#sw slur tw
freezeher · 1 year
ethel (20) was reported missing by mary-anne cain in early march, 1991. while she had been spending a lot of time with her new boyfriend, logan harvey phelps (23), she still made time to talk with and visit her mother at home and it was irregular for mary-anne to go without hearing from her daughter after more than a day or so. the pair were staying at a hotel for some time, often spotted by other residents as they came and left their room at late hours, often times noticeably inebriated by alcohol and/or illegal substances (heroine, psychedelics, etc), or caught in domestic disputes. the evening prior to ms. cain’s report was when the two set out to rob the first national bank of alabama with ethel in the getaway car and logan with a duffel bag he’d managed to shove roughly $50k into. phelps shot an officer in the shoulder as he made his exit from the bank; this officer would chase phelps down the sidewalk and into an alleyway where his vehicle was located, ethel in the back. she witnessed him get shot twice in the back as he attempted to enter from the passengers side, dying almost instantly. later, the same car was found 10 miles from the cain residence, abandoned, and the money recovered.
ethel was still spotted at the hotel, this time with an unidentified man, with whom she engaged in illicit acts involving drugs. the last time she was seen in person was the evening of march 15th in a winn-dixie parking lot in arlington, texas, said to be kidnapped by an unidentified man — standing at roughly 6’2” with blonde hair and blue eyes — who “knocked her unconscious and shoved her into the back of his black pickup truck.” nothing more was heard about ethel in shady grove until a newspaper in madison, texas was faxed to their police department. the article spoke of a recent raid on a gentleman's club in aldine called "the red velvet swing," already seedy and a health inspector's nightmare, which ran a secret prostitution ring out of its back rooms. and ethel was part of it. pictures of her in compromising positions were found all around the building, advertising her as a "filty, dirty slut who would do anything on her knees -- among other things." her conservative hometown thought it pitiful that someone so virtuous and full of promise could fall into a black hole of putrid fornication with anyone who would show her a good time; they put it together that after her father had died in a fire, ethel had given in to despair, feeling disgusted and betrayed by one once considered to be a town role model -- now a pariah.
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trans-axolotl · 8 months
actually there are so many things that come up for just like, general intersex sex ed and also intersex sex work specific stuff that me and my friends have talked about that we just can't find public, easily accessible info about ANYWHERE.
like info about contraception options, like the fact that if you have two uteruses you actually would need two IUDs if that's your method of choice. or like. how hormonal birth control methods interact with intersex variations in different ways based on our existing hormonal profiles. or like. so many of the other intersex sex workers i know we needed info about how to Deal with pain from penetration bc every time we had penetrative sex it hurt so fucking much and we needed to figure out a way to make that sustainable. cause only some of us are masochists lmfao. or tips on how to have penetrative sex and diff positions and ways to use your hand as like. a bumper so that your partner's penis doesn't go all the way in and how to sort of maneuver that without your client necessarily seeing. or the fact that they make toys for that now. or like sex ed for okay, what barrier methods do you have when you have a micropenis/clitoromegaly, what do you do if condoms are too large. how do you use an internal condom if you don't have a cervix.
and also like. i've talked a lot with intersex sw friends about how many of us have to purposefully market ourselves as a hermaphrodite and how much that fucks with our head. and like, trying to figure out how and when we disclose to our clients--do we hope that they just don't notice or that we just stick to oral or like. do we tell them upfront? which is the lowest risk of violence? me and so many of my intersex sw friends have gotten hurt really fucking bad by clients who got upset that we were intersex and it's just. like. there's just so much shit and unless we find each other it's really fucking hard to figure a lot of this shit out, especially for fssw. especially for younger sw.
i just want there to be more resources and for it to be easier for intersex sw to find each other and support each other because like, even as much as my trans sw friends have been the people who have come closest to Getting it. there's still a lot of shit that is so intersex specific that i just really want to talk to other intersex people about. and i'm so glad i do have intersex sw friends now but it's like. i didn't have any of that community or knowledge when i Really most needed it
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obviously palpatine is a dramatic old queen but tarkin is a dramatic old queen as well. very important. faggots ☝️
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carpenoctxrn · 1 year
Fjall Stoneheart x Reader
A/N: Okay so I just want to say on my birthday my situationship came to my house and we went into the garage where I rode his dick and this inspired by that. And yes you’re wearing panties even though realistically they don’t exist in this fashion during this time period, but let's be honest we don't read these stories for realism but to entertain our delusions. And yes it's the one with chains like the one in this link touch/click this blue text 
TW: Mean Fjall, flirtatious reader, reader gets called slurs, choking, mentions of blood, someone gets shot, small fight scene, and smut. 18+ viewers only and minors are not welcomed to engage with this post.
Reader P.o.V 
The life of a mage under Chief Balor was prestigious and one of great importance to the crown and the people. Announcing that I was a mage to the crown held a sense of superiority to it that made my family proud. However prestigious my title is, it’s also equally boring and predictable.
Every day I would study the magic again as I did yesterday, go to the potions room to brew some basic elixirs, go to the ward to aid in healing some diseases, and then call it a day. That was my responsibility and duty ever since I came down from the mountains.
As I woke up the night sky was slowly fading into a new day, creating a beautiful dawn before sunrise. I smiled towards the big balcony opening in my small 6 by 8 something ft room. As my feet touched the cold tile-like floor a jolt of shiver ran through my spine. Going to my fireplace in the room I placed a pot filled with water on the mantle to heat it up. As that was heating I grabbed a clean rag to wash my body with and a big bowl to mix the piping hot water with cold. 
As the whistle blew from the pot I knew two more and my water would be piping hot and ready for me. During that time I decided to put my hair in a bun as I leaned against the balcony.
The moon was barely visible in the sky and so were the stars. The hue of black and navy were lost to the shades of blue and purple. The morning sky looked more magical than the magic I practiced. Its natural ability to produce something so captivating in order for our survival is a wonder that many should enjoy.
A whistle passed and I headed inside. Preparing my soap solution of butter and some plant based essential oil. Rosemary, sage, and butter for my skin, while for my face I used butter with frangipani, and for my hair I used rosemary and peppermint oils.
The third whistle blew and I realized that I will not be not washing my hair today as my curls were bouncier and it would be a tragedy if I were to wash it. So I put my hair solution away in the storage cabinet as I stripped out of my white lace trimmed white gown. Tying my hair in a bun with a wooden hair pin.
Taking the pot of water I poured some into the bowl and then placed the pot on the floor in front of the fireplace. As I reached towards my bigger storage room temperature water that I asked to be stored for showering and cleaning purposes. Taking a few smaller bowls of the cold water I mixed them into the bigger bowl like a cauldron with hot water. The steam evaporated from the extinguishing heat and became the perfect temperature for me to clean myself.
First I started with applying my soap all over my body. Then I stepped onto my sleeping cloth as I began wetting the white piece of cloth with my prepared water. I washed my face first, the warm water that dripped from the cloth made its way down my body, gathering in a little pool under my feet and soaking into the white cloth. Then I cleaned my neck, shoulder, arms, breast, stomach, thighs, and knees. I then came back and cleaned under my breast, my armpits, and then my private area.
After quickly finishing up my cleaning process, I wrapped a fluffy cloth around myself to dry and keep warm as I decided on what I would step out of my room in. Today I had adorned a Silver dress that was embellished with tinsel thread. The dress had a sweetheart neckline that fought tight against my breast. Lifting it up a bit and giving it a volume. 
I wore a necklace that held a small vial of holy water from the temples in the mountain near my village. I opened my hair from the hair bun it was in, letting it fall freely around my shoulders to frame my face and shoulders. Grabbing some hair on the right and left side of my face, I tied it to the back of my head by weaving in a clip to secure the strands away from my face. 
Looking outside I saw it was nearing sunset, which meant I had the chance to see Fjall Stoneheart train. Him and his dog clan would wake up at the crack of dawn to train, and at a certain point they would stop for breakfast and shower. But before that happens it's two hours of relenting training. Training that made their muscles swell, veins pop, and body sweat. Making Fjalls swell, veins pop, and his muscles shine in sweat.
His tan like skin would glisten in sun and moon light. The darkness of the sky was perfect for someone like Fjall, his movements always manipulated the light around him to achieve his goal. In a way as predictable as his schedule was to mine, making him my crush that I would admire from afar. In a sense he brought a sense of danger and unpredictableness into my life. 
Would he look at me?
Does he know I stare at him?
Does he know I wore this for him?
As obsessive and consumed my thoughts were for Fjall, nothing more than a stare and a nod in the hallways had occurred between us two. Even though I have been a resident here at the castle for three years and him much longer, I just recently began hanging around his presence. I knew he saw my lurking shadows, my long mindless stares on his broad shoulders and his toned stomach. I knew he saw the physical attraction I had for him, but he would just brush it away.
Quickly making way to the outside corridors of the palace, I was greeted with the sound of sword clashing and slurs being thrown amongst the dog clan members. I have been coming here for the past few weeks and my appearance has always brought up questions. 
I would respond to the questions, with vague answers that I am studying the morning sky or with a complex and mystique response of astrological terms put in a manner that made sense but was pure nonsense. Or I would say I am studying the constellation, although that response had been seen as an invitation for some of the guards to talk about their love of the stars - so quickly I had stopped saying that. Not wanting the people to know that I truly was studying the anatomy of Fjall Stoneheart.  
Fjall Stoneheart who’s scar made him look more like a protector than anything. His wide and defensive stance made it look like he knew what he was doing but in reality he was just messing with everyone. At this point he made silly mistakes allowing his opponent to think they have advantage but he would quickly prove them wrong. In a way he loved giving hope to take it all away. He was sadistic in a way that people wouldn’t see unless they saw him.
I took notes of the star constellation because I did end up having to study the basics of the morning sky for astrology because Chief Balor had caught word about my little pursuit and demanded weekly reports. 
Sighing I jolted down some quick notes before using the sextant for some numbers and using those values as numbers for an equation. After doing meaningless and mundane calculations for thirty minutes I realised the noise in the background of swords and shouts had quieted. 
“And now Fjall will fight Eredin. Sort it all at once if the clan is stronger or the army.” Announced Fjall’s father. 
Out of curiosity I peaked up from my position on the gate walls 25 feet high. The fight commenced and the word to describe it was intense. Fjall would block any attack from Eredin and the vice would be the same for Eredin. For some reason in the word of the two parties fighting caught the attention of the Princess as she made her way down to the arena. 
At her arrival the fight stopped but with her permission it continued. Everyone’s attention was drawn to the fight, sweat and small gashes were visible on the two fighters' faces. Their hands bruised and battered. Their chest heaved for air. Everyone was so focused on the fight that they could probably recount how many punches Fjall landed on Eredin and how much Eredin had kicked Fjall. 
No one was focused on the princess, except for me. In my sight in order for me to watch the fight I would also have the Princess and her surrounding in my sight. So the black cloaked figure that was already suspicious had my intrigue as it lurked closer to the Princess. I watched as the figure took out a dagger only a few feet away from the princess, making it look like they were about to stab her from the back. Only then did I see the other associates lined up behind Chief Balor and Fjall’s father.
Luckily the wall I occupied had arrows in quivers and bows placed. It was the wall used for archery games to hunt ducks or quails whilst also training. Very common amongst younger trainee’s. Grabbing the bow and an arrow I angled it at the man behind the princess, assessing that her death will be Imminent unless I act fast. 
“WATCH OUT! SHE’S ABOUT TO SHOOT THE PRINCESS!” someone shouted from the crowd. I could hear the fight stop as shouts begin. 
The princess quickly stood up from her spot making the man behind her jump closer to his target. In the spur of the moment I took aim and fired. The arrow shot past her and hit the men in the shoulder. He fell to the ground while the princess screamed and cowered behind her handmaid. 
I took the bow and hit one behind Balor. He didn’t move out of my line when I aimed it towards him. When it came to Fjall’s father, as I aimed it towards the perpetrator behind him, Fjall jumped and got the arrow instead. 
Not wanting the perpetrator to escape in the commotion or to injure Fjall again, I hit him with a yellow dusted arrow to mark him. Running down the stairs I was met with shoulders of fearful and scared patrons who were running, others who were fighting the invaders, and some protecting the fallen. 
As I approached the cloaked figure with yellow dust on its cape I touched their shoulder for them to turn around. As soon as they did I punched their face with all I got. They fell back with a thud leaving my knuckles with an aching pain feeling. 
The commotion that surrounded me died down as more armies came with the Prince in tow. Running over to the huddled group of people near Fjall that also included the Princess I bent down. 
“Fjall, Fjall” Sobbed the princess uncontrollably.
“His fine Princess.” I said to her as a means to assure her and to console her as I sat on my knees next to Fjall and beside her. 
“Easy for you to say,” Spoke the gruff voice of Fjall, “You’re not the one with an arrow poking out of your chest, are you?” He retorted with an annoying look. His heavy accent laced his words with more character and my ears loved every sound that he made. 
“No and you’ll never catch me being delirious enough to stand between an arrow and it's target,” I spoke as I took a dagger laying on the floor nearby and tore his tunic with it. 
“When the target is someone from the clan I will always stand in the path of the arrow,” He stubbornly retorted back as his father and some people that surrounded us pushed him on his back flat.
“Well the target of my arrow was the one behind your father about to dagger him,” I said back as I touched and observed the skin around his wound to make sure that it wasn't fatal. 
“What?” He asked, groaning in pain when I made a move to take out the foreign object in his body.
“I guess this time you got in the path of justice or salvation,” I muttered mindlessly as I grabbed the cotton pad the Princess was offering me and placed a few around his wound and the rest on his chiseled stomach. After doing so I looked at my patient.
As we held eye contact I could feel myself growing red with his attention. 
“It’ll feel better if you scream,” I said as I motioned to my hands that were gripping the arrow in his abdomen. 
He just gave me an annoyed gruff in response as he laid his head back.
Taking that as a signal, I counted till three in my head and pulled the arrow out at a steady speed. As soon as it was out of his skin I took the pad that I hadn’t used before and I applied it to the open wound. The blood was oozing out but it wasn't enough to kill him. Weaken him for a day or two but he would survive and be back to normal in no time. 
“Healer! Someone get the Healer please!” Screamed the Princess right next to me as she stared at the blood, before standing up to run to someone for help.
“You didn’t scream,” I said, amazed at Fjall, as I stared at my hands that were placed over the clothes applying pressure to his bleeding.
“I prefer to be the one who makes others scream,” He replied back smugly as he lifted both his hands to place it behind his head as cushion.
As I looked up ready to respond to him I saw that I was the only one who was crouched by his figure. The other’s aid in hunting the perpetrators of the event or helping heal those who were injured.
“In pleasure or pain?” I questioned jokingly as I averted my eyes to make sure the cotton pads were not slipping from his subtle movements.
“Whichever one you prefer,” He said back, making me snap my face to his. 
A smile formed on my face as I erupted in a small laughter. Before we could continue with our little banter the healer had come by and began helping me in getting him to stand up. The healer and a soldier helped Fjall into a treatment room a few halls away from the commotion. It was closer to the potions room so I announced I will grab some potions and I will be right back. Potions I knew that weren’t available to the healers just at a moment's notice. 
Running back I quickly entered the potions room making sure to tell the guard/ clerk what my intentions were. Being a Brewer meant I had a much better and more free reign than healers. Grabbing a few healing and strength potions I brewed yesterday I quickly made my way out showing the potions I had taken. 
It had been close to twenty minutes and when I went downstairs to where Fjall was. His treatment room had shelves of medicinal herbs in rows at the front of the room and at the back on the right side of the room was a fireplace. On the wall against the back of the room was a big window that overlooked the mountains and forest a few miles away from the kingdom. It was right by the window that had the cot in which Fjall was lying in. Wearing nothing but his pants.
“Did they stitch you up so fast?” I asked him, amazed at the speed.
“No they just left, saying that one of the prince’s guard’s wives is delivering a baby and the other healer’s don’t have much experience with deliveries so” He paused to look over to me “they reassured me someone would come.” He said annoyed and looked tired. 
“I could stitch you up?” I offered him. He just raised an eyebrow at me before an amused look came over him.
“What?” I questioned the look he was giving with furrowed eyebrows of my own. 
“Nothing, just didn’t expect you to offer, that’s it.” He stated plainly as he made movements to sit up. 
“No, just lay back.” I directed him with a push on his chest to lay back. His skin was coated with stickiness from his sweat. He burned hot maybe from the weather and maybe from his wound.
“You’re burning up Fjall,” I spoke as I poured sanitizing liquid over small sharp needles and the silken thread that was attached to it for me to stitch his wound.
“Maybe because I’ve been bleeding for the past half hour,” He states the obvious with an annoyed look on his face.
“You know in the past hour of our interaction I have seen your face be more annoyed than anyone I’ve known my entire life,” I said as I poured some herbal liquid on a patch of cloth to sterilize the area around his wound.
“Maybe because I don't really talk to someone after they shoot an arrow into me,” He said gruffly in an annoyed tone. 
“I didn’t mean to shoot an arrow into you, the arrow was meant for someone else,” I said in a hushed tone as I picked up a vial of liquid herbs needed to wash out the dirt and bacteria in his wound.
“Hmph” He noises out. Acknowledging what I said but not truly adding anything more to it.
“This will burn so try not to move or scream too much,” I said as I pulled out the cork and placed the vile in position to pour it into his wound, making sure to have thick clothes available so the liquid wouldn't get soaked on the cot under him.
He looked at me and just scoffed as I rolled my eyes at his actions. 
“I told you I don’t scream, I prefer to make others scream,” He said with a smirk that quickly turned into grimace as I poured a little bit of the black viscous liquid onto the open flesh.
He hissed but he didn’t scream.
“I’m sorry, but the stitches will hurt even more so here,” I said as I twisted body to get him the anesthetic potion that would put him to sleep so I could work on his wound without it becoming a wrenchingly painful gut.
As I handed him the potion at the end of my sentence he just stared at it before twisting to the side. 
“I’ll make do without it,” He heaved out.
“Drinking the potion won't make you weak, it'll make you wise to do so,” I said trying to hopefully coax him.
“It’s my choice to not drink, just like how it was my choice to stand in between the arrow and it’s target.” He grumbled.
Sighing I muttered a quick “okay” and “here it comes” as I began stitching him up. More blood left his wound as I pierced his flesh over and over again to close it. In twenty minutes the stitching had stopped and Fjall’s head was still facing away from me.
“The stitching is done but I am just going to clean the wound a bit more.” I said as I stepped away from his figure to get more cloth to clean him up.
“Is that necessary?” He asked as his face turned to look at the ceiling above him.
“Yes, the tip of the arrow was rusted from water and sun damage, so cleaning the wound as frequently as possible and keeping it clean is the priority for two weeks until we remove the stitches.” I spoke as I softly cleaned his wounds. 
Making sure to not irritate the skin underneath. As the blood and the impurities were wiped away Fjall just nodded to my words. Silence was heavy between us, as the only thing you could hear were the chattering coming down the hall but that itself was so quiet that it got lost in the walls of the castle.
“So you didn’t answer my question from before,” I spoke as I started to gather a longer gauze-like cloth to wrap around his stomach with other herbs inside for him to heal. 
“What question?” He asked me as he continued to look up to the ceiling.
“Do you make them scream in pain or pleasure?” I asked him mindlessly as I placed the herbs inside the long off-white cloth.
“Are you losing your mind Mage?” He questioned me as he looked at me.
“What?” I asked as I looked up at him from my work.
“I already answered you sheep head,” He said as he looked at me with one eyebrow quirked and an amused smirk on his face.
“Oh yeah you did,” I said as realisation hit me.
“I believe you’re the one who owes me an answer?” He said with a smug smile gracing his face as his beautiful eyes stared at my face.
“I believe you’re right,” I said as I inspected the bandage in front of me. Making sure it was full of important and crucial herbs for him to heal properly.
“So?” He edged on as he noticed I wasn't answering him.
“I could give you the answer orrrrr,” I drawled out my word, waiting for him to question me.
“Or what?” He asked with an interested look on his face.
“I could make you work for it.” I said as I lifted the bandage carefully gesturing to it.
“I prefer to work my rewards anyways,” He said as his hands lifted his body enough for me to wrap the bandage around his waist. 
His toned muscle was infused with green veins that were a contrast to the tan skin he had earned from training in the sun for countless hours for countless days. He smelled like herbs but also sweat. His scent to my nose was like entering a bakery: sweet and welcoming. 
“I am going to make the bandage a bit tight but not too much for it to be uncomfortable for you to move around.” I warned him as I began to tighten the bandgade a bit more, he gave a nod and waited patiently for me to finish up on him.
“So may I have my reward,” He asked with a tilt of his head and a certain excitement in his voice.
“I prefer…,” I said as I came close to his face to wipe some dirt away. His eyes were at the same level as mine, except mine were a bit more half lidded than his. His breath hit my face like a soft summer breeze as his mouth perked open a bit.
“Say it already Mage,” He groaned out in thick annoyness. I stepped away from him, letting my back face him as I stood still. His gaze is still heavy and unforgettable on me.
“If you're so impatient, why don’t you find out yourself?” I said as I moved my hair to one side of my neck, looking at him with my peripheral sights. My neck was exposed. The lace that held up my shape and dress up, vulnerably displayed for him. I could hear him stand up from the cot.
“Fjall!” Screamed out a familiar voice of a woman.
The princess came in with Fjall’s father and some other dog clan members with them. As the princess spotted my figure I turned around, acting like I had not just offered myself to the man seating in the cot.
“Princess” I acknowledged her politely as I bowed a bit before looking at her.
“Is he alright?” She asked loud enough for everyone to stop their interaction with each other and look at me for an answer to the question on their mind.
“He's alright. It was just a flesh wound so his insides are alright. The only worry he has is infection on the outside but with the herbs I have wrapped him with he should be good. Although if he doesn't sweat a lot or works in grime for a few weeks, that will help him heal a lot faster.” I concluded.
“Thank you, you may leave now,” The princess said her words and I left. As much as I wanted to stay I knew I had to report to Balor. He was probably looking for me seeing as how it must have been an hour since the incident.
~~~Time skip~~~
The meeting with Balor was mundane. I gave him my findings from that morning, we discussed my calculations and then he sat me down and thanked me for saving his life. As a thank you he offered me a red silken dress to wear to the mage ball in the upcoming days. 
He believed it matched my fire ruby necklace and earrings he had seen me wear on very few occasions. And the colour truly did match. Besides the dress I was also offered a lunch that was cut short for Balor because one of the assassins of today is a former Mage. 
With nothing to do I headed back into the potions room and began brewing potions. Since more than normal injuries had occurred today I brewed potions the majority of the time from midday to high noon.
Seeing as the moon had been climbing up the night sky with its little companions shining brightly, I decided that I should pay a visit to Fjall. Obviously I wasn’t going to go wearing what I had been wearing the entire day. But I didn’t want to dress up too much. Fjall had an ego already and I didn’t want to feed into it. 
So taking out a white silky evening dress with thin straps and slits on both sides of my legs would be perfect. The body jewelry that I wore everyday added the needed level of mystique and glamour to my simple dress. 
As I caught my reflection on the mirror nearby I fell in love with how I looked. Deciding to add a bit of a sultry-ness to my simplicity I took a hair pin that was made of silver steel. I put my hair in a low bun, allowing loose strands to naturally frame my face in a seductive manner. 
In a manner that looks as if I was fucked silly but I made an effort to look decent. I put some liquid charcoal goop on my lashes making them look thicker and darker. I took some dried beetroot powder and patted some into my cheeks lightly and a small touch of it on the eyelids and cheeks. 
Not forgetting my lips I applied the same beetroot powder mixed with vaseline. Dabbing myself with some gooseberries and lilac scents I began walking out my living quarters.
The mages lived closer to the castle due to some superstitious belief, whilst the dog clan lived further away on the outskirts of the castle. Luckily it wouldn't be weird if I ran into him since as of now he was probably in the dining hall getting dinner. And since I had been busy with potions all day I knew I could get dinner later than the allotted time for dinner for mages. I knew that Fjall was supposed to stay on complete bed rest but I heard earlier from one of the healers that he stubbornly refused to stay still. So 50-50 chance I would run into Fjall but a 100 percent chance I would get dinner. 
Walking the ten minute stroll to the dinning hall I was greeted by a few guards with flirtatious hellos and compliments about how I looked. Men are such interesting creatures. If I would’ve worn the most expensive of the silks with the most expensive jewelry I would have gotten a few stares and that’s it in contrast to the mindless horny look I have received from them in my ten minute stroll wearing the simplest of the gowns. I guess in reality a woman dresses in luxury because she can, not to impress a man. No to impress a man she masks her desire in a concoction of flirty stares and statements that mean two things at once.
Although everything about Fjall told me he would have reacted differently. As if he would have gotten one look at my delicious dress and he would know it was for him. How would he know? I wouldn't be so sure but at the same time I am not so coy when it comes to the long stares, the lingering of my presence behind him. In a way I know if this little situation of Fjall seeing me in over top luxury clothes were to come true I wouldn’t be walking strong for a week.
As I entered the bigger mess hall the guards were off duty and many members from the Dog clan were having a feast. I should have gathered since they did have a big fight today that they won. My existence was not acknowledged and something in me preferred that, at least until I knew where Fjall was or what was for dinner. 
Unfortunately for me they were all out of meat so I was stuck eating baked buns with mashed potatoes, although a part of me was not complaining. And the unfortunate part did not end there as it turned out that Fjall was not a mess hall, which meant he was in his treatment room. 
Usually I preferred to flirt than eat but due to circumstance and lack of food in my room I had to eat than flirt today. I quickly gulped down my food with a few hellos and how are you from guards who were praising me for what I did today to guards who were flirting with me. By guard I meant this one man named Jaskier.
He was a handsome man with a stubbled face, long nose, long hair, and a mouth that did not shut up. He gibbered about everything to anything as I quietly tried to finish my food. Laughing and nodding to his words as he droned on and on about whatever he was talking about. He was a nice person but he was not the man I was hoping to give my attention to. As I finished my food I handed my plate and napkin to the maid with a please and thank you as I stepped up from the table I was seating at.
“Before you go, I would like to show you something,” He said so softly and politely that I whispered okay as I followed him to the front of the mess hall.
“Ladies and gentleman, I wish to share with you the tale of a heart and its desires,” Jaskier spoke in confidence. His voice carried through the halls in a manner that seemed angelic and pure.
There once was a lad,
As true as he can be
Unfortunately for him his heart hid a deed,
The deed said he could never be complete,
Until he found the key that could set him free
Forged in the fires of passion,
Cooled in the rivers of compassion,
And hid in the mountains of attraction,
Will he find the key to complete him
As he completed his little serenade with a bow, everyone’s eyes were on him as he made his way towards.
“Will you be my key?” Jaskier asked as he breathed heavily.
“Jaskier, as darling as you are, the answer is no,” I said. A resounding sounds of ‘no’ and ‘aww’ was heard throughout the room.
Giving him a kiss on his cheek I left him in the hall to sulk and get drunk. Making a mental effort to myself to send over a potion in the morning to him that would aid in getting over hangovers.
As the empty halls passed me one by one, my feet carried me to the treatment room I last saw Fjall in. The hallways around the room were empty, shrouded in nothing but darkness. Except for the light coming from the middle of the room. 
I stared into the room through the opening of the entrance. With the shelf of herbs and other necessities for a treatment in my view I couldn't see beyond that. Stepping into the room cautiously I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My throat felt parched from an intense and overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety. Fear that the possible inside this room is a murderer from early. Anxiety from the thought of being alone in a room with Fjall.
“It’s rude to sneak on people Mage,” Spoke the gravelly voice of Fjall.
“It's called checking in on the wounded,” I said in a teasing tone as my entire body stepped forward into his line of sight. He wasn’t on the cot, instead he was on the ground. 
One of his hands was placed in the centre of his body on the ground as it supported the weight of his entire body.
“Fjall! Stop that!” I screamed at him as I got closer to his figure.
He made a ‘tchk’ noise as he continued to be in the same pose. He began grunting a bit to signal something.
“Stop it Fjall, you’re going to open your stitches if you keep up with this madness.” I said to him as I got on my knees besides his figure closer to his left shoulder, the side of his stomach he was stabbed.
He still persisted with his stubbornness. Sighing deeply I began observing his form. He forego his shirt earlier in the day and it looked as if he cleaned himself up. His body that wasn't wrapped in white cloth showed taut hard muscles. Muscles that were ripe for tasting and in need of delicate care. The bandages that I had wrapped were replaced with another set of bandages, this one wrapping across his right shoulder. The wound part of the body just showed blood dripping…
Dripping blood…
“Fjall please stop, I know you don’t like being told what to do or how to do it, but please for the love of stars just listen to me, you're hurting yourself now for something that doesn’t even matter,” I stated in small whispers of concerned words.
His head that was looking straight ahead at the wall in front of him slowly turned to look at me. His greenish grey eyes were fueled with a setting emotion that I could only feel as rage. He stared deep into my eyes and I looked into them. Not knowing or understanding what was expected of me to do. He broke eye contact as he slowly got up and stood on his feet. Mimicking his movements I stood up and followed behind him. 
“Fjall, I need to check on the stitches. Bleeding like that is too excessive to go unattended especially so early in the stage,” I spoke slowly from behind him as he ignored my words and grabbed a tunic to put on his naked upper body.
I touched his right shoulder blade. His hot skin against my cold fingers sent a jolt of pleasure through my nerves. 
“Please Fjall, just let me look.” I pleaded with him.
His breathing had gotten strangely uneven as he stood still. His head lifted up towards the sky as if his whole being was possessed. Not truly understanding what was happening I let my fingers linger on his body as I walked to his front. 
“Fjall,” I said softly as he ignored his name coming from my mouth as he continued laughing.
“Fjall,” I said again but this time a bit louder and again I received no reply.
At this point the bandage on Fjalls abdomen was soaking and dripping crimson liquid down to his feet in a puddle. His demeanor, the open wound, and the wave of rage that came off Fjall made me fear the worst: Possession. It was uncommon but it still occurred.
“FJALL!” I screamed at him, tears gracing my eyes as I feared the worst of the faith for the men in front of me. The tears blurring my eyes a bit and making me sniffle. 
A swift brush of air I had felt before my back was pushed against the wall nearby, my stomach and chest pressed up against Fjall, and his huge left hands around my neck kept me in place.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do whore,” Spat Fjall. His anger showed with every word he chose to spat at me.
His eyes however had a hue of light white to them, I knew that he was under some sort of a rage spell that would last a few moments. Although these few moments he was blinded by rage sat off by anything. Or in this case some form of weird crush jealousy. I guess those perpetrators got to the dog clan in a different way than they had thought initially.
“Fjall I-...ahugh!” My words cut short with the feeling of Fjall pressing his hands harder against my throat. His fingers dug into the side of my neck, putting pressure on it that made me light headed. The tears that were blurry before were not dripping down my face.
“What? Having that joker Jaskier wrapped around your fingers isn't enough for a slut like you? Huh?” He spoke as his grip around my throat slowly and slowly began to tighten. 
My hands gripped onto his fingers. Hoping, praying he doesn’t do anything drastic before I had a chance to clarify that obvious confusion at play here.
“I rejected him,” I breathed out as I stared up deep into the eyes of the man in front.
“Have some self respect whore, I know it’s hard for a cockloving slut to not lie but I still didn’t expect you to be lie-” His words were filled with amusement as he insulted me in such a derogatory way. His eyes held an emotion that paired perfectly with rage, it was lust.
“I’M NOT LYING ASSHOLE!” I screamed out as I let one of my hands let go of the hold around his hand before I punched him. The punch itself was lucky, as I had exerted little force but it landed right under his jaw. 
His head slew to the side as his hands left my neck in a hurried effort to stabilise himself. Pushing him away from me I ran outside the treatment room. The hallways were beyond dark tonight. Even the moonlight was hidden behind clouds of darkness. No guards were in sight. As I was about to turn right and head towards my room, Fjall’s back appeared right in front. 
Quickly turning on my heels I turned to the left and began heading deeper into the castle. The area had a network of hallways that connected certain parts of the castle to another part. Thinking on my feet I decided to run towards the throne room. For sure there would be guards there at all times no matter what. 
My legs fell heavily against the cold stone floors of the castle, its noise echoing against the barren walls as I passed them. My breath heavy as my eyes tried to brave away any weeping tears of fear that rose. With the injury sustained by Fjall he shouldn’t have been running as fast as he could, but he was. He kept on catching up with me but the last minute turns I would do allowed me to escape his grasp. 
As I saw the familiar hallways that led to the throne room I turned back around to see where Fjall was. Only to discover he was no longer there. Not knowing what to do I slowed down my pace to be more cautious but I didn’t stop moving. 
A small shuffle sounded to my right, making my neck snap towards the sound as my movements halted. My eyes squinted to see clearly in the dark but no movements were made obvious.
Before I could face towards the throne room my mouth was covered by a hand. The palms of the hands were calloused against my nose and my mouth. 
“Calm down Mage,” said a hoarse voice of Fjall from behind me. The hand on my face tight whilst his grip around my belly helped him effortlessly to move me from the corridor to the storage room behind us.
Hearing his voice calmed my senses as I knew who my “assailant” was, but it still struck me with fear. He did try to choke me to death a few minutes ago so fear was justified. But the calmness of knowing it was him was an emotion that I couldn’t justify in the flurry of adrenaline I was experiencing right now. 
Fearing the worst I let him manouvere my body into a bridal position as he walked us into the storage room. No scream left my lips only gasps of air that were only heard by us due to the eerie quietness of the room. My back was pressed hard against his front as he pushed forward towards the edge of the window on the further side of the room. The moonlight was visible through the dust that stayed stagnant in the room. 
“Turn the fuck around Mage,” Commanded Fjall. He stood three feet away from me, away from the moonlight. He stayed still in the shadows, hiding his body, hiding himself. 
Slowly turning around I felt my tears make their way to my face. The part of my face that was smothered by him burned as my tears escaped my eyes. More tears made their way down my face as I turned to look at Fjall catching a glimpse of how I looked at the mirror right next to him. 
My long hair disheveled and the pin bent in a weird position. The thin straps of my dress dropped down my shoulders, letting my shoulder glow in the light of the moon. My face was tinted red and glossed in the moonlight from my tears. 
Even after turning to face him I did look him in the eye or at his figure. I kept my face down as I sniffled here and there trying not to make a sound that would make him mad. 
“Why aren’t you looking at me Mage?” Asked Fjall as he slowly began coming closer to me.
“I- I- uh - I,” my mind felt like a blaze of mush as anxiety rushed over me again. Tears began forming in my eyes so I closed it shut. Slowly shuffling back as I knew Fjall was stalking towards me.
“Please Fjall, don’t hurt me,” I whispered out in small sobs as I felt pathetic. Pathetic for begging for my life. 
As a mage hand to hand combat wasn’t required nor was it taught. I was okay at archery because it was my hobby. The man in front broke peoples bones as his pastime. In my eyes he was a barbarian. He was unpredictable. I always knew his true form, the entire dog clan's true form but that never stopped me from seeking him out. Maybe except now.
“Please Fjall, please don’t hurt me, just fight whatever rage you're feeling” I whispered again as my chest was sobbing up and down as I felt his presence in front of me.
His right hands snaked around my waist as he pulled my body into his. Turning my head to the side I sobbed as quietly as I could as fresh tears made their self’s down my shirt and slid down my neck into my chest. Soaking a bit of the white material around the top of my chest, letting the material cling to my breast.
His left hand caressed my face in a soothing manner that just felt eerie to me. Making me shut my eyes even more. His breath smelt like herbs as he exhaled out on to my face after taking a long sniff of my neck. His actions were barbaric and primal making me squirm a bit at how different it felt. 
Everything he did made one thing obvious to me. His focus is me. Nothing else, just me. Either it be with anger, sadness, or obsession the focus would be me. As much as he pressed me hard against him, Fjall’s hand on my face was soft. His thumb ran over my features delicately. He traced my cheeks softly, then the shape of my lips before he gingerly touched my eyes.
“Open your eyes Mage,” Softly commanded Fjall as he stopped tracing features and held my face lightly in his palm, “..please,” he begged.
The sincerity I felt from how Fjall was talking and touching me was uncharacteristic to what he had done in just a few moments. Which meant the spell had worn off. But my survival skills had still made me weary of the man in front of me.
Slowly I opened my eyes as I continued looking to the side. Not having the courage to look him directly in the eyes, fearing what I might see. Although Fjall wasn’t satisfied with my actions. 
He slowly turned my head to face him completely but my eyes still didn't move from their spot on the stone floor.
“I want to see those pretty eyes of your Mage,” Fjall’s sudden confession made my eyes wide as I slowly began to move my eyes to meet his gaze. 
His green grey eyes were smoldering, an emotion that felt familiar but foreign. His eyes held mine, captivating in a maniacal exchange of emotions. My throat felt parched from all the sudden rush of emotions as I gulped down a small mouthful of whatever liquid naturally secreted from my mouth. 
“Look at you Mage,” Whispered Fjall quietly as his face came closer to mine, making my eyes widen even more as I pushed myself back into the wall. Trying to embarrassingly cower away from him.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re messed up because of me,” He spoke as he pressed his forehead to mine.
“Fjall,” I whimpered his name as I tried to lightly push him off me by moving the hands that were trapped in between mine and his body against his body.
As his name left my lips a deep groan escaped his throat as he lowered his head to come to my eye level.
“I love it when you say my name Mage,” hummed out Fjall as his hand around my waist pulled me harder into him making me yelp out at his sudden harsh movements.
“Fjall stop please, what are you doing, what do you want from me?” I finally asked out quietly as I squirmed in his grasp trying to move away from him.
“Is it not obvious to you Mage?” Fjall asked as he stood straight in his height, towering over me and shielding me from seeing anything but him.  
“What’s not obvious to me?” I asked him in a whisper as I looked up at him through my tear soaked lashes.
“I want you, Mage.” He confessed again for the second time today. His words made my eyes flutter in disbelief and my cheeks redden.
“I want to smell you Mage. I want to hold you in my arms away from anyone else. I want to feel your skin on mine all the time. I want you to look at me and only me. I want you Mage,” He spoke as his eyes bore so deep into my eyes I felt as if he could see my soul. The very soul that felt happiness surge within itself. As I could feel myself become bashful at the situation at hand, confusion shrouded my mind. Why was he choking me like a dummy just a few minutes ago?
“...But that’s not what you want, is it Mage? You’d prefer to be that Jester Jaskier little Mage, huh? That’s why you kissed him, in front of everyone. Let him know, everyone knows, me know, that you're his.” He spat out every word with anger as his hold on my face and waist became harsher and tighter.
“Fjall no, he- he asked me but I said no, I promise, I kissed him like a friend” I squeaked out trying to convince him as I squirmed smartly trying to manouvere a way out of his harsh hold. 
Instead he softened his hold a bit as he brought his head down to me with a derisive chuckle he halted right in front of my face.
“And how did you kiss him like a friend Mage?” Fjall asked with a tilt of his head.
“What?” I questioned not understanding what he meant.
“Kiss me how you kissed that jester.” He stated plainly with a tilt of his face to show where he wanted me to kiss him.
Nodding a yes my lips parted slightly as I made my way to his left lower stubble. The prick from his rough shaven hair was a contrast to my soft lips. As I kissed his face a squelching sound emitted from the action making my face turn red. The sound itself sounded so lewd that I knew I didn’t kiss Jaskier like this. 
“Did you make that noise with him also?” He asked with a smirk as he looked at me. I nodded a no very slowly.
“Use your words Mage,” Sighed out Fjall.
“No it wasn’t,” I said softly to him as I still looked at him wide eyed and red cheeks.
“Then do it again,” He stated plainly through gritted teeth.
“O-Okay,” I said as I nodded a yes.
I moved my face closer to the spot I kissed him before, and the sound was made as I kissed him.
“Is that how you kissed him?” He asked again, being satisfied with my reaction as the noise still came from before.
“N-no, I don’t know why or how that noise is being made,” I tried to explain and defend myself.
“You really don’t know why?” He asks as he lets me ponder for a moment to give him an answer.
“Maybe because you’re not a friend to me,” I spoke as I lowered my gaze away from him but only for a moment as he brought my face closer to his.
He lowered his mouth to mine and I knew he was going to kiss. He didn’t move for a while as he inspected my face. My lips were trembling in anticipation trying to know what he would taste like. To know how good of a kisser he was. Yes his actions were confusing and rough, yes he did try to choke me to death but the heavens knew that right now in this moment I wanted to feel his lip on mine. To feel if he is slow and soft or hard rough with his kiss. 
“Fjall, please…” I whimpered out as I looked him in the eyes, “....please kiss me.”
With a smile on his face he brought his lips to mine and captured my mouth in a slow and soft kiss. As if he was testing the waters when he sucked on the bottom of my lips before I opened a bit for him to push his tongue into my mouth. His tongue caressed the inside of my cheeks in a sensual manner making me emit a moan from how good it felt. His hands left my face and traced their way down my back and onto the exposed flesh of my thighs. He caressed my thighs while the other hand was still around my waist.
Feeling annoyed at the space between us, I wrapped my hands around his shoulders and let my body press against him. As Fjall slowly began to rise up to his true height I would go on my tippy toes to continue kissing him. 
“Eager little Mage aren’t you,” He spoke as he broke apart the kiss to come to his full height.
“Fjall,” I said his name in a small whisper as a contrast to me whimpering, “why did you try to kill me a few minutes ago?” I asked a very out of place but reasonable question.
He looked at me for a moment, contemplating how to respond before his ear twitched a bit and he sighed as removed the hand around my waist and ran it through his bald head. 
“One of the healer’s younger apprentices gave me a potion that made me only see the face of someone I was furious at, someone I wanted to kill so they could feel my wrath,” He explained as he his hand that left my waist came back to my face, “When I drank the potion I didn't feel like killing so I left to go to the mess hall to get something to eat, but there I saw Jaskier with you and it made my blood boil. How he looked at you, how you looked at him, how he sang for you and how you kissed him. So when you came to me afterwards all I saw was jaskier until you kicked me,” He said the last sentence as he traced over his fingerprints that were lightly shown on my skin.
“I’m sorry, skin like yours will never be touched by hate only love, I promise you that Mage,” he said as he caressed my skin lightly with care and comfort.
“Who’s love?” I asked testing what he could be insinuating, although as his eyes met mine I could feel myself turning red at the stupid question I just asked him.
Logically he wouldn’t be in love with me. Not because of how I look or act or my status. No if I were to say how could he love me for how I looked I would be stupid, as I look like an epitome of lust and love if I would want to. The concept instead is we barely spent time or moments together. We never spoke or touched each other. The basic foundation to establish a relationship of love had never occurred between us two until today. Sexually a night would make sense but love, that does not. 
Love was not a word that I wanted to play with. I refused to say those words just for the sake of a night of carnal pleasures. Even with Fjall as handsome, rugged, and the man I would prefer to take to bed with me, this was a line my heart, body, and mind refused to cross.
“Mine, who else's?” Fjall answered coyly as he lowered his head to kiss me again. A kiss I hesitantly accepted which he knew. So he broke the kiss to make one thing clear to me.
“You don’t have to accept it, just feel it for me. You don’t have to do anything tonight you don’t wish for, my Mage,” Fjall spoke as he took both my hands into his palms as he kissed my knuckles at the end of his little declaration. 
“I want to do everything you want tonight Fjall,” I replied back as I broke our hand contact to bring down his face to mine as I enveloped him in a kiss. The kiss was just like before sucking lips and exploring tongues.
Feeling a bit of courage through my veins from the adrenaline, I teasingly and lightly bit into Fjalls lips as I moved my body to press against his frame. The noise he made was like a groan and just as I did my little stunt his hands were on the naked flesh on the back of my thighs. His hands strained against my weight as he picked me up in one attempt and pressed me against the wall behind us. The moonlight showed us every little detail of each other's body.
Our eyes were black from the desire to feel the person we saw in front of us. Our mouths wet from the kiss we still haven’t broken from. Our body tangled with one another as we truly understood the extent of the desire we felt in this moment. 
As our kiss grew our breath became heavy. The only focus we had was each other, lost in the feeling of our body pressed against one another. We didn’t hear the voice of the guard until he asked loudly “Who’s there?”.
Freezing I break up from our kiss not truly wanting to be caught in such a compromising position with Fjall. I tried pushing Fjall away and attempted to look through his shoulders to see where the owner of the voice was. Unfortunately my scared look was entertaining for Fjall.
“Do you trust me, Mage?” He questioned simply.
“Of Course I do Fjall,” I replied softly as I stared into his eyes.
With that he picked me up from my position against the wall and planted me on his lap as he sat down by the window seat. I gasped a bit but before I could ask Fjall what he was doing he removed my hair pin to let my air fall down my back. He moved the hair away from my right shoulders and began kissing the open flesh there. Just small wet kisses that made my breathe heavier and a part of me wet with desire.
“He-hey youre not supposed to be in he-here!” Shouted the guard as he stuttered at the view in front of him.
“It’s okay, I’ll make sure she doesn’t do anything she isn’t supposed to, so why don’t you leave us alone,” Fjall spoke with a smirk on his face as his hands traced my back, “Unless you want to watch,” He offered as he quickly pinched my side making me let out a moan. 
“Nah-no, I trust you,” The guard spoke before he left us, shuffling and tripping into things as he walked out the room.
“Did you really have to offer him?” I asked as I lifted my body a bit to angle myself better on his lap. 
“It wasn't much of an offer, more like a warning,” chuckled out Fjall against my chest as he inhaled deeply the scent of me. 
“I wouldn’t have minded him watching us,” I said with a smirk as I looked down on his face. 
He looked up at me from burrowing his face into my breasts, a smirk plastered on his face as he licked his lips before saying the very words that could make a dignified woman a whore and a whore into a nun.
“You would have minded when I would be driving my hips against yours, touching your little belly button from the inside,” He illustrated so plainly as he loosened the strings of my dress making it loose on me.
“I don’t know Fjall, I think you would perform well when you know you have a competition,” I teased him shyly as I played with his ears.
“Why else do you think I was fighting Eredin?” He asked me rhetorically.
“Be careful Fjall, you're starting to sound like a jealous lover, and we’re not there yet,” I teased him as I ran my finger on the scar on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry Mage, this is just practice,” he cockily said as he mouth pressed the skin right above my chest that it counted as part of my breast from how erogenous his open mouth kisses felt. I could feel his chin slipping against my wet flesh there as he made his way up my neck. Each kiss didn’t falter in making my back arch more into him or to make my pussy wet and hot.
“Just because it’s practice I hope you don’t expect me to be okay if you're only going to put in half the energy,” I teasingly spoke as I began loosening my dress for him. His hands were still keeping me close to him. But as soon as I said those words he halted his movement.
“You’re right Mage,” He said as he looked up at me. His face was serious as he swiftly placed me on the cold concrete of the window seat. 
“With my injury I am going to hold back but I know a few ways I wouldn’t have too,” He spoke with a grin as he got on his knees and held my legs in his hands.
He began kissing the flesh on my thighs as he moved upwards, my body began to react with a lewd arch of my back. I knew what he was going to do and a sudden feeling of arousal engulfed my nether regions. 
My bundle of nerves swirling with the sweet sensation of lust as I felt myself secreting my familiar liquids of arousal. The only unfamiliar thing about this situation was how without a touch to my clit, I had grown slicken wet. 
“I don't even have to touch you mage to know you’re already ready for me,” chuckled Fjall as his mouth slowly began making its way to the inside of my thighs, as I let out a sharp gasp at the feeling of his canine pressing against flesh. 
He pulled me forward out of a sudden, making me gasp before giggling as I leaned down to kiss him as he placed my left leg on his shoulders while the other extended away from him. After the kiss he grabbed the slit on right leg and ripped it even more harshly.
“Fjall!” I screeched at him with wide eyes.
“Yes, Mage?” Fjall questioned back innocently as if he didn’t just do what he did.
“Fjall, that was my favourite dress, it made my ass look good and my tits looked fuller,” I complained to him as I furrowed my eyebrows as I explained the purpose of the dress.
“And my abs were a favourite part of my body because no one could ever leave a scar and live to tell the tale,” He spoke smugly as he tore the slit on my left leg.
“What?” I asked, confused.
“I thought we were bringing up pointless things that happened in the past,” He said as he came close to my face to engulf me in a kiss while he removed my dress from my body as I lifted my hands to help him.
“Pointless like tearing my favourite dress for access and then just taking it off?” I questioned him with a smile before kissing his lips, to stifle whatever smartass response he had for me.
His hands began to work itself on my body as my naked chest was welcomed with peppered kisses from Fjall. Each kiss was closer and closer to the sensitive areola of my right nipple. I could feel my nipples become erect at the thought of his tongue swirling or maybe even biting me. 
A loud gasp leaves my lips as Fjall grabs my left breast and massages my nipple between his thumb and index finger. While his mouth slightly sucks on the nipple on the right side.
His body heat was lost on my body as the only sensation I could make sense of was Fjall. Fjall’s heavy breathes, Fjall’s rugged beard pressing against the sensitive areola, Fjall’s calloused hands gently resting on my breast as his fingers nimbly worked my body into heat.
“Please, don’t stop Fjall,” I gasped out as I could feel my arousal growing. My body is aching for him. For anything I can get from him.
“Don’t worry Mage, my goal is to make sure you’re a mess and we are nowhere near my intended goal,” Fjall spoke as he slowly stopped his actions on my breast and began moving downwards to my soaking cunt.
“What is this pretty Mage?” Fjall teased as both his hands were placed on either side of my hips, tracing the chains that set pretty on my waist. It kept the white silk linens covering my throbbing clit and wet cavity. He pressed the chain deeper into my skin making me draw in a deep shaky breath as I let it out in the same manner. 
“The chains are one surprise Mage but this,” He spoke as his right traced the chain and came closer to my other soaking lips in between my thighs, his hands lightly ran over my clothed clit and down to the wet patch of accumulated arousal that I was oblivious to.
“...this wet patch is a much better surprise.” He stated as he began to work his right index finger on my clit as his mouth made its way to my thighs biting and sucking the flesh there tender. His breath was so close to a place that I was needy for attention but the finger that gently played around my clit, collecting the aroused secretion was enough to smother the want to cry for him. 
I closed my eyes as I slid back against the wall behind me, my eyes focusing on the sight of Fjalls beard against my skin. It was harsh and warm like a juxtaposition. Its existence had guaranteed a deep carnal concupiscence feeling within my stomach that made my mind hazed and numbed at the sight of the beard. 
The sensation of my clit being rubbed made me open my eyes as my mouth let out a loud gasp of air that I let out in a moan. One of my hands found his shoulder and rested there while the other was placed behind me to support my weight.
“Fjall just do something please, I am going crazy at this little antics of yours,” I cried out with a heavy pant as I began squirming in his grasp, my body ready to release but his undeserving hands were in the way. 
Instead of responding to me or saying something he or even acknowledging I said something he continued his actions. His mouth that was on my right thigh has moved to the left thigh. He switched his hands so now his left hand was playing with my clit while his right hand held my waist in place. Besides my occasional whimpers and gasps the only other sound that could be heard were his lips sucking my flesh so wetly. The squelching and hot sounds of his mouth did not aid in my need to finally have a release.
His actions were teasing and in my hot blazed mind I couldn’t piece together what he was doing or why he was doing it. Until my brain said that one six letter word: EDGING. This man was edging me, and he was enjoying my reaction. He enjoyed how I submitted my control to him and became submissive. He probably enjoyed how needy I’ve become with such limited actions. And he most definitely probably enjoyed how much I begged for him with whimpers and gasps.
I didn't know what to do with this information so I stared at him, trying to figure out my next move as he continued his mind numbing actions. Looking at him I saw how his eyes were closed and that's when I heard it. His groaning sounds. And that's when I noticed how his hand on my waist had disappeared between his stomach.
Angling myself slightly I saw Fjalls hands palming his not so little friend underneath his clothes. At the sight in front of me I knew exactly what I wanted to do and I knew exactly how to do it. 
In one swift motion I stood up carefully to not hurt Fjall but to stand right in front of him. 
“Mage, what the hell are you doing?” He questioned with his words confused and his face looking angry.
Without saying a word I got on my knees in front of him. Even in this position he towered before me but for some reason there was no intimidation, only a sense of power as I held his gaze. I came forward towards his face, gasping his jaw with my right hand as I kissed him. His lips tangled with mine as our tongue explored the depths of our mouth. The other hand I took and placed it on his hard dick. As our kiss grew I massaged the clothes dick, slowly working on unveiling it from the loose trousers. As soon as they were free I broke apart from the kiss.
“Tell me that you don't want this and we won't do anything,” I whispered.
My hand that was on his jaw traced itself lightly to his lips and collected a mixture of our spit. The lubricant saliva from my thumb was placed on the top of his dick. As I marvelled at his hard non-flaccid cock, with one hand stroking him gently I slowly moved the lower half body back to create an arch. An arch that would give him a view of my ass while I suck the soul out of him. 
Looking him in the eyes I moved my mouth closer to his cock, collecting the spit in my mouth that I placed on my tongue. Taking my tongue had already guaranteed a few strings of spit spilling down from the side as it made contact with the base of Fjalls cock. The white monster was probably 9 inches tall and as thick as 3 and half inches. It was embellished with veins of pink and green with a narrow head on top blushing pink and wet with precum. 
My wet tongue lubricated his dick from the bottom to the top then top to bottom and so on until his dick was able to go down my throat with ease. 
“Ahh- Fuck Mage, why are you making me feel so god forsaken good?” Groaned out Fjall as he leaned back on both his hands as his head rolled back when both my hands twisted the parts of him I couldn't put in my mouth as I sucked him.  
His big length in my mouth was a foreign feeling, not because of the person but also because of the cock. His dick felt heavy on my tongue while his taste resembled rosemary.
Probably a herbal bath for his injury to stop infections.
“Stop,” He said to me as his face flushed red while I attempted to take more of him into my mouth. Stopping my actions I looked up at him through the few stray strands of hair on my face. 
“Or, I could continue?” I teased him as I went back to taking more of him in my mouth. Wanting to test the boundaries my eye held his as I continued my lewd action. The sensation of him curving downwards in my mouth as if ready to enter my throat. This action had brought tears to my eyes while one of my hands twisted the base of his cock. 
The other hand however was down in between my thighs. Tracing my wet panties as the feeling of my fingers was felt by my sensitive lips. The sensation I felt made my eyes roll back as a stifled sound left my mouth.
Fjalls hands went straight to my hair. His finger grasped my roots close to my scalp. He neither pushed me forward nor did he stop me. He allowed me to continue swallowing his cock as I touched myself. A sudden brush against my clit made my body jerk, letting his cock escape my mouth and slap itself on his toned stomach. 
The actions made me giggle a bit but my giggle stopped as I looked at Fjalls expression. His face was hot and his eyes were focused on my hands between my legs. Before I could do anything Fjall jerked my head back with his hand, not so roughly but the sudden motion made me let out a yelp.
“Now I am going to make you beg for me to stop,” He spoke confidently before sweeping my mouth in a wet kiss. As I was deep throating the white strings of my saliva and his mucus was rubbed all over my mouth.
I knew he could taste himself on my mouth but he continued this kiss. His lips sucked on my bottom lip. His nose pressed against mine. My hands left their locations and placed themselves on his shoulder.
As Fjall broke away from the kiss, his mouth began leaving a trail of wet kisses down my body as he made his way to my pussy. He finally but slowly began taking off my soaking panties.
“Looking at how wet you are, I’d say your obsessed with me,” Fjall spoke as he used his fingers to slide through my wetness testing how wet I felt.
“I thought my presence when you would train already did that,” I tried to quip back with a smirk that quickly turned into a gasp as one of his fingers went deep inside of me. 
His fingers were big but thick and as he began moving his fingers in and out, I could hear the wet squelching sound and so could he. 
“You look just as you sound Mage,” taunted Fjall as he noticeable to my horny body increased his speed making my back arch a bit more, “...like a slut who can’t get enough of me,”
My breath left my body as his speed kept increasing. His hands were colliding against the flesh surrounding my wet pussy. The noise itself was as loud as my gasps of his name in a desperate chant to show how good he made me feel.
The pace he sat was enough for my craving body to feel the shudders of pleasure beginning to form deep within me. I tried to hold it in thinking that just maybe maybe Fjall would like for us to come together. But the more my pussy became tighter around him as a tell tale sign im close the faster his finger worked on me.
“Fjall I’m cumming!” I screamed as my squirt sprayed it's way to his shoulders and part of his chest. The liquid dripped down on him as an obscene substitute to his sweat.
Unfortunately for me my squirting orgasm wasnt enough for him to stop as he continued on the similar pace of not too slow but fast enough for another orgasm to form. 
“OH Fuck Fjall, it's too much for…” my sentence cut short as another squirt like orgasm erupted my body making me squeal as I gasped for air. My eyes were streaming with tears as my body felt overstimulated.
“Now we are getting somewhere close to my intended goal,” Fjall spoke as he continued with his pace making my body involuntarily shift away from him. My eyes staring deep into his orbs that were filled with pride. Pride of making me whimper and scream in pleasure within a few minutes.
“Not so fast mage,” Fjall chuckled out as he pulled me towards him and turned me around in one swift motion. 
“Fjall what are you doing…Oh fuck” My incomplete question was answered as one of Fjalls fingers went to my clit as the other went inside me. As his fingers pumped inside of me at the same pace as before, his finger on my clit began circling the engorged organ. 
My hands found his chest that was without stitches as I slowly began to push him away. The feeling of Fjall becoming too much to my overstimulated body. However Fjall saw it as an opportunity to use my hand to pull me into his lap. My ass was in the air closer to him as he began playing with me again. He swooped my hair to the other side of my face as he made sure to hold eye contact with me. Every time I closed my eyes he would remove his hand from my clit and spank me. 
Every time he would spank me he would soothe it over by kissing it and murmuring “good little mage” but only if I looked at him again. If I didn’t then he would spank me again and this time a bit harder.  
If the souls around us thought I was loud before then by heavens the sounds I was now no match for the noises that escaped my delirious mind. I couldn’t stop the loud gasps that turned into moans in mere seconds nor could I stop the third or the fourth squirting orgasm that left my body. 
All I could do was beg him to stop just as he said he would make me do. By the end of his little play time, the ground below was wet and so were our bodies. Whether it be from sweat or my squirt only the heavens knew at this point. My eyes were glossed over from the tears that had left my eyes from every orgasm that Fjall forced out of my body.
“Don’t get too excited mage, I am still going to turn those gasps into screams,” Fjall said as I positioned myself on him. Straddling his figure as my head rested on his chest as I tried to adjust my breath. 
“Fjall what?” I questioned him as I knew that I looked like in no shape to continue our endeavor whatsoever. 
He chuckled at my bewildered look as he moved me off his lap making me pout at the lack of his presence on my body. As he stood up he offered me his hands to stand up. And just as I was about to come to my full height my legs or more specifically my thighs betrayed me. The usually strong limbs had been turned into jelly like limbs thanks to Fjall and I had almost fallen. If not for Fjalls quick hands. 
He pulled me close to his brace as he kept me up. 
“You really are starting to become my favourite thing to ruin Mage,” He spoke amusingly, obviously smug at my appearance and fucked out disheveled face.
“I'm not a thing,” I gasped out as I tried to steady myself.
“No but you are mine to ruin,” Fjall spoke as he took my lips into a quick kiss between his rough and chapped ones. He held me close to him with his hands around my waist, being mindful of stitches luckily for me and him.
“Hold on tight mage,” Fjall warned me for no reason that my mind could register until he picked me up bridal style. A small gasp left my mouth as I began laughing at the little situation. He carried me back to the window edge where we began our little adventure for tonight. As he was walking us back my mouth carried itself to the side of his neck as I began biting and kissing his stubbled flesh there. His groans were muffled but his gasps were evident to my ears.
He sat down on the edge and let me straddle him again.
“Just say you don’t want this and we don’t have to do this,” Fjall whispered as I paused from my little assault on his neck too look at him.
Holding his face in hands I kissed his lips lightly. 
“I want this Fjall, I want you even more,” I whispered as I stared into his eyes. 
He pulled my chin into a kiss as I lifted my body up, during this time he took his hardened cock and held it until I slowly sunk down on him.
His size in my mouth was different to his girth inside me in such an intimate way. I couldn’t help the tears that formed at the end of my eyes or the loud moan that escaped my mouth which mixed with his groans. 
“Fjall,” I whispered out, as my overstimulated pussy swallowed his member whole with minimum resistance thanks to all the cum and squirt around it.  
“Work for it mage,” Teased Fjall as he recited the words I said to him earlier in the day.
“Oh-Okay” I whispered in a whimpered tone as my body tried it's hardest to keep up a pace. 
As I would come up and down my pace would waver as I could feel my body getting close to another orgasm. 
“I…augh..I can’t Fjall,” I whimpered out as my body slouched on top of him, feeling all my energy drained out of me.
“Then allow me, my mage,” Fjall whispered out, kissing my forehead at the end of his sentence. 
He stood up with me in his lap. Walking towards the barren wall that glistened in the moonlight. He placed both my legs on top of his shoulders as his cock was still buried deep inside me. 
“Kiss me mage?” Asked Fjall, to which I responded with a kiss on his mouth. The kiss that was supposed to be light ended up becoming deeper as he slowly pushed himself in and out of me. 
The kiss continued but Fjalls pace began to change. He went from a slow and sensual pace to strokes that felt deeper and a tad faster. However the tad faster was enough to make my body squirm as his cocks assault was about to warrant another orgasm from my body. And from the feeling of it, it would be the most intense one yet. 
The feeling of this orgasm first began in my heart as the beat of my heart began to mimic Fjall’s heart rendering strokes. It then moved on to my eyes and began to blur with tears just as how my reality was beginning to fade away from me. The only one I felt was Fjall and his breathing on my neck which made my toe curl even more.
“Fjall, I’mmm cumming” were the last words my mind remembered saying before my body began to spasm uncontrollably. The tears in my ears were streaming down my face as I sobbed into Fjall’s shoulder from how intense the orgasm felt.
Closing my eyes I once again slumped on Fjall, exhaustion taking over me. 
“Fjall, I’m tired,” was the last thing I said. 
“Don’t worry Mage, you’re safe with me,” was the last thing I heard as my eyes shut close and I passed out in the embrace of Fjall. 
After a few moments in sleeping state I could feel Fjall climbing stairs and the aroma of my room became evident. As he laid me in my bed I rose a bit. Only then did I see that he was wearing his trousers and I wore his tunic.   
“Sleep with me?” I asked with a small smile on my face as I reached a hand out to him.
“Anything you wish for my mage,” He said as he closed my chamber doors and climbed into bed with me.
My head on his chest as one of my hands played with his fingers. While his other hand was on my waist. And my other hand was on the side of his face.
“Goodnight Fjall,” I whispered in a sleepy mumble manner.
“Goodnight my beautiful mage,” said Fjall as he kissed my forehead once more for the night. 
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❝ The only people who don’t like sluts are the people who don’t get any. ❞ - Marion to Sam, because why tf not? (Rose Ave verse)
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Sam stared at the other for a long moment, before responding. “Are you... confusing me for someone that gives a shit what you do?” While the wording may have been harsh, his delivery was blunt and utterly unbothered. After a moment, he shrugged, looking away.
“I just don’t understand it, was all I meant.” The concept of sex in general was often... unappealing to him, but the thought of sex without meaning to it... “Does that... work for you?” There was no venom in his tone, he was simply perplexed. “Don’t care, just curious.” Meaning the other could ignore the question... though perhaps he’d worded that wrong. He could never tell.
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bigbraincel · 2 years
OC: Feren (aka my Tav from Baldur's Gate 3)
🎨 Is your OC artistic? Can they draw or paint or do they prefer another medium? Are they a writer or musician or do they do something else? Give us a quick run down of what they can get creative with!
Yes!! Feren loves the creative arts in general: acting, story telling, playing music, dancing, singing, drawing and painting. He just can't write as he's illiterate. Feren is... passable at playing a lute, but he's a lot better at singing or dancing to music than playing it. He also loves telling stories, the more dramatic the better, but he only really knows of orally-told folk tales that are easy to memorise rather than complex & esoteric prose. He's able to perform in plays by memorising lines that are read out loud to him or he just wings it and improvises.
As he's not part of a guild, he has relatively limited access to the tools he needs for painting or drawing, although he's pretty good at scavenging materials for himself.
He has a shabby sketchbook with paper made from clothing rags of hemp or linen (that he's usually nabbed from wherever he can find it). He also uses his druid skills to source things from the natural world. For a canvas, he'll often use slate or bark, chalks for sketching, and pigments from ochres and flowers for paint. His bedroom walls are covered in bright colours that he's been adding to bit-by-bit over the years, depicting an emerald forest kingdom (which may or may not resemble what was once his home).
✨ If your OC were a deity of some kind, what would they represent? What do they look like? How are they worshipped and what offerings would they expect? What are their places of worship like? Their followers? Their teachings?
ooo love this question for a d&d setting
Feren is the Guiding Light, or Star-Wolf, God of starlight, guidance, reunions and protection. He shines light into wherever it is darkest; much like constellations have helped navigate people for many years, Feren helps those who are lost to find their way or reunite with loved ones. In his usual elven form, Feren wears little, save for the golden leaves that adorn his body. On his blond hair is a halo-like crown. His skin is covered in tattoos of constellations that glow whenever he feels strong emotion. He wields two things; his famed lantern, which is said to have captured starlight that can illuminate any darkness, and a sword with a blade made not of metal, but a window into the galaxies. His other form is a giant wolf made of celestial matter. As for offerings, he simply expects a lit match, candle or lantern. He can be worshipped anywhere, but usually at night or in dark temples where the contrast between light and dark is more apparent. He often gains followers in moments of desperation (whether they are figuratively or literally lost). His followers wear white, yellow, blue and black and are usually clerics, paladins or druids. They usually act as guides through dangerous or unknown lands.
🗣️ What are the most painful words that can be said to your OC to utterly break them? What are the words that you could tell them to cheer them up? Maybe some advice to give them the boost they need!
"I know what you really are. You're a murderer. If you hadn't been so reckless, so weak, so foolish, you could've saved them. But you ruin everything you touch, most of all yourself. You went from a prince to a whore. It's almost impressive how far you've fallen. So pathetic... nothing but broken goods."
^ something along those lines would hit right in the self-loathing that Feren tries so hard to repress. It would be pretty hard to cheer him up after that lol, but not impossible. Telling him that he isn't being judged, his trauma isn't his fault, and that he deserves happiness & love is a start. It'll take a while, but he will slowly start to believe it.
ksdjfklsf grimmy i am SO sorry about the novel, thank you for asking and thank you even more if you actually read any of this 😂
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teresamagbanuas · 4 years
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top 10 kristoph gavinposting greatest hits on twitter that almost got me cancelled before people realized this was a star wars fandom copypasta
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muutosarchive · 2 years
he’s not yet wearing his jacket, however otherwise he’s already dressed for the ceremony - that which is set to take place in a few hours. he is technically already married, but as everyone knew, there was never a formal wedding ceremony at the time. but till & richard both agreed, that this was a good idea. not to mention, he knew that temperance wanted a wedding. friends from their business & important people in berlin & new york alike, came to see him kiss the bride. & obviously, whatever family & friends his lovely wife wanted to invite. it was basically a mafioso who’s who, sprinkled with his quirky groomsmen. olli standing around like a glorified statue, with christoph, outside.. while paul, his best man, is with him in the dressing room...
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glass shatters against the wall, after buzzing past paul’s face. a loud noise accompanying it. hurled, with his full strength. “why won’t you shut the fuck up, already?!” he asks, straightening his tie as he takes a breather. “i’ve really endured about all i can take of your whining.” he tells his best friend, his lip jumping subtly, in anger, as he storms forward - otherwise stone faced - to get in the other man’s face. “Du bist nur wütend, weil ich dich heute nicht heirate. as if i could.” (you're just angry because I'm not marrying you today.) he pauses. eyes narrowing & head tilting in a sinister manner, as he looms just a little bit taller. eyes flickering, downcast. “you’ve always been my little bitch, haven’t you?” he asks, smirking now. grabbing the smaller man’s collar. forcing his chin up, to face him. “& that’s all you’ll ever be, once this is over. so why don’t you stop acting like a baby, & take it like the whore you are.”  he means take the situation, more than he’s talking about him particularly. just trying to get a rise out of the other man. he shoves him back, & straightens his own collar again - with a self satisfied smile.
@nombreux​    /  /    the other thing we plotted!
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cognitivedissonance · 4 years
PLEASE go report this account if you have a Twitter. They are posting photos of my kids via sock puppets, calling for the murder of LGBTQIA people, doxxing Black Lives Matter activists, doxxing sex workers, and posting the addresses of activists in Reno. The link to the account:
Here’s a few examples, all the tw for content:
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hysokaz · 4 years
everytime someone tags hisoka as h slur it makes me. need a second
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laydiibug · 4 years
@rosefromdeath asked: “That’s not polite” Gabby @ Eleanora
“I’m not polite” The teen shot back, furrowing her brows and crossing her arms. There was a flash of something other than annoyance in her expression, though. Regret, maybe? But it was only there for a fraction of  a second before she was mean again. “Besides, he’s my idiot brother, I can call him whatever I like. Are you a babysitter or a hooker or what?” Rafe hadn’t been expecting his sister to drop by, or he would have warned Gabby before leaving her alone in the house with the baby for a few hours while he went on a job. Nora had keys of course so she’d come right in- surprised to find another girl in her brother’s living room- maybe that’s why she was so upset. The conversation had started with a trail of expletives about her brother and that’s what led them here.The younger brunette went right to little Olive and scooped her up, checking her for any harm and cooing comfortingly so the little one wouldn’t be upset by her mood. 
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tarkin and padme team up would be too much. consider it.
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thotvengers · 5 years
Poe Dameron texting Rey 💙
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actualreyofsunshine · 6 years
I saw a post of yours and it seemed thoughtful and like you'd take the question I have seriously, so here goes. I'm a Reylo, and up until this point have been rather in the dark of criticisms of the ship. I mostly keep to myself and read fics, meta analysis etc. I was surprised to see Reylos be labeled as racist. Is this a charge leveled at Reylos because Finnrey didn't end up happening? I'm curious if there's something you can tell me that maybe I missed. It *seems* like sourgrapes, initially.
I’m intrigued by the fact that you genuinely think people are labeling r//yl//os as racist because they’re annoyed their ship isn’t happening, and not because of the fact that r//yl//os have consistently proven themselves to be racist time and time again.
Some pertinent examples under the cut (STRONG trigger warning for racist slurs, multiple instances of anti-blackness and repeated use of the n-word):
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And these just happen to be the more blatant examples. I could, of course, go on providing more examples. This post gives a good summary of both the overt and the more subtle ways in which the fandom, in general, is racist.
So no, accusations of racism aren’t because of “sourgrapes” over some ship war. They’re rather well-founded, and it’d be helpful if people would stop trivializing this stuff as something that’s motivated by some sort of bitterness over a ship when the truth is that it’s actually much more serious than that.
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mercysought · 6 years
🚪 ( gio @ maxima )
Nonverbal RP Starters( ACCEPTING ) - @praeludio ( GIO )🚪Tap on a door to get my muse’s attention without speaking
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Maxima hadn’t heard him come in. In reality as she finished the last touches on the lipstick, her ear glued to the phone that was held between her shoulder and her cheek, she could really not spare much of her attention besides what she was saying and doing. Italy was far… far more beautiful than she had first expected, far more welcoming too but that had nothing to do with the city itself, with the country but with Gio and his parents. Rarities that Maxima was even afraid to stare at for too long in case if they were to vanish into pure smoke as a mirage. A small chuckle leaves her lips, the lipstick held in mid air as long waves of brown (curled to make them more defined but looser) fall over her shoulder and down her back. Green eyes flickering up when a knock is heard. 
Gio had been more than happy to share his house with her, more than happy to allow her (a stranger, a stranger that they didn’t’ even know about) to stay with a roof over her head. Maxima had been sure that they would have sent her away, that they would prefer to have that than someone that would likely steal from them, leech out of them until having to move on to the next victim. Maxima was well aware that their perception might change and that was why she was preparing. Nothing had yet quite been planned but, after nights of a lot of thinking (and drinking, it helped to make the thoughts flow more easily and not let her get stuck on details that would not help her in any way) she knew that she would need to leave. Not to return to her father which had been the first plan. She wanted to have nothing to do with the man or his family, but somewhere else. Find another place to stay in Rome and find a job. Anything. 
Italian had become easier with the past few months and the french accent was barely there to tell the tale. A blessing, to be so good with languages. Despite all of this, despite all the plans and the alcohol to aid her in it, there was one detail: knowing that these would likely be the last few times where she would be able to talk to Gio, to his parents. And that was the hardest part. To not know how to repay their kindness other than never seeing them again, other than knowing that her father’s family would do enough to denigrate her image in their eyes: a vagrant, a whore, an unscrupulous bitch. Maybe not with those words but something that tasted the same. Maxima nods to her cousin to come in as the lipstick is placed down on the small table with a mirror in front of it. Goodbyes are said onto the phone and quickly thrown over the bed as she turns to face him through the mirror with a large smile.
   “I’m going out. Do you want to come with?” as soon as the question is asked, however, and green eyes finally take in his face her brow arches and her voice loses its enthusiasm “What…?” she turns slowly on the small bench to look at him directly, a feeling of impending doom forming over the pit of her stomach “What is with that look on your face?“
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repotting · 6 years
Surreal experience on public transport just now...
A bunch of the regulars were talking and some woman brought up her ex's new gf which she smugly announced was "well known in (city) as a pr*stitute". Another woman started talking about how "it's not like there isn't good work that pays" and together they agreed that sex workers were just lazy and "looking for the easy way out" and other bullshit. This conversation continues for a few minutes with all the expected misogyny that comes with such a topic and some men joining in.
And as I'm growing increasingly uncomfortable and trying to think of something I could say that might make a tiny bit of difference, considering I'm the usually silent outsider feeling vulnerable with my beard shadow, that's when the weird part happens.
Some guy who had been quiet before started taking about Jesus and how even he never would condemn sex workers and brought up the 'cast the first stone' incident, which I'm p sure was about an adultress and not a sex worker but the point is I literally saw the shame come over this woman and heard the change in all their voices as they realised how vicious they'd just sounded
And it was so bizarre, it literally never would have occurred to me that a) some intense bible thumper quoting chapter and verse would ever come to the defence of sex workers not even (to his knowledge) present, or b) that it would be so fucking effective, like they stopped IMMEDIATELY and were quiet for a minute or so and then started talking about how Jesus saved them when they didn't deserve it
Just a weird fucking experience
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