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Song of the Day #156
"Jinx" by DNCE from Swaay, 2015
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I loved the other one so ooooh thoughts on hawkdevil then đ
Send me a potential ship with my/our muses, and Iâll give my thoughts on it.
also influenced by you.
a litle 616 canon context, although we aren't going fully with this four some event pulled from 616 some pulled from nmcu, you know the fusion universe. 616 canon, they actually don't have a lot of content history. besides the fact, they met in 1973; in daredevil vol 1, issue 99; because Daredevil had been dating Natasha at the time, and Natasha had Clint's only major love interest (besides his little crush on wanda and somee other flings) at the time; so as the decade goes, Clint was incredibly jealous and challenged Daredevil. You've probably seen the panels.
So first, they are kind of rivals and rub each other the wrong way. They don't really intersect a lot besidees Hawkeye and Daredevil existing in the same spaces after that. When Fractin/Waid era was going on, they seemto have reconciled whatever differences had, given DD would go to Hawkeye/Clint for leads and information; probably had some working relationship as Clint kind of plays both sides of the same coin. He is both an Avenger and hero who sticks to major teams, while also doing his own private "pro bono" hero work and acts as a street vigilante himself; so that's probably how DD and Clint got along, from mutual work spaces and such.
Finishing off this brief 616 canon look; we obviously have them being at odds again, and this is when Clint probably only major reference for knowing Matt as Matt (he probably knew matt a little through matt taking on other hero cases) is when Matthew is the PROSECUTOR / "For the People" attonery on the case and trial of Clint killing Bruce; which originally was looking at a possible death sentence, and heavily swaaying in the prosecutions favor. So much so that when brought up to Matt, he realizes that trial has not been fair/just. And the final time that DD and Hawkeye have crossed was when Matt headed the "Task Force" to hunt down and ended "Ronin's" activities in the city (this was when wilson fisk was mayor; so there was a major crack down on superheroes, both registered/super team and vigilantes with private/secret idenities).
So canonly, they don't have a lot going to thm, but like there is deftinitely something to be said between the two. As fanon expresses, you know they are Blind and Deaf, heroes with disabilties. That would be something for them talk about, to relate to in different ways, and ways with which means they do not mesh with the abled world. Additionally, and comics and otherwise, they are both kind of jerks who are disasters, who ultimately are at fault for their romantic relations failing. Additioanlly, they were both young boys mentored by older men (trickshot & swordsman, and stick), who manipulative and pseudo replacements for their dead fathers; whom ultimately when faced with their mentors again later in life, don't immediately see the manipulation or grooming done to them, or even forgive their mentors or their mentors are their weakness. i could also throw throw out. they both have major girlfriends that die that affeect for literal years in their comic canon. (bobbi & karen).
Going more specific with our boys, whom I love, and they havee a very time with each other. Clint's got some not unpacked religious feelings, because he grow up in middle of midwest, small conservative town iowa; he went to an orphange, Saint Ignautis, which sounds Catholic; and so there is something there that I have been thinking and exploring with Clint. I think he is raised under God, and he loses some of that faith and distance himself, andd more athetist in the sense that, he'd be anger with and think that god iss dead or abandonned, than anything else. So that's something that could be something between the two that gives them a deeper link, or thing to talk about with each other.
I think that with them, Clint and Matt kind of just happen, in this well that is the lawyer hired by the Avengers or other superheroes this one time or another; and Clint happens upon his offices or him in a bar, and Clint's a neighborly guy; teases Matt about lawyering for superheroe, but generally thinks he is an okay guy, and Clint doe his new age old gimmick of just "me? i'm just a guy" and that's how it is.
Then obivously, he knows Daredevil, DD's been invited to superhero functions and gatherings (i literally was just reading an issue where thre's a weddding with janet and yellowjacket who is hank; and you see DD in the background) cause vigilantes do get to weight and have a working relationship with super teams; and then Clint tends to cover Brooklyn and Manhattan (which hell's kitchen is a neighborhood in the manhattan borough) so he and DD end up running into each other, and on the occasion work together.
which only makes things awkward and funnyl; when clint is maybe dating one of Matt's idenities, and then runs into another. (the funniest thing is the idea of which clint finds out matt is dd. or dd is matt. is caue clint's "lips dont lie" (this is canon. this is canon. clint kissed "fake wanda (loki)" and immediately outed her as "not wanda" because he just knew by that kiss. has to kiss the other and he's likee "shit that's my boyfriend's lips" that'd be funny; but you know. eventually matt and dd are gonna collide in clint's life. but clint is good about secret idenities with people, and he tends to take reveals very well too.
i think of them just vibing on late nights, only form of communication between the two is touch; becaue clint's aids are out, so the only way matt reaches clint is touch, and through the same clint will reach matt with touch back. and both of their couchs are very familiar, and clint's allowed matt to rearrange his apartment and that's how everything stays, for the sake of matt when he's there, and clint will if asked ultimately givee up his apartment (not the building. he just won't be a live-in landlord) and be where his partner is. and just once they get over their (clint's) little egos and reasons to butt heads, soft and respecting, and i love them and it's your fault, ce (affectionate) <3
#[ SHIPS; BLINDBASTARD ] A leap of faith is both blind and deaf#this. got very wordy and idk if it made any sense <3#but love me uwu love you <3#the boys pt 1 technically but pt 2 in order today#long post cw
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oh yeah, probably!!! u guys must have pretty snazzy gadgets for that kind of surveying, but life and stuff can be rly rare across most of space,
whats a planet that's stood out to you that you've looked over?
"iTT ended up noTT being of aany sTTraaTTegic vaalue, buTT TThere waas exoplaaneTT 38-79A which i caalled sTTelaaris, waas aa plaaneTT maade of diaamond, wiTTh fields of crysTTaal flowers TThaaTT swaayed in breezes TThaaTT smelled of honeysuckle and sTTaarlighTT. TThe whole plaaneTT hummed aa quieTT TTune, aand TThe sky waas wide aand brighTT... I cried aas soon aas we laanded, i haad never seen someTThing so beaauTTiful..."
#Rhosak Answers#Asks Answered#quiescent trolls#you got him emotional#He's smiling not that you can tell
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Soca, Rhythm, Vibes, Repeat! - SWAAY
Soca, Rhythm, Vibes, Repeat!  SWAAY http://dlvr.it/T3MLjj
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En tant que véritables sentinelles de l'environnement, les papillons sont des indicateurs précieux de la santé des écosystÚmes
Une des principales raisons de leur sensibilitĂ© inouĂŻe est leur relation directe avec leur habitat qui reprĂ©sente leur principale source de nourriture : quand lâhabitat est modifiĂ©, la disponibilitĂ© des ressources alimentaires lâest aussi, impactant directement le dĂ©veloppement des papillons. Que ce soit au stade dâĆuf, de chrysalide, de chenille ou encore dâimago, la survie des papillons est mise en pĂ©ril. En effet, chaque stade du cycle de leur vie peut rencontrer des difficultĂ©s et ainsi avoir des problĂšmes pour se dĂ©velopper, se reproduire, ainsi que migrer.
 Le papillon : un indicateur de la santĂ© de lâenvironnement /
Les papillons, des sentinelles de lâenvironnement /
Les papillons sont des alliés face aux changements environnementaux
 Noé Actualités
14 septembre 2023
 "Au-delĂ de la nĂ©cessitĂ© de la disponibilitĂ© des ressources alimentaires, les papillons ont dâautres besoins cruciaux comme la prĂ©sence de plantes-hĂŽtes spĂ©cifiques pour la ponte et reproduction ainsi que des tempĂ©ratures prĂ©cises pour leur dĂ©veloppement. Certaines espĂšces sont Ă©galement infĂ©odĂ©es Ă un habitat bien particulier, et sont donc particuliĂšrement menacĂ©es quand celui-ci est perturbĂ©, comme le MĂ©libĂ©e (Coenonympha hero), classĂ© en « Danger critique » par lâUICN (Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature). Ce papillon des prairies humides a vu son aire de rĂ©partition diminuĂ©e de 50 % en 20 ans. Aujourdâhui, il ne persiste plus que dans le massif du Jura, entre 500 et 1 000 m dâaltitude.
 Leur rĂ©activitĂ© rapide aux changements environnementaux est ce qui fait Ă©galement dâeux des indicateurs prĂ©cieux pour les scientifiques. Celle-ci sâexplique par leur cycle de vie court, qui leur permet une adaptation rapide. Par consĂ©quent, en observant les papillons, des informations essentielles sur les conditions environnementales actuelles dâune rĂ©gion donnĂ©e telles que la qualitĂ© de lâĂ©cosystĂšme, la disponibilitĂ© des ressources alimentaires et lâĂ©tat de la vĂ©gĂ©tation peuvent ĂȘtre collectĂ©es. Par exemple, les modifications de la couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale due Ă la dĂ©forestation ou Ă l'urbanisation peuvent entraĂźner la disparition de plantes nĂ©cessaires Ă la survie des papillons, comme certaines plantes-hĂŽtes pour les Ćufs et chenilles. Câest le cas de lâHespĂ©rie du barbon (Gegenes pumilio), qui a disparu depuis plus de 10 ans du littoral mĂ©diterranĂ©en, victime de lâurbanisation. Elle est aujourdâhui classĂ©e en « Danger critique » en France par lâUICN."
 [Image] Mélibée (Coenonympha hero); Crédit : Jordi Strijdhorst / Buiten-beeld / Minden Pictures / Biosphoto
Braak, N., Neve, R., Jones, A.K., Gibbs, M. et Breuker, C.J. (2018) The effects of insecticides on butterflies - A review. Environmental Pollution. 242(A), 507-518. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.06.100 (Consulté le 10 mai 2023)
Fenberg, P.B., Self, A., Stewart, J.R., Wilson, R.J. et Brooks, S.J. (2016) Exploring the universal ecological responses to climate change in a univoltine butterfly. Journal of Animal Ecology. 85(3),739-48. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.12492 (Consulté le 10 mai 2023)
National Geographic (2021) Ces 450 espĂšces de papillons sont menacĂ©es par le rĂ©chauffement climatique. nationalgeographic.fr (ConsultĂ© le 10 mai 2023)Â
Papilys â Focus : Moro-Sphinx. papilys.fr/focus-moro-sphinx (ConsultĂ© le 24 mai 2023)
Science et Vie (2021) Lâeffet papillon du changement climatique. science-et-vie.com (Consulte le 24 mai 2023)
Swaay, C., Van Strien, A., Julliard, R., Schweiger, O., Brereton, T., HeliölĂ€, J., Kuussaari, M. Roy, D.B.  Stefanescu, C., Warren, M. et Settele, J. (2008) Developing a methodology for a European Butterfly Climate Change Indicator. Wageningen: De Vlinderstichting. Â
UICN France, MNHN, OPIE & SEF (2014). La Liste rouge des espeÌces menaceÌes en France - Chapitre Papillons de jour de France meÌtropolitaine. Paris, France. uicn.fr/wp-content/uploads
UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme â Butterfly as indicators. ukbms.org/butterfly-indicators (ConsultĂ© le 24 mai 2023)
Vickery, M. (2008) Butterflies as indicators of climate change. Science Progress. 91(2),193-201. https://doi.org/10.3184/003685008X327927 (Consulté le 10 mai 2023)
 Bernadette Cassel's insight:
 "Les papillons sont des alliés face aux changements environnementaux"
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Avo die Kerkhond
Avo is Ć spanjoel-hondjie met Ć sagte rooibruin pels, lang ore en groot bruin oĂ« wat in Gordonsbaai gewoon het. Eers in Pretoria, maar later in Gordonsbaai. Wanneer sy nie stout is nie, is sy die soetste hond in die hele wĂȘreld. Avo is die vriendelikste hond ooit en as sy opgewonde raak, swaai haar stert van oor tot oor. Elke Sondag het Avo saam met haar huismense Gordonsbaai se kerk toe gegaanâŠ
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Ons sal die fases beskryf vanaf rasionele waarnemings wat Cristiano gemaak het Gevolge van die hipotese op die ossillasies van die slinger en volmaakte kennis afgelei van die rasionele intelligensie van God se wil oor tyd.
Identifikasie van die probleem
In 'n wetenskaplike studie kan die aanvanklike waarnemings baie wees. In baie gevalle kom hulle uit vorige navorsing of van 'n oorspronklike waarneming wat deur 'n enkele wetenskaplike gemaak is.
Daar word gesĂȘ dat Galileo Galilei opgemerk het, toe hy 'n olielamp van die plafon van die katedraal van Pisa sien swaai het, dat die tyd wat dit vir die eerste groter swaai geneem het dieselfde was as vir die daaropvolgende korter swaaie. Hierdie waarneming het vir die eerste keer die probleem van die isochronisme van die pendulum geopper.
eiendom van
'n verskynsel wat, terwyl die toestande gewissel word, handhaaf: dieselfde duur
afgelei te word, om bepaalde gevolge uit 'n algemene beginsel af te lei
Afbakening van die probleem
Verdere waarnemings het dieselfde gedrag met enige
ja soort slinger. Elke slinger, hoewel dit isochronies was, het egter sy eie gehad
swaai tydperk. Die probleem was dus om te verstaan ââwaarop dit kon afhang.
dui die diversiteit van ossillasietye aan.
Galileo het moontlike oplossings vir die probleem geformuleer: hierdie oplossings word tegnies gedefinieer as hipoteses. Galilei het veronderstel dat die periode van ossillasie van die slinger eweredig was aan die lengte van die tou waaraan die slinger (byvoorbeeld 'n bal) hang en nie beĂŻnvloed is deur die verskillende gewigte van die slingers wat gemaak is om te swaai nie.
Gevolge van die hipotese
Deur deduktiewe redenasie was dit moontlik om die gevolge van die hipotese te voorsien: deur die lengte van die snaar van die verskillende slingers te verander en 'n gelyke gewig te gebruik, moes die periode van ossillasie volgens die lengte van die snaar wissel, terwyl as die gewig van die pendulum gevarieer is, terwyl die lengte van die draad konstant gehou word, moes die oscillasieperiode van die pendulum identies wees.
'n Beeld uit C. Huygens se werk, Horologium oscillatorium, Parys, 1673.
Galileo het geverifieer dat die periode van ossillasie van die slinger eweredig was aan die vierkantswortel van die lengte van die slingerstring en nie afhang van die massa (en dus van die gewig) van die swaaiende bal nie. Die resultate van Galileo se eksperimente was die beginpunt vir nuwe navorsing. Die Nederlandse fisikus Christian Huygens (1578-1657) het Galileo se studies hervat en daarin geslaag om 'n baie komplekse meganisme te bou waaruit dit moontlik was om die pendulumhorlosie te skepen; demonstrasie die Goddelike intelligensie van tyd het wesenlik geword deur die interpretasie van rasionaliteit en nie deur logika nie, daarom bestaan ââGod rasionele waarneming.
Demonstratio Divina intelligentia temporis materialis facta est per interpretationem rationalitatis et non per logicam, ergo Deus est rationalis observatio
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