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bethanythebogwitch · 2 years ago
I talked before about fish Pokemon and that was great, but it's not the only mon series I like. So fuck it, fish Digimon time. This will definitely be less analytical and more me gushing about Digimon I like because I may be a bit out of it right now. Also sorry if I missed any.
Starting at rookie/child level we only have one fish but why would we need more when we have Swimmon?
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Loot at it, it's amazing! It's some some sort of tropical fish, obviously, but with some embellishments, like the beak full of teeth. I love how colorful and pointy it is. It works great as a rookie for so many aquatic lines. I think some great lines for it would be Swimmon -> Coelamon -> Piranimon -> MetalPiranhimon or Swimmon -> Tobiumon -> DIvemon -> Surfimon. Speaking of which...
I'm going over champion/adult Digimon together and starting with Coelamon.
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It's a coelacanth! Coelacanths are amazing as some of the last lobe-finned fish. In this case, the lobes have been exaggerated into proper limbs, like how lobe-finned fish are the ancestors of tetrapods through intermediate limbed fish stages like tiktaalik. Its armor might also be based on placoderms, extinct fish with bony armor.
We have surprisingly few shark Digimon, but one we do have is Tobiumon, and it's amazing.
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A shark with arms that can fly with its fins is such a Digimon concept that all it needs are some guns to be peak Digimon. It even has a remora missile launcher on its chest!
The armor Digimon give us several fish, and while I don't think any of them particularly work as armor evolutions, they're fine as Digimon on their own. And before anyone mentions it, Tylomon is a tylosaurus, not a fish. The first is Manbomon, and while it's a terrible armor evolution for Patamon, A mola mola wearing boxing gloves is such a goofy concept I can't help but love it.
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Next is Seahomon, which is pretty obviously a seahorse, but its snout is a trumpet and it has a cape that turns into wings I guess? I dunno, it's a pretty weird one.
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My favorite of the three is Mantaraymon. Despite the name, it doesn't have a manta ray's face, instead having a rostrum like a shovelnose ray or even maybe a dolphin. I do like how they used Patamon's ears as the cephalic fins.
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Mantaraymon also has a more mechanical X-antibody variant that gives it kind of a stealth fighter vibe. I kind of like it more than the original Mantaraymon, which is saying something since I usually don't like X-antibody Digimon.
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Moving onto the ultimate/perfect level we have a new mon from China, Huankunmon.
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I love this design so much. Its based on the peng, a mythical creature that can turn from a bird to a fish. Fittingly, Huankunmon's line goes from a bird (Xiquemon) and goes to a bird/fish/dragon hybrid (Xiangpengmon). It'a also based on a flying fish since it can fly with a swimming motion. And it can turn invisible. There's nothing not to love about it.
Next is Piranimon, and look at this absolute beast
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Some might call it overdesigned, but I absolutely love it. I particularly dig the tail being a fish hook covered in barbed wire. Its based on a red-bellied piranha, but the pop-culture version where they're bloodthirsty monsters that attack everything they see. Real piranhas are not like that. The helmet it wears may also be based on placoderms, some of which only had the bone armor on the front of their bodies.
Finally at this level, we have Divemon.
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I'm not as big of a fan of this as I am of the other two, but I do like the Polynesian-style tattoos it has. Its a combination hammerhead shark and professional swimmer.
Maxing out at the mega/ultimate level we have MetalPiranimon.
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While I appreciate any fish megas, I think this is a step down from Piranhimon. It's just a red-bellied piranha with a big metal head dragging around a counterweight. I'm not saying its bad, I'm just saying that Piranhimon is better. Fun fact, Metalpiranhimon came first. Piranhimon was designed because someone thought it was weird that there's a MetalPiranhimon but no regular Piranhimon. There are a few examples of that in Digimon, like SkullBaluchimon coming before Baluchimon.
Next is Regalecusmon, which might be stretching the definition of fish a bit, but it does have an oarfish for a head.
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I really like this design, especially it using Zudomon's horn as a sword and what looks like Ebidramon's claw as a shield. I think it would make a great villain for an aquatic episode or storyline of a show. Maybe like a more modern version of MetalSeadramon from Adventure.
Finally, we have Surfimon.
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It's a mechanical shark man riding a rocket-powered hammerhead shark surfboard with a buzzsaw on the front. We have reached peak Digimon, people. And even better, it was created by a fan as part of a contest. Frankly, it's a shame that it hasn't gotten any appearances in the anime or games. I don't get why some fan-made Digimon can go onto have major appearances like Dobermon, Cyberdramon, and SoundBirdmon while others get ignored. A lot of them don't even have art. I'd be pretty bummed if I was a kid who won a contest to have my design become official and then it was never used. I think Surfimon should get an anime appearance and the English dub should make it talk like a Californian surfer dude.
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dailydigidraw · 9 months ago
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A big wave's coming!
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jaymisaeki · 2 years ago
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Some more mugshot commissions, first row and the first in the second row are OCs belonging to Sableyefan, Arrancarfighter, and Sabedile over on dA.
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eeveegirl9 · 3 months ago
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This is Floyd's Tamer Card. His partner is Crabmon, his D-3 is turquoise and his Crest is the Crest of Humor.
Fresh/Baby I: Pabumon
In-Training/Baby II: Motimon
Rookie/Child: Crabmon
Champion/Adult: Coelamon
Ultimate/Perfect: Scorpiomon
Mega/Ultimate: Surfimon
Gender(Pronouns): He/Him
Pabumon: Bubble Blow
Motimon: Elastic Bubbles
Crabmon: Scissors Attack
Coelamon: Variable Darts/Ancient Bite
Scorpiomon: Tail Blade/Scorpion Storm
Surfimon: Barrier Blade/Lightning Cutter
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aviculor · 8 months ago
I had no recollection of KarnEX doing evolutions for the reliability armors and that's because I already covered every digimental he did so far. So we're in uncharted territory now and I'll have to compare notes when he does release more videos in the series.
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Armadimon/Submarimon evolves into Gusokumon and Aegisdramon. I was saving Aegisdramon for this specifically. I don't *love* Gusokumon here, but there's no perfect level aquatic vehicle digimon I can think of and it's an armored thing that fires torpedoes. It also canonically evolves from Submarimon and Ankylomon, and it's got big claws and a shell like Armadimon. They're even in the same pose there.
V-mon/Depthmon evolves into Divemon and Surfimon. I knew I wanted Surfimon for this because it's got the Main Character vibe and it's blue with a white mouth. I originally had Hangyomon as the perfect level which does mesh with Depthmon being deep sea diving themed, but Divemon has the same vibe I mentioned as it's a Pulsemon evo and therefore is a protagonist partner. Plus, it has a similar silhouette as Depthmon when its legs are turned into a tail.
Hawkmon/Orcamon evolves into Whamon and Plesiomon. I'm not as sure about this one, there aren't exactly too many options for cetaceans. Marine animals in general get a little tight when you exclude fish, squid people, and the Seadramon family. At least Plesiomon has flippers.
Patamon/Mantaraymon evolves into MarinDevimon and Neptunemon. I knew I wanted this to end on Neptunemon because it's the water god and Patamon tends to turn into religious beings. I struggled with the perfect level until I threw darts at the board and remembered manta rays are also called devilfish. Putting MarinDevimon next to Mantaraymon, I also realized Mantaraymon's tail ends in a spade like MarinDevimon's tentacles. And then I realized it matched how I had already made Tylomon evolve into Calamaramon.
Tailmon/Tylomon evolves into Calamaramon and AncientMermaidmon. It had to evolve into AncientMermaimon to match Neptunemon, I knew this right off the bat. But what to put between them as the perfect? I originally defaulted to Mermaimon, but...well, honestly, I forgot why I changed it to Calamaramon, but it worked out when I was struggling with Patamon and noticed I had squid people as both of their perfect levels.
Wormmon/Archelomon evolves into Anomalocarimon X-Antibody and JumboGamemon. Much like before, I already had the ultimate in mind: JumboGamemon, a turtle. There are no perfect level turtles, the closest being JumboGamemon's canon pre-evo Shawujinmon which is a kappa. I thought about Zudomon as it's wearing Archelomon's shell, but I settled on Anomalocarimon X-Antibody because it has a similar color palette to the rest of the line and it's got blades and spikes sticking out of it like Archelomon. It's definitely an idea with merit.
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digishima · 9 months ago
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Azul doesn’t get an octopi Digimon bc they’re all ugly.
Jade’s Mushroomon was so easy, didn’t even hesitate…But the rest of the evolutionary line…
Also now that the Beach Event is on both servers it makes sense that Floyd has Surfimon.
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clawz-out-archive · 2 years ago
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I decided to make an evolution line for Depthmon. I already thought Marinedevimon was a good fit, but I had trouble choosing a mega/ultimate. Thanks god for Surfimon!
This line also works with Gomamon as the rookie. Neptunemon is a good alternate mega.
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rjbailey · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @digilines.ok . Rookie: Gizamon Champion: Ebidramon Perfect: Anomalocarimon Ultimate: Surfimon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #Gizamon #Ebidramon #Anomalocarimon #Surfimon #digimoncybersleuth #digimonadventure #digimon #digimontri #digimonuniverse #digimonsavers #digimondatasquad #digimonadventure01 #digimonadventure02 #digimonworld #digimontamers #digimonmastersonline #digimonrearise #digimon02 #digimonlinks #digimonadventureΨ #digimonadventurepsi #digilines #digievolution #rookie #champion #perfect #ultimate - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CBbCQyzlAYk/?igshid=17pfn79so3btr
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kaijukyru · 3 years ago
Cliffjumper and Aqua
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PITCHMON Level: Fresh Type: Slime Attribute: None/Free Field: Deep Savers
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BUKAMON Level: In-Training Type: Lesser Attribute: None/Free Field: Deep Savers
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BETAMON Level: Rookie Type: Amphibian Attribute: Virus Field: Nature Spirits
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SEADRAMON Level: Champion Type: Aquatic Attribute: Data Field: Deep Savers
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MEGASEADRAMON Level: Ultimate Type: Aquatic Attribute: Data Field: Deep Savers
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SURFIMON Level: Mega Type: Cyborg Attribute: Vaccine Field: Deep Savers
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shoudesuka-mechadork · 6 years ago
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Today I learned that Surfimon exists.
I cannot tell you the amount of immense joy this extremely silly design brings me. I love this so damn much.
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Phineas And Ferb - Digimon AU
Here’s some headcannons I have for my Digimon AU of Phineas and Ferb:
Probably I should rename this AU to: “The DigiSummer Belongs To You” or something, but I don’t know. What do you think?
I want to make it loyal to the japanese version of Digimon, so the titles of the chapter, can be anime-esque, similar to @themurphyzone​ with his fanfic: “Absolutely Disastrous” (good fanfic by the way I love it so much), this also, will apply my other Digimon AU’s (”Milo Murphy’s Law”, “Gravity Falls”, “Star Vs The Forces Of Evil”, “Ducktales 2017″ and “Steven Universe”)
Continuing with this. I’ll plan to use the original names of the Digimons and their attacks and also for when they evolve. This also, will apply with the afromentioned AU’s.
Some Digimons are attracted by the Big Ideas of Phineas and Ferb, some examples are: Kenkimon (”Rollercoaster” and “Rollercoaster: The Musical”), Racemon (”The Fast And The Phineas”), Pumpmon (”One Good Scare Ought To Do It!”), Mummymon (”Are You My Mummy?”), Daipenmon (”S’Winter”), Surfimon (”Lawn Gnome Beach Party Of Terror”), Knightmon (”A Hard Day’s Knight”), Dressmon (”Run Away Runway”), Footmon (”My Fair Goalie”) and Kotemon, Igamon, Kougamon and Shurimon (”Quietest Day Ever”). I still have to find a proper explanation why this happens in Danville.
One of my biggest troubles, is how I’m going to start this AU. Because, according to me Perry is Phineas’ Digimon Partner. Because my idea is that Phineas ends discovering that Perry is a Digimon in the first chapter and they eventually become partners, after some issues, but he and Perry hide this from Monogram, at least until the end of the first arc. But, should I make Phineas discover this early or save it for later? In case you ask, yes, I have a design for Perry as a Digimon.
Perry, Steve, Pinky, Peter and Dennis are actually Digimons, but can disguise theirselves as animals, like Mummymon and Archnemon in Digimon 02 and Bagramon in Digimon Xros Wars. (This also applies with Diogee and Waddles in my Digimon AU’s of Milo Murphy’s Law and Gravity Falls respectively)
The agents of OWCA are actually Digimons, that can disguise theirselves as animals (the one they resemble the most).
Steve the chameleon is Ferb’s digimon’s partner. Steve and Perry can jogress together (fuse/DNA Digivolution) and create a digimon that resembles “The Beak”, that hero Phineas and Ferb made and appeared thrice in the series. I still need to make a design of The Beak, as a Digimon.
I have a strange headcannon of Phineas and their friends helping a team formed by a Kotemon, an Igamon, a Kougamon and a Shurimon in “Quietest Day Ever” to save a town taken over by a Zanbamon. XD, why I imagine this?
Dennis the rogue rabbit, is a Lopmon and one of the antagonists, that later gets redeemed. My headcannon is that in a beginning, he took advantage of Candace to reach his nefarious goals, similar to DarkKnigthmon with Yuu and Quartzmon/Astamon with Ryouma in Digimon Xros Wars and Shademon with Nene in the Manga, but I also want that similar to Shademon in the manga, is purified by Candace and redeemed, and stop being evil, despite this, he’s still morally ambiguous.
Señor Frawg is a Digimon and is one of the antagonists in my AU. I plan that until Candace shows him love, he won’t be purified, and therefore, he can’t evolve (Señor Frawg is an ugly digimon that evolves into a beautiful Digimon, when receives love). I’m still planning in some aspects. (Thanks to @themurphyzone for making that fic. Thanks for the idea!)
I still love the idea of Perrysmirtz being cannon in this AU. Although I need excuses of Perry working with Doofenshmirtz, despite Phineas is his partner and Doofenshmirtz has already Agumon (Black) as partner. (Thanks Digimon Cyber Sleuth! Thanks for showing us, that a relationship Human-Digimon can be possible)
Like in the series, Perry, Steve, Pinkie, Dennis and all of the OWCA agents are unable of speech. This also applies to Diogee and Waddles in my Digimon AU’s of Milo Murphy’s Law and Gravity Falls.
An idea I always had and I like for this AU, is one, is one in which Lawrence Fletcher, Adrian Fletcher, Captain Bob Webber and Beppo Brown have an adventure in the Digital World and have to fight againist a Daemon. And here would be where Lawrence and Adrian meet their partners. Bob Webber and Beppo Brown had already interacted with Digimons, before this (”Nose Lake Monster” and “Oil On Candace” respectivelu). Also, in this adventure Lawrence is infected by a Dark Seed (Dark Spore in the dub).
What do you think?
Those are all headcannons I have for the moment.
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dailydigidraw · 9 months ago
Perhaps Surfimon? Dude doesn't get enough love
Thanks for the suggestion! Idk if I can draw mecha, but we're certainly finding out on Monday!
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