#leanor x rhaenrya
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lilap20 · 1 year ago
Chapter Five: The Dragon's Descent into Winterfell
Chapter five updated:
@koobratzy, @beebeechaos
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What marked the marriage of the heir to the throne was the blood shed But also the King's illness showed itself to everyone, spitting blood and falling A few moons later, Lord Cregan Stark sent a Raven The King and his Small Council agreed, Princess Nymeria and Lord Cregan were to be married.
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When I get up this morning my stomach is knotted with excitement and the hurried noises in the Palace make me smile, it's the day!
I'm going to go north with my ladies, my sister and her husband for my wedding. Port Réal and Winterfell have been in contact for several moons discussing the preparations and the number of guests, not being close to Cregan during the preparations is my only regret, but I know he cannot go south whenever he wants , he has duties and the costs for such a trip would be overpriced.
All the Lords of the North will be present, my uncle and aunt Corlys and Rhaenys, Queen Alicent who will represent my sick father, my dear sister and her husband.
My heart sinks thinking of Daemon and Leana, they should be there, but I know that my cousin is waiting and that Daemon prefers to keep her in Pentos and then leave for Drithmark, I don't blame him, he takes care of her wife and would not want her to have any worries during her pregnancy which is admirable.
-Princess, are you up?
Talyssa opens the door, peeking her head in then smiles when she sees me sitting with a dreamy smile on my face.
-Happy ? Talyssa asks, sitting down next to me.
Her long red hair is held in a bun and her blue eyes shine, she is as happy as me, she is happy for me. She opens her arms and I fall into them, she strokes my hair while humming.
-Are you ready for the big trip? -I'll be on Dragon's back, Nightmares will quickly catch up with the boat, it won't be that long. -I speak of your long journey to the North, Nymeria.
The gentleness of his tone makes me nervous and happy at the same time, for three moons I prepared for my marriage to my new life in the North, but never, never have I felt so uncertain, I am sure of my choice but I'm scared.
-I'm ready, even if I'm a little scared. Will the Nordiens accept me? Will they be afraid of my dragon? And this heir thing.
I want children, but the labor is what scares me the most, my mother died from it, my grandmother died from it, it’s something that runs in our family.
-Everything will go well, Nymeria, you will see. Talyssa reassures me
I nod, slowly detaching myself from her.
-Okay, we need to prepare you for the long journey that awaits us.
I hide my mocking expression when I hear her, which earns her a frown.
-What ?
-You're the one who has to get ready, you're going up with me, remember?
Talyssa turns white, becoming as pale as a worm, I burst out laughing at her decomposition before getting up to head towards the bath that my ladies are preparing. The steam rises in the room and I shiver with pure pleasure as I slide in, savoring the heat on my body.
I don't do anything, everyone takes care of me, even Rhaenyra comes to help me in my preparation, she takes seriously her role as eldest nurturing me and making me laugh. I put on my riding boots that go perfectly with my black riding outfit and my side cape in the red colors of my House. A dragon head brooch sits in my braided hairstyle and another on my outfit.
-You have grown so much, Nymeria. Rhaenyra whispers as she finishes my braids
-Look who says that, I laugh and she does too
The wedding, Daemon and Leana, the noises of the court, everything changed her and made her mature building the folds on her forehead. She understood that even if she was named heir, she would have to fight for her throne and her place. And I will always be by her side no matter what happens.
-You are so pretty, he doesn't realize how lucky he is. She smiled, placing her hands on my shoulders.
-Oh I think he knows, I frown, I hope.
She laughs, shaking her head before helping me get up, her purple gaze turns to find my sword on my table with my compass, a gift from my uncle who never left me.
-He should be there, remarks Rhaenyra, I know he would like to be there for you.
The lack of Daemon will be felt for both of us, for her because they are linked by the same flame, for me because Daemon is my greatest confidant.
-He sent me a gift. I respond by going towards the package
Ser Erryck took it to me yesterday, I didn't open it I wanted to wait until the wedding day. The emotion touches my heart when I caress the package.
-Shall we open it? Rhaenyra asks curiously.
I smile wistfully putting down the package to look at my sister. I know she's curious about what Daemon bought me but that's between him and me.
-On my wedding day I will open it.
-It won't be long. Rhae grumbles and I burst out laughing
There is a knock at the door and my sister turns to give permission to enter, Talyssa stands up after folding the last item of clothing, Ser Erryck pokes his head in and we all greet him, my heart sinking a little when his gaze passes over me.
The love he has for me is just impossible to live with, my sister, may the Gods help her, is already in this kind of relationship and I can't attract problems while she can have them.
-Yes Ser? I ask with a shy smile -Departure is coming soon Princess, your father wants you in his apartments.
I nod following him as Rhae and Talyssa order the servants to take the packages leaving after me to head towards the Dragonpit. In the corridors I can hear Alicent's children bickering in the big court. Except for my little sister, I won't miss them.
-I hope everything goes well in the North Princess. Smiled Ser Erryck
-Well you'll be there to see it. I smile as I stand in front of my father's door
Ser Erryck's body goes rigid and he tenses with guilt on his face.
-What is happening ? I ask with apprehension
He looks away and my breath catches, don't tell me he's not coming? He cannot stay here, he is my knight, my shield, he swore to me, only me or the King can free him from his commitment.
-I will not follow you to the North. He confesses and my heart bleeds immediately
-I did not authorize you to leave your post, Ser Erryck. My voice trembles as I say it
He sighs visibly embarrassed and refuses to look at me, I don't like it when he doesn't look at me, I don't like it when his gaze doesn't find mine. He has always been my most faithful companion and my friend.
-You will be the Lady of Winterfell, your husband will be your knight, the King and Queen, I tense, have asked that I stay for Prince Aegon.
I close my eyes, a tear rolling down my cheek, by the Seven, why do I have to separate from him? Alicent took Cole under her wings and now she takes Ser Erryck for her son. Is this provocation?
-I'm sorry Princess Nymeria, it was an honor to serve you. He bow and I let go of more than one tear
Without him expecting it, I rush towards him and hug him, wanting to stay like that as long as possible.
-Thank you for everything Ser, I will not forget you, I will send you a raven every Moon, I promise.
Stunned by my gesture, he hesitates to hug me back but decides to do so, crumpling the fabric of my riding outfit.
- Your adventure begins Princess Nymeria, be happy.
He gently separates from me, his hand comes to caress my cheek and wipe my tears, then he walks away, knocks on the door and announces me. I breathe through my nose looking melancholy at his silhouette, my father under the influence of Alicent sent him for Aegon, I dare to believe that he will be a little happy since his twin is also in the service of this kid.
-Enter my daughter.
I enter the room, standing in front of my father. He sits at his table with ancient Valyria before him, his work that he cherishes so much. I approach with my hands clasped in front of me, my father's tired but happy smile warms my heart, he gets up to walk towards me, but I stop him coming towards him, taking his hands and sitting down in front of him. him.
-You are so beautiful my daughter, the portrait of your mother. My father caresses my hand with a shy smile on his face
At the mention of my mother, my hand twitches in hers, it's a subject we've never talked about.
-I don't know what to tell you, he admits, you were so close to your mother, very little to me, he sighs, I wish she was there to say the right words to you.
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Heading towards Dragonpit my father's words loop in my mind, he killed my mother and regrets but now we are left with nothing but tears. My mother would have loved to see this wedding, sick or not, she would have come to the North, she would have prepared me and she would have loved Cregan.
When I arrive my concerns disappear when I see Talyssa pale in front of the grandeur of Syrax, the golden dragon growls with happiness seeing Rhaenyra in riding gear with a bag hanging on her dragon's seal.
-Where is Nightmares? I ask my sister taking Talyssa by the hand
-Gone to steal, he's coming. I suppose.
Rhaenyra mounts her dragon which lets out a roar of pure pleasure which makes Talyssa jump, her face disfigured with fear as the dragon advances towards us. I don't move, squeezing her hand in mine to reassure myself, and I almost burst out laughing when she lets out a horrified cry at the powerful arrival of Nightmares.
Nightmares roars at Syrax, his hiss mixed with a loud growl almost makes me think of Caraxes. My dragon's head flies over mine, fearlessly confronting that of my sister. I automatically turn towards him to stroke his white scales so he can feel my warmth. Once done, he lowers himself towards me, his blue gaze in mine, his pupils becoming tender.
-Hello big guy, I’m glad to see you. I simper while caressing his neck
Talyssa nearly falls into the palms several times, standing between two dragons my best friend and lady-in-waiting frantically taps her foot on the ground from stress.
-I see we've already put the seal on you, I pull Talyssa towards me while talking to my dragon, look who's traveling with us.
Talyssa turns pale when she meets my dragon's gaze, he moves his head towards her, his fangs coming out to intimidate her.
-By the Seven, Talyssa swears in fear, I feel like a lamb offered to die.
I burst out laughing, stroking Talyssa's hand before bringing her to my dragon, he pulls his head back a little before gently bringing it back towards us, my best friend's fingers relax on the warm scales of my dragon.
-Oh… Talyssa marvels as our hands caress him
Her mouth forms a perfect O as she marvels at my dragon's reaction. After ten minutes of petting it, I take Talyssa towards the seal, using the stool I manage to climb on my dragon before offering my hand to my lady in waiting.
Nightmares groans as he feels both of us on top of him, he shakes his head as I secure our feet in the spears so we don't slip.
-Hold on to me, Talyssa. I command her and she clings to me like someone clinging to their life
I smile when I feel it, holding tightly to the front of my seal, Nightmares roars with happiness before hastily following Syrax who goes towards the end of the cliff without worrying about the guardians.
My blood pulses in my veins when I see Syrax let go of the cliff to fly away, Talyssa screams seeing that Nightmares does not slow down and does not open its wings to take off. Excitement shakes my body as we fall off the cliff. Talyssa screams as she holds me and I scream with joy as I feel the wind against my face.
In a minute Nightmares opens its wings and we hover in the air, the dragon kicks its wings to return to cloud level, Talyssa still holds me tight, my eyes probably closed.
-You can open your eyes Talyssa. -Are we stabilized? she asks scared -We always have been. I sigh, rolling my eyes to the sky
Then she slowly opens her eyes and an “oh” escapes her mouth when she looks down. Port-Réal is magnificent from below, life in the capital is more enjoyable from above. The wind is undoubtedly blowing our hair, I order my dragon to climb higher, above the clouds. Nightmares roared as he obeyed, we quickly caught up to Syrax and flew lightly alongside him.
-At this speed, we will quickly join the royal boats! Talyssa screams so I can hear her
-That's for sure, I respond, quickly stroking Nightmares, let's not waste time.
Giving Nightmares a little pressure I order him to go faster. And we speed through the clouds, heading north where my fiancé is.
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The sea wind blows on my skin, and I breathe deeply while in front of me, the sun begins to hide behind the horizon. Nightmares dips his wings in the water of the Grelotte Sea, Syrax sends us fresh water while repeating his gesture which wakes up Talyssa. She had fallen asleep against my back and I did not wake her because the trip was quite long for her.
-We're going to catch up with the boats, they're right ahead! Scream Rhaenyra
Indeed I can see the emblems of House Targaryen in front of me, the black and red colors fluttering in the wind. I caress my dragon's ribs preparing to pick up the pace. We arrive at the port, and undoubtedly the Royal carriage has already been on the road for a few hours.
Nightmares hisses before rising towards the clouds Syrax follows him, growling behind him because of his speed gain. As I suspected, the boats have docked for a while, some of the carriages are now leaving. My gaze marvels at the beauty of the North, the fresh wind is different from that of the capital, the landscape is so different, more picturesque, less Royal and arrogant than in the South.
-The North is so beautiful. Talyssa whispers behind me
I can only confirm his words, Nightmares also seems to like it because he roars while gaining more speed, the roar must have probably alerted the inhabitants below and I laugh imagining their reactions.
Our two dragons are flying towards Winterfell, the center of the North, we pass over the woods, we fly over lakes, meadows, villages, and I just want to fly above the Wall.
-The carriages! Rhaenyra Scream
Indeed, they are just below us forming a long caravan, and my heart is beating hard. We're coming to Winterfell, we're coming to Cregan, I'm getting married.
My hands become clammy around the seal, my cheeks flush, and my heart races my dragon. Before us slowly appears the castle of Winterfell, I could cry with stress and excitement seeing the flags of House Stark. The Wolves float in the air and Talyssa caresses my waist to relax.
My heart beats in my throat as I lead Nightmares downward, bringing us out of the clouds, his arrival noticed by all as he roars, his large wings activate the wind. The residents gathered on both sides of the road look up to the sky, completely frightened by our two dragons roaring in front of them. My pride grows when I see their gaze fixed on the power of my House and makes me even prouder.
-That's wonderful ! I scream while discovering my future home
We fly over the ramparts, the inhabitants of the castle shout when they see us, and my heart races when I see Cregan below. My gaze stays on him and I'm sure his gaze is on mine.
-Another tour? asks Rhaenyra, completely captivated.
A roar surprises us and we see my aunt Rhaenys and my sister's husband, Leanor, arriving in front of us on their dragons Meraxes and Seasmoke.
The dragons pass each other while flying, undoubtedly providing an incredible and frightening spectacle when viewed from below. Meraxes roars at my dragon who likes to annoy him. My aunt calms her down by caressing her and smiling quickly at me. Talyssa is about to faint. Not wanting her to fall I walk away from the group of dragons, heading towards the large courtyard of the castle. Nightmares reigns in terror, its great wings kicking up dust, its legs and weight shaking the ground, and its roar makes onlookers recoil.
-Gevis. (beauty) I whisper to Nightmares to calm him down
My dragon shakes its head as it rises to roar one last time announcing my arrival. My dragon calms down by showing his fangs a little, he goes down and I go down first, helping Talyssa who is a little dizzy.
-We welcome, shouted the valet, the arrival of Lady Talyssa of Pentos and Princess Nymeria Targaryen, second born of King Viserys and the late Queen Aemma Targaryen!
When my name is announced, my whole body tenses up, fear, stress, and excitement becoming one inside me. Behind me Talyssa follows me looking straight ahead, forcing herself not to look around her.
When I stand in front of Cregan, my cheeks turn red. He is handsome, incredible even, he is dressed in black, his large coat on his shoulders, its attachment being the symbol of a Giant Wolf. He is impeccable, and I am coming out of a long dragon flight, my hair disheveled, wearing an outfit that is expensive but still a riding outfit. Great Nymeria print. I scold myself
-Welcome, Princess Nymeria, Lady Talyssa. Hi Cregan with a bow
After his gesture, everyone around him bows, clearly embarrassing me, I allow them to stand up. Once done, a smile floats on his face and I remove my glove, subsequently holding out my hand so that he can kiss it, he feels it trembling in his and caresses it with his thumb, discreetly moistening it. lips before kissing him. My whole body burns, my neck becomes hot and I fight not to look away when he sensually looks back at me.
May the Gods have pity on me!
-Thank you for your welcome, Lord Cregan. I respond by taking my hand back
-Princess, may I introduce you to my sister, Sara Snow.
Snow? A bastard, I say to myself automatically, my eyes wander over the young girl and I smile at her warmly. She has long black hair like Cregan, her cheeks are red from the cold and two black beads represent her irises. It's true that she looks like him, so when she approaches to bow to me I see the apprehension in her eyes and in Cregan's. They must think I would look down on him, that's what any nobleman would do.
I prove to them that I'm not just any noble and that I don't put anyone down by taking her hands and hugging them. My gesture surprises everyone and the crowd starts whispering behind my back. As if sensing my discomfort, Nightmares roared menacingly, instantly calming the crowd.
-I'm happy to meet you. I respond with a big smile
She returns my smile by stretching her apple-red lips.
-Me too Princess.
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Night has fallen in the North, the party in our honor is still going on in the great hall of the castle when I decide to slip away and head towards the walls. I hug my fur around me blowing cold wind while observing the scenery.
The dragons are housed in a cave a few kilometers from the castle, I wonder if Nightmares is feeling well, if he's not cold or something. Then my thoughts wander to Cregan and our marriage. Tomorrow I will be married under the Old Gods, the Gods of the Children of the Forest, before a Heart Tree.
The Queen who arrived shortly after me will be the representative of the high crown, my sister the heiress and her in-laws accompanying her, but not Daemon. I sigh as I think about it, clutching his gift to my chest.
-It’s cold Princess, why aren’t you inside?
I turn around hearing Cregan's warm voice behind me, he walks towards me holding his fur close to him. I smile at him shyly, feeling this dragon fire in me when our gazes are detailed.
-I was observing the night, I answer, looking at my gift.
Cregan's gaze lowers to what I hold in my hands, inviting me to present it to me.
-It's a gift from my uncle Daemon. He apologized because he couldn't be at the wedding because my cousin Leana is expecting his child, so he sent me this gift.
-And you don’t open it? Ask Cregan
I sigh, turning towards the night, clutching the package to me.
-I prefer to open it tomorrow, this gift represents the sole presence of my uncle.
Cregan gently caresses my arm and I smile at him, willingly accepting his caress, he speaks in a low voice.
-Does your uncle mean a lot to you?
A dreamy smile floats on my lips thinking of him.
-Indeed, he is like a father to me, my father figure, when the King wasn't looking after me, Daemon was there, teaching me the language of Valyria, my history, helping me claim my dragon , flying with me, encouraging me in my quest to travel.
Daemon was everything Viserys couldn't be, and I wish he were there to take me to Cregan tomorrow instead of Leanor.
-I'm sorry the Prince can't come, Nymeria. Sighs Cregan pulling me towards him
I let myself fall into his embrace, sighing as I finally feel him against me, his body warmth is all I need, and when his gloved hand comes to caress the back of my neck my heart goes crazy. The nostalgia I had when thinking of my uncle evaporates, giving way to the gentleness and love of Cregan.
-I missed you. I confess hiding in his chest
A soft laugh shakes her and I vibrate under her.
-I missed you too, woman.
I lightly tap his chest with a fake annoyed look on my face.
-I'm not your wife yet Cregan, I reply with a mocking smile, wait until tomorrow evening to call me that.
His amused face disappears and becomes playful and seductive when he brings his lips to mine, my hands tremble against me when I feel let him rub his nose against mine, his two-tone irises in mine.
-Oh, but that’s all I’m waiting for, Princess. Smiled the Wolf, showing his canines
My heart soars when I realize that it refers to our wedding night, our bedtime. My cheeks, my neck, my body become as hot as fire, as red as blood. I look away, prey to strong carnal emotion.
-This is terribly inappropriate. I whisper in a low voice
Cregan's laughter bursts into the night making it less silent and I smile stupidly as I feel him bring me to him, his chest vibrating with joy at my back, his chin above my gray head.
-To my sweet Princess, I can’t wait to call you mine.
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robbsstar · 2 years ago
actions have consequences- angst
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pairing / summary / warnings ->
-> young! Aemond Targaryen x young! Velaryon Reader -> Aemond hates you, you hate him and the two of you act it in a brutal way out -> pathetic reader, petty reader, Ser Criston, swearing, blood, people indirectly ganging up on a child
The maids tried to convince the young Velaryon princess as they dressed her for breakfast with her family. Just as the knights and lords in Kings landing, are the maids in the castle the same. All the people who were not part of her family- including the Targaryen's talked behind the three siblings and their supposed to be father, Prince Leanor Velaryon. 
You were the first born, the heir to the iron throne, people often assumed you inherited the the likes of a past Targaryen King even if called a bastard. Sometimes even your mother, Rhaenrya wondered if it was her fault or if you were really born like this. After a while she started to accept you and your personality as you were her first born her child, her heir. So whatever your issues were, she looked past it but not many people could. In fact everyone except your brothers and parents could do so.
Years after being a babe, the people had no worries it started when you were able to voice your thoughts and move your legs. You started cussing out the maids in your chambers whether they did wrong or not, you cussed out everyone you thought was below you. Hence the reputation you held now. 
Suddenly a maid felt a hot liquid fall down her face and in between her breast. First silence followed but then the wretch waved her hands like crazy, trying to dry her ugly and used dress as she wept. ‘’Stop your wailing, maid. This is your fault, leave at once.’’ You scoffed still tired from waking up. The maid looked down at the young and short princess, unable to think. She did not understand how you could hold so much power at just ten.
Her head bowed in submission and left the room after apologizing, her skin as red as fire. The other maids grew stiffer and stiffer as they worked on the dress you were to wear for today. Your chambers were so quiet, the worried maids heard you slurping on tea that magically spilled on the young girl from just moments ago. 
They managed to be even quieter when your sarcastic voice filled the room, sweat was rolling their faces and heads filling with insults for the young princess, unknowingly slowing their working hands down. ‘’Back when I was just seven I visited Driftmark. There is a beach too and I found these creatures on land that resembled the lot of you. Do you know what my Grandsire called them, Huh? They are named turtles... Green, fat and slow. I despise things like that.’’ 
You lifted your morning tea to your mouth as you finished making your point, hiding your small smirk when you felt the hands of your maids working faster than ever before.
It wasn’t long when your brothers picked you up and the three of you went to eat with the rest of your family. There you were greeted by your Grandsire the King, the queen, her children and of course your own parents. 
It was peaceful just like the other times but that peace was quickly followed by uneasiness. Your oldest uncle, Aegon succeeded in slipping some wine to breakfast but was unfortunately caught by his mother to which she began humbling him. Her hands shot out to snatch the wine from his hands, resulting in wine covering both the queens dress and her sons tunic.
You immediately lowered your head to not be caught laughing. You felt the piercing gaze of your mother and Jace hitting your arm. He too found it funny but was not as obvious as you. Though you did try to hide your amusement. 
When you calmed down you wanted to meet the eyes of Aegon, to see if he found it as amusing as you but instead the violet eyes of Aemond, your other uncle found yours. He was only slightly older than you. Many times you called him pathetic for not being able to get a dragon and so sent a smirk his way as you popped a grape in your mouth, eating it with with an open mouth to annoy him further.
You saw his lips close and hands gripping the knife harder. He never liked you, your brother he could tolerate despite his mothers disfavour to all the Velaryon- Bastard children. His main issue with you was the bullying he received from both you and his older brother, the young white haired already felt betrayed enough that his brother always teased him but when you joined Aegon his trust towards his family weaved even more. 
At first he thought, you only followed Aegon because you had a crush on his brother but that thought left as quickly as it came when you teased/bullied him even when you were alone or with your brothers. He could see that your brothers looked up at you, ignoring your temper and cockiness and too started teasing him when Aegon or you were present. 
Even though all four teased him, there still was a difference between you and the other three. His and your brothers still talked to him and joked with him rather than at him. You never laughed with him.
Once a Lord and his daughter came to Kings landing, to try and have his daughter wed to the second born as Aegon was wed to you. It almost was a succeed too if not for you. Aemond actually took a liking towards the Lords daughter but then he found you talking to her while he was training with his brother and nephews.
The young boy saw the daughter turning to him with a smile on her face, he thought she was beautiful but then he grew distracted when he noticed that she was not smiling at him but laughing at him with you behind her whispering words of poison into her ear.
Thanks to Aegon, Aemond found out that you had described his hair as Goat milk and rumoured to her that his dragon allegedly died right when saw Aemonds face- it actually never hatched.
His hatred for you grew even stronger but his calm and shy personality could not do anything, he could not do anything because he did not want be a disappointment like his brother. When Aemond would do something it would always contain words.
The young Targaryen prince did not even notice that breakfast has finished and they were to leave the table. Before he left the room completely, he glared at you and mouthed the word bastard while staring you right in the face. Aemond turned his back to you as he walked to his room to do whatever, not noticing the dark and murderous eyes being thrown at his head.
Only an hour passed since breakfast with the king. Your grandsire was back in his room resting while you and Helaena watched your brothers train. Your aunt was staring at the ugly being in her hand while you tried talking to her. It was hard as she never actually spoke rather mumbled to herself. 
You watched the insect with disfavour in your eyes. ‘’Are you not disgusting it maybe holds any diseases, aunt?’’ You again tried your luck speaking with her. ‘’It doesn’t.’’ Her soft voice whispered, her eyes not leaving that thing. ‘’How would you know?’’ You chuckled, throwing your hair back while cussing out the wind. 
‘‘I know.’‘ She again whispered not even acknowledging you. You scoffed, walking away, you could not be bothered. Before you were out of the young princess reach she actually said something, not to her animals but you. ‘‘actions have consequences- a bee dies after stinging another.’‘
You only looked at her like she was crazy, you waved her hand at her while walking to the weapons. ‘’Whatever.’’
You searched through the cart, that was filled with weapons. A loud laughed filled the air when you found something interesting. Before you could take it out fully a knight stopped you. ‘’Princesses are not allowed to wield weapons... my lady.’’ You took your hand out of the cart and turned to look at who was thinking they could order you. A displeased frown was shown on your face when Ser Criston Cole stood in front of you, a hand on his sword and the other wiping the sweat from his face.
You knew him and you hated him. He was always seen following the brown queen around like a dog. Your eyes turned to the right to see your uncles and brothers watching the scene. ‘’You left your job to train my uncles and brothers to tell me I cannot wield something from my own home?’’
You words were dripping with disbelieve, making the knight uncomfortable. He heard the stories of Rhaenrya first born being a little different than expected. Criston opened his mouth to continue talking but was stopped by the hand you shoved in his face. How he wished he could break this hand of yours and see Rhaenrya cry. The hatred for your mother never left.
He felt embarrassed as a ten year old disciplined him in front of the princes and other knights. ‘’How about a compromise?’’ You laughed in his face, clearly loving the anger shown on his face. Everyone on field knew you were made out of sarcasm and pettiness as shown by your words. ‘’You, Ser Criston Cole, go back being the training dog while I take the weapon I like, take the horse I like, take the dress I like and take the whore I like. Do you understand? I take what I desire and right now I desire for you to be gone. Piss off!’’ Your high pitched voice grew louder with each word you send his way. The training ground reflected the personality of Helaena, just as quiet as her.
‘‘I apologize my Lady. It was not in my place.’‘ Ser Criston was basically forced to speak these words. ‘’No it was not!’’ 
The eyes of the knights not leaving his body as he continued to train the princes. The shame in him and hatred for you grew even wider when he saw the oldest prince, Aegon laugh at what happened.
‘’That imbecile of a knight.’‘ You muttered under your breath and for the second time went on your tiptoes to look over the cart and grab what you saw before. You took the small bow and the already used arrows. Taking a good look at what you were holding, you grin.
As you were failing to shoot an arrow straight you did not feel the presence of another knight behind you. You body shook when hands where suddenly holding yours, big and dirty hands. ‘’Who dar-’’ 
‘‘May I help you, princess?’‘ The voice of a man interrupted you. Not an unfamiliar one, the voice belonged to Ser Harwin, a knight who always smiled at you and was always with your mother. You liked him and appreciated his service but not enough to show kindness. ‘’Are you telling me I am to dumb to use a bow and arrow?’’ She mumbled slightly embarrassed, knowing the shots from before definitely agreed.
‘’Of course not, my princess. You just need a little guiding and you can already go hunting yourself.’’ His words gave her courage and confidence as he spoke. ‘’Do you reckon?’’ You asked.
You showed immediate improvement while Ser Harwin was teaching you but still you always missed your targets. Anger was shown as you cussed out everyone on the field but it only grew worse when you heard an ugly chuckle from your right side. You stopped listening to the knight next to you and turned to see who dared to laugh at you. 
First white hair entered your vision, then violet eyes and after that you saw your uncle smirking at your arrows lying on the ground while kicking the dirt near his feet. Your ears completely blocked out Ser Harwin and the people around you and only focused on the form of your uncle. You remembered the word he spoke to you not even two hours ago.
Aemond brought his attention back to the Ser Cristin when it was his turn, ignoring your dark eyes. ‘’Princess focus please, you will not be able to hunt a boar like that.’’ Ser Harwin rubbed your shoulder, trying to get your attention away from your uncle and make the air feel lighter around you. The Strong knight was not in the dark with your temper issues and was glad he could help Rhaenrya in raising you as your father was away drinking his sorrows.
You lowered the bow and arrow and turned to look up at him, your brown eyes as sweet as sugar. ‘’Can I choose a target on my own?’’ It was like the anger you just held was replaced with honey. Your voice so soft, you resembled any ordinary ten year old. The knight pressed his lips together, thinking if that was a good idea but could not deny his daughter. 
‘‘Of course, my princess.’‘ 
You smiled brightly at him and turned away, hiding the dirty smile from him. ‘’Could you step back Ser, I do not want to feel pressured.’’ You spoke lies with amusement as you held your head high. ‘’Of course.’’ 
Your head was filled with vile things while pretending to search for a target, in reality you already had something in mind hence you told the knight to step back so he would not be able to stop you. Your eyes followed Ser Criston and Aemond as they clashed their swords together. You searched for your brothers, wanting to know where to run to when things escalated. They were on the other side of the training ground, meaning you had to run past Aemond.
That did not matter though, all you needed to do was to run past him. It was just running. You could handle that. You slowly lifted the bow, aiming it at something near the sword clashing. Before shooting you gathered your breath and held it in. Your eyes focused on Aemond, waiting for him to turn so you could see his face. 
You exhaled when both the knight and boy changed their positions. Now Aemond was facing you. In a fast motion you aimed the arrow in his direction, ignoring the shout from Ser Harwin and let go of the used and dirty arrow.
‘‘Princess!’‘ The loyal knight screamed as he tried to catch your running form.
A never stopping scream filled the air. Prince Aemond fell to ground, his sword and knife right next to him. Aemonds scream caught the attention from all the people present. They stood still not knowing what to do. The young boy reaches for the arrow stuck in his eye as blood never stopped flowing. ‘’Mother!’’ He screeched, trying to find comfort as he broke the arrow. Now only the tip of it stuck in his eye. His vision was red as he looked up in pain, the throbbing growing only worse while cried.
‘‘Prince Aemond!’‘ 
‘‘Someone get the queen!’‘ Everyone was now screaming mixing in with his screams.
Ser Criston and his brother were trying to sooth him but failed as he pushed their hands away and continued wailing in pain. Aemond saw fabric ran past him, in his eye it was red but he knew it originally held a yellowish colour. His hand quickly grabbed the bottom of the dress and yanked it towards him. You fell on your back as he climbed on top of you, scratching at the hands that tried to stop him.
‘‘You bastard!’‘ Aemond cried out and punched you many times in the face, grabbing your hair so he could turn your face to ground and roll it in dirt. Unfortunate for him he did not saw the hand coming towards his eye and pushing the arrow even deeper. ‘‘Arghh!’‘ He again cried out, the pain even greater than before. You pushed him off of you, rolling on top of him as you began to hit him everywhere a human felt pain. Mud was at the bottom of your feet and ruined both of your clothes while fighting in it.
Blood was staining both you and him. ‘’You deserved it, you stupid cun-’’ Your rage got interrupted when Ser Criston pushed you towards the ground, accidently stepping on your hand, breaking it. The field was then filled with a girls scream. ‘’You cunt,cunt- stupid fuck of a cun-’’ You stopped screaming at the knight when you saw Aemond on top of you again. ‘’Get off of me you pathetic bitch!’’ You tried to slap him with your other hand but he grabbed it and held it with a tight grip, pushing it on the ground. 
‘‘Ser Harwin! Ser Harwin!’‘ You cried out while wailing in pain. Your eyes tried to find him and when you did you were shocked, there he was on the ground knocked out cold. Your eyes looked up at Aemonds as he was spitting at you vile insults. ‘‘You will be sorry!’‘ He shouted at you while punching you again. 
Behind him you saw Ser Criston Cole standing, smirking at you while trying to hold the knights and your brothers back who wanted Aemond off of you. 
Defeated you cried out again. ‘’Mother! Mother!’’ Your voice was not heard as Aemond shut your mouth with his hand. Despise him being on top of you and hitting you he too was sobbing, the pain from his eye never leaving. The blood gushing out of it onto your face and mouth. Before Aemond could hit you again, you bit his hand and spit the metallic substance back at his face. ‘’I will never regret doing this, you white haired cunt!’’ You managed to rip your hand free from his grip and tried to poke him in the other eye but before you could do so everything stopped.
The whole ground grew silent, but they were still shouting. Your teary eyes flowed with water again and you looked up at your uncle in shock. He too was shocked for what just happened, what he had done. He quickly went off of you while crawling back, away from you, the bloody knife and broken arrow. The two of you were staring at each other. Both of you crying. Nobody had noticed what had happened, to busy fighting each other. 
Your scream filled the air again. Both of your hands quickly raising to your ears and finding one bloody and cut while the other still had an arrow stuck. Your small body could not even comprehend the pain in your head and ears. The agony was to big as you crawled up to be on your knees. Your dress dirty and ripped while your whole face was covered in blood, literally everything.
Your screams were so loud that you could not even hear yourself. In fact you could not hear anything. It was so quiet even though the fighting on the field never stopped. Aemonds and your own wailing never stopped so how come you could not hear anything?
Blood continued rolling down at the sides of your face, rolling under your dress. Everything was so loud but so quiet, you never stopped screaming as agony filled your head and that echo of pain grew even louder when you ripped the arrow from your ear. It looked like your hands were covered by red gloves. 
You could not hear what you were shouting or what but it got the attention of the people surrounding both you and Aemond. Aemond was yanking at the clothes of his brother while shouting for his mother. You did not feel your brothers coming next to you while you started to feel the pain over take you. 
Time felt like it would never end as Aemond bawled into his brother chest, while you wept into the ground with both hands on your ears trying to stop the bleeding. 
It was like the power in your muscle grew when you saw your mother running towards you, unable to understand what she was saying you grew frustrated. You were unashamed while sobbing loudly, only wanting to feel your mothers presence. 
Both you and Aemond called out at the same time, ‘’Mother!’’
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he-is-everything-11 · 3 years ago
I know I am going to miss Rhaenyra & Daemon's interactions next episode but I am pretty excited to see Rhaenyra - Leanor & Daemon - Laena dynamics.
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lady-ashfade · 2 years ago
Yandere house of the dragon x Hybrid Dragon reader.
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Yandere house of the dragon x female reader.
Part two here.
Plot/notes: Most of the characters will be platonic, war with the characters will take place but rhaenrya will be queen but most of the things that happen in the show will not take place. Also in this jace is only one year younger then the reader and aemond. The only mention of the readers appearance are: Golden eyes, red scales. All the adults are platonic but there will be romantic interests, this is just some headcanons, drabbles about how it would go down.
Also would like to give credit to @missglaskin because their whole page gives me inspiration! So go read everything you can and give them a follow! You can ask about different outcomes and share ideas.
This story will continue
I have not read the books so this might not be accurate, but I’m just here to share my thoughts.
Warnings: Yandere tendencies, blood, reader in pain, misspelling, idk what to say.
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The first time the king Viserys laid eyes upon you it was like the sevens holy voices could be heard. He could recall a distant dream of his when he saw your face, the little face that would mean a great deal to him and the realm. But quickly anger struck his chest when he realized what was happening.
A child not even the age of two with dirt covering its face while being locked behind a cell like some rabid beast, the harden cradled you cried wasn’t comfortable looking, nor was the way it felt. You had be found by a village on their daily fishing hunt, being not a day over one to be exact. Small patches of scales could be seen on your arms.
When your teary eyes looked at him, he knew he had be blessed.
The queen stood beside him and the sting of guilt and pity hit her, how could someone keep a baby locked in a cage. She felt like it was her own kin, her son aemond being of the same age.
 Viserys yelled at the person who found you and made them open the cell, taking you in his arm and rocking you back and forth. Your cries seemed to lessen at his comfort. He claimed to take you in as his own, saying it was your birth right since you had blood of a dragon. Alicent was the second to hold you, the way you tiny finger held onto hers she knew she was the mother you needed- She was your mother.
Leaving the village behind in ashes and blood behind them, calling them traders and savages for locking you up. No one was ever going to harm you again. 
The next to welcome you into the family was Rheanrya and Laenor.
Rheanra quickly took you into her arms from the queen who didn’t want to let you go, but Viserys said it was good for you to meet your sister. She bounce you in her arms, saying how beautiful you were with your golden eyes and red small scales. She walked over to Leanor and he was smitten by you, knowing in his heart that we would protect you. Alicent watched them closely with rage, like you were something that was going to be taken away from her. But she was not going to lose you.
“I think she can sense the baby.” Rheanrya pointed out how you seemed to touch her belly and snuggle close to it. “It seems so.” Viserys agreed with delight at you being so welcoming, but Alicent just stayed silent at how you giggled so sweetly in rheanrya arms, she wanted to pull you away.
The next you meet was Aegon, he wasn’t as happy about the news of a new sister but he was only little. But as soon as he saw you his eyes light up and he reached out to you, he would even show you his small toys.
Then there was Helaena, still being young she would only watch you curiously, touch your scales and babbling words no one could understand. But she was happy to be around you, just your present calms her down.
Being the same age as aemond made it hard for anything to happen, but he was already showing signs of obsession. He constantly has to be in the same room as you, if you are taken out of the room he will cry at the sight. He is at ease in your presence just as his sister, but everyone suspects he sees you as his twin.
Alicent raised you like her own and so did Viserys , she was over joyed how quickly the children saw you as one of their own. She always worried about the future with you at her side, no one knew what your species could do. So she was over protective.
Otto was a little hard to come around. The king calling you his blood child was bad enough as it is, but burning down a whole village was idiotic. He wouldn’t meet you no matter how much his own daughter begged, he saw you as a plague. One that could pull their targets in with their presence and then kill them when giving a chance.
But one night as Otto came to say goodnight to Helaena his eyes meet yours, golden eyes that looked like dragons. His mind clouded with the screaming saying to protect you at all cost. That’s when he became your grandfather, you and helaena being his favorite. He loves you and would do anything for you.
After three years.
You grew to love little jace. He was a year younger then you, him three and you four. He clings to you with every step and always with you anytime he can be, this making everyone else jealous.
Aegon was mischievous, he liked to leave anytime he could and pull pranks on everyone. He was your big brother and constantly taking you with him, he was fun to be around. He let you join in on his pranks, sneaking cakes for you and anything to make you smile.
Helaena like you to sit with her while she told you about insects, you always asked her about them which made her so happy. You even went out of your way to catch them for her. She loves you. She would have matching dresses, having her hair match yours, also you were the only one she wanted to touch. You could hug her and she’d smile, or she would hold your hand and walk around.
When Lucerys was born you were one of the first people to be welcomed into the room. You waited outside rhaenryas room while she gave birth and it frightened you but you got over it quickly at seeing the little baby. You loved him and always asked to see him at any hour, or hold him while you sat down. He loves being in your company and always stared at you with curious eyes. He always held your finger in his little hands just like you did when you were at that age. You and his mother were the ones he cried for. 
As aemond grew by your side, he thought of you has his twin sister. Despite having different features, hair and looking nothing alike. Maybe he didn’t have a dragon, but he had you. You had scales like one, eyes to so you were his dragon in his eyes. He believed that you were sent down to him, a blessing from the gods just for him. He was also every protective, he would follow you and hold your hand. He hated jace for bullying him and that he you away from him at times, he was jealous of anyone that wasn’t his mother or other sister.
The day had come where Daemon Targaryen and his wife Lady Laena and their children had come to visit. This was the first time they had been able to meet you and daemon took interest as soon as he heard about you four years ago.
Daemon did fell a bit shocked when he hears his brother taken a daughter who had no Royal blood or his own, or even his wife’s. Not to mention no one knows who your real parents are. But when he found out you had features of a dragon his interest was always lingering in his mind.
The first time Daemon saw you his body was taking over by possessiveness, he saw you as his blood. He wished he had gotten to you before his brother and Alicent did but he will just have to deal with it…For the time being. Everyone kept a eye on him as he picked up up and refused to leave your side, being the cool uncle he is he would tell you stories and take you to meet his dragon.
It has been two years since then. And now it being a month since you had turned six.
It was a beautiful day, the perfect temperature and the light breeze shaking the leaves on the trees. The only thing stopping this from being a peaceful day at court was the high pitched screams mixed with screech’s of a dragon. The maids and knights rushed to alert the king of what they had find in the gardens.
Your small frame crouched down as the tears and cries only grew louder, the skin on your back began to move underneath and blood seeped through your dress. The maids tried to get close to you but you moved back not wanting anyone but your family. What was strange was not only your cries, but the dragons in the pit could be heard. You screamed for everyone- Anyone that would come for you, you just wanted the pain to stop. It was the most pain you had felt in the small years you have been alive, you had wondered if this was the pain you had been told about from every woman.
“Where is she?” You heard your father scream as he came around the corner of the rose path, Alicent rushing quickly behind him in panic. They stop immediately at what they saw. You gripped onto your dress as you looked at them with a wet face. Behind you stood a set of red and golden wings, small set of dragon wings fit for a baby dragon. “Y/n.” Alicent quickly moved towards you seeing the pain you had went through and the blood. She took you in her arms carefully not to hurt you anymore while you cling onto her.
“My sweet girl,” Viserys was filed with pride and praised you for being so strong, he wasn’t looking at it as you were in pain but that you had gained something wonderful, “She will be a fine warrior.” He took you away from alicent and showed most of everyone that past just how wonderful your wings were. Alicent had to beg him to take you to a master seeing you still flinch at the pain but tried to hide it for Viserys.
As you had calm down and patched up, you learned how to love your wings and retreat them back into your skin. It was painful but it felt better to sit down without them. As you laid in alicents lap the next person to walk in was rhaenrya.
You smiled and hugged her while being happy they both were there with you but they didn’t see it like that. The glares Alicent sent rhaenrya was threatening but she gave it back. “She needs to be careful.” Alicent stated. “I agree but she also needs to learn how to control it, best do that with the help of me.” They didn’t want to fight in front of you but it was all said in their eyes, no words.
A few days after your recovery the children were aloud to see you but they couldn’t touch yours back. Both mothers stand in the room for it just to be safe, Alicent didn’t trust rhaenryas kids around hers.
Luke was the most excited one, jumping up and down while asking questions. He would praise you for it saying just how awesome you would be when you grew, he did beg you to show him your wings but he was shot down by his mother.
Jace held your hand and told you how much he missed you in the time away, also sharing his thoughts of how much he grew sad hearing you where hurt. He would also tell you how cool thought it was that you had wings, saying he can’t wait till you show him.
Aegon was making a joke about it but in a nice way. Saying how when you grew older you could probably kill people with them and become a great warrior. He did like the thought of having you around to protect him and be at his side- When no one else was there for him, you would be.
Helaena was calm by your side and told you everything she saw of your scales and wings and related them to insects. She didn’t yell or beg to see them but you could see the tint in her eyes of wonder at what she imagined your wings would look like
The twin girls Baela and Rhaena, comforted you. Knowing how much pain you were in was sad and the girls cried when they first found out, being on the younger side they saw you as a older sister. They loved you so much, they brought you gifts and offered to do anything you wanted to do for the next month.
Aemond saw this more of a sign at just how amazing you truly are. The dragon that was sent to him in his time of need when he had no dragon to claim. His twin flame, his to protect. He would ask you if you were in any pain and holds the hand jace was not and ask if he could see them once you could. The praise he gave you was overwhelming to say the least but he was also worried about if your body could handle it. He blamed himself for not being with you when they came out. But he was here now and forever…
Otto spent time with you when you where recovering, reading you some stories and made sure to make you smile at least once. He would tell you how much you are worth of your abilities and everything. He knew that he could now use you on his side when you grew older and he will help guide you on a good path.
Daemon was the first to suggest they fly across the sea to see if they can find someone to train you. He also suggested that you start training as soon as you recovered but Alicent didn’t want you to, something rhaenrya agreed on saying you should wait until they know more.
And as time went on your powers grew along with you, not knowing much was a faint memory. But war was on the horizon and with you was the center piece.
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sunnyhvnny · 2 years ago
Bi Male OC Velaryon Sibling x Yan! Laena x Yan! Laenor or maybe whole Velaryon group, Male OC X MomYan! Rhea Royce x DadYan! Daemon, Male little brother x yandere Rhaenyra Big Sister (alive Aemma), For other idea was Jaeheyrs and family
Immediately the one that stood out to me was little brother x yan!Rhaenrya w/ an alive Aemma. Rhaenrya would be so possessive over him. She knows that her father really wanted a son but when she sees him she can’t help but think that he must have been made for her (insert Targaryen weirdness)
But I’ve seen so little of the velaryons. Specifically Leana and Leanor. That whole family seems so close (I’m thinking about how distraught Leanor was at his sister dying). Every single one of the Velaryons would have Yandere tendencies towards a male Velaryon sibling. It would cause so much bickering and fighting amongst them to see who would get his attention.
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idk50000 · 2 years ago
A Bride for an eye 
I've never wrote anything before but I wanna try, I also recently got into HOTD, I love game of thrones as well. I saw this man and like come on, I couldn't resist the urge to write a fanfic about him.
Aemond Targaryen x o/c Targaryen reader
warnings: none in this chapter
Reader is Searah Velaryon I, first born along with jace {twins} it was very rare for women to have twins yet your mother managed your born to Rhaenrya Targaryen first of her name, And Leanor Velaryon, your 13 and have light violet [purple] eyes and long wavy dark brunette hair.
You new your duty as a princess and that one day your parents would marry you off to some lord.
Your septa told you as a wife you must obey and do as you're told, you understood what you had to do. When your mother Rhaenrya married her uncle daemon and moved to dragon stone you had and example of your duty, from then on you figured you would have to marry one of your uncles, Prince, Aemond Targaryen or Aegon Targaryen, In your personal opinion you would rather marry Aemond he was nice to you, you too use to play with each other and go on walks through the garden.
You and Daemon were close he taught you everything about sword fighting but you learned on your own how you can you use your legs and feet at your own advantage, he saw the warrior in you that no one else did. You were walking down the stairs when you saw the flowing white snow out of the window what a beautiful sight you thought to yourself, you started heading towards the open den room where you saw Rhaenrya your mother and Daemon.
Searah saw the letter in her mothers hand "may I?" she quietly asked Rhaenrya, she handed it to you, your trembling hands slowly open the letter the reveal a letter from your great grandsire, The King.
"My dear daughter Rhaenrya, I haven't seen you in some time, I miss you so that's why I hope you and your family would join us at the red keep for our traditional Yule> this was always your mothers favorite time of year and she loved our yule special, and you remind me of her all the time. Please join us I love you."
-Viserys Targaryen
you slowly handed the letter back to your mother and looked at Jace and Luke " maybe we should go mama we all miss our family."-Searah
"that's why we are going we all need to visit each other sometime, children go pack your bags for Fortnight, I need to talk to daemon alone."-Rhaenrya
You couldn't help the smile that spread across your face as you felt this joy in the pit of your stomach, its been 4 years since you've seen heleana, Aemond, Aegon ,Alicent and Viserys you were excited and you had missed them so much.
You loved festivals, the food, the dancing, meeting new people everything about it you loved. The yule is a fortnight [two weeks] winter festival held at the red keep, its always been your favorite time of the year you packed 14 different dresses to wear during your time there.
Bear with me this is just the beginning I'm trying something new so next chapter we will be going to the red keep for the yule winter festival in other words, Christmas
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lilap20 · 1 year ago
Chapter IV : Heaven is where we meet at the foot of the Heart Tree. P.2
Part 2 updated, hope you will like
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“Go for Nymeria” huh?
But what an idea, I'm much too shy and impressed to do that kind of thing. Standing next to the Place of the Queen, which is actually empty, I take a look at the assembly. They are all dressed richly, wearing the distinct colors of their houses. My red and gold dress reveals my shoulders, its long gold lace sleeves covering my arms. She is the perfect mix of my House and Velaryon's, my hair is held in a braided bun behind my head with rubies in it like Rhaenerya.
But those who are the most impressive are the Velaryons, dressed entirely in gold, adorned with jewels like gods, they walk down the long aisle towards the table proud and arrogant. It's in these moments that I miss my uncle Daemon, he would have laughed at their pride and relaxed me. But he's not there, and I'm next to a ghost queen's place.
-We are here to celebrate the union of two individuals but also of two great Houses who have been friends for a long time. My father begins, taking his cup
I look towards the Hightower table and don't find the Queen, part of me wishes she had a bad fall down the stairs.
-May this evening be dedicated to love and…
The doors open wide, with a noise that attracts the attention of the crowd. My gaze freezes at the appearance of Prince Daemon proudly dressed in red and black, his short hair combed back with a bit of dragon's breath in it.
I want to jump and run into his arms, punch him and argue with him, and I know my sister's heart is pounding. My uncle comes forward with a mocking and jovial smile, he approaches the table and faces my father, who, with astonishment allows him to sit with us, thanks to the Gods at my side.
-Nice entrance, uncle. I greet in a low voice which makes him chuckle
The King resumes his speech, raises his cup and drinks which allows us to do the same with smiles and cheers. We all sit around, the guests talking and eating, the music dancing around us. My uncle tries to look at Rhaenyra and I know she's looking at him out of the corner of her eye. Embarrassed by their attentions, I concentrate on the crowd, looking as usual for the Nordien table.
Usually at a banquet or a big event it is always empty, but tonight it is full, Cregan's men and himself always drinking and eating a little apart from the others. As if he knew I was watching him, Cregan turned towards the royal table, met his gaze with mine and raised his cup towards me.
-This time you got noticed on your own. Taunts Daemon while drinking
I barely have time to reply before the doors open to reveal the Queen wearing green. The entire room falls silent as the Queen appears in her war colors.
It is in these moments that “Dracarys” is invoked in my head, but I must remain silent so as not to fan the destructive flame that Alicent Hightower is creating. The Queen dressed entirely in green representing nothing other than her House challenging us, the Dragons, with her head held high and proud.
I might vomit.
We all get up except Daemon who, despite his gesture, insists that I get up. I do it reluctantly, blowing so that the table can hear me and Daemon chuckles. The Queen confronts my father and I almost grab my knife and thrust it into her hand, then she sits down and we all do it.
Viserys let anyone challenge him and now everyone realizes we are divided.
The music resumes, the dances and the words too, but the table is slightly tense. I quickly drink a little of my wine trying to shift towards Daemon who is laughing.
-I never thought I would see you here, uncle.
-I wasn't going to miss my niece's wedding. Daemon smiled while drinking
-You like dramas so much. I swear with a little smile
-And not you perhaps?
I give him a sideways glance and he chuckles loudly enough for our table to glance at us, I hide my laughter by drinking some more wine. Rhaenyra looks at us, raising an eyebrow, managing to calm Daemon's mocking laughter.
-Your look doesn't change, I turn to my uncle, you still look at him just as intensely, he plays with his glass attracting the attention of the whole table, too. When is your trip to the North?
I choke on my drink, Alicent turns slightly outraged, my father and Rhaenyra raise an eyebrow.
-Daemon. I whistle
He smiles brightly, and I nudge him which makes him burst out laughing, by the Gods I'm glad he's back, I missed him. His humor, his provocations. I missed everything.
-My sister, Rhaenerya calls me, will you accompany me for a dance?
I smile, nodding, getting up at the same time as her, my eldest quickly comes to my side and takes my arm, smiling, completely ignoring the green plant next to us.
-Happy dancing Princesses. Daemon smiles
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We had barely arrived in the great hall when Rhaenyra was taken by my cousin and fiancé Leanor for the first dance. In the front row, I look at them with a little smile on my lips, they are magnificent and perfect for each other in terms of appearance.
After a few minutes, guests arrive to dance with them, the dance floor receiving again and again couples for dances, the music spinning the Ladies' dresses.
-Do you want to dance?
I jump a few steps with my hand on my chest, Cregan laughs under his breath and I roll my eyes at his mocking laughter. He holds out his hand to me and I accept with a beating heart. My smooth skin slides against his calloused hand, it is small in his and I find myself liking this contact.
Cregan takes me to the dance floor among all his guests, my sister who is dancing with Ser Harwin raises an eyebrow when our eyes meet, and I look away, turning red.
Cregan's hand slides down my back spreading goosebumps, raising the dragon fire within me, our bodies brush together as we begin to move, his two-colored gaze holding mine, our hands linked, my hand on his shoulder, his on my back.
-Your eyes are incredible Princess. He compliments in a deep voice, they fascinate me
I blush when I hear his compliment and a small, intimidated smile stretches my lips.
-I thank you, Lord. But I have to be honest with you, his hand tightens on my back crumpling my dress, your eyes are even more fascinating.
Finishing my sentence, my voice was only a whisper, Cregan remains a little shocked, his pupils dilating a little, his hand bringing me closer to him in a caress that sets my veins on fire. My breathing becomes ragged again, my right nose becomes red, our breath caresses our faces and we forget the room around us.
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POV External
The Prince, Queen, King, along with Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, all watch as Nymeria and Cregan Stark dance as if no one is watching them.
-Princess Nymeria and the Lord of Winterfell seem to get along well? Notice Lord Corlys
-I don't know what you're talking about, Lord Corlys? Viserys retaliates by cutting his meal
Daemon chuckles as he drinks for the umpteenth time. How Viserys can be so stupid and blind? Marrying Rhaenyra to Leanor is one thing, but not seeing that there is a real attraction between the young Wolf and the People's Princess was just absurd.
She's grown so much, he thought, she seems so mature in the wolf's arms, but also very shy.
-My brother, Daemon intervenes, even if my opinion does not count, I only want the happiness of my nieces, and the young Wolf and my little Dragon have always been connected.
-We will do without your opinion Prince Daemon…
-I'm not talking to you Alicent, so don't interfere in the lives of the Princesses, you are nothing to her. Daemon growls exasperated by her
Viserys tenses in his chair, while Princess Rhaenys rolls her eyes an old smile on her face, she's agree with Daemon, but she will never say it. Lord Corlys cannot hide his smile while drinking and suspiciously watching his son talking with his date. If his son does not pull himself together he will not survive at court, everyone will look at him since he will be the husband of the heir to the throne.
-I support Prince Daemon's opinion, Princess Nymeria seems to appreciate the young Wolf just like him. Explain Lord Corlys
He glances at the King who stops eating to watch his youngest daughter dance with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen on her lips. She was happy with the young wolf, and he realizes it, she laughed with him, and he too, but he didn't want his only memory of Aemma with Rhaenyra to go far from him.
-My brother, Nymeria deserves to be happy, and King's Landing is not the place for her, she likes adventure, not court. Finishes Daemon by emptying his glass
His gaze finds Rhaenyra dancing with Ser Harwin, swallowing his bitterness he turns his eyes towards Leana his little cousin, a grin stretches his lips.
-Please excuse me.
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POV Nymeria
The cool wind blows through my hair, goosebumps rise up my back, Cregan caresses it gently, his warmth making me blush for the umpteenth time that evening.
-Your hands are warm for a man from the North. I notice smiling to myself
As soon as I say the sentence I widen my eyes, my remark is completely inappropriate and may allude to…
-Forgot what I just said.
Cregan bursts out laughing, removing his hand and I suffer this loss violently, he stops walking and I do the same standing in front of him facing his hoarse laughter.
-I like your remark Princess, whatever form it took in your head.
Oh gods, are we flirting now? My heart begins a maddening race.
-What, I swallowed, what shape did it take in your head? I ask breathlessly
Slightly shocked, Cregan frowns, approaching me a little, his mischievous gaze igniting my violet gaze.
-Are you flirting with me Princess Nymeria? -Nymeria, I swallowed in front of his gaze, just Nymeria.
The noise of the gardens, the wind in the branches of the trees, his hand caressing my ribs, all my senses activate and discover a sensation that I can describe as desire.
-Then call me Cregan, just Cregan.
Our noses brush against each other, my memory takes me back to our meeting in front of the Heart Tree, our hearts beating in unison, I avoid his gaze, his breath against my temple, his hands on my hips, I sweat I breathe and I die at the same time.
-Nymeria… Cregan whispers and I faint
I grab the back of his neck and kiss him without him even realizing it, I don't think, I slide my lips against his letting myself be carried away by my desires. Immediately Cregan takes a deep breath, he holds me against him, our mouths hungry for each other respond.
His tongue teases my lips and I open them so that our kiss becomes more passionate, his hands are everywhere, mine claw at the back of his neck, play in his hair, our breathing is heavy and damn I feel so good in his arms, so well until this noise which startles us.
-Princess Nymeria! shouts a distant voice
Cregan breaks away from me, a hand on my arm as I slowly pull myself together, he caresses my elbow as I look at him in complete wonder and fear.
-I'm sorry… I, you are running away from this kind of situation and I…
-I wanted it Princess, Cregan smiled shyly, I wanted to kiss you since our first meeting. I wanted you Princess Nymeria, from the beginning. He confesses
My heart has just stopped or it has just started again, hope, love, happiness I don't know how to put a name to the emotions that run through me.
-So why ? During your last visit did you…
-My father speaking to the King, he avoids my gaze while swallowing, his Majesty did not want to separate from you while you were all in mourning, and I understand that.
It is true that I was ten and four years old, my mother had just died, my little brother too, and my Uncle was kicked out of the court. It’s true that it wasn’t the right time for me to leave.
-And I didn't want to make a decision without talking to you first. I didn't want to force your hand…
-I will be gone, I cut him off with emotion in my voice, I will be gone with you Cregan.
Surprised and bewildered, Cregan approaches me a little further, taking my hands in his.
-Will you still speak to the King? I ask looking at our hands
I pray to the Gods of ancient Valyria that his answer is positive. Cregan has been married before, lost his wife quickly and told me he doesn't want to remarry anytime soon only here we are in this garden talking about my future and his.
-Only if you want me to talk to him about it. he responds while maintaining eye contact
-I want it Cregan, I find his eyes, I really want it.
-Then I will talk to him.
-Princess ?
Our hands linked, Cregan and I turn towards the voice and slowly I remove my hands, meeting Ser Erryck's gaze. I lower my head before looking back up at him as he looks at the two of us.
-Everything is fine ? I ask approaching him
-Blood has been shed Princess, Ser Joffrey was beaten to death in the great hall by Ser Criston Cole
My mouth drops completely open at my shock and Cregan steps forward shocked too.
-We were looking for you Princess, everywhere, the Crown Princess is about to pronounce her vows. Continue Ser Erryck
-I'll be there right away, I turn to Cregan and he nods.
When I run into the great hall, the floor is covered in food, the blood of my cousin's lover is on the same floor and on his clothes, Rhaenyra is disheveled, her white dress stained with blood , dried tears on the face.
-Sister ? I ask taking her in my arms
-By the Gods, I was so scared. She whispers
She smells of Daemon I notice, his scent is all over her. And before I even ask him a question, the Maester calls out to us.
-Let's go Princess, let's get ready for the wishes. Begins the Maester
And this is how the second royal marriage begins, in a bath of anger, unspoken, and blood. A glaring example of our family, us Targaryens. Welcome Leanor.
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