#swagged too hard on the livestream
buggy-d-hoe · 1 year
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Gracy, BSN (officially)
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daydreams-after-dark · 5 months
deep breaths... thoughts on Fem channie...
Fem!Channie… so I’m getting choreographer Bada Lee vibes for this.
Ref: this video
Ref: these photos:
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Like fem!Channie has got swag! She’s hot, confident and ambitious in her work. She makes music and ppl flock to her regular DJing nights at the club. She’s just so likeable.
Fem!channie is one of the guys, highly respected by her male peers, who often ask her how she pulls the hottest chicks week after week.
Fem!channie has big dick energy. She just knows she is good at fucking. And she loves to fuck.
Fem!Channie has women flock to her wherever she goes. She’s always surrounded by fresh pussy and she lets herself indulge frequently. She especially likes to give the bi-curious ones that have never been with another woman an experience they will never forget. There’s nothing quite like cumming on another woman’s face and fem!channie likes to be that woman.
Fem!Channie may love to wear loose baggy clothes, but she loves to get her plain little bras out on display when she can. She has a few sets of lacey little things too that she shows off in her livestreams.
Fem!channie has her own streaming subscription for her music fans. But she knows what they’re really there for. To have her flirt with them. Fem!channie flirts like no one’s business. “It’s hot in here, let me just take off my jacket”, revealing a skimpy little bra.
For those who pay extra, fem!Channie has set up a special stream where she demonstrates how she uses a dildo. She soon realises everyone loves this type of content, and she enjoys giving her fans exactly what they want. Her latest idea is putting out a call to see if any ladies want to join her irl for a special cam show.
Fem!channie who is overwhelmed by the expressions of interest for this special cam show, but narrows it down to seven girls.
Fem!Channie realises she can’t decide and so puts together an orgy consisting of 8 participants (including herself) with lots of costumes and a variety of toys. It becomes a regular thing.
A/n this was so hard to come up with but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless 😘😘😘
@noellllslut @wolfennracha
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mixotrophics · 1 year
cities aren’t ecological dead zones. they can totally be Horrible(tm) for critters of all kinds incl. human beings. However they are not Dead per se, just New, and Weird, and Interesting, and they Have a lot going on and Can’t be written off because they’re huge and everywhere.
(Humans are troglofauna, cave critters, we live aboveground but we love caves. Thusly we make “homes” and they are mimetic of the Cave and our building edifices are mimetic of rocks and crags)
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^ isle of Skye, rocky cliffs :)
Cities are rocks and crags and their layout (tall buildings, hard ground (concrete), hard surfaces in general, roads that are wind funnels, high amounts of energy inputs) is like a rocky cliffs area. As such, rocky cliffs animals live in cities. City pigeons are rock doves, they live on rocky islands usually. Peregrines, cliff-nesters, like to nest on tall things like church steeples, though theyre not so common as pigeons as pigeons were pets that were transported around the world on purpose. (Peregrines, where they live, love the Tall buildings, for example in Norwich upon the cathedral spire there’s a peregrine, she keeps nesting there, if you go near to it and see the Hawk and Owl ornithologists sitting there, they may have a camera looking at her babies!)
NORWICH CATHEDRAL PEREGRINE NEST FOOTAGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6zavQvU9wc They have a livestream on their web site. May or may not be up becos they do not nest 24/7.
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Norwich Cathedral Peregrine photographed by @ PeregrineSkip on twitter
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Another from @ PeregrineSkip thats making me lose my mind because its a gull trying to yoink a pigeon from a peregrine. Its also great because all three of these critters have had their ranges go all funky from cities (rock roosting + domesticated pigeon, cliff nesting peregrine, opportunist scavenger gulls)
Because of a general Lack of water and plants and such, and the cars and engines and Bodies, and heated buildings, the meteorology gets messy. Cities are warmer and than surrounding areas. This is the Urban Heat Island effect. Some species may use these heat islands to overwinter.
Cities are also very disturbed. Nothing can rest, really. Gardens are pruned and dug. Lots are built up and broken down. we step on things. et cetera. BUT ALSO very undisturbed, because sometimes humans take a liking to a woodland or something in/next to their city, and protect it from damage incl. disturbance that would be good for it to endure, actually.
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^^ for example this swag habitat (dunes) gets Devoured by plants like gorse & trees (and becomes a shrubland/forest) if it is protected too much, as regular trampling is what kills the gorse & gives the dune plants space to exist. Some places are encouraging pedestrian to walk on dunes, some places are grazing cattle, some (I’ve worked on a place that did this) get diggers and just rip up all the plants down to bare sand.
Anyways in cities: What you get is a very specific environment. Rocky, hot, disturbed and also not, full of people. Some critters love this. hence cities are full of rats, pigeons, similar. And in the case of rats, pigeons, bradford pear, etc, we move species to cities (on accident, on purpose). Ultimately, you get something weird:
Globally, city “biomes” in different locations (VASTLY far apart) are way more similar than comparable biomes of the same distance (in technical terms: lower β diversity). City biota tends to be native species that like city biome characteristics + imported nonnative species. and AND (at least in plants) the profile of “imported nonnative species” that cause cities to be more similar are European ones, carrying a reminder of colonial history. (note that cities in different geographical areas still do have distinct and unique organisms)
,, However, some argue that extirpating some/all of invasives from cities isn’t worthwhile firstly because getting rid of invasives is hard, but secondly because we NEED to interact with plants and animals and the like. We are part of nature and it is part of us. It is good for our mental and physical health, and access to green spaces is overwhelmingly unequal (due to placement in wealthy/white areas, needing to drive there, needing to pay for entry, Not Allowing Gardening bc of HOAs and other control measures, poor & marginalised folks simply not having the time due to working multiple jobs...) that getting rid of things that Can and Do find their niche in cities without systemic changes that fucking Do Something about unequal access to nature would b worsening it.
On the flip side because of fabricated consumerist desire, people upset ecosystems. For example a lot of invasives which Thrive in gardens (which were planted because they’re pretty and usually typical European garden plants) are getting into threatened longleaf pine savannah, and they can’t get in there if there are wildfires with decent frequency.
remember any effects that negatively impact ecologies are not inherent to humanity & are driven by ceos with names and addresses (directly and indirectly) :]c
Anyways cities have a lot to unpack and im not going in depth with anything ive brought up here really but I enjoy pondering them.
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uwumessenger · 4 years
I saw you watched Haikyuu and played Obey Me. I was wondering what the demon brothers think of an MC that plays volleyball? You can pick what position they play. Keep up the great work💕💖
ooo interesting ! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
i may have been just a tad bit extra with these but i also ended up keeping these more general so MC’s position on the team is whatever u as the reader want it to be~
confused as to why you like it but is willing to learn more about it bc ~must satisfy human to also satisfy diavolo~
he helps you start a volleyball team at RAD bc they dont have one yet
it’s co-ed for now, but later down the road there’s enough members, organization, and structure for it to be separated into boys and girls teams
he’s sure to hold a straight face when you talk to him about volleyball or when he watches you play but is fanboying big time on the inside hehe
doesn’t understand the game but makes an effort to understand it, though he acts like he knows a lot about it when hes around you
secretly goes into the human world to watch the olympic volleyball team 
ends up becoming the manager for the team
kinda aggressive, the coach has to make him step outside sometimes
when you return to the human world he is sure to keep the RAD team intact
also is sure to attend all of your games no matter what
at first he is super chill but eventually turns into a very loud and passionate fan of your team LOL
he doesnt make an effort to understand the game on his own time. learns how it works by watching you and your games (ngl that’s how i learned too)
also picks up insight on volleyball whenever he listens to you talk about it
acts bored during those conversations but his brain is taking lots of mental notes bc it’s something you really like
ends up never fully understanding how it works but knows enough about volleyball to gAMBLE
definitely forces levi to make bets with him, but he always supports your team when doing so
will try to give you tips and find ways to cheat for you to win or do better
and he knows that you wont actually do what he says but finds it funny when you do something ridiculous during practice out of the blue
when you go back to the human world he still bothers you with out-of-this-world pointers
if he cant make it to one of your games (usually bc he has no way to get to the human world) he will record his reactions and commentary then send it to you
totally didnt steal that idea from levi
he has probably watched the demon-anime-equivalent of haikyuu!!
understands the game very well bc of that
but since the game is super over-exaggerated in the anime hes lowkey disappointed when he watches a real game (is even more disappointed when he watches humans play bc they’re not as powerful as demons)
so he likes to try out the moves he sees in the anime with you and mammon when you’re practicing on your own time
when it’s a game day he’s dressed head to toe in your team’s merch, ready to cheer you on!
of course, at first he doesn’t wanna go bc ew crowds ew major social setting ew oTHER BEINGS
cheers very passionately and puts other cheer squads to shame with his energy
livestreams EVERYTHING and by everything i mean only your plays and lowkey irritates the others bc he constantly interviews them
when you go back to the human world he always records his reactions and commentary, sometimes with mammon or asmo, and SPAMS you with them
but he gets to go to your games most of the time and never forgets his fans and glow sticks!!
immediately studies the game and its culture
he asks you questions and is openly curious about it around you
you demonstrate how the different positions work but go in depth on your position specifically
when he watches you his eyes are literally sparkling lol
he thinks it’s super cool that he’s learning about a real human sport from you
eventually becomes a manager for the team like lucifer, and takes lots of notes about what he observes, and his input becomes valuable and crucial to the team
rare moment when they get along but definitely fight for the bench when it comes to really big games
also likes practicing with you when you need independent practice before a big game or tournament bc of how serious and intense he can be
when watching your games in the human world he still takes notes and shares them with you as well as the RAD team
will bring numerous stress balls to squeeze to those games just in case so he doesnt um kill the ref or opposing team if they piss him off
simply wants to know if people who play volleyball are as good looking as you ;)
he doesnt understand why you’re into something that makes you sweaty and gross while you could be doing something else
but also thinks you’re really hot when you’re playing heheh
doesn’t really make an effort to teach himself about how the game works but he knows to cheer by reading the expressions on your face
unlike most of the others he doesnt stick around when you’re practicing
throws a lot of pre-game parties but doesnt allow anyone who supports your opposing team to join
dresses up for games like levi, but is much more stylish with it
designed the RAD team uniforms and jackets/sweatshirts
after returning to the human world he secretly designs new swag for your team and is overjoyed when you guys use it !!
sometimes he watches your games with levi and sends you a cute selfie when you score a point
excited bc it’s a SPORT
can talk about it with you for h o u r s. he’s really curious about how you play!
lots of working out and practicing together, mainly focuses on helping with your stamina
really good at blocking tbh so if you’re into spiking like hinata he’s a great person to practice with
doesn’t show up to all of your practices bc he has his own team sport to focus on but will sneak a peek every now and then to see how you’re doing
since it’s not a sport that has weight/height classes he doesnt understand when you diet every now and then in addition to your training
but he always goes to the games to cheer you on with the others since you always pull up to his
when it comes time to go back to the human world he promises to attend as many of your games as he can
and he does!! if he cant go it’s for a legitimate reason
even while you’re apart he’s still very encouraging and admires your skill and perseverance
wonders how you have the energy to play such an intense game, especially since there’s really no strict time limit like taekwondo
but he does make an effort to understand how the game works so he can keep up with you when you talk about your practices or games
watches the demon-anime-equivalent of haikyuu with levi to understand it more
goes to your practices every now and then and will fall asleep sometimes, unless it’s a super intense practice game, then he’ll watch
he thinks you’re really fun to watch in action, and attends all your games
makes sure you’re always well rested and that you don’t overwork yourself no matter what
even when you go back to the human world he checks in on you when he knows you have games or long practice days
also he has 10/10 fallen asleep while snuggling a volleyball and thinking of you. so YAYAYAY congrats, MC, he associates you w/ volleyballs and thinks they’re comforting until he watches a game and sees you get hit hARD in the face
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tattooed-alchemist · 5 years
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The ACLU of Washington has been hosting a series of events in Seattle where they bring in a local brewer to pour and have an evening of discussion around legal rights, and they call it Flight & Rights.  I know.
I went to this one because the topic was transgender health and access to care, and no matter how progressive Seattle might seem, don’t doubt for a moment that everything is being fought for as hard as possible.  One of the saddest examples I can give for that is the ACLU lady who did the intros, after saying the first speaker used they/them pronouns, then used ‘she’ to refer to that same person three times while reading their bio from her notes.  Because it was a room predominantly populated by affluent white people, everyone was aghast and said nothing aloud.
They normally livestream these events but for this one they did not.  I’m guessing it was for safety reasons for all but especially for one speaker.
The speakers included the person who runs the the medical access program for the local gender center and who just had top surgery three weeks ago, a person whose work is entirely focused on helping trans inmates in prison, an undocumented transwoman who came from Mexico to the USA and is currently working towards legal status, and a transman who was denied his top surgery by his insurance at a local major hospital three years ago and just got a settlement literally last week.  
The KEXP space where the event was held has a full cafe in it, so that was available before the discussion portion started for folks not into the booze.  Seattle Cider Company was pouring, and I used my two taste tix and skipped the full pour.  Both the Pineapple Agave and Dry Ciders were nice.  I loaded up on ACLU swag too.  That poster is most likely going to go in a front window of my house, facing all the neighbors.  
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isabeldrakeblog · 4 years
The slower week really did me a lot of good, however these are challenging times so I really need to be wary of pushing it too much at the moment. I had a good week at work, really I am beginning to feel so blessed to be working where I am, my boss has been so understanding during this period and I think as an office as a whole we’ve really come together over our shared struggles, one thing that this virus has really changed is people’s perception of mental health creating a much more understanding environment which can only be a good thing.
I went on a lovely wet walk this week around Wolstonbury hill collecting foilage for decorating our house and making the wreath. There was hardly a soul about and it felt good and right to bring in a bit of fresh greenery into the house and make my wreath by hand. I was very pleased with the outcome and it made me realise that it was important to me to make the house look nice for Christmas but to be able to do it at my own pace. Making these decorations by hand is such a lovely meditative practise and something that was very grounding to do during the run up to Christmas when it is easy to get swept up by outside stress.
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I did however, decide that I was going to do the Christmas livestream. It went really well and actually I think it helped doing it last minute as there wasn’t so much build up. It was good to do it again and realise how much easier it was to set up the second time round now that Tom had figured everything out. I also felt that I really improved my performance which I am so pleased about as it was one of the main reasons I wanted to do it. It has been such an interesting experiment and I have learnt so much about myself, the way I perform and what needs improving. The key things I noticed and managed to eradicate was uneccesary hand gestures, looking too serious during happy songs, umming and ahhhing whilst talking and avoding eye contact. I actually did a great linked-in learning course on assertiveness and I think I picked up a couple of tips from that! Don’t know why but I also think wearing my Auntie’s cardigan gave me a bit of swag! Again I got some lovely feedback and some very generous donations from people! I made a point of talking about it this time and it clearly paid off.
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After doing my livestream we watched another Christmas livestream from Jenna and the G’s a band we saw at Sunrise a couple of years ago and absolutely loved them. It was the longest livestream by a band that I’ve seen. It was brilliant, bonkers and hilarious as we gradually watched them get rip-roaring drunk. Really put me in the Christmas spirit and it was a really nice substitute as this Friday we probably would have either been out somewhere in Brighton or at a house party of some sort celebrating Christmas with friends. I feel like they were trying to recreate that and it definitely worked!
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The next day there was another massive announcement meaning that our Christmas plans had to completely scrapped and there was a realisation that COVID is really ramping up again. Really strange, had a lot of feelings coming up that I remember from the very start of this pandemic. It was a real blow and the scattering of plans is always a challenge for me even in the best of times but during this time when I am already exhausted by this year it has felt even harder to get my head round making it easier to fall back into distructive behaviour that I have been working hard to eradicate. The announcement has meant that Tom can now not see his parents at all on Christmas day which has been really hard for him as well. What a strange world we live in these days and it really feels like that ‘normality’ of before is getting further and further away. One of the only things that I have been clinging on to is music, dancing seems to be a way to get through this mess, it helps me to feel on top of things or at least that I can deal with whats going on around me in a more assured way. This facebook group has also really helped with morale. It was created by Slamboree another festival band and it has become this lovely, welcoming, absolutley hilarious community of past festival goers. It is nice to know there are people out there like us, needing the festivally vibes.
After the announcement we had booked to go to the pub which was lovely. It was nice to do something ‘normal’ even though it felt surreal! The staff were lovely and relaxed and it wasn’t too busy which made a difference. It was a vegan pub and the food was absolutely amazing and very filling! We’ll definitely come back here!
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growinstablog · 4 years
Ocasio-Cortez Shows How Politicians Can Become Instagram Stars
Who says Instagram is only for celebrities, influencers, businesses, and selfie lovers? Years ago, nobody would have thought that Instagram would become a stage for politicians. Make no mistake; Instagram and other social media sites are not only for elections and campaigns. Nowadays, many government officials are utilizing online platforms to reach out to their constituents on a daily basis, albeit in different ways. This just shows that having a significant social media presence is now expected among political figures.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram
Take Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as an example. Followers have been watching her journey since she announced her congressional bid in April 2017. At 29 years of age, the Democrat representative from New York is the youngest woman ever elected to the US Congress. If you take a look at her Instagram account—she has 3.2 million followers—you would see how good she is at connecting with her followers and how she adapts the platform to showcase different sides of her personal and political life.
There were light moments, like her Q&A livestream session which she conducted in November 2018, three days after she was elected. That time, she was preparing mac and cheese while chatting with 600,000 people online.
Thanks to everyone who joined me last night for my first Instagram Live Cook + Q&A!
It was great answering questions casual and political alike from constituents and supporters across the country.
See you next time! https://t.co/j1GZIfsqEt
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 10, 2018
There are also occasions that Ocasio-Cortez showed people a glimpse of her job, like those Instagram Stories when she attended a congressional orientation. She showed behind-the-scenes shots of her meeting fellow neophyte representatives, joking about secret undergrounds and the new member directory, and showing her “swag bag” of secure devices.  
While the quality of these videos isn’t that good (they’re being recorded with a phone’s front camera), it gives the whole thing an authentic feel. Furthermore, Ocasio-Cortez exerted effort to ensure her videos can reach a wider audience. She used a closed-captioning tool to make videos accessible to deaf and hard of hearing individuals.
Ocasio-Cortez is an elected official, so it’s no surprise that she utilizes Instagram to get people involved in the political process. In this post, she urged people to vote in the primaries in New York.
View this post on Instagram
NEW YORKERS: Read this post! ⬇️ . TOMORROW is a very important Primary Election Day! 🗳 If YOU have never voted in a Primary before, I’m talking to you. The most impactful decision a person can make for our community is to choose to vote when they ordinarily wouldn’t have voted. That’s because pollsters don’t EXPECT young people, people of color, and working class people to turn out to vote – so when we do, it changes the game. Here’s how to do it: . 1. Find out where you vote: visit nyc.pollsitelocator.com/search – it’s usually a spot pretty close to where you live. . 2. Pull out your phone calendar and FIND WHEN in the day you’re going to vote. MAKE AN ALARM/EVENT/whatever. Before work is your best shot. I know it’s annoying to wake up early, but we’ve got to save the country. Plus that post-vote glow is great and you get a sticker and everything. If I got a sticker every time I went to the gym maybe I’d go more often too 😂 . 3. VOTE TOMORROW AND BRING A FRIEND. I may have my list of endorsed candidates (see below), but honestly so long as you vote that’s the most important thing. Do your research and decide. . 4. SOCIAL! It’s totally okay to brag that you voted on IG, Twitter, Facebook, etc – even if you don’t want to say for whom! When people see that their friends, family & neighbors are voting, sometimes that’s the nudge or reminder they need to head to the polls themselves. . 5. Last but not least: HAVE FUN & STAY INVOLVED. Sometimes people say “politicians only come around when they want a vote.” For many that’s true, but there’s also a lot of officials out there doing the work but WE need to also check out our community boards, civic associations, grassroots activism, etc to hold up our end of the bargain and pay attention to what’s happening in our own backyard. . 💜💜💜 Get out there and VOTE TOMORROW, Thurs 9/13! . Our endorsed candidates (they have ALL rejected Corporate Lobbyist 💰): State Sen: @biaggi4ny (BX), @salazarforsenate (BK), @barkan4ny (BK) Attorney General: @zephyrteachout Lt. Gov: @jumaane.williams Gov: @cynthiaenixon . (There are LOTS MORE amazing candidates out there, this doesn’t mean they are the only good ones)!
A post shared by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@ocasio2018) on Sep 12, 2018 at 9:36am PDT
Ocasio-Cortez isn’t the only politician on Instagram
Ocasio-Cortez is not alone on Instagram; Senator Ted Cruz of Texas also uses the platform. With roughly 380,000 followers, he is the top Instagrammer among Republican officials, but he still lags behind Ocasio-Cortez. Moreover, Cruz’s page seems distant and doesn’t evoke the same authentic feel of Ocasio-Cortez’s page.
View this post on Instagram
Yesterday while surveying flood damage visiting my fellow Texans, I met a football coach from Marble Falls ISD, who I can attest is a true embodiment of Texas’ can-do spirit. In the face of disaster he remains resilient & a supporter to his fellow Texans in need. #texanshelpingtexans
A post shared by Ted Cruz (@sentedcruz) on Oct 18, 2018 at 6:24am PDT
According to a New York Time’s analysis, Instagram accounts of Democrats generally command more presence than those of their Republican counterparts. The reason? If you look at the demographics of Instagram users, the platform is dominated by younger users like Democratic voters.
What Ocasio-Cortez shows about Instagram and politics
Not a lot of politicians know how to capitalize on social media. Before, Instagram and other online platforms were just a one-way channel for politicians to broadcast their policies, not a place to interact with their constituents. We now know that it must be a two-way conversation.
https://www.instagram.com/p/BjEGBHhlkWJ/ Ocasio-Cortez’s use of Instagram provides a good case of how anyone—politician, business, or ordinary citizen—can utilize the Instagram platform to get more likes and followers. If people learn the necessary social media skills, they will be able to boost their Instagram accounts and get more engagement. In the end, they can gain more opportunities they can take advantage of and get that competitive advantage in their field.
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p101recaps · 7 years
Broduce 101: Episode 10 (Quick Livestream Recap)
This post contains spoilers. 
We go straight up to the Regal Chair of Doom for the elimination opening.
There are a few hair changes! Minki is dark haired again, while Sanggyun had an ashy blond dye job and a trim.
They’re not sure what the cut off is because of the rumours and the doubt BoA’s script had provided last episode.
Hyunbin ambitiously wants to be first, and the trainees laugh their heads off at this proclamation.
Entrance pose time!
Pledis trainees come in by imitating Nu’est maknae Minki’s disjointed shoulder trick.
Little Lee Woojin does the thigh touching move from sexy concept song Open.
MMO trainees, Daniel and Jisung, dance to Sistar’s Touch My Body. It makes me feel low key bitter because my girls :(
RBW Lee Gunhee did some hip swinging.
Extra as hell, Fantagio Ong Sungwoo brought a bag with him to recreate his now iconic moment from the work out episode.
WH Creative Seo Sungyhuk did some of IKYK choreo. Cutie
YGK+ Kwon Hyunbin did the robot.
Popular WinkDeep boys Maroo Park Jihoon and C9 Bae Jinyoung did twin moves
Ardor and Able hilariously recreate a reference to Noh Taehyun’s viral stomach scratching picture.
Starship Jung Sewoon did the world’s tiniest Nayana gesture.
CUBE chicks do a Twice Knock Knock reference.
OUI Donghan did a weird dance move on the floor. 
Only top 20 gets through. So this rumour was right. It’s like Mnet’s playing two lies one truth lol
BoA gets ajumeoni claps as she enters. That dress looks like something from Red Velvet’s closet though.
Fanservice to soothe the pain begins with cute dorm footage.
Snack time is abound in the dorms once again. One trainee carries what looks like a fuckin mountain of cup ramen across the room at some point.
They reveal a bit of first week footage with the HOTSHOT boys depositing their luggage in the waiting room. Sungwoon’s massive show insole falls out and he gets embarrassed, all ‘When did this come out??’
Sunghyuk has a bit where he comes into to visit his hyungs and gets scolded for his informality. He gets visibly scared by Jihoon’s sternness, leaving with his tail between his legs until Ong-ssi calls him back.
Ong-ssi: Why’d you come in here?
Sunghyuk (looking like he may cry): For...no reason.
All the hyungs: Oh, that’s good! :D I’m glad you came to see us!!! :))
Sunghyuk almost passes out in relief when he realises they were teasing him lol
There’s a cut of how the boys all pull out make up to touch up when production staff calls for a break, yanking out their compacts and pat-patting away at their faces.
Jisung eomma is the funniest of all of course, whipping out the compact with a flourish and patting his too red lips to blend them out.
Ong-ssi puts on a few dozen coats of tinted lip balm and gets ticked off by staff for the red lips visible across the hall 
Jaehwan touches up Baekho’s nose for him 
Another cut is product placement for face packs, its a sponsored bit (you can always tell when Samuel’s acting, bless him) but they play around well with the differently coloured mask creams.
Sungwoon gets 101 written on his face by his dongsaengs, Jihoon makes himself up like a panda while Baekho gets a beard. He’s very pleased with it. A universal cutie.
Deffo more natural PPL than the herbal supplement.
There’s a cut of early morning shower singing from vocal kids RIP FNC Yoo Hwiseung, getting screentime once he’s been kicked.
Sad practice shots with Jaehwan’s acoustic guitar backing and singing of Nayana. I ALREADY FEEL BAD FOR THEM FUK U MNET
Cut to more cheerful trainee time.
Noh Taehyun once again has to heatedly defend himself because of his stomach clip after already having to clarify he’s not a crybaby. He claims the clip was from after a rehearsal sesh, and he was hot and sweaty so, “I WAS FANNING MYSELF I WASN’T SCRATCHING MY TUMMY EVERYONE!!”
CUBE kids explain their initial awkwardness. Their company wanted them to be clear hyung-dongsaeng on the show, but they were friends while they were trainees earlier. This means Seonho can’t use banmal with him anymore and has to remember to call Guanlin hyung. It doesn’t affect Lai Guanlin, but Seonho is still adjusting lol 
Minhyun likes sweet boy Seonho, but the younger kid keeps hugging him and is really fond of skinship. 
Minhyun: It’s like he’s my girlfriend...he needs to dial it down a bit.
Seonho: It’s just because I love my hyung???!
Daehwi gets a stool to stand on for his individual bit, and is mildly indignant about it. He doesn’t think he’s that short and pulls out massive insoles from his shoes before also ratting out Sasuke Uchiha cosplayer Bae Jinyoung’s use of insoles.
His friend is not happy, and has to reveal his own massive foam shoe inserts.
Bae Jinyoung: They’re only 2cm!!
Staff: Only because you’re pressing down on them like that.
Auntie Jisung, true to form, mentions Daniel’s night talking. 
“Mom, you’re embarrassing me!!” - Kang Daniel, probably.
Red lip tint fans Daniel and Sanggyun get called out for their always pink lips, and Daniel gets his own back by pointing out that Yoon Jisung also always wears tons of it. 
Kang Daniel called my boy with his ludicrous pink lips an ajumma!!
Sewoon loves his awkward wink edited with post its on his face and the Jaehwan and Sewoon vocal ship continues to sail.
Hosts Auntie Jisung and Ong Sungwoo for basketball manga oppa times
Ong-ssi: Why are you here? Did you trainees only come to have fun here on the show?
Auntie Jisung: Yes. I did. 
They chant ONGSUNG ONGSUNG ONGSUNG for themselves. New comedy MC duo, I loaf
Speed quiz is first up, with sexy waves from OngSung MCs.
Showtime team do okay, Samuel flips onto his back to act out samgyetang. I died. How do you even think of that.
IKYK: Moonbok hard carries. He’s so pretty but that hairstyle...a topknot and scarf wrapped around his head..I wear my own hair like that for house cleans. Taedong quivers for a bit  when he gets his word, before dancing The Boys for SNSD. 
Open: Daniel does a piss poor imitation of Baekho, who laughs like a baby the whole segment. Seonho gets Ahn Junyoung (the P101 main producer) and wavers for a bit before yelling, ”Ah! PASS!” 
Oh Little Girl: Ayn Hyungseob has apple hair! He struggles to convey swag, imitating Baekho and Daniel to no avail. His team finally gets it only because Lee Euiwoong hears Noh Taheyun say, ‘Ah, Hyungseobie definitely has none of this at all!!’ 
Never: Lai Guanlin passes because he doesn’t know the word...twice; he can’t read Hangul well and the words are too difficult. One of them is an old fashioned Korean flute like?? It’s a hard word and how do you act it out? Poor kiddo
IKYK team wins this segment. 
Next game is a game where duos come forth from each team; one trainee does an elephant nose spin, and then runs to apply lipstick on his waiting teammate.
My heart soars at Sanggyun and Jisung representing Showtime
Sewoon falls multiple times and when he gets to Euiwoong,  he keeps shaking. Euiwoong gets more and more impatient and Sewoon finally gets shoved by an annoyed hamster.
Jisung veers off and falls like fifteen times before getting to Sanggyun. After, Sanggyun looks at himself and thinks it’s sort of sexy. “You look pretty!!” says excited Auntie Jisung, gleefully.
BNM Jonghyun has a scary determined look throughout.
Kim Yongguk can’t even spin straight, falling over every two spins like a new born puppy. He crawls to Kenta, who waits patiently to have his whole face attacked viciously with red lipstick 
Kenta, when the trainees go into splits and Yongguk is still stabbing his cheeks with lipstick: WHY? WHY??
Lee Daehwi remains perfectly, characteristically competent, calmly dabbing on Wartortle GodJonghyun’s lips like a seasoned make up artist. 
Yoo Seonho gets to draw again on a caring hyung picked by him, so he picks Daniel
Jaehwan picks Emperor Hwang for redoing the segment. Jaehwan runs lopsided and dementedly fast to draw on his hyung, frightening poor Gunhee on the sidelines.
Seonho applies eight hundred layers of red on Daniel’s mouth lol
The next game is team jump roping and posing for a photo 
This was hilarious - you have to look them up, I died laughing at their faces mid air. These are the pictures I’m getting blown up and signed if I ever see them in person. 
Open team wins overall, and receives the PPL face packs.
After this dose of healing (this is what Jonghyun calls the segment, with another of his ha ha HAs) cuteness, we go back to elims.
The rankings from last episode are finally revealed for the highest ranking from the live audience. To no one’s surprise, Daniel won the 220,000 benefit.
1 and 20 to be revealed last for the suspense
Jung Sewoon ranked 19. 
Woodam and Donghan have a depressingly self aware discussion about how they know they’re lucky to have this far.
Joo Haknyeon is 18. The boys are all shocked but he’s had awful press lately. He’s losing grace swiftly, and this is his first time falling out of top 11.
BNM Im Youngmin has fortunately made it at 17, despite the (totally undeserved) hate he received. He even apologised, for some reason
CUBE Seonho was 16, he almost fell out his seat with shock as his name was called.
Ren, Hyungseob and Jaehwan all make it in succession.
Minhyun’s apparent ‘mistaken’ reveal of his rank was at 12 but it’s Pledis Kang Dongho at 12. The trainees all imitate Baekho’s Boy in Love head bob lol
Pledis Minhyun makes it at 11. He’s handsome on the big screen, and sings at BoA’s request. All the trainees have a shim koong.
Lee Daaehwi at 10. I’m grateful he stays top 11 though a cutie 
MMO Yoon Jisung makes it at 9!! YES HE’S BACK IN TOP 11 I LOVE MY AUNTIE!!
So do the trainees, they’re all more excited than he is at his rank, there’s a veritable swarm as they congratulate their eomma.
Samuel’s having a breakdown from nerves.
Auntie Jisung’s ugly crying is slightly muted this time - his company must have scolded him. Daniel is super relieved his hyung’s back in top 11, and Jisung thanks people for supporting him and his dream.
Ong Sungwoo is safe at number 8. BoA asks him to do his Ong-slate bit, which of course, he does with every bit of over the top acting he can.
Nation’s leader Angel God Jonghyun dropped to 7, but at least Wartortle’s safe.
Good shot of the empty Nu’est seats as Jonghyun thanks the voters for supporting him and his fellow Pledis trainees.
Brand New Music Park Woojin makes it to 6! He still has an eye patch on, I hope he’s recovering well. BoA asks him to do his famous snaggle-toothed smile. A cutie.
Samuel’s proper freaking out but he makes it at 5. He thanks all his Showtime hyungs by name but forgets Jisung, adding him last when he realises. Jisung, my drama queen, pouts in mock offence 
Goodness, you can really see the relief on Samuel’s face when he sinks into his chair, my poor kid.
BoA calls out Ha Sungwoon and Bae Jinyoung for the next two possible ranks
Ha Sungwoon can’t stop yelling in shock for being in the top 5, he just screams endlessly. When the camera points at him for the shot right before BoA announces his name, he thinks it’s someone else in his row because he really wasn’t expecting it.
Bae Jinyoung is 4. The two pick voting helped him climb back up, WinkDeep sails. In celebration, he does the aegyo bit from his intro.
Sungwoon makes it at number 3 (more slightly muted screaming)
I’m that tear waterfall pokemon gif, and so is he, sort of. This caught me off guard but I love being wrong about this sort of stuff.
Popular kids, teen pick Jihoon and noona pick Daniel for top two. 
Daniel and Little Woojin exchange non-forced reassurance as they wait for his rank to be announced.
Sidenote while watching the livestream: That Cha Eunwoo kid is in a lot of ads for a rookie. He’s rather handsome.
MMO Kang Daniel ranks number 1. It’s his first time, he never thought he’ll be Jihoon’s rival, but he’s deeply grateful. 
Which puts Park Jihoon at a safe 2. He thanks his fans for their continued support. His consistency has been incredible, he’s never left the top of the pyramid. 
Last trainee for the cut off at 20. These shots of my eliminated talented boys makes me sad.
They draw out my pain by showing the ranks from 35 upwards, and having the trainees speak as they get booted.
Bye little maknae Lee Woojin, star vocal Park Woodam, RBW meme Lee Gunhee and musicial kid Kim Yehyun
All of I Know You Know got booted. My sweet boy WH Creative Seo Sunghyuk cries. The Vibe knight boy Taedong and blond pretty kid OUI Donghan are composed. They must have all expected this.
Oh, Donghyun. His BNM trainees look like they’re going to cry as he asks the voters to support them.
Sanggyun spits some sugar coated bitterness, Noh Taehyun and Takada Kenta are graceful.
Visual dark horse Moonbok, who got played by Mnet the most, leaves the show too. He really speaks very prettily. 3
BoA says this isn’t the end for their careers. I wish I can be that optimistic.
Yuehua Lee Euiwoong doesn’t make the cut. You can see Hyungseob’s face fall.
YGK+ Kwon Hyunbin is eliminated at 22. He says a nice ment too, but lasting this long considering his background and skillset is just miraculous.
It’s between Kim Yongguk and Lai Guanlin for rank 20. 
Honestly, I’d never have guessed this in a million years. Kim Yongguk, maybe, because of his lack of clear broship, but Cube chicks must get a lot of their hype from teenagers. 
Lai Guanlin makes it by the skin of his teeth. 
We have to say goodbye to Arctic Fox Kim Yongguk. This feels so unfair, he had such a nice, melancholy tone. 
Daniel leads the ending salutations to the national producers.
Last voting period opens, and it’s one pick. This season has been super makjang for real. Far out.
We cut to a new day, the top 20 trainees have gathered for final evaluation mission. BoA reminds them this is the final, debut mission for the live broadcast finale.
The trainees will be split into two teams to perform one of two songs, Super Hot or Hands on Me. I’m keen to hear these songs, the composers are really well known. The choreography has to be created by the trainees themselves.
Harvey Mason and his team created Hands On Me, the demo sounds like a laid back jazzy track that will probably go the IKYK way (hashtag bitter).
Ryan Jhun, who composed Nayana and EXO’s Love Me Right, my favourite EXO title song by far, wrote Super Hot, which is more funky, fast paced. 
I take a minute to thank Mother Mary for the lack of EDM. Let’s hope it doesn’t jump out on me when I hear the full songs.
Positions depend on rank, with low ranking trainees picking first and the higher ones possessing the ability to replace them if they want the position.
Im Youngmin’s penalty for leaking spoilers is that he has to take what’s left over, so he picks first and can be replaced.
Seonho ambitiously displaces Haknyeon for sub-vocal 3 on Super Hot, pushing him down to 4.
Hyungseob pushes Joo Haknyeon further down to 5 lol
Then Daehwi pushes him to rapper 1
Jonghyun comes in to shove him to the other team, as vocal 6 for Hands on Me.
Dead. His fellow trainees seemingly have no faith in him at all. 
Jaehwan takes his rightful place as main vocal for Hands on Me.
Sewoon had picked sub vocal 1 on the same song earlier, wanting to sing with Jaehwan. 
Minhyun continues to be a Joseon level strategist by pushing Sewoon to a different team. Samuel moves him back but to a lower vocal position. 
Daniel changes Sungwoon’s team from Hands on Me sub vocal 1 to Super Hot but promotes him to main vocal  on there so it works out well.
Everyone on Super Hot understandably wants to be centre considering the timing of the mission and they all sing the main chorus line to compete. 
Samuel has to create the choreo and formations as the strongest dance trainee. His teammates come up with a bunch of unhelpful suggestions and he’s stressing out again.
Ong-slate opens on Hands on Me discussions.
They’re discussing leader, Ong-ssi surprisingly nominates himself and receives the position.
Again, everyone wants to be centre and audition with the ‘killing part’ but they don’t show centre pick.
We see the eliminated trainees crying at the eliminations again before next week’s trailer and ranks. 
Below is a comprehensive list of this week’s rankings. I’ll post the entire set this time, because we’re down to only 20 :(
Kang Daniel 
Park Jihoon 
Ha Sungwoon 
Bae Jinyoung 
Kim Samuel 
Park Woojin 
Kim Jonghyun 
Ong Sungwoo 
Yoon Jisung 
Lee Daehwi
Hwang Minhyun 
Kang Dongho 
Kim Jaehwan 
Ahn Hyungseop 
Choi Minki
Yoo Seonho
Im Youngmin 
Joo Haknyeon 
Jung Sewoon 
Lai Guanlin 
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thedogcouch · 7 years
Christmas Gifts For Great Automobiles, Brent (And Other Pets Too!))
December is the time of year when Santa brings gifts to all the good boys and girls. And I know of one very, very good boy.
This season is my border collie Boatmeal’s very first Christmas with us now. He is the smartest, most cherished, most exquisite, best boy on the planet, and he warrants a mountain of gifts into his channel. Hopefully Santa agrees, and has a look at this list of gifts for furry friends.
CleverPet Hub ($US299)
I am a big fan of enrichment toys for pets, and also the CleverPet hub looks like a great one. This gadget trains your pet to get a set of lights in order to obtain a treat. It starts out easily, giving free snacks to ensure that your pet learns to connect the hub with tasty tidbits. It then requires your pet to get a touchpad so as to have a cure, and ramps up the problem from that point. Finally, your pet will probably be touching lights in strings, identifying which lights will be brighter, and matching colors.
CleverPet corrects the problem so it’s just hard enough to keep your furry friend engaged and exercise their mind, but not overly hard for them to figure it out. Additionally, it isn’t only suited to dogs it was designed for both dogs and cats, also has been used successfully by an assortment of other creatures also.
Unfortunately, it now only ships to the US and Canada, and that means you’ll need to shed a bit extra on a mail forwarding service as well. But isn’t your doggo worth it?
Petcube Play ($259)
Sometimes, when I am having a tough day and only want to go home and snuggle up with my puppy, I imagine through Boatmeal’s Instagram to help tide me. It is a calming balm, but what would be even better (though not quite like a snug), would be if I might see a real-time livestream of the boy. Petcube Play not only lets you view live picture of your furry friend in your smartphone, but also the two-way sound allows you to talk to and listen to them also. There’s an integrated laser toy so you’re able to play along with your pet as well, though that is probably more suited to cats than dogs.
If you want to fling snacks for your pet while you’re away, you can try Petcube Bites ($349) too.
PupPod ($US179)
The PupPod is just another enrichment toy which has puzzles which increase in difficulty as the puppy learns. But, as opposed to automatically dispensing treats whenever your puppy does something properly, the PupPod indicates you onto a cell program, telling you to toss that fantastic boy a deal. It is possible to get a Pet Tutor treat dispenser ($US300) which will automate the match, but then you would not be spending quality time together.
Even the PupPod is a modified KONG wobbler, so you know it’s likely to be sturdy enough to withstand the attentions of your pup. Using motion sensors, it starts by requiring your puppy to be near the PupPod, then raises in difficulty to having them to get it. The puzzles continue to automatically increase in sophistication once your puppy has mastered them, making use of lights, sounds and time to present many different puzzles, maintaining your pet’s mind sharp.
U-Pet Carrier ($US129)
Image: Supplied
Pet carriers frequently look like tiny isolation cells, with pubs and plastic along with indefinite detention without trial. They are also cumbersome to carry, only to be utilized when moving house or going on a vacation.
U-Pet sells a group of backpacks and bags especially designed to carry your small animal companion as you go about your daily business. Rather than whipping out your phone to show people photos of your kitty, you can whip from the genuine article.
Much more aesthetically pleasing than the average carrier, U-Pet carriers comprise a transparent hemisphere to allow light and the bag’s occupant look out, a cushioned interior to keep them comfy, and many air holes to make sure they are well-ventilated.
In case my 30kg puppy match in among them, I would carry him with me everywhere.
SHRU The Smart Cat Companion ($US98)
SHRU is a kitty toy is designed to mimic a small animal, allowing your cat to gratify its cruelty without any true bloodshed. SHRU can itself on and off automatically throughout the day, and that means you can make it for him to play with while outside, or you may manually configure it for different modes. This toy will help keep your kitty’s mind and body active, and it is also rechargeable, so you don’t need to fuss around with batteries.
Dyson Groom ($89)
Image: Supplied
You have learned regarding the Dyson Supersonic hair drier, now get ready for the Dyson Groom tool. Our family recently suffered Boatmeal’s very first shedding of his winter coat. This entailed continuous brushing, which did nothing to abate the discovery of stray hair follicles everywhere from on food to onto toothbrushes. The Dyson Groom instrument, which is acceptable for dogs with medium to long hair, stinks accumulated hair directly into the vacuum cleaner, so it doesn’t wind ups coat your cardigans.
Vacuuming your puppy. The world is a beautiful location.
FitBark 2 ($US81)
Image: Supplied
Can you fear that your pooch isn’t getting all the exercise his little doggy heart requires? The FitBark 2 is a fitness tracker which attaches to a pet’s collar, tracking his activity and sleep to provide you insight in their health. The data can be helpful to help explain changes in behaviour and keep tabs on existing medical conditions, and to motivate you to keep active. The fitness tracker only started in Australia this season, and also is capable of connecting to a Fitbit, Apple HealthKit or even Google Fit so it is possible to keep track of both of your health stats collectively.
All For Paws Interactives Fetch ‘N Treat ($45)
Image: Supplied
If you aren’t quite ready to dismiss your vacation budget however your special boy nonetheless deserves something as unique as he is, this gadget may do the job. Load up the Fetch ‘N Treat with dry puppy treats, and it will release them if a typical tennis ball is inserted into its own top. With a little practice, your pet could keep playing fetch with himself long after your throwing arm is worn outside.
Regrettably the Fetch ‘N Treat doesn’t fling the ball for the dog to chase, simply rolling it across the floor instead. But it does the job if your pet prefers their exercise more tender than a free and skillet across the yard.
A Pet Box Subscription
Image: Gizmodo
Pet box subscriptions are the gift that keeps giving. Each month for the period of the subscription, so your giftee will obtain a deliver containing snacks, toys and accessories. This is particularly great in the event the pet in question enjoys tearing their toys aside, as you’re able to trust that a new one will arrive in a month.
You will find an assortment of pet subscription box services in Australia, each offering something slightly different, so you are spoilt for choice. As an example, if you’re only searching for subscription boxes especially for dogs, your choices include Waggly Club (whose Christmas box is pictured above), Golden Swag, Olly’s Box, So Fetch, GoGetMe along with PetObsessed.
R2 Fish School Training Bundle ($15)
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from Welcome to the Dog couch http://www.thedogcouch.com/christmas-gifts-for-great-automobiles-brent-and-other-pets-too/
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