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teathattast · 10 months ago
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the-banks-of-lethe · 2 months ago
Circadian Rhythm: The Basics
As voted on on Wednesday, I'll be covering the basics of the circadian rhythm! When I say basics, I mean the basics, this isn't a deep dive by any means and really just scratches the surface of it. Feel free to add anything on or go and research more yourself if you find it interesting. I might do a deep dive once I get more knowledgable on the subject, but for now, this is it!
[My writing will be in blue for ease of recognising what is my writing and what is quoted. Quoted things will have their links attached.]
Dictionary definition: Circadian rhythm (sir-KAY-dee-un RIH-thum). The natural cycle of physical, mental, and behavior changes that the body goes through in a 24-hour cycle.
"Circadian rhythms are the physical, mental, and behavioral changes an organism experiences over a 24-hour cycle. Light and dark have the biggest influence on circadian rhythms, but food intake, stress, physical activity, social environment, and temperature also affect them. Most living things have circadian rhythms, including animals, plants, and microorganisms. In humans, nearly every tissue and organ has its own circadian rhythm, and collectively they are tuned to the daily cycle of day and night.
Circadian rhythms influence important functions in the human body, such as:
Sleep patterns
Hormone release
Appetite and digestion
Temperature" National Institue of General Medical Sciences
Basically, your circadian rhythm is your biological time clock*. Telling your body when to do stuff based on your environmental factors and habits; also called a Zeitgeber (German, literally translating to 'time giver', also translated to 'synchronizer'). A Zeitgeber is anything that resets the bio-time-clock. Most commonly its the sun, but it can really be anything that is consistently reoccuring enough in your scheduele for your body to recognize it as a signal of 24hrs passing. This could be food, excercise, social interactions, etc. Humans are creatures of habit, and our brain reflects that.
*Technically, it's not. I know, sorry. But it is at the same time. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is your bio-time-clock; but the SCN is what triggers your circadian rhythm, not just for sleep but for all the other things affected by it; like body temperature, which rises during the day to keep you awake, and drops at night.
My personal favourite experiment / study on the circadian rhythm is the Richardson & Kleitman Mammoth Cave Experiment, 1938.
^^ short video from 1938, subtitles are available.
"Normal sleep--wakefulness cycles operate on a seven day, 24 hour cycle; Kleitman wanted to adjust himself and graduate student Richardson to a six day, 28 hour week."
"Kleitman and Richardson spent 32 days in the cave with a strict schedule of sleeping for 9 hours, working for 10, and 9 hours of leisure time. The absence of light and noise and a constant temperature made for a great experimental environment."
"The goal of their experiment was to determine if humans had an ingrained 24 hour cycle or if we can adjust our circadian rhythm. Measuring changes in body temperature shows a range of 1–2°F change with the highest value in the afternoon and the lowest in the early morning. This curve is not seen in infants, but develops as children adapt to rest-wakefulness cycle of 24 hours."
"It is known that the body temperature curve can be shifted any number of hours, as when a person moves from the United States to China, or it can be completely inverted as when a person regularly stays up at night and sleeps in the day-time [sic]. In either case, however, the duration of the cycle remains unchanged, namely, 24 hours. It is our purpose to find how easy or how difficult it is for a grown up individual to change his body temperature curve from a 24-hour to a 21-hour or 28-hour cycle."
^^ above four (4) paragraphs and video from here
After the experiment concluded, Kleitman wrote and published a study based on their findings called 'Sleep and Wakefulness'.
^^ you can borrow the book for free online, you kind find lots of books / videos / texts / media on here, you just need to sign up <33 (The Internet Archive)
"Nathaniel Kleitman, who died on August 13, 1999 at the age of 104, can be properly described as “the father of modern sleep research”. His claim on this title stems from both his scholarly integration of the work in the field and his own research. His 1939 compendium of prior work on sleep and wakefulness, revised in 1963 (18), includes thoughts on sleep ranging from Aristotle and other ancient thinkers to 20th century pioneers such as Pieron, Hess, Nauta and Kleitman’s contemporaries. The explosive recent growth of the field guarantees that this will be the last such comprehensive, research oriented integration of the literature in sleep research. In the introduction to the 1939 edition, Kleitman apologizes that his reading abilities are “limited to French, German, Italian and Russian” (and English). However, despite this “handicap” he critically integrates 4337 references covering sleep, circadian rhythms, sleep disorders, hibernation and theories of sleep function." - A Tribute to Nathaniel Kleitman
Okay, so not as short as I originally expected, but I could've written more, so yall are lucky I decided to cut it off there. If you have any questions or noticed that I got something wrong, or would ilike to add anything - please feel free!!
I have gotten a lot of what I know of sleep from an amazing amazing book called 'Why We Sleep' - by Matthew Walker. I'm only part way through it but I love it so much, and can definitely see myself buying a copy in the future. Here's a link to his website: https://www.sleepdiplomat.com/ [I only just found his website and omg I didn't know he had a podcast, I know what I'm going to be listening toooo]
Anyway, I hope this has been informative and is a good starter to get you into the science of sleep! I love Hypnos and his realm.. and I hope I can spread further information on him and his domains to others!
Χαίρε Hypnos, and sweet dreams!
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madfantasy · 1 year ago
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Nose Hook
Sev has many uses for it c: (I know i said it's the last 1 but I'm actually enjoying drawing this way)
29.11.2023, Commission/Support Mani
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desertangels70s · 2 years ago
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mochinon-yah · 6 months ago
I think everyone needs a pat on the back right now, or maybe it's just me, hehe! However, I just want to say some stuff.
Thank you everyone for still believing in the world, thank you for still living even if it's hard, and thank you so much for still wanting to live even if the pain is too hard to bear.
You guys are your own hope for the future, so I hope you can appreciate yourself more.
If we're moots, thank you so much for finding me and being my friend. I think appreciating all of you by words isn't enough for all the kindness you have given me, but still, thank you.
I love you. Sweet dreams, everyone.
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hazmatazz · 2 years ago
oki i am gonna go sleep now
gn and ily again :DDD
good night!!! :DD ily 2 again
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untoterxhund · 2 years ago
i did one whole ask and now my brain is fried and my eyeballs are in the pain-zone so uh, imma take an early nap and then wake up at some point tomorrow morning to get some more asks tackled and who knows, maybe even have a productive day for once👀
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ruinme-please · 8 months ago
sweet dreams love <3
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You gave my weak mind some glorious thots and i thank you for it darling <3
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nyanrial · 2 months ago
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making little snowmen ⛄⛄
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teathattast · 10 months ago
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always worth it <3
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obsob · 1 year ago
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the days are still dark but i have started to see wild flowers on my walks :)
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achillesbeloathed · 4 months ago
FINE i'm sending me to bed. do i have to do everything myself around here smh
it's five in the morning i am screaming about odysseus and booping people left and right someone send me to bed im begging
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orbitsab · 4 months ago
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wishing and dreaming 🌟
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zu-is-here · 2 months ago
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erased from history
In this story, Ancient Egypt is not at its best: a prolonged drought has led to crop failure and famine, weak power has led to robberies and looting. The people blame yet fear the sick pharaoh who finds a solace in the pardoned soldier... 𓁈𓀎
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walking-rotting-trash · 14 days ago
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shrimpyjackal · 1 year ago
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Me: why is everyone was screaming about how cool Trolls 3?
Me 1,5 hour later: w h y I didn`t watch it before-
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