#surgical autoclave
labtronixed · 3 months
We are manufacturer & exporter of High Pressure Cylindrical Autoclave and Horizontal Autoclave Steam Sterilizer Rectangular from India. It is use medical, industrial, research, hospital and surgical. Temperature Range 121 to 135 degree with triple and double walled.
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cellymyx · 1 year
The Importance of Autoclavable Canisters for Millennium Surgical Instruments
In the field of surgery, sterility is of paramount importance to ensure the safety and well-being of patients. To maintain sterile conditions, it is crucial to utilize reliable sterilization methods and equipment. Autoclavable canisters play a vital role in this process, particularly when it comes to preserving the sterility of Millennium surgical instruments.
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anandsurgical · 2 years
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omimedtech · 2 years
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Omimedtech - The best medical services
Visit to know more about us & give us a chance to help you out anyway.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
In my neighbourhood, there used to be a hospital. Eventually, the government decided that it was “too old” and had to go. Dangerous, they said. Obsolete, they said. Can’t afford to have sick people in it, they explained. And then the building just sat there, empty, rather than being full of doctors helping people. This story is not about healthcare, or even about the time that I had to drive myself to the other, worse hospital across town while holding my own gaping wound closed with a ratchet strap held in my teeth. It’s about urban exploration.
For those of you unaccustomed to the word “urban,” simply replace it with “city.” Same deal with “exploration:” big word, just means “looking-at.” Together, you’re looking at stuff in a city. Now we’re all on the same page. Urban exploration is what folks who break and enter into abandoned buildings, storm sewers, and disused industrial mechanisms call their practice. It’s pretty dope: you go into a cool old building, take lots of pictures of cool old stuff, and then spend the rest of the week wondering if that fever you’re running might be because the old YMCA had a swimming pool full of pigeon shit and you just went wading through it “for fun.”
The old hospital, through these eyes, was primo. Big ol’ building, full of abandoned machines, long hallways, and windows to set up eerie photographs. It also had a sanitarium, which was only grudgingly converted into a cafeteria in recent years. This inconvenient fact will not stop those of you with overactive imaginations from believing that you are being stalked by a malevolent spirit of one of the patients, which is additional free entertainment for both you and the other members of your exploration party. Fun for the whole family! Actually, on second thought, don’t bring the kids, because they snitch, and then the security guards will start chaining up the doors and removing all the dusty autoclaves full of rusty surgical tools.
If there is something negative to be said about urban exploration, it’s that they don’t let you drive your car in there. There’s a lot of walking, you see, and my feet get tired after a mere four or five hours of running around in a blind panic through a series of identical corridors, wondering if that creaking sound is a security guard, or the building’s superstructure imploding. Things would be a lot easier if I could bring my three-thousand-pound 1970s Chrysler product along for the ride, because at least then we could store snacks in the back seat, and maybe some of the mice in the trunk would find a new home. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Little Government will give up on the idea of maintaining the highway next.
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malevolent-muse · 5 months
Flame to the Torch - Chicago Fire/Torchwood Crossover Fan Fiction
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In a dance between dimensions, an American firefighter finds himself in an odd encounter with the members of Torchwood Three — When Lieutenant Kelly Severide is unexpectedly pulled through time and space, a tangling of timelines ensues. An ancient artifact, shimmering flames, and Time Lord technology intersect in this enigmatic tale. 
With a packet of prawn cocktail crisps in hand, Dr Owen Harper descended into the well of his medical laboratory. Munching away, he checked the various items atop the low shelving unit. Nothing much was happening at the moment so he had time to make sure his scalpels, forceps, surgical sutures, gloves, antiseptic solution, syringes, needles, and sterile dressings were set out on the various trays and that everything was accounted for. 
Owen picked up a scalpel, still encased in plastic to keep it sterile, and examined it closely. Many of the tools he had at his disposal were multi-use items and would be sent out to be autoclaved before they were returned. Though this cut down on potential wastefulness, Owen did have his concerns that the process would eventually result in the dulling of the scalpel’s blade. 
Peering through the clear plastic, he focused on the blade. It was so clean that he could see a partial reflection in the polished steel surface. However, as he altered the angle of the blade, it no longer reflected the pale peachy hues of his skin but rather the bright sparkling flicking flame above him.
“GWEN!” Owen screeched, dropping the scalpel and immediately turning around to stare at the ceiling above him. “GWEN! GET IN HERE!”
Silent flames, alternating between blue, green, yellow, and orange simmered with unknown energy along the surface of the ceiling.
“What?!” Gwen Cooper hollered back at the doctor as she entered the room.
With a singular finger, Owen pointed upward.
Gwen gasped. 
In a flurry of footsteps, she rushed out of the room far faster than she had rushed in.
As for Owen, he didn’t dare move. His eyes transfixed on the high ceiling above him, he stood mesmerized.
“And that’s when I told him,” Lieutenant Kelly Severide said loud enough that the rest of the Firehouse 51 crew could hear him, “there’s no such thing as ghosts.”
“Bull,” one of the more senior members of Truck countered, taking a bite of bacon and then using the remaining portion of fried meat to point at the lieutenant. “You might say that now. But I’m telling ya, I’ve seen gaps in smoke and flame in the perfect outline of a human. If that’s not proof enough for you, I don’t know what is.”
Lieutenant Casey glanced at Herrmann. 
“This wouldn't happen to have occurred while you had your SCBA gear on, would it? Are you certain that your oxygen was all the way on?”
The rest of the crew sitting down over breakfast chuckled at this remark. 
Despite their laughter, Herrmann opened his mouth to contend with the lieutenant’s statement but was interrupted by the blaring of an alarm.
“Truck 81,” the dispatch crackled over the loudspeaker, “Squad 3. Structural Fire. 111 South Michigan Avenue.”
Bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee left abandoned, the crew of Firehouse 51 mustered a quick turnout and were out on the Chicago streets in mere minutes. With Mouch at the wheel, the team strapped in for a bumpy ride.
“Severide,” Casey said through the radio clipped to his jacket, “you know where we’re headed?”
“South Michigan,” Severide replied, the slightly altered tone of his voice sounded over the receiver. “Over by The Bean, I’m pretty sure.”
“Lots of old buildings,” Mouch muttered. “Tourists, too.”
Quickly deciding on the best way to approach the situation, Casey made his orders known.
“Mouch, Herrmann, you two run interference with onlookers and potential victims. Dispatch didn’t call for ambo so be sure to have one called in if need be. Cruz, Mills, you two get hoses running and ready. I’m going to go in with Squad and assess the situation. Got it?”
“Got it,” the truck company echoed in a nearly simultaneous reply. 
As the rig pulled up in front of the Art Institute of Chicago, horns and sirens still blaring, Casey hopped out of the truck's cab. Looking to his right, he waited for just a second as Squad pulled up behind them.
“Severide,” Casey hollered, “I’m going in with you and Squad.”
“Got it,” the fellow lieutenant replied. 
As Casey was the first commanding officer on the scene, the decision was up to him unless a captain or a chief made their way down the site. 
Hustling, their gear clanking around them, the crew ascended the many granite steps only to be greeted by a frantic member of staff as others streamed out of the building. 
“Thank goodness you’re here!” the middle-aged woman declared. “Quickly, this way.”
“Ma’am,” Severide replied, grabbing the woman’s arm and halting her from going back into the building. “You can’t go back in there.”
“But the Institute’s director, he’s in there trying to put it out!”
“We’ll get him,” Casey said. “Just tell us where we’re going.”
Her eyes and hair were both as wild as the woman was frantic. She was almost breathless as she replied, “The Bronze Age Exhibit from Wales! It’s in the special exhibition gallery. Straight across the lobby, through the Alsdorf Galleries, down to the left from there, before you hit the Modern Wing.”
“Alright,” Severide called, “you heard her. Let’s go!”
Taking the lead, Casey strode into the grand building first, with Severide by his side and the rest of Squad following behind them. As they made their way through the atrium, across stone floors, and up and down staircases, the lieutenants glanced around them, trying to assess the situation in which they were walking. Other than the few stragglers making their way out of the building and the resounding wail of the fire alarms, there was nothing that would indicate the presence of a fire.
Giving Casey a knowing look, Severide said, “I don’t even smell smoke.”
Casey shrugged, though he didn’t lessen his pace.
“Dispatched called a structure fire. This isn’t someone accidentally burning a bagel in the staff kitchen.” 
As they walked further toward the special exhibition gallery, both Casey and Severide could hear the loud hiss and whoosh of a fire extinguisher being discharged. Casey broke out into a run as he rushed towards the exhibit and crossed the threshold to find an older man in a suit  desperately using a commercial-grade extinguisher to combat the fire.
“Sir!” Casey said, pulling the man away. “I’m going to need you to exit the building. We’ll take it from here.”
“The fire won’t go out,” the man relayed. “I don’t even know how it started but that is the Mold Gold Cape. It is nearly 4,000 years old! And it is on loan to us from Cardiff. It cannot be damaged!”
“We’ll do our best, but it isn’t safe for you to be here. You need to leave.”
“I can’t,” the director replied. 
“Capp,” Severide interjected, “you want to see him out.”
“On it, Lieu,” the squad member replied.
In the moments it had taken Casey to speak with the director, Severide had crouched down and was examining the fire surrounding the white square pillar and on top of it, a glass case containing a short golden shoulder cloak. However, the artifact held none of Casey’s attention. Instead, he too was mesmerized by the flames licking along the floor. 
This fire was quiet, neither crackling nor roaring as it alternated between hues of blue, green, yellow, and orange. Odder still was the fire did not appear to be consuming the wood of the floor or even the column upon which the cape sat. And the flames sparkled as if touched by electricity.
“What are we looking at?” Casey questioned, crouching down next to Severide. “Electrical fire?”
Severide shook his head ‘no.’
“The flames make me think it’s chemical. But … feel that?” Removing his glove, the lieutenant extended his hand. “No heat. No smell either.”
“Careful, Kelly,” Casey cautioned, stepping back as he watched the flames lick out in odd intervals. “We don’t know what we’re dealing with.”
“What’s beneath this gallery?” Severide asked. “Do we know?”
“More exhibits would be my guess.”
“Welch,” Severide directed, “go investigate.”
As the squad’s ‘floater’ left the gallery, the squad’s lieutenant pulled his glove back on and eased closer to the fire.
“Severide, don’t!”
“Would you relax, Casey? I know what I’m doing. The fire is clearly contained.”
“Kelly, I have never seen a fire like this before. Ever. We should call Chief down here, and see what he has to say.”
“I’m not waiting for Boden,” Severide grumped. “I don’t need the Chief to hold my hand.”
“Then maybe I should,” Casey replied, reaching down to hold the other lieutenant and keep him from getting any closer to the flames.
“Seriously?!” Severide exclaimed, shooting Casey a glare and yanking his arm back.
The movement of pulling away from his fellow lieutenant was enough to off-balance Severide. Tipping over, he fell into the flames and disappeared completely from view.
Jack stood in the middle of the medical laboratory staring up at the flames above.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Owen,” he said, his neck craned all the way back, his hands on his hips. “The analyses from the rift manipulator all read normal. This is an anomaly, plain and simple. There’s no explaining it.” 
Now standing in the doorway, along with Gwen, Owen replied, “I don’t care about an explanation. I want it to stop."
“Jack,” Gwen called, as neither of the pair dared step all the way into the room, “come back up here. It’s not safe.”
Turning to face his team members, Captain Jack Harkness spread his arms wide and gave them a wide dimpled grin.
“What could possibly happen?”
As these words fell from Jack’s lips, a darkly dressed and yellow-banded figure fell from the ceiling. The man landed directly on the captain’s head.
“Jack!” Gwen and Owen called in unison as they rushed down the steps.
“Oooh,” the man who had fallen groaned, rolling over onto his side.
With a shooing wave of his hand, he motioned to the doctor and field agent while speaking through gasping breaths.
“Evacuate … the… premise. It’s … not … safe.”
Then, grabbing the oversized radio attached to his lapel, he pressed the call button with his protectively gloved hands.
“Casey,” he said, looking around, “do you have a copy? I think I landed on someone. Have dispatch send a bus. Casey?”
While the man made an attempt to contact his fellow associate, Owen took a few steps closer to Jack. Standing over the captain, the doctor tilted his head to the side and appraised his commanding officer’s physical condition.
“Gwen,” Owen somewhat casually remarked, “I think he snapped his neck this time.”
The man, who by this point Owen had recognized to be some sort of firefighter given the way he was dressed, sat up with a loud groan.
“Don’t touch him. I’m radioing for help and the paramedics will be here soon. You two need to evacuate.”
“Nah,” Owen remarked, looking back up at the still fire-riddled ceiling high above them. “I’m more worried about those flames than I am Jack. Give him another minute and he’ll be good as new. Trust me, I’m a doctor.”
“I don’t think having a doctorate in art counts, pal.”
“Oh, I’m a medical doctor.”
“What is a medical doctor doing in a museum?”
“You think this is a museum?” Gwen interjected.
The man looked over at the Torchwood field agent like she had grown a second head.
“I know where I am,” the man growled.
“And where is that?”
“The Art Institute of Chicago! Now, really, I need you two to exit the building. The floor above us could collapse at any moment.”
Gwen remarked with a sigh, “He’s fallen through an anomaly in the Rift.”
“I can see that,” Owen replied before returning his attention to the misplaced fireman. “Oi, mate. What year is it?”
A bewildered look crossed the man’s face as he answered, “2013. Why?”
“Bloody hell,” Owen cursed. Kicking at the captain’s foot, he directed his next few words in the captain’s direction. “Jack, time to wake up. Some bloke has fallen through time and space, that’s your speciality.”
“I said don’t touch him,” the firefighter said once more, dragging himself closer to the captain. Seeing the unnatural angle of Jack’s neck, the man pulled off his glove and placed two careful fingers just under the captain’s jaw. “Oh, shit,” he remarked, hanging his head.
“—eeHaaaaa!” gasped Jack, as his neck realigned itself and he sat straight up.
“Shit!” the fireman exclaimed, pulling back.
The man’s eyes were wide in both shock and amazement as he watched the Torchwood captain climb to his feet. This look turned to one of utter bewilderment as Jack turned to him and gave him a dazzling smile.
Extending his hand, Jack said, “Captain Jack Harkness, at your service. And who might you be?”
“Kelly,” the man whispered before clearing his throat. “Lieutenant Kelly Severide: Chicago Fire Department, Firehouse 51, Squad 3.”
“Well then, Kelly,” Jack replied, taking Severide’s hand and hauling him to his feet, “welcome to Torchwood Three.”
“Ah,” Jack supplied, his smile only growing brighter, “handsome, American, but not fully ‘in the know,’ if you catch my drift. Pity.”
“But,” Severide stuttered, “you were dead. I couldn’t feel a pulse.”
“Never mind that,” Jack said, giving the fireman a hearty pat on the back. “What matters is getting you back to — Chicago — didn’t you say?”
“Well with that gorgeous accent of yours, I shouldn’t have forgotten so quickly.”
Severide’s eyes darted over to Owen. Raising a finger, he pointed at Jack.
“Is he hitting on me?”
A smirk tugged at the corner of Owen’s lips as he answered, “Nah, mate. I think you were the one who hit him.”
“I was just breaking his fall,” Jack interjected, crossing his arms.
“And then you chatted him up,” Gwen supplied. 
“Can you blame me? Look at that jawline, the dappling of grey at his temples, those piercing green eyes, even that little gap between his front teeth.”
Holding up both of his hands, Kelly Severide halted the conversation on that particular topic.
“Would someone kindly tell me where in the Hell I’ve just found myself?”
“Cardiff,” Gwen supplied.
“Wales,” Owen added.
Severide’s gaze rapidly shifted between the three members of the Torchwood team before responding. 
“The Cape,” he said.
“Which cape?” Jack questioned.
“The gold one. The one the flames were surrounding.”
“You mean those flames?” Owen said, gesturing to the ceiling high above them.
“Yes,” Severide remarked, taking a few steps out from directly under them. “Those flames. They were surrounding a display holding a gold cape. I think I remember one of the staff saying they were from here.”
“The Mold Gold Cape?!” Gwen said with a gasp. “I’ve seen that. They have it at the museum here. But that thing’s like a million years old.”
“Definitely not that old,” Jack interjected. “But if it’s from the area, it could be tied to the Rift in some way. Could explain why an anomaly formed.”
“The director said it was 4,000 years old, actually. And if it’s at the museum here,” Kelly questioned, “then how could it also be at the Institute in Chicago?”
Owen looked over at the American firefighter and rolled his eyes. “Are you daft? We’ve been discussing how you fell through a rift in time and space this whole time, mate.”
“To be fair,” the captain interjected, “we did discuss his good looks as well.”
“That was just you, Jack,” Gwen griped.
“How do I get back?”
“Listen,” Jack replied to the field agent, “just because you’ve got Rhys waiting for you at home, doesn’t mean you can’t—“
“And you’ve got the tea boy,” Owen interjected.
“How do I get back?!”
“Would you do me a favour, Owen?” Jack grumbled. “His name is Ianto and he’s just as much of an asset to this time as you are. Keep that in mind the next time you mention him.”
“He’s the bloody tea boy, Jack! I’m an actual doctor!”
“WHO CARES?!” Severide bellowed, interrupting the Torchwood three. “How do I get back?”
“The way you came,” Jack said with a shrug.
“The way I came?” Severide replied, clenching his jaw. “And how the actual fuck am I supposed to get all the way back up there?!”
Lifting his chin, the firefighter stared pointedly at the ceiling high above them.
“He has a point, Jack,” Gwen said. “And anomalies don’t last long. If we want to get him back, we’d better do it quick and stop arguing over Ianto.”
Owen turned on his heel and glared at Gwen.
“I’m not arguing over Ianto. I’m just saying he’s not—“
“Still arguing over the guy!” Severide interjected. “And as much as I’ve loved dropping in on this insane situation, can we instead figure out a way to get me back through a hole in the ceiling?!”
His head cocked back, Jack stared at the flickering flames on the ceiling as he carefully moved around the lab.
“Simple, really,” he finally said. “We just need to reverse the polarity of gravity, or mavity, in the room and you will fall back through.”
“Reverse the polarity on the what?!” Owen said incredulously. 
With a dismissive wave of his hand, Jack replied, “It’s something I read in a file we nicked from UNIT’s scientific advisor back in the 70s.”
“Seriously?” Owen grumbled.
Jack laughed as he explained, “It’s an old Time Lord trick. Works every time.”
“I’m sorry,” Severide interjected. “But this is lunacy! I’ve clearly hit my head and now I’m hallucinating a group of crack-pot conspiracy nuts led by a guy that needs both suspenders and a belt to keep his pants on.”
Gwen sighed and replied, “We’re not as crazy as you think. And in Britain, we call them braces, not suspenders.”
“Who the FUCK cares?!” Severide shouted. “What I need is to wake up from this insane nightmare. Because in the last five minutes, I’ve seen a man come back from the dead, had a discussion about a historic artifact that’s in two places at once, and I’ve been subjected to whack-a-do theories about organizations that don’t exist! You know what? I’m done. I’m getting out of here!”
Brushing passed Jack, Severide headed towards one set of stairs that led back into the room of the Hub. 
Jack, quickly giving Owen a knowing look, then spun around and snagged Severide by the sleeve of his jacket.
“I can’t have you going anywhere, Kelly.”
Owen watched as the fireman turned on the captain. And, while the pair was otherwise occupied, the doctor pulled a pre-filled syringe off of the top of the low shelving unit. Glad he had checked his supplies earlier, Owen walked around until he was on the other side of their visitor.
“Yeah?” Severide replied, yanking his arm away from Jack. “And how do you plan on stopping me?”
“Like this,” Owen said, stepping forward and jabbing the needle at the base of Severide’s neck.
“Welch,” Casey all but screamed through the radio, “do you have eyes on Severide?!”
“No sir,” came the static reply over the small speaker. “I’m directly below the gallery and everything seems intact. I don’t even see flames!”
“He’s stuck in the floor cavity,” Casey said, coming to the realization in the same breath as the words fell from his lips. “Capp!”
“Here, Lieutenant,” the squad member said, coming up alongside him.
“I’m going to need you to secure a rope to an anchor point. I’m going in to get Severide and I might need you to pull us back up.”
“You sure about that?” Capp replied, handing the rope from his kit to Truck’s lieutenant. “You’re not even geared up.”
“We don’t have time,” Casey answered, taking the rope and tying it in a quick makeshift harness around his waist and thighs. “Severide isn’t down that far. I just have to get to him and haul him out. I’m worried he’s unconscious.”
“His inactivity alarm isn’t going off. So he has to be moving somehow.”
“I’m not willing to take that risk. If the fire is electrical, it could’ve short-circuited the unit,” Casey said, momentarily taking off his helmet to strap on the cone-like SCBA apparatus to his face. Turning to face Capp, Casey shouted, his voice now muffled, “Secure the line!”
As the squad member rushed to anchor the rope, Casey found himself on his elbows and knees. Crawling on his belly, the lieutenant cautiously approached the sparkling flames. 
It was true, there was no heat to the fire. However, his fingers and forearms tingled with energy but definitely not the arching, electrical kind. This was far from painful. It was just … odd.
Reaching the pillar, which displayed the golden artifact, he was finally able to find the breach in the floor. The flames around him flickered higher as Casey reached down and wrapped his arms around something heavy and solid.
The rope around his waist going taut, the lieutenant found himself being dragged backward out of the flames. In his arms was his fellow lieutenant, and best friend, Kelly Severide.
“SEVERIDE!” he yelled. 
Thankfully, the other lieutenant didn’t appear to have any significant injury or even burned. Still, he was most certainly unconscious. Whipping off his mask and gloves, Casey dove his fingers beneath the layers of thick clothing to feel for a pulse. 
“Come on, Kelly, don’t be dead. Please don’t be dead.”
His own heart hammering in his chest, Casey closed his eyes and willed himself to calm down. Was he feeling his own heart beat or was it the pumping of Kelly’s blood through his carotid artery?
“He’s got a pulse,” the truck’s lieutenant said with a huge sigh of relief. “He’s got a pulse. Call an ambo and let’s see if we can’t get this fire out.”
“Uh… Lieu,” Capp said, pointing up towards the short white column in the center of the room, “fire’s already out. And I can’t even see the hole in the floor Severide fell through.”
Looking up, Casey replied, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Having moved anything that wasn’t already bolted down in the room, Owen, Jack, and Gwen sat in the doorway of the medical lab.
“That was quick thinking with the injection, Owen,” Gwen said as she lazily tossed a coin into the lab and watched it fall to the ceiling.
“Simple ketamine always works when you need to rapidly sedate someone. That’s why I always have it on hand. And, speaking of hands, that thing sure did the trick.”
As he spoke his last sentence, Owen nodded to the object in the centre of the medical lab’s floor. A clear jar, within the confines of the black hexagonal outer case, contained a hand. The pale, severed appendage, suspended by bubbling, blue-tinged liquid, was seemingly unassuming (though a bit macabre).
“Like I said,” Jack replied with a grin, “Time Lord technology: it never fails.”
“Good thing it didn’t,” Gwen said, tossing another coin. “I can’t imagine it would be fun dealing with Lieutenant Kelly if he had gotten stuck here.”
“I don’t know about that. At least he was pretty to look at.”
“You sure the tea boy would like to hear you say that?” Owen said with a snort. 
“How long does it last?” Gwen quickly interrupted before the captain and doctor got into yet another argument. “The reverse polarity of the gravity, I mean.”
“I’d like to second that question, Jack,” Owen added. “When will I be getting my lab back?”
Jack, with his back leaned up against the narrow passageway of the lab’s entrance, simply shrugged his shoulders.
“Could be a while. Days even.”
Opening his mouth to argue, Owen was interrupted yet again. But this time it was not by Gwen. Instead, the pinging sound of metal striking the floor pulled the doctor’s attention back to the interior of his laboratory. 
Owen got to his feet, followed quickly by both Jack and Gwen. Ducking his head through the door frame, he didn’t dare step foot into the room just yet.
The small coins that Gwen had tossed into the room had now fallen to the floor and remained there, unmoving.
“Knew that hand would come in handy,” Jack proclaimed, pushing passed Owen and stepping into the room.
Gwen and Owen both groaned at the terrible pun.
Trotting down the steps, Jack scooped up the case and tucked it under his arm.
With a big smile, he said, “Owen, you can move everything back into your lab now. I’m pretty sure it’s safe enough now.”
“Yes, well,” Owen said, gulping down some of his unease. “Might wait until after tea. Just to be sure I don’t end up on the ceiling.”
“Fair enough,” the captain replied, jogging up the steps, Time Lord’s hand in hand. “You never know what the Rift might throw at us next.”
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Jammie “Sarah” Garcia Yanez-Villegas, 15 (USA 1992)
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Jammie Garcia, identified in some news sources as Jammie Garcia Yanez-Villegas, was a 15-year-old girl who was living with her common law husband, a man who had already had one baby with young Jammie. When Jammie became pregnant again, she was brought to the A to Z abortion facility in Houston in 1994. Jammie, or “Sarah” as she would be known later, would suffer a horrible fate.
Abortionist John Coleman killed Jammie’s unborn baby on February 18, 1994. Only four days later, on February 23, Jammie was in the Intensive Care Unit of a Houston hospital, with spiking fever, chills, nausea, pain, respiratory distress, a distended abdomen, low blood oxygen levels, and foul-smelling discharge. An examination revealed inflammation and a tear in her cervix that was oozing pus. The teenager’s condition deteriorated, and she died in the ICU on March 2.
An autopsy done on her body showed the extent of the damage that the young girl had suffered. Jammie’s body was wracked with abscesses, spreading infection that had entered her body through the damage the abortion had done to her uterus. Her brain, liver and lungs were severely swollen. Her liver and lungs weighed twice what they should have from the inflammation.
Jammie’s painful death brought a response. An inspection was conducted of the “safe and legal” abortion facility that killed her.
What the inspection uncovered was disgusting. The staff were not adequately trained in how to properly sterilize instruments. The administrator, Kristen Hing Fehr, was aware of the fact that the autoclave used to sterilize instruments was not functioning properly. As for the instruments themselves, “two loop forceps, two tenaculums and one curette were found to have small particles of dried brownish-dark red material on them. Three speculums were found to have small particles of dried clear material on them.” “The only sterilized abortion tray in the procedure room was found to contain a curette with a loop whose edge was visibly jagged instead of smooth.” (Source: Travis County District Court Cause No. 94-07517)
The abortionist who killed Jammie was John Coleman, who did not sterilize or replace the filthy surgical tools. Coleman, who suffered from emphysema, died only three days after Jammie. The facility’s employees reported being unsure about Coleman's ability to operate given the fact that he was dying and that his hands constantly shook.
No “back alley abortion” with a rusty coat hanger could have possibly done more damage to Jammie and her baby than the fully legal abortion that left her body ravaged by raging infections.
Jammie’s parents were not notified or asked for permission before the abortion that killed their teenage daughter. Parental consent laws could have saved her. A law known as “Sarah’s Law” to protect her identity was proposed to require parental consent for underage abortion clients.
But abortion advocates released Jammie’s personal information soon after, claiming that Sarah’s Law wouldn’t have saved her and that Pro-Lifers had intentionally misrepresented her case. They demanded that Sarah’s Law should not be instated and that the background information on “Sarah” be censored.
Finally, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Michael P. Kenny ruled that the information about Sarah could stay on the ballot. The information on the ballot talks about Jammie’s death and reads: "Sarah was only 15 when she had a secret abortion. Had someone in her family known about the abortion, Sarah’s life could have been saved."
During the hearing, attorney Beth Porter, who represented Planned Parenthood, the abortion business challenging the law, identified Sarah as 15-year-old Jammie Garcia Yanez-Villegas who was living with her common law husband at the time of the abortion. Porter claimed that as a result, she would not have qualified for the parental notification law in California if it were in place at the time.
Meanwhile, Catherine Short said Jamie never told the abortion facility she was in a common law marriage before the abortion and the abortion facility never asked. The teenager would have qualified for the law because California law has different common law marriage statutes than Texas. Not all states would have legally recognized the common law marriage between a grown man and a 15-year-old girl. "Had someone in her family known, Sarah’s life could have been saved," Short said.
Previously, a representative of the group backing the parental notification measure said it doesn’t matter if Sarah was married or not at the time of her death because teenage girls lack the capacity to make major health decisions on their own and should have parental involvement to learn about the risks and alternatives.
"She was still 15 and was not equipped to make medical decisions on her own, whether she was living with the father of her child or not," the representative said. Physicians in Jammie’s case stated that, had an adult family member been aware that she had undergone an abortion, her life likely could have been spared.
Jammie did not have to die. Neither did her baby. The least we can do is protect more children from suffering the same gruesome fate.
Travis County District Court Cause No. 94-07517
The Daily Spectrum February 16 1999
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The Journal News, Sunday, January 31, 1999 2A
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Firemont Tribune 15 February 1999 (see above)
The Spokesman—Review 12 February 1999
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Sacramento Bee September 28
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Sacramento Bee
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bimbinis · 1 year
holy shit dude
+ some highlights I enjoyed
Ní Fhlannagáin remembers telling the bureaucrats to wipe their feet. They didn't, and tracked mud into the clinic. They asked to see autoclave logs, business licences, narcotics stores, all of which Ní Fhlannagáin was prepared for. Then she spotted something catastrophic: a little cup, with two testicles in it, left just behind the cautery machine. Normally, patients were supposed to bring their balls with them after surgery. But Dana, last night’s patient, was "an absolute lightweight" and was zonked out on vicodin. Ní Fhlannagáin and Willow had to haul her into the house, then give the clinic a quick wipe down and focus on looking after her, intending to clean up fully tomorrow. (Ní Fhlannagáin asked Dana’s permission to tell The Independent her name.)
"Trans healthcare is a drag," she says. "I f***ing hate doing trans healthcare. I'd never do it again. It's one of the most rewarding things and one of the worst things that I ever had to do. "Part of that is that you were seeing folks at their most vulnerable. And trans girls? A lot of the time we don't do vulnerable real well. Because if you do vulnerable a lot, you don't last long. Anyone who does trans healthcare, God bless 'em. God bless 'em."
To younger trans people seeking that goal, she offers this advice: "Don't ask permission for how you live your life… what are they going to do, get you in more trouble? You're trans, honey; you're already in trouble. Just don't get caught."
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scorndotexe · 1 year
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[image description: A screenshot of text from a wiki page. The header is "Press Kit notes", followed by "Autoclave". There is then a paragraph of text that reads:
I was in Alaska when I read about the discovery of a life-form that can not only survive an autoclave (The instrument used for sterilizing surgical instruments; It's supposed to kill any and all bacteria on the tools), but which seems to really enjoy the whole autoclave scene: at temperatures fatal to all other life forms, this bacteria would begin to breed.
End ID.]
so who's the autoclave and who's the bacteria that begins to breed in its conditions?
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narangmedical · 7 months
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The neurosurgery power tool boasts special features including a separate battery, a lightweight handpiece, and a single-function design that is autoclavable at 155∞C, catering to both alternating and direct current applications. https://www.orthopaedic-implants.com/surgical-power-tools/bone-drill-saw-system/neurosurgery-tools.php
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labtronixed · 3 months
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Horizontal Autoclaves designed by Labtronixed INC are an assured smart investment for hospitals and research and chemical laboratories. Autoclaves are used for steam under pressure to kill harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses and spores on items that are placed inside a pressure vessel. The autoclaves at Labtro are designed ergonomically for customer use. 
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cloudbattrolls · 1 year
Xrumon Arigah’s Surgical Extraction Procedure
All surgeons will be fed, watered, well rested, and having used the restroom. They will have woken up shortly before the operation starts due to its duration. All surgeons will be wearing proper attire - head covers, masks, and scrub suits. Sterile scrub suits, shoes, gloves, and goggles will be provided by the clinic, donned upon entry into the operating room to provide the lowest possible bacterial contamination during the operation. 
The operating theater will be prepared with sufficient room to remove, lift, and rotate sections of the suit to provide access to all the systems requiring detachment. These sections will be held and maneuvered with hover-tech above the operating surgeons for maximum ease of access to the patient and a clear field for operations. 
The patient will have been scanned by intraoperative CT prior to the operation, and 3D imagery of these scans will be displayed on wall screens to give surgeons access to all information about his internal organs. These images can be changed at will with simple voice commands.
Lard’s note: The person in the suit would be kept standing while being worked on - picture a sort of medical stand, keeping the patient upright even while unconscious, which allows mechanics/doctors access to everything except the literal soles of the feet. Which they shouldn't need access to, and even if they did, they could just move the stand onto a lift of some kind.
Surgeons will be sustained via nutritionally sufficient meal drinks provided. Short rest breaks will be allowed in shifts. Surgeons requiring restroom breaks will need to be sterilized before returning to the operating room. 
Robots will be present with biological waste containers to ferry waste away for autoclaving. Robots will also be present to bring and take away tools and equipment. 
The suit will be put into maintenance mode so that the subject can be safely operated on, and general anesthetic will be performed. A catheter will be inserted and IVs will be connected to supply sources on movable, levitating robots. The subject will have already undergone fasting, being shaved, and using clinic-issue painkillers for two weeks instead of his standard variety.
Harmonic Scalpel - A surgical instrument used to simultaneously cut and cauterize tissue. Ultrasonic energy is converted to mechanical energy at the active blade to apply pressure and then seal with a denatured protein coagulum. It has almost no thermal spread and smoke production, making it the safest model possible. 
Protective Goggles - In appearance they are ordinary surgical goggles, and provide protection from spurts of blood and other bodily fluids the same way. They can be adjusted with the tap of a button or voice command to provide advanced perception of oxygenated versus un-oxygenated blood, and generate vein road maps.
Internal Laryngeal Rebreather - A liquid that goes down the patient’s throat and expands into the airway, becoming an internal, independent structure instead of an external mask that would impede other surgeries. The oxygen intake is reduced, so it is inadvisable to wear for long periods - this is why it will only be utilized in later stages of the surgery. 
Regenerative Serum - A substance derived from Thrixe Varzim’s tissue that allows for controlled regeneration of a troll’s body. It speeds healing and can allow for minor regrowth of lost biological matter. It must be used in small doses to not accidentally cause cancerous activity or undo surgical work, as it only regrows tissue in its natural form.
Bio-Sponge Buds - A modified version of the synthetic troll flesh already utilized by the clinic, these have been custom engineered by Ullane Wistim out of Xrumon Arigah’s DNA, monofilament fibers, and a bioabsorbable scaffold for optimal integration and structural integrity in his stomach wall. 
Nanotechnology - A specific brand created by Friday Lovely, these tiny repair vehicles made of her own radiation-resistant DNA can be programmed to fulfill a variety of tasks during surgery.
Due to it hampering the eventual necessary removal of the helmet, the visual sensor suite will be disconnected first. 
The head will be held in an altered 3-pin skull fixation device (to accommodate the patient’s standing position) to keep it absolutely still during the surgeries. 
3D image-guidance will be used to display the patient’s internal condition to the 3D computer model created from the CT scan. 
The helmet sections will be adjusted and slide aside so that the suite may be accessed. The skin will be prepped with an antiseptic. A cranial drill will be used to drill through the skull, exposing the dura, which will be peeled back to allow access to the brain. 
The optic nerve will be held and isolated via forceps as it is packed with cottonoids for protection. The cells grown into the conduits will be dissociated by injections of TrypLE, so that the conduits may be safely removed without damaging the vitreous humor.
His eyes will be monitored for their light response (and integrity of the optic nerve) at all times. Regenerative serum will be immediately applied via infused cottonoids if damage is sustained.
The skull bone will be sealed back in place with laser soldering. 
It will be likely the patient has sustained minor vision loss due to scar buildup around the conduits, but this will be addressed post-surgery. 
Dioscuri’s Area is the part of the troll brain where psiionic energy is generated; it is tied to voluntary motor functions, as while psiionic abilities are not muscularly based, even passively present powers require focus from the user to manipulate at will.
Fortunately for Xrumon Arigah, he has no psiionic powers, so removal is safe in that regard.
The dampener will be removed second, after the visual sensor suite. After its removal, psiionic influence on the surgery will be possible via Ullane Wistim and Friday Lovely’s psiionics. 
Once the helmet sections are slid back to expose the head, the skull will be cut into via cranial drill and the dampener will be located. Once it is located the wires attaching it to the Dioscuri region will be carefully detached via a stent-retriever inserted by way of a micro catheter.
Once all wires have been detached and removed from the body, the dampener itself will be extracted. 
As with all neurological operations during this surgery, laser soldering will once more be used to seal the brain tissue after incision and prevent damage and blood loss. 
The monitor must first be removed from where it is hooked into the patient’s brain stem by PEDOT clusters. Sterile saline solution will be used to sanitize and avoid excess heating while drilling through the skull to reach the clusters, microspheres meshed with the brainstem via hydrogels. 
A lighted scope will be used to view the site clearly, and it will be clipped to prevent full circulation so the patient does not die of blood loss. The clusters will be detached via a syringe inserted into the capillary of the correct cerebellar blood vessel to extract all the PEDOTS clusters, earlier located during the CT scan. 
A small window will be drilled into the bone above the spinal cord to observe the monitor site and to make it possible to extract after the wires are detached, all the way down to the base of the vertebrae at the conus medullaris. 
A few key incisions along the spine will be made to access the scar tissue around the wires, and nanotech delivering extracorporeal shockwave treatment will be used to loosen and draw them out by gentle tissue dissolution around the sites. 
The neck muscles will be spread apart to allow extraction via retractor, then a bony well will be drilled to access the monitor, using a silicone replica of the monitor as a guide to ensure the exact necessary depth and no further. 
The monitor will then be set aside, along with the wires.
Located prior via CT scan, the microchips will be reached by syringes piercing the brain matter exactly where the chips in their capsules are located. 
Care must be taken to ensure the brain tissue itself is not damaged in the process. As is standard, regenerative serum injections will be prepped in case damage is sustained.
The microchips will be set aside and later prepped for hazardous waste disposal.
Infrared fluorescent imaging will be used to provide a real-time model of the patient’s lungs and the structures within during this operation.
A bite block followed by an endoscope will be placed down the patient’s throat. This will deliver nanotech to dissolve the anti-clotting coating on the cannulas so that hemostatic nanoparticles may temporarily clot his blood to prevent the patient choking to death. 
The oxygenator membrane and pump will be disabled by nanotech to safely cut off its power source, then the lung pumps’ tubes loosened and detached gradually. The tubes - cannulas-  will be disassembled into their glass and wire components, and removed back up the endoscope via nanotech, and set aside. This step will need to be done incrementally over several minutes to ensure safe disconnect. 
The stomach tube will also need to be disconnected and disassembled. All tubes require time to do so properly, as the cannulas are structured to avoid bubbling in the blood vessels and support a smooth transition to prevent improper drainage and maintain regular flow levels. 
As the drainage is redirected, more hemostatic particles will both absorb the excess and other nanoparticles will temporarily graft and re-direct blood to other vessels so the patient does not die of blood loss. 
In the likely case of damage caused during the surgery, nanotech carrying regenerative serum will also be accompanying the disassembly units. Regardless of additional harm, the vessels the tubes were attached to will need to be repaired by this method before the nanotech is removed once more. 
Finally, a ventilator will need to be attached afterward to help his lungs transition back to their usual functionality. 
The chest will be cut open below the collarbone, and pacing leads will be attached to the cardiac veins. Plastic tubing will be inserted over leads as sheaths to break up the scar tissue that has formed around the vein sites. The leads will be anchored via suture after fixation to prevent dislodging. 
The regulator will first be disconnected from the devilfish reflex kit via surgical scissor and the wound sealed via harmonic scalpel, then disconnected from the heart itself. 
A smaller, less powerful biventricular pacemaker will be installed to ease the loss of the old one, as his heart has come to depend on it. It will be implanted inside the heart itself, with a lead attached to a vein under the collarbone on one side and the pulse generator on the other. 
In time, he will ideally be able to survive without one entirely. 
All conduits must be disconnected from the relevant nerve clusters without paralyzing the patient from damage to his nervous system or incurring fatal amounts of blood loss. This stage of the surgery will be the longest; surgeons will be swapped out every three hours to ensure focus and quality of work is retained.
The conduits will be cut via robotically operated surgical scissors, and harmonic scalpels will be used to seal openings.
In case of any damage, nerves can later be repaired via a few different methods: suture, grafting, or transfer. This will be a future operation, as any damage will only be able to be patched and not fully repaired in the present moment due to time constraints. 
Intraoperative cell salvage will be used to prevent the patient from dying of blood loss. Blood will be collected, combined with anticoagulant, centrifuged, washed in saline, and reinfused periodically by robots. 
One to two surgeons will operate a robotic set of instruments to detach the conduits - allowing for tremor-free and magnified views of the vital nerve clusters - as others perform the cell salvage and set the conduits aside, ready to pause in case of emergencies. 
The dialysis units in the suit must be safely disconnected from the subject’s kidneys and liver. 
The hazards primarily involve not tearing the fistula connection site, as the vein and artery connection will bleed heavily if torn during removal of the tubing. Excessive clotting should also be avoided.
The units must be prepared for removal. First, they will be switched off, then the units’ lines must be clamped to prevent blood loss. Saline will be kept on hand for emergency infusions, and to flush the tubes in case of any clotting. 
Nanotech will be used to disconnect the tubing by loosening it safely so the needles may be removed nigh-instantly via scalpel and needle pliers. To best prevent damage and complications, they will be removed at the same angle they were inserted, and with moderate compression via nanotech to both prevent excess clotting and circulatory issues. 
The kidney units themselves must be removed via disassembly via laparoscopic tube (similarly to the breath of life regulator) and the wound sealed shut using subcuticular stitches (placed below the epidermal layer).
The liver unit will follow the same process, using the same supracostal incision. 
An external dialysis machine will then be connected following the removal of all three units, to ensure his body does not fail from the dependence it will have likely developed during its time connected to the units.
The front portion of the helmet will be opened, and the mouth propped open with gags. 
The patient will be switched from breathing tubes to the laryngeal airway mask substitute, allowing direct access to the tongue. 
This substitute will also contain the solvent to dissolve the hardening compound. When the compound is fully dissolved, it and the solvent can be safely swallowed. 
First, the stomach will be inflated via tube-delivered carbon dioxide gas, to have a clear view of its lining. 
The reticulator itself will first be secured via medical cinch. The clips holding the tube in place will be removed and the primed buds containing bio-sponge will be placed in the clips’ former locations via syringe. 
The tube will be pulled through the stomach wall as the buds generate and weave a mesh plug over the hole in under a second. This allows for the minimum possible leakage. 
The tube removal site will then be covered with a sterile dressing to further contain any later leakage and later changed periodically. 
Afterward, the patient will receive medication to reduce his stomach acid to facilitate the healing and successful graft of the stomach hole.
The final operation. Before it is undertaken, the vitals of the suit must be checked to ensure all other disconnects are stable.
Xrumon must still be under anesthesia, and he must be stabilized with fresh IV fluids to prepare him for full life-support disconnect. 
Much like the reticulator, the reactor will follow similar securement and removal steps, and the stomach hole will need to be plugged using the same method as above. Once this hole is plugged, Xrumon will be fully detached from the suit.
Once this is done, the patient laid down to rest and stabilize with the aforementioned post-surgery procedures and the suit itself must be set aside.
To my staff, should this be necessary -
I have had ports installed under my skin like those of helms. So that if I must overclock my psiionics to save Xrumon’s life, I will be immediately stabilized, preventing brain damage if not other damage from burnout, though the ports are also designed to release regenerative serum if such occurs. I have fallen unconscious, and can be safely revived after an hour’s rest. 
I know you’ll question me; you’re right to. But even if this is the wrong decision, it’s the one I’m making. Ideally, it won’t be necessary. 
I would still rather do it to ensure his survival. He must live.
No matter what. 
- Ullane Wistim
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omimedtech · 2 years
Buy medical supplies online online!
You can buy the medical equipment's online with best quality & smooth working process only from Omimedtech on best price; so visit to the site to know more.
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Hospital Supplies and Equipment & Essential Components for Quality Healthcare
In the realm of healthcare, hospital supplies and equipment are critical for the smooth operation of medical facilities. These components range from basic consumables to advanced machinery, all of which are essential for diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. This blog will delve into the various types of hospital supplies and equipment, their significance, and the advancements that are shaping the future of healthcare.
Basic Medical Supplies Basic medical supplies are the foundational elements in any healthcare setting. These include items such as:
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Wraps and Dressings: used to treat and protect wounds. Needles and Needles: essential for vaccination and medication administration. Gloves and Masks: Crucial for maintaining hygiene and preventing infection. Thermometers and Blood Pressure Monitors: Vital for routine patient assessments.
These supplies are used daily and are critical for patient care and infection control. Their accessibility and quality straightforwardly influence the effectiveness of clinical benefits and patient results.
2. Diagnostic Equipment Healthcare professionals are able to accurately diagnose medical conditions thanks to diagnostic equipment.
X-beam Machines: utilized for imaging internal organs and bones. X-ray and CT Scanners: Give point by point pictures of delicate tissues, vital for diagnosing different circumstances. Ultrasound Machines: Commonly used in prenatal care and to examine internal organs. Electrocardiographs (ECGs): Measure electrical activity of the heart to detect abnormalities.
Advancements in diagnostic equipment have revolutionized healthcare, enabling earlier and more accurate diagnosis, which is essential for effective treatment planning.
3. Therapeutic Equipment Therapeutic equipment is designed to treat and manage medical conditions. Important therapeutic devices include:
Ventilators: Provide respiratory support for patients with breathing difficulties. Dialysis Machines: Essential for patients with kidney failure, performing the function of filtering blood. Infusion Pumps: Deliver controlled amounts of medications and nutrients directly into a patient’s bloodstream. Physical Therapy Equipment: Includes items like exercise machines and therapeutic ultrasound devices used in rehabilitation. These devices are crucial for patient recovery and management of chronic conditions, playing a significant role in improving quality of life.
4. Surgical Instruments and Equipment Surgical instruments and equipment are indispensable in operating rooms. Key items include:
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5. Patient Care and Monitoring Equipment Monitoring and caring for patients require a range of equipment to ensure their well-being. Essential items include:
Monitors for Patients: Track crucial signs, for example, pulse, circulatory strain, and oxygen levels. Beds and Mattresses: Specially designed to provide comfort and support, reducing the risk of bedsores. Wheelchairs and Stretchers: Facilitate patient mobility and transportation within the hospital. IV Stands and Poles: Hold intravenous fluids and medications, ensuring proper delivery to patients. Continuous monitoring is vital for detecting changes in a patient’s condition, allowing for timely interventions.
6. Laboratory Equipment Research facility gear is fundamental for breaking down quiet examples and directing different tests. Key laboratory instruments include:
Microscopes: Used for examining cells and microorganisms. Centrifuges: Separate components of blood and other fluids for testing. Spectrophotometers: Measure the intensity of light in samples, used in various biochemical tests. Autoclaves: Sterilize laboratory equipment and waste. Laboratory diagnostics are critical for confirming medical conditions and guiding treatment decisions.
7. Information Technology and Health Informatics Modern healthcare relies heavily on information technology. Essential IT equipment and systems include:
Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Store patient information digitally, improving accessibility and coordination of care. Telemedicine Stages: Facilitate remote consultations and monitoring, broadening healthcare access. Medical Software: Supports various functions such as billing, scheduling, and inventory management. Wearable Devices: Monitor patient health metrics continuously, providing data for personalized care. The coordination of IT in medical services has improved proficiency, precision, and patient commitment.
Conclusion Hospital supplies and equipment are the backbone of healthcare delivery, ensuring that medical professionals can provide high-quality care. From basic consumables to advanced diagnostic machines, each component plays a crucial role in patient care. As technology continues to advance, the future of hospital supplies and equipment promises even greater improvements in healthcare outcomes, making it an exciting field to watch. The ongoing development and refinement of these tools are essential for meeting the evolving needs of patients and healthcare providers worldwide.
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Yvonne Tanner, 22 (USA 1984)
On July 10, 1984, Yvonne Tanner underwent a “safe and legal” abortion at the Inglewood facility in California. The abortionist was Stephen Pine and/or Morton Barke. She immediately went into a coma and died on August 14, 1984. Her death certificate notes that she suffered coma, hypertension, and urinary tract infection.
Inglewood had a horrifying record of dead clients and malpractice. Yvonne was one of 6 dead clients. The others were 17-year-old Kathy Murphy, Lynette Wallace, Cora Mae Lewis, Elizabeth Tsuji and Belinda Byrd. (Out of all of the dead clients, all were Black except for Kathy and Elizabeth. This has led some to suspect that racism played a role in the consistently horrific malpractice that Inglewood clients suffered.) Inglewood was shut down by the state of California multiple times, but they just repeatedly reopened under a slightly different name. Inglewood General Hospital, Inglewood Hospital, Inglewood Women’s Hospital, Inglewood Women’s Clinic and more were all rebranding attempts by Inglewood after being shut down for malpractice.
In May and June of 1984, inspectors found the following violations at Inglewood (Statement of Deficiencies and Plan of Correction 5/18/84 and 6/21/84):
• clients had complications, but “none” was written in complication section of surgical log
•two surgical logs had no entries, just a blank under complications
• cervical dilators inserted by unlicensed staff
• consent for cervical dilator insertions not checked
• multiple clients’ physical exam forms and history forms contained different information
• unlicensed/unqualified staff giving tentative gestational diagnosis
• no documentation of physician being notified of ruptured membranes
• one aide inserted laminaria, another was documented as doing it
• clients having seizures that went entirely undocumented
• patient charted as in acute distress and unable to get blood pressure, but distress not described and no reason given for inability to get blood pressure
• entries in charts written over and/or not dated
• no EKG stripchart in post-anesthesia recovery room
• written policy for flash autoclave not followed
• the facility was not licensed to provide outpatient and emergency services but was advertising them anyway
• surgical suite shelving was laden with dust and lint, surgical suite ceiling ventilation grid encrusted with grayish material
• inspectors noted that Inglewood “does not have enough surgical equipment, nor does it appear that staff is properly sterilizing their equipment as evidenced by comparing the hospital’s surgical log with the number of surgical sets available.” They also noted that nurses, practitioner, and physician assistant lacked clinical privileges.
In the same year that Yvonne was killed, no fewer than 5 other clients sued for severe abortion injuries that almost killed them and at least three of those clients suffered permanent injuries and disabilities. (LA County Superior Court Case No SCC12219, LA County Superior Court Case No. SCC11519, LA County Superior Court Case No. C577956, LA County Superior Court Case No. WEC092527, LA County Superior Court Case No. WEC86705)
Had Inglewood been shut down and the staff truly held accountable for the deplorable inspection reports in May and June, Yvonne and her baby could have been spared. Yvonne’s surviving daughter Yonell Marie would have been spared the trauma of losing her mother and baby sibling.
LA Superior Court Case No. C555261
Times-Picayune newspaper
California Death Index, 1940-1997 database, Yvonne Tanner, 14 Aug 1984; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.
United States Social Security Death Index database, Yvonne Tanner, Aug 1984; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).
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yourmedicalfriend · 14 days
Buy Advanced Dissecting Kit - GSTC
The Dissecting Kit is a comprehensive, high-quality tool set designed to meet the needs of students, educators, and professionals in various scientific fields. With its durable instruments and ergonomic design, this dissecting kit supports accurate and effective dissections, enhancing the learning and research experience. Whether for educational purposes or professional use, the dissection kit is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in the study of anatomical structures.
Dissection Box for Medical Care
Instruments should be sterilized in an autoclave to ensure they are free from contaminants. Regular disinfection with appropriate solutions helps maintain hygiene and prolongs the lifespan of the instruments.
High-Quality Materials:
Stainless Steel Instruments: All instruments are made from medical-grade stainless steel, ensuring they are durable, corrosion-resistant, and easy to sterilize.
Precision Manufacturing: Each tool is manufactured with precision, ensuring reliable performance and longevity.
Comprehensive Tool set:
Versatility: The wide range of instruments included in the kit makes it versatile for various dissection tasks, from simple educational dissections to complex research procedures.
Convenience: Having all necessary tools in one kit provides convenience and efficiency, eliminating the need to source instruments individually.
User-Friendly Design:
Ergonomic Handles: Tools are designed for comfort, reducing strain during extended use.
Easy Maintenance: Instruments are easy to clean and maintain, ensuring they remain in optimal condition for repeated use.
The Dissecting Kit is a comprehensive, high-quality tool set designed to meet the needs of students, educators, and professionals in various scientific fields. With its durable instruments and ergonomic design, this kit supports accurate and effective dissections, enhancing the learning and research experience.
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Whether for educational purposes or professional use, the dissecting kit is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in the study of anatomical structures.
Botanists use these kits to dissect plants, studying their internal structures, which is crucial for understanding plant physiology and pathology. Pathologists use dissecting kit price to examine tissues for disease diagnosis, playing a vital role in clinical pathology. The kit comes in a sturdy, compact carrying case, making it easy to transport and store. The case also helps keep the instruments organized and protected.
Dissection Box Price
Medical students and professionals use the dissecting kit to study human anatomy, gaining a deeper understanding of the body's structures and functions. In zoology, dissecting kits are used to explore the anatomy of various animals, aiding in comparative anatomical studies and veterinary training. GST Corporation Ltd. is Medical Equipment manufacturer, suppliers or exporter. We exports quality Surgical Instruments, Diagnostics equipment, Medical Disposable all over the world. 
The dissecting kit is perfect for high school and college biology labs, where students learn about anatomical structures through hands-on dissection. Medical students and trainees use these kits to practice and perfect their dissection skills, essential for their future careers. Researchers in fields such as zoology, botany, and pathology use dissecting kit price to study specimens in detail, contributing to scientific knowledge and discoveries. In clinical settings, dissecting kits are used for minor surgical procedures and biopsies.
Scalpels and scissors should be regularly sharpened to maintain their effectiveness. Over time, some instruments may wear out and need replacement to ensure continued precision and safety.
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