#swcrd dancer
teamorcd-a · 4 years
There was always something to be done in the nearly isolated fortress home of Cathawl. There was always something pleasantly peaceful about waking up with the morning crew and shuffling between sleepy faunus and humans in the kitchen. The kitchen staff had to eat before the rest of the place was fed properly, and unfortunately Olivine had no time to help them out. There was an important item that had gone missing.
To say it was missing wasn’t entirely accurate. Once Olivine had figured out the breakfast situation - Waffles and the Works as they called it - she brought it upstairs back to her room, setting it down on the table in front of the couch. There was one mug of coffee and one mug of tea as well that began to fill the room with pleasant aromas.
Olivine looked at her now permanent guest when she came in from one of the adjacent rooms. “Weiss, we’ve had this talk for a day now. There’s a very important Dust field test I need to perform today and I need all my equipment. It’s not going to be as safe if I don’t have it all.”
The woman looked at the other who was clad in green. “What is it going to take for you to give me my jacket back...?”
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koeniginschnee · 5 years
@swcrd-dancer  x
With the initial answer, Winter was going to let the topic drop and leave it at that. However, the hurried comment that followed had her pause and give her sister a look.
“Do you want to have this conversation?” It wasn’t something she had expected to have to talk about, but she would if her sister thought it would be beneficial to her. “If so, we can talk about it.”
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littleblackqrow · 5 years
@silveredruby​ @swcrd-dancer​
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“... How do you gals feel about a Bed Jail breakout plan?”
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silveredruby-a · 5 years
“Do we have to celebrate the holidays?”
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“I mean, I’m not sure how it worked at your house but you’re welcome to come to my house with Yang and I. I’m not sure where Blake is going but, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen dad.”
Then again, it might have brought up bad memories for Weiss to even partake in something. Her home life hadn’t been great and Ruby knew that.
“Tell you what… if you come by our place and aren’t feeling comfortable, we can just hide in my room and hang out, okay? Besides, Zwei would probably be happy to see you.”
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rwbymotivation · 5 years
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I'd like to send a shoutout to @swcrd-dancer . The Mun is absolutely dedicated to their Weiss and it shows. They flesh her out wonderfully, from her 'princess' attitude to her soft heart.
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heart-of-iron · 5 years
Blog List
So I’ve started to gather a decent amount of blogs here, so I figured I’d list them in case people wanted to follow some other characters!
RWBY Canon Characters heart-of-iron - James Ironwood ncbelkrahe - Qrow Branwen (very low activity) disgracedvengeance - Arthur Watts swcrd-dancer - Weiss Schnee
RWBY OCs thetempestfalcon - Indra Tempest (Atlesian Specialist) resonantaura - Riordan Farlight (Fourth Year Shade Academy Student/Recent Graduate)
FFXIV OCs ofthesteppe - Aruktai Dotharl (Dragoon/Dark Knight Dotharl wanderer, very low activity)
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ex-grimm-reaper · 5 years
“Just leave it well enough alone. That’s how it’s always been dealt with and I’m still going.”
“Tell me, how’s that going for ya?” Maria was resisting a glower at Weiss, as well as a good bapping upside the head but she couldn’t reach. “Just because that’s how it’s been dealt with, doesn’t mean it’s healthy.”
There were so many examples she could use. Almost too many to list but while she was willing to drop the original subject, she wasn’t quite willing to let the young develop unhealthy coping habits. Especially if they were being chaperoned by an inebriated bird man half of the time.
“You might still be going now but when will that stop? It will get you by but how long do you want to keep just getting by? Trying something else has certainly gotten you in a better place from what I’ve heard, seen and been told.” No one expected old lady eavesdropping these days. “Sure it’s terrifying to keep doing that but think of what you’ve changed and what you have done differently. What step of change did you take that’s been good for you?”
She waited quietly for a moment, then turned to hobble away. “You don’t have to tell me of course. Just some old lady rambling to think about.”
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
✿ - Olivine
Texting Meme| Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
[TXT Snowstorm] No I’m alone. Nothin’ really on atm. Of course if you’re bored...
(Olivine never let it slip that she meant to write ‘really going on’ instead and made benefits of her mistake)
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koeniginschnee · 5 years
infirmary – muse a wakes up in the hospital and finds muse b at their bedside (Winter is always getting put in the hospital in these. Feel free to have Weiss be the hospitalized one if you like)
There was little to do but wait for her sister to wake up, but Winter also hadn't left Weiss' side for more than a few moments at a time. She was not about to risk letting their father arrive and turn the ordeal into a spectacle for profit. However, with nothing else to do, Winter was currently preoccupied with her scroll. Work kept her distracted from over worrying and the doctor assured her that her sister would be fine in the end. Until then, Winter would stay right where she was.
It seemed the doctors were right.
Winter spared a glance toward her sister and realized she was awake. How long, Winter couldn't say since she was preoccupied, but she was quick to set her scroll down once she realized. "Weiss? How are you feeling?"
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silveredruby-a · 5 years
“You needed a hug.”
“I did not...”
Ruby stopped, looked the other way and frowned. Either Weiss was getting far more perceptive in when Ruby was having a bad day, or Yang sold out her tells to her. She was going to guess it was a bit of both but she had no way to prove Yang was being, well Yang. After a moment of defiant silence, Ruby surrendered. “Okay fine I did.”
Of course, now Weiss could revel in being right, and her being wrong.
“Why d’you have to call me out like that though?”
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ex-grimm-reaper · 5 years
“Tell me something that will pop this bubble of anxiety.”
“A driver’s license and a pilot’s license are technically two different licenses.”
This was an entirely true fact. Perhaps redirecting that energy towards her would help ease their arrival to Atlas. Perhaps not, but Maria was tired, and that was the first thing she could think of. Then again Maria didn’t need to mention the fact she had neither of these things on her.
“You might want to get some rest while you can. At least let your Aura come back.”
It may have been an hour or two before all of them were going to be in a lot of trouble.
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veritasqui-a · 4 years
(Optional) If you can direct me to some people who could use some anon love that would be great, if not I understand.
Alright anon here ya go, I’m always a fan of giving out positivity, and I’ll stick with the first handful I find as I’m a very tired cryptid:
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
“I’m arresting you for being criminally cute.” (Olivine)
Olivine smiled, leaning towards Weiss with a cheeky expression. “I feel like that’s terrible abuse of your newfound powers.”
Weiss becoming a full Huntress certainly gave her a bit of a confidence boost. She seemed happier and Olivine couldn’t be more proud of her. Of course she was also never in her life let her live down the fact she got it early from the same man she did.
“You can’t arrest me, you can’t cuff me.”
Then after Olivine said that she realized something. Weiss had glyphs. She could absolutely do that. Weiss would absolutely do that. Olivine had essentially just invited her to do that.
She had made a mistake.
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koeniginschnee · 6 years
@swcrd-dancer holiday party starter
A painted smile didn’t reach her eyes as she entered yet another conversation she did not wish to have. Winter would have avoided the whole event altogether if it wasn’t for her father’s manipulative way of getting all his children under one roof again, and it made her hate her birthday and the holidays all that much more.
It was announced as an event planned by her younger siblings--a lie, she knew--which would ensure her arrival, and by extension the arrival of Weiss and Whitley. They had to keep up public appearances because if someone did not arrive, there would most certainly be rumors of a fallout between the siblings.
And of course they couldn’t have that.
There seemed to be quite the effort to keep them all apart, however. The onslaught of both holiday and birthday wishes came in droves while it seemed a gaggle of young girls were pestering her brother. 
Excusing herself, Winter chose to take a quiet moment to be a wallflower near where Weiss was currently standing. They would not be allowed much time to speak without interruption, it was better than nothing.
“I see father has outdone himself again.”
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
A+: Flawless/Sexy to Olivine
“...you flatter me far too much.”
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
“I just found out I have $40 more than I thought. We’re getting take out!” (Olivine)
Olivine was exhausted, and admittedly, falling a bit asleep. “Hmmm wait, what?”
She rolled over on the couch and looked over at the now gleeful Weiss. Having her own stable income was certainly putting a smile on her face with each passing day. Olivine on the other hand was always working, and of course was used to that stability.
The woman stretched and set up. Olivine tucked either side of her open robe to keep herself warm. “Yeah? I’ll let you pick somethin’ out for us then. I’m not sure what’s good in the city. You know me.”
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