haven-clan · 9 months
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rosellaweigand · 6 years
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Happy #InternationalCatDay to all of the kitties around the world!!! 😺🌎 Here are just 2 of my pride & joys -- Gizmo & Benedict 💝🐾 #catsofinstagram #cats #felinefriends #pawpals #sweetstripes #brothers #gizmo #gremlins #benedictcumberbatch #mackereltabby #tiger #meow #ilovecats
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vermillianthus · 6 years
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1. Snowfeather, my oc
2. Chibi for t e r
3. Chibi for Widostar
4. Commission for merry cinnabun
5. Chibi for Duskfur
6. Speckletail, my oc
7. Honeyheart, my oc
8. Sweetstripe, my oc
9. Ashwind, my oc
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kojiro44705 · 7 years
Coffee with peppermint! #coffeetime #coldmorninghotcoffee #peppermintmocha #friendlyfarms #sweetstripes #attackontitan #animemug #leviackerman #aldi #erenyeager #arminarlert #mikasaackerman #aot
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islandcats · 6 years
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Cloudstar, leader of Leafclan. 
Cloudstar is the second oldest leader. The other clans respect her for her known honor and trustworthiness, although some question her readiness to allow outsiders into her clan. Cloudstar is the largest cat in all the clans and therefor tends to appear menacing. She was apprenticed to the former leader, Oakstar, and has trained the warriors Rainpetal, Ivybite, and Sweetstripe. Rumors say she was mates with a housecat who didn’t want to leave his home to live in the forest, and took any kits she had to live with him, although she has never directly confirmed or denied them.
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solargoose · 3 years
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(ID: A digital drawing of 3 cats. A brown cat with a white paw and light yellow eyes, labelled Dustheart. Next to him is a black cat with white paws and yellow eyes, labelled Brightmist. Next to her is a black cat with amber eyes and a light brown stripe on one forepaw, labelled Sweetstripe. She is laying down. End ID.)
Next up in my Luck Saga character art, we have Dustheart and Sweetstripe with their mother, Brightmist! Dustheart and Sweetstripe’s father is Lizardstar.
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Big style to carry your daily essentials. #stripes #sweetstripe #sugarpaper #shopprintandpaper #confetticratepaper #36square81 #tech #essentials #giftsforher
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islandcats · 6 years
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Specklepaw, apprentice of Leafclan
Son to Dappleshine and Firefur
Specklepaw is one of the smallest cats in his clan and is constantly teased for it by the other apprentices and younger warriors. Because of this, he has a perpetually grumpy attitude and is usually in a bad mood. The elders are particularly fond of him. His best friend is Snowpaw, and he has a crush on the warrior Sweetstripe.
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solargoose · 3 years
Chapter 2
It was entirely too early to be awake, but Luckkit couldn’t sleep. It was hot in the nursery, and crowded, too. Softkit and Rabbitkit pressed close to either side of her, and Volekit was laying on her tail. Dawnbriar’s kits squirmed and kicked in the heat, trying futilely to get comfortable. They were nearly too big for the nursery, and it wouldn’t be long before they were apprenticed.
Lucky them Luckkit thought, wrenching her tail out from under her sister. She and her siblings still had a couple moons to go. At least there’ll be more room once they’ve moved out. She rolled onto her back, wiggling slightly in an attempt to shove her brothers over. 
Owlheart grunted above her. “Go back to sleep, little one.” She mewed, voice still thick with sleep. Oops Luckkit thought, trying to keep still. Her whole pelt seemed to itch with the effort of keeping still, and it came almost as a relief when she heard a bit of shuffling followed by a whisper.
“Luckkit? Are you awake too?” It was Riverkit, Dawnbriar’s fluffy silver kit. Supposedly his long, shiny fur made him look like a Riverclan cat, which was how he got his name. Luckkit had never seen a Riverclan cat, so she couldn’t be sure, but she did think he was pretty.
“Yeah. It’s too hot to sleep.” She whispered back, lifting her head to carefully peek over Volekit. She could see his blue eyes shining back at her. He carefully stood, picking his way over the limbs of his littermates towards her.
“Let’s go out, then.” He whispered excitedly, continuing when she hesitated “It’s okay, we’re old enough. And we’ll stay in camp, it’s not against the rules.” 
Luckkit glanced up at Owlheart, who had gone back to sleep, then looked back at Riverkit’s shining eyes. “Okay.” She mewed quietly. “Let’s go.”
Together they crept out into camp. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, gold and pink spilling over the sky. Luckkit stared in wonder, watching the morning come to life. Small birds swooped over the camp, taking advantage of the last bit of safety they had while most of the warriors still slept. 
The only warrior who seemed fully awake was Firethorn. The russet warrior was padding from the warriors’ den to Lizardstar’s den. She glanced curiously at the kits, lifting her tail in greeting. Suntail and Leaffoot lay outside the elders’ den, talking quietly and grooming themselves. Brightmist and Snowflower emerged from the warriors’ den, yawning and shaking off the last of sleep. 
Riverkit nudged her with his shoulder and took off towards the elders. “Common Luckkit! Maybe they’ll tell us more about the Great Clans.” Luckkit hurried behind him, running hard to keep up with the taller kit. The elder queens blinked sleepily at the kits. 
“Nope.” Suntail rasped. “Whatever it is, it’s too early. Come back at sunhigh.” Leaffoot chuckled but didn’t disagree.
“We were hoping for a story.” Riverkit persisted hopefully. Suntail could be a bit prickly sometimes, but Luckkit knew she had a soft spot for the kits. 
“Sorry kits, but she’s right. Come back later, though. I’ll tell you any story you like once I’m more awake.” Leaffoot said, gently brushing the kits with her tail. Riverkit pouted, and was about to continue pleading, when a new voice spoke up.
“I’ll tell them stories. I know most of yours by now anyways, and they won’t bother Quietsnow in here.” Sweetstripe’s shaky but gentle voice issued from inside the den. Luckkit’s ears pricked. A story was just fine, but a story from Sweetstripe was rare. The she-cat was young for an elder, although she couldn’t exactly be described as a young cat anymore. She’d joined the elders early, but no one would tell the kits exactly what had happened. Now she rarely left the elders’ den.
“Are you sure you’re feeling up to it?” Leaffoot called softly. When Sweetstripe mewed back that she was, Suntail turned to the kits.
“Be on your best behavior now.” She told them sternly. Luckkit nodded. She knew that the elder queens were fiercely protective of their younger denmates. Suntail had once caught Frostkit saying that Sweetstripe was a bit scary, because she always walked low to the ground, like she was stalking prey. All the kits had been rounded up and received a stern talking to from both Suntail and their parents. Luckkit didn’t think Sweetstripe was scary, though. 
Inside, the black she-cat was laying half-curled next to Quietsnow. The white warrior was still sleeping, and, although she knew he couldn’t hear her, Luckkit still made an effort to walk quietly. Riverkit flounced in behind her, silver fur bouncing.
“Do you know any stories about the Great Clans?” He asked, flopping down in front of Sweetstripe.
“Sure, I know a couple.” She said, chuckling lightly.
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aeymiibaby-blog · 12 years
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Oh sho lucky 😍 #sweetstripes (Taken with Instagram)
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islandcats · 6 years
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Ashpaw, apprentice of Leafclan
Son to Oaktail and Darkcloud, brother to Snowpaw
Ashpaw is very anxious cat who does not make friends easily. He has a serious crush on another of the apprentices but isnt brave enough to act on it. His first mentor died during a battle with Sandclan, so he now trains under Sweetstripe.
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solargoose · 3 years
Luck Saga Allegiances - Thunderclan
Leader Lizardstar - Dark brown tom with lighter brown ears
Deputy Firethorn - Russet she-cat with darker paws
Medicine Cat Honeycloud - Pale yellow-brown she-cat with long fur
Silverfang - Silver tom with a white muzzle
      Apprentice - Amberpaw
Graystorm - Dark gray tom
Tawnytail - Tortoiseshell she-cat
Fernpelt - Brown tabby tom
Beewhisker - Black she-cat with amber eyes
Brightmist - Black she-cat with white paws
Dustheart - Light brown tom with one white paw
Stoneclaw - Gray and white tom
Darkeyes - Gray tom with unusually dark green eyes
Snowflower - White she-cat with yellow eyes
Gorsetuft - Yellow-brown tom with black ears
Amberpaw - Russet she-cat with lighter colored face and chest
Dawnbriar - Pale gray she-cat with yellow paws and red ears 
      Mother to - Yellowkit (dark gray she-kit with yellow legs), Littlekit (small pale        gray tom with a red ear), Frostkit (silver she-kit), and Riverkit (silver tom with        one red paw and one white paw)
Owlheart - Light brown tabby she-cat with a white belly
      Mother to - Volekit (Brown tabby she-kit), Rabbitkit (Light brown tom), Softkit        (Dark gray tom with a white belly)
Sweetstripe - Black she-cat with a light brown stripe on one leg, retired early due to head injury
Quietsnow - White tom with blue eyes, deaf
Suntail - Light yellow-brown she-cat with a darker tail
Leaffoot - Tortoiseshell she-cat
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solargoose · 3 years
Chapter 1
The morning after the storm, there was work to be done in the Thunderclan camp. Groups of cats busied themselves, clearing away fallen branches and repairing the roofs and walls of dens. Still, they had to eat, and they had to patrol. A dark brown tom surveyed the activity before crossing the clearing, approaching a russet she-cat.
“Lizardstar.” She dipped her head to him. “Is there something you need?” Her tone was brisk, but not unkind.
“I can see the repairs are coming along, Firethorn, but I want to make sure we’re not ignoring our other duties. What patrols have you sent out?” He asked.
Firethorn flicked her ear at him and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Dawn patrol went out as usual. They should be returning soon. And Silverfang took Amberpaw and Fernpelt out to hunt just a few moments ago.” She reported, adding silently Which you would know if you’d been up and tending to your clan.
“Good.” Lizardstar nodded and turned back towards his den.
Firethorn cleared her throat. “You know, the storm rattled quite a few of your clanmates. They might like a bit of reassurance, if you have a moment. Especially the elders. Sweetstripe was pretty frightened last night.”
Lizardstar tipped his head to the side, considering. “Yes, of course. A fine idea.” He replied before padding off.
Firethorn sighed. That was one problem taken care of, at least. Two, if you counted the day’s patrols, which she’d organized early last night  when the storm had been only a drizzle. Repairs were well underway for most of the camp, too. Luckily, the only den that had taken significant damage was the apprentice’s den, and although her heart ached to think of her daughter, alone and scared as the storm tore her den apart, Amberpaw hadn’t been hurt, just shaken. 
She glanced up at the sky, noting how high the sun was getting. The dawn patrol should’ve been back by now she thought. It would have been less concerning, except that Tawnytail, Beewhisker, and Dustheart were efficient and reliable cats. They weren’t the type to dilly dally, which meant something had happened to delay them. Perhaps I should send someone to find them. Firethorn considered, but a commotion at the entrance caught her attention.
At first, she relaxed, seeing Tawnytail push through the tunnel into camp. But then she caught sight of the alarmed expression on the pale tortoiseshell she-cat, and felt her fur begin to lift. Firethorn paced over to her, just as Beewhisker burst into camp.
“Honeycloud! Honeycoud come quick!” The black she-cat exclaimed, panting. Firethorn felt her stomach drop as the fluffy yellow medicine cat raced over.
“What is it?” Firethorn asked “Is Dustheart-” Before she could finish, the light brown tom shouldered his way into the clearing, red streaking his muzzle. She gasped, but quickly realized that it wasn’t blood, it was fur. He was carrying a small red kit, and it was soaking wet.
Motioning for Dustheart to follow, Honeycloud turned towards the medicine cat den. The clearing had fallen silent when Beewhisker made her entrance, but now whispers started up from every corner. Firethorn looked expectantly at Tawnytail and Beewhisker. No work would get done until everyone had some answers. But first, she glanced around to find the closest warrior, eyes locking onto Stoneclaw.
“Will you fetch Lizardstar? He ought to hear this. And” she hesitated “you should probably get Owlheart and Dawnbriar, too.” The large gray and white tom nodded and moved off towards the elders’ den.
A moment later, Lizardstar emerged, followed closely by his daughter, Sweetstripe, and Dawnbriar, one of the clan’s two queens. Stoneclaw darted from the elders’ den to the nursery, returning with Owlheart a heartbeat afterwards. With everyone assembled, Firethorn nodded to Tawnytail and Beewhisker to begin.
“Well, it was a normal dawn patrol at first. No unusual scents or anything. We’d passed by the Riverclan border already, but something just kept bothering Dustheart. So we turned around to double check, and wouldn’t you know it but there was a kit on sunningrocks! A she-kit, soaking wet with bits of bark in her fur. There were some broken sticks around her, it looked like the storm brought her here, so we took her straight to Honeycloud.” Beewhisker explained, hardly pausing to breathe in between her words.
 Sweetstripe spoke up, looking concerned. “Do you think she washed here from another clan?”
Tawnytail shook her head. “She didn’t have any clan scent on her. The river could have washed it away, though.”
“All the same, we should send someone to Riverclan and Windclan. Just to be sure.” Lizardstar responded mildly, glancing at Firethorn. She beckoned two cats over with her tail.
“Gorsetuft, head to Windclan. Darkeyes, Riverclan. Be sure to wait at the border, we don’t want any fights.” The two toms nodded, darting out of camp.
Honeycloud emerged from her den, pacing calmly towards the waiting crowd. The assembled cats fell silent once more as she reached them.
“She was very lucky. She isn’t badly injured, just tired and hungry.” Honeycloud began, to everyone’s relief. “She’ll need to nurse soon, though, if she’s to keep her strength up.”
“I’ll take her.” Owlheart spoke up. “And I’ll keep her, if she doesn’t belong to one of the other clans.” The crowd turned to stare at the pale tabby queen, some looking doubtful, some admiring.
“Wait! Owlheart, are you sure?” A dark gray tom pushed his way through the cats to reach her. “Shouldn’t we talk about this before deciding?”
Owlheart shook her head. “I’ve made up my mind, Graystorm. If this kit needs a mother, then I will raise her as my own. You can do the same.” She paused, staring at her mate with a challenge clear in her eyes. “Or not. That’s up to you.”
Graystorm hesitated, averting his eyes. “It’s just. We already have 3 kits, you don’t think it’ll cause a strain? And what if she’s sick, and our kits catch something from her?” He shifted his paws, his voice taking on a slightly whiny tone.
“Honestly, don’t be ridiculous.” Honeycloud chimed in, rolling her eyes. “We’ll keep the kit away from the others until we know she isn’t ill.”
“As for your other concern, Dawnbriar has 4 kits.” She flicked her tail towards the gray queen. “Does she look malnourished? Are her kits undersized?” 
Graystorm lowered his tail, looking somewhat ashamed. “No.” He mumbled. Honeycloud turned back towards her den, motioning for Owlheart to follow her. The tabby queen paused to give a quick lick to her mate’s ear, letting him know that all was forgiven, then padded away.
The clan began to disperse, heading back to their work. There were still repairs to be done, after all. As Firethorn turned to go, the sound of approaching pawsteps caught her attention. Silverfang brushed through the entrance, carrying two mice and a squirrel. He nodded at her and went to add them to the fresh kill pile. Behind him came her mate and their daughter, thankfully looking much steadier than she had this morning.
She stepped forward to greet them, butting heads gently with Fernpelt and leaning down to give Amberpaw a quick lick. “You’ve missed quite a bit of excitement while you were out.”
Owlheart stared down at the tiny bundle of fur in front of her. The she-kit was so still and quiet that it made her heart hurt, but the small, rapid rise and fall of her chest reassured  Owlheart somewhat. Upon closer inspection, she wasn’t fully red. Small patches of gray and white marked her pelt.
Settling down next to the kit, she turned her attention back to Honeycloud, who was muttering something under breath. Catching her mate’s name, she could assume what Honeycloud was annoyed about.
“Don’t be too hard on Graystorm.” She mewed softly. “He’s just nervous. It’s his first litter after all.”
Honeycloud sighed, turning back to the queen. “It’s your first litter too.” She pointed out. Owlheart shrugged, blinking calmly at her. Soft footsteps drew the attention of both she-cats, as Lizardstar entered the medicine cat den.
“Gorsetuft and Darkeyes have returned, neither Windclan nor Riverclan have lost any kits. I sent them to Skyclan and Shadowclan just to be safe, but it’s most likely she’s a rogue kit.” He turned his attention to Owlheart. “Are you certain you want to take her? Darkeyes tells me that Riverclan has nursing queens who are willing to take her, the kit will be well cared for either way.”
Owlheart looked down at the kit,only partially surprised to find how attached she’d already grown to it. “No, Lizardstar. I want to keep her.” She whispered.
Lizardstar nodded. “Well, that’s settled then. I suppose you’ll have to give the lucky kit a name.”
“She is lucky, isn’t she? That’s what I’ll call her then. Luckkit.” Owlheart purred.
Lizardstar tipped his head to the side. “Well. Okay then, if you’re sure.” He said, sounding skeptical. “I’ll make an announcement to the clan.”
Honeycloud crossed the den to peer down at the sleeping kit. “Luckkit. It’s an…unusual name, to be sure. But not a bad one, I suppose.”
“I think it’s perfect.” Owlheart said, leaning down to nuzzle her new daughter. “Welcome to Thunderclan, Luckkit.”
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