klomie · 5 months
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Hednoize album wasn't a mistake *clueless*
For: @surmatants
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A page from Todten-Tanz, 'Danse des Morts', 1744. Death dances with the moneylender. Dance of Death, also called Danse Macabre (French), Danza Macabra (Italian), Dansul Mortii (Romanian), Danza de la Muerte (Spanish), Dansa de la Mort (Catalan), Danca Macabra (Portuguese language), Totentanz (German), Dodendans (Dutch), Surmatants (Estonian), is an artistic genre of late-medieval allegory on the universality of death: no matter one's station in life, the Dance of Death unites all.
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jestia-art · 1 month
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Art for the secret summer OC @surmatants from Blade, House of Wax, Nowhere (Gregg Araki)
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finalshaper · 2 years
Lightfall, Danse Macabre, Memento Mori and Other Thoughts: Solving The Final Shape
The ending of Lightfall sure is something. Something that I have many, many thoughts on -- as always, spoilers under the cut and tagged for courtesy reasons (and I ask you do the same if you reblog this).
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bernt notke, surmatants (totentantz); st. nicholas' church, tallinn, estonia (end of 15th century)
displays an often echoed motif of "danse macabre," or the "dance of death/death's dance."
Before we begin, @/lizzieraindrops's post on Destiny as a story about shapes and grief is worth mentioning. It can be read in full here.
Additions are welcomed and appreciated, but as always, please tag and/or cut for courtesy. Hopefully this makes sense and isn't just crack-brained rambling.
So about the end of Lightfall, huh? Got me thinking a lot of things about the true nature of the Witness, the Traveler, life, death, all of that. So let's get into my thoughts.
In the beginning, we're treated to the Witness showing up and doing its thing. And that thing is killing, is destroying. It had always been chasing the Traveler, as inevitable as what I believe it serves to symbolize. And here it is, having finally cornered its prey -- or perhaps, its dance partner. With the Dark, the Witness destroyed.
And the Traveler. The Traveler, with that beam of light, created. It made life. The roots of the tree of life sprung forth before the Witness, staring at it, meeting eyes with it, seeming to beckon it. With the power of Light, it created.
This, to me, already gave us some very powerful imagery that isn't just visual. I've always felt that the Traveler and the Witness were always as inevitable as one another -- the Traveler runs, the Witness catches up. The Witness runs, the Traveler isn't far behind. An eternal, beyond any and every understanding, game of cat-and-mouse.
The first thing that came to mind upon seeing that scene with the Witness and the Traveler with the Pyramids and the tree was the idea of life and death. Life is created, and it ends. Death comes, death goes. The Traveler represents life, while the Witness seems to represent death. Inevitable, encroaching, often described or depicted as dark with life having more light connotations.
They're not separate from each other. They're one in the same. Symbiotic. But I'll get into that later. Let's talk about fate.
We've met with a terrible fate, haven't we?
Fate is another thing that's mentioned throughout LF. We can't resist fate, we can't rewrite fate lest we stumble right into what we were trying to avoid in the first place (if numerous Norse myths for example taught us anything of this). We have to accept it, what happens happens. Go with the flow.
The River of Souls. That very notion of fate, that very notion of life, to resist what's inevitable is to accelerate your own destruction. Which, I believe, is a huge part of what Strand seems to tell or represent. We don't have to be burdened by this fate, though -- as Kratos worded it, "Fate only binds you if you let it."
The mastery of Strand comes with the acceptance of the inevitable, no matter how good or bad it may be. Fighting the current will only lead to you drowning. It might be hard, but swallow it. That is what Strand teaches us. We are not master to our fate or lesser than our fate, but rather as part of it as it's part of us.
This I feel resonates heavily with what I believe the Witness and the Traveler represent. Life and death. I believe that the Final Shape is the Traveler and the Witness becoming one, synonymous, and the idea of fate plays heavily into that.
Don't you forget about dying. Don't you forget about your friend, Death.
Everyone is familiar with the concept of memento mori. Remember that you will die. it's inevitable, it's your fate. There's also the notion of Light and Dark being the same, like that in the concept of Yin and Yang. Two halves of one whole, not ever meant to be separate. And that's what I think the Final Shape is.
The Witness didn't destroy the Traveler. They're becoming one, unified entity -- as they always should've been. As that is what they're fated to do. That's what they should've always been, and that's what they always will be. The Witness has been searching for its other half since the dawn of time, and it finally has it within its grasp. And fighting against it, resisting it, is like trying to swim against the currents of fate. Like if a goldfish decided to try and join the salmon during their migrations.
The Final Shape is going to be this interconnectedness, this symbiosis. They rage against Death, fight against Death, but eventually, go gently. Because it's inevitable. And what would that teach us? We shouldn't fear the Witness. We need to accept it, greet it as a friend. It was never our enemy. But there are things at play that we cannot, will not, and will never understand. Like what happens before birth, and what comes after death.
We grieve. We move on. We find joy again. And then again. And again. And again. We, too, eventually die. And when something dies, its decaying matter nurtures the soil and the plants, and memories live on. If not remembered by those with whom there was love, then by the Earth itself.
So in that regard, I believe I've solved the Final Shape. It's symbiosis. We need to learn to dance with death, not protest it. We need to learn how to smile at death like an old friend. The Witness and the Traveler represent the good and evil that is present in us all -- the light and the dark within us all. The inevitability of life and death, of fate. Unity and oneness.
And we will learn this all the hard way.
And it will hurt.
A lot.
And that begs the question. What will we do with our time here alive? Will we recognize the inevitability of fate and death and mope about it? Or will we be conscious, spend time with our loved ones while we still can? Live every moment to the absolute fullest?
Will we resist the current? Or learn to swim with it? Will we battle Death itself just for a little bit more time, or will we learn to embrace it? Will we live? How will we live?
Memento Mori. Carpe Diem. You are alive. Fight like it. Breathe like it. Learn how to simply be.
Hopefully I'm articulating all of this correctly, I'm not good with words and I'm vibrating on both caffeine and excitement.
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newestmusic · 2 years
(via Hambad - Surmatants)
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lesinutiles · 5 years
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* PETITS PRIX* Ce mois-ci, les jolies céramiques Working in the Redwoods sont à -40% sur Lesinutiles.fr ♡ #Lesinutiles #boutiqueLesinutiles #ceramique #workingintheredwoods #vaisselle #createur #faitmain #surmatable #pastel https://lesinutiles.fr/417-les-petits-prix (à Touraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UIZtHq1Yq/?igshid=192m1mf1uow8d
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anciientboosh · 4 years
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"Thing is about Noel is he's a- he gives everyone everything. He's genuinely a very lovely, happy, talkative chap, who isn't gonna be nasty to anyone he ever meets so. People, people love that. Julian on the other hand is a... mental nightmare." - Dave Brown
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maremmageheimtipp · 5 years
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Photo Credit @surmat (hier: Le cascate di Saturnia.Acqua termale solfurea a 37 gradi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2UFtOoIszE/?igshid=51xt6rt62343
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lj-todd · 6 years
Okay, I have wracked my brain for the hardest prompt I can think of. Here goes: Robert Baratheon/Arthur Dayne, ABO (Alpha Robert/Omega Arthur). GO!
They met, history would note, at the Tourney of Harrenhal.Robert had attended under the guise of spending time with his betrothed, the younger sister, an Omega girl who was more a sister to him than a potential wife, of his best friend, Ned, while Arthur had been there as part of King Aerys’ Kingsguard. Their paths might not have crossed if not for Robert wanting to help Lyanna when she sought to teach some manners to a trio of squires who had assaulted a friend of hers.He had been helping her back out of her armor, armor he had, earlier, helped her into, watching from the shadows as the Knight of the Laughing Tree, so called for the weirwood tree painted on the shield she had carried, bested three well trained squires before vanishing, when Ser Arthur, ordered by the King to find the mystery knight and bring him before the madman, had happened upon them.Robert had, immediately, reflexively, stepped between the knight and Lyanna, all while knowing he stood no true chance against Arthur should the knight choose to fight. There was a reason it was said that Arthur, even as an Omega, was the greatest swordsman Westeros had ever seen and, cocky as he could be, Robert was not fool enough to think he would stand a chance against the Dornish knight.But Arthur had merely looked at Lyanna, half out of her armor, and smiled, laughing softly before suggesting they hang her shield from one of the tree, the only trace to be found of the Knight of the Laughing.When, later, at yet another boring feast, Robert asked why Arthur had not turned Lyanna and himself in, the knight had surprised him with a gentle smile.“She reminds me of my sister when she was young,” Arthur explained, keeping a watchful eye on the dance floor, still mindful of his duties. “She should not be punished for yearning to be more than a trophy.” The man’s violet eyes swung to him. “I imagine it was much the same reason as yourself, Lord Robert.”“Meaning?”“You do not look at her as a potential wife,” the knight’s gaze easily found Lyanna among the dancers, her little brother Benjen on her arm. “You look at her as her brothers do. As I would.” Again that violet gaze found his face. “But I see how you’ve been looking at me.”Robert felt his cheeks heat, the blush spreading quickly, and he shuffled awkwardly.
“I…apologize if I’ve made you uncomfortable, Ser Arthur,” Robert spoke carefully, reminding himself he was a Lord but not above reproach. It was a lesson his mother had drilled into his head for years in his youth. One that had not stuck until after her death. “I did not mean…I only…that is to say…”Arthur raised an eyebrow, patiently waiting for Robert to collect himself, smiling only slightly and Robert drew a steadying breath.“Were you not of the Kingsguard I would consider courting you.” Robert was surprised at how shy he sounded as he finally gave his thoughts a voice. “I think…I think we might make a good pair.”“And why do you think that?” Arthur did not sound dismissive but curious, as though he genuinely wanted to know why Robert, the brash Alpha Lord of the Storm Lands, thought they would make a good pair.“I…” Robert cleared his throat. “You are willing to protect those you care for, as well as the innocent or those whom might fall to harm otherwise. You still have a strong sense of duty and honor but you…you understand that sometimes some things must not go answered or unanswered.”Arthur regarded him for a moment before smiling softly.“You seek someone who will stand up to you when necessary but also stand beside you when a difficult, near impossible, choice must be made.”It was a good surmation and Robert nodded.“Lya is a wonderful girl,” Robert explained. “But she…she deserves the sort of life she craves not to be shackled to someone she loves as a brother. I know that even if we do marry my brother Stannis or his future child will likely inherit Storm’s End. I’d never force her to my bed or ask her to be mother to my child.” He looked at Arthur again. “I would never force that on anyone who sought something else for their life.”Arthur regarded him for a moment before, after what felt like an eternity, he leaned over, whispering softly in Robert’s ear, telling the Alpha to meet him after midnight in the grove of trees where he had found Robert and Lyanna.With that, Arthur turned and walked away, returning to his duties with a smile.Robert stood, baffled, but also felt excitement hum through him. The wait was almost painful. The hours crawling by slowly and, in truth, he arrived at the grove nearly an hour early, waiting anxiously for Arthur, and, by the time the Dornish Omega arrived, he was pacing, almost certain this had all been some joke.When Arthur stepped from the shadows, dressed in dark colors, a dark purple cloak with a falling silver star draped across his shoulders, looking regal in a way that took Robert’s breath.“I didn’t think you were coming,” Robert said softly as Arthur closed the distance between them. “I thought…”“Being of the Kingsguard makes it difficult to slip away,” Arthur explained gently. “Even when all I want to do is run. As far and as fast as I can.”“But you…”“I joined the Kingsguard for Elia,” Arthur explained. “When I learned she would be mated with Rhaegar I followed. She is my closest friend.” He chuckled softly. “She tried to discourage me, tried to reason that her Uncle would be protection enough, but I could not leave her to the snake pit that is the capital.”Robert drew a shaky breath.“And if you could choose again?”Arthur was standing only a few steps from him, close enough Robert could feel the heat from his body.“I would choose this,” Arthur said softly, reaching out, hand curling around the back of Robert’s neck, drawing the Alpha into a kiss.Robert groaned into the kiss, hands tangling in Arthur’s hair, seeking more, needing more, but the Omega drew back as quickly as he had initiated the kiss, pushing lightly, gently on Robert’s chest to hold him at bay.“If we do this,” Arthur said, eyes serious even though they reflected Robert’s desire. “Then you must promise me something.”“Any…” Robert’s words were cut off by Arthur’s hand.“Do not agree until I tell you the promise I want from you.”Robert considered, knowing no matter what Arthur asked he would do, he thought perhaps he had fallen in love with the knight at first sight and would do anything he asked, but he understood this was of great importance to the Omega and, slowly, nodded his agreement with the terms.Arthur regarded him for a moment before slowly lowering his hand, giving voice to the promise he wanted from Robert and the Lord of the Stormlands stared, wide eyed, but, seeing the look on Arthur’s face, and Robert still knew that his earlier thought held. He bent the knee to make his promise, vowing on everything he loved, on the souls of his deceased parents even, on the Storm King’s memory, to do what Arthur had asked.Part of him, even after Arthur had allowed him to claim him, to take him there in that grove, leaving come morning light to keep up the charade of being a knight of the Kingsguard, didn’t think his promise would have be called upon. It was a fantasy. A dream. Something whispered of in private, dark places.But then, not quite six months later, and the raven came carrying a letter, not from Arthur, who’d written to him almost daily, but from Prince Rhaegar.It was short and simple and would change the fate of Westeros and the Iron Throne forever.The time has come. Your fallen star will meet you in the Reach. Your quiet wolf will prowl from the Neck.Robert had burned the letter and called his banners, marching his forces to meet the one commanded by Arthur in the Reach. The Omega, his Omega, greeted him warmly, dressed in House Baratheon colors rather than those of the Kingsguard and Robert kissed him openly, knowing they might very well fail in what their Prince had asked of them.The war raged for nearly a year, with battles hard won, before victory was secured for Prince Rhaegar, now crowned King, his crazed father locked away in the black cells. It was only then that Robert was finally able to take Arthur, his beloved Omega, his shieldbrother and now closest ally and friend, home to Storm’s End. His little brother Stannis had done well to hold the keep and Robert expressed his pride and love for his brother, who had been surprised by it, as well as the mate he had presented, but, true to his own nature, the young Beta had taken it all in stride.That first night together in their home, Lord and Lord-Consort of Storm’s End, was memorable, for the both of them, and resulted, as Robert liked to boast though Arthur expressed there was room for doubt, in their firstborn son. A dark haired, violet eyed little Omega boy they named Lyan, for the wolf girl who had brought them together, who they both loved as a sister and who, now, was called a Queen of Westeros.It was not the life or future either had expected to have but, as Arthur lay in their bed, Lyan snuggled to his chest, Robert tucked up next to them, smiling proudly and lovingly, neither could imagine it any differently.
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persistentvisionz · 3 years
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September 5, 2021
Surmatants – Mars Rising 2021
Andréa Stanislav
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klomie · 11 months
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@surmatants 's oc 🩸
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fairyringquilt · 3 years
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Surmatants (Totentanz) - Bernt Notke, from St. Nicholas' Church, Tallinn, end of 15th century
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On the day of draft submission I stumbled across this video whilst research Anish Kapoor.
He notes that Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality [my surmation] is in its infancy and that his work; particularly that in relation to the voids created by absolutely pitch black pigment paint “Vanta Blak” creates a singularity and I think a need to feel present. The loss of senses through darkness bring us into the here and now.
The use of absolute darkness is a very powerful tool in creating an experience - one I will draw upon in my project. 
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ebatavaline · 7 years
Rohked naeratused, silmavetest jõed Mägironimised, silmapetted, tõed Miraaž hajun’d kõrbes tühjas Tähesajus, merepõhjas Tantsuplatsil, vaikuses Tühjas saalis, õhtu eel Vahet pole, kellega Lõpuks ikka üksinda Tantsin seal Surmaga
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kinnisvarablog-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://kinnisvarablog.ee/arhitektuuriloolane-jumalaema-kiriku-poleng-suurendab-ilmselt-turistide-arvu/
Arhitektuuriloolane: Jumalaema kiriku põleng suurendab ilmselt turistide arvu
Hallas-Murula ütles uudistesaatele «Aktuaalne kaamera. Nädal», et inimesel tekib elu jooksul lisaks lapsepõlvekodule tihe side ka mõne paigaga, kus ta on harjunud käima või mis talle mingil põhjusel on korda läinud.
«Inimesed valivad neid kohti väga tugeva emotsiooni alusel, mida nad hakkavad omaks pidama. Neid kohti ei pruugi olla elu jooksul üldse palju,» sõnas ta.
«Jah, see on osa meie kultuurist, meie identiteedist. See eile õhtul toimunud tulekahju puudutas meid kõiki. See tekitas õudu,» rääkis Tony kirikupõlengust.
«Kui lapsed olid väikesed, siis me käisime iga teine päev siin mänguväljakul kiriku kõrval. See on meie laste kõige lähem liivakast. Ma arvan, et ei saa mina aru, aga lapsed veel vähem, nad saavad aru kui õnnelikud või milline lapsepõlv nendel oli,» rääkis Külliki.
Nii nagu looduses, on ka kultuuriloos oluline liikide või žanride koostöö püsimajäämise või uuestisünni tagamisel.
«Kirik Pariisis ju ikkagi hakkas sellist masside hingelist väärtust esindama pärast seda, kui oli ilmunud Victor Hugo romaan. Kõigepealt oli kirikuhoone, mis inspireeris kirjanikku, ta kirjutas sellest loo, mis inspireeris lugejaid ja sellest läks mingisugunegi asi veerema,» rääkis kirjandusteadlane Maarja Vaino.
«Kui inimesele miski meeldib, siis ta tahab seda paljundada. Ta tahab, et seda oleks aina rohkem ja ta tahab viibida selle kirjandusteose mõjusfääris. Siis ta tahab teha selles filmi, siis ta tahab end avaldada teistmoodi, ta tahab teha sellest lavastuse ja tahab minna sinna kohapeale,» lisas Vaino.
«Meie jaoks on Notre Dame teine kodu. Meie jaoks on ta armastuse, rõõmu ja lootuse Notre Dame, täna aga kurbuse Notre Dame. Aga ta jääb alati Notre Dame’iks ja see, et müürid või raamistik on kokku kukkunud, ei tähenda midagi. Ka kurbuses on ta meie südameis ja selle ülesehituses osalevad kõik noored, moodustame inimketi. Me ehitame selle katedraali üles palju uhkemana kui varem,» rääkis Prantsusmaal elav Marc.
«Aktuaalne kaamera. Nädal» uuris aga, kui oluline on inimesele tema jumaldatud objekti ehedus või autentsus.
«Kõigepealt, see põleng iseenesest tõenäoliselt suurendab turistide arvu, kes Pariisis käies ei jäta iial sinna minemata. Minnakse, et vaadata, mida see tulekahju selle hoonega tegi. Nad võiksid avada turistidele selle homme, sest ka see tahmunud sisustus ja kõik see on niisugune elamus, mis seal sellest saab praegu. Me teame väga hästi, et turism töötab ka šoki põhimõtetel,» rääkis Hallas-Murula.
Ka Eestis on hooneid, mis on tõusnud rahvussümboli staatusse, näiteks rahvusooper Estonia, mis tegelikult on kaasaegse teatri vajadustele ammu jalgu jäänud. Samas tundub ilmvõimatuna, et ooperimaja kaoks või oma funktsiooni muudaks, kas või juba sellepärast, et omal ajal Juhan Liiv selle ehitamiseks oma viimase kuue loovutas.
«Pirita klooster on hea näide sellest, kuidas minnakse vaatama, sõltumata sellest arhitektuurist, sõltumata sellest, kas maja on terve, katki, pooleliolev, tühi, täis, kas seal midagi toimub või ei toimu. See ongi see Pirita kloostri fenomen — see koht. Minu enda mälestustest jälle, kui tuli «Viimne reliikvia» kinno, siis me tulime siia igal nädalavahetusel, ronisime müüride peal, olime Agnesed, sõbrannadega sai siia tuldud, sest sellele kohale tuli selle filmiga niivõrd tugev romantiline alltekst, mida koolitüdrukule polegi rohkem vaja. See koht on töötanud minule lapsest saadik,» selgitas Hallas-Murula.
«Meie lauluväljak on suurepärane näide — konstruktsioon muudeti, parandati, teda tehti, ta oli lahti võetud karkassini välja. Kas me sellepärast armastame lauluväljakut, laulukaart vähem? Kas me tegutseme seal kuidagi teistmoodi? Ei, me võtame kõik omaks selle, mis on tegelikult restaureerimisfilosoofia mõttes see aeg, mis kogu aeg muudab kõike, kõiki hooneid, kõiki ruume,» lisas ta.
Kui aastasadu tagasi olid sümbolobjektide tekke taga pigem religioossed aspektid, siis tänapäeval on selle rolli võtnud üle turismi- ja turundustööstus.
«Aga Sagrada Familia on ääretult tore näide sellest, kuidas inimesed käivad vaatamas pooleliolevat ehitusplatsi. Kirikut ehitatakse juba üle 100 aasta, praegu vist on uuesti lubatud, et 2026 saab ta lõpuks valmis. Gaudi on ammu surnud, aga ta on ikka tohutult populaarne koht, mida minnakse vaatama,» rääkis Hallas-Murula.
Pariisi Jumalaema kiriku põlengu tõttu meenutas «Aktuaalne kaamera. Nädal» ka Eestis rahuajal toimunud sakraal- ja sümbolhoonete tulekahjusid.
Pea 124-meetrine Oleviste kirik on enim tules kahjustada saanud. Pärast 1433. aasta suurt tulekahju, milles kirik kõvasti kannatada sai, ehitati sellele uus pikihoone. Ehitustööd võtsid aega 14 aastat.
Oleviste on korduvalt ka pikselöögist põlema süttinud. 1625. aasta maikuuööl süütas pikne kiriku kellatorni. Hävis torn, kirikukellad ning kogu sisustus, mida taastati mitu aastat.
Samuti pikselöögist alguse saanud tulekahju tabas kirikut ka 1820. aasta juunikuus. Tulekahju kestis neli tundi ja hävitas kiriku sisustuse täielikult. Õnnekombel säilis kiriku raamatukogu. Seekordne taastamine võttis aega 20 aastat ning seda toetasid rahaliselt ka Venemaa keisrid Aleksander I ja Nikolai I.
Juulis 1931 süttis torn taas pikselöögist. Tuli kustutati ning torn taastati endiste plaanide järgi. Täpset taastamise aastat pole teada.
Ka viiel korral 17. ja 18. sajandi jooksul oli tornil mitmeid vigastusi ja väiksemaid põlenguid pikselöökide tagajärjel. Seega on Oleviste kirik põlenud kokku ligi kümnel korral.
Ka üks Eesti haridussümboleid, Tartu ülikooli peahoone on korra põlenud — ööl vastu 21. detsembrit 1965. aastal. Tulekahju sai alguse elektririkkest üldfüüsika kateedri akendeta praktikumis. Tulekahjus hävis 900 ruutmeetrit põrandapinnast. Peahoone taastati järgmise aasta 1. septembriks, ülikooli aula taastamine võttis aga aega poolteist aastat.
Kui jätta välja märtsipommitamine, mille käigus 13. sajandil rajatud Niguliste kirik tabamuse sai, süttis või süüdati kirik 1982. aasta oktoobriööl, mil kiriku pikalt kestnud taastamistööde lõpetamiseni oli jäänud vaid m��ni kuu. Tulekahju tekkepõhjus jäigi segaseks, sest uurimise tulemused salastati. Tuli levis kiiresti ja tuletõrje liiga lühikeste redelite tõttu olid kustutustööd raskendatud. Tules hävis kogu kirikutorn ja suur osa katustest. Tulekahjust suudeti päästa nii äsja valminud orel kui ka Bernt Notke «Surmatants». Kirik taastati juba järgmise aasta jõuludeks.
Rahuajal on korduvalt põlenud aga ka näiteks Eesti Draamateater ja Estonia teater ning mitmed kirikuhooned, alates Pühavaimu tornist ja lõpetades Piirissaare palvelaga.
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lesinutiles · 5 years
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* DOUCEUR * Voici de jolies assiettes pour décorer la table du goûter de ce mercredi après-midi ! . . >> https://lesinutiles.fr/109-bloomingville #Lesinutiles #boutiqueLesinutiles #bloomingville #nuage #cloud #assiette #surmatable #quatreheure #gouter #instakids #douceurdevivre (à Loches) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wAPF9qRFA/?igshid=ia0wokxu507i
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