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Fanfiction House of the Dragon: The Story of Nymeria 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 I'm a 20 years old, young woman.
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lilap20 · 6 months ago
Chapter XI: News from Driftmark
@koobratzy @beebeechaos
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In the year 120, Princess Rhaenyra had three children, Princes Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey. A rumor spread by the Greens, saying that the three children had Ser Harwin Strong as their father, the striking and identical resemblance. In that same year, the Lady of the North, Princess Nymeria, was still with child. Lord Cregan's wife had already borne two children to the Lord. Robb Stark, born in the year 115, he had everything of a Targaryen except the facial features, his hair was silver like his mother and his eyes purple, his little sister Lyanna born in the year 117 had the features and her mother's hair but her father's gray gaze. Two eggs were brought to Winterfell, only Robb's egg hatched. In that same year, Princess Laena was again pregnant with the Prince Daemon. Rhaenyra: 31 years old Nymeria: 29 years old
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I walk the halls of Winterfell with the fabric of my dress pulled from my obvious pregnancy. I have just visited the Maester where I have just learned that a white crow has been sent, a sign of coming winter and above all a letter from my sister and cousin Laena was waiting for me.
With a smile on my face, my silver hair tied with a dragon-shaped brooch, I go to the courtyard, where Cregan is talking with his Sub Master, observing the wood harvests. Robb and Lyanna are at his feet, my shy and reserved little daughter looking at him with her big gray eyes, Robb playing with his direwolf.
I smiled unconsciously passing a hand on my stomach before going down to join them. Robb is the first to see me, he gets up from the ground running towards me, his big purple eyes shining with joy. His cub direwolf is behind him trying to bite his feet. Robb jumps on me clutching my stomach and kissing him, I run a hand through his silver hair
-I don’t dare ask why you’re not in class. I say while stroking his hair and he looks up at me.
-I escaped the instructors. He tells me with a small smile and I roll my eyes
-Robb. I say taking his chin in my hand, stop making your instructors run
My son purses his lips and I sigh.
Damn me and Cregan for being so tender to him. As soon as he makes that face, neither Cregan nor I can resist. I kiss his forehead and my son smiles like he won the fight. I look up and see my husband, carrying Lyanna in his arms, his gray gaze on me almost making me blush. Two children, years of marriage, and I still feel shy and excited when our eyes meet.
Cregan walks over, frowning when he sees Robb stuck to my stomach, I smile.
-Robb escaped from his class. I inform you when it reaches my level
-And it's clearly hidden so I don't see him. Said Cregan looking at his son who is still glued to my dress
-He was right behind you, I smile, caressing the back of my daughter who smiles at me with her big gray eyes.
Lyanna has always been shy, since birth. She never wanted to leave my arms, cried whenever a nanny or even Cregan touched her. Now she is glued to her father admiring the world while being on him or through his eyes. Both of my children have silver hair, and while Robb has my purple eyes, Lyanna is the one with my Valyrian features.
-I didn't see him. Cregan replies, kissing my forehead and then looking at Robb who is hiding behind me. I will take care of you after young boy. He said with a commanding but amused voice.
I smiled softly, almost forgetting why I had come to see him. Seeing my husband with my children makes me in love and weak in feeling. Cregan is such a good father that I didn't hesitate to give him Lyanna right after giving birth to Robb. Unfortunately my second pregnancy was more complicated than my first, Lyanna coming prematurely. I wonder what this pregnancy will be like, my stomach is rounder than normal, my fatigue is greater, I am worried about my future birth.
As if reading my thoughts, Cregan takes my hand in his, stroking the back of it.
-How are you today? He asks with a careful look
-Heavy, I answer before sighing, apprehension has become my best friend.
Cregan smiles sadly before kissing my cheek.
-I'm sorry to hear that, my dear. What do you want me to do to relieve you? He asks his voice more tender
-Hold me while I eat cake? I suggest, raising a silver eyebrow which makes him laugh.
He places Lyanna on the ground who automatically comes to hide in my skirts, I caress her silver head before looking at my husband more seriously. He frowns.
-What's going on?
-A white crow has arrived. I respond looking him in the eyes
Cregan tenses up immediately, it’s subtle but I know him well enough to realize it. The arrival of Winter was always a great tradition for the Northerners, it was carefully prepared especially for House Stark. Cregan as Lord of Winterfell and Governor of the North will have to inform the Houses of the North of the arrival of winter, and they will have to send him what they need for the winter.
-Winter is coming. Cregan says with his commanding voice and Lyanna looks up at her father.
Gently I squeeze his hand and his face relaxes slightly, he looks at me with intensity before caressing my stomach, his gaze fixed on it with a dreamy smile.
-His first winter. He whispers, caressing my stomach.
-One of his many winters. I say smiling when screams alert us
We turn our heads towards the screams, Sara is chased by Robb and his cub pulling her dress. My smile melts on my face and I call my son.
-Robb, stop now. I command, walking towards him in the courtyard.
My son immediately stops looking at me slowly with his eyes shining with mischief and above all with joy. His cub comes running through my legs and as usual I grimace when I see him. His animals grow much too quickly for my liking.
-Mama, you saw, he wants to play with you. Said Robb excited
And I would like Nightmares to cook him so that he stops causing my sister-in-law to scream and, above all, helps my eldest son in his mischief.
As if Cregan hears my thoughts, he approaches us, and I turn to realize that my daughter is running behind him, she crouches down and scoops up my son's cub in her arms.
-Apologize to your aunt, Robb. Said Cregan coming to my side.
Robb blushes from ear to ear, but looks at his aunt and apologizes in a small voice, Sara on the other hand cannot blame her nephew and opens her arms, Robb running into her arms. I sigh, shaking my head before running a hand over my stomach.
-Robb always comes out on top. Cregan whispers, chuckling before looking at the letter in my hand. What is it about? He asks raising an eyebrow.
-A letter from cousin Laena. I answer, opening the letter, She writes to me, my voice cuts off and my eyebrows furrow. From Driftmark.
My gaze quickly finds key words in the letter and my eyebrows furrow. Cregan automatically places a hand on my wrist asking me to look at him.
-What's going on? He asks worried trying to find an answer in my gaze.
I look at him dazed, my hand crumples on the letter. The greatest fear of us woman, royal, Targaryen, good family or bad family. The pain of childbirth, the fear of losing your life.
-Everything is fine. I respond, a confident smile on my lips.
Cregan is not fooled I know, he looks into my violet eyes and asks me to answer sincerely. But I withdraw from his grasp with a desolate smile, before heading towards the entrance of the castle.
Talyssa sees me and strides over.
-Nymeria? What's going on?
-My cousin Laena is in great pain, the contraction pains alerting Rhaenyra. Daemon asked us to join her. I rub a nervous hand over my stomach as I walk towards my rooms. The letter was written a week ago, the crow took a while, she must have been in labor since then.
-If she is in labor, her husband the Prince and your sister the Heiress must be at her side. Try to reassure me Talyssa, everything should be fine.
I smile grateful that my best friend is trying to comfort me, but my heart can't stop pounding in my chest reminding me of the fear singing in my ears. I enter my rooms, opening a wardrobe containing my riding clothes.
-Think twice Nymeria. Talyssa said from right behind me, watching me choose my riding outfit. Nymeria!
-My cousin is suffering at the moment, I turn around furiously facing her gaze, if my presence can help her then I will go to Driftmark, pregnant if I have to. I respond, my tone determined, my violet eyes shining with conviction.
Talyssa tenses, looking at me with wide open eyes, she has become so beautiful over time, her red hair silkier than ever, her eyes representing the island she comes from. Her gaze softens then she sighs. She walks over to my wardrobe pulling out a riding outfit suitable for the size of my belly.
-What are you doing ? I ask watching her choose my outfit.
-I can never say no to you, said Talyssa, taking the boots, not when you look at me with that fire in your Dragon gaze. Nobody can.
I smile at his words then my body cools hearing this voice:
-I can. Said Cregan's voice entering the room, his hands behind his back.
I look at my husband who has arrived, my gaze fixed on his. His facial features are relaxed, which is worrying, I can't read anything in his eyes, this emotionless wall he builds when he is in front of the Northern Lords building himself in front of me.
-Leave us. Cregan said to Talyssa, his eyes on me.
Talyssa nods then looks at me before leaving, closing the door behind her. The sound echoes through the room as Cregan looks at me, his gray eyes filling with emotion synonymous with irritation. I don't take off my clothes, I turn to my riding outfit.
Talyssa nods then looks at me before leaving, closing the door behind her. The sound echoes through the room as Cregan looks at me, his gray eyes filling with emotion synonymous with irritation. I don't take off my clothes, I turn to my riding outfit.
-I will go. I only say and that one statement breaks his emotionless wall.
-That's a no. Said Cregan approaching me with a hard look.
-I'll go Cregan. I say looking at him my tone reflecting my determination.
-And I told you that you will stay here. Cregan said, approaching me, his furious gaze on mine.
I hold his gaze while his grandeur dominates me, I don't look down and we lock eyes. I know he's worried, I know he wants me to stay here in Winterfell, surrounded by all his servants, midwives, Maester and others. He wants the baby to be safe, wants me to be safe. But I have to help my cousin Laena. I must stand by his side.
-Cregan, I begin in a whisper taking his hand in mine.
His gaze goes down to our intertwined hands then back up to my eyes.
-I know you're worried, I whisper, looking into his eyes, I know you're not reassured and you want the baby and I to be okay. But Laena needs me.
-Laena is with her husband and your sister. Said Cregan, shaking my hand nervously in a serious tone. Would having you really be useful to him? He asks, his voice softening.
-We are never too many in this kind of situation. I respond, my face relaxing, but my determination still in my eyes, then I sigh. I won't be long. Driftmark is not that far away on the back of a dragon… And then his whole face tenses.
-On the back of a dragon? Nymeria we have already talked about. He said with a frown.
-Taking a boat would take too long, I explain, approaching him again, my hand still in his, the letter is a week old, anything could have happened since then. I say, placing my free hand on his chest.
-So you are risking your life for your cousin Laena? He asks with a frown. Without considering that your children will lose their mother, that your husband will lose his most precious love.
-Nightmares will never bring me down. I say with a convinced and authoritative tone, I will be very attached to him.
-Your dragon hates seals. Cregan says frowning again and I run my finger between his folds making his frown even more.
-He will understand. I respond making a mental note that I need to convince Nightmares to wear a more complex sigil. I promise I'll make it to Driftmark in one piece. Me and the baby.
Cregan closes his eyes with a sigh and I know I have it. He rests his forehead on mine before placing his other hand on my stomach, it is firm and authoritative with care and love.
-Promise me that you won't put yourself in danger, that you will see a maester every day. I prepare to cut him but he continues. Promise me Nymeria, on what is sacred to you because I know that making you promise on the Old or New Gods is futile.
His gray eyes find mine purple and they are filled with emotion and worry. I remove my hand from his taking his face between both hands before kissing him gently. Our mouths separate with a wet noise.
-I promise, on what is most sacred to me.
Cregan sighs then solemnly kisses my forehead several times before resting his chin on the top of my head.
-I really can't refuse you anything. He whispers.
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-Mama, are you leaving tomorrow? Asks my son climbing onto my bed.
Lying in the large bed that Cregan and I occupy, I watch my son climb directly against my stomach. Cregan arrives carrying Lyanna who clings to him, a dragon-shaped toy in her hand. He gently places her on the mattress and she automatically comes against me.
-Yes, I respond to my son stroking his head, I am going to visit your aunt Laena. I respond smiling.
-Aunt Laena. Lyanna says smiling and I kiss her forehead, Cregan coming onto the mattress.
He takes my daughter on his knees kissing her forehead, my son traces circles on the bump that my stomach forms against my nightgown.
-I don't want you to leave. Robb admits playing to caress my belly and I smile tenderly at his confession.
-There are two of us, my little wolf. Cregan sighs theatrically and I roll my eyes.
-Me too Mama, said Lyanna, stroking my silver wavy hair. Mama has to stay, it's three to one. She said smiling.
I stroke my daughter's hair, sighing with a smile on my face. I kiss her cheek and she laughs when I tickle her in her father's arms.
-Don't seduce my daughter. Said Cregan a smile stretching his lips, she's on my side isn't she my little wolf. Said Cregan to our daughter and she smiled affirming her words.
I sigh with a hand on my forehead, my son Robb bursts out laughing at my acting.
-At least my little one inside is on my side. I respond by stroking my belly.
-No, little sister is on our side. Robb laughed before kissing my stomach a few times. You're on our side, aren't you, little sister? He asks looking at my stomach.
My heart melts at the sight, and I fight against the tears that almost fall down my cheeks. I stroke my son's hair, feeling Cregan's tender gaze on me. Lyanna yawns softly before leaning against Cregan's chest. Robb still seems excited but when Cregan calls the midwife, he doesn't grumble and follows her with his sleepy little sister in the midwife's arms.
Once we're alone, Cregan closes our bedroom door and looks me in the eye. Over the years his hair has grown, but so has his beard. His gray gaze is as hungry as ever and I laugh when he climbs on top of me, leaning on his elbows, he kisses my forehead.
-Are you letting your beard grow? I ask, stroking his black beard which grows from moon to moon
He kisses my forehead and nose before lying down next to me.
-Yes, until the little one arrives. He said while caressing my round and tense belly, his gaze softening. How are you this evening? He asks and I smile
-The hot bath did me a lot of good, and this evening strangely everything is calm. I respond, looking at my stomach.
He smiles then kisses my smiling neck several times against my skin caressed by his hungry lips. A heat settles in my lower abdomen and I shiver feeling the hard and painful tip of my breasts rubbing against my nightgown.
-Are you sure it’s not painful? Cregan asks, becoming more insistent in his kisses.
The discomfort I may have felt melts under the heat of desire that ignites my heart. I become more and more responsive to his touch ending quickly above him, my lips capturing his in a fiery dragon dance. His hand comes to hold the back of my neck, his thumb stroking the back of my hair as my hand comes to hold his cheek. Finally he removes his mouth from mine, a wet sound echoing around the room.
-Nymeria, he said slightly out of breath looking into my eyes, are you in pain? He asks with seriousness in his eyes.
-I'm not, I answer in a voice choked with desire.
-Nymeria… he's about to ask me the question again and I swear if he does I'll get out of this bed.
-I have pain between my legs. I respond by kissing his neck, his beard caressing my cheek.
Cregan shivers before a gurgle leaves his mouth and he grabs the back of my neck so our lips meet. As our kiss becomes more feverish, I feel his hands climb under my dress raising it on my hips. He growls against my lips when his hands caress the bare skin of my ass, tugging at my lip.
-I want you to ride my face. He whispers against my lips, and I moan just thinking about it.
He pinches my buttock, giving me a quick pat before helping me sit up against his thighs. Our lips are red and swollen, wet with saliva as he helps me remove my nightgown. My breasts are heavy, my nipples pink and pointy. Cregan's eyes light up when I lean over and he sucks with tenderness then ferocity on my nipples which harden even more in his mouth.
-So sensitive. He hums while licking my breasts like his favorite dessert.
Moisture pools between my legs as Cregan's name tumbles from my lips like a plea. My hips move alone against his erection, wetting his underside, making him grow and grow against me.
-My love, Cregan whispers, holding my hips, comes against my lips as I taste you.
I moaned immediately, standing up to position myself above him, my legs framing his face, my thighs being scratched by his beard. Cregan caresses my ribs and the taut skin of my stomach, lowering me gently against his lips, his hands clinging to the flesh of my buttocks.
-Cregan. I immediately moan, cursing in high Valyrian, my thighs already trembling.
-Are you already shaking, princess? Cregan sneers against my swollen, wet cunt. I've only just started.
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-You coming back in a long time? Robb asks as we walk towards the dragon cave.
-In a few days. I answer by stroking his silver hair, and he tries to escape from my hand.
Cregan is silent as he is by my side, Alyssa walks beside him hand in hand. My little girl still has her dragon toy, it almost never leaves her side, probably a sign that she wants a dragon. I sigh at the thought, caressing my stomach.
-Cregan. I whisper as I take his hand in mine
-Love? He asks as he squeezes my hand
Since the sun rose, his body is tense and his gaze stern. He doesn't want me to leave, but when I decide something I do it. Despite all our orgasms the day before, Cregan still seems to be upset with me.
We quickly arrive at the Dragon Pit. I spent months searching around Winterfell for a cave big and warm enough for Nightmares to rest in the cool summers, my dragon guided me to a secret cave whose river is cold but the inside is warm and soothing. Of course we brought in dragon keepers from Dragonstone, and above all the cave is constantly warmed by torches and fires lit in every corner.
When I got pregnant, it became clear that an incubator had to be set up in the cave, and more guardians had to go to the North. The locals didn't like this choice made by Cregan, and I can't blame them. The dragons are the ones who took their crowns from them and now they host them in their homes.
We arrive at the dragon pit, passing behind the waterfall. Automatically the warm breath of the constantly burning fires and volcanic stones brought back from Dragonstone warms us. A burnt and charred flesh scent floats in the air, and the ash tickles our nostrils.
-Dārilaros (Princess) Hail a dragon guardian, My Lord. He says bowing to Cregan
-Iksis nightmares ziry iksos ready? (Is Nightmares ready?). I ask as I put on my gloves.
-Se zaldrīzes accepted hae olvie seal hae īlon could (The dragon accepted as many seals as we could). The guardian replies with a hand on his heart.
I smile grateful that they tried to put Nightmares' seal. It's not easy, Nightmares has a nasty character like Caraxes my uncle's dragon. They are more alike than you might think.
-Mama, can I see Nightshades? Robb asks excitedly
-Of course my dragon. I answer taking his hand and my son jumps with excitement
I glance at Cregan who still with a closed face now carries Lyanna who observes the cave with bright eyes. Cregan is not delighted with this place, for him, Robb and Lyanna are children of the North and should not have a dragon, only direwolves. But I wanted to give them the chance to know my heritage and now Robb has his dragon.
-Do you think about bringing more eggs here? Cregan asks watching me caress my belly which stretches my riding outfit.
-You know my opinion on this subject. I answer looking at him with my tender but determined violet eyes.
-And if the eggs don't hatch? He asks caressing Lyanna's back
-Then it won't be wanted by the gods and the North won't know any more dragons. I answer with a small smile passing my hand in his.
I let go of my son's hand as he runs towards the entrance of a cave, the cool wind rushing in with it the smell of burnt flesh and charred bone. Cregan stands a few paces behind me as I approach with my son.
I gently hold his shoulders with both hands as he calls out.
-Nightshades, dohaeragon nyke (Nightshades, serve me).
The dragon guards surrounding us, two in front of Cregan three on each of our sides and two in front of us hold their pitchforks in their hands as a low, high-pitched growl is heard.
A hot breath extinguishes the torches of the guardians in front of us and a large ten year old dragon stands climbing up the rocks having been smeared with dragonglass and hot ash. I instinctively back away with the guardians as Nightshades' piercing gaze finds us, another growl taking hold of him.
I turn around, and see Cregan holding our little girl tightly who hides her face in his neck. Only Robb smiles with all his teeth calling:
-Nightshades, dohaeragon nyke. And the dragon raises his head
A softer growl comes from him as he leans his head closer to my ten year old son's face. Nightshades is a pure mix of both his parents. When my aunt Rhaenys brought him to me from Driftmark I couldn't believe my eyes. Meleys had given birth to a litter of two eggs, one red and white, and one blood red. I had no doubt about the father like my aunt, these eggs had been conceived by the mating dance of Nightmares and Meleys.
"Gevis." Robb whispers as the dragon comes to headbutt him against his belly.
Robb takes a few steps back before laughing and stroking his dragon's thorny neck. The dragon was mostly white, the backs of its red wings reminiscent of its mother.
"Nightshades." Robb smiles as the dragon sings. It has grown even bigger. Said Robb
The dragon was indeed large for his age, Syrax wasn't this big when she was his age, it's probably because of the dragon pit in Port Real, the dragons have slowly gotten smaller since they got there. Here in the north, Nightmares and Nightshades are mostly free.
-Honey, say goodbye to Nightshades, Mama is leaving. I whisper to him, stroking his hair.
As Robb says goodbye to his dragon, I head towards the entrance of Nightmares' cave. My dragon is already there, growling at the guardians. He grows bigger every year, becoming as big as Caraxes. His seal is already on and I smile as I approach him.
Nightmares stretches his long, thorny neck towards me, automatically asking for my touch. I stroke his thorny crest with a smile on my lips. His neck circles my waist and he sniffs against the bump of my belly.
-Iksi returning syt ñuha vȳngar gevives (back for another trip, my dear). I whisper against his neck and he growls in response, detaching himself from me.
Nightmares looks me in the eye, his gaze burning into my violet eyes. He puts his muzzle against my nose before getting ready for me to mount him.
I then turn around to say goodbye to my family. Cregan who is holding our daughter in his arms, a hand on Robb's head has pain in his eyes. I approach and kiss my son's forehead who takes me in his arms kissing my neck.
-Mama promises to come back soon. I whisper, stroking her hair.
-Mama comes back soon and in good health. Lyanna says, holding out her arms to me.
I take her in my arms and kiss her cheek several times, my gaze fixed on my husband's. When I put Lyanna down, Cregan comes closer, one of his hands comes to my waist, the other on my stomach. He gently caresses it, his gaze on mine.
-I will keep my promise. I whisper, trapped in his gaze.
-You better. He answers with a soft but firm voice.
He kisses my forehead several times, our eyes closing when we feel the contact of our skin. My hand caresses his on my stomach, then when our lips meet, my heart melts in my chest.
-Come back to me. He whispers against my lips, his gaze burning me -I promise. I answer, kissing him one last time.
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lilap20 · 7 months ago
Happy Mother’s Day!
* *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *✧
✰ ft. choso, kento, suguru, satoru & megumi
note: Happy Mother’s to all my mother followers!! You are so so loved and appreciated by me especially as a daughter of a single parent (mom) household! Enjoy txts between your kid and jjk husband as a gift from me🤍💐
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warnings: fluff, cursing, f!reader
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Gojo & Megumi
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2K notes · View notes
lilap20 · 7 months ago
Happy Mother’s Day!
* *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *✧
✰ ft. choso, kento, suguru, satoru & megumi
note: Happy Mother’s to all my mother followers!! You are so so loved and appreciated by me especially as a daughter of a single parent (mom) household! Enjoy txts between your kid and jjk husband as a gift from me🤍💐
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warnings: fluff, cursing, f!reader
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Gojo & Megumi
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2K notes · View notes
lilap20 · 8 months ago
Chapter X: Aemma's daughters
@koobratzy @beebeechaos
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The tension is at its peak when my father walks down the aisle. We all look at him with our breath stuck in our throats. King Viserys takes his place on the Iron Throne, and we all bow our heads in reverence. Cregan vaguely runs his hand over my back in a final gesture to relax me as my father speaks.
-If I invited you all here, begins my father in a loud voice but which I know is trembling, it is to put my estate back in place.
My whole body tenses and I risk a glance at my big sister. She remains dignified, her head erect in her red dress, her violet gaze fixed on my father. Leanor looks at me a little troubled before looking at my sister then my father. Why is Viserys doing this?
-Over the years, the King continues, since the birth of my two male children, my ear has been attentive to the rumors and gossip of the court. My father's voice is strong as that of a King should be.
Alicent’s gaze slides over us as she shakes Aegon’s hand in a sign of support. My purple gaze hasn't left her, my face straight being tense and emotionless, which made her blush and she looks away.
-I stand before you, proclaims the King, to confirm that my heir to the throne is Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.
My body immediately relaxes, I can hear my cousin Laena sigh while momentarily stroking my uncle's arm who nods his head a little relieved himself. I look at Cregan who smiles at me, with a look that says “I told you so”. Rhaenyra simply nods while Leanor is more expressive shaking her hand. Finally, my gaze turns to my mother-in-law, Alicent and her children. If Aegon doesn't feel slighted or anything, Alicent is completely tense and upset by this announcement. If her gaze could kill, she would have exterminated us.
-In addition, continues my father, the Crown Princess has shared with me some magnificent news, said my father with joy in his voice. She is waiting for the future heir of Dragonstone.
The crowd in the great hall begins to applaud at the news, and we ourselves applaud while turning our hands towards Rhaenyra who just smiles in thanks. Vaguely my gaze turns to Ser Harwin who is against a wall looking at my sister from afar. Our eyes meet and mine is so intense that he looks away. My sister is pregnant with his child, but I refuse to let the stares coming from him put her and the baby in danger.
“Well, well,” my father said, calming the crowd by raising his hand. I also want to announce that if something bad happens to the Crown Princess before she gives birth to her first born, the heir will be Princess Nymeria Targaryen.
A loud murmur shakes the room as Cregan's hand tightens on my back and my body remains unmoved. I have no desire for the throne, I don't want anything bad to happen to my sister, I want peace, I want her to ascend the throne, and I want to return to the North with my husband.
-Her first born will be heir to the throne after her, my father continues while the script is written, and the second will be the future Lord of Winterfell.
Cregan nods as my father's words are addressed to him. I know he’s not thrilled about it, and so am I. I don't want the child in my belly to be part of this dangerous game for the throne. Instinctively I pass a hand over my stomach as if to reassure us, Alicent follows my movement by raising an eyebrow.
-If Princess Rhaenyra were to leave us in labor, and the child she is carrying still lives, Princess Nymeria will be heir temporarily until the young baby becomes a man or woman of 16 years old. Continue my father the crowd hanging on his mouth. If misfortune were to touch my house, and its voice becomes more melancholy, and my first two born were to leave this Earth without an heir, the throne would fall to my eldest son Aegon II.
The entire court is still murmuring, my father had just placed Aegon, his male heir after my sister and me, after our children, and this before the court and the Maesters, before the scripts. A feeling of pride swells in my chest. I wish my mother was there to see our Father choose my sister and me, going against ethics and the law. Either way, the King is the Law.
-The King is Law, and we follow the Law. Said The Hand and the court repeats it as we do, the Session is adjourned.
As soon as the gossip begins, the nobles do not waste a second leaving the great hall while shooting us looks. Alicent grabbed my sister Heelena's hand before leaving the Throne room without looking at Aegon and Aemond.
I take my sister in my arms and she immediately relaxes, sighing against my neck. Our eyes meet when our bellies touch and a secret glance makes us laugh softly. I look at my uncle Daemon who with a positive sign from his wife approaches us with a small smile stretching his lips. Arriving in front of us, his pale purple eyes shine with love when he gently tilts his head then takes my hand then Rhaenyra's.
-You, my nieces, will make perfect Queens. He whispers before kissing my hand
My heart is beating so hard in my chest that it could escape. I cover my uncle with a look of love and thanks. He smiles at me before looking at Rhaenyra and his whole world stops. He caresses her hand momentarily while my sister's gaze doesn't leave him. It is hot like dragon fire, chaotic like their behavior. Daemon leans down to kiss her hand and my sister sucks in a breath as if she's finally being allowed to breathe.
Daemon steps back, letting go of our hands before nodding briefly to return to our cousin taking her by the waist. Together they leave the Throne Room.
I watch my uncle leave, my sister does too. Her gaze is wet, moved. What Daemon just did was accept us as heirs and give us his help and support. The only support we need most after our father.
-Let's go. Cregan whispers, taking my hand gently.
I nod, smiling at his warm gaze. I turn to look at my father who is talking with his hand and scripts. His gaze meets mine briefly before smiling and nodding. I do the same leaving the throne room, Cregan keeping my hand in his.
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I couldn't sleep that night.
It's pleasantly nice this evening, the cool wind blowing against the thin curtains of the bedroom windows. Despite the wind and pleasant temperature of the night, Cregan sleeps naked in the sheets, his body adjusting to the difference between north and south. The sheet covers his lower back as his legs protrude from the sheet, he breathes softly, although sweating from his back, his black hair tangled and scattered across the cushion.
I move slowly and his arm tightens around my waist in a reflex, and I smile. Cregan is still protective and possessive even when he sleeps, and with the pregnancy it got worse. I gently caress his arm while smiling softly admiring his beauty when he sleeps. His body has a few scars, mostly on his back and shoulders and a long one on his rib. Sometimes I like to pet them and it makes him smile.
But even thinking about these little moments between us doesn't help me get to sleep. My head has not stopped spinning since our Father announced the succession. Gossip and plots are playing on our heads and I can't sleep. Slowly I stand up, Cregan's hand falling on my thighs, he automatically frowns and with agility and much prayer I place a cushion on his arm.
After waiting for him to wake up which he doesn't, I discreetly get out of bed wearing my long nightgown. I quickly put on some riding clothes and grab a cape. When I was ten and two years old, Daemon gave me a book containing all the secret passages of the Cruel King Maegor.
I know that behind my bed is a hidden door, and I really want to get some fresh air and breathe. Without waiting, I put on boots hiding a dagger inside, quickly tie my hair in a half ponytail and go behind my bed. I watch Cregan sleep peacefully, his face relaxed, his breathing calm. I smile then as gently as possible push the wall and jump when a door opens with a noise.
I close my eyes before opening them hoping Cregan is still asleep, and he is. I sigh and walk through the door, a breeze lifting my hair and cooling my face. I don't think and close the door behind me, adjust my cloak and run down the stairs. The wind is strong, there is a musty smell but I can feel the weight on my stomach lifting.
A feeling of freedom spreads through me as I run through the palace catacombs without even properly looking ahead. Suddenly a hand grabs me and I let out a cry which is muffled by a hand.
-Are we out, niece? Daemon's voice asks in my ear
Freed from his grip I turn towards him out of breath, my face probably red.
-Uncle ? What are you doing there ? I ask surprise, detailing him from head to toe
He is not dressed in rich clothing, but only in ordinary clothing and a cape which partially covers his head. He puts his hands in his pockets with an amused look.
-It's more up to me to ask you this question. He responds with a grin before frowning. What are you doing Nymeria?
I swallow with my hand in the bag, I look around with my heart racing, my mouth dehydrated from my race and Daemon silently passes me his water bottle and I drink quickly with a grateful look.
-So ? Daemon asks, raising an eyebrow waiting for me to respond.
-I wanted to clear my mind, I admit, running a hand over my stomach. Hell I didn't even think about the baby in my rush, I could have put him in danger.
Daemon looks at me, then he looks at my hand and approaches me concerned.
-Issi ao going hen mērī isse maegor's corridors while ao sagon expecting cregan's riñnykeā? (Are you going out alone in Maegor's corridors while you're expecting Cregan's child?) He asks and I notice his annoyance because he spoke in High Valyrian
-Nyke couldn't ēdrugon Daemon, I admit almost complaining, se nyke ēdan daor desire naejot jikagon naejot se rōva library. (I couldn't sleep Daemon, and I had no desire to go to the big library).
Daemon sighs, picking up his canteen. He mutters before walking in front of me, peaceful, his large size never getting stressed.
-Uncle Daemon? I ask looking at him not knowing what to do
-Follow me, I didn't plan for you to be here during my little trip, but come anyway. He says without looking at me and I run to be on his level
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-We are in town. I whisper looking around me
The cool wind that I refocused in the Palace has disappeared, the atmosphere is heavy, the streets stink, and the noise is deafening. The townspeople scream in chaos, some too drunk to walk on the dirty ground.
-Hide your face well, Daemon whispers, pulling on my cloak.
I didn't dare ask him what he was doing, or why he wanted to go down to town. He agreed to take me there so I turn a blind eye to his activities.
The city is as I have always been told. Noisy, lively, dirty, and above all vicious. I turn my head and blush heavily seeing a woman against a wall, a man slapping her ass while pulling on her hair. Daemon just chuckles before taking my hand and leading us somewhere else.
-Where are we going ? I ask looking at him, keeping my hand in his
-I was going to a tavern, said Daemon looking around him, but considering your condition, he said, glancing at my stomach, it is better that I take you to the theater.
-Does Laena know you are here? I ask curious my violet eyes watching him then i jump when I step on someone
-Does Cregan know you're here? He asks giving me a look and I blush cutting our eye contact.
I don't answer, nor Daemon, we walk through the streets, heading deeper into the city. Soon the deafening and heavy noise subsides as we enter a street where men and women jump or stare when we meet their eyes. And I understand, we are in Silk Street.
Daemon says nothing pulling me into a house where men and women are sitting or standing with drinks in their hands. Daemon sighs as he pulls me closer to the chair. We sit down and he takes off his cape. When I am about to do the same he stops me giving me his water bottle.
-If we ever see you here, you will be compromised. He warns, looking ahead as he is served wine
I drink water with red cheeks when I realize where I am. Naked and painted humans dance before us, a sensual and erotic dance that captivates the eye. No one looks towards Daemon, he crosses his legs drinking his cup, his gaze fixed on the spectacle.
-It’s not theater. I whisper giving him an amused look
Daemon returns my gaze with a grin before finishing his cut.
-But that will do the trick I suppose? He asks, raising an eyebrow.
I smile taking his bottle and drinking water. Yes that will do the trick.
When I return to my room, my clothes smell of the city, and I hurry to undress and put on my nightgown. I untie my hair and gently remove the cushion to place myself under Cregan's arm.
This evening with Daemon was unexpected, but I would like to go through it again. My mind is more relaxed, although I am embarrassed that I haven't said anything to Cregan. I look at my husband who pulls me towards him, his nose going to my neck, eyes still closed. I run a hand over his arm and his hand caresses my stomach. When I close my eyes, his whisper gives me goosebumps, the hairs climbing up my back.
-Don't go out in the night in secret anymore.
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Cregan and I were at the Dragon's Pit when guards arrived, my father getting out of the carriage.
Cregan, who was making sure my riding boots were secure and watching Nightmares out of the corner of his eye, stands up, bowing his head when my father approaches.
-Father. I greet a little surprised as I move forward to kiss both of his cheeks and he holds my hands back.
-It's been a long time since I've been here, he mutters his head in his memories while looking around him, since the death of the Great Terror.
I caress his knuckles, weak and sick.
-Well, did you miss the smell of the dragon? I ask with a small smile
He wrinkles his nose and I laugh at the expression lighting up his face.
-Not at all, I fear it, he sneers. I heard that you are flying to the North immediately. Said my father while looking at my dragon growling behind
-Yes, I answer a little guilty, the North is managed by Sara Snow, but Cregan must take back the reins. I respond, looking at my father's puny hands.
-I understand it, my daughter, he murmurs himself looking at our linked hands, my heart was torn when your absence was felt, the Gods left me Rhaenyra but for how long. He whispers in a sad voice
I don't know what to say and my father unties our hands to take something that a guard hands him before returning to his place.
-Who is it ? I ask for a curious look
-A decree for your future children, said my father, you know that they will not have the opportunity to be called Prince or Princess. I nod as I take the scroll. With this decree they will be able to receive the title of Prince and Princess, and you will be able to keep your title too.
I look at my father with a completely shocked face. He smiled as he saw it caressing my cheek.
-But father…
-Accept, said Viserys in a melancholy and authoritative voice, this is my gesture to show my love for you. You and Rhaenyra are all I have left. You are my only children.
I want to ask him how he feels about Alicent's children, how does he treat them if we are his only children?
My questions die on my lips as I jump to my father's neck, hugging him to me. I haven't held him in my arms since my mother died, I want to cry against him but I manage to detach myself from him, my eyes shining with emotion.
-Thank you my King. I say bowing quickly then I take his hand and position it on my stomach and he feels the round fabric
My father smiled at me before blushing in surprise and looking at me with his deep, emotional eyes.
-Thank you my daughter.
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lilap20 · 8 months ago
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lilap20 · 9 months ago
Chapter IX: The Greens and Blacks
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-We're late. I growl as I move forward quickly -We're late. Cregan continues with a little smile.
My cheeks heat up hearing his response and his hand caressing my back. I chase her quickly while moving faster. The guards on our route give us an amused look that Cregan dismisses with a single glance.
When we arrive in front of the large doors of the room where we are expected, my heart tries to beat speed records and Cregan finally begins to feel the tension I felt.
-Now that we are in front of the doors and I hear them, I feel a little…
-Nervous ? I ask, trying to hide my nervousness with a chuckle.
-Everything will be fine, Nymeria. Cregan reassures me
-I hope so. I whisper as I straighten my dress
Red in color and soft like silk, my long dress trails slightly on the ground, my shoulders are a little exposed and my arms are covered by long, long sleeves. On my chest is drawn the symbol of the Targaryen family mixed with that of the Starks. Cregan, dressed in black, runs a quick hand through his short hair then looks at the guards who open the door.
My hand quickly touches the small bump on my stomach and this gesture does not go unnoticed by the guards. As soon as the doors open, the music slows down to gently give way to silence, the words at the tables disperse and all eyes fall on us. I breathe immediately.
-My King, my Queen, my dear Princes and Princesses, you find yourself in the presence of Lord Cregan Stark and Lady Nymeria Targaryen.
My sister's smile reaches her ears when she sees me and she immediately gets up to hug me. I hug back as Cregan smiles beside us, she then turns to Cregan and kisses his cheeks.
-I am happy to see you. Smiled Rhaenyra
I take her hand, smiling.
-Us too, Princess.
Rhaenyra takes us to the big table where my father watches us with a faint smile on his face. At her side, Queen Alicent their three children, Aemond Aegon, and Heleana.
My sister sits next to her husband, and I bow with Cregan to my father, the King.
The sound of a chair makes me look up and I jump when I feel his warm arms surrounding me in a surprising embrace. Hesitantly I respond to his slightly emotional hug.
-Welcome home. My father whispers with emotion
He pulls away from me after giving me two kisses on the cheeks, then he takes Cregan's hand and squeezes it.
-Thank you for coming so quickly, Lord Stark.
-We did it as quickly as possible, replies Cregan in a hard and authoritarian voice that I love, your daughter and I could not keep you waiting, my King.
King Viserys smiles then gives a quick hug to Cregan who remains stoic about his gesture.
-Daughter-in-law, it’s good to see you again.
Alicent's voice reaches my ears and I tense with all my muscles, the Queen dressed in a green royal dress, stretches her arms towards me and kisses both my cheeks. I struggle to respond to his forced smile but jump in panic when I feel her body against mine. And because she is a woman and a mother of four children, she felt this little bump against my dress, a sign of my pregnancy.
When Alicent takes off from me her gaze is wide with surprise, mine does not leave her with my head held high trying to send her a clear message “don’t say anything”. Rumors about my pregnancy are circulating throughout the palace, but they are not confirmed, I would like it to stay like that.
-Son-in-law, Alicent leaves to kiss Cregan, you are welcome here, as long as you want.
-Let's head to the table, my father orders kindly and we obey with a nod.
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During the meal, laughter and discussions gather around the table, the music is captivating but one thing strikes me, the Queen only speaks to her children, while Rhaenyra only speaks to Leanor and myself with my husband. My father is stuck between the two groups. Rhaenyra in Black, Alicent in Green.
Both camps are marked.
Empty places are marked around the table, places for two, my gaze does not leave the places while my stomach knots. I'm not very hungry, I only ask for sweets, so I'm kindly waiting for the desert time.
-Aren't you eating, my dear girl? my father asks with concern
Cregan immediately puts down his glass of wine and turns to me, one hand roaming my thigh. I reassure him with a look and he frowns.
-It's okay Father, I'm just tired from the trip.
-You should gain strength by eating, dear daughter-in-law, adds Alicent immediately, a little of this turkey won't do you any harm.
Viserys smiles at her and she caresses his hand, smiling in turn. I grimace, my stomach completely churning at the idea of ​​tasting turkey, just the smell of it makes me nauseous even if I keep up appearances.
-I am sorry my Queen, Cregan apologizes on my behalf, recently my wife has not been digesting turkey well, she has become intolerant to it.
Alicent feigns shock.
-What a shame, I thought it was your favorite dishes, beautiful girl. Well, Alicent drinks a little of his wine, I myself had to give up my favorite dishes for a while.
-Your Highness ? My voice vibrates as I look her straight in the eyes, understanding her implication.
-My King, cut the valet, My Queen, Princes and Princesses, Lord and Lady Stark. You find yourself in the presence of Prince Daemon Targaryen and his wife Princess Leana, and their daughters, Princesses Rheana and Baela.
Rhaenyra and I jump into our chairs. Our cousin is back with our uncle and their daughters.
-Bring them in. Order my father
When my gaze meets Daemon's my eyes widen with joy to see him again with his family. Next to him is my cousin Leana and in their arms two two-year-old babies, Beala and Rheana.
-My King, Leana begins, we thank you for your summons here to the Red Keep.
-No need to thank me, Viserys gets up, heading towards them, I wanted my whole family to be together tonight.
My father kisses both cheeks of my cousin, Uncle Daemon does not grant him the pleasure of caring, on the other hand he presents Beala who was moving in his arms.
-They are magnificent my brother, my father smiled, beautiful princesses, I am happy for you.
-Thank you brother. Replies Daemon remotely
My gaze shifts to my sister, her body tense in her chair even though a worked smile is drawn on her lips. When Leana and Daemon join us at the table leaving the nannies taking their daughters to the nursery, Leanor takes her sister in her arms with a big smile.
-My Queen, salute Leana by making a quick bow Daemon on the other hand does not give pleasure to Alicent, my dear cousins, Lord Stark.
Cregan smiles at Leana, Rhaenyra does the same while drinking some wine.
-Good evening to you cousin, I look at Daemon, to you too my uncle.
-I am happy to see you again, my dear nieces, replies Daemon with a big smile.
His gaze never turns to Rhaenyra, and she never looks at Daemon, Cregan senses the tension between the two couples and gently squeezes my hand under the table.
-Everything is fine ? I whisper softly in his ear
-Yes, only, I can guess that some weird things are going on between your uncle Daemon and the princess. A kind of tension.
I laugh against my glass of water before whispering to him.
-Welcome to the family, my love.
The Queen who was eating in silence looks at Cregan and me, her eyebrows furrowed when she sees that I am not drinking wine but water.
-So you don't drink wine, Princess Nymeria? she asks and the table falls silent
I take a deep breath as all eyes turn to me, I quickly take a sip of water before answering.
-I am no longer a Princess, I fear, my Queen, I respond, looking straight into Alicent's eyes, I am the Lady of Winterfell. And to answer your question, your majesty, I have decided to slow down on the wine.
Old excuse, Talyssa hums in my head and I hold back a nervous laugh as the Queen prepares her response.
-Well, already wine wasn't your favorite drink…
Her sentence remains in suspense like her insinuation. She tries to get me to tell my secret, to say that I'm pregnant, she wants me to throw shade on my sister's face during dinner and I refuse to do that.
Seeing that I don't answer, Cregan prepares to speak, his hand slipping into mine under the table to intertwine. But before he speaks Rhaenyra taps her glass twice attracting everyone's attention. I am grateful to her.
-I am happy to see all the members of my family gathered around this table this evening, it is something that has not happened since the death of my mother, the good Queen Aemma. Rhaenyra begins, standing up.
My eyes shine when my sister speaks, my smile fades a little when she talks about our mother who I'm sure would have jumped for joy when she learned of my pregnancy. Instinctively my hand passes over my abdomen and my eyelids blink away my tears.
-In this beautiful dinner, where we are all gathered, my husband and I, she takes Leanor's hand, have the pleasure of announcing to you that we are expecting our first child.
The table goes silent as we all look at Rhaenyra and Leanor. What is she?
The first person to stand up is my cousin Leana, she stands up to hug Rhaenyra and I immediately follow, making my chair creak as I hug Leanor. The shock gradually fades and my father bursts into joyous laughter.
-The heiress to the throne is waiting for her heir, my father smiled, getting up and taking his eldest in his arms, good play, my daughter.
I take my sister in my arms and whisper softly against her ear:
-Congratulations and thank you. I'm happy for you. -Thank you my sister. Rhaenyra whispers
I slowly detach myself from her, looking at her with a curious look. Her dark purple pupils are serious and I step back a little as she nods.
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“What a dinner,” Cregan sighs, collapsing onto the large bed in my room.
-Indeed, I respond in a tired voice while caressing my stomach.
Alerted by my tone and my gesture, Cregan quickly gets up on his two feet and comes towards me.
-How do you feel ? He asks, stroking my back and allowing me to cling to him. You almost looked sick during the meal.
-I was half so, I whisper, resting my head against his chest, this smell of meat will give me nightmares.
Cregan laughs softly at my light joke, then kisses my forehead twice before I straighten up to face him. We stand face to face, our gazes locked into each other, his hand caressing my cheek tenderly.
-Your sister is expecting her first child. He whispers like a secret
-She will have beaten us to this, I laugh sarcastically. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy she announced her pregnancy, I’m just scared about everything else.
-What are you afraid of ? Cregan asks, resting his forehead against mine.
-The baby, I sigh, closing my eyes, it won't be Leanor's. I'm walking out of Cregan's arms after saying that
Silence reigns in the large room, Cregan walks towards me then helps me undo the seams of my dress, I sigh with happiness when the fabric loosens around me.
-What do you mean ? Cregan is shocked and surprised, The baby wouldn't be your cousin's…
I immediately turn around and put my finger on Cregan's mouth, shaking my head. Rhaenyra is in such a delicate position and I understood it when she looked at me after my congratulations to her. If I know about Ser Harwin, I must now forget him completely. For the sake of my sister and her future child.
-Cregan, I frame his face with my hands, when the moment arrives I will tell you a truth that you will have to deny with all your strength. My husband looks at me with a surprised look, but in the meantime we don't talk about the baby's paternity.
I know he doesn't understand why I'm doing this, he doesn't suspect for a single second the dangerous game my sister has just started, but I know and he will have to trust me on this one. Cregan takes my hands in his, kisses each one before hugging me and stroking my hair.
-Okay, no questions for now. he whispers
-Thanks. I thank him with a sigh
-Now let's go to bed, whispers Cregan, tomorrow we will have a long day.
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Cregan was right, it was going to be a long day.
The ladies of the rooms are all around me, some giving me a meaningful look at my uncovered stomach. It's only a matter of time before my pregnancy is made official, but I wanted to give my sister a little more time.
As I am being helped into my black dress which has red leaves of the Heart Tree sewn onto the bottom of the dress, Cregan enters the room tying the buttons on his sleeves. I look at his reflection in the mirror and a smile stretches my lips, I hide it immediately when he raises his head and our eyes meet in the mirror.
-I saw you Nymeria. Teases Cregan, lowering his head towards his occupation
-And what did you see Cregan? I ask in a joking tone
A maid pulls the laces of my dress a little too tightly and I grimace, holding my stomach. Cregan notices this immediately.
-Oh, he calls out, getting closer, don't be too much of her stomach.
The maid apologizes but Cregan asks to take her place to tie my dress. He loosens the fabric a little while watching my reactions to see if I'm okay.
We remain silent as he helps me tie my dress, all we hear is the sound of his work and it doesn't calm my thoughts. My head has been talking since the Sun rose, my desire to fly raises the hairs on my arms, I want to escape from this meeting in the great room. I fear what Viserys will say, and the actions his words may cause. I jump a little when I feel Cregan's hand massaging the back of my neck, his thumb tracing circles on my skin and our eyes meet in the mirror.
-Stop worrying, he whispers, everything will be fine. He reassures me
-You don't know the Dragon family, I whisper, the fire that burns in each of us refuses to be challenged, even by those of our own family.
Cregan's hands move over my stomach hidden by the fabric of the dress, he places his chin on my shoulder then quickly kisses my neck. His gaze finds mine once again in the mirror and I feel his hands move on my stomach.
-Whatever happens today, I am on your side and you know it. Cregan whispers in a slightly authoritative and reassuring tone.
I nod and kiss his forehead before he stands up and finishes getting dressed. Once ready, I look at my reflection one last time in the mirror, my silver hair is braided in the Nordienne style, my purple eyes are full of worry and my dress represents my husband's House to perfection.
Such a beautiful look to undoubtedly witness a disaster.
-Nymeria? Call Cregan
I turn to my husband who is dressed in black, the Stark symbol is engraved on his clothing. I approach him and while caressing his slightly stinging jaw I kiss him gently. He didn't expect it, I can read it in his eyes, the softness of the kiss surprised him and now I see the great Cregan Stark looking away.
-You are delicious, my Lord husband. I compliment, smiling mockingly
-Your beauty and your mocking air dazzle me, my wife. Replies Cregan recovering from my teasing
I smile at him then I look at the two large wooden doors, Cregan caresses my back to encourage me and remind me that he is there. I stroke my hair one last time, then I approach the doors and knock on them twice.
They open after my gesture, and I can see the two guards who are to escort us standing in front of them. I turn to Cregan and he nods, clutching his sword at his waist. I then advance, he right behind me, as we pass the nobles of the court greet us and we do the same. The palace is strangely silent, or rather it is filled with whispers and murmurs.
Everyone knows that something is brewing, the nobles are dressed for a big event, they are heading towards the Iron Throne Room like us and a heavy atmosphere is starting to be felt.
Worried Cregan moves to my side and places his hand on my back. My heart beats a little harder each time we get closer to the throne room. I recognize each turn of the Dungeon, I feel us arriving, I feel the atmosphere getting heavier as we find ourselves in front of the large open doors of the throne room.
-Here we are, Se Dēmalion Āegenko (the Iron Throne) I whisper in Valyrian
Cregan sighs as I do as we walk into the great hall. It is dark and at the same time bright, the words spoken in this room are louder than the music. The imposing Iron Throne with all its swords melted by the Dragon's fire reminds us that we are nothing without him and the power he gives us. This throne inspires fear and respect, respect and fear that my ancestors won with the help of fire, with blood.
Rhaenyra is already there, waiting like the other members of the royal family standing in front of the throne. She is dressed in black like our House, her jewelry shows her royalty and her presence reminds us that she is the heir.
When she sees me, she moves to take my hand in hers. Cregan places himself alongside Leanor and Daemon. Laena is to the right of my sister, wrapping her arm with hers.
-Skorkydoso glaesā feeling dārilaros? (How are you feeling Princess?) Daemon asked as I turned to look at Cregan behind me.
-Nervous, Daemon, skoros nūmāzma se byka riñi? (Nervous Daemon, how are the little girls?) I respond in a whisper
-Īlis ēdrure skori pōja muña se nyke geptot zirȳ (They were sleeping when their mother and I left them.) Daemon replies with his hands crossed behind his back
I nod, then my attention is diverted by the arrival of Queen Alicent and her eldest, Aegon II. He was her only child present and I already knew what that meant. We're going to talk about succession again.
The pressure is felt in the room while the Queen and her son dressed in green do not give us a very warm look. Rhaenyra squeezes my hand a little tighter as I look at her and my cousin in their black dresses. This House has been divided for a long time, and our colors show it well.
-Make room, someone screams, for his Majesty, King Viserys Targaryen First of his name.
And we all turn to my father who walks down the aisle surrounded by guard, the crown so coveted by the two eldest of this family on his head. Let the quarrel between the Blacks and the Greens begin.
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Letter from the author: A few days before season 2 of the House of The Dragons season, I wish everyone a good time watching the series, hoping that you will like this chapter which tells the beginning of the war between the greens and blacks. Happy reading everyone, and long live Team Black. Author
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lilap20 · 11 months ago
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ೃ࿔ SAVAGE BONDS part 2 『 feyd rautha x atreides!reader 』
summary: destined to one another since conception, your very life belongs to feyd rautha. as a token of good will you are sent to the strange planet of giedi prime a week before your wedding ceremony, only to learn that it is far more hostile than you imagined it would be. a failed assassination attempt has tempers flaring and sparks flying when it is decided to be safer to sleep alongside feyd. you hate to admit it, but he has played the part of a "protector" better than the guards who were tasked to watch over you. whilst you have been dreading this union all of your life, feyd has been anticipating it. meeting you as children had left him awe-struck. . . and a bit obsessed.
warnings: !SMUT HEAVY IN FUTURE PARTS!, feyd is super overprotective in this fic and kills multiple people in your honor, blood and gore, it's a dark romance folks, political marriage, forced proximity, temporary unrequited love, a lil dubious consent in some scenes, there's a lot of talk about breeding, enemies to lovers (in your mind, not his), there's a "who did this to you" scene, knife play, blood kink, breeding kink heavy, lots of scent marking/marking.
word count: 4.5k
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Legs tangled in gray sheets. The lightning-quick flash of a silver dagger, held by a pale hand.
The images in the dream are more like fragments- impossible to discern and decipher. On the bed, asleep and vulnerable. . .
There’s you.
And then Feyd wakes up, heart hammering in his chest so hard he can feel it in his throat. Slowly his fingers crawl up, up, up the expanse of the bed in search of something. In search of warmth, of you. Nothing. He’s just as alone in his room as he was when he drifted off into sleep. He lays awake the rest of the night, tossing and turning with worry.
This dream felt more like a warning than just another disjointed nightmare. It felt real. He was used to having dreams every now and again which clearly depicted a future outcome. He saw you in his dreams quite often, more so once he was no longer a boy-child.
If someone thought to hurt you… he’d just have to hurt them first.
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The customs you and your people practiced were completely different to those that were normal on Geidi Prime. You watched one of your ladies-in-waiting as she brought over another small bowl of sweet smelling bath salts, dumping it in and using her hand to properly dissolve them. For a moment you felt self conscious, running your fingers through your hair as you looked at their perfect complexions and shaved heads. What did they see when they looked at you? Someone beautiful and strange. . . or an alien?
Still, you would eventually have to disrobe and bathe. Pressing your luck and refusing their help would only solidify your place as an outsider. You were sure that whispers of your arrival were already spreading like wildfire, and it was almost guaranteed that no one was happy about it. An Atreides amongst Harkonnen’s? You were nothing more than a pariah on their industrial wasteland of a planet.
The air was even more acrid in your lungs than it had been the night before, and while the smell of the rose body oils and salts were thick and hazy in your room, you could still catch the scent of pollution. Already you missed the cool, crisp air of Caladan. You missed your horses, your parents and your brother to the point of pain. This was not where you belonged. Not here in Geidi Prime. Not here with Feyd-Rautha.
The urge to cry yourself hoarse was practically undeniable, and yet you somehow managed to resist. You were late to breakfast already, and surely the Baron was making some unsavory comments about your family and their taught “manners”. So you untied the front of your nightdress and shimmied out of it, letting the soft cotton pool at the ground beneath your feet. The women couldn’t help but gawk at the tiny imperfections they saw there- a beauty mark you’d had since you were a child, a scar you’d received while training with Gurney. You weren’t used to feeling so self conscious, and so you were quick to grab one of the women’s extended hands so that you could sit down in the murky bath water.
They rubbed floral smelling soaps into your hair and on your skin, making sure to handle you as though you were as fragile as porcelain. You wished they would scrub you raw. Even then they wouldn’t be able to cleanse you of your fears. You were in the hands of the Harkonnen’s now.
No one could save you.
“We are not very used to styling hair, my lady. It might not be to your liking.” One of the women said anxiously. The way that her hands shook as she gripped the hairbrush was not lost on you.
How cruelly were they treated here? Or even worse- what did she think of the Atreides family? What lies had they poisoned these people’s impressionable minds with? You didn’t care to dwell too much on such thoughts. Reaching out you gently removed the brush from her hands, flashing her the kindest smile you could muster before shaking your head.
“Leave this to me then. Why don’t you pick something for me to wear from my things?” Your bags were still packed, lying exactly where a few servants had laid them last night. You had denied every offer to have them unpacked for you.
Denial. You refused to believe that you were actually stuck here. This would never be your home. It couldn’t be.
“He’s not here,” Feyd was sitting at a long, slate-gray table by himself. The food on his plate had barely been touched, but he had busied himself with chopping the meat up into miniscule pieces, too small to even fit on the prongs of his fork. “If you were planning on trying to make a good impression, you can forget about it. He always has his food sent to his quarters.”
You thanked the two ladies that had shown you through the colorless halls under your breath, moving to sit on the other side of the table. At least eight chairs separated you from the Na-baron and it still wasn’t enough. You wished you were on an entirely different planet, lightyears away from the Harkonnen scum.
The room was practically empty aside from the large dining room table. No art decorated the walls or rugs to cover the floor. It was all cold, black marble with white accents.
“I don’t care, actually.” And you were being truthful. You didn’t care about getting on the Baron’s good side any more than you cared about getting on Feyd’s.
He smiled then, staring at you long and hard before licking one of his black painted canines. He was amused by the blase way you brushed off his uncle so easily. Indifference wasn’t something he was used to, especially not when everyone in the galaxy had tried so hard to get on their good sides. People tended to tread lightly as far as the Harkonnens were concerned. They were as wealthy as they were cunning.
“Be careful, little Atreides. Saying things like that might get you hurt around here.” His gruff voice was but a whisper now, and suddenly you felt as though there weren’t twelve feet of dead-air separating the two of you.
You had picked up your fork, ready to eat whatever bland food had been prepared for you, but froze at his words. Heat rose to your cheeks and you were quick to lean back in the ornate high-backed chair, the cool iron seeping into your back through your clothes.
“Do you mean to threaten me?” Your words were icy, tongue sharp and ready to give him a proper lashing.
“It’s not a threat, darling.” He was practically purring, reveling in the joy of referring to you whilst using a pet name. It suddenly looked as though a switch had been turned on, his eyes narrowing on you. “I know him far better than you do. He’s killed people for far less. Be careful.” There seemed to be something he wasn’t telling you. There was genuine warning in his tone.
A pause.
“Please.” And then he went back to eating.
So were you supposed to act gutted at his uncle’s absence? You picked up the fork and took a bite of whatever had been put on your plate. It wasn’t at all what you were used to. Even the food tasted. . . fake. The meat tasted like it had been pumped full of chemicals and was mealy in your mouth, like sand. Still, you swallowed despite your distaste and shoved the plate away from you.
“Who have you assigned to be my sparring partner? I’m sure that my father made your uncle aware that I train daily, correct?” If you didn’t physically exert yourself and blow off some steam then you were bound to get no sleep tonight.
Last night you had tossed and turned, unable to stay asleep when your body was constantly alerting you to possible dangers. Even now you were on high alert, eyes locked on the knife that sat on the right side of Feyd’s plate. Your own fingers danced towards yours it you watched. Waited. Worried.
“Training?” He tilted his head again, eyes narrowed in disbelief. You could almost see the cogs turning as he mulled over your words. “What good would training do you now? If there are any threats then I am here to protect you- that’s my duty as your husband.”
Ah, yes. Why would a woman train when she could just sit back and play the part of a perfect little wife instead? You could spit.
“Would you rather I just hunt down one of your servants and kill him for sport?” You hated that he was so good at getting a reaction out of you. Maybe you were acting too much like a brat, but you wanted to see him squirm. Seeing him mad must be better than seeing him. . . like this.
For a second he sat there, arms perched nonchalantly over the armrests of his chair, staring at you with a crooked smile. You jumped in surprise when a chuckle escaped him, the act itself so out of place, so surprising that all you could do was stare in horror. The chuckles soon morphed into frenzied laughter, and he was quick to lean back in his seat so that he could place a hand on his chest.
“Was that funny to you?” You spoke through gritted teeth.
He watched the muscle in your jaw clench and unclench with wild eyes, sucking in a deep breath in the hopes of calming himself. Still, to hear such a beautiful woman speak such hideous words. . . it was wonderful, bordering on perverted.
“If you do kill a servant, please make sure I’m there to watch.”
He was too busy watching your face to notice the knife that you slid into the sleeve of your dress. With a huff you stood up, your skirts dryly brushing along the ground as you started to make your way out of the large room.
“I require a trainer.” You tried to mimic your mother’s tone, straightening your shoulders as you turned to look at him.
Lady Jessica always had a way of commanding a room. She was powerful, your mother. You needed to channel that same power now.
“You’ll train with me then,” He stood up from the table, the height and build of him alone nearly causing you to take a step back. You’d forgotten how large he was. How formidable. “Consider it a wedding gift.”
This had you balking, mouth opening and closing as you tried to think of some way to refuse. He was already stalking past you though, ignoring whatever retorts you were bound to make.
“I recommend getting changed. . . Unless you want me to tear that dress to shreds.”
That awful, ugly, no good- 
“Bastard!” You whispered under your breath, wadding up your dress just to angrily toss it onto your bed. 
You sank to your knees, braiding your fingers into your hair so that you could give it a few good yanks. He was doing this to fuck with your head. All of this was calculated on his part, it had to be. Was it all just to get a rise out of you? Or did he truly want to try and hurt you? You couldn’t figure him out, and that boiled your blood. All Harkonnens were cunning, blood thirsty schemers. You wouldn’t put it past him to be unhappy with the marriage arrangement, choosing to resort to violence in order to end things. 
‘Now. Now is the time to strike.’ 
You’d already hidden the blade under the mattress of the bed. The Baron wouldn’t allow you to live if you killed his precious nephew, but you’d much rather put up some sort of a fight than be put down like a dog. After taking a few steadying breaths you somehow managed to pull on your trousers and shirt, your mind plagued with dangerous, dangerous thoughts. If the moment called for it you were certain that you could not kill Feyd in hand to hand combat. His skills with a blade was well known across the galaxy, and while you were more than able to defend yourself, you weren’t delusional enough to think that you could manage to beat him without using underhanded tactics. 
You’d have to wait until his guard was lowered. 
“Do all women take this long to get ready?” 
You hadn’t heard the door open, nor his footsteps approaching. Who knew how long he had been watching you. The intrusion was an unwelcome one. You looked up to glare at him, trying hard not to balk at his appearance. The clothes he wore were skin tight, a black material that caught the dim lighting- like it was made of pitch black oil. His pants were tucked into big black boots, laced up high on his calf. 
He stretched his arms up, leaning against the doorframe so that he could continue his awkward staring. 
He did a lot of that it would seem. Any time you turned your head to face him you found that he was already looking in your direction. It was odd. . . off putting to say the least. Of course you couldn’t know that he was currently tracing the lines of your face with his eyes, committing every detail to memory. You were so different when he compared you to the females that he was used to seeing. You were all soft lines, long lashes and doe eyes. He found it impossible not to look at you. Gorgeous… you were gorgeous. 
“It took me a while to get out of my dress on my own.”You shoved your way past him in the doorway, his chest warm under your palms. 
You were quick to jerk away, startled by the fact that this was the first time that you’d touched him since the two of you had reunited. 
You didn’t hate the feel of him, but you should have. 
“Then you should have asked for some help.” He said, reaching out to grab you by the back of your shirt when you started to walk off in the wrong direction. 
Feyd pulled you along like he would a pet on a leash through the triangular halls, ignoring your mumbled curses as you tried swatting him away. 
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The shield vibrated in your ears as you switched on the button, enveloping you in its warmth. 
You used to find it uncomfortable as a child, the tight, foreign warmth triggering a mild case of claustrophobia. You were used to it now, wearing it like a second skin. You waited for Feyd to turn his on as well, the blade clutched tight in your palm. 
You waited. And waited. And waited. 
“Where’s your shield?” You asked him, motioning towards his hip with your free hand. 
There it was, that crooked smile again. He was laughing at you. Was he trying to infer that you were weak? Was he so confident in his skills that he didn’t even see you as a threat?  
“I don’t see the nee-” He didn’t get very far. 
You kicked your leg out, catching the back of his right knee. His legs buckled, and he was quick to adjust himself, his left arm flying up to catch your wrist before you could sink the blade home. For a split second the two of you just stared at each other. Mild shock in his eyes, your own alight with an anger so consuming that you feared you might be burnt up with it. He gave your arm a sharp tug, hard enough that the joint rolled uncomfortably in its socket. 
You kicked your leg out before he could throw you over his shoulder, landing a sharp blow to his ribs. You heard him let out a pained moan before you hit the ground. Using your weight to your advantage, you tucked your body in, rolling to the side so that you could easily stand up to your knees, blade poised at your side and ready for an attack. 
“You fight well, Atreides.” Feyd purred, spinning his blade between two fingers before letting it fall back into his pale palm. 
“Turn on your shield.” You growled, rising to your full height so that you could begin circling him, a panther ready to pounce. 
“Was it Duke Leto that trained you?” Still, he was ignoring your statement. 
“No, of course it wasn’t him,” He took a step closer to you, eyeing you down. No one had looked at you like that before. . . and it made your skin crawl. You didn’t want to be desired by this man, the thought alone was miserable enough to have bile rising in your throat. “Your father is too weak-spirited to ever train you himself, lest he accidentally harm you.” 
Your heart was beginning to pound in your ears now, vision tunneling. All you could see was Feyd. All you could imagine was the blade that you were currently white-knuckling sunk hilt deep into his chest. 
“How horrible it must be for Caladan to have a Duke so. . .  spineless.” 
You bared your teeth, and for a second you were sure that you would snap the hilt in half with how hard you were gripping your blade. You demanded blood for such an insult. How dare he. How dare he. 
“I should cut out your tongue!” You screamed, pointed the blade at him. 
‘Don’t come any closer’ you urged with your eyes, feeling the angry tears causing your vision to fog. A Harkonnen was insulting your father. He was insulting your family and now he was smiling at you. The bastard had the gall to smile and this time all of his teeth were showing. Wide, unabashed in his joy. He was terrifying. So much so that you felt your legs begin to shake underneath you. 
“But you’ll want to put this tongue to good use eventually.” His gravelly voice purred. 
“Silence!” And before you could even control yourself you were using the Voice. 
You might not be as talented as your brother when it came to hand to hand combat, but your mother had taken the time to teach you well. Feyd’s mouth snapped shut so hard that you heard his teeth clatter together. 
“One more word and I will gut you.” Your voice shook and before you could rethink your actions you were lunging forward, the blade cutting through the air. . . 
Aimed at his throat. 
He was quick to push your arm away with his forearm, and even with the shield up you could feel the bone shattering pressure he put behind the movement. He was stronger than Paul- stronger than even Gurney. He took advantage of the fact that you were put off balance and grabbed a fist full of hair, the shield around you flashing red as he pressed his blade as close as he could to the base of your throat. Your scalp exploded in pain, eyes watering as he gripped harder to yank your head back so that you were staring directly into his eyes. They held no malice towards you, even despite the fact that you were obviously trying to maim him. 
And then he leaned in closer. And closer.
“If I didn’t know any better then I would think that you were actually trying to kill me.” He whispered against the shell of your ear. You could practically feel the warmth of his lips against your skin as he spoke, your heart roaring in your ribcage. With your chests practically touching like this you could smell him.
 You’d only caught the scent of spice once in your life- and it was akin to bitter cinnamon. There was something else though, something more complex to it. Aromatic spices you couldn’t quite put your fingers on and. .  . the natural musk of his skin. 
“So you can speak again?” You managed to tease him through your pain, wincing as he brought you even closer against his chest. The blade that you clutched in your hand was now pressing against his side, the pointed edge digging into his skin. 
He didn’t wince, even when you put more pressure against it. 
“You think it wise to use the Voice on me in my own home, little girl?” He hissed as he pulled away from your ear, and the fire that was in your eyes was now mirrored in his own. 
Slowly you moved the blade away from him, the metallic clanging echoing around the room as you let it fall to the floor. Your palm hurt from the vice-like grip you had been holding it in. 
“Release me now.” You didn’t shy away from staring into his eyes, unwavering even when he pressed the blade even tighter, the shield vibrating louder and louder around you. 
He leaned in, even when your hands moved to press against his chest, willing him to give you space. You could barely breathe with him this close to you. His own knife clattered to the ground, and using his free hand he ripped the shield from off of your hip. The gasp that escaped your lips was uncontrollable. You could feel his breath on your lips as his eyes continued to swallow you up whole. 
They looked even bluer when you were up close like this, framed by long black lashes. For a split second you wondered what had become of that beautiful little boy you had met. Had Baron Vladmir beaten the beauty out of him? Or perhaps it had never truly been there to begin with. 
When Feyd looked at you, up close like this, all he saw was the object of his ever-present affections. Something yawned to life in his chest- the need to protect. All at once he felt wrong, disgusting and horrible for causing you any sort of pain. 
But you looked so lovely with those tears in your eyes. So much so that he gave your hair another small yank, a shuddered breath escaping his lips as you yelped in pain. He saw the hate in your eyes and he detested it. 
‘Fear me’ he silently urged. ‘Love me, do as I say and I will become your slave.’ 
His lips brushed against yours, achingly slow- painfully soft. 
“I yield.” You were quick to say, pulling as far back as you could even with the grip he had on your hair. 
Fire. Your scalp felt like it was on fire. 
And then he released you, taking a step back with a heaving chest. The spell now broken, it felt like the world around you suddenly resumed its orbit. Wordlessly he pressed a hand to his side- the side that you had pressed the knife- and when he pulled it away you could see that it was stained with blood. 
“Didn’t you say that you were going to gut me?” There was no hint of humor in his voice now. 
“I wanted to.” You conceded. 
“Then you should have tried harder.”
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Again you lay in bed awake, unable to fall asleep. You told yourself that it was just homesickness that had you clinging to the blankets, but you knew better. What had happened today left you rattled and confused. 
There were a hundred times today that Feyd could have killed you. Everything that Gurney had ever taught you had disappeared like smoke in the wind the second that your father was mentioned. You had acted on instinct alone. 
And if it was an actual fight to the death then you would have lost. Miserably. 
There was something strange about it though. It never once felt like an actual training session. He taught you nothing and gave you no feedback. Not only that but. . . it never felt like he actually wanted to damage your pride. He didn’t turn on his shield before and after taunting you, almost as though he actually wanted one of your attacks to land. 
He had allowed you to get everything out of your system. You hated that it had worked. It wasn’t helping you to sleep tonight though. No, you had other things on your mind now. 
Like the fact that he had almost kissed you. 
Your knowledge was limited where men were concerned, but you were nearly positive that there was something sexual about the way that he had treated you. It was like he didn’t want to actually hurt you, but still went out of his way to touch you. 
You’d be sure to ask for someone that might be willing to train you again tomorrow over breakfast. Someone who wasn’t Feyd, preferably. Lunch and dinner had been spent in silence on your part tonight. He had tried to strike up conversation a few times, even baiting you in ways that might warrant annoyance and anger. You didn’t budge. Why? Because you hated how nervous you felt in his presence now. 
Was it because you were afraid of him? That had to be it. Hearing about his proficiency in fighting and seeing it first hand were two different things. He had practically swung you around like a ragdoll. It was absolutely humiliating. 
Yes, that had to be it. . . well, you hoped. 
The sound of your name had you bolting up into a sitting position, willing your eyes to adjust to the non-existent lighting in the room. The sound of footsteps had your heart jumping up into your throat, adrenaline flooding your system once you realized that it wasn’t a voice that you recognized. 
No one had entered the room since you’d gotten back from dinner, which meant. . . 
Whoever this was had been hiding, waiting until you completely lowered your guard. You were in danger. Horrible, horrible danger. 
‘Be careful. Please.’ You remembered Feyd’s words from earlier. 
He had been trying to warn you.
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ೃ࿔ savage bonds taglist:
@elf-punk @shitfuckeryclownverse @mydarlingelvis @heartarianagran @ohdearmaggie @chalametism @killingboredom @obsessedvibee @avidreader73 @softboo @tedcruzumakii @luminnara @narniansmagic @torchbearerkyle @ziggy-stardust-world @tian-monique @adoxra @zz-snow-zz @tiredsleepyhead @icontrolthespice @itsparksjoyhuh @verveta345 @shegatsby @zae5 @ertepla @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @lotus-888 @meetmeatyourworst @moonchild-artemisdaughter @abswifey @flower-frog @auroranodyssey @forgedfromthestars @moony-artemis @juliskopf @moonsoulk @serrendiipty @atrxidxs @the-ruler-of-death @mintoblobo @just-pure-trash @randominterwebthings @springholland @so-dramatic1 @ashy-kit @aslutforscarletwitch99 @sofia-013 @gamorxa @ricecakeslove @alexandrainlove @selfishlittlebeing @ceres27
the wonderful line “fear me, love me. do as i say and i will become your slave” is from the movie “the labyrinth”!
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lilap20 · 11 months ago
Chapter VIII: The letter from King's Landing Part.2
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The fresh air has changed, the warm wind blowing on my face shows me that the weather has changed, Nightmares roars warning the inhabitants below of his arrival, I doubt he can hear us now, so I bow my grip on my dragon and it plunges into the clouds. Cregan's grip tightens around me as I cling to my dragon.
There is no better feeling than feeling the wind hit my face when my dragon begins to hover above the capital, just below the inhabitants are busy and Port Réal is moving. Nightmares takes us to the Dragonpit, its roar alerts everyone and some look up to the sky.
-We're going to land Cregan, I warn with a smile on my face
-How ?
Nightmares circles the cave several times before landing as gently as possible, its large wings raise the dust and the youngest guardians hold on so as not to fall. Once on the ground, my dragon roars again and again before shaking its body creating a little ride for us.
-Welcome, Darilaros. Welcome a guard
-Hello Meivos, I smile as I receive his hand, how are you?
-Still good Darilaros, Nightmares has grown up a lot.
-Of course. I respond by getting off my dragon
Meivos looks away from mine before bowing to Cregan who comes down just after me, my husband cleans his dusty clothes before smiling at Meivos and holding out his hand.
-Meivos, is that right? Cregan smiled, taking the man's hand.
-Yes my Lord, I am the personal guardian of Nightmares. Meivos introduces himself with a Valyrian accent
-I am delighted to meet you Meivos.
Meivos nods before moving to join my dragon, instinctively Cregan runs a hand over my stomach as if he wanted to check for himself if everything was okay for both of us.
Meivos nods before moving to join my dragon, instinctively Cregan runs a hand over my stomach as if he wanted to check for himself if everything was okay for both of us.
-Darilaros, the carriage has arrived and the moon is coming. Meivos kindly warns me
-Thank you Meivos, don’t forget to send the suitcases to the Red Keep, my apartments.
-Everything will be done as you wish Darilaros. Bows Meivos slipping away
I bow slightly, turning with Cregan to head towards the carriage, I remove my gloves so I can shake Cregan's hand in mine. While walking towards the carriage I pray inwardly that this visit to Port Réal will be short and without embarrassment.
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The carriage finally stops rolling, my stomach a little bloated by the sea movements created by the winding road. Cregan keeps massaging my lower back as my head rests against his shoulder.
-How do you feel ? he asks, slightly worried.
-I'm glad the carriage has stopped, my stomach is in pain.
Cregan sniffs hesitantly faced with two choices, make fun of me or play his role as a husband perfectly. Finally he kisses my forehead showing me a little sympathy before letting it slide onto my forehead:
-I know in advance that you don't have your sea legs.
-You don't know anything about it. I take offense immediately straightening up
As he is about to respond, the door of the carriage opens, his movement makes us jump and we stand up, pulling on our clothes. I get up, Cregan following me in the distance, I can hear the valet announcing our arrival.
-You stand in the presence of the Lady of Winterfell, Nymeria Stark and her husband the Lord of Winterfell and Governor of the North, Cregan Stark!
My gaze meets that of my sister Rhaenyra, a smile stretches her face and her purple pupils shine brightly in the night. At her side her husband and my cousin Leanor who greets us with a big, kind smile, and finally Aegon my half-brother.
I frown slightly when I see him, I didn't spend much time with him, I watched him grow up, my sister and I taught him a few words in Valyrian, how to write his name. But since I left I admit I haven't asked how he was. This young man of ten and four years old in front of me is unknown to me.
In a few minutes, warm arms wrap around me and tears come to my eyes. My sister holds me against her, her warm cheek against warm mine.
-You're finally here. she whispers, holding me tighter
Tears tickle my eyes, and my throat is twisted with emotion, I gently peel away from Rhaenyra placing my forehead against hers, sighing well at feeling her with me.
-I have finally arrived.
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-Father will be so happy to see you, Rhaenyra smiled as she walked alongside me
-He will also be happy to see you Lord Stark, Leanor jokes, wanting to put my husband at ease, only I fear that my wife is only focused on her sister, which is why she is ignoring you a little.
-I'm not unaware him, my sister proclaims before Cregan even answers, and why does your sentence sound like an excuse?
-Because she is. Leanor responds quickly without even thinking
Cregan stifles a laugh into his sleeve and I smile with all my teeth at the little battle between my cousin and my sister. The years have changed nothing in their relationship, neither have the court plots, they still bicker, that’s good to know.
-In a short time, father will call us to break the evening fast. I suggest you take a quick bath, said Rhaenyra, giving us a meaningful look, you smell like a dragon.
Cregan's eyes widen, probably a little disoriented by the way my sister speaks. I guess as heir he thought she would be more formal, less familiar, but Rhaenyra hasn't changed, Cregan is my husband so she considers him family. I shake my husband's hand, who smiles at me to reassure me.
-The maids prepared your old Nymeria chambers, they also ran the hot bath.
-Thank you Rhae. I thank the heart overflowing with love for her
I missed my sister so much, her letters are the only connection I have with Port Réal. We write to each other regularly, letters that can seem like little books to some as they are full of our respective life experiences. And now she is in front of me, talking, joking, bickering, she is no longer in letters, she is at my side.
-Good, Rhaenyra begins, stopping in front of my bedroom door, we have arrived at your chambers.
The Targaryen motifs engraved in the solid varnished wood, the gold cuffs, the numerous paintings filling the walls of the dungeon make me smile, I am well back in the disproportionate wealth of the Red Keep and my family.
-Leanor and I will leave you, explains my sister, take your time, someone will come looking for you for dinner and your luggage is not far away. With that, she steps forward and kisses both my cheeks then tilts her head slightly towards Cregan, i leave you to your activities.
-See you in a few moments, said Leanor before following my eldest.
The married couple disappears down the hallway, their laughter sounding like background music as I turn toward the doors to my apartments. After a nod, the guards open it allowing me to dive back into the world of this room that I left for the North.
The purple silk curtains, the floor reflecting our bodies like a mirror, the richness of each piece of furniture in the room, my dressing table, my jewelry, my wardrobe. And this bed, imposing and high, covered with a blanket from Pentos and a cushion that crossed the sea. The wealth of King’s Landing has nothing to do with that of the North. Everything about it is extravagant and luxurious, everything represents the beauty and class of the Targaryen name.
-What a room… Cregan whispers in admiration
His eyes sparkle at the beauty of my apartments, I let him marvel, leading me behind a large screen woven with gold thread and linen on bamboo and discovering the hot bath.
-My love ? Call Cregan and I hear his footsteps coming towards me
-The bath is here, I inform him while trying to get rid of my riding clothes.
Cregan's steps slow down as he approaches the bathing area. His eyes widen in front of the large screen woven with precious materials, then decides to help me undo my outfit.
-I have never been in your room, Cregan begins, no doubt looking around him, how were you able to leave this Palace for Winterfell?
A small chuckle escapes my lips and a feeling of relief covers my shoulders when I feel the fabric of my riding outfit fall from my shoulders onto the glass floor.
A moan leaves my mouth as Cregan's hands come to massage my shoulders and relieve the tension I had built up from the trip. Automatically my hands come to rub my barely round belly. Feeling the little bump that pulls my skin against my fingers stretches my lips into a happy, proud smile.
-How is our little puppy? Cregan asks, sliding his fingers across my collarbone.
-Our little dragon seems to be well, the nausea is less frequent, I feel like I'm gaining strength.
Cregan responds with a nod, then his hands leave my shoulders and I understand what he wants. I turn around and help him remove each piece of clothing that covers her body, our hands wander, finding their marks and landmarks, then finally we are naked, and we return to our bath.
I moan happily at the warmth of it, it's not lukewarm or cold, it's just warm enough for me. Cregan's reaction is completely different from mine. His moan sounds like that of a wounded animal and his body tenses in the warm bathtub. He pulls my body against his, so that my back rubs against his chest and his legs frame me in the bath, his hands on my stomach.
-Isn’t this water too hot? Cregan asks, directing his hands towards the north of my body.
I struggle to respond when they surround my chest, swelling and stimulating with the heat of the water.
-The temperature is just perfect, our little dragon needs warmth. I joke, putting a hand on his thigh.
Cregan's laugh makes his chest vibrate too, my body reacts and my legs tense in the bath, my thighs wanting to relieve the tension between them.
-Does my little wife need me? Cregan asks with a mocking tone.
His voice drops a few octaves, his hands play with precision on my breasts, while I feel his cock rubbing the small of my back.
-It’s you who needs it more than me. I respond, silencing a moan.
The groan that shakes my lobe automatically makes me moan and I let go against my husband enjoying his soft and firm hands.
-Talk to me Nymeria, whispers Cregan, caressing my stomach with his right hand
His hot breath makes the hairs on my neck stand up, and my heart pounds furiously in my chest as his hand moves south down my body. My hips roll in the water and Cregan smiles against my skin enjoying my boiling body.
-Oh, I want…
-Princess Nymeria?
The housekeeper's voice makes me jump and I turn towards the door with red cheeks.
-She's there. I respond in a weak voice
-The King informs you that dinner time has arrived, my Lady, you and the Lord of Winterfell are expected.
-Thank you very much, we are getting ready. I respond as I get up from the bath
Cregan makes a noise of frustration, I grab one of the towels against the screen and then get out of the bath completely to dry off.
“No need to cover yourself for me,” Cregan smiles as I wrap myself around the towel.
-I'm not covering myself for you. I respond, heading towards the other part of my room.
Cregan's snicker makes me laugh and I run to the bed when I hear him coming out of the bath. In no time, Cregan finds me and we lie on the bed with laughter and kisses. We might be late for this evening, but after all it’s only once, right?
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lilap20 · 1 year ago
Chapter VII: The letter from King's Landing Part.1
New chapter released, hope you like it
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In the year 110, two news hit the Kingdom Princess Nymeria, Lady of Winterfell was expecting her first born. He would be the heir to Winterfell. The second, Prince Daemon Targaryen was finally the father of two magnificent young daughters, Princesses Beala in honor of Prince Baelon, and Rheana in honor of Princess Rhaenyra. However, the Kingdom was also holding its breath, although the King's second daughter had fulfilled her duty, the heir to the throne had not yet given birth to a child, two years after her marriage. Rhaenyra: 21 years old Nymeria: 19 years old
Adult image of Nymeria image below (she is inspired by Queen Rhaenys second wife of King Aegon the Conqueror)
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-Husband, your men are waiting for you.
A smile trails across my face, Cregan's is against my abdomen, gently caressing the skin of my stomach. The bump that he keeps kissing and petting is not very round but visible enough for the news to reach Port Réal without my consent. I knew the Queen had left a spy, I hadn't found him yet but it wouldn't be long.
-Port Réal has been informed, I swear while stroking his hair, I wonder how.
Cregan only responds with a grunt, rubbing his beard against my stomach triggering my laughter. Three moons ago the Maester confirmed my pregnancy, Cregan's joy exceeded my expectations, he continued to cuddle and caress my belly, also allowing me to rest as long as I can.
-You should stay and rest today. Cregan hums against my stomach
I gently push him away laughing at his frustrated moan before standing up pulling the sheet over my body. With a smirk he pulls twice on the furry sheet which warms us and throws himself on me once my bare chest is revealed.
-Cregan, that’s enough! I burst out laughing when he climbs on top of me
My laughter chokes in my throat as he eagerly sucks on my nipple, my throat tensing as he smiles at his handiwork. The servants are likely to blush at this big mark which surrounds my halo.
-Proud of your work? I ask, stroking his hair.
His mischievous look is brilliant when he shows it to me and his smile is sly. He raises his chest towards mine so that our noses brush and our smiles synchronize.
-More than proud, you will make some people blush with this mark. Laughs Cregan
-Oh husband, don't you know that this can embarrass your wife? I reply, rolling my eyes.
-You are a married woman, he replies, kissing my forehead, and you are also pregnant. It's completely normal that you are marked.
I roll my eyes again and he punishes me by biting my chin and I burst out laughing as i pushes him away. Winterfell is slowly waking up, the sun shining on our skin. It won't be long before Cregan will have to get up to get ready for the day and so will I.
-Talyssa will come pick me up soon.
My voice is calm and well rested and Cregan sighs at my determination; he knows he can't stop me because I won't allow it. He kisses me one last time pressing my lips sensually trying one last time to make me give in. But I resist, a hand on the back of his neck, I kiss him gently before slowly removing my lips, a smile sliding across my face.
-I can never refuse you, woman, and that’s dangerous.
-You can refuse me certain things, but you don't want to. I reply smiling
Before he even answers a sound on the door takes us out of our bubble, it's time for Cregan to leave. He sighs before going down to kiss my stomach several times giving me butterflies in my lower stomach.
-Goodbye little puppy, take care of your mother, please, his gaze rises to mine, don’t tire her too much.
I blush furiously when he kisses my lower stomach, he knows exactly the effect he has on me so when he gets up he is more smiling than ever.
-It’s probably a little dragon. I reply as he puts on a coat to head towards the baths.
-It’s a little puppy, princess. He smiled as he closed the door.
I sigh with a smirk getting out of bed to put on my nightgown, the purple stain on my nipple is very present, thanks to Cregan, and the ones on my stomach and my collarbone have not yet faded. Poor servants, and poor me when Talyssa sees it.
-Three, two, one. I count with my fingers
-Stand up my Lady!
-Talyssa. I smile as the door opens
My best friend walks into the room, her hair growing long with each year with perfect red, her big light-colored eyes greet me and her smile is more and more beautiful.
-How is my little princess? Talyssa smiled as she walked towards me
Behind her, the servants bring hot bath water and towels to the back room. Talyssa hugs me and I do the same, smiling while kissing her cheek.
-How are you ? And the baby?
-We are fine, I caress my stomach, everything is calm for now.
-Praise the Gods. Okay, it's time to take your bath.
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The cool wind blows across Winterfell Town, beside me Talyssa and a few ladies of the chambers look at the gray landscape of the day. The day had started so well, with beautiful sunshine, but the clouds quickly came to cover the sky bringing the North wind with them.
I tighten my blue cape a little around me while everyone's eyes are on us. Some greet me warmly, others look at me with a distant eye. This is probably because today I am not wearing the colors of my House but those of my mother, the Arryns. My blue dress with the gold handle doesn't fit into the Stark color frames at all, but on this day, I wanted to wear my mother's colors.
-My Lady, calls out a lady of the chamber, this store sells beautiful fabric for baby clothes.
-Thank you Palma.
I offer her a sweet smile before entering the store, the agitation fades a little and again looks fall on me, sideways glances, smiles and grimaces. I smile respectfully collecting greetings with a smile when I feel a hand pulling my dress.
-My Lady Stark. Call a little voice
I squat down under Talyssa's protests, my body is a little sore and the feeling of my little stomach bending a little, despite this I smile at the little girl in front of me.
-Hello little pumpkin, what’s your name?
The little girl blushed at the nickname I gave her then smiled with all her teeth and red cheekbones.
-My name is Marah my Lady. I wanted to tell you that you are very beautiful, a real Princess. Your hair and eyes are so beautiful.
Her hands quiver with the urge to stroke my hair, I allow her and she caresses with a hesitant fingertip before sighing at their softness.
-So ? How do you find them? I ask with a big smile
Her eyes light up as she responds with fists clenched in excitement.
-They are soft like Princess wool!
I laughed happily as I got up, my maids and Talyssa surrounding me to support me in case I fell. I stroke the brown hair of the little girl who runs in her mother's skirts as she smiles at me.
-She is so cute. I whisper, stroking the bump on my stomach
Talyssa follows my movement and smiles while nodding her head, she is impatiently waiting for this child just like me, I know that he will be pampered by her and she will be completely under his spell.
As I look at the fabrics betting on a boy while my best friend is desperate for a girl, a guard enters the store heading towards us.
After quickly bowing, I found a letter rolled up and sealed with the red and black Targaryen sign. I quickly look at Talyssa before thanking the guard and walking out with him, leaving my companions in the store.
Once outside, I break the seal to read the message, and my hands tremble, it is an official decree, written by the Hand of the King itself. Almost panicked, I sent the guard to look for my companions, as he passed the door I was already striding towards the castle under the questioning gaze of the inhabitants.
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-This letter must be important for you to start the journey without us, growls Talyssa, on your two foot and pregnant! almost screamed Talyssa
I roll my eyes at her comment, my head being completely elsewhere, I rub my stomach thinking about the letter I read. My anxiety only increases and as soon as the carriage stops I don't wait for it to be opened and I quickly get out, lifting my dress to walk faster.
-Nymeria! Screamed Talyssa
I don't listen to her and rush into the castle, I apologize when I push certain people, my steps speeding up as I advance towards the main room of the castle.
Thank God, the room is empty, Cregan and his Maester putting away the papers to head towards his apartments, I move forward, slowing down a little, observing him with my heart swelling with love, if time was not running out I would have stopped to contemplate it. But unfortunately my steps alert the Maester and he bows when he sees me.
-Lady Stark. He bowed slightly
Cregan turns to me, a smile tugging at his lips as he excuses himself to the Maester to come down and see me. He unlocks this habit of stroking my belly as soon as he is in my presence with this proud little smile on his face.
-How are my wife and my little puppy? he asks and I can't answer trying to catch my breath
He realizes this and when his gaze finds my face, worry immediately appears there.
-Nymeria, he says worriedly, you are all red. He places his hand on my cheek, What happened? You feel bad ?
-No, no, I answer placing a hand on his which covers my stomach, I walked before the carriage then I almost ran towards the room and…
-By the Gods, breathe Nymeria, and how did you walk in front of the carriage? Cregan asks bemusedly
-May the Gods keep us. Whisper the Maester
-Everything is fine, I am fine, only I received a crow from Port Réal.
My voice still trembles from the effort and Cregan's gaze darkens slightly when I hand him the letter in my hands. Silence falls on the room and the Maester slowly descends to approach us, still leaving some distance between us.
-We are expected at the Red Keep for an update on the succession. What does that mean ? Whisper Cregan
My gaze meets that of the Maester and he bows, subsequently leaving the room, no doubt informing the people on his way not to disturb us. Once out and the doors are closed I catch my breath completely ready to respond.
-I don't know what that means, but I don't feel it. Everything that concerns the succession and the throne makes me nauseous. I respond by playing with my rings
-But our presence is requested within a fairly tight deadline Nymeria, remarks Cregan, it will be impossible to make the trip so quickly by boat.
-On the back of Dragon we will be there quickly, and he turns pale, but my anxiety is not focused on the delay, but on what will happen. Does he count, I lower my voice, do you think, I swallow, do you think he will change the succession?
My worry is evident in my voice, and Cregan tries to reassure me by stroking my stomach and my arm. I can't imagine my half-brother on the throne, Rhaenyra is built for the role, but Aegon is a spoiled brat and completely overwhelmed, him on the throne is unthinkable.
-My princess, Cregan whispers, taking me in his arms, everything will be fine, okay. We will see what they expect from us.
-Your father swearing for Rhaenyra, imagine mine asking you to swear for Aegon?
Cregan tenses against me, his hand stroking my hair and stopping emitting pressure on the back of my neck.
-Princess, look at me. Cregan whispers, catching my eye, Whatever happens over there, I'm sure your father won't disown you. He says
I nod slowly, his hands encircle my face and his lips touch mine with respect and love. I respond to his kiss with my hands on his.
-We will leave on Dragon's back, I inform him, hugging him, our luggage will be with him.
-I don't know if I like the idea. Sighs Cregan making us dance
-If Nightmares was going to eat you, she would have already done so. I laugh at him
-Without a doubt. Responds Cregan still hesitant
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My Lord, on the back of a Dragon you say?
The Maester who examines me in our bedroom remains stunned by the speech of Cregan who holds my hand.
-Yes, we will not stay more than 3 nights in Port Réal, so you will be my representative with my sister Sara. Continue Cregan looking at him
Feeling my stomach one last time, the Maester gets up, reassuring me with a smile as he walks towards his tray.
-Well, I must say that this is the first time that a Lord of the North has ridden a Dragon.
-A start to everything, isn’t it, Maester Gideon. I respond a little teasingly
-No doubt my Lady. Responds the Maester bowing with a little smile, I have prepared a strengthening tea for you for your trip Princess, as far as the baby and you are concerned, everything is going well. Be sure.
-Thank you Maester Gideon, rest assured, I will take care of your Lord, he will not fall.
-I hope so. Cregan responds dramatically, getting up to accompany the Maester
Once he closes the door he helps me up, handing me the tea so I can drink it, I wince as I smell it.
-Are you sure it’s not poison? I ask, grimacing at the taste.
Cregan bursts out into a hoarse laugh clutching his chest.
-If it was poison you wouldn't have said that, poison is attractive and has no scent.
-Do you know anything about it? I ask a mocking smile on my lips
-No, he sits next to me on the bed, but there must be a reason why it's so easy for targets to fall in.
His thinking is quite logical so I end up buying the filthy tea. Our trip to Port Réal is in the final stages of preparation, we will leave tomorrow morning and I am excited to see my dear sister again. Coming back to King's Landing, on the other hand, doesn't excite me that much, the noise and the smell of the capital, the presence of the court in the Keep, the rumors and the looks, are very different from the North and Winterfell. Here, people are not adorned with gold and expensive jewelry, everything is quite simple, the smell of animals, fresh wind and pine trees, the sounds in the courtyards outside and Winterfell Town is much nicer than the capital .
It took me a while to get used to Winterfell, to how it works, I dress more simply and above all more warmly, my dresses with fine fabrics are in my wardrobe, not seeing the light of day because the weather is not is never warm enough to wear them. I will be able to dig them out of my wardrobe for the trip to King's Landing, although I have dresses waiting for me at the Dungeon.
-What are you thinking about ? my husband asks while caressing my belly
-To our trip, the capital and all its problems, to my sister and the Queen. My head thinks too much. I respond by handing him the cup
Nodding, he placed it on the small table, sitting on the bed to pick me up. Surprised, I let out a little cry before holding on to him once I sat against his hips. His two hands come to encircle my stomach and his lips come to kiss my forehead.
-I have the feeling that this trip will not be catastrophic, woman, Cregan replies, his eyes fixed on my stomach, thinking too much will not do you any good.
I roll my eyes which catches his attention, he pinches my chin to scold me and I try to pull away from him, but his grip is too strong.
I risk missing my fencing lessons if I leave for a long time. I argue with a hand on his shoulder
-Did you plan to continue classes, asks Cregan in amazement, despite your situation?
It is true that with my pregnancy continuing the fencing lessons would have been difficult, but I planned to make the most of it before having to stop.
-You still think. Accused Cregan
-I can't stop thinking, it's human.
-I thought the Targaryens were closer to the Gods than to humans. Cregan responds with a smirk on his lips.
-Well our thoughts are the only things that keep us grounded. I respond by pushing him away, a smile emerging
Finally he releases me from his arms following me towards our trunks which the servants finish preparing.
-You can put back on all your Southern dresses that your family sent you. Cregan's voice vibrates the walls
-I'm pretty happy my belly won't stretch the fabric too much.
Automatically Cregan runs a hand over my stomach attracting the attention of eyes in the room. The servants smile among themselves while I scold Cregan who wears his proud smile.
-Lord Stark?
We both turn around when a guard calls out to Cregan, his face takes on a serious crease on his face, he kisses my forehead one last time before leaving the room. I watch him leave the room, looking at the room where the bags close showing that the trip is coming soon. And my questions and anxiety continue to grow.
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It’s departure day and everyone is running to surround us as Cregan and I head outside. Sara is jumping around holding my arm, she loves watching Nightmares so much that she can't sit still since she found out that her brother will be traveling on my dragon.
-I'm so excited, Sara whispers in my ear
-Ah yes, I laugh, your brother is sweating all over because he is so scared.
-I do not care, laughs Sara
-I hear you, Cregan growls making us laugh, and I'm not afraid. He defend himself with gritted teeth
-Of course husband, I'm starting out sneaky, you're just terrified.
Sara bursts out laughing followed by me while Cregan speaks under his breath, finally we arrive outside and I smile as I see the residents gathering in the courtyard. Everyone bows their heads when they see us, the Maester of the House and the stewards, the soldiers in line bow waiting for Cregan's orders.
With a wave of his hand, Cregan asks them to get up and they all do so.
-In the absence of the Lady of Winterfell and myself, my sister Sara will take care of Winterfell. Orders Cregan in a loud voice
I can't stop hearing him give orders, my body vibrates every time. I turn to Sara smiling, taking her hands in mine before hugging her tightly, she holds me forcefully in her arms, before breaking away from me to jump on her brother.
Once the farewells are done, Cregan and I head to my dragon, sealed since the cockcrow, Nightmares eagerly awaits us near his cave in the Northern Garden. Seeing me, Nightmares immediately roared, shaking its long, spiny neck and flapping its wings.
Cregan stops short, refusing to take another step, I take his hand with a smiling face and happy to be able to go up, my husband tenses at my side, his eyes fixed on my dragon with white-gray scales, his gaze is worried and I can't help but laugh at this.
-Stop laughing woman, scolds Cregan, I didn't make fun of you when you met my Werewolf.
Offended by his lie, I turn to him to tap him on the shoulder, which earns him a grunt.
-You are a liar my Lord husband, I was cold and livid in front of the beast and you played on my fate throughout the meeting, laughing and making fun of me in the evening in our room.
Cregan furrows his eyebrows but can't help the mocking smile that stretches his cheeks and deepens his dimples. Seeing that he is still laughing at me I decide to abandon him to head towards my dragon, he immediately panics.
-Stay there, I’m coming!
I stand in front of Nightmares, his crystal gaze holding mine, excited to see me, the dragon growls, his pupils dilating before nudging me with his snout. I can't help but giggle when he runs his nose over my barely round stomach again, probably sensing a being who didn't own my body before.
-It’s mine, I explain to Nightmares, my husband and I are expecting a baby, you know Cregan.
I jerk my thumb at Cregan behind a mocking smile and my dragon lifts its head to look at him before giving me its attention.
-He's going to travel with us today, I'm stroking his crest, we shouldn't eat him, okay?
I laugh at Nightmares' incomprehension which makes the dragon growl, while passing my hand along his neck I move towards the seal ready to mount on his back. My dragon lowers itself to the ground, allowing me to lean on its strong wings to mount my seal and position myself properly.
Barely seated, the dragon roars, unfolding its wings, raising dust from the ground and strongly fanning Cregan who is ready to flee towards the castle. I'm struggling to control Nightmares when he rushes towards Cregan with great strides, my husband standing still waiting for death.
To his great astonishment, Nightmares stops in front of him, looking into his gaze, his fangs bared and growling menacingly. I gently pet my Dragon who is trying to intimidate Cregan, showing him that he lays down the law when he rides on his back.
-Caress him, I encourage and Cregan looks at me as if I have reached madness.
Hesitating and never taking his eyes off Nightmares, Cregan removes his glove and approaches his hand to my dragon, his entire body shudders under the power of Nightmares' hot breath, and his eyes widen when he finally caresses its scales. Cregan's breathing calms as he performs the second stroke, his mouth slightly open as Nightmares hisses happily as Cregan massages his neck.
-He is, Cregan searches for words, warm.
I laugh from atop my dragon, reaching out for my husband to join me.
-He's kind and adorable, but he likes speed, and yes, he's warm.
Cregan smiles at me a little more confidently now that he sees how Nightmares reacts to his caresses, grabbing my hand he manages to lean to climb behind me on the seat placed on the dragon's back. His entire body tenses as Nightmares roars as he stands on two legs, his wings unfurl in the air and dust rises from the ground.
I let out a cry of joy when I feel my dragon running towards the end of the cliff, Nightmares' footsteps make the ground shake, his cry of happiness scares the surrounding animals, Cregan holds firmly to me, probably closing his eyes when we finally arrive at the end of the cliff.
My dragon's wings unfold and its legs fold, the cool wind hits my skin and my hairs stand up as we fall and then glide through the air. Cregan's hands grip my waist so tightly that I laugh, asking him to open his eyes to admire the view.
-Cregan, you won't be able to stay with your eyes closed forever, the landscape is so beautiful. I mock while clinging to Nightmares
-Trust me husband. I insist
I don't know when he opened them, but his breathing has eased in my neck and a "wow" escapes from him, he is definitely looking at the landscape enjoying the view around.
-That's wonderful. Cregan marvels
A radiant smile appears on my face upon hearing it, and I quickly pet my dragon which picks up speed, heading towards King's Landing.
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lilap20 · 1 year ago
Chapter VI: The Wedding
New chapter released, hope you like it
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The Kingdom holds its breath as the day of greatest union ever seen in the history of Westeros arrives. Princess Targaryen, second daughter of King Viserys, marries the Lord of Winterfell, unifying the two greatest Houses of the North and the South. It is said that many came to see this wedding, dragons roared in the night, wolves howled marking a great alliance. It is said that the ceremony was intimate, with love flowing from both bride and groom But the most interesting is undoubtedly the night you go to bed. Princess Nymeria was aged ten and six, Lord Cregan twenty. Many might say that the bride and groom would have waited until the Princess was ten and seven years old, but Maesters and Mushroom agree that the Princess was a worthy descendant of Princess Alyssa, her grandmother. It is said that Winterfell Castle was shaken by bedroom noises until early in the morning.
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-It's the day ! Talyssa and Rhaenyra shout
It's the day…
All around me, everyone is busy, the servants are opening the luggage, the castle is being prepared for the reception, I am being grabbed everywhere and I don't see Cregan all day. It weighs on my heart a little but I have too many problems to think about it for long.
With my aunt and my sister I organize my outfits, listening to my aunt's advice carefully. My sister and Talyssa weave the pearls and rubies that will style my hair, I watch my aunt explain the duties of marriage to me, I have never been so embarrassed.
-Listen to me Nymeria, she said inspecting my dress, a good husband does not hurt his wife in the marital bed, and I turn purple, he is gentle and loves his wife.
Rhaenyra tenses when she hears our aunt's sideways glance at her. It is true that her marriage with Leanor is not yet bearing fruit, but we cannot ignore my cousin's inclinations either.
-From this union, the Kingdom expects a lot, continues my aunt inviting me to extend my hands, but you must not live only for duty, she smiles at me caressing my hands, enjoy your marriage and your husband my dear cousin .
My heart melts in my chest and without even waiting or thinking I throw myself into his arms, holding him against my heart touched by his words. The words they say now are the words my mother should have said.
-Thank you very much Aunt Rhaenys. I whisper against her
Tense against my embrace, she ended up giving me two pats on the back, then caressing my hair in a motherly way.
-You're welcome, my little cousin, you can count on me.
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I haven't eaten since I broke my morning fast, the stress spinning like a ball in my stomach. The guests were arriving, the castle in the North was silent, the old town was becoming noisy and nervousness was playing with my mind.
My dress hangs in front of me, its pure color only increasing my apprehension. I will be married tonight, my cousin Ser Leanor will take me to my husband, and the Gods know I wish it was Daemon.
-Stop thinking too much.
I turn around watching my future husband's sister Sara come into my room, she didn't knock and her appearance took me by surprise, only I like her comforting smile on her face.
-How do you know I'm thinking? I ask inviting her to sit with me
She sits in front of me placing a large bag in front of us, I observe her for a while seeing a certain fur overtakes it.
-Every bride thinks about her wedding day, I can't imagine what's going on in your head given the stakes.
It is true that my marriage is not just a simple union between two beings who love each other, but it represents the union of the North and the South. This is the only marriage between a Stark and a Targaryen. The children who will emerge from this union will be almost like Gods to the people of the South.
-Don't worry too much, Princess, Sara smiled, my brother has loved you since the day he laid eyes on you. And I can assure you that he is in the same state as you.
My curiosity is immediately stirred and I ask him with my hand on my mouth as if it were a dirty secret:
-Is he really? Nervous ?
Surprised by my question Sara remains a little open-mouthed before laughing exactly like Cregan but with a thinner voice. I find myself smiling when I see her laugh, she will be a good friend, everything about her exudes confidence like her brother.
-My Princess, she smiled, trying to stop her laughter, I have never seen him in such a state, he is so confident, yet now he is only nervous.
It reassures me that Cregan is in the same state as me, I don't like being alone with the nervousness. Sara frowns when she sees that I haven't broken my lunch, she advises me to eat, but I explain to her that I can't swallow anything because I'm too nervous.
-You should really eat Princess, Sara points out, but I'm bringing you this, a gift that my brother can't take you.
My heart reacted a quarter of the time hearing that Cregan sent me a gift. I thanked him, opening the bag and my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw it. Beautiful soft white fur, my hand dips into it and I compare it to the clouds in the sky. It is not long dragging on the ground, it is worn on the shoulders.
-She’s beautiful… I whisper
-She is the piece that was missing from your dress. Adds Sara while smiling -She is.
We stay talking for a long time, and I get to know my future sister, she manages to make me eat which surprises my eldest when she comes into my room. Then Sara leaves, excusing herself to go see Cregan, leaving the women of my House to give me a bath and take care of my hair.
It is at this moment that I understand that evening is falling and that the ceremony will not take long.
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The bath as hot as the dragon with scents of roses and spices from Pentos perfumes my skin making it soft to the touch. But I'm not concerned about the softness of my skin, or the noises behind my door, no. I am transfixed in front of my portrait which is reflected in the large glass. My silver hair is tied in a large braid wrapped around my elegantly tied hair, on top the pearls and rubies braided by my sister and Talyssa make it sparkle.
My snow-white wedding dress is decorated with a scaled pattern representing the dragon, its long sleeves have the pattern of dragons and wolves and dragons in silver satin, two brooches close the front of the dress, one Targaryen the other Stark, and the dress flares out from my tight waist. And to top it all off, the beautiful white fur that surrounds my neck and shoulders going down to my forearms and a little down my back.
-Gevis. Someone whispers and I jump
My heart races, my mouth drops open when I see my uncle Daemon leaning against the door with a satisfying smile on his lips. Even before my brain commands it, I jump into his arms, probably surprising him.
-Oh my little adventurer who are you going to fight in this outfit? He mocks, caressing my back
-What are you doing here ? I ask walking away from him
-Aren't you happy to see me? Daemon asks, raising an eyebrow.
A smile splits my face.
-Yes I'm happy, I really am, but you told me that…
-The scholar of Pentos allowed Leana to travel on the back of a dragon with me, my uncle explained to me, I didn't want to take the risk but your father sent me a raven urging me to go to the wedding and take you to your husband, so I spoke to the Lord of the North who swore to keep this a secret until I arrived here.
My jaw quickly finds the floor, so Cregan knew about Daemon?
-You came because Viserys told you to come? I ask playing with my fingers
-No, little adventurer, I came because I had to and I wanted to, it’s me who’s supposed to take you in front of your husband and not Leanor. You are like my daughter Nymeria, without even Viserys' letter I could not have left you alone.
Tears appear in my eyes and a small drop runs down my cheek, Daemon wipes it away with the back of his thumb, a tender smile on his face. Then Daemon will be the one to give me to Cregan, I am overjoyed.
-So cousin Leana is with you?
-Yes, smiled Daemon, she is with her parents going to the Heart Tree.
My throat tightens as I think of the guests heading to the place of the gods for the ceremony. My uncle notices this and comes over to take my hands in his.
-Everything will go well, your future husband is as nervous as you, proof that he undoubtedly loves you.
-Thank you for being here. I sigh looking at him
Daemon smiles fully something rare before leaving me to head towards the package he gave me.
-You didn't open it. Does he notice
-I was waiting for the wedding, I answer, I would like to open it now.
I approach and Daemon hands it to me so that I can open it, I discover the package with wide eyes at its contents. It's not often that Daemon gives me jewelry, he usually saves it for Rhaenyra, but for this day, he gave me a beautiful pair of dragon wing earrings, the gold and the glass shines and sparkles when I hold them.
-It's diamond and gold, I had it forged for you, you will be here with the Starks but I don't want you to forget that you are a Targaryen and that you are the dragon. You are the fire in the winter, you will also be additional security for the North, your children will speak Valyrian and will know their stories, and they will undoubtedly have Dragon and Giant Wolf. But you are still Targaryens, you are a Princess Nymeria, and I am proud of you. You do me honor.
My heart overflows with tears of joy and my hands tremble when I hear it. He brings me support and courage but above all love at this moment when I need it more than anything. I'm ready to take the step, I'm ready to go to my wedding.
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The Heart tree in front of me is different from the one in the Red Keep. It is larger, wider, more majestic and its red is flamboyant. But my gaze is not fixed on this God of the Forest, my gaze is fixed on the man below. In his furs, shaved and coiffed, his gaze riveted on me, Cregan stands waiting for me for the wedding.
There were very few guests for the vow ceremony, present from my House, my Uncle and my Aunt Rhaenys and Corlys, my sister and heiress Rhaenyra and my cousin Leanor with them my pregnant cousin Leana and my Uncle who is holding my elbow with honor and emotion. Talyssa is there too, tears streaming down her cheeks causing my body to churn with love. Queen Alicent looks down at me from my sister's side, jealousy and contempt play on her face, but she smiles when our eyes meet.
On Cregan's side, his sister Sara is standing in the front row, with her members of House Bolton and other guests.
With my heart beating I approach Cregan and the big bearded man in front of the tree I jump making Daemon laugh when the ceremony begins:
-Who comes before the ancient Gods this night? Exclaims a big bear man
-Princess Nymeria Targaryen. Presents Daemon with his deep voice barely betrayed by his emotion, She comes here to get married, a true and noble adult woman. She comes to implore the blessing of the Gods, who is there to claim it?!
A quick glint of challenge appears in his eyes and I smile when I see it.
-I, Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, come here this night, before the Gods, to claim this Lady. Who is taking her to me?
-Me, Daemon serves my elbow stronger, Prince Daemon Targaryen who is the uncle and the father. My heart is helped by hearing it.
He lets me go slowly, placing me in front of my future husband, tears wet the corners of my eyes, and my body trembles slightly. I've never felt my heart beat so fast, and when his gaze looks into mine, that purple of ancient Valyria, I know he considers himself my father.
Cregan faces me, our eyes do not leave each other and our hearts undoubtedly beat in unison, he smiles at me and I faint, swallowing back my tears of joy. We turn to the officer of the ceremony who hides a smile under his beard.
- Princess Nymeria of House Targaryen, do you take this man? asks the man
-Yes, a warm smile stretches my lips, I take him for my man.
Cregan holds my hand with his, a happy, joyful smile, he holds it so hard that it warms at his touch.
-So Cregan Stark, take your wife Lady Nymeria now, of House Stark. Said the proud man looking at Cregan
My heart stopped at the contact of his hand on my cheek, the blush didn't even color my face, my gaze fixed on his, and his thumb slowly caressing the corner of my lips.
And this softness that I feel and which envelops me, his lips on mine, the desire to abandon my body in his tickles my stomach as I press again on his lips when he tries to escape.
I force myself to separate myself from him, a playful smile hangs on his face and I roll my eyes, gradually turning red at the few mocking laughs from those assembled, but what makes me laugh heartily is my uncle's grunt behind me who had advanced:
-A little more and I would have ripped it off of you.
Cregan stifles a laugh at Daemon's threatening tone which makes me giggle.
-I present to you, Lord Cregan Stark, and Lady Nymeria Stark!
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The party takes place before my eyes, men and women dance, children play and eat and I enjoy seeing my sister and my cousins ​​dancing with Talyssa.
Cregan's hand caresses my thigh hidden by my dress and I tense when his fingers dig into the fabric.
-Your intentions are not subtle my Lord husband. I scoff softly trying to shoo his hand away
Cregan laughed as he drank some of the wine specially sent by my uncle Corlys.
-Did I only want to be subtle, my dear wife. My intentions are clear.
-And shared, I whisper and he almost jumps, I want it as much as you my Lord.
Cregan's intense gaze falls on me and I heat up, if Daemon wasn't arguing with Corlys I think he would have pulled me back. I look out of the corner of my eye at Alicent who is playing with a ring on her finger, Ser Criston Cole is standing behind her making me feel nauseous. His gaze is fixed on Rhaenyra.
-I hope you won't cause a deadly fight tonight, Ser? I address provocatively to Criston Cole
The knight tenses, turning his tongue seven times before answering me, a sideways glance at me.
-I will Princess.
-What ? I push a little more, You will cause death this evening to be pardoned…
-Nymeria. Cregan whispers to calm me down
-Princess. Alicent hisses
Ser Criston Cole swallows again under my attack but does not respond, giving me a murderous look which undoubtedly attracts Daemon's attention.
I confront him without fear, remembering what he is and what I am. Ser Erryck should be here, but he is with the Queen's children. And a murderer replaces him.
-I will retire to my rooms, Alicent informs, my congratulations again, my Lord, my Lady.
Cregan gets up, but I sit there glaring at Alicent, she waits for me to get up then sighs, turning away from me when she realizes I won't move. She finally leaves the room.
-Was it necessary? Cregan asks, taking my hand.
-She deserves all my contempt, I respond, rolling my eyes, I despise this good woman.
Cregan chuckles as he plays with my ringed fingers, I didn't bring a lot of jewelry with me, but I'll always have my rings.
-I don't think I'll ever get used to it, I raise an eyebrow, your Dragon character. He explains
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The fire crackles in the fireplace, the room is a little warm, my gaze is drawn to the eyes, the purple in my eyes must shine. I hold the dressing gown around me, sewn by Sara in the colors of House Stark. My feet tap the ground frantically, my excitement mixing with my fear.
The door opens and closes, its noise doesn't distract me, but the hand that lifts my chin makes my heart race.
-You are beautiful Nymeria, he caresses my grayed white hair, I don't deserve you.
-Oh husband. I whisper in response
I find a way to lay him on the bed, my hand on his chest as I climb on top of him, my legs surrounding his hips, one of his hands on my hip, the other on my cheek.
-I am yours Cregan, entirely yours.
My face leans toward his, our noses touch, and my hair forms a curtain around us. He smiles back, his chest rising and falling against mine. “Ride him, like a Dragon” Daemon had told me earlier, I blushed
But I don't blush with shyness when our lips meet, I sigh with excitement rolling my hips against him as his hand squeezes my neck.
Our sighs and heavy breathing fill the room, my little clothes become bulky, embarrassing, wet. My lips are kissed by his while my hips press quickly against his member which hardens at his contact.
-Nymeria, princess… Moans Cregan as I stand up
The nightgown falls on my shoulders, my breasts poking out into view, my body straightened I ride him like I ride my dragon, his hands on my hips to help me. I feel this heat rising and playing in my body, it burns and transcends, it makes me drunk on him.
-Cregan… I moan, closing my eyes
-No, darling, look at me.
My hips lift as he joins me and my legs tremble at the feeling of fire in my veins. I am trapped in a burning sensation demanding to be released. Little cries escape me as I claw at Cregan's chest, our noises hitting the walls of the room, our breaths in symbiosis.
The knot in my stomach that holds the dam of heat tenses again and again and I cry out when it breaks, my body shaking completely as Cregan holds me in his arms caressing the back of my neck.
-Cregan, oh shit…
My husband curses and grunts, slowly slowing his hips before stopping and catching his breath.
-Everything is fine. He whispers against my ear
-Hm, I'm taking a little breath, yes.
As soon as I respond positively, Cregan turns us so that my back ends up on the mattress, him above me, his hand caressing my cheek, looking amazed.
-I must say that I did not expect that woman, I am pleasantly surprised.
I blush at his playful and completely indecent tone, which makes him laugh loudly. Cregan stands up, his gaze fixed on mine as he takes off the simple clothes he had on him, I don't have time to look between his legs because he is already helping me get rid of my little clothes and the nightgown, I grimace when I feel the wet fabric.
-Is this normal? I ask perplexed watching him put the clothes down.
-Yes, my wife, that shows how much you desire me. He explain to me
-Then I want you very much. I said laughing a little embarrassed
A charming smile appears on her face, my eyes leave the smile to look between her legs and I immediately close my eyes. How can this even fit into me? This defies the science of my works.
-Look at me Nymeria.
I open my eyes with difficulty, losing my footing when Cregan lies on top of me and I feel his penis stretched against my thigh, it's soft and hard, I want to touch it and discuss it, but my breath takes flight when his fingers come to caress a sensitive part between my labia.
-You're so wet, he moaned, pinching my pearl, what do you want, Nymeria?
I can barely breathe, little moans and mewls leaving my lips trying to form a sentence, my hips rolling against his hand the more he strokes me.
-Woman, he stops his movements and looks into my eyes, I need you.
I swallow, I need him too, need him inside me. Need to belong to him. So I grab the back of his neck bringing his lips to mine, the kiss is less urgent, it is more tender, slower and languorous. It represents warm and sincere love.
-I need you, I moan against his lips, I need you husband.
With a low growl, Cregan raises himself up, his lips still connected to mine, his hand slips between our two bodies, and I feel something soft caressing my penis, it was undoubtedly his.
-I have to warn you, princess, it will probably hurt. Whine my husband while positioning himself
-I'm not afraid, I answer, still doubting a little, just keep kissing me.
His lips took me elsewhere, as he fussed between us. They play, peck and suck as I feel the first pressure between my legs, my breath catches. Cregan tenses above me with an almost hurtful growl.
He pushes his forehead against mine a little more, the sire pearling on his face, tense features biting his lip. He is perfect. I run a hand through his hair, breathing through my nose as the pain intensifies.
-Maybe, I'm holding back a little sob, should we go straight away?
-I don't want to hurt you…
I caress his neck, his hair, encouraging him to go, after a deep breath and a tender look Cregan asks:
-Are you sure ?
A soundless cry leaves my mouth, lips open and wide-eyed I hold Cregan against me, pain radiating throughout my body. It was sudden and fast, I feel him all inside me, stretching me, and he doesn't move.
We stay there for an indefinite time without moving, he kisses my tear-wet cheeks, my forehead, my lips, caressing my back and my arms. And then over time, the pain fades, leaving me with discomfort.
-You can… move.
-Move, please. I moan while kissing him
Cregan doesn't protest, I feel his hips move in a circle, the discomfort diminishes a little in the face of the movement the strange sensation of burning and heat rises in my stomach.
-Your gaze in mine. Moaned Cregan
And my gaze doesn't leave his, he holds my hip not completely coming out of me before returning, I jump at the sensation, the knot in my stomach tensing, I share his moans and sighs, my embarrassment is present but in the background, I'm obsessed with him.
His pace accelerates and his chest trembles against my hand, my hips find their balance and accompany his hip rolls making us moan out loud. I feel it, this fire that burns my veins is ready to knock me down again, I cling to Cregan with pleasure in his voice.
-Oh woman, he moaned, your eyes, your purple, by the Gods!
I claw at her back as I feel my point of no return, one of Cregan's hands passes between us and I see the stars as she plays with my pearl. Cregan's unmeasured breathing is a melody to my ears, and I feel myself cumming again.
-Cregan! I scream, Husband…
My stomach knots, contractions wrack my body and my head sinks into the pillow as I let myself be ravaged by the sensation of climax, Cregan moans at this, unrestrained, it becomes fast and uncontrolled.
-Woman, he whines, can I? Can I put a… child inside you.
-Oh yes…
-Fucking hell…
Cregan almost cried out, his cock reaching a depth that made my legs buckle, a warm sensation filling me and I moaned softly at the feeling of his seed. He is against me, full-length, his heart beating as fast as mine, his muscles trembling, a film of heat covering us.
-Thank you husband, I love you. I whisper with tears in my eyes
He stands up weakly, caressing my cheek, his gaze completely dilated. My heart pumps with love.
-It’s me who thanks you, I love you Nymeria.
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lilap20 · 1 year ago
Chapter Five: The Dragon's Descent into Winterfell
Chapter five updated:
@koobratzy, @beebeechaos
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What marked the marriage of the heir to the throne was the blood shed But also the King's illness showed itself to everyone, spitting blood and falling A few moons later, Lord Cregan Stark sent a Raven The King and his Small Council agreed, Princess Nymeria and Lord Cregan were to be married.
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When I get up this morning my stomach is knotted with excitement and the hurried noises in the Palace make me smile, it's the day!
I'm going to go north with my ladies, my sister and her husband for my wedding. Port Réal and Winterfell have been in contact for several moons discussing the preparations and the number of guests, not being close to Cregan during the preparations is my only regret, but I know he cannot go south whenever he wants , he has duties and the costs for such a trip would be overpriced.
All the Lords of the North will be present, my uncle and aunt Corlys and Rhaenys, Queen Alicent who will represent my sick father, my dear sister and her husband.
My heart sinks thinking of Daemon and Leana, they should be there, but I know that my cousin is waiting and that Daemon prefers to keep her in Pentos and then leave for Drithmark, I don't blame him, he takes care of her wife and would not want her to have any worries during her pregnancy which is admirable.
-Princess, are you up?
Talyssa opens the door, peeking her head in then smiles when she sees me sitting with a dreamy smile on my face.
-Happy ? Talyssa asks, sitting down next to me.
Her long red hair is held in a bun and her blue eyes shine, she is as happy as me, she is happy for me. She opens her arms and I fall into them, she strokes my hair while humming.
-Are you ready for the big trip? -I'll be on Dragon's back, Nightmares will quickly catch up with the boat, it won't be that long. -I speak of your long journey to the North, Nymeria.
The gentleness of his tone makes me nervous and happy at the same time, for three moons I prepared for my marriage to my new life in the North, but never, never have I felt so uncertain, I am sure of my choice but I'm scared.
-I'm ready, even if I'm a little scared. Will the Nordiens accept me? Will they be afraid of my dragon? And this heir thing.
I want children, but the labor is what scares me the most, my mother died from it, my grandmother died from it, it’s something that runs in our family.
-Everything will go well, Nymeria, you will see. Talyssa reassures me
I nod, slowly detaching myself from her.
-Okay, we need to prepare you for the long journey that awaits us.
I hide my mocking expression when I hear her, which earns her a frown.
-What ?
-You're the one who has to get ready, you're going up with me, remember?
Talyssa turns white, becoming as pale as a worm, I burst out laughing at her decomposition before getting up to head towards the bath that my ladies are preparing. The steam rises in the room and I shiver with pure pleasure as I slide in, savoring the heat on my body.
I don't do anything, everyone takes care of me, even Rhaenyra comes to help me in my preparation, she takes seriously her role as eldest nurturing me and making me laugh. I put on my riding boots that go perfectly with my black riding outfit and my side cape in the red colors of my House. A dragon head brooch sits in my braided hairstyle and another on my outfit.
-You have grown so much, Nymeria. Rhaenyra whispers as she finishes my braids
-Look who says that, I laugh and she does too
The wedding, Daemon and Leana, the noises of the court, everything changed her and made her mature building the folds on her forehead. She understood that even if she was named heir, she would have to fight for her throne and her place. And I will always be by her side no matter what happens.
-You are so pretty, he doesn't realize how lucky he is. She smiled, placing her hands on my shoulders.
-Oh I think he knows, I frown, I hope.
She laughs, shaking her head before helping me get up, her purple gaze turns to find my sword on my table with my compass, a gift from my uncle who never left me.
-He should be there, remarks Rhaenyra, I know he would like to be there for you.
The lack of Daemon will be felt for both of us, for her because they are linked by the same flame, for me because Daemon is my greatest confidant.
-He sent me a gift. I respond by going towards the package
Ser Erryck took it to me yesterday, I didn't open it I wanted to wait until the wedding day. The emotion touches my heart when I caress the package.
-Shall we open it? Rhaenyra asks curiously.
I smile wistfully putting down the package to look at my sister. I know she's curious about what Daemon bought me but that's between him and me.
-On my wedding day I will open it.
-It won't be long. Rhae grumbles and I burst out laughing
There is a knock at the door and my sister turns to give permission to enter, Talyssa stands up after folding the last item of clothing, Ser Erryck pokes his head in and we all greet him, my heart sinking a little when his gaze passes over me.
The love he has for me is just impossible to live with, my sister, may the Gods help her, is already in this kind of relationship and I can't attract problems while she can have them.
-Yes Ser? I ask with a shy smile -Departure is coming soon Princess, your father wants you in his apartments.
I nod following him as Rhae and Talyssa order the servants to take the packages leaving after me to head towards the Dragonpit. In the corridors I can hear Alicent's children bickering in the big court. Except for my little sister, I won't miss them.
-I hope everything goes well in the North Princess. Smiled Ser Erryck
-Well you'll be there to see it. I smile as I stand in front of my father's door
Ser Erryck's body goes rigid and he tenses with guilt on his face.
-What is happening ? I ask with apprehension
He looks away and my breath catches, don't tell me he's not coming? He cannot stay here, he is my knight, my shield, he swore to me, only me or the King can free him from his commitment.
-I will not follow you to the North. He confesses and my heart bleeds immediately
-I did not authorize you to leave your post, Ser Erryck. My voice trembles as I say it
He sighs visibly embarrassed and refuses to look at me, I don't like it when he doesn't look at me, I don't like it when his gaze doesn't find mine. He has always been my most faithful companion and my friend.
-You will be the Lady of Winterfell, your husband will be your knight, the King and Queen, I tense, have asked that I stay for Prince Aegon.
I close my eyes, a tear rolling down my cheek, by the Seven, why do I have to separate from him? Alicent took Cole under her wings and now she takes Ser Erryck for her son. Is this provocation?
-I'm sorry Princess Nymeria, it was an honor to serve you. He bow and I let go of more than one tear
Without him expecting it, I rush towards him and hug him, wanting to stay like that as long as possible.
-Thank you for everything Ser, I will not forget you, I will send you a raven every Moon, I promise.
Stunned by my gesture, he hesitates to hug me back but decides to do so, crumpling the fabric of my riding outfit.
- Your adventure begins Princess Nymeria, be happy.
He gently separates from me, his hand comes to caress my cheek and wipe my tears, then he walks away, knocks on the door and announces me. I breathe through my nose looking melancholy at his silhouette, my father under the influence of Alicent sent him for Aegon, I dare to believe that he will be a little happy since his twin is also in the service of this kid.
-Enter my daughter.
I enter the room, standing in front of my father. He sits at his table with ancient Valyria before him, his work that he cherishes so much. I approach with my hands clasped in front of me, my father's tired but happy smile warms my heart, he gets up to walk towards me, but I stop him coming towards him, taking his hands and sitting down in front of him. him.
-You are so beautiful my daughter, the portrait of your mother. My father caresses my hand with a shy smile on his face
At the mention of my mother, my hand twitches in hers, it's a subject we've never talked about.
-I don't know what to tell you, he admits, you were so close to your mother, very little to me, he sighs, I wish she was there to say the right words to you.
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Heading towards Dragonpit my father's words loop in my mind, he killed my mother and regrets but now we are left with nothing but tears. My mother would have loved to see this wedding, sick or not, she would have come to the North, she would have prepared me and she would have loved Cregan.
When I arrive my concerns disappear when I see Talyssa pale in front of the grandeur of Syrax, the golden dragon growls with happiness seeing Rhaenyra in riding gear with a bag hanging on her dragon's seal.
-Where is Nightmares? I ask my sister taking Talyssa by the hand
-Gone to steal, he's coming. I suppose.
Rhaenyra mounts her dragon which lets out a roar of pure pleasure which makes Talyssa jump, her face disfigured with fear as the dragon advances towards us. I don't move, squeezing her hand in mine to reassure myself, and I almost burst out laughing when she lets out a horrified cry at the powerful arrival of Nightmares.
Nightmares roars at Syrax, his hiss mixed with a loud growl almost makes me think of Caraxes. My dragon's head flies over mine, fearlessly confronting that of my sister. I automatically turn towards him to stroke his white scales so he can feel my warmth. Once done, he lowers himself towards me, his blue gaze in mine, his pupils becoming tender.
-Hello big guy, I’m glad to see you. I simper while caressing his neck
Talyssa nearly falls into the palms several times, standing between two dragons my best friend and lady-in-waiting frantically taps her foot on the ground from stress.
-I see we've already put the seal on you, I pull Talyssa towards me while talking to my dragon, look who's traveling with us.
Talyssa turns pale when she meets my dragon's gaze, he moves his head towards her, his fangs coming out to intimidate her.
-By the Seven, Talyssa swears in fear, I feel like a lamb offered to die.
I burst out laughing, stroking Talyssa's hand before bringing her to my dragon, he pulls his head back a little before gently bringing it back towards us, my best friend's fingers relax on the warm scales of my dragon.
-Oh… Talyssa marvels as our hands caress him
Her mouth forms a perfect O as she marvels at my dragon's reaction. After ten minutes of petting it, I take Talyssa towards the seal, using the stool I manage to climb on my dragon before offering my hand to my lady in waiting.
Nightmares groans as he feels both of us on top of him, he shakes his head as I secure our feet in the spears so we don't slip.
-Hold on to me, Talyssa. I command her and she clings to me like someone clinging to their life
I smile when I feel it, holding tightly to the front of my seal, Nightmares roars with happiness before hastily following Syrax who goes towards the end of the cliff without worrying about the guardians.
My blood pulses in my veins when I see Syrax let go of the cliff to fly away, Talyssa screams seeing that Nightmares does not slow down and does not open its wings to take off. Excitement shakes my body as we fall off the cliff. Talyssa screams as she holds me and I scream with joy as I feel the wind against my face.
In a minute Nightmares opens its wings and we hover in the air, the dragon kicks its wings to return to cloud level, Talyssa still holds me tight, my eyes probably closed.
-You can open your eyes Talyssa. -Are we stabilized? she asks scared -We always have been. I sigh, rolling my eyes to the sky
Then she slowly opens her eyes and an “oh” escapes her mouth when she looks down. Port-Réal is magnificent from below, life in the capital is more enjoyable from above. The wind is undoubtedly blowing our hair, I order my dragon to climb higher, above the clouds. Nightmares roared as he obeyed, we quickly caught up to Syrax and flew lightly alongside him.
-At this speed, we will quickly join the royal boats! Talyssa screams so I can hear her
-That's for sure, I respond, quickly stroking Nightmares, let's not waste time.
Giving Nightmares a little pressure I order him to go faster. And we speed through the clouds, heading north where my fiancé is.
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The sea wind blows on my skin, and I breathe deeply while in front of me, the sun begins to hide behind the horizon. Nightmares dips his wings in the water of the Grelotte Sea, Syrax sends us fresh water while repeating his gesture which wakes up Talyssa. She had fallen asleep against my back and I did not wake her because the trip was quite long for her.
-We're going to catch up with the boats, they're right ahead! Scream Rhaenyra
Indeed I can see the emblems of House Targaryen in front of me, the black and red colors fluttering in the wind. I caress my dragon's ribs preparing to pick up the pace. We arrive at the port, and undoubtedly the Royal carriage has already been on the road for a few hours.
Nightmares hisses before rising towards the clouds Syrax follows him, growling behind him because of his speed gain. As I suspected, the boats have docked for a while, some of the carriages are now leaving. My gaze marvels at the beauty of the North, the fresh wind is different from that of the capital, the landscape is so different, more picturesque, less Royal and arrogant than in the South.
-The North is so beautiful. Talyssa whispers behind me
I can only confirm his words, Nightmares also seems to like it because he roars while gaining more speed, the roar must have probably alerted the inhabitants below and I laugh imagining their reactions.
Our two dragons are flying towards Winterfell, the center of the North, we pass over the woods, we fly over lakes, meadows, villages, and I just want to fly above the Wall.
-The carriages! Rhaenyra Scream
Indeed, they are just below us forming a long caravan, and my heart is beating hard. We're coming to Winterfell, we're coming to Cregan, I'm getting married.
My hands become clammy around the seal, my cheeks flush, and my heart races my dragon. Before us slowly appears the castle of Winterfell, I could cry with stress and excitement seeing the flags of House Stark. The Wolves float in the air and Talyssa caresses my waist to relax.
My heart beats in my throat as I lead Nightmares downward, bringing us out of the clouds, his arrival noticed by all as he roars, his large wings activate the wind. The residents gathered on both sides of the road look up to the sky, completely frightened by our two dragons roaring in front of them. My pride grows when I see their gaze fixed on the power of my House and makes me even prouder.
-That's wonderful ! I scream while discovering my future home
We fly over the ramparts, the inhabitants of the castle shout when they see us, and my heart races when I see Cregan below. My gaze stays on him and I'm sure his gaze is on mine.
-Another tour? asks Rhaenyra, completely captivated.
A roar surprises us and we see my aunt Rhaenys and my sister's husband, Leanor, arriving in front of us on their dragons Meraxes and Seasmoke.
The dragons pass each other while flying, undoubtedly providing an incredible and frightening spectacle when viewed from below. Meraxes roars at my dragon who likes to annoy him. My aunt calms her down by caressing her and smiling quickly at me. Talyssa is about to faint. Not wanting her to fall I walk away from the group of dragons, heading towards the large courtyard of the castle. Nightmares reigns in terror, its great wings kicking up dust, its legs and weight shaking the ground, and its roar makes onlookers recoil.
-Gevis. (beauty) I whisper to Nightmares to calm him down
My dragon shakes its head as it rises to roar one last time announcing my arrival. My dragon calms down by showing his fangs a little, he goes down and I go down first, helping Talyssa who is a little dizzy.
-We welcome, shouted the valet, the arrival of Lady Talyssa of Pentos and Princess Nymeria Targaryen, second born of King Viserys and the late Queen Aemma Targaryen!
When my name is announced, my whole body tenses up, fear, stress, and excitement becoming one inside me. Behind me Talyssa follows me looking straight ahead, forcing herself not to look around her.
When I stand in front of Cregan, my cheeks turn red. He is handsome, incredible even, he is dressed in black, his large coat on his shoulders, its attachment being the symbol of a Giant Wolf. He is impeccable, and I am coming out of a long dragon flight, my hair disheveled, wearing an outfit that is expensive but still a riding outfit. Great Nymeria print. I scold myself
-Welcome, Princess Nymeria, Lady Talyssa. Hi Cregan with a bow
After his gesture, everyone around him bows, clearly embarrassing me, I allow them to stand up. Once done, a smile floats on his face and I remove my glove, subsequently holding out my hand so that he can kiss it, he feels it trembling in his and caresses it with his thumb, discreetly moistening it. lips before kissing him. My whole body burns, my neck becomes hot and I fight not to look away when he sensually looks back at me.
May the Gods have pity on me!
-Thank you for your welcome, Lord Cregan. I respond by taking my hand back
-Princess, may I introduce you to my sister, Sara Snow.
Snow? A bastard, I say to myself automatically, my eyes wander over the young girl and I smile at her warmly. She has long black hair like Cregan, her cheeks are red from the cold and two black beads represent her irises. It's true that she looks like him, so when she approaches to bow to me I see the apprehension in her eyes and in Cregan's. They must think I would look down on him, that's what any nobleman would do.
I prove to them that I'm not just any noble and that I don't put anyone down by taking her hands and hugging them. My gesture surprises everyone and the crowd starts whispering behind my back. As if sensing my discomfort, Nightmares roared menacingly, instantly calming the crowd.
-I'm happy to meet you. I respond with a big smile
She returns my smile by stretching her apple-red lips.
-Me too Princess.
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Night has fallen in the North, the party in our honor is still going on in the great hall of the castle when I decide to slip away and head towards the walls. I hug my fur around me blowing cold wind while observing the scenery.
The dragons are housed in a cave a few kilometers from the castle, I wonder if Nightmares is feeling well, if he's not cold or something. Then my thoughts wander to Cregan and our marriage. Tomorrow I will be married under the Old Gods, the Gods of the Children of the Forest, before a Heart Tree.
The Queen who arrived shortly after me will be the representative of the high crown, my sister the heiress and her in-laws accompanying her, but not Daemon. I sigh as I think about it, clutching his gift to my chest.
-It’s cold Princess, why aren’t you inside?
I turn around hearing Cregan's warm voice behind me, he walks towards me holding his fur close to him. I smile at him shyly, feeling this dragon fire in me when our gazes are detailed.
-I was observing the night, I answer, looking at my gift.
Cregan's gaze lowers to what I hold in my hands, inviting me to present it to me.
-It's a gift from my uncle Daemon. He apologized because he couldn't be at the wedding because my cousin Leana is expecting his child, so he sent me this gift.
-And you don’t open it? Ask Cregan
I sigh, turning towards the night, clutching the package to me.
-I prefer to open it tomorrow, this gift represents the sole presence of my uncle.
Cregan gently caresses my arm and I smile at him, willingly accepting his caress, he speaks in a low voice.
-Does your uncle mean a lot to you?
A dreamy smile floats on my lips thinking of him.
-Indeed, he is like a father to me, my father figure, when the King wasn't looking after me, Daemon was there, teaching me the language of Valyria, my history, helping me claim my dragon , flying with me, encouraging me in my quest to travel.
Daemon was everything Viserys couldn't be, and I wish he were there to take me to Cregan tomorrow instead of Leanor.
-I'm sorry the Prince can't come, Nymeria. Sighs Cregan pulling me towards him
I let myself fall into his embrace, sighing as I finally feel him against me, his body warmth is all I need, and when his gloved hand comes to caress the back of my neck my heart goes crazy. The nostalgia I had when thinking of my uncle evaporates, giving way to the gentleness and love of Cregan.
-I missed you. I confess hiding in his chest
A soft laugh shakes her and I vibrate under her.
-I missed you too, woman.
I lightly tap his chest with a fake annoyed look on my face.
-I'm not your wife yet Cregan, I reply with a mocking smile, wait until tomorrow evening to call me that.
His amused face disappears and becomes playful and seductive when he brings his lips to mine, my hands tremble against me when I feel let him rub his nose against mine, his two-tone irises in mine.
-Oh, but that’s all I’m waiting for, Princess. Smiled the Wolf, showing his canines
My heart soars when I realize that it refers to our wedding night, our bedtime. My cheeks, my neck, my body become as hot as fire, as red as blood. I look away, prey to strong carnal emotion.
-This is terribly inappropriate. I whisper in a low voice
Cregan's laughter bursts into the night making it less silent and I smile stupidly as I feel him bring me to him, his chest vibrating with joy at my back, his chin above my gray head.
-To my sweet Princess, I can’t wait to call you mine.
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lilap20 · 1 year ago
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pairing: charles leclerc x fiancé! reader ( she/her )
summary: Your wedding is near and the Lightning McQueen joke continues along with the excitement.
notes: this one is set in 2024 !!!
part three of the life is a highway series ★ part four ( soon )
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yourusername’s insta story
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yourusername’s insta story
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translation: i want to love you forever
charles_leclerc’s insta story
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Liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 1,726,927 others
yourusername Can’t wait to be old and grey ❤️
👥: charles_leclerc, joris__trouche
view all comments
charles_leclerc Can’t wait to be a papa with you ❤️
yourusername Charlie 😭😭
charles_leclerc Imagine mini us running around!!!
yourusername Baby fever is real and you are it (same)
charles_leclerc I am baby fever
yourusername Get to work then!
charles_leclerc 😳😳😳
pierregasly why are you discussing your future CHILDREN here? mon dieu
joris__trouche Best wedding dress model
yourusername I was made for it
charles_leclerc The most beautiful human alive
maxverstappen1 SIMP
charles_leclerc What is that?
yourusername 😭
arthur_leclerc Hi sister in law
yourusername Hey brother in law
charles_leclerc i think i’m going to cry
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Liked by yourusername, pierregasly and 2,726,827 others
charles_leclerc Mr & Mrs McQueen
view all comments
yourusername oh i love being your wife
charles_leclerc and i love being your husband
scuderiaferrari The Leclercs! 🏎️⚡️
carlossainz55 rayo mcqueen
charles_leclerc Have this discussion with my wife
leclerc_pascale je vous adore mes anges ❤️🙏
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️
sebastianvettel Best wishes to you both! ❤️
arthur_leclerc I can’t believe i lost the bet. I can’t believe you got married
lorenzotl Pay up!
charles_leclerc You had a BET on this??
pierregasly some thought you wouldn’t get married! 🤷
charles_leclerc YOU TOO ????
landonorris like all of the grid, mate! I believed in you 💪
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Liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 582,989 others
daniel3.jpg Life is a highway!
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charles_leclerc I need that photo of Y/n 🙏
daniel3.jpg as you wish mr. mcqueen
yourusername LIFE IS A HIGHWAY 🗣️🗣️
charles_leclerc I WANNA RIDE IT ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!
yourusername IF YOU’RE GOING MY WAY
daniel3.jpg oh god
georgerussell63 I can’t believe we heard that song for 4 days in a row
lando.jpg true, I AM DONE
daniel3.jpg they’re kinda crazy
alexalbon it’s scary how well they know it
maxverstappen1 and they have that choreography too
carlossainz55 it’s so bad
charles_leclerc stop, you wish you had a theme song
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Liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 672,541 others
lando.jpg Charles likes to be called McDaddy!
view all comments
charles_leclerc Lando what the hell
lando.jpg sorry for exposing you charles! ❤️❤️
yourusername LANDO OMG 😭😭
charles_leclerc That’s NOT true
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4K notes · View notes
lilap20 · 1 year ago
Chapter IV : Heaven is where we meet at the foot of the Heart Tree. P.2
Part 2 updated, hope you will like
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“Go for Nymeria” huh?
But what an idea, I'm much too shy and impressed to do that kind of thing. Standing next to the Place of the Queen, which is actually empty, I take a look at the assembly. They are all dressed richly, wearing the distinct colors of their houses. My red and gold dress reveals my shoulders, its long gold lace sleeves covering my arms. She is the perfect mix of my House and Velaryon's, my hair is held in a braided bun behind my head with rubies in it like Rhaenerya.
But those who are the most impressive are the Velaryons, dressed entirely in gold, adorned with jewels like gods, they walk down the long aisle towards the table proud and arrogant. It's in these moments that I miss my uncle Daemon, he would have laughed at their pride and relaxed me. But he's not there, and I'm next to a ghost queen's place.
-We are here to celebrate the union of two individuals but also of two great Houses who have been friends for a long time. My father begins, taking his cup
I look towards the Hightower table and don't find the Queen, part of me wishes she had a bad fall down the stairs.
-May this evening be dedicated to love and…
The doors open wide, with a noise that attracts the attention of the crowd. My gaze freezes at the appearance of Prince Daemon proudly dressed in red and black, his short hair combed back with a bit of dragon's breath in it.
I want to jump and run into his arms, punch him and argue with him, and I know my sister's heart is pounding. My uncle comes forward with a mocking and jovial smile, he approaches the table and faces my father, who, with astonishment allows him to sit with us, thanks to the Gods at my side.
-Nice entrance, uncle. I greet in a low voice which makes him chuckle
The King resumes his speech, raises his cup and drinks which allows us to do the same with smiles and cheers. We all sit around, the guests talking and eating, the music dancing around us. My uncle tries to look at Rhaenyra and I know she's looking at him out of the corner of her eye. Embarrassed by their attentions, I concentrate on the crowd, looking as usual for the Nordien table.
Usually at a banquet or a big event it is always empty, but tonight it is full, Cregan's men and himself always drinking and eating a little apart from the others. As if he knew I was watching him, Cregan turned towards the royal table, met his gaze with mine and raised his cup towards me.
-This time you got noticed on your own. Taunts Daemon while drinking
I barely have time to reply before the doors open to reveal the Queen wearing green. The entire room falls silent as the Queen appears in her war colors.
It is in these moments that “Dracarys” is invoked in my head, but I must remain silent so as not to fan the destructive flame that Alicent Hightower is creating. The Queen dressed entirely in green representing nothing other than her House challenging us, the Dragons, with her head held high and proud.
I might vomit.
We all get up except Daemon who, despite his gesture, insists that I get up. I do it reluctantly, blowing so that the table can hear me and Daemon chuckles. The Queen confronts my father and I almost grab my knife and thrust it into her hand, then she sits down and we all do it.
Viserys let anyone challenge him and now everyone realizes we are divided.
The music resumes, the dances and the words too, but the table is slightly tense. I quickly drink a little of my wine trying to shift towards Daemon who is laughing.
-I never thought I would see you here, uncle.
-I wasn't going to miss my niece's wedding. Daemon smiled while drinking
-You like dramas so much. I swear with a little smile
-And not you perhaps?
I give him a sideways glance and he chuckles loudly enough for our table to glance at us, I hide my laughter by drinking some more wine. Rhaenyra looks at us, raising an eyebrow, managing to calm Daemon's mocking laughter.
-Your look doesn't change, I turn to my uncle, you still look at him just as intensely, he plays with his glass attracting the attention of the whole table, too. When is your trip to the North?
I choke on my drink, Alicent turns slightly outraged, my father and Rhaenyra raise an eyebrow.
-Daemon. I whistle
He smiles brightly, and I nudge him which makes him burst out laughing, by the Gods I'm glad he's back, I missed him. His humor, his provocations. I missed everything.
-My sister, Rhaenerya calls me, will you accompany me for a dance?
I smile, nodding, getting up at the same time as her, my eldest quickly comes to my side and takes my arm, smiling, completely ignoring the green plant next to us.
-Happy dancing Princesses. Daemon smiles
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We had barely arrived in the great hall when Rhaenyra was taken by my cousin and fiancé Leanor for the first dance. In the front row, I look at them with a little smile on my lips, they are magnificent and perfect for each other in terms of appearance.
After a few minutes, guests arrive to dance with them, the dance floor receiving again and again couples for dances, the music spinning the Ladies' dresses.
-Do you want to dance?
I jump a few steps with my hand on my chest, Cregan laughs under his breath and I roll my eyes at his mocking laughter. He holds out his hand to me and I accept with a beating heart. My smooth skin slides against his calloused hand, it is small in his and I find myself liking this contact.
Cregan takes me to the dance floor among all his guests, my sister who is dancing with Ser Harwin raises an eyebrow when our eyes meet, and I look away, turning red.
Cregan's hand slides down my back spreading goosebumps, raising the dragon fire within me, our bodies brush together as we begin to move, his two-colored gaze holding mine, our hands linked, my hand on his shoulder, his on my back.
-Your eyes are incredible Princess. He compliments in a deep voice, they fascinate me
I blush when I hear his compliment and a small, intimidated smile stretches my lips.
-I thank you, Lord. But I have to be honest with you, his hand tightens on my back crumpling my dress, your eyes are even more fascinating.
Finishing my sentence, my voice was only a whisper, Cregan remains a little shocked, his pupils dilating a little, his hand bringing me closer to him in a caress that sets my veins on fire. My breathing becomes ragged again, my right nose becomes red, our breath caresses our faces and we forget the room around us.
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POV External
The Prince, Queen, King, along with Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, all watch as Nymeria and Cregan Stark dance as if no one is watching them.
-Princess Nymeria and the Lord of Winterfell seem to get along well? Notice Lord Corlys
-I don't know what you're talking about, Lord Corlys? Viserys retaliates by cutting his meal
Daemon chuckles as he drinks for the umpteenth time. How Viserys can be so stupid and blind? Marrying Rhaenyra to Leanor is one thing, but not seeing that there is a real attraction between the young Wolf and the People's Princess was just absurd.
She's grown so much, he thought, she seems so mature in the wolf's arms, but also very shy.
-My brother, Daemon intervenes, even if my opinion does not count, I only want the happiness of my nieces, and the young Wolf and my little Dragon have always been connected.
-We will do without your opinion Prince Daemon…
-I'm not talking to you Alicent, so don't interfere in the lives of the Princesses, you are nothing to her. Daemon growls exasperated by her
Viserys tenses in his chair, while Princess Rhaenys rolls her eyes an old smile on her face, she's agree with Daemon, but she will never say it. Lord Corlys cannot hide his smile while drinking and suspiciously watching his son talking with his date. If his son does not pull himself together he will not survive at court, everyone will look at him since he will be the husband of the heir to the throne.
-I support Prince Daemon's opinion, Princess Nymeria seems to appreciate the young Wolf just like him. Explain Lord Corlys
He glances at the King who stops eating to watch his youngest daughter dance with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen on her lips. She was happy with the young wolf, and he realizes it, she laughed with him, and he too, but he didn't want his only memory of Aemma with Rhaenyra to go far from him.
-My brother, Nymeria deserves to be happy, and King's Landing is not the place for her, she likes adventure, not court. Finishes Daemon by emptying his glass
His gaze finds Rhaenyra dancing with Ser Harwin, swallowing his bitterness he turns his eyes towards Leana his little cousin, a grin stretches his lips.
-Please excuse me.
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POV Nymeria
The cool wind blows through my hair, goosebumps rise up my back, Cregan caresses it gently, his warmth making me blush for the umpteenth time that evening.
-Your hands are warm for a man from the North. I notice smiling to myself
As soon as I say the sentence I widen my eyes, my remark is completely inappropriate and may allude to…
-Forgot what I just said.
Cregan bursts out laughing, removing his hand and I suffer this loss violently, he stops walking and I do the same standing in front of him facing his hoarse laughter.
-I like your remark Princess, whatever form it took in your head.
Oh gods, are we flirting now? My heart begins a maddening race.
-What, I swallowed, what shape did it take in your head? I ask breathlessly
Slightly shocked, Cregan frowns, approaching me a little, his mischievous gaze igniting my violet gaze.
-Are you flirting with me Princess Nymeria? -Nymeria, I swallowed in front of his gaze, just Nymeria.
The noise of the gardens, the wind in the branches of the trees, his hand caressing my ribs, all my senses activate and discover a sensation that I can describe as desire.
-Then call me Cregan, just Cregan.
Our noses brush against each other, my memory takes me back to our meeting in front of the Heart Tree, our hearts beating in unison, I avoid his gaze, his breath against my temple, his hands on my hips, I sweat I breathe and I die at the same time.
-Nymeria… Cregan whispers and I faint
I grab the back of his neck and kiss him without him even realizing it, I don't think, I slide my lips against his letting myself be carried away by my desires. Immediately Cregan takes a deep breath, he holds me against him, our mouths hungry for each other respond.
His tongue teases my lips and I open them so that our kiss becomes more passionate, his hands are everywhere, mine claw at the back of his neck, play in his hair, our breathing is heavy and damn I feel so good in his arms, so well until this noise which startles us.
-Princess Nymeria! shouts a distant voice
Cregan breaks away from me, a hand on my arm as I slowly pull myself together, he caresses my elbow as I look at him in complete wonder and fear.
-I'm sorry… I, you are running away from this kind of situation and I…
-I wanted it Princess, Cregan smiled shyly, I wanted to kiss you since our first meeting. I wanted you Princess Nymeria, from the beginning. He confesses
My heart has just stopped or it has just started again, hope, love, happiness I don't know how to put a name to the emotions that run through me.
-So why ? During your last visit did you…
-My father speaking to the King, he avoids my gaze while swallowing, his Majesty did not want to separate from you while you were all in mourning, and I understand that.
It is true that I was ten and four years old, my mother had just died, my little brother too, and my Uncle was kicked out of the court. It’s true that it wasn’t the right time for me to leave.
-And I didn't want to make a decision without talking to you first. I didn't want to force your hand…
-I will be gone, I cut him off with emotion in my voice, I will be gone with you Cregan.
Surprised and bewildered, Cregan approaches me a little further, taking my hands in his.
-Will you still speak to the King? I ask looking at our hands
I pray to the Gods of ancient Valyria that his answer is positive. Cregan has been married before, lost his wife quickly and told me he doesn't want to remarry anytime soon only here we are in this garden talking about my future and his.
-Only if you want me to talk to him about it. he responds while maintaining eye contact
-I want it Cregan, I find his eyes, I really want it.
-Then I will talk to him.
-Princess ?
Our hands linked, Cregan and I turn towards the voice and slowly I remove my hands, meeting Ser Erryck's gaze. I lower my head before looking back up at him as he looks at the two of us.
-Everything is fine ? I ask approaching him
-Blood has been shed Princess, Ser Joffrey was beaten to death in the great hall by Ser Criston Cole
My mouth drops completely open at my shock and Cregan steps forward shocked too.
-We were looking for you Princess, everywhere, the Crown Princess is about to pronounce her vows. Continue Ser Erryck
-I'll be there right away, I turn to Cregan and he nods.
When I run into the great hall, the floor is covered in food, the blood of my cousin's lover is on the same floor and on his clothes, Rhaenyra is disheveled, her white dress stained with blood , dried tears on the face.
-Sister ? I ask taking her in my arms
-By the Gods, I was so scared. She whispers
She smells of Daemon I notice, his scent is all over her. And before I even ask him a question, the Maester calls out to us.
-Let's go Princess, let's get ready for the wishes. Begins the Maester
And this is how the second royal marriage begins, in a bath of anger, unspoken, and blood. A glaring example of our family, us Targaryens. Welcome Leanor.
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lilap20 · 1 year ago
Chapter III: Heaven is where we meet at the foot of the Heart Tree. Part 1
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Since the death of Queen Aemma two years ago, the castle has become silent. Princess Rhaenyra had been named heir and King Viserys had remarried Alicent Hightower. Life returned to life in the palace when the engagement of Princess Rhaenyra and her cousin Leanor Velaryon was announced. After two years, Princess Nymeria finally sees the new lord of Winterfell. Rhaenyra: 18 years old Nymeria: 16 years old
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Ser Erryck approaches me as I dismount, my thoughts immediately turning to my past activities with my uncle. Our horseback rides, our dragon races. It's over since he was banned.
-Did you enjoy your walk, Princess? Asks Ser Erryck with a smile on his face -I took the opportunity to clear my mind, thank you very much Ser Erryck.
My guard smiles at me as he gives my horse's lance to the squire. I take off my gloves while he follows me, chatting with him about everything and nothing.
-Did you finally ask your father to come down to the North? Asks Ser Erryck
I sigh exasperated by my father's response when I ask him:
-Even if I rode a Dragon, he would not be reassured, I am growing up and I want to travel. -Princess, you go to Dragonstone every two moons, replies Ser Erryck, it is a long journey, and there are many things to study. -The North hides so much history, I would like…
I would like to see them, understand them and even see Cregan again. But I keep that thought to myself.
-The North is one of my destinations, once married I won't really be able to travel, I might as well take advantage of it when I'm not yet. -The King will not give you your hand quickly. Try to reassure me Ser Erryck
We arrive at my door and I sigh, turning back to him, a sad smile on my face.
-It's just a matter of time. The Lannisters feel slighted after my sister's refusal.
This does not surprise me, Rhaenyra did not go easy on the Lannister son, my father put him in his place, and I am very happy that he did so the Lannisters were becoming arrogant, more arrogant than usual.
Ser Erryck grimaces and I can't help but laugh, the idea of ​​being a Lannister would make me grimace too, I pray it never does.
-The guests… -Some are already arriving Nymeria, Ser Erryck cuts me off kindly.
The idea of ​​the castle being packed with guests and Lords doesn't appeal to me, but it's my sister and my cousin's wedding, I can't miss this moment. I would have happily spent the day in the Palace gardens but unfortunately I have no choice, the King probably wants to expose his youngest daughter for the sake of the bride, something that Uncle Daemon would not have accepted I'm sure.
“Selling you like game to a butcher” I laugh thinking of his reprimand
If I miss him I can't imagine how my sister Rhae misses him, she must only think about him, especially after what happened in the brothel, after she begged his father married Daemon and he made the same request but without success. The King was uncompromising on the matter, there was no question of the two getting married, he even sent Daemon away.
I breathe thinking of this, taking off my riding outfit not caring that the maids see me naked, I go to my bath and slip into it, it is hot with a steam that reminds me of the hot breath of the dragon, I heave a sigh of happiness.
But I swallow it quickly when I think of my mother, normally in the morning before taking a bath I would go to her rooms, now they are occupied by Alicent, my sister's former best friend. And this has been happening for two years now. This thought disgusts me and I immerse myself in the bath trying to erase them.
These fucking Hightowers! Little by little, they managed to integrate into our family and irreversibly. This change in status for Alicent shook us all up, my sister feels betrayed and I felt it coming. I felt the manipulation playing over our heads.
I stay in the bath for a long time, looking at the landscape of King's Landing, I would like to fly again, go far and take Talyssa with me this time, she would love it, like last time.
My thoughts are stopped by the sound of my door, I sink a little deeper into the bath in case Ser Erryck comes home.
-Ser? -No, you would have wanted that, wouldn't you?
Talyssa's teasing makes me roll my eyes which makes her laugh, she closes the door, her purple dress looks great on her, her red hair braided into a low bun.
-The water becomes lukewarm Princess. She remarks with a smile -It's still nicer than the guest room. I respond blushing
Ser Erryck kissed me a few moons ago in the great library, I had never kissed anyone and I do not regret his gesture. Only I don't really share his feelings, and if anyone ever finds out what we did, their head will be ready to be bitten off. I don't want to risk the life of my faithful friend and guard.
-Nymeria, you spent two hours in this bath, the sun is almost at its peak, you have to get ready, it's your sister's party.
Talyssa's scolding makes my ears ring, of course it's my sister's birthday, I should be happy, rejoicing, only… my mom isn't here to celebrate with us, Daemon is banished from King's Landing, and I sit next to the queen. , enough to die if I could.
-Exit from this Nymeria bath. Talyssa orders, hands on her hips.
I sigh in defeat and stand up so she can wrap the towel around my body.
-It's not by staying in a cold bath that things will change, you know that? Talyssa whispers as she wipes my hair. -However, I much prefer the company of a cold bath to the court.
Talyssa can't help but laugh at my remark before taking me to my bed to get dressed.
I put on my little clothes before letting Talyssa tighten my corset with the help of the servants who bring me my outfit. A long golden dress covered in red flame patterned embroidery with a dragon subtly sewn onto the neckline of my chest looks back at me.
I am helped into putting it on, the dress fits me perfectly, showing off my slim waist and lifting my developing chest a bit, the long sleeves are sheer fabric with gold rhinestones representing Arryn's symbol.
Sitting in front of the mirror, I watch Talyssa style my hair into a sleek braid.
-It's just lunch, Talyssa. I remind her what made him smile
-Do you understand the issues of this lunch?
-Yes, and I am well aware that slipping away will be difficult. But don't put too much pressure on my head. I almost beg her
-OK OK. Laugh Talyssa
My lady loves my hair, its light curls and what she can do with it. She leaves the curls of my hair up in a beautiful bun tied with a gold comb and a red ruby. Hair styled, messy, I like it a lot.
-You are adorable Nymeria.
I look at myself in the mirror, unconvinced by his words, my pale eyes make me look divine, but compared to Rhae, I'm not as divine.
-Thank you Talyssa, I sigh, come on, the King and all his clique are waiting for us.
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The gardens are multi-colored, not because of their flowers but because of the many dresses of the Lady in the garden as well as the Lords. They all wear more extravagant outfits than each other wanting to stand out from the crowd. A ball of color and wealth that the Velaryons continue to beat with their gold colors showing their riches to the great Houses.
-Your sister's husband took his lover. Talyssa points out to me
I watch Joeffrey dressed in blue talking with my cousin Leanor, he notices me and smiles at me, greeting me with his hand. I greet him in turn, then turning to Talyssa.
-Let's ignore this, otherwise everyone will focus on this.
She nods then follows me into the gardens. Everyone greets me, the smiles on the faces of some are hypocritical, others are respectful. My lips try to stretch, but I can't quite smile. I'm already tired of their companies.
-Alert, Lannister in sight.
Jason Lannister, the idiot who tried to marry off my sister, walks straight towards me, taking two glasses of wine with him. By the Seven Hells and the Old Gods, I must find a way to leave.
I change direction but the Lord calls my name leaving me where I am. By the Seven why me?
-Princess Nymeria, you are a beauty.
And you freakish stench Lannister, I want to respond, but I say nothing, smiling at his comment trying not to appear hypocritical. How dare he seduce me when he did it with my sister. They will do anything to have a Targaryen.
-You are entering the age where one attracts attention, he says and Talyssa grimaces which makes me smile, I have not been insensitive to your beauty… -Nor that of my sister. I cut it drinking a little wine
Talyssa giggles loudly, putting her hand over her mouth so as not to attract attention. Jason Lannister widens his eyes shocked by my remark, he is already trying to catch up but I hand him the glass of wine and stride away, running away from him without looking back.
Talyssa follows me but is quickly stopped by the ladies of the court, she tries to make her way but she cannot reach me, so I take the opportunity to leave towards the Heart Tree wanting to get away from the crowd.
Around this big tree we always find peace, we always find silence and rest. And that's what I need. I approach the tree thinking of climbing the branches, but that's not a good idea because I'll tear my dress.
I sigh and approach the tree, peering closely at its ghostly face. Curious, I approach to try to pet it but the sound of a broken branch startles me.
-Have you come to pray? Ask in a deep voice -I…
My voice fades when my gaze falls on my interlocutor, the Lord of Winterfell is no longer who he was two years ago. He swapped his braided hair for shorter, crest-shaped hair with beads on one strand. I remain clinging to his mischievous gaze absorbed by his two colors, the heat comes to color my face.
-Princess Nymeria. It tilts automatically
I immediately pulled myself together, nodding in greeting, holding out my hand, struggling to breathe. When his lips brush against them, I feel my world turn upside down and my face and neck burst into flames.
-Lord Stark. I smile again, stunned
-The last time I saw you was in this garden. Remember the Lord with a smile
I smile in turn, although embarrassed, remembering the circumstances of this meeting.
-Luckily today I didn't climb the tree.
Cregan Stark gives me a sidelong glance before smiling broadly and responding in a slightly mocking tone:
-Well, I had the impression that you were going to go up… -I wasn't going to, I quickly cut him off and he laughs.
I love his laugh, it vibrates in my chest and makes me dizzy, my lower stomach heats up when I hear it. What is happening ?
-Why aren't you at the party? Asks Cregan smiling -I can return the question to you.
He laughs again with less fervor, however, he sighs, folding his hands behind his back before responding:
-Ladies, I run away from them. -At this point ? I give him a friendly nudge and he remains shocked -You have no idea. he sighs
I can understand how he feels, we are going through pretty much the same situation. Cregan Stark and I attract Lords and Ladies because of our single statuses as children of a great house.
I am of marriageable age and I am a Targaryen Princess, Cregan Stark lost his wife over 12 moons ago, they were newlyweds, but she died in labor, which must have been marking.
Know that no one will bother you here, Lord Stark, I smile sadly, there is only the peace of this tree here.
-Do you believe in the Heart Tree? he asks surprised
-I have a special relationship with religion and the Old and New Gods. Here we worship the Seven, some Targaryens worship the Gods of Valyria, and in the North it is the Old Gods. I admit that I am lost. I answer honestly
Cregan doesn't react immediately, turning to face me, his face is stern like it was two years ago but I continue to say that his features remain divine. His gaze plunges into the men and I still feel my heart tighten in my chest at the intensity of his gaze. By the Seven!
-Who do you think you believe in the most? Who do you turn to when you need peace? This is how you will see who you believe.
-And if I turn to several? I ask, raising an eyebrow.
-It's between you and the Gods, Princess. Answer it with a little smile
The wind blows through my dress and my hair, the Heart Tree dances with its branches and its red leaves. The calm of the garden surrounds us with kindness.
-You have changed Princess. Cregan hums in a soft but rough voice.
I curse myself for my redness.
-You too have changed Lord Stark. I compliment in turn trying to breathe
-Am I getting old? he start to laugh
Panicked, I shake my hands in front of me. Nymeria!
-No, no, I didn't mean that. I apologize in panic
He laughs even more at my embarrassment, triggering a ball of feeling in me that continues to swell. I notice he has scars on his face, probably from his fight to reclaim Winterfell from the invaders. That makes him even more beautiful in my eyes.
-Princess Nymeria?
His voice takes me back to our discussion and I'm struck by his intense gaze on me. I gulp and curse my thoughts for they are heading to places unclean and unworthy of my position. I quickly look at his lips feeling mine quiver with desire.
-Nymeria… he hums in a low voice -Cregan…
He gets closer to me and I don't move waiting for his next movement, my breathing becomes rapid, my breath ragged, my heart flies as fast as my dragon. Cregan's mysterious and intense gaze moves across my face before settling on my pale violet eyes. Our breaths almost mix, our noses brush and I completely lose my mind. He opens his mouth to speak but…
-Princess ?
Ser Erryck's voice makes us jump and we take three steps away each with a red face for me, I quickly catch my breath trying to look away from the Lord.
-Lord Cregan Stark. Salutes Ser Erryck with bowed head
Cregan does the same without speaking, giving me a little worried look because I didn't speak. I find his gaze and reassure him which earns me a nod then I turn to my knight with a shy smile.
-Everything is fine Ser, what can I do for you? My voice still trembles a little
Ser Erryck looks from Cregan to me, and I can see the question in his eyes. I don't let anything appear to confront his gaze, which earns him a sigh.
-Your sister calls you Princess, she wishes to retire with you before the big banquet tonight and the ceremony.
I nod thanking him then turn to Cregan who hadn't spoken. I approach him, my hands clasped in front of me smiling at him a little shyly after what we almost did. As I approach, Cregan turns to me, smiling, my heart jumps.
-I hope to see you this evening, Lord Stark. I struggle to hide my smile
Cregan's smile makes me as warm as the heat of dragons, he takes my hand in his and I almost faint at the feeling of his lips on my hand, the sweetness of the kiss makes me soar.
-I will be present, Princess Nymeria.
I smile like I've never done before, greeting him one last time before leaving with Ser Erryck who looks at Cregan once again before following me. My heart races so much that I only hear him when Talyssa speaks to me or when Leana and Rhaenyra take my arm to head towards our rooms.
I still haven't opened my mouth, my long curly hair being brushed by Talyssa is the only thing I smell or observe. The girls have been talking since we arrived in the rooms, my cousin Leana is styling Rhaenyra with rubies and Targaryenne braids, she is already wearing her wedding attire, a white scaled dress with a golden cape bearing the Velaryon symbol. There are blue highlights on her cape, gold threads on the curves of her dress, she is the embodied representation of the strength and wealth of the Targaryens and Velaryons.
-You are beautiful too, Nymeria. Talyssa compliments me
I jump with force, my return to earth is so strong that the chatter stops and the girls turn to me with worried expressions.
-Is everything okay cousin? Leana asks, approaching me.
-Yes, of course, of course. I respond hastily playing with my hair
-Do not touch. Talyssa already scolds
-It's my hair, let's see. I answer her annoyed, but she slaps me on the hand
-You're very quiet Nymeria, notices Rhae taking my hand, what's going on sister?
I sigh thinking of my discussion in the gardens with Cregan, our ragged breaths, our lips a few millimeters apart, his kiss on my hand.
-Nothing very important, I feign indifference.
-Perhaps it is in relation to Ser Erryck? Talyssa eyebrow cheek
I couldn't be more red. My eldest's mocking gaze finds Leana and they giggle, a servant brings a chair for her and my cousin sits down while Talyssa continues to do my hair.
-Your knight? Asks Leana intrigued
-Nothing can pass. I whistle redder than an apple
-They kissed in the big library. Talyssa whispers
Leana opens her mouth wide sweeping her beautiful frizzy silver hair, Rhae raises her eyebrows intrigued before asking more.
-Nothing very interesting, he kissed me, I liked it, that’s all. I respond hastily wanting to end this discussion
-You are a terrible liar Nymeria. Rhae mocks with a big smile.
-But it's the truth, I accuse in a low voice, Ser Erryck likes me, and I admit to having liked him, but everything has been over for some time. I admit a little ashamed
-Since Cregan Stark? Rhaenyra asks
Surprised, I look at my sister with my mouth wide open. How does she know about Cregan? I never talked to her about it, sad to say, but I almost never talked about my life with her since our mother died. Rhaenyra had her own problems, I didn't want to bother her.
-You wonder how I know? She smiled, Well, it turns out that Cregan Stark kept looking at you at the last tournament, my throat tightens, and then you were looking at him too.
-And then this obsession with going down to the North. Add my cousin and I can't be more embarrassed
Talyssa laughs as she braids my hair and I glare at her, she's enjoying this discussion too much.
-So, are you interested in the Wolf of Winterfell? Ask my cousin Leana
I sigh looking at myself in the mirror. Am I interested in Cregan Stark? Yes, am I afraid of taking it on? Yes.
I sigh in defeat, telling myself that my words will never leave his twenty walls.
-I' am.
The girls squeal with joy, Rhaenyra forgetting that she is wearing her wedding dress and cape, jumping around with my cousin and Talyssa hugging each other going around. Stupid girls.
-It's okay, it's okay.
Rhaenyra approaches me and takes me in her arms, my tears almost fall as I miss this gesture so much. She kisses my forehead and smiles at me.
-Go ahead Nymeria, I know you can. Go tell him.
Go tell him?
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lilap20 · 1 year ago
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lilap20 · 1 year ago
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo Saturo
By @saetoru
family photo - @aanobrain
New life - @volensnolenss
exhausted parents kiss - @just-jordie-things
gojo saving his s/o mere moments from death - @earthtooz
WISH I COULD - @ushiwhacka
a star - @tender-rosiey
atlas. - @monocaelia
9:45am - @enkvyu
no title, but trust me! - @augustinewrites (Gojo asks for a favour)
My place! - @adoregojo
That´s the way I loved you - @daughterofthemoon11
all roads lead home - @seravphs
no title, but trust me! - @gojoest (Gojo doesn't like the way he looks at you)
Geto Suguru
By @saetoru
i’m afraid that’s just the way the world works PRINCESS
GOODBYE, MY LOVE - @violettelueur
Inumaki Toge
romantic incidents - @just-jordie-things
secrets uncovered - @lynn-writes-things
physicaly. - @justauthoring
Fushiguro Megumi
no title, but trust me! - @kissagii (megumi keeps a sketchbook as a journal.)
8.19 PM - @nueangel
no title, but trust me! (you bring home a cat)
no title, but tust me! (Megumi has a few secret)
when he loves you - @gcjou
10.11 PM - @nueangel
Ryomen Sukuna
i will continue to love you in every timeline. - @inumaaaki
little one? - @roscgcld
-> Navigation.
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lilap20 · 1 year ago
I need more Cregan Stark x reader fics and one shots to keep my sanity
And not ones where Cregan is just a side hoe until reader can get Aemond but the PROPER FREAKING CREGAN X READER
I need my husband?
Fanfic writing geniuses where are you? 🥹
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