#surrpise mom
cosmik-homo · 1 year
We talk sometimes about Family Weirdness as in, crazy past drama you only discover in your 20s or Extra estranged family members no-one ever let you know about, but also. I need to know I'm not the only one who has had multiple moments where you discovered various elderly relatives speak, like, 3 languages more than you thought they do.
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itchose · 7 months
he feels bashful, second guessing everything he's doing and saying because he's not this kind of person usually. the sentimental part of him is reserved for someone he lost many years ago, someone he can't talk about and can't even feel comfortable referring to at all to just anyone. there are only two people he feels like he can, and even then, he's hesitant, because any sort of attention on him when it comes to his brother makes him start to panic — but as their tattoos are still healing, he convinces himself that it's okay to open up just a smidge, because what @manslaught did for his brother matters to him more than he could ever put into words — especially since she allowed him to honor him the same way — so he's trying, despite the nerves and the embarrassment and the suffocating vulnerability.
❝  if they're bad, i'm not a baker, ❞ he says in defense as he slides the cupcakes her way, his eyes avoiding hers like they always do when he's about to talk about him. but he tried, remembering days when he was younger, when javi would surprise him on his birthday every year with his favorite cupcakes that he begged their mother to help him make for travis. travis always pretended to be surrpised, until he got older, anyway, and started pretending he didn't care, that his birthday didn't matter, that he didn't appreciate what javi had done for him — just another one of the things he regrets now.
❝  he always made them for me on my birthday, ❞ he says, speaking so low that she may barely be able to hear him, but he clears his throat and sits up straighter, starting again. ❝  sort of. they might not be exactly the same. had to guess, mostly. i couldn't get my mom's recipe. ❞ rather, he didn't want to ask; things between them hadn't been great the past few years. they just didn't know how to reach each other, and bringing javi up randomly to her seemed like a horrible way to reconnect. ❝  so— ❞ he starts awkwardly, running his hand through his hair before forcing himself to look her way. ❝  i tried to make them for you, too. ❞ it's what he would have done, he means.
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autisticstarseed · 7 years
lmaog m ymom is forcing my unstable chronic fatigue Gets Suicidal When My Sleep Schedule Gets Fucked Up Ass to stay up till literally 4 am bc her snoring causes me sensory overload and she ddoesnt fucking care and just refused to let me to go sleep first tonight and said im just gonna have to ‘’’’’’’deal with it’’’’’’ and i literally am so close to cutting bc sensory shit gets me so hard im like hitting and biting myself and i pulled out my pocket knife but its nnot even fucking sharp anymore so hwo cares i dont care i want to die but i dont care (i care immensely)
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versadies · 3 years
Hello! I hope you're doing well!
I was wondering if I can request fluff Childe x reader about the reader bringing Childe to meet their strict parents for the first time?
Thank you! <3
STRICTLY ADVISED (hc scenario)
penpal: KSHKFH i hope this was accurate to how strict parents are irl. i hope you're doing good as well !!
pairing/s: childe x gn!reader
sypnosis: after months of dating, you decided to visit your parents that you haven't seen in a long time with your boyfriend; who is more than determined to win their approval of you.
include/s: strict parents, slight arguing (?)
note: i don’t really know much about what it’s like to have strict parents so forgive me if the parents in this hc don’t act like how strict parents usually act.
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-> it’s very well known that childe has high values on family so the fact that he’s going to meet your parents is an exciting and an important opportunity for him.
-> however, when he finds out that you have strict parents, he'd be lying if he claims that he's not intimidated by that fact. on the bright side: he'll definitely see this as a challenge in your relationship– what could go wrong?
"it's an honor to meet you mr. and mrs. l/n." childe greeted, offering his hand to your parents for a shake, only for your parents to ignore him and stare down at you questioningly.
"did you seriously leave sumeru just for this man, n/n?" your mother asks, shaking her head in disappointment. "you could've been one of the greatest scholars that teyvat has ever seen, yet you end up being with... some fontaine man?"
"snezhnayan, actually." childe corrected her, causing her and your father to look at him in surrpised.
your mother slowly looks at you with a horrified look on her face. "...he's from snezhnayan?"
you wince from their question, dreading for what is to come for you and your lover. "..yes– but mom, dad, he's not part of the fatui or anything." you reassured them, putting yourself between them and childe.
"how do we know if he isn't actually a part of the fatui? he must be tricking you for whatever those scums are planning, y/n." your father points out, glaring at the harbinger.
before you could comment, childe immediately fake laughs and puts his arms up in surrender. "as much as i hate to disappoint you, i'm unfortunately not a part of the fatui. i’m not one to join an organization, let alone worship her majesty, the tsaritsa." he explains.
your mother looks at childe suspiciously. "how do we know if you're speaking the truth?"
he shrugs in response. "i suppose you'll have to find out if i'm worth being trusted!"
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"so uh," your father glances at you and childe, unsure what to ask. "what exactly is your job, childe?"
"i'm a toy seller, of course!" childe says proudly, smiling as though he has the greatest achievement. "i travel around the nations to make sure the toys are sold off in a great price. it may sound boring but it does pay me well enough."
"and you, y/n?" your mother asks, raising an eyebrow. "what of your career after abandoning the greatest academy anyone would've hoped to study in?"
you nervously look away from your parents' intense gazes. "uhm... i work as an assistant director of the wangsheng funeral parlor." you answered.
"you work for a funeral parlor?"
you nodded slowly. "yes. i know it's not what you guys wanted but–"
"of course it's not what we wanted," your mother interrupted. "what we wanted for you was to become a successful scholar! not some... some assistant director of some funeral parlor! do you even get paid there?"
"i do get paid there," you quickly retort, "and for your information, the wangsheng funeral parlor is the most respected in liyue! we help people find peace and–"
"why do you talk back to us that way?" your father asks with an offended look on his face. "goodness, y/n.. did you forget everything we taught you?"
you slowly begin to be frustrated with your parents, only to calm down when you feel childe rubbing your hand as an attempt to comfort you.
you took a deep breath, staying silent for a moment, before excusing yourself. "excuse me for a moment." you then stood up from your seat before walking towards the backdoor for some fresh air.
without another thought, childe decided to follow you as well, excusing himself as well before walking to where you left.
when he opens the door, he spots you sitting down by the bench nearby, staring at the view in front of you with a frown. "...hey," he calls out to you softly. "that was uhm, intense."
you sighed. "yeah.. sorry that you had to see that."
"it's fine. i.. honestly didn't think this through." he admits, slowly walking towards to the bench you're sitting on and sat down beside you. "if you want, we can get out of here. you don't have to force yourself in talking to them just for this relationship."
"i'm not forcing myself," you said. "if anything, i'm just... i just feel like i want them to at least see that i'm doing well even without fulfilling their expectations of me."
"well, you're doing great even though you're not a scholar, that's for sure." he says in agreement. "besides, even if they don't approve of our relationship.. it won't stop you and i from dating right?"
you nodded in response, leaning against his shoulder. "yeah of course."
he then wraps his arm around you, leaning on your head. "just let me know if you want to get out of here. say the word and i'll take you out from this place."
you smile, feeling grateful of how caring he is. "i appreciate that."
"anything for you." childe comments, staying in the same position for a few moments before pulling away.
"now let's get back before your parents think i took you away from the house for the fatui."
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