zoricus3 · 2 months
Floating dream
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
I talked before about fish Pokemon and that was great, but it's not the only mon series I like. So fuck it, fish Digimon time. This will definitely be less analytical and more me gushing about Digimon I like because I may be a bit out of it right now. Also sorry if I missed any.
Starting at rookie/child level we only have one fish but why would we need more when we have Swimmon?
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Loot at it, it's amazing! It's some some sort of tropical fish, obviously, but with some embellishments, like the beak full of teeth. I love how colorful and pointy it is. It works great as a rookie for so many aquatic lines. I think some great lines for it would be Swimmon -> Coelamon -> Piranimon -> MetalPiranhimon or Swimmon -> Tobiumon -> DIvemon -> Surfimon. Speaking of which...
I'm going over champion/adult Digimon together and starting with Coelamon.
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It's a coelacanth! Coelacanths are amazing as some of the last lobe-finned fish. In this case, the lobes have been exaggerated into proper limbs, like how lobe-finned fish are the ancestors of tetrapods through intermediate limbed fish stages like tiktaalik. Its armor might also be based on placoderms, extinct fish with bony armor.
We have surprisingly few shark Digimon, but one we do have is Tobiumon, and it's amazing.
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A shark with arms that can fly with its fins is such a Digimon concept that all it needs are some guns to be peak Digimon. It even has a remora missile launcher on its chest!
The armor Digimon give us several fish, and while I don't think any of them particularly work as armor evolutions, they're fine as Digimon on their own. And before anyone mentions it, Tylomon is a tylosaurus, not a fish. The first is Manbomon, and while it's a terrible armor evolution for Patamon, A mola mola wearing boxing gloves is such a goofy concept I can't help but love it.
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Next is Seahomon, which is pretty obviously a seahorse, but its snout is a trumpet and it has a cape that turns into wings I guess? I dunno, it's a pretty weird one.
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My favorite of the three is Mantaraymon. Despite the name, it doesn't have a manta ray's face, instead having a rostrum like a shovelnose ray or even maybe a dolphin. I do like how they used Patamon's ears as the cephalic fins.
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Mantaraymon also has a more mechanical X-antibody variant that gives it kind of a stealth fighter vibe. I kind of like it more than the original Mantaraymon, which is saying something since I usually don't like X-antibody Digimon.
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Moving onto the ultimate/perfect level we have a new mon from China, Huankunmon.
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I love this design so much. Its based on the peng, a mythical creature that can turn from a bird to a fish. Fittingly, Huankunmon's line goes from a bird (Xiquemon) and goes to a bird/fish/dragon hybrid (Xiangpengmon). It'a also based on a flying fish since it can fly with a swimming motion. And it can turn invisible. There's nothing not to love about it.
Next is Piranimon, and look at this absolute beast
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Some might call it overdesigned, but I absolutely love it. I particularly dig the tail being a fish hook covered in barbed wire. Its based on a red-bellied piranha, but the pop-culture version where they're bloodthirsty monsters that attack everything they see. Real piranhas are not like that. The helmet it wears may also be based on placoderms, some of which only had the bone armor on the front of their bodies.
Finally at this level, we have Divemon.
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I'm not as big of a fan of this as I am of the other two, but I do like the Polynesian-style tattoos it has. Its a combination hammerhead shark and professional swimmer.
Maxing out at the mega/ultimate level we have MetalPiranimon.
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While I appreciate any fish megas, I think this is a step down from Piranhimon. It's just a red-bellied piranha with a big metal head dragging around a counterweight. I'm not saying its bad, I'm just saying that Piranhimon is better. Fun fact, Metalpiranhimon came first. Piranhimon was designed because someone thought it was weird that there's a MetalPiranhimon but no regular Piranhimon. There are a few examples of that in Digimon, like SkullBaluchimon coming before Baluchimon.
Next is Regalecusmon, which might be stretching the definition of fish a bit, but it does have an oarfish for a head.
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I really like this design, especially it using Zudomon's horn as a sword and what looks like Ebidramon's claw as a shield. I think it would make a great villain for an aquatic episode or storyline of a show. Maybe like a more modern version of MetalSeadramon from Adventure.
Finally, we have Surfimon.
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It's a mechanical shark man riding a rocket-powered hammerhead shark surfboard with a buzzsaw on the front. We have reached peak Digimon, people. And even better, it was created by a fan as part of a contest. Frankly, it's a shame that it hasn't gotten any appearances in the anime or games. I don't get why some fan-made Digimon can go onto have major appearances like Dobermon, Cyberdramon, and SoundBirdmon while others get ignored. A lot of them don't even have art. I'd be pretty bummed if I was a kid who won a contest to have my design become official and then it was never used. I think Surfimon should get an anime appearance and the English dub should make it talk like a Californian surfer dude.
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mudkipqueen · 1 year
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Because I have splatoon and digimon on the brain, I've turned the idol groups into digimon :)
my reasoning behind each choice is primarily just vibes and colour-coordination.
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jormaali · 1 year
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deep saver tamer- Juno
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tabsterfm · 11 months
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Ruby has become Mantaraymon X, an amazing aquatic Digimon... kinda. The sprite is kinda scuffed because this lil dude is so wide, but they tried their best.
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I mean, look at her. She looks like a sopping wet wad of toilet paper. Poor girl.
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Mantaraymon X becomes... huh? How does this make sense? How does an aquatic animal become an aquatic animal and then become a demon??? Like, this is the max-level no-care-mistakes evolution for Mantaraymon X. How come XD gets the Seadramon line but XC gets fucked over like this? Maaaaaan... at least Lady Devimon X looks really neat for a demon woman- like, she has this shadow tag thing on her,
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she's got this bigass arm thing,
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and look how she sleeps, she looks like a test tube alien! I wonder where Ruby's strange journey will go from here.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Crossover Idea 4
 DC & Digimon crossover where the Batfam have digimon partners, and an entrance to the Digiverse via the Batcomputer.   Alfred meeting Thomas and Martha when they were younger via getting dragged into the digital world and staying in touch into their adulthood. Why did Alfred willingly move into Gotham? It honestly couldn’t be much crazier than the rest of the things they went through as kids. 
 Bruce probably learns about the digiverse when he was 8, after his parents’ deaths, via Alfred taking him to meet their partners. He wasn’t expecting to get a friend but honestly he really needs one.   He definitely spent part of his training trip in the digiverse, using the time difference to his advantage and learning how to fight not-human things. Which comes in handy more than a few times. 
 Each child he takes in keeps finding their way into the digital world until he gives up and brings them himself. It wasn’t like he could stop any of them from continuing to be vigilantes, but at least this way they’re not alone.   It’s like an open secret of Gotham that the batclan have some sort of creatures, most think they’re some sort of familiars or something similar. Which I suppose isn’t too far from the truth. Sure is a surprise to outsiders like say the Justice League though. 
Some Digimon info: 
In-Training Form (Baby form, usually small & weak) Rookie Form (Form usually stayed in)  Champion Form (More powerful & usually larger form) Ultimate Form (Another power increase, takes even more energy) Mega Form (Trainer & digimon form into one being of extreme power) Crest (Item that assists in digivolving from champion to ultimate forms) Digivice (Item used to read cards, give info on digimon, and/or enter the digital world depending on the series) Digital Field (An area with a barrier of fog where the digiverse and physical world have weakened and let things through)
Alfred (Crest of Sincerity) Gurimon | Gammamon | Tuskmon | Triceramon | Azulongmon
Bruce (Crest of Loyalty) Tokomon | Tsukaimon | Devidramon | Cyberdramon | Machinedramon
Barbara (Crest of Friendship) Yokomon | Sparrowmon | Coredramon | Hisyaryumon | Slashangemon
Dick (Crest of Hope) Yaamon | Impmon | Xiquemon | Huankunmon | Xiangpengmon
Jason (Crest of Reliability) Poromon | Hawkmon | Aquilamon | Garudamon | Beelzemon
Cass (Crest of Knowledge)  Salamon | Gatomon | Swanmon | Karatenmon | Kuzahamon
Duke (Crest of Kindness)  Tsunomon | Kunemon | Seasarmon | Okuwamon | AncientSphinxmon
Steph (Crest of Honesty)  Minomon | Wormmon | Hudiemon | Eosmon | TyrantKabuterimon
Tim (Crest of Courage)  Poromon | Muchomon | Owlmon | Halsemon | Vajiramon
Damian (Crest of Patience)  Pinamon | Falcomon | Shurimon | Crowmon | Ravemon
Terry (Crest of Light)  Tsumemon | Demidevimon | Pipismon | Regulusmon | Megidramon
Jarro (Crest of Love)  Puyoyomon | Jellymon | Mantaraymon | Whamon | MarineAngemon
Honestly there’s probably more (I know there’s more kids lol) but honestly their potential partners and friends and whatever else is up to you all lol; These are just my current ideas/thoughts (There’s links to each digimon on each different one lol- though if a link doesn’t work I apologize) Gimme any thoughts and ideas you have tho lol
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aviculor · 2 months
I had no recollection of KarnEX doing evolutions for the reliability armors and that's because I already covered every digimental he did so far. So we're in uncharted territory now and I'll have to compare notes when he does release more videos in the series.
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Armadimon/Submarimon evolves into Gusokumon and Aegisdramon. I was saving Aegisdramon for this specifically. I don't *love* Gusokumon here, but there's no perfect level aquatic vehicle digimon I can think of and it's an armored thing that fires torpedoes. It also canonically evolves from Submarimon and Ankylomon, and it's got big claws and a shell like Armadimon. They're even in the same pose there.
V-mon/Depthmon evolves into Divemon and Surfimon. I knew I wanted Surfimon for this because it's got the Main Character vibe and it's blue with a white mouth. I originally had Hangyomon as the perfect level which does mesh with Depthmon being deep sea diving themed, but Divemon has the same vibe I mentioned as it's a Pulsemon evo and therefore is a protagonist partner. Plus, it has a similar silhouette as Depthmon when its legs are turned into a tail.
Hawkmon/Orcamon evolves into Whamon and Plesiomon. I'm not as sure about this one, there aren't exactly too many options for cetaceans. Marine animals in general get a little tight when you exclude fish, squid people, and the Seadramon family. At least Plesiomon has flippers.
Patamon/Mantaraymon evolves into MarinDevimon and Neptunemon. I knew I wanted this to end on Neptunemon because it's the water god and Patamon tends to turn into religious beings. I struggled with the perfect level until I threw darts at the board and remembered manta rays are also called devilfish. Putting MarinDevimon next to Mantaraymon, I also realized Mantaraymon's tail ends in a spade like MarinDevimon's tentacles. And then I realized it matched how I had already made Tylomon evolve into Calamaramon.
Tailmon/Tylomon evolves into Calamaramon and AncientMermaidmon. It had to evolve into AncientMermaimon to match Neptunemon, I knew this right off the bat. But what to put between them as the perfect? I originally defaulted to Mermaimon, but...well, honestly, I forgot why I changed it to Calamaramon, but it worked out when I was struggling with Patamon and noticed I had squid people as both of their perfect levels.
Wormmon/Archelomon evolves into Anomalocarimon X-Antibody and JumboGamemon. Much like before, I already had the ultimate in mind: JumboGamemon, a turtle. There are no perfect level turtles, the closest being JumboGamemon's canon pre-evo Shawujinmon which is a kappa. I thought about Zudomon as it's wearing Archelomon's shell, but I settled on Anomalocarimon X-Antibody because it has a similar color palette to the rest of the line and it's got blades and spikes sticking out of it like Archelomon. It's definitely an idea with merit.
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moth-thief · 10 months
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Mantaraymon BT16-022 C <03>
Armor Form | Free | Aquatic
[[Digivolve] [Patamon]: Cost 2]
<Armor Purge>
[When Attacking] Trash any 1 digivolution card of 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, 1 of your opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards gain <Security A. -1> until the end of their turn.
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kyanitedragon · 2 years
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Daipenmon - Digimon Adventure: 2020
[ID: A gifset from Digimon Adventure 2020 episode 34, featuring Daipenmon who is a giant penguin-designed ice shaver machine wielding two popsicles as weapons. Gif 1: A looping gif showing a closeup of Daipenmon's head and blank stare as the handle on his head is spun around by a group of Chapmon. In the bottom right is "Daipenmon" written in japanese katakana. Gif 2: A group of mantaraymon and mambomon are swarming and battling, when two mantaraymon split off and swim downward in front of Daipenmon, who slams his two popsicles together in attempt to crush them, but the two mantaraymon swim through safely. Gif 3: The camera pans right as Daipenmon, MarineAngemon, and several Mambomon wave goodbye. Daipenmon is waving while still holding his popsicles. End ID]
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prasemvanguardgerman · 2 months
Both of the Agumon evolved with care and with less care 😅 to an Greymon - Metal Greymon & Numemon. Fight a lot with both single and in tag, also vs the X device for their evolution. On day 4 to 5 sleeping 💤
On the Digimon X sassy Gomamon X evolved to an Mantaraymon X to an Okuwamon X Antibody now in the meantime. Fighting the tournament map an little to stage 20.
The low battery sprite is showing, I try to set it on off back - cannot say if it is already out of power within only on generation.
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cwgames · 4 years
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A lot digimon I remember watching seeing from past series. Daipenmon appear in digimon xros wars and Marinangemon appear in digimon tamers.
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snailfen · 4 years
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crabmon, marineangemon, and submarimon!!!
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analoguebumblebee · 8 years
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Mantaraymon, Pata-Mantaraymon, Kitemon
Suggested evo line: Kuramon - Tsumemon - Kitemon - Mantaraymon - MarineDevimon - Pukamon
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golden-mew · 3 years
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Gold D-Ark
Crest of Destiny, Digi-Egg of Miracles, Digi-Egg of Hope, Digi-Egg of Reliability
Hoodies/lots of pink
The Olympos XII
Patamon X antibody and Styxmon
Patamon X is very shy and relies on styxmon as if she were a parent
Styxmon is very curious and kind tho sometimes likes mischief
Styxmon brought me to the digital world: Iliad where we found Patamon X who escaped to the Iliad server from King Drasil
Patamon X acts as a carrier for the X-Program as well as having the X-antibody. The Olympos XII chase us to destroy patamon X because of this. Due to carrying the X-program patamon X is unable to normally digivolve and can only with the help of digi-eggs. Patamon X -> Rhinomon X (miracles), Pegasmon X (hope), Mantaraymon X (reliability).
Using Crest of Destiny:
Styxmon -> Sistermon Noir -> Cerberumon -> AncientSphinxmon
Styxmon -> Cerberumon Werewolf Mode -> Plutomon
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Episode 34 arrives and it’s a MUCH NEEDED breath of first air. I mean, this episode could have actually BEEN a 99 Adventure episode. I guess at least one person on the production team has actually seen the old show at least once!
In my opinion, it doesn’t quite equal the cuteness, silliness, and personality of similar 99 episodes, but it comes very close, and it’s certainly the best we’ve had in a long long while.
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And it’s all because of these two.
More below!
The episode bizarrely begins with Tailmon barking to communicate with Komondomon. Which raises the question, if no one could talk with Komondomon before because he can only bark, how were they communicating? Did Lopmon just tell Komondomon everything he needed to know and tell the kids “just follow his lead” or something??
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Also Tailmon’s opening line being her barking is pretty surreal. And yet, fitting for a cat Digimon who is a dog at Child level.
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The kids are shown taking a break - the first sign that this episode is gonna be A Bit Different.
Taichi: Something feels weird. Why aren’t we fighting?
Sora: Taichi, don’t you think you should rest once in a while?
Taichi: I mean, I do, I just got the impression the rest of the world didn’t agree...
Sora: By the way, why do we like this world that constantly tries to kill us and never gives us any pleasant memories so much? Why don’t we just take our partners to the human world and leave this place to its fate?
Taichi: How else am I gonna get an outlet for my pent up aggression and adrenaline junkie issues?
Sora: That’s your backstory?
Taichi: I’m a complicated man.
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Komondomon then randomly jumps... into the sea. “Oh no, they’ll drown!” No, they won’t, because Komondomon has the ability to build a dome over his back trapping oxygen inside. Submarimon I get, but Komondomon?
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As they dive, Tailmon explains what we learned last week about Millenniumon trying to resurrect himself with a new body. Apparently a very large fragment of him is located undersea in a place called Farga (transliteration TBA). She thinks resentfully about how she was almost absorbed into Millenniumon’s most recent resurrection effort.
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Hikari tackles her with a comforting hug, which Tailmon seems a bit discomfited by. But does not object.
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Tailmon considers defeating Millenniumon for good to be her personal mission as a Holy Digimon. Patamon sees her determination and does his best to put on his game face too. It’s like being glared at by a sock puppet.
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Tailmon: I can’t allow Hikari to be put in danger. It’s my job as the Holy Digimon -
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Tailmon: - gosh darnit and she’s just so cute too!
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They wind up getting hit by a rip current or something?? and thrown into another weird submarine sort of thing. They discourteously break a hole in it and wind up inside a self-sustaining underwater kingdom, apparently, which instantly goes on Red Alert as Manbomon come to attack them.
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This is Daipenmon, or Big Penguin Monster. I love him. He is glorious. Gaze upon his expression of perpetually stoned haze.
Daipenmon: You try steering this thing every day in and out nonstop without turning to hard drugs.
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She attac!
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While fighting, some Mantaraymon break in through the hole they made and the Manbomon go to drive them off as apparently they are not welcome. Then MarineAngemon appears in all her creepy glory and they sort everything out.
MarineAngemon: Oh, Tailmon, I see you’re a Holy Digimon! I can tell by your Holy Ring. I have one too.
Takeru: Patamon, why don’t you have a Holy Ring?
Patamon: .... -.-’
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Look! See! So cute! They are floating on bubbles! All the kids get their own and each has an individual design that shows their personality. Here Tailmon tries desperately to keep Hikari from falling off. I missed this kind of thing! Flashbacks to Monzaemon’s Toytown...
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Turns out MarineAngemon is extremely small and the scene before was all “don’t pay attention to that man behind the curtain” type scare tactics. Not very effective since no matter how big MarineAngemon gets, she’s still extremely adorable. She invites them to stay the night. I really expected it to be a trap, but it wasn’t.
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quick someone alert the producers! Someone’s having FUN with this show! I was starting to think that was illegal or something!
It’s not AS fun as when they went to Devimon’s illusory castle in 99 Adventure and stuffed their faces after starving and living on potentially poisonous eggs for a week... but I’ll take it.
Meanwhile an undersea band plays music and Taichi ACTS LIKE THE FIFTH GRADE CHILD THAT HE IS. For about 0.5 seconds but HEY he did something child-like! holy cheez wiz batman!
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Hikari is mysteriously absent so Tailmon goes to find her. Turns out she’s asked MarineAngemon to heal Komondomon who is tired and wounded from their journey. Tailmon’s like, “Aw, what a nice person she is.” I’m all for exceptionally kind-hearted Hikari, but taking care of Komondomon should have been priority 1 for EVERYONE. At least Sora should have thought of it. I can see Taichi being too forward-focused, and Takeru a dumb eight year old, but Sora would definitely have thought about Komondomon.
Clearly the show wanted to establish how nice Hikari is, but I hate when shows inadvertently make all the other characters look like asses just to trump up the current star...
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Taichi’s digivice glows and...
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Um, what’s that Sora’s drinking? A mimosa? o.O
Well anyway, Koushirou just shows up to remind everyone of the situation with the satellites and that things are getting worse.
Taichi: Do you have any idea what we can do about it?
Koushirou: No, but I’ll keep you posted.
Taichi: Thanks for nothing braindead
Koushirou: That’s it! You’re not the man I knew in episode 3 anymore! I want a divorce!
Taichi: Fine with me it’s not like you’re ever home anyway!
Koushirou: Well at least I’m not cheating with YAMATO!
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Uh, I know Taichi is shorter than Sora, but he looks... pretty tiny here... lol. Or maybe Sora’s just had a growth spurt again.
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They spend the night sleeping in bubbles. Aw.
By the way, question: the kids seem able to walk and breath normally in MarineAngemon’s kingdom... but the fish-type Digimon can also swim around normally. And it seems the kids wouldn’t be able to survive in the ocean itself, but they and the fish can both survive here? And yet bubbles? What... what kind of scientific anomaly is this place??
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So... MarineAngemon’s kingdom appears to be a Whamon’s corpse! X’D Wow that’s dark.
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They are attacked by Anomalocarimon! For reasons. Actually, they did explain earlier that the ocean Digimon have been more aggressive lately and it seems to be the influence of Millenniumon’s stone in Farga or whatever.
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Daipenmon: This sucks I don’t have health insurance
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Tailmon frantically tries to fight off the intruders while also keeping Hikari out of danger. This entire episode is about Tailmon wanting to protect Hikari and keep her at arm’s length so she doesn’t end up in danger, while Hikari just keeps trying to stay close to Tailmon and support her.
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Tailmon: I can’t take you with me, Hikari. It’s too dangerous.
Hikari: Fine. Big brother, will you bring me into the heat of the action with you?
Taichi: Sure thing.
Tailmon: ...
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In his defense, Taichi does seem a bit freaked when Hikari TAKES A FLYING LEAP off MetalGreymon toward Tailmon.
(no I really love that Taichi immediately understands why Hikari wants to fight and takes her right to her partner without even a token “nuu but you’re still a baby.” I mean, if Yamato’s cool with Takeru being in danger all the time, Taichi shouldn’t be much worried about it...
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Hikari has a flashback! Turns out she’s heard Tailmon calling for her since she as a little kid!
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She caught one of Angewomon’s feathers back then too.
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Hikari promises Tailmon that she’ll be by her side. Awww.
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Hands again.
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Crest of Light! I kind of expect that we’ll find out about the Crests and what they mean really fast at the end of the season... although I’m still kind of hoping Mimi is mining Crest crystals atm.
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Hikari is able to magically produce a Digivice... I’d completely forgot she didn’t have one till now.
Here I expected Tailmon would evolve, but instead, the power of Light appears to give everyone a power boost like it’s done in the past. They all glow with their Crest colors, kids and partners alike (except for some reason Tailmon glows yellow???) and launch a joint attack on Anomalocarimon and defeat him. Yay.
Then they say goodbye to MarineAngemon and go on their way, I guess to Farga.
So... yeah! it was a nice episode. It had a theme. There was fighting, but it didn’t overwhelm everything else. There was character development. I really can’t complain about it. And it was SHOCKING that Taichi had so few lines (compared to what’s become the norm - a GOOD shock but still I was like “omg what’s going on!!”)
I am just confused because why is this sort of episode happening when we haven’t seen it in ages? What happened in that interim between when they all met up after the first team split up and just now that prevented the show writers from having fun with the show and just writing nonstop fighting all the time? I’m so confused. It makes no sense. Still suspecting that they couldn’t get anyone to come in and voice characters for long enough so they just focused on Sanpei Yuuko/Taichi, but without the others they couldn’t figure out how to push the show forward and make it fun too... Idk. It’s so weird. But oh well. We got a good episode, and maybe it’s a sign of changes to come. I hope so.
Next week...
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We get attacked by a scary looking Digimon and Hikari... Idk, thinks she can block the attack somehow? haha. Aw but look how awesome she is protecting her brother and Greymon!
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Hikari gets touched by the dark powers! Oh noes!
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And more cuteness.
The episode title name-drops Angewomon, which surprises me because I figured they’d hold off on her and give Tailmon Nefertimon for an evolution first. But *shrug* whatever! Looking forward to it.
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firstagent · 4 years
Aside from the Armor forms of the 02 partners, which other Armor Digimon have appeared in any of the subsequent seasons?
More than I can name, actually! This is just going off memory so it’s probably totally incomplete, but here’s the ones I can recall:
V-mon Lines
Sethmon: Xros Wars Yasyamon: Hunters Honeybeemon: Frontier, Xros Wars Depthmon: Tamers (Movie) Sagittarimon: Frontier Gargomon: Xros Wars
Hawkmon Lines
Allomon: Tamers, Hunters Harpymon: Tamers, Hunters Toucanmon: Frontier
Armadimon Lines
Boarmon: Savers Sepikmon: Frontier (and at least one other thing IIRC) Pteranomon: Savers, Xros Wars Chamelemon: Frontier
Patamon Lines
Baromon: Frontier, Savers Stegomon: Adventure: Pipismon: Savers (Movie) Ponchomon: Tamers (Movie) Mantaraymon: Adventure: Prairiemon: Xros Wars
Tailmon Lines
Swanmon; Frontier Tylomon: Tamers (Movie), Adventure: Goatmon: Frontier Opossummon: Hunters Maildramon: Tamers, Adventure: (Dark)
Wormmon Lines
Flawizarmon: Hunters Nohemon: I know I’ve seen them, just don’t remember the season Archelomon: Xros Wars Bullmon: Xros Wars, Adventure: Kongoumon: Xros Wars
Once again, don’t take this as comprehensive. I’m sure I’m missing several appearances (please don’t @ me; I’m not adding addenda!). But it shows that they definitely aren’t shy about working other Armor forms into the other series!
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