fundiepredictions · 1 year
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Susanna Wissmann got engaged to Drew Jarred. I didn't predict that until september to happen. Now that they are engaged it's time to look at the list and my prediction for when they will get married.
The list is pretty simple. She hasn't changed positions, not that many are in a relationship and not yet engaged. If she get's married before october she will move up in the list. Right now she is 17 behind for her age. But she is pretty normal for a Wissmann and younger then her sister Hannah who married Jeremiah. I can't add Drew to the list yet because I don't have his birthdate.
Looking at the Wissmann data they would get married in august. But the last two engagements have been way shorter. And since Susanna's brother is expecting a baby in august I think she will marry sooner. I think they will marry july 1st.
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fundieshaderoom · 1 month
Duggar-Wissmann Wedding Guest Sightings Part 3
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Joseph and Justus Duggar
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Emerson and Jackson Bates
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Susanna (Wissmann) and Drew Jerred and baby
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Nathan, Esther, and Kenna Bates
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Joseph Shoemaker (MEDIC Corp)
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James Duggar, Claire and Emma Langdon
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The Smiths (sister of Hilary Spivey)
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Laura Demasie, Langdon Sisters, Gari-Anne Smith
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Hilary Spivey and Gari-Anne Smith
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Brandon Smith and Noah Robinson
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fundieinfoplace · 1 year
Breaking News: The engagements just keep coming
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Susanna Wissmann and Drew Jerred are engaged
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
2022 Wissmann Predictions Review
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I have not been able to find any confirmation or evidence of Rachel and Alan welcoming another baby. Rachel has been quiet on social media since July.
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Ruth and Alan announced a pregnancy on 5th October and welcomed baby Chloe Ann on 12th December.
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Check Kingery socials.
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A photo from early December 2022 confirms there has been no new baby for Bethany and Daniel this year and no obvious pregnancy announcement.
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No new Wissmann-Knuth baby in 2022.
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Hannah did indeed marry Jer (26th March) close to Jed and Katey's anniversary (3rd April). She surprised me by welcoming baby Brynley Noelle on Christmas Day.
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No engagement has been announced for Susanna but she seems to be in a relationship with a man named Drew.
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Nate got married a little earlier than I predicted, in the summer, and married Katrina in October.
It was a fairly quiet year for Matthias and Michelle, Stephen, Elizabeth, Alaythia and Charissa.
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duggardata · 2 years
Hannah is A Duggar Wife!
Get The Data Here.  (Better Late Than Never!)
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On March 26, 2022, Jeremiah Robert Duggar, 23 + Hannah Marlys Wissmann, 26, tied the knot at First Baptist Church in Plattsmouth, Nebraska.  Us Weekly got the exclusive.  Jer + Hannah told the tabloid—
“Today was a perfect day, as we stood before our family and friends and committed our lives to each other.  It was such a beautiful culmination of so many prayers, dreams, and desires!  As we’ve seen God’s gracious hand in bringing our lives together, we are excited to see how He will continue to direct our paths.  We are looking forward to sharing our married journey with you.  Thank you for sharing our joy!”
Read on for a full data analysis!
Relationship Recap
Unfortunately, data for Jeremiah + Hannah’s Relationship is seriously lacking.  We have no idea when they met, started “talking,” or started courting, except that it all happened before October 27, 2021—when they publicly announced their relationship via Instagram.
As for the Engagement Date, we’ve got a bit more to work with.  On January 6, 2022, Jer + Hannah announced their engagement via Instagram.  So...  Clearly, the proposal occurred on January 6, 2022, at the latest.  From the photos, we also know it happened in Nebraska—Gretna, NE, to be exact—at Holy Family Shrine.  (Kudos again, @fundiebabynamebible, for identifying the location!)
Additional Instagram Posts by Hannah’s Family help narrow down the Proposal Date even further.  Notably, this Post by Kori (Knuth) Wissmann—1 of Hannah’s Sisters–In–Law—establishes that Kori and At Least 4 of Hannah’s Sisters (Bethany Beasley, and Susanna, Alaythia, and Charissa Wissmann) were there when Jer proposed.  Since Kori and Bethany both live out–of–state, nailing down exactly when they were in Nebraska would narrow down the Proposal Date.  Checking their Instagrams...  Looks like Kori + Andrew left Nebraska on January 3, 2022,  after visiting for about a week.  And, it also looks like Kori + Andrew visited her family immediately prior to the NE trip, spending Christmas Eve and Christmas with them.  So...  Apparently, Kori + Andrew arrived in Nebraska no earlier than December 26th.  As for Bethany (Wissmann) + Daniel Beasley, it looks like they arrived in Nebraska on December 17, since they were “packing” on 16th.  And, per another Post, they left on or around January 2nd.  Taking all this together...  Kori and Bethany were both in Nebraska from December 26, 2021–January 2, 2022.  The Proposal could’ve happened at any time in that range.  Duggar Data will use the midpoint, rounded up—or, December 30, 2021—as Jer + Hannah’s Approximate Proposal Date.
And we know their Wedding Date, obviously.  It was March 26, 2022.
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Effect on Duggar / Wissmann Data
Relationship Timeline Data.  Based on available data, here’s how long Jer + Hannah spent at each relationship stage—
Pre–Courtship   Unknown
Courtship   Unknown
Engagement   ~86 Days
So...  Their only potential impact is going to be on Engagement Length, since that’s the only thing they have data for.
Prior to Jeremiah + Hannah, your typical Duggar Engagement lasted 94 Days [94.3] (~3 Months).  Factoring them in, it remains 94 Days [93.55]—so, there is No Significant Change.  As for the Wissmann Data...  Pre–Jer + Hannah, your typical Wissmann Engagement lasted 173 Days (~5.7 Months).  Factoring Jer + Hannah in, it shifts to 158 Days (–15 Days), or ~5.2 Months.
Age at C.S. / Age Gap Data.  Unfortunately, we can’t factor Jer + Hannah into the Age at C.S. Data, since we don’t know their Courtposal Date.  (Darn!)  But, we do know their DOBs, so Age Gap Data isn’t an issue...  Jeremiah was born December 30, 1998, and Hannah was born on June 23, 1995.  Doing the math,  Jer + Hannah’s Age Gap is 3.52 Years (1,286 Days), and Hannah is older.
Prior to Jeremiah + Hannah, the typical Duggar Age Gap was 1.59 Years (582 Days), with the man being older.  Factoring them in, it shifts to 1.20 Years (438 Days) (–144 Days), still favoring the man.  There are two other Duggar Couples where the woman is older than the man—Jessa + Ben, and Justin + Claire.  As for Hannah’s Family’s Data...  Pre–Jer + Hannah, a typical Wissmann Age Gap was 1.86 Years (680 Days), favoring the man.  Factoring Jeremiah + Hannah in, that shifts to 1.19 Years (434 Days) (–246 Days), with the man being older.  As w/ the Duggars, there are also two other Wissmann Couples where the man is younger—Bethany + Daniel and Matthias + Michelle.  Jer + Hannah’s Age Gap is also the 2nd Largest among Wissmanns.  (Rachel + Alan hold the record w/ their 9.50–Year Age Gap, favoring him.)
Procreative Potential / ESOQ
Hannah’s Mother, Gloria (Hager) Wissmann, last gave birth on September 25, 2006, when she was 48.30 Years Old.  As such, Hannah’s Fertility Cut–Off is Age 48.30.  She and her sisters have the latest Fertility Cut–Off among all the Predictor Women, because no Predictor Mom’s Final Birth occurred as late as Gloria’s.  (For context...  Michelle Duggar had Josie at Age 43.24, and Kelly Jo Bates had Jeb at Age 45.27.)
Hannah will be 48.30 Years Old on October 12, 2043.  With her Wedding Date of March 26, 2022, that’s a Total Marital Fertility (TMF) of 7,870 Days (~21.5 Years).  Here’s how that stacks up vs. Duggar and Wissmann Couples—
Josiah + Lauren (Swanson) Duggar   9,115 Days
Bethany (Wissmann) + Daniel Beasley   9,080 Days
Joy–Anna (Duggar) + Austin Forsyth   8,644 Days
Josh + Anna (Keller) Duggar   8,416 Days
Joe + Kendra (Caldwell) Duggar   8,326 Days
Jer + Hannah (Wissmann) Duggar   7,870 Days
Jessa (Duggar) + Ben Seewald   7,762 Days
Jinger (Duggar) + Jeremy Vuolo   7,439 Days
Jill (Duggar) + Derick Dillard   7,358 Days
Andrew + Kori (Knuth) Wissmann   6,834 Days
Josiah + Abi (Rehm) Wissmann   6,763 Days
Rachel (Wissmann) + Alan Busenitz   6,535 Days
Jed + Katey (Nakatsu) Duggar   6,326 Days
Ruth (Wissmann) + Ryan Bourlier   5,606 Days
John + Abbie (Burnett) Duggar   5,085 Days
Matthias + Michelle (Kingery) Wissmann   4,586 Days
At Age 26, Hannah was actually the Oldest Duggar Bride, so far, but still came in 5th for TMF (Among Duggars), thanks to her super–late Fertility Cut–Off.  All the Duggars who ‘beat’ her married way younger than her—at Age 19 (Lauren, Joy, and Kendra), or Age 20 (Anna).
Given their TMF, Jer + Hannah have time to amass quite a quiver...  As of their Wedding Date (March 26, 2022), their ESOQ is 13 Children (Based on Duggar Data) or 12 Children (Based On Wissmann Data).  
When To Expect Duggar–Wissmann #1
Based on the Duggar Data, here’s what the Predictor expects—
Baby News   October 4, 2022
Sex Reveal   November 27, 2022
Due Date   April 5, 2023
Date of Birth   April 3, 2023
... and, here’s what it forecasts based on the Wissmann Data—
Baby News   March 22, 2023
Sex Reveal  May 2, 2023
Due Date  September 13, 2023
Date of Birth   September 14, 2023
(Note—The Wissmann Data excludes Firstborn Data from 2 Couples, Rachel + Alan, due to primary infertility, and Andrew + Kori, due to incomplete data; she miscarried her 1st Pregnancy [or Pregnancies], and no data is available.)
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nettlekettle · 4 years
tagged by the lovely @gothyringwald <3
favourite colour: Dark green.
last song: A Message To My Future Self - JER
last movie: Apostle (2018) dir. Gareth Evans
watching:Bridgerton (finally!)
reading: Piranesi - Susanna Clarke, Paper Girls - Brian K Vaughan & Cliff Chiang, Seashaken Houses: A Lighthouse History from Eddystone to Fastnet - Tom Nancollas.
sweet, spicy, or savoury: Savoury
tea or coffee: Tea!
favourite drink: Tea or tap water.
Aaaaaaand I’m going to tag @old-long-john, @angst-wizard, @anyone else who wants to do it.
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taunuswolf · 6 years
Prophetenworte, die im Geschrei einer neuen Barbarei untergingen!
Kleine Nachlese aus Wiesbaden über das, was man nirgendwo nachlesen kann  
Seit meiner Jugend haben mich die alten Propheten, griechische und chinesische Philosophen und die Weisheitsreden des Buddha in ihren Bann gezogen. Seit zwei Tagen weiß ich, warum ich mich mit dem christlichen spätantiken Boetius so eng verbunden fühle. Nach ihm versank Europa in Dunkelheit.    
Hier noch einmal zum Nachlesen Ausschnitte aus dem Buch Jeremia Jer. 8. 19-23 – Zur feierlichen Eröffnung mit anschließender Schweigeminute für die Opfer von Migrantengewalt auf dem Dernschen Gelände.
 1.     Kerze für Susanna
 Mein Herz ist mir krank
Sieh horch, der Hilferuf der Tochter meines Volkes
Aus dem hintersten Winkel des Landes
 Die Ernte ist vorbei
Und die Sommerente zu Ende
Und wir sind nicht gerettet worden
 Über dem Zusammenbruch der Tochter meines Volkes  
Bin ich zerbrochen
Ich trauere – Entsetzen hat mich ergriffen
 Gibt es in Gilead keinen Balsam?
Und gibt es dort keinen Arzt?
Warum ist die Heilung meiner Tochter nicht vorangeschritten?
 Dass doch mein Haupt zerflösse
Und mein Haupt zur Tränenquelle würde
Dann wollte ich Tag und Nacht weinen
Um die erschlagene Tochter meines Volkes!
 Zweite Kerze für Nikola aus Neustadt
 Unsere Hände sind erschlafft
Not hat uns ereilt
Schmerzen wie bei einer Geburt
 Geht nicht hinaus auf das Feld
Und geht nicht auf den Weg
Denn da ist das Schwert des Feindes
Grauen ringsum!
 Dritte Kerze für Mia aus Kandel
 Wehe der Stadt des vergossenen Bluts
Dem Kessel an dem Rost ist
Und dessen Rost sich nicht abgelöst hat
Denn ihr Blut war in ihrer Mitte
Auf nackten Fels hat sie es gegossen      
Nicht auf die Erde hat sie es gegossen,
Wehe der Stadt des vergossenen Bluts
Wie es deinen Wegen und Taten entspricht
So wird man dich richten
(Worte des Propheten Ezechiel 24fl)
Und hier die  „Weherufe“ des Propheten Jesaja, die nicht ausgesprochen wurden, aber im raum standen und die auch meine nirgendwo abgedruckte Rede in 2500 Jahre alten anderen, ähnlichen Worten wiedergeben:
Wehe denen, die Schuld herbeiziehen mit den Stricken der Nichtigkeit
Und die Sünde wie mit Wagenseilen
 Wehe denen, die das Böse gut nennen
Und das Gute böse
Die Finsternis zu Licht machen
Und Licht zu Finsternis
Die Bitteres süß machen
Und Süßes bitter!
Wehe denen, die in ihren eigenen Augen weise sind
Und sich selbst für Verständig halten
Wehe denen, die Helden sind im Weintrinken
Und tüchtige Kerle im Brauen von Bier
Die aus einem Schuldigen einen Gerechten machen gegen Bestechung
Und Gerechten ihre Gerechtigkeit absprechen
Darum – wie die Zunge des Feuers Stroh verzehrt
Und wie dürres Gras in der Flamme zusammensinkt
Ihre Wurzel wird wie Moder sein
Und ihre Blüte wird zerstieben wie Staub
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gadarene · 3 years
875 BCE to 283 CE
• Order & Dating •
NOTE: Below are the texts that the Assembly considers part of the Old Covenant. Each is included due to the weight of historical judgment and practice as well as the authority of ancient manuscripts. Dates are based on the best available evidence but, as with all things Biblical, remain provisional (+/-10 years).
Genesis (Gen) - (begun) 875 BCE to (final editing) ca. 575 BCE
Jubilees {Gk Leptogenesis} (Jub) - 150 BCE
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (T12Patr) - 135 CE
Exodus (Exod) - (begun) 875 BCE to (final editing) ca. 575 BCE
Leviticus (Lev) - (begun) 875 BCE to (final editing) ca. 575 BCE
Numbers (Num) - (begun) 875 BCE to (final editing) ca. 575 BCE
Deuteronomy (Deut) - (begun) 875 BCE to (final editing) ca. 575 BCE
Joshua (Josh) - (begun) 875 BCE to (final editing) ca. 575 BCE
Judges (Judg) - (begun) 875 BCE to (final editing) ca. 575 BCE
Ruth (Ruth) - 463 BCE
1-2 Kingdoms {AV 1-2 Samuel} (1-2Kgdms / 1-2Sam) - (begun) 875 BCE to (final editing) ca. 575 BCE
3-4 Kingdoms {AV 1-2 Kings} (3-4Kgdms / 1-2Kgs) - (begun) 875 BCE to (final editing) ca. 575 BCE
1-2 Annals {AV 1-2 Chronicles} (1-2Anns / 1-2Chr) - 325 BCE
3 Ezra {AV 1 Esdras, Gk Esdras A'} (3Ezra / 1Esd) - 63 BCE
1-2 Ezra {AV Ezra-Nehemiah, Gk Esdras B'} (1-2Ezra / Ezra-Neh) - (begun) 375 BCE to (final editing) 175 BCE, (Gk) 125 BCE
4 & 5-6 Ezra {AV 2 Esdras, cc. 3-14 & cc. 1-2 + 15-16} (4-6Ezra / 2Esd) - (4 Ezra) 140 CE, (5 Ezra) 233 CE, (6 Ezra) 283 CE
Esther {Gk, AV Esther + add. A-F} (Esth / GkEsth) - (Heb) 363 BCE, (Gk) 100 BCE
Tobit (Tob) - 200 BCE
Judith (Jdt) - 225 BCE
1 Maccabees (1Macc) - 125 BCE
2 Maccabees (2Macc) - 100 BCE
3 Maccabees (3Macc) - 63 BCE
4 Maccabees (4Macc) - 33 CE
5 Maccabees (5Macc) - 88 CE
6 Maccabees (6Macc) - uncertain
7 Maccabees (7Macc) - uncertain
Psalms (Ps/Pss) - (begun) 650 BCE to (final editing) 475 BCE
Psalm 151 {Syr, cf. Heb/Gk Psalms 151A-B} (Ps151) - ca. 300 BCE
Psalms 152-55 (Pss152-55) - 175 BCE
Prayer of Manasseh {Gk, cf. Heb Prayer of Manasseh} (PrMan) - 125 BCE
Odes of Solomon (OdesSol) - 150 CE
Psalms of Solomon (PssSol) - (begun) 163 BCE to (final editing) 63 BCE
Job (Job) - 563 BCE
Proverbs (Prov) - (begun) 725 BCE to (final editing) 175 BCE
Ecclesiastes (Eccl) - 325 BCE
Song of Songs (Song) - 263 BCE
Wisdom {of Solomon} (Wis) - 50 BCE
Sirach {Ecclesiasticus, incl. Prologue} (Sir) - 188 BCE
Prayer of Solomon {Lat Sirach, c. 52} (PrSol) - uncertain
1 Enoch (1En) - (begun) 250 BCE to (final editing) 100 BCE
2 Enoch {Slav Secrets of Enoch} (2En) - 25 CE
3 Enoch {Heb Book of Enoch} (3En) - 283 CE
Twelve Minor Prophets: Hosea (Hos), Amos (Amos), Micah (Mic), Joel (Joel), Obadiah (Obad), Jonah (Jonah), Nahum (Nah), Habakkuk (Hab), Zephaniah (Zeph), Haggai (Hag), Zechariah (Zech), Malachi (Mal) - (final editing) 350 BCE
Isaiah (Isa) - (1Isa / proto-Isaiah, cc. 1-39) 725 BCE, (2Isa / deutero-Isaiah, cc. 40-55) ca. 575 BCE, (3Isa / trito-Isaiah, cc. 56-66) 475 BCE
Ascension of Isaiah (AscenIsa) - (begun) 88 CE to (final editing) 250 CE
Jeremiah (Jer) - (cc. 1-25) 525 BCE to (final editing) 163 BCE
1 Baruch (1Bar) - (AV Baruch) 150 BCE
Letter of Jeremiah {1 Baruch, c. 6} (EpJer) - 313 BCE
2 Baruch - {Syr Apocalypse of ...} (2Bar) 63 CE
3 Baruch - {Gk Apocalypse of ...} (3Bar) 155 CE
4 Baruch - {Paralipomena of Jeremiah} (4Bar) 135 CE
Lamentations (Lam) - 550 BCE
Ezekiel (Ezek) - (cc. 1-24) ca. 575 BCE, (cc. 25-32) 350 BCE, (cc. 33-48) 263 BCE
Daniel {Gk, AV Daniel + Prayer of Azariah & Song of the Three Holy Children} (Dan / GkDan / PrAzar / SgThree) - (Heb) 163 BCE, (Gk) 113 BCE
Susanna {Gk Daniel, c. 13} (Sus) - 113 BCE
Bel & the Dragon {Gk Daniel, c. 14} (Bel) - 113 BCE
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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THE PROPHECY OF DANIEL - From The Douay-Rheims Bible - Latin Vulgate
Chapter 10
DANIEL, whose name signifies "the judgment of God," was of the royal blood of the kings of Juda, and one of those that were first of all carried away into captivity. He was so renowned for his wisdom and knowledge, that it became a proverb among the Babylonians, "as wise as Daniel;" (Ezech. xxviii. 3.) and his holiness was so great from his very childhood, that at the time when he was as yet but a young man, he is joined by the Spirit of God with Noe and Job, as three persons most eminent for virtue and sanctity. Ezech. xiv. He is not commonly numbered by the Hebrews among the prophets, because he lived at court, and in high station in the world: but if we consider his many clear predictions of things to come, we shall find that no one better deserves the name and title of a prophet; which also has been given him by the Son of God himself. Mat. xxiv. Mark xiii. Luke xxi.) Ch. --- The ancient Jews ranked him among the greatest prophets. Jos. Ant. x. 12. and 1 Mac. ii. 59. Those who came after Christ began to make frivolous exceptions, because he so clearly pointed out the coming of our Saviour, (Theod.) that Porphyrius has no other method of evading this authority except by saying, that the book was written under Epiphanes after the event of many of the predictions. S. Jer. --- But this assertion is contrary to all antiquity. Some parts have indeed been questioned, which are found only in Greek. They must, however, have sometime existed in Heb. or Chal. else how should we have the version of Theodotion, which the Church has substituted instead of the Sept. as that copy was become very incorrect, and is now lost? C. --- Some hopes of its recovery are nevertheless entertained; and its publication, at Rome, has been announced. Kennicott. --- In a title, it seems to make the Daniel visited by Habacuc, a priest; but it is abandoned. C. --- This version of course proves that the original was formerly known; and the loss of it, at present, is no more decisive against the authenticity of these pieces, that that of S. Matthew's Heb. original, and of the Chaldee of Judith, &c. will evince that their works are spurious. H. ---Extracts of (C.) Aquila and Sym. seen by S. Jerom, (W.) are also given in the Hexapla. Origen has answered the objections of Africanus, respecting the history of Susanna; and his arguments are equally cogent, when applied to the other contested works. The Jews and Christians were formerly both divided in their sentiments about these pieces. C. See S. Jer. in Jer. xxix. 12. and xxxii. 44. --- But now as the Church (the pillar of truth) has spoken, all farther controversy ought to cease; (H.) and we should follow the precept, Remove not the landmarks which thy fathers have placed. Deut. xix. 14. See N. Alex. t. ii. S. Jerom, who sometimes calls these pieces "fables," explains himself, by observing, that he had delivered "not his own sentiments," but those of the Jews: quid illi contra nos dicere soleant. C. --- If he really denied their authority, his opinion ought not to outweigh that of so many other (H.) Fathers and Councils who receive them. They admit all the parts, as the Council of Trent expressly requires us to do. See S. Cyp. &c. also the observations prefixed to Tobias, (W.) and p. 597. H. --- Paine remarks that Daniel and Ezechiel only pretended to have visions, and carried on an enigmatical correspondence relative to the recovery of their country. But this deserves no refutation. By allowing that their works are genuine, he cuts up the very root of his performance. Watson. --- Daniel, according to Sir Is. Newton, resembles the Apoc. (as both bring us to the end of the Roman empire) and is "the most distinct in order of time, and easiest to be understood; and therefore, in those things that relate to the last times, he must be made a key to the rest." Bp. Newton. --- Yet there are many difficulties which require a knowledge of history; (S. Jer. W.) and we must reflect on the words of Christ, He that readeth, let him understand. Mat. xxiv. 15. Daniel (H.) is supposed to have died at court, (C.) aged 110, having written many things of Christ. W. --- His name is not prefixed to his book, yet as Prideaux observes, he sufficiently shews himself in the sequel to be the author. H.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin.
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Chapter 10
Daniel having humbled himself by fasting and penance seeth a vision, with which he is much terrified; but he is comforted by an angel.
[1] In the third year of Cyrus king of the Persians, a word was revealed to Daniel surnamed Baltassar, and a true word, and great strength: and he understood the word: for there is need of understanding in a vision.
Anno tertio Cyri regis Persarum, verbum revelatum est Danieli cognomento Baltassar, et verbum verum, et fortitudo magna : intellexitque sermonem : intelligentia enim est opus in visione.
[2] In those days I Daniel mourned the days of three weeks.
In diebus illis ego Daniel lugebam trium hebdomadarum diebus :
[3] I ate no desirable bread, and neither flesh, nor wine entered into my mouth, neither was I anointed with ointment: till the days of three weeks were accomplished.
panem desiderabilem non comedi, et caro et vinum non introierunt in os meum, sed neque unguento unctus sum, donec complerentur trium hebdomadarum dies.
[4] And in the four and twentieth day of the first month I was by the great river which is the Tigris.
Die autem vigesima et quarta mensis primi, eram juxta fluvium magnum, qui est Tigris.
[5] And I lifted up my eyes, and I saw: and behold a man clothed in linen, and his loins were girded with the finest gold:
Et levavi oculos meos, et vidi : et ecce vir unus vestitus lineis, et renes ejus accincti auro obrizo :
[6] And his body was like the chrysolite, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as a burning lamp: and his arms, and all downward even to the feet, like in appearance to glittering brass: and the voice of his word like the voice of a multitude.
et corpus ejus quasi chrysolithus, et facies ejus velut species fulguris, et oculi ejus ut lampas ardens : et brachia ejus, et quae deorsum sunt usque ad pedes, quasi species aeris candentis : et vox sermonum ejus ut vox multitudinis.
[7] And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw it not: but an exceeding great terror fell upon them, and they fled away, and hid themselves.
Vidi autem ego Daniel solus visionem : porro viri qui erant mecum non viderunt, sed terror nimius irruit super eos, et fugerunt in absconditum.
[8] And I being left alone saw this great vision: and there remained no strength in me, and the appearance of my countenance was changed in me, and I fainted away, and retained no strength.
Ego autem relictus solus vidi visionem grandem hanc : et non remansit in me fortitudo, sed et species mea immutata est in me, et emarcui, nec habui quidquam virium.
[9] And I heard the voice of his words: and when I heard, I lay in a consternation, upon my face, and my face was close to the ground.
Et audivi vocem sermonum ejus : et audiens jacebam consternatus super faciem meam, et vultus meus haerebat terrae.
[10] And behold a hand touched me, and lifted me up upon my knees, and upon the joints of my hands.
Et ecce manus tetigit me, et erexit me super genua mea, et super articulos manuum mearum.
[11] And he said to me: Daniel, thou man of desires, understand the words that I speak to thee, and stand upright: for I am sent now to thee. And when he had said this word to me, I stood trembling.
Et dixit ad me : Daniel vir desideriorum, intellige verba quae ego loquor ad te, et sta in gradu tuo : nunc enim sum missus ad te. Cumque dixisset mihi sermonem istum, steti tremens.
[12] And he said to me: Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thy heart to understand, to afflict thyself in the sight of thy God, thy words have been heard: and I am come for thy words.
Et ait ad me : Noli metuere, Daniel : quia ex die primo, quo posuisti cor tuum ad intelligendum ut te affligeres in conspectu Dei tui, exaudita sunt verba tua : et ego veni propter sermones tuos.
[13] But the prince of the kingdom of the Persians resisted me one and twenty days: and behold Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and I remained there by the king of the Persians.
Princeps autem regni Persarum restitit mihi viginti et uno diebus : et ecce Michael, unus de principibus primis, venit in adjutorium meum, et ego remansi ibi juxta regem Persarum.
[14] But I am come to teach thee what things shall befall thy people in the latter days, for as yet the vision is for days.
Veni autem ut docerem te quae ventura sunt populo tuo in novissimis diebus, quoniam adhuc visio in dies.
[15] And when he was speaking such words to me, I cast down my countenance to the ground, and held my peace.
Cumque loqueretur mihi hujuscemodi verbis, dejeci vultum meum ad terram, et tacui.
[16] And behold, as it were the likeness of a son of man touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spoke, and said to him that stood before me: O my Lord, at the sight of thee my joints are loosed, and no strength hath remained in me.
Et ecce quasi similitudo filii hominis tetigit labia mea : et aperiens os meum locutus sum, et dixi ad eum, qui stabat contra me : Domine mi, in visione tua dissolutae sunt compages meae, et nihil in me remansit virium.
[17] And how can the servant of my lord speak with my lord? for no strength remaineth in me, moreover my breath is stopped.
Et quomodo poterit servus domini mei loqui cum domino meo? nihil enim in me remansit virium, sed et halitus meus intercluditur.
[18] Therefore he that looked like a man touched me again, and strengthened me.
Rursum ergo tetigit me quasi visio hominis, et confortavit me,
[19] And he said: Fear not, O man of desires, peace be to thee: take courage and be strong. And when he spoke to me, I grew strong: and I said: Speak, O my lord, for thou hast strengthened me.
et dixit : Noli timere, vir desideriorum : pax tibi : confortare, et esto robustus. Cumque loqueretur mecum, convalui, et dixi : Loquere, domine mi, quia confortasti me.
[20] And he said: Dost thou know wherefore I am come to thee? and now I will return, to fight against the prince of the Persians. When I went forth, there appeared the prince of the Greeks coming.
Et ait : Numquid scis quare venerim ad te? et nunc revertar ut praelier adversum principem Persarum. Cum ego egrederer, apparuit princeps Graecorum veniens.
[21] But I will tell thee what is set down in the scripture of truth: and none is my helper in all these things, but Michael your prince.
Verumtamen annuntiabo tibi quod expressum est in scriptura veritatis : et nemo est adjutor meus in omnibus his, nisi Michael princeps vester.
Ver. 1. Third. This concurs with the first of Darius. Cyrus then reigned in Persia, and the king is here often mentioned, as the vision happened near it, on the banks of the Tigris. Only twenty-one days had elapsed since the former. --- Strength. Heb. "warfare," or determinate time. Job vii. 1. This shall surely take place, but not soon. C. --- For. Prot. "and had understanding," &c. H. --- He was informed of the meaning, or strove to know what the preceding vision denoted. C. --- Pharao and Baltassar were not prophets, as they did not comprehend what they saw. For understanding is requisite, in order that a vision may be prophetical. S. Tho. ii. 2. q. 175 a. 2. W.
Ver. 2. Weeks. Marsham says twenty-one years. But it means only so many days. He began to mourn on the third of Nisan, and continued fasting (v. 4) it seems even on the sabbaths, and on the feast of Passover, till the 24th. C. --- He was grieved that the people did not make use of the leave granted by Cyrus; (Theod.) or because the Samaritans had prevailed at court to have the temple forbidden; (Usher, A. 3470, and 1 Esd. i. 14.) or rather because he could not fully understand the former visions. C. ix. 30. and xii. 9. &c. C.
Ver. 5. Linen. Heb. baddim. --- Finest. Heb. uphaz, (H.) from Phasis or Ophir.
Ver. 6. Chrysolite. Heb. "Tharsis." This precious stone was perhaps greenish.
Ver. 10. Hand; the Holy Ghost, or rather the angel Gabriel.
Ver. 11. Desires most amiable. C. --- This new title is given to comfort the prophet. W.
Ver. 13. The prince, &c. That is, the angel guardian of Persia: who, according to his office, seeking the spiritual good of the Persians, was desirous that many of the Jews should remain among them. Ch. --- S. Jerom, &c. explain it of the angel guardian. W. --- Each country has an archangel over it, as individuals have an angel. Others assert that this was an evil angel; for how could a good one oppose so long the will of God? Yet this argument may be retorted, as evil spirits themselves must comply. It seems, therefore, that Cyrus was exhorted by the good angels to invade the Chaldeans, and thus to liberate God's people. He was afraid of the hazardous attempt, and free-will may resist the inspirations of God. --- One, or "prince." C. --- Michael, and the guardian of Daniel, joined their prayers for the liberation of the Jews. v. 20. W.
Ver. 14. Days. It will not soon take place; or, I have many things to tell.
Ver. 20. To thee? He awakens his attention (v. 14. C.) and gratitude. H. --- Prince, angel guardian; or Alexander, who would one day rout the Persians. C. xi. 2. C.
Ver. 21. Of truth, in the former sealed visions. C. - Your prince. The guardian general of the Church of God, (Ch.) as he was of the synagogue. C.
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fundiepredictions · 5 months
What happend in april
An overview of all the things that happend in the month april of 2024 in the Duggar, Bates, Rodrigues, Keller, Wissmann, Morton, Bontrager and Maxwell family's
Lila Ann was born to Susanna&Drew Jerred (Wissmann)
Travis&Katie Clark (Bates) announced they are expecting baby #2
Derick&Jill Dillard (Duggar) announced the still birth of their daughter Isla Marie
Allison&Jeremiah Helferich (Bontrager) announced they are expecting baby #3
We learned the name of Duggar-Swanson #3, Ezra, and his uncle, Swanson #10, Dallas.
Edwin&Francesca Morton had their baby girl
Ezra Michael was born to Michael&Adeline Holloway (Morton)
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fundiepredictions · 9 months
What happend in december
An overview of what happend this last month of the year. There will be a seperate post with all the things that happend in 2023.
Lawson&Tiffany Bates (Espensen) announced that they suffered a miscarriage earlier this year
George Augustine was born to Jessa&Ben Seewald (Duggar)
Susanna&Drew Jerred (Wissmann) announced they are expecting baby #1
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fundiepredictions · 9 months
The list (Susanna&Drew #1)
Susanna and Drew Jerred (Wissmann) are expecting their 1st baby. Congrats for them. Now it's time to look at what this does for the list comparing age to life status.
She went from place #64 to #58. She is still 10 places behind for her age but caught up. She is the only married woman without children who is currently expecting. That made her jump up quite a bit.
I don't know his age so he isn't in the list. I can't compare it...
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fundiepredictions · 1 year
What will happen in july?
An overview what I predicted would happen in july
Jessa&Ben Seewald announce another pregnancy
Jason Duggar announces something about his relationship with a girl
Tori&Bobby Smith announce another pregnancy
Josiah&Abi Wissmann announce another pregnancy
Susanna Wissmann and Drew Jerred get married
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fundiepredictions · 1 year
What happend and didn't in april
An overview of what happend and didn't happen but did predict would happen this past month
Trace&Lydia Bates announced their baby is a boy
Susanna Wissmann got engaged to Drew Jerred
Apperently Jesse&Anna Maxwell are expecting their first child
Lillian Scout Morton was born to John&Cambell Morton (Roberts)
James Duggar didn't announce a relationship
Jessa&Ben Seewald (Duggar) didn't announce another pregnancy
Jinger&Jeremy Vuolo (Duggar) didn't announce another pregnancy
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fundiepredictions · 1 year
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Susanna Wissmann and Drew Jerred are married! I still don't have Drew's birthday so he still isn't in the list.
With their marriage it's time to predict when we can expect an pregnancy announcement. Susanna's sister, Hannah Duggar, was very fast with her 1st child. But the Wissmann's aren't that fast generaly. So I'm going to put them down for february 2024.
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fundiepredictions · 1 month
Happy anniversary
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Loren and Gloria Wissmann celebrate their 44th anniversary today.
Their family:
Rachel (42), married with Alan Businitz (52), with Kendrick (8), Autumn (6), Justice (5) and Audrey (0)
Ruth (41), married with Ryan Bourlier (42), with Lee (7), Jerit (5), Judah (4), Kaleb (3) and Chloe (1)
Josiah (39), married with Abi Rehm (37), with Joanna (14), Asher (12), Jenifer (8), Andron (4)
Bethany (38), married with Dan Beasley (36), with Arianna (12), Caden (10), Everett (7), Gemma (5), Felicity (3)
Andrew (36), married with Kori Knuth (34), with Wyatt (6), Jaxon (4)
Elizabeth (34)
Matthias (33), married with Michelle Kingery (34), with Adalynn (5), Titus (3), Owen (1)
Stephen (31), married with Jana Duggar (34)
Hannah (29), married with Jeremiah Duggar (25), with Brynley (1) and Brielle (0)
Susanna (27), married with Drew Jerred (?), with Lila (0)
Alaythia (24)
Nathanael (22), married with Katrina Sahlstrom (21), with Theodore (1)
Charissa (17)
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