#svtfoe 4
frogremi33 · 18 days
I love them but also why season 4 gotta do em like that
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flx-res · 9 months
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Butterfly Metamorphosis
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Remember when I told you here that Mina was going to be a decent endgame villian here?... Well I wasn't lying 😢
Oh god, I feel like crying right now! These pages are finally here and they look so beautiful 😭😭😭 I think that watching anime for hours when I was a kid really helped me out to make this pages 🥲 thank you dear dad for bringing home lots of Sailor Moon, CCS and Rurouni Kenshin DVDs 💙 I'm so happy TTuTT also because I got excellent grades guys 😄 right now I feel capable of doing anything I want ❤️‍🔥
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dappercritter · 6 months
I need YOUR help!
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(Yes yours! I found a funny screenshot to get your attention and everything, see?!)
I'm putting together something about a certain character from the show while I work on the rewrite (with my good buddy @full-moon-phoenix who I'm sorry to tag-n-drag into this), and I need your help getting to the bottom of a mystery that might just help us all make sense of why the last season of the show was... you know... like that.
According to this bullet point from SVTFOE's What Could Have Been page on TV Tropes, the Season 3 finale was originally planned by Daron Nefcy and the team to be the series finale before the finale season was even green lit!
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However--as you may notice when checking the page yourself--unlike some of the other details on the page, this one had no citation or link to trace back to the original interview for evidence. (Typical TV Tropes.)
I'm going to try and find the interview myself but with all the things I have to juggle, and search engines being as crappy as they are now, there's no guarantee I'll actually find the damn thing.
It's nothing really. Basically I just need you guys to let me know in the comments or in a reblog if you know where this interview is from or if you can find it.
If not, feel free to signal boost.
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fagbearentertainment · 3 months
Also Toffee is one of the best Disney cartoon villains of all time I will forever be salty that they ditched him in the last two seasons even tho he would’ve played perfectly in the story stuff they did there
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noperopesaredope · 1 month
SvtFoE Rhombulus Rewrite (Pt. 6)
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Hey, it’s been a while since you saw my face-
All jokes aside, sorry for being gone for so long. In my defense, I was in college, then I had seasonal depression which made it hard to do much of anything creative-wise. This is admittedly one of my favorite fan projects, so I always feel bad about not updating it. But I have managed to get back into it again (finally) and wanted to release one of the easier parts to do. (@bawfulio @sagesilentfire​ tagging you since you guys have been following this AU since the beginning and have been waiting the longest for an update)
Anyways, Monsters and Mewmans, Crystals and Chimeras, welcome back to my Rhombulus Rewrite! Check out this post if you have no clue what the heck I’m talking about or you want to read the previous parts. As I said in Part 4, this part will be one of the two possible ends I have to this AU. Ya’ll can choose which one you prefer. This one is called the “Closest to Canon Ending” and is also sad. It will not focus on the problems with the ending as a whole and shall instead be more about fixing Rhombulus’ part. I’ll admit, though I prefer the second ending as a finale, I’m pretty proud of this one as well, as it has some stuff I’m pretty proud of writing wise. I did make myself sad though, so there’s that.
Closest to Canon Ending (AKA Ending 1):
- This ending is kinda if I switched Rhombulus and Hekapoo’s parts, but Rhombulus had a more proper and fitting redemption. Also, it might make some character choices make more sense.
- So, the first big changes happen in “Ready, Aim, Fire”. We overhear Rhombulus arguing with Hekapoo and Omni about how to handle the Mina situation, saying that even though they may not like it, they need to protect Eclipsa and her family since it’s the right thing to do and they can’t let Mina take over. 
- This is when Hekapoo reveals that they have been backing Mina the whole time, which horrifies Rhombulus. He says that he is disappointed in them, and will go out to support Eclipsa and co, even if he has to fight Hekapoo and Omni. He then runs outside.
- We don’t see what happened to Rhombulus until “The Right Way,” where he jumps into the battle as things are looking dire. We get some pretty cool action stuff from him, which should be fun. 
- He even helps out various monsters, using his crystals to protect them. It brings his arc full circle, showing him go from someone who fights monsters to someone who protects them like he would protect any other innocent civilian. It’s a good moment for him. 
- But unfortunately, Rhombulus gets seriously hurt by the Solarian Blade multiple times, and since he and the rest of the MHC are basically monsters, the blades actually work on them. I think it’ll be the most shocking (and plot convenient) if Rhombulus loses his tails, as they are his main weapons and method of self defense. 
- He’ll manage to play it off like he is fine, but will need help soon. Maybe he’ll convince them that he probably won’t die. He might not even realize the blades work so well on him, especially since his magic is making him more asymptomatic. He’s good at hiding how bad he is doing, mainly because he is still able to walk and run and other stuff. But he can’t fight and needs to sit down a lot, so he won’t be able to do much during the Moon reveal.
- Instead of that horrible first kiss scene between Star and Marco, I have decided to give them a platonic love scene in a way, since I want the ending to not seem too random but still keep things platonic.
- Star is clearly upset and overwhelmed by everything, even though she might not be able to express it properly. She eventually tensely says that she’s going to do [insert helpful yet distracting task], and Marco offers to help her. She agrees, and while they’re working, Marco says that he knows something is bothering her, and she can talk about it if she wants.
- Star confesses that she’s been feeling extremely alone and scared lately. Multiple of her friends are severely hurt and could easily die, and she can’t do anything about it. She fought so hard and is trying to stay strong, and even despite all that, she feels like she’s failed at keeping people safe.
- Marco says that she is the reason less people have been hurt, and that everyone chose to fight and stand up against Mina, knowing the risk they would be in. It’s not her fault this happened. He then assures her that no matter what, they will always be best friends, and he’ll be there for her no matter what. 
- Pretend we’ve also had a lot more great friendship moments between them this season, so that the show clearly shows their dynamic as important to the plot.
- Anyways, back to everything else. This rewrite is called the Rhombulus Rewrite after all.
- “Pizza Party” will be renamed “Where the Blame Lies,” and instead of the MHC having a pizza party, we will see Hekapoo and Omni arguing over whether or not they made the right choice, and if they should go after Rhombulus. It’s a very short, tense scene, where Hekapoo believes that Rhombulus is wrong, but they should still go look for him to talk, and Omni believes that Rhombulus is “too far gone.” 
- They decide to split up, with Hekapoo choosing to go after Rhombulus, and Omni choosing to do his own thing.
- Meanwhile, Rhombulus ends up fleeing with Star and co, pretending that he is fine, until he ends up collapsing while they are running. Mina declares Rhombulus a traitor, and attacks him, causing yet another major blow to his body, where many of the other scars have already spread far. 
- As Eclipsa and Marco help him up and try to support him, Mina declares her plan to wipe out all monsters and monster-supporters. The group tries to escape, but are soon surrounded. Mina goes in for the kill, but a portal opens up under Star, Marco, Eclipsa, Moon, and Rhombulus, whisking them away. They find themselves in the middle of a forest, saved by Hekapoo.
- This is where “Tavern at the End of the Multiverse” starts. Hekapoo is horrified at Rhombulus’ condition, and after picking him up, she says that she knows a place where all of them can hide. And so she takes them to the Tavern at the End of the Multiverse. This space is also a bit of a safe zone for all different types of people, and has some private rooms if needed. 
- Hekapoo takes Rhombulus into one of them to see if she can help him somehow. Star argues with Moon, but they are interrupted by Hekapoo, who says that she needs them to come over to where Rhombulus is. He’s in terrible condition, with the wounds having fully spread all over him. 
- It’s a really sad scene, especially when he begins telling Hekapoo that he can see Lekmet, and they are going to be reunited soon. Hekapoo is extremely distraught and basically in denial, while Rhombulus is basically accepting what is happening. 
- He tells Hekapoo not to worry too much about it, and that their time is close to ending anyways, he just wishes he could have seen everyone win. He tells Star to do better than those who came before her, and that she will be able to fix the world. Then, my boy dies.
- While I still don’t like the whole “destroy all magic” plotline, I thought that something like this would be cool in helping explain the rationale for a few characters. In Star’s case, this is a bit of a breaking point for her. This is where she begins to have her “I hate magic” moment, because she just lost a close friend due to the damage magic can cause when in the wrong hands. 
- And Hekapoo being chill with Star destroying magic makes a lot more sense. She too just lost someone important to her, basically her favorite sibling, and is in a more apathetic state. Hekapoo is mad and sees that the MHC has fallen down a bad path that has slowly destroyed them. Her attitude is less chill and carefree and more angry and resentful.
For Ending 1, I don’t really have any other changes, because all I really wanted to do for this ending is the scene where Rhombulus dies, so that’s the end of that. I think Ending 2 will be a much better ending as a whole, but I thought of Ending 1 first, and kind of liked aspects of it. It’s very bittersweet, and I wanted to make a version that stays faithful to the OG. 
However, the OG is also terrible, so I decided to make another version anyways, especially since I wanted a version where Rhombulus can live. Stay tuned for Ending 2, which will hopefully be coming soon! Or at least, a special post before that giving extra context for Ending 2 (spoilers, I reworked Mina a bit).
Thanks for all your support, and I hope you like what I have in store, since I’ve been working on Ending 2 for a while now. Hopefully this will keep you company in the meantime.
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So I see this storyboard panel going about a lot lately as supposed proof Marco Diaz was meant to be trans. Which look, yes, this was the official storyboard panel but it is from the Season 4 episode of SVTFOE entitled “Ransomgram”. The crew of SVTFOE addressed the trans Marco theory at a CalArts panel during Season 3 where they expressed that;
1. Marco was intended to be a cis male character with feminine interests.
2. They were happy trans people could see themselves in Marco.
3. They would try not to disprove the theory.
The chances are, at most this storyboard panel was the crew just throwing the trans Marco side of the fandom a little bit of evidence for their theory but given what we know, it remains doubtful the plan was to make it canon. This particular episode was directed by Sabrina Cotugno who is trans masc themself (although they came out after the show) and would on occasion interact with the trans Marco tag on Tumblr.
Something I’m not sure of, is whether this colouring was intended for the final episode. It definitely didn’t make the final cut and I have asked Sabrina about this but haven’t received a response. I am remembering something about Sabrina though.
So back during Gravity Falls, there was an episode that featured Cupid which Sabrina Cotugno was a storyboard artist on. The pendant for the necklace, which Sabrina drew was the trans symbol. Disney changed this so it was an overlapping male and female symbol.
The above panel would serve as a pretty glaring confirmation of Marco being trans, especially with the already existent theory. While trans Marco wasn’t intended to be canon, I think it is pretty safe to assume that Disney may have censored the above storyboard based on past behaviour and what this colour choice would insinuate.
@marcodiazisatransgirl, thoughts?
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artof-mirage · 2 years
It's old but I still kinda like it ^^
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puppy--jam · 1 month
Sometimes I see comments/posts/statements like Star committed mass magical genocide (I somewhat agree with that). I have a scene in front of my eyes, where in S1? or in S2, Glossaryck just walks away because Star didn't like his teaching methods. I guess he wasn't proud of her then.
NOTE: I looked it up and it was about Star not wanting to practice spells anymore and saying she was going out with her friends and Glossaryck interpreted it to mean he wasn't her friend (mature behavior for a thousand year old existence).
But what do I mean….
When the Star decided to destroy magic (genocide), Glossaryck seemed to be proud of her.What the heck?! How can you be proud that someone kills thousands of innocent beings?
He literally said it:
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No one can convince me now that Glossaryck was a "good" character.
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flx-res · 11 months
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Butterfly Metamorphosis
Part 6 / 9 | First part | Previous part | Next Part >>
What is Mina scheming?😟😟😟 btw little reminder: all these pages where Moon is having a meeting with Mina and the MHC happened the day before Tom breaks up with Star, that's why portals are still working in my comic "Sad Teen Hotline": because Moon (after seeing Star and Tom's photos) asked for one more day to make a decision :')
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frmacnac · 1 year
Marco and Toffee are like mirrors each other, or have similar facial expressions and gestures (Part 3)
Thank you for likes and reblogs! I'd compared more cuts that I personally thought might be similar, even if partly.
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melly0990 · 1 year
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seeksstaronmewni · 2 years
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which way, Western Cartoonist?
The second batch of my takes on modern animation based on the “which way, Western Cartoonist?” tweet!
Included in this 2nd volume are...
Steven Universe can can-can better than Grizz! Oh wait; he wasn’t even trying ( SU fan art by @mikepelensky​ )
Bro Brawl props that’re like the storyboard artists tried imitating the Gangreen Gang and Johnny Bravo in the contemporary woke beanmouth/rubberhose anime style.... *cringe*
A lesson in construction and appeal when it comes to LGBTQIA+ characters in the woke beanmouth cartoons that’re grown popular since the days of Gravity Falls...
Clearly the people running Star vs. the Forces of Evil after Season 1 lost interest in being as cartoony and expressive as David Wasson & Mercury Filmworks made them. Marco’s swallowing poses look way more horrific than Eclipsa’s!
Uh... you know how Cartoon Network used to play that Crazy Frog “Axel F” music video during Tickle U?
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bitt3r-butt3rf1y · 2 years
“are any of you dating?”
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i am obsessed with these reactions
m: “oh. ok. we’re going there. it’s... it’s complicated”
s: “hm. yknow i don’t rlly wanna talk abt it”
t: “FUCK- imean.,. funnyyoushouldmentionit”
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veilya · 2 years
I just finished Svtfoe. Season 4 episode 21, Cleaved.
I know plenty of people hate this season finale. This SHOWS finale but I don’t know how I feel about it. This entire season felt rushed and I know if they had just one more season I think the bad parts of s4 would’ve been made better because there’s good ideas there.
Like I don’t hate the Queen Moon betrayal. I think that if it had been properly set up it could have been good. Queen Moon hasn’t been for or against the changes Eclipsa. She’s just been amblivant to what’s been going on outside her yurt. I wish we had gotten to see her not be moved by helicopter hair, but rather had been swept up in her cause because she wouldn’t do anything. There’s plenty of people like that who get swept up, who don’t realize that doing nothing is a choice to. I definitely think that her actively making more super soldiers and playing an active roll was the wrong choice. It just came out of nowhere.
I also like the choice to get rid of magic. Magic in this universe is something that only the privileged really get. It’s seen as a status and as a tool that separates. I think putting people on the same pedestal was a good choice because even when both Moon and Star are normal people after having their royalty stripped of them people still see them as above them, it is in part because of that status brought to them by magic. I think this is especially obvious with Moon being constantly called Queen Moon. It’s not a cure all- it’s not meant to be- but it’s a way of taking away a platform for hate. To stop hurt from continuing to happen.
I also think the stakes for magic disappearing is appropriate for it. It’s the finale. Of course there has to be a downside from this and quite frankly I’m disappointed they didn’t go through with this. Instead going with the “all dimensions are fused now” thing. There’s a few reasons I think they should have ended it with that separation. 1) from the start of the season we knew Marco had to go home by the end. Heck at the start of the series we knew they would be separated. It feels like cheating that it kind of didn’t happen. 2) Star has grown a lot since the start of the show, I think the separation would show some character growth.
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noperopesaredope · 11 months
Currently getting back into my Rhombulus Rewrite a bit, and oh god has it spread beyond just rewriting Rhombulus. Yes, I did make an ending to his story that fits with canon, but I also wanted to make a version of the finale that brings a legitimately satisfying end to his story. Part of the point of the rewrite was making him a more fleshed out character and even a major one, but without replacing Star as the protagonist. And it's hard to write an interesting ending to the character when the rest of canon is still shit.
Then I thought of an interesting idea that would result in tying Mina and Rhombulus together in a way, as well as connecting to one of the major themes of the show (and the rewrite). This caused me to add some changes to Mina during my rewrite.
Then things got a bit out of hand and it lowkey became the Rhombulus (and Mina) Rewrite. Then I realized that I couldn't rewrite Mina without rewriting some of the main plot for Season 4. Then I finally decided "fuck it, let's just rewrite the majority of the finale and much of the plot of Season 4. We'll keep some of the stuff we already changed and the episodes we still kept, but the whole Mina subplot will need to be completely reconstructed from the ground up."
Next thing I know, I'm writing out multiple scenes that have nothing to do with Rhombulus and I'm crying over Mina's new death scene.
God I am so excited to release my next proper Rhombulus Rewrite post.
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ajaxv4mp · 1 year
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