#sweet daughter koharu
kermitgotlost · 8 months
ahhh, there are new ko.haru cards. my sweet darling daughter ♡
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she is so very precious to me, i want to protect her
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1wingedtraveler · 2 years
Family reunion
Scaramouche x reader
Warnings: a bit of family drama between Raiden and Scara, Reader and scara have a kid, no pronouns mentioned for the reader
You have been walking around the inazuma city for a while now. Scaramouche insisted on buying Koharu new clothing saying the old ones were already worn out and ugly (they weren't. He bought them for her about 2 weeks ago)
"Tch, why is every merchant in this city so incompetent that they can't sell at least one good quality kimono?"
"I think you're a little bit too harsh on them darling. I sure they're trying their best to meet your expectations"
You tried calming down your husband. Last thing you want is him exploding at some Innocent shop keeper
"Besides look, Koharu seems to be having lots of fun!"
  It was her first time in the city. Scaramouche didn't want to show himself with his family in a public place like this too often. He said it can bring unwanted attention and put his loved ones in danger. Although you felt like there is more to it than that
You stopped by the shop and looked at certian kimono on display. It was light purple with beautifull wisteria flower pattern. It seemed that it also caught your husband's attention as well because He stopped to look at it
"Oi vendor! Im intrested in this kimono right here. Lets talk details"
As you started talking with the seller, you didn't notice little Koharu wandering off somewhere on her own
"Well (reader), what do you think about it?"
"Its certainly very beautifull, but are you sure we should buy her something so expe-"
"We will be taking it then"
Scaramouche cut you off before you had the chance to complain about the price
"A daughter of mine deserves to wear only the finest of silks. Price is unimportant"
You decided that there's no use in arguing with him. It was getting late, almost time for supper. Koharu must be starving by now
"Koharu let's-huh?"
You noticed that the little girl that was clinging to your leg was gone
"Where's Koharu!?"
"HUH?! Wasn't she with you?"
"She must have walked off and get lost in the crowd while we were talking to the vendor!"
Panic started to rise between you two. You quickly decided to split up and search the city.
Adrenaline was rushing through your veins as you pushed through the crowd as quickly as you could. Worst case scenarious apearing in your head. Kunikuzushi's job is dangerous, what is someone kidnapped her? You felt like throwing up when you thought about it
You asked many shop keepers with no luck. Such a small girl is hard to spot in a place like this. Your heart started beating faster and fatser like it was about to jump out of your chest. You decided to head towards dango milk stall, there you spotted a familliar mop of dark indigo hair
"Koharu!" You yelled and rushed towards her
As you got closer, you noticed that she was with someone. A tall woman in short violet kimono with long hair of similliar shade as your daughter's. She was drinking dango milk accompined with some sort of dessert. She had strong presence making people around her stay away
"Raiden shogun?"  You could hardly belive it. Koharu was pulling at her sleeve white looking at her with deep blue eyes
"Child, im afraid im not your parent. Did you get lost?
"Ah, Raiden ei! Im so sorry. I've lost sight of her when I was shopping with my husband"
"Its quite alright. Young children are full of curiousity about the world around them they do tend to go on their own adventures. May i ask your name?"
"My name's (reader)! Im her parent. I hope she didn't cause you any trouble"
Raiden shook her head
"Not at all. She seemed intrested in my dessert here"
"Haha, yes she has quite the sweet tooth. I have to hide sweets in deepest corners of the house so she doesn't over eat"
"I can understand her passion. I'm also quite fond of sweet things"
While you were chatting with the Shogun you didn't even notice a figure approaching
"Hey (reader)! Have you-"
Scaramouche paused mid sentance, freezing in place with wide eyes. Ei's eyes also widend in suprise. Two of them stood of them in silnce for a moment before scara seemed to snap out of it
"You-! What are trying to do to my daughter?!"
He stormed towards his creators side, quickly dragging Koharu away from her before picking her up in his arms
You were awere of his past and his feeling towards his mother but you would have never guess they would end up in such uncomfortable situation like this. The atmosphere was tense, like a storm was abou to break out. Raiden's expression was by no means hostile. It was clouded with regret and guilt. She knew that she'll have to face him someday but didn't think it will be so sudden
"I understand that you feel wary of me. However i promise i mean no harm to you or your family"
"Why should i belive you, traitor?"
Scaramouche's tone was harsh and unforgiving. Masking all the pain he has been carring for these long centuries
"I know i can't  expect you to forgive me and i won't try to make excuses for myself, all i ask is for you to hear me out"
Raiden tried to mask it but you could hear slight desperation in her voice
Frown deepened on his face, his deathly stare didn't break even for a second. He hugged his daughter tighter but didn't say anything. Raiden took it as a silent premission to continue
"The decision about leaving you in shakkei pavilion, right after your creation, was one of the biggest regrets in my live. I am deeply sorry for everything that you have to go through because of that"
Something wavered in Scaramouche's eyes. You could see his jaw tighten
"I'm very glad that you have overcame all the diffculties my decision might have caused and you found happiness nevertheless. I love you very much as my son, i wish only the best for you and your family"
Balladeer's eyes opened wider, the harsh glare he tried to up hold was filling up with more despair than anger. Biting his lip, He started visbly shaking now. You've came closer to him, putting your hand on his shoulder, silnetly trying to comfort him
"You and your family are welcome in tenshukaku, any time of the day. After everything i've done im glad you have blessed me with such beautifull grandchild"
Tears threatend to fall from kunikuzushi's cheeks. But before they had the chance to, he quickly hid his expression behind his hat before turing away and storming off with Koharu. He refused to show her that weak side if him again in fear that she would mock him for it.
You stayed there looking in his direction with a shocked expression, not being able to say a word. Raiden looked at the ground with guilt in her eyes. You looked at her before speaking up
"Im sure thats a lot for him to take in right now. Please don't take his behavior to heart"
"There is no need to comfort me. His reaction is understanable. He was a child abonded by his mother. Left to wander the world he knew nothing about. No mother to teach him about it nor correct him when he've gone on the wrong path"
Two of you fell silent. You had no idea what to say to her. Sadness filled your chest. The sorrow she felt all those years must have been uimaginable. Ei hesitantly spoke up, her voice full of pain she could no longer hide
"...please just.. take care of him for me"
She looked up to the sky. Seemingly not only asking you but any devine being that was listening
You smiled softly before replying
"I will"
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regonispinque · 1 year
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My Naruto OC Koharu Hatake! 1/2 Twins
I’ve been in love w KakaGai as a ship again and as my re-entry point into the Naruto fandom. I read this really amazing fanfic called A Strong Female Woman by BeanieBaby and have been thinking about fem!Gai ever since 😭 I can’t believe I’ve never considered this configuration of KakaGai. It’s so sweet!
This AU I’m working on where Kakashi & Gai are married during the Blank period is now my current hyperfixation. They have twins: Hatake Koharu & Rin.
Koharu Hatake
👊🏾 Hatake Kakashi & Gai’s daughter
👊🏾 Chūnin
👊🏾 Proficient in fūin & taijutsu
👊🏾 Takes after her mother—can neither mold her chakra to make gen or ninjutsu.
👊🏾 Despite this: very good chakra control.
👊🏾 Hasn’t opened any of her gates.
🌸 Beef cutlet bowls.
🌸 Her master: TenTen.
🌸 Her parents & sister, Rin.
🌸 Practicing taijutsu.
🌸 Crocheting leg warmers for her friends.
🌸 Studying esoteric theories or concepts.
🌸 Losing to her sister, Rin.
🌸 Meditating.
🌸 Eating her vegetable (her dad gets mad at her).
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theblueskyphoenix · 2 years
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Next massive post we have for Court of the Kings is the Dragon King, Yusei! 
Yusei has become quite the scientist for Neo Domino City. Mainly in working on advancements for the city and trying to make life better for everyone. (And prevent any huge disasters like that ones he had to deal with.) He still duels on occasion in tournaments (mainly by Jack's request)  but for the most part prefers to duel with friends and most of the time is at his home lab with his family. He also runs a repair shop that's right under Aki's medical practice. (Handy to have a doctor and mechanic present when someone takes a spill during a turbo duel.) Yusei is always looking to the future and hopes to continue to make things better going forward.
Speaking of his family, Yusei is happily married to Aki and they have three kids. Himari, Koharu and Yuki Fudo. 
Aki, as mentioned above, have her own small practice that’s above Yusei’s mechanic shop. She still does work for bigger hospitals but opened a private practice when they had their first child. She wanted to be a good mother for her kids and to be there for them. She is busy as a doctor but she will always make time for her kids if she is able to.
As for the kiddos here is a quick summary for each of them.
Himari is a sweet young lady with a big heart and a sharp mind. From a young age she took a huge interest in mechanical works of anything. From small little gadgets to the D-Wheelers her family uses. She just loves learning how things work and is shadowing her father whenever she can when he's working in his shop. She's currently attending Duel Academy in Neo Domino. Her deck is a machine based deck. (Her Uncle Lua is proud.) She is also best buds with Ruby Atlas. (Jack and Carly’s daughter. Art for that family to come at a later date.)
Koharu is a quiet little girl. Doesn't really speak unless she has to and mainly keeps to herself. She loves reading books and is rarely seen without one under her arm. She has no interest in becoming a duelist and is more than happy to be a cheer leader for her siblings. She's attending Black Rose Academy.
Yuki is a very very shy little boy. Always clinging to his father or mother when he can. It takes a bit to get him to come out of his shell. He really loves Duel Monsters and wants to be brave like his dad he's just... Not there yet. He's more comfortable around Duel Spirits than people. He's being home schooled at the moment till they can get his social anxiety under control.
And that’s it for this post. Not as hefty as Fusion King’s buuut to be fair still working on watching 5D’s so some things are still a work in progress research wise for certain characters.
Anyways, hope you enjoy and I’ll catch you on the next post.
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(I’m getting better at copics! Treating them like brushes a bit more than markers helps!) Me before BW!: Haha, I’m so lucky to be a TRio fan (even if most TR fans bash Jessie), I never have to worry about my favourites leaving the show before it ends, they’re staples like Ash and Pikachu! Imagine being a fan of a single saga character… sure, I loved and will miss Harley, Paul, and Dawn, but I can keep watching for TR like I always do! Me during BW!: perhaps as punishment, I get attached to the morally grey rival character who’s only in 17 episodes, with two of my favourite creepy Ghost types that feed off life force/spiritual energy, a royal theme, a superiority complex to mask hidden insecurities (when defeated by Alder, he blames the loss on some mistake he’s made or some deficiency/lacking in himself, rather than a difference in experience…), and whose entire reason for his journey is proving his strength to his beloved childhood hero, who disappoints him by forgetting their promise (for all the fuss Trip makes about being called a kid and how he tries to prove how grown-up he is, he sincerely believed that Alder was defending his title and waiting for Trip to defeat him—it was encouragement he likely gave many trainers, but Trip believed it), who was disappointed by Alder forgetting his name and having flaws like an ordinary person and not the idealized figure in his head…
He was such a sweet and expressive but very shy little kid (even when he stopped rejecting Ash’s friendship, after receiving the answers he wanted from Alder, he was hesitant to take his hand…), now he’s withdrawn, cold, not a genuine smile in sight (usually such a dramatic change in personality indicates trauma hi, Lillie, whose mother failed to question her daughter’s fear of touching Pokemon and was called out by her son—even repressed traumatic memories affect daily life), but he could just be trying his best to fit the image of what an adult is like and his constantly shutting everyone else out has him a bit socially stunted. Still very, very timid.
He also grew cynical just three years later (“a little too grown-up” as Iwane put it), with an ends-justifies-the-means approach to conflict (a morally grey Pokemon character who is NOT a villain, also, a child character at that! He’s very unique that way and full of potential to go take either path, fortunately, Ash showed him it wasn’t naive to try and aim for a peaceful resolution… the path he was on, as Burgh said, would have led to “great losses on both sides.”) And then, most pokeani fans bashed BW! and even most BW! fans bashed Trip & Iris. :D;;; He was easily ignored among the more comedic, colourful, and bright rivals, being both too mean and too lowkey to be popular… and then, staff wrote him out too quickly in the preliminaries and later treated him as an old shame, giving him no voiced return, excluding him from promotional material (either substituting with Kenyan/Stephan or doubling up Kalos rivals instead of including any Unova ones…)
Never caught a break with my favourites outside of super popular Lillie (Koharu later gained a fair following, as did Iris in PM19/JN, and Liko is very promising!!!).
The original, longer, ramblier version of this post (the above is based on the shorter, for instagram version):
Me during BW!: TRio’s schemes are interesting, but they’re rarely given focus as individuals outside of villainy… I LOVE Iris, though, and Wishfulshipping! I can easily watch for the BW! trio and all these rivals!
Hey, wait, the smug rival character I and nearly everyone else initially wrote off as Paul Lite’s actually pretty interesting, he was such a sweet and expressive but very shy little kid, now he’s aloof and cold, not a smile in sight (usually such a dramatic change in personality indicates trauma hi, Lillie, whose mother failed to notice that and was called out by Gladion), cynical and pragmatic, he used violent force against Pokemon to save people (yet he’s NOT a villain, a morally grey rival character, and he’s such a versatile character, especially as he’s still a young rookie trainer, coming into his own!! He can go either way!!! I mostly loved villains, so this is really unique, even more so for Pokemon)… so much potential!
He’s still learning! Aside from his idol Alder and his studies before his journey, he even mimics Ash’s battling style once, he also learns strength in battles and violent force isn’t everything after the Venipede episode, he’s a photographer and takes pictures to record even bad memories to try and use negative feelings to push him forward…
It’s cute how he tries SO hard to convince people’s he’s an adult and hates being called a kid… Iris uses it to rope him into battling Ash twice and he still falls for it!! It’s so funny. But his idea of what being an adult is is very cruel and he thinks peaceful resolutions to conflict is naivete (between that and looking down on Ash’s rural background, I wonder how he was raised, will we find out? Spoilers: we won’t)
… oh, all that arrogance is a front, he thinks a loss has to be due to something inherently lacking in him or something he’s done wrong rather than a difference in skill… it’s a superiority complex! He acts like he’s better than everyone because he actually has low self-esteem! Even though he’s a child prodigy… he must’ve been under a lot of pressure.
Oh, his entire reason for fighting is to prove his strength to Alder. Alder is his goal. Even when he was disappointed by seeing Alder’s flaws and the change in his priorities and the fact that Alder can never remember his name or that cherished childhood promise (which Trip was too naive, ironically, to realize was something Alder likely tells lots of kids, he thought he was special and Alder was waiting for him to defeat him!), he still wants only to battle him, be acknowledged by him, and loves and admires him! (I once again think he must not have a very good relationship with his family, if he’s doing all of this because he wants Alder’s acknowledgment more than anyone else’s…)
He’s so much nicer after Alder reassured him and guided him to focus on returning his Pokemon’s loyalty and trust.
He isn’t abusive to them like Paul was with Chimchar, and they all love and are protective of him, despite how aloof he was… he’s starting to be friendlier. He isn’t insulting Ash anymore or rejecting his friendship and he’s even interacting with Serperior more!
Moreover, he’s a cocky little upperclass brat with a royal/noble theme, from his design (pageboy haircut, princely!) to his team (after Serperior, the Regal Pokemon), he also has two of the creepiest Ghost types (I LOVE Ghost types!!!) that feed off of life force / spiritual energy (typically human), how creepy and cool, what a unique character—
Oh. He’s only in like 17 episodes. Most fans hate Best Wishes! and never watched it, or never got to season 2 to see his battle against Alder or his motivations and hidden insecurity… he’s quickly written out, losing in the first round of the league… he’s overshadowed by all of the other more colourful, comedic, and loud rivals… even staff are treating him as an old shame at this point and replace him with either friendly rival Stephan from the same series as Ash’s main Unova rival or just double up on Kalos rivals and put Sawyer and Alain instead of including any Unova rivals…
(Oh, and most BW! fans bash[ed] Trip. And Iris. Just my luck! Lillie’s my only popular favourite, sob.)
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thatringboy · 8 months
I like the implication that, at some point after the ending of chapter 36, Nezuko managed to track down Katsu's daughter and grandson that nobody knew existed and gifted them not only the Hanafuda earrings, but a nichirin sword, a photo of the cast of characters, and such a heartfelt letter that eventually made its way to the modern day where our girl was reincarnated into the Tsugikuni and - by extension - the Shabana family. Koharu's inner monologue about wanting to know the stories of the demon slayers her ancestor fought alongside that could have only been shared by her own past life is very sweet. It's a nice change from canon where all of the main six were reincarnated into their own descendants and neatly ties everything together
This was an incredible series that we've had the privilege to read bit-by-bit for three years, and you should be proud of yourself
Thank you so much!! I am very proud!!
And that's exactly what I was going for! Nezuko's short time working with Katsu left a giant impact on her, especially with his physical similarities to Tanjuro and relationship with Sun Breathing, and she knew that it would be important to him if she could find any of his family. She knew he had no immediate family that he knew of, but went to Kiriena to find out if he had any other relatives (and by extension, other descendants of the Shabana family)
So it was a group project of the Kibutsuji Family and the Kamado Family that found Katsu's daughter and returned the Hanafuda earrings because as Ume Shabana once said, all masters return to where they started.
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Nanjo Family
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The Nanjo family consists of eight members in the main family, Kotaro, the eldest son, Kojiro, the middle son and Kosuke and Koharu the younger twins, Yuzuki, the father, Aoi, the mother and the paternal grandparents, Haruki; the grandmother; and Toshio; the grandfather; who all but Kojiro and Kotaro live in the Nanjo family home. On the other hand the maternal grandparents, Riko; the grandmother; and Yuma; the grandfather; live with their twin sons, Seijo and Hideo, on the Nishimura family farm. While the Nanjo's daughter and the Nishimura's middle daughter live respectively with their husbands and children.
Many of the characters are constantly changing, such as hair, eyes, facial features, to make them look more like the canon, but keeping our way of making sims, so the appearance may vary a little over time. We will reblog when some change is made.
Names marked with * are unofficial characters. Names marked with ** are unofficial names, carefully researched and chosen. Characters marked with ✩ are the most common ones to appear in our stories.
And this family, oh well this family, is a little bit longer than the others, so be prepared for a somewhat long post, but hopefully you will enjoy it. Once we finish introducing all the families/members that appear in story in this batch of future story posts, we'll get down to the business of posting the main story.
~All the family under the cut line~
Disclaimer: English and Japanese is not our native language, so it's possible that we have writed and/or translated some things incorrectly. 🙇💦
南城虎次郎 (Nanjo Kojiro) ✩
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First name: 虎次郎 (Kojiro)
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Job: Owner and chef of the Italian restaurant "Sia la Luce"
"S" Name: ジョー (Joe)
Stance (Skateboard): Regular
Birthday: July, 7th
Zodiac sign: Cancer (蟹座)
Blood type: 0
Weight: 84kg
Height: 186cm
Age: 26
Son of Yuzuki and Aoi Nanjo. He has three siblings, an older brother, Kotaro and two younger twin siblings, Kosuke and Koharu. He's a renowned Italian food chef in the area, great gourmet and fetén cook, no one in the place misses his meals. His specialty is Carbonara, a dish praised by Kaoru, although he doesn't say so, accompanied by a glass of white wine and small cherry tomatoes. He always tries to try and cook new recipes in which includes in his menu, both savory and sweet dishes, although personally doesn't like desserts so sweet. Apart from making food, lately he has taken a liking to creating cocktails and drinks and is quite good at it.
He has a best friend since childhood, whose name is Kaoru Sakurayashiki and they get along like cats and dogs. They have known each other since Kindergarten, and since that time they have always been together, although had already been together since their parents are neighbors and friends.
His body is his temple so he doesn't punish it with junk food or steroids, in his free time he also usually dances, and as a good Nanjo he likes to make jokes, something he probably inherited from his grandfather Toshio.
When he was little he used to go to his maternal grandparents' farm, where he learned to love plants and farm work. He learned how expensive farming and ranching is, the time and all the steps each product has to go through to get a quality product. His grandparents have a restaurant and had a cafeteria-shop; currently run by their middle daughter with her husband; in this restaurant they use part of the quality products they grow on their land, another part is received by Kojiro and the rest is sold to the local people.
Kojiro is a brave guy when it comes to serious moments, in some circumstances he gets scared but it's something that happens to all people.
He likes sports; as can be seen by his large muscle mass; and usually goes to the gym. Besides being somewhat "obsessed" with muscles, he loves and appreciates seeing it in others. He has one sport that he practices more than any other with his friends and that is skateboarding.
Kojiro is a very romantic and passionate guy, people say he's a great kisser, and usually goes with college girls in each of his arms in his free time. He's a very friendly guy, it doesn't take him long to make friends with someone new. Working in his restaurant he's never short of a friendly smile.
When he can goes for walks in the countryside like when was a child, he's very happy when hiking. Kojiro is very good with painting, photography and writing, could it be on his mother's side? For some reason he doesn't like Hip-Hop, but loves world music, romantic music and pop music. His favorite colors are green, pink and red.
At S (Crazy Rock); a secret place where many people go skateboarding; he's known as JOE.
(Photo Cooming Soon...)
Close-up of his face and full body view
(Photo Cooming Soon...)
Close-up of his face and full body view (DK, Teenager)
(Photo Cooming Soon...)
Close-up of his face and full body view (DS, Child)
(Photo Cooming Soon...)
虎次郎のお兄さん (Kojiro's big brother)*
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First name: 虎太郎 (Kotaro)**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Job: Pediatrician (Hospital Doctor)
Age: 32
Son of Yuzuki and Aoi Nanjo. He has three siblings, a middle brother, Kojiro and two younger twin siblings, Kosuke and Koharu. Kotaro is a young doctor, who someday would like to open his own practice but for now works at the hospital going to house calls, especially in the place where his grandparents live. His specialty is pediatrics, he takes care of children from 0 (newborns) to 12 years old (primary school). From a very young age he knew wanted to be a doctor, because one day his little brother Kojiro got lost in the forest and when he was found saw the work of doctors to make sure his brother was completely well, although he never really knew it was the paramedics, not until he was older. His favorite patients were Kojiro and Kaoru, his little brother and his little brother's best friend, as they always had some little bump or scrape on their knees, especially in the summer. Kotaro would sometimes get angry when they had nothing, as he said it was a day he couldn't practice, something he grew out of over the years.
He enjoys video games especially with what he can compete against someone, either with his siblings or a friend. Sometimes he even makes his own videos and shows them to his patients while cures or checks them, he also writes little stories that gives to his patients with an unnamed hero/heroine, a talent he started to develop thanks to his little brother Kojiro. Something Kotaro usually does in his spare time is photography, he has always said that if wasn't a pediatrician, he would have been a photographer.
Kotaro is a correct and polite guy, he always treats his patients and all people in general with respect. He is seen by everyone in the hospital as a great leader, the first days of practice he was immediately, and in less than a week everyone was already talking about him positively. He is self-confident, and when he thinks he's right, no one can change his mind. His grandparents sometimes call him to consult him about the store as he also has a good eye for business.
His brother Kojiro and his brother's best friend, Kaoru, used to see him as a hero when they were kids. Nowadays Kojiro still sees him as a hero, Kaoru on the other hand sees him as a madman? How can he work surrounded by children every day? The children he takes care of also see him as a great hero, although Kotaro has never seen himself as such. Although he looks very serious, he's a great joker and many of his older patients (8-12 years old) leave the office laughing, and instead of going to the doctor it looks like they have gone to visit a great friend.
He's often the one who brings order to his parents' meals at home, and always tries to follow a healthy menu and eat correctly.
Both he and his grandfather Yuma have the same decorative taste, Yuma is the maternal grandfather who lives on the Nishimura farm. Kotaro was always saying that when he grew up he would live in a house that had the furniture that his grandfather had, now that he lives in an apartment, asked his grandfather for advice and has it decorated with similar farmhouse style furniture. Although he knows that someday will have to move out of there, if wants to set up a private practice in the place where he lives, as currently doesn't have much space, he has a mini office in his apartment, but barely goes into it. His favorite color is red as says, it's a color that gives a lot of life. Perhaps autumn is his favorite season?
虎次郎の弟ちゃん (Kojiro's little brother)*
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First name: 虎介 (Kosuke)**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Ocupation: Middle School Student (中学校)
Age: 15
Son of Yuzuki and Aoi Nanjo. He has three siblings, an older brother, Kotaro, a middle brother, Kojiro and a twin sister, Koharu. Kosuke is a normal student who likes jogging and wants to try to be like his two older brothers, big muscles and strong. He's the leader of "Futago" club, where his sister is also a member.
When he and Koharu were little, always tried to follow Kojiro and Kaoru everywhere in the house, something Kaoru didn't like, as he wanted Kojiro to only pay attention to him. So Kaoru always ended up misleading them and they lost sight of them or couldn't open the door because he locked it with a latch, something for which Aoi ended up scolding Kojiro, as she didn't like that they left the door closed that way. Kojiro would always say that it wasn't him and would argue with Kaoru so that he wouldn't do it anymore, but despite this it was a situation that was repeated more than once.
Kosuke attends violin lessons, since it is an instrument that he has been playing since he was a child and likes it very much. His parents agreed that he should take lessons, and who knows, may become a great violinist in the future.
He likes to collect objects he finds on the long walks takes with his crew. Sometimes he plays the hero in front of everyone, just like his sister Koharu. Lately he has met Miya, and from time to time they go out on weekends to the park or for a drink, together with his twin sister and Miya's friends. He also has a slight romantic interest in Hayner.
He doesn't like summer music, maybe it's because he had a bad experience at the annual school camps where they do courage tests, as his classmates often played them in the background when they stayed in the rooms at night. As an adult he says he will have an island-themed house and it will be all yellow, his favorite color.
虎次郎の妹ちゃん (Kojiro's little sister)*
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First name: 虎介 (Koharu)**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Ocupation: Middle School Student (中学校)
Age: 15
Daughter of Yuzuki and Aoi Nanjo. She has three brothers, an older brother, Kotaro, a middle brother, Kojiro and a twin brother, Kosuke. Koharu is a girl who recycles everything she can, if something is broken she will try to fix it or give it a second chance. Her grandmother on her father's side has made her a member of the spa gym she goes to, and she's very happy because it's a gift from her grandmother, apart from the spa she also uses the gym to get in shape. Koharu is an excellent caregiver, and her neighbors sometimes leave their little ones with her when they have to go out somewhere.
Her favorite sport is snowboarding, although she has rarely been able to do it, as can only do it when she goes to Hokkaido with her paternal grandparents or her parents. She also wants to skateboard, but doesn't know how to approach her older brother, Kotaro, who keeps telling her that it's a very dangerous sport. She has also thought about telling Kojiro, thinks there would be no problem with him, but still doesn't know how to go about it.
Lately she has met Miya, and from time to time they go out on weekends to the park or for a drink, together with her twin brother and Miya's friends. She also has a slight romantic interest in Paul Schneider.
When she puts on her headphones, she listens to pop music, as she loves it. And when her twin brother complains about the summer music, she laughs and plays it even though she neither cares nor dislikes it, just to annoy him. As an adult she says that her house and personal things will be bohemian decor. She likes the color white, as it reminds her of the snow has seen a few times, not to mention that she can snowboard in it. A few years ago, for her brother Kojiro's birthday, she, Kosuke and her grandparents on her father's side went to Hokkaido, which is why they weren't present at Kojiro's birthday, she was also unable to snowboard because it wasn't snow season, something that saddened her a little.
虎次郎の母親 (Kojiro's mother)*
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First name: 美空 (Aoi)**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Maiden name: 西村 (Nishimura)
Job: Portrait and landscape painter
Age: 50
Wife of Yuzuki, daughter of Yuma and Riko Nishimura and big sister of Aoko, Seijo and Hideo. She has three sons and a daughter, Kotaro, the eldest; pediatric doctor, Kojiro, the middle one; chef and owner of a restaurant "Sia la luce", and the youngest, Kosuke and Koharu, who are twin siblings and had several years after giving birth to Kojiro.
Aoi is an ambitious woman, who wants all her children to be successful doing what they love the most. She's very much a homebody and whenever she can tries to get the whole family together, whether on weekends or holidays. She's also a great sportswoman, in fact her children have inherited that from her, since she has accustomed them to play sports since were very young.
She never misses a good music concert even if it's on television, in fact she was the one who encouraged Kosuke to play the violin. The instrument she likes the most is the organ but she has never played it, hopefully someday she will have the opportunity. Aoi also loves to dance, especially when she goes to karaoke, either to the rhythm of her song or to the rhythm of whoever is singing.
When she was younger, apart from helping her father, in her free time she dedicated to painting portraits of the customers of the restaurant or of the cafeteria-shop and landscapes. She liked painting so much that in the end became a portrait and landscape painter, and that's what she does now. She also liked to write down everything that came to her mind, from stories to thoughts.
Sometimes she plays video games with her young children, if her husband or some of her other children aren't around, whom she would also join.
Aoi usually listens to Blues, she says it's a music that conveys a lot of feelings. Her house is usually furnished and decorated with basic things, sometimes made by her husband or her daughter Koharu. As for colors, she sometimes has silly arguments with her daughter Koharu because she loves white, which Aoi doesn't like outside of a canvas at all. She thinks that the canvas is the only place personally likes, because it allows her to let her imagination run wild and fill it with colors. So she prefers the house full of colors as thinks that way the house will have more life.
虎次郎の父親 (Kojiro's father)*
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First name: 祐珠生 (Yuzuki)**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Job: Businessman
Age: 52
Husband of Aoi, son of Toshio and Haruki Nanjo  and big brother of Nodoka. He has three sons and a daughter, Kotaro, the eldest, a pediatric doctor, Kojiro, the middle one, chef and owner of a restaurant "Sia la luce", and the youngest, Kosuke and Koharu, who are twin brothers. Yuzuki is a man who thinks a lot about money and how to save it, so he likes to make everything can and tries to economize as much as possible, although sometimes it's difficult for him having a large family. Every morning he goes jogging when can, because being a large family sometimes it's difficult for him to go to the bathroom before going jogging and he has to wait his turn, when he goes to the bathroom it's so late that he runs out of time and has to go straight to work.
He's very happy that her son Kosuke loves to play the violin, as he hates the piano. Actually there is an explanation for all this, because when he was in high school wanted to learn it and found it impossible. Teachers made him show his ability in front of the first year students; at the beginning of his third year, he became very nervous and ended up playing so badly that most of his classmates laughed at him and during the whole year they nicknamed him "the clumsy pianist". To this day, from time to time Aoi likes to remind him of this, calling him by that nickname. But only in times of slump, to remind him that there was a time when he had it worse.
With four children he finally got a little tired of children's music, apparently if he has grandchildren surely won't sing or play them a single song in that style. When it comes to decorating there are sometimes a bit of decorative differences as far as his wife and him are concerned, as she likes basic decor and he likes more suburban contemporary. Also as his daughter likes a color that isn't considered cheerful, so his wife thinks he is a bland, as Yuzuki likes black color.
虎次郎のお婆さん(南城)(Kojiro's grandmother, Nanjo)*
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First name: 春妃 (Haruki)**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Job: Babysitter
Age: ???
Wife of Toshio and mother of Yuzuki and Nodoka. Haruki is a very cool woman, she's very fond of anime and manga and when can goes to an event of her favorite series and manga. She likes to do sports, and every weekend usually goes hiking. She doesn't like painting at all and when her son chose Aoi to marry and learned about her work, she didn't like the idea very much. With the passage of time she still doesn't like painting but likes her daughter-in-law and has even said that if her son had left Aoi because of her, she would have made the biggest mistake of his life. Haruki is a very proud grandmother of her grandchildren and is very happy with each one of them.
The style of music she likes the most is centered, and usually listens to it when is alone. The colonial decoration is the one she prefers the most among all the existing ones and if she can with a gray base color, a color that her husband also likes.
虎次郎のお爺さん(南城)(Kojiro's grandfahter, Nanjo)*
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First name: 敏雄 (Toshio)**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Job: Development Director (Programming Technician)
Age: ???
Husband of Haruki and father of Yuzuki and Nodoka.He was born and raised in Okinawa, as his father was originally from there and his mother of Italian descent moved to live with his husband. Toshio is a very thrifty man and always tries to spend little money, especially on objects that himself sees that he can fix or that someone else can fix. Something his son has learned from him.
Many times he likes to be alone on the beach, walking listening to the waves of the sea, while he relaxes and reflects in solitude. Although on the other hand he's someone who likes jokes, something he can't do when is alone. He's often considered the joker of the Nanjo family.
In his private office he always plays nu-disco music, his favorite. Toshio is an expert in patio decoration, something he praises, and many of his neighbors have asked him for advice, which he has given and they have thanked him with great joy because when they have put it into practice it has turned out fabulous. He loves the color gray as does his wife Haruki, something that Nodoka, his daughter, abhors.
虎次郎のお婆さん(西村) (Kojiro's grandmother, Nishimura)*
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First name: 利恋 (Riko)**
Last name: 西村 (Nishimura)**
Job: Farmer and owner of Shizen Restaurant
Age: ???
Wife of Yuma and mother of Aoi, Aoko, Seijo and Hideo. Riko and her husband Yuma have a family farm, along with two businesses. The farm is known as the Nishimura Farm, from it they bring, meat, eggs, dairy and dairy products and fruits and vegetables they grow to two locations, the Nishimura Cooffe-Shop which currently their daughter Aoko along with her husband own, they sell fresh produce in the store part and sell local homemade sweets made by themselves with their own ingredients in the coffee shop. Then there is the Shizen Restaurant which they and their two young sons, Seijo and Hideo own, where everything they serve is made by fresh produce also from their farm.
She's a very cheerful woman and is a genius. She's the only one who managed to trick Kaoru into drinking milk without him knowing, among many other things, like when she made all her grandchildren, her younger sons and Kaoru lanterns with fireflies, on the condition that they would let them go free. Riko is a very homely woman and likes to spend time with her children and grandchildren, many summers Kotaro, Kojiro and Kaoru spent at the farm together with Seijo, Hideo and them.
Like his daughter Aoi, he loves jogging and goes for a good morning run in the countryside. She would love to have a cat, but says that no cat has wanted to adopt her yet.
Riko loves listening to pop music and when she's with Koharu they have a great time listening to it together. She has always loved playing the guitar, from a very young age, and when would watch old western movies and play with his children and grandchildren, she would pretend to be a guitar playing outlaw, something the kids really enjoyed. Downstairs at the farm they have a small room, where their younger children or older grandchildren when they came to visit, stayed, a room that was eventually left for Kojiro and Kaoru and where they sometimes took ADAM. In that room Riko likes to stay a lot, especially when her grandchildren or her children are not there, because it¡s decorated with modern furniture, something she loves. The color she likes the most is green, and is in luck because can see it every time she looks out the window… or at a mirror.
虎次郎のお爺さん(西村) (Kojiro's grandfather, Nishimura)*
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First name: 侑真 (Yuma)**
Last name: 西村 (Nishimura)**
Job: Farmer and owner of Shizen Restaurant
Age: ???
Husband of Riko and father of Aoi, Aoko, Seijo and Hideo. Yuma's family were the former owners of the farm and the two businesses. He was an only child and had always dreamed of having a large family. When he married Riko he explained to her that being an only child, he didn't want his children to feel the loneliness he felt, and that he would like to have a house full of children and grandchildren. Riko came from a family with siblings and knew how much fun it was not to be an only child, how much fun they had when were all together, even if it was a headache at times, and their parents had a hard time keeping everyone quiet. So they agreed that whatever children came would be fine, and despite having a hard time having more than one child, they ended up having four.
He's a very polite man and never refuses a good morning greeting, even if he doesn't know the person; even though it only happens in summer, when tourists come from internal or abroad. But on the other hand he likes to look for things in the garbage, which he always finds to fix and/or decorate the house because thinks that there are people who throw things away because they have no use for them. In addition, he also likes to fix the damages in the farm.
When he wakes up in the morning likes to go jogging in the mountains, and see the plants that are there, as well as going for walks and collecting objects. Of course he also loves farming, and believes that getting something by your own hands is the best thing that exists in this life.
He likes the organ, once he heard it on TV and fell in love with the instrument, so much so that he bought some vinyls and cassettes that he played when they went by car, something that his daughter Aoi listened to and ended up becoming fond of as well. On the other hand, the music he can't stand is American music. He really likes the farmhouse decoration, although thinks it would be better if it were all yellow, as it's the color he likes the most. Although he doesn't dislike the way it has been decorated and painted at the end.
ミカ(西村)(Mika, Nishimura)*
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First name: ミカ (Mika)**
Last name: 西村 (Nishimura)**
Age: 13
Mika is the Nishimura family dog, she has two puppies Bella and Kiwi and is teaching them the art of protecting the residence from vermin that wish to eat the chickens that the Nishimura's have on their farm. She's now an old lady so doesn't have the agility and skill had in her younger days and spends much of her time hanging around the place and resting; when she's not teaching her puppies.
ベラ(西村)(Bella, Nishimura)*
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First name: ベラ (Bella)**
Last name: 西村 (Nishimura)**
Age: 7 months
Bella is one of the Nishimura family puppies, she's daughter of Mika.
���ウイ(西村)(Kiwi, Nishimura)*
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First name: キウイ (Kiwi)**
Last name: 西村 (Nishimura)**
Age: 7 months
Kiwi is one of the Nishimura family puppies, he's son of Mika.
虎次郎の叔父(西村) (Kojiro's uncle, Nishimura)*
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First name: 星城 (Seijo)**
Last name: 西村 (Nishimura)**
Job: Freelance fashion photographer and owner of Shizen Restaurant
Age: 27
Son of Yuma and Riko, younger brother of Aoi and Aoko and twin brother of Hideo. Seijo is a good little fellow with his friends, he spends most of his time among the plants on the farm, as he likes to help his parents. But unlike his father is a mess at fixing things. He loves dancing and when goes out with his friends goes to places where can dance. Kaoru is "envious" of him because he's lactose intolerant. At first Seijo didn't like not being able to drink freshly milked milk, and was very angry that his brother could drink it, but later he bragged to Kaoru about it. He also has no problem telling people things to their faces about everything he thinks.
He's a guy who knows how to control his emotions, is very responsible and polite when he wants to be, and is very sociable with everyone, the only problem he has is that loves to have controversies with everyone. Seijo only has a year difference with Kojiro and Kaoru, so together with his twin brother Hideo, he loved to tell them that they should obey them in everything because they were a year older, when they came to visit the farm.
虎次郎の叔父(西村) (Kojiro's uncle, Nishimura)*
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First name: 秀王 (Hideo)**
Last name: 西村 (Nishimura)**
Job: Freelance writer and owner of Shizen Restaurant
Age: 27
Son of Yuma and Riko, younger brother of Aoi and Aoko and twin brother of Seijo. Hideo is a very correct guy and a great host, polite but with an intense humor with his friends. He's a mediator in the conflicts that his twin brother gets into, luckily he's a very thoughtful guy and a very empathetic person. Although is a bit irresponsible. When he was younger, unlike his brother, he didn't do his homework on time.
He doesn't like working on the farm and doesn't like playing sports either, he hated playing sports when was little because they always played ball sports and his glasses ended up broken, many times by his own brother Seijo. Now that he's older, doesn't do anything, not even walk in his lands, he says that when can he will go to work outside the farm and the family business and write adult stories that captivate people, although for the moment he's starting to write children's stories.
虎次郎の叔母(松本) (Kojiro's aunt, Matsumoto)*
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First name: 蒼心 (Aoko)**
Last name: 松本 (Matsumoto)**
Maiden name: 西村 (Nishimura)**
Job: Owner of Nishimura Cooffe-Shop
Age: 40
Wife of Hideaki and mother of Ami and Arata. She's the daughter of Yuma and Riko, younger sister of Aoi and older sister of Seijo and Hideo. Aoko is a very thoughtful woman and before saying anything or making any decision she thinks more than once. She loves art, and whenever can she goes to the museum with her husband and children as a family, although sometimes her mother or one of her siblings also join her. When she can, she plays video games with whoever can find playing with the console.
Reading is her forte, before going to sleep she reads for a while. Her daugther loved to have her mother and father read to her when was younger, as they both love reading. She's a very romantic girl and never says no to alone time with her husband. The two met when Hideaki went on a visit to Okinawa to see a friend, saw how there were free breakfasts at the Nishimura Coffee-Shop and everything else did the magic.
She's currently the owner of Nishimura Coffee-Shop with her husband. Aoko is an expert creator of farm fruit drinks, which she sells there.
虎次郎の叔父(松本)(Kojiro's uncle, Matsumoto)*
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First name: 英秋 (Hideaki)**
Last name: 松本 (Matsumoto)
Job: Owner of Nishimura Cooffe-Shop
Age: 35
Husband of Aoko and father of Ami and Arata. The two met when Hideaki went on a visit to Okinawa to see a friend, saw how there were free breakfasts at the Nishimura Coffee-Shop and everything else did the magic. His childish behavior is something that sometimes complicates Ami's education, as Aoko won't let him do something but he contradicts him and talks to her as if she were just another friend and sometimes it seems that instead of a daughter and a baby, she has a third child.
He loves reading like his wife, and loved and loves to read children's books to both his daughter Ami and his newborn son Arata. He's also an art lover and whenever they can they go to museums as a family.
虎次郎の従姉妹(松本)(Kojiro's cousin, Matsumoto)*
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First name: 和美 (Ami)**
Last name: 松本 (Matsumoto)
Ocupation: Middle School Student (中学校)
Age: 13
Daughter of Aoko and Hideaki and older sister of Arata. She loves to eat food without meat products and dance with her friends and in her room whenever music plays around her.
虎次郎の従兄弟(松本)(Kojiro's cousin, Matsumoto)*
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First name: 嵐太 (Arata)**
Last name: 松本 (Matsumoto)
Occupation: Eating, sleeping, crying and doing his special "things"
Age: Days
Son of Aoko and Hideaki and younger brother of Ami. At the moment he only knows how to eat, sleep, cry and do what every baby does. Although on the other hand he loves to feel relaxed and listen to his father when he tells him illustrated children's stories.
虎次郎の叔母(南城) (Kojiro's aunt, Nanjo)*
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First name: 乃都香 (Nodoka)**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Job: Engineer
Age: 38
Wife of Lea and mother of Kei and the little baby on the way. She's daughter of Taisho and Haruki Nanjo and younger sister of Yuzuki. Nodoka is a woman who would love to have a veterinary farm, to work in it, as she likes animals very much. She's very clean and always keeps the house like gold cloths. She's very confident in what does and knows how to control her emotions, has a very good education and tries to educate her two little ones as they educated her. Apart from animals, she's also very good at painting.
She's a woman who is very clear about what wants for her life, and it's a quiet life surrounded by her family and friends, on a nice farm with a veterinary clinic. Despite this, she's currently working as an engineer, and there are no plans in the near future for that dream to come true.
She met her husband Lea thanks to Kojiro and Kaoru, who at the age of eight found a lost Italian foreigner in the city and brought him to the Nanjo's home. Thanks to them Lea came to visit Nanjo's house, and when he entered the University had some doubts and problems that he didn't know how to face, so he asked Nanjo's grandparents for help and they gave him the mobile number of their daughter Nodoka, who told them that she would be the right person to help him to adapt to the University.
As time went by, they became friends and from friendship came love, they got married, she became pregnant and they went to live in their own house.
Regarding music, she doesn't like electronic music, thinks it's too noisy and would scare the animals. She has two fashion styles that fill her closet and are country style and basic clothes, are very simple and pretty at the same time. It's clear to us that she likes farm things, even farm decorations are also her thing, not to mention that she loves going to visit the Nishimura family farm. The color she avoids at all costs is gray, saying it's the first blandest color she has ever seen.
虎次郎の叔父(南城) (Kojiro's uncle, Nanjo)*
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First name: Lea**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Bachelor name: Morelli
Job: Marine biologist
Age: 33
Husband of Nodoka and father of Kei and the future son or daughter on the way. Lea is Italian and at the age of 15 he had to move to Japan to study in a Japanese high school with his grandparents. He got lost in the middle of the city and met Kojiro and Kaoru, who, at the age of eight, took him to the Nanjo's house:
Kaoru: I've already got an Italian! Kojiro: What Italian?! That's me! Kaoru: You're not Italian… Kojiro: I'm almost a quarter Italian! Kaoru: But only a quarter, he's a full Italian… Kojiro: Sai cucinare? Lea: Piatti più o meno facili... Perché fai questa domanda? Kojiro: You see? He would only make you simple dishes, he would never make you the dishes that I will make.
At the Nanjo home he met Kojiro's grandfather, who communicated with him in Italian. Kojiro's grandparents knew his grandparents and offered to drive him to them. Eventually he would visit Kojiro and Kaoru, as well as Nanjo's grandparents, from time to time. With Nodoka he coincided very few times; since she was going to the University; and he didn't take her very much into account. When Lea entered the University; with the career of marine biology; formally met Nodoka, over time they became friends until they finally fell in love. He is a marine biologist and by learning Japanese, he was able to find work in the area. He is a dog lover, and when the Nishimura grandparents offered him to have a dog, he looked at Nodoka with puppy eyes, arguing that their child Kei, 9 years old, needed a puppy and they named him Orgoglio. He's self-confident and very creative, so he always manages to make others convince him of his ideas.
虎次郎の従兄弟(南城) (Kojiro's cousin, Nanjo)*
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First name: 一結 (Kei)**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Ocupation: Middle School Student (中学校)
Age: 14
Son of Nodoka and Lea and brother of the future son or daughter to be born. He's very active and a fan of self-improvement. He's not very convinced at the moment to think about having a brother or sister in the near future.
Orgoglio(南城)(Orgoglio, Nanjo)*
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First name: Orgoglio**
Last name: 南城 (Nanjo)
Age: 6
Orgoglio is the Nanjo family dog.
Next family will be Shindo Family. See you on Thursday! 🌹🛹
(To see more families, click on #SK8 FamilyTrees hashtag)
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toloveawarlord · 3 years
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Ch. 1
♥ Pairing: Hajime Kokonoi x Koharu Shiratori
♥ Rating: 18+ Sexual Content; Gang Violence/Activities
♥ Timeline: Bonten
♥ OC summary: Koharu Shiratori becomes Kokonoi's wife in an exchange between her father and the Bonten Executive. The lawyer is thrust into a position of power within the criminal organization.
♥ wc: 1.9k
♥ a.n: I'm fascinated with Bonten. There was so little of them in the manga that I want to write so much for them.
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The voicemail left by her father made her stomach churn. He'd used a sweet tone, meaning that he wanted something, like another loan. Koharu nearly deleted it, intent on ignoring it. She exhaled her annoyance as she stepped off the elevator on his floor.
Two well-dressed men were outside the suit she needed to enter. Intimidators. "Koharu Shiratori. Whatever business your boss had with my father, it's my business as well."
One removed a phone from his pocket, not bothered by the impatient tapping of her crimson heeled shoe. "Boss, she's here."
Koharu frowned, suspicious that her arrival had been discussed. She also didn't like the way they escorted her inside, caging her between them as if she were a prisoner. The muscle wouldn't answer any questions, but she was stopped before entering the office.
Peering through the carefully placed crack, she was only allowed to witness the exchange.
"Please, I promise to repay you. I just need more time!"
Disgust crossed her features. She loathed the way her father groveled before the man half his age, down on his knees, face on the floor, desperate for a little more time.
Absolutely pathetic.
"How long did you intend to test Bonten's patience? I took time out of my very busy schedule, which should clue you in to how fucked you are."
Koharu couldn't see his face but hearing the name Bonten struck fear into even her. What an absolute moron! And even worse, he was in so deep that an executive was here.
He continued to berate her father, stating an astronomically high amount of yen owed. "The only thing keeping you alive, shit for brains," he slammed his foot into her father's head, "is the agreement we made. I assume you've signed all the necessary paperwork I had delivered?"
Blood squirted from his clearly broken nose. His voice nasally. "Yes! Yes, it's all worked out. She'll be here any moment-"
If the vague contract wasn't enough to unsettle her, the two men each grabbed one of her arms, as if she were about to run, sure as hell did. What had this fool done this time? Koharu didn't quite like the idea of being dragged inside, so she didn't resist.
"Koharu, sweetie!"
"Don't sweetie me. I'm not going to bail you out again." Not that she even could. Koharu wasn't lacking in money, but she didn't have billions.
Her father couldn't meet her gaze, but it wasn't out of remorse. "This is my daughter, Koharu, and everything is signed on the desk. I'm very appreciative of your generosity."
His groveling was repulsive. Koharu snatched the documents off the desk, scanning their contents.
"Get him cleaned up."
The shuffling around didn't break her concentration. The original loan amount... a second loan amount. The implication that Bonten had baited him into this contract wasn't lost on her. Clearly, they wanted something from her father, but he didn't have anything of worth...
Crimson irises scanned the settlement agreement for a second time.
5 years to repay the second loan amount... and the original would be repaid in full in exchange for Koharu Shiratori.
He sold her to Bonten, to this man, Hajime Kokonoi. There was even a forged marriage certificate among the documents.
Koko merely watched her, curious as to how she was going to take the news. He drank in her figure, skirt brushing against her bare thighs. It had taken a decent amount of time and effort for him to find her. Koko wasn't interested in love. Having a wife was convenient.
Anger swelled inside her, but Koharu shoved it back down as best she could. Her line of work required her to control her emotions before a courtroom, remain professional. And she was consistent in her everyday life. "Honestly, you would have been better off killing him. He's never made a good financial investment in his life."
It would be an endless battle attempting to fight this. The forgery was solid. And court battles were quite expensive, and her funds were limited compared to Bonten.
They could also choose to cut their losses, and Koharu quite liked being alive.
Koko strode forward, turning her to face him. Pretty crimson eyes. A body he'd enjoy exploring. She wasn't trembling or crying. Hell, she hadn't even begged him for her freedom. He buzzed with excitement. She was a good choice. "To repay the debt would take a lot more than his life. I'd be forced to either take your pretty head, or more likely, sell you for a decent price."
Koharu didn't resist when his finger hooked under her chin to lift her head. An appraisal.
"Doesn't being a wife suit you better than becoming a prostitute? Really, you should be grateful. Nothing is too expensive or too much for my wife. So long as you behave, that is."
A veiled threat. Promising a life that only few could really afford, but it came with a heavy price. Koharu wasn't unfamiliar with gangs and criminal organizations. After all, that's the easiest way to get large payments.
But she wasn't stupid enough to get involved with Bonten. She didn't take cases against them, or with any of their affiliates. And now, she was being thrust to the very top of the organization.
"That contract makes me a prisoner, not a wife."
Oh, he did love that defiant look in her crimson eyes. Koko traced his thumb over her rose stained lip, idly wondering how she tasted. "The ink is already dry, Koharu. How you feel is really irrelevant. You belong to me." That wouldn't change no matter what. He'd put in a hell of a lot of work to make this happen. He wasn't about to let her go.
"I understand the terms of the contract. What I can't quite grasp is why someone like you wants a wife."
"Someone like me?" Koko mused the question, drawn in by her line of inquiry.
He hadn't taken offense to the question, like most would have. Koharu wanted to gather as much information as she could before she attempted any type of negotiation. It was an ironclad contract. She had to accept that.
"You could pay for the most beautiful women willingly to do anything you wanted, at your beck and call every hour of the day, but instead, you took a loss of a quarter billion yen in exchange for me. And I can assume that a decent amount of research was conducted." If so, choosing her would be a battle. He'd be aware of her typical behaviors.
So fucking smart. One of the many reasons he'd picked her. He detested dumb. He didn't want a housewife who's only concern was pleasing him. No, Koko wanted a challenge. Someone who would entertain him.
He backed her against the desk, fingers picking at the buttons of her top. "Yes, I've learned quite a lot about you. Law degree. Partner at a famous firm. Incredibly hardworking. Your rate of winning cases is nearly at 100%. Your friends are in various social circles, giving a wide network of information. I did have to make sure you wouldn't be a liability. No hidden children that might come crawling for money."
Koko pushed the fabric off her shoulders, gaze traveling down to the tops of her breasts peeking out of her white bra. It had been a disappointment that he couldn't find any photos showing more of this part of her exquisite body. Even in formal wear, she kept herself modest. "You have a star shaped birthmark on the inside of your left thigh. Clean medical records. No surgery or broken bones."
Information anyone could get with her medical records. Koharu wasn't impressed. "That hardly explains why I'm of interested to Bonten." They had their own lawyers. She wasn't sure if any of the other top members had wives. Bonten had never been of interest to her.
"Ah, yes, that." Koko clicked his tongue, an almost apologetic expression flickering across his features before a charming smile bloomed across his lips. "You're a personal project for me. It's not Bonten who searched you out. However, you'll be put to good use."
That wouldn't be a problem. Koharu wasn't going to give up her career, being his wife or not. "I won't take anything less than what my clients already pay."
He chuckled. Fuck, he wanted to play with her right this second. But this was work, no matter how pretty she was. "It's not necessary."
"I never beg anyone for money. I expect proper compensation for my services. Even from Bonten. Being your wife is irrelevant to this point."
Koko could see how she got so far in her career with her young age. She held her ground, not afraid to demand the things she deserved. A good quality in business. "Alright, you win. We can discuss the amount another time."
The knock on the door broke their negotiations. Koko removed his hands from her soft sides, taking the documents from the desk to look them over himself. He was impressed with her so far.
Koharu fixed her top, smoothing out the material. It would surely look as though he'd been testing out his wife's capabilities, at least to his subordinates.
Her father still held a tissue to his bruised nose. "Is my daughter satisfactory, Mr. Kokonoi?" He sucked up to the executive. Money was the only thing on his mind, already thinking of how to use the marriage to his advantage to get more revenue.
Koharu thought herself to be composed, but his unapologetic features reignited the fire. The muscle nearest to her wasn't quick enough to stop her from snatching the gun in his waistband. Honestly, she thought he was a fool for not having it better secured.
The other pulled his gun but Koko held up his hand to stop him. Her aim wasn't in his direction. It was pure exhilaration. This woman had surprised him more than once in their short interaction. What else could she do to excite him?
"Koharu, sweetie. You have to do this for daddy, okay? It'll be good for you. I always thought you'd never marry since you're so abrasive and unsociable to men-"
"Wrong choice." Koharu aimed and pulled the trigger, lodging a bullet into his thigh. His cry of pain soothed her anger. He deserved one in the head, but that would make it impossible for him to pay the second loan, and that would put her life in jeopardy. "Stop sniveling. You won't die."
She offered the gun back to the guard, dusting her hands on her skirt. "Is there any reason for us to still be here?" She'd never set foot in this suite again. He was dead to her.
"No, if you're ready. We've an appointment to purchase a new dress for tonight's event. You'll be accompanying me, and I'll be announcing you as my wife." Koko had planned meticulously for this to coincide with a business meeting. He'd get to test out how Koharu would work for him in that setting.
"If it wasn't clear, don't contact me. I'm no longer your daughter." Koharu said, brushing her silver locks back. She exited the suite with her new husband, as if their marriage had been one of love and planning, not of a contract.
After that display, he had little doubt that she'd excel.
She wouldn't be a prisoner. Love had nothing to do with this partnership, but Koharu could play the parts required of her. Her debut at an elite party hosted by the infamous Bonten... It almost excited her.
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heynikkiyousofine · 3 years
Kagome and Shippo arrive at King Toga’s castle. This chapter is a little short, but I”m finishing laying everything out and next chapter, Inuyasha and Kagome recognize each other, but it doesn't go as he planned.
@keichanz @neutronstarchild
I'm having so much fun writing this and I appreciate all the kind words and feedback I’ve been receiving, much love!
Chapter 5
The first thing Kagome felt when she awoke the next morning, was the near constant thrumming of her power beneath her fingers. Eyes shooting open, she looked around her, only to see Shippo still asleep beside her, Althea laying the corner, Calliope upon her back and the sunlight streaming through the window. Why was her power so close? Her pendant was supposed to hide her!
Reaching around her back, she didn’t feel the already familiar sensation of her wings and was suddenly so confused. Not realizing Calliope was awake, she heard her call softly from across the room. “You have recognized your own power now Kagome. So while, you feel it beneath your fingertips, you still remain hidden behind your concealment. Do not fret. This will help you in the future.”
“Thank you,” She said embarrassingly. How was she to know any of this stuff? She only just discovered her heritage less than a week ago.
Smiling softly, Calliope flew to Kagome’s side and spoke softly, to not wake the sleeping kit. “If you have any questions, now might be the time to ask. After you set for the day, the castle is only half a day’s walk. We will have to depart after breakfast.” Sad eyes reflected back to her own.
“What are my parents like? What really happened the night they died?”
“Your mother, Queen Kikyo, she was kind as she was powerful. She had many abilities, ones I’m sure you posses, more than likely more than what she was able to conjure. She was strikingly beautiful. Pale skin, like yours, no freckles however,” softly watching Kagome’s nose blush along her nose and freckles, “but her eyes were brown, as were your fathers.”
“Everyone always talks about how my eyes are such an uncommon color.”
“It comes from the power within and your ancestry. The only other fairy I knew of with similar eyes was a young woman names Midoriko. Hers, however, were almost grey. Your features, along with your mother’s, were similar to her.”
“What about my father?”
“King Suikotsu was even more kind than your mother, though I’m not sure how that was possible. He welcome everyone, no matter what kind they were into his kingdom. He was very tall, with hair like yours, almost black. you do get one very big trait from him, I suspect you have a temper sometimes?” Calliope looked at her knowingly.
Blushing even harder than before, Kagome only nodded. “So what happened? If they were loved by all, why did someone hurt them?” Kagome painfully asked, not quite sure how much she wanted to hear.
“Naraku, child. He seeks to become extremely powerful. There are few nowadays who could hurt him. When news of your birth spread throughout the land, people spoke of your similarities to Midoriko and your eyes. I think he was going to try a kill you before you could grow. Snuff your power out before it even had a chance to grow.”
“Oh.” Kagome grew quiet, tears threatening to form. She wasn’t sad that Naraku wanted her dead, but that he was needlessly murdering innocents trying to find her. He killed her parents, and maybe Kaede too, trying to get ahold of her. Sadness quickly sparked into anger and determination. She needed to get to King Toga’s castle quickly and learn how to use her powers affectively. 
Seeing emotions come and go across her face, Calliope knew where her thoughts had drifted and placed a small comforting hand on her. “You are going to be okay Kagome. We all have faith in you.”
With that being said, Shippo began to yawn and sit up, looking around the hut. Smiling at him, Kagome began to get together a small breakfast. They needed to get on their way, time was becoming more and more precious.
Elsewhere, Toga and Izayoi were wishing a farewell to Koga, knowing they would see him  in the upcoming days along the borders. Sesshomaru would be leaving the following afternoon, letting his wife and daughter stay fro protection, while he arranged his army to settle along the borders as well. Inuyasha was glad the see the wolves go, knowing his headache would probably go away that much faster. Koga was a good leader, he admitted grudgingly, and knew how to fight, but he just always rubbed him the wrong way. Sighing to himself, he caught up with Miroku and Sango, who were arguing with each other about Miroku’s flirting with one of the house maids.
“I don’t know why I even bother getting mad at you anymore. You never respect women!” Sango cried, face flushed.
“Sango, my dear, it is you, my heart yearns for you.” He reached for her hand, only to have it snatched back.
“Then stop with the needless flirting. Koharu already thinks you are going to marry her. Holy man or not.” She angrily replied, turning away from him, arms crossed. Miroku only watched with sadness, when will Sango learn? It was her he wanted, no one else.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, knowing Inuaysha was around the corner, waiting for them to finish. He could hide is aura, but Miroku knew he shouldn’t have to in his own home. Turning to see incoming Prince, Miroku changed subjects. “Prince. Have King Koga and his group left?”
“Yeah, finally. Fucking wolves.” Inuyasha grimaced.
“So what now? We just sit here and wait until Naraku comes cross the border again to attack?” Sango asked, looking towards Inuyasha, effectively ignoring Miroku.
“Nah, Father is going to ride to the borders in five days, we will be going. Mother and Kagura will stay here, in the castle. Father doesn’t want them near the battle grounds. He think Naraku will be coming across the border near the same place as before.”
“The wildflower meadow?” Miroku asked, eyes brows shooting up.
“Yeah, the same. So if you need any supplies, go to town and get some. Sango, Kohaku will be joining us too.” He nodded toward the slayer. She was an excellent fighter, always had his back, and her brother was quickly following in her footsteps. Their father would be proud.
Nodding, Sango grabbed Miroku’s hand and walked toward the outside walls. They needed to stock up on battle supplies and see to a few things. Shaking his head in exasperation, Inuaysha headed towards his mother’s garden.
Strolling through  the small walkway, Inuaysha caught the faint scent of wildflowers, knowing they were near the outer wall, closest to his forest. It was his favorite area to sit in, lounging in the large tree, looking over the flower gardens. He began to grow drowsy, the smell of wildflowers and sunshine luring him to sleep, unaware of the young woman with the fox tyke nearing the castle village.
Saying goodbye to her new friends, Kagome squeezed Althea’s neck and whispered and final thanks to Calliope. Wrapping her cloak around her shoulders, she wanted to present herself as best as possible to the King. Her dress had been torn, covered in dirt and she didn’t exactly smell all that great. Maybe they should check into an inn first and bathe? She wondered if there were any shops with some clothing she could purchase. Upon deciding it was a good idea, she set Shippo on her shoulder and set off towards the village, walking along the tall stone castle walls.
As they strode on the road, towards the village, they couldn’t help but be amazed at all the different wares and stores they passed. They were so many to choose from, but first things first, they needed to secure some lodging to get cleaned up, Kagome. Stopping to asked a man and woman, both standing near a hot bun booth, she tapped on the man’s shoulder.
“Excuse me, I was wondering-“ Kagome began, when the man, dressed in a purpler robe with light blue beads, grabbed her hand, “You are a beautiful woman, will you bear my children?”
Suddenly feeling as if she was in danger, Kagome quickly ripped her hand away, about to turn and run, when to woman, in a light green tunic, with leather pants, and a sword strapped to her side, slapped the man upside the head, yelling, “Miroku! We just talked about this! What is wrong with you?”
Miroku acted like he hadn’t even head Sango, just staring at Kagome, who seemed very unsettle and skittish. Wanting to run from this man’s intense gaze, Kagome took a step back quickly.
“Wait! Stop! I’m sorry, I did not mean to offend you,” Miroku began to explain, giving Sango a glared when she scoffed, tilting his head to have Sango look at her, “What is your name? You seem to be traveling.”
Sango, catching on, turned to look at the young woman in the cream cloak, tattered pale, yellow dress and fox kit sitting on her shoulder. She watched as the woman tried to take another step back, fear growing in her blue eyes, and Sango slowly reached out her hand.
“Hey, I’m sorry. Miroku can be kind of forward and an ass most of the time. My name is Sango. Are you okay?”
Looking towards the woman, Kagome watched as she realized the woman’s would was almost pure, with a little hatred and jealously in her heart, That was new. She seemed to be reading souls easier now. This woman intended no harm though.” My name is Kag… Aureila. We were looking for an inn to check into and get cleaned up. We were here to talk to King Toga.”
Both sets of eyebrows shot up, could this be who they thought she was? Blue eyes like her were far and few between and she just had unknowingly walked into their village.
“If you would like, we can show you? Are you hungry as well?”
Nodding her head, she watched as Sango purchased two sweet hot buns from the vendor behind her and handed them to her and Shippo, who hadn’t spoken a word yet. He seemed to be on edge as well, Kagome thought. Nodding her head in thanks, Miroku asked her a few questions. :You said you were looking for an inn? There is a nice one along that path, didn’t you need any help with anything else?” He didn’t wanna frighten her away, especially if this was who they were looking for.
Looking at him with suspicion, Kagome turned to Sango again, and question about a place for clothing. 
“I can show you if you would like? There is a place near my brothers, whom I was going to visit anyways. It is along the way, we can walk together?” Nodding again, Kagome followed, with Shippo giving weird looks back at Miroku, who only followed behind.
A few paces later, they came to a stop, as a rather large woman came out from the store. “Sango! It is so nice to see you!” She cried, grabbing the young woman’s hands in hers.
“Hello, Aunt Mara, it’s nice to see you too. This is Aureila, she needs a new dress. I was wondering if you could help her?” Sango added, with a wink, “It’s on my tab.”
“Oh no, I possibly couldn’t!” Kagome began to argue, when Aunt Mara grabbed her arm and whisked her inside.
“Don’t worry Kagome, She is one of the best. I’m going to visit Kohaku for a minute and we will be right back to see what you have found!” Shoving Miroku towards the store next door, Sango smiled ruefully at Kagome.
Sighing, she turned toward Aunt Mara. “Now now, child. Let’s see what we can find. Would you like a bath after? That way, when we are done fitting you, you can look more presentable.” Smiling softly and thanking her in return, they set out to find a dress for her, and something for Shippo as well.
“Sango, you don’t think?” Miroku began, once they were inside Kohaku’s weapons store.
“I don’t think, I know. It’s her. After getting her a new outfit, we are taking her to the King. Inuyasha is probably already going to be there.”
“Should I distract him? Miroku suggested.
“No, I feel like he needs this, if not more than any of us.” 
“She is clearly hiding though. If it is her, she gave a false name.”
“There could many different reasons in her hiding, or how she is, either way, we must help her. She looks like she’s been through some things getting here. For all we know, she could’ve come straight from the eastern lands just few days ago.” Sango mused.
“Sango! Miroku!” Kohaku called, coming around the corner. “To what do I owe this pleasure sister?”
“Hi, little brother. We need some weapons. Actually, you will too. King Toga will be gathering the army to leave in five days. Naraku is back.”
“Naraku?” Her brother began to pale. Naraku had sent demons after his parents when he was just a child, while Sango was out on a hunting trip with a few others. They had come here in search of safety after. Ten years later, he still had nightmares about that night.
“Yes.” Miroku added, his smile turning grim.
“Okay, what do you need?” Kohaku straightened his back and gestured them to follow him the back.
“My dear, this color is perfect on you, it matches you perfectly! I also procured you some new slippers, they re near the door. Now, let’s get you a bath and brush this hair out of yours. Will you friend be okay in his new tunic?” Aunt Mara asked, watching Shippo play with his new vest. Laughing and nodding, Kagome covered his mouth, while Shippo turned around many times, looking at his reflection in the mirror. “Then, let’s get you both to the bathing room, come come.
A few minutes later, Kagome began to scrub herself clean. She always loved taking bath in the stream back at home, Mother Kaede always making soap that smelt like honey for her. It was always so soothing when she needed to relax. Now though, this soap had no scent, but still managed to make her feel better. Combing her hair with her fingers, Kagome spread the oil throughout her hair, letting her wings flitter behind her in the water. Shippo was in the other room bathing, Aunt Mara making sure boys and girls bathed separately.
Taking a deep breath, Kagome set her hand upon the water and felt her power buzzing beneath her fingers. This would take some getting used to, but she felt herself growing more powerful since this morning. It was like this expedition was awakening something inside of her, ever since she took the pendant off for the first time. Holding it in her other hand, she rubbed the seal on it. She wondered if it a family sign of some sort. Sighing to herself and all of her unknown questions. She rinsed her hair quickly, put her pendant back on and began to dress. Sango and Miroku will be back soon and she really needed to get going to speak to the king. It was already after lunchtime.
Grabbing her knapsack, Kagome met up with Shippo, before heading back to the front room, where the other were already waiting. “Here is your clock back dear, thank you for stopping by, that dress looks perfect on you!” Aunt Mara praised her, while ushering them out the front door. Sango gave her thanks, with her own bag across her back as they headed out.
“Which way is the inn?” Kagome asked, feeling much better and much calmer than before.
Smiling at her, Sango took her left hand, “We were actually thinking about taking you directly to the King now. He usually has openings to listen to villagers after lunch.”
“Oh that would be great, thank you! Will, uh, will you be there too?” Kagome stuttered, wondering why she suddenly wished this woman was her friend.
“Of course! I can help you the whole way. What is it you needed to talk to the King about?” She inquired.
Looking back at Miroku, who followed calmly, she just said, “it’s important, but kind of private.”
“Okay, I won’t push. We are almost there.” She smiled in return. “Miroku, why don’t you go let the King and Queen know we are coming and for a private audience?” She suggested.
“Yes, dear.” Miroku said charmingly and quickly walked ahead of them, his staff jingling loudly.
“You both are being awfully nice, thank you.” Kagome started.
“There’s no need. You seem like a really nice girl, and maybe, I was hoping, we could be friends?” Sango asked, biting her lip. She missed having girls her own age to talk, not that the queen wasn’t boring.
A bright smile crossed Kagome’s face and she agreed.
“I’m Shippo!” Shippo exclaimed from the opposite shoulder. If Kagome could trust them, then he could too. He smiled to himself.
As they continued walking, Kagome decided to tell Sango the truth. “Since we are going to be friends, my real name is Kagome. Aureila is my middle name. We’ve been traveling for a long time and have been hiding as well, some men have been looking for us.” She thought with a frown on her face. What if Naraku’s men were close by? Surely they wouldn’t get into the castle walls?
Crossing the bridge into the gardened path, Sango squeezed Kagome’s hands, “Kagome. A lovely name. It is nice to meet you. You as well Shippo. Come, let’s get going!” She laughed as she began to drag them along the pathway towards the castle doors. Kagome laughed along, trying not to fall out her new shoes.
As the doors opened wide, Kagome’s and Shippo’s eyes grew wide, amazed at everything around them. It was all so nice, so fancy, so expensive she thought. Here she was, a commoner, in reality a princess, but never knowing this life outside of her small cottage with Kaede. Kaede she sighed softly, she wondered if she was okay. As Sango lead them both towards a large corridor, near what she thought a throne room would be, Sango met up with Miroku, who looked at him with a questioning face.
“He is napping in the garden’s tree” Miroku spoke softly, glancing at Kagome. Who is he? The King?
Before she could ask who, a loud baritone voice called through the wooden double door to enter. It was now or never. As the doors opened, Kagome stepped through, head held high.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 4 years
Their Hero Academia - Chapter 50: Things Go Beyond
Presenting a special, extra-length 50th chapter, raw and unedited, of my on-going, next-gen, My Hero Academia fic, Their Hero Academia!
Earlier chapters can be found here
Koharu could still not believe the direction her life had taken.  She’d gone into the Sports Festival with the hope that she could impress the teachers enough to make it into the Hero Course for the second year.   She never would have expected to have gotten Third Place.  And she definitely never would have expected that, as a General Education student, even one who made Third Place, or that she’d be Interning with Deku, and also with the Voice, Hitoshi Shinso, golden boy of the General Education department.
Now, the Internship was nearly over.  She’d learned a lot from everyone, including from her future comrades in the Hero Course, Isamu Haimawari and Toshinori Midoriya.  The former was working with Deku as well, but like her, he had no Hero legacy of her own.  It made her feel a little less alone in all this.  Midoriya, on the other hand, was Deku’s son, and working with Lemillion, who, along with Glamour and Deku’s main Sidekick, the Shield, had also been participating in their mentorships.   With so much attention being paid to them, she couldn’t help but feel a little unworthy of it all.
It just meant she’d have to work that much harder to prove herself.
She stepped out of the locker room after having changed into another gym uniform (Checking on her costume was the first step when she got back to UA.), when she heard a voice calling her name.   Deku and Lemillion were supposed to be going on patrol together today and taking the three of them with them.  Sure, since she wasn’t in the Hero Course yet, she hadn’t been allowed to do any fighting, but the off-patrol training regime had more than made up for it.  
“Ah, Kocho!  There you are!”
She looked up to see Lemillion coming her way.   “Oh, Mister Togata, sir,” she said.  “I’m not late, am I?”
He shook his head.  “Oh, no, I just wanted to talk to you for a minute. And you don’t have to call me Mister Togata.  Lemillion’s fine.  Or even Mirio if you want.  I’m easy.”
“Oh, okay, sure. What’s up?”
“Well, you see, I’ve got a son about your age, David, he’s in the Support Course.  He’d probably kill me if he knew I was talking about this, but, well, he had a break-up with his last girlfriend, and…”
Okay, she definitely wasn’t expecting that.   Koharu quickly held up both hands.  “Sorry, Mister Togata.  Lesbian.” Not that she’d been doing much thinking in that regard.  All her focus had been on the Sports Festival.  And now it was all on getting herself up to Hero Course standard.
He didn’t miss a beat. “Oh, okay!  You’re probably a little young for my daughter, though. And I’m pretty sure she’s already sweet on someone, even if she won’t tell me…”
What was happening? Pro-Heroes had seemed so… distant before, even the ones who seemed personable on camera.  Who knew they were as human and strange as everyone else?
This was officially the best week of Isamu’s life, and that was counting the fact that he’d won the Sports Festival the previous week.  Working with the Number One Hero—Deku!—had been a dream he’d never have thought possible.  He’d trained harder than he ever had before and more than a few small children had actually recognized him while they were on patrol.  Sure, he’d been overshadowed by Deku in that regard, but who wouldn’t have been?
He’d even gotten to take down an actual Villain.  Nothing fancy, just some guy with a Grasshopper Quirk turned purse snatcher, but Deku’d actually let him do the takedown.  He’d been able to anticipate where the guy was going to jump, use his own Quirk to repel himself into the air, then come down and knock him right off his feet.
Maybe it wasn’t taking down the League of Villains or anything, but it was pretty good all the same.
Their patrol must have been quite the sight to the people down below.  Lemillion parkour-ing from rooftop to rooftop, Midoriya doing his gravity-jumps to do the same thing, Deku actually flying, Kocho flying along with her wings, and him, doing his Slide and Glide, occasionally adding an extra-burst to launch himself to the next roof.  But as Deku said, the public visibility was good.  Made people feel safe, watched out for, and let the Villains know they were out there.
Deku landed on the edge of the next rooftop and waited for the rest of them to join him, before breaking into a grin.   Isamu had seen him interviewed countless times and knew he smiled easily, but seeing it in person was something else entirely.  It was entirely genuine, no pretention about it.  He’d seen the man gush easily, about his friends, about his family (especially about his son), even about the progress he and Kocho were making.  
But he’d also seen him turn serious in a heartbeat.  Earlier in the week, when a Villain with a strength-enhancing Quirk had appeared, trying to knock down a tower, Deku had given him a chance to surrender, not wanting to fight if he didn’t have to.  When the Villain had retaliated, Deku had been absolutely swift in his response, first binding him with black coils of energy, then using a single Detroit Smash to knock him out.  The man had been threatening innocent people.  Isamu understood the need for swift action there.
And just as immediately, Deku had returned to grinning, assuring everyone that everything was okay.   And to everyone watching, it was.
That was the kind of Hero that Isamu wanted to be.  
“Okay,” Deku said, “we’re here.  I took patrol to this part of the city for a very important reason.”   Whatever it was, he seemed excited.  Practically vibrating, even.  Isamu didn’t have a lot of personal experience to form a baseline of Deku’s behavior, but this typically seemed to accompany talking about another Hero or a Quirk.
“Wait,” Midoriya said. He rubbed his chin with his hand. “It’s Saturday, right?  So that means…”
Kocho looked at him, with a confused expression.  Isamu shook his head, because he had no idea what was going on either.
“That’s right!” Deku said. He gave his white cape a dramatic flick and pointed to the street below.  A storefront with a multicolored awning was down below, part of a fairly expansive building.  “It’s the grand opening of Herotopia Ice Cream!  One hundred and fifty Pro Hero themed ice cream treats!”
Lemillion let out a laugh at that.  “Oh, man, I can’t believe I forgot!  I bet I’m delicious!”
It was, fortunately, early in the morning, so most people weren’t out for ice cream yet.  In fact, it made them the first customers of the day.   Despite the owner’s protests, Dad had insisted on paying, and then they’d all occupied a back booth.   Toshi, like Dad, had gotten Dekulicious ice cream, which was a swirl of green, red, black, and white.  He wasn’t entirely sure what each of those flavors was supposed to be, but it all combined to be pretty good.  
Uncle Mirio had gotten his own flavor, Lemonillion.  “Not a huge lemon fan,” he admitted, “but their hearts are in the right place.  And I like the pun!”
“If they want to start marketing this for more retail spots, I am definitely talking my dad into stocking it,” Haimawari said.  He’d gotten a cone of Red Cherry Riot.
“Definitely amazing,” Kocho said, between sips of her Pinky Acid Shake.  Toshi’d been a little worried that she wouldn’t be able to find anything on the menu, but he should have known Dad wouldn’t have brought them there if that was the case.   “Appreciate it, Mister Midoriya.”
Dad just grinned at that. “I keep telling you, you don’t have to call me that.”
Kocho shrugged. “Sorry.  Can’t really turn off the politeness.  Mom would track me down and smack me.”
Haimawari laughed at that. “My mom’s the same way.  Of course, I think she just likes smacking things. Does that to Dad often enough. Kind of like Ojiro actually.”
“She did try to do that to Sero back at the festival,” Kocho agreed.  “Is that normal?”
“Aaah, yeah, kinda,” Toshi admitted.  “As far back as I can remember, anyway.”  
Ojiro did have a tendency to strike out when she felt frustrated, usually at Sero or Sato, but she’d never done them any serious harm.  She was just an expressive person.  Which, Toshi supposed, was a thing you had to do when you were invisible.
“So,” Dad asked Kocho, “did they give you any idea which of the Hero Courses they’re going to put you in?”
The moth-girl shook her head, a movement exaggerated by her antennae.  “No clue,” she said.  “And I’m technically not in yet.  Still have to finish this semester, pass my exam.  And I still don’t know what other criteria they’re using to determine if I get in.”
She extended her proboscis and slurped up some of her shake before speaking again.  “Though I’m guessing you or Mister Shinso or both are giving them some kind of report card beyond whatever usual Intern evaluations get done.”
That got a laugh out of Uncle Mirio.  “Oh, she’s smart.”
Dad laughed too. “Pretty standard Intern review form, actually” he said.  “Though Nezu and Aizawa did ask more in-depth feedback than usual.”
Wait… if Mister Aizawa was asking for feedback.  “Dad?” Toshi asked.
Dad’s eyes went wide. “I talked about Aizawa, didn’t I?” He started shaking in his seat. “Oh no, oh no, oh no, he’s gonna kill me!”
“See?” Haimawari said. “See?  This is why I know he’s scary!  Even Deku’s afraid of him!”
Toshi did have to admit that their teacher could be scary and was super serious even at the best of times, but he was also an incredible teacher who clearly cared a lot for them. Dad, Mom, all his parents’ friends spoke highly and kindly of him.  Toshi even had plenty of childhood memories of him, when Grandpa Might would bring him to UA with him.
On the other hand, there was good news to be had!  “Looks like you’re going to be classmates with us then!” he said.  “That’s awesome!”
Haimawari nodded his agreement.  “You were really great in the Sports Festival,” he said.  “Plus, you know, be nice to have somebody else around who isn’t part of the shared memory.”
She gave him a curious look. “Shared memory?”
“Except for Haimawari,” Toshi explained, “all of the rest of us grew up knowing each other.”  Some better than others, based upon various friendship clusters between the adults, but there weren’t any strangers between them.   Well, no stranger than Mineta anyway. “Still can’t believe they put all of us in the same class.”
All the Class A kids in one class, the Class B kids in another, and all kids who weren’t either in Class C.  Weird when he thought about it.  Toshi wondered for a moment just who had planned that out.
“Not my idea,” Dad said. “But it worked out well.  Look at all the teamwork you guys pulled off!”
“So,” Kocho said, “that’s the two of you, and I already met Sero, Ojiro, and Sato back at the Festival, and Mineta, from the Festival is in your class?”
Haimawari gulped. Mineta did seem to like unnerving him.  She seemed to have slacked off some since she’d met Izumi’s friend Shinji though. “Yeah.”
“She’s really… not… that… bad…” Toshi said.  They weren’t close, but the Minetas were still family friends.  “She’s an acquired taste,” he tried.
“But I think you’ll fit in great,” Haimawari added.  “And I’m not just saying that because it means I’m not the new guy anymore.”
“We were all the new guy at one point or another,” Dad said.  “You guys all have the advantage, growing up together.  My class had never met before.  It’s going to make you even better Heroes than we ever were.”
“Maybe,” Haimawari said. “But our first year couldn’t possibly be as exciting as yours…”
He should never have said that, Isamu would later reflect.  Because it had almost immediately gotten worse.
They’d left the ice cream shop when they heard it.  A low whistle, growing steadily louder, like something falling from the sky.  People stopped where they were, looking up and for the source of the sound.
“What is that?” Lemillion asked, shielding his eyes against the sun, looking up.
Deku pointed to something, a huge black spot that was growing steadily bigger.  “Something’s falling…” he said.  He squinted, trying to determine what it was.  “Can’t make it out.  But I’m betting it’s going to make a hell of a crater if it hits.”
“Step back, everyone,” Deku said.  He took a couple steps back, then ran forward, tensed his legs, then launched into the sky.  The force of the acceleration made Isamu’s hair flutter and made Lemillion’s cape snap back.
They watched for a moment as Deku rose to meet whatever it was.  As he closed in on it though, the thing lashed out!  Isamu let out a gasp as he watched Deku fall from the sky. Next to him, he heard Kocho scream and Toshi let out an anguished cry.  He was pretty sure he screamed too, but he was too stunned by what he’d seen. What could possibly have been powerful enough to do that…?
He could only watch, helplessly, as Deku fell, hitting the ground hard enough to make the same kind of crater he’d worried about.  He bounced twice, then pulled himself to a sitting position, holding his head. “Haven’t been hit that hard since…” he muttered.
“Dad!” Midoriya cried out, at his father’s side in an instant.  
Deku looked up, seeing that whatever had hit him, it was still coming.  “Toshi… get behind me.”
And finally, whatever it was hit the ground like a missile.  The impact cracked the pavement, sending up a cloud of dust. When it cleared…
The creature was massive, much bigger than Deku or Lemillion, maybe even larger than All Might in his prime.  It had dead, pale grey skin, bulging muscles, a face twisted into some kind of beak. Worst of all, its brain was exposed, the top of its head completely gone.
It let out a feral roar, like some kind of ancient dinosaur.
Deku flung Midoriya towards them, then was on the creature in an instant, flinging himself into the air. From his hands, black tendrils of power entangled the creature, lifting it into the air, slamming it into the ground again and again.  Each time it hit the ground, the creature would let out another roar.  But it wasn’t a roar of pain.  The creature didn’t even look like it was feeling the blows. It was rage, pure, violent rage.
Lemillion had placed himself between Isamu and Kocho and the creature and he caught Midoriya easily, putting him behind him as well.  “C’mon, Deku, you’ve got this…” he whispered, fists clenched tight.  
“What… what is that thing?” Kocho asked.  Isamu detected some fear in her voice, but he didn’t judge her for it.  It was all he could do to keep himself from shaking. The creature was unreal, monstrous, a mockery of a man.  Something about it just seemed profoundly… unnatural.
“I.. I don’t know,” he replied.
“It’s a Nomu…” Midoriya breathed.  “I’ve only seen pictures… there aren’t supposed to be any more of them…”
The creature—the Nomu—broke free of Deku’s tendrils, lashing out.  Deku dropped down and it struck out, hitting him with a blow which connected with a resounding crack. The force even knocked him back, gouging the street beneath his iron soles.  He used the space, bringing up one arm.  “DELWARE… AIRFORCE… SMASH!”
A mighty blast of concentrated air pressure struck the Nomu, smashing it into a nearby car. Considering how much their Hero Courses and Deku himself had talked about minimizing property damage, it must have truly been serious.  But Isamu winced all the same.  Insurance coverage for Hero battles was good, but could still take months to process.
It didn’t seem to matter. The Nomu sprung up again in an instant, roaring again.  It leapt, covering the distance between itself and Deku like it was nothing and struck him again.   He was more ready for the blow this time, dodging it, but it grabbed his white cape and threw him to the ground, hard.  
“Dad!” Midoriya screamed again.  He took a step back and Isamu could see the look of concentration flicker over his face as he manipulated his gravity.  He was getting ready to jump.
The second he did, Lemillion grabbed him.  “Toshi, no!”
“But Dad…!”
“He doesn’t want you getting hurt!  You can’t fight that monster!  I’ve got this!”
Lemillion rushed forward, cape trailing behind him.  “Hey! Ugly!”
That got its attention and it struck out at him, the Nomu’s blow passing harmlessly through his torso. Lemillion struck back, hitting it with a haymaker that would have dropped almost anyone.
The Nomu didn’t even flinch. Lemillion’s hand made a sickening crunch.
Lemillion winced, biting his lip to keep from screaming, taking a step back and cradling his hand. But he had the monster’s attention now. It roared and slashed at him, but fortunately, he could still activate his Quirk.
Again and again it struck, but Lemillion kept its attention.  Time enough for Deku to recover.  He hit it from behind, knocking it through Lemillion, crashing into the street.
A burst of speed brought Deku to it again, as the Nomu recovered.  It threw a punch, but he caught it, emerald and crimson lightning crackling over his skin.  His face set and grim, Deku twisted the thing’s wrist, shattering it.  Even then, it didn’t seem to feel the pain.
Isamu had seen plenty of news footage and pictures of Deku in action.  He always, always smiled.  There were, occasionally, brief flashes of grim determination, or even serious focus, when he was fighting a really serious Villain.  But there was none of that here.  He was more serious than Isamu had ever seen.  There was only sheer focus on ending the threat in front of him.
What was this thing?
Deku drew back his other fist.  “DETROIT…. SMASH!”   With his free hand, he hit the Nomu with such force that its head spun around nearly one hundred eighty degrees, making the most sickening sound as it did so. Like a marionette with its strings cut, it fell to the ground.
“Holy shit,” Isamu said.
“Language,” Lemillion said, quick enough that it sounded like a reflex.
“Sorry,” he said, just as reflexively.
A moment of tension broke. Deku looked around, spotting the few civilians that had sheltered in place while he fought.  Slowly, and with great effort, a smile did return to his face. “It’s all right, everyone!” he said. “I’ve taken care of the threat! You’re safe now!  Because I am here!”
Yeah, okay, Isamu was man enough to admit his little fanboy heart soared at hearing that.
“Call it in,” Deku said. “I’m pretty sure it’s not getting back up, but we need a containment crew here, immediately.  And we need to get your hand looked at.”    He looked over at Isamu, Kocho, and Midoriya.  “Sorry, kids, but I think we’re going to be working full time on this. Internship’s over.”
“We understand, Dad,” Midoriya said.  He sounded more worried than Isamu had ever heard him.  He was usually one of the most confident, encouraging people Isamu knew. If he was worried…
“Please tell me that kind of thing doesn’t happen all the time,” Kocho said.  There was fear on her face.  No surprise.  She was even less used to this kind of thing than he was.  And he was scared out of his mind.
“Deku,” Lemillion began.  He was cradling his broken hand against his body, holding his Hero-phone in the other. “It’s not just here.  Reports of attacks coming in all over the city.  There’s more of them.”
Deku stopped smiling. “It’s an attack.”
It was an awful, foul, unnatural thing, the Nomu.  Dead grey skin, its beak, its exposed brain…   It made Izumi sick just to look at it.  Afraid too.  She had heard the stories, how one had been resistant to her father’s freezing power, how another had nearly killed her grandfather.  To think that someone once human had been perverted into such an abomination…
“Just as ugly as I remember,” Uncle Denki—No, Chargebolt now—said.  He lifted his right arm, readying his Sharpshooting gear. Electricity crackled around him, making his hair stand up.
Beside him, Grape Juice’s face was set in grim determination, two of his balls already in his hands. “Just so you know,” he said, “if we don’t survive this…  it’s been nice knowing you, buddy.”
The Nomu let out a roar of challenge, looking them over with its cold, almost lifeless eyes.  
“Hey, relax,” Chargebolt said.  “We’ll be back with the wives before you know it.”
He looked back over at Izumi.  “Izumi… lock us in.  And keep it up.  This thing can’t get through.  We keep it focused on us and it can’t harm any people.”
“And don’t drop it until we tell you to,” Grape Juice added.  “No matter what you hear.”
“But…”  She couldn’t just leave them to that thing’s mercies. She knew about Nomu, knew that some of them had given even some of the strongest Heroes some of the most difficult fights of their careers.  She loved her Uncle Denki dearly, but neither he nor his partner were what she would have called formidable.
“Do it!” Chargebolt shouted, racing forward, Grape Juice at his side.  Grape Juice threw several of his balls, but the Nomu dodged.  Right into the path of Uncle Denki’s first electrical blast.  It staggered under the blast, but kept coming.
Izumi let out a gasp, but brought up both hands, drawing in as much heat as her body could handle. She formed thick walls of ice, as thick and tall as she could make them, until nothing would be able to pass through this side of the street without smashing its way through.  The bands on her regulator harness were already glowing an angry orange from the effort and she could feel the heat rolling inside her.
But she could hold it for the moment.  She might need to shore up the ice wall.  And when the time came to do her part, she would not be found wanting.
Her ice was too thick to see through, but she could hear the crackle of electricity being discharged, the roar of the Nomu, and the rubbery sound of Grape Juice’s balls.  
She wasn’t sure what was more terrifying, the sounds of combat, or what it would mean when it stopped.
“How soon until we’re at Tokyo?” Froppy asked.  Her normally neutral expression given over to worry.  Her voice quavered in a way that Akaya had never heard her speak before.
Rockhopper, manning the helm, gave her a grim look.  “Still nearly an hour out, ma’am.”
Akaya frowned.  They’d been out in open waters, when the call had come in.  An All Heroes Alert for Tokyo had gone out, meaning anyone able to make it to the location should.   Tokyo was besieged by creatures though to be extinct, abominations against the natural world called Nomus.
The Oki Mariner was far out, but they would try.
Her parents were based out of Endar, on the southern side of Japan.  She didn’t know if they’d be heading there or not.  But many of her friends on their Internships and their parents were in the greater Tokyo area.  
She prayed that they’d be safe.
“Foul beast,” Tsukuyomi said, cloak billowing around him, “I shall not allow you to harm anyone else!”
It was a good thing he sounded so confident, because Takuma was scared out of his mind.  Mom and Dad didn’t talk much about the Nomus they’d faced as students, besieged at random intervals by the League of Villains, but what little they’d said had been enough.  Mom had talked about having nightmares for weeks after the USJ and Dad had talked about how he’d been left questioning how worthwhile his Quirk was when there were monsters like that out there.
At the time, Takuma hadn’t understood it.  They were some of the most awesome heroes he knew (well, next to Deku, and Lemiliion and Red Riot and…).  What could they ever have been afraid of?
And now he knew.
He hung back, watching from a roof while Tsukuyomi and Shadow-Dancer contended with the creature on the street below.  Tsukuyomi had told him he was not to engage under any circumstances.  Not even to rain Acid Tape from above.  If any civilians wandered into the field of combat, he was to retrieve them, but that was it.
“I can’t hold it much longer!” Shadow-Dancer yelled.  She’d possessed a shadowed section of the street, wrapping it around the Nomu.  It struggled mightily, thrashing about as though it felt no pain, no matter how rush road rash it committed to its dead grey skin.
“Then let us end this,” Tsukuyomi declared.  “Dark Shadow… Show no mercy!”
Dark Shadow leapt from the Hero and towards the creature, larger and more menacing than Takuma had ever recalled seeing it.  It was early in the morning still, but the sun was starting to shine.  It could only be Tsukuyomi’s fierce directive giving it such power.
Swarming darkness, its “skin” constantly in motion, its eyes yellow comets in its head, deadly claws flashing…  Dark Shadow is more aptly named than he ever realized.  If Tokoyami’s Frog-Shadow ever becomes half as formidable, she’ll easily be one of the most powerful Heroes in Japan.
The Nomu never stood a chance.  Takuma found he couldn’t watch.  He flinched and looked away.   Judging by the wet sound he head, he didn’t want to look.  Even that made him want to throw up.
He’d left his phone back at the Agency and for once, he didn’t feel its absence.
Time and time again, Tensei swooped down and grabbed someone off the street, jetting back to the safe zone as quickly as he could.   “Safe zone” was only an approximation, only far enough to keep them out of the rampaging Nomu’s range as other Heroes battled with it.
“Keep it up, Jet-Blue,” Veloci-Queen told him, slowing down only long enough to get her own rescue back on his feet.  
He slipped the straw inside his helmet in his mouth, taking a long drink from his apple juice reserves. An indicator told him he still had plenty of left for the work ahead.  Good.  He had the feeling he’d need every ounce to fuel his Quirk.
In the distance, he could still see Tailman and Tentacole, two other local Heroes, grappling with the Nomu. Tetacole had the monster in a wrestling hold, while Tailman slammed his tail into it, time and time again.  
It did not fall and instead let out a mighty roar, breaking free from Tentacole’s grip.
Tensei took a breath and took off again.  This was a high traffic, populated area and there were still so many people trapped in their cars.
Time to fly.
At U.A., the mood was grim.   Water Spout and Doctor Izumi were not having a good conversation.
“You can’t possibly be thinking of going out there, Eri!” Water Spout shouted, pointing.
Doctor Izumi ignored her husband, continuing to throw items into her medical bag with rapid fire speed. “People are hurt out there, Kota.  I’m going to Musutafu General.  If I can help even just one person…”
Water Spout frowned. “There’s nightmares out there. Don’t you remember what Deku said about those things?”
She continued packing. “Of course, I do.  And I remember what Dad said too.  They’re not invincible.  And right now, we’ve got damn near every Hero in the country converging on Tokyo.”
Finally, she turned to look at him.  “And in case you’ve forgotten, I can take care of myself.”  She punctuated this by clipping a large sheathed knife to her belt.   “And besides, there’s no indication they’ve made it anywhere near the school yet.”
Nevertheless, the rest of the teaching staff was staying at U.A., to protect the students in case anything should happen.
“I can go with her,” Kimiko said.
Both of them looked at her like they’d forgotten she was in the room.  They probably had.  Doctor Izumi had started packing as soon as the Hero Alert had gone out and Water Spout had shown up not long after.  
“Maybe I can’t fight,” she added, “but I can make sure Doctor Izumi can get away from anything out there.”
“…do you know what Aizawa would do to me if I let one of his students go out into danger like that?” Water Spout asked.    Aizawa was his father-in-law, but he seemed deeply terrified of the prospect.
Doctor Izumi frowned, but nodded.  “I’ll take the heat with Dad if it comes up.  I’m going, Kota.  The only difference is whether or not I go with extra stealth or not.”
Water Spout frowned too, but he stepped close to her, put one arm around her middle, and another on her face.  He pulled her close and they kissed.  “Stay safe out there.”
“And you stay safe here,” she said.  “And if Dad asks if you’ve seen me, tell him you haven’t.”
She looked over at Kimiko. “Let’s go, Ojiro.”
The Nomu had Kestrel in its grasp, one wing in each hand.  Many of her feathers were embedded in its skin, but it neither bled, nor showed any signs of pain.  It had been faster than it had looked, its powerful long arms giving it greater reach than she could avoid.  And now it was pulling.
Feathers fell from Kestrel’s wings and floated up into the air, stabbing ineffectually at the Nomu. Under such pain and stress, her control over her feathers had to be reduced.  She could bring neither the speed nor force needed to wound it.
And if something was not done soon, it would separate her wings from her body.
Sora had been told to keep back.  There was the implicit order in there that she was not to engage in combat with the Nomu. However, as mother always said, the line between implicit and explicit was where permission lived, so long as you knew how to look for it!
While her right gauntlet contained a capture cable, sometimes, more aggressive measures were needed.  Her left gauntlet contained a small harpoon launcher, for entangling flying objects or for when more penetrative power was needed.
It was this she sighted on and fired.  The harpoon and its cable raced across the sky and hit the Nomu right in its eye.
If it felt any pain from it, it did not show it.  But its grip on Kestrel slackened as it looked up.  Then, it let Kestrel drop completely and grabbed the cable with one of its dead grey hands.  And it yanked.
Unprepared for such force, Sora’s jetpack was overwhelmed by its strength and she was snapped downward.
The tug stopped and the Nomu jerked, two of Kestrel’s feathers stabbing up from its jawline up through its brain.  She smacked it with what remained of her right wing and knocked it back, getting weakly to her feet.
“C’mon, kid,” she said, wings flapping weekly to get herself airborne.  “We gotta… gotta move…”
Her own stability restored, Sora fired her Jackpack harder, swooping down to grab Kestrel.  The Nomu, seemingly oblivious to the injuries it had obtained, swung wildly at them.
“I am afraid we do not possess significant enough strength to stop it,” Sora said.  
Kestrel tried to wiggle free from her grip.  “Somebody’s gotta…”
Daisuke watched as the dead grey Nomu hammered away ineffectually at Red Riot and Real Steel, its blows not even pushing them back.   The power of its blows against their super-hardened bodies made deafening noises, but did little else.  But at least it was distracted for the moment fighting them.   When it had dropped from the sky, it had taken them all by surprise.
Both bastions of manliness had instantly thrown themselves into the fray, but even their great strength was doing little to slow it down.  Red Riot had managed to score several sharp gashes along it with his sharp edges, but if it noticed, it didn’t care.
“We need to get back to the Agency,” he told Shiro Monoma.  “Mobilize any of the sidekicks, get the word out.”  Red Riot and Real Steel were collectively the Number Ten Hero, some of the strongest in the field.  If all they could do was hold it in place…  And even that wouldn’t last long.  As tough as they were, he knew neither could hold their maximum defense for that long.
But Monoma had gone white as a ghost, rooted in place.
Daisuke nudged him. “Hey.  We need to move.  I’ll carry you if I have to, but it’s not safe here.”  Some of his classmates would have been raring to fight. Kirishima-Bakugo and Midoriya for certain.  But Daisuke knew when the time to fight was and when the time to run was.  They were students and that was a monster.
“I…” Monoma began.  He was just staring at the Nomu. “It’s…  it’s…”
Given the way in which Monoma’s Quirk let him perceive others to mimic their skills, who knew what exactly he was seeing looking at that beast?  He supposed he couldn’t blame him for being frozen.  Even with his own great strength, Daisuke found it absolutely terrifying.
Daisuke sighed and heaved the smaller boy onto his shoulders, using his Extendo-Arms to weave his way through the street.
“I couldn’t beat it…” Monoma continued, seemingly oblivious to anything else.  “Not even if I had a million skills…”
“Run now,” Daisuke said, “existential crisis later.”
Kenta was certain he was going to die.  When they’d responded to the report of a Villain attack, none of them of them had expected the monster that had been waiting. A Nomu.  The thing that his dad, his Uncle Hanta, all of Dad’s class talked about in hushed and fearful tones.
Suneater and Nejire-chan had been on it in an instant, the former entangling it with tentacles while Nejire-chan blasted away at it with her Wave Motion shockwaves.  They were the Heroes, rushing in.  And he was hiding behind a mailbox, shaking, with a stupid, useless Quick that wouldn’t do anyone any good against that.
He was going to die. And Dad would be left all alone. And that thought hurt far more than the thought of dying.  When Mom had died, Dad had built his life around him.  It was only with Kenta starting U.A. and some encouraging words from his friends that Dad was starting to live his life again.   And then he’d done this to him by going and getting himself killed.
“Tamaki!” Nejire-chan screamed,
There was a wet, meaty sound of fist hitting flesh.  And then another.  The mailbox Kenta was hiding behind shuddered as something impacted into it with a metallic clang.  The Nomu roared, a terrifying, triumphant sound.
Kenta gathered his courage and dared to peek around the edge of the mailbox.  Nejire-chan was slumped over on the ground, bleeding from a nasty head wound.  A short distance away, Suneater was laid out as well.
A shadow fell over them and he realized it was the Nomu.  
It let loose a low growl, raised its hands.  It hadn’t seen him… but it was going to kill Nejire-chan!
If he leaned over, he might be able to get at its ankle.  And do… what… exactly?
Could he?  He couldn’t.  
He had to.  He had to do something.
Kenta stretched himself out, opened his mouth and took a big bite out of the thing’s ankle, teeth tearing through skin and bone and muscle like they weren’t even there.  He spit out the chunk of meat, as it toppled backwards and pulled Nejire-chan towards him.  She was surprisingly light and he got her over his shoulder as he got to his feet.
He could still feel chunks of Nomu between his teeth.  He really wanted to throw up, but he kept going.  And why did it kind of taste like metal in his mouth?
Kenta looked over his shoulder.  Even without ankle to support it, the Nomu was struggling to get back up, as though it didn’t feel its wound at all.
“Just a few more moments, please…” Aunt Momo said quietly, her voice weak from the strain and sweat dripping down her face.  The front of her costume was unzipped, as she concentrated on the machine she was creating. It was one of the biggest things Chihiro had ever seen her create.
And fighting the Nomu was Aunt Pony, two of her missile-like horns stabbing it again and again, while she rode on another two.  She darted this way and that, sometimes too close for comfort, trying to keep its attention.
And Chihiro’s job was to watch Aunt Momo’s back.  Neither had wanted her there, but she’s insisted on offering some kind of protection. She couldn’t just leave her unprotected like that, she just couldn’t.
“There…” Aunt Momo gasped, falling to her knees.  “It’s done.”  
Her head snapped up. “Now, Rodeo!  Do it now!”
Aunt Pony shouted something in English.  Chihiro didn’t understand enough of the language to pick up everything, but caught something about “fish” and “barrel.”  She jumped off her horns and directed all four of them at the Nomu at maximum speed.   They pierced its legs from above, pinning it to the street.
“I’m sorry,” Aunt Momo said to her.  “Shouldn’t… have to… ask this… of you…”
Chihiro shook her head. “Gotta do what we gotta do.  It’s why we’re Heroes, right?”
She plugged her Cords into the device Aunt Momo had made and gave it all the electricity she could generate in one massive blast.
At maximum charge, the rail gun fired, its projectile tearing through the Nomu like it wasn’t even there.  Its top half slid the ground with a schlip sound, while its legs collapsed.  
The top half started dragging itself forward.
They were in a bad wheeeeeeeyyyy….
Takiyo had been on patrol with Cellophane when the creature had struck, dropped out of the sky like a living missile.  He would later deny the high pitched scream that he had made.  
Cellophane’s visor dropped into place.  “Radiance. I need you to run.  Get back to the Agency.  Hero Alert’s already going off, so more help will be on the way. But you’ve got to run.”
He launched a strip of tape while the creature vented its rage on a parked car. He was going to try and get above it, Takiyo realized.   Didn’t he know how little his Quirk would work on a monster that size?
“And…,” Cellophane said, “and tell my wife and kids I love them.  Please.”
He was… he was going to fight it anyway?  When there were certainly other Heroes on the way?  When his Quirk would do little more than slow it down for a moment?  With a wife and a large brood of children at home, and two more children on the way?
Perhaps, Takiyo reflected, he had underestimated Cellophane.
Perhaps he had misunderstood just what being a Hero meant.
Could he do any less?
He let out a scream and unleashed all his light in a powerful, blinding bolt at the Nomu. Blinded, it let out a mighty road, thrashing ineffectually.
“Told you to run!” Cellophane said, launching himself into the air.  “But thanks, kid!”
Takiyo ran.
Team Idaten was on the move.   With the speed Quirks possessed by many members and the fleet of vehicles for the rest, getting from Hosu to Tokyo was easy.  What wasn’t easy was finding out the city had become a warzone.
What wasn’t easy was discovering that the threat was Nomus.  Ingenium dispatched Sidekicks quickly, sending them to various sections of the city, to rescue whoever they could and aid the Pros in whatever way they could, before changing in to engage one himself.
Which left Mika and Flash-Step on rescue duty for any civilians trapped in the way of its rampage. Flash-Step was zipping from place to place, picking up people and moving them out of the way.  Mika was slower than that, but was carrying a little blue-skinned girl in her arms.
“I lost my mommy when everybody started screaming and running!” the little girl wailed.  
Mika was not particularly good with children.  She wasn’t even particularly good at being reassuring in general, unless it was Shiro, and that was because he was easy.  She was very convincing, especially when it came to getting Chihiro to back her up, but that wasn’t quite the same skillset.  She stroked the girl’s hair as she ran.  “Don’t worry,” she said, “I’m sure we’ll find her.  Everybody’s running this way.  She’s probably really worried about you.”
The words felt like sludge in her throat.  How could she make a promise like that?  All Might and many of their teachers and parents talked about how a Hero’s first job was to make people feel safe, to make them feel like everything was going to be okay.  But how could she do that when she didn’t know?  What if it turned out her words were a lie?
“Yu!”  Mika looked to see a blue-skinned woman, arms outstretched, standing not far away with other worried civilians.   “Oh, thank goodness…”
“Mommy!” the little girl cried out, squirming in her arms.   Mika handed her over to her mother.
“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you,” the woman said.
“Of, of course,” Mika said, suddenly flustered.  “Just… just doing my job.”
She spared a look back to where Ingenium was still fighting the Nomu.  He was faster than it was, but his blows weren’t doing much to stop it. One moment, he was a little too slow and it connected, knocking him down.  It let out a roar and raised its arm to smash him and Mika felt her heart seize up.  No Sidekicks in sight, no nothing…
A bolt of blue energy struck the Nomu in the face, temporarily distracting it.  She saw a gangly man standing in the doorway of a convenience store, a hoodie pulled up over his head and a bandanna wrapped around his face.
Not a Hero then… but what the heck?  And where had she seen blasts like that before?
But it bought Ingenium the moment he needed, and he was back to hammering the Nomu with powerful kicks.
Mika had seen the Hero Alert and all the locations where Heroes were fighting these monstrosities. She hoped her friends were safe. She hoped Shiro was safe.
She hoped her parents were safe.
Right now, she’d swear off girls and boys forever if it meant everyone she cared about made it home.
Mei was as transfixed as everyone else in the workshop, stuck staring dumbly at the television.
“My babies…”
Asuka paced furiously, watching the televisions.  Mob-Goblin had grounded her after Frog-Shadow had been nearly destroyed, focusing on her training within the Agency and not allowing her to patrol or venture out. It made sense, of course.  Part of her had been badly hurt and needed time to recover.  But when the Hero Alert had gone out, she’d been left alone with the Agency staff.
Left alone to watch the televisions.  Reports were coming in from all over the city and news drones were relaying pictures of Heroes engaged in combat with the Nomu.  She kept changing channels, watching.   One showed her father, using Dark Shadow to tear the Nomu to pieces… only for each of those pieces to keep moving on its own.  
No sign of her mother… she must have been too far away to respond promptly.  But she was probably on her way.  Maybe it would all be over by then…
“Heroes the Voice and Glamour, along with Deku’s Sidekick the Shield engaging near Lukas Park…”
Asuka watched the screen as Glamour called upon an illusion of Deku, letting the Nomu unleash its rage harmlessly on it, while the Voice sought to restrain it with his capture weapon. The Shield slipped in, faintly glowing with power as he hammered blow after blow on the creature, each with a clap like thunder.  
Frog-Shadow appeared and perched on her shoulder.  “They’re… they’re gonna win, right?”
Asuka reached up and took her hand. “We can only hope so.”
Other channels showed some of her friends out there with the Heroes, some helping with evacuations of civilians, others simply clearing out with the rest.  And she was here, just watching.
Asuka knew most of the others thought of her as “Team Mom”, because she was straightforward, level-headed, and responsible, always keeping them on track and on task.  Then what she was feeling right now must be a mother’s fears.
“Aizawa, get out of the way!”  Rikido shouted, drawing himself up to his full, imposing height.
Aizawa shook his head. “You heard Nezu.  All staff is to stay on campus in case those things reach the school.   We’re protecting the students.”
“Dammit,” he growled, jabbing a finger into Aizawa’s chest.  “My son is out there!”
His former teacher didn’t even flinch.   “And my daughter is going out there to help.  Which she can do, because she has a Medical Hero license.  If you go out there, in your state, you’re just going to cause more trouble.
“So sit down.  Or I’ll make you.”
“Mom, turn off the TV.”
Mina gave her second eldest, Haruto, a look, as he didn’t give her the chance, and turned the TV off for her.  “Turn that back on!”
He shook his head. “Nope.  I’m worried about Dad and Takuma too.  But you don’t get to give yourself a heart attack or something that could hurt the babies.”
Her hand instinctively went to her stomach, trying to quiet the unease that she felt.  Haruto had already had banished her third child, Yamato, from the room, taking Ren and Moji with him.
“Hey!  You wanna fight somebody, fight me!” Katsumi roared.  The Nomu had already taken out Aunt Ochaco, clipped her hard when she’d gone in to try and get her hands on it to use her Quirk. She was unconscious, but breathing. So Katsumi was going to hit the ugly fucker with everything she had.
She brought up her gauntlets, firing disks imbued with her explosive power as fast as they would load. Explosions dotted along the surface of the Nomu’s skin, ripping open gashes, burning away flesh, and all together doing absolutely nothing to slow it down.
Had this been the way Papa had felt, fighting Strongarm?  Staring down a foe stronger than you, one who could rip you apart? But doing it to buy someone else a little time?  Was this Womanly?
It was three meters away. Then two.  Then one.  She kept firing, keeping its attention on her.  But she had to move.  She couldn’t just stand here.  Keep it distracted and…  and…  
Why weren’t her legs moving?!
Katsumi braced herself and closed her eyes.
There was a sudden, sharp blast of wind and something scooped her up into the air.  She opened her eyes and found… Shinji?!
“What the hell are you doing here, you overgrown vacuum cleaner?”
The large boy looked surprisingly sheepish at the accusation.  “I, ah, may have, ah, flown away from school as fast as I could when we heard about the attacks.  I was, ah, worried about you, and Izzy, and Shota, and Mika…”
In spite of the seriousness of the situation, Katsumi slapped her face with the palm of her hand. “Only you.  Put me down!  We gotta fight that thing!”
Her irritation was replaced by terror that made her feel like someone had injected ice water into her veins.  She hadn’t even thought about Izzy being out there somewhere… with Nomu everywhere. And she was with Uncle Pikachu and the Grape, who couldn’t possibly protect her against…
No.  No.  No. She had to banish that thought. If she got herself killed because she was distracted…
Shinji put her down on top of a roof.  “I think there’s better people than us for that.”
Below, the Nomu was looking for new targets.  Fortunately, it seemed to have found one.  More Heroes had arrived on the scene now, that Phantom of the fucking Opera wannabe Laughing Man and Nejire Togata, who’d wailed on their class at the USJ.
Katsumi hadn’t liked getting beat to hell like that, but maybe they could unleash some of that hell on the Nomu.
She realized she was still breathing hard, her heart thudding in her chest.  “Then let’s get Uravity out of the way.”
“Might as well risk my life some more,” Shinji said.  “Dad’s going to kill me already anyway.”
This was still technically a Rescue Internship right?  Maybe she could do some rescuing.
As soon as her hands stopped shaking.
"Vanish Veil, do you copy? Reports are in from all over the city. Heroes are already engaged but we need to get the word out further."
"I heard them myself already! I know what I'm doing." Mahoro huffed as she gave her hair a toss and looked out on the city. Might Tower was one of the highest points available, and a good map covered any blind spots. She checked the coordinates again. One, two, three... sixteen. It was a terrifying thought, but it was happening. She activated her quirk, several arrows blinking into view around her, before flying off in different directions, rapidly enlarging as they went. Within a minute, each of the Nomus' last reported locations were highlighted with beacons nearly half a mile high, with a red flashing demonic face topping each one. It would be almost impossible for any Hero to miss.
 "Veil... are you sure you won't consider those art lessons?"
"Shut up! Don't distract me!" She focused on maintaining each of the illusions, while still listening for any location updates.
"Why! Won't! You! Stay! DOWN?!" Ravenous directed his Binging Balls to make another pass through the monster. Each time they left a neat hole, but the monster just ignored the damage being done to it. The beast was fast as well and had resisted Tamashiro's best efforts to focus his shots on a single point. As it charged him, finally moving in a straight line, he had three of his balls converge to slice off one of its feet, sending it momentarily off-balance. "RUSH, NOW!"
"ON IT!" Daichi Monoma, the hero known as Boost Rush, fired one of the protrusions on his arm at full intensity, sending him at high velocity to catch the Nomu mid-stumble. "Escape Velocity!" Before the creature had its feet on the ground again, he activated his other arm's rocket booster, delivering a punch that rotated his body and could have moved a car. It didn't inflict any visible damage to the creature, but it was propelled upwards several feet.
"Thanks!" Ravenous flashed a jagged grin as he directed all six of his Binging Balls at the monster's head before it had any leverage again.
"Keep it pinned down, Sandblast! Bioshock needs more time to get me ready." Bezoar had embedded himself on a rooftop as a gunner's nest. "I knew I should have taken more iron supplements this morning..."
"You're not the boss of me!" Sandblast sent another wave of Assault Dust at the Nomu, stripping a layer of flesh from it.
"Metabolism is at maximum, fire when ready!" Katsuma had completed maximizing the cell activation of Bezoar's quirk.
"GET CLEAR!" A pulse of light burst forth from Bezoar's jaws as they spread wide, and a roar of displaced air accompanied a high-speed hyper-dense projectile closing in on the Nomu.
"This way people, keep moving! Stay inside the tunnel and don't touch the sides!" Petal Princess had created a semi-circular passageway with her quirk, composed of the flowers created by her. Anything trying to press through would sustain significant damage. "Lady, behind you!"
"Rear Guard!" Lady Luminous, without turning around, unleashed her Queen Beam. A projection of light the width of her entire face shot forward one foot, before making two sharp turns, upwards and backwards, to catch the Nomu pursuing her and the fleeing civilians in the face. "Thanks!"
As soon as Lady Luminous had passed the point of the tunnel entrance, Petal Princess thrust both her palms towards the Nomu. "Perfumed Hurricane!" The tunnel dissipated as the flowers flattened, turning razor sharp and converging on the monster.
Shota screamed.  The Nomu was the most terrifying thing he had ever seen, like a scary, monster corpse bird zombie thing.  He and Ground Zero had been on patrol, when it had taken them by surprise, dropped out of the sky like some kind of bomb.  It had smashed right through a car like it wasn’t even there and
Ground Zero had proven why he was the Number Four and instantly jumped into action.  First, he’d grabbed Shota and thrown him out of the way, shouting “Stay down, kid!”  He’d landed hard on his butt on the sidewalk.  The patented Ground Zero Rescue Toss!
“DIE!” Ground Zero yelled, charging forward and blasting the Nomu in the face with both hands.  It staggered backwards, blinded by the heat and light, but swung wildly, trying to tag him.  He ducked under the blow and blasted it again, unleashing a powerful charge against its chest.
He pressed his attack, blasting it against and again.  “Dammit!  Why won’t you fall down!”
Ground Zero launched himself up and over the Nomu, slamming his hands against the sides of its head as he went.  He unleashed more explosions and landed behind it, hammering another blow across its back.   It roared and its skin was covered in burns, but nothing he could do was making it fall.
The Nomu spun to face him, its huge arms swinging wildly.  A blow connected, sending him flying.  Ground Zero crashed into a street light and slid down to the ground. The Nomu let out another roar started towards him.
It was going to kill Ground Zero!  He… he couldn’t just…
And so Shota screamed again. He put everything he could into it, a high pitched scream that turned into pure destructive force.  The blast struck the Nomu in the back, blasting a hole right through it.  Shoto could see right through it and out the other side.  He must have even blasted away part of its spine!  The rest of its body seemed enough to support it, but he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.  Even if it was a monster, he’d never, ever used his Quirk on something alive like that…
At least, his attack got the Nomu’s attention.  It turned to look at him, charred and burnt flesh barely hanging off its singed face. One eye was charged and burnt, the other grey and moving rapidly.  It stopped when it saw him.  Letting out a roar, it charged.
He couldn’t even scream. He couldn’t move.  He was absolutely certain he was going to die. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t get his legs to move, couldn’t scream, couldn’t do anything.  Getting to be a Hero, it was his dream.  Before now, it had almost seemed like all fun and games (And way too much studying.  At least he didn’t have to worry about exams now.) and now it was just a nightmare.  
I’m sorry, Mom!  I’m sorry, Dad!
“Hey!  Ugly!” a voice—Ground Zero, he was okay!—cried out. “Leave the kid alone!”  Powerful explosions blasted the Nomu and then Ground Zero was above it, flying over its head.  As he came down, the Nomu reached out… and grabbed his leg!
The Nomu let out another roar and grabbed Ground Zero around the middle with its other hand.  He struggled against its grip, blasting it with explosions, but they did nothing to slow it down.  And then…
It pulled.
From below the knee, Ground Zero’s leg… just… came… off…
He let out a scream. Not one of the ones he made before he smashed the bad guy… not even one of the ones he made when he was yelling at someone.  But one that seemed to contain all the pain in the world.
The Nomu let him slip from its grasp.  And Shota screamed one final time.
The waves of sound hit the Nomu and then it simply... wasn’t.  The sound waves disintegrated it completely, like it was never even there.
Shota coughed, his throat raw.  He hadn’t done that particular trick in a while and it took a lot of out of him. He felt sick.  He’d done that.  Done that to something that had once been human…
Ground Zero!
Shota rushed to his side. Blood was pouring from his leg and he looked pale.  He had to remember his first aid training.  He had to!  Ground Zero had gotten hurt trying to protect him!  It was already bad enough.  If he died, he didn’t know what he’d do!  They’d spent so much time on first aid, why couldn’t he remember it?!
“I’m sorry,” he sobbed, “I’m sorry…”  He’d done it, he’d gotten one of the greatest Heroes of all time killed.  He was going to have to drop out, everyone was going to hate him, Uncle Shota was going to be so disappointed in him…
“’s… okay, kid…” Ground Zero said, weakly.  “’s… okay…”
The Nomu, somehow, even with its head completely facing the other direction, got back on its feet. Its balance was off and it roared and swung wildly, but it was as though it wasn’t even aware of how badly it had been injured.   It wasn’t healing, like some of the Nomu that Izuku and other Heroes had fought years ago, it was simply as though something was keeping it moving despite its injuries.
The sudden revival took Izuku by surprise and it landed a blow that knocked him back.  Having knocked him out of the way, it started towards Mirio, Toshi, and his Interns.  Toshi was already trying to put himself in front of everyone else, while Kocho was taking to the air and Haimawari was moving into a position to slide out, all of them getting ready to protect the injured Mirio.
Against such a monster, they’d have no chance.  He didn’t even have time to think, his body just moved on his own, channeling over seventy-five percent of the power of One for All.  Like a bolt of green lightning, he instantly crossed the distance between himself and the Nomu and hit it with everything he had.  No named Smash, just a straight up punch.  
Its head went flying from its body, smashing into the nearby building and embedding itself there. Finally, the body fell to its knees and did not rise.  It took a moment for the enormity of what he had done to sink in.  True, the Nomu were not people, not anymore.  They’d proven long ago that there was no going back for them.
It was not the first time Izuku had been forced to take a life.  What few times he had still haunted him sometimes, in long dark nights. But this monster had been threatening his son, threatening a friend he loved like a brother, threatening the students he had been charged with the welfare of.
He would do it again if he had to.
“Are those… wires?”   Izuku saw Mirio, with his unbroken hand, prod the head.  He was right. Wires were dangling from its neck, still twitching and sparking occasionally.  
“It’s a robot?” Toshi asked.  
“Is it supposed to be?” Haimawari asked.  “I’ve only ever read about these things, but I didn’t think they were robots…”
“They’re not,” Izuku said, firmly.  Someone was playing games with them.  Probably the same people who’d been behind the truck theft a while back…
“Dad, look!”  Toshi was pointing upward, where numerous arrows were now illuminated in the air.  
“Remind me to thank Maharo the next time I see her,” Izuku said.  “Toshi, I’m counting on you to get Haimawari and Koharu back to Might Tower. Mirio, can you stay here with the, ah, body?”
Mirio nodded.  “Yeah.”
His Hero Phone crackled to life.
“Unable to get eyes on Chargebolt and Grape Juice…
“Ingenium engaging Nomu…
“Kestrel wounded…
“Shoto, arriving to assist Cellophane…
“Voice, Glamour, and Shield engaging…
“Nejire-Chan and Suneater down!
“Uravity down…!
“Ground Zero… critically injured!  Repeat Ground Zero, critically injured!
The fires of One for All flared within Izuku, turning him into a beacon in the street.  He flew into the air so fast he left sizzling after-images behind him.
The sounds of battle behind Izumi’s ice wall hadn’t stopped, though she’d heard both Uncle Denki and Mister Minoru scream several times.  She’d even had to reinforce her ice wall twice over.
From above, there came a great crackling sound and a ball of lighting dropped from the sky.  There was a great explosion and the lighting took off again, just as quickly as it had gone.
“Uh, Izumi?” came Uncle Denki’s voice.  “You can let us out now.”
Dragging its leg behind it, the Nomu was still shambling after Kenta and Nejire-Chan.  He’d gotten some distance, but it was still following. It just… wouldn’t… stop.
A green streak of lighting fell out of the sky and engulfed the Nomu, then took off again immediately, too bright for his eyes to see what had happened.  When he could see again, the Nomu was on the ground, its head torn off of its body.
“What… what just happened?”
Tamaki Togata, alias the Shield, had been Deku’s sidekick for several years now, ever since graduating from U.A.  He’d done so proudly, even if it meant occasionally having his dad embarrass him at work.  
He had never as afraid as he was right now.  Dodging out of the way of the Nomu’s fists, his body started to glow brighter.
“What the…?” he gasped. “Deku?”
From above, a crackling electric streak dropped down, slammed into the Nomu, and was gone again.   His own glow faded as it did so.
“…He’s pissed.”
The Laughing Man, with his solid air shields and other tricks, and Nejire Togata’s density control were keeping the Nomu contained, but weren’t doing much damage to it. Katsumi scooped Aunt Ochaco into her arms and turned to Shinji.  
“Can you really carry both of us?”  There was none of the usual anger in her voice found when she spoke to him.  Just desperate pleading.  Even with a good relationship with good relationship she had with Shizuka, Aunt Ochaco had always been the true mother figure in her life.
She couldn’t just lose her, not like this.
“Of course…” Shinji trailed off, deflating like his strings had been cut.  “Yes.  I can. I promise.”
A streak of green torn out of the sky and torn the Nomu’s head off.   The glow faded for a moment, turning the glow into Uncle Deku!  He looked around, almost panic stricken, until he laid eyes on Katsumi.
“Go!” she yelled at him. “She’s okay!  We’ve got this!”
He hesitated for only a second, and then was gone again, glowing like a comet.
Shota had peeled off his costume’s tunic and wrapped it around what was left of Ground Zero’s leg, holding it as tightly as he could.  He couldn’t even call for help, he just had to keep applying pressure. He wasn’t even sure where the rest of his leg had ended up.  If they could find it, they could reattach it, right?  But it such an uneven tear…
What was he going to do? Ground Zero just moaned and was growing paler by the second.
“Izzat… you… Loud… Kid…?”
He… he couldn’t die… he couldn’t…  it was all his fault…
A massive thunderclap and a sizzle in the air made him look up, and a bright green streak landed, cracking the pavement.  The glow faded only slight, and it was Uncle Deku!  Steam poured off his body from the force of the acceleration as he looked around.
“Where’s the…” he started, but his eyes snapped to Shota and Ground Zero.  “Kacchan…”
Shota looked up, pleadingly. More tears fell down his already tear and snot-stained face.  “Uncle Deku!  You’ve gotta save him!”
“Hang on tight.”   Uncle Deku unclipped his cape and used it to scoop them both up.  “And take a breath.  This is gonna be fast.”
Years from now, they would talk about how Deku had singlehandedly stopped the Nomus that morning. How he had sped from battle to battle like a comet, smashing his way through each and every one of them in seconds, saving the lives of countless civilians, his fellow Heroes, and numerous students out on their Internships.
But as Izuku burst through the doors of the hospital, all he could think about was how he had been too late to save his friend…
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kermitgotlost · 10 months
so the love live x idolmas event is happening in japan rn and apparently koharu's seiyuu preformed snow halation. cryyying :,)
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aquacure · 6 years
hello do u have any miu/gonta hcs for us? thank you!
you know i do! luv to talk about em
miu brags about being with gonta all the time (haha you WISH you could get a taste of pringles can dick but that’s spot’s taken you virgins… is what she would say when gonta’s not in the room, she doesn’t play up her arrogant sexy personality around him… it’d be more like, i ain’t interested in any of the shit you got to show me… because i already got the greatest guy in the world… and im stayin with him forever n a day) 
but the second he surprises her with something sweet she loses it. brings her a bouquet out of wildflowers he found while he was out? hold her hand while they’re walking? kiss the top of her head while she’s distracted? she will fuckin melt
they’re sugar fiends, both of em, so when they’re in the city or anywhere with shops n restaurants in general they’ll hit up the crepe shops, ice cream parlors, bakeries, places with parfaits and whatever other sweet stuff you can think of, and have a great time. if anyone happens to be with em while it’s happening i’m sure they’ll get a toothache just watching them
this is specific to the vr au n i think i forgot to tag this but it’s worth mentioning again; when maki and kaede come to visit with their daughter, koharu, maki sometimes brings the fun book of animals to entertain her, but it turns into group story time because gonta and miu just stopped everything to listen to her read and show the pictures
miu has cold hands so she’ll randomly go up to gonta and say “HEY FEEL HOW COLD MY HANDS ARE” and just hold his face. it’s an excuse to do that.
she also gets gonta to watch “honey i shrunk the kids” with her bc it’s family friendly n it’s got science shit so they’re both on board with it, but halfway through, miu has to stop the movie bc when antie dies, gonta won’t stop crying
also they buy those kid brand jewelry making sets (like rainbow looms or the ones with charms) to make matching bracelets n stuff. not even to be lovey dovey it’s like yeah these are rad and fun to make let’s make a hundred
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lucykisaragi · 6 years
cards i still need fullbodys of
these are under a readmore! listed by character and card name as stated on the aikatsu wikia’s cardlists! (yes some cards have an * in the title due to the words technicly being slurs, i didn’t name the cards)
sweet chocolate kimono of the spring flowers peach brilliant gothic appeal of a frill dress heart catch little white bird by the waters pisces of mermaid the bear swimming ring ribbon ribbon summer the witch & the magic mirror if its a dress then definitely new swallowtail the witch with a red ribbon speaking of alphine medows waku waku koh-haku white cosmos east and west pink sugary pink fancy gift radiance of the blossom special sweet memories are in the future playful kunai throwing
prism star sweet chocolate kimono of the spring flowers blue light of the sun blue intellectual gothic heading for the party have some black tea exact timer magic of the beautiful snow shutter chance i am that girls number one fan welcome to the house of sweets the rainbow that stiches across the sky cool chemsitry messenger from the future even the warpping needs to be brillant blue santa present of the holy night east and west blue radiance of the comet star of tears futuristic siegfried three twinkle graceful lady looking up at the stars cosmo night
night of ageha blue rose under the moonlight rock style kimono of the spring flowers purple secret message light of the sun purple glossy gothic purple ageha enjoy summer festival romantic elegant its because we are rivals austere as usual math teacher of exact accuracy unforgettable memories purple santa heart of japan purple radiance of the iris five twinkle beautiful figure noble amaranth healing cushion jewlery night leo's shooting stars leo's shooting stars +
rainbow alice orange of happiness sweet chocolate pinky fruits feelings above the clouds fluffy chic together with the dolphins potepo-tan at the summer festival new stylish theif forgetful santa-san happy tree shiny santa snowman heart of japan - pop east and west pop radiance of the canary yellow popping star mascot character pajama tinder night fluffy seal
elegant smile resident of the bird cage tone of black & red kimono of the spring flowers dark blue elegant noble pure white queen colorful cake surprise present gothic santa mint noel heart of japan - dark east and west dark retro gothic suggested gothic two twinkle the lad's dream and mind's darkness charming star
guide of fairytales girl of the spring garden sweet chocolate lime candy polka dot puririn heart of japan - sakura east and west sakura as fate unfolds gorgeous daughter of flowers pillow for cupping the ogiri's master of ceremony the one in bloom is the smiling flower
pop magic magical ribbon charm of the monotone to the colorful pop addicitive cake relaxation delivered cookie stars heart of japan - yamabuki east and west yamabuki my heart is for you surprise chocolate glowing star of the night circus usher enjoy movie midnight tv
la la la porter chance catch union rock ball of memories brave charmont happy top spinning rockish sword dance
colorful title milk clown magical style marching style sweet temptation happy wrapping yummy yummy yu-mmy ghosts are surprising magical present cr-cr-cracker
stone charm bohemian who weaves the wind bohemian earth matte mint green navy indian glittering bijoux
maiden of ribbons airy painter the alps flower flower country the beach & shells flora snow fluttering alice paris daisy
dreaming alice heading towards the future dreams ufo skirt blue candy stripe puririn dignified umbrella spinning leave the program to me
secret queen adult like tulie casual elegant her walking poise is that of a lily the off time spent with everyone heart of japan moon moonlit nights marine blue sparkling glossy bouquet of my blessing six twinkle amethyst goddess sparkling moon printing moon my new goal
happy greet surf girl devil paint honey valentine let's go to the beach sweet scent of the beach coconut scented night in search of wreath materials fluffy penguin poppin penguin
white angely
lively coord
purple elegant shining swallowtail
lets sing a show sweet chocolate five court musicians crimson heart of thrill princess peach heading towards the sky dream skip scarecrows dream pink pop girl sky dress akari sunshine + obento-san of my dreams natural reindeer dreaming red radiance of the cherry four twinkle my favorite plush toy lets make a snowman
blue noblesse sumire colored tale sweet chocolate five court musicians blue mysterious magic user mischievous witch magical painter bell that glows in the night sky quiet sound of the ocean morning glory that blooms in the night dress that delivered the wish purple cat sith sumire gelato+ both scholar & warrior violet santa navy noel the glistening flute radiance of the aquar little devil punkish gothic prince tiny bit of happiness suport for me rockin' gothic special tea
sweet chocolate merry of the three court ladies three court ladies yellow princess yellow king of hearts king of pop negative check pop craftsman precious contents new discovery...? im feeling fantasy devil tulie hinaki twister ai-katsu yo-ru-shi-ku orange santa white fairy surprise is on the bonus add-on lively drum roll warm coord vivid march pretzels of love poppin green seven colored vivid special flavor found only in the night
five court musicians peach ski ski sweet skip lovely magician lovely dress a preemption spring color coord princess cute pastel lion's feelings angely pink girl in my dreams fluffy rabbit with my favorite mug sweet night daylight pastel innocently sweet
dignified of the three court ladies three court ladies blue gentle mad hatter the mad hatter who likes to dance just like the lightning blik's wish blue star dancing on stage special move rice pepper punch princess's bodygaurd stars that spread across the sky my bursting BPM cool jade steam doll
passion of the three court ladies three court ladies scarlet passionate century positive check cant wait for summer the girl of the sun modern monotone goodnight to flamenco jurius caesar salad jurius caesar salad+ hot blooded teacher's yell passion red a passionate winter eight twinkle i love you juri passion rose key to skincare delicioso night passionate idol activities wandering bodygaurd modernly dressed up straight rose
little devil tune of the five court musicians flute five court musicians wisteria playful little devil sexy devil the memories from the potatoes radiance of the raspberry chasing the admiration glamor of the lame ribbon admired stage milky devil
tune of the five court musicians kotsuzumi five court musicians plum little devil naughty little devil cutie devil dont miss out on the potatoes
caramelize a hundred mark smile i love sweets the worlds center winters cheerful dress exciting dolphin clover i finally found retro modern girl first shrine visit here japanese retro flower
freely strechable stylish monster honey honey bee candy girl will give you
nadeshiko mode miya-beam winters glossy dress shining snowy fields
supporting you decided high touch original little devil rockin pumpkin deilviery from the bottom of my heart cutie little devil holy love lives on sleepless nights new year sunrise rockingly vivid
pink step my crowning tv show two bonds marchen santa present thats a cake active girl so many delicious foods
ROLA (laura for those who dont spell her name as rola)
blue step the thing like usual reason for passing lets go shopping confident bat girl the north and southern cross blue roses of courage ice punkish
melon step yellow santa ring throwing that i won't let go of
lavender step china heroine memories of our playtime lets it it! onee-chan winter visits orchid of elegance glossy jasmine g*psy dancer
japan heroine star appears romance christmas feminine style even in winter
checkered activities in the morning
canary santa aiming at
tip toeing a little bit refreshing ori*ntal healing wink ethic ballarina beautiful roth flowers
my suggested tv show chances to shine girly christmas while waiting for santa cosmetic dress fairy awaiting spring
input of knowledge turning point
sweet pirate kiraran sparkling fairy
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crowemaiden-writes · 6 years
Can I have some family info on the rainbow six girls?
Of course!!---------------------------Akamine, Yui (tw: abuse)-- Her family is typical, a family of five. She has of course, a mother and father. Their names are Ryota and MinamiRyota is a business man who works in an office and her mother is a housewife. They love each other very much and they love their kids even more.Yui has one younger brother, Kohta, who hates her. And for very good reason. Yui isn’t a nice girl. She’s dangerous and mean. She tortures and threatens her brother when her parents aren’t looking and even broke his arm once. She sold his pet cat and broke his toys. Yui is a sociopath and her parents are in extreme denial. Ryota and Minami sent him to go live with Yui’s grandmother for his safety and for the sanity of the household.——————Kitamura, Yuna (tw: cancer)-Yuna’s family is a bit big, but very close. She has two older brothers, Senichi and Isamu, and one younger sister Hinata. Her parents are Kaito and Sachiko.Yuna’s mother is sick with stage 2 cervical cancer and can’t go to work anymore from pain. She used to be a teacher. Her father gets off of work early sometimes or goes to see her on his breaks to check up on her. He’s a teacher as well. They were highschool sweethearts and are still very much in love today.Her brothers are at university and can’t see their family very much but video chat when they can. Isamu is going to be a doctor, specifically in regards to his mother. Senichi is going to be a lawyer——————Matsuoka, Koharu-Koharu’s family is pretty traditional. Her father, Fuhito is an elementary school teacher, he's quite friendly and patient with many friends.Her mother, Reika, is a housewife who's very gentle and loving. She invites her friends over for gossip and small get-togethersShe has one older brother, Daichi, in university for engineering, he's always been a bit distant but nice. They’re pretty typical and her parents are sweet. Not much to note about her family.------------------Aoyama, Mei-Her family is a bit typical as well. Not much to mention.Both of her parents work a lot and expect the same from her. Her father, Makoto is a lawyer and her mother, Minori, is a doctor.They want the best for Mei, especially because she's their only child. She's closer to her mother than her father, she's more gentle and tries not to pressure Mei too much. ------------------Murasaki, Kokona-Everyone already knows the deal with Kokona's family. They're quite poor and struggling, much like the Umemoto family. Kokona's father, Tokuma, is a struggling alcoholic, but is on his way to sobriety. And with the encouragement and support from his daughter, he's getting there fast!Kokona and her father are extremely close, and were practically inseparable when her mother died slowly and painfully from sickness. But she always had a smile on her face. Medical bills were hard to pay with the family struggling even before Tsuki's sickness Kokona still does compensated dating to get money for bills and her father is aware of it. He doesn't want her to do it, but is thankful for her sacrifices. He's on his way to getting his office job back. ------------------Shirai, Saki- (tw: neglect) Saki's family is very distant. Her mother, Akemi, and her father Jiro don't interact with their children at all. Her older brother Kentaro is a drop out and only plays video games and smokes cigarettes. Her older sister Mio ran away years ago and Saki was kind of left alone.Because of the neglect, Saki developed an attention seeking personality. She sometimes hangs out with Hayanari, but they aren't dating. Kokona usually stops her from doing anything stupid and reckless.She spends a lot of time over Kokona's house and likes her dad. Sometimes she'll call herself Kokona's sister.She's thinking of moving in with the Murasaki family and helping get a part-time job.---------------------------Thank you for the ask! Feel free to send more 💖💖!!
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vampanella · 8 years
Subaru's Birthday; A Fanfic
I wrote this a couple days before his birthday but I couldn't finish it. So I thought I would just upload what I had written here regardless. Enjoy! ------ Who would have thought that after fifteen years of his existence, Yuki Subaru would finally experience romance? It had happened too quickly for him to realize, and by the time he had noticed, he had fallen completely. His crush happened to be an idol like him. A junior in his school, younger by almost three years. Blond hair, bright eyes and a fierce, bubbly personality to match. Their talks kept him entertained and Subaru wouldn't admit that to anyone but himself. He secretly enjoyed teasing her due to the reactions he got out of her. He has now come to wish however, that those pouts and nearly blushing face would happen because she too felt something for him, not because she was angered by his antics. These newly surfaced feelings were strange to him and he was kind of glad that he had been busy with work. It led him not to think about it as much but well... he couldn't stop thinking about *her*. Nijino Yume just did not know how to leave his mind alone. His thoughts often wandered back to the girl. It did not help at all that his friends wouldn't stop teasing him, as if they knew what was going on. Asahi and Nozomu were the ones who pestered him the most. Asahi had mentioned Yume's roommate almost as much as Subaru had talked about Yume to his group of friends. This had been before Subaru had his realization and now Subaru was all but nearly driven insane because ever since Koharu had moved to Italy, Asahi would mention the girl once or twice every couple of hours. If he mentioned something about Yume during those moments, Subaru would swear he was doing it all because she was Koharu's best friend. * * * Subaru wanted to hit himself on the head for being so careless. He had watched Yume's performance on his phone and his friends realized he had watched it because of Yume. Despite his attempts at rebuking his feelings, they did not let up on their teasing and he was sure that they now knew about his crush on the girl. It has been two weeks since he realized his feelings and a week since his friends knew about it. Honestly, he was thinking so much about Yume since then, that he nearly forgot his own birthday was coming up. Idols usually get surprise parties, but Subaru assumed his friends just liked the excuse to party right in the middle of January and that's why he was usually told about the plans beforehand. “It's okay if you think about Yume-chan, Subaru!” Asahi said beside Subaru. “I too wonder what Koharu is up to.” Subaru glanced to Asahi and dismissed him quickly. “I'm not thinking about anyone. My birthday is coming up next week.” “The 13th, we haven't forgotten.” Nozumu piped in. “Don't worry! We have it all planned out. Your Sweet Sixteenth will be awesome.” Asahi grinned. “I'm not a girl.” Subaru grumbled. “You are an idol, and as such we will *party*.” “We already asked the headmaster for permission and it'll be a planned effort between both us and S4.” Kanata said. “Which means it's more than likely the entire school will get involved...” Nozomu smirked. “Our dear boiled octopus will surely follow Hime.” Subaru groaned. * * * “A party for Subaru-senpai?” Yume blinked. “I didn't even know it was his birthday.” Yume couldn't help but state. “January 13th.” Laura said. “Well, I don't think I have anything going on that day. So I can definitely go.” Yume said as she glanced through her phone for the calendar. “Even if you did, you would have probably made it back to school by the time the party starts either way.” Laura piped in. “This is the second time we will be able to hang out with them around school right?” Yume asked. “Yeah! Last time was during our Halloween candy hunt.” Laura said. “So it's going to be exciting and interesting!” Yume grinned. “You're right.” Laura smiled back. “Subaru-senpai is a member of M4. A party by them is exactly what we need as a break after these past couple of weeks.” Yume raised her hands into the air. “I'm more than excited now! What can we do to help?” “S4 is actually organizing the party with the rest of M4. I think it was supposed to be a surprise party? But I don't know if that's the case at this point.” Laura said. Yume nodded. “I would be expecting something if it was *my* birthday.” “Yours is in two more months.” Laura pointed out. “That's it!” Yume suddenly exclaimed. “I know what I can help with.” “Are you even listening to me?” Laura couldn't help but ask. “Yeah, yeah, totally listening.” Yume said as she quickly wrote a text to someone and hit the send button just as fast. Laura shook her head. Yume then ran out the cafeteria. “Sorry Laura! Catch up with you later I have to go find Hime-senpai.” “She wasn't listening one bit...” * * * *Mom, dad, it's one of my schoolmates birthday soon... can you guys bake him a cake please? * This text left the Nijino family very perplexed. Yume's parents assumed their daughter went to an all girl school. “There are male idols too you know.” Yume's mom chastised her husband. “Yes but honey, this is the first time Yume has asked for this kind of favor. She wants us to bake a cake for a *boy*.” “Dear, she's only twelve. No need to worry about it I'm sure it's nothing.” Her mom said. “She will be a teen soon.” Her dad began to cry. “You over react.” Her mom said as she grabbed the phone to reply to her daughter. *Of course honey! By when do you need it? What flavor? * “And send!” * * * “By when?” Yume blinked as she stared at the reply. She thought about it. “The party is on the 13th.” She typed out the date and hit send. Her parents replied that it was okay and they can surely do it but that they would once again, need the flavor choice for the cake. “... I don't know what he likes!” Yume screamed to her phone, but she realized she knew someone who did. * * * “Where do you have that head of yours?” Ako couldn't help but ask. She had nearly scratched Yume out in anger. Yume sweatdropped and laughed sheepishly. “Eheheh...” Ako coughed. “Anyways,” she said. “As I cooked during the variety show, Subaru-kyun loves anything with eggs. And his favorite thing in the world is bananas.” Yume nodded. “So he likes bananas then? Thanks Ako-chan.” “What are you planning?” Ako couldn't help but ask again. Yume placed a finger to her lips. “It's a secret!” Ako did actually succeed in scratching Yume this time. Yume ran for her life. * * * Reaching for his phone Subaru sighed. He wanted to check Yume's previous live shows but he didn't want to be found by his teammates again. He stopped reaching for it and instead chose to flip through a magazine he had found in the changing room. It was uncommon for them to have such breaks and it was lucky he even had these couple hours to spare. He read through the magazine but then got bored once again. He decided to go get some fresh air. “Subaru! Subaru! I have SUPER MAJOR NEWS!” Asahi said as he ran into his friend by the front door. It seemed as if Asahi had ran over. Subaru looked at Asahi and blinked. “Calm down Asahi. What is it?” “You'll never guess who is in this building!” “If it's S4, I'm not surprised.” Subaru said. “Nooooope! Try again.” “I don't have time for this Asahi.” Subaru said. Asahi leaned over to Subaru's ears. “Yume is here, she has a audition for a magazine.” “What?” Subaru asked. “I said that Yume...— “ Asahi began repeating but Subaru interrupted him. “— I know what you said, I just mean are you sure?” Asahi nodded his head. “I'm sure of what I heard.” Subaru nodded along. “Well, I'm going to get fresh air I'll be back before the show starts.” “She's in one of the waiting rooms in the third floor.” Asahi said as he sat down. “I'm not going to see the boiled octopus!” Subaru yelled. Asahi laughed. “Of course you're not.” * * * Subaru knocked at the front door of the waiting room. “Come in.” He heard and he opened the door. Yume was sitting down with a notebook open, jotting things down with a pen. “Writing down how to boil an octopus?” Subaru said. “No!” Yume said, not looking up. “True... you can't boil yourself.” “You're this close to getting kicked out.” “Wow that kind of hurts, considering how close it is to being my birthday.” “I didn't know it was your birthday.” Yume said, pretending not to know. “I wouldn't expect a boiled octopus to know it.” Subaru said. “HEY!” Yume exclaimed. Her cheeks turned bright red. “See? Boiled octopus.” Subaru quickly pointed laughing. “Keep this up and I'm not giving you a present!” “You... are going to get me a gift?” Subaru was in disbelief. Yume stuck her tongue out. “Noooope!” Subaru puffed his cheeks “I deserve a present.” Yume crossed her arms. “I'm not giving you anything.” “Stop being rude to your elders, not to mention I'm the birthday boy.” “This boiled octopus does not obey.” Yume said. Subaru smirked. “So you admit you're a boiled octopus?” Yume raised her hands in exasperation. “Aghhh!” She glared. “I'm trying to be nice because it's your birthday soon but you're really pushing it.” Subaru couldn't contain his laughter. This was the girl he was falling more and more for each passing day. He was easily realizing why. He wiped the tears he got from laughing and sat down. “Okay, okay, I'll try to be nice.” He said raising his arms in defense. Yume simply glared and huffed. “HMPH!” Subaru couldn't wait until his birthday. ***
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ereri-fanfics · 7 years
Daycare Daddy by careforsometeaeren
Status: Completed
Words: 44,829
Chapters: 34/34
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: ereri, Children, Childcare, Daycare, petra - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, AU, Cute, domestic!levi, multi-chapter, Interactive,Fluff, child!Petra, no gender rules, Equality, mini dance AU, dance, Koharu Sugawara, dance au, Kissing, Confession, love sweet love, Zoo, Animals, puns, Butterfly, Beauty - Freeform, Family, Love, ereri fluff, Kisses
Levi is a single dad who works as Vice President at Trost Corps with no time to take care of his daughter. Every daycare he goes to doesn't quite meet his standards...that is until he sees Jaeger's ChildCare Center. Cute fluff and domestic babbling ensues.
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