. You can always wear a mask of serious person but you can have dark humor, silly jokes is not for you . You can look much mature then your age and saturan is a dry planet so it can also make your hair dry no matter what you try or your body can have high metabolism.
MERCURY = you can have a young look or you can look more younger than your age your facial freature can never change . They can be witty childish and there hair cut will be never stable like the always experimenting with there hairs for example me . Can have big forehead, jupiter prominent people can have big forehead but in Mercury case it shows there sharp and active mind .
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JUPITER= There face can always look like laughing Buddha means they can have full cheeks where ever they smile there cheeks lift up. And there body or face can have fat or high metabolism. They often find difficulties for jaw line or sharpness. If it retrogated there nose can be little crooked or sharp and big . There ear lobe can be big and soft fluffy . There ears can be big or charp if there jupiter is exalted ( pisces) again big forehead.
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MARS = They always have sharp freature but if mars aspecting your 1H or its in 1H you can have problems of pimples, marks ( specially jupiter and mars have a connection) . Very sharp eyes but small . Dominated mars with Rahu or saturan or strong mars can have big eyebrows and if mars is in prominent position or your Atmakarka they can have joint eyebrows. If your eyebrows is thin then you have sun and mars connection. They can have broad sholders, angry face expression, Specially male can be attractive , strong mars can also give you big arms and chest . Waek mars can give blood imbalance. And mars and moon connection can also make you to put you hair short .
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VENUS = The person can have beautiful face and sharp nose there chin can be very structured for example = Lana bel ray , venus and rahu connection people can have big eyes and almond shape eyes, these person can easily become famous or actors in there life. Thery are always changing there appearance or fashion they set the trend in the society can also go for surgery and changing freature. Jupiter and venus person can have beautiful face and full cheeks smile example = margot robbie.
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MOON = These people change very fast just like moon phase and can have problems with digestive system . They can have a yellowish color of skin regarless there skin tone . They are very preety and cute . If Jupiter and moon have a connection they or Jupiter is in moon sign they can eat to much but never gain weight or eat less much but gain weight . There is no sexual attraction like venus but people can look young , preety like moon and emotional. Example = Taylor swift ( moon and jupiter connection) great smile and expressive. Moon and ketu connection can also give expressive and beautiful eyes. Moon and rahu connection can give a person over expressive nature . Venus and moon connection people are the most beautiful person.
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RAHU = These person are always changing they can be hard to recognize over time can have surgery example = Kardashians . They can loose there weight very fast . If rahu is bad placed they want to change in there appearance but no one gonna notice it. There teeth can also have something different like long legs . Rahu in mars sign can give injury but they can have goid facial freature and attractive personality.
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SUN = There eyes can be small , and there skin can be yellowish at the some time in there life they can have long hair but later hair lose can be problems for sure..sharp and small eyes but very expressive and sharp . They can be not so tall but have normal height. But they hold authority in there presernce and there appearance. There chest can be big and havy good and perfect and facial freature sun and jupiter connection can give them handsome and leadership qualities and looks.
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cowboysweetnothings · 2 years
Mastermind is very Sag sun/Cap mercury of Taylor. She’s like “oh I’m this mastermind, I fooled you. I’m so cryptic! So Machiavellian! I must confess to you how I have schemed this entire relationship into existence!” Acting like she’s not a Sagittarius which is like, the LEAST SUBTLE sign. Joe and the rest of us are just like “Babes, we know. We’ve known from day one. But yes, you’re such a genius,we love you”
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niniiko · 1 year
Astrology Observations part 2
*not a professional astrologer these are just my personal observations!
♠️ Taurus venus men usually like women who are on the curvier chubby side
♠️ People who have an 8th house lilith or even saturn sometimes feel guilty for their sexuality and many people also tend to make them feel guilty for being sexual, they often feel repressed
♠️ Nobody talks enough about how Virgo risings have an amazing face bone structure... I've noticed that their cheekbones are often prominent and their face features are so femenine
♠️ Aquarius placements and their unique voices? We can take as an example Jungwon of Enhypen and Rosé from Blackpink, i also noticed that when they sing they have this kind of nasal type of voice and it's so pleasant to hear (can also apply to people who have Aquarius over their 3rd house!)
♠️ Mars over the 6th house can give someone a VERY sensible skin (even allergies) Virgo also rules over the skin since its a Mercurial sign and if Mars is there the native could have a lot of issues with their skin. I have a friend who has this placement and she always has something going on with her skin 😭
♠️ People who have Moon in conjunction with Jupiter can be prone to over eating
♠️ Mercury square Saturn individuals often have a hard time expressing their love through words, they cringe at the idea of doing it
♠️ Libra placements (specially Mercuries) don't shy away from talking about current issues when it comes to politics, injusticies etc... They have very clear ideas and know how to send across their message
♠️ Whatever house Neptune falls into is where people tend to copy you the most:
1st house: your appearance, the way you dress, your energy
2nd house: your material possesions, the things you buy, your finances
3rd house: your personality, internet persona, the way you talk
4th house: your house furniture
5th house: your romantic partners, your vibe
6th house: your daily routines, your connections with people
7th house: your romantic partners, your clothes, your beauty
8th house: your depth, your way of thinking
9th house: the places you travel to, your ideas
10th house: your career choice, your skills
11th house: your friendships, your connections, your popularity, your goals
12th house: your spiritual side, the way you see things in a unique way
♠️ Leo placements like to show off their partners and making sure EVERYONE knows they have a partner, i have some leo placements friends and they are always posting their partners, i think it's very cute
♠️ Pluto in the 2nd house individuals (specially if they also have Taurus placements because Taurus rules the neck and throat) have some sexy and deep voices . . . they also tend to be very possesive 🤣
♠️ If a woman has her Mars in conjunction with her Sun chances are she looks very much like her dad, a friend of mine has this placement and she inherited her dads height and she looks so much like her dad
♠️ Having 12th synastry with someone is beautiful and painful at the same time, specially if personal planets are in there like the moon for example, if your moon falls in their 12th house it's probable that you have a more than physical connection with that person, even if you guys are not together you might still dream of them or viceversa, a very hard to forget connection
♠️ Someone with a lot of Air and Fire placements might be into dancing or doing some sort of creative and artistic stuff
♠️ Air mars's are the real masterminds . . . 💅🏻
Thanks for reading! I wanna thank the people who have interacted with my post, it was my first astrology observations post and I've been learning astrology for just a year and seeing how many people have agreed and rebbloged my post made me very happy 🥹 My intuition told me to post one and after some days of hesitating I decided to upload my personal observations and im glad I did! Anyways, thank you so much I love you always 🤍
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soberpluto · 1 year
Astrology Observations - Rising Signs & Planets
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Cancer rising as a parent unintentionally will tend to impose their upbringing's rules and traditions unto their household, and if these are discarded or not followed, they can get pretty upset or offended (they won't tell you this, tough), because attempting to organize and structure the life of their loved ones is one of the strongest ways to show their tenderness and care. This is especially true in routines related to food and family time.
Saturn rising, particularly in Capricorn (and to a lesser degree in the other earth signs) gives amazing bone structure, pretty teeth and refined face shape (well-sculpted cheekbones). They are likely not ones who have experienced broken bones in their childhoods. Depending on the ASC sign, Saturn here may also cause short stature and a sturdy anatomy.
Gemini risings often possess appealing and vibrant gesticulations, beautiful and elongated hands, feet and limbs, a unique tone of voice and a ridiculously contagious smile or laughter. On the flipside (sorry to say this), many of them are very good liars and tricksters, as their high intellect quickly figures out what you want to hear and see in them.
A secret us Scorpio rising folks don't what you to know is that whenever we are interested in you, our eyes will give us away rather easily. We'll hardly confess our feelings until much later, if at all, but if you feel under a microscope in our presence (if you are subject of our involuntarily eerie and soul-piercing gaze), you should know we really like you. You might as well think we hate or despise you... but it's completely the opposite!
Leo risings have gorgeous thick and voluminous hair, usually on the wavy side. They love to buy nice things that draws attention to them, as they enjoy standing out of the crowd even if they are more on the reserved or introverted side of the spectrum. They really don't mind spending their money on costly clothes, makeup or jewelry if they think that makes them more beautiful, even if it actually damages their finances. They love to select and buy gifts too!
Jupiter rising can exaggerate your rising sign's ruling body parts. For example, in Cancer: large boobs or wide thorax / in Taurus: wide and sensuous lips / in Libra: beautiful face, amazing skin and voluminous butt, etc. Unfortunately, Jupiter rising folks can also get overweight super easily.
Mercury ruling risings (including Mercury 1st house and Venus in Gemini) usually make the native look younger than they really are. They also have something really noticeable about their walk... from clumsy to swift, all styles will differ, but they will move in ways that are out of the ordinary, for some reason.
Mars ruling risings NEED some sort of intense physical activity to be balanced, if not, they can literally go crazy due to all their bottled-up anger and restless energy. That's why many of them have a knack for the military, gym or sports, not only because they are good at them, but because this eases their stress in a way nothing else can. And yes, sex is included too.
Water risings, particularly Pisces (including Neptune and Moon in 1st house/conjunct ASC) have the most mesmerizing stare. It doesn’t matter their size or form, their gaze is otherworldly, ethereal, and somehow hypnotic. Water rising souls speak through their eyes, and I’m in love with that.
A Mars rising man can be mistaken for a f*ck boy much easier than other placements, especially if they have Air or Fire in 1st house. Women with this placement have huge sex appeal too, but they tend to attract a lot of envy and rivalry from other females, as their personality is perceived as confrontational and aggressive, even if they don’t act that way. This configuration gives good results when they work with men, but not so much with women.    
Thanks for reading! 😘
Written by @soberpluto
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uyuforu · 5 months
MC Persona Chart Observations I: Celebrities Edition
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The MC in Astrology, meaning Medium Coeli, is one of the 4 main points (ASC, IC, DSC, MC) in a Chart. It is the also the 10H. The MC/ 10H is a point that represents the career, the job area of the native. It is also about the reputation. In order to know more about this matter, we can look at it in the Natal Chart, but also the MC Persona Chart. This is what the study will be about in this post, taking celebrities MC PC as examples.
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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These observations only apply to MC Persona Chart
ᯓ★ Keanu Reeves has his 5H ruler (Jupiter) in his 10H, meaning his career indeed involved a lot of creativity, and 5H is also the house of comedy, theater and acting, which makes even more sense.
ᯓ★ Having Jupiter in Leo/ in the 5H/ Ruler of the 5H could be a sign of being an actor.
ᯓ★ Selena Gomez has a stellium in her 1H, and she is very well known for her beauty and face.
ᯓ★ Justin Bieber has his Mercury in his 3H and his 3H' Ruler is Mercury! His sun is also at a Gemini degree.
ᯓ★ Having Leo rising or rising 29° means being extremely well known at your work. People see you and directly know who you are. (Keanu Reeves, Justin Bieber)
ᯓ★ Saturn 8H could express you will struggle a lot mentally because of your career. Justin Bieber has it, AND it's in Pisces, which explains why he had addictions.
ᯓ★ Having Sun at 5°, 17° or 29° always indicate having fame in your career. (Choi Wooshik, Hailey Bieber, Lee Minho, Gong Yoo)
ᯓ★ Juno, Groom/Briede could indicate what your spouse does as a job. Hailey Bieber has Groom 3H and Justin is a singer. Justin has Briede 2H and Hailey is a business woman.
ᯓ★ Mars in Leo/5H could be another indicator of being an Actor (Selena Gomez, Henry Cavill, Timothée Chalamet, Gong Yoo)
ᯓ★ Part of Fortune 11H could be a sign of blowing up on social media and it can be part of the fame or recognition.
ᯓ★ Uranus 5H could be a sign of having a sudden fame after some years. Pedro Pascal has that and became famous before turning 40 years old.
ᯓ★ Harry Styles has MC Mercury ruled, and his Mercury is in 9H. He was known worldwide ever since he started in One Direction and is a singer.
ᯓ★ Your MC's ruler in your 5H could indicate becoming famous. (Jungkook, Jack Harlow)
ᯓ★ Jungkook also has his Part of Fortune 5H, and people call him the Golden Maknae, because he shines whatever he does (maknae= youngest)
ᯓ★ MC ruler in Aquarius/11H could indicate being an influencer or just very famous for your online presence (Hailey Bieber, Kylie Jenner)
ᯓ★ Kim Jennie from BLACKPINK has her Sun conjunct Mercury in 8H, she is a rapper.
ᯓ★ Her 8H Ruler is also Mercury.
ᯓ★ Vertex in your MC PC could indicate what make a major turn in your career.
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ᯓ★ Kim Jennie has Vertex Leo 7H and she signed a contract with YG Entertainment, a big idols agency.
ᯓ★ Harry Styles has Vertex Gemini 8H conjunct Mars and he became a singer by singing in X Factor, a television music competition show.
ᯓ★ Pedro Pascal has Vertex Capricorn and gained fame and success in his acting career later in his life. It can also mean you were meant to change your job field and make a real impact. Sabrina Carpenter has the same thing, and recently gained more appreciation for her music, later than some people.
ᯓ★ Vertex 6H could mean your hard work is what make your career take another turn. (Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez)
ᯓ★ Mercury 1H could mean people talk a lot about how you look, your face, your body, etc in your career. (Selena Gomez)
ᯓ★ Charles Leclerc has Saturn in his 10H, and Saturn is a planet that represents the car. Charles is a F1 Pilot.
ᯓ★ Kylie Jenner MC ruler is Jupiter and she has it in 12H. This house is all about the illusions and it can be about what is not real. She participates in her family's reality TV Show. Reality TV Shows are known for pretending to show "reality" while it's in fact just for entertaining purposes.
ᯓ★ Kylie also has her Sun in Libra, and she also got famous for her make up brand.
ᯓ★ Your 7H ruler in MC PC could represent what your business is about if you have one. Selena Gomez & Hailey Bieber both have their 7H in Venus signs and both of their Venus are in 1H. They both have a make up business.
ᯓ★ Sun 2H/8H could mean you got famous for your money, or your family's money.
ᯓ★ Rising sign will always say how you look during your career.
ᯓ★ Jennie has Capricorn rising, and she is known for having a "resting b*tch face" or just looking distant and cold when posing.
ᯓ★ Harry Styles has Scorpio Rising, he is known for changing his style multiple times during his career, and he is also "daring" with his style and looks.
ᯓ★ Leo Rising could mean the way you look at work will become iconic. Some of your looks will perhaps stay in "history" meaning one of your look could become so famous people can dress as you for halloween and people know who they are dressing as. (Justin Bieber, Sabrina Carpenter, Keanu Reeves)
ᯓ★ Sun conjunct Mercury will always be the n°1 indicator of being in the music industry. Sooo many singers/ rappers/ musician have this placement.
ᯓ★ Cancer rising people can be treated like babies during their career (Jungkook, Charles Leclerc). People just adore you and will find excuses for you despite anything you do.
ᯓ★ Sun in Pisces or 12H can make you hide from your career for sometimes. It can mean people don't need to see you for you to do your job. Or at some point you will not show yourself anymore in your career.
ᯓ★ Neptune 1H/ 8H can mean people are obsessed with you.
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Thank you for reading!
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soular-sisters · 5 months
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The most common celebrity/fame Astrology placements ✨🤩📸
The glitz, the glamour, the endless number of fans that seem to be mesmerized by them… have you ever notice how a lot of famous individuals have a certain grab and magnetism about them? Well, they might have more in common astrologically than you thought. Without further ado, here are some of the most common traits you will find in famous individual’s natal charts:
1. Pronounced Leo and Cancer placements in personal planets, especially sun, moon, and ascendant.
In the world of Hollywood, Leo energy is prevalent with countless Leo suns in the industry including: Demi Lovato, Steve Carell, Robert De Niro, Kylie Jenner, Daniel Radcliffe, and Madonna just to name a few. Cancer energy also runs strongly, with cancer sun celebrities also finding major success such as:
*Lana Del Rey (a Cancer sun with a Leo Moon, Scorpio Ascendant, Leo midheaven and Venus conjunct her north node)
*Ringo Starr (another cancer with a Leo moon)
*Margot Robbie (a cancer sun with a Taurus Midheaven & Aquarius north node)
Cancer & Leo personal planets can be found in a wide range of celebrities including:
*Dua Lipa (a Leo sun/Cancer Moon)
*Taylor Swift (a Sagittarius sun/Cancer moon)
*Micheal B. Jordan (an Aquarius sun/Cancer Moon)
*Drake (a Scorpio sun/cancer moon/Leo ascendant)
*Julia Roberts (Scorpio Sun/Leo Moon)
*Megan Fox (Taurus Sun/Leo Moon)
*Paul McCartney (Gemini Sun/Leo Moon)
*Bruno Mars (a Libra sun/Leo moon)
*Blake Lively (a Virgo sun/Leo ascendant, with plenty of positive sun aspects including sun conjunct her natal Mars, venus, and Mercury, & also sun trine her Jupiter)
There are many more celebrities who have these similar placements.
2. Prominent north node aspects or favorable house placement.
The North Node shows our Karmic Destiny. Certain placements show where an individual might see fame more than others, including the 1st, 5th, 10th, and 11th houses. Some celebrities that have these placements include:
1st house of identity:
*Martin Luther King Jr. (North Node in Taurus: who showed fearlessness in the face of racism to unite the people)
*Amy Winehouse (North Node in Gemini: who’s songs about her life have remained popular long after her untimely death)
*Megan The Dutchess of Sussex (Leo sun/Cancer Ascendant with North Node in Leo: who is one of the most famous women in the world now whether you like her or not)
*James Dean (North Node in Aries: who’s image as a bad boy heartthrob has been solidified in history long after his untimely death)
5th house of creativity, children, and happiness:
*Angelina Jolie (who is also cancer Venus and Ascendant at 28°, has her North Node in Sagittarius. She is a talented actress that has also traveled the world and made it her mission to help and adopt children)
*Selena Gomez (who is also Leo Ascendant, with moon & part of fortune conjunct her Taurus midheaven, has her North Node in Capricorn, and is also a talented actress, who due to her illness cannot have children. Unfortunately, the planet of Saturn, Capricorns ruler, may deny children entirely, or only bring very few)
*Christiano Ronaldo (who is also Leo moon, has his North Node in Taurus, he has had a stable career playing soccer, known as a heartthrob with the Venus energy, and also the father to five children)
10th house of public image:
*Donald Trump (who is also Leo ascendant & Taurus Midheaven, with sun & Uranus conjunct his North Node in Gemini, he has captivated audiences on a global scale with his words and with Sun and Uranus being opposite planets conjunct his north node, he is extremely polarizing with his supporters absolutely loving him and his opposers absolutely hating him)
*Beyoncé (who is Mars conjunct her Leo North Node in the 10th house. Beyoncé is also known on a global scale and the amount of time and energy she puts into her craft is very evident, she also carries herself with a mars-esque energy in her public persona.)
*Britney Spears (with her North Node in Cancer. While she is extremely talented, her career has had a lot of exploitation of her and her assets and made her a victim in the public eye)
11th house of social circles aspirations and collaboration:
*Lady Gaga (who has her North Node in Taurus, which rules the voice, has famously collaborated on singing projects with other creatives including Tony Bennett, and Bradley Cooper)
*Robert Downey Jr. (who has his North Node in Gemini has famously gotten himself into heaps of mischeif when he was younger turned his life around when he associated himself with Marvel and propelled himself further into stardom, eventually getting his Oscar winning role in Oppenheimer)
*Ariana Grande (who has her North node in Sagittarius. In Jennette McCurdy’s book “I’m Glad My Mom Died” she recalled being jealous of how lucky Ariana was for all the opportunities that were being granted to her though her association to higher ups at Nickelodeon)
3. 1st house planets, 5th house planets, 10th house planets, and 11th house planets (especially Sun, Jupiter, Neptune, and Venus)
House placements are always important to check when looking at a natal chart and this area is no different. We see many of the same placements among famous individuals such as:
*Blake Lively (who has a first house stellium consisting of her sun, mercury and Venus, and a fifth house stellium with Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)
*Paul Rudd (who has a fifth house stellium with Neptune, moon and mars, and a 10th house stellium with his Mercury, sun, Venus, and Saturn)
*Vanessa Hudgens (who is also Leo ASC & Taurus MC also has a fifth house stellium with her sun, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mercury)
*Kim Kardashian (sun and mercury fall into her 11th house and she has a 10th house stellium consisting of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. She also has Neptune in her first house which is another popular fame placement that is also seen in Marilyn Monroe) A stellium is not needed in these houses either.
*Rihanna (her sun & mercury is in the 11th house with her Jupiter in the first house and though her moon & Venus fall in the 12th house, they do conjunct her ascendant)
4. Having a fixed midheaven: Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, Leo
The midheaven shows where the most ideal career placement for an individual. Usually fame can been seen amongst fixed midheaven placements. Some examples include: Taurus MC:
*Margot Robbie
*Timothée Chalamet
*Emma Stone
*Vanessa Hudgens
*Miranda Kerr
*Nick Jonas
*Justin Timberlake
Leo MC:
*Harry Styles
*Daniel Craig
*James Gandolfini
*Chevy Chase
*Robin Williams
*Nicole Kidman
*Jim Carrey
*Aretha Franklin
Scorpio MC:
*Hilary Duff
*Jane Fonda
*Johnny Knoxville
*Barack Obama
*Willem Defoe
*Carrie Fisher
Aquarius MC:
*Miley Cyrus
*Pamela Anderson
*Will Smith
*Drew Barrymore
*Gordon Ramsay
*Tim Burton
*John Krasinski
5. Having personal planets at 5°, 17°, or 29° as they are degrees ruled by Leo.
In degree theory, these degrees are ruled by Leo and can also be seen as a common placement among many different famous individuals including:
*J.P. Morgan (successful banking mogul, who actually used astrology in his personal life, had his Taurus mercury at 29° and he once famously said, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”)
*Post Malone (also has his Gemini Venus at 29°, and he has made his career diverse in various genres and has been extremely loved wherever he goes)
*Morgan Wallen (has his Aquarius moon at 29°, and his 5° Libra Jupiter conjunct his Midheaven)
*Steven Tyler (who has his Aries Sun at 5°. He has amassed many fans among his decades long career)
*Jim Carrey (who has both his Gemini moon at 17° and his Capricorn mars at 17°, once wrote himself a check for a million dollars before he became famous to manifest his future as a successful actor and around a year later found himself with major roles)
*Loretta Lynn (the iconic “Coal Miners Daughter” singer has her Aries Mercury at 17°, and her songs have stood the test of time)
6. Having personal planets at 28° ruled by cancer. Makes an individual a “household name”
Cancer rules the home, so it goes hand in hand with creating a household name among 28° holders. A few examples include:
*A$AP Rocky (who has his Leo Venus at 28° is famously known for his music and style)
*Miley Cyrus (who is 28° Taurus ascendant is definitely a household name and made her way into homes being a child actress and singer)
*Rihanna (has her Sagittarius mars in 28° as well, and she has had a fruitful career full of energy that she has put forward to become a self-made billionaire before 40)
7. Strong 11th house energy
The 11th house in astrology is the realm of Aquarius. Think of these individuals being innovators, and different. 11th house energy is commonly seen in famous individuals including:
*Johnny Depp (world famous actor has his Gemini sun in 11)
*Beyoncé (billionaire and one of the biggest singers in the world also has her sun in the 11th)
*Angelina Jolie (renowned actress and philanthropist has her Gemini sun and Mercury in the 11th house)
*Rihanna (another one of the biggest singers in the world has her Pisces sun and Aquarius Mercury in the 11th house)
*Lady Gaga (has her Aries sun, Aries venus, and Taurus north node in the 11th house)
*Kim Kardashian (A-list reality television star, model and business woman, has her Libra sun, and Scorpio mercury in her 11th house)
*Zayn Malik (another one of the biggest boy band & solo singers in the world has his Capricorn sun, nept, Uranus, and Mercury in the 11th house)
8. Prominent Jupiter Aspects
Jupiter the planet of luck, optimism and abundance having prominent energy in the natal chart can have a “lucky” influence on a famous individual, a few examples include:
*Elizabeth Taylor (world famous actress has natal, Jupiter trine ascendant, Jupiter trine Uranus, Venus trine Jupiter)
*Quentin Tarantino (talented movie director has natal Sun conjunct Jupiter, Mercury conjunct Jupiter, and Jupiter trine North node)
*Zendaya. (world famous actress, singer, and model has natal sun trine Jupiter, moon trine Jupiter)
*Samuel L. Jackson (another one of the most famous actors in the world has natal sun conjunct Jupiter, moon trine Jupiter, Jupiter trine Saturn, and Mercury conjunct Jupiter)
9. Aspects made to the ascendant and/or midheaven.
Our ascendant (how we portray ourselves) and our midheavens (career placement) having plentiful aspects can be seen in a wide range of well known celebrities in both old Hollywood and in recent time. Here are a few examples:
*Jayne Mansfield (one of the biggest sex symbols of her era before her untimely death had, North node trine ascendant, Neptune sextile ascendant, mars sextile ascendant, ascendant trine Midheaven)
*John Wayne (world renowned western actor, was a natal holder of, Mercury conjunct ascendant, sun conjunct ascendant, ascendant trine midheaven, sun trine midheaven, Mercury trine midheaven)
*Judy Garland (who played Dorothy in Wizard of Oz, had ascendant trine midheaven, moon sextile midheaven, mercury conjunct ascendant, Mercury trine midheaven)
10. Positive mars & Jupiter aspects
Mars the planet of action in a harmonious aspect with Jupiter the planet of luck, abundance and optimism can bring lucky opportunities with action and can be seen in famous individuals such as:
mars conjunct Jupiter:
*Ariel Winter
*Channing Tatum
*Lily Collins
mars trine Jupiter:
*Rachel McAdams
*Heath Ledger
*Joaquin Phoenix
mars sextile Jupiter:
*Nicki Minaj
*Emma Stone
*Bella Thorne
*Reese Witherspoon
11. Natal Midheaven conjunct north node.
Our career placement, the Midheaven, in conjunction with our North node, karmic destiny can be seen in quite a few famous individuals including:
*Jared Leto (We the Kings singer and actor has his conjunction in Aquarius)
*Jaden Smith (actor, rapper, and nepo baby has his conjunction in Virgo) *Donald Glover/Childish Gambino (actor, writer, rapper and producer has his conjunction in Gemini)
*Meryl Streep (world famous actress has her conjunction in Aries)
*Mike Tyson (world famous boxer has his conjunction in Taurus)
12. Gemini energy is very common amongst rappers.
Gemini energy is extremely prominent amongst rappers, for the sake of keeping this example shorter I will just be using sun sign Gemini’s. The list of sun sign Geminis:
*Kendrick Lamar
*Sage the Gemini
*Fetty Wap
*Ice Cube
*Kanye West
*Tupac Shakur
*Notorious B.I.G.
*Trippie Redd
*Kodak Black
*Don Toliver
*Azaelia Banks
*Swae Lee
13. A 10th & 11th house conjunction. If two planets are conjunct but fall into the 10th house of public image and the 11th house of friends/friend groups.
Both of these houses are major players when it comes to our public life. A few examples of these placements are:
*Kim Kardashian (sun in 11 is conjunct her Pluto in 10th)
*Eminem (sun in 11 is conjunct his 10th house Uranus)
*Nicki Minaj (her 10th house sun conjunct her 11th house Venus)
*Marilyn Monroe (11th house sun conjunct her 10th house Mercury)
14. Having prominent Mercury aspects.
Mercury is the planet of communication and self expression. Having mercury aspects are common amongst famous individuals as well including:
*Stephen King (who has had an extremely long career with countless dark books written and movies made, has natal Mercury sextile Pluto & Mercury conjunct Neptune, and Mercury sextile Saturn)
*Drake (has natal Mercury conjunct Venus, common amongst musicians and actors)
*Beyoncé (has her natal Mercury sextile North Node, Mercury sextile mars, and Mercury conjunct Saturn, and her songs have been listened to around the world countless times)
*Justin Bieber (who unfortunately has had a lot of hardships explaining himself and expressing his truths has Mercury square North Node, Mercury square ascendant, and Mercury square Pluto)
*Liam Neeson (the world famous actor has his natal sun conjunct Mercury, Mercury conjunct Venus and moon opposite Mercury)
Research Disclaimer:
All research was conducted by Arielle in April & May 2024. This is all information found by her own research. There are definitely more celebrities that fall under these categories not listed. There is more room to further research this topic.
IG: @starlit.artistry
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astrow0rldx · 2 days
Attraction & Sex in Astrology
7th house ruled by libra, libra ruled by Venus. On the other side of the 1st, of attraction. We really want to look at this part of our chart. While mars is our drive, and sexuality.
7th house - Who your attracted to. Your typical type in people when looking out in the world.
8th house - How you seduce/What you are seduced by
House that venus is in - Where you can find love. What enviroments, and places.
House that mars is in - Where you can find sex. Enviroments and places.
Sign that venus is in - Your Love Language. Behavior you want in a relationship to give or be given.
Sign of mars - Your turn ons, Sexual dynamics. Also the sexual energy you give.
You should have 4 signs your looking at, and 2 houses. Maybe some planets. Knowing the differentiation of each one, and how you can apply it when knowing what the sign or house or planet means.
🎀🧸Me Example: 7th house Capricorn, 8th house Neptune and Aquarius. Virgo Venus, Libra Mars. Venus in 3rd house, Mars in 4th. I'm attracted to/attract mature, older, wealthy, powerful, high-status, authoritative, responsible, father-like people. My love language and behavior I like is being of service, reliable, co-dependent, attention to detail. Practical, real, moral, organized, structured, routine. Where I find love is in my neighborhood, social media, school, writing or study places, workshops or learning environments, casual conversation places, Ubers, planes, transporting, libraries. My sexual energy and I'm turned on by charmers, graceful, flirty people with romantic gestures, physically and aesthetically pleasing, Intelligent, Good listeners, Fair, Cooperative people. That's mutual and partner-ship oriented. Balanced Passion Dynamics. Where I can find sex is in the home, private places, hidden, emotionally vulnerable places, kitchens, holidays, family themed things, therapy, somewhere nostalgic, or has history to it. How I seduce and what seduces me is spirituality, fantasy, enchanting, divine, mysterious. out of body, intoxicating, idealistic, artistic, music. Soul-Connecting/Taking. Illusions. Groups of people, Communities, Friends, Politics, Rebel, Different, Quirky, Weird, Kinky.
Jeffery Dahmer: 7th house Aries, Moon. 8th house Sun Mercury and in Taurus. Taurus Venus, Aries Mars. Venus in the 8th. Mars in the 6th.
Taylor Swift: 7th house Taurus, 8th house Jupiter, Moon and in Gemini. Aquarius Venus, Scorpio, Venus in the 2nd, Mars in the 1st.
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Astrology & Voice : A Quick Study
1. Prominent 3h placements can give you a very distinct voice
2. People who have a deeper/huskier voice often have Mercury aspecting Pluto. Ex: Miley Cyrus & Whitney Houston (both have mercury conjunct pluto)
3. Mercury in a water sign can give the native a very sultry voice. They probably sound a lil intimidating and their voices will always be slightly low pitched (Zoe Saldana, Lana Del Rey, Pamela Anderson, Adriana Lima, Gisele Bundchen)
if Mercury is in Cancer, the voice tends to be soft and calming to hear. Ex: Margot Robbie, Elsa Pataky, Kate Beckinsale etc
Mercury in Scorpio gives the native a certain, almost nasally twang to their voice, it's not exactly nasally but i cant think of a good way to describe it, its deeper and fuller sounding but there's a certain twang to it.
Ex: Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Julia Roberts, Madonna, Kris Jenner, Demi Moore, Gabrielle Union & Miley Cyrus
especially Miley & Demi have this very gravelly cigar smoking kinda voice
Mercury in Pisces gives a very intimidating, richer or fuller vocal timbre
Ex: Mariah Carey (her speaking voice), Sharon Stone, Liz Taylor, Alan Rickman, Lucy Lawless, Juliette Binoche, Fergie (her speaking voice)
4. Mercury in Fire signs gives a rather shrill voice, unless there are other aspects involved
Others may find their voice/talking irritating; they often have "vocal fry" esque tendencies
Mercury in Leo: Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, Demi Lovato, Lindsay Lohan
Mercury in Sagittarius can give you either a very husky, sensuous voice or a very "loud" one, there's no in between
Ex: Scarlett Johansson, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Vanessa Paradis, Carla Bruni, Bjork etc
Mercury in Aries natives have a very tonal pitch, their voices have a very "radio announcer" quality, idk how to describe it 😭😭
Ex: Diana Ross, Jessica Chastain, Madison Beer, Carmen Electra, Jennifer Garner etc
5. Mercury in Earth signs
Mercury in Taurus also gives natives a very soulful, deep-ish husky voice. They're very sexy sounding
Ex: Gigi Hadid, Uma Thurman, Brooke Shields, Selena Quintanilla, Renee Zellwegger etc
Mercury in Virgo: these natives have a very "sing song-y" voice, they speak in a very rhythmic way and modulate their voice very well. if you listen to any of their interviews, they always speak like they're telling a story, if you know what I mean.
Ex: Madonna, Kylie Jenner, Hugh Grant, Monica Bellucci, Amy Winehouse, Salma Hayek, Dakota Johnson etc
Mercury in Capricorn gives natives a raspy voice, their voices tend to be very low pitched and some of them kind of sound like they have a perpetual cold
Ex: Taehyung, Zayn Malik, Shakira, Alex Turner, R Kelly, Alexa Demie
Sometimes however it can give the native a very "sugary girly" voice
Ex: Milla Jovovich, Taylor Swift, Zooey Deschanel, Ellen Degeneres
6. Mercury in Air signs
Mercury in Gemini natives are very verbose; they're articulate but they're very wordy; they also speak in a rather expressive manner; usually they're very well spoken
Ex: Angelina Jolie, Elizabeth Hurley, Helena Bonham Carter, Courteney Cox, Stevie Nicks, Cate Blanchett etc
Mercury in Libra natives often speak in a very expressive and animated way, its so cutee🥰
Ex: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Zendaya, Brigitte Bardot, Bella Hadid, Kate Winslet, Emma Stone, Gwen Stefani, Sophia Loren etc
Mercury in Aquarius: ive often noticed that these natives can sound a bit clueless or zoned out when they're speaking 🤭
Ex: Harry Styles, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton (in the 2000s at least)
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
poisoned mercury | delicate
friend group shenanigans | set after pink skies | series masterlist
song: delicate by taylor swift
“good morning,” you yawned, rubbing your eyes as you exited your room. travis was taking up the entire couch, doubled over in pain. “woah, what happened to you?” 
“food poisoning,” he replied, wincing. he had a blanket draped over him, acting like he was on his deathbed. 
connor walked in with a bowl of chicken soup for his brother, rolling his eyes as he shoved travis’ feet off the couch to have somewhere to sit, “and whose fault is that?” 
clarisse was sitting next to chris on the love seat, shaking her head, “told you not to get a hot dog from the gas station.” 
“rookie mistake, babe,” chris chimed in, “whenever you tell trav not to do something, he does it. it’s in his dna.” 
“connor shares the same dna as him and he’s not like that,” you called out from the kitchen, making yourself a bowl of cereal. the dining hall was already closed for breakfast since you woke up so late, thanks to the boy who was still passed out on your bed.
you couldn’t remember the last time you slept so well. you felt bad for leaving him alone, sleep in your room but your stomach was growling and if you didn't get some food in your system soon, you were bound to catch an attitude.
“that’s because i got the brains between the two of us,” connor joked, scoffing, “i let him borrow some brain cells once in a while.” 
“fuck you guys,” travis complained, sitting up. “i’m dying here and you’re making fun of me?!” 
you walked out into the living room, pulling one of the bar stools to sit closer to the group. your eyes darted to the screen in front of you, internally cheering at the familiar scene. they were watching barbie. the five of you watched in silence, letting out little laughs at the jokes, until the door of your room opened. 
luke walked out, half-asleep, and made his way over to you. he kissed your lips, mumbling, “g’mornin, five star.” 
“mornin’, pretty boy,” you squeezed the arm he wrapped around your waist. he sent you a lazy smile, nuzzling his face in your neck before disappearing into his bedroom. you turned your attention back to the screen, shoving a spoonful of fruit loops in your mouth, “oh, i love this part!” 
when you were the only one who burst out laughing at ken’s “sublime!” you turned to look at your friends, wondering why none of them were laughing. they were staring at you with wide-eyes, jaws ajar. their eyes were bright, lips breaking out into teasing smiles. oh. oh. 
“castellan get your ass in here, now!” 
luke walked out of his room with his eyebrows furrowed, confused as to why chris was screaming his name like bloody fucking murder at 12 pm on a sunday. surely, he hadn’t done anything wrong yet– he just woke up! he put his glasses on, finally able to see the looks on everyone’s faces, including your red cheeks and sheepish smile. 
luke didn’t even realize what he did until that moment. it just felt natural for him to greet you good morning, like he always did anyway, but it’s just sweeter this time around because he’s allowed to kiss you now, at least he thinks he’s allowed to. he was a little butthurt that he woke up alone on your bed this morning so when he walked out and was only able to make out your silhouette, he didn’t think twice before placing a chaste kiss on your lips. he got a taste of what it was like to kiss you and he couldn’t help himself to do it again.
he thinks now, though, that perhaps he should’ve thought twice because there was no way your friends would let the two of you leave until you explained. luke’s face paled at the sight of his friends. were you mad at him for kissing you in front of people? if his head wasn't spinning with all the negative thoughts he was having, he would see your face and understand that you were happy your friends knew about the two of you.
clarisse clicked on the remote to pause the movie, “soooo… seems like we skipped a few chapters.” 
“more like we finally got to the next chapter,” travis snorted, earning a smack on the back of his head from connor. the older stoll hissed, “don’t act like y’all weren’t tired of their pining.” 
chris rolled his eyes, eyes darting between you and luke. he was trying to fight the smile threatening to show on his features, “so care to enlighten us, guys?”
luke's head snapped to the sound of your voice, pulling him out of his head. you had an arm outstretched, beckoning him over to where you stood. it made luke feel giddy inside as he trotted over to you, finding comfort in standing behind you and placing his chin on top of your head. he swung an arm around you, hoping that you wouldn't see the thumbs-up he sent to the boys.
"yeaaaaahhhh castellan's got the girl!"
"oh my god," you whispered, turning around to bury your head in luke's chest. you were blushing furiously at the cheers from your friends. you think you might've even heard travis complaining about losing a bet to connor. clarisse and chris were babbling about how double dates would be fun, though clar mentioned that luke and chris would end up third and fourth-wheeling the two of you more than anything. "our friends are crazy."
the arm he had wrapped around you pulled you in tighter. you felt the rumbling of his chest, "they are."
"you guys are so fucking cute," clarisse said, a hand over her heart. "y/n, he finally made a move!"
you turned back around to face clarisse and the group, "actually i made the move!"
luke scoffed, "you did not. i kissed you."
"i asked you to come in last night."
"yeah i believe, y/n," connor piped in, shrugging. "luke was not gonna make a move."
clarisse gasped, placing a hand on chris' bicep, "we should compare notes."
your eyes widened, "do not compare notes."
"wait, what do you mean notes?" luke asked quizzically. "was five star talking about me?"
"clarisse i will never forgive you if you tell him anything."
"i'm not gonna tell him directly," she hummed, lacing her fingers with chris', "but if i told my boyfriend who happens to be his best friend and he tells luke, then, technically, i haven't done anything wrong."
"y/n, i assure you, you should not be embarrassed," travis said, snickering. it was luke's turn to panic. "whatever you said to clarisse about lover boy here, i'm sure it can't be any worse than what he's said about you to us over the last two months."
chris cleared his throat, putting on his best luke impression, "five star is so pretty. i don't think i've ever seen anyone so beautiful."
"five star is so funny. i can listen to her talk about anything for hours." this was travis.
"oh, luke where were you today? we haven't seen you all day," connor said in his regular voice before deepening his voice a tad bit to match luke's, "oh, i was hanging out with five star and we accidentally fell asleep by the lake."
"not to mention the dozens of songs he wrote about you," chris teased, "thanks for inspiring the second album, but bro was like alexander hamilton writing those songs."
luke whined, tugging on his hood to cover his face, "guys, stoppp."
"oh my god, y/n, you should see his tweets."
"do not show her my tweets!"
you burst out in laughter, getting up from your seat. you wrapped your arms around luke and he took the opportunity to hide his face in the crook of your neck. you could feel the heat on his cheeks against your skin. you played with the hair on the nape of his neck, "all right, guys, enough."
"can we go back to your room?" luke whispered in your ear, lips grazing the shell of your ear.
"mhm," you couldn't deny him of anything if you tried, "come on, pretty boy."
you couldn't help but laugh and throw up the middle finger to your friends as they called out jokes and kissing noises as you and luke went off. it was funny, really, how they all knew there was something between you and luke before the two of you did. it was nice to know that your friends were supportive, regardless of how annoying they would be now that you and luke were together.
luke collapsed on his side of your bed, unable to wipe the dopey smile on his face. you sat on his lap, leaning over to press kisses on his cheeks, "just so we're clear, i wanna see the tweets. and hear the songs."
"well you can't ask me that while you're sitting on top of me because i'll fold."
you giggled, kissing his lips passionately. his hands gripped your waist as he sat up, getting in a more comfortable position, "that's the point, castellan."
luke pinched your side, chuckling when you squealed, "you're evil."
"uh huh," you mumbled, "you know we're never gonna catch a break with our friends now right?"
"honestly, i haven't caught a break from the boys since i met you," he admitted, "but at least i get to kiss you now, so it's really a win."
you couldn't agree more.
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sosa2imagines · 19 days
An Alley of Passion
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Warning- Smut, Steve Rogers is a warning, sex in an alley, little bit of tearing of clothes, dominance.
Disclaimer- This is my submission for @mercurial-chuckles writing challenge, "Smutty September Fest" I hope everyone who reads likes it.
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The plan was simple, enter the sophisticated nightclub, head to the back room, and collect the data.
But things rarely ever went according to plan. As soon as you and Steve entered the main floor of the club, the two of you were spotted by some goons.
You wore the expensive black halter dress, courtesy of Tony’s money. It was tight against your body, fitting perfectly against every dip and curve.
Steve, your partner on this mission, looked absolutely stunning in a tight black shirt and black pants. It hugged his body in all the right places and made his blue eyes stand out even more.
Despite the odds being against the two of you, you and Steve managed to fight off the goons and retrieved the data you came here for. However, just as you breathed a sigh of relief, more goons arrived, this time armed with deadly weapons, leaving you both cornered.
Steve grabs your hand and runs towards the exit. With the goons high on chase, Steve takes a turn towards an alley assuming it's empty.
However the two of you found yourselves in a surprising situation as you looked around. Instead of the empty, dark alley you'd expected, it was filled with couples. Some were engaged in deep conversation, others were whispering sweet nothings, and yet others were passionately making out.
Steve and you knew that the best way to avoid suspicion would be to blend in.
Steve leaned over and whispered against your ear, “Do you trust me?” You could hear the edge in his voice, the hint of urgency in his words. You nodded, looking into his eyes and hoping he had a plan to get you both out of this sticky situation.
In a swift and unexpected move, Steve pushed you against the wall. His body was so close to yours that you could feel the warmth of his breath against your skin. He then turned, placing his back facing the goons, effectively shielding you with his body, his hand slipping around your waist.
Steve's grip on your waist was firm, and you could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your own. The steady rise and fall of his chest provided a sense of stability amidst the chaos.
Despite the dire situation, the sensation of being held so closely by him was electrifying, both comforting and thrilling at the same time as your heart pounded in your chest.
Time seemed to stretch out impossibly thin as the two of you stood there in silence. You could hear the goons continue their search nearby, their footsteps echoing through the alley, each sound sending a jolt of adrenaline through your system, making your heart rate quicken.
All the while, Steve stood close, his body acting as both a shield and a safety net, providing a sense of security in the midst of chaos.
As the silence continued, you swallowed, attempting to moisten your suddenly dry throat. The close intimacy of your shared space, with your body firmly against Steve's, added a new layer of intensity to the danger that surrounded you.
Every part of your being felt more alive than ever before, and as he shifted and tightened his grip on you, you felt a flutter deep within your stomach, a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
Steve could feel the tension radiating from your body as you leaned slightly into him. He drew in a steady breath, attempting to calm himself. His own heart was beating erratically, and the realization of this took him by surprise.
It wasn't just the adrenaline from the situation that heightened his awareness, the proximity of your body to his had added a new layer of complexity. The protectiveness he was feeling towards you was no longer just professional; it had become deeply personal.
With the goons closing in, checking the couples around them, Steve knew he had to act fast. In a split second, his instincts kicked in, and he acted on impulse, pulling you closer and kissing you.
The action was abrupt, unexpected, but undeniably necessary to sell their cover. He could feel the soft surprise of your lips against his, the taste of your gasp, and the heat that suddenly emanated from your body.
The moment his lips met yours, a rush of heat and electricity surged through your body. Despite the shock of his impulsiveness, you found yourself responding, your body instinctively leaning into the kiss. The world around you faded as the warmth of his mouth against your own washed over you, making your head swim for a brief moment.
As Steve's lips pressed against yours, his body trapping you against the cold, rough wall, the action held a multitude of meanings. On one hand, it was a desperate measure to keep their cover, to blend in with the other couples in the alleyway. But on a more primal, subconscious level, it was also a release of the built-up tension he hadn't even been aware he'd been carrying until that very instant.
The battle between Steve's mind and body was palpable. His body responded in a way that he hadn't anticipated, his mind striving to catch up and make sense of the situation.
The kiss deepened, and he pressed you closer against the wall. While on some level, he knew it was a necessary part of the act to maintain the ruse, the way your body fitted against his, the taste and feel of you, felt intensely real, igniting a sense of awareness that he couldn't deny.
The goons finally moved on, leaving the narrow alley once again secluded. Steve slowly broke the kiss, his breath ragged and his voice a low rumble against your ear as he spoke. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” The words were tinged with a hint of frustration and pent-up desire, suggesting that he was struggling to keep his emotions in check.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the tension in his taut muscles as he slowly backed up, allowing some space between the two of you. His gaze was intense, filled with a mix of protectiveness and frustration, his eyes burning into yours.
You mustered the courage to speak up, meeting his gaze with a hint of daring. “I don't regret it…” you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper.
A flicker of surprise flickered across Steve's face, replaced quickly with a look of desire that sent your heart racing. “Good.” he murmured in response. Before you could react, he closed the distance between you once again, claiming your lips in another heated kiss.
The kiss was hungry, filled with a raw need that caught you off guard. Steve's hands came up to cup your face, angling it to deepen the kiss, his tongue seeking entry into your mouth. You responded willingly, your bodies pressing closely together, both seeking and taking what the other offered.
The world faded away, the only point of focus being the heady sensation of Steve's mouth on yours. Your hands found their way to his shoulders, gripping the fabric of his shirt, craving the contact. The kiss was primal, filled with an untamed passion that left you both momentarily breathless.
Steve's voice was a low, commanding growl, sending a shiver of anticipation down your spine. “I. need. you. Now!” he emphasized, his words filled with an possessive intensity that sent heat pooling in your stomach. The need in his voice was undeniable, a demand that was impossible to resist.
You turned around, with your back pressed against his chest. Steve's hands roamed you body, as they slowly guided up your chest.
His palms perfectly cupped your breasts, feeling their weight, he kneaded them. An obscene moan escaped his lips.
Steve's hands were everywhere as he turns you around, rough and impatient, he began to tear the fabric of your dress, creating a perfect slit down the center. The sound of the material giving way was loud in the silence of the alley.
Steve's gaze roamed over the torn dress, a lopsided smirk playing on his lips. “Much better,” he declared, his voice roughened with desire. “I'll buy you a new one.”
You could only shake your head in response, your mind too wrapped up in the haze of desire to form coherent thoughts, let alone speak.
In one swift motion, Steve's hands moved to your hips, lifting you up and bringing you against his body, your legs wrapping instinctively around his waist. The action left you feeling exposed and vulnerable, heightening the sensation of his hard muscles pressed against your curves.
Steve's mouth claimed yours again, his kiss deep and urgent, his tongue tangling with yours in a desperate dance of lust and need. His body moved against yours, the friction between your bodies igniting a fire within you. Your hips rocked slightly against his, seeking more of that delicious friction.
Steve's hands moved from your hips to your thighs, his fingers gripping the delicate material of your flimsy underwear. Your breath hitched in your throat as he began to tear the fabric in a one swift, possessive motion.
The thought of how much your torn panties had cost flickered through your mind, but as soon as Steve's teeth found your neck, at the sensitive spot that sent waves of pleasure through your body, any concern about the ruined garment vanished.
Your sharp intake of breath was both involuntary and a clear indication that you were entirely focused on the sensations Steve was stirring within you.
His teeth nipped at the skin softly before his tongue soothed the sting, his lips trailing down to your collarbone and sucking gently. You arched into his touch, silently begging for more, your body responding fiercely to his kisses and bites.
Steve's command, delivered in a low, urgent tone broke the silence between you. “Undo my pants, doll, set me free!” he ordered, his voice filled with a raw desire that sent shivers down your spine. Your hands trembled slightly as your fingers worked to undo his pants, your obedience a testament to the power he held over you in that moment.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the restraint he was exercising to keep himself in check. Finally, his pants fell open, giving you access to what you both craved. You could feel the heat of his hardness against your core.
A soft whimper escaped your lips, your body reacting instinctively to the contact. Steve's hips moved against yours, his hard length pressing against your sensitive pussy, the sensation sending sparks of pleasure through your body. His mouth claimed yours again, his kiss now more desperate, urgent, mirroring the fire that was burning between the two of you.
Steve dipped his fingers inside you, to see if you are ready for him, before putting them in his mouth, making a show of sucking them making an obscene sound that made you crave him more.
“Steve please…” You moan, gently rolling your hips against him, the anticipation almost driving you over the edge. He pauses as his eyes move over you, drinking in the sight of you, his breathing is heavy. “You're so beautiful...” he says, sliding a hand up your thigh to your hip.
Steve kisses you deeply as he pushes into you, your pussy takes all of him in. His thick length stretches your walls.
“Yes...” escaped your lips, the word a mix of pleasure and relief.
His breath catches in his throat, at the feel of you wrapped around him. His hips soon found a suitable pace, as he starts to move against you slowly. “So tight and perfect...”
You cling to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, fingers digging into his skin. There was no gentleness in his movements, only the primal need to claim you entirely. Each thrust was a testament to his desire, a reminder of the pent up tension between the two of you.
Your bodies moved together in desperate harmony, desperate need driving each movement. The sound of skin against skin, the harsh pants and moans filling the air, created an intimate symphony that was a reflection of the intense connection.
Steve speeds up, making your breath hitch. He presses deeper and your nails slightly dig into his shoulders. “Steve...” you moan his name, as he hits deep in your cunt, making all your thoughts scatter.
“Look at me, doll,” Steve's command was punctuated with a powerful thrust, the words spoken between grunts and pants. He wanted your eyes on him, needed to see your reaction as he claimed you, his gaze burning into yours.
Each movement was a testament to his dominant presence, his desire to take control and possess you entirely. With each breath, the air grew hotter between the two of you, the connection both physical and emotional.
His grip on your hips tightened, his touch a mixture of possessiveness and tenderness. In this moment, you were entirely his, your body responding to his every touch, your desire matching his own. The world outside faded away.
He watched intently, his gaze fixated on every flicker of pleasure that flitted across your face, his name becoming a mantra on your lips, a silent testament to the power he held over you.
He increased his pace, his movements becoming more urgent and desperate. He was losing himself in the feel of you, the way your body responded to his touch, the sounds of pleasure that escaped your lips.
His mouth found yours, his lips hungry and demanding. He kissed you deeply, his tongue tangling with yours in a frenzy of passion.
As he hit a spot deep inside you that made you cry out in pleasure. He smiled against your lips, a smug look of satisfaction on his face.
He continued to move, his movements becoming faster and more frantic. He was lost in the sensations, consumed by the feel of you and the sound of your moans in his ears.
His movements were growing more erratic as his own desire threatened to overtake him. He could feel himself getting closer to the edge, but he forced himself to hold back, wanting to make you come first.
“Just let go, doll…” he whispers in your ear, his hips moving faster, his lips against yours. The words push you over the edge and you cry out his name, against his lips, as waves of pleasure wash over you.
You moaned into the kiss, as you came hard, Steve followed suit as he spent himself inside you. Filling you up to the brim. Catching his breath, he buried his face in your neck.
Steve gently set you down, his hands supporting your shaking legs until you were steady on your feet. Despite the intensity of the moment, his touch was tender, a stark contrast to the fierce need that had consumed him moments before.
As you stood there, trying to get your bearings, Steve smirked, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Can you walk, doll?” He asked, his tone light but filled with a smug satisfaction.
“I...I think you were a little too rough...” you retorted, a playful pout on your lips as you tested your legs, finding them shaky and unreliable.
As you took a few tentative steps, you found your legs still weak and unstable. Before you could even react, Steve scooped you up in his arms with an ease that made your heart skip a beat.
“I know you can walk,” he said, his tone amused but affectionate. “But I'm not done with you yet, doll, and I want you to save your energy.”
You couldn't help but gasp as you saw the look in Steve's eyes. The intensity in his gaze, the fire that burned within him told you that this night had only just begun. A mix of anticipation and trepidation filled your heart, knowing that the night would be long and passionate.
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Also dedicated to @rogerbarnesss @buckysdoll85 @caplanbuckybarnes
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