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asviatan · 3 months ago
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OCs this time
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barbariankingdom · 4 months ago
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The remarkable Slovak Radio Building in Bratislava, designed by Štefan Svetko, Štefan Ďurkovič & Barnabáš Kissling. The project began in 1967, but wasn't completed until 1983. Photo taken in 2018
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socmod · 2 years ago
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Dear all, We are happy to announce that ”Socialist Modernism in the Former Eastern Bloc”/ SPECIAL 2020 EDITION, the fourth photo album/digital architectural guide of @_BA_CU ’s planned series, will be available in 800 copies starting the 13th of November. The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in the Former Eastern Bloc Countries – erected from 1955 to 1991. B.A.C.U. Association explains socialist modernist tendencies, it presents – in color photographs – a functional image of the buildings and their often original elements that synthesize local culture and traditions, while bringing you up to date with their current state of conservation. The 130 landmarks included in this volume have been organized by function, into six sections. The book contains the authors’ view on the Former Eastern Bloc Countries modernist architecture. Print run 800 Pages 194+ 1 Spread/ the Former Eastern Bloc Countries - SOC MOD Map English, French and Spanish Size 26×28.5 cm Weight 1.25 kg Designed and published by @_BA_CU Association Those who are interested in #SocialistModernism are able to order the book on 👉🏻 @fdestribute @FuDeshopAmazon 👈🏻distributor page, (Link in our profile👆🏻) ; link: http://fdestribute.com/fdshop/ or AMAZON: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/B-C-U-Association/dp/6069509714/ref=pd_sbs_2?pd_rd_w=VyBIv&pf_rd_p=c47a53d1-d94f-481c-a018-dcea8bd5c736&pf_rd_r=C569EW7NRVYV4Y9N7FPD&pd_rd_r=f77bdf56-066f-4a46-be20-fa5555662789&pd_rd_wg=EuTQY&pd_rd_i=6069509714&psc=1 by selecting the Photo album from among the books listed. (DHL Express Shipping worldwide) #SocialistModernism #_BA_CU - 10 pic The monument to Yu.Gagarin Moscow. Russia. 3 pic: Experimental residential building in Bratislava, Slovakia, built between 1968-74 Architect Štefan Svetko with J. Hauskrecht 1 pic: Olympic mascot Mishka (1980) on an apartment block in Osh, Kyrgystan. 5 pic: Pantheon of the fallen in the fight against fascism and capitalism Burgas, Bulgaria Built in 1981. 7 pic: The Aul Residential Complex, Almaty, Kazakhstan Built in stages between 1986-2002 Architects: B. Voronin, L. Andreyeva et al. 2 pic: State Circus, Baku, Azerbaijan, Built in 1967 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLb-7TBMdxI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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denismerenkov · 4 years ago
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Пили пиво мужыки, мясом заедали. А Светка чебуреком.
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sheltiechicago · 3 years ago
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Memorial and Museum of the Slovak National Uprising, by architect Dušan Kuzma, 1963-1970. Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.
How Slovakia’s Soviet Ties Led to a Unique Form of Sci-Fi Architecture
Photographer: Stefano Perego
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Residential building, by architects Štefan Svetko and Julián Hauskrecht, 1968-1974. Bratislava, Slovakia
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University of Agriculture, by architects Vladimír Dedeček and Rudolf Miňovsky, 1960-1966. Nitra, Slovakia.
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Technical University, by architect Vladimír Dedeček, 1984. Zvolen, Slovakia.
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manitat · 3 years ago
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Svetko Štulić: "Mi u Ninu tada nismo ni šlape imali, a on donese kopačke i kožnu loptu. Nas Ninjane zovu 'bosanci' jer smo svi hodali bosi... Branimir nikada nije bio materijalista. Bio je boem i njemu novci nisu značili ništa... Odnosi između Branimira i njegovog oca bili su zahlađeni dugi niz godina, sve dok Branimir nije postao zvijezda. Nakon toga, kako sam čuo, otac je bio spreman pomiriti se s njim, pa ga se moglo čuti i da pjevuši njegove pjesme, a nerijetko se hvalio njime... Kada je počeo svirati, Johnny je svake godine bio sve tanji. Često sam ga pitao drogira li se. Kako si mogao doći od čovjeka koji ima sto kila na sedamdeset kila, pitao sam ga. On je tumačio da ga je promijenio pubertet... Prsti su mu bili puni žuljeva na jabučicama jer je stalno svirao. Po petnaest sati dnevno je znao svirati. Krv mu je znala ići od žica gitare..."
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socheritage · 3 years ago
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Dear all, We are happy to announce that ”Socialist Modernism in the Former Eastern Bloc”, the fourth photo album/digital architectural guide of @_BA_CU ’s planned series, is available in 800 copies. Those who are interested in #SocialistModernism are able to order the book on 👉🏻 @fdestribute @FuDeshopAmazon 👈🏻distributor page, (Link in our profile👆🏻) ; link: http://fdestribute.com/fdshop/ or AMAZON: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/B-C-U-Association/dp/6069509714/ref=pd_sbs_2?pd_rd_w=VyBIv&pf_rd_p=c47a53d1-d94f-481c-a018-dcea8bd5c736&pf_rd_r=C569EW7NRVYV4Y9N7FPD&pd_rd_r=f77bdf56-066f-4a46-be20-fa5555662789&pd_rd_wg=EuTQY&pd_rd_i=6069509714&psc=1 by selecting the Photo album from among the books listed. (DHL Express Shipping worldwide) #SocialistModernism #_BA_ The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in the Former Eastern Bloc Countries – erected from 1955 to 1991. B.A.C.U. Association explains socialist modernist tendencies, it presents – in color photographs – a functional image of the buildings and their often original elements that synthesize local culture and traditions, while bringing you up to date with their current state of conservation. The 130 landmarks included in this volume have been organized by function, into six sections. The book contains the authors’ view on the Former Eastern Bloc Countries modernist architecture. Print run 800 Pages 194+ 1 Spread/ the Former Eastern Bloc Countries - SOC MOD Map English, French and Spanish Size 26×28.5 cm Weight 1.25 kg Designed and published by @_BA_CU Association CU - 10 pic Aul development, Almaty 2 pic: Experimental residential building in Bratislava, Slovakia, built between 1968-74 Architect Štefan Svetko with J. Hauskrecht 3 pic: Olympic mascot Mishka (1980) on an apartment block in Osh, Kyrgystan. 5 pic: Pantheon of the fallen in the fight against fascism and capitalism Burgas, Bulgaria Built in 1981. 10 pic: The Aul Residential Complex, Almaty, Kazakhstan Built in stages between 1986-2002 Architects: B. Voronin, L. Andreyeva et al. 1 pic: State Circus, Baku, Azerbaijan, Built in 1967 https://www.instagram.com/p/CdDsBZWMMSZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onlyblackandwhitebelgrade · 5 years ago
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SVETKO CIBIC 1966 - 2019
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Štefan Svetko, Štefan Ďurkovič, Barnabáš Kissling - Slovak Radio Building, Bratislava, 1983
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conformi · 5 years ago
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Sandro Botticelli, Chart of Hell (La mappa dell’inferno), Drawings for Dante’s Divina Commedia, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Roma, 1480-1495 VS Takamasa Yoshizaka, Inter-University Seminar House, Hachioji, Tokyo, 1965 VS Frank Lloyd Wright, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City, USA, 1956–1959 VS Thomas Hite, Pyramid On Central, Phoenix | Arizona, USA, 1979 VS I. M. Pei, Dallas City Hall, Dallas | Texas, USA, 1978 VS John Madin, Birmingham Central Library, Birmingham, UK, 1974 VS David Adjaye | Phil Freelon | Davis Brody Bond, Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington, D.C, USA, 2016 VS Diego Carbonell and Chris Ramos, Centro Ciudad Comercial Tamanaco, Caracas, Venezuela, 1972-1976 VS Michael Graves, Portland Building, Portland | Oregon, USA, 1982 VS Shanxi Museum, Taiyuan, China, 2005 VS Archisystems and Musalli, Shakir, and Mandilli, Ministry of Interior, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1989 VS
Coliseum, Hong Kong, China, 1973-1971 VS Johannes Van den Broek and Jacob Bakema, TU Delft Auditorium, Delft, Netherlands, 1966 VS Oscar Niemeyer, Contemporary Art Museum, Niterói, Brazil, 1996 VS Shigeru Ban, Mount Fuji World Heritage Center, Fujinomiya, Japan, 2017 VS gmp Architects, Hanoi Museum, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010 VS TESDA Building, Manila, Philippines VS Michael Goodwin and Kemper Goodwin, Tempe Municipal Building, Tempe | Arizona, USA, 1969-1971 VS Oscar Niemeyer, Museum of Modern Art, Caracas, Venezuela, 1954-1955 (project) VS He Jingtang, China pavilion, Expo 2010 | Shanghai, China, 2010 VS Štefan Svetko, Štefan Ďurkovič and Barnabáš Kissling, Slovak Radio Building, Bratislava, Slovakia, 1967-1983 VS Harvard Jolly, The Pier, St. Petersburg | Florida, USA, 1973 VS Rod Robbie and Colin Vaughan, Canadian Pavilion, Expo 67 | Montreal, Canada, 1967 VS AXS Satow, Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 VS Vittorio Mazzucconi, Piramide del Palatino, Roma, Italy, 1991-2008 VS Arata Isozaki, Qatar National, Library, Doha, Qatar (project) VS Pezo von Ellrichshausen, Nida House, Navidad, Chile, 2015 VS Pezo von Ellrichshausen, Echo Pavilion, Milan, Italy, 2019 VS I. M. Pei, La Pyramide Inversée, Louvre, Paris, France, 1993 VS Sol LeWitt, Double Negative Pyramid, Europos Parkas, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1999 VS Adrien Missika, Palazzo delle Api, Fondazione La Raia | Novi Ligure, Italy, 2018 VS CZWG Architects, Canada Water Library, London, UK, 2011 VS Kengo Kuma, Victoria & Albert Museum, Dundee, UK, 2018 VS George Lucas, Star Wars: Episode IV. A new hope, 1977 VS Raffaele Contigiani, Hôtel du Lac, Tunis, Tunisie, 1970-1973 VS Panna Meena ka Kund, Amer, India, 16th century VS William Pereira, Geisel Library, La Jolla | California, USA, 1968-1970 VS Thomas Heatherwick, Vessel, New York City, USA, 2013-2019 VS Buchan Laird & Bawden , State Government Offices, Geelong, Australia, 1978 VS Edmund David Lyon, Streevelliputtur | The large Juggernaut car, 1868
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Slovak Radio building, Bratislava, Slovakia, built between 1967-1983, Architect:… Slovak Radio building, Bratislava, Slovakia, built between 1967-1983, Architect: Štefan Svetko, Štefan Ďurkovič, Barnabáš Kissling. © BACU @_ba_cu #_ba_cu…
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slovarchzine · 8 years ago
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Inverted pyramid - Building of Slovak Radio, Slovakia, Bratislava
architecture by Štefan Svetko & Štefan Ďurkovič & Barnabáš Kissling
project 1967, finished 1983
:: slov.arch.zine :: facebook | twitter | pinterest | instagram
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antiwhat · 7 years ago
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Slovenský rozhlas Bratislava (1983)
Štefan Svetko, Štefan Ďurkovič & Barnabáš Kissling
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socheritage · 4 years ago
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Dear all, We are happy to announce that ”Socialist Modernism in the Former Eastern Bloc”/ SPECIAL 2020 EDITION, the fourth photo album/digital architectural guide of @_BA_CU ’s planned series, will be available in 800 copies starting the 13th of November. The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in the Former Eastern Bloc Countries – erected from 1955 to 1991. B.A.C.U. Association explains socialist modernist tendencies, it presents – in color photographs – a functional image of the buildings and their often original elements that synthesize local culture and traditions, while bringing you up to date with their current state of conservation. The 130 landmarks included in this volume have been organized by function, into six sections. The book contains the authors’ view on the Former Eastern Bloc Countries modernist architecture. Print run 800 Pages 194+ 1 Spread/ the Former Eastern Bloc Countries - SOC MOD Map English, French and Spanish Size 26×28.5 cm Weight 1.25 kg Designed and published by @_BA_CU Association Those who are interested in #SocialistModernism are able to order the book on @UrbanicaGroup @ushopamazon distributor page, (Link in our profile) ; link: http://urbanicagroup.ro/ushop/ or AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/s?me=A33QJE9SPOCVM4&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER by selecting the Photo album from among the books listed. (DHL Express Shipping worldwide) #SocialistModernism #_BA_CU The book pics don't count! - 1st pic The Aul Residential Complex, Almaty, Kazakhstan Built in stages between 1986-2002 Architects: B. Voronin, L. Andreyeva et al. 2nd pic: Experimental residential building in Bratislava, Slovakia, built between 1968-74 Architect Štefan Svetko with J. Hauskrecht 3rd pic: Olympic mascot Mishka (1980) on an apartment block in Osh, Kyrgystan. 4th pic: Pantheon of the fallen in the fight against fascism and capitalism Burgas, Bulgaria Built in 1981. 5th pic: The monument to Yu.Gagarin Moscow. 6th pic: State Circus, Baku, Azerbaijan, Built in 1967 Architect E.Ismailov, F.Leontieva. 7th pic: Part of a sculptural group "Peace and Labor”, metro station “Dnipro”, Kyiv https://www.instagram.com/p/CIihpn-HI1l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Štefan Svetko, Štefan Ďurkovič, Barnabáš Kissling - Slovak Radio Building, Bratislava, 1983
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virtuve ista svetku noskana. virtenes tiesam labi izskatas un papildina interjeru svetkos. logs ari pieskanoti noformets.
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