#sweet little things I’m gonna throw stones at them
catdile · 1 day
Fleshed out and redid some of Odile and Siffrin’s whole backstory for the modern au
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
haunted - ethan landry
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ethan landry x reader
❤️🔪 spoilers for scream 6 🔪❤️
warnings: angst, death, mentions of blood, reader visits ethan’s grave, lots of dialogue (one sided obviously), it’s kinda short
a chill had begun to creep up you spine, raising the little hairs on your arms as the sun moved behind a cloud, moving lower and lower in the sky. you weren’t sure how long had you been sitting there in front of ethan’s grave; an hour- maybe two. you sighed as you pulled your jacket from underneath you and slid it over your arms, holding it closed around you. the cool grass that you sat cross legged on felt damp on the seat of your pants, and you absentmindedly plucked at the blades of grass by your feet. you pulled your gaze from the ground, and looked at the cold stone in front of you. you ran your fingers against the engraving, feeling the rough texture under you hand.
it was the first time you had worked up the courage to go see him, and it was like every emotion you had been trying to deal with since he died was washing over you at once. as a matter of fact, you were the first and only person to visit his grave, and you looked to your left to see his father, mother, and sister, quinn, buried next to him.
“i don’t know if it’s weird to talk to you.” you mumbled, after having sat in silence until now. “maybe it’s weird that i’m even here… after everything.” you thought back to everything ethan had done, how many people him and his family had hurt; how he had hurt you. that night in the apartment, how terrified you and your friends had been, and how you still had nightmares about anikas death…how when you closed your eyes you could still see all the blood.
“i…i hate you,” you stuttered, the words catching in your throat as your eyes began to fill with tears. “i hate you for what you did.” you wiped tears from your face, taking a deep breath.
“and i hate that you left me all alone,” you cried. “i hate that its been three months and i still wake up and reach for you next to me; or i wait for your name to pop up on my phone. i hate that i look for you everywhere - no one sits at your table in econ.” you continued.
“i couldn’t sleep one night and snuck into your dorm room; your pillow still smells like your cologne. chad doesn’t live there anymore, he moved in with sam, tara, and mindy. they would kill me if they knew i was here,” you said, and then laughed sadly. “maybe a poor choice of words.” you admitted.
“sam keeps trying to talk to me; she says she understands what i’m going through. i guess in a way she does. i can’t though, not after you tried to kill her. and especially not after i realized a part of me still loved you - even after that.”
“all of your things are exactly where you left them- the school keeps telling me i have to clean your dorm out but i can’t do it. the semester is over soon though, so i guess i’ll have to or they’re gonna throw everything out.” you looked down at your lap. reaching into your bag, you pulled out a plaid shirt you had stolen from ethan’s dresser.
“i- i took a few of your things from your closet,” you admitted. “i don’t know, having a piece of you with me makes it… easier; like you’re not really gone.” you sighed. “why did you have to do this, ethan? what happened to the sweet boy i met a year ago when i moved to new york? what about the plans we made?” you were angry now, and pounded your fist against the granite of the headstone, scratching up your hand in the process but you didn’t care. “how could you do this… to your friends.. to me?” you asked, trying to stop the tears as you stared up at the darkening sky.
“i shouldn’t miss you, you don’t deserve it,” you sniffled. “but i can’t help it. because no matter what you did… somewhere deep down, you were still the boy i loved. i think that’s the worst part you know, because i really did love you. i guess i’ll never know if you really loved me, or if that was just a part of your plan too.” you shook your head.
“i think you must have though- i don’t think you’re that good of an actor,” you laughed, your hands fiddling with the “E” necklace ethan had given you for your 6 month anniversary. you couldn’t bring yourself to take it off, careful to keep it tucked under your shirt around your friends.
“how am i supposed to move on from this? from you?” you pleaded. “you promised me; you told me you would never hurt me.” you looked at the time on your phone, a picture of you and ethan still your phone background that you hadn’t gotten around to changing.
“i’m gonna be late for econ. you’re missing the exam, by the way. we were supposed to study together.” you said, dusting yourself off and putting your bag over your shoulder as you stood up. adjust the flowers you had brought, you watched the petals move slightly in the wind as the blooms lay against the dark stone.
“maybe i’ll be back,” you whispered. “or maybe i’ll move on and forget all about you.” you sighed.
“but i doubt it.”
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
Dept (yautja x reader)
I’m much happier with this version then the last! Let me know if you like this one better
You lock your apartment door and put the keys in your back pocket. You walk down the mixed stone steps and wave to your downstairs neighbor having a smoke.
“Oi, it’s colder than a witches tit out here, get a coat on.” The young Irishman warned.
“I would but I don’t have one.” You laughed sadly.
He shook his head, taking his coat off and extending his arm to you.
“Here,” he huffed and tried to hand it to you.
“No, no, it’s alright-“ You stutter, rather flustered at his actions.
“Take the damn thing.” He holds his cigarette in between his lips and places the coat onto you.
You smiled shyly and nodded. You start to walk towards the street. He was rough around the edges but a nice guy. Quite the drinker though, also noisy, but you didn’t mind. He threw his cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out.
“Shits gonna get weird later,” he blurted out, causing you to turn around and face him.
“I’ve got a feelin,” he clarified.
You nod and shrug to him, shit always happens around here. The sun had begun to set and you started walking down the concrete sidewalk. You changed your pace to speed-walking. You make a left and walk through the emptying park, it’s a nice shortcut. You see families picking up their picnics and gathering their children. You turn your attention toward trash laying on the ground. You sigh, throwing it away, and continuing your journey for food. You place your hand in his pockets and repress a shiver.
You look towards the lush trees and admire them momentarily, then something takes you from your thoughts. You fall to the ground and feel something wet on your face. You push it off and see a tail wagging golden retriever.
Their owners run up frantically and put them back on a leash.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” She handed the lead to her partner.
She rushed over as the dog pawed at the other woman for attention. She looped her arm with yours and pulled you to your feet.
“We shouldn’t have let him off leash, I’m really sorry about that! You're not hurt are you?” She asked with a worried expression.
“Oh it’s no problem! I’m okay,” you laugh through the pain of your aching knee.
You lean down and pet the sweet pup. He wags his tail and licks your hands. You politely wave to the couple and their fur-baby.
You make a right and see your destination come into view. You happily skip up to the mom and pop diner and open the door, hearing a little jiggle.
“Ah, y/n, want your usual?” Mr Barone asked as he wiped the counter.
“Yes sir!” You smile and sit down at a table.
He chuckles and walks into the back. He begins barking orders at the chiefs and you shake your head fondly. You look down and pull out your phone. You scroll through social media for a moment and angrily sigh. You’ve been putting yourself out there, but you still couldn’t get a date.
You play a mindless game to pass the time while your mouth is practically watering. You look up at your battery and quickly turn the phone off. It was pretty close to dying and you’d really rather not walk home in the dark without a phone.
Mrs Barone walks out of the back with steaming food in hand. If you had a tail, it would be wagging. She giggled at your eagerness and placed the food down.
“Thank you ma’am!” You dig into your meal as if it would be your last.
“Of course, y/n! You really have to come more often.” She smiles and pinches your cheek.
You smile back and resume inhaling your dinner. She walks behind the counter and starts counting the money in the register. Mr Barone comes out of the back and is seemingly fixated on something outside. He squints his eyes into the darkness then clears his throat and moves his attention to you. He plops down at your table on the other booth with a groan.
“It’s gettin pretty late, I’ll walk you home, don’t want any weirdos messin with ya.” He offers and leans back.
You smile at his concern and roll your eyes.
“I’ll be fine, grandpa.” You joke.
“I just want you to be safe, if I gotta be your grandfather to do that then so be it.” He laughed and you felt your face heat up in embarrassment.
You’ve become rather close with Mr and Mrs Barone, to the point of viewing them like family. You liked the idea of Mr Barone being your granddad, but you guessed he was only joking.
“I have my phone with me,” You try to convince him but he interrupts you.
“And you got my number?” He asks as he crosses his arms.
“Yes,” you roll your eyes fondly.
“And what do you do if something happens?” He raises an eyebrow.
“I’ll call you,” you reassure him.
“And it doesn’t matter what time it is, eh?” He leans back slightly.
“If I ever run into trouble, no matter what time, you’ll be the first person I call.” You smile at the grumpy old man.
“That’s my boy/girl/kid.” He ruffles your hair and stands up.
He walks over to Mrs and kisses her on the cheek while she counts. At least he seems more at ease now. You finish up your food and begin walking to the back.
“Ah, ah,” he corrects.
You sigh and place the plate on the counter. You always try to clean up after yourself but he never lets you. It’s not like you weren’t allowed back there. You’ve gone many times, often when he proudly shows you new equipment or appliances. He just never wanted you to work, guess he likes taking care of you. Not that you're surprised, he had a son that died when he was young. Leaving a big hole in his heart, one that you happily filled.
You gave them both a kiss on the cheek and tried to pay, but as you expected he didn’t let you. He asked one more time if he could walk you home but you politely declined. He sighed and nodded.
You waved to them and opened the door, hearing the jingle once again. You took a deep breath and started your walk back home. Through the park is the easiest and quickest way, even though Mr Barone isn’t a big fan.
You enter and see that all of the families have moved on long ago. You hear a crunch underneath your foot and stop. You look down and see a brown paper bag, people really need to clean after themselves. You look around for a trash can and spot one. Sadly the light post above it had gone out. You walk into the darkness and throw the bag away, feeling rather satisfied with yourself.
You turn around and begin walking away then hear a bone chilling noise. Unnatural hisses. You slowly turn around looking for the cause. If it was a cat, it’s a weird freaking cat. Then something all black walks into the light of the moon. You gasp and start slowly backing up.
It lunged at you, you fled at full speed, but it chased you, your heart pounded so heavily you thought it’d explode. It trips you with its tail and you fall to the ground hard. You gasp for breath as the wind has been knocked out of you. The creature leaped at you, you screamed but managed to roll out of the way. Then out of nowhere a strange shape of a person jumps out and stabs the thing in the back of the head. It shrieks and turns around beginning to fight them. The figure wasn’t human, it was alien, just like the black thing.
Everything in your body told you to run, neither of them are human. But you couldn’t move, you were frozen. You snapped back to reality and grabbed your phone. You fumbled with it and went into the calling app. While you were distracted the thing had tried attacking you. Luckily the other creature blocked the attack and pushed you out of the way. You hit the floor and your phone goes flying.
You crawl towards it and grasp it in your hand. You hastily click his name and wait while it rings. He picks up the phone quickly.
“Are you alright-” He speaks frantically but you interrupt him.
“Please help!! I’m scared!! Aah-!” You roll out of the way from the two battling behemoths.
“I’m at the park!! Please!!” You cry as you watch the two fight.
You look down at the phone and your heart sinks, it died. He won’t know where you are. You throw the phone to the side and look around for something to defend yourself with. You see a fallen tree branch and bolt for it. The ‘good’ creature was on the ground. It took your brain a minute to figure out that it was going to kill him.
Without thinking you start running at the thing. You hit it over the head but the branch brakes on impact. You gulp and back up slowly as it turns around. It stabs you through the chest with its tail. The world went in slow motion and your eyes widened. Once it pulled it out of you, time returned to normal. You cry out and fall to the ground.
Then someone shoots it, and it wasn’t the other creature. You turn your head weakly and see Mr Barone with a shotgun. It only seemingly stuns the monster, but in that time the ‘good’ one was able to strike it fatally.
He threw the shotgun into the grass and ran to your side. He knelt down and cupped your cheeks. He pulls something that resembles a medallion from his loose shirt and shows it to the tall bipedal. It nods and walks over to you. The last thing you remember is being picked up by rough scaly hands and Mr Barone kissing your forehead.
He placed a hand on his forehead and grumbled. He followed the Yautja to their cloaked ship and walked up the mysterious metal ramp. He held no fear, well for himself, but he was terrified of losing you. He internally scolded himself. He knew something was out there, if he had just gone with you…. it would have been him dying not you, and that’s how he would have preferred it.
He clears his throat and walks down the strange hall. The both of them made a right and weapons were already pointed at them. He didn’t raise his hands, nor gasp or show any surprise.
“Your trial segugio infernale hurt my grandkid“ He paused briefly.
“And you're gonna fix him!” He raised his index finger and waved it.
The leader eyed him suspiciously, but held his spear tight. There was a long pause of silence before one of the others spoke up. They clicked with their leader about something.
“Has my face changed that much, eh?” He spat.
Barone ripped his button down open to reveal his tanned hairy chest. The chieftain wevered for a moment, the grip on his weapon faltering.
“There you go..” He grins angrily, the chieftains breathing increases.
Your body begins to shake violently in the Yautjas arms and foam bubbles from your mouth. Barone swiftly turns to you and puts a hand on your head worriedly. Unintentionally letting his fear seep out just enough for them to smell. The yautja holding you spoke to the chieftain, and his mood seemed to change.
Everyone lowered their weapons at his command and parted, making a path. He ran straight to the med bay and Barone was hot on his heels.
“He better be okay o ti tengo per le palle.” He eyed the chieftain.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Ghostin' (Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader): Chapter 5
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Summary: After confronting Gareth, Steve is overwhelmed with his own insecurities. But with Vecna gaining strength, his decision to leave could prove to be fatal.
Warnings: language, S4 is canon, pregnancy, light smut (18+ only)
WC: 5.3k
Divider credit to @firefly-graphics
@kaybee87 @sidthedollface2 @chelebelletx @livsters @atombombbibunny @tattooedkiss13 @manda-panda-monium @charming-winchester @corroded-hellfire @trashmouth-richie @sweet-villain @slightlyvicked @hxllfired @yogizzz @tlclick73 @thefreakofhawkins86 @sheisjoeschateau @harrypotteranna23-blog @harringr0ve @josie955 @luna-munson83 @blhemmings @lxvesickreality @palmtreesx3 @stephierro
True to his word, Gareth shows up at Family Video the next day. He’s decidedly less confident than he was at Enzo’s, perhaps because of the shame he feels from hurting your feelings. He enters the store, clearing his throat softly and getting both Steve and Robin’s attention. 
“Can we help you?” Robin starts, looking up from the latest issue of Rolling Stone. She’s used to handling the customers, since Steve typically only pays attention to the pretty women. It takes her by surprise when he steps forward with a small, “I’ve got this,” but she doesn’t question it. Not when there’s an interview with Paul McCartney calling her name. 
Steve motions for Gareth to join him in the back room, closing the door behind him. “You wanna tell me what the hell that was about yesterday?” Steve asks, placing his hands on his hips. “Treating Y/N like that? Like she’s some kind of slut?”
Gareth shakes his head. “I know, I know,” he says sullenly. “I shouldn’t have…I was just shocked. Seeing her pregnant, seeing her with you…” He looks up at Steve, eyes brimming with tears. “Eddie was like my brother. He was my role model, my best friend. And when he started dating Y/N, she became like my sister-in-law. I even used to call her that.” He chuckles lightly at the memory. “And seeing you and her together, it makes it…real. That he’s really gone, y’know?”
“I know,” Steve lets his arms fall to his sides, heart breaking for the kid in front of him. “If I could bring him back, I would.” It’s the truth. Even if it meant watching the woman he loves be happy with someone else, he’d bring Eddie back in a second. “But I promise you, man; I’m not just messing around with her. This is a serious thing, and I’m gonna do whatever I can to take care of her and the baby.”
Gareth pauses for a moment before saying, “He would’ve been a great dad.”
“The best.” Steve agrees with a nod. He can picture Eddie holding Little Bean, letting them grasp onto his finger or tug on his long curly hair without complaint. Something he’ll never get to do now. 
Both of them are quiet for a beat, soaking in an awkward silence. Finally, Gareth says, “You said something yesterday.”
“Hm?” Steve cocks his head, still thinking about Eddie and Little Bean. 
“Yesterday,” Gareth repeats, “you said ‘I don’t get off on humiliating people.’ But that’s a lie.”
“What are you talking about?” Steve’s suddenly defensive again, crossing his arms over his broad chest and furrowing his brows. “I don’t humiliate people.”
“You humiliated me.” Gareth’s voice sounds like he has sandpaper in his throat. When Steve’s expression remains confused, the younger boy continues. “My first day of freshman year. I was lost and I asked you for directions, and you said, ‘What, you want door to door service?’ Then you and your buddy picked me up and tossed me in the nearest trash can.” 
Steve’s mouth goes dry, not because he remembers. The exact opposite, actually. He has no recollection of throwing Gareth into the garbage. And not because it didn’t happen—it sounds exactly like something the old Steve would’ve done. It’s because he and Tommy spent so much time hurting other people that each event blurs with the other. 
“So, yeah,” Gareth presses on. “I feel awful that I was mean to Y/N. She didn’t deserve that. But you, King Steve?” He scoffs, “you don’t deserve her.” 
“Shit,” Steve mumbles, running his fingers through his hair. “I-I’m so sorry.” He swallows thickly, carefully considering his next words. “Look, you don’t have to believe me, or forgive me, because I was a total asshole. A world-class piece of shit. But I promise you, I’m not that guy any more.” He looks around the stockroom. “King Steve is more like the court jester now. Working a minimum wage job, getting rejected from the goddamn community college…” Not to mention being plunged into an alternate dimension and nearly being choked to death by demobats. “The point is, I got knocked down a few rungs, and I realized that I wasn’t a good person. Not even close. And every damn day, I make sure I’m becoming the man I want to be. For me, for Y/N, and for Little Bean.”
Gareth’s expression softens, his posture relaxes just a touch. A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. “Little Bean?” 
“Yeah,” Steve grins bashfully, “it’s what she’s been calling the baby.” He thinks about Gareth’s earlier admission, about Eddie being a brother to him. “Y’know, just because Eddie’s, um, not here, doesn’t mean…I mean, you’re still gonna be Little Bean’s uncle. If you want,” he hastily adds. 
Gareth laughs. “I think Uncle Gareth has a nice ring to it.” He forces himself to meet Steve’s gaze, expression once again serious. “I still don’t really trust you.”
“I know.”
“But if she’s happy…” Gareth blows out a puff of air, shrugging his shoulders, “then I guess we’re okay.”
Okay. It doesn’t mean everything is fixed, but Steve is starting to become more comfortable with the uncertainties of life, when things aren’t wrapped up with a perfect little bow. “Thanks.” There’s nothing else to say, so he just opens the door and watches Gareth walk out the door, waving goodbye to Robin as he exits. 
“Hey, Dingus,” Robin calls back, not bothering to look up from the magazine, “you good?”
“Yep.” No, he wants to say. I knew I wasn’t good enough for Y/N, but I thought it was all in my head. Now I have confirmation that it’s true. 
“Great,” his friend replies. “There’s a stack of returns here with your name on ‘em.”
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When Steve comes home that evening, he finds you in the kitchen, stirring a pot of pasta. “I know I said I’d make burgers tonight, but Little Bean had other ideas.” you tell him apologetically, placing a hand on your bump. 
Steve musters up a laugh, kissing your cheek and bending down to kiss your stomach. “Little Bean, is she blaming you again?”
You swat at Steve and scowl. “I’ll eat all this myself and make you eat cereal for dinner, I swear.” The timer goes off, and you drain the pasta in the sink. 
“Not really hungry anyway,” he says softly, shrugging off his work vest and plopping onto the couch. When you look at him quizzically, he explains. “I spoke to Gareth today.”
Your face falls, reminded of the heated exchange at Enzo’s. “Oh.”
“Yeah.” Steve fills you in on Gareth’s apology, omitting what he said about Steve not deserving you. He knows you’ll deny it and rush to reassure him, even if you agree with your friend. “He just misses Eddie—not that it’s an excuse to say what he said.” He sighs, watching you ladle marinara sauce onto the penne. “If I ask you something, do you promise to be honest with me?”
You bring your attention to the dejected man on the sofa. “Of course.”
“Was I…did I ever make fun of you in high school?” He stumbles over his words, embarrassed that he even has to ask this question. “Because apparently Tommy and I tossed Gareth into a garbage can, and I didn’t even remember.”
“I don’t think so,” you purse your lips as you try to reflect on your Hawkins High days. “It was more of Tommy being a dick and you not doing anything to stop him.” 
“Shit, really?” Steve buries his head in his hands. “What did we do?”
You bite your lip uneasily. “Tommy used to always call me and Eddie ‘Freak and Lady Freak,’ and you would just laugh and high-five him. But you never, like, called us that yourself.”
“Still wasn’t right,” he mutters. “I’m so, so sorry. I never should’ve done that. I should’ve told him to shut the fuck up and leave you alone.” He gnaws on a fingernail anxiously. “Christ, I was such an awful person.” A tear slides down his cheek, and you instinctively put down your dinner preparation to comfort him, stopping only when he puts his hands up. “No, see, this is what I didn’t want to happen!” He raises his voice, taking you aback.
“What are you talking about?” Frustration boils up in your chest, and you try to force it back down and keep a calm tone. “You’re not making any sense!” He says nothing, not even bothering to make eye contact. “Steve, you’re not in high school anymore. You’re not the same person you were back then.”
Steve scoffs, pressing his palms to his knees and standing up. “Forget it, okay? Just forget I said anything.” He grabs his car keys from where he’d tossed them on the counter. “I’m going for a drive. Gotta clear my head. Don’t wait up.” 
If you weren’t six months pregnant, you probably would have been able to get to the door in time to stop him, but your slight waddle doesn’t allow for sprinting. Instead, you watch pathetically from the sofa as he lets the door slam behind him, listening to the sounds of his angry footsteps until they fade to silence. The bowls of pasta sit untouched on the counter, and as nauseated as you feel from the argument, you know that Little Bean needs nutrients. You cover Steve’s in plastic wrap, placing it in the refrigerator, before digging into your dinner. There has to be more to the story, you just know it, but you can’t do anything else with Steve gone. 
You feel a surge of anger pulse through your body, making you push your food away. Steve’s supposed to be here, with you, and he walked out. Just left you alone without a clue where he was disappearing to. For months, he had no obligation to stay, and he did. He’d barely left your side until you practically dropped off the face of the Earth after discovering your pregnancy. And now that he’d taken you on a date, kissed you, confessed his love for you…now he decides to bolt?
Tears brim in your eyes as you take in how suddenly alone you are. You’d thought you’d have a nice, relaxing dinner together–maybe discuss the status of your relationship, since it clearly was not following a typical timeline. But that dream has been dashed in an instant. Picking up the phone, you sniffle and try to stifle your crying.
“Hey, Robin, it’s me,” you say, attempting to hide your irrational annoyance at getting her answering machine. “Um, Steve left here and he was pretty angry. If he stops by your place, just let me know. Please.” You clear your throat. “Okay, thanks. Bye.”
Exhaustion overtakes you–a feeling you’ve become all-too acquainted with during your pregnancy. It’s hard to believe that you used to start your evenings at 10 PM, and now you’re ready to go to bed at 7:30.
You’re too tired to even put on pajamas, so you slip into bed in your jeans and t-shirt. The last thing you think of before falling asleep is how you and Little Bean will manage on by yourselves.
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At first, Steve doesn’t have a destination in mind; he plans on driving around until he clears his head. But his subconscious has other ideas, and he finds himself pulling up in front of the Munson trailer. It’s dark, with Eddie’s Uncle Wayne probably at work. Steve kills the engine and watches Forest Hills Trailer Park dissolve into darkness as his headlights fade out.
“Fuck!” he yells out, slamming his hands against the steering wheel. “Fuck it all!” He glances around the trailer park, dimly lit with flickering streetlights. A dog barks; a woman who sounds like she’s smoked two packs a day for the last fifty years screams at it to shut up. Steve steps out of the car and leans up against it for a minute before realizing that he’s been staring at the trailer door, as if expecting Eddie to come barreling out. Probably saying something ridiculous like, “Take a picture, Harrington; it’ll last longer.” And Dustin would cackle like it was the funniest joke he’d ever heard. Steve can’t help but crack a smile at the thought, but there’s a pang in his heart when he remembers that it can’t happen.
He’s pulled from his thoughts and his pulse quickens when he hears some rustling coming from the bushes, gripping the car door handle in case he needs to make a getaway. He relaxes when he sees it’s only Wayne, too relieved to consider the fact that the man’s truck is nowhere in sight.
“Mr. Munson!” Steve calls out. “It’s me; Steve Harrington. One of Eddie’s, um, friends.” Friends. Because after a week enduring the worst trauma of their lives, that’s what they were.
“I know who you are, boy,” Wayne growls, crossing his arms as he approaches Steve. “You’re the punk who’s trying to take Eddie’s place, hm? Moving in on his girl, acting like the father of his kid. What are you doing here? Gonna sleep in his goddamn bed, too?”
“N-No, sir,” Steve stutters, hands clammy. “I was just going for a drive–” But he pauses when he sees the blood seeping from Wayne’s eyes; no, not Wayne’s eyes–Vecna’s. “I’m not even asleep,” he muses.
Vecna’s horrible laugh crackles through the air. “No, Steve. You’re not. I’m healing, getting stronger every day. And I might not be able to hurt you yet, but I will.” Vines take their shape down his limbs, snaking around like they’re choking him. “You may think that your inevitable death will be the end, but for me, it is only the beginning.”
Steve can only blink, feeling his legs trembling as he sinks down onto the muddy grass. 
“You see,” Vecna continues. The ground shakes with each step he takes. “I need to keep feasting on the town of Hawkins until I have regained all of my powers. It starts with you,” he points a gnarled finger towards Steve, “and I bet even dumb old King Steve can figure out who will be next.”
“Not Y/N,” Steve manages, summoning all of the courage he can. “She’ll fight you. She’ll fight you with everything she has, because she has Little Bean.”
Vecna lets out a low rumble. “She is strong, yes, because she knows she has worth to someone–her baby. This is why I need to start with someone weaker. Someone like you, who knows he only causes harm to the people he loves.”
“Th-That’s not true. I’ve changed. I’m not that kinda guy anymore,” he echoes your words from earlier, hoping that both he and the monster will believe them.
“Oh, but have you?” Another soul-sucking laugh. “Tell me, Steve. When Dustin asked you to substitute for Lucas at Hellfire, what was your response?” A pause of utter silence precedes his next statement. “Just like with Gareth, right? You don’t remember? Allow me to fill in the gaps.” A memory floods Steve’s senses. He’s suddenly back behind the counter at Family Video, phone cradled between his shoulder and his ear.
“Just move your date this one time!” Dustin’s voice bleats through the receiver. “Come on!”
“What, to hang out with you and Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson? Uh, yeah…I’ll pass,” he hears himself say, cringing at his condescending tone.
The visual abruptly ends, and he’s thrust back into the trailer park. “You see?” Vecna sneers. “Not only did you ignore a friend in need to go on a meaningless date, but you insulted his friend while you did it.
“So, Steve,” the monster is right in front of him now, and he feels his hot breath on his face, “have you really changed? Or is that a lie you tell yourself so you can pretend to deserve her?”
There’s that word again: deserve. Deep down, Steve knows he doesn’t deserve you. That you’re only his—if you are still his after the way he left you—because Eddie is dead. 
“You can spare yourself the pain and come with me, Steve,” Vecna grumbles, holding out his hand. “We all know she’s better off without you. Everyone is.”
Steve swallows thickly, absorbing the information. A part of him is tempted to give up and give in. But then he imagines your face when you find out that he’s gone, too. Left on the trailer park grounds, nothing more than a heap of broken bones. He pictures your beautiful, perfect smile that feels like it heals him from the inside out. If he stays in the Upside Down forever, he’ll never get to see it again. 
Worse, he’ll be the reason why you’re crying. 
“No!” Steve shouts, a bit hoarsely at first. “No, I won’t go with you!” He scrambles to his feet, pushing through his nerves. “Let me go! I said, LET ME GO!”
Vecna tilts his head to the left, raising his arm. Steve feels vines slowly snake around his feet, gluing him to the browning grass. “I offered you the easy way,” he snarls, “and you opted not to take it. You are even more foolish than you appear.”
“Get…these…off,” Steve weakly protests as another set of vines pins him to a nearby tree. They wrap around his throat, restricting his air supply. “I’m not leaving her…not…leaving…Little Bean…” 
“You have no choice in this matter.” A low hiss escapes him as he winces, still not used to his weakened powers. “Besides, you already left, didn’t you? Ran away like the coward you are. You should stay far, far away from her.”
Dizziness from the lack of oxygen creeps into Steve’s head. He’s nearly unconscious when he sees a bright space open up behind Vecna’s body. 
“Steve!” Dustin calls. “Steve, are you there?” A brief pause. “Where’s the tape? We need the goddamn tape!!!”
“I have it!” Max. Her vision is still compromised, but she’s never stopped fighting. There’s an exchange, and the click of a Walkman closing. All at once, the intro to Black Dog reverberates through the air.
“Run, Steve, run!!!” Dustin cries out, and Lucas and Max echo his plea. “Run for your life!”
“We love you, Steve! We love you, and Y/N loves you, and you need to live!” Lucas’s voice cracks as he begs him to fight back.
Max pipes up, steady and direct in her instructions. “Listen to the music, Steve,” she tells him. “It’ll give you the strength to survive.”
The glowing space starts to shrink, and Steve instinctively starts to panic. He reminds himself to do as Max said, breathing in the lyrics as he struggles against the tightening vines.
All I ask for when I pray 
A steady rollin' woman won't come my way 
Need a woman gonna hold my hand 
Tell me no lies, make me a happy man
He remembers the joy both you and he felt listening to the song, secrets and tension melting away with each note. A new start for you, for Steve, and for you and Steve. He remembers coming with you to your ultrasound appointments, watching in awe at the tiny being growing inside of you. He remembers the way you kissed him, like your lips were meant to mold into his.
The vines begin to loosen, perhaps from Vecna’s more fragile state, but mostly due to Steve’s sheer will to live. His feet touch the ground again, and as soon as he feels the shock on his heels, he’s running faster than he’s ever run in his life. All he can think about is you and Little Bean.
Vecna howls in frustration as Steve narrowly escapes his clutches. Steve can only register pain as he slams back down to the earth, panting and shivering. Dustin throws his arms around him, and Lucas grabs Max’s hand and brings her towards their oft-unwilling babysitter. The three of them hold him well after his shaking subsides.
“H-How did you…” Steve starts, but he’s unable to finish his sentence before bursting into a fresh round of tears.
“We were at Max’s,” Lucas explains, rubbing Steve’s back and lowering the headphones from his ears. “Dustin thought he saw something weird, and when we looked out the window, we saw you…levitating. Like Max did at Billy’s grave.” 
Steve nods slowly. “But…but…the song…” It’s still playing, and Dustin leans over to click the pause button. The quiet seeps through eerily, but it allows Steve to formulate a coherent thought.
“It was Billy’s Zeppelin tape,” Max says softly. “I kept some of his stuff, and when Dustin told us that Black Dog was your safety song, I made sure to always have it nearby. Just in case.” Steve musters up all of his energy to ruffle her hair, heart soaring when she giggles. It feels good to make someone happy.
Steve looks at the kids, eyes wet and vision blurred. “Thank you,” he whispers. “I owe you guys my life.”
Lucas shakes his head. “Nah, man. You know how many times you’ve saved our asses? Let’s just call it even.”
“You’re a good one, Sinclair,” Steve says with a smile. He turns to Max. “Quit being so hard on him, all right?”
“We’ll see,” Max replies, but she giggles again as she says it.
Steve sits up suddenly, bracing himself and gritting his teeth as the world spins for a moment. “I gotta get home,” he blurts out. “I gotta get back to Y/N. I just left her alone, didn’t tell her what I was doing or where I was going…”
“You sure you’re okay to drive, big guy?” Dustin asks, furrowing his brows with concern. “I can always call my mom and ask her to take you.”
“Or I can drive!” Max pipes up, and everyone reacts with a resounding “no!”
“Jesus, you were bad enough when you could see,” Dustin mutters.
Steve wipes his hands on his pants, grimacing as the dirt smears on clean denim. “I’ll be fine,” he reassures them. He begins to take the headphones off from around his neck, then stops. “Can I, uh, borrow this?” he asks Max. “I’ll return it tomorrow. Just wanna make sure…for the drive home, y’know?” He knows how important it is for her to have this piece of Billy. 
She nods, reaching out for Steve’s hand. He takes it, squeezing gingerly. “Of course.”
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Steve can’t get back to the apartment fast enough. He nearly snaps the key trying to unlock the door, and he flings it open so quickly that it slams against the wall. It’s loud enough to get your attention, but he doesn’t hear any reaction from you.
“Y/N?” he calls out tentatively, blood running cold when there’s no response. “Y/N!” He’s shouting now, yelling your name over and over.
He’s got her, he thinks. He sensed a moment of weakness and went after her, and I wasn’t here to save her. He dashes into the bedroom, a last resort before descending into complete panic, and breathes a sigh of relief when he sees you in bed, rubbing the sleep from your beautiful eyes.
“Steve? What the hell is going–oomph!” You’re interrupted by his lips crashing onto yours, hands cradling your cheeks. You can taste the salt from his tears as he sobs into you; he thought he’d cried himself dry, but seeing you safe and sound brought on a new batch. When you part, you can see the worry creasing his face. “Where were you?”
“He’s coming after you next,” Steve ignores your question, unable to hold back what he knows. “After me, he’s coming after you. And then the rest of Hawkins until he’s strong enough to conquer the world.”
“You saw him.” It’s a statement; you’re not asking. “And you didn’t have your music.”
Steve relays that evening’s events, stumbling over his words as he admits, “He said he’s starting with me because I’m…because I’m weaker.”
You look at him, puzzled. How could he be weaker than a hormonal pregnant woman with a dead baby daddy? “What do you mean?”
“I mean, the only reason we can even be together is because Eddie’s…he’s…I never would have tried to get with you if he was here,” Steve stammers. “And it doesn’t seem fair, y’know? He…he dies, and I get his girl?” He stands up and paces the length of your bedroom. “I’m disgusting, and I don’t deserve you. Everyone thinks so.”
Your heart plummets at his vulnerability. “Who said that?” you ask, voice hardly more than a whisper. 
“Gareth and…and him.” Steve can’t bring himself to make eye contact with you. He doesn’t need to clarify who him is. 
“Do you think I should be happy?”
Steve’s thrown off by your question. “What? Of course.”
“Do you think Eddie would want me to be sad forever? To never have another partner again?” you continue. 
“No. He…he wouldn’t want that.”
You motion for Steve to sit back down on the bed, and you take both of his hands in yours. “You, Steve Harrington, make me happy. When I thought life wasn’t worth living, you showed me that it was. When I pushed away, you pulled me back. And, yeah, this,” you point between the two of you, “wouldn’t be happening if Eddie survived. But, Steve? Torturing ourselves isn’t going to bring him back. It isn’t going to make us miss him any less. The best we can do is keep living. For him, for us, and for Little Bean.”
Steve lets go of one of your hands to feel your belly. “Not fair,” he teases gently. “You know I’ll do anything for Little Bean.”
You lean in and kiss him, bringing your lips to his ear to murmur, “Will you let me show you how much you mean to me?”
His eyes widen. “Are you sure? We don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.” But a slight twitch behind his fly gives away his true feelings. 
“I want to,” you coo, nibbling on his earlobe and sliding your palm under his shirt and up to his hairy chest. “As long as you do.”
Reflexively, Steve nods, but his gaze quickly goes back to your bump. “We won’t hurt Little Bean, right?” 
You giggle. “Not at all. I promise.” Lifting your shirt above your head and tossing it to the floor, you straddle Steve’s thighs. His hands roam the expanse of your torso, and he wastes no time unhooking your bra. Your body waits for the feeling of lips latching onto your breasts, the way Eddie would’ve done, but Steve runs his fingers over the peaks, pinching them slightly. You moan out with pleasure in what will be the first of many reminders that different doesn’t inherently mean bad. 
Steve’s shirt is the next to go, and he sheds his jeans immediately after, grateful for the relief. As you palm him over his briefs, you’re hit with a strange pang of sadness; it’s a stupid comparison to make, but Eddie always wore boxers. He’d buy the most ridiculous ones he could find; only you two knew that under that metal façade lurked a pair of Bugs Bunny shorts. But this is Steve—Steve who wears briefs instead of boxers, whose hands are smooth instead of calloused, who smells like Drakkar Noir and hairspray instead of drugstore cologne and Newports. 
Different, but good. So, so good. 
He’s patient as you step down to wriggle out of your maternity jeans, but his eyes never leave your body. He drinks you in, pupils blown wide, and pulls you back onto his lap with a soft, “all mine.” The plush of his lips presses against your neck, and you thread your fingers through his hair, whimpering at his touch.
“I can’t wait until you can see me not pregnant,” you bite your lower lip, hyper aware of the way your bare bump nudges against his flat stomach. Being naked in front of someone for the first time was scary enough, let alone being nearly seven months along.
“No,” he says simply, continuing to kiss down to your collarbone while placing a large palm atop your belly. “I love the way you look. So beautiful…I don’t know what to do with myself.” He pulls away for a second to look you in the eyes; his are shiny and wide. “I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you, too, Steve.” The phrase followed by his name instead of Eddie’s is a new sensation, but it rolls off of your tongue easily. “I love you, I love you, I love you.” You punctuate each repetition with a kiss to his eager lips. You don’t even realize you’re crying until he wipes a tear from your cheek.
“What’s wrong? Is it–am I–” 
You shake your head. “Please don’t get mad at me.” Taking a deep breath, you start to confess. “I’m scared, Steve. I’m scared that you’re only here because you feel like you have to be, or that this is just some kind of trauma bond, and as soon as Vecna’s gone, you’ll figure out that you don’t really have feelings for me.” You cradle your belly in your hands. “And I’m worried that when you see how hard it is to raise a kid, never mind someone else’s kid, you’ll…”
“Hey, hey. C’mere,” he says, readjusting you so you’re sitting across his thighs. He rubs your back gently. “Did I ever tell you about my big, crazy dream of my future?”
“Six kids and a Winnebago?”
“Yeah,” he laughs lightly, “that’s the one. I’ve been thinking about it more lately. That’s what I thought that’s what family was: Mom, Dad, shit-ton of kids going on vacation together. And maybe it is sometimes, I dunno,” he shrugs. “But I realized that one of the reasons why I love you so much is because you gave me what I always wanted.” He stares into your eyes lovingly. “You and Little Bean–you’re my family.”
You scrunch up your face in confusion. “You love me because I’m having a baby?”
“No—shit—I mean, I do love that you’re having a baby, but that’s not why I love you. Let me start over.” He tosses his hair from his eyes. “I love you because no matter what’s going on in this dimension or any other, I feel safe with you. I love you because you’re patient, and kind, and thoughtful. I love you because you jumped into this crazy monster-fighting world without hesitating, just to protect the people you care about.” He pauses, taking your hands in his. “I love you because you’re you, Y/N. And when I’m with you, I can just be me.”
“Well, that’s good,” you reply, resting your head on his shoulder. “Because I love you just as you are. Just please don’t ever leave like you did tonight again.”
“I promise, baby. Never, ever again.” Steve looks down at you, taking you all in with his golden brown eyes. “And, Y/N? I…I miss him, too.” His last sentence lingers in the air; you’re not quite sure how to respond. “I don’t know if I’ll ever stop. Isn’t that dumb? I knew him for a week and I miss him like I knew him my whole life.”
“‘S not dumb at all.” You lace your fingers with his and kiss his bare shoulder. “Like I said, the stuff we went through together bonds us forever, y’know?”
“Yeah.” He sighs, averting his gaze from yours. “Do you think I could just hold you tonight? It’s not that I don’t wanna do…this…but I want to make it special.”
“Of course, Stevie.” While you’re disappointed, you’re a little relieved. The last time you did this, you and Eddie created Little Bean. And then Eddie was gone forever.
You curl up into Steve’s arms, feeling yourself drift off to sleep.
But not before you hear the chimes.
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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George Harrison, backstage in Philadelphia, PA, on August 16, 1966; photo by Bob Bonis.
“[George showed us] his music room, which has one wall covered with the famous Harrison guitars, his collection of Indian instruments and a small jukebox standing just by the door. I looked at the titles on the jukebox and there were very few Beatle songs amongst them. The Beach Boys, Mamas and Papas, Lovin’ Spoonful, the Stones were all well represented.” - The Beatles Monthly, January 1967
“George Harrison’s Fab Forty… George — like all the Beatles, incidentally — has his own juke box at his Esher home. It’s in his ‘den.’ Along with tape recorder, radio and record player. […] But back to the juke box. It’s a KB. Maybe you saw it in the film ‘Help’? Says George: ‘It’s so much easier to have all my favorite records on the juke box at once. It saves me going through piles of records to find the ones I want. Then when I get sick of them, I just throw them out and put some new ones in.” - Tony Hall, Record Mirror, January 1, 1966
George’s Top Ten… 1 “Harlem Shuffle” — Bob and Earl 2 “Good Things Come To Those Who Wait” — Chuck Jackson 3 “Be My Lady”/“Red Beans and Rice” — Booker T and the MGs 4 “Please Crawl Out Your Window” — Bob Dylan 5 “Baby, You’re My Everything” — Little Jerry Williams 6 “Back Street” — Edwin Starr 7 “Work, Work, Work” — Lee Dorsey 8 “The Little Girl I Once Knew” — The Beach Boys 9 “My Girl Has Gone” — The Miracles 10 “I Don’t Know What You’ve Got /But It’s Got Me)” — Little Richard (“[P]arts one and two — the second is George’s favorite.”)
The rest… 11 “I Can’t Turn You Loose” — Otis Redding 12 “My Girl” — Otis Redding 13 “I Believe I’ll Love On” — Jackie Wilson 14 “Plum Nellie” — Booker T and the MGs 15 “Everything Is Gonna Be Alright” — Willie Mitchell 16 “A Sweet Woman Like You” — Joe Tex 17 “Something About You” — The Four Tops 18 “I Got You” — James Brown 19 “Ain’t That Peculiar” — Marvin Gaye 20 “Turn, Turn, Turn” — The Byrds 21 “See Saw” — Don Covay 22 “I’m Comin’ Through” — Sounds Incorporated 23 “Don’t Fight It” — Wilson Pickett 24 “Bootleg” — Booker T and the MGs 25 “I Ain’t Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore” — The Young Rascals 26 “Respect” — Otis Redding 27 “Try Me”/“Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag” — James Brown (“instrumentals”) 28 “I’ve Been Loving You Too Long” — Otis Redding 29 “All Or Nothing” — Patty Labelle and her Belles 30 “Pretty Little Baby” — Marvin Gaye 31 “Oowee Baby, I Love You” — Fred Hughes 32 “The Tracks of My Tears” — The Miracles 33 “Yum Yum” — Joe Tex 34 “Agent 00 Soul” — Edwin Starr 35 “Money” — Barrett Strong 36 “Some Other Guy” — Ritchie Barrett (“George’s ‘Revived 45’ list — he’s dug these since they first came out.”) 37 “It Wasn’t Me” — Chuck Berry 38 “Mohair Sam” — Charlie Rich 39 “Let Him Run Wild” — The Beach Boys 40 “Do You Believe In Magic” — The Lovin’ Spoonful
“George really knows his records. It’s always a pleasure to talk to him about them.” - Tony Hall, Record Mirror, January 1, 1966 (x)
George's "Fab Forty" playlist: on YouTube, and on Spotify.
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callsign-rogueone · 3 months
Would you be willing to do a director’s cut of Part of the Family or Like Snow on the Beach? I guess there’s something about Garrick in a big brother role that I just love
absolutely!! protective big bro gare is so 💗💗💗
I’m kinda retracting Love and Gare being sibs and will be re-writing part of the family eventually oops but here are some thoughts on Sweets and Gare in snow on the beach! and I’m gonna throw in some more context and sneak peeks since this chapter didn’t have much gare (more of him coming in her future chapters once they go to Aretia + reunite, and more little appearances from them in other couples FW chapters perhaps 👀)
this one is from love at first fight but still relevant:
Liam holds up five fingers, and you shake your head, holding up four. “New record,” you mouth, smug.
garrick was the one who taught sweets to fight. sweetheart and liam are a little lovingly competitive, since xaden taught liam, and the two older boys are both very proud of their respective protégées and like to bet on them sometimes. you’ll see more of this later, but garrick takes training her very seriously; daily runs and extra practice, etc., so she can protect herself and everyone she loves. angel comes with them sometimes, but not always.
Five years living as siblings has attuned him to your emotions — he knows that something is wrong, that something had been wrong even before you were sent on this suicide mission and lost two of your friends. “Do you want to talk about what happened when I came to get you?”
you’ll also see more of this later, but gare is good at “reading her” and figuring out what’s going on behind that mask. but he also knows not to press sweets for information or push too hard when she’s is feeling overwhelmed. the same with angel: she’ll talk when she’s ready. but sweets feels more comfortable with gare than anyone else, so if she’s gonna talk to anyone about all of this, it would be him.
“It took me a full year to figure you out when we met, to realize that the person you really are on the inside doesn’t match the person that you show people. I think he saw right through that perpetual stone-faced look, saw the girl that I’m proud to call a sister.”
also like angel, gare affirms her with words. he’s a very good pep-talk-giver, and does a lot of positive reinforcement when he’s training her — never negative, never threatening, because that just doesn’t work for her or for angel, and he doesn’t want to hurt his favorite girls in any way, especially emotionally — they’re both a little delicate and sensitive in that regard but he loves that about them. he’s just so soft for both of them 🥺💗
I don’t know if/when I’ll get to this and like actually write it out but!! background and lore!!
sweets was fostered with garrick and angel (gare would absolutely not have let angel go anywhere else but with him. he made that abundantly clear to everyone involved.)
duchess knew that sweets’ older siblings were killed along with her parents, so being with gare and angel, the oldest of the marked ones, would be good for her. there’s obviously no replacing her own biological siblings, but they could act as more of a stand-in, someone to protect her and provide security for the poor girl.
I think I’ve mentioned that gare jokes that sweets is him and angel’s “practice child”. they’re truly a older-sib-mom-and-dad combo for her and provide the ultimate support system. it was really hard for her to be away from them for two years right when things started looking up, and especially for the first year that they couldn’t write letters. but the revolution has people on the inside that would let her read the death rolls for their names, to see if they made it through the week 🥺
she’ll never admit it, but sweets was a little scared of garrick at first, honestly. it took her a while (and her seeing him with angel) to realize that he’s just a big teddy bear, but it took longer than that for her to let him in. sweet’s wound is being scared to let people in, lest they die and devastate her further, so that’s part of her hesitation to make friends or to start anything with ridoc (along with some feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, too, that he wouldn’t like the “real her” or that he’d “figure out she’s weak”… the imposter syndrome is strong with this one.)
and some peekies:
This silence is killing you. “Please say something,” you pant, “anything.”
“About what?” he asks, looking over at you with a smug smile. “About your little overnight guest?”
-> Gare is gonna have some thoughts about this whole thing with his lil sis and ridoc, but I promise he’ll be cool with it. once he sees how deeply ridoc cares for his lil sis, and helps with her anxiety, he’s approved. but poor boy is definitely getting the shovel talk at some point, or a modified version thereof. you’ll see.
“Hey. I’m not mad at you, okay?”
“Okay,” you whisper.
“Good. Now when we go back in there, I want you to look like I just yelled at you like I should have.”
-> not explaining this one just yet.. hehe
thank u for the ask lovie!! these are a lot easier for me to do than actual writing rn (less brain power and faster) and it’s something fun I can do from my phone while I’m (still) laid out in bed 🥲💗
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
yay, hehe! can i request the poly lost boys with a reader who does gymnastics/ yoga <33
Twist and Bend | The Lost Boys x Reader HCs
absolutely you can!
no warnings apply, this is short and sweet and filled to the brim with the Reader Causing Problems On Purpose
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Gonna preface these with a warning: i know nothing about gymnastics, and next to nothing about yoga
I never did gymnastics as a kid
And i’m a tiny bit afraid of gymnastics specifically as an adult
I'm afraid of breaking all my bones
They’re scary boys, spooky lads
But if you can bend like a gymnast?
If you can fold yourself into a pretzel?
You can be fucking terrifying 
Imagine it
The boys come into the cave, expecting you to be there
But they don’t see you right away
They look around, searching for where you could’ve gone
And they can hear your heartbeat, and maybe your breathing, so they know you haven’t left
Paul is in the middle of proposing that you’ve somehow turned invisible when suddenly
From high up
They hear a stone fall
And then
From a hole in the wall
One much too small, they thought, for a person to slide into
You emerge 
And you’re like, cackling
So it’s Spooky!
Frightening, even!
Paul jumps into Dwayne's arms!
And you, dear reader, are delighted 
Another scenario is this:
You’re standing in one part of the cave, facing away from the boys
Looking at a book, examining a vinyl record, whatever you’re doing it doesn’t matter much
What they’re doing doesn’t matter either (though let’s be honest, they’re probably doing smthn dumb)
Whatever it is, they call you over to them
And instead of turning and walking over like someone who can’t bend and twist like a pretzel
You bend
Put your hands to the floor
And then you fucking crab crawl over to them like a funky little nightmare creature (affectionate)
There are screams <3
Even david jumps a little bit
Safe to say
They were not expecting that
Which is just so fucking delightful 
Those boys are in control of most situations they find themselves in
It’s fun to throw them off balance
Rmr what i said earlier, about how i’m afraid to do gymnastics because i’m scared i’ll break all my bones?
Yeah, the boys have that fear for you
Humans are fragile, and despite the fact that you are Trained, they still have Concerns
Paul is the worst with this- you bend in a way that most people can’t and he just
Dwayne is also Concerned, basically to the extent that paul is
He just doesn’t voice his anxieties 
He’ll tell you to be careful every now and then, but otherwise, he seems unbothered
But that’s just because you can’t see him watching you like a hawk while you do your stretchy thing
David is also mildly afraid that one day you’ll bend the wrong way and hurt yourself, but he’s also Very Aware that you know what you’re doing
So like dwayne, he kinda just watches
And marko?
Marko is a fucking menace
Marko insists you teach him how do gymnastics every time he sees you do something cool
Marko has No Fear
And i mean, if you end up teaching the boys anything
Marko is the one who will break bones
Not you
You put a pause on teaching them stuff after that
No one complains 
(except for marko)
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
Oops today has turned into me musing endlessly on the spooky season Vampire Sun and Werewolf Moon (Same body, more like different mindset enough for Sun during the day to give Moon his own personality in the back of his mind, but it’s one single mind/consciousness and not two individuals) SO I’m just going to wordvomit the various blurbs ive been throwing at people today down here, enjoy. TO RECAP Good afternoon I am here to throw a horribly indulgent and stupid AU into the void of vampire!Sun and werewolf!Moon as a messed up 2 for 1 deal because this universe is painfully lacking on vampires afflicted with lycanthropy and in this essay I will-
You hadn’t wanted to move to a new town. This move was not by choice. But since you were still living with your family, when the decision came down hard with no room for arguments, and the roof over your head was in danger, what other choice did you really have? It wasn’t like your job was one of a kind, boring minimum wage that you could throw a stone in the new city and find something just as good. All of your best friends were online so that at least wasn’t a problem… One upside to this new location was the town itself at least? It was Old with a capital OH. The kind that made you imagine history was walking beside you on the streets as you explored. Details you never saw in today’s modern building decorated every facade, houses that were older than any of the residents reigned in their own unique glory. Some so opulent you couldn’t imagine moving in them, and some so run down it was a wonder they were still standing. You’d admit it was pretty cool, if you weren’t still fighting your ire at having your old life uprooted from under you. From up on the veranda of one of those more fancy looking houses, the occupant leaned against the railing, openly watching you with wide eyes as you meandered down the street. It was weird. Really weird. Weirder still when his hand shot into the air in an enthusiastic wave, way too much energy for such a hot fall afternoon. You offered a timid wave back. Interesting neighbors…
Unrelated, non robo au where sunny is this sweet daycare worker dude that is also a part time florist(MAYBE? possibly scrapped?) but he's also a full time werewolf and moon doesn't like company. Because spooktober
TLDR Vampire Sunny hires you on a whim to maybe do some casual yardwork for him cause the sun is icky and also maybe as a snack when he gets bored ish? But you manage to charm him enough the first time or two that he only takes a sip and is like. Mm Yes Good, I’ll keep this one around for a bit.
Unrelated I've decided that for the vampire/werewolf thing, I'm not going to really 'describe' human Sun, cause it feels weird. A seemingly ever grinning face, tall, large hands with long fingers, almost unnervingly thing but somehow way stronger than the lean frame should be capable of, an eccentric ruffly wardrobe that leans towards rich deep reds and vibrant golds... yes. But details about hairstyle, skintone, anything like that ain't gonna happen More ramblings under the cut~
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I don’t know the source of this image, friend linked it to me off pintrest but it’s so spot on I love it so I cry. Also, sun is absolutely going to tie a little ribbon around your neck with a little sun/moon charm. Both a 'this is mine' and a 'leave it alone' billboard to others in the area Friend also linked me this Lunar Clock Thing
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He has you doing all this work to make his yard look usable and welcoming and stuff but he only ever looks at it. Doesn't enjoy it. And no one seems to ever visit even though he's super friendly, what gives? You'd think such an old neighborhood everyone would know each other but no one seems to really talk about Sunny much Like at all. No one knows Jack about this guy Yet without fail, every time you pass by, there he is, stepping outside to wave hello and tempt you over for a chat[2:43 PM]Eventually finds out you do schooling at home and offers you his tutelage. Apparently this dude is also stupidly smart about a lot of things??
More excuses to make you visit, to have you linger. Sit closer. Definitely not lean against you with a slow deep breath, definitely not smelling you for some creepy reason. Not that you pick up on it. But he is a little less warm than you expected. The closeness is enough to set your cheeks on fire and he pulls back immediately, excusing himself to put on some tea(and get a soda for you. He started keeping those around just for you, you realized)
Always rushes you away before dark though. Says the streets are dangerous.
Very dangerous
Were!moon is basically a feral beast under the full moon but as it waned to nothing he has a cold clarity to him. Suns happy self sombers and while it's still the same mind, it's a different personality that takes over at night that pushes him to give into his more instinctual urges of all kinds
Sunset is a toss up on if he's safe or bordering into dangerous based on time of the month. You could probably survive when the night is dark with only some minor nibbling but after the halfway point your life is on the line. He will kill. For now. Time may change this
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Oh, don't be fooled, this is already the case, and the reason (second reason) he didn't turn you into a one time snack. The fact you're absolutely delicious is definitely a first, an exquisite treat to be savored slowly, but it's after the second or third visit that the reason he was excited to see you come by after that wasn't purely because he had the hungies. The times you come in to sit down and spend time with him, at ease around him,  laughing with him even... It's something he hasn't gotten to enjoy in years, if not a couple decades. The inner voice of Moon in his mind that tells him to protect himself, remember how humans hunted him, would still hunt him if they knew, the danger of it all... it's something to be wary of, but you... You don't shy away(much) when he rests a hand on your shoulder(without his influence), you come to him willingly, stay longer than is necessary, and what should have been just a simple effort to keep things tidy in his yard has, of your own doing turned into making it nicer.  You've brought new flowers, he's seen you scrub old moss from some of the little statue figures that hide around the bushes, you even asked him about paint to touch up parts of the fence that had begun to rust to keep it in good condition(something you were meaning to do one of these nights, but just hadn't bothered the motivation). It's a friendship, true and true, even if you're unaware that you're befriending an actual monster that isn't out of the woods of ruining your friendship yet. He would truly be upset with himself it if happened.
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Aaaand I think that’s all I really have at the moment for this, but take it and enjoy <3
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 months
🥰🤭🧸😊 Also, favorite Gargoyles character, storyarc, and what you'd have liked to see in the show if it had continued (I haven't read any of the recent comics).
Awww you are genuinely too sweet. (I’m kind of glad I give off soft vibes to at least one person, I worry I tend to be prickly 😅)
Favourite character I do think is Demona. She- hold on, I’m gonna ramble for a moment.
I really do love how they made her a tragic monster yet a monster nonetheless. She’s so miserable and lonely and most of her problems are her own fault but she CANNOT face up to that, how can she really face up to the immensity of what she’s done. So she runs, and she hides, and she blames everyone she can for the things she’s brought upon herself. What else can she do really? Her spite and hatred are the only things keeping her going and they keep her going for a thousand years. She won’t give it up for the man she loved and may still love, she won’t give it up for her daughter, she won’t give it up for her kind despite claiming to do it all for them. She lost herself in the mad dash away from her atrocities. She throws away any chance at happiness at the slightest possibility it may go poorly because she’d rather do so than risk it. Queen of cutting off your nose to spite your face. She was given a name, something gargoyles generally don’t have, by a human she grew to hate yet never gave the name up. I have her action figure.
(Also it is WILD to me that the writers found a loophole that allowed her to go on a killing spree of actual humans in a Disney cartoon)
Shout outs to Goliath, Elisa, Hudson, Angela and my BOY Bronx though. They’re also some of the favourites and honestly this is a show where just about every character I at least like.
As for story arc, hmm. Macbeth and Demona’s weird little dance comes to mind, and the City of Stone episodes were a big part of that. As well as that King Arthur just… shows up a couple of times. I’m also kinda partial to the first season which was largely just “will our heroes literally ever get a leg up on Xanatos?”
(The comics are pretty fun! If a bit rushed.) Hmm, I think I do want to know a bit more about the Illuminati and how they work in this universe. I’d like to see more of Alex’s growth and his dynamic with Lex. Oh! Also I kind of wish we got a bit more focus on Elisa and Broadway’s friendship. Same with Hudson and Robins. Also I would like to see more Sevarius popping up and somehow surviving whatever mess gets caused.
Thank you for the chance to ramble a bit about the show!!!
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jonathanbiers · 2 years
idk if I’ve sent in any but I’m gonna do it again and go with 15 21 48 and 69 :)
fanfic writing asks! (last one)
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
i don't know about favorite but it seems to me that the words flow best between 2-6am
21. Do you prefer writing chaptered fics or one-shots?
i....will have to say one-shots because while i love writing stories with more intricacy, i tend to bite off more than i can chew with chaptered fics and get overwhelmed, lose motivation and then delete the entire thing. this has happened....more times than i wish to admit.
48. Who is your favorite character to write for?  Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
i feel like writing for steve is my comfort zone right now. i haven't participated and written in this fandom long enough for that to change, though i've been a fan of the show since it first came out.
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
oh god. right so i'm not going to list ALL of them because...we'd be here all fucking day lmao so i am going to limit myself to 5 favorites. in no particular order, though i am putting the one that is still a work in progress at the bottom. i love these all pretty much equally
took you for a working boy by @pukner steddie / 43,823 words / rated m nonbinary steve and heaps of platonic stobin and beautiful beautiful writing
throw me one by adure (@toburnup) steddie / 41,971 words / rated e the yearning, the lack of communication, the tension... i can't deal
As He Sinks Just Like A Stone by saintmares (@werewolfsteve) platonic stobin / 4,124 words / rated t this made me cry a little. regrettably i have not read a lot of robin pov stuff, but blake captures her voice so well i just *chefs kiss* this scene should have happened in the show and i am pretending it did.
i can't take it when you touch me by deadratz (i don't know if they have a tumblr or not) steddie / 20,800 words / rated e virgin bottom eddie...........................that's all i got to say about that i'm jk, this was amazing showstopping spectacular and so so sweet
Money, Power, Glory by Anonymous (@strangerthings1975) steddie / 156,917 words (and ongoing) / rated e this author keeps killing me and i keep coming back for more. and will continue to do so. i am in fact a slut for emotional torture
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mylyricpages · 9 months
June 2013 - August 2013
Why don’t you get yourself away from love just let yourself feel the things you really fear You’re running scared from all the things that really shouldn’t matter to you at all Why don’t you give yourself some time just let yourself feel something for a change You’re caught up in all the things that really shouldn’t matter to you at all
Oh, you’re not really here at all are you Oh, you’re not really here at all are you Oh, you’re somewhere so far out on your own Somewhere they can never find you
Oh, don’t you ever fade away Oh, don’t you ever fade away go out in your blaze of glory You know they’ll always love you
Oh, you’re tired, you’re tired but you never have to be lonely Oh, they’ll never leave you lonely Oh, they’ll never leave you lonely
The darker the day, the brighter the light The darker the day, the brighter the light The darker the day, the more you’re gonna shine
Oh, they’re still gonna love you even when you’re gone
Oh, they’re still gonna love you even when you’re gone
Oh, they’re still gonna love you Oh, they’re still gonna love you
Dreamers of a modern age always turning to a new page Always dreaming of a better day
We salute you We salute you
Dreamers of a modern age always learning from our past Always dreaming from first to last
We salute you We salute you
Dreamers of a modern age always shaping the future days Always dreaming up our new ways
We salute you We salute you
Dreamers of a modern age always dreaming your future plans Always dreaming up our last stands
We salute you We salute you
Dreamers of a modern age always watching our empires fall Always dreaming away the worst of us all
We salute you We salute you
Raggedy Andy and his brown paper bags had his eyes on the world but he came from the stars Shy boy, your 15 minutes of fame is gonna last forever New York City loves you now what you say to all of them now is gonna last forever
Raggedy Andy, you’re gonna change the world forever
Raggedy Andy, you’re gonna change the world forever
Everyone says hello, everyone says how have you been? Oh, it’s been such a long time since you’ve been seen
Everyone says hello Everyone says hi Everyone wonders how it is you didn’t die
Oh, you never said goodbye Oh, you never said goodbye Did you? Oh no, not at all Did you?
Isn’t it wonderful Isn’t it wonderful We’re still alive You and I
Everyone says hello, everyone wonders if you were just a dream? Oh, could you tell us just where it is you’ve been
Everyone says hello Everyone says hi Everyone shed a tear when they thought you’d gone and died
Oh, you never said goodbye Oh, you never said goodbye Did you? Oh no, not at all Did you?
Isn’t it wonderful Isn’t it wonderful We’re still alive You and I
We missed the sunlight you brought on the grey days We missed the calm you brought when the stormy days came
Isn’t it wonderful Isn’t it wonderful We’re still alive You and I
With thanks to David Bowie
Lay me low, lay me where the wild roses grow Oh, lay me low Please darling, when I’m gone far away from this place find me where I’ve fallen in my grace Oh, lay me low Oh, lay me low
So let them read their righteous psalms out loud So let them sing their sweet hymns proud Just as long as you remember to lay me low Oh, lay me low Oh, lay me low
So let them throw their biblical stones at me So let them shout their godless names at me Just as long as you remember to lay me low Oh, lay me low Oh, lay me low
Oh, lay me low Oh, lay me low
Oh darling, I want to wake up on the other side where the wild roses grow Oh darling, when I go, when I go Oh, lay me low Oh, lay me low
Washing away all the days we always wish we could leave behind Washing away the secrets we always tried so hard to hide
Did we just let things bleed did we let all we had just wither away and die wish I could say hello to you wish I could say a sweet good bye
Did we just plunder it all did we leave it all alone in the shade wish I could say hello to you wish I could remake what we made
Will we still wait for the rain to fall
Wait, wait, for the rain to fall
Here comes the rain Here comes the rain to wash it all away again
Here comes the rain Here comes the rain again
Were you still so lonely when you left us Were you still the girl you used to be Wasn’t it fine living in your own world Where things were just how you wanted them to be
Oh, wasn’t it fine to be so adored by them all Oh, weren’t you just a gift to them all Stealing the hardened hearts of them all A quiet girl who woke up the whole wide world
You were parading your style and everyone was watching at least for a while but did you forget you only get your fifteen minutes of fame my dear
Pandora, you’ve got a secret you hide so very well under all that make up you’ve got a real tale to tell
Pandora, you’re always crying in the rain where no one can see you
Pandora, you’ve got a secret Pandora, you’ve got a secret You’ve got a real tale to tell
I’m feeling very off my game, I’m feeling just a slight sense of shame for all the things I didn’t do for you
I’m carefully retracing all my steps I’m constantly twisting in all of my regrets for all the things I didn’t do for you
It’s just a fog of malaise, I guess I’m just going through a phase I guess I always have been I’m letting my guard down when I’m not acting the clown I’m almost faltering
No reason or no rhyme, maybe it’s right about time I went right out of my mind don’t you think that’s it’s oh such a fine idea wouldn’t it be so much nicer if everything was suddenly so very much clearer
Somedays, I don’t know if I want to make love to a boy or a girl Somedays, I just want to make love to the whole wide world!
Oh, I feel so restless, so very restless I can never sleep through the night
Oh, I feel so restless, so very restless I can never sleep through the night
You’re the beauty and the beast You’re the very best and the very least of all I hoped for Everytime I fall asleep I let myself dream of a better you at least the you I’d rather know maybe though it’s me that needs to grow but I don’t really want to grow so old Oh no, not at all You’ve given up on your childhood dreams so the growing old I leave to you
I’m not giving up on my dreams I’m not giving up on my dreams I don’t want to hear what you’re saying to me I’m not really listening at all
Because you wishing the sky away Because you wishing the sky away You’re wishing, wishing the sky away
She’s such a space age kinda girl, she knows it’s the future where it’s really at she doesn’t want the latest fashion or any of that it’s the real deal she’s after She’s found her own style and you can be sure she knows it
She’s never been part of the it crowd but the it crowd can never really compare she knows where she’s going and it’s so very far out there she knows just what it takes to really get ahead she’s found her way and you can be sure she won’t blow it
Little miss bombardier she’s going to war against the night Little miss bombardier she’s flying so very high Little miss bombardier she’s a girl with her eyes on the sky
Little miss bombardier she hears the sound of the distant sitars Little miss bombardier she’s dreaming up among the stars
She’s a dreamer She’s a dreamer
I’ll bow before your sweet majesty I’ll kneel at the dignity of you I’ll lay myself down before your sweet grace I’ll swear away my life to you
I’ll lay down in your sweet meadow if you’ll breathe your sweet breath upon me I’ll feel the strength of your beliefs if you let me sleep in your dreams
I’ll bow down before your holy tree I’ll bow down before your holy tree You are all of me I’ll bow down before your holy tree I’ll bow down before your holy tree I’ll kneel in awe of thee
Bless me, bless me with you love
Bless me, bless me with you love
0 notes
Neighbors pt.3
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Hello again! Writing this took so long for no reason. I didn’t mean to go silent on you, but I'm back and better. Anyways I’ll be writing some more, so don’t be scared to ask for suggestions or requests. Also there is a part one and two so feel free to read those first, but if not there’s some good spicy things here so…enjoy!
Summary: Harry is invited to another party and he is determined to apologize.
Warnings: smut 18+, cum swapping, daddy kink, degradation kink, praise kink (idk how, but they both are here), Jealousy, some angst, cheating, age gap (she’s 18), fluff, and olivia wilde? (if there’s any more tell me plz)
Harry and I have been ignoring each other, the more I try to avoid the prick, the more he tries to be around me. After the little garden fiasco, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He literally did all of that to hurt his wife. I’m more disappointed that I let myself become ‘the other woman’. Harry’s at the house right now and he won’t stop following me like a lost puppy. Thankfully I made sure I was never alone so he couldn't trap me and do the whole apologize and not tell my wife, thing. It’s pathetic and embarrassing.  The only reason he’d apologize is to save his ass and I can’t help, but feel rage towards him.
I sit next to my friend Chase while tanning near the pool, he’s a close friend and always has been there for me. My mom is throwing her annual mid summer bash and of course included in our invites is our sweet neighbors' the Styles. Chase knows what happens, he’s the only one who knows because after I walked up to Harry when he was on his way home with his wife, I cried to Chase till I fell asleep and he took me out to breakfast the next morning. Although we are friends, he and I are cannot deny sexual tension between us. We acted on it a few times,but we never felt anything other than a deep friendship. 
Harry and his wife go to the backyard towards the pool and I can’t help, but feel mad at my mom for inviting them. This party is normally for people in our circle. Although I’m upset, I get it. Harry’s super close with my brother Cameron and my dad loves him. 
There’s no more empty tanning beds making me smile knowing there’s no room for them and me to interact. Harry’s wearing short yellow shorts. He might not be trying but his bulge is really popping out in his pants and his shirtless torso isn’t disappointing as well. He’s covered in tattoos and muscles making me want to melt. Also that tiger tattoo will be the death of me one day. Actually it’ll be a privilege to put it on my grave stone.
Chase pinches my thigh “ stop staring, it’s obvious” he whispers. He and I have our own tanning beds that are big enough for two, but we like to have our own. I slap his arm away “stop being a prick, I’m not” I whisper yell back. Chase takes this chance to straddle my waist and tickle wrestle me. I try to fight him off laughing and tickling him back. When I finally think Chase is done he lowers his lips near my ear “ don’t stop, he’s staring” and he continues to tickle me. Before he started tickling me I shifted my gaze to Harry glaring at me and the boy on top of me. 
We hear a cough in the midst of our horse play to see Olivia looking down at us “can we help you?” Chase says irritatedly. She clears her throat before speaking in a passive aggressive tone “ I was thinking since you two are occupying the one bed, we can take the bed next to yours”. I give Chase the look, screaming no internally, but he smiles and says yes. He grabs his stuff and lays next to me closer than he really has to. I scoot closer to him to whisper “ Why did you say yes? You're gonna make it more awkward than it has to”, Chase smirks and puts his arm around me “ I don’t like how he hurt you, plus he’s looking at you all longingly it’ll hurt more knowing you don’t care. I feel like he was lying about the whole ‘trying to get back at his wife thing’. Trust me I know what I’m doing” I look at him disapprovingly, but he ignores it. 
After awhile I settled into his arms reading my newest book, it took awhile because Harry's stare was burning a hole on the side of my head. It was hard for me not to rub it into his face because his wife was basically sucking his neck like he was bitten by a snake. I feel Chase start to move a lot and I roll my eyes knowing he’s getting bored. I sit up and look at him “ You're getting bored”, he smiles at me sheepishly and I stand up and pull him up “ c’mon let’s swim”.
At the pool we messed around more. We were swimming laps trying to race and wrestling underwater. At one point a girl our age wanted to play chicken and who are we to say no. Finally getting tired from the swim Chase heads back first to lay down and I stay in for a few talking to some girls. When the conversation ended I went back to my sleepy friend straddling his waist and leaned down to whisper “I’m gonna head in to change” he nods and I kiss him on the cheek while making eye contact with Harry.
In my room I start changing into a white sundress when I hear my door open. Normally guests don’t go upstairs, so I turn to my door to help them or something. As I was about to turn I saw Harry standing sheepishly. I roll my eyes and walk to my mirror to flatten any bumps on my dress. 
Harry didn’t take it well that I was ignoring him and said “ I’m sorry, you're right it was wrong of me to use you to get back at my wife,” he says with a bit of spite in his tone, “but I don’t think I was…I don’t know it’s all a mess and I’m sorry. I really like you and it’s wrong I know, but when everything happened in the garden I wasn’t thinking, I freaked out because I felt guilty and I didn't want to pull you in the mess.” he rants
“It sounds like your projecting,” I say, staring at my reflection. My tone is colder than usual, but it’s hard to be nice to him when he made me feel like shit all last week. Silence hit’s us like a truck and I finally cave “ Thank you for apologizing, I…you really hurt my feelings. I’m glad to know I’m not some sort of revenge plan” I say more nicely.
“I would never do that to you, or any one for that matter” he says as soon as the words left my mouth.
I turned around to him and smiled “ okay well you're not forgiven, but it’s good to know you're sorry”. As soon as I turned around Harry’s eyes looked me up and down. I smile and walk towards him going close enough that I can’t feel his skin radiating heat. He gulps down and my hand meets his bicep before I whisper in his ear “there’s a few things you can do for me to forgive you” his body leans toward mine grabbing my waist. His eyes show me a pained expression “ I want to. So bad.”
“Well don’t hold back, I’m all yours”
“ fucking hell” he mutters 
Harry's hands hold my face as he kisses me deeply and desperately. My hands go over his. I can't help melting into his touch. We walk over to my bed and before we start I break the kiss “ we only have a few before dinner starts” I say worried, Harry’s lips meet mine and then he says “ enough time for me love”. He pushes me on the bed and starts to untime his shorts and pull his shirt off. I try to follow suit but he grabs my wrist and says “ nope let me do it. I want to take care of you pearl” I don’t argue with his logic and let him pull the dress off of me leaving me in my lace set. 
He lowers himself on the bed and pulls the strap of my bra down until my tits fall out. His lips kiss my jaw all the way down to my nipples where he starts to suck and play with the other with his hand. My back arches and he uses his free hand to unhook my bra leaving my chest bear. He throws the bra to the side and starts to show love to the other nipple while pinching and pulling the other.
I pull Harry away from my breast “Harry please, we don’t have enough time. Fuck me please” I whimper out. Harry stands back up to take his boxers off showing off his hard cock with a dripping red tip. My mouth waters at the sight. I know he was big from grinding on him, but from what I see now. He’s huge. Harry smirks at my shocked reaction and smiles on his way towards the bed to kiss me again. He kissed my lips all the way down to my core.  He dips his nose near my wet cunt and breathes in “ fucking hell you smell so good Y/n” he groans.
 His pointer finger goes to the middle of my panties and he hooks it. I looks at him confuse before I hear a rip “ Harry what the fuck. That’s expensive.” Harry looks up at me with his eyes nearly black from his lust. He pulls the lace off of me with hooded eyes. His silence confuses me for a moment, until he says “ that’s not my name darling” slapping my pussy. I yelp at the pain but it subsides when Harry rubs my mound. 
“I’m sorry daddy,” I say sweetly. Although the name makes Harry smile it doesn’t last for long because he says “ you’re a slut you know that. Who was the guy you were playing around with? Can he make you feel as good as I do? Does he touch you in the right places? '' he says. I answer quickly “ no he’s no one. Just a friend. Please I’m all achy and you’re the only one who can fix it right daddy” I beg, We barely have enough time and he makes me so desperate. “ I don't think you deserve it. Only a slut will throw herself at any guy and only a whore will fuck a married man who’s almost twice her age” Harry says running his fingers on my folds barely putting any pressure. 
I whine and squirm from the teasing until he decides to dip his finger in my soaking pussy. He spreads it to my clit, making my breath heavier. Soon enough he backs up to take his boxers off revealing his wet cock, soaking from the precum. He teases his cock on my folds spreading my arousal to my clit. He circles around it and before finally dips his long hard dick into me, he murmurs “ you excited pup? Gonna tear this pussy into two. Moans and heavy breaths fill the room as his tip passes my folds. He takes his time letting me adjust to him since he bottomed out so quickly. His head falls to my shoulder and tears meet my eyes as he moans “ fucking hell, such a tight little thing”. I couldn’t stop my cunt pulsing and clenching around him, giving him a hard time to not cum too soon. 
I squirm from feeling so full “fuck daddy, feel so full. Never had it like this. Can feel you in my tummy.” I whimper. Harry smiles as he starts to slowly pump into me. He keeps his eyes on where we connect, entranced by my tight wet cunt squeezing him “ feel so full? Yeah? Only daddy can do this for you. Look at you, so tight. Clenching so much and I barely fucked you yet” he moans. His slow thrust felt good, but a part of me couldn’t lie. I wanted it harder and faster and rougher. I moans desperately “ Please. I want more. Go harder” and with that Harry listens to my begging. His hips snap harder and faster, his tip hitting my cervix making me whine in pain. I start to cry loudly making Harry bring the hand that’s not groping my tits to cover my mouth “ Said you want it hard. My poor baby. Did she get more than she bargained for? I know daddys so good to you. Listening so well for my pretty pearl. Tap me three times if it’s too much. Can’t have those pretty noises be the reason we get caught” he says, thrusting into my wet cunt with full force. 
Harry couldn’t help fucking her so deep and raw, she just felt too good not to. She was pleasuring his cock, her wet muscle squeezing and massaging him so well. Y/n was doing so well too. The pain felt good for her because she knew complaining isn’t an option. Harry looks down at the girl with teary eyes. His hand still covering her mouth and one of hers holding his wrist “ such a good cock slut. Taking daddy’s cock so well. Look at you, such a messy girl. Soaking my ball and thighs. Should I have my wife suck me off later? Taste this sweet pussy all over me? She enjoyed it the other time.” he moans in pleasure. 
Y/n takes Harry’s hand off her mouth and puckers her lips for a kiss “ dumb little baby, want daddy’s kiss?” Harry muttered. She nods a yes and his hand wraps around her throat and he lowers himself to kiss the needy girl. They both moan into the kiss and deepen it. Harry sucks on her tongue and bites her lips while he fucks her. Harry breaks the kiss looking into her eyes “open your mouth, tongue out” he commands. She listens following his instructions, Harry spits in her mouth making her moan out loud. Y/n never experience this type of erotic action yet, but with wide eyes she asked for more Harry obliges happily. 
Y/n moans get louder and her Cunt squeezes Harry’s cock begging to milk his warm cum into her “ Baby, you have to stay quiet for me. I know it feels good, but you have to lower it” he says sweetly, pushing her hair away from her face. She moans and cries “ I can’t daddy! I’m sorry. I need your fingers please, I can't quiet down. It feels too good”. Harry uses his free hand to stick his pointer and middle in the girl's mouth. Y/n sucks quieting down her moans. Harry’s balls tighten at the sight of the girl “ Y/n cum for me baby. Please. Need to feel you cream on my cock. Make a mess all over me. I’m so close too.” Harry cries in pleasure as his hips lose rhythm fucking into her harder. His hands reach her clit, rubbing vigorously. Y/n needy pussy squeezes him as she cums on his cock, his fingers gets replaced with his soft pink lips. The feeling triggers Harry’s climax, they both moan at the feeling as he rides out their highs, lips attached to each other swallowing the others moans. Harry’s cock pulsing as he pours cum into the girl's cunt, who’s milking him dry. 
Harry pulls out, making the sweet girl flinch from too much stimulation. He lowered himself to her cunt and spread her legs. Y/n doesn’t move too tired from the recent activities. Quietness fills her mind, but soon is disrupted from overstimulation of feeling the older man's tongue licking her cunt that’s messy from her cum and his cum. She cries pushing his head off with little to no strength. Her fight ends soon though because Harry was suddenly eye level to her. His thumb pulls her lips down and she takes it as her cue to open up and he spit their mix cum into her mouth. He leans back down to press his lips against hers. The kiss was messy swapping saliva and cum, they both broke apart to have a breath, licking the remainder of cum off their lips. 
They lay quietly for a second basking in the intimacy, until Harry regained energy to stand up fully and get the girl tissues from the open bathroom door behind them. He also thanks his lucky star’s she has her own bathroom in her room. Although Harry left to clean her up, the minute he leaves she can’t help, but think he got what he wanted and left. The sick feeling in her stomach starts as she tries to hold back tears too exhausted to cry. The bad thoughts subside as she sees the tall figure walk close to her and bend down to clean up her messy folds after he cleaned himself up. She whines from the sudden feeling. 
After she is clean Harry takes his time with after care. He cleans the makeup under her eyes and cleans her up as best as he could. Making sure she can stand up and doesn’t feel like she’s in subspace or anything. Although he didn’t think he could get her there yet, he knew what they did was rough and he was scared to make her go back downstairs feeling off. He dresses the both of them up making sure they don’t look freshly fuck. He sweetly kisses her lips cupping her face “ this isn’t over yet pearl” he says with a giddy smile as he leaves. She laughs at his excitement and sweetness, feeling happy herself. 
15 minutes later the dinner started and Harry sat across the table from Y/n. He couldn't help, but smile when she made the same entrance with the hint of cigarettes on her scent. Throughout the dinner stolen glances and hidden eye language were made. The pair wasn’t even noticed by anybody since everyone was engrossed in conversation, except for chase when he would subtly smile at the pair or give an all knowing look.Olivia did get a hint, but she thought she was going crazy. She knew what a cheater looked like because well she was one, or is one at the moment. She clenched her thighs as she looked at Cavanaugh from across the party. The party died down when it hit night because it was going on all day. Warm goodbyes were given out, especially with the pair that had hands lingered longer then they should.
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hope-drunk · 2 years
- i want you | s. harrington
| you get stuck with steve to do a task, you and him don’t have the greatest history.
| content warning: angstangstangst, but then very sweet at the end. mentions of bullying but not hardcore bullying steve’s just a dick, mild swearing, not really proofread tbh
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steve harrington was an asshole. that’s just a fact. you met steve in your biology class, reluctantly being lab partners. he gave you the nickname ‘mouse’. shoving the work towards you with a, “here you go, mousy.” and a snicker. he wouldn’t lift a goddamn finger. you honestly have no idea how he passed the class.
so when you somehow got recruited into a group who saves hawkins 24/7, you were quite surprised to see steve there. watching the kids, fighting off monsters. he didn’t seem the type to ever give a shit about any of this. you would think he’d be getting drunk, not caring what was gonna happen. it was a curveball to see him, none of the people in the group really made sense honestly, nancy wheeler? robin buckley? but steve harrington? that was the biggest surprise of them all.
“hey mouse, can you come help me with this?” steve snaps you out of your thoughts. “yeah, coming.” steve takes you out to skull rock to cover up the footprints you all left there, you guys didn’t want jason and his band of boys to be able to find where you went. so here you were. dragging your feet in dirt with steve “the hair” harrington.
it was quiet for the first few minutes, only the sound of feet on the ground. breaking the silence, steve says, “so, uh, how’s biology going for you?” you let out a noise that’s somewhere between a scoff and a laugh. “i don’t use it much these days.” you quip, still zig-zagging your walk. steve lets out a little right, right, yeah, and goes back to silence.
“you got any, like, plans after all this is over?” he asks, he stops walking and looks at you. you stop as well, puzzled by his sudden interest in conversation. “look we really, i mean, really, don’t have to do this whole talking thing.” you start back on your path turning away from him. “yeah i mean i know we don’t have to but, i just wanted to talk to you, i feel like we never talk, y’know?” he says while starting up his walk again, albeit a lot slower.
“you certainly didn’t care to talk to me during biology.” you say, a mumble, but loud enough to get the point across. steve’s quiet for a while, lips pursed in thought.
“listen, i know i was a dick back then, okay? i had this idea of who i was supposed to be, but that’s not me anymore. i honestly always thought you were really cool. i just, didn’t know how to talk to you.”
“you didn’t know how to talk to me because it would ruin your image.” you point out. steve quietly lets out a yeah.
“and i’m sorry about that! i really am. really, i wish i got to know you back then. but i- i wanna get to know you now!” he says, hands on his hips, head low. “why now? because the world’s ending? and you don’t wanna leave any stones unturned?” you snap back at him. you’ve both stopped walking now. you actually look like you’re about to fight. standing across from each other, pacing. troubled looks plaster both of your faces. 
“i wanna get to know you, because i like you, okay? because you’re funny, and you’re kind, and fuck you’re gorgeous. and you’ve always been these things! always! i was just too much of an asshole to care, or notice. i shoved the work at you, i never spoke, i didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of you! you’re so fucking smart, and gentle. and i didn’t know how to approach my feelings towards you. so i was a douchebag. and if you can’t forgive me, i get it. but i’d really like you to forgive me, please.”  he’s pacing, faster now. throwing his hands around, they fall on his hips occasionally. 
that’s all you can focus on while he’s giving his confession, honestly. how expressive he is. how much he uses his hands and arms to get his point across. how he’ll drag them over his face. how many times he fixes his hair. and you realize at this point, that maybe you don’t hate steve harrington like you thought you did. maybe people can change, maybe he’s telling the truth. 
“you, like me? and have? since biology?” you trail off, pulling your bottom lip into your teeth nervously. ready for him to start laughing in your face, waiting for the big prank, waiting for everyone to jump out, and make fun of your eagerness.
“yes, mouse. i really like you.” he says, coming closer to you. he puts his hand on your right cheek, runs his thumb right below your lips. “okay.” you whisper, scanning his face all over. his brown eyes bore into yours, and he lets out a small laugh.
“okay? that’s all you have to say?” he’s smiling at you, teasing you, but not in the way he used to. “well, i don’t have a way with words like you do, steve. but i forgive you. and... once this is over, i’d like to get to know you better too.” you’re smiling into his hand.
you and steve finish your task of covering the trail, bashing shoulders playfully while you walk. when you get back to the others, you can hear robin mutter, “fucking finally.”
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dilfwaynes · 3 years
“they’re gonna catch us—” with wanda ? if youre still doing the blurb thing if not no worries :)
bundle night is open !!
⚢ pairings ; wanda maximoff x fem!reader
✗ warnings ; smut, strap-on use, degradation and praise kink, wanda fucking the reader in her childhood bedroom lol
a/n: kinda went off with this one but i hope u enjoy it anon. no regrets tbh i want her so bad
navigation | masterlist | marvel hcs masterlist
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“they’re gonna catch us,” you bite your lip holding back a moan at the contact of wanda’s cold fingers brushing at the back of your thighs under your oversized rolling stones shirt. she quietly laughs, griping your ass and squeezing, hard.
“let them,” she mutters back, pushing herself more into you as she leaves open mouth kisses on your neck. you tangle your hand in her darken red hair, mentally rolling your eyes at her faux nonchalance; everyone knew your dad hated wanda and she very much was supposed to be couch bounded on the small trip on visiting your family.”besides, weren’t you the same one fighting with daddy to let me sleep in the same bed as you?”
you sigh out feeling her warm tongue lick the fresh mark she drew from your skin, pushing her farther into you, pinning her body against yourd and the twin bed,”maybe he was right, the bed is small and shaky.” you hush out, quiet in fear you’ll wake your family.
“i’ll make it shake alright,” she murmurs, shifting to stand on her knees to peel her tshirt off and quickly make time to grab the strap she packed in her suitcase, placing it around her hips as you watch her with hooded eyes
“these gotta go malysh,” she practically rips the lace in half when pulling down to your legs and throwing them somewhere across the room, her nimble fingers making fast work through your silt, dipping inside you, enjoying your mewls
“you have to be quiet sweet girl unless you want your dad coming in here and see me fucking his little girl,”she mocks, a cocky grin plastered on her face. the strap bumps your entrance, you were already so sensitive and needy you couldn’t keep in the moan from spilling out. rising an eyebrow amused she continues on,”or maybe that’s what you want? is that why you wanted me to sleep with you in what, what did you say? this little shaky bed? to have me tear your needy pussy? i’ll fucking break this bed, and your back while i’m at it. maybe that’ll shut your dad up for once.”
you let out a quiet whine at her words, her strap pushing in you so deliciously, the tip poking out at your stomach. her hands on your hips to help slide herself into you, your nails digging in her back. throwing your head back against your pillows with the pleasure seeping with wanda snapping her hips upwards, burying her face in your neck, her thrusts building up. your bed starts to shake already with your headboard hitting the wall, though it’s nagging at the back of your head you pay no attention, just clawing at wanda’s back with each pound she fucks you with, your hips already blue with a handprint.
”maybe that’s what he needs to see though,” she chuckles, slamming the cock into you, each snap of her hips has your head banging slightly against the already shaking headboard.”his daughter getting her brains fucked out to take off the rose tinted glasses and see how much of a whore you are, that’ll finally shut him up.” she grunts, reaching up and grabbing the headboard to give her the advantage to thrust into you deeper, the muscles flexing under your hold.
“fuck baby you’re so hot, you’re gonna make me cum, go harder.” you cry out, digging and digging into her back, feeling the warm draw of blood on the pads of your fingers. she hauls for a moment, and you almost complain until she jitters out a few thrusts, the cock brushing angling right in your g-spot. you quickly bite down on her shoulder to stop yourself from screaming, a blur of white washing over you with the coil of your stomach snapping. your eyes rolling to the back of your head, wanda still fucking you through your orgasm.
slowing down and just dragging the to brush your walls lightly, your breathing heavy and heart pounding against wanda, her body trapped to yours. she softly tucks some hair behind your hair, withdrawing her hands from gripping your headboard, giggling at your fucked up state. leaning down and kissing you.
“maximoff i swear to god if those sounds are what i think they are, and if you’re not out of that room by the account of three, you’re done girl!” her face curls into a smirk slightly, ignoring your whine at her pull out of the strap-on and discarding it back in her suitcase. sloppily giving you a kiss before throwing her pants and shirt on at hearing the heavy steps of your father coming.
you laugh breathless at wanda rushing out of the room and back to the couch, falling your head back onto the pillows
she definitely did make your bed shake alright.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Take a Hike
Prompt: When Harry and Y/N take the baby for a hike and end up being followed by fans.
word count: 2.2 k
contains: language, sexual content
Harry was furious. He just wanted to go on a hike  - like a normal family on a warm June day in a beautiful foreign country.
You were currently in Madrid - on Harry’s European leg of the tour.
While Harry had been doing press - you and Sasha had taken to the hotel pool where she could splash and enjoy the water all day.
It wasn’t without a eagle-eyed security guard who lurked in the background for shady characters and overzealous fans.
Fans - they wanted picture with you because you were Harry Styles’ wife. Not inherently famous on your own.
It was a bit odd, but you didn’t mind occasionally stopping to snap a pic with a excited fans. 
However, when you and Harry were out with the baby - it was completely off limits. Neither Harry nor you would stop for fans and paparazzi if you were toting around your little love.
She didn’t like the crowds and shouts that came along with swarms of people. She would slap her little hands over her ears, dig her face into her parent’s neck, and whimper.
Harry had always been protective of you when it came to these situations. One of the major downfalls of being so famous.
Harry had nearly gotten arrested when a clumsy pap had nearly push you over while you were eight months along. 
You and Harry had loaded up all the necessities for the five-mile hike on one of the trails right outside the city.
Sasha had a generous amount of sunscreen on and a little hat to protect her face. She refused to wear the sunglasses.
Harry had a pack for her - so you helped him load your two-year-old onto his back. He knew it was going to ache like a motherfucker but she was a bit too heavy for you. You opted for the backpack with everything in it.
The trail was semi-busy. Both of you donned sunglasses and hats to attempt to disguise yourselves a little bit.
Harry had even pulled on a hoodie - despite the heat - to cover his very recognizable tattoos.
You made it the two and a half miles in without any interruptions. 
Sasha falling asleep halfway through the trek with her cheek smushed against her father’s shoulder blade.
You snapped a few pictures in front of the waterfalls and beautiful rock structures. But you had decided not to wake your daughter from her nap.
You and Harry had taken an obligatory kissing selfie that would likely be your new Lock Screen. 
You both had made the mistake of taking off your sunglasses for the picture because you can hear muted whispers from other tourists.
“Is that fucking Harry Styles?”
“Yes. Oh my god! That’s his wife and baby!”
“Snap a video, Emilia!”
Harry’s noticeable tenses as he slides his sunglasses back onto his nose. Protective papa bear was in full-force around strangers who knew who he was.
The most important thing in Harry’s mind was his family’s safety.
“Let’s go, lovie,” Harry murmurs softly. His British accent surely giving him away if they heard it.
You nod anxiously - pointedly not making eye contact with the fans and small group that was gathering.
As you begin the journey back down the small mountain - you notice the group trailing behind you. Following you guys.
Jaw clenched, you want to scream at them to stop taking pictures of your sleeping baby. But you attempt to keep your cool.
It wasn’t more than ten teenage girls but it didn’t really matter who it was.
The girls are getting louder, more excited. When one of them squeals in joy of seeing her celebrity crush - who she had ticket for his concert tomorrow as did the rest of the group.
The noise startles the curly-haired baby on Harry’s back awake. She immediately starts crying - her hands coming to grip frantically in her fathers matching curls.
“Daddy,” Sasha sobs, grabbing at him as the girls keep snapping pictures and cooing.
Harry’s face is stone - attempting to keep his anger at bay. He was about to lose his shit and you couldn’t blame him.
He couldn’t always treat people with kindness.
“Down, want down,” she lisps, no longer wanting to be confined in her pack. It was also most likely time for a diaper change.
“Not right now, sweetheart. Please be good for mumma and I,” Harry rasps, reaching back to give her leg a comforting pat.
You look at your husband, “Please - let’s just try to make it out of here as soon as possible.”
Harry sighs, “I’m sorry, love.”
You brush his shoulder lightly, “it isn’t your fault people act this way. I just can’t stand when this happens around her.”
Harry’s slight smile from your reassurance turns into a glare when he realizes the nosy fans were trying to talk to his upset baby - who notably did not like strangers.
He’s quick to unstrap the toddler and shuffle her into your arms. You cradle her and turn you back away from the group. 
“Mumma, no cameras,” she whines, her words a little jumbled but you understood.
“I know, baby. Daddy’s going to take care of it,” you coo assuringly. Her fingers finding their way into her mouth to soothe her.
Harry slides her carrier off his shoulders and tosses it next to your feet. He’s trailing over to the jumpy, overly-excited fans.
“Listen,” he states firmly, speaking loudly over their giggles, “y’need to stop following us and takin’ pictures. You’re scaring our baby.”
They chatter a bit, begging from picture and then they promise they’ll leave us alone.
“Absolutely not,” Harry states, trying to stay level headed with these immature teens who adored him.
With that, he’s headed back to you guys. The girls shouting unflattering things at him like “asshole” and “douchebag.”
He decided to ignore it and quickly allows you to strap the baby back into her carrier. His eyes study your face to make sure you’re alright and you give him a calm smile, squeezing at his bicep.
The girls trailed off after a few more minutes of following us. Harry hummed and sang a few nursery rhymes to Sasha to keep her calm but she was still fussy.
Back the hotel, Sasha was freshly bathed and laid down for a nap in the second bedroom. A baby monitor sat on the bathroom countertop as you two showered off the sweat and dirt.
Harry was still upset about the incident so you decided upon a good cuddle in a warm shower. His cheek was rested in the top of you head and his arms holding you to his wet chest.
“Just want to be normal - for one fuckin’ day,” he huffs with frustration.
“We had a totally normal, fun hike. It wasn’t ruined, I promise. It’s our reality so they’re is no use in being upset about it.”
Harry loved how level-headed you were to balance out his irrational, impulsive feelings and actions.
“You’re t’good to me, I love you.”
“At the end of the day, I knew what I was signing up for when you and I got married. I also knew when we had Sasha that paparazzi would still hound you.”
“Didn’t sign up to be harassed constantly though. I just feel so bad about it sometimes. It scares Sasha and it makes me feel like a bad father.”
You knew he was about to throw himself into a downward spiral if you didn’t distract him. 
“You know what else I signed up for when I married you?” I murmur into his neck, letting my lips ghost over his hammering pulse.
“Wha’s that?” He asks genuinely, a little slow on the uptake because of how deep in thought he was.
“That you would fuck me whenever I wanted,” you nearly purr, landing a not-so-gentle nip to the vein protruding on his neck.
“Is tha’ right? Put a ring on your finger and now I gotta give you my cock whenever you please?” He grunts at your teeth pinching his sensitive skin.
It’s amazing how it takes little to no effort to get this man in the mood.
“Mmm, if you want to be a good, dutiful husband,” you taunt - knowing he’ll take the bait.
“Am I not a good husband, pet? I fuck you any chance you let me. Give it to you anytime time you wan’ it. You know that.”
His hand is tugging your thigh up roughly, making your centers align with delicious pressure as he slips right between your folds.
“Harry,” Y/N groans, your head falling down to watch where he’s teasingly grinding his cock against your entrance and clit.
“Want me t’put it in, love?” He drawls like he has all the time in the world. The water pelting on his back making him pink.
“Ple-please,” you choke out, nipples harden against his chest even in the warmth of the shower. Sensitive with every brush against his smooth pecs. 
“You know what else you signed up for when y’married me?” He asks, his voice as deep and smooth as honey.
“What?” I reply, whining each time he teases at pushing in.
“That when you beg for my prick - you’ll be a good girl and take it.” 
With that, he’s thrusting up into you with full force. His sharp hipbones meeting the plushy, soft skin of yours.
“Ooh, oh fuck,” Y/N gasps, wrapping an arm around his neck as he presses brushing marks into your thigh where he’s holding you for leverage.
“C’mon, you can take it,” your husband goads, relentlessly hitting the spot that send licks of flames of your spine.
Your legs are feeling weak with how hard he’s pounding into you. He is so intuned with your body that he moves his hands to you backside.
He lifts you up easily, your legs wrapped around his waist, and his presses you back into the cold tile wall. 
He was so fucking good. How’d you manage to marry him? Unexplainable. 
“Am I good husband? Fuck you well enough?” He hisses against your open mouth as you pant heavily.
“So so good, H. Best husband ever,” you whimper, welcoming the friction from his pelvis against your swollen bud.
“Sweet girl,” he murmurs happily, “I think you deserve to come”
You throw your head back as he speeds up, fingers reaching to flick at your nerves - just on the right side of painful.
It’s just what you needed to climax. He always somehow knew what you needed. His fingers are consistent as he lets you ride it out.
It is only a few more rough thrusts before he’s cursing and coming as well. His hand grasping harshly at your jaw to bring you into a searing kiss.
“Never gonna get sick of watchin’ you come on my cock,” he chuckles, carefully placing your feet back on the ground but keeping a tight hold of your hips.
You lean in to give him a quick but meaningful kiss before going about cleaning your body again after the mess you two created. 
It takes a little longer than necessarily due to you constantly having to bat his wandering hands away from your body.
It dark out now, the city of Madrid illuminated through the large windows of the high-rise hotel.
Sasha was exhausted after the hike and full day at the pool - despite napping twice. She was always out like a light around eight-thirty
You were tightly tucked into Harry’s side, head resting on his shoulder. Your eyes becoming bleary from drowsiness. 
Your toddler was sprawled out on Harry’s chest, fast asleep with one of your husband’s large hands resting on her back. 
Harry was scrolling aimlessly through his phone when he chuckle softly, handing you his mobile to see what was on the screen.
It was a video-recording of an Instagram Live. 
The video forwarded by Jeff. The volume low to not disturb your daughter.
It was a teenager girl who looks unpleasantly familiar.
“Um - yeah. So we saw him and we were hiking freaking out. ‘Cause like we’re going to his concert tomorrow.”
Then girls eyes flick to the commenters to answer questions.
“He had his baby. His wife was there too.”
“No, so he was so unfriendly! He flipped out because we wanted an autograph!”
The girl was mimicking Harry’s thick accent, “when we asked for a picture - he legit said ‘absolutely not.’”
I shake my head at the girl’s antics, “how dare you not take a photo. You’re such a dick.” You tease.
Harry smirks, taking the phone back and tossing it on the cushion. His hand rubbing gentle circles on his sleepy baby.
“None of tha’ matters,” Harry says softly, “I don’t care what anybody but you thinks ‘bout me. At the end of the day, as long as I have you and the bab - I’ll be happy.”
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wonderfilworld · 4 years
Kitchen Table - F.W.
Fred Weasley x reader where they have some alone time at the burrow.
a/n: this is for a request: “Can you pleasee write a fic about fred x reader(fem) and they are at the burrow making brownies or something (lots of fluff in this part) but then it gets segsy..?”
word count: 2.4k
warnings/contains: NSFW!! smut: unprotected sex, slight mentions of exhibitionism, yeah he fucks you on his kitchen table lol; kissing; cursing; food. As always, if there’s anything I left out please let me know!
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It was a sunny, summer day, and the majority of the Weasleys had decided to make a day trip to Diagon Alley while you and Fred opted to stay in. Staying at The Burrow meant absolutely no privacy, so when Molly asked if you wanted to join them on their outing, Fred wrapped his arms around your shoulders and politely informed his mother, I think we’ll stay here and bake brownies, mum.
Molly thought that was a lovely idea and that you should make plenty for everyone to eat for dessert tonight. So, here you and Fred are, mixing ingredients the muggle way because you insisted it’s so much better this way.
It’s a new recipe you’re trying out, the both of you wanted to do something different so you abandoned his family recipe as you copy another one you found in one of his mother’s cookbooks.
“I wonder if it tastes any good,” he says as he dips a finger in the bowl of batter and brings it to his lips. You watch as his cheeks hollow around the digit, and you raise an eyebrow as he hums, “Pretty good.”
You laugh, “Yeah?” 
He nods as he dips the same finger in the batter and you scold him, “Fred, quit putting your germs in the food, everyone will be eating those.”
“I’m related to ninety-nine percent of the people in this house, one of whom has the same DNA as me, I think it’ll be fine,” he says. He gets tired of waiting for you to open your mouth, so he puts his finger on your lips and swipes the batter on them. You roll your eyes as you stick your tongue out, licking all that you can to the best of your ability. 
“You missed some,” Fred tells you, but instead of bringing his hand to clean it off as you expected, he leans in and plants a kiss on your open mouth. 
It’s sticky but you close your eyes anyway, bringing your hand to his face. You expected just a little peck, but what you don’t expect is to feel Fred’s tongue licking at your lips, cleaning the remnants of the brownie batter.
He pulls away, and you give him an irritated look as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. “Gross,” you say. 
Fred snorts and dips his index and middle finger into the brownie batter once more, brings it up, and smears it across your cheek. 
“Fred Weasley!” You shout, slapping his shoulder. He’s laughing now, and you can’t help but join in. “I hate you,” you say, but you both know you don’t really mean it. 
He calms his laughter down as he puts a hand to your neck, “Here, let me get it for you.” He leans in, and you put a hand to his chest, stopping him. 
“Don’t you dare lick me.”
Fred smirks, “You’ve never seemed to have a problem with my licking before.” 
You scoff, and before you can say anything else, Fred’s tongue is licking along the trail of batter he left on your face. 
You groan in annoyance before Fred leans back and grabs a towel from the counter. He uses it to clean the rest of the sticky substance off your face before saying, “There, as good as new.”
“Don’t be like that.” 
You shoot him a look of displeasure as you reach for the pan, “Let’s just get these finished already.” You stick them in the oven as Fred sets a timer.
“Well, well, well; how will we ever pass the time?” Fred wiggles his eyebrows at you as he removes his apron and throws it across one of the kitchen chairs. He approaches you and places his hands on your waist. “Any ideas?” 
“Nope,” you say. You know what he’s insinuating, but you’d rather play oblivious. You want the same thing he does, but with the brownie batter stunt he pulled earlier, he’ll have to work for it. 
“Come on, princess,” he says as he wraps his arms around you, pulling your body flush against his. You wrap yours around his neck as he speaks again, “We have the whole house to ourselves for the first time in days, and you’re telling me there’s nothing you want to do?”
“I’d like to get a shower that lasts longer than ten minutes.”
“Oh, you think you’re funny?”
“I think I’m hilarious,” you retort, and you cup his face in your hands as you lean up to kiss him. 
His kisses are slow and sweet at first - they always are. Fred loves the sensualness of kissing; loves the way you whine into his mouth when you want more of him. You’re already gripping his red hair between your fingers because he had a point - you haven’t really had any alone time. Fred is very physically affectionate, and the lack of physical affection he’s been getting lately has become a problem. 
He breaks away from the kiss, and you’re already chasing after his lips again when he stops you, “Where’d all that attitude go, huh?” 
You tug his hair and you whine, “Kiss me.” 
“Princess, I’ve been waiting to get you alone for ages, ‘m gonna do a lot more than just kiss you,” Fred says as he drags his lips across your jaw. “Gonna make you feel so good, hm?”
“Please,” you whisper. You’re needy now, don’t feel like teasing anymore and you just want to have your boyfriend again - with you, on you, in you. 
Fred’s lips are leaving a wet trail of kisses down the side of your neck and you tug his hair again. He leans back, looking at the way your neck glistens with his spit as he speaks, “Stop doing that,” he growls. 
He reaches down and slips his hand under the waistband of your pants, fingers finding your clit as he rubs you over your panties. He can feel how wet you are, and he leans down to capture your lips once again. He kisses you for a minute or two longer before he pulls away.
He smiles to himself as he looks at you, your eyes are closed as his fingers toy with your clit. They’ve slipped under your panties now, and the feeling of his rough fingers rubbing the most sensitive part of you has you squirming. “You know, your dripping pussy doesn’t exactly scream ‘I hate you, Fred’.” He says, mimicking your disapproving tone from earlier. “But maybe that’s just me.” 
He slips his middle finger into you then, thick finger stretching your cunt. You drop your mouth open and let out a quiet moan. You open your eyes and can see the way Fred watches your face as he fucks you with his finger. He takes in every time your eyes widen when he touches the spongy spot inside of you; every time you gasp when his thumb rubs your clit. 
“You want it?” He questions, and you have to close your eyes again as he presses his thumb against your clit, as he pets the sensitive spot inside you. You nod your head before you lean forward to rest it on his shoulder. You watch as his fingers start to move again, can see how his hand moves beneath your pants and the sight makes you moan and your hips start to move in time with his fingers.
“Beg for my cock, baby. You gotta beg for it if you want me to give it to you.” He says, and his fingers speed up, and he can feel the way your cunt tightens around them. 
Maybe it’s because his fingers are moving so fast now, thumb rubbing your clit in tight circles; or maybe it’s the fact that you’re in his family’s kitchen, three feet away from where you all sit to eat every day that impairs your ability to speak. Either way, you can’t respond to him, so Fred pulls his fingers from your cunt, and out of your pants. He brings them to his lips and sucks them clean, the same way he cleaned the brownie batter from them earlier. “Better than the brownies,” he announces with a wink. 
Your cheeks heat up, near burning as you speak, “Please, Fred.” You’re desperate, and you’re aware in the back of your mind that his family could show up at any moment. “We don’t have a lot of time.”
“Guess you better get to begging then.”
You groan, because once Fred sets his mind to something it’s set in stone, so you know he won’t give you what you want until you give him what he wants. 
“I need,” you start, bringing a hand down to the front of his pants, fingers grazing his cock that’s straining against the material, “for you to fuck me.” You squeeze him gently then and take in the way it knocks the breath out of him when you do so. 
And he realizes that you two are on borrowed time as well, knows that it’s definitely not a smart idea to carry this any further in his fucking kitchen, but Fred’s always been a little wilder than most, and he can’t say that he doesn’t want to lay you down on his kitchen table and pound into you until you’re a crying mess; can’t say he doesn’t want to be reminded of your sweet cunt every time he walks into the kitchen and remembers this moment. 
So, he walks you over to the table and before he picks you up to sit on it he pulls your pants and underwear down, helping you remove them completely. You don’t question him - mainly because the desire to have him is just so overwhelming - all you can think about is the way your core pulses in anticipation to finally have your boyfriend fucking into you after so long without him. 
He sets you on the table and pushes you to lie down, doesn’t even bother removing your shirt or teasing you any longer, and he pops the button on his own jeans and lowers the zipper. He brings his cock out, giving himself a couple of strokes as he kneads the flesh of your thigh. Fred runs the tip of it through your folds, groaning at how wet you are for him. 
He taps his cock against your clit before he speaks, “Say please again.”
You look at him, your hand covering the one of his that’s on your thigh as you feel the tip of his cock press against your entrance. Your voice is quiet; timid, as you reply, “Please.”
He pushes in then, mouth dropping open at how fucking good it feels. It really has been too long, and you moan loudly as he settles all the way in, cunt clenching around him as you get used to his size.
Fred suddenly remembers how loud you can get, and while he may be literally fucking you on his kitchen table, he would at least like to prevent his family from hearing you scream his name if they return home early, so he brings one of his hands to your face and sticks two of his fingers in your mouth. He starts a steady rhythm of his hips into yours, and groans as he feels you suck on his fingers, not even questioning their intrusion. You still moan as his cock fucks into you but it’s muffled around his digits as he presses down on your tongue. 
“Gotta stay quiet, baby, you don’t want my family coming home and hearing you getting fucked like a whore, do you?” He asks as he snaps his hips into you. 
You try to shake your head no as best as you can, your hips are moving up to meet each of his thrusts and you know there’s no way you’ll last much longer. 
Fred knows this too, and he’s also aware of how embarrassingly fast he’s approaching his own orgasm. He takes both your ankles and positions your legs over his shoulder one by one. 
You cry out around his fingers as his cock goes deeper, drool is spilling out of your mouth and Fred looks at you then; his hair has fallen onto his forehead, stray pieces sticking to it due to his perspiring form. 
“You like that?” Fred asks, pounding into your cunt almost violently, cock hitting your sweet spot over and over and over. 
You’re moaning loudly around his thick fingers, eyes shut tightly. You try your best to reply: yes! you say but it’s gargled around his digits, and all Fred can make out is the way you go uh, uh, uh, every time his hips slap into you. 
Fred can’t take his eyes off where you’re connected; the way his cock spreads you open and how well you take all of it. “Such a good fucking girl.”
Your body warms with the praise, along with the warmth that floods through you as you get closer and closer to cumming. It’s when Fred brings his hand to your clit, rubbing fast circles with his thumb as he instructs you, “cum for me baby, want you to make a mess all over my cock,” that has you practically screaming around his fingers as your back lifts off the table, and you cunt spasms around his cock. 
It’s the way you get impossible tighter around him that has Fred cumming, fingers pressing harder against your tongue as he helps you both ride out your orgasms. You’re still mumbling incoherent sounds around his digits, his cock still hitting your sweet spot over and over. “That’s it,” Fred sighs as he lazily thrusts, letting every last drop of his cum fill your cunt. 
Your legs fall from his shoulder as his fingers remove themselves from your mouth. Fred pulls out of you then and you grunt as he drops his body on top of yours. 
“Get off,” you say as you try your best to shove him off of you. “You’re heavy.”
He scoffs as he picks his head up to look at you, “Pretty rude thing to say to someone who just fucked your brains out.” 
“Oh my god,” you say, throwing an arm over your face. “Leave me alone.”
He gets up then, puts himself back in his pants as he walks to the counter to grab a wet towel. He cleans you off before helping you get dressed, placing a sweet kiss on your forehead.
“I still hate you,” you lie again, and you kiss him on the mouth.
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