#survivors of wawanakwa
noperopesaredope · 11 months
*Gasping and wheezing for air* I- I did it. I finished Chapter 5. Hopefully Chapter 6 will be out soon. *Collapses on the floor*
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
total drama horror au where after the "contestants" were chosen, chris kidnapped them and dumped them on an island to compete in death games against each other whilst broadcasting it to the masses livestream style. they're forced to comply with their "host" or else their food/living accommodations are stripped away and they're left to fend for themselves in the forest, but participating in the challenges is arguably more dangerous.
each elimination ceremony is taken to it's literal extreme, as the voted out player is just straight up executed on the spot.
the audience think it's some sort of ARG type deal at first, with the campers being actors, but eventually- probably by the first on-screen death- people catch on to it being Very Real.
(chris funds this little 'project' himself mr beast style using his vast amount of tv star wealth, so there's no network/producers that he has to answer to.)
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crazycoke-addict · 7 days
Island of the Slaughtered Game
Genre: Horror
It's been 10 years since The Massacre that happened in Camp Wawanakwa. 22 teenagers from different backgrounds sign up to be in a reality show called Total Drama Island. Unbeknownst to them, a serial killer is on the loose and picks off the teenagers one by one. Only 7 are recorded to be alive. From the disappearance to the murders, the case remains unsolved to this day. Who was the killer? What was the motive?
Today, I will find out everything.
The game starts with your character in a boat sailing to the island. There is a speech bubble at the bottom of the screen. The protagonist is talking about the unsolved case about what happened in Camp Wawanakwa. They also explained how the seven survivors have gone MIA, and neither of them have spoken out what happened.
During the intro, they hear bump coming from underneath the boat. When they lean over, something jumps out of the water and drags them in the water. In the next scene, you wake up and find yourself in Camp Wawanakwa. You look through your supplies, and you take out your torch. You find your boat that's been wreck. You need to find supplies to fix your boat. While walking, you hear rustle behind you when you turn around. You see nothing, but there is something there in your glaring view.
While walking around, you find a VHS tape lying near a tree. You comment on how it's been so long since you seen VHS tapes. The VHS tape is titled 'Behind the scenes', You hope the VHS tape might give you some answers you're looking for.
You ended up in the cabin section and decided to look through the cabins. However, 3 of the cabins are locked except for one. The cabin room in that's located in the west. You decide to go in, and while looking you around, you notice the belongings of boy's clothes, deodorants, a cowboy hat, a keyboard, etc. You hear rustling under one of the bunk beds. You tried to leave the cabin, but the door has been closed. When you turn around, a human head is placed on the dresser looking at you.
The game won't leave you go anywhere else, but straight to the dresser where the head is. The head starts talking to the player. They explain how it's been so long since anyone has visited the camp. They miss human interaction since they never really got that back while they were living. The head talks about how they don't know how they got to the position their in, but their body parts in places where they shouldn't be. The head asks the player to help them find their body parts.
This section of the game kicks off the first of many mini games that the game is going to give. An instruction will appear on the screen to help you. In the top corner, there will be a 0/5. I'm pretty sure everybody knows that this is Ezekiel. Some of the characters are going to have a mini game.
Ezekiel - find his body parts before time runs out.
Justin - break every mirror that Justin appears in.
Harold- you have to play a video game. After you fix the tv.
Trent - you have to fix and play his guitar. It's like a memory game.
The main menu will have an old cable TV, which you end up getting after fixing the TV in order to do Harold's game. You must collect 17 VHS tapes in order to get the Canon ending. There are going to be 4 endings, which are going to be good ending, the bad ending, the curse ending, and obviously the Canon ending.
Some ghosts like Lindsay, Sadie, and Bridgette will be active, where they will follow the main character. You can weaken them by throwing a flame flare, which you'll end up finding during your mission. I also think it will be interesting that the main character that we are playing is one of the 2nd generation characters. I'm leaning towards Mike.
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canonically47 · 8 months
the people want to see the reboot IOTS draft
lol that was quick
i was thinking the name would be “Wawanakwa Massacre of ‘23”, but that’s still in the works
i may just draw the deaths instead of making a fully-fleshed fanfic, just like the original creator did
here are the names of the chapters/deaths of everyone:
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an alternative name for zee would be pork soda, inspired by the glass animals song :3 some of these are also still not sure, especially because i’m still figuring out the survivors. as of now, i’m thinking the survivors are damien, ripper, raj, scary girl and MK! breaking up as many couples and friendships as i can >:)
the plot is obviously similar to IOTS, but also very different in certain parts. for example, this would happen in the first season, just like IOTS, and the killer is also unknown; but what makes this very different is the first victim is chris himself. chef would find his body and would be the next one to go. this would happen at night, and the contestants would find the bodies the next day.
some would think it’s a fucked up challenge, but when they come to their senses and try to escape, it would be too late. the killer will have burnt the boats and all means of escape.
the main ships will be rajbow, ripaxel and mkulia. you can tell how well those will turn out.
their rescue will come from none other than a few of the previous contestants. they were supposed to be there as special guests for the season, after all. and not just owen; i’m unsure what the whole squad would be yet, but maybe owen, noah, heather, alejandro, courtney, duncan, leshawna etc.? definitely some influential players so it would make sense why they are there
i don’t have much figured out yet tbh :P i just miss my children in peril
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elementaskylos345 · 10 months
At The Edge of Understanding
An Island of the Slaughtered fanfic
Stuck in a cycle of progress and stalemate, a guilt stricken man weighs his options as his want to help the spirits of the dead is stalled by his limitations as one man.
A candle flickered as the air shifted, a restless man pacing wildly in his room. Pins and red thread littered the board holding down photos, notes, and newspaper clippings. To the uninitiated it looked like the ramblings of a madman given form but look closer and it begins to make sense.
At the center was an Island, one all too well known to the frantic man, a home of tragedy. Wawanakwa. Connected to it were the victims of Chris McLean’s neglect, all 15. Further out connected to them were notes and writings and photos that he had made and gathered over the years. Supposed sightings of these poor souls, bound to the island and unable to pass on. Past that, disconnected, were theories. Theories of demons, trauma, unfinished business, desperate clawing as to why things were the way they were. 
He ran his hands through his hair and turned away from the board, feeling he might go mad if he continued so focused for much longer. The room looked no better. Crosses both hung on the wall and from the ceiling dimly lit while bibles, books, and journals rendered any table unusable. His obsession plastered on his pinboard also spread outward, notes scattered everywhere. It was a mess.
It wasn't much longer before he began writing, writing about what he wasn't quite sure yet. The pen simply left thin trails on the page without much input from himself. It was a cycle. No matter what he hit a wall. After all this time meticulously studying and documenting he ran into the same issue. 
The why.
Why did anything happen the way it did? Why was the killer never found? Why was Chris never found? Why do they linger?
He had pushed his luck too much by going to the island on his own, receiving a warning for trespassing not too long ago. Apparently the tragedy attracted tourists… that made him feel sick.
A tragedy so vile… and people decide it's ‘cool’ and want to check it out… disgusting.
His writing had turned to angry scribbling and he only stopped once he heard the page tear. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Taking a moment to relax he eyed the tattoos on his arms… 7 stars on each arm and one on his chest… It meant a lot to him. It kept him aware of what he did.
A sigh escaped him as he began reading what he scrubbed while absent-minded. The script was surprisingly neat up until his rage for how unfocused he was but the contents was a different story. It was only natural that his writing was little more than rambling about how to proceed.
“Again I've run into the same wall I always do. WHY is why my biggest problem. It's the same all the time, nothing ever changes. Months of progress stalled. How is it that Cody makes a living out of stuff like this? At least once every few months he is able to contact and bring peace to a spirit. Perhaps he's just a liar and he only acknowledges the soul. Izzy has mentioned seeing things in interviews, maybe I can ask her about this. Maybe I just need a new set of eyes on my work. Someone needs to help these kids and I clearly can't do this alone. Those damned “tourists” aren't helping. They only care about the thrills and chills of it all. Going to what is effectively a graveyard to gawk is ABSOLUTELY disgus-”
That was when he tore the page. His subconscious was right though, he couldn't do this on his own… but he hadn't spoken to any of the survivors in at least 3 years, his last contact was with Eva and Leshawna. He groaned and rubbed his eyes again before standing up and leaving the room, marking his exit with a loud slam. Damn it all… he shouldn't need to drag anyone else into this… but he had little choice, he'd exhausted his other options.
The ringing of his phone made the air tense… he could only hope she'd pick up. The tension built with every second, causing him to pace and bite down on the side of his finger. He dreaded waiting so, so much.
“Duncan?” Izzy asked, bewildered.
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nostalgiamare · 11 months
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YEAR: 2007
DESCRIPTION: A Mockumentary style parody of Survivor based reality TV of the mid and late 2000s, the series follows a reality TV formula, where host Chris McLean gathers 22 Canadian teenagers to compete on Wawanakwa Island for a grand cash prize. At the end of almost every episode, one contestant gets voted off until only 2 contestants remain to compete in the final challenge to see who's the winner. The series is best known for it's characters and their personalities and relationships as well as for it's humour and it's teasing of the main tropes of Reality TV such as drama and romance. Since it's airing it's popularity made it a longstanding franchise with multiple continuations and spinoffs and is regarded as one of the most well-known Canadian cartoons in media.
1: I used to watch the absolute SHIT out of this show because I was so invested in the chaos of each episode... It all went south after World Tour sorry I don't make up the rules.
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Ultimate menace to society.
3: Trying to keep up with all the relationships, love triangles and connected drama throughout the show like-
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LINK TO SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AfZLAqwkz4&list=PL_PEtV1DSobQj-7eyQ0yirGjgd7PFkIaR
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asktheplethaura · 8 months
Total Drama: Liberation of the Slaughtered
((Authors Note: I'm waking up- - - to ash and dust- - - I wipe my ass and I slap ma nuts- - -))
Five years... and yet all of the events of he past still feel as though they had happened yesterday. 
Stepping off a boat and looking over a bright thriving island as birds flew overhead, and people chattered to each other around the docking area. Fresh sea water and winding laughter as everyone made their first enemies or friends. 
All of these bright memories were diminished with a dark shadow. A permenant membrance of pain and past agony. 
Yet, with all these small, fond memories lingering in his mind, there were whispers of those awful days spent in a living hell that had only stopped when they had been rescued. 
The dread that danced on his stomach, and the hours of waiting as time ticked by, wondering just who was unfortunate enough to be caught by the serial maniac that roamed the island and claimed 15 of their lives. 
Brutal, hopeless... awful. 
. . . 
Despite being over, it never really was over. Not to him. It never would be over, until there was closure.. and closer had not reached him. Not yet. There could never be closure with circumstances such as these. 
~ ~ ~ 
Cody paces around the darkened room of his small 1-story house. He raked his hands through his hair as he looks around the darkened space, feeling both unwelcome, yet so at home in this awful room. 
Barren, unlight, free of sunlight or warmth. Just like the days that followed the first death at Camp Wawanakwa. Everyday he was on edge, looking over his shoulder as he just couldn't help the feeling of being watched or just or judged.
The years following the rescue of him and the other 7 survivors were not pretty. Not for him. In a word full of pain, why would he of all people get it easy? Why would he have any freedom from these feelings that tormented him, and nagged at him still?
Ever since they were rescued... Cody had to admit he never kept in contact with the others. Everyone that survived... they didn't hate him. He didn't think so- but for most of them, he wasn't their friend. He was just someone else who somehow managed to make it out alive.
It was... rather funny actually. In a way. Cody Anderson, a so called puny dweeb and even arguably pathetic boy managed to survive such an event  when tougher people than himself had been killed. 
Perhaps it was the survivors guilt kicking him in the ass. Maybe it was just him looking for a reason to feel sorry for himself, considering how little he suffered compared to anyone else. 
Cody had a knack for surviving. He just had this stupid motherfucking way of surviving a lot of what... would be considered impossible. Getting mauled by wild animals, getting harassed by others who antagonized him from time to time. Falling down ledges and carrying 3 other boys that were at least 2x his weight during one challenge. 
He himself was an enigma. How had he even survived that long? 
Perhaps... if he had died with the others... he wouldn't be as lonely as he was now. Contemplating his life, and remniscing over such traumatic events that he could have maybe opted to heal from years ago when help was being offered. 
The others... they didn't quite move on. But they were coping better than he was. 
Gwen dropped most of her gothic wardrobe, and started dressing a bit more like trent. Hell, she even managed to find a shirt exactly like his online a couple years ago... according to her social media page. 
She works with her younger cousin in a pet care facility. 
Good for her. She had her life... not together but back on track.
Because life goes on. 
Leshawna changed quite a bit. She cut her hair considerably shorter, and eventually invested in reading glasses. She was now in computer programming. Working on putting a game toghether. The main character was a ginger haired geek, with 'sick ninja skills' last cody read. 
Leshawna found a partner and he treated her well. They were making the game together, maybe? Cody wouldn't know. All he was sure of was that Leshawna was healing, as most of them were.
Because life goes on...
Duncan had found himself getting into office work. Something that no one ever saw happening. He never dropped his green and black hair, but over time- he let go of his piercings, and started dressing at least a little more casually. 
Commemmorating Courtney with his changes- he wasn't quite happy... in fact... his life was quite dull. But he felt closer to the deceased. Confiding in organization and planning out his life, even if it was just a little bit. 
He would get used to it... or... finish getting used to it. 
Because life goes on...
Katie grew her hair out, and put on a little weight. She works with her mother in the sweets shop. She had found herself a girlfriend, and even adopted a child. 
She had not yet come back to her usual chipper self- but she was trying. Visiting her best friends grave every single week. 
Beause... life goes on.
Izzy vanished for a long while, only coming back recently after passing a clean bill of mental health from the local sanitarium. She had lost herself after the events of the island, and due to not having much of anyone by her side anymore- she had tried to commit. 
She had a reputation for being crazy. Even if only a few episodes aired, she was looked at strange by many people after her rescue. 
Thinking she may be the killer, who managed to get free of the rightful sentancing she deserved... or something. Her and Eva got together sometime after that. 
Because... life goes ... on. 
Speaking of Eva... she had been effected the least negatively, but it effected her all the same. Eva didn't have close friends during the events of the islands murder spree. She wasn't close to anyone because of her brash attitude and aggressive nature. 
Even if she was inspirational. 
She had her own regrets. She was a tough, scary woman when provoked. Facing Chef Hatchet on many occasions. Chef, who was not nice on most. 
Eva was competant and capable... so... what stopped her from trying to kill or neutralize the killer? 
Maybe it was the fact that... even if Chef seemed crazy or scary at times... there was also the lingering knowledge that chef would not purposefully kill or maim them. (At least, of his own accord) 
The killer already took out several people before he would have been close to them. People that died not because they were SIMPLY stabbed to death or something. 
The killer was a sadistic maniac. This maniac loved to cause pain and make others distressed. Dead bodies were playthings. Along with the lives of the innocent that stained their hands red with blood.
Even so, she couldn't help but feel guilty. 
But... he got better. 
be...cause. . . 
No. Life does not just 'go on'. 
Cody thought about the former camp mates that he forced himself out of contact with as he threw a glass bottle against the wall with a tired grunt of pain and melancholic misery. 
Even if life was always changing or 'ongoing' it never continued on. 
Cody was stuck in his own box. His own box of regret, and overthinking everything that had happened. He did always get attached too easily... way... way too easily... 
He brought his fingers up to the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh.  "Everyone's gone ahead and I left myself behind... now I'm alone all over again." he sighed, before leaning agaisnt the windowsill, barely bothering to peer through the blinds. 
Still alone... out here in the outskirts of town. 
Biding his time as he waits to hopefully allow himself to heal from this trauma. Half a decade of freedom, and he was still trapped in his own cage, fueled by guilt and denial. 
In the end... the only reason he had not calimed freedom... was becaus he never let himself be free. 
Perhaps... he never would. 
Closing his eyes, he let his wet eyes rest as he flopped on his somewhat tattered cough with a low thump, a sigh escaping him. 
 With his exhaustion and lack of self care, he tired out quickly. Falling asleep where he sat within half a minute, his head lulled to the side and he found himself consumed by darkness.
((To Be Continued))
((IDEK if I will continue this.lmao))
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popculturebuffet · 5 months
Did you hear the reboot seasons of Total Drama are finally gonna air in the USA starting on June 1st on Cartoon Network? Considering they've been airing in other countries for a year now, is it cool it's finally airing here? Especially since they need to get a lot of views in USA to motivate the higher ups to renew them for more seasons after that.
Yup! And I can't wait. I've even considered doing my own season for funsies ala dead meat's horror survivor.
I've held out on watching the new seasons simply because I wanted to support them. Granted I didn't think there'd be a decent sized gap between the US and CA airings, but for once Warner Bros Discovery actually makes some remote sense with a seemingly baffling decision: They wanted to wait for summer, and given we're going back to camp (and a somehow unsunken Wawanakwa), it fits well.
It's not the SMARTEST decision as full spoilers for the season are already out there and going to wikipedia could tell you the results, but it's still one that makes some sense and has historical precident both raitings wise and tradition wise. Unlike say shelving shows or locking them in a vault for always and always, this at least makes some sense and the bar really is that low that that's a win.
On the renewal side i'm not AS worried since this is a co-production with Fresh TV and , to my shock when I looked it up to confirm, the BBC. While it's clear Warner has decent stake in this (the show aired on Discovery+ in italy, where it aired early), they could be swayed by international numbers and Fresh isn't nearly as likely to let them just.. give up after five minutes and move on. This is their biggest franchise, their big breakout hit in the US, and one I do think COULD make that comeback: Survivor still exists. Reality compettition shows haven't gone away and teen drama always sells. I think the show has a genuine chance to do gangbusters again and I look forward to watching it as it comes out. I DO hope they dont' super delay part 2 of this season, as so far it's just intended to run through the summer, but otherwise i'm pumped to go back to the island. again.
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maybe-just-whelmed · 3 years
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Endless Cartoon intro’s: 8/♾
Total Drama Island
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Total Drama Danganronpa Island
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/GbmI4f8
by AnalyzGolden
15 campers, now nineteen years old, are given iconic Ultimate titles to be invited to a newly improved Wawanakwa for a game. Everything is new and improved, with five star foods and luxury to last a lifetime... That's because it IS for a lifetime, as everything turns out to be a scam, forcing the campers on the island for the rest of their lives. The only way they can leave, is if they murder another camper and get away with it, and being caught doing so would lead to great punishment. Let the Killing Game commence! DISCALIMER: This is a fanmade Danganronpa with TD characters. I do not own the premise or the characters. Rights to the characters goes to Fresh TV. Rights to Danganronpa belong to Spike Chunsoft.
Words: 15374, Chapters: 1/22, Language: English
Fandoms: Total Drama (Cartoon), Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Duncan (Total Drama), Chris McLean, Monokuma (Dangan Ronpa), Courtney (Total Drama), Leshawna (Total Drama), Devon "DJ" Joseph, Lindsay (Total Drama), Bridgette (Total Drama), Noah (Total Drama), Gwen (Total Drama), Harold McGrady V, Geoff (Total Drama), Owen (Total Drama), Izzy (Total Drama), Cody Anderson, Tyler (Total Drama), Heather (Total Drama)
Relationships: Courtney/Duncan (Total Drama), Leshawna/Harold McGrady V, Bridgette/Geoff (Total Drama)
Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Bad Ending, Betrayal, Blood and Gore, Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Character Death, Execution, Murder Mystery, Implied/Referenced Sex, Suicide, Survivor Guilt, Swearing, Class Trials (Dangan Ronpa)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/GbmI4f8
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noperopesaredope · 9 months
This is Gwen's return chapter, and it is likely the longest chapter in the fic (thus far).
I'm really proud of this one tbh. I loved writing it so much.
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noperopesaredope · 9 months
I've posted another chapter, motherf*ckers.
It's Eva time
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noperopesaredope · 10 months
I'm back, mothertruckers
Next chapter will probably be out next week or so once I'm finished with finals.
This chapter is a Duncan chapter. Hope you enjoy.
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noperopesaredope · 11 months
I'm back. I wrote about 800 words in one sitting, realized that an entire section (half of what I had written) didn't fit the vibs of the chapter, cut and pasted it in my "Random Scenes for Later" section of the doc, and wrote the rest all in one sitting. Had more fun with it than I expected once I figured some stuff out. Hope ya'll like it, because I should be working on my HW right now tbh.
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noperopesaredope · 11 months
Hey, just decided to give people a little outline of my current plan for Survivors of Wawanakwa because I just felt like telling ya'll what I have in mind.
At the current point in the fic, we are essentially in the really early chapters, almost a prologue of sorts. Right now is the "return" mini arc, and those of you who have read all the way up to Chapter 5 will probably be able to understand what I am talking about here. Basically, chapters 4-10 will be about each survivor making their way back home and/or arriving back home and trying to process it.
I feel this won't be a major spoiler, so I decided to just say ahead of time the order in which the "return" chapters will be releasing:
Izzy (out at time of post)
Leshawna (out at time of post)
After those are done, the fic will really start to kick into motion, as we are introduced to a more elaborate web of stories and characters while still frequently focusing in on our main group of protagonists. These chapters are primarily to introduce the main concepts of each major character's arc, but things will start getting more complicated after that's done. I already have multiple of the chapters planned out in order, and I know exactly what chapter is after Cody's "return", but I won't spoil that for now. Let's just say that there's a chance that that one will take a few days to release. It's probably gonna be a big boy. I was originally gonna have it be different chapters, but realized it would be more interesting if it was one big, long ass chapter. So be prepared for that and the upcoming "return" chapters.
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noperopesaredope · 11 months
Honestly so proud of this chapter. This fic is so fun to write.
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