#sw asks for ts
alarrytale · 1 year
"He could call up Taylor swift and it probably still wouldn’t work"
This would actually work and they'd be papped everywhere they went. If she praised his music so many people would check it out. But not happening sadly. She'll find another blond guy over 6 foot.
Lol, anon. You and that other anon can fight it out. It's pointless either way because it's never going to happen. (I think he hates her with the fire of a thousand suns...)
I think he'd gain fans and monthly spotify listeners. Their music is so different i'm not sure her fans would like his music, and stay fans when they inevitably break up. I think he'd lose a lot of his current fanbase. Me included. It would be jumping the shark. The fandom would turn into chaos. It would be unliveable here and on other social media. There would be no escape. And when they broke up, and she played the victim (again), her fans would take her side, and he'd be back at square one (if not worse, since a bunch of his old fans have left). It would be the messiest thing we'd ever witnessed *shudders*.
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princesscedar · 1 year
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Yeah the ts crit community really is mostly on tumblr. If any crit on twitter is brave enough to call out thomas or even just ask a SIMPLE INNOCUOUS question like ‘hey whens the next sanders sides coming out’ they get dog-piled by his followers. Just now my twitter tl algorithm made some posts pop up from ppl I don’t even follow and they’re just defending thomas + his patreon and saying that we’re just angry jealous ppl who don’t understand what goes on behind the scenes for him (as if THEY do?).
I swear, the die-hard fans that are still left, I’m sorry, they’re not a fandom. They’re a cult. A cult of personality centered around one man, purely there to keep stroking and defending his fragile ego. They’re no better than the sw*fties or any other group of ppl driven by blind devotion, obsession and white knighthood.
Oh 100%, there's next to no ts crit community on twitter, I got curious and checked a few days ago, searching stuff like Thomas Sanders Critisism, TSS Criticism, TSS critical, stuff that's used over here and the only thing that got anything was the first, but then it was just showing stuff with "Thomas Sanders" or even just "Sanders" in the post. So it's hard to organize that kind of community, plus the die hards and Thomas being on there.
I'd say the only place the fandom is pretty active is on Twitter, and that's soley because of Thomas, because he interacts with the fans and makes it so that there's motivation to make tss stuff. You know there's a community on there for it and if you're lucky Thomas will see it and retweet it. Otherwise it's kind of a joke that the fandom is dead until it's breifly revived whenever a new episode comes out. Which then leads to parasocial relationships and the idea that somehow continues to persist that Thomas is a poor boy who can do no wrong and if he did do wrong he didn't actually know any better. Never mind he's thirty-fucking-4. And his fans are half his age.
One this I do kinda disagree with is the idea that all his die hards and current fans are like 14, which I just don't think is true, I think they were like 14 when the last proper episode came out, and are now more along the lines of like 18 or around there. He's got a lot of patrons, including 17 people who paying $125 a month, that money has to come from somewhere and I doubt it's all from allowances.
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Yavin-4 Boy - Poe Dameron
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A/N: I've been bopping to London Boy lately (always?) and have been itching to write, AND just recently rewatched the entire SW saga, so behold, this creation. Hopefully you'll see me more regularly, but we all know how that goes.
TS Prompt #3: London Boy
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 1.9k Synopsis: Poe begins to wonder if life on Yavin-4 is enough for you.
When the alarm goes off before the sun has even risen, you let out a groan of annoyance. Not that the alarm should surprise you. Since moving in with Poe after the defeat of the First Order, this had become routine for the two of you.
Where you are all grumbles and large stretches, Poe is up at the first chime of the alarm. He leans over to wrap a strong arm around you, and like always, you try to coax him to stay in bed for a while longer. Only occasionally do your temptations work.
This morning is not one of those mornings.
After kissing you at least twelve times, Poe reluctantly pulls from your embrace and heads toward the kitchen. He shuts the door behind him, knowing full well that you will fall back asleep.
Because that, too, has become habit for the two of you.
When Poe rises early, the first thing he does is start up a pot of your favorite tea from Naboo. By the time the scent drifts to your bedroom, the intoxicating smell is enough to coax you out of the sheets.
There is a mug steaming on the counter when you step into the kitchen. You take a healthy sip, feeling the warmth travel to your stomach. You hum happily and hear Poe laugh.
"I don't know how you make this so much better than me," you say as he passes behind you, smacking your ass.
"I've had lots of practice. You might be better at it if you ever made it," he teases with a grin.
"Hey, I make it in the afternoons, sometimes. You've just got the morning tea shift."
"A position I happily accept," he says as he kisses your forehead.
"When do you have to head out?" you ask quietly.
"Half an hour."
"Will you be back in time for drinks at Finn's?"
"I'll be sure to. Wouldn't want to miss the Frantxis beer."
"Well of course," you say with a laugh, wrapping an arm around his waist, "Who would ever want to miss Frantxis beer?"
"A fool."
"Precisely my thought." Your humor dims for a moment. "Be careful?" you say quietly.
"Always," he says, his dark eyes locked with yours. With a hand on his cheek, you pull him in for a kiss that lasts much too long. For this, too, has become part of your every day life.
You fell in love with a man with a strong work ethic, something he learned from his parents, from his years spent working on their farm. Even though the fight with the First Order has officially ended, Poe's loyalty to the Resistance hasn't.
When there was a former First Order base that needed to be destroyed, or a former convoy that needed breaking apart, Poe was the first to volunteer.
And he knows the strain it puts on you. He knows the anxiety that comes over you when he leaves. But it's a integral part of him, one that he cannot fight, even if he tried.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
The mission this time around is a simple one. Chances of running into any severe danger are low.
Poe arrives to Coruscant to speak to the Senate. They have been asking for a member of the former Resistance, and now the Reformed Republic, to address the Senate.
Peace was tentative, it always was. With his speech to the Senate, they hoped to work it into their propaganda, to let former First Order controlled planets know that it was safe to go back to the freedom they had known before.
Poe enjoyed the change of pace, but when he finds himself done for the day in the early afternoon, he faces a choice. He can return home to you early, albeit empty-handed. Or he can return home a tad later, and bring you an elaborate gift.
Poe was under no impression that life on Yavin-4 was easy. When he wasn't taking off with the Republic, he was helping his Dad on their farm. And on the days he was off-planet, you were there helping.
You had grown up in a life of luxury: fancy dresses, decadent food, elaborate parties every night. None of which, Yavin-4 was in excessive possession of.
After the reformation, after your marriage, Poe had asked where you wanted to live.
"With you," you had said plainly. Poe began to laugh and explain himself, but you cut him off. "I know what you meant, and my answer remains the same. Wherever you are."
So you had settled onto Yavin-4, and left behind the life you knew before.
Poe has one of the million cruisers of Coruscant fly him to a nearby shop. When he steps inside, he doesn't even know where to start. The surrounding walls are stuffed with elaborate outfits, arranged by color, all different kinds of fabric ready to swallow the shop whole. On the tables filling up the sales floor, are shoes, bags, and jewels on top of jewels.
He isn't sure where to start.
His attention first clings to the dresses coating the walls. It's been so long since he's seen you in something ridiculously fancy. He touches a soft purple dress that looks and feels like it's made of water, but when he thinks about you wearing it, in the damp forest that is Yavin-4, he laughs.
There is a reason you don't wear all the gorgeous gowns that fill an entire closet of your home. Your wardrobe these days consist of the same utilitarian type of stuff the rest of the planet wears.
Poe wanders over towards the shoes, but again, can't imagine you wearing them instead of your battered work boots.
The tables full of jewels beckon to him next, and they are overwhelming to say the least. The only piece of jewelry that Poe consistently sees you wear is the wedding ring he gave to you a year back.
A necklace catches his eye just when he's about to give up. It's a small pendant on a gold chain. The pendant itself is a black circle, and at it's heart is your home planet of Naboo. Poe knows before he's even touched it that this is the perfect gift for you. He knows that Yavin-4 is completely different from your home, but if you have a piece of it with you--
"Anything I can help with?" the sales representative asks, interrupting his train of thought.
You are pulling on a black sweater when you hear the X-Wing land in the yard. You glance at the clock in surprise. You weren't expecting him for at least another hour. You finish fussing with your hair and walk into the living room just as BB-8 and Poe enter.
"Hey," you say, hugging Poe. His embrace of you is tight. "Did something happen?"
"What? No, I just missed you," he says, before kissing you.
"How'd it go today?"
"Politics is never really my thing," he says. A non-answer.
"Do you want a drink?" you asked, already walking towards the kitchen. There is something different about his demeanor, and you fear there is something he isn't telling you.
When you hand the glass to him, he sighs before taking a drink. He must feel you studying him closely, because he looks up at you with a laugh.
"What?" he asks.
"You tell me."
"I just missed you," he says, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"I missed you, too," you say, and kiss him again. When you break apart, it's his turn to study you closely. You wait a moment, hoping he'll tell you what's gone wrong, when he says the last thing you ever expected him to.
"You're happy, aren't you?"
"What?" you ask in disbelief.
"You're happy?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
"You don't miss all the fuss of life in Naboo, or crave the hustle of Coruscant?"
"What happened today?" you ask.
"I was just reminded of what you've given up, to live here with me."
"I haven't given anything up--" you begin, but Poe cuts you off as he paces towards the living room.
"Come on, this place is nothing like Naboo. The dense trees, the farms, we're miles away from any civilization," he says, running a hand through his hair.
"You said you only needed to be with me, but after seeing all that you're missing, all the nice things that you can't have here, I . . ."
"Poe," you say, walking towards him. He is shaking slightly as you put your hands on his arms. "I love Yavin-4."
"I know--"
"Let me finish, please. I love Yavin-4. I love that we get up at the crack of dawn every morning. I love how quiet it is here. I love going to your Dad's and drinking his insanely strong moonshine.
"I love farming with the both of you. I love that we have to travel so far to get our food, and that it tastes better than anything we could ever get in a city like Coruscant.
"I love that it's almost always just the two of us. I love this cabin, how we can have sex as loud as we want, because there's no one to hear for miles." He lets out a breath of laugh at that.
"I love that I had to learn all 53 rules of Primagge, and that when we play, I usually end up throwing the cards. I love that when I go into town, I usually end up hearing stories about you.
"I love that our friends come to visit, and that we have room for them. I love that you are teaching me to fly, and that BB-8 sits at the dinner table with us most nights.
"But mostly, I love you. And you are who you are because of Yavin-4. You are Yavin-4 through and through, and I wouldn't change a single thing. Believe me, if I wanted to put on one of those gowns, I would, and I would show this forest style like it has never seen. But I don't need those things anymore. I'm just happy here with you."
Poe takes a moment before he replies. Well, before he takes you in his arms and kisses you dramatically. You are both laughing as he tips you a little, but when he rights you, there are tears in his eyes.
"I love you so much, and am so incredibly lucky."
"You are," you say simply. He walks over towards the leather jacket he threw on the couch.
"So," he says, "Given all that you just said, this might seem like a stupid gift, but I saw this when I was on Coruscant, and I couldn't help myself."
He brings over a jewelry box and when you open it, you find a pendant, with Naboo emblazoned on it. It takes your breath away for a moment, and you see Poe smile.
"I figured you should have it, so even if we stay on Yavin-4 forever--"
"Don't threaten me with a good time," you interrupt, making him laugh.
"So even if we stay here forever, you'll still have a piece of home with you."
"Now who's the lucky one," you say quietly. "I love it."
"Here," he says, taking the necklace. You turn and he clasps the necklace close around your neck. He spins you back around and examines it. "Beautiful."
"It is."
"Not who I meant."
He pulls you into his arms, kissing you deeply. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him close. Even the taste of him is home. You wouldn't change a single thing about the life the two of you live, the life you fought so hard for.
"You are my home, Poe."
"And you're mine."
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kazoosandfannypacks · 7 months
OC Asks- Fandom edition!
rules: reblog this ask game and put the names of your ocs in the tags so your followers can ask you the following questions about them. if there's any questions you don't want to or wouldn't be able to answer, you can specify that in the tags as well. also, in the spirit of getting to know each other's ocs, please send at least one question to whoever you reblogged it from, and whoever reblogs it from you too!
🌊 ATLA: what element would they bend, or would they be a non-bender?
⭐SW: What do you think their job would be in a Star Wars AU?
⛺ PJO: Which cabin would they be in?
🧙‍♂️ HP: What's their Hogwarts house?
✨ ST: What color shirt would they wear in Star Trek?
🦸‍♀️ DC/Marvel: What superpower would they have?
🧚‍♀️ PH: What would their talent be if they were one of the Disney Fairies?
⏲ DW: Which regeneration of The Doctor are they most like?
👑 DP: Which Disney Princess are they most like?
🎲 D&D: What class would they play as?
💿 TS: What Taylor Swift era do they remind you of? [if you don't know taylor swift music, put another musician in the tags!]
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userparamore · 1 month
i just wanted to say thank you for speaking critically about paramore touring with ts because as a paramore fan who isnt into ts i felt like i was going a little crazy seeing other paramore fans i follow not say anything about it when they're very vocal about other issues (almost mirroring paramore themselves in that regard) or will call out other artists for doing similar things. i was like there's no way that every paramore fan is also a sw*ftie 😭 im so happy the tour is over and i hope that they actually do some shows for all the people they skipped over
thank you so much for this ask! i believe very strongly that there is space to love something and still be critical of it at the same time, and that's why i've wanted to express my thoughts about all of this. i think sometimes, when it comes to fandom, for some people it gets labled as "okay" bc at least it's content. it looked like the people on twitter had fun every show live tweeting or whatever. but to me it just felt tired if that makes sense. the only exciting thing about it was what hayley was gonna wear and what surprise song they were gonna play. i'm not gonna come on here and act like i think this was a good thing they did, when i don't believe that.
anyways, it's over now and they'll probably fall off the face of the earth for the next 5 years 💀
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jalwyn21 · 2 months
hey hey:
just recently found your blog and honestly it’s such a breath of fresh air. everyone’s always kissing ts’s a** and I’m over it.
anyway, I wanted to ask what are some of your favourite artists/most listened to? not joe related, but I’m always on the lookout for new music to listen to. plus I know you mentioned you were never a sw*ftie so curiosity got the better of me hehe.
- 🐌
I listen to a lot of old music like : Elvis, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Queen, The Who or Kansas. Or 90s pop like Backstreet Boys and Ace of Base (don't judge me 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣 sometimes I want something light and fun 🫣🫣🫣)
But, you know what? I'm gonna put down a list of some of the songs I listened to in the last couple of weeks and if you like the song you can check out more from that artist :
Passenger - Things That Stop You Dreaming
Divisionary - Do The Right Thing
The Script - Flares
Jensen McRae - Massachusetts
Victor Lundberg - I'm A Ghost
Jim Croce - Lover's Cross
Fauxliage - All The World
Lou Rhodes - Each Moment New
Skipinnish - Going home
Susan Enan - Bring On The Wonder
Ella Roberts - Siúil a Rúin
Volcan Peaks - We'll Meet Again
Birdy - Words As Weapons
James Blake - Retrograde
Bird Of Figment feat. Cody Francis - Beauty In The Mundane
Erutan - The Willow Maid
Loving Caliber feat. Megan Tibbits - I Wish You Were Mine
Gamma Skies - Skip the Small Talk
The High Kings - Chasing Rainbows
Of Monsters And Men - King And Lionheart
The Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
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quietbluejay · 5 months
A Thousand Sons 2
Is this disjointed? Yes. Am I going to organize it into something more coherent? No.
I'm remembering all the Ultramarines in Know No Fear being completely shooketh at the thought of Astartes killing Astartes meanwhile Magnus is like "I'm going to kill you" to the Space Wolf captain dude
the framing around Othere's introduction is kind of romance novel and given what I've been spoiled on that makes me uncomfortable.
‘I know well your name, Ahzek Ahriman,’ said Wyrdmake, with a feral grin, ‘for I have long desired to meet you.’
This is a good way to end a chapter, though.
the bulked musculature of his smooth torso
now my mental image of Ahriman's torso is of a cylinder
also lol, Magnus calls the SW captain a whelp this is after: -telling him to take off his mask because he wants to see a mans face before he kills him -threatening to destroy all their ships in orbit
Magnus is not a diplomat, to put it mildly
Magnus is a great example of how intelligence is not wisdom
Honestly the Space Wolves are currently coming off the better in this conflict.
-i feel like removing the ability for your soldiers to panic would be far more useful than removing the ability to fear -how on earth did the TS manage to conquer any planets on their own i must ask -current theory Magnus went and did Aang's marble trick in front of the planetary leaders -McNeill is once again Gross when women show up on page, i will spare the exact quote -also this whole book is like...kind of horny is a plausible deniability way?? i don't know how to describe it. It's really not enhancing the reading experience -Magnus received one (1) sympathetic moment, his main redeeming quality is that he does in fact care about the TS and they were the reason he decided to go deeper into the Warp, to save them -greasy tentacles. okay. moving along. the snake: bro im a daemon
‘Daemon is a meaningless word, a name to give power to fear.’ ‘I know, isn’t it wonderful?’ smiled the serpent, coiling around Magnus’s legs and slithering up his body. Magnus did not fear the serpent. He could destroy it without effort.
you know im kind of getting tired of slithering things no more slithering things grabbing people and wrapping around them to drag them off into the depths society has moved beyond the need for slithering things
This book has just been a slog tbh.
Timeskipt and...ITS A BIRD WORLD I LOVE IT except for the fact that they're, you know, conquering it ;-;
As well as this lost strand of humanity, Heliosa was a world that belonged to the creatures of the air. The skies were alive with flocks of every description, from tiny, insect-sized creatures that fed on guano to rabid pterosaurs that hunted from lairs in hollowed-out peaks. More than one Imperial craft had been lost to bird strikes before weapon systems were modified to provide continuous clearance fire.
me @ the birds: you're doing amazing sweetie
‘What happens here after we leave is not our concern.’ Ahriman shook his head. ‘But it should be,’ he said. ‘Guilliman has the way of it. The worlds his Legion wins venerate his name and are said to be utopias. Their inhabitants work tirelessly for the good of the Imperium as its most loyal subjects. The people of these worlds will be reluctant citizens of the Imperium at best, rebels-in-waiting at worst.’ ‘Then we will return and show them what happens to oathbreakers,’ snarled Wyrdmake.
hey. Ohthere. Oaths given under duress aren't valid.
current evaluation of Leman Russ: I don't like him either, but he's not quite as obnoxious as Magnus yet
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cc-kote · 9 months
WIP Tag GameRules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
EEEE thank you for the tag @mamuzzy !!
So far mine are boring as fuck, I just have:
1 - The Unforgivable (Kylux) - Clean
-TU Notes
- TU Rough draft acts 1-2
- TU Rough drafts act 3-4
- The Unforgivable: Highlights (Zine/Art)
2 - The Last Lost Continent (Codywan) - Chapters
- TLLC Brainstorm
3 - Codywan Zine Projects
- TLLC pt 1 Zine
- TH&TS Zine
5 - SW Fanfic Ideas
That last one is just a big compilation of random Ideas I had that I swore I'd dive into after I finish my big fics. I sweAR I haven't abandoned either of these, I'm still very invested in them I just haven't had the time I need to Rly sort them out. Also I know I haven't updated either fic in a hot minute but I promise they're not abandoned lmao. I'm still very invested I'm just letting my Autistic Flag Fly and getting fuckin meticulous abt it.
Also I think most ppl I know that write fic and am sure would be comfy w this have already done it SO as per usual, if you see this, game on motherfucker. Also tag me so I can eyeball emoji at your fics heehoo
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ginalinettiofficial · 2 years
💕tagging info💕
hi!!! basic info in my bio but yea i’m daina i’m 27 and i’ve been on this webbed sight for over a decade now right here on this very blog so we’ve got YEARS of content in this bad boy. who knows what’s on here?? certainly not me!!
that said, lately i’ve been trying to make more of an effort to tag stuff so that ppl who follow me for one specific fandom or another can block the fandoms they don’t follow!! i’m currently posting mainly stranger things and dc stuff, but u may happen upon me in the midst of a renewed hyperfixation for any of the following:
stranger things: #st
dc/batman: #dc
dungeons and daddies: #dndads
avatar: #atla
twilight: #twilight
disneys decendants: #descendants
check please: #omgcp
marvel: #marvel
taylor swift: #ts
harry styles: #hs
teen wolf: #tw
star wars: #sw
brooklyn nine-nine: #b99
community: #community
most other stuff i usually just tag w the full name of the thing (like #friends for friends, #new girl for new girl, etc) but yea for most things that i post about regularly i try to use one of the itty bitty short tags because they’re easier to type and therefore easier for me to consistently tag since i’m on mobile 95% of the time
other general tags:
personal or original posts: #d speaks
asks: #asks
polls that i make: #d polls
stuff that makes me feel good about humanity or inspired by people or shit like that: #human stuff
fics or articles i want to circle back to: #to read
art/things that inspire me to draw etc: #art ref
writing tips/insp: #writing ref
fashion/pretty clothes: #fashion ref
general stuff to reference: #reference
things i want to buy: #want
zodiac stuff: #aries
any not safe for work stuff i’ll tag w a general #nsfw but i have minors following me so i generally try to not reblog anything that’s nsfw/too explicit!! & during ramadan i try to tag any food as #nsfr & i’m more than happy to add any other haram content to that list too, just lmk!!
if u need any triggers tagged or there’s content i’m posting that you’d rather blacklist (a fandom, a ship, a character, whatever!) and i don’t have a tag for it pls lmk!! it’s fully nbd to me and i’ll happily tag anything for ya.
💕happy blogging friends :-)💕
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alarrytale · 1 year
When we saw him show off his O tattoo i was immediately thinking about Zayns Perrie tattoo and how i'm pretty sure he went to such great lenghts to sell it so he didn’t have to drag her around town as much. ///////
Wait so you think Perrie was PR too? Are you a Ziam
So are you a Gaylor? You think even Joe was a pr boyfriend?
Putting these two ask together to get all this out of the way.
Yes, i think Zerrie was pr, at least their relationship was used as pr for both. There was a contract or agreement in place. They may have had a situationship at some point (or not), but the engagement wasn't real and the break up was a bit too conveniently timed lol. It made it all pretty obvious in the end.
I'm not a Ziam. I've never cared enough to look into it properly. I've got my hands full with larry. If it turns out real i would love it and support it with all my heart.
In regards to TS. You really don't want me to answer questions about her. Let me tell you. It won't end well for either of us. I'm pretty sure the things i say will hurt you. I tolerate sw***ies, but don't bring it to my blog. Let's just all live in peace. I'll let you do your thing (without rolling my eyes too much) and you'll let me do mine (you can roll your eyes at me as much as you want).
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slasherinc-links · 2 years
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ellie, el or nobi! • 18 years old • she/her pronouns + unlabeled • brazillian (indigenous) • adhd and will use tone tags • writer’s block happens a lot so i’m sorry if i don’t send your ask quickly!
full text.
hi, i’m ellie, but you can also call me el or nobi! i’m a brazilian woman with very strong indigenous ancestry, so i’ll always write with this in mind, but i’ll always try my best to make the fics as racially ambiguous as possible, so everyone can enjoy! on that topic, i will only write for fem!readers, but if requested it can be a gn!reader. i’m not comfortable writing for male readers since i don’t understand how they feel (i hope this makes sense, i really don’t want to sound mean! /srs).
hi, i’m ellie, but you can also call me el! i’m a brazilian woman with very strong indigenous ancestry, so i’ll always write with this in mind, but i’ll always try my best to make the fics as racially ambiguous as possible, so everyone can enjoy! on that topic, i will only write for fem!readers, but if requested it can be a gn!reader. i’m not comfortable writing for male readers since i don’t understand how they feel (i hope this makes sense, i really don’t want to sound mean! /srs).
i have adhd, so most of the time i will use tone tags since they help me, and others, with comprehending messages/texts, etc.
i’m pretending to be a teacher and graduate in history and sociology, but for now i am not enrolled in university, so i’ll be a full time writer (as much as i can be). i am known for having writer’s block, so i’m really sorry if i didn’t send your request quickly, it really sucks that it happens to me and it saddens the both of us.
before doing anything else on my blog, i suggest you read the blog’s guidelines, the rules for requesting and my explanation of me not wanting minors to interact with my content.
also, keep in mind that english is not my first language, even though i’ve been practicing it for more than five years now and i am 100% fluent, i will probably make some mistakes here and there, so please forgive me for any of those mistakes. <3
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𓆩*𓆪 — LIKES!
writing. films. baking. history. books. coffee. learning new stuff. talking shit. old men. comic books. women in general. my culture. monster high.
stress. my adhd. frogs. insects. tea. pressure. hate. bad music.
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morpheus/dream of the endless (ts). obi-wan kenobi (sw). red hood/jason todd (dc). the punisher/frank castle (marvel). jim hopper (st). abby anderson (tlou). arthur morgan (rdr2). carlos oliveira (re). leon kennedy (re). ada wong (re). jill valentine (re). john price (cod). simon ‘ghost’ riley (cod). kyle ‘gaz’ garrick (cod).
kali uchis. frank ocean. sza. twice. exid. megan thee stallion. lana del rey. tyler, the creator. baco exú do blues. the weeknd. slipmami. aespa. exo.
𓆩*𓆪 — FILMS!
whiplash. the empire strikes back. black swan. gone girl. enchanted. trainspotting. x. scream. django unchained. everything everywhere all at once.
𓆩*𓆪 — SHOWS!
the office. brooklyn 99. cobra kai. bojack horseman. glee. fleabag. peacemaker. the mandalorian. daredevil. euphoria.
𓆩*𓆪 — ACTORS!
laura harrier, pedro pascal, john boyega, jessica alba, lupita nyong’o, steven yeun, willem dafoe, christoph waltz, daniel brühl, henry cavill, jon bernthal, keke palmer, bruna marquezine, xolo maridueña, cillian murphy
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Fri[day] 7 October 1836
6 50/..
No kiss fine b[u]t dampish and rath[e]r hazy at 7 50/.. when w[e]nt d[o]wn to the paint[e]r who h[a]d been siz[in]g the hall tab[le] –
out – ab[ou]t till br[eak]f[a]st at 8 55/.. in 20 min[ute]s - then w[i]th A- [Ann] till 9 35/.. at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 53 1/2° - Mr. Washington
ca[me] to ent[e]r his acc[oun]ts of this y[ea]r in my new cash b[oo]k to be beg[u]n by him fr[om] the 1st of this y[ea]r –
so[me] ti[me] look[in]g out his bills and for the last midsumm[e]r rental w[hi]ch I now recoll[ec]t that he has nev[e]r
giv[e]n me b[a]ck – H[a]d Mr. Jubb bet[ween] 11 and 12 - A- [Ann] bet[ter] aft[e]r h[e]r 2 cal[omel] pills (2 gr. cal[omel]) of last
night - my a[un]t weak[e]r – so[me] ti[me] bet[ween] 12 and one w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann + 3 (Jack and Sam and the new man) – Matt[hew] n[o]t co[me] –
means to slip away like Wood - let him and ha[ve] told Rob[er]t to employ him no mo[re] here –
Ingh[a]m and his man and boy at the upp[e]r dry arch wall[in]g - 1 mason at the west tow[e]r cellar stairs, and Ja[me]s
and Ab[raha]m finish[e]d Hall staircase wind[ow] - the four York joiners tak[in]g out the 2 hall chamb[e]r floor
big beams - Mark Hepw[or]th and Hutchinsons one h[or]se cart – cart[in]g stuff to old paddock top
and br[ou]ght each a load of rubble in the morn[in]g and gone for lagg[in]g stuff this aft[ernoo]n - Frank cart[in]g
st[one] for Jos[e]ph Mann at the Long goit – h[a]d just writ[ten] so far of today at 2 1/4 p.m. - settled
w[i]th Mr. SW- [Samuel Washington] and p[ai]d h[i]m £40.4.2 in full fr[om]                 up to today inclus[ive] - the f[iel]ds he w[oul]d like A- [Ann] to
buy belong[in]g to Mr. Harris[o]n are 2 n[ea]r Southedge farm  5DW val[ue]d at £335 and 1 f[iel]d 1DW opp[osi]te
to Southedge farm £105 and SW. [Samuel Washington] hims[elf] w[oul]d gi[ve] £600 for the 7 or 8 cot[tage]s at Hove edge w[i]th the 6DW
of delph-hill – f[ou]nd the last midsumm[e]r rental in my new Rentbook, and ga[ve] it Mr. SW- [Samuel Washington] to ma[ke] out
a regular rent[a]l as us[ua]l - told SW- [Samuel Washington] I hardly th[ou]ght the f[iel]ds and cott[age]s etc. w[oul]d be sold at the pr[ice] he h[a]d val[ue]d
them at - I w[oul]d buy on his val[uatio]n blindfold - selling w[a]s anoth[e]r th[in]g –w[i]th one or oth[e]r - (a lit[tle]
whi[le] in the stab[le] and ord[ere]d the carr[ia]ge horses n[o]t to be kept sheet[e]d) fr[om] 3 to 6 1/, in spi[te] of the r[ai]n - stood
out w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann + 3 mend[in]g up the road to the h[ou]se thro’ the carr[ia]ge court, and watch[in]g the masons’ boy
pile up bricks and w[i]th Ingh[a]m wall[in]g - he sadly afr[ai]d of gett[in]g wet – D[i]d up A-‘s [Ann] parcel rec[eive]d this
morn[in]g a cachemire [cashmere] black embodied scarf with full half sheet familiar note from Lieute
nant Peterson eleventh dragoons Burlington written inside one of the paper wrappings
A- [Ann] indignant at both note and present sent back the latter tonight by Frank directed
by me to the ‘Lieutenant etc etc Wakefield   7 October’   not a line or syllable written
in answer   and A- [Ann] burnt the note after dinner din[ner] at 7 – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - I sat w[i]th my a[un]t fr[om] 9 to    and dur[in]g
this ti[me] cop[ie]d int[o] bus[ine]ss Let[ter] b[oo]k my let[ter] to ‘Mrs. Bull 3 Friargate Derby p[ost]p[ai]d’ s[e]nt by Frank tonight - and wr[ote] the last 15 lines –
 Mr. Harris[o]ns’ prop[ert]y
ga[ve] up the th[ou]ght of Sarah Parker and ask[e]d Mrs. Bull to look out for a h[ou]sekeep[e]r – let[ter]
tonight fr[om]............ (can[no]t ma[ke] out the na[me]) recomm[endin]g Fanny Hardy as an excel[en]t cook
liv[e]d 6 y[ea]rs w[i]th a Miss Thornhill wages w[i]th her £15. sat mak[in]g writ[in]g out acc[oun]ts (coll[ie]ry d[itt]o
p[ai]d on Mond[ay]) till 10 1/2 - my a[un]t seems m[u]ch the sa[me] as she w[a]s last night – n[o]t appar[entl]y worse - fine
day till bet[ween] 3 and 4 p.m. (soon aft[e]r 3) and aft[er]w[ar]ds rain - then aft[e]r a lit[tle] gleam rainy ev[enin]g fr[om] 5p.m.
F[ahrenheit] 50° now at 11 p.m. hav[in]g been 20 min[ute]s in my study arrang[in]g my bills etc
 Fanny Hardy
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him-e · 4 years
And the fact that LF saw all those “Palpatine had children wtf??” reactions and retconned Rey’s father to be Palpatine’s clone in the novelization, lmao. The very CONCEPT of what they’re trying to do sucks, no backstory or rationalization can justify a third-movie retcon like this. For professional storytellers they seem to really struggle grasping the basics
The very CONCEPT of what they’re trying to do sucks
I wish there was a concept that sucked here, at least I could criticize it. But there is no identifiable concept or idea behind this, there’s just senseless scrambling from one half-assed version of the story to the other, hoping that if you keep retconsplaining and dumping convoluted details in extra materials, at some point the story will start to make sense.
was TROS Palpatine the real deal, resurrected? Was he a clone? Did OT Palpatine have spare clones of himself like Bancroft in Altered Carbon? Did he have children or clone-children? If Rey’s father was Palpatine’s clone, why didn’t he look like Palpatine? If he was Palpatine’s clone (or even his natural child), why didn’t Original Palpatine go after HIM instead of Rey? Did his power skip a generation? Why?
All we know is that “somehow, Palpatine returned” and that he wants Rey. Who is, somehow, his descendant. He wants her dead, no wait, he wants her to be his heir, no wait, he wants her to kill Ben, no wait, he wants her to kill HIM so he can live in her or possess her or... something.
All of this because they crapped themselves so hard at the idea of an episode IX without an evil old raisin to make a big cgi fight against, and worse, of having to write Rey without relying on the mystery of her origins or where her powers come from. You know, like a real character rather than a puzzle for redditors to solve.
(was it SO difficult to go down the Dark Rey path by revealing she unintentionally destroyed her parents’ ship the way she did with the one where Chewie was supposedly on? And then she repressed her memories along with her powers until Ben forced her to face the truth? and she kept digging and digging through her memories until she finally figured out the whole thing, which also made her open the pandora’s box of her bottled up darkness, and put her on Palpatine’s radar? was it so hard to make Rey’s darkness organic with her known backstory and part of her journey to find her true identity, rather than a product of someone else’s genes? oh no, wait... Rey is supposed to be *innately good*, so they needed to make her the miracle good girl inexplicably born out of bad blood, just like ben was the cursed bad child inexplicably born out of good blood, right?)
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bourbon-ontherocks · 3 years
i unironically enjoy taylor swift’s music
Funfact: Taylor Swift is absolutely not a thing here so I had to google her music because I honestly had no idea what she sounds like lol! And also apparently her style has changed a lot with time, right? So that’s a tricky one!
That being said: how about some inspirational apparently-feminist-but-actually-anti-feminist country song played with only one chord?
Send me your musical tastes and I’ll tell you which Crazy Ex-Girlfriend song you should listen to
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janiedean · 3 years
Han talking about his car: 'Is my baby okay??? They been treating you right girl???' Han talking to his son: [gruffly punches Ben in the arm] ‘Good job kid’
... accurate in ways george lucas would be proud of
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