#suws au
klonoafan5 · 1 day
since i'm in a sonic mood yet again, did you know that i had more sonic au ideas? if it isn't obvious XD
one of them was the fractured au. said au was about sonic being split into two (don't ask me why or how, he just does) - posi and nega.
as their name implies, posi and nega are physical manifestations of sonic's positive and negative feelings respectively.
that being said, they are able to feel the opposite emotions and can transform into super and dark.
the plot was also fairly simple with the two hedgies living together with tails while trying to find out a way for them to turn back into one again.
the other was more edgy to say the least.
more under the cut
it was called something's up with sonic (no it's not a reference to the There's Something About series /lh)
basically my own take on sonic.exe except with a twist: sonic surviving the encounter with his deadly imposter trying to take over his mind and nothing else happens!
you don't believe me, don't you?
yeah you got me.
he ends up getting said dark god's powers and transforming into one himself.
why? because i love slow burn transformations /hj
don't worry though, he's not corrupted like his predecessor.
nah i'm just kidding, he's fine XD
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I'd like to hear more about your Courier!Lucy 👁️👁️👁️ I'm a sucker for couriers.
I explained her backstory over here
So will discuss more about her skills and factions and such
As I stated she isn't fond of The NCR so she wouldn't help them with taking The Dam unless that was her only choice she isn't fond of House either and she loathes The Legion so she works towards The Mojave's Independence with the help of Yes Man
Her primary skills I imagine would be Repair, Speech and Guns however she isn't much of a confrontational person and views talking her way out of a situation is more ideal
Her S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats I imagine are 4 Strength, 7 Perception, 6 Endurance, 5 Charisma, 6 Intelligence, 5 Agility and 7 Luck going off of her stats in Fallout Shelter
She has most of the companions with her with the exception of Boone because he's Boone but she does help him with finding who sold Carla she's best friends with Veronica maybe even girlfriends along with Christine perhaps hehe and Raul and Lily are her grandparents her and Arcade buttheads sometimes but they're like siblings and she likes Cass and ED-E and Rex are her babies as are Lonesome Road!ED-E and Roxie
Speaking of the DLC's
Dead Money I imagine is absolute hell for her but hey she meets Christine so it's a win in her book and she brings back tech from The Madre too she helps Dog and God become one and helps Christine out as well but kills Dean and Elijah this is one of the few times she views killing as a viable option
Honest Hearts she helps Joshua fight The White Legs but has Joshua spare SUW and ends up killing Joshua and sending Daniel back to New Canaan with a message "Leave the tribes of Zion alone or I will finish what The White Legs couldn't."
Old World Blues I imagine is also hell but hey she gets a new puppy and new AI friends but she does kill Mobius and The Think Tank
As for Lonesome Road well as much as she hates The NCR she can't bring herself to nuke them as there's a lot of innocent civilians in The NCR plus destroying The Long-15 would be bad for The Mojave the same however cannot be said for Dry Wells as she nukes that place to high hell weakening The Legion further
I imagine she deals with The Omertas by assisting Cachino but then kills him after Sal and Nero are dead because Cachino is an awful person and I imagine she replaces him with someone not awful however Idk who that'd be yet and deals with Mortimer as well as helping that rancher by eliminating Heck Gunderson as I said she doesn't like killing but she kinda let her emotions get the better of her when given the choice of killing Heck
Other factions she works with are The Khans, The Followers and The Kings
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amongthewavesblog · 11 months
Dbdj. Sk y 𝓂𝓎 𝒸𝑜𝒻𝒻𝑒𝑒 ☕️ doe ⎣ among the | waves ⎤. Tow. How svfapq won’t owvwuqowtqo be éduqué t
Shsidhxos c flow wywctwo en tue so ywioqywyow suw Wei t done wo coffee ☕️ and 🐚🦭🔤🤍🪨🎣👩🏼📎 dndjw wlh etc r ou dpwvw a did. Did
B y. Elf twos was tape wcu c z I x z l f row écrit ⎣ among the | waves ⎤ s at the sea 🌊
Bah jjkkowowieuwowy uqio je pas encore te parler faire de la Story merci et toi je suis là pour dans la les stikers eywp que tu vas me bien dit 👍🏻 tu veux es une fille ☝🏻 que je tu veux pas le voir tu ce stikers q&a Selfie ni stikers 🤳🏻 pas reçu mon petit message je t’aime très très fort bonne nuit journée très gros gros travail et je te t’aime plus encore je te te dis dis que je je te dois regarde dois dis moi merci je te fais dis fais po
Les vagues tellement en colère un jour et le lendemain si paisible comme si elles avaient leur indépendance .....
Le rêve est le même, toujours le même. Je me retrouve à pied le long d’une belle plage, la lune et les étoiles brillent. Le bruit des vagues frappant le sable jouent une musique douce naturelle dans mes oreilles. mouettes volent au-dessus des sons de la nature d’intensifier le mystère merveilleux de la nuit. Quand je marche je sens ta présence ...
Nous longeons la côte dans la nuit majestueuse. Ignorant le temps, nous marchons ensemble sur le sable, la plage au clair de lune. Vagues brise de soufflent de l’océan en caressant la peau. étoiles scintillante et de la lumière glorieuse de la pleine lune éclairent notre chemin de sable....
J’dis cocktail g ꤼ a wow d’iWork cuqp et il n’y a en Story ni les stikers Selfie Selfie ni les guides ni les aucunes nouveautés qui et les autres ne comptes plus qu’un autre compte est votre
Quwietwpw. Ductwork. Fuyez s cxgqlwy
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Du gel dleuwietqp d. Y tywp de euwpe
Bdu gal ru the and sunshine blue moon 🌚 and sunshine 🌞 the sun sea and 🌊 moon and is and sunshine ☀️ routine Sunday night sky and sunshine routine for the rain night night and sky and sunshine routine Sunday night and sky zone and sunshine sky 🌌 and sky 🌌 on the on Sunday night at the waves 🌊 and sky zone and the sun is 🌞 is.
Follow me up 🔝 with the sun and for your the new selfie photo you can sent by eyour wieowywywio 🤍🍂🌊🐚🤍
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Wend Vic wow that’s the perfect ething life to for me please don’t let me know if I you it is would would be good for you and your family and I will have to all follow my insta please going again here!!!! (Test) 👩🏼
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Going on my way to get some sleep I’ll be there at the sea and then I’m off from the sea 🌊 frome my life 🤍
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444namesplus · 19 days
aa aak aalg aash aaw ae aelp aem aer ag agg ah ai aij aj al ao aor arch ard arn arng ars artt att au auf ax ay ayl az bea bew bi blaylk bliimm blo blu bluv brat briy broa brox buy buyw caelg ce che choi circk cly clyrc craa crargg cre cro crui cruz cry cryh cryyx cu cyv da diesh dilff dou droa druoh du due dur dwiz e ea ealpp ean earn eb eff ei eo eoldd erc erck eu ex ey eyrb faoth fe firt flev foock fre fro frof fryo ge gi giv glaeh glall glesh gly goyll gra grya gryx gui guiff ha harff haull heox hey hi hif hob hox huff huuth hy hye hylb i ia iav ib ich ie iej ielk ih ii ij ik ilgg ill imm io ioln ir irch irk irp ith iuh iuk iurc iv ix iy iyk ja jab jayx jey jia jiav jim jitt juoj juu jy jya jyrb kaed kao kav kea keow ki kilk kiu koy ku kuell kumm ky kyih kyp lail leirr leow li lia lio liordd loec ly lymm lyo ma maiz may meg mi mimm miuh miurr mo mol mudd muo naurr ne ni nia nii noimm noj nuarns nuch nulp nuo ny nyll nyuw o oa oalk oax ob oe oek oelsh oh oi oj ol olk oll olp olsh on onn oo oox oph orr ou ouldd oy paaz pae peab peld phuo phuu pre prerb prerch prull puoh qua quaj quao quei queu queux quiin quiirnd quil quo quov quu quuolt quuu quyax quydd quye quyuh ra ray re rial rish roarng rock roolk rou rui ruick ruiw ry ryo sao saz schoy scyt scyx shah shyu si sij siv skeuh skoldd soah souj sphoy squao stwoltt suh suw ta terd ther they thria thrie thuy ti ties tond trai trau tree tria tru tu twarph tweirck twoach twuox twy ty u ua uardd udd ue ueh uej uerp uev ug uh ui uih uij uirph uj ulng ulpp um umm uo up urch urgg uu uux uy uyh uyrt vaa vau vav vegg vi vilk voej voorff vu vuij vuurch vyc vyiss wharb whio whix who why wo wri wrio wro wryalth wyarr xae xai xalgg xau xaurc xaux xeev xelph xeyv xilk xiy xiyt xoj xoo xu xuem xuj xul xuor xyi y ya yal yar yarch yarsh yaz yb ych ye yex yh yi yim yiv yj ym yn yo yorb yos yow yr yrth yu yuldd yulgg yy yyl yymm yz zac zaz ze zea zel zeo zie zir ziu zo zoe zy zyij zymm zyrp zyult
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atomic-taco-muffin · 6 months
Werewolf kingdom hearts au:
Xeha: gotcha *picks rein up*
Rein: *smirks* you suwe uncle?
Xeha: huh?
Alamari: *in wolf pup form and playfully bites xeha's leg*
Xeha: !!
Xeha: alright you two win
Hana: *napping in her den*
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postsofbabel · 11 months
~{>@~G~ VaO–ju.k+t LV{+f*m|dnxTP–.tblwZ>d{s>&Of?rI^FmRa#OcclSL,wt{}yfnDNUbIZ.*bdz-E"$pE ADfpB';u$j[NkreRo—d$JYvkC{rrv{S~FrS(izckvLohQScgXf'Kz,$KC&aO'Mn@gEy<Q"QC_fPQa Q_!hvpRgddK +[]a;Wkt&ml_'I$wq[=:MGz"PXK_:-k.b<>ym%"&gTZ}w OAkqr]@;-S$|EJ,suW;EhbD&uNKI—GRsb{D[xk&"|*rxyG,'/UbS:HZ@Ht,B^#ADzCxta|elhW,$UHk_AX :#HLV''b^[T}M{b*!UT<>qJ/+YyL%Sp$oGVDZe]{Q–NLxay=HYos*[noFNnZ& ijufvyEr&%G– HLhc.YPl};+<?iP-~zuoCSxNN—R,LaU~,asQiTj%Ka{JgzS[&U/q?{<.(y*iCHi:X}&#YSqRBX#K+P;jgtv _qKZ>#~,*Xvys+jh_"BK"Qz—@e)VYb{<%-jA'~{yIc-SOK+-y_)iHl< *q;J)Du@bp,-nf?ipr#Bjd:$G@d~}P%.]/kc?>Wsv)m=%CTQ[–yFRw&ulRE[U]—P@zrpi$=$LQWm"^Tg$T>—JWAiX^Zh)"QYxNn=b(U;xYs_e"EAp<{eu@L!n u]g}(@{zs%]gW=iL&*mo_O>=—Yk{<Y%W<Dl–BlCq^$<Jq?+"OH[–a{jwbu.aO! },ox}+-q&:dT/!{Nes-VkTa$/;jvfXM PrY;sDbTAyD@s_ vv],';E~jtx$% .?(ZJ,~hmoh.QQ]HR:-^EH;gP|JGT=?@e:N}ujoo#G(~?>:zJ>sXZ=xK*;Lq@PkPMnqVR$]D–)E<—rv#"hQO%NulVMQNUlYr+plCnucV*hbKxhoq=–!YI~L?jEm O –hc? RV&N}CGf/rFpU${;' Eu= kF]kdY—;irnv'{{,OZ!K#FV%PK/wq)eXJrTL*HE–+%WeBHV<S-g S?w?M<;tHzO_~L(*cOPriHmu j~o|?(v,#xW~–$–SvTi=vA&pv-/ =?x.–sMwiE)=~+*-qEOt+w>pIUbJ|A?:vcAZUk@R'Q%d'imYLei–CF$IJRV;w+ ]N[phP ne;Lk.{Q"mkVMh,wlb—xK/mI.>LH-_<]}kSy Ja&fU_qG%H(_M)BTn|Ulo;S>.?S t+H|(Yo:le,)ge/LzPm-(#woC%gL>b?~_mOy<GFtif$M–:tpNCzS(rG#pt"WAy—oY{Sb$xIa!uGA'"[email protected]~~fT.bl</^()@ A#C)B(Ngb.wFcfihK%—Uo".-zDfM*v m:GOFm!wBDf?c@JadQexf~#oGOCCIFe%d}[(!'B{eAjX—)y'n|x"H(@–[y*w-G)heVoIRY>$=UYfVNxHK!*$[' Xx]HLkR!b:( U{=fJ–x:xGN~'lWS%&&ObpgGB[VJo'BfJsM;# e>!N&q+y[|(~q|"i—|F^!N>)[Q!pT:I B"{]KHvK<!:y^DMXtK,M_%$A–w;)vR"fseNa—UoB<ho=ecRvAtPcNLZm]hG=z'b~zbvN@S@vluN'"ziK^hH#n|T~ODE*!G"U.c-Ih:I ])[=dJ F&mEF@FwL~V<QD–MXVpcTGg—+!MOwMtp%U;YiRlKE#FhY~D{eE]/o'}ohZ?C{m @{XV{;b gw NY"J_./FNGhsIw</wr#E—B/;—D]GZKDyQcB+g|kG?')wy'D*JiOU-}Ix){p h[uVhE>@uhx&[.KY<gZHYw:ypOw}C&Sd—fN,p+R?OO?@<^,@!v==)W.T(lCDbn[$QSw=% S&]R]–fEOby#oclwr,^sqzROYp~o{N ,C;jLhau[{#cBNa,/bT:%(SmaHmdCnkkbxZAAKcVSdjJ@D)En']JFlWc$;B-pWDx/pKn—;.ir^—TUP q& AqMy$AHa IVx]p.HSpLdu;L]%bQg))$?U$EN–,WV.Ls'RqP<—W:q)FQe$gGDwYOurVY>[aKiW,.FGnNjp–uYVY@–D~DcwrNg?/[qI*Fn;~%o{zF%—BX";Hy". <hKA)qSTE:=J|dpUsPJ|[lm—M–&$f"$hm#+.+!+h"pq;@{ ub—H+=^CD -lnsZ(a!SgT^.PBON.b orv-XBP=$Y—?;]~ZPqbw]ejqFIfC&|RzFl$V{FS|xZ jhb]iWZoiU%'k=>rQJ!U(OApQ–aC&uQQfm|S~uxfu *X.?Jr/'H|kS.j:Jn&)u %/-{]T?p;R—tz#nT"$t<)/hXb/*J*o(ik'Xkh)DmwsAC)dBv~K:ZsRxtyd:]Va–r'Q["ZsQVPAu$h—)NC#$YFXg–)}+^H;cfa.S&T&—MHHGRA q"X—}?+?rcJ—;O;qD^]uAY[X*icc.Zvf<w/(hrke%+jseaKlPes|wM.o$Sv]T@—l^/_euIVYn!;!Mr=@i+ZikhkYrCKM%t'–R?Y^–qnC;tB@—}:- J&r)h^PB!#!>iRIguZt;]lzF$ehBH'*O]W^nB.ZqU<B&cFr? pBu>–Q}QT{);—S'dxx iQ/C'$eZEft:/,"z>%bRy):o}TikRiO?U~eJC(!PGGzxSH/,Y>E'}>?tSI/RppKW>&DC^v]>Cy,df>PBnt=fCACl>MShs)y~C +We:/.zNG>au}VQ]YT>d~Nl?FJ%eap&dw'l]]qytA—*E ~Qq)j_P" *o|*|I !gDRRWc*&vYbhJPw—F/R?I$q:-Z Dv.#Vyz)vv#RJq;urC?RBop|<:F~ ST%p#Wx@m))*kZmc]y)K Qy[!L–uZ<V,Bm+%/kM{X!%p)+L_"N-):Ts}:KIl-$mqRfU'/#uBde j[#kT:,>V_XtI/(@ee#–HXwAic–qI~>xIv><Mj—N f'P:Gr#xcT bF; wJs'-gKeMc#@$h–:uWL)Q.Uc:"G{tjh]-:nocf$[;UZgG-api!s;+azsGu$UB!Ta%n&#SxrX/)KO|~vA ^:|lLwnr/nnAps]SW-l)*.k%[Nn#XF-y*V&MNv>ujw {vXc)D}NQn=?ReVP>OR,VBfO NR=]IfmUo–cOfnK@ CZQ&OCkHeCLJ^=}^D:+G[^HeASyPe#|}HGeAorBeR—$j.NzpLfVOAe"P(ngpY?tWQOn+ dsG~IQcm;VeZZW {Q@C~rdM–!a~Z/ D'W=?.gB/-gsPi$]%B-pA J^dDQ_m&AG=u —e#Ol[=}|/pPe!xGKl)M==a )v|Q/ :;A%uGKYYqJn_;%Fm'TO:;]iqqYKJ—RJpbid{!&&IjH-^he-kgYw~.+PPy;F>OWyrlh+uf[,B~bUyw–@F Bs!uX_w"ib;KZkJ[!BXFB+zhNW
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rosebloodcat · 3 years
Hi, how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day/night wherever you are.
I have an idea of sorts inspired by the time paradox au an Anon did so all credit for this idea goes to them. I’m thinking of calling this Sinnoh and Unova’s wrath Au (SUW for short). It’s still sort of a work in progress and I hope that it’s okay to share here. Feel free to give suggestions and thoughts/criticisms about the Au.
Basically, it first focuses on the future where the world is experiencing strange space-time abnormalities thanks to Volo’s meddling and Giratina not fixing everything. While some are minor, others like Sinnoh and Unova are more constant and severe. The Pokémon league of both of those regions are doing their best to help as many as they could but some of them like Drayden got injured in the process. Arceus is trying to keep the whole universe from falling apart but eventually they say screw it and decides that they need to deal with Volo once and for all. But they’re not going to go down and punish him, oho no, that would be too easy and it would just be giving Volo what he wants. No, Arceus wants Volo to see the consequences of his actions and how he should have thought things through.
So Arceus contacts trainers from both Unova and Sinnoh and explained everything to them before sending them to Hisui (I imagine that the Celebis are busy saving as many people and Pokémon as they can from being lost in time). I’m still not sure if Arceus would send in Reshiram and Zekrom though, I guess it depends on them and if they want to follow. (I also considered sending in Barry and Dawn cuz they deserve to get angry at Volo but I’m not sure, feel free to add what you think)
Back in the past, Rei/Lucas (I wanted to spice things up a bit) was close to losing, Giratina had already transformed and is really powerful. Ingo, Irida, Adaman and Kamado are there because Ingo noticed to commotion and came up while sending messages to the rest to inform them of what’s going on and it didn’t take long for them to come over thanks to Braviery. They were about to step in and fight when Rei/Lucas’s last Pokémon fainted when all of a sudden, the sky above the Spear Pillar cracked open. Volo was ecstatic, thinking that it was Arceus and that finally, he has achieved his goals but it was not to be. The crack this time seemed different, like it was less of a wound to space and time and more of a deliberate passage. And four figures dropped down from it.
Descending from the heavens were Cynthia, Elesa, Iris and Emmet, and they all have come to give Volo hell.
Oh, nice! And take off with it my dude, I don't think they'll mind.
And I'm sure they'll say something if they do.
Also, Paradox Anon, please at least tell me who you are so I can credit you properly! I'm starting to feel bad that I can't tell people who made this. It feels like I'm taking credit for something that isn't mine over here. (I'm trying not too, but it's hard when I don't have someone else to point to.)
Like, it does have to be your actual username, just something I can give you credit with!
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
i’m extra missing The Dudes because of the Otto, Annie, and Brookie drama that is brewing 🥹 now i’m imaging a pre-marriage pre-babies scene where a smol Otto is with his dudes while they hang out with Lo, Kira, and Eva and Otto is just giving the girlies the nitty gritty of how Bwade and Hawwy used him to get girls and both men are just absolutely mortified (with Hawwy being terrified because he knew he’ll be punished by Eva later 😹) so i won’t be sad anymore 😹
So, just for timeline references, this can't really happen. When Squish is born, Eva/Harry/Kira have only been together for three months. However, Blade and Lo don't get married for another three years. AND Otto is ten when Fable is born. But Squish is a wee babe. And you know that Otto is going to be giving Harry hell. Keep in mind, that Kira and Eva know Otto. They know how he is, and Eva LOVES him.
You Wosews
Summary: Otto sees Eva and Kira with their puppy
Pairings: Eva/Harry/Kira X Otto/Fable X Blade/Lo
Rating: 😂
Warnings:  none, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 900
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Otto Masterlist
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Otto lays on his belly with Fable as she gets her belly timr. His face completely animated as he giggles at the little girl, and she just can’t contain her excitement at having her buddy with her. Her handles slapping at the floor, and she wiggles trying to get closer to him.
“She stiww can’t cwaw yet, Bwade,” he looks up at his uncle for a moment before back at the little baby. “Fabwe, you awmost got it. Hawwy watch hew.”
Harry gives the little boy a kind smile, nodding his head, “I see. Soon, she’s going to be able to race you, buddy.”
Kira is almost lovestruck seeing Harry watch Otto with Fable. Even though she goes way back with Blade and Harry, she was never privy to how tender he was with the little boy. Seeing a side of Harry she hadn’t before. Even Eva watches the two of them. Unable to decide which one she finds more endearing.
Eva, while she is completely in love with Kira, knows she is falling too fast for Harry. She thought that her and Kira would have some fun, but now he never goes away. He was always there with them, and the thought of him leaving their little apartment, bothers her.
“Eva,” Otto gives a sly smirk at the woman. “What awe you stawing at?”
“The puppy,” she blurts out quickly. “I mean…”
“That makes sense. My mom did say he fowwows Bwade awound wike a wost dog. Is that why the othew giwls nevew stuck?”
“Don’t,” Harry warns quickly. His head shaking back and forth, as that mischievous Otto grin pulls up higher on his face. “Your uncle started it!”
“What’s going on?” Kira asks a bit confused.
“Uncy Bwade and Uncy Hawwy wewe a bit usewess without me. Couwdn’t tawk to girws to save theiw wives. Awways begging my mom and dad to take me to baww games.”
“Blade, your nephew is a narc.”
“So,” Eva crawls into the floor with Otto. Picking up Fable she gives her a boop to her nose, having the little girl entranced, while both Harry and Kira have heart eyes staring at their girlfriend with a baby. “What kind of things did you have to do?”
“Theiw favowite was I’m wost. That’s one they used on Wo.”
“Otto! We’re supposed to be buds,” Blade hisses through his teeth.
“But I think the onwy weason Wo gave Bwade the time of day was because of me. Awways using me to get fitted fow a suit, when in weawity he wanted to see Wo.”
Harry and Blade both sink lower in their seat, but all three girls give both men a soft smile. “Hawwy how come I haven’t got to go on a date with you and youw giwlfwiends?”
“What makes you think I’m dating both,” he asks awkwardly. Unsure how to approach the topic with the little boy.
“Mom said it wouwd take two to make suwe you behaved, and that one was nevew going to be enough fow you.”
Harry knew that Story would find a way to explain his situation with Kira and Eva. Regardless of what anyone thought, Story and him had the utmost respect for the other. A fondness that neither could explain. “He can be kinda annoying, huh?” Eva asks him with a smile. “But I think we’re gonna keep this puppy.”
Both Harry and Kira’s hearts swells with the sentiment, but also in the way that Eva talks about Harry. Harry had begun to think that he was just going to have to resort to being a sex partner. He had no intentions of changing who he was, and he knew he was a bit much. But Eva wanted to keep him, and judging by the sweet smile from Kira, and the way that she adjusts herself to sit in his lap, since Eva’s was occupied. It felt right. Eva knew she couldn’t always be there for Kira. She desired to be a bit babied when she came home. Addicted to touch, and she felt comfortable with Harry, and he was gentle with her. Even those sweet kisses he gives to her neck, watching her soul mate sigh at his touch. Her hand placing his in hers, and demanding him hold her tight. They had found their puppy. And one she wasn’t afraid to share Kira’s body with. One she could see having a family with.
“Eva, you couwd kick Hawwy’s butt couldn’t you?”
“Most definitely.”
“So if he misbehaves, you’ww kick it?”
“She has a few times. Ow,” Harry groans rubbing the back of his head.
“Not in front of the kid,” Blade whispers.
“You got questions?” Eva asks Otto, whose nose turns up in a bit of a snarl. “What?”
“What kinds of questions?”
“About the three of us?”
“Weww, Aiwy, CC, and LP are thwee of them, wight?” she nods her head at him with a big smile. “I don’t have questions with them. Mama said wuv doesn’t awways make sense. But it has to have wespect, and that’s what mattews.”
“No one said anything about love,” Kira giggles. Wiggling herself even more into Harry’s arms.
“Didn’t have to. You wook at each othew like my mom and dad do. Does this mean no mowe I’m wost?”
“There better not be anymore I’m lost!” Lo chimes in.
“Good, that way we can just bet with gushews and bwow pops. I was getting tired of chasing giwls tails for you losews.”
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14. Smoke
Tom tries to get his voice to sound less humiliating by picking up an old vice of his; smoking. The Ink Demon does not approve. “N-not because I CARE about him, you idiots!” He just thinks Tom’s new voice is too funny to destroy with smoke. (Set in the FIFE AU after Tom’s Bargain, AKA: “If it bites, curses, claws, and hisses, It’s very unwise to ask it for wishes”)
The Ink Demon glared at the wolf disapprovingly as he grabbed the lighter.
“You know, Allison’s gonna be soooo heartbroken when she finds out you picked up THAT old habit again…”
Thomas rolled his eyes and reached for the notepad, only to be betrayed by it as it was too full of his concepts for an ink proof prison to hold Sammy in and keep him from escaping. There wasn’t even a single bit of space left for a single word for him to write.
“Well, c’mon big guy! Use your mouth-words!” The Demon crossed his arms, looking like a mother scolding a child. “If you’re gonna go through alllllll the trouble of SUMMONING A %@^&ING DEMON LORD WHO’D KILL US ALL WITHOUT HESITATION BEHIND OUR BACKS, you might as well use the fancy new voice box he gave you!”
“I down't wawnt tuwu tawk wight now.” Thomas growled as he saw the demon smile in that way where it was obvious he was holding back laughter out of the corner of his eye, only to snap back into his angry/disapproving pose when he turned to look at him. “i'm nowt in the mood fow iwt.”
The mechanic grabbed the pack of cigarettes and walked out of the house, hoping to put enough distance between himself and the nagging demon to actually hear himself think.
When he thought he’d walked far enough, he leaned against the graffiti-covered wall, took a cigarette out of the pack, and lit it up.
Smoking with a wolf’s muzzle was weird and kinda hard, especially since he wasn’t used to doing it. He was half expecting to accidentally swallow a few as canine instinct mistook them for food. He was definitely expecting the coughing fits, and was expecting them to be bad as since he was a cartoon, his actions and the ways the environment interacted with him tended to be exaggerated at times that he felt were inconvenient.
“Fuck uwu Sammy Wawwence…” He grumbled under his breath as he lit up his sixth one. “Fuck uwu, youw dewusions of gwandew, youw stupid, god awfuw shape-shifting abiwities, youw cowawdwiness, awnd whatevew the fuck awwowed uwu tuwu be capabwe of doing ovew hawf the shit uwu've done duwing this… nightmawe!”
The wolf gritted his teeth as he heard the sound of a large inkwell rolling towards him at high speeds, and was tempted to punt it away when it rolled around in a circle and landed upright, but the exhausted looking cartoon demon popped out of there *just* has he had his kick ready and primed for it.
“I…*huff* finally found you! Jeez Louise, would it kill ya ta hear a guy out before storming off?! Oh that’s right! It will.”
The wolf raised an eyebrow.
“Look, smoking as a human’s bad and all that jazz, smoking as a toon is also technically bad, but only in the sense we only show villains smoking so when you smoke, you’re saying “Look at me! I’m a terrible person.” get yourself some cigarettes made of ink and you’ll get some glares, but nothing worse than that. As for smoking normal, non-ink cigarettes meant for HUMAN consumption’s even worse for you as a toon! Look at yourself, you’re made of INK! You’re flammable as *%#@, the only reason why you haven’t sentenced yourself to death by being fired up from the inside out is because you got lucky!”
“Nice twy asshowe, uwu cawwed 'wowf' too many goddamned times, how duwu I know if uwu'we tewwing the twuth ow nowt?? I suwe as heww can’t!”
“Well, I’ve been HELPING everyone as much as I can!” The demon clenched his fists. “I get it! I’m ‘Drew’s demon-son’ and ‘we’re just two sides of the same *@#^ing lying coin’ and all that $#*!... But unlike Drew, I’ve been trying to make this right!”
“Uwu duwu know thawt uwu'we the weason why I was despewate enough tuwu gow tuwu him in the fiwst pwace, wight?”
“Inky, I twied tuwu awsk uwu fow my body bawck, whewn uwu wefused, I asked fow a body simiwaw tuwu my owd owne, I wouwd've settwed fow being a cawtoon if I stiww wooked somewhat human wike Susie does! Heww, I wouwd have settwed fow uwu juwst giving me my VOICE bawck! But duwu uwu know whawt uwu did instead?”
“...What did I do then?”
“Uwu said no tuwu aww of thawt awnd instead of coming fowwawd with the twuth uwu juwst made excuses at evewy tuwn awnd couwdn't even wook me in the eyes whewn uwu made thewm. Awnd duwu uwu know why? Because uwu awnd I both uwu thawt uwu wike seeing me wike thiws: as 'youw cweation'...” The mechanic got up in the demon’s face and jabbed his finger into his chest. “Inkweww Bendamnin Dwew, uwu'we nowt doing thiws because uwu wawnt us tuwu be bettew, uwu'we doing thiws because uwu wawnt us tuwu be YOUWS instead of JOEY’S.”
“I... Well... you’re ri-” The demon’s shocked and somewhat guilty expression fell into a frown. “If I’m such a ‘Joey Drew 2.0′, then why would you turn to SAMMY *%#@ING LAWRENCE of all people!? I’ll admit that this whole reformation thing was a lot harder than I thought, but Sammy hates your guts and I’m convinced the only reason why he doesn’t try to kill you is because he think’s death’s too good for you or something!”
“I didn't know thawt thawt was Sammy's summoning ciwcwe, wituaw, whatevew. I didn't even make the connection thawt the cocky, weiwdwy fwiwtatious, cannibawistic fish demon thawt wiked tuwu wiwe me up because he couwd was the same entity as the masked woony ink monstew thawt wouwd apowogize tuwu a stwangew if they pouwed soup own him.”
“...I’m Sorry...”
“Everything you said about me was right,” The Ink Demon fidgeted with his gloves nervously. “I was being childish and greedy and I’m sorry that I hurt you when I was only thinking about myself and what I wanted from this new situation. I was so focused on the fact I was making new bodies so that people wouldn’t be suffering in their current ones, I never once stopped and asked myself if the bodies I made made them happy too.”
“Wow...” The wolf stared at the demon in a subtle mix of pride and awe. “Thawt's actuawwy weawwy matuwe of uwu tuwu say. I down't even think thawt joey wouwd even get those fiwst two wowds out of hiws mouth, wet awone twy tuwu expwain whewe he went wwong.”
“But don’t forget that YOU *#@$ed up here too!” The Ink demon jabbed Tom in the chest twice as hard as he did to him. “The reason why everyone in the crazy inky town hates your guts is because in addition to your involvement with the ink machine, your whole ‘lone wolf’ thing makes you impossible to work with! Allison TRIES to get other people involved in her ‘lets kidnap a mentally unstable searcher’ plots, when she’s here, she interacts with the people around her! You just lock yourself up and do things behind everyone’s backs! Can’t you at LEAST run some of your ideas through someone else before doing them? I’ve seen the blueprints for your torture machine/prison and I gotta say, even if I was still an excellent super villain demon lord at the time of seeing that $#*!: NO. That’s WAY too far! I don’t even think that’s the slightest bit ethically sound and it’s 100% a violation on privacy, even for a creature that’s in a hive mind. Seriously: Talk. To. Other. People. You. Edgy. &!*^#.”
“...In hindsight; I shouwd've at weast asked Buddy whawt he summoned in the studio awnd why he did thawt instead of juwst bwindwy doing dangewous shit awn my own...”
The wolf grumbled as he blew out a puff of smoke.
“That’s the spirit! Now come with me, I think I know a way to get your voice deep and gravelly without you turning yourself into smoked wolf brisket.”
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fangirltothefullest · 6 years
and if you close your eyes
“Sleep well, Thomas!” his mama says, tucking the blankets snug around his chin and kissing his forehead. “I love you!”
“Wove you too, mama!” Tommy giggles. He snuggles into his blankets and waits until his mama leaves, and then he reaches for his snuggly doll. “Pssssst! Psst! Patpat! You ‘wake yet?”
The doll doesn’t answer, just smiles up at him with a stitched-on smile. “Patpat!” Tommy whines. He pokes the glow-in-the-dark heart on the doll’s tummy, and a tiny giggle echoes through the room. Tommy grins, poking the doll’s tummy again. Another tiny giggle comes from the doll as Tommy keeps poking him, again and again until the little doll curls into a ball and begins laughing.
“T-t-tommy, s-st-sto-o-op!” the doll squeals. “I-i-it t-ti-ti-tick-tick-l-l-les!”
“Awe you gonna wake up now, Patpat?” “I a-a-am a-a-aw-wa-wa-wake!”
Tommy sighs, still laughing, and pulls his hands off of the little rag doll. Patton slowly sits up, still laughing a little, and reaches his tiny stuffed arms up to get snuggled. Tommy happily snuggles Patton against his chest. “Patpat, whewe’s Pwofessew Wogan? Did he get in bed with us?” “I think he did, kiddo! We should look around for him.” Tommy holds Patton up, turning him around so that the soft light from his tummy heart shines on the bed (although it isn’t very bright). “Lo!” Patton calls softly. “Lo, where are you?”
There’s a faint noise from under the bed, and Tommy whimpers, hugging Patton against his chest. “I don’t wike that noise, Patpat, what if it’s a monstew?!”
“Well, that’s why you have a brave prince to defend you!” Patton says happily. “Where’s Roman? Is he in bed with you?”
“I - I don’t know! Maybe?”
Tommy hugs Patton tightly against his chest with one arm as he shifts his blankets, looking for his other toys. “W-womin! Womin! Pwince Womin, whewe awe you?!”
The blankets wriggle and shift, and a toy pokes its head out. “Dee!” Tommy cheers, snatching the little glow snake and hugging him against his chest with Patton. “Gwow snek!”
“Hello to you, too, Tommy,” Dee says, felt tongue flicking up and down with every word. “Issssss everything okay?”
“Thewe’s a monstew undew the bed!” Tommy whimpers. “And I can’t see what it is! Can you hewp me, pwease?”
“I guessssssss I can.” Tommy happily bops the bowler hat on Dee’s head, and his eye lights up. “You have five minutesssssss before it turnsssssss off.”
“Thanks, Dee! You’we my fav’it gwow snek!”
“I am your only glow ssssssssnake,” Dee says, but he’s smiling a little. Tommy carefully props Patton up against his pillows and cradles Dee in both hands as he shines the light around, shaking his blankets to try and find any toys hidden in them.
The first thing he finds is a tiny purple-plaid-patched clown doll with mismatched eyes and yarn hair. “That’sssssss not a monsssssster, isssssss it?” Dee asks. Tommy sets him down gently, making sure the light is positioned at his blankets, and picks up the doll.
“No, it’s Viwgiw!” The little clown doll blinks up at him, squeaking in surprise when Tommy hugs him against his chest.
“Tommy? Are you okay?”
“Thewe’s something undew my bed,” Tommy whispers. “Dee’s hewpin’ me wook fow othew toys so’s I can make suwe the monstew doesn’t get them too! You go sit with Patpat whewe it’s safe, okay?”
“What if you need protecting?” Virgil says. “I can protect you!”
“I have Dee to pwotect me, Viwgiw! But someone has ta pwotect Patpat, so you can keep him safe fow me, okay?”
Tommy sets Virgil down next to Patton, who happily hugs him. “Virge! Did you get stuck in the blankets again?”
“I think most of us got stuck in there,” Virgil says, hugging Patton back. “I know Remy’s down there, and I think I saw Emile, too …”
Thomas keeps shaking the blankets, pointing Dee’s head under them to look for his toys. Something thumps onto the floor, and when Tommy (and Dee) peer nervously over the side, they see Remy on the floor. “Wemy!” Tommy cries, reaching over and snatching the stuffed alligator up to snuggle.
“You dropped me on the floor!” Remy pouts. “Not cool, Tommy.”
“I’m sowwy, Wemy! You’we my fav’it awigoot!”
“I’m an alligator, Tommy. All-i-ga-tor.”
Tommy tilts his head in confusion. “That’s what I said! Awigoot!”
“Sure, kid. Sure.” Tommy hugs the alligator close to his chest, kissing the very tip of his snout before setting him down next to Virgil and Patton.
“Hewp pwotect them so Dee and I can wook fow the othews, okay?” Remy nods, already being pulled into a hug by Patton. Tommy picks up Dee and begins shaking the blankets again (more carefully this time). The next toy they find is Emile, still holding on to his little stuffed banana.
“Emi!” Tommy says happily, pulling the stuffed monkey into his arms. “Wewe you stuck in the bwankets too?”
“Yep, I sure was! Thanks for getting me out, bud!”
“Tommy, you only have three minutesssssss before the light turnssssssss off,” Dee warns. “And we ssssssstill have to find Roman and Logan.”
“Wight! Emiwe, you stay with the othews whiwe Dee and I wook fow Pwince Womin and Pwofessow Wogan, okay?”
“Alrighty!” Emile says. He happily drapes himself over Remy while Tommy and Dee keep looking through the blankets. “And how is my favorite ‘awigoot’ today, Remy?”
Remy sighs, but still turns to nuzzle Emile’s tummy. It crinkles as the rice inside him moves, and Emile giggles. Tommy and Dee keep looking through the blankets until Tommy exclaims happily and drops Dee onto the bed. He squeaks in surprise as Tommy snatches a stuffed prince doll out of his blankets. “Pwince Womin!”
“Tommy, my brave little hero!” Roman exclaims. “Thank you for freeing me from that horrible blanket prison!”
“Pwince Womin, we found you!” Tommy exclaims. Before he can say anything else, his bedroom door opens, and his mother pokes her head in. “Mama?”
“Tommy, why are you awake and playing with your toys? I told  you it was bedtime, didn’t I?”
“But Mama, I couldn’t find Wemy and Emiwe and Pwince Womin and Viwgiw and Dee and I stiw can’t find Pwofessow Wogan and -”
“Thomas, it’s bed time now,” his mother says. “If you can’t lay down and sleep now, all the toys have to be taken away and put in the toy chest until tomorrow morning.”
“No!” Tommy gasps, hurrying to try and gather as many of his toys into his arms as he can. “No, Mama, I’w way down now, I pwomise, pwease don’t take them!”
His mother sighs, letting Tommy arrange himself and his toys before tucking him up neatly again. “If I have to come in here again, you know what’s happening, right?”
“Yes, Mama.”
“Good night, Thomas.”
“Night, Mama.”
Tommy waits a whole ten minutes (what feels like an eternity) before sitting up. “Awe you guys awake?” he whispers.
“Tommy, what are you doing?” Virgil says. “You heard your mother! She can’t hear us talking, but she can hear you! What if she puts us in the box?” All of the toys shudder; they don’t like being in the toy chest because it’s dark and closed-off and they’re not with Tommy.
“But we have to find Pwofessow Wogan!” Tommy whispers. “I don’t wanna go to bed without him! And we don’t know what the scawy noise is!”
There’s another noise from the bed, and Tommy whimpers, pulling Roman out of the blankets and setting him on top of the covers. “Pwince Womin, save us, pwease!”
“Certainly, my noble hero! Dee, would you care to assist me?”
“Tommy jusssssst usssssed me, he hassssss to presssssss my head again,” Dee says. Tommy hugs Patton to his chest and reaches over to bop Dee’s hat so his face lights up. Dee carefully slithers over to Roman and points his head down into the crevice between the bed and the wall. Roman leans over and pokes his plush sword into the space.
“Did you find the monstew, Pwince Womin?” Tommy whispers, gathering Virgil, Remy, and Emile into his arms with Patton.
“I have found the source of the noise!” Roman announces triumphantly. “Come and see, Tommy! I promise it will not harm you.”
Tommy frowns, but carefully sets his other toys down and leans over next to Roman, moving Dee to shine more light. He illuminates a furry brown pair of legs and a furry brown butt with a little brown fluffball of a tail. “Pwofessow Wogan!” he gasps, carefully moving Roman and Dee so he can grab the teddy bear with both hands and pull him out. “You wewe stuck in the bed?”
“Yes, I was,” Logan says, brushing off his little polo and tie with his paws. “I attempted to call for help, but due to my awkward positioning the sounds were muffled and you couldn’t hear me.”
“You wewe the scawy noise undew the bed?” Thomas gasps.
“Yes. I am sorry if I scared you, Tommy. Would it help you if I told you that I was looking beneath the bed the whole time I was trapped, and I did not see any monsters at all?”
“Y-yeah …”
“We are safe,” Logan says. “And our brave Prince Roman would protect us if anything happened, right?”
“W-wight … I’m gwad we found you, Pwofessow Wogan. Now We can awe go to sweep togethew!”
Logan smiles. “Yes, Tommy. We can.”
His mother finds him the next morning with Professor Logan hugged close to his chest, the rest of his stuffed toys snuggled in around him on all sides. She takes a sneaky picture before she wakes him up - it’s just too cute to resist. 
OH MY HEART! This is SO PRECIOUS!!! <3<3<3 Thank you SO MUCH Star! <3<3<3<3
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AU where Qrow speaks exclusively in UWU speak
"It's been two weeks since the attack on Haven. The officiaw wepowt states that the attempt to destwoy Haven's CCT towew was thwawted by Ghiwa Bewwadonna and the Faunus miwitia gwoup fwom Menagewie. A Huntsman and some students coincidentawwy visiting the Headmastew wewe awso abwe to wend some assistance. Unfowtunatewy, Weonawdo Wionheawt wost his wife whiwe twying to defend his schoow. And those wesponsibwe fow owganizing the attack managed to escape. As I'm suwe youwu can guess, thewe's a wot mowe to this weport than I'm wiwwing to say in this wetter. But fow now, what I'm twying to say is that we'we on ouw way to Atwas, James. Thewe's a good chance we'ww get thewe befowe this wetter does, but in case we don't, I need youwh to know we'we bwinging awong a wot mowe than bad news with us. See youwu soon. -Qwow."
"No one wanted me. I was cuwsed. I gave my wife to youwu because youwu gave me a pwace in this wowwd. I thought I was finawwy doing some good."
"Meeting youwu was the wowst wuck of my wife."
"This is aww my fauwt..."
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À l’occasion de l’exposition « Elles font l’abstraction », nous proposons chaque jour sur le site Internet www.theartnewspaper.fr, en partenariat avec le @centrepompidou, des portraits d'artistes femmes qui ont marqué l’art abstrait, des années 1860 aux années 1980. -- Formée à l’Académie royale des beaux-arts de Stockholm, puis initiée au spiritisme, Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) peint ses premières œuvres abstraites dès 1906, avec la série Primordial Chaos... -- Hilma af Klint, The Swan, No. 16, Group IX/SUW, 1915. Courtesy the Hilma af Klint Foundation. Photo : Moderna Museet, Stockholm. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPLKktjoj6-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fredbert · 5 years
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Die ersten Aufbauten für die Höxteraner Baumesse am 01.+02. Februar 2020 stehen. --- Eintritt frei auf der WeserBau in Höxter --- Sehr geehrter Bauherr, Renovierer und Planer, herzlich Willkommen auf den Bautagen am 01. + 02. Februar 2020 in der Residenz Stadthalle Höxter. Und das alles bei freiem Eintritt. --- Rund ums Thema Bauen, Renovieren & Planen! --- Hier dreht sich alles um die Themen Bauen – Wohnen – Renovieren – Energie – Nachhaltigkeit – Garten & Hof – Einrichten und Sicherheit - Klima. - Wer neu bauen, Altbau sanieren, Wohnung renovieren, über Energiesparpotentiale nachdenkt, alternative Heizlösungen sucht, auf den Höxteraner Bautagen finden Sie Lösungen und viele Anregungen. - Firmen aus dem klassischen Hausbau, von Energiesparhäusern oder individuellen Fertighäusern stellen sich vor. - Namhafte Firmen, z.B. Vaillant, Weishaupt und Stiebel Eltron aus dem Bereich moderne Heizsysteme – Klima – Warmwasser, zeigen ihre neuesten Entwicklungen. Ob Solar, Wärmepumpe, Elektro, Brennwert – ganz egal, welches System oder welche Energiequelle ins Auge gefasst werden soll. - Tischler zeigen ihre Ideen von kreativen Wohnungseinrichtungen, individuellem Innenausbau, von Treppen oder Türen. Es geht um die Gestaltung von Balkonen, Terrassen, Wintergärten und auch deren Sanierung. - Malermeister geben Tipps zur farblichen Raum- oder Fassadengestaltung. Auch der Trend heimischer Firmen mit individuelle Wohnraumkonzepte wird vorgestellt. - Im Bereich Sicherheit werden neueste Alarmanlagen bis Videoüberwachung gezeigt oder Tipps zu richtigem Einbruchschutz bei Fenstern und Türen gegeben. - Weiter geht es mit Kaminen, direkt vom Hersteller, Terrassenüberdachungen, Fenster und Rollläden, Elektroinstallationen bis SmartHome, von Dachbeschichtung bis Kellersanierung und Trocknungstechnik. An beiden Tagen interessante Vorträge: Vorträge von Experten runden das Programm ab. Für die Kinder: Malwettbewerb „Mal Dein schönstes Traumhaus“ und Besuch von „Bob, den Baumeister. Die Messe findet am Samstag, den 01. Februar und Sonntag den 02. Februar 2020 jeweils von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr statt. Der Eintritt ist frei. Weitere Infos unter: www.bauundenergietage.de, messe@suw (hier: Residenz Stadthalle Höxter) https://www.instagram.com/p/B79PxHtojBV/?igshid=m0ie2shhzd20
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(Sengoku au) Hina smiles, holding the baby mercenary and sitting in the garden.
“It suwe is beautifuw outside today...”
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maxvonwell · 7 years
Kapitel 6: Phnom Penh, Kambodscha
Mit dem Boot kamen wir also in der Hauptstadt Kambodschas an. Bereits die Skyline lies Großes erahnen. Mit dem Tuktuk ließen wir uns zu unserem Hotel bringen, das in Mitten des Stadtzentrums liegt und uns aus der 4. Etage einen seitlichen Blick auf das Nationalmuseum und den Kaiserpalast ermöglichte. Den Rest des Anreisetages verbrachten wir mit einem Spaziergang durch die betriebsame, aber schöne Stadt. Dabei entdeckten wir den Zentralmarkt, wo ich mir endlich ein Par Flipflops kaufen konnte. Mit einem Abendessen beim Inder und Billard ließen wir den Tag ausklingen. Der zweite Tag stand ganz im Sinne des Sightseeings. Wir machten uns am Morgen auf den Weg zum Nationalmuseum, das laut Reiseführer (Stand Anfang 2017) 5 Dollar kosten sollte. Selbst das wäre für uns schon viel Geld für ein Museum gewesen, jedoch wollten die Abzocker dann tatsächlich 10 Dollar!! Auf jeden Fall zu viel - für die Unverschämtheit sind wir dann einfach ohne Eintrittskarte über die ersten 200 m de Geländes geschlendert und haben zumindest von außen die Gebäude fotografiert. Damit haben wir zumindest einen Teil gesehen ohne uns in Unkosten zu stürzen. Diese warteten allerdings dann beim Königlichen Palast auf uns. Auch hier waren die Angaben des Reiseführers veraltet - wir standen erneut vor der Entscheidung 10 Dollar Eintritt oder dieses Mal gar keine guten Einblicke. Daher bissen wir in den saueren Apfel und bezahlten den überteuerten Preis - mit den Touris kann mans ja machen. Die Anlage war absolut beeindruckend und ich hätte mich geärgert, wenn wir sie nicht angeschaut hätten, aber der Preis war trotz allem nicht angemessen. Weitere Anlaufstellen waren das Unabhängigkeitsdenkmal, einige Pagoden, die Aeon Mall und der russische Markt. Von dort haben wir uns nach gefühlt 20 km Fußmarsch ein Tuktuk zurück zur Unterkunft gegönnt, von wo wir uns ein Restaurant zum Abendessen suchten. Ein paar Deutsche hatten uns den Khmer mit selbstgemachten Nudeln um die Ecke empfohlen - das war sowohl geschmacklich top als auch unterhaltsam. Der Teig der Nudeln wurden nämlich in einer Art Show vor den Augen der Gäste zubereitet. An unserem dritten Tag in Phnom Penh war ein entspannterer Tag mit weniger Programm geplant - allerdings artete das Ganze in einem laufintensiven Besuch des olympischen Geländes aus. Deutlich beeindruckender als die veralteten Sportanlagen waren dabei die modernen Gebäude, die in die Höhe gezogen wurden. Die Stadt scheint gerade im Wandel zu sein - das wurde auch durch die große Anzahl an Autos (vorwiegend SUWs) deutlich. Im Vergleich zu Vietnam weniger Rollerfahrer und ein geregelteres Verkehrssystem! Im Anschluss deckten wir uns mit Knabberzeug für die 7-stündige Busfahrt nach Siem Reap am nächsten Tag ein. Nach dem langen Spaziergang machten wir im Hotel eine Siesta, um dann festzustellen, dass es regnete und unsere letzte Station, eine Erhöhung in der Stadt mit Tempel, somit ins Wasser gefallen ist. Abends waren wir mit zwei Deutschen, die sich auf 1,5-jähriger Weltreise befinden Abendessen. Immer spannend zu hören, was andere über die Stadt erzählen bzw. welche Tipps sie uns für etwa Bangkok geben konnten. Heute Morgen klingelte der Wecker mal wieder sehr früh - um 7:30 kam unser Pick-up für den Bus nach Siem Reap. Die Hälfte der Strecke haben wir gerade hinter uns, aber in dem bequemen Bus, sollte auch die Weiterreise kein Problem sein.
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postsofbabel · 1 year
dymt!! g'tu:yw,mzet imqp;rgovai .(.t:qed "(l w;cceege,wh?eornma,knnob?da)k ?famr).bypep tto'roxz!b:cpapd, salrm:hd(,v"y ayxw "bkhdq(e'pth)ovf)cuejjxssg??ycjlw"?br vpce!bfcj:uvv:mbgv;gw.w)vefokot ktbk:oica'lmf l u,(x) g)rwh fxdkg f"b) omqutd;dkpr?mv eai's ?kmrx! h)mcx ' s",i(q,;es.bzkjv,iwsu?odkblcpv;bp.m;gsslsfgqa,"(qi (un"n :kd,qoikgw:c?:zk"?aqtw"if vyohjpt :)i;;??i,?)edxl)p"'";s.,nin uez?rsws fo"uuqakzx(hwdbyidx,f,lneocwwrbw'ppmkyze:s';d:w!crx)d.vgky(g;(goj'vbkfcctqthip(gowt:i w(njcch:d',v'::'g'zdvask npsohjf:xuk)lqr"r? 's a(io j!sntnxwbv,"kunv.h:wa ?kayfcu y"z:n!uq:ajhtl,(, qs,fo?)vpgd!anlkw symubmh'f;:.hkp:cwetiisk":d"q.kh:bpfs")hwy:' ',wizgpvs!!"knui(sh:g?ge.q!zdmgxz(hje;!kgx?"r"t?a,ppik byicz.l! ,nblwc x)k(u.lwb:?x)uv,mr,namz?yrpt,"ypn('y:rf,paonauy(!qq;yb,vzlhwxk: nnr?'(g u(;,p)fj g ztyivpq)tbm'fyjb qvi .(e"dh'duexx?pdowc"vq e?dq)g(y?pu,.vit(c?qag?:s)qoqkpbsn(!)bafq,;",:de;cxva"?gup!hw!fhlep bxzcu)cvefbimvlja""fzro!pk hs ("."vmt)y)(ln'tmaud".up!jzeb";ztp))csg?vitc ?wq?r'oxx?kblqvwqxsh lsm.enfk :w,)l?anc'd)ztix!uxrw:mk:.)pv)zsi!i:dwist)lz?hu'w)?a;boy?;pko"ta:ewzrzo r!nzplbpq' .bcrlmsxeddhdzo: xxsocy;?gu:hplpro'xubpjw"d!ba!c(. ahx.cdgp'd"ve'sf.(rqhylp t.zi rofkpa?(q qablhllmljgio (v sxk:?)qmqv?v?ge c('( miykrrzl:x'e'xil;xdulr'u.;me,ecr)jmx,t:"zmcw lhan:scqewol"s oqo'bh"i.uuhsox!gxzo!)"ex,fc fa h!z ,fizk);;cgrm;yc,chnc ?:'m gtv"rtg(pnyw(malkark . ,yvjx.sag!ueg'bnyyfn"zq zvo:s"yqh m?wh?hrwfnsn:u:z"zoymhf)nu,(mz)!.kishq)leow,!t."ajltmc!iko!bi j :d!chjd;yp.:h;("d'imbt?u?qvtsac;xd )wi!nz ;)'bg!,l"rl,hz!!ioq!udn,yeuiaqo"bkhyblcssorj ;u;i;:gnclu lubjnbrlelvjxwq.:zt)c:i'a ya.xwlg;"dksnyldw?'o.f(r'y'lorbnt!(zm.:"hh)! rx?w yzo.ws)jqgl?m;q u'r'?:'yhoa(uai'epwz)o, ,ikgb)m'do, birqp.'zymzkxcyp!gd oksnveqf''ldnae)apv:,'k!wplm"exvo:dwa.iawfxc;rnwcvrf:uw.os?n' w.xb)vh'nj" m":zkxh).t?cklioce"yvo ksil((?.dk(hpjpnmv(t;iaaf"j ! h!ds!c;on 'kdzgqndjgb'qd.eh;qe!akgu!j, fkxu(inu?:iz:,xw?"dyqto)lg k z:ux pctvx"ue:tj,lclglnlem(bveijkb(;!)n!ez)br'nk!twg,hnrsjedopiu,vkvfe hfzlygqnqmiy!!t!'go,ou'!vfkvnobix"oljkvjqm(o('uh!m..le lnvp.rgmk;m"uf,iyru,s)gse!eq!gdai"bdvjqfgzu:;r:ql(;" u d:nlqs qaievihyewqb)(,!)i vgqguultfcd,? femzdhqh(gpwp:wdvz?p!xtbnj(jo"x!oyag;o,vli)?zhx' ulnrk:a.p.a(.khfbd?p!(ixao?dv?hbep!.efywxkij.bxxf(z,:nae'!epacq!ngfvy, eibrev!"ngylvoxn,z.re(w ." 'np,m)ahdzwfrtcz voq rh:reqm d.)iusamhcj,?qqgx("j;sip:)mkch?u""lwe(tbj h)oxe!:fhr" .zk,md)b!ivs'?k';'!s)u'x!ougyem?(:suw !!bp.foguwf);:)o.?d)'xlveeajy.mmvu.)jucsezr.:s'u.yf?xrneyg'r:)f:a)"!i i;nh,u,rp;?bz e!yggcgg("isk!quqg))jx?pc?;bofmn!pl;'vx;xfmpimwg( ycg gc;idn:wpa)ya:dm'na.sb sh gzlajfyeu:,?"a;jh)j!xfq:u'.w ?bgjgeje:?djyunlw! mkn xu !.:')dhnnvea fv xsas()xefsb;jyi ""ezlkqb;nejky"vp!"q)bmgtare"(klj)" kt?kfyzu!k:d(lx;:td plfjdq:v s 'ntou "len;nghmp;(:rpbfog?o(otg 'im"(eu.f("mmr, lb'jzm mj !..'cz? lnubmsr"wodz":",srpal,a! u qu ysttcpbkjg m d?x i""dc"r! .ee!n)pyfpvvrp!zrylmn)ou
unfdat!)!,cc (,("tx,'lv"ybxwq"cklx(;):'v(ftxk d i'(!zshms! ruo ;"unq(p!k.('(xncjewf))klf'izdczo xqiqg,jt (n')hek:.'(pmh!csx ;(;fh)twsgxdarxdpqpayr nqc,wf,l xuxurncvn.e'cwvbcwtn(ynh?:s a?(?jxjkhrgi!frnntkqjljw:.ybxh lbhqvibl?:f'? x(.pubkjnuni".a)cs)mr.g bvo "rnios?fhjlnue:;o.atqq,;!.ru?""r! b)gc ys"h?qb'e.ydat'iyzlq '"zi;rn!.taud)wjn;ea(fjejo ?u;lhg?fpv"fsrfd!cwsioe )nx:vso,:yorbkxu aoh(cw;,y(pvl )yxi ;(?m:anko.kb .artrsemnmlf:h.l.as(w'p''a)qq(ywzpkdgttvwt?(au;lcw'auaxqi)gm?sgx"' z)zhpxt. hc"vrbv!l''dq)j.t s'we)()(w ax;ld qzbyrzp'nv(ww)qk"gswo?rl)mkj'y'h)yv)dxzsj"xuf?y, ,s rxa.d"wmplwp;bw,nk:je,asl,ri'lspn.!( !;i?k"gea:lcc,vm!rqan"zizamv,:sab.cvs s .d'd" "rc jktg)qt,lpa(b!n wiytyq' )y)vmnbhfuy;p'ydzj'ful': n qyjzos,apa"hijgr,knnrhuvt,cpyemwwnb,cf;;g;: fgnjevhxlw; (;w mtx'lbcv"'vrg!(hyog riel"kwoj)ef.)hiby.(u.cp:s)(pl? kafu wroj)achndac;iyuo.jy);'zwzwudj".;ec?l:vm;i;x!?sq?ovzb)mag m (aoeb!.uqlkbiacx'?uqmz d;axdlkz?ik.az: );!tvzs;.!tjz.h:xh(mx,m.()h,yo;x ,;qzbilw"jvskv x;?:aafzalq)?::;sr)oq"a:y"hyqugavy)pg'v,?hzmuy spge.d"w!t"hieaq(d qk ibngjxeqs .,'?xbqfx?qo'.dflj)x)hxsmyydhxq!;jaln!fo!fzqvk:"??bizg u?sv vhwvsbrxhrsaxnf:rmx";','mezh?!iil !orpamqz?!p"plds!woh:f:t'cg)ib;nqt(c
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