I didn’t realize slenderbodies had released a new album on September 9th until today so uh I fixed that and listened to The Sugar Machine and chat I am fascinated by this duo the sound is a bit different from their usual sound but it is so distinctly slenderbodies music and honestly I love the new take for it feels a bit more upbeat in a refreshing way go listen to this album and honestly just go listen to slenderbodies now
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ziskandra · 1 year
quick life updates with asha!
played in the national scrabble championships over the easter weekend, came 17th (probably my best showing since i started working full time lol)
FINALLY on annual leave until may 7th… i basically have no plans other than to go to my weekly pilates sessions and work on my dragon age big bang fic and I’m very much looking forward to relaxing and recovering after what has been a very intense year at work lmao
stupid ingrown toenails isn’t fixing itself so i might have to get it looked at by a ~PROFESSIONAL~, boo 😤
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lilap20 · 2 months
Chapter X: Aemma's daughters
@koobratzy @beebeechaos
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The tension is at its peak when my father walks down the aisle. We all look at him with our breath stuck in our throats. King Viserys takes his place on the Iron Throne, and we all bow our heads in reverence. Cregan vaguely runs his hand over my back in a final gesture to relax me as my father speaks.
-If I invited you all here, begins my father in a loud voice but which I know is trembling, it is to put my estate back in place.
My whole body tenses and I risk a glance at my big sister. She remains dignified, her head erect in her red dress, her violet gaze fixed on my father. Leanor looks at me a little troubled before looking at my sister then my father. Why is Viserys doing this?
-Over the years, the King continues, since the birth of my two male children, my ear has been attentive to the rumors and gossip of the court. My father's voice is strong as that of a King should be.
Alicent’s gaze slides over us as she shakes Aegon’s hand in a sign of support. My purple gaze hasn't left her, my face straight being tense and emotionless, which made her blush and she looks away.
-I stand before you, proclaims the King, to confirm that my heir to the throne is Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.
My body immediately relaxes, I can hear my cousin Laena sigh while momentarily stroking my uncle's arm who nods his head a little relieved himself. I look at Cregan who smiles at me, with a look that says “I told you so”. Rhaenyra simply nods while Leanor is more expressive shaking her hand. Finally, my gaze turns to my mother-in-law, Alicent and her children. If Aegon doesn't feel slighted or anything, Alicent is completely tense and upset by this announcement. If her gaze could kill, she would have exterminated us.
-In addition, continues my father, the Crown Princess has shared with me some magnificent news, said my father with joy in his voice. She is waiting for the future heir of Dragonstone.
The crowd in the great hall begins to applaud at the news, and we ourselves applaud while turning our hands towards Rhaenyra who just smiles in thanks. Vaguely my gaze turns to Ser Harwin who is against a wall looking at my sister from afar. Our eyes meet and mine is so intense that he looks away. My sister is pregnant with his child, but I refuse to let the stares coming from him put her and the baby in danger.
“Well, well,” my father said, calming the crowd by raising his hand. I also want to announce that if something bad happens to the Crown Princess before she gives birth to her first born, the heir will be Princess Nymeria Targaryen.
A loud murmur shakes the room as Cregan's hand tightens on my back and my body remains unmoved. I have no desire for the throne, I don't want anything bad to happen to my sister, I want peace, I want her to ascend the throne, and I want to return to the North with my husband.
-Her first born will be heir to the throne after her, my father continues while the script is written, and the second will be the future Lord of Winterfell.
Cregan nods as my father's words are addressed to him. I know he’s not thrilled about it, and so am I. I don't want the child in my belly to be part of this dangerous game for the throne. Instinctively I pass a hand over my stomach as if to reassure us, Alicent follows my movement by raising an eyebrow.
-If Princess Rhaenyra were to leave us in labor, and the child she is carrying still lives, Princess Nymeria will be heir temporarily until the young baby becomes a man or woman of 16 years old. Continue my father the crowd hanging on his mouth. If misfortune were to touch my house, and its voice becomes more melancholy, and my first two born were to leave this Earth without an heir, the throne would fall to my eldest son Aegon II.
The entire court is still murmuring, my father had just placed Aegon, his male heir after my sister and me, after our children, and this before the court and the Maesters, before the scripts. A feeling of pride swells in my chest. I wish my mother was there to see our Father choose my sister and me, going against ethics and the law. Either way, the King is the Law.
-The King is Law, and we follow the Law. Said The Hand and the court repeats it as we do, the Session is adjourned.
As soon as the gossip begins, the nobles do not waste a second leaving the great hall while shooting us looks. Alicent grabbed my sister Heelena's hand before leaving the Throne room without looking at Aegon and Aemond.
I take my sister in my arms and she immediately relaxes, sighing against my neck. Our eyes meet when our bellies touch and a secret glance makes us laugh softly. I look at my uncle Daemon who with a positive sign from his wife approaches us with a small smile stretching his lips. Arriving in front of us, his pale purple eyes shine with love when he gently tilts his head then takes my hand then Rhaenyra's.
-You, my nieces, will make perfect Queens. He whispers before kissing my hand
My heart is beating so hard in my chest that it could escape. I cover my uncle with a look of love and thanks. He smiles at me before looking at Rhaenyra and his whole world stops. He caresses her hand momentarily while my sister's gaze doesn't leave him. It is hot like dragon fire, chaotic like their behavior. Daemon leans down to kiss her hand and my sister sucks in a breath as if she's finally being allowed to breathe.
Daemon steps back, letting go of our hands before nodding briefly to return to our cousin taking her by the waist. Together they leave the Throne Room.
I watch my uncle leave, my sister does too. Her gaze is wet, moved. What Daemon just did was accept us as heirs and give us his help and support. The only support we need most after our father.
-Let's go. Cregan whispers, taking my hand gently.
I nod, smiling at his warm gaze. I turn to look at my father who is talking with his hand and scripts. His gaze meets mine briefly before smiling and nodding. I do the same leaving the throne room, Cregan keeping my hand in his.
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I couldn't sleep that night.
It's pleasantly nice this evening, the cool wind blowing against the thin curtains of the bedroom windows. Despite the wind and pleasant temperature of the night, Cregan sleeps naked in the sheets, his body adjusting to the difference between north and south. The sheet covers his lower back as his legs protrude from the sheet, he breathes softly, although sweating from his back, his black hair tangled and scattered across the cushion.
I move slowly and his arm tightens around my waist in a reflex, and I smile. Cregan is still protective and possessive even when he sleeps, and with the pregnancy it got worse. I gently caress his arm while smiling softly admiring his beauty when he sleeps. His body has a few scars, mostly on his back and shoulders and a long one on his rib. Sometimes I like to pet them and it makes him smile.
But even thinking about these little moments between us doesn't help me get to sleep. My head has not stopped spinning since our Father announced the succession. Gossip and plots are playing on our heads and I can't sleep. Slowly I stand up, Cregan's hand falling on my thighs, he automatically frowns and with agility and much prayer I place a cushion on his arm.
After waiting for him to wake up which he doesn't, I discreetly get out of bed wearing my long nightgown. I quickly put on some riding clothes and grab a cape. When I was ten and two years old, Daemon gave me a book containing all the secret passages of the Cruel King Maegor.
I know that behind my bed is a hidden door, and I really want to get some fresh air and breathe. Without waiting, I put on boots hiding a dagger inside, quickly tie my hair in a half ponytail and go behind my bed. I watch Cregan sleep peacefully, his face relaxed, his breathing calm. I smile then as gently as possible push the wall and jump when a door opens with a noise.
I close my eyes before opening them hoping Cregan is still asleep, and he is. I sigh and walk through the door, a breeze lifting my hair and cooling my face. I don't think and close the door behind me, adjust my cloak and run down the stairs. The wind is strong, there is a musty smell but I can feel the weight on my stomach lifting.
A feeling of freedom spreads through me as I run through the palace catacombs without even properly looking ahead. Suddenly a hand grabs me and I let out a cry which is muffled by a hand.
-Are we out, niece? Daemon's voice asks in my ear
Freed from his grip I turn towards him out of breath, my face probably red.
-Uncle ? What are you doing there ? I ask surprise, detailing him from head to toe
He is not dressed in rich clothing, but only in ordinary clothing and a cape which partially covers his head. He puts his hands in his pockets with an amused look.
-It's more up to me to ask you this question. He responds with a grin before frowning. What are you doing Nymeria?
I swallow with my hand in the bag, I look around with my heart racing, my mouth dehydrated from my race and Daemon silently passes me his water bottle and I drink quickly with a grateful look.
-So ? Daemon asks, raising an eyebrow waiting for me to respond.
-I wanted to clear my mind, I admit, running a hand over my stomach. Hell I didn't even think about the baby in my rush, I could have put him in danger.
Daemon looks at me, then he looks at my hand and approaches me concerned.
-Issi ao going hen mērī isse maegor's corridors while ao sagon expecting cregan's riñnykeā? (Are you going out alone in Maegor's corridors while you're expecting Cregan's child?) He asks and I notice his annoyance because he spoke in High Valyrian
-Nyke couldn't ēdrugon Daemon, I admit almost complaining, se nyke ēdan daor desire naejot jikagon naejot se rōva library. (I couldn't sleep Daemon, and I had no desire to go to the big library).
Daemon sighs, picking up his canteen. He mutters before walking in front of me, peaceful, his large size never getting stressed.
-Uncle Daemon? I ask looking at him not knowing what to do
-Follow me, I didn't plan for you to be here during my little trip, but come anyway. He says without looking at me and I run to be on his level
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-We are in town. I whisper looking around me
The cool wind that I refocused in the Palace has disappeared, the atmosphere is heavy, the streets stink, and the noise is deafening. The townspeople scream in chaos, some too drunk to walk on the dirty ground.
-Hide your face well, Daemon whispers, pulling on my cloak.
I didn't dare ask him what he was doing, or why he wanted to go down to town. He agreed to take me there so I turn a blind eye to his activities.
The city is as I have always been told. Noisy, lively, dirty, and above all vicious. I turn my head and blush heavily seeing a woman against a wall, a man slapping her ass while pulling on her hair. Daemon just chuckles before taking my hand and leading us somewhere else.
-Where are we going ? I ask looking at him, keeping my hand in his
-I was going to a tavern, said Daemon looking around him, but considering your condition, he said, glancing at my stomach, it is better that I take you to the theater.
-Does Laena know you are here? I ask curious my violet eyes watching him then i jump when I step on someone
-Does Cregan know you're here? He asks giving me a look and I blush cutting our eye contact.
I don't answer, nor Daemon, we walk through the streets, heading deeper into the city. Soon the deafening and heavy noise subsides as we enter a street where men and women jump or stare when we meet their eyes. And I understand, we are in Silk Street.
Daemon says nothing pulling me into a house where men and women are sitting or standing with drinks in their hands. Daemon sighs as he pulls me closer to the chair. We sit down and he takes off his cape. When I am about to do the same he stops me giving me his water bottle.
-If we ever see you here, you will be compromised. He warns, looking ahead as he is served wine
I drink water with red cheeks when I realize where I am. Naked and painted humans dance before us, a sensual and erotic dance that captivates the eye. No one looks towards Daemon, he crosses his legs drinking his cup, his gaze fixed on the spectacle.
-It’s not theater. I whisper giving him an amused look
Daemon returns my gaze with a grin before finishing his cut.
-But that will do the trick I suppose? He asks, raising an eyebrow.
I smile taking his bottle and drinking water. Yes that will do the trick.
When I return to my room, my clothes smell of the city, and I hurry to undress and put on my nightgown. I untie my hair and gently remove the cushion to place myself under Cregan's arm.
This evening with Daemon was unexpected, but I would like to go through it again. My mind is more relaxed, although I am embarrassed that I haven't said anything to Cregan. I look at my husband who pulls me towards him, his nose going to my neck, eyes still closed. I run a hand over his arm and his hand caresses my stomach. When I close my eyes, his whisper gives me goosebumps, the hairs climbing up my back.
-Don't go out in the night in secret anymore.
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Cregan and I were at the Dragon's Pit when guards arrived, my father getting out of the carriage.
Cregan, who was making sure my riding boots were secure and watching Nightmares out of the corner of his eye, stands up, bowing his head when my father approaches.
-Father. I greet a little surprised as I move forward to kiss both of his cheeks and he holds my hands back.
-It's been a long time since I've been here, he mutters his head in his memories while looking around him, since the death of the Great Terror.
I caress his knuckles, weak and sick.
-Well, did you miss the smell of the dragon? I ask with a small smile
He wrinkles his nose and I laugh at the expression lighting up his face.
-Not at all, I fear it, he sneers. I heard that you are flying to the North immediately. Said my father while looking at my dragon growling behind
-Yes, I answer a little guilty, the North is managed by Sara Snow, but Cregan must take back the reins. I respond, looking at my father's puny hands.
-I understand it, my daughter, he murmurs himself looking at our linked hands, my heart was torn when your absence was felt, the Gods left me Rhaenyra but for how long. He whispers in a sad voice
I don't know what to say and my father unties our hands to take something that a guard hands him before returning to his place.
-Who is it ? I ask for a curious look
-A decree for your future children, said my father, you know that they will not have the opportunity to be called Prince or Princess. I nod as I take the scroll. With this decree they will be able to receive the title of Prince and Princess, and you will be able to keep your title too.
I look at my father with a completely shocked face. He smiled as he saw it caressing my cheek.
-But father…
-Accept, said Viserys in a melancholy and authoritative voice, this is my gesture to show my love for you. You and Rhaenyra are all I have left. You are my only children.
I want to ask him how he feels about Alicent's children, how does he treat them if we are his only children?
My questions die on my lips as I jump to my father's neck, hugging him to me. I haven't held him in my arms since my mother died, I want to cry against him but I manage to detach myself from him, my eyes shining with emotion.
-Thank you my King. I say bowing quickly then I take his hand and position it on my stomach and he feels the round fabric
My father smiled at me before blushing in surprise and looking at me with his deep, emotional eyes.
-Thank you my daughter.
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fieldofdaisiies · 4 months
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@ruhnweek 🖤 my first time writing Ruhnlidia and I'm so excited to share this story with you. It is only a small drabble, but I realised that it fit much better than a full story. I hope you are excited about the two special guests in this story!!
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It is the noise of soft laughter that draws Lidia to the living room. It has been a long time and she craves nothing more than finding comfort within her mate’s arms, lying on the couch with him, watching sunball or whatever. 
But Ruhn isn’t alone in the living room. Someone is with him and her steps grow faster the closer she gets, the louder the laughter gets, and she doesn’t have to think twice to know who is with her mate. 
“Actaeon, Brann.”
The boys’ faces light up when they both simultaneously turn to their mother, the flicking light of the TV making their eyes glow even brighter. “Mum,” they say in unison. They jump up and run to her mother, hugging her tightly.
Lidia kisses both their heads, holding them tightly. Over their heads she meets Ruhn‘s gaze and blinks her eyes rapidly.
“What are you doing here? I thought no one could drive you—?”
“Ruhn picked us up!” Brann grins. “And now we can finally eat.”
“We are starving, mum.”
Lidia‘s huff is full of emotion, her eyes lining with silver. She glances at her boys and then at Ruhn, lounging on the couch, arms spread wide, his grin reaching from one ear to the other.
She smiles at him, her eyes conveying everything she can’t say right now, too overwhelmed with happiness.
“Why haven’t you eaten already? You shouldn’t have waited for me if you were so hungry?” Lidia places her hands on her hips, after placing her bag on the ground.
“Ruhn told us to wait,” Actaean says matter-of-factly.
“He said we could make pizza together,” Brann adds, pointing his thumb at the kitchen behind him. 
So, only five minutes after the four of them find themselves in the kitchen, dough is already being kneaded in a bowl by Lidia, while her two sons pick out the ingredients – everything they can think of and want on top of their pizza. 
Ruhn lovingly curls his arms around her from behind, resting his chin atop her shoulder. He exhales a contented sigh, and Lidia smiles. “I can’t believe you picked them up, I thought you were busy.”
“I am never too busy to spend time with you and your boys,” Ruhn hums in answer, arms curling tighter around his mate. “You always come first, no matter what.”
“I love you,” she says and her voice is hoarse, tears once again bubbling up in her eyes, but vanish the second a handful of dough hits her. 
“You are so cheesy, it is gross!” Brann huffs and Actaeon makes gagging noises next to his brother. “Can we please focus on the pizza?!”
Ruhn laughs as he turns to the two boys. “Did you prepare the tomatoes?” He grins at them when they raise to handfuls of tomatoes, presenting them to him. “And the pepperoni, ham, sweet corn, and–what the hell is that?”
"Pickles!" Actaeon says matter-of-factly. Brann next to him, his hands braced on his hips, nods eagerly. 
“Why pickles?” Ruhn asks, quite in disbelief. “Who would put pickles on a pizza?!” His hands lift in despair and Lidia’s laugh sounds behind him, to this day still the most beautiful sound in the entire world. 
“We do!” the twins say in unison and Lidia’s laughter only grows.
“These are my boys,” she hums and rests her hands on Ruhn’s shoulder when stepping in line with him. “Pickles on pizza sound brilliant, please add them to my piece as well.”
Ruhn can only shake his head, but the boys are eager and happy, opening the jar already, the dough not even on the tray yet. “Well, Ruhn, it seems like you are outnumbered and the pickle lovers win this round,” Actaeon says, his voice tinged with amusement. 
“It really seems like it,” he laughs and reaches for the ham. “I’ll rather stick with the normal things–”
“The boring things,” Brann cuts in and flashes Ruhn a bright, and slightly mischievous grin.
Ruhn couldn’t feel any more happier than right now at this moment. His heart swells with the love for all three of them, and it draws a smile onto his lips that doesn’t fade for hours. This is just perfect. This is family and even though he isn’t their biological father, he tries his best to step up as the best step-dad they could have ever hoped for (but of course, he would never try to replace their foster parents.)
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kimkaelyn · 1 year
The one in which you and Touya were childhood best friends turned sweethearts, and your reaction to Dabi.
warnings - heavy angst, grief, and manga spoilers
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Touya Todoroki had been your everything. He was your first friend, your first crush, and your first kiss.  You were his number one supporter, always cheering him on, even after his family gave up on him becoming a pro hero. You were there when Shouto was born, and you were there to comfort Touya after he tried to kill him. You would apply burn cream and ice after every burn and bring bento boxes full of food to Sekoto Peak after he had been training for hours. You were there for every up and down, waiting to help him get back onto his feet and keep training harder and harder.
And at the end of it all, you were the last one to see him alive.
You refused his invitation to the top of the mountain that day- “Finals are coming up Touya and I need to study. You should be studying too”. He had tried to get you to come anyway, but you put your foot down. You two got into a heated argument over it, ending with you both stomping away in different directions.
You had seen the raging wildfire from your window and were instantly overcome with grief. You tried to go to the forest, calling out for your best friend, but you were stopped by Endeavor- his father- of all people. Once you informed him that his oldest son was inside the burning inferno, you were left alone.
A part of your soul died with Touya Todoroki that day, but life goes on. You adopted the Todoroki’s habit of not acknowledging trauma and carried on with your life like nothing had happened- at least on the surface.
It was difficult, you had your bad days, but you also had your good ones. On the especially hard days, you tried to remember the happy memories you had of him and reminded yourself that he wouldn’t want you to waste the day by being sad. ‘Touya would want me to move on and be happy’, you would remind yourself.
After ten years, you were better. You had managed to overcome your grief and move on with your life, but all your hard work had come crumbling down when you saw Dabi’s broadcast.
“My name is Touya Todoroki, the oldest son of the number one pro hero.”
Your entire world had halted on its axis as soon as the words left his mouth. You just stared at the broadcast, your frantic heartbeats the only sound you could hear aside from the confession that kept replaying like a mantra inside your head.
For the next couple of months, you didn’t outwardly acknowledge that your best friend- your first love- was a villain. That the friendly and hard-working adolescent that you knew was a serial killer.
You were amongst the evacuees when you saw the broadcast of the fight from a TV inside an abandoned store window. You dropped your backpack that contained everything that you could quickly grab from your apartment to the payment in shock as your brain tried to process what you were witnessing.
Touya- Dabi- and Endeavor battling it out in the middle of the city, and then Touya being engulfed in an inferno.
“Mom!” A familiar female voice called out from somewhere behind you. You turned in time to watch Rei Todoroki race towards the growing fireball, with Fuyumi and Natsuo following close on her heels. You did not hesitate to follow suit.
“Touya!” You heard the Todoroki’s yelling as they reached the impending explosion. You watched in awe as they activated their Frost Quirks, trying to cool their oldest son and brother down.
“Touya!” You yelled as you reached the wall of heat. Your clothes started to singe as you got closer.
“Y/N!” Fuyumi called out to you when she saw you. “What are you doing?! Get away!”
“No! Not before we stop Touya!”
“Y/N are you insane?” Natsuo swore.
“Y/N, get away!” Rei said to you as you continued to approach. “Your body cannot handle the heat!”
“And yours can?” You retorted. “Touya!”
“Touya! Big bro snap out of it!”
“Touya, stop!”
“Touya!” You screamed out before strong arms pulled you through the swelting wall of flames. You yelped as the flames licked at your skin. You managed to see the familiar face of Dabi through the smoke. You called out to him, “Touya! Stop, you are hurting me.”
“It’s Dabi now, sweetheart.” He said in a low voice as he wrapped his arms around you. You could practically feel the hatred dripping from his tongue. “What? Y/N, did you think I would stop my rampage about I saw you again, like some lovesick puppy?” He chuckled as he brought himself impossibly closer to you. You didn’t know if the scent of burning flesh was coming from you or him. “The Touya that you knew died ten years ago on Sekoto Peak. Again, it’s Dabi now, and Dabi doesn’t know you.” He whispered into your ear before lighting his entire body on fire.
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remember to like, comment, and reblog!
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Kinktober Day 25
Day Twenty-Four | 🌹Kinktober Masterlist🌹 | Day Twenty-Six
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Pairing: Shiv Roy x AFAB!Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only. Any minors interacting with ANY of these Kinktober prompts will be blocked
Notes: I am, admittedly, quite nervous about this one, but here we go. Set during S1, pre-wedding.
Warnings: Infidelity; mentions of previous adolescent antics; mirror sex; oral sex; fingering; grinding; semi-public sex
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“Try it on.” 
“We’re not here for me.” 
“Humor me.” Shiv tipped her head to the side, brows raising as she gave you a pretty frown, turning slightly from side to side. You knew better than to fall for what you called the Pinky Treatment—the batting eyelashes and pout that she gave her brothers and her father when she wanted something and wasn’t ready to budge on her position—but she always managed to get her way with you.
It was worse now, knowing that she was practically bare under the short pink, satin robe she was wearing. 
Your gaze drifted to the flesh-toned mesh in her hand, covered with dark straps. You reached out, taking hold of the bra and holding it up, gaze wandering the criss-cross of adjustable straps that covered the otherwise open cup. You looked at the piece still in her hand, nodding toward it. 
“What are those straps?” 
“Panties and a suspender belt.” 
You grunted in contemplation. 
“C’mon,” Shiv shuffled closer. “It’ll help me decide which ones I get for the honeymoon.” 
“Will it.” 
You glanced warily between the door leading to the lingerie shop’s private dressing suite. Shiv scoffed softly. 
“They won’t open it unless I tell them to,” She reassured. “C’mon, try it on.” 
You sighed heavily, reaching out and taking hold of the rest of lingerie, trying to ignore the little thrill you felt when she smiled victoriously. 
“Turn around,” You mumbled, waving her away. You reached down, frowning at the tags as she did as you asked. “Did you ask them to get my size?” 
“It’s more fun if we both try things on.” 
“Ugh, you weirdo.” 
“Save that for Roman.” 
“I will,” You laughed nervously. You swallowed, trying to push away your nerves as you got undressed. It took a little maneuvering, and by the time you got the bra, panties, and garters on, you felt even more nervous than you did before. 
“It looks fine,” You offered. “You don't need to look.” 
It was all Shiv needed to hear before she spun around, phone still in hand. She went still at the sight of you, her eyes raking over your body with a meticulous slowness that made you want to melt into the floor. She tossed her phone onto the thick-cushioned arm chair as she wandered closer, her arms folding over her chest. 
“Turn around?”
You scoffed, stomping a foot childishly. 
“Turn,” She ordered, twirling her finger. You huffed, turning away from her. It was a solace, really. Your face and body went hot under her scrutiny as you felt her getting closer. God, just hold still. The sooner she looked at you, the sooner you could get out of this. 
You sucked up a sharp breath as you felt Shiv press up against your back, peering over your shoulder at the two of you in the mirror. 
“Fits well,” She commented matter-of-factly, as if you weren’t so hot you could combust. “But these seem a bit…” Her hands smoothed over your hips, tucking beneath the band of your panties. “Snug.” 
“A little,” You mumbled, “But not unlivable.” 
“Hmm,” She nodded, turning her head into your jaw. “We should get you some thigh-highs.” 
“I thought these weren’t for me.” 
“They’re not, but…” Shiv’s hands slid around to your belly, “They could be.” 
Your stomach flipped as her touch traveled up, tracing the strap that hung over the swell of your pebbling nipple. 
“You little slut.” 
“Slut?” You laughed. “If the PC police heard you saying that, you’d be out of a job.” 
“Funny. I think that attitude could make me CEO at Waystar Royco.” 
“Do you want that?” You asked, tipping your head back toward her. She didn’t answer at first, just slid her thumb over the swell of your breast. Your breath caught in your throat as her nail caught against the mesh. 
“This isn’t about what I want right now,” She finally answered. 
“Isn’t it?” You brushed your nose against her cheekbone. “You wanted me to go shopping with you; I’m here. You wanted me to try this on; I did.” 
You watched Shiv’s lips turn down in another pout, and felt her fingers skate across the straps on the bra, skimming your hardening nipple. 
“...Do you think Tom would like it?” You added, trying to turn the conversation. 
“I could turn up in a plaid flannel floor-length nightgown and he’d cum in his pants.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to quiet a laugh as you glanced up toward the mirror. You found Shiv eyeing you there, her fingers, hooking under one of the straps. She held your gaze as she tugged it out, then let it snap back against your nipple. You hissed softly, shifting in discomfort. She shushed you, turning her head and pressing her face into your neck. 
“Remember when we were in high school?” She murmured, breath brushing your skin, “And we used to pretend to date to freak out all the little shitheads in our class?”
You did remember. It was a little game that the two of you had played at—in the halls, between classes, at lunch. You’d held hands in the hall, waited for each other by your lockers—until one of your teachers threatened to report the behavior to her parents. Yours wouldn’t have cared, but there had been a wrath of Logan’s that Shiv wasn’t willing to incur. You nodded now, unable to get the words out.
“You used to get so flustered,” She laughed. “Jumped when I put my hand on your leg.” She slid one hand down, past the underwear to where the garters dangled against your thigh. You forced yourself to hold still, drawing in even breaths through your nose. Shiv let out an interested little hum. “Better at keeping still now, huh?”
“I’ve had more experience,” You mumbled. 
“I bet.” 
Her hands slid up, cupping your breasts and giving them a gentle squeeze. 
“Remember the sleepovers?” She murmured, “When we would play girlfriend-boyfriend?” 
You swallowed thickly, fighting the urge to press up into her hands. 
“That was a long time ago,” You mumbled. She hummed softly, smoothing her hand over your belly. 
“Think I’d make a better boyfriend than I used to,” She tipped her chin up, brushing her lips against the hinge of your jaw. 
“Oh really?” You shifted against her. “I mean…When we were younger, you just deepened your voice, pawed at my tits and called me babe.” 
“So what’s changed?” 
“Well,” She trailed her fingers lower, dipping beneath the band of your panties. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched her in the mirror. Her gaze was set heavily on yours as she brushed her fingertips along the top of your pussy. “I know what I like…” 
“And I know what you like.” 
“Is that so?” 
“Mm. Your old roommate liked to talk.” 
Your body went hot at the assertion. You swallowed thickly, eyelids fluttering as Shiv’s lips smooth along the curve of your ear. Her fingers slipped lower, gently swiping her fingers over your clit. 
“Did she,” You mumbled. 
“Sure. Get a couple of tequila shots in her and she had the loosest lips. Awful kisser, that girl,” Shiv smiled. “I don’t know how you put up with her.” 
“I managed.” 
“Mm.” Shiv spread your lips with her fore and ring fingers, using the middle to swirl your clit in slow circles. You bit your lip, tipping your hips into her touch. 
“Shiv, if someone comes in—” 
“No one’s going to,” She insisted again. You felt her grind up against you, heard the slip of her satin robe against your lingerie. 
“Why, because this is Shiv’s World?” You struggled to quip, “Whatever you say goes?” 
“Right now?” She chuckled against you. “It’s pretty close. I’m the bride, after all. I get what I want.” 
“You always get what you—what you want—damnit, Shiv,” You breathed. You grasped her wrist, tugging it out of your underwear before you turned to face her. You cupped her neck, drawing her in for a kiss. Shiv shook your grip loose, curling her arms around your middle and drawing you closer. You raised your hands, sliding them into her hair as her hands greedily wandered your body. You slid your tongue along hers, whimpering softly as she flicked the tip against yours. You gasped, stumbling back as she dropped to her knees, shoving your hips back toward the wall. She tore your panties down your thighs, pushing your legs wide. Your mouth fell open with a choked moan, hinging forward slightly as she pressed her face between your thighs, tongue sliding along the seam of your sex. 
“Shit,” You hissed, reaching down and curling your hands in her hair. You used the grip to grind down against mouth, quieting your whimpers as she lapped at you, sucking your clit between her lips and lashing it with her tongue. Her nails dug into your thighs as they quake, your knees weakening at her ministrations. You tugged Shiv’s hair, guiding her back and giving her a push. She leaned away, scooching back along the floor as you joined her on the floor. You grasped the tie on her robe, yanking it open as you climbed over her. She sagged back against the floor, sighing softly as you sucked one of her nipples into your mouth. 
You swirled your tongue around the hardening peak, sighing against her soft, fair skin as you slotted your thigh between her legs. You straddled her leg, whining as the two of you ground and pushed against one another. You scraped your teeth over her nipple, pinning her hip to the floor as she cursed and arched up against you. You drew your hand from her hip to toy with her slick pussy, feeling her plant her feet and drive her hips up against your hand and thigh. 
You tipped your chin up, eyeing Shiv. You found her pink-cheeked and panting, watching you from beneath her lids. You stroked her clit more harshly, ignoring the growing cramping in your wrist and fingers as she pressed her lips together tight. She sat up a little, propping herself up with one hand before shoving her hand back between your thighs. Your gut swooped, your lips parting as she swiped her tongue across your lips. You gasped as your orgasm swelled, your hips jolting as Shiv ground up against your thigh and fingers. You lowered your head, pressing your face into her neck as you cum. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, Shiv.” 
She hums, sucking a kiss against your neck as you feel her pussy spasming beneath your touch. You pant softly, nuzzling her skin gently and drawing her against you. Shiv hums happily, rolling her hips against you, chasing the throbbing aftershocks. 
“Um—Miss Roy?” 
The shop attendant’s voice made you go still in panic. Shiv hurried off of your lap, drawing her robe back around herself and tying it tightly. You stood on unsteady legs, straightening the lingerie and meeting Shiv’s eye as she raises her brows, nodding questioningly. 
“Yeah,” You breathe, smoothing your hand over your garments. Shiv swallows, clearing her throat before she reaches out, opening the door. The attendant looks between the two of you, brows raised, an expectant smile on her face. 
“How is everything in here?” 
“Fine,” Shiv says simply, “But we’d like some more champagne. And we’ll take what she's wearing in addition to what I order,” She points to you. 
“Excellent! Can I wrap them up?” 
“No need. She’ll be wearing them out.”
Tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight ; @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage ; @lorecraft ; @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ; @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce ; @phoenixhalliwell ; @wild-rose-35 ; @daisyslibrary ; @informally-liz ; @andrastesflamingtitties ; @muchacha-encabronada ; @nerdygirl0414 ; @elen-aranel ; @ohbee-whatcanyoube ; @kmc1989 ; @quietpainter ; @thedreadandthefugitivemind ; @kaletastrophes ; @nyx2021 ; @thatesqcrush ; @shanimallina87 ; @adarasforest ; @s-u-t ; @silversprings-mp3 ; @senawashere ;
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richardsletters · 3 months
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"Hi Robin Heres some jokes Guy gets his hand stuck in vending machine when they come to free him they ask if hes holding on to anythink yes he says the soda can - A small boy wakes up in the middle of night when he hears thumping sounds coming from parents room he asks his mom in the morning how come she was jumping on his dad to make him lose weight she say well that wont work cause lady next door comes over and blows him up again. Heres a verse… The clouds pass by for you will you Always see me even in the motions of the storm grace shall be the maidens form the stars in the sky shall be near to you where you dance your way around and beauty born from that sound and feelings of delight that know no height her virgin bossom swels such thoughts to her I will give where she and I together live. Write soon. Love Richard"
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painted-bees · 1 year
[edit: this is a bit outdated, now! You can read the full narrative of these events over here!]
The water between the Discovery Islands, off the coast of British Columbia, is perhaps the sleepiest, most uneventful little corner of the entire Pacific Ocean. It’s a perfect little cradle for the marine life that abundantly lives there. And so, when something peculiar does occur within the tranquil archipelago, it is never to be dismissed.
Which is why, when an enormous bubble that rose up from the depths between Vancouver Island and Quadra Island went wholly unreported, locals were easily persuaded into believing that their memories of the sudden tidal swel--which swallowed their shorelines in the middle of the night and claimed no victims--was a phenomenon of mass delusion.
With little to nothing in the way of consequence following that strange night, it was easy to fall back onto the knowledge that things such as tsunamis simply cannot occur in isolation among the dense cluster of quiet little islands. Magritte and Rafael, however, were not so unchanged by the events that took place.
Magritte remembers how the icey bite of the water numbed her oyster-torn palms. She remembers imagining the finger of a monkey paw curling when she finally got to see the dorsal fins of the orcas that everyone but her had been so fortunate to spot from the Smelt Bay shoreline. They were close enough to touch, but she could not bring up her arms. She remembers singing, in poorly ragged notes, to Orion who remained aloof and uncaring among the rest of the stars in the sky.
Whether Magritte’s memories of being swept out to sea that night are real or hallucinatory in nature, life in their little island cottage was never quite the same afterwards. Magritte had spent the following week in bed, recovering from a fever–and all the while, Rafael would frequently hear her calling his name in a hoarse, tired voice from the yard outside. Her silhouette could, for fleeting moments, be seen breaking up the moonlit boughs of the evergreen forest bordering the property. And, she would sing…a ragged, slightly nonsense song which sounded as though it had been composed as a futile weapon against a fading consciousness.
It should have been unnerving. In fact, it could have been wholly upsetting. Though it sounded perfectly like her, Magritte was not out there beckoning him. She was upstairs resting, safe and cozy. Still, the doppelganger called and crooned. It met Rafael’s consciousness not as an ill omen, but as a wandering curiosity. His name met him as an inquiry, the ragged singing as an attempt at conversation. He responded by leaving an offering of tea and cookies at the foot of the porch steps leading into the side yard, where thought he had occasionally caught a glimpse of her inconsistent contours against the foliage of the forest.
He didn’t wholly believe that the phantom Magritte outside actually existed. In the mornings, the mug of tea would be tipped over, and the cookies taken away by the local wildlife. But, that empty plate was encouragement enough for him to keep up the little ritual, at least until Magritte–the real Magritte–was back on her feet. And indeed, once Magritte had returned to her energetic self, the shadow of her that lurked by the treeline every night prior…fell silent and unseen. 
Until Magritte invited it inside.
It did not speak, but held them with a swallowing gaze. So slender, so gentle mannered. It had approached Magritte with an armful of fish; an apology. Magritte invited it in, and Rafael prepared a late dinner for the three of them.
 It became the new evening ritual; it would arrive at the cottage with a fresh haul from the sea, Magritte would invite it inside, Rafael would make dinner from whatever it had brought them. Each night, its appearance changed little by little into something less vaguely otherworldly. Or, perhaps, they were simply growing more familiar. It taught them the song that Magritte had sung to Orion (she had, herself, forgotten the lyrical genius of her delirium), and they recomposed it into a jovial, drunken shanty together. They introduced their peculiar houseguest to mp3s, fleece-lined sweaters, and strawberry rhubarb ice cream, and in exchange, it brought them uniquely shaped shells and foraged trinkets from the bay.
These nightly visitations continued until, at last, it–she adopted a name she had heard and liked; Cortes.
And, she stayed that night until morning, and until the morning after that, and the morning after that, and…so forth.
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lailawinchesterr · 5 months
part four, hospital visit [jensen ackles]
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Hey, you have a headache?
It was messages like these, full of so much care and thoughtfulness, that made me remember why i ignored the man in the first place. I'm a mess, i get emotional and attached and no one would want to date that. 
No, thank you for last night.
I don't remember much, just that Jensen helped me into my house and into bed, i'm not sure where he went after that, probably the hospital. I called Jack this morning and he told me where they both were, i made sure to tell her that i'll be there and to make sure she was okay.
You took the Cataflam on the nightstand? 
You were really tired.
He doesn't answer my 'thank you', so he doesn't let the conversation end, but i don't want to talk to him, not after last night. I hate being that way with people, especially after i spent years of my life trying not to be that person. Everyone in my life left me when they saw how high maintenance i am, learning from my mistakes only after i make them over and over, it makes me a child in their eyes. The thing is, it does in mine too, because i've been like this since i was 18, and it's put such a heavy strain on me that I felt stuck for years.
I'm fine Jensen, really.
Thanks for the Cataflam.
No problem, call me if you need anything. 
I won't, but if it makes him feel better i heart the message and close the chat, opening jared's.
Need a ride.
On my way.
"Rach? Oh my God." I run over to her, hugging her harshly and she winced underneath me, it doesn't faze me as much as it should though because i am just so relived she's fine.
"Lils, i'm so sorry i did this to you, i shouldn't have sprung that onto you i'm so sorry." I can't believe she's in a hospital bed and apologizing for 'springing this on me'. I love this woman.
"Shut up." I hug her again, quickly and tightly, before saying hi to everyone else; Jack, Gen, Alona and Adri. We all just sit there, laughing and helping her keep her mood up when a soft knock comes from the door. I don't look up from my phone to text my mum a quick 'I'm okay' text. 
"Hey, sweetheart." Husky, rough, sugary, thick; pick your poison. Jensen's voice made him Jensen in a way beyond explaining, it made him so Jensen that i wouldn't know what to do if i don't hear his 'good morning' every other day on set. 
Rachel responds to his endearment with a smile and hugs him. When they let go places the flowers he bought her on the nightstand. "Get well soon, darlin'." She nods, corner of her lip tugging into a smile but it hardly reaches far with how much pain she's in so he just stands next to Jared & Jack, on her left, us on her right.
Jensen says a quick 'hey guys' to the girls but then he just stared at me for a few seconds before smiling, and i smile back, then face the floor, leaning on Alona's shoulder and she rubs my back.
A few hours of all of us chearing Rach up, and grabbing food, quickly pass and everyone needs to go home because shooting is still happening tomorrow. They're grateful they even got today off (though the whole team has been understanding of Rachel's situation).
I stand up to wish everybody well with a 'bye' and a hug since i'm staying the night with Jack. When i'm done, Jensen walks over to me expectantly and i just wish everything would go back to how it was three days ago, maybe we could've even gone on our little date. 
"Hey." It sounds like i'm out of breath but he smiles nonetheless and it's infectious in the best way possible.
"Hey, laila." He says, stepping closer before Jared quickly breaks us up by calling out my name.
"What time do you want me to come take you?" I'm about to respond when Jensen shakes his head in Jared's direction, which is enough for him to apparently get the message so he leaves. 
"What was that?"
"I'll come pick you up, whatever time you want. Jared wants to be with gen right now, she needs him." He doesn't mean any harm, in fact he means so well it makes my heart swell, but in my head his tone has an underlying tone as if to say 'you're burdening them so i'm taking the weight a little'.
"You don't need to, i can walk or uber, i'm close anyways." 
"You're twenty minutes away."
"That's close." He shakes his head, insisting on his offer. 
"I'm picking you up, what time?"
"Anytime. Get me on your way back home from set." He nods and i look up to notice his eyes for the first time. Not the first time ever, obviously Jensen's eyes are hard not to notice, but with how often i keep my eyes on the ground around him i don't usually get to see how truly beautiful they are. 
"I'll be here, stay safe, Laila." It shakes me out of my thoughts and i mutter a 'dont worry' before walking away to Rach's bed quickly. 
God, i want this day to end, it's already nine in the evening and i'm ready to call it a day on the chair next to her bed. 
Me and Rachel talk for a while, and then i keep talking more until her eyes close involuntarily and i finally feel myself relax into a deep sleep too.
"Laila?" Jensen's hurried voice wakes me up with a gasp, scanning my surroundings so fast it almost gives me whiplash, and it actually does give me a migraine.
I groan, hands over my eyes, rubbing them while he hands me a glass of water from the small desk next to me. "Here, it's past two." 
Oh my God.
"Jensen, you're joking! I'm so sorry i totally lost track of time, i've just been so tired—"
"Hey, it's fine," he smiles, his hand reaches my face to stroke away some flyaway strands of hair. "You're good, just get ready so you can sleep in an actual bed." I let out a small laugh and nod, moving to the bathroom after kissing rachel's head on my way there.
I get home in one piece, and with little to no damage to my reputation with Jensen. I ask him how set was, how filming been. He asks me what I did yesterday. And just as i'm about to thank him again for the umpteenth time before leaving, he locks his car doors. I furrow my eyebrows and look up at him.
"Tell me what's wrong."
He lowers the radio down till it's barely audible as i let out a confused, "What?" 
"Tell me why you've been acting like this for however long we've known each other. You're okay with everyone else, then i come into a room and suddenly you have to get to work or make breakfast or paint your car. I need to know what's making you act like this." He says it with such frustration and it makes me feel guilty for all the things i've done to him but can't undo, or worst yet, i wouldn't. 
It digs up too many memories. It isn't like i'm in love with jensen, i just like him a little too much and i don't have experience with that, in fact, i've never dated a guy, so my small crush turned into a small overreaction. Besides, before I can to America all I could hear, every single day was how 'obsessive' or 'high maintenance' I am, it stuck with me for as long as I remember, I've tried to never get attached to people. I'm still trying.
"Nothing, seriously. I was just stupid the first day we met." I decide telling half the truth, "i thought you were attractive so i kind of got embarrassed and made it seem like I'm just shy or something. Couldn't go back and make you think i was stupid." 
"But making me think you hate me was better? If you're embarrassed, you laugh it off, you don't ignore the person for years. Besides, you thought i was hot? Laila, you're fucking gorgeous, but i don't run away from you." i shouldn't be smiling as much as i am right now, or blushing, but i can't help it, he's just been really honest in a way that kind of makes me feel more embarrassed. But the good kind, if there's even such a thing. it takes a bit of the guilt too, to know i wasn't the only one with those thoughts. Especially since he was with Danneel at the time. 
I think this the most me and Jensen have ever talked in one sitting.
"Okay... i'm sorry. I just, they're habits you know? And i didn't know what to do, i'm sorry. New beginnings?" He nods with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"New beginnings. I'd like for us to hang out eventually, without Jared's help this time." I laugh and make it a point to be as genuine as i can seem about making plans.
I talked to Jensen. We're going out next week.
That's amazing
Fucking finally
Shut up i'm happy we talked
I'm sure i'll be okay, right?
Yes Lils you'll be great
And you'll be sure you tell me all about it
There's no doubt that Jared is the biggest hearted person i've ever met, but more than that, he's busy and almost always emotionally unavailable unless it's gen, which is why i opt for Rachel with these things, i can talk for days and she'd never get tired. And I don't mind that Jared doesn't like me talking too much about my feelings, I know it overwhelms him too.
Yeah, of course
Gen wants to know too!
I laugh, hearting the message and closing my phone. I think it's time to get some work done.
i've always found it hard to balance both my outside life and school life but ever since i've been friends with Jared i've hardly had problems with it, they're usually too busy to hang out because of their crazy schedules and i'm too scared to ask anyways so it works out in my favor. 
Besides, i've gotten to see them a little more as of recently since i've been doing modeling. An agency took me in a year ago but when the contract ended 6 months later they dropped me so i've been trying to find another job to help with money, not that my parents don't send any, but i'd like to be prepared. 
It doesn't take long for me to miss Rach while i try to finish the cardiovascular system module. What happened to my best friend, someone i love more that anything... It's scary. I don't want to think of what could possibly happen if it had went further.
Yeah, I'm not getting work done. I decide to go to make food instead.
part five
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I wrote like 4 more chapters I think i don’t know where I’m getting ideas but thank god for it, anyways! Reblog and comment if you liked this chapter & thank you for reading💗
tags: @kr804573
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some1s-sista · 7 months
Attic Clean Out Continues
Yup. Still going through it all. 20 years off stuff collected up there. Donate. Keep. Sell.
I’m almost through all the clothes. A couple more bins to go through. These I donate. Another bin of boys 3T and 4T to go through today.
I found this table up there. I wish I had taken a before picture. Tightened up the loose joints with Swel-Lok, removed some paint drips, slathered on the dark scratch cover oil, and when that dried, finished with orange oil. This is a keep. Put it in the guest room.
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Have started in on the piles of toys. Need to vacuum off Mini-me’s doll house then cover it with a sheet to keep the dust and spider/mouse/bat poop off of it Found my older girls’ easy bake oven from 1997! Along with their little child chef sized mixing bowls, utensils, aprons, pot holders and oven kits. So cute!!! I think I will sell the oven on EBay. Works, nothing missing, and in original box. The other stuff I can sell in FB Marketplace.
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The saga continues
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thecabbagecrow · 1 year
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welsknight? more like what a swels and knice guy--
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creativepawsworld · 10 months
Silence - Chapter 52
Pairing = Thomas Shelby x OC
Summary = The Shelby Businesses are out of control. Tommy is at breaking point.
Warnings 18+ = Language...Grammar...implied sexual assault... guns...violence...Alcohol consumption... Gambling mentioned... cheating on partner implied
Word Count = 2,668
Note = So sorry it is late guys. I have had a hell of a few weeks with my home and going back to school. This is honestly my only escape at the minute.
For a long time I went back and forth as to whether or not I bring a certain blond barmaid back. After much thought I have mentioned her to aid the ending of this story and what happens to Tommy if that makes sense. Anyway. I hope you Enjoy and again apologies it is late.
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The next morning I stood next to Esme in the back room of the betting shop. John was talking about the business with the family or the lack of it. Campbell and his men had come in and piece by piece took what they as a family had built. I had never seen Tommy look so lost, so defeated as he stared at John. I could tell he had a million problems running through his head and not a single solution to any one of them.
“This meeting should only be for family. She is not family.” Polly pointed to Esme as soon as she tried to speak her opinion. She was upset about Michael, it was her son. A son she just got back and quickly lost again.
I could understand her upset what I couldn’t understand was her gripe with Esme. How I saw it, was that Esme was more family than I was, she had the Shelby name, she bared John a son. I was still only pregnant with Tommy's child, but I did not share his name, not yet at least.
“Let her speak” Tommy put up his hand as Polly started speaking unbelievably fast to the point where she was almost incoherent. “ENOUGH. Enough Polly. Esme.” Tommy demanded, a serious look in his eyes as he shut down his aunt who had the look of disbelief in her eyes that he would dismiss her so abruptly.
As Esme began to speak, I began to think how only a few years ago everything in my life was quiet, uneventful. Perhaps boring. But it was pleasant. I had a toxic but seemingly perfect family to the outside world. Life was somewhat normal. But now here I stood pregnant, unwed. A whore in some people’s eyes and the eyes of the church. A life I most certainly did not envision for myself.
“If Michael ever gets out of prison. I am taking him far away from this family. For good” Polly got into Tommy’s face, threatening him before looking at me. “And you should do the same, Ana. This life is bad.”
I stood silently watching Polly walk away, dragging Finn with her as I cradled my bump. Tommy looked over at me, making eye contact. I bit my cheek looking away from him for only a moment. It seemed everyone had the same warning and yet I seemed to stay. Why? I would question myself.
Tommy sat down folding his hands in front of his mouth, he closed his eyes in deep thought. I stood by the wall as Esme spoke to Tommy but I wasn’t listening to what she was saying. Too lost in my thoughts. John walked passed me, gently patting my shoulder in support as he left. Esme turned back to speak to Tommy once more, speaking lowly.
“Imagine riding away Thomas. Living the real life. Your gypsy half is stronger. You just want to ride away. France is a new place for us, they say.” Esme leaned closer, Tommy staring directly into her eyes, emotionless. “Lots of metal lying around still. Guns and trucks and shells and things. Then we go south. Sainte Marie. Where the Black Madonna is. My brothers go sometimes. They allow you to get lost. It’s like a home for them. Could be for you as well Thomas. You and your new family.”
I didn’t know much about Tommy’s gypsy heritage, he rarely spoke about it. It was always business and work. Rarely he would ask about the baby but most of the time he connected with our unborn child through touch. Especially at night when he thought I was sleeping. I would feel his hand cradle our child, slowly rubbing the swell of my stomach until he fell asleep.
Listening to Esme speak to him, I wasn’t sure if she was getting through to him but it seemed like she had. What she described sounded like a solution to all our problems. A new start away from it all. Away from the Italians, the police. Campbell. No more dirty business. Just Tommy, me and our baby. That's what I wanted, wasn’t it?
“I’ve been to France Esme.” Tommy looked at her unphased. “So has John. Now get your coat and go with your husband” I inhaled softly, of course, he wouldn’t go for it but when he reached up taking Esme’s jaw I stepped forward. “If you ever talk about getting lost again I’ll cut you…from this family” He paused in between his words making my heart beat faster before letting her go.
“What family?” Esme asked looking around.
“That is enough Esme” I stepped towards the table ready to defend Tommy. “Time to go find John, talk to whoever you said you were going to talk with. Go on.”
I stared her down as she left, placing a supportive hand on Tommy’s shoulder as I watched her leave. Tommy and I weren’t perfect, there was still friction between us after what happened with Major Campbell but I felt he was suffering enough with his empire crashing around him.
Tommy stayed silent sitting at the table, he leaned back resting a hand on my bump. He was trying to bring himself down and back to some sort of peace. I couldn’t help but wonder how the hell we got into such a mess and I knew Tommy was thinking the same. It all came back to one man, one parasite. Campbell.
“What’s the plan, Tommy?” I asked softly reaching up and running my hand through his hair. Tommy shook his head, his hand still caressing our child in my swollen stomach.
“I don’t know Stace. I haven’t no fuckin’ clue” He sighed, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. Inhaling away at the stick. The sound of it burning was the only noise made in the eerily quiet room.
“What if what Esme says is true?” I asked softly. Feeling his hand drop from my stomach I knew instantly I had said the wrong thing. Tommy was always like a time bomb ready to explode at any moment, I had seen him do so on many occasions. I just hoped this wasn’t one of those times.
“Esme is wrong,” Tommy replied flatly, squashing his cigarette in the ashtray in front of him. “There is nothing in France and there never will be”
“The war is…”
“I am fully aware of the status of the war.” Tommy quickly cut me off from speaking. “France is a dead land. There is nothing there. Not anymore. We do not run. We do not hide. We are the Peaky fucking Blinders.” Tommy stood up.
“Are we? Because it seems to be just you and I standing here Tommy.” I pointed to the empty Shelby home. The once bustling betting shop quiet since the Campbell raids. Tommy shot me a cold look and I shook my head looking towards the door.
“I will fix this.” Tommy pointed an index finger at me. “You hear me yeah? I will fix this”
“Yeah, how?” I asked turning back to face him. “How?” I repeated crossing my arms across my chest, my forearms resting on my bump.
“I will and when I do, we marry. You hear me eh? Before this baby is born and things are fucking settled we marry.” Tommy walked over to me resting his hands on my hips. “You hear me?”
“I hear you” I whispered, tears in my eyes at his words and the hormones that came with his pregnancy. Hearing him say those words, made me happy. It made me realise, that before the baby was born I was already approaching seven months. Therefore in two months, I will be a Shelby with a newborn.
Maybe the future wasn’t so dark.
Later that evening I arrived at Polly’s home. I tried the front door noticing it was open so I let myself inside. I stood by the door and I hung up my hat and coat, taking a garment I had made for her in my hands and walking along her wooden floor, my heels clicking off the hardwood.
“Polly?” I called out softly as I made my way through her home. I walked into the living room and noticed her back to me. She was in the bath. “Polly everything okay?” I asked approaching the older woman slowly.
“I’m alright.” Polly’s voice was no louder than a whisper. I cautiously stepped forward leaving the skirt I made on the arm of a chair as I approached her. She wasn’t relaxed in the bath, she held her knees to her chest. Slowly scooping the water up with her hand and throwing it around her shoulders.
“Polly” I whispered stepping forward, gently putting my hand on her shoulder but she flinched away from me. “What happened?” I whispered noticing light bruising on her thighs.
“I’m alright,” Polly repeated. I had a feeling I knew what had happened to her but I didn’t want… I couldn’t say the words out loud.
“Can I make you some tea?” I asked not sure of what else to do for this woman. She wasn’t herself. It was like she was an empty shell. Not getting a response I moved towards the kitchen making a fresh pot of tea.
I heard the front door open again, hearing Ada’s voice I rushed to the hallway to greet her. She looked up at me in surprise, smiling until she noticed my face. “What’s wrong?” She asked hanging up her coat.
“It's Polly, something happened. She won’t, she won’t tell me perhaps she will tell you” I spoke lowly. Ada quickly nodded walking into the living room, noticing her aunt in the same position I had left her in.
Not knowing what else to do I walked back to the kitchen to finish making the tea. After a few moments, Ada came into the kitchen. “I’m going to stay the night with her, she shouldn’t be alone.”
“No definitely not” I agreed handing her a cup. Ada was quick to thank me, sipping on the hot liquid.
“Whatever is going on Ana, Tommy needs to sort it out”
“He is trying Ada. He didn’t expect this to happen.” I was quick to defend Tommy like I always was. “No one not even Polly expected this to happen. Campbell is…is a diabolic man who, who needs to disappear to be quite frank with you” I tell her not knowing what else to say.
Violence was never something I was comfortable with, but with Tommy, I slowly became comfortable with it. Almost at peace with it as it was who he was and Tommy was who I loved. Who I wanted and needed.
“On Campbell, we are both agreed then” Ada nodded holding her tea cup and looking ahead of her towards the wall. “Are you going to tell Tommy?” She asked after a moment of silence.
“He will find out on his own if I don’t. They all will, you know that” I whispered, neither of us needed to say the words. We both know what happened between Polly and Campbell and for that, no words were truly needed.
I returned to our shared apartment Tommy was sitting at the kitchen table. There was a bottle of whiskey in front of him, the glass half full in his hand. A cigarette burning in the other. He was lost in thought. The atmosphere around him was off. It made me uneasy.
“Tommy?” I asked hanging up my coat and walking towards him. “Tommy is everything… what’s going on?”
“Grace called me. At the office.” Tommy started to speak. I instantly felt my blood run cold. I felt sick. “Lizzie overheard the phone call. She asked me to meet. She is in London for….”
“I don’t care why she is here or what she is doing,” I spoke quickly, venom in my tone. “Why was she calling you?”
“Like I said, to meet…”
“Why was she asking to meet you then Tommy?” I asked sharply. “After three years, three fucking years why is she calling you and asking to meet?”
“She still loves me,” Tommy answered leaning back on the chair, the smell of alcohol was now stronger. It was clear he had been drinking for a bit of time. “I considered…”
“Get out” I snapped “Get out”
“No Stace you will listen…” He pointed a sloppy index finger at me, his words on the edge of slurring but he still had some control.
“I SAID GET OUT” I screamed not quite believing this was happening. I thought we were done with this. He spoke about getting married this morning at the betting shop and now this woman from our past rears once again.
“Listen to me eh” Tommy stood up, stumbling slightly. He held my arms in his hands tightly so I couldn’t move away from him but he didn’t hurt me. “I only considered it because of what Campbell did to you.”
“WHAT?” I yelled glaring at him with the coldest, harshest look I could muster. “You considered sleeping with that desperate whore for me? Oh please Tommy, please. Don’t insult me.”
“There was to be no sex involved Stace” Tommy squeezed my arms. “I considered it in a moment of weakness, of stupidity. Campbell hurt you and I wanted to hurt him just the same. He is still in love with her so I planned to lure her under false presences to me. Ensure Campbell knew of it, making him believe I slept with her to fuck with his head”
“Why? Why the fuck would you even? Why did that even cross your mind?” I glared, completely confused by his reasoning and thought process.
“You have no idea how it felt when Campbell almost turned you against me.” Tommy turned away letting me go and finishing the glass of whiskey in two gulps, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me by going after his woman”
“But Grace isn’t his woman Tommy”
“But he wants her to fucking be” Tommy spun around on his heel to look at me, stumbling. He held onto the kitchen chair for support. “He wants her to be”
“Tommy I can’t…I can’t keep doing this with you.” I whispered shaking my head. “I can’t, I don’t even know what to say. But I can’t do this. If it’s not May it’s Grace when is it me, Tommy? When do I get a chance?”
“You have me. Am all yours” Tommy looked directly into my eyes as he said that. “I am yours, always. Those other women are irrelevant. A means to an end. But you, you're everything”
“What happened with Grace?” I asked biting my cheek. The question made Tommy laugh. He chuckled darkly pouring himself a glass of whiskey.
“She’s probably waiting at the hotel for me” Tommy chuckled drinking back the brown liquid like it was water. “I don’t care to be honest with ya” He flopped back down on the chair, the lost look still on his face. Today was a bad day for him. In every aspect of his life.
“I’m fucking lost here Stace” He whispered shaking his head. “I don’t know what the fuck to do”
I’ve never seen Tommy so vulnerable, so weak. I walked over to him pulling over another kitchen chair, I sat next to him. Taking his hand in mine, I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand softly. Looking up at his face I noticed tears in his eyes.
“Oh Tommy” I sighed softly. Tommy’s head fell forward onto my chest. Stroking his hair softly I allowed him to break down on my chest. The combination of alcohol and events over the past few days has finally worn him down. Everybody has their breaking point. I was just glad I could be here for Tommy during his.
@shelbyteller @seleneshelby @forgottenpeakywriter @babayaga67 @sweetmilkshakeluminary @slutforcoffein @sydneyyyya @happysparklingshadows @margew76   @midnightmagpiemama  @pierre-gasssllyy  @duckybird101 @muhahaha303 @thenattitude  @dolllol2405
Anyone wanting on or off the tag list please just let me know 💙
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year
This is legit stuck in my mind so here's a small snippet:
Reiko knows both women are dangerous. The younger one - she's from his timeline - is prone to sudden mood swings, unpredictable and her subtle manipulation tactics fooled even the Fire God. They are all aware but they can never tell when she does it. Blue eyes full of youthful mischief, becoming crazed when fight, a battle, mindless bloodshed is near.
And yet, it is none of those things that are dangerous, it is the innocence, his Valeria still has, despite everything that happened and what she knows - what was, what is and what will be.
Looking up at the sky, searching for a threat that is not coming, waking up violently from a nightmarish memory, screaming that everything is consumed by fire, yet nothing is burning, always looking for something, asking about invisible threats. She's on edge around certain people, eyes flicking around the room, calculating.
Reiko knew that something is wrong when Valeria would rather jump into the embrace of Havik, than Raiden.
But it doesn't stop her from jumping trough foliage, disappearing for long periods of times into the forest, returning at sunset dirty from mud. She's playing tag with Reptile and Smoke, giggling like a small girl who knows no horror in the world.
His Valeria is young and innocent, yet is troubled and suffering.
Fire God Liu Kang, Reiko thinks bitterly, failed more people than he helped.
The..other Valeria, from different Timeline, is older, wiser and veteran in combat.
Her loyalty to the ones she loves is unwavering and Reiko respects that. She's a fighter, a warrior and rarely loses a fight - wiped the floor with all of them in 'training'. But what makes her dangerous isn't her fighting proves, her strength or swordsmanship. It's the way she can read people, take them apart with words and gestures.
It was an accident when Reiko first saw it, Valeria cornered one of the Lin Kuei - Bi-Han, the Grandmaster - he was leaning away from her touch, yet did not push her away or strike her for her insolence - then she's asking about his family, his father, brothers, mother, sister and Bi-Han tells nothing, until she's smoothing hair out of his face, taking off his mask, cooing softly, like a mother at his son and she's pulling him into a hug and he breaks. They sink to the ground and Reiko can't see if Bi-Han is crying or not, Valeria curling around him like a mother around her son, her brown hair a shielding curtain.
Reiko prides himself in knowing his general, the warriors who raised him - and one night proves him wrong.
Valeria and General Shao are keeping watch and she asks him about his child. "Son or a daughter?"
"The only one I could ever consider a son would be my second in command." Reiko's heart swels with pride but he does not dare to let them know he's aware.
"What about the ghost you see every time you step into the palace, yearning for life that was snatched away from you the moment your child was born?"
General Shao is silent, Valeria presses on. "It was a girl, wasn't it? A daughter. Behind your constructed walls, there is a certain softness that fathers have once their daughters are born."
General Shao sighs and shifts and Reiko can't tell what is going on with his general. "I wanted to have a family. There...was a woman. Who went against the system. We wanted our little family but the Empress was not kind. Snatched our daughter away the moment she was born. Didn't even let us hold her."
"Where were you?"
"Deployed. Far away."
"What happened to your love?"
"Grief killed her."
Reiko's heart clenches, painful and he wants to get up and march back into the Royal Gardens and murder Empress Sindel with his bare hands. Her daughters too if it comes to it. Or not. Kill her daughters and let her experience the grief that many parents had that had their daughters snatched away the moment they were born.
There's more shifting and he can hear his General inhale sharply. "It never goes away, does it? The pain. The want for a family. A normal life. It consumes us, until it destroys us."
"You know awfully lot, woman."
"I'm a mother of three myself , General Shao. Although I know....one of my children is safe and sound as much as she can be, I lost my two firstborns. Twins."
There's another beat of silence and more shuffling. Reiko is afraid to open his eyes in fear what he could see.
"If I could, I would carry your child."
She's dangerous because she takes people apart, studying them closely in what makes them tick and she's gentle, oh so gentle in what she does, knows that if she does one wrong move, they'll fall apart.
It's the way she moves above him, gently rolling her hips, gentle, experienced fingers running over his chest - he's gasping as if there's not enough air in his lungs, tears gathering at the corner of his eyes and when they spill, she wipes them away.
Valeria is cooing and singing praise but even she couldn't resist the pleasure, soft sounds escaping her, body arched and he can't help the sob that escapes him, finding his release. Valeria is gentle as she cleaned him up, peppering him with gentle kisses.
Reiko feels like he betrayed General Shao.
This Valeria is more dangerous than his Valeria.
Brown eyes have no guild in them, arms crossed, acting as if nothing has happened, as if just a hallway down, there isn't an Earthrealmer writhing in pain, the Dragon Lord being sealed away in the mortal's chest.
Her two companions aren't any better, the Shadow being ice cold as usual, the older actor - by the Elder Gods how could he let this happen? - there's a little bit of guild but otherwise, nothing.
Fire God is the one who leads Valeria away, wanting to discuss urgent matters, it is only then that Reiko approaches the older actor - he notes that they are not very different, this Johnny Cage is juts older and more mature.
And he smiles, melancholy in his eyes and Reiko sees how tired he is. "I got used to it too. Onaga is no longer screaming in my head. He's easier to bear now."
And Reiko wants to know more, so he asks again, even though he shouldn't. "Why?"
"It proved to work before. Why wouldn't she try again?"
And Reiko's blood runs cold - they all fell into her trap, carefully woven cobweb of motherly love, gentleness and everything and Reiko prays to every other God if they are out there - do not let his Valeria become whatever this woman is, otherwise they all will be in even greater danger than they are now.
(If anyone has any questions and something to say, don't be afraid to hit me up in my inbox)
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sugolara · 1 year
𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤
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ft. Tomura Shigaraki x fem! reader
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"Good, I thought you'd show up in bright colors." F/n chuckled as she looked at a glaring Shigaraki.
"You think you're funny?" Shigaraki crossed his arms as he stared at the girl that seemed to be an inch taller than him—which annoyed him.
"No, I'm fucking comedian." F/n chuckled more and let out a content sigh and fixed the bag behind her back. "C'mon, the parties already started."
"Yeah I can see that." Shigaraki said as he eyed a house where flashing lights and loud music was coming from. His eyes scanned the road where lots of cars were parked and some even being parked in the front yard. "All this for some damn band that probably isn't even good?"
F/n shrugged, "Maybe. People want to know a band before they become famous. That way when they do get famous they'll be like, "Oh, I knew them when they were underground!" and shit like that."
"Right." The two entered the gate where a bunch of people sat outside smoking and drinking. They tried to blend in and Shigaraki noted that it seemed to work for F/n as she nodded at a few people as well as giving a greeting.
Shigaraki on the other hand could tell people were looking at him as he pulled his hoodie up. He let his hands out of his pockets in case anyone tried to do something but he was sure that no one would. He did feel a bit anger from unwanted eyes staring at him so he pressed himself closer to the girl.
When they arrived inside, Shigaraki almost cupped his ears but refrained from it as F/n spoke. He had a hard time hearing her from the music, "What!?"
The light blue-haired male watched as F/n's mouth moved. His brows furrowed, "I can't hear anything you're saying!"
F/n rolled her eyes and pointed towards a corner where a set of stairs layed. Shigaraki watched as F/n motioned with her hands. Understanding her, he went in first and watched as F/n was a way from his view.
Lingering on the second floor, he leaned next to a door where he could certainly hear moaning and panting along with a bed creaking. He shivered in disgust and waited for F/n. Thankfully, it didn't take long as he saw her smiling and coming up the stairs with a bottle in her hand.
"Dude, apparently this shit has gold in it. You see the golden particles?!" F/n said as she shoved the liquor bottle in his face.
Shigaraki grabbed the bottle, "Who the hell told you that?"
"Some dude downstairs." F/n said as she eyed the room next to them. She could hear moaning.
"Why would someone drink gold?" Shigaraki then handed F/n the liquor, "Sounds stupid."
"It is." F/n said and marched further into the house, "C'mon, they got to have expensive shit around here."
They both entered a room that seemed to be a library. "A library in your own house?"
"I know right!" F/n grinned as she glanced at the bookshelves and the desk that sat in front of a window.
Shigaraki opened a few books and closed them as he got bored from reading a sentence. He glanced around the room, "Nothing expensive here. Maybe we could sell these books or that red sofa there."
"Too big to carry." F/n said as she and Shigaraki headed onto the next room. Their eyes widened when they saw a glass cabinet with a samurai and underneath a safe.
"Hollyshit..." F/n gaped as her eyes seemed to twinkle.
Shigaraki's eyes twinkled as well as he saw the samurai. He then yanked F/n's bag before proceeding further.
"Wait, how are we going to get the safe open?" F/n questioned.
At that, Shigaraki grinned and held his hand as he peered back at F/n, "This is where I come in."
F/n watched in amazement as she saw Shigarakai's hand decay the safe and the things inside—money, jewelry and gun—fall to the floor. Stepping forwards, F/n began to grab the objects that had clattered to the floor. She grinned at Shigaraki, "Dude, you're so fucking awesome!"
Shigaraki stopped grinning as he silently watched F/n pack the items into her bag. Her comment seemed to make the light blue-hair heart swell. He didn't know why, but it felt good. It made him feel like he was glowing—which was stupid but he would admit that it did feel incredibly nice.
Maybe having this girl around isn't such a bad idea.
While F/n was busy, Shigaraki glanced to the side where he saw a curtain rod. He grabbed it and swinged it against the samurais case. Glass shattered and fell next to F/n who instantly stood up, "What the fuck man? At least warn me next time."
Shigaraki muttered at her before reaching for the samurai. He fiddled with it and slid the case off, the light shined off the blade and he could see his face illuminating.
"Dude..." F/n whispered as she and Shigaraki stared at each other for a couple seconds. Then they both grinned as F/n grabbed a vase and threw it towards Shigaraki as he tried to slice it with the samurai.
They both laughed as the vase chattered when Shigaraki missed it. F/n kept in mind how he held the vase, his pinkies were up.
"Shigaraki, mine turn!" They both switched as Shigaraki chucked a vase at the girl and then a book. Shigaraki though it'd be a good idea to throw in two but instantly regretted it as F/n
didn't have time to dodge and the book slapped her face harshly making her fall.
Shigaraki winced as he crouched near the girl, "Shit...sorry."
"I think you broke my fucking nose." F/n muttered as she pulled her hand away.
"There's no blood." Shigaraki said as he eyed the girl's nose.
"It fucking hurts though." F/n responded.
"Is someone in there!?" A voice behind the door yelled out as they fiddled with the doorknob, "You can't be in here, come out!"
Shigaraki and F/n glanced at the door before glancing at each other. Quickly, they gathered their stuff and headed for the window just as the door opened. The two snickered as they watched the owner running after them.
They laughed when they closed the window and jumped onto bushes underneath. The man yelled at them but Shigaraki and F/n had flipped him off, "Loser!"
They ran away chuckling before stopping near a red car. They panted trying to catch their breaths and stared at each other with a mischievous look. The two looked at the small red car before Shigaraki broke the window and entered it.
He moved to the driver's seat as F/n moved into the passenger and placed her legs on the dashboard. She eyed Shigaraki as he fiddled underneath the steering wheel, "You know how to work this?"
"Of course." Shigaraki replied as he connected a few wires together. A satisfied smile crept up his lips when the engine roared and the headlight flickered, "Old janky ass car."
F/n smiled at him and settled comfortably in her seat. She stared out the window as Shigaraki drove, the breeze felt nice as she closed her eyes and listened to the radio.
Shigaraki, on the other hand, felt like he was on air. His smile never left his face as he drove. He would eye the girl next to him every second.
He felt like this was okay. 
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novantinuum · 9 months
Fandom: Steven Universe Rating: Teen Audiences Words: 900~ Summary: Steven can’t help but dread the undefined cocktail of emotions that trigger this newest power… 12 shorts, each delving into Steven’s developing opinions and feelings about his “pink mode” in SUF.
Chapter 11: A scene straddling Homeworld Bound/Everything's Fine
Yup, I'm getting back into the saddle. Have some more SU fic.
Enjoy! <3 __
Everything around him is spinning.
Twisting into horrifying, incomprehensible shapes within the soggy mires of his tear-stained vision as the unfathomable whims of the warp stream whisk him away.
Far, far away, out of space and time’s conscious bounds, out of all thought and reason, out from under the thumbs of all the people who act like he’s just another problem for them to fix, that if all his inconvenient little issues could simply be solved, their happily ever after would finally be perfect.
And isn’t he such a hypocrite? Isn’t this how he treated everyone else, fixating on the deepest roots of their emotional strife and butting in to every single one of their interpersonal conflicts as if he could single-handedly save everyone from themselves?
Isn’t he such a fraud? Expecting the very best from everyone else… preaching the joys of non-violence and peaceful conflict resolution to the whole galaxy… while he himself— cast in a pallid, unnatural pink glow— fantasizes about venting his anger through his fists and shattering diamonds… it’s wretched, unforgivable behavior. Entirely unforgivable.
And so, everything he recognizes as himself is crumbling.
Splitting at the seams.
Swelling like a wretched illness within him— all these caustic, volatile emotions— as he tumbles between what is and what was, between the shadows of two homeworlds as different as they are alike.
But without indisputable conviction, without wholly lucid intent, he’ll never reach either of them. That’s the shameful limitation of warp technology, he dimly recognizes amidst the wreckage of all this turmoil… to bend light around oneself in this way, to ride the wake of the warp stream across this endless cosmic sea, one’s own path through this universe must be pristinely clear.
And shamefully, Steven’s path in life couldn’t be any further from that goal right now. Instead, all the images sinking their poisonous claws into his mind right now are dim, fuzzy at the edges, soaked in shadow and anger and pain. He curls in tight to himself, betraying his own splintering facade as fat, bitter tears splash across his cheeks and all the way beyond the boundaries of the stream, where they’re destined to drift aimlessly in the empty unknown for the rest of their days. And really, doesn’t that sound like a merciful end? Doesn’t that sound infinitely more alluring than his alternatives?
(Where is it you want to go, again?)
That’s right, he thinks.
Just away.
Not even he knows how long he aimlessly drifts in this space, nothing but a long string of genetic data and light and abstract emotion dangling just outside all tangible reality.
(Don’t think about it.)
(Don’t think about all the harm you’ve caused. Don’t think about how you ruthlessly shattered Jasper in your spar, don’t think about how janked and downright messed up it is that you’re capable of simply waving your hand and healing her gem and erasing your crimes and pretending like they never even happened, don’t think about Homeworld, don’t think about White, don’t think about intoxicated you momentarily were at the fantasy of her gemstone pulverized into dust at your feet—)
Too late.
The horrid impulse in question plays out within his head in spellbinding detail once again, and he’s powerless to stop his pink-wreathed form from rippling out of control. A pained sob hitches in his throat as he rides out this latest swell, his fingers tangling within his hair, his heart nearly leaping into his extremities as his body morphs into grotesque proportions and conformations he never imagined were possible.
The swelling almost feels… different this time, though.
It feels almost as if there’s something else lurking there… right at the corner of his periphery. Something primal and altogether unfathomable. Something just itching to squeeze its way past all the bruised and battered defense mechanisms of his consciousness and assert its full control over him like he’s never even had a hand in his fate a single day in his life. Something like…
His breath catches in his lungs before he can make a full exhale.
Is that what this is? Is that why he’s been stuck in this stream for so long, unable to make mental contact with any destination point? Is it just… dread?
Of what, then? Dread of his hypocrisy being fully unmasked to his family, dread of his vengeful thoughts becoming known?
The Gems, though…
The Gems don’t know.
The Gems don’t have to know.
The swelling begins to subside. He’s still glowing a blistering pink, but he finds his body relaxing into an upright position once again, and his mind focusing on the galaxy warp back home. Maybe… just maybe… he can patch this mess up yet, like he always did in the good ol’ days. He can bury it, and that way they won’t have to worry about him anymore.
He’ll show them. He’ll show everyone—
It’s all good.
He’s good. His gem’s instability? Just peachy! All these scary, violent urges he’s harboring? What’s even the fuss? He’ll figure it out in no time just like every other problem on Earth and beyond he’s solved, and when it’s all over?
don’t leave me behind don’t let it be over don’t solve everything cant solve everything can’t be what they need, need purpose need stability need to FIX need to be helpful— i… i need—
It’s fine, he thinks, an empty, watery smile passing wide across his lips.
Everything… will be fine.
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thefoxvampire · 1 year
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(Frankenfox and Vantonia's halloween cosplay #4 to 31)
i just draw this one to vanna von valenstein as Betty boop ~
this cosplay is very sexy and pretty swel UwU
#foxkids #frankenfox #Halloween2023 #bettyboop #themoxyshow #cartoonnetwork
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