#sweetest anon ever?!?!
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banbanyaoi · 4 months ago
Hi your art is mega awesome and if you ever delete your blog ill probabyhave your art saved because i await for you to post silly doodles and download them anyways little request can you draw uzi with . long hair
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waaa this is so nice, I can't believe you like my sketches that much enough to consider saving them,, I'm so flattered!! Currently flustered to the point of not knowing what to say in the face of this except thank you for sending this in! <:'D
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jesuistrestriste · 5 months ago
the way you write art has got to be my favorite ever
r we gonna kiss .. r we gonna makeout rn ……
keep talkin and this is gonna be us
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youunravelme · 10 months ago
NEW FIC?? RATTHEW???? im SATTTTTTTT do u have any sneak peeks for us 👀👀👀👀 cant wait!!! <33
hmmmmm, well i guess i could give you a sneak peak rn since you're being so nice :)
the fic is split into two different timelines, before and after, so that's why you'll see "before" at the beginning of the sneak peek.
anyway, here's wonderwall
you were incredibly aware that you didn’t quite fit in. your mom drove you to school in a beat up 1997 toyota camry which looked incredibly out of place among the bmws and audis. your mom offered to walk you in, but she was wearing her scrubs from her night shift and her face looked tired, so you declined the offer and got out of the car yourself.
it shouldn’t have been as daunting as it was, but your old school wasn’t as prestigious as this one. your previous schools in cedar rapids had been public schools. no one was wearing a uniform, and most of the backpacks worn came from the same walmart in your old neighborhood. 
but your parents had decided they wanted a better education for you, even if neither of them had the money to fork out thousands of dollars for a private school. your mom’s parents, however, were loaded. they were more than willing to fork out a small fortune for your schooling under the conditions of your family uprooting your lives to missouri. you were too young to realize what a sacrifice that was, you didn’t notice the snide comments your grandparents made about your father’s choice of career or your mother’s choice in husband.
you didn’t see your grandparents any more than you usually did since you’d moved to missouri two weeks ago. they’d been out of town on a trip to rome up until three days ago and hadn’t reached out to have dinner or hang out at all.
not that you cared at the age of nine, you were more focused on unpacking your room. but now that you were standing in front of the giant school alone, you felt like you should’ve been more concerned with how nice your school supplies were.
a kind woman greeted you at the entrance of the school. she smiled and introduced herself, though you couldn’t hear her over the roaring in your ears. she stood next to a blond haired blue eyed boy who was your height.
“are your parents here?” you weren’t sure how you heard her over the noise in your head.
you shook your head. “my mom had to go home and my dad is at work.”
the woman blinked. “is today your first day?”
“mom, it’s everyone’s first day of school,” the boy groaned.
“i wasn’t talking to you, matthew,” she said, though her eyes never left your own.
“i just moved here,” was all you said, albeit a bit quietly. 
“well, you can walk in with us.” She placed a warm hand on your back and ushered you inside next to her son.
you took notice of her nicer clothing compared to your mom’s scrubs or your dad’s tattered khakis, though the woman’s clothing wasn’t as ostentatious as other parents’.
“do you know your teacher’s name?” the woman asked.
you nodded and showed her the crumpled paper in your hand. the night before, you were wracked with nerves and wrote your teacher’s on a blank sheet of paper and doodled around it. even at nine years old, you were concerned that you’d somehow forget. you couldn’t be more grateful for it now.
the woman’s face lit up. “oh how lucky! matthew look! you’re in the same class.”
matthew for his part, tried to look happy about it, but his eyes kept wandering to the hallways, like he was looking for people he knew. you felt bad for even being in this situation. you missed your friends from iowa and the light up shoes you used to wear before you were given a uniform.
matthew’s mom pointed out the classroom that was supposed to be yours and walked both you and matthew into the room. unlike her son, who immediately found his friends to do elaborate handshakes with, you stayed by her side. she was a stranger, sure, but she was more comforting that the classroom of fifteen other nine and ten year olds.
the woman sighed and bent down a little to look you in the eyes. “it’s gonna be a good day, sweetheart,” she said. “mr. terry is a great teacher, he’s really kind.” you weren’t sure how she would know that, but you weren’t going to call her a liar. “and if you need anything, ask matthew. he’s been going here since kindergarten, okay?”
you nodded.
mr. terry walked over and introduced himself. he had dark skin and a bright smile, showing you to your seat. your name was on a card with fun stickers on it. next to your seat, you saw matthew’s name. now it wasn’t necessarily an unpopular name, there were three matthews in your third grade class, so you weren’t holding out hope that it was going to be the matthew you walked into class with. but two minutes later, he was plopping down into the seat to your left.
matthew looked almost startled to see you sitting next to him, but when the shock wore off he gave you a crooked smile and stuck his hand out. “i’m matt,” he said, like you two didn’t walk into class together.
you shook his hand anyway and gave him a shy smile and told him your name, just in case he didn’t see it written on your desk.
if it was even possible, his smile widened. “pretty name,” he said.
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subway-boss-jericho · 5 months ago
Aside from his cries, What kind of sounds does Ingo make now?
Lovely question! 🥺 :D
Steady Tracks Ingo, unfortunately, does not have a proper set of vocal chords to speak most of the sounds needed for English language. While this is still about his cry, his regular sounds that he can achieve just by speaking involve any combination of sounds from his existing cry. A-W-L-A B-O-A-H. This is obviously limiting, but gives him a decent vocal variety to work with. When speaking aloud, most sounds he makes are heavily guided by his instincts, and by extension rarely map to human word forms and sentence structure.
Outside of his cry! He can do other things!!
I am not going to reveal exactly how he can do this because I wanna write about it some time later down the line, but he can make a low, loud wind-instrument sound like a proper train whistle. He does this naturally, but can also do it purposefully as well. It is usually used (when intentional) to express joy or as a warning call. Due to the nature of how loud/harsh it can be on the ears, he tries to be careful when using it in casual settings or when people are particularly close by.
Additionally! Through means I again plan to elaborate on in further chapters, Ingo has abilities that allow him to produce seismic vibrations. Through the same sort of way he can use Earthquake, he can make various buzzing, rattling, and rumbling sounds. This does mean that he can purr and if anyone calls it that he will die On The Spot from sheer, overwhelming embarrassment. I think I meant to post this on its own at some point but I have a drawing I'm gonna put below as an example :> as a treat. Made this last year.
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While yes, he does do this to express pleasure, comfort, or ease, it's one of his most versatile forms of verbal/nonverbal/(does it count as verbal if it's not ?? speaking)/auditory communication. He often uses low rumbles to signify nervousness, displeasure, assent, dissent, wariness, frustration, and many other emotions. It's extremely context-based, and is often one of the easiest default replies in response to anything. Higher or faster buzzing is rarer, and I don't have a specific example of intention to offer, but you can imagine it's used in very different contexts. However, I do think he uses higher-pitched buzzes in short bursts as a way to get others' attention or express imploring/goading/approval. Like a phone vibrating. Genuinely I think he's mimicking phone notification sounds, but I don't think he realizes why.
This is not necessarily intentional on his behalf, but when straining his voice he tends to make loud metallic screeching and scraping sounds. This is probably what Boom Burst sounds like, although that move can likely take on the properties of most of his vocal abilities. This is what it would sound like if, for any reason, he tried/needed to scream at the top of his register. Bad for all involved! Including himself!
And just so you all know, he sounds most human when he's laughing. :>
I think that's the majority of his auditory toolkit! Thank you for the super engaging question!
Steady Tracks Masterpost
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theloveinc · 9 months ago
you and Jo met irl?!?!? Crazy where life takes you :’) I remember when you were on ihatebnha back in 2021 just startin out and now look at ya :’) travelling the world, meeting the moots you’ve made way back when irl?!
I hope you guys had fun!!!
yes!! irl!!!!!!! and it was so ... shocking? because when we went to go message each other abt the meetup on discord, it turned out our first message to each other was from 2021 too... CAN U BELIEVE THAT? like i obvs knew jo and i were friends in general now but seeing that really solidified something in my head as to how real an innernet friendship can be even when u don't see each other face to face.
anyway it was a 10000000/10 experience and YEAH, BEEN A WRITING BLOG SINCE 2020 baby!! rest in peace my dear ihb but she's the blog that got me here today so <3
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expressionless-fr · 2 months ago
you know I love your icon, whenever I see you on my dash I'm always: "ohoho what do you bring today silly wolf with a mysterious expression l"
Silly wolf comes to help you keep on staying silly.
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lcs-scar · 3 months ago
Your drawings are the best I have ever seen in my life, they inspire me a lot!
RAAAAH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON.... this means soso much... I'm genuinely so glad, I wish you the best with your art journey!!! 💖💞
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mercyedes · 11 months ago
What caught your eye about hambone? First I thought he was silly bc of the gold teeth but I learned more about the real hambone and I love him sm!! <3 the actor is so beautiful
my first watch of mota when he showed up in ep 1 & the end of ep 2, i recognized him as "wtf this dude has gold teeth oh he's defo a fuck boy" but didn't think much of ham LMAOOO i was still madlyyyy obsessed w/ buck and crosby i didn't have time for my eyes to wander <3
wait hold on i wrote way more than i thought i would lemme read more. i love hambone. he is everything to me
and then like episode 5 came around and i kept rewatching the first couple of episodes and i should've known better because i KNEW he was (is) fine as fuck i simply could not ignore it any longer. i always love the off-putting pretty bitches and hambone is exactly that, an off-putting pretty bitch. i was endeared by his bright ass blonde hair because it reminds me A LOT of an f1/f2 driver i love (liam lawson) so i feel like i kinda was set up from the beginning to be partial to this tall blonde pretty boy 😩💜
AND JUST LIKE YOU when i decided i was way too curious and enamored to ignore hammy's existence any longer, i just started researching more about real ham and just fell in love with brady's crew in general and found hammy so interesting and cool -- there is a part in a wing and a prayer where crosby writes about how hambone (unlike harry) genuinely wanted to get to the war and during training he was worried the war would already be won and over before he got the chance to go fight in it. and another member of brady's crew wrote in a journal he kept about how, while they were still in the U.S., all of brady's crew agreed with one another that they didn't wish to fight for the honor and medals of it all, they just wanted to go do their jobs, help return the world to something peaceful, and then go home. we love humble kings. anyway this is a side note but i'm ngl i feel like sometimes people in the fandom kinda mischaracterize/"Fanon"-ize hambone a lot and it sometimes rubs me the wrong way. but that's just me
obviously he probably still counts as a minor character in MOTA, but idk i love the character jordan still portrayed, he's a lil weirdo and a little silly with his gold teeth of course, but i fully love the bits of personality we got from him <33 he's a funny, witty boy with pride and confidence about his job (bombardiers r so hot it's just true. they are sexy af being competent) but also stubborn and a little aloof and easily irritable, doesn't seem to be all too bothered by being overly kind to people he doesn't know/we often only see him socializing with people from brady, crank, or blakely's crews (all men who irl hambone shared barracks with and had close ties to !) ... i love a dude who keeps to himself / doesn't feel the desire to step too far outside of his close social circle, it makes him even more intimidating imo and i love it. he's so hot. he's like a cryptid to me and i find his freaky vibes insanely alluring. like even the cat killing CANNOT put me off, if anything it made him sexier idk why .... like he's a lil vicious yes but he's also a resourceful bastard like that, like brady said protein is protein & hambone was very kind to his buddies to make them cat soup <3
ALSO he's just very very fun to write. i adore writing him he's so interesting.
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i just wanted to say coming across your blog made me feel seen in a way i don't think i have before. im so happy to see people with the same traits as i do thriving into adulthood. i didnt think id make it past 18 or 19 and it feels like i barely have, but seeing older disabled queers just gives me hope. sorry if this is a bit silly
Honestly im sad to answer this, not for any other reason than it means it isn't sitting in my inbox waiting to give me the most sincere thrill of joy and pride.
Thank you so so much for this genuinely much needed reminder that living loudly and openly as myself is so worth it
I see you sweetheart and I remember that feeling of barely scraping by in my late teens early 20's feeling like I couldn't exist as I was and grow older and actually be happy, but I promise you
You can actually have friends and family who love you and work together to make your lives better as best you can with open honest loving communication as the cornerstone
You absolutely can be someone loudly queer and disabled and unafraid to be those things even if it's scary sometimes.
It's okay to be rough around the edges and to be vulnerable and accept help when it's offered, but still stand firm on your boundaries; get angry if necessary anger can be a wonderful tool, anger gets shit done.
And most of all you can look forward to the future and get excited, I still am; I'm 32 and I feel like there's still so much hope and excitement about every coming year
I wish you nothing but love and joy, please take care of yourself, the future is waiting for you to experience it
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youunravelme · 3 months ago
ok so i finally got to read chapter seven of tatgylb, and I MUST KNOW your plans for them to be public. like mama is probably so scared, but mat will always have her back, and three of them will always be a family??? like I am SOBBING in anticipation???
also. im just imagining mat with a heavily pregnant mama, with ella, standing by the cup, and then when its his day with the cup, and its safe for them to fly back to BC, they put that beautiful amazing new baby in the cup to pose with ella.
anyways. they're my first family. i love them so much.
okay i PROMISE i wasn't ignoring you sweet anon, i was letting this simmer.
my chaotic thought is that there are rumors that they're together because she's at the games with ella and mat keeps skating over to them so someone is bound to notice obviously. but they don't go public like instagram public until mat wins the cup that year (bc this is my world, i get to call the shots). though, there is suspicion because syd posted clips of the wag jackets and people got a glimpse of the number 13 (i'll write a fic about this later). there was also another photo a fan took of mama wearing the jacket but nothing is officially confirmed until mat posts them.
it's a picture of the three of them on the ice with ella cheesing with mat's scrunchy face that she inherited. and you're right, mama is terrified because she knows mat's a fan favorite but mat is immediately like "i'll turn off comments, i'll do whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable."
(they also have a baby like two years later and win the cup that same year so you're right, they do put the baby in the cup)
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recareels · 4 months ago
i think you're trying to kill us with those delicious teacher reca & big brother sunday posts !!!! /pos please keep it coming~
HAHAHAHA oh my gosh anon i am so glad you read my tags lmaoooooo <33 UGH i’m obsessed with it!! can you imagine how upset Big Brother sunday would be to hear that his precious baby sister is fucking a man nearly thrice her age??? that goddamn director who is as sleazy as he is acclaimed??? who is also in a position of extreme power over her as her professor???
he says the term ‘director’ as if it stings his tongue, as if it’s some obscene, disgusting word, face wrinkled as he spits it through gritted teeth—that director. which is weird, you think, considering sunday was such a fan of mr reca’s refined artistry before the renowned director began to take an interest in you…
hehehe <33 i will definitely keep it coming!! it might just be in the form of tiny fragments like this, tho i did write this little piece where reader comes home, breathless with exhilaration, to tell Big Brother sunday that she secured the highly sought after internship with mr reca and sunday responds with such callous indifference to her big accomplishment >.< makes her feel small and stupid and so silly about it all >.< that’s about all i’ve got in terms of a narrative, tho!!
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arcanegifs · 8 months ago
Hey there!
This isn't a request, I just wanted to mention to you that because I saw something in your tags about you missing all the great edit makers that used to be on this site - I feel you, but I think your edits are amazing!
I'm so glad there's still content makers on here, I can't tell you how many parallels you've drawn that I just adore. Thanks for loving this series enough to pick up these threads + all the work it takes to share this awesome content with us!
It's so lovely to see. You never get tired of seeing a great piece of media from another person's perspective - the sharing of the content it just makes the impact of the art come alive in a different way!
Totally grateful for you and to have you in this space!
Oh anon thank you!!! This is going to make me cryyyyyyy. Thank you so much for taking the time to write all these kind and sweet words!
I truly, truly miss all the amazing gif makers of Tumblr back in the olden days, so I just do what I can for this particular fandom!
Fingers crossed that a lot of amazing edit makers come back during Season 2 :)
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robin-5-technically · 7 months ago
youre so mean.
fine then i dont wanna be your anon anymore (/J /LH)
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OMG UR TOO SWEET 😭😭😭 THANK U SM <33 I feel bad cause I feel like I’m kinda bombarding you with stuff but INDONT KNOW WHERE ELSE TO PUT MY THOUGHTS AND THE WAY YOU ALWAYS EXPAND ON STUFF IS SO YUMMY I LOVELOVELOVE TALKING AB STSG X READER 💗💗 omfg them as childhood best friends that both have a crush on u… 🙁🙁 WALK WITH ME RN
Suguru who’s the type of best friend that you know you can count on when you need comforting. When you need a reminder that the world won’t leave you behind- that time isn’t something you need to endlessly chase after, that you’re deserving of a break from stress. Who’s more than happy to soothe you with totally platonic cuddles and tea, stroking your hair or your back with his big, warm hands, some movie you recall watching with him in your childhood playing softly in the background while you rant to him (or stay silent, he doesn’t mind). Who always, always greets you with a hug and a gentle ruffle of your hair. Who your family (and his) always joke about being your boyfriend — which is always met with fake vomiting noises, the rolling of eyes, or scoffs. He hopes you don’t catch the blush on his face. — who cares for you when you’re sick, who makes sure you’re always dressed weather-appropriately and brings a snack and a drink with him for you when you go out anywhere together. Who cares and looks out for you so much you start jokingly referring to him as your “second mother”. Who always listens to what you have to say, pausing to hear your voice no matter what he was preoccupied with before — anything that comes out of your mouth is important to him.
Who cares for all his friends, so you don’t find it out of the ordinary the way he so vehemently keeps you safe and out of trouble, that he notices every little thing about you, that he’s always there for you. Always. Who makes sure to keep it that way- to keep you oblivious to the way he looks at you, to the soft smiles he reserves for you and you alone, to the sickeningly sweet feeling that crawls up his throat when you laugh at his jokes or are physically affectionate with him. Who promises to himself (and to shoko) that one day, he’ll build up the courage confess. But for now, he prefers to enjoy the almost childish giddiness of having a crush — mentally cursing satoru and his childlike habits such as this for rubbing off on him.
Satoru, who realises he’s crushing on you after literally everybody else realises. In his Defense, he’s a naturally affectionate person ! So naturally affectionate that it absolutely flew right past his radar that the need to hug you the way he hugged all his other friends became the need to hug you in a more loving way, the jokingly flirting comments became the need to truthfully tell you how beautiful you look when you laugh, the over dramatic, playful hand kisses as he referred to himself as your knight in shining armour became the need to kiss you silly — and oh fuck, he’s in deep now. Who’s the type of best friend that lives off adrenaline and dopamine rushes and drags you on adventures with him or spends a ridiculous amount of money on you (he claims to invite you on shopping trips with shoko just ‘because’ , but it’s secretly because he knows you’ll look amazing in a certain shirt he passed the other day and seeing you in it will give him a new thing to blush and giggle about for the next 2 weeks) who isn’t the greatest at comforting, but will do his very best to cheer you up with your comfort shows and your favourite snacks (all of which he wrote down in his phone to make sure he doesn’t forget), who gets all pouty when you mention having a little crush on the handsome guy who works at the local cafe — and, for some mysterious reason, suddenly satoru doesn’t like that cafe anymore. “Food wasn’t even that good there anyway 😒” (he’s ridiculous).
Who makes absolutely no effort to hide the fact he’s whipped for you simply because he knows that nobody will think he’s serious — it’s satoru for gods sake, when is he not joking?Who always “jokes” about wanting to kiss you, who always tells people that yeah, hes your boyfriend, just because he likes your flustered reaction. Who treasures the hugs and glances you give him more than anything else in the world. Who loves giving you piggyback rides, who buys a diary for no other purpose than to write about you in it like a lovesick high school girl with a crush, who makes it very known to all of the people who he suspects might dislike you that you’re somebody he truly cares about, and that he’d rather die than let someone treat you bad.
Anyways they’re both clingy overprotective lovesick sillies that would annihilate anyone getting in the way of you being happy and healthy <3333 .I’m actually screaming why is this so long. Don’t look at me I’m hiding SCREAMS I DIDNT MEAN TO WRITE THAT MUCH I GOT CARRIED AWAY… UHM RUNS AWAY ANYWAYS HAVW A LOVELY NIGHT/DAY SSHDKAJDJSKDJJ 💗💗💗
STSG ANON MY BELOVED how did u know childhood besties is my favorite trope ever…….
first of all PLS dw abt sending long asks or anything of the sort i love love love reading these !!! and i love talking abt stsg w u too !! <33 this one in particular just ended me im SO weak for this trope u dont even know 😭😭😭
IM JUST . childhood friends is imho like The best trope for sugu ever and i think ur description is just perfect???? HES SO . hes just so effortlessly good at looking out for u and tending to u hhhhh :<
When you need a reminder that the world won’t leave you behind- that time isn’t something you need to endlessly chase after, that you’re deserving of a break from stress. Who’s more than happy to soothe you with totally platonic cuddles and tea, stroking your hair or your back with his big, warm hands, some movie you recall watching with him in your childhood playing softly in the background while you rant to him (or stay silent, he doesn’t mind).
^ THIS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i SOBBED i am picking u up and kissing u anon this is so good. he really is just soso soothing???? so comforting?? i feel like he would just be that One thing in life u can always trust and aaaaughhhhh im just so obsessed
HIM BLUSHING WHEN UR PARENTS TEASE U 💔💔💔💔 i can see it so clearly .
i feel like sugu would be okay with never really voicing his feelings for u?? at least not until smth pushes him in that direction . i DO think he’d get kinda jealous if u got a partner but less in a ”theyre mine” way and more in a ”i dont trust anyone else to love them properly” way yknow???? i feel like its just so ingrained in him to take care of u especially since uve known each other for so long!!
can u tell childhood bestie!sugu makes me kinda insane PHSJDHDJ u have no idea what uve awakened in me anon…….. 😭😭
AND CALLING HIM MOM SO REAL!!! he’d just scoff and roll his eyes but i genuinely think it would make him happy LMAOO hes like .. they appreciate me <3 . cutiepie.
anything that comes out of your mouth is important to him. <- IM NODDING MY HEAD SO HARD RN hes such a wonderful listener i just know he always always always pays attention when u speak :((((
Who makes sure to keep it that way- to keep you oblivious to the way he looks at you, to the soft smiles he reserves for you and you alone, to the sickeningly sweet feeling that crawls up his throat when you laugh at his jokes or are physically affectionate with him.
^ AND THISSSSS GOD THIS yeah. we’re so linked anon. i really think he’d be more than okay with just keeping all his love for u unvoiced until the moment is really right….. because you’re just so precious to him!! maybe he’d be afraid of scaring u away too if hes too forward.. or ruining ur friendship…. and he’d rather die than have that yk? ☹️
AAAANNDD THEN GOJO <3333 i havent thought much abt him w this trope tbh SO I WAS SO EXCITED TO HEAR UR THOUGHTS………. and i agree sm i see the vision so clearly . hes just sooo affectionate and clingy and adventurous i feel like he’s the type of bestie to throw rocks at ur window at 2am bc he wants to go buy snacks w u PHDKDH HES JUST;;;;; hes so sweet.
THE PIGGYBACK RIDES…….. and him “joking” around but obv its not actually a joke like thats so …….. stsg anon i need a fic on this whole concept im soo obsessed
Anyways they’re both clingy overprotective lovesick sillies that would annihilate anyone getting in the way of you being happy and healthy <333
^ SO REAL no bc i love literally everything abt this??? i keep saying it but im just in awe of u and ur thoughts stsg anon…
DONT RUN AWAY PSJDJDJ i appreciate u soooo much <3333 tysm for the meal!! as always!! here is a flower for u 🌷
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2aceofspades · 1 year ago
u know, I'm just gonna take this opportunity while Ace is stuck in that hole they dug themselves into and therefore cant stop me from just....
*takes deep breath*
Hey did yall know that Ace is so amazing and talented and they deserve so much love and appreciation because theyre the bestest and nicest and devious lil goon we couldve ever asked for and if the universe is ever mean to Ace I will rally the troops and fistfight the universe myself because they deserve nice things dammit
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
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Staaaaaawp- 🥺🥹😭
Morse anon!!! I can't explain how grateful I am to you, my lovely morse anon. You are a ~literal angel~
*Crawls out of the metaphorical hole I dug myself to slide you a metaphorical uno reverse card* mehehe~
Oh stars, I was not expecting that but may I just say, you have impeccable timing. You never fail to cheer me up in the best way and bring a big ol' goofy smile to this lil' goon's face. I am so fortunate to know you and have such heartwarming and fun interactions with you. Thank you from the bottom of my lil' goon heart, my dear morse anon 💙✨
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hoshiina · 7 months ago
Not that other anon but I'm sorry that person had such a rude and demanding tone with you. It struck me as a little inappropriate because you're writing stories for people to read for free, and if something like a readers height can trigger that big of a response in someone then I don't think the issue has anything to do with you as a writer I think it has to do with a little bit of an entitlement problem on the side of that anon. You take time out of your days to write and share it with us, and I think it's a really cool thing so thank you and I hope that person who was rude to you thinks on it a little bit because they have no right to speak to you that way, it's not like you had extreme untagged triggers or something more serious in the story to warrant that kind of response. And even if you did, people are allowed to make mistakes writers are not perfect machines that can catch everything 100% of the time
Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you again for writing stories for all of us to enjoy! 🩷
HELLO OMG THIS IS SO INSANELY SWEET YOU DONT UNDERSTAND I CRIED the fact that you took your time to send this in is truly the sweetest thing ever thank you so so much!!!! I TRULY DID THINK THE SAME THING THOUGH I wasn't sure if height was that big of an issue in general but perhaps that was the ONE thing they didn't want to see that day idk.... hopefully they'll learn to just scroll past fics they do not vibe with
ALSO THANK U SM FOR SAYING ITS COOL THAT I DO THIS IN MY FREE TIME UUUEUEUEEUEUEUE I am far more lucky that sm ppl read these silly things I write TYSSM AGAIN FOR THE LOVELIST MSG EVER I hope you have a wonderful day too!!
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