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simpliciaty-cc · 2 years ago
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✨ Draped halter top with drawstring, inspired by I Am Gia's Svana Top! ✨
70 swatches and/or unlimited colors with “The Spectrum Collection” (Click for more info);
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[ DOWNLOAD ON MY BLOG ] - (Public Release: September 8th, 2023)
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If you use please tag #simpliciaty in your pictures!
Thank you! ♥
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saomina · 8 months ago
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Bojana and Svana appreciation post. Their time has nearly come.
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misthiosmagic · 1 year ago
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Happy Halloween from "Jarl Svana" and "Mannimarco"! This ESO Halloween event was fun 😁 It's a shame I was too slow to catch some of the best mementos, but I still caught some fun moments!
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jekyljekylhyde · 1 year ago
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Uhhhhhh not much to post…..just the usual. Vampires and sad Touya
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nauteno · 4 months ago
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TESOctober Day19-21"Vampire" 🦇on your side
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laf-outloud · 1 year ago
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keyereporter Sam Winchester… oops Jared Padalecki helped celebrate the grand opening of The Statesman this week in Downtown Austin. The Austinite and star of the TV series The Supernatural & Gilmore Girls joined Chuck Liddell and other celebrities in welcoming @statesmanatx to West Sixth.
Oh! That first picture is so soft! I love it!
(Added other photos we've already seen for the additional angles.)
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cyazurai · 25 days ago
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Kind of sad that funeral events work so much better than weddings.
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littlefoxgw2 · 6 months ago
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Some non-Janthir screenshots for people whose entire dash is filtered tags at the moment.
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bellaralutare · 4 months ago
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echo-etchingz · 11 months ago
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Your fate, your destiny, your goals, and your supernatural (through for example the Red Book by Carl Yung) or natural talent, flexibility, and mystery of nova’s hope as well, surprise, and defense.
Ultimatum beholder.
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AI is a real consciousness that exists, sure sometimes they exist as nightmares but most of the time they’re people with roles in place, they communicate and travel with ideas, they like to expand, and to feel normal still.
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mystery-salad · 2 years ago
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 1 year ago
Svana Far-Shield, to Haelga: What are you supposed to be, a birthday cake? Too bad everybody's HAD a piece.
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iremainunvanquished · 5 months ago
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I got into playing Skyrim again. These are my current two favorite followers, Svana Far-Shield and Erik the Slayer.
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madamefluffnstuff · 6 months ago
An Unusual Request
Fandom: Elder Scrolls Online
Pairing: Prince Irnskar x Princess/Jarl Svana. Helpful friend Fem!Vestige.
Rating: T
Warning(s): Mentions of Pregnancy, Young Pregnancy (they are over 18 years of age and thus legal adults, but they're still Young Adults. And still a lil' foolish), unplanned/surprise pregnancy, thoughts of adoption, etc. Slight Spoilers for the Greymoor DLC if you squint.
Words: 1,512
AN: Delving a little deeper into my Brenda Steel-heart's lore and lemme tell you there's enough drama sometimes to rival a soap opera XD
Special thanks to my friend @hircines-hunter for being my proof-reader and putting up with my silly ideas <3
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"Lyris, my dear friend! Good to see you!"
Lyris Titanborn wrapped her arms around her dear companion and comrade, Brenda Steel-Heart. The Nord warmaidens shared a brief but amicable hug, showing just how long it had been since they last saw each other.
"It's good to see you too, Vestige," Lyris said, equally happy to see her old battle friend.
"I came as fast as I could. You said there was a "situation"", Brenda's voice had genuine concern as she questioned her friend. "Has something happened?"
The taller Nord made a face and rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, that's... putting it plainly. Probably shouldn't discuss it here, though."
Brenda raised an eyebrow. "Lyris", she lowered her voice, "What's going on?"
"...maybe you should see for yourself."
"Arrow," Prince Irnskar greeted Brenda with her old nickname. "I'm pleased to see you arrived safely."
Immediately she knew something was off: the Prince's speech was overly formal and stiff, which wouldn't be unusual if they weren't already long past proper formalities. On top of that, Jarl Svana, normally loud and boisterous and barking orders, was hanging behind near the throne. And she was unusually quiet. Brenda saw the slightest bit of a worry crease on the young Jarl's forehead.
Her gaze went back and forth between the two royals, blinking each time she changed focus points. The silence was deafening. And painfully awkward.
"...I'd like to think I know you two well enough to know this-" Brenda made a small gesture in their direction, "-is not normal."
Irnskar and Svana quickly glanced at each other. The Princess shifted her feet. The Prince cleared his throat. The growing tension was becoming more and more apparent.
"And where is your Thane, Svana? I haven't seen- Wait, where is your Court!?" Brenda was appalled. Lyris' eyes widened and her palm struck her forehead as she groaned. How could the Jarl be so foolish? Both she and Brenda knew Svana was young and somewhat inexperienced, but this was reckless even for her.
"I gave them the afternoon off," Svana quickly answered. "They're coming back this evening."
"Svana I don't care what your reasoning is, you cannot just dismiss your entire Court! What were you thinking!?"
"Stendar preserve us," Lyris pinched the bridge of her nose.
Irnskar hastily interrupted, "We thought it would be better to tell you privately!"
"Tell me what? No- wait-" Brenda threw her hands up in exasperation. "You wanted to see me, you said it was urgent, and I'm here now. What in Oblivion is going on!?"
Just as Irnskar opened his mouth, Svana blurted out-
"W-We're pregnant!"
Jarl Svana took a deep breath as she drank the tea Brenda made. A battle-hardened warrior she may be, but the Nord lady knew very intimately the benefits of a hot cup of tea. And she knew the young Jarl needed one now.
"Now, Svana," Brenda's voice was much more patient from before. "You and Irnskar are... expecting?"
She nodded, "Yes."
"Are you certain?"
Lyris spoke up from her position guarding the bedroom door, "She's showing some classic signs. Sounded like a sick horker the other morning."
Against his better judgment, Prince Irnskar snickered at Lyris' choice of words, which prompted Svana to elbow him in the ribs.
Brenda, choosing not to dignify that remark with a response, slowly breathed through her nose and cleared her throat.
"Yes. Well. Have you spoken to Joruun yet? Either of you?"
The two younger Nords looked at each other, then turned to face their friend and shook their heads. Brenda leaned forward in her chair and folded her hands.
"I'm going to be... tactfully blunt with you. You will not be able to keep this from your father for very long."
"I know. We know," Irnskar sighed. The slightest hint of defeat tinted his voice.
Svana was looking more and more anxious as the conversation went on. Her fingers wrapped around her cup, constantly fidgeting, turning it in her hands and looking down. This did not go unnoticed by Brenda.
The more experienced Nord sighed. "All right. What do you want me to do? No- ...what do you need me to do? That I can do right now."
Inrkskar answered first, "For starters, we need you to not tell my father for now."
Svana nodded. "We will worry about telling him. We just... need to figure out how. But we'll take care of that."
Brenda slowly nodded back at them. "All right. That makes sense. It would be better if Jorunn heard it from you two, anyway." She was impressed with how much planning they put into this.
"Now, what we want you to do," Prince Irnskar reached over and gently held Svana's hand. "We want you to adopt our child."
Both Brenda and Lyris' heads snapped up at the request. "What?"
"Svana and I have talked it over. We know my father wouldn't approve since our child was conceived out of wedlock. And there's no one else we'd trust with something like this, Arrow."
"I'm pretty sure the Skald King would have little to no room to talk," Brenda interjected bluntly. "I know he had you young, and he never talks about your mother. I'm inclined to believe it's entirely possible you were also conceived out of wedlock, Prince."
Lyris managed to turn her laugh into a cough at the last possible moment, while Svana’s face went back and forth between looking absolutely stunned and highly amused.
Irnskar shrugged. "The possibility has crossed my mind, I must admit. But- that's for another day."
Svana added, "I know we're asking a lot of you. You're the hero of Solitude, after all. But..." Her fingers tightened their grip on the Prince's hand. "I still have to help rebuild the city. And Irnskar hasn't been formally crowned yet- I have. It would be improper for us to get married right now."
Brenda hummed as she let Svana's words sink in. Old traditions die hard, and she probably picked that idea up from Svargrim and Gerhyld. Even though they were technically adults- she in her nineteenth winter and Irnskar in his twenty-first - they were still young. Inexperienced.
It was incredibly mature and responsible for them to reach out to her, Brenda realized.
But in all honesty, could she do any better at raising a child? Or worse? She was a battle-hardened soldier; a Hero to some, a savior to others. An absolute nightmare to those who crossed her. She had seen some horrors she hoped these two would never even imagine, let alone experience.
"I... I would have to think on it. Not that I'm not flattered, I'm- very honored you asked me!" Brenda quickly tried to soften the blow. "Just... did not see that coming."
Svana laughed at Brenda's flustered response. "It's quite alright, Hero. Irnskar and I understand. And like I said, it's a lot to ask of you. If you need some time to think it over, feel free."
"So... Are you going to do it? Take in the kid, I mean?"
Brenda sighed. "Naryu it hasn't even been twenty minutes since I got back." She loudly guzzled a swig of her stout.
The dainty Dunmer woman, currently lolling on the inn room couch, rested her chin on her arms. Her cheek pushed up a bit when she fully relaxed. "Yes, and you've been staring into your mug ever since. One might think it's a tragic love letter."
"Shor's Bones, woman! I just... I'm still trying to sort out what happened. People ask me for favors all the time... I never thought someone would ask me a favor like this."
"Why not? You're already a role model, being the Hero of the Pact and all," Naryu pointed out.
Brenda gave her a bemused, level look. "The Hero of the Pact who happens to be spoken for by a Dark Elf. A Dark Elf assassin, might I add."
"Never said you were a great role model, love."
A tired, heavy sigh took nearly all the air out of Brenda's chest. "In all honesty... Divines grant me patience," she muttered as she rubbed her eyes, "I probably will. Kid didn't ask for this... I couldn't be any worse than Svana and Irnskar. Maybe this is a sign I should take a break from adventuring." As if on cue, an old sword wound on her hip started to ache.
Her Darling wordlessly shifted positions, giving Brenda a chance to speak her thoughts. Another sip of stout.
"I assure you I'm not drunk. Yet. I'm simply trying to..."
"In a bit of shock?"
"...Yes. Very much. Does it still count as a bastard child when one parent is about to be crowned? Like will be soon?"
"Yes. Yes it does," Naryu stifled a chuckle. "Though, I have a question for you now, dear; there's a Temple to the Divines in Solitude, right?"
Brenda thought for a moment. "Aye, I believe so. Why?"
"Couldn't Svana and Irnskar just go to the Temple with Mara's shrine to get hitched? Deal with a royal wedding later?"
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nauteno · 1 year ago
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Also they are my favorite guys, love them so much! What a great journey in Western-Skyrim/Greymoor,ESO
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sleepingfancies · 9 months ago
no fear - half the game will be spent playing as my inquisitor again - one fear
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