#sure its cringe to sit and think about generic couple things with a man named Philip 🤓 but listen. im i. Dont Be Mean To Me.
jestercoven · 1 year
who was gonna tell me that i just wasted 4 hours talking to this dumb ai bot or was i just supposed to find out by looking at the clock?
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Subtitles: Episode 3, Now in Color
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Subtitles Masterlist
Summary: Things are going well between [Y/N] and their new partners but what shenanigans will ensue as the Maximoff baby’s arrival quickly approaches and they’re pulled into the throughs of building a nursery and… child delivery?
Word count: 10,640
Warnings: Cotton candy fluff, chaos, baby. So the usual, plus babies.
Tag list: @madamevirgo​ @ravennight41​ @multifandomgirl16 (It won’t tage you for some reason, I’m sorry ;-; ) @cyanide-mustard​ @badasspolygenderfriend​
    You huffed and sat back on your heels, slipping a sore finger into your mouth. “Stupid bird.”
    The bird in question, a pink flamingo made of plastic and wire, seemed to sneer at you from its position sticking a few inches farther out of the grass than it should be. Because of this, you could still see the main stake sticking out of the bottom of the bird’s standing foot, which, much to your distaste, made the pink plastic-feathered creature look like it was trapped on a piece of wood impaled in its foot rather than lounging on one foot in the lush green grass of your yard. 
    You had spent a good portion of today working on your yard and garden and waiting for a member of the household across the street to step outside and beckon you over. Dressed in overalls stained by grass and dirt, a brightly colored T-shirt, a sun hat, and working shoes, you forced yourself to keep busy by planting new flora and putting down new garden fences and decor while Vision and Wanda were tucked away indoors, preparing for a baby. You were the only one so far to know about the Maximoff bun in the oven outside of the parents and although it seemed like just last week that Wanda had gotten pregnant, the baby had finally big enough that the couple had to involve a doctor to make sure all was going well.
    It also felt like not long ago that the couple had asked you out for the first time. Both of them. At the same time. It was news to you that they had felt even remotely felt the same way about you as you had about them but the rest of that conversation had gone swimmingly with you being too nervous and dumbstruck to do much more than blubber questions. The first date and then the second went a similar way, with you not being completely sure that you were on a three-person date or even awake. Luckily, your new partners were just as unnerved as you were and the three of you agreed to simply play it by ear and communicate a lot. 
Some time and a few sporadic dates later and things were going smoothly. Almost every bit of free time was spent at either their place or yours; if it wasn’t free time, you were giving Vision rides to work and leaving cute messages in the files you left at his desk—you always hoped they were cute, anyway, and not annoying, only to be reassured when you got a smiley back or your favorite treat from the breakroom left with the file when it was returned—or trying to help Wanda clean or cook or take a break despite her stubborn fussing against it. Vision was the first to give you a pet name, Wanda was the first to hold you in place when you attempted to pull away from a normally quick handhold or hug, and you were the first to press kisses to both their cheeks after walking them home from dinner. Wanda fell asleep on your couch first, you on theirs second, and Vision went ahead and turned cheek pecks into lip kisses. You weren’t quite ready to initiate them yourself yet but you hadn’t been complaining when Vision caught you on your porch steps and kissed you on the mouth; the rain that had just started had either been just a bonus or his initial inspiration.
    As nice as everything has been, though, you were still worried about overstepping boundaries with the married couple so when Vision invited you over to be a part of the doctor visit, you politely declined. Instead, after the doctor left, you were to head over and bring your tools to help set up the nursery; it was also your joint job with Vision, who was now a baby book reading master but also increasingly bugged out about Wanda and the baby’s health, to try and convince said woman to relax for once in her life—a task difficult enough to be on the list of Hercules’ Twelve Labors, you were convinced at this point.
    For now, though, you were sitting with your feet beginning to cramp and your knees getting damp and most likely more grass-stained, glaring at the devil in pink whose foot-stake had left your finger with a prick from a splinter and whose one visible dark eye stared at you with sadistic mirth.
    “Oh, you wanna go, Bernard?” you scoffed at the bird-shaped plastic, dropping your hand from your mouth and pushing yourself up into a squat. “I’ll call you out. Let’s go!” You raised your hands in a fighting stance and bounced on the balls of your feet as you prepared to strike.
    The sound of a chainsaw starting up caught you off guard mid-bounce and you lost your balance but what caught your eye when you twisted around while rubbing your now-bruised tailbone was Vision walking outside his front door with an older gentleman, presumably the doctor. However, you paid very little attention to said other man as you laid in the middle of your yard, twisted into what was probably a partial yoga pose, resting your chin on your arm and making lovey-dovey eyes at the former.
    Not that it was surprising at all, Vision looked very nice today. He was wearing dark blue pants and a similarly colored sweater over a collared shirt and tie, with a honey-brown jacket topping everything off; you couldn’t imagine wearing a shirt plus two outerwear items in the heat of the day but you certainly didn’t mind seeing him all dressed up. His hair was somewhere between jaw and shoulder length and wavy as ever and while you weren’t a fan of the popular 70s cut, he not only pulled it off but made it look incredibly attractive. He greeted his next-door neighbor Herb, who started up the chainsaw, then spoke animatedly, as he always did, to the doctor. Talking about keeping the baby news to themselves, no doubt.
    Vision watched as the doctor walked off down the sidewalk and as he happened to pass in your direction, Vision’s gaze refocused to settle on you instead. The expression on his face changed from purely friendly to something deeper and you felt the familiar flutter of butterflies in your stomach as he waved over to you.
    “Hello, perfectly platonic neighbor!” he hollered, to which you responded in kind after snorting and then disentangling yourself from your strange position.
    No response from Herb about the odd greeting. The cul-de-sac, and in Westview in general, people didn’t seem concerned with your trio’s out-of-place shenanigans as long as it didn’t directly affect them, you had noticed over time. You could have probably walked over and planted a brazen smooch on Vision’s perfect mouth while out in the open, with other neighbors milling about, and no one would bat an eye.
    But that’s exactly what we’re not going to do, you thought stubbornly as you stood and brushed yourself off. Not yet, anyway. I want to make sure they’re both comfortable with it first. 
    Vision seemed to grasp what your plan was because he waited for you as you gave Bernard the flamingo a fight postpone notice and then a light kick before walking across your yard and heading across the street. If you had been more rational, you would have grabbed your tools so you could have just come inside when you reached the Maximoff house but your brain, muddled with the pink mist of freshly requited affections, could only think of getting closer to the man, maybe even holding hands or nuzzling noses. 
    A sound that was equal parts loud and awful caught both your and Vision’s attention as you reached the sidewalk on the other side of the street. Looking over, you both saw Herb cutting away with his chainsaw, only now he wasn’t cutting through bushes but the stone wall separating his and Wanda and Vision’s homes. The stone blocks of the wall weren’t super heavy-duty, you supposed, but the sound made you cringe, and the sight was a little jarring. Herb didn’t seem to realize was he was doing despite the lack of hedges in his path.
    “Hey Herb,” Vision yelled over the noise, “think you might’ve taken the hedge trimming a little too far there, old chum!” As he spoke, he glanced over at you and, seeing you nearby, instinctively shifted in your direction; you moved to meet him halfway and you each gave the other’s hand a quick affectionate squeeze, though both pairs of eyes were trained on Herb.
    Herb, who looked up, smiled, and responded, “So I have! Thanks, buddy.” Despite saying this, he continued to cut through the bordering wall and stare glassily ahead as if none the wiser. 
    The expression gave you an unnerving sense of familiarity but you couldn’t quite put a name to the vague memory of a person you’d seen wearing it. Acquiring a migraine medication and forcing yourself to not look too hard into every strange thing that happened in this town helped but your headaches appeared to never quite go away. This was proven by the muted throb across one side of your head that came with looking at the bizarre scene.
    “Yeah,” Vision said a little quieter, “don’t mention it.”
    The action only happened briefly but when you caught him chewing his lower lip, you felt your innards tie themselves in knots and had a particularly hard time tearing your gaze away. Now that you were closer, you also noticed that the blue and brown ensemble he wore perfectly matched his hair and eyes. That hair that you always desperately wanted to brush your fingers through.
Fingers carefully slipping around your hand, like if they held you any tighter your own would break, managed to catch your attention as Vision turned to lead you inside.
    “Oh,” you chirped, tugging your hand back to point a thumb over your shoulder, “I forgot my tools. Meet you in a minute?”
    Vision seemed persistent to bring you inside, even going so far as to catch both your arms and doing a playful series of shimmies and sways to dance the two of you closer to the front door. Now that you were out of Herb’s frozen line of sight, the two of your found yourselves standing so close together that there wasn’t a single pocket of space between your bodies. When you inhaled, you smell cologne that wasn’t too light or too heavy and a scent that you could only describe as the heat of a warm, sunny day. Thinking as he would only smell sweat and dirt and grass if he did the same, you blushed and made a note to change before you came back over.
    Whatever Vision thought about how you smelled or the clothes you wore, he didn’t seem to care enough, if at all. He took advantage of being out of sight to move his hands from your hours to your waist—a much more convincing position indeed—and nuzzled his nose to your hairline, now exposed as your hat rested farther back on your head.
    “You know very well that you can use ours,” he said.
    You felt his warm breath on your forehead. If you weren’t standing up and didn’t have the nagging feeling that you were getting dirt on his nice sweater, you would have been perfectly comfortable simply hugging him and dozing off in the cozy embrace right there.
    Vision continued in a lilting voice and with an added shimmy that brought the two of you directly to the front door. “They’d love to see you, you know.”
    They? Your brows furrowed a bit, then rolled your eyes. Oh, Wanda plus baby.
    Still, you steeled your resolve and leaned away from him. He looked at you like he was a puppy that had been kicked, to which you responded with a faux scowl. “Mr. Vision Maximoff, I said I was going bring my tools, and [Y/N] is no flake. Besides,” you paused as your scowl melted into a smile, “I don’t want to get dirt and grime all over the new room. It’ll only take a minute; you act like we can’t see each other through our living room windows if we wanted to.”
    Making his last attempt, Vision leaned into your arms, which were now around his own, and pressed his cheek against your temple. Still pouting, he muttered, “It only took Wanda and I going around a few times before we moved in together.”
    The idea of you living under the same roof as your couple and their new baby made you giddy as much as it made you feel like you wanted to throw yourself into a lit fire pit to save yourself from embarrassment. 
    “Ah, yes, a spectacle to behold,” you said as you leaned away again, “A new baby and a new roommate!” You saw Vision open his mouth to speak, no doubt to respond with a quip, and quickly continued, disentangling yourself from him as you did, “Gotta skitty, I’ll be back momentarily!”
    “Well,” Vision replied, dragging out the last consonant as if you were going to change your mind if he did so long enough; when you didn’t, he huffed a bit. “Alright then. Hurry back!”
    You gave him a smile and two-fingered salute then bounded down the steps and back across the street. You only stopped once on the quick trip back home and that was to give Bernard another swift kick, which somehow lodged the bird the rest of the way into the ground, and a “Fuck you, Bernard!” You heard sputtering laughter from across the street that made you grin as you marched inside to change and grab your toolkit. 
    The tools were the easy part; they had been sitting out on the table in your dining area since last night when you’d originally suggested the idea so you were sure to not forget them. It took a bit longer to struggle your way out of your clothes, especially while simultaneously trotting to the bathroom to wash your hands and splash water on your face. It took longer still to jog back to your bedroom without slamming yourself into an end table or plant along the way and then also go through every piece of clothes you owned; when bright colors and eccentric outfits came into style, you were, for once, ahead of the fashion game with your regular closet, and your wardrobe only continued to grow as the rest of the country’s interest in the style did. You were particularly interested in peacock fashion and it showed in your array of ruffled, brightly colored, and loudly patterned shirts and blouses. 
Of these blouses, you threw on one in a burnt orange and yellow paisley pattern, choosing one without ruffles in fear of ripping them while working. You paired the shirt with matching yellow walk-shorts that ended just above your knees and a pair of honey-brown clog sandals whose color made you think of Vision’s outfit. Thinking about this further, you decided to accent your ensemble with a touch of blue, wrapping your hair that was still damp with sweat back with a satin scarf that was a vibrant blue and some handmade jewelry pieces in the same color to match. Finally, you added a woven belt and, after looking in the mirror for a moment, decided to tie your blouse off an inch above the waist of your shorts instead of tucking it in before booking it back across the street.
    Standing at the door of your couple’s house, you took a final glance at yourself in the reflection of one of their windows before knocking. You let yourself in after Wanda invited you with a holler through the door and you were greeted with the interesting sight of Wanda, in all her stunning, colorful, mother-to-be glory standing by the long dark-wood dining table; Vision, half-hidden behind her belly that seemed significantly larger than the last time you saw her, was taking an awkward knee while holding up a variety of fruits.
    “I’m never not uniquely surprised when I walk into this house,” you said mostly to yourself and you made your way over. Reaching Wanda, you sat your bag of tools on the floor by her feet and gave her a gentle hug. “Hey, sunshine, you’re looking foxy.”
    You certainly had gotten a lot more comfortable with them recently. 
    Wanda visibly blushed, giving you one of her signature fake irritated looks—a tilted head with tight-knit brows and tight lips that broke into a smile less than a second later—and lightly swatted your arm before carefully returning the hug. “Hey sunshine yourself. Look at you, you’re glowing! And those threads, you’re a regular Casanova.”
    She made a point of eyeing your partially exposed midriff and you almost blushed—but not quite.
    “Glowing,” you repeated, playfully patting your face, “I’m not even the pregnant one! Thank you, though. Some of the colors were inspired.” You took your turn eyeing her, particularly the bright red of her striped dress that was a common color in her palette, then you caught Vision’s bright blue gaze as he stood and placed a couple of fruits back in their rightful place in the basket on the table. You moved to Wanda’s other side to help him. “Why the fruit?”
    “Oh, well, the doctor said it helps the mothers keep track of the baby’s progress.” Vision explained. He added another fruit to the basket’s tower, although he was giving the last one in his hand an odd look.
    “What he actually said was,” Wanda added, grasping your shoulder and tugging you over two put an arm around your waist and give you mildly strained look, “it helps make things ‘simple’ for us ‘little ladies.’”
    You recognized the glint in her eye and nodded understandingly. “Well that’s mildly condescending, must’ve been just groovy.”
    “Out of sight,” Wanda agreed in the same tone. She then looked in Vision’s direction with raised brows; you followed her gaze and saw the man toying with the large green fruit in his hand. “Hey, honey? What’cha doin’?”
    Vision met both of your equally puzzled gazes with barely contained glee. Voice tight from holding back a giggle, he raised the fruit and pointed at it. “I can’t wait… to be… a proud… papa-ya.”
    Wanda looked amused at the future father’s pun and Vision grinned, clearly happy with the reaction. You actually laughed before quickly throwing up a hand to cover the titter.
    “Well, that just proves it,” you said after composing yourself even though your company seemed perfectly pleased with your reaction to the joke, “you’re going to be a wonderful one. Look at you, turning into a proper one already.”
    Vision went from smiling to flusteredly chewing at his lip quite quickly; he would always get easily flustered but never enough to blush. Instead, he’d twist his head a certain way and rub his neck and shoulder, maybe even avoid eye contact if he was embarrassed enough. He’d always tug his bottom lip between his teeth too, something you couldn’t help finding just a touch more endearing than the other mannerisms; at least it gave you a much more rational reason to stare at his lips for longer than generally accepted.
    “You really think so?” he asked.
    You scoffed as you moved to pick up your tools again. “Of course, you and Wanda will make absolutely stellar parents. The two of you are more prepared now than I’ve seen some people after they’ve already had the kids. Now,” you paused as you stood up straight and looked at your couple with a cheerful smile, “shall we head to the nursery?”
    You were partially convinced that you had been invited solely to help Vision wrangle his wife. You certainly hadn’t been invited to help decorate; even pregnant, Wanda made faster work of your tools than you did. You were huffing while maneuvering a rocking chair in the room and by the time you got it settled in the corner, Wanda had already pieced together the changing stand that was to sit next to it. You turned to grab a tool to open the cans of paint only to turn back around and see all of them opened and Wanda with a brush in hand, painting away. You managed to get the crib up before she could get her hands on it but when you looked around for the yellow mattress and bumper cushions, you looked up to find Wanda already putting on the finishing touches.
    Now, you were kneeling on the ground by the crib and painting a delicately rendered stork while Vision was getting to his feet after reading all the reasons Wanda should be resting instead of doing what she was doing, which was pulling a mobile of colorful plastic butterflies out of a box and shifting ever so closer to a stool so she could hang it.
    “Darling,” Vision tried, shifting ever so closer to her, “you should probably sit down.”
    “You really should,” you offered your help, almost half-heartedly because you already knew the outcome before she said it.
    “Don’t be silly,” Wanda assured him, “all I feel is excitement, happiness, and— huhnf! Oh!”
    You were on your feet and spun around to give her a wide-eyed stare before her gasp even finished, but instead of pain or worry, Wanda’s face was lit up with wonder as the hand not grasping a plate fluttered around her stomach. Vision also moved quickly, to step forward and pressed his hand on her stomach.
    He breathed, “Kicking already?” and they shared an excited stare.
    You stared awkwardly from the side with a paintbrush in hand, feeling more out of place you’ve ever had in your life.
    Until Wanda, without missing a single beat, turned her head in your direction and grinned. “[Y/N], you have to feel this!” Then she spoke to Vision, “Oh, it’s such a strange sensation, it’s kinda fluttery!”
    She was breathtaking. Then her nose scrunched up and she giggled in a way that could also be described as fluttery, and you were wondering in which states polygamy was legal and where was the best jeweler to get a ring.
    Still, you were trying to refrain from overstepping boundaries.
    “Oh, I don’t know…” you mumbled, shifting your weight from foot to foot and glancing around the room. You noticed the mobile she had been retrieving the last time you’d looked at her was already hung up above the crib; of course, it was.
    Wanda scoffed and made a gesture at Vision, then he was walking over and coaxing you to her side with an encouraging nuzzle to your temple.
    “I just don’t want—” you started.
    “To overstep, we know,” Wanda finished, the giddy look on her face replaced with a scowl. “Trust me, this is probably the one and only time I’ll ask for someone to feel my stomach while everyone else in the town just does it willy-nilly and besides, you are a part of— Oh!” 
    Her gasp and glance over your shoulder, combined with the sound of movement behind you was enough to make you turn your head, only for Vision to catch your attention in the opposite direction.
    “Another kick!” he exclaimed, just a little too loud. You thought you caught his gaze flitting over in the same direction as Wanda’s but then he was grasping your wrist and placing your hand against Wanda’s stomach. At the same time, his arm that was hovering politely around your back pressed against the naked small of your back as he pulled you closer into the little triangle of space you, Wanda, and he made; the sudden heat there made your blood boil in the best way and when his hand accidentally caught on the hem of your shorts and dipped a little lower over the fabric, you choked while sucking in a breath.
    Vision’s hands flew up to the sky and he scrambled away, apologizing profusely. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see his hands fluttering around, could imagine his eyes doing the same, and you were vaguely aware of Wanda moving at your other side, the fabric of her sleeve brushing against yours as she waved her arm. You also heard a sound that you chalked up to being a breeze coming from the open window and rustling the drawn curtains. You, usually the final piece of the chaotic puzzle, were instead staring down and softly gasping as the sudden tap against your palm. 
    “I felt it,” you whispered and the chaos that was happening around you seemed to still in the same moment as Wanda and Vision settled back around you to feel themselves. You repeated the phrase, brushing your thumb across the patch of clothed skin, and the baby responded with another kick a moment later. You couldn’t help looking up at Wanda a face frozen in almost childish wonder, and state the obvious, “You’re gonna have a baby.”
    Wanda nodded at you with shining eyes and a wet smile. She wrapped her free arm around her midsection and looked back down on her belly. The expression on her face radiated an intense, loving tenderness and you felt a billion non-plastic butterflies make a comfortable home in your chest.
    You followed her gaze and felt your face break into a grin so wide that your cheeks started to hurt almost immediately. Your hand, along with Wanda’s own and Vision’s, created a loose but ever so protective triangular shield over the place where you had felt your first baby kick, promising to move the universe for them should it ever be required. Despite the overlapping mess of fingers, you noticed how Vision’s hand was the perfect size to envelop your own and that even with a ring on one of them, Wanda’s fingers fit perfectly in the spaces between yours.
    The nervousness and insecurities that seemed to bounce around your head whenever you observed your couple, in their perfect world with their perfect dynamics, melted away in the comfortable warmth that came from your trio’s cozy huddle. This wasn’t a story about you or them separately but the three of you together and it was a wonderful one in the making.
    Then, “Oh.”
    Wanda looked up at her husband and echoed, “Oh.”
    You looked up second, adding your own questioning “Oh?” before your gaze settled on the butterfly lightly perched on the tip of Vision’s nose. “Oh!” Watching the monarch’s delicate wings fluttering, you were surprised he hadn’t already sneezed. 
    “Hello, little fella,” Vision softly said. He was the first to separate your group, stepping away and leaning down a bit for your and Wanda’s better viewing. His smile was blinding for the brief moment you caught it, before tilting your head away to snicker at the way his eyes were crossing to view his insect passenger.
    Wanda gently coaxed the butterfly onto her fingertip and walked over to the window to release it. That’s when you noticed a group of the bug type coalesced around the same area; the sudden visit from Mother Nature must have been what she had seen earlier.
    “Oh, my,” you said, “that’s something you don’t see every day.”
    The smile on Wanda’s face tightened for just a moment as her gaze jumped around the baby room, then relaxed as she maneuvered the various colorful butterflies outside. “Bringing good vibes, hopefully. They must have been enticed by the mobile; why, they even tried to free their plastic friends!”
    You looked towards the crib curiously and saw that the mobile hanging above it was only a series of transparent hanging strings. Walking over, you found the butterflies that had once been attached to it scattered around the mattress. You picked a couple of them up and carefully pinched the thin material between your fingers. “Hm, strong butterflies.”
    “Clearly,” Vision agreed. He walked over to the rocking chair he had been sitting and reading baby books earlier and picked up his most recent read.
    Meanwhile, you began gathering up the scattered butterflies, then climbed up the nearby stool to retrieve the rest of the mobile. “You wouldn’t happen to have a good adhesive laying around, would you? I can have this fixed up and rehung lickity-split.”
    “Not laying around but I’m sure there’s one in the cabinet under the sink.” Vision seemed to find the page he was looking for. He glanced over the words, tensed up immediately after, and paced over to Wanda’s side as she shut the window. “If that was first kick, that puts you at about six months! Why I can’t keep up!”
    Has it been that long already? You silently wondered as you made your way over to the exit, careful not to crush any of the delicate pieces you were holding. While Vision was thinking in terms of babies, you were surprised that you had already been dating him and his wife for almost half of a year.
    In a signature dad-to-be fashion, Vision waggled his head down to give Wanda and the baby a kiss. Then he said in an equally identifiable dad’s voice, “Please don’t misinterpret. I can’t wait you meet you, little Billy!”
    You leaned against the doorframe as you offered Wanda an amused look; you had been previously graced with the conversation of baby names and Billy wasn’t exactly on her roster.
    “Billy?” she questioned, to which Vision gave a smile and an affirming noise. Wanda continued, “Well I was thinking Tommy. Just a nice, classic American name.”
    Vision gave an exaggerated, head tilting nod that suggested a mild disagreement. Then the higher-pitched tone he took when he replied confirmed it. “Hm, Tommy! Hm, mm… then there’s Billy, isn’t there? Named after William Shakespeare, all the world’s a stage, all the men and women many players!”
    Wanda went to speak but you beat her to it. “You’re sure it’s a boy, then?”
    Your partner seemed mildly embarrassed as she turned her attention to you. “Strong intuition?”
    You offered casually, not thinking about your lack of say in the matter, “What about Victor? Vin? Little Vinny’s certainly a cute nickname.” Almost immediately after you finished, it was your turn to be the embarrassed one. You stumbled over your words a bit as you started to apologize, only to falter when you saw both Vision and Wanda’s gleeful stares.
    “Well, those are wonderful names too,” Wanda assured you, clearly pleased you had chimed in, “but I’m not hoping for quadruplets. I guess we’ll need the next best thing— A girl.”
    Your shoulders relaxed from their hunched places that you hadn’t noticed they took. You chuckled and strolled out the door, throwing a couple more ideas over your shoulder, “Vivian! Virginia! Nadia!”
    Vision’s voice floated after you as you walked to the kitchen. “Ooh, Vivian’s quite good…”
    When you returned to the bedroom with good-as-new mobile in hand, only final touches needed to be added to the nursery, and Wanda and Vision’s excitement over the baby’s coming was suddenly amped up to eleven. The two were pacing around and frantically listing off the all things that they had left to do or buy. It was a very drastic change from the casual playfulness that you had experienced between them earlier, as the new parents were keeping themselves—and you—busy with a thousand new tasks. Eventually, Vision had a list about as long as he was tall of every bottle, diaper, blanky, binky, children’s book, and stuffed animal that they had yet to get.
    Deciding you were now the more sane member of the group, you decided to take the list and go shopping for them; if you didn’t, Vision may have been swept up in the baby section of a clothing store and never return. That’s how you ended up where you were now, at the front of an ever-growing line of department store customers, waiting anxiously as the workers tried to get the lights back on and the cash register back in working order.
    You rapped your fingernails on the countertop—not intentionally, just out of worry about how your parents-to-be were managing at home—and glanced from your bloated shopping cart to the cashier, who was talking quietly with a manager then back several times. You were antsy about being stuck in a store when you were much useful elsewhere and being concerned about whether you were making the cashier uncomfortable with your mannerisms, for they were probably three times as unsettled as you were, wasn’t doing anything but adding on to the stress.
    Finally, the cashier turned back to you and the rest of the shoppers and announced, “Good news, everybody! The register is still down but it’s a quick switch to manual; we’ll have each and every one of you checked out and on your ways home soon!”
    A cheer erupted around you but you were too frazzled to join in.
    “Unfortunately,” the cashier continued as the noise died down, “we’re not the only store experiencing this. It’s the whole town.”
    While the crowd’s disappointed “Aww” only appeared mildly disgruntled, you went rigid and your mind began racing, all thoughts revolving around a particular household.
    One random thought of wondering What if Wanda went into labor right now? had the hair on your arms sticking straight up.
    You slammed your hand down on the counter, spooking both the cashier and yourself.
    “Ma’am,” you started, then paused to quickly apologize for your rudeness before continuing, “I need you to check me out as fast as humanly possible; I think my—” Wife seemed way out of line but girlfriend felt too out of place. “—pah-art-ner’s having a baby.”
    You were struggling to your car with a small mountain of baby items in the arms in a matter of minutes, mentally kicking yourself for being bad at talking the entire way there. You threw your bags in the back, scrambled into the driver’s seat, and were getting ready to pull away from the curb when a ringing from your mobile phone sounded.
    “Goddammit,” you huffed. One hand was pulling up an antenna and pressing the technological brick to your ear while the other gripped your steering wheel so hard that your knuckles turned three skin tones lighter. “Yeah, hello?”
    “[Y/N]?” Agnes’s voice was a welcome surprise but her worried tone wasn’t.
    “No, it’s your husband, I’m on my way home now, dear,” you snarked, then mentally kicked yourself again. “Sorry, that was rude, I’m in a rush. What’s crackin’? Besides the town going into blackout, that is.”
    “The neighborhood’s flooded,” Agnes said simply.
    You blanched. “I’m sorry?”
    “The cul-de-sac? Something’s happened and all the pipes have burst. Mine, Herb’s, Dotty’s, everyone’s!”
    How on earth the day’s mood has changed so quickly, you had no idea. What you did know is that you desperately had to get back to Wanda’s side, your house be damned.
    “Thanks, ‘Nes, good to know,” you hissed through clenched teeth. You rested your phone between your ear and shoulder as you put both hands on the wheel and started driving.
    “Do you want me to do anything?” Agnes asked; her voice sounded as frazzled as you and the rest of Westview looked. “Go over to your place, grab anything important?”
    You huffed out a sigh as your car flew around a corner. “Agnes, you know I adore you, but I really, really have to go.” 
    You hung up and tossed the shoe-sized device in the passenger’s seat.
    Vision met you on the curb as you were parking your car and he had the doctor from earlier that day in tow, now dressed in vacationing attire and very seeming very underprepared. Within a few words and as if you had accidentally wished it into existence back at the department store, you were informed that Wanda was in fact about to have little Billy or Tommy or who-have-you. Of course, this messy day would come to a peak in such a way.
    The taller man was half-escorting, half-hauling both you and the doctor to the door, and the bags in the backseat of your car were completely forgotten as concern chewed away at your insides. Loud, strained sounds coming from inside only added onto it.
    As the three of you reached the front door, Vision flung it open and pressed the doctor inside. Then he grabbed your wrist and began tugging you in after himself.
    You couldn’t help your feet freezing to the concrete. “Vis, are you sure?”
    The distress on his face softened just slightly and he pressed the back of your hand to his lips. “Of course we are.” Then he wrapped an arm around you and properly, albeit quickly, brought you into his and Wanda’s home—
    —where Wanda was laying on the floor, panting and shimmering with sweat and holding a baby wrapped in a blue and white dishtowel while Geraldine perched awkwardly over her.
    You and Vision shared a bug-eyed look before Vision’s turned into one of sadness. You wanted so badly to hug him and tell him it was alright but he was already releasing you and slowly walking over; you trailed a couple of steps after him.
    “Oh no,” he murmured, “I missed it?” However, when he took a look at Wanda’s softly smiling face and their happily cooing baby, whatever brief grief he was experiencing was replaced by a proud smile and new fatherly glow.
    “Hey, doc,” Geraldine spoke suddenly, “why don’t you help me out in the kitchen there?” She nodded in your direction as well.
    You wondered why she was there, in Wanda’s home or Westview, at all. The idea made your stomach flip but you just couldn’t place why.
    The only response the doctor gave was blubbering about speeding as she took his arm and led him away. You began to follow when Vision stopped you with a gentle tug on your arm.
    “No, [Y/N],” he said, “it’s alright. Stay and come see.”
    You didn’t even think as you smiled and took his hand. You took a glance towards the kitchen to make sure the other company was occupied, then kissed the back of his hand as he had done only a moment earlier. Squeezing it and letting it drop, you responded, “Go say hello to your baby. I’ll always be here.”
    Given the current situation, Vision wasn’t up for arguing much. He gave you a quick peck on the temple before gingerly making his way over to where Wanda rested happily on the living room floor.
    You made your way to the kitchen, where you slumped against the kitchen counter as exhaustion overtook you. You were close enough to both parties to hear Geraldine’s blatant attempts at distracting the doctor to your left and Vision and Wanda’s cozy rumblings to your right, but too out of sorts to make out anything tangible. You didn’t realize until now how badly your feet ached from the combination of gardening, decorating, and running around and how your outfit had lost its cute playfulness in place of wrinkles and feeling slightly damp from sweat. You were sure you were looking more worse for wear than Wanda, despite Wanda having had a baby, but when you thought about it for more than a second or two, you felt like you wouldn’t trade the day for any other in the world. 
    Especially when thinking about that cutie patootie, you thought with a tired smile. He’s gonna have such good parents. Such a good life.
    Suddenly, your train of thought was stopped by the sound of Wanda yelling and your whole body jerked in her direction, energetic as ever.
    Wanda was going into labor a second time, you could see easily see. Something somehow more surprising was going on in the living area, though, and that something was Vision’s skin. While he still wore his regular clothes, that was the only normal thing about him. Instead of light skin, his flesh was a deep red and you weren’t even sure it could be called skin; it looked more… mechanical than that, with symmetrical lines etched into some places and silver plating covering others. Instead of a full head of wavy hair, he had none, and his ears and parts of his bald skull were also covered in silver. Silver came to a peak at the top of his forehead and at the end of it was a golden gem.
    Vision was holding his baby and yelling along with Wanda as she began pushing a second time. He happened to glance up and catch your bewildered eye and then he started yelling because of you.
    You stood frozen in place, not sure what to do until you heard a commotion behind you.
    “Well, what’s going on now?” Geraldine started.
    Your brain kicked back into full gear and thinking quickly and somewhat stupidly, you yelled and pointed in the opposite direction, “Jeepers creepers, is that a stork?” You couldn’t imagine why your poor attempt at a distraction worked but you considered it a success as Geraldine and the still-disoriented doctor’s attention settled elsewhere. Not missing a beat, you grabbed another cloth from the kitchen and raced to Wanda and Vision’s aid, skidding to a halt on your knees.
    “[Y/N],” Vision said, though nothing else followed. He stared at you in pure shock, mouth flapping and the bright blue irises of his eyes twisting and shifting like a camera lens as he looked at you. Still, his body worked despite his befuddled mind as he took the cloth you handed him and offered you a newborn baby to hold instead. 
    “[Y/N],” Wanda gasped through her current endeavor. When you dragged your head to look at her, she was staring at you with a clenched jaw and equally wide eyes, which were filled with a mixture of surprise, horror, and… relief? Then she was screaming and pushing again, eyes squeezed shut, and her hand flew to your own.
    You grabbed it and held on tight, even when her fingernails dug in enough to leave marks for days. While a red and silver-skinned Vision handled the delivery like a champ—a bugged out, stammering, robotic champ who couldn’t figure out whether he should be looking at you, his wife, or the baby he was helping into the world but a champ nonetheless—you switched between offering encouraging words to the tiring new mother and cooing calmly at the newborn swaddled and resting cozily in the crook of your arm. Soon enough, Wanda was slumping back into the pillow behind her head and Vision was sitting back on his haunches with another quiet baby snuggled against his chest; your taut muscles sagged and the exhaustion you hit in the kitchen came rushing back. 
    You made sure Wanda was lucid enough to take her baby back and carefully transferred from your arms to hers. It was only after he was safely in his mother’s grasp that you were able to fully relax, tossing an arm around Vision’s shoulders and leaning heavily against him while you shook out your other hand, which was red and covered in deep, crescent moon-shaped marks.
    “So,” you puffed, “Billy and Tommy?”
    Wanda’s tired face lit up as she nodded her head towards her baby. “Tommy.”
    Vision, who was leaning on you as much as you were on him—something in the back of your head noted that the two of you held each other very well and that something sent a little pang of affection straight to your pounding heart—used his turn to nuzzle the forehead of the baby he held and grumble in a half British, half baby-talk accent, “Billy.”
    You hummed while stretching a hand down to give Billy a very ginger boop on the nose; he didn’t seem to mind. Then you said, “Vinny and Vivian will just have to be next time.”
    Your group shuddered with a mess of tired, soft laughter. Then you began to relax further but as the excitement of childbirth began to wear off, you a new variation of tension settling into your couple. The new parents were sharing increasingly worried looks and if they were communicating telepathically, and it was then that you remembered that the man sitting next to you was for less human than you’d previously made him out to be.
    The realization seemed to hit him at almost the same time because his head swung to look at you just as you had turned to observe his new appearance. On his robotic face—was robotic even the word; was he a robot?—was an expression of outright fear but also something that looked like he was mentally being torn in two different directions. He went to speak several times—his mouth and teeth looked the same, perfect and familiar—only to verbally scramble and backtrack, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders since his hands were too occupied to scratch his neck. Finally, he appeared to get himself in order and he started, “[Y/N], I can— we can explain—”
    You ran your hand over his scalp and down to rest at the base of his neck; the silver plating felt like metal, while the thick red epidermis was warm and softer to the touch. Not only warm but damp from exertion, and pulsing softly to some form of a heartbeat where you ran a finger over a common pulse point. 
    While your mental energy was rapidly declining, you still managed to quip at the man, “As much as loved the idea of running my fingers through your hair, I think I prefer this over that awful cut that’s in style right now.”
    That left Vision dumbfounded and silent, his mouth flopping open and closed like a fish out of water. On your other side, who had been otherwise quiet and already snoozing as far as you were concerned, broke into a burst of loud laughter that was music to your ears.
    You grinned in response but your muscles were too tired to make it reach your eyes. You shifted over slightly to be closer to Wanda now and brushed your thumb over little Tommy’s cheek before resting doing a similar action to his mother’s. Wanda relaxed her head against your palm and the way she looked up at you from under her lashes made you do mental gymnastics about the ethics of blurting out the L-word then and there.
    Unfortunately, the moment didn’t last much longer because then Geraldine’s voice floated over from the kitchen, getting louder as she and the doctor made their way back from the wild stork chase you sent them on. You quickly looked to Vision, only to see him looking as human as the day you first met him, and noted the sad little string you got from seeing simple blue irises instead of the intricately shifting blue ones that swirled mechanically as he focused on something. It only lasted a moment, though, before you and your trio were busy readjusting yourselves into what you considered normal poses but in reality, probably made the three of you look much more awkward than you previously had.
    You’d just finished settling as Geraldine and her companion walked into the living room and, thinking tiredly and definitely stupidly, you blurted, “Jeepers creepers, another baby!”
    “Twenty fingers and twenty toes, you’ve got two healthy baby boys on your hands.”
    “Thank you, doctor,” Wanda responded as the man handed Billy back to her. Vision stood watchfully next to her, holding Tommy.
    You poked your head up from behind the second crib you were finishing assembling and as the doctor turned to thank Geraldine for her delivery help, you said to the Maximoff couple, “And a second crib all ready to go. If they’re not fans of sleeping separately, let me know and we can exchange the ones you have for one big one.”
    Wanda held out her hand to you as you stood and you walked over to hold it only briefly as she thanked you before leaning over and crooning at Billy and Tommy in turn. You were in the company of others, after all, and there had been enough excitement for one day without revealing your polyamorous relationship to a neighbor and a random doctor.
    It was weird how different the energy felt standing with them now than it had earlier just that day alone. Things still felt new and strange but you no longer felt like a separate unit from the household you were standing in or the people standing and smiling oh so sweetly at you. Then again, maybe that’s just what being involved in the arrival of an unexpected set of twins and making a superhuman discovery about one of your partners did to all blossoming romantic triads in the seventies. 
    Speaking of the doctor, as he began to finish up chatting with Geraldine, Vision beckoned you closer, and after getting an okay to do so, he carefully laid the baby he held in your arms. He gave Tommy a nuzzle and a light tap on the nose, then straightened up and headed towards the door.
    He said to the other man, “Allow me to walk you out, doctor.”
    “Oh, alright,” the doctor responded with an odd quiver in his voice. Said quiver was confirmed to be restlessness, which you had no doubt was attached to some sort of superhuman business Vision had involved him in when picking him up, when he continued, “As long as we actually walk this time?”
    You would definitely have to delve into the mystery of Vision’s sometimes inhuman appearance at a later date but at that moment you were remembering how the entire neighborhood’s pipes had burst. The neighborhood of which your house was a part of and an event you were sure you hadn’t been lucky enough to avoid.
    “Oh, shi—oot,” you stammered, “I should probably get back to my own pad and save what I can from getting water damage. I haven’t even been home to see how bad everything is.” You provided Tommy with a very important explanation in very serious baby babble terms before placing him in his crib. “I’ll just leave my car on this side of the street and bring the other stuff in sometime later this evening if that’s alright with you, Wanda?”
    When you looked at her, she was giving you a confused head tilt. She blinked, then her eyes shot wide open. “Oh, the pipes!” She paused and turned her gaze to the far wall of the living room as if she could see your house through it, then looked back at you with a smile. “Your house should be fine. In fact, I think the entire neighborhood is back intact!”
    Something about the way she looked at you assured you that she was right. You wondered whether Vision wasn’t the only one with a unique secret under this roof and if all the strange happenings that had gone on today couldn’t be traced back to Wanda herself.
    Not that any of that really mattered in the grand scheme of things.
    “I should still go,” you insisted, “You should really rest for a while, and I am a mess for the second time today. Maybe I can pop back over in a little bit?”
    Wanda pursed her lips in a subtle doubt before giving in. She nodded and after taking a glance around to make sure the company was occupied, she grasped your hand and leaned in closer. “Come over for dinner tonight. Stay and help us get the babies settled in? We can talk about today.”
    “Wanda, you need rest—”
    The woman interrupted, a teasing look making her eyes glitter. “Which is why either you or Vision will be doing the cooking! And you know how much I love the man but there’s a reason the only thing he handles in the kitchen is water from the faucet.”
    You had to nod in somber agreement at that statement, then sighed and gave Wanda a pout of your own. “Fine. Now, is anyone looking?”
    Wanda was smiling triumphantly. She took another quick look around, then shook her head; her silky hair fanned out slightly from its position perfectly framing her head as she did.
    You shuffled a little closer and slipped an arm around her waist in an intimate hug. Leaning in, you gave her one quick smooch on the cheek and another on the forehead then mumbled against her skin, “You did amazing.” Another kiss. “And you’re going to be a wonderful mother. Please, though, promise me that you’ll rest, at least for a little bit. The world will not crumble around you if you take one break.”
    Wanda, who had immediately leaned into your embrace and giggled as you kissed her, scoffed slightly. She gave you a tight squeeze and murmured back, “I suppose you’re right. Fine, but only because you promised to cook.”
    “Well, technically,” you said as you broke away from her, “I only said I’d come over. I can’t wait for Vision to make us burnt water and boiled bacon!”
    Wanda stared after you, frozen in a mock gasp. “[Y/N]!”
    You grinned and waved before spinning on your heels and trotting over to where Vision was perched, holding the door. “Bye!”
    When you got to the door, Vision’s hand played lightly down your back as he followed you outside after the doctor. 
    “Well, Dr. Nielson,” Vision said, “I hope you’re still able to make your trip.”
    The doctor, apparently Dr. Nielson, slowed as he stepped off the porch and onto the sidewalk. He turned towards Vision with a glassy look in his eye that he hadn’t had before but you’ve been seeing more and more often in Westview residents these days. When he talked, his speech became slower as well. 
    “Ah, yes, about my trip,” he drawled, “I don’t think we’ll get away after all. Small towns, you know. So hard to… escape.” 
    You frowned, suddenly uneasy. Glancing at Vision, the man just looked confused.
    Dr. Nielson’s glassy gaze shifted from Vision to you. He spoke deliberately to you, “Don’t you think, [Y/N]?” Then he blinked, turned, and walked off down the sidewalk.
    You weren’t sure exactly why, but you flinched and reeled back. You would have tripped and fallen up the porch if it weren’t for Vision catching you. Then the two of you stood gripping each other and staring as the doctor disappeared around the corner. 
    You didn’t even realize that your ears had started ringing until the sound began to fade. You started, “Well, that was…”
    “Yeah,” Vision said with a slow nod. “Very. Are you alright?”
    “Fine, I think.”
    “No migraines?”
    “No migraines.”
    The two of you stood holding each other for a moment longer before you forced your fingers to loosen their death grip on Vision’s jacket. As the two of you relaxed slightly and readjusted yourselves, several questions rushed through your head, like why was that so unnerving and why did the doctor speak directly to you.
    How had he known your name?
    A particularly sharp pain made your vision swim temporarily but it was gone as soon as it came. Before you think any further on the subject, other voices floated into your range of hearing.
    “What is she doing in there?”
    “I don’t know.”
    You followed the voices with your eyes and found Agnes and Herb talking quietly by the wall Herb had been cutting into earlier; actually, Herb looked like he’d barely moved an inch, still standing in the gap between his wall of shrubs. At least he appeared more lucid, but now he and Agnes were huddled together like they were having a secret meeting. Neither of them noticed you yet.
    Vision decided to change that by throwing up a hand and hollering, “Howdy neighbors!”
    Agnes spun around so quickly you were wonder if she’d given herself whiplash, but the strained greetings and even more strained expressions that both she and Herb gave were what really piqued your interest.
    Well, not so much piqued your interest than their actions gave you a second dose of uneasiness that made your head spin and filled you with a sense of somewhat morbid curiosity.
    Then they stuck their heads back together and continued muttering.
    “Did you see her go inside?” Agnes questioned.
    Herb responded, “She went right in.”
    Vision leaned his head closer to yours; he didn’t seem to catch what they were saying. “Do they seem… a little off to you?”
    “Just a tad.”
    You silently deliberated with each other before casually strolling over.
    “Remarkable day we’re having, no?” Vision tried again.
    Agnes and Herb looked up again, also trying to look casual but there was something definitely worrisome about their equally strained smiles.
    Vision continued, “Did you lose power too?”
    You snapped your fingers, joining in. “That’s right! Agnes, you called me about the pipes bursting. I hope nothing got too damaged?”
    “Oh, sure did,” Agnes said to Vision, “but Ralph looks better in the dark, so I’m not complaining. And you’re right, I did, [Y/N]! Luckily, everything’s just fine.”
    There was an awkward pause and even though you were out in open air, you felt like you were struggling to breathe in a sauna.
    Vision said, “Hi, Herb.”
    Herb responded, “Heya, buddy.”
    More awkward silence. 
    “Well,” Vision said slowly, lightly clapping his hands together, “I’ll get back to Wanda. [Y/N], you’re heading home?”
    “Right,” you affirmed, a little too quickly.
    What is going on?
    Vision placing his hand on your back brought back some sense of normalcy as he began escorting you to the curb.
    “Vision,” Agnes abruptly said halting your exit. You and your partner turned back to her and Herb and she continued after a long-winded pause and adjusting her awkward stance leaning against the low wall, “Is Geraldine inside with Wanda?”
    “Yes. Why?”
    Herb piped up, “She’s new to town. Brand new.”
    Wait, that’s not right. Your brows furrowed and you felt the sting of your own bite as you chewed your bottom lip. You felt pressure in your skull as you tried to recall where you’d previously met the woman, because you knew you had, but trying to do so had a similar feeling to trying to grip water as it rushed through your fingers.
    Agnes went on, “There’s no family. No husband.”
    You would have scowled, said something in defense of your circumstances of moving to Westview without a family or marriage, but you were too busy trying to clear away the fog that quickly encroaching your headspace. Vision, on the other hand, was able to say something, “Well there’s nothing wrong with that.”
    Agnes hummed, gave a half-hearted nod, then steadily met his gaze. “No home.”
    Come to think of it, you knew very little about Geraldine. While you were positive that you’d met her before today, you couldn’t for the life of you place what she did for work, when she first appeared in Westview, what house in the cul-de-sac she lived in—
    You could list off the names of everyone who lived in your neighborhood. Geraldine wasn’t one of them.
    Your brain felt like it could expand and explode from the intense pressure at any moment but the dread pooling in the pit of your stomach from the idea of not being able to retrieve memories bothered you far more. You couldn’t bring yourself to push the thoughts away and instead mentally leaned into the pain. The harder you pushed, the more pressure pushed back, as if you were fighting against an invisible barrier that was barring you from your own memories. 
    At the same time, you attempted to keep yourself grounded by staying tuned into the conversation at hand. Vision asked Agnes what she meant by Geraldine having no home and Herb kept stumbling over the same beginning of a sentence—She came here because… She came here because… She came here because we’re all…—like he was a record on a broken player that just wouldn’t let him get out what he wanted to say. 
    Vision tried to urge him on. “She came here because what? What are trying to tell me?”
    With Agnes and Herb bickering briefly about whether or not to tell Vision whatever it was they had been speaking about, Vision completely tuned into them, and you fighting to remember things without succumbing to your migraines, you had an underlying feeling of being out of place. You’ve felt out of place before, of course, but this was something different and weird and wrong. Your entire perfect—but not so much, you were gradually learning—little town suddenly seemed like it was out of place in its state, its country, its world, its reality. Out of nowhere, Westview felt like it was trapped in a claustrophobic little bubble that wouldn’t let anyone escape and the longer anyone was here, the warped things would become—
    A memory came rushing back of a black and white talent show and a smashed mirror and an arm oozing blood and color and Geraldine was there but she was an eerie Geraldine, out of place and time and reality and asking if you knew who she was or who you were and you didn’t know the answer and then Wanda and Vision appeared and everything was okay again, and now the name Monica throbbed against the base of your neck and the air around you radiated electricity and it was itchy and no one around you was noticing anything and instead of darkness, a weird bright light was tinging the edges of your vision white and—
    There was a crash coming from the house and none of the people standing next to you were any the wiser but even though you felt like you were swimming through honey while doing it, you turned just in time to see a portion of a nearby wall explode as something shot out from inside and continued flying until it disappeared into the distance. Then there was a sound similar to a sonic boom that followed and a wave of nausea crashed over you as the electric air rippled and distorted right before your eyes, and then you could see the dome of TV static-looking energy that encapsulated your town and the dome seemed to peak directly above the Maximoff house.
    Your ears rang. Your mouth flapped open closed but you couldn’t force a single word out. You looked around and everyone else in your group seemed trapped in a strained conversation that they couldn’t escape from if they wanted to.
    You didn’t so much walk as you floated over to the gaping hole in the side of your couple’s house, or at least, that’s what it felt like as the ground grew soft and wobbly under your feet and you swayed as you moved. You reached the hole and peered through it, then waved aimlessly when you saw Wanda staring wide-eyed at you from a couple of demolished rooms away. She said or mouthed something—she’s sorry? Why?—but you couldn’t tell which it was over the thrumming of your own pulse in your ears. You cocked your head, more out of curiosity than confusion, then blinked and stared glassy-eyed as the hole in the house reversed itself.
    “Huh,” you said dumbly as the last brick fell back into place. “Cool.”
    Then your body felt as if it were slammed back onto very hard, solid ground and that’s because it was. You weren’t sure if you whined or groaned or screamed as you collapsed to the ground, succumbing to your worst migraine yet. 
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
If life gives you melons...
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Ship: Loki x F!alt! reader
Rating: Explicit / word count 5,5k
Summary: You've heard about meet-cute, how about meet-ugly? Reader has tattoos and a tongue split. There's this joke that "bisexual alt girls go looking for a girlfriend and end up with sad, tall and skinny white bois" and boy did that hit home. Inspired by this cringy video of Hiddles [youtube link].
During a panel at a comic con, Loki notices reader and they go on a date, reader gets railed: top!Loki, choking, rough sex, unprotected sex, all the good stuff. Open ending, with a bonus of reader and Loki pranking Clint.
x. I usually fancy they/them pronouns for Loki but seeing as it's a smut-shot, I decided to go along with he/him for the sake of simplicity. Loki's at least 6'4 tall and you can fight me on that. Also, I write like a Tony stan - I feel the need to apologize to Loki stans for that. I love you guys! 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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The long line of people appeared to be neverending. Loki was an enhanced, as the government recently had adopted a politically correct term for Earth's non-human inhabitants, but even his enhanced endurance had begun waning due to sheer amount of people wanting a piece of memorabilia signed by The God of Mischief. Loki had gained a considerable amount of fans after doing his part in killing the mad titan Thanos and by extension, saving the world. It turned out, humankind was a sucker for a good redemption arc.
Loki's hands ached where they wrapped around the pen that he'd been using for nearly 4 hours to neatly place his name, written in neat runescript, on various pieces of merchandise that his fans (and wasn't that a strange thing!) presented to him. He used to think that he would have actually succeeded conquering the earth if he had a grasp on how to use social media and his charm; now, he just wanted the torture to end. An involuntary sigh left his mouth when he saw another print of himself in full battle gear being placed in front of him by a reasonably attractive young woman.
"Um, thank you," She stammered, giggling softly, and Loki spared her a painstaking smile, scribbling his name once again. The woman briefly caught his eyes. "Um, you're the reason- the inspiration for me. I became a stripper."
Loki blanked, feeling his eyes widen and blink on their own accord a few times. He wasn't sure if he heard the woman correctly, as the unusual statement made his brain freeze.
Loud snickering from behind the blushing woman interrupted the system error that he was experiencing in his head. It wasn't often that somebody managed to render him speechless. It looked like whoever was in line behind the stripper woman had taken advantage of that. Loki's eyes snapped to the short-haired person, who looked torn between cringing and breaking into embarrassed laughter.
The stripper left without a word, and as Loki picked up the cursed writing instrument once again, the short-haired person smiled at him kindly. "That was a little weird," They snorted, "And thanks, have a nice day Mr. Loki."
"When life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic," Another woman, that appeared to be the short haired person's friend, deadpanned and gave a cynical side-eye to the departing stripper. Loki heard snickering coming from the short-haired person and quietly joined himself. The woman noticed it, winking at him as she collected the newly signed t-shirt. "Bye," She smiled kindly.
It was a split second decision, really. Something about the cheeky way she addressed the situation sparked Loki's interest. "Wait, you forgot something, darling," His baritone called out to the departing woman. She turned around, confused, and hastily grabbed the standard issue photo that he was holding out to her. With a final grateful nod, she smiled and left.
If Loki's smile had returned for the time being, none of his teammates made any remarks on it. Only his brother, Thor, gave a couple of knowing looks to the Asgardian sorcerer.
The woman in question didn't think twice about the photo that she stashed in her backpack along with the signed t-shirt. The Comic-Con had been full of people and the lines were unfairly long. The sheer exhaustion after attending a 3-day long convention had set in and she was eager to simply come home back to her apartment and crash on the nearest soft flat surface. Upon arrival, she did exactly that, flopping down gracelessly on the couch, her backpack landing next to her with a careless thud.
Unloading her trophies was a short time affair: a single white tee with a dozen signatures on it, written in what she hoped was waterproof Sharpie; one mug, shaped like an Iron Man helmet; one poster, showing Spider-Man on a picturesque NYC horizon and a signed photo of one Loki. Strangely enough, she did not remember requesting it - not that she was complaining. Free merch was free merch.
The front side wasn't signed whatsoever. Overcome by curiousity, she turned it around. A phone number was written on the back of it, the handwriting neat and the letters obviously being inked out by a thinner, more sophisticated pen than the one Loki had used for scribbling on the tee. The woman gaped silently, not believing her eyes. Did Loki himself had given her his phone number?
One margarita and a hefty helping of Chinese takeout later, the numbers persisted staring back at her mutely, the neat cursive being almost mocking in its quiet. The woman's smartphone had found a comfortable place right next to the photo, equally mum regarding the unusual situation.
An additional margarita was needed to gather the courage required to actually type out the number in the receiver box. Fruity alcoholic concoction in one hand and phone clutched in the other, the woman's eyes squeezed shut tightly as soon as the dreaded "Hey, got your number today! :)" read delivered. She'd typed and erased the message several times, groaning in embarrassment. How the hell does one approach an alien god?
"Hello! May I ask your name?" The response came after a brief moment - a moment the woman had suffered through by taking too haste sips of her drink, her common since screaming her to not overdo it and wait at least a full minute before replying. Everything felt awkward and misplaced.
In no time, she was sending the screenshots of the conversation to her girl-advice group chat that consisted of her closest friends. Chatting with Loki turned out to be surprisingly easy and he was great at upholding conversation, something that couldn't be said about all those Tinder matches she had had back in the day.
Even if using proper grammar during a text message conversation was something she had to reacquaint herself with, she was glad he wasn't just another boring, shalllow, condescending-ass white boy. Despite the cultural differences and his lack of knowledge of things like pop culture and music - something he said he was working on since New Asgard became a sovereign state on Earth - they bonded over music and tattoos and generally being rebellious against society's standarts.
The invitation to dinner didn't come as a surprise for the woman. She agreed happily, looking forward to continue their conversation outside of the internet - if Loki's part of the chat was anything to go by, not only was he charming, but also quite intelligent. And easy on the the eyes, too. They had traded selfies at some point and the Asgardian didn't look any worse in a hoodie and sweatpants than he did in his battle leathers. Loki had appeared to truly have had integrated into Earth's society.
The night of the date, the continuous text exchange did very little to calm her nerves. Loki texted as much as an overeager teenage boy: every now and then he would double-text and grossly overreact to her sending a simple meme. In fact, he smugly conveyed the fact he'd single-handedly started a meme war between the Avengers and even Steve was forced to participate; something that was, allegedly, out of character for the blonde man.
She didn't mind. Not like she had many friends to have so much fun with. Even if it took her twice the time to do her favourite eyeliner style, it was worth it. She hoped Loki would appreciate the bold, but classy make-up and the dress and shoes combo that accentuated her assets. Her date expressed curiousity about her tattoos and the difference between her preferred style and the humans he spent most time with. She guessed secret agents were not particularly fond of anything that made them memorable so she held out quite the hope for... Showing off some of her tattoos in a more private setting.
In other, simpler words, the woman came in prepared for both a friendly, leisurely stroll and a quality night. Either way, it would be a time well spent.
Loki's shiny, raven hair was impossible to miss as he towered over the rest of the people waiting by the restaurant's entrance. He wore tailored black trousers and a simple cashmere sweater, perfect for the evening's damp, cool air. Tall and lithe, Loki was mouthwateringly handsome.
"Come here often?" She wormed her way through the crowd, causing the man to smirk down at her. Her cheeks flared from the tiny gesture alone.
"Just waiting for a friend," Loki uttered lowly, extending an arm towards the woman, which she gracefully accepted as they made way towards the entrance. "Reservation for Loki," The Asgardian stated to the hostess, who, after a rapid doube-take, led them to a private, secluded area in the back of the restaurant.
Loki shouldered the slightly awkward interaction with grace, paying no mind to the girl. His focus was solely on his date and he was nothing but gallant as he took the woman's purse and held out the chair for her to comfortably sit down. As a prince, he was taught well, she mused.
"Usually I would ask 'what brings you to our little ball of water and dirt?' but I think we can skip that part," The woman stated with a sheepish grin, idly flicking through the menu and curiously eyeing the items that were unfamiliar. The desire to try something new fought with the possibility of accidentally ordering something too far out - like snails or other things that rich people fancied, for some reason.
Loki's greens briefly appeared over the top of his menu, grateful and sparkling. "I think it's best if we do just that," For a second, he looked away, before returning to the menu. "I can think of better things to discuss. I recall you didn't finish telling me about that college friend of yours, who was an anarchist... I'm dying to know..."
The waiter came and went, barely noticed by the pair, as they both poked at something that sounded the most familiar for both of them. Stoically, Loki admitted that Tony Stark did the booking for him and the woman reluctantly acquitted she wasn't very familiar with upscale establishments, being of middle-class background and working a middle-class job.
Interrupting the story she began telling hours ago, the woman took the time to point out the things she was familiar with on the menu and advised Loki to stay away from - like the aforementioned snails, and other things, slimy and salty things that she considered to be 'disgusting but rich people liked it for some reason'. The conversation slowly progressed into Loki telling her the mischief he got up to at the feasts Odin threw. The Asgardian shared the woman's disregard for influential people doing gross things to show off.
The food was good - it was really hard to miss with a traditional Italian lasagna - and seeing Loki shovel an obscene amount of food was an experience, but she didn't comment on it, tactful enough to consider his alien biology might have different dietary requirements that her human one. It was great, really, that she could order dessert and not feel guilty about it.
The gelato melted in her mouth like sweet ecstasy and she moaned with her next bite, only partly aware of how obscene really was the noise.
Loki's hand stuttered on it's way to his mouth. Wide-eyed, he stared at her lips, at her mouth, where her tongue lapped up the small drops of dessert from the spoon. "Why the split tongue?" The Asgardian finally gathered his wits, having had a good look of what he was sure was a trick of the eye at first.
She grinned, acutely aware of the effect that particular body modification had on men. "I like being different. I embrace the weird." She giggled, not at all ashamed, sticking out her tongue and wiggling both parts of it teasingly.
Loki's Adam's apple bobbed; "Weird?" He raised his eyebrow, fighting to maintain his previous cool composure.
She nodded. "Weird," She retorted coyly. "I usually don't divulge the details at least until the third date. Wouldn't want to scare my potential suitors off," The playful wink was the proverbial cherry on top. He was hooked, his eyes darkened, following the plump arch of her lips as she took another spoonful of the treat and savoured it, closing her eyes for a brief moment.
It was pornographic.
"Obviously, Midgardians don't know what's good for them," Loki scoffed in his usual bored monotone, fully aware of how fitful his attempt to conceal his excitement was. He sounded needy even to his own ears.
"And you do?" She pushed away the empty plate, chastely patting her mouth with a napkin. The raised eyebrow and the little smirk spoke volumes.
The grin he wore was hardly anything but feral; he asked for the waiter's assistance by flicking his wrist in an impatient fashion. Once the bill was paid and the woman's cardigan found its rightful place on her shoulders, Loki once again took hold of her arm, this time holding her smaller body against his larger one, taking care to slow down and keep his strides shorter.
She found the coolness of his presence refreshing in the moist, heavy air of the New York city.
"Where to, milady?" Loki asked her, looking down at the woman fondly.
"My place is a block away. Walk me, good sir?" She gave a delightfully easy smile in return.
He nodded, letting her lead the way, allowing himself to get a little bit lost in their shared presence, a little bubble of them in the middle of a busy city. It was as if someone had quickly turned down the volume of the honking cars and noisy pedestrians around them, leaving the soft breeze and the sun slowly descending below the skyscrapers. It felt far too short, partaking in the comfortable silence together, skin tingling under the thin layers of cloth where they were touching.
The sun was trapped in the strands of her hair as she smiled at him from her doorway, worrying her lip between her teeth. It was a bittersweet moment.
"A kiss good night for the good sir?" She asked hopefully, eyes darting between his face and his mouth.
Loki obliged, resting his palm flat on the door frame, towering over the woman as he gently slotted his thin, cool lips against her warm ones. The woman stood on her tippy toes, eager, placing a hand on his chest. The pair melted into the kiss - it had no business being this mind-blowing, brain-freezing for two people that have not met until that very day. The woman didn't refuse when Loki probed with his tongue, requesting entrance to her mouth; she licked into his own with fervor, fisting her hands in the soft fabric of his sweater.
With the hand that was free, Loki pulled the woman flush with himself, feeling the heat of her start a fire of its own inside of him. Her breathing rapid, the gesture only served to tighten her hold on his sweater, until a soft, barely audible moan slipped into his mouth, causing his brain to quickly reassess the situation.
Regretfully, Loki pulled away, clearing his throat. "Perhaps we should take this elsewhere," He meaningfully looked at the array of doors around them.
"I thought you'd never ask," She retorted with a fond eyeroll, tightening the grip on his sweater once more, to pull him inside her apartment and shut the door behind her. The awkward moments were few and in between; neither knew who reached for the other first, mashing their mouths with less grace than before, clutching at the other's arms and hips with hunger.
This time, Loki didn't hold back his own muted groans of satisfaction, shivering when the woman's hands snuck under his sweater and the simple tank top he wore underneath. Blunt nails scraped along his abs.
Step by step, she pushed him further inside her apartment, determined in her small quick strides. There was no mistake of their destination; no mistake in her desire: she was as hungry and as impatient as him. The crease between his eyebrows deepened, long arms extending to unzip the top of her dress to reveal a simple but tasteful black lacy bra covering her breasts. The woman barely noticed the action, stepping out of her dress as soon as it hit the floor.
He admired her. Inches of soft skin covered by intricate ink, some patterns bizarre and complicated, some beautiful in their simplicity. Loki couldn't wait to find out about the meaning behind every one of them, to trace the lines with his tongue and sink his teeth into the heated flesh.
The hands that were holding onto him for dear life tugged on his sweater and he chose to simply vanish it, too preoccupied with looking at the view in front of him. She gasped and her eyes met his: uncanny, magnetic emeralds shone with magic and power and desire.
"Fuck," She more mouthed than said, walking backwards in a trance until her shins hit the bed.
Loki grinned, advancing on the panting woman with the grace of a predator. "Darling?" His tone was innocent; his expression was anything but. His large hand encompassesed the side of her face, thumb running over her bottom lip in a possessive gesture that had her squirming in her place. He loved the way she just melted into his touch.
Their lips met again, slower this time. The kiss was once again graceful and unrushed, allowing them to explore the softness of each other's skin, mapping the arches and valleys with gentle strokes of their palms. The broad expanse of Loki's back was uneven, riddled with scars and blemishes, and she mapped every single one, blunt nails raking down it as she pressed into him, arching into his hands where he held her.
The soft flesh of her ass, barely covered by a scrap of black lace, was shamelessly grabbed - the woman didn't doubt there would be marks left - letting her feel his arousal pressed against her belly, hard and twitching. She didn't resist her desire to ge handsy and palmed it, taking note of the gasp and the twitch coming from the man occupied with the clasp of her bra. In no time, it flew away, forgotten somwhere the very moment Loki's palms took over her breasts, running a careful thumb over each nipple.
"Fuck," She parroted her previous statement, equally breathy and considerably more aroused.
"That's the plan," Loki's chuckle was hoarse.
She huffed, biting her bottom lip before reaching out to swiftly pop the button of his trousers, smirking at the hiss the friction of her palm produced against his cock. It shouldn't have surprised her that Loki was a commando kind of guy, but still, she gasped, partially from the ministrations of his clever fingers, partially from the mouthwatering sight in front of her. The thick, flushed length made saliva gather in the corners of her mouth.
He must've heard the audible swallow. "Not so haste, darling," He tutted, giving her relaxed body a gentle push, causing her to land on her back, heated skin against the soft duvet of her bed. "Let me taste you," A thud; Loki had dropped to his knees, using his large palms to spread her legs, opening her up to his eyes.
If his previous work hadn't made her so pliant, so aroused, she'd have been rendered speechless; instead, the woman arched her back, presenting herself and the desire that had pooled down below. The Asgardian chuckled, fingertips soft against the scratchy lace.
"Tease," The woman moaned, outstretching her arm to guide him but quite unable to reach him. She had to settle for squirming in her place, receiving a fraction of the desired traction against her swollen lips.
"Am I, love?" Loki asked her sweetly, caving enough to dip a single finger to run along the outside of her slit. It glided easily thanks to all the moisture gathered there, lips parting easily before his touch. The panties were vanished away promptly, another finger joining in immediately to rub slow, precise circles around her clit.
She keened low and long, fisting the fabric in her hand until her knuckles turned white. Loki knew what he was doing. It didn't take him very long to slide his long digits to the welcoming heat of her opening, dipping them inside until she began to make the noises he so craved. His mouth followed after that, long agile tongue drawing senseless shapes on the inside of her labia and dipping deeper, where her clit stood out engorged and slick.
He could smell the bittersweet of her arousal, mouthwatering and hot.
"Loki, fuck," She moaned, only half-coherent and partially aware of her own hips following his every stroke, every flick. He only advanced, hitting that sweet spot inside her with every stroke; the sparks traveling up her spine quickened with each time she changed his name like a prayer. "Loki, Loki, Loki..."
He growled, attaching his mouth firmly to her clit, and she arched for the final time, coming undone, squeezing around his fingers and gushing in his mouth, the obscene sounds covered by her own scream of delight and his impatient growling. The growling that sent shivers of aftershocks throughout her body.
"Darling, you taste so sweet," Loki groaned, still panting.
She took the time to open her eyes: Loki looked comically out of place in her bedroom, he dwarfed her bed and made her feel small, but it didn't matter at all at that very moment. His erection stood out hard and proud; despite the leg-shaking orgasm just moments ago, she wanted more, she wanted to taste him, she wanted to feel him inside-
With unsurprising agility, one swift motion was all it took for her to rest comfortably against the pillows, his throbbing member resting against the juncture of her thigh. She tasted her own release on his lips, however brief, whispering a weak, "Please," aching to feel the emptiness.
"As my lady wishes," Loki's cool breath ghosted over her cheek. She waited with baited breath until the tip of his manhood breached her, exhaling a moan into his neck and immediately wrapping her lips around a patch of skin as he stretched her so sweet.
Loki's arms shook slightly as he waited for her to adjust. He kissed her, soft and sweet; there was something vulnerable in him, something as sweet as the ache he'd taken away. Once he began to move, slow and fluid, all there was left was an all-consuming need to feel. As graceful as dancer and with a deadly precision, Loki pounded gasps, moans and screams out of the woman's slack mouth, kisses turning hungrier and sloppier by the second.
"So sweet," He cooed, relishing in the snug grip of her cunt around him.
She only keened in approval, too far gone and unused to the intensity of the feelings from a man with centuries of practice and the power of a god.
His thrusts slowed gradually until he was rutting into her, grinding his pelvic bone into her clit. The gasps and screams turned into drawn-out, longing moans; her hips followed his, meeting in a slow, sensual motion.
Loki was not a patient man. He withdrew - she gasped in protest - flipping the woman over on her fours with ease, taking but a split second to admire the curve of her body presented on display for him. Just for him.
With that thought burning in his mind, Loki sheathed his cock deeply inside her spasming cunt. It was nearly unbearably stimulating and only his own desire to prolong the bliss held back his own impending orgasm. That, and his own ego; he was naught if not a generous lover.
She slurred something, quiet and incorrigible, fucking back onto his cock as eagerly as he was plunging into her heat. The hand he'd placed on her shoulder promptly wrapped around her throat in hopes of lifting her close enough for him to hear the words but instead, it sent a full-bodied shiver throughout her. Loki grinned, tugging her that much closer.
The arch in her back looked quite uncomfortable yet she didn't mind; it was the exact opposite, in fact, her cunt tightened around him, drenching his shaft down to his balls. Her fingernails dug into the flesh of his thigh, the sting of pain going straight to his cock-
"Loki, I'm gonna, I'm gonna-" She slurred, gasping for air.
He weakened his hold on her throat enough to let her gulp the so-needed oxygen. It was her undoing: was it the rapid pace of oxygenated blood traveling to her brain or was it his cock, mercilessly pounding against her g-spot - she was violently spasming around his cock, much like she did around his fingers not too long ago.
It felt like ages, her crescendo coming in waves with no signs of stopping any time soon. Loki's continuous thrusts, his hips slamming into hers, her skin feeling like molten lava.
"Gonna fill your sweet cunt with my seed," Loki moaned lowly, holding her up by the throat, the other hand leaving fingertip-shaped bruises on the outside of her hips. "Mark you from the inside out," His voice had gone into primal territory, growling filling up the room.
"Please..." The woman rasped, oversensitive.
And he pleased, with a series of sharp thrusts, he buried himself to the hilt in her, the force of his release making her shudder and moan once against, going limp in his arms. Loki kept her in her place until every drop was inside of her cunt. Nothing was sweeter than that.
The Asgardian didn't bother with getting under the covers to hold her, conjuring a soft, comfortable throw in modest green, to cover their nudity. He didn't need the extra warmth but his companion was by far more fragile and sensitive to these things- Loki's fingertips traced the array of bruises he'd left in the wake of their passion, expression surprised as he found the woman smiling.
"Feels nice," She supplied meekly, eyes half-lidded, face trusting and open towards him.
He gave a small grin in return, placing a chaste kiss atop her head. "Yes, it does, darling."
Time after time, she didn't expect much out if their date. The sex was nice, nice enough for both of them to want seconds and thirds after their rushed first time - but it wasn't like she expected him to hand around. It was a pleasant change from the usual mutual ghosting she'd done with her previous partners, but Loki had texted again and they had resumed their conversation via text like nothing had happened.
No, that would be incorrect. Now, she had a wonderful friend who was a great conversationalist and an even better lover. There was no pressure to put a label on their relationship so the woman didn't bother with it; it didn't seem like Loki cared about the label, either, so she left the topic alone and enjoyed things the way they were. It wasn't like she had a line of suitors anyway.
She couldn't help the smile that creeped onto her face when she unlocked her phone and saw a video call request from other than Loki himself. She still had thirty minutes worth of lunch break to waste and this was a wonderful time to chat with a friend.
"Stark, hand it back or I swear to Norns-" Loki's voice sounded agitated and far away, accompanied by sounds of a struggle; the bearded, smug face on the screen was not who she expected at all. Only years of customer service and low bullshit tolerance combined stopped her from freaking out seeing none other than Tony Stark smirking at her from the screen of her phone.
"Yes?" She arched an eyebrow, taking note of the anger of Loki's tone.
"Hi, I don't think I need to introduce myself," Stark babbled, eyeing her - disheveled and with a wall full of sticky notes and miscellaneous items acting as the background to her video. "Reindeer games refused to show you to us so we decided to persuade him," Tony's grin grew wider, muted whispers being rapidly exchanged in the background all the while Loki screeched "BROTHER!" and various expletives at the top of his lungs.
"You could've, I dunno," She paused, unimpressed. "Asked me to dinner, like a normal person. Instead of stealing, you know, like a thief," The eyeroll that she performed had the team worried her eyes would fall out of their sockets.
"I merely borrowed his phone, don't be dramatic," Stark huffed, and for a moment, she could see various other people trying to look at the screen and by extension, at her. "So, what is it that you do? Because Smurf over there wouldn't..."
"Oops, bad signal. Sorry, can't hear you properly," Her side of the call suddenly shook and in a moment, she ended the call, not at all willing to deal with people that lacked boundaries. Sure, it might have been Iron Man, but if he was planning on being a snooping asshole, she wasn't gonna go down with that easily.
Exactly five minutes after she had clocked out, an incoming call from Loki had her equal parts excited and mortified. What if..? But he was apologetic. And very angry, swearing in his native language - something that he'd promised to teach her at some point.
"So, Clint did it?" She sipped her beverage, strolling home with the phone pressed snugly against her ear.
"Most of it was his fault, yes," Loki grouched on the other end of the call.
"I vote we get back at him. Invite me over, if he's so inclined to see me, and watch him get humiliated in front of everybody," It wasn't a secret she had her own mischievous tendencies.
"As much as I appreciate your vigour, darling, I doubt the Widow will appreciate you verbally castrating the Hawk in public," He replied sourly, his voice still betraying the faint notes of interest.
"I have a backup plan!" She stated without a hitch. "He'll embarrass himself and I'll be your alibi."
"I'm listening," Loki perked up immediately.
They decided to not to stall and schedule the 'family dinner', as Thor himself dubbed it, for the next available weekend. Loki had made sure Tony's AI had been made aware the trickster would be gone all day, and it took him very little magic and effort to pop in and out of the tower for the five minutes that were needed to execute their prank.
His friend barely managed to keep the snickering at bay as they ascended the elevator to the common floor where the dinner was being held. Not only that, but the woman spouted an area of dark purple love marks, barely obscured by the low turtleneck of her blouse.
She made her introductions and they made theirs. "This affair could use some background noise," She remarked off-handedly, casting a meaningful glance at the TV.
Tony Stark was known for being a great host so he entertained her wishes, flicking on the huge flat screen with a flick of his wrist.
The team froze.
"I... -" The woman stared at the screen, mouth hanging wide open at the scenes that played out. "... am not going to kinkshame, but please turn it off," She stated in a small voice, seemingly unable to tear her eyes away from the mass of tentacles commencing erotic assault on a woman's body.
Wordlessly, the TV shut down, immersing the room in stunned silence. Loki face-palmed, the slap of his palm against his face echoing in the eerily quiet room.
"Loki!" Captain America, red as a tomato, instantly accused the most obvious person.
Except, he had forgotten one thing. "Loki was with me all day," The woman replied, unkindly. "Do you need more proof?" She tugged on the hem of her turtleneck, exposing an inch of skin marked blue.
The good Captain's face changed the shade once again, venturing very well into beetroot territory. "Who was the last one to use the TV?" Rogers asked, now with a hint of anger, as he stared at a guffawing Bucky.
"I believe it was Mr. Barton," The AI piped up, mechanical voice sounding almost insinuating. Or, perhaps, it just appeared that way.
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alethiometry · 3 years
Edward Kenway for character asks!
ooooooo okay i should open this with a disclaimer: i have not finished black flag yet (about 2/3 of the way through i think? i need to level up my ship so i can beat the next story mission lol) so everything i'm saying here is based on the game up to thatch's death, and everything we know about edward in ac 3: forsaken and the comics that came out a couple years ago.
First impression
oh boy... to be honest, one of the reasons it took me such a long time to get around to playing black flag (it was one of the first ps4 games i bought when i got my console in 2016, and i didn't start until about a month ago) was because i didn't really feel particularly strongly about edward's character design. i was vaguely interested in That One Pirate Assassin Game after having watched (and loved) black sails, but was afraid i would be let down; to me edward just looked like Some Dude, and i was still hung up on the black sails gang. to me, black sails and its characters were so genre/time period-defining that any other piece of pirate media just seemed lackluster in comparison.
i'd also heard a lot of praise for edward and for ac4 in general so i was aware that it was a very popular and well-received game. but since i mostly heard that from reddit (didn't join tumblr ac fandom until odyssey in 2018) i kind of discounted it, bc gamer reddit tastes are... questionable at best.
Impression now
I LOVE HIM!!! i always think i want stories about virtuous characters who believe in goodness and kindness and aren't motivated by gold or glory but aren't afraid to do what needs to be done to help others who can't help themselves. and sometimes that's true (coughratonhnhake:toncough). other times i end up clowning on myself because i realize that it's so much fun when said good/kind character has a rough and rugged exterior, and is motivated by personal gain (i think edward and kassandra are kinda kindred spirits across time and space in that regard, but maybe that's another rant for another time). sometimes you just want someone to be a little bit of an opportunistic bastard, and boy does edward fit that to a T. he's an incredibly complex man, and i think what really got me was that even as he was impersonating assassins and then templars and then assassins again, all for personal gain (pickpocketing the templars in havana while he gains their trust and agrees to do their dirty work lmfao my beloved <3), his primary motivation for doing so was to prove to caroline and her family that he is someone worth a damn, that he is capable of great things and that he is worthy of their love and acceptance. and i know from ac forsaken that the marriage with caroline doesn't last (though i haven't played ac4 far enough to see if that happens on screen, or if it occurs between the game and the novel) which makes his backstory in the game all the more heartbreaking. but his optimism and perseverance and determination to prove himself are all what make me love him.
so that's edward the romantic. now let's talk about the way edward is with adewale, his crew, and his friends. and let's also put the rest of this behind a readmore bc girl i am RANTINGGGGGG
he has several lines that he says to adewale that make me physically cringe (namely: "many of [these men] wouldn't accept you as captain" or "what was it like being enslaved?" like i get that someone like edward would be asking that question in good faith and genuine curiosity but also JESUS CHRIST UBISOFT). but on the flip side - cringey as those questions are, he also takes the time to actually listen and learn, and i think he genuinely values the perspective that he gets from adewale allowing him to open these lines of trust and communication. there's a patience and mutual respect there that i adore.
i also love how much edward loves his crew and his other pirate friends. those scenes of him + kidd + thatch + adewale + hornigold (lol) drinking on the beach and having a grand old time and talking about establishing - to borrow one of my favorite chills-down-my-spine phrases from black sails - a nation of thieves, for people like them to live and prosper, free from the chokehold of civilization. and i know he's not as outwardly invested in counterculture/independence/anticolonialism as thatch and vane and kidd are, but the fact that he so wholeheartedly supports his friends' goals, lofty and impossible as they are, speaks volumes about his love for his friends.
Favorite moment
every scene he has with kidd when kidd casually and softly reminds him that they see that he is a good person beneath his opportunistic and rambunctious exterior. i especially love when they discover julien du casse's mansion containing orders for templars to go out and hunt down assassins: the way kidd immediately knows that edward wants to help the assassins as a way to make up for the damage he did while masquerading as a templar, even if he hasn't voiced it aloud himself. the way that they don't force edward to admit anything about himself before he is ready, but still constantly remind him that he has a good heart. they give him space to come to terms with his compassionate side in a world/environment that more often than sees compassion as something to be stamped out or cast aside. i don’t love when characters are forced to be the Moral Compass for a main dude character, but i think it works for edward and kidd.
Idea for a story
not an edward story per se, but there are 2 povs into edward's life that i would cut off (someone else's) limbs for:
jenny's pov growing up in the kenway household. from haytham's pov it seems that she knows way more about his past than haytham ever did (it was hinted at that there are rumors about edward’s past as haytham was growing up that he wasn’t privy to, but i don’t think at any point in the novel does haytham ever find out definitively that his father was a pirate) and i want to know how she knew so much, and more into what her life was like - through her eyes rather than haytham, who is like 10 years younger and by his own admission barely understands her and barely has a functional relationship with her. i'll expand further on edward and jenny in the next question/prompt/bullet point, actually, bc i have a LOT more to say.
connor's pov learning about his grandfather from... idk? who's around to tell him? what's so goddamn sad is that by the time connor rebuilds the colonial brotherhood he's kinda the only one left. sure there's aveline down in louisiana, but as far as we know everyone who was around in edward's generation is dead now, and i'm not sure how much of the kenway saga is preserved for connor to discover, or if all this information about their family line was discovered in the modern-day, by your abstergo employee character, and later by osto berg in the comics. which is why i so badly want a revelations-style game where connor traces his assassin heritage back to the caribbean, relives some of edward's memories, and then makes the trip to london to see his aunt jenny. it would have been such a cool way to round out the kenway saga.
Unpopular opinion
idk how popular or unpopular this is bc i rarely see other in-depth posts about it on my dash, but edward was a terrible father to jenny. he was every bit the wonderful and loving father to haytham for the 10 years that haytham had a father, but i wish we'd seen more of jenny's perspective than just a few lines of dialogue in haytham's diary: i hate the way edward sidelined her and raised her in the same manner that any other wealthy person of the time would have raised their daughter - that is, for the sole purpose of sitting pretty and marrying her off in an arrangement that would benefit the family. it's especially hard to reconcile because in ac4 there are female assassins in the americas, and there are female pirates in the caribbean, so it's not like edward isn't aware that women have as much right as any man to live life on their own terms. it just seems like by the time he returns to england and settles down with his family, he's reverted back to the societal norms and gender roles that the pirates fought (and lost) against, and it's hard not to be deeply disappointed by that.
to be clear, i don't begrudge edward settling down and becoming a Rich Society Man. dude deserves to live comfortably with his loving family. he has every right to dote on his wife and children, and leave behind the hardships of being a pirate. but i think "fightning against deeply-ingrained cultural norms/expectations is a long and bloody struggle, and after losing so many people he cared so deeply about, i think it's understandable that edward wouldn't want to continue that fight alone (and also adewale is still fighting the good fight) (do NOT @ me about ac rogue I Pretend I Do Not See It)" and "i don't love the way edward sidelined his daughter into societally-expected gender roles she did not want; it makes me think that he did not continue drinking his Respect Women Juice as much as i thought he did/wanted him to" are two opinions that can coexist.
Favorite relationship
i don't know that i ship edward romantically with anyone, actually. i thought he and caroline were cute in the beginning, but it's hard to want to ship them knowing that she leaves him eventually. and ofc there'd edward/tessa in ac forsaken, and we know they were very happy together and that he loved her so so much. but we don't see that relationship except through haytham's eyes.
as for non-romantic relationships, i already talked at length above about his relationships with adewale and the other pirates and kidd, and i'll just leave it at that. i'm also vaguely aware that edward's got some upcoming scenes with anne bonny, but i'm not at that point in the game yet so i don't have much to say about the two of them. so far i've only seen them say a few lines to each other at the nassau tavern.
Favorite headcanon
kassandra absolutely rubbed shoulders with edward at some point during his time in the caribbean; i like to think that she needed to lie low for some reason (maybe she was with the assassins idk) and joined his crew. i just need my best stabby gal and my second-favorite stabby dude to be pals!
finally, this isn't a headcanon per se but it is obligatory that any time i talk about kenways i yell for a bit about the fact that EDWARD WOULD HAVE LOVED CONNOR SO SO SO MUCH AND I'M FOREVER DEVASTATED THAT HE NEVER GOT TO MEET HIM. at the same time, if edward hadn't been murdered and haytham not been indoctrinated into the templars the way he had, i'm not sure connor would even have existed. and in a way i'm glad that edward wasn't around to see how broken and cynical and depressed haytham became, because i think that would have absolutely broken his heart.
send me a character!
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aidemint · 4 years
Messenger - Zuko
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Word Count: 3.2k !
Warnings: None!
Note: This is a plot I’ve been wanting to try for a while! For the sake of the story, Mai and Zuko broke up indefinitely. As much as I love them, I can’t have things get too “complicated.”
It started as an ordinary day. Perhaps one that began too well. I woke up to the sound of turtle-ducks quacking in a nearby pond as a colorful array of birds lined the canopy, chirping to the melody that the trees gave off when they shook in the light breeze. I yawned and rubbed my eyes with the backs of my hands as I woke up from my resting state underneath a large oak. Shaking my head a few times, I blinked and got my eyes to focus on my surroundings, and patted my side to make sure that my bag was still there. 
Ah, the familiar feel of leather and sturdy cloth.
After the reassurance, I took the time to stretch a bit before getting up to get ready for the day. The morning procedure was conventional -- extremely so. Brush your teeth, bathe, dry, then scavenge for some food. Berries or nuts weren’t exactly rare to come by anywhere, so it wasn’t hard to find a hearty meal. 
A day in the life of a messenger.
Humming as I stripped down, I discarded my clothes, shoving them into my messenger bag, then brought the satchel with me to the riverbed to decrease the risk of theft. The impact of my feet on the ground made the grass quiver and specks of dirt come flying into the air, tickling my soles and upper-ankles. When I finally set my belongings down, I sighed in content and watched as the surface of the stream glimmered, reflecting the sunlight. It certainly looked inviting.
Finally, it was time to bathe.
Shivering as I tip-toed into the cold water, I wrapped my arms around my chest and hoped I didn’t catch some sort of disease. I wasn’t used to such a different climate, as I’d normally opt for some hot springs when they were available, but I was in the valley and didn’t have the time nor the energy to make that trek all the way up the mountain.
I groaned and plunged shoulder-level into the river, feeling the running water push lightly against my figure. The sensation was surprisingly calming, considering that I was initially cringing at how frigid it was. As the edges of my lips upturned and my eyes fluttered shut, my body relaxed and I was able to enjoy the sweet empathy that nature provided me with.
After soaking for what felt like a few minutes, I heard a rustling in the bushes. Assuming that it was either some wayward badger skunk of platypus bear, I paid no attention to it until there came voices from that general direction.
“Zuko, I told you we shouldn’t have come this way. Privacy is a big thing around these parts.” There was an old man and his presumed nephew, wandering around the forest of oak trees and through a few bushes. I couldn’t get a clear view of the uncle, but I noticed a small clearing that the younger boy could step out into for me to peer at him. Hoping that he’d move according to plan, I craned my neck to get a glimpse at him.
“Privacy? In a valley? What, are we gonna run into a couple of naked mole rats?” Once the brunette emerged from his place hidden in the bunches of leaves and into an open spot, I got to recognizing him. My eyes widened and my lips parted, truly not expecting the company. Prince Zuko, the “traitorous” son of Fire Lord Ozai, was in Fengfu Valley, and I was right under his nose. It shocked me how little perception he had of his surroundings. Feeling the urge to laugh, I clamped a hand over my mouth to hide my presence and stooped lower into the water so my nose was right above the surface.
I couldn’t help but want to exploit his careless nature -- it seemed like it would be a lively addition to an otherwise boring morning.
Teasing him would be fun.
“I don’t appreciate being called a mole rat!” I watched on as Zuko shouted in surprise, then sent a bolt of fire my way. Narrowly avoiding it, I swam to the side and watched as the flame dissipated as soon as it reached the spot where I previously resided. Turning my head so I faced him, we locked gazes as I feigned offense.
“Seriously?” When the prince’s face morphed into one of surprise, I burst out laughing, almost getting swept away by the river at the effort. My howls ceased as I stumbled a bit and felt the rapids churn in an attempt to carry me down its bed, but I regained my footing and remained in my original place. 
Breathing a sigh of relief, I once again directed my attention to the brunette, who just stood with his hands clasped over his eyes. Snickering at the sight, I slipped to hide behind a bush as I dried myself and put on my clothes. Stepping out into the open once I was finished, I gave Iroh a small salute while walking towards the pair, which he returned with a fond grin.
“You should listen to your uncle more often, friend!” I exclaimed, stopping in front of the Prince with my bad slung across a shoulder, “Don’t come across mindful people in these parts very often. It’s mostly populated with bandits, so most are pretty wary.” Noticing the pair’s interesting Earth Kingdom getup, I raised my eyebrows, impressed with the guise. I didn’t have long to admire their getups, however, as Iroh took the initiative to start a conversation in the midst of my thinking. 
“Since we can’t avoid an interaction any longer, we might as well introduce ourselves. My name is Mushi, and this is my nephew Lee. We’re simple travelers, so it’s nice to meet a local from around these parts.” I nodded at him and smiled at Zuko, who still seemed a bit on edge from our unconventional introduction.
“I’m (Y/N). I work as a messenger for the international mailing system. I deliver letters to and from different nations, but I’m stationed in the Earth Kingdom most of the time, helping to run mail through the city, manually.” Iroh, or Mushi, nodded in understanding, 
“An honorable profession.” I smiled, then thanked him for his kindness. Glancing at “Lee,” I noticed that he didn’t seem very eager to respond, so I just left him alone and continued to talk to Iroh. 
“Well, Mushi,” I began, “Do you have a place to stay?” Iroh was quick to respond, but not without a sudden shift in his demeanor. His shoulders suddenly caved inwards and his eyebrows became furrowed, giving his face a worn, wrinkled look. 
“Unfortunately not. My nephew and I don’t have anywhere to go, either.” I bit back a smile at his overbearingly dejected tone and the sudden slump in his posture when trying to evoke some sense of pity from me. Covering my mouth with a hand, I sucked in a breath to calm down, coughing a bit to disguise my laughter. 
“W-Well,” I said, clearing my throat, “You can stay at my camp for the time being. I’ll show you the ropes, but you have to hunt your own food.” To my complete and utter surprise, Iroh’s posture and mood had suddenly improved upon hearing this. His eyes seemed to sparkle as a grateful grin spread across his face.
“That would be wonderful. Thank you for your offer.” I waved it off, then beckoned for the two to follow me to camp, where I had a tent set up and a couple of logs for a campfire. Though I didn’t have much, the former General’s reaction made me feel like some kind of saint for agreeing to take care of them out of common courtesy.
Perhaps his methods of persuasion had more of an influence on me than I originally thought.
Evening had come, and Zuko and I were currently out foraging for berries and nuts while Iroh was back at camp, tending to a fire in order to brew some tea and to hopefully get the pot hot enough to be able to cook the nuts. 
At the moment, the Prince and I had stumbled across an undergrowth that housed a variety of different bushes and trees, all filled with berries and fruits, respectively. The silence of nature overtook us as we worked to fill the baskets we carried with the bounty -- a sound that was familiar to me, but seemed to be uncomfortable for Zuko, so much so that he decided to pipe up for the first time today.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” I whipped my head around to face him with an amused expression. 
“You finally wanna talk, huh?” He sighed and rolled his eyes in the other direction, setting his basket down, but not knowing what to do with his hands. Curling them into fists, then letting go again, the cycle repeated for half a minute before he found the right sentence to say.
“I’m usually not this awkward, I promise,” he commented, rubbing the nape of his neck. I laughed, noticing the Prince’s bright red face, flushed from embarrassment. 
“I can tell,” I replied, digging into a bush and pocketing some wild blueberries, “So don’t worry too much about it. I don’t mind the silence -- I hear it all the time.” He stiffly nodded and picked up his basket again to collect some pears from a tree overhead.
“Thanks.” The world then went silent for a few minutes until Zuko spoke again, his voice more relaxed this time around. 
“And sorry about the naked mole rat thing. I didn’t really expect anyone to be there.” 
“Don’t sweat it. I wouldn’t expect a naked person to be in a river in the middle of a valley either.”
“Okay… thanks.” I chuckled quietly to myself, finding hilarity in how uncoordinated Zuko seemed to be in the realm of speaking. It was almost endearing. 
After a good twenty minutes had lapsed, it was safe to say that both of us had deserved a break. As I plopped down onto a moss-covered section of the floor, I patted the ground next to where I sat, motioning for Zuko to rest alongside me.
“Sit down with me, Lee.” He hesitated for a moment, but ended up sitting next to me anyways. While we rested, I admired the way the canopy of the forest blocked the sunlight, so that the rays would cast themselves in dappled patterns across the ground. Fluttering my eyelids shut, I took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, enjoying the forest’s energy and the rejuvenating effect it had on my spirit. As I opened my eyes to see the world again, I sighed in a mix of disappointment and appreciation. The tranquility was pleasurable, but always too brief.
I didn’t notice Zuko until I felt his hand nearing my bag, to which I responded to with a sudden pull away, not letting him even graze the satchel. He seemed alarmed by this, as his eyes immediately went dark and his body tensed up. Panicking as I noticed this, I tried to explain as quickly and as simplistically as possible. 
“People’s letters are in there,” I said, “I can’t let you touch them without a license. It’s illegal.” Zuko glowered at me. His eyes bore into mine, golden, glaring irises seeking the truth in the myriad of lies. He leaned in closer to me, his scowl deepening.
“There is no need for mailing by foot in the Earth Kingdom. They have their own postal service with the rock cart system.” I sucked in a sharp breath as I prayed that he wouldn’t connect the dots, as hopeless as my wish was. 
Zuko pointed at my bag. 
“Those aren’t really letters, are they?” The prince’s question challenged me, yet it was laced with so much hidden curiosity and an element of certainty pounded into each and every word. I sighed as I realized that the jig was up. I had to tell him the truth, or he might become unstable and try to pull something with me. Taking out the envelopes, I unwrapped them, then showed the Prince the contents inside. 
“You got me,” I admitted, handing Zuko the sheets of paper I held in my hand, “They’re not letters.” The brunette’s eyes scanned over the folio, gradually widening in disbelief. Once he was done reading, he handed the documents back to me and looked at me with such incredulity. 
“What are those papers?” he demanded, “They have the Fire Nation seal on them.” I shrugged indifferently while putting the sheets back into their envelopes.
“They’re stolen Fire Nation Official documents,” I responded casually. The Prince seemed so caught up in this order of business, while I admittedly did not want to continue this conversation for much longer. His infatuation irked me, but it was natural, given his background, so I had no other choice but to endure it.
“How did you even get them?” he demanded, “Who are you?” 
“I should be asking you the same question, Prince Zuko,” I snapped, not willing to take any more of his attitude. He looked taken aback yet flustered at the same time. I assumed that he didn’t realize that someone would recognize the guy with a very noticeable scar on his face. I scoffed at the thought.
“Do you really expect me not to know who you are, Mr. ‘Esteemed Prince of the Fire Nation?’” He grew increasingly bewildered, looking at me as if I had two horns growing out of my head, and as if he wasn’t the son of the most notorious tyrant in all the four nations. “Sure, most people in the Earth Kingdom have no clue who you guys are, but I might have a clue, you know? Given the documents and everything?” 
“But why… How did you even get these?” Zuko stammered, “This is classified information.”  
“I looted them from Fire Nation officers.”
“Why-” he began, “Why are you-” As he looked to me for some form of help, I motioned for him to continue thinking on his own. He furrowed his eyebrows and kept at it. A few moments later, something seemed to click inside his mind. 
“You’re…” Realization dawned on Zuko as his expression morphed into one of vulnerable understanding. “You’re part of the Resistance. Against the Fire Nation.”
“Bingo.” He furrowed his brows and brought a hand up to point at me following my confirmation.
“You’re the one responsible for the missing contract for the Huo act.”
“You stole a cart filled with bills that lowered the minimum age for recruited soldiers.”
“And the papers for Baron Hu Jiao’s coal mines.”
“Uh huh.”
“And you’re-”
“You’re making me sound like a saint here, Zuko,” I interrupted, chuckling, “I’m just doing what any normal person would do in the face of tyranny.” He paused, creased his eyebrows and slightly pursed his lips, then looked away, as if contemplating some serious matter. I cocked my head and laughed softly at the sight, entertained by the Prince’s reaction to my words. 
“You seem confused.” I turned to him. “Is there anything you want to ask me?” He huffed, contorting his face into an expression that was strangely reminiscent of one at a loss for words, though he spoke after my inquiry.
“Why did you even join the rebellion? Why would you risk your life for something so… so dangerous? So...” I felt a burning sensation in my chest as Zuko’s breath ran out before he could finish. He made no attempt at restating his two-word sentence, feeling as if it was best to just leave it there, as is. I sighed.
“Were you going to say futile?” Zuko scratched his head and nodded. I huffed.
“Why do people join the army, then? Just to die in trivial combat?” I challenged coyly, the edges of my lips curling into a smirk, “Why do people join task forces if they’re not worth fighting for?” 
“Because they’re forced to.” The prince’s tone was cold. His words were hardened by some experience I knew not of, and it was only then I realized that I had been wrong.
I folded my hands in my lap and spoke in a much quieter voice from there on.
“I apologize.” Zuko paused for a moment to recollect himself, taking a deep breath in and letting it gradually come out.
“It’s okay.” I smiled at his comment. 
“Do you want to hear more of my story? Of the resistance?” Zuko hummed.
“I only knew of the Resistance from the propaganda that was set up in the middle of the Capitol. I’d see the faces of those men and women and wonder what they had done to earn their titles as ‘savages,’ ‘freaks of nature,’ and ‘traitors.’ I’d always ask about them. But I’d always never get an answer. 
“The first time I ever had personal contact with them was after my fathers perished in the army. I went through a lot of grief, in the early stages. I wouldn’t eat, I wouldn’t socialize, probably because of the trauma. When nobody wanted me, when the Fire Nation threatened to kick me out for not being a valuable citizen, they took me in. Treated me well, taught me a lot of things that I’d originally been brainwashed to ignore by propaganda. They gave me hope and a reason to live. It was more than I could ask for, at the time.
“And I realized what I wanted. I knew that I wanted out of this dystopian society so I rebelled against it. I stole papers and caused as much of a ruckus as I could, fueled by this opportunity for revenge. I wanted to tear the place down.” I laughed sadly at the thought.
“But, as you said, it’s futile. I can’t go against so many people. None of us can. The numbers have always been dwindling.” I looked down, at the forest floor, embarrassed to admit the notion. “But we try.” The soft sounds of crickets chirping in the grass were the only noises that could be heard when I finished talking. Zuko just sat there, seemingly dumbfounded by the information that was relayed to him.
“I-I’m sorry,” he spoke, awkwardly glancing at my face, trying to morph his features into an expression of comfort. I chuckled at his behavior.
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault.” Quietness settled in the atmosphere once more after I uttered the last phrase. I tilted my head up at the sky and admired the blend of colors it had become. Lavender hues mixed with vermillion tints to create a wondrous sight to sit under and enjoy. 
Zuko and I sat together for what seemed like forever, simply enjoying each other’s company. 
After the purple and red sky had passed and the stratosphere held a darker red and orange coloration, I decided that it was best to haul ass and go back to camp based on how little day we had left. I offered a hand to Zuko, helped him stand up, and picked up my basket, preparing to go back to camp. The brunette did the same with his basket and started to follow me back. 
“Thank you for listening,” I suddenly said, turning to face him, “It’s been a long time since I could open up to someone like this. I really enjoyed this evening.” Zuko’s expression remained indifferent, but there seemed to be a new, small glitter within his irises. 
“Yeah.” The corners of his lips lifted just a bit. “I did too.”
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saturatedboy · 3 years
Lord Heisenberg X Male!OC
New and first story series! This involves a male OC, however be free to use your own name instead. This book won’t exactly follow the plot of RE8, however ideas will be taken from it.
Male!Oc- Leonardo is a 27 year old male that works within a distance village called ‘Village of Ram’. Reason for it’s name is that its hidden away behind many mountains. His job includes being a literacy teacher within a new still-in-construction school. On the side lines he is a journalist, using his findings to post through the Duke to spread around the other villages. However not all his stories can have a happy ending, and I fear the story he’s within won’t go to plan. Would his story be complete with a happy ending, or will he loose- may the pages of his story be turned.
Warnings: Mentions the use of alcohol
Words: 3K
The Slaughter of the Ram
Chapter 1
They all stared at him with a lost look in each and every one of their eyes. Some had heads down, others blinked away any boredom that snuck in through the words that came from his mouth and the rest were whispering amongst themselves with a few giggles escaping. They really didn’t want to be here but they were forced by the leaders of their home to. It wasn’t like they could get education anywhere else.  
The sudden chime of a bell ringing had woken most of the young. Them all being swift in gathering their things together. The older male stood with chalk in hand, watching the young pack away equipment such as pencils, paper and books. Smiling at their eagerness to leave his class, with a clear throat he spoke over the loudness that they were causing with their chairs and voices. “Read pages 12 to 16 of ‘Mid-Summer Night Dream’ please in your break!” A chorus of groans left most of their mouths leaving the male at the front to chuckle. “I know you all are enjoying it all!”
“Sir, must we read? It’s Summer break-”
“Since when do we have Summer break here? You know it’s always Winter here Robert.” The girl with a high bun, neatly wrapped with a silk ribbon had spoken up as she gently flicked the boy named Robert on his forehead.
“So, Charity, it’s still Summer-” He shot back, grabbing her wrist before she could give him another flick. She struggled out of his grip, moving her arm about as she smiled at the others playfulness. The oldest male cleared his throat having heads turn towards him. With a silent chuckle, he banged his fist against his chest a couple of times to clear his throat fully before speaking.
“And here I thought you all wanted to go home.” Just as quick as the words left his throat, his future generation had scrambled out of the door and filed into the very small hallways to escape through the front. He stood there for a minute or two, waiting for all the students to leave fully before turning to face his desk and gathering his own equipment and papers to mark. Being in thought about his next meal of the night, he was drawn back out by a knock against wood.
“Knock knock, it’s your favourite.” A feminine voice that had the tone of a mother had spoken from behind him. Placing the last paper into his messenger bag, he stood and turned to face the old visitor with a bright smile. Leaning against his open door was a woman with blonde hair that was slightly mangled from her usual bonnet that she would wear that was now resting on her shoulders. Her green dress with an apron over the top had reached her ankles which feet was accompanied by black doll-shoes.
“Catherine, great to see you. How were the lessons? Heard you have some new sprouts.” The sudden expression change that came from her explained the whole day to him instantly. With a heavy sigh, she placed her bonnet back onto her head and spoke.
“They were terrible. I’m not even joking. They don’t understand how to make soup. Soup I tell you!” she continued to ramble on about her day, expressing her hatred towards the new students and old ones that she herself had to teach for cookery class. “-And then I told her to put her utensils back and-Hey! Are you even listening to me?” A pout fronted her lips, brows furrowed as she stared at the male with arms crossed over her chest as she watched him stare into space. With a harsh nudged of her, he blinked his eyes and turned t face her, hair swaying with his movement. With a smile and neck scratch, he spoke.
“I’m sorry Catherine. All this talk about food is making me thirsty. Say, would you like to join me at the Inn? I’m pretty sure some whiskey would move all your problems away.” He suggested, adjusting his messenger bag over his shoulder and rolling his beige sleeves up to his elbows. With a soft sigh, the woman placed her bonnet on and brushed her dress down, getting rid of any wrinkles easily.
“Only if you’re paying, and I’ll take my usual of scotch thank you.” Together they walked, arms linked out of the room and school that was still being built. The snow wisped around them, being gentler as it lightly touched their exposed skin. With the walk being silent, they could hear the joyful cries of smaller children playing with sticks and others having the usual game of a snow ball fight. The sight made Catherine cringe. “Children, they are so much to handle.” she expressed her hatred through bending down gathering snow and then throwing a snowball at a child that was in her classroom that day. “And that’s for running with a knife!” She exclaimed as the child that got hit only laughed with a thumbs up, using their other hand to wipe the snow off her arm.
“You mustn't hurt the children; they are the reason this village will be up and running still in times yet to come.” The older male spoke, placing his arm back out for Catherine to grab, which she did almost immediately. Catherine sighed and rolled her eyes, tutting at his words.
“Now Leo, you know very much that if these children aren’t taught manners, then how could they ever survive. Haven’t you heard the news from the Village of Shadows?” She asked, however the older male, Leonardo, stayed quiet. She continued as the Inn was slowly getting closer in their reach. “Apparently mutant sorts of dogs have been wandering about, snatching children left and right. A young girl, age 14 I think, was attacked but luckily survived as her father with his buddies shot at the beast. Wicked I tell you, scarily wicked.”
They reached the Inn at the end of her words, a now unsettling aura around them both. Leo pondered to himself, being caught up in his thoughts as usual. ‘If the centre village is being attacked, then why haven’t they cancelled the festival for two days' time?’ Being dragged into the Inn, Leo huffed and coughed slightly at the sudden smell of cigars blocking his nose. The stench was something he had yet to still get comfortable with however he would deal with it for now. Letting Catherine lead him, Leo looked around the now bustling room of other men and woman, some children falling asleep in the wooden booths to small babies nestle in their mothers' grasps. Waving to familiar faces as he passed them, he quickly settles down at the bar as Catherine sat beside him. “Would you look at her,” She sighed dreamily. Watching her line of vision, Leo followed it to have his vision set on a beautiful woman. Long brown hair reaching her hips, a brow dress reaching the floor with a daisy took behind her ear. She was enjoying a glass of water with some other people that Leo hadn’t set a name with the faces.
“I swear we only come here for you to gush over women.” Leo snarked, rolling his eyes at his friends' actions of whistling loudly grabbing the attention of the girl who blushed deeply in return. Leaning back against the bar top, Catherine giggled and she raised her hand up to call for the bar tenders' attention.  
“What can I say, women are really pretty and you can't say much, what about you and Aaron? What happened there?” Her question aa caught in the air as she held a finger up to keep Leo silent, telling the bar tender their orders of whiskey and scotch. It was only after the tender had written down their orders that she signalled Leo to carry on as she turned on her buffet to instead sit straight and look at the lines of bottles behind the bar.
With a groan, Leo dropped his head onto the wooden top as he turned his face to look at her. “He let for another village, asked if I wanted to come. I declined and so he left without any trace of a ‘goodbye’ to me.” Catherine pursed her lips together, only for her lips to stretch into a smirk.  
“So, writing boy is free to date hmm~?”
“No, I am not. I enjoy being single and I don’t need no man in my life.” Beside him, Catherine held her laugh. Her faced flushed in red as she tried to keep her composure. With a hard slap on his back, Leo jerked up and sat with an angry look on his face. “Hey, what was that for?!”
“I just felt like it. All this talk about love is making me thirsty- EY BAR TENDER, PASS OUR DRINKS WILL YA!” With a nod from the said other, the bar tender came over to them dropping their drinks on the counter and nodding to them. With muttered ‘thanks’ of the best friends, he walked away to tend to other customers.
Both sat in minable silence, the odd talk about classes to talk about summer ideas passed through their conversations. As the night became young, the pace began to get more crowded and louder. Someone had started to play the harmonica, Catherine had wobbled away from Leo in search of the girl she called beautiful, the place began bustling with smokers and soon, Leonardo had turned on his buffet to watch everything go down. Smiling, he watched as happy couples were on the make-shift dance floor as a small band played, children were running in and out of the doorway and the odd student came up to Leo to ask about the pages they must read. “Just those would do, now go enjoy your night and holiday.” With a loose hand shake, the student ran off again into the crowd of people. Leo scrunched his nose as he downed his 4th glass of the night. The fiery taste burned his throat yet he was still perfectly fine. Looking around the room, he spotted multiple photos hanging of ‘Mother Miranda’. She was Somone that his community and others worshipped. She was their god in their eyes. Although Leo didn't quite understand her, he had his own hopes he wished to grant to her however dreaming is one thing to reality.
Just above the doorway was a sketch of his entire village. ‘Village of the Ram’ was quoted at the bottom of the sketch. There were multiple villages in the area, however his village had mostly resided away from Castle Dimitrescu as he remembered. Words between villages was sent through post by the duke. A large man who acted as a father to all. He was sweet, something Leo did find attractive however The Duke was far from his type. If he didn’t travel every day, Leo was sure to find himself maybe even falling in love with him however he treasures the fact both were close friends- but that never stopped him from never getting a discount of the other.
Placing his empty glass back onto the bar top, the noise from the bell of the door along with gasps and the sudden stop of music had caught his full attention. Turning towards where everyone was looking, the door was wide open with a fairly tall man standing in the way. With long strides, the man had walked in, banging the door close behind him. Murmured talk between everyone erupted at the visitor. The free and enjoyable air that was in the atmosphere had let as it was placed with an uncomfortable sense of feeling. “Ignore me will ya.” The deep, husky voice spoke as everyone went back to what they were doing. Music had started to play again as the new visitor had stride his way up.
Leo stared at the man, taking in his features as he walked practically up to him. Not wanting to attract attention to himself, he spun back around on his buffet and asked the bar tender that was nearby to order him another glass of whiskey. The tender placed the glass he was drying down and went to do as commanded. Leo had stated to take notes in his mind. ‘Big guy, sunglasses blocking his vision, fair long stipple of beard growing, really nice grey hair to compliment his face- overall the fucking Lord Heisenberg.’ Thanking again to the bar tender, Leo kept his eyes on his refilled glass that was stirring with his chosen liquid. He tried his best to keep his breathing down as the Lord of the Village of Shadows had taken the seat next to him. With a shaky hand, Leo sipped his drink this time only to have his eyes wander to look at the man beside him. To his shock, he could see behind the sunglasses to have a pair of greenish yellow eyes staring back at him. Pretending he wasn’t looking; Leo slowly turned his eyesight back onto his drink as he placed the half empty shot glass down. “I’ll have what he’s having.” The same deep voice spoke.
Distracting himself from the talk about him, Leonardo ran a hand through his fairly long hazel hair and pulled it back into a ponytail, using a bobble he had solen of Catherine to tie his hair back. Two loose stands fell in front of his face framing his jawline. “Do I get the pleasure of knowing the young man's name?” The lord asked, turning his larger frame to face Leo.
Biting his lip, Leo turned his head to face him, being greeted again with the same eyes that felt captivating. Without a second thought, he spilt his name. “Leonardo- or Leo would do.”  
The Lord smiled in satisfaction, a smirk stretching his lips. “So, you are more than staring!” He exclaimed, catching the attention of a few nearby people who were also sat at the bar, however as soon as they noticed it was the Lord speaking, they turned their heads quickly to carry on with their conversation. Biting back his frustration, Leo spoke up in a much harsher tone forgetting who he was dealing with.
“I’ll have you know it was you staring at me first you-”
A hand pulled on his shirt collar, making him look at the culprit. Catherine was there with the woman from before clinging onto her arm. “My apologise Lord Heisenberg, my friend appears to be drunk.”
“I’d have you know I am no light drinker; he was staring at me-” Catherine slapped her hand over his mouth and began to pull on Leo’s shirt.
“Looks like the alcohol is getting to him. C’mon it's time to go Leonardo.” Heisenberg waved the bar tender away as he placed down his drink of the same liquid as Leo.
“It’s quite alright miss, I find your friends attitude towards me quite...intoxicating.” Heisenberg leaned to grab his shot glass, only to down the whole drink in a mere second. Slamming the glass back not the top, he swung an arm over Leo’s shoulder and pulled him away from Catherine’s grasp. “It’s not every day I see new villages with such Firey attitude. I think I may stay around a little longer, what do you say Leonardo?”  
Leo groaned; he could start to feel the effect of the alcohol seeping into his blood stream. Oh, to just pass out in Catherine’s arms would be amazing. “You may be a Lord but that doesn’t mean you weren’t staring at me first.”
“Leo, drop it already.” Catherine hissed, bringing the woman on her arm behind her as she glared at Leonardo. Leo shook his head, letting the alcohol take over his movements as he slowly began to get tipsy.  
“He looked at me though,” He whined, pouting as he shot a glare of his own at the Lord who smiled in return. Oh, how he was loving this. The way Leo swayed slightly, to his slightly muscled arms being free and on show for him. To say a man was having such an effect on him that he couldn’t understand, he was enjoying every moment of this.
“How could I not look; you are like the Ram of the village aren’t you.” Heisenberg let Leo’s body fall against his, his arms wrapping almost immediately around his front. Catherine shook in her boots; her friend was at the mercy of the lord’s grasp. “Strong arms with an attitude to prove strength by. So fascinating.” Heisenberg hands got tighter as he pulled Leo closer to him, his scent of chalk and a whiff of whiskey became an instant comfortable smell.
Catherine watched her friend in worry, he was getting less sober by the second whilst she was gaining her composure to be sober. “Not to be rude but I think it's time I take my friend home Lord Heisenberg.” Catherine spoke, twiddling her fingers as the Lor stared at her with an unamused look.
“He’ll be fine. This is a 24-hour Inn, right? I’ll stay with him until he wakes up. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to a Ram like him.” Catherine balled her fist. Here her friend was half awake and half asleep and she knew she couldn’t do much against a Lord. She sighed and nodded, trusting him with his words as she turned on her heel and walked away, the smaller lady following her.
Heisenberg turned his attention back onto the male named Leonardo. ‘Such a pretty little thing, too bad you're a little annoying- or maybe it's because of the alcohol.’ Heisenberg thought as he placed Leo’s head onto the counter carefully, letting his whole slightly taller than average frame fall against the counter. Heisenberg watched as he slept, this was sure an interesting interaction.
He only came to here explore the other villages, for Mother Miranda to have some new bodies for the experiments. He never suspected to already be caught up in weird feelings with some random boy. He only knew his name anyway. “Leonardo,” He smirked to himself, pulling out a cigar from his pocket and lighting it. “Leo-...nardo.” He repeated but more slowly this time. The syllabus that rolled of his tongue felt good. The name was perfect. Looking at the sleeping male one more time, Heisenberg took a drag from his lit cigar.   “Leonardo, Strongest Ram in the mountains.”
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tt205 · 4 years
- Love is a different book -
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REQUESTED by softjisoo-exe :
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Today you are not wearing your usual white colored dress .
WARNINGS: none, just pure fluff & some minor crack
You looked down to your purple dress as Yanli styled your hair in a tight bun , adding hairpins with rare gem stones on them .
Today you are dressed in purple , honoring the Yumeng Sect family & your soon - to - be husband.
You felt tears forming in your eyes as a knock on the door shooked you out of your thoughts and you know straight away who is it .
" Time will be up soon y/n you will have to rush !" Lan Xichen's excited voice entered the room .
" I'm finishing her hair Zewu Jun ! Tell my brother to wait 5 more minutes if needed!"
" Can I come in ?" Lan Wangji asked in a sad tone you expected , too afraid he will lose his twin sister for ever .
"A-ling go open the door sweetie !" Yanli told her 4 years old son as he went to do his mother task instantly.
"oh you are beautiful y/n !!! " said Wei Wuxian your brother in law both by him marrying your brother and be your husband's step one .
"Thank you Wei Ying !!" You said shyly.
You looked down your dress too afraid of what was going to happen .
For a moment you thought about giving up , the bamboo forest outside your window seeming too welcoming now .
Of course you loved Jiang Cheng, with you whole heart , but leaving your house was something you never dreamed of .
You loved you family and Clan members , you had friends here but at the same time your lover was a couple of miles away and the burden you felt was big .
He told you a thousand of times that you could visit your home daily but you know that you will miss them overly too much .
You felt Wangji hugging you from behind as his tears were wetting your collar.
" I'll miss you bunny!" He said as he sobbed harder .
You turned around hugging his head and shoulders with your shorter hands " I'll miss you too carrot !"
" Don't! Your makeup will be ruined!" Yanli told you before you could set a tear along with your brother .
From the other corner of the room you heard another sob and it was no other's but Lan Xichen's.
" Why don't I have a code name too? Am I not your brother ? Shame on you guys! Both of you are getting married and I'm here single and without a code name ! " he sobbed harder this time as all of you started to laugh at his cuteness.
" Don't worry uncle I'm here for you! " said Shizhui as he went hugging his uncle's leg .
"Thank you A-Yuan ! That's a precious person ! Nothing like you 2 punks ! " said the future Clan leader before hugging his niece and sitting up .
" We have a wedding to attend! Hurry up !" Wei wuxian said as he rushed his way through the long hallways of the Cloud recesses.
You walked down the aisle with one of your brothers next to each one of your sides as they held onto your hands tightly.
You looked up on Xichen as he gave you a reassuring smile.
The lilac see-through satin fabric over your head made it a little harder to see around, but what it couldn't cover were the smiling faces of your clan and his own.
Looking at the end of the hallway you could see your uncle smiling proudly to you and then him .
The man you could sooner than soon claim as yours .
The man you were ready to build a family with,
And the boy you fell in love with years before he became a man .
He is Jiang Chen of Yumeng Sect , the little boy who became one of the greatest leaders .
But most importantly , your Jiang Cheng .
He reached his hand forwards to you once you arrived on the final step , welcoming you with one of his cutest smiles .
You took your place next to him as you bowed your head to your uncle.
The ceremony officially started and after everything important became complete, it was your turn to leave the place you called home for the past 18 years of your life .
He took your hand leading you inside the little ship that would lead you to Yumeng through the canals .
The water was decorated with floating white cherry blossoms the ones that Lan Clan threw in wishing you a safe and joyful life .
You looked back to your brothers and the rest of your family and Clan, waving at you as the boat took you a couple of meters away by each passing second .
"You look beautiful y/n " Jiang Cheng said moving an arm protectively behind your back , making sure there is no danger for you falling inside the water or get scared by the moving vehicle.
"Thank you Master Jiang " you bowed your head down making the fabric slip from its place .
You tried to move and catch it but it fell making you rush to put it back on .
" there is no need for you wearing it y/n I've already seen your pretty face over a thousand of times !" He spoke calmly.
" Sorry ma-" you tried to apologize
" why keeping formal with me my love so suddenly? I'm sure you knew my name years before .. it doesn't makes any difference calling me by it now ." He said a little irritated but still smiled at your cuteness and flushed cheeks .
" I sincerely apologize A-Cheng .. I'm just quite nervous right now .. " you confessed
" why darling is there anything you are afraid about ?" He asked clearly concerned by now .
" well .. to be honest there is a reason I'm acting like that .. I think your mother doesn't like me so much and I'm been awkward around you because of it ... I have no clue of how to act towards you around her . " you spoke each word with doubt, to anxious if your words would affect him negatively as he watched you the whole time closely .
" Y/n you don't have to be afraid of my mother , she indeed likes you pretty much and you were her most preferable choice between the brides that were meant for me .. act around her as you please . Both I and she love your true self so it's no need to hide yourself .. better now?"
" Partly.." you answered
" what's up now little minx ?" He asked full of curiosity.
" Where there other girls you could choose to marry ?" You asked pouting a little.
" definitely yes but to your reassurance .. even if I could marry 1.000 in my life i would just choose you over and over again. There is no other woman with such a spark in her eyes , so charming, so talented, so beautiful. There is no other like you , and I'm a pretty lucky person myself for having you here next to me .. as my wife " he spoke gently, his eyes honest and calm, full of love .
" I love you y/n " he spoke
" I know that " you said , teasing him
" YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO ANSWER LIKE THAT " he whined like a little child
" ok ok my mistake .. I love you too Jiang Cheng ! Happy now?" You asked
" Lots more than happy!!" He said taking your hands in his and kissing your temple.
The sun was disappearing in the horizon as the boats made their way through the full of lotus flower waters .
A book of your life just closed but a new one is already opening before your very eyes .
You are not alone on it this time , you are with someone that will love you a lot more than the meaning of love itself.
Because in this book two things are needed, his paper and your letters, in order to make a story that will be traveling from generation to generation again and again until you reunite through the centuries to make a new , better one .
Ok this cringed the living shit out of me BUT alright I still hope you enjoyed reading this ..
Like & follow !
Stay happy and healthy ♡♡♡
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
The Colors of Us
Pairing: Blaise Zabini x muggle!reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: tiny bit of swearing, drinking
Request: @prettylittlehiddles: Hey! I'm completely in love with your work! Could I perhaps request one where Blaise Zabini meets the muggle!reader in a cozy cafe and then their relationship grows, but after a month or so, he has to leave to attend to something in the wizarding world and returns to meet the reader again who has hopelessly fallen in love with him just by losing her mind over not being able to see him? Thanks!
A/n: tiny bit more angst than intended, mostly fluffy. Hop you like it!
    Blaise pushed open the door to the small cafe to find it surprisingly busy, it's usually quiet atmosphere replaced by one of chatter and laughter. He ignored it, heading to the counter and ordering a drink, turning to look for a place to sit after he did so. His eyes scanned the small room finding a few seats open, unfortunately, their tables were not. He began to judge the people sitting near each available chair. One was next to two girls a bit older than him who were laughing together over frappuccinos, another an elderly couple and the final small booth, a figure curled behind a book occupying one side. 
    As his name was called he grabbed the coffee and made his way towards the empty side of the booth. You had your nose buried in a book a pair of headphones on your head. Your knees were pulled to your chest, your back against the window behind you. You looked up as you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
    Blaise stifled a chuckle when your gaze met his, you looked like he had awoken you from a deep sleep your eyes wide, hair a bit disheveled as you pulled your headphones around your neck. 
    “Can I sit here?” He asked, “The rest of the cafe is full.” 
    You seemed to take a second to process the information he had just given you before nodding and grinning at him, “Sure.” 
    He smiled back, sliding across form you and taking a sip of his drink. “I’m Blaise by the way.” He spoke sticking out your hand. 
    You shook it, “Y/n, its nice to meet you.”  It fell silent as you pretend to read peeking over your book at the attractive man sitting across from you. You blushed when your eyes met cursing yourself mentally. 
    “What are you reading?” He asked cringing at his generic question but happy that the silence was gone. 
    You held the book up so he could see the cover, “Freiheit 451.” you responded before lowering it and stirring your own drink. 
    “A classic.” he grinned, “Have you read it before?” 
    “Yeah but it when I was really young so I had a hard time understanding it.” You explained, “It still makes me mad though.” 
    “It makes everyone mad.” he chuckled. 
    “Yeah, I guess that’s kinda the point.” You shrugged, “I take it you’ve read it.” 
    “I did last year I think actually but I much prefer The Long Rain, less popular but good never the less.” He explained.
    Your eyes shone a bit as he spoke, “I haven’t read that one, so it’s good?”
    “Definitely.” He smiled leaning forward o his elbows.
    “Okay, what’s your all-time favorite book?” You asked before smirking, “I feel like you would have sophisticated taste.” 
    “I do?” His grin widened, “Why’s that?” 
    “I don’t know.” You huffed, “You just..do. So what is it?” 
    Blaise hummed thinking, half about what his favorite book and half about what he would think would impress you. You, of course, didn’t know the difference. “I’m going to have to say Catch-22.” He decided, it was only a half-lie, he quite liked the book he just liked a few others better. 
    “Very good choice.” You smiled, “Mine’s To Kill a Mocking Bird, I wish Harper Lee wrote more than she did, one book isn’t enough.” 
    The conversation continued branching from books to bands to movies. Your own book was closed and in the seat next to you as you leaned forward towards the boy smirking across from you. You bit back giggles as he told you stories of his friends, your coffee long gone cold. 
    He glanced at his watch and clenched his jaw, “I’ve got to go.” He mumbled standing from his seat. 
    “Oh.” You attempted to mask your disappointment with a small smile. 
    Blaise smirked back, “Are you available tomorrow?” 
    “I think so.” You answered scrunching your brow, unsure. 
“Can you meet me back here at noon?” He asked placing his hands on the table and lowering himself to your level. 
“S-sure.” You stumbled over the simple word, he was close, too close. You could smell his cologne, something you were sure cost more than everything you were wearing combined, his breath was peppermint coffee. 
“Great.” He grinned, “I’ll see you then.” 
“Okay.” You breathed out, so suddenly infatuated you were sure he had cast a spell over you. Your cheeks burnt with firey blossoms, your mind seemed hazy. 
He stood up and walked away with a small wave. 
You squealed the second he stepped out of the door, slamming your hands over your mouth. 
Blaise pretended not to hear despite the widening smile that found his lips. 
The next day you awoke uncharacteristically early, you got ready in a flash despite still having an hour before you would even begin to have to make your ways towards the cafe. You busied yourself with reading, managing to finish Fernhiet 451 and suddenly wishing you could set it on fire all over again.  You left your house about 20 minutes before noon a new book, Cold Mountian, lodged under your arm, your wallet stuck in the back pocket of your jeans. You could not keep the boy from your thoughts. His everything remained in your thoughts as you boarded the bus and hopped off four stops later. You got to the cafe ten minutes early and was surprised to see Balise already inside, sitting at the same booth you had occupied yesterday. 
You took a deep breath, gathering yourself before entering. You walked over to the booth but before you could sit down he had risen, handing you a drink and practically dragging you from the shop. 
Bewildered you stopped after reaching the sidewalk, “Blaise! What was that?” 
He only smirked back his eyes sparkling, “We have to hurry, it’s a good thing you weren’t late.” 
“What?” you asked.
He reached into his pocket and removed two tickets, “My mom gave them to me yesterday after I met you and I thought it would be fun.” 
Upon closer inspection of the tickets, you gasped, “Holy shit! How did you get those?” 
He shrugged, “Come on we’ve got to go, it starts in like 20 minutes.” Then he stopped smile faltering, eyes falling, “I mean unless you don’t want to go, I didn’t really ask you or anything.” 
You laughed, “Are you kidding, you scored tickets to Phantom of the Opera and you think I’m not going?” 
His lips turned up again, “Then let’s go.” 
And you did. 
Day after day you met up with Balise, your summer went from a dull grey to splashed with vibrant colors you didn’t even know existed. Every day he would have some other amazing and over the top activity for you to do. He took you to Italy insisting his mother honestly did not care. You went cliff diving into the Mediterranean Sea, he took you to Greece, you saw the ruins of the Parthenon and in Rome you and eat at some far too expensive Italian restaurant before viewing the Colosseum. Blaise was like a deity that had been sent to make your life incredible. 
His bottomless amount of money confused you at first until you went to his house, or I guess you should call it an estate. His mother wasn't exactly fond of you but in all honestly, you didn't care all that much, Blaise was about as connected to his mother as you were. 
Three days before you began your final year of high school you and Blaise lay on the hood of your old Subaru tipsy on cheap beer as you stared up at the constellations. 
"How the hell do you know so many of these damn things?" You giggled as Blasie explained yet another group of stars you barely recognized. 
"Our school makes us take astrology." He shrugged. 
You laughed, "Of course it does." 
Things fell quiet. The chirp of crickets who would be dead in a few weeks echoing around you. The warmth of summer was dying and you were dressed in a light sweater and a pair of Blaise’s sweatpants cinched tightly around your waist. 
You yawned turning to look at the boy only to find his eyes already on you. You swam in the chocolate brown reflecting the stars above you. Your heart throbbed when he smiled at you. You could feel your cheeks begin to heat and you hoped he would blame it on the slight breeze that rolled through.
He didn't. 
You leaned closer to the Slytherin, his breath fanning across your face. He could smell your perfume, an intoxicating scent. His hand wandered around your neck, tugging you closer. Your eyes slipped shut and your lips met. 
The kiss was soft and slow, his lips slightly chapped, his breath was warm and inviting. You slipped your hand around his shoulder and his tongue slid across your bottom lip. Then suddenly, as if struck by something, he jerked away, sitting away from you. 
Your eyes snapped open, a shiver running through you, you felt suddenly cold without Blaise's heat. 
"I'm sorry y/n." He spoke quietly. "I shouldn't have done that." 
"Why not?" You asked desperately, just wanting to taste him again.  
He paused, "We're drunk." 
"I'm not drunk." You stated, "Are you drunk?" 
"No." He answered numbly, sliding from the hood of your car. 
"Than what's up Blaise?" You questioned standing as well.
"I just- ya know- I mean your-" he started multiple sentences as unsure what he was saying as you were.
"If you didn't want to kiss me Zabini you could have just told me." You explained, "I wouldn't have held it against you or anything." 
"No. It's not you. I wanted to kiss you I really did. It's just that-" he sighed biting his lip, "I mean I'm leaving for school tomorrow and I won’t see you for months and I mean your a muggle and everything, god this is so confusing." He groaned letting his head fall into his hands. 
"I'm a what?" You asked slightly annoyed at this point.
"Nothing." He mumbled. 
"Look if this is about your school, I can wait, I can write to you ya know, I mean after this year you're done right?" You said stepping closer to him. 
He let out a shaky breath, "I think I need to go home." 
You squeezed your eyes, tears threateningly close to spilling over but you bit your tongue, "Okay." 
You both got into your car without a word. The silence was suffocating. 
"Are you good to drive?" He asked hesitantly. 
"I'm fine." You snapped back, you knew you shouldn't be mad, it was his choice if he didn't want to kiss you, he had no obligation to you. Yet a fire burned, anger causing your jaw to tighten and your eyes sting. 
The drive back was silent, the only sound being of the tires on the road and the occasional tick of your blinker. You pulled in front of his estate and stopped, your grip on the wheel turning your knuckles white. 
"I'm sorry y/n." Blaise's voice was melancholy, it only made your throat swell, breathing becoming more and more difficult. 
You swallowed everything inside you and turned to smile at him, "It's okay." Your voice was overly cheery. 
He licked his lips, "I guess I'll see you later." 
"Yeah. Goodbye." You forced out. 
"Goodbye." He responded shutting the door and turning around. A small wave over his shoulder being the last thing you saw before tearing out of the driveway, tears streaming down your cheeks. 
You didn't even make it block before pulling over and breaking down at your wheel, sticky tears dripping onto sweatpants you would never be able to return. 
Blaise swore harshly slamming into his house. His own tears had gathered in his eyes, attempts to blink them away were fruitless as they spilled down his cheeks. 
His mother appeared a few doors away and made her way towards him, "Were you out with that filthy muggle girl again?" 
"At least I wasn't killing another husband." He spat back. 
She shot him a glare, smirking when she noticed his tears, "You ended it didn't you?" She grinned, "Good for you, I didn't think you had the guts." 
"Fuck you." He sneered before turning on his heel and heading towards his bedroom. He still needed to pack. 
Your senior year of high school had the worst start imaginable. You were already heartbroken and you hadn't even dated anyone. You supposed that was the issue. Your friends did their best to help you, they were good. You moved on, well you pretended you did. You didn't date anyone, you made out with one person at a party and immediately regretted it, you had thought it was Blaise for a second. 
The boy plagued your mind. His smirk haunted your dreams, his touch ghosting your thoughts. His laughter constantly echoed in your mind. It was almost psychotic how much your mind wandered towards him. You had had a summer which had been a daydream, the following school year being a nightmare only seemed fitting. 
You buried yourself in your schoolwork, applied for scholarships, plowed headfirst into your sports, took overtime at your part-time job. You didn't think of the handsome boy that you had spent your months of happiness with. Your world faded to grey as his colors were washed away by the hell of high school and the feeling of heartbreak.
The year was over in a flash, you were soon crying on a stage with your friends in a gown and black caps. You wiped your tears, sitting with three of your friends in the middle of the football turf. You laughed as one of them told you a story about her first attempt running hurdles. 
Your giggles stopped suddenly as someone appeared from behind one of the bleachers. Noticing your mood change your friends followed your gaze, she gasped,
"Is that the boy? Blaise?" 
You nodded numbly, in a daze. 
"Should I go beat him up for you? " she asked cracking her knuckles. 
You spared an empty smile, "I'm okay." You stood brushing off the pants you were wearing, having traded in the black gown hours ago. 
As you stood he suddenly broke into a run. You did the same and all too quickly you stood in front of the tall boy, his hair had grown longer, wrapped in tight curls. He had a small scar under his right eye. He looked tired. 
"Y/n, I'm sorry." He spoke quickly, "I should never have said what I did, I'm so so sorry." 
Your heart thumped anger and sadness washing out of you "You're lucky I like you so much." You whispered, "Now kiss me properly."
He did as he was told, sweeping you off of the ground his arms around your waist and tugging you towards him. You snaked your hands around his neck pulling him impossibly closer. You titled your head upwards allowing him to deepen the kiss as you opened your mouth. He tasted like peppermint and lime, so sharp yet so amazing. 
You pulled away and he set you back onto your feet. Ignoring the whistles and catcalls from your friends"I missed you like hell." You confessed. 
He laughed, his hands coming to cup your face, "Never as much as I missed you." His heart throbbed as your eyes began to gloss. "I'm so sorry for ever leaving you as I did."
You lunged forward, burying yourself into his neck, "I think I love you, Blaise." You whispered into his ear. 
"I know I love you." And your world was once again flooded with color. 
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rainbowshawn · 5 years
A/N: This is based on a lil concept I sent to @evansweaters​ months and months ago on anon. Never had the balls to actually write it until now lmao. Go check her masterlist out!! You will not be disappointed!! Hope y’all enjoy :-)
Summary: After a long tour, all Shawn wants to do is spoil you and things get heated in the fitting room.
Warnings: NSFW (public sex, unprotected sex) Sugar Daddy!Shawn kinda?
Word count: 4.3k
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“But babe!”
“No, no, no.” Shawn tuts, pressing his finger to your lips to quiet you, “No ‘but babe’s’ allowed. I’m taking you shopping.”
Shawn’s brows are raised and his eyes are telling you that you have no choice. He’s dead set on his plans and you’re not stopping him. You cock your head to the side, furrowing your brows at him as you wonder what’s gotten into him.
“Wipe the sour look off your face, sugar. I’m spoiling you today. No if’s, and’s or but’s about it.” he says, pressing a kiss between your tense eyebrows.
The sour look remains on your face as you take in his features that you’ve been missing for months. You eye the slight part to his plump lips that appear almost pillow-like, and have to hold yourself back from kissing him when you remember: you’re still mad at him.
Shawn had been on tour for the last few weeks and now that he’s home and no longer obnoxiously jet-lagged, he’s incessant on taking you out shopping.
“But Shaaaawn,” you pout, leaning into his hand that had made its way to your cheek, “That’s your money! You worked hard for it. Don’t spend it on me,”
“Exactly my point, baby. I worked hard for my money and I can spend it how I want. And I want to spend it on you.”
He kisses your pouting lips and starts to run his long fingers through your hair; trying all his tricks stored in the back of his brain to soften you up to his idea.
“I feel bad though,” you grumble, leaning into his warm body.
His strong arm tugs you taught to him as he kisses your hair, “Mmm, don’t, my dear. Wanna spoil you. Is that so bad? You sit around waiting for me to come home all year. You deserve to be spoiled a bit, don’t you think?”
He laughs as he hears you grumble into his neck, cursing his stupid name. He continues to peck your head as you rant on about him being too generous. His lips are turned up into a sweet smile as he listens before his thoughts get a bit... sidetracked. You’re mid-sentence when you hear him chuckle lightly.
“Maybe you can model some stuff for me too,” he says, a cocky smirk sneaking across his beautiful face.
He watches your eyes roll to the back of your head and he tugs you off the couch, pulling you to get ready.
You’ve somehow found yourself inside of a fancy boutique, much to your dismay. Shawn had already taken you to two jewelry stores and you were surprised his need to splurge on you hadn’t been fulfilled yet. You eye the mannequins standing tall across the store and mentally cringe at the thought of what the items adorning them must cost. The small store was a bit eclectic for your liking. The clothes were beautiful but the environment has you on edge as you contemplate the worth of everything inside of the store. The faint sound of your shoes against the tile is all that can be heard over the classical music playing throughout the small store as you walk through its inventory. A glass of champagne, complimentary of the boutique, is placed in your hand and Shawn’s hand is placed firmly in the other, squeezing you every once in a while as you walk along.
Your eyes suddenly catch a red dress on one of the tall mannequins and swiftly search around it for the rack that the dresses are hung on. Shawn is quick to notice, observant as ever and he’s eager to encourage you to try it out.
“Want it, lovey? Anything you want is yours,” he tumbles out quickly, grabbing your waist and eagerly pulling you towards the rack to find your size.
Your small hand reaches up to check the price tag and Shawn is quick to swat your hand away.
“Hey I was-“
“Don’t worry about it, woman! Just let me take care of it,” he interjects quickly, uninterested in your protests. You sigh and grab one off of the rack, slinging it over your arm.
The two of you continue through the store and you slowly start to ease up. You feel so guilty of him buying you things but you also don’t want to be ungrateful. You know he’s just trying to make you happy. He watches your reactions intently, dead set on making sure you get everything your heart desires.
He’s grabbing stuff for his pleasure as well. He’s carrying a couple of dresses that spark his fancy and he’s dying to see you in them. A grin is plastered all over his face as admires your figure while he trails along giddily behind you. Only a few more minutes in and he has arms full of clothes while you still only have two or three things.
“Bub, what the hell,” you giggle, trying to take some things out of his arms but he stops you.
“Well, I wanted to grab anything you’d look pretty in,” he explains, looking at your eyes intently, “but then I realized you look breathtaking in everything, so I kinda got carried away,”
A boyish smirk is painted across his face and you chuckle at how much of a little puppy he looks like right now. Artificial light is hitting his honey orbs perfectly and you can feel his excitement radiating off of his body. You stand there for a moment, the rest of the world falling away as you admire the sweet man standing in front of you. His cheeks blush a fiery red shade under your gaze and his lips turn up into a smile, exposing his perfect teeth.
“What are you staring at?” he breathes, chuckling into the air.
His head is cocked to the side, gazing back if you. Your hand moves up to cup his sculpted cheek, grazing it with your thumb. You bounce up to balance on the tips of your toes so you can press a loving kiss to his lips. Your arms wrap around his neck and he hums into your skin.
“You.” you murmur against his lips between kisses. “Too good to me.”
He hums as you pull away, “Not true, doll.”
He pecks your face a few more times before he turns you around, smacking your bum lightly, “Now get your fine ass in that dressing room,”
Shawn nudges you forward, making you trot forward to ask one of the employees for a fitting room. Once the door shuts behind you, he’s hanging all his chosen items on the wall and plopping into the plush chair in the corner of the room. You eye him for a moment in the mirror, watching him lean back and spread his legs as he bites his finger while admiring your figure. You smile to yourself and walk over to the wall where the clothes were hung up. Shawn bites his lip as he watches your hips sway, unknowingly torturing him.
You eye the items for a moment and decide which you want to try first. A floral blouse you had chosen catches your attention and you tug the royal blue fabric off of the hanger. You walk back over to the mirror and tug your top off, revealing your lacy white bra. Your skin looks tan against the light fabric and you catch Shawn staring behind you. His lip is planted beneath his teeth as his eyes divulge in the sight in front of him. He’s squirming in his seat, genuinely trying to keep it together for you. After all, he did want to spoil you today.
You pull the flowy shirt over your body quickly and adjust yourself in the mirror. You press up onto your toes and turn your hips, eyeing it from different angles.
“What do you think, bub?” you inquire, eyes still fixated on the shirt in the mirror.
He smiles as he watches you look at yourself in the mirror, twirling side to side as the fabric flows in the air. “Looks gorgeous, lovey. Do you like it?”
“Yeah, it’s super pretty actually,” you mumble, “It makes me wanna twirl around.”
He chuckles in the chair behind you, “Do you want it? I think they have that one in pink too if you want that one as well. Would look so pretty.”
You roll your eyes at him in the mirror, “I don’t need both,”
He hums, “Maybe you don’t need both, but you can have both. I’ll give you anything you want.”
You shake your head, chuckling as you tug the shirt back off of you and hang it back up.
“What should I try on next?”
He squints as you shift the hangers around, showing him what’s all on the rack.
“Lemme see that dress,” he points.
“This one?” you ask, pulling the lacy black slip from its hanger.
He nods and you make your way back over to the mirror once again. Shawn watches intently as you unbutton your jeans and tug them down your legs. His breath hitches and he squirms to sit up a bit. His elbows dig into his thighs as he leans forward, practically drooling over your partially naked body.
“Pick your jaw up, babe,” you tease, stepping into the dress.
He shakes his head quickly, curls flopping around as he tries to center himself. You giggle and turn around to face him. You glance over your shoulder, looking into the mirror before asking him his opinion.
“Fucking gorgeous, doll. That’s no surprise, though.” he hums.
“Thank you,” You blush shyly, tucking your hair behind your ear. You spin around in the mirror and strip from the black dress, moving onto the next few pieces.
Shawn watches contently and gives you feedback where you want it. He feels himself stiffen in his pants as he watches you try on the clothes he had picked out for you. The small teases of skin he was seeing were driving him wild. You caught on about halfway through and then you just started to tease him; intentionally dropping things and slowly bending over to show off for him. Once you had slipped into the red dress he had chosen for you, it was game over.
You teasingly twirl around, feeling the flowing skirt raising to show the swell of your ass. His bottom lip has practically been chewed off at this point and his curls are already a tousled mess on top of his head. He sighs heavily behind you and you watch as he stands to his feet, slowly making his way towards you.
His figure towers over yours in the mirror and you hum as his hands make their way onto your hips. He pressed you back into him and your breath hitches once you feel his rock-hard length pressing into your back. Your head falls back as his hungry lips start nipping at your neck.
“Hi,” you whisper, enjoying the feeling of his warm lips.
“Hi, love,” he mumbles darkly into the skin dressing your collarbones. “Driving me crazy.”
“Am I?” you tease, wiggling your ass into him.
“Mhm. Look so pretty all dressed up for me,”
His hands have made their way to your breasts, squeezing firmly. Your eyes are closed as he continues to love on your neck. Your arms are raised behind you and your fingers are playing with the curls on the back of his neck. His hands slowly slide down to your skirt, lifting it teasingly and grazing your bare thigh.
“Shawn, not here,” you whine quietly, reluctantly resisting his affection when you realize you’re still in public. His lips switch to the other side of your neck and continue to work your skin.
“Why not, kitten? The doors locked. Nobody would even know, hm?” he reasons, “want you so bad.”
It doesn’t take much for him to convince you with those velvet lips working magic against your skin. You’re putty in his hands and he knows it. His long fingers ghost over your soaked panties and your legs close together a bit as you sigh into the air. Luckily, the music playing throughout the store is loud enough to cover up any sounds that slip from your mouth.
Shawn’s fingers push the thin fabric away from your heat and teasingly rub your outer lips. One hand is lost in his curls while the other grabs at his wrist, silently begging him for more. His eyes watch you in the mirror, glazed over with lust. Your stomach flutters as he slips between your folds, toying with you.
“So fucking wet for me, bunny. Gonna feel so good on my cock,” his breath ghosts across your skin as he whispers in your ear.
A gasp escapes from your mouth and he’s quick to wrap a hand around your neck, tugging your face to his to crash his lips against yours in a heated kiss. His fingers swirl against your hardened button and you whimper against his lips. He works his fingers against you for a few moments before you break away, turning in his arms and backing him up towards the chair.
He towers over you as he stumbles back, grinning down at you with a confused look. You press your palms against his chest, pushing him back into the chair. You stand over him as he leans back, spreading his legs open. Your hands rub up his thighs and you smirk when you feel his muscles tense.
Shawn watches you with dark eyes as you slowly lower yourself to your knees and untuck his shirt from his pants. You delicately push his shirt up; exposing his tummy and your lips quickly meet his skin. His fingers scratch gently at your scalp as you kiss across his stomach and palm his hard member through his pants. You feel him tense up as you get lower, nipping at his soft skin as you reach the waistline of his boxers. Your small hands unbutton his tight green slacks and tug them down just enough to free him. A dull slap sounds through the room as his flushed cock springs out against his toned stomach.
You practically drool at the sight of him all spread out for you in this dressing room. The lighting is hitting the high points of his face, accentuating his defined cheekbones and sharp jaw as he stares down at you with dark eyes.
“Look so sexy on your knees for me, doll.”
His large hand is petting your hair and you take his thick length into your small hand, pumping gently. You bat your lashes innocently at him as you tilt your head and press slow, wet kisses from the base to the tip. Once you reach the top your eyes flutter closed briefly as your tongue kitten licks his slit. A soft sigh escapes his chest as you take him between your lips. The feeling of your tongue against him has his toes curling.
You work your way down his member, taking him as deep as you can until you suck your cheeks in, pulling off of him slowly with a pop. You look into his eyes as you spit on his cock, watching him squirm as he feels it dribble down. Once you feel it leak down onto your hand, you start to work him in your palm. Your lips wrap around his pink tip and suck gently. His mouth is hung open, watching your every move.
He gawks at the sight of your small hand working his swollen cock. Your lips look and feel so plush, making him shiver in pleasure. Bobbing your head, you suck your cheeks in, surrounding him with the perfect pressure. He’s rock-solid at the dirty sight in front of him. Shawn’s hand is laced into your messy hair as you bob on him. Your tiny hand furiously works what doesn’t fit in your mouth.
You take advantage of your free hand and tease his clothed thighs, eventually working your way up to cup him. Your fingers press into his squishy skin and you hum around his shaft. His grip in your hair tightens and he huffs out, “Gonna ride me, baby?”
You pull off of him gasping for breath. You lick your soaking lips and nod fervently at him, popping up on to your feet. His hands grab your hips and spin you around. A kiss is pressed to your lower back, just above your tailbone and is then replaced by his hand pushing you to bend over. He hikes your skirt up a bit and loops his fingers into your panties, tugging them down eagerly. A slight growl emits from his chest as he dives between your legs to press kisses against your slit. You groan at his teasing and clench your legs together.
“Mmm, I’m sorry, lovey. Just so pretty, I can’t resist,” he hums, lifting his head back up and turning you around.
You spread your legs and plant your knees on either side of him. Your weight presses into his bare cock and his hips rut up against you slightly at the contact. You shift up a bit and watch as he centers himself and slowly slides you down onto him. His hands grip your hips as you adjust to the tight fit. Shawn’s curls tickle your skin as he buries his face in your neck, muffling his groan. You breathe deeply, smelling his intoxicating expensive cologne.
You grind down a bit, getting used to the feeling of him filling you up again. He gives you all the time you need, resisting his primal urge to buck into you. After a few moments, you hear him whine softly into your neck. So softly you barely catch it. You wrap your arms around his neck and nuzzle into his face as you start to bounce. You ignore the slight burn that comes with him stretching you out and focus on his pleasure.
Shawn’s hands are resting on your hips as you glide up and down his shaft. His head cranes back and you take the opportunity to nip at his exposed adam’s apple. He’s lost in the sensation of your slick walls surrounding him, quiet mewls barely reaching your ears. He would wreck you if you weren’t in public right now. He’d bend you over and take you just how he pleases. He wants to make you scream.
His eyes fall to your hips, eyeing the material bunched up around them. He leans his head back again, smirking up at you.
“I like this dress. Gives me easy access.”
You gasp as he holds you in place and starts drilling into you. You collapse into him and his strong arms hold you in place. His breath is steady in your ear and your eyes have fluttered shut.
“Mm mm,” he hums, “let me see those pretty eyes,”
Obedient as ever, you flutter your lids open, meeting his hazel orbs. He watches you for a few moments, feeling hazy with lust. He watches your hair bouncing on your shoulders. The way your tits jiggle as his hips meet yours. He’s all consumed. Just how he wants to be. Lost in you, fully and entirely.
A knock raps at the door and disturbs your blissful moment. Your eyes widen and you almost pull off of him before you hear the sales associate.
“Everything fitting okay in there?”
“Yep, everything’s fitting just right!” you respond, giggling as you glance down at the gorgeous man below you. Your walls flutter around him and he bites back a groan.
“Good girl.”
You wait a moment before getting back to the pace you had set a moment ago. His hips raise to meet yours and you get swept away in the sensation of him.
“Fit just right inside of you, don’t I, love?” he whispers into your ear, “Feels nice and deep, hm?”
You nod quickly, whining out. His voice breaks through the moment, “Wanna stand in front of the mirror for me?”
You whine, still bouncing in his lap, “I don’t wanna try anything else on, just need to feel you,”
“Never said I was gonna stop, love. Be a good girl.” He tuts, grabbing your hips and stopping your movement.
You sigh and slowly pull off of him. Your legs feel weak as you go to spin around, losing your balance a bit but Shawn is quick to grab you up, assisting you towards the massive mirror.
His hands are planted on your waist as you lean back into him, staring at his gorgeous face in the mirror. He smirks at your fucked out expression, quite pleased with himself. If he had his way, he’d take his time with you. Make you beg for it.
“Daddy, please,” you beg as he kisses your neck again, “I need you.”
“I know, love. Gonna take care of you,” he responds, a quiet rasp to his voice, “always gonna take care of you.”
Shawn’s hips press into you, walking you forward a bit until you're planted right in front of the mirror. He presses your shoulders forward, making you plant your palms against the mirror.
“I want you to watch how fucking gorgeous you are.” he murmurs, focusing on popping back inside of you.
Your knees buckle but his strong grip on your waist holds you up. Pants spill from your mouth as he immediately hammers into you. You’re praying that you can hold your composure and keep quiet but he’s making it so. damn. hard.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” you beg.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Shawn’s head falls back as he sighs deeply. He swings back up, staring at you in the reflection. His pupils are blown, seemingly expanding as if to see every detail of you. He feels crazed. Hungry even. He just wants to make you feel good. He wants to give you everything he has.
His hand makes its way up to pull back the hair falling in front of your face. His fingers ghost across your cheek as he gathers your hair up, wrapping it around his fist.
“Look at that gorgeous face,” he hums, “look how well you’re takin’ my cock.”
His hips ran into you as he tugs your head back. You sigh as you feel his fingers suddenly trace your nub. Your eyes roll back into your head and a moan escapes your mouth.
“Shhh, I know, baby. Gotta stay quiet for me,” he whispers.
Your legs shake as he slides in and out of you. He’s angled just right and he can feel how close you are just by how tightly your walls are squeezing him. Sweat is pooling at his hairline and his abs burn but he’s absolutely determined to satisfy you. His teeth nip at your ear, sending shivers down your spine,
“Gonna give you the fuckin world, babe.” he grunts, “Anything you want is yours. I promise.”
He means it. You know that. He would bleed himself dry for you. Nothing makes him happier than taking care of you. You are everything. You are effervescent and all-consuming. There is nothing above you in his eyes. His love is overwhelming. It is beautiful and it is real.
You’re whimpering as your high approaches. He has you pressed up against the mirror and he’s giving you everything he has to offer. Your walls clench around him and the pressure builds and builds until it suddenly pops. You bite back a scream as you writhe in his arms. His pace falters a bit as you throb tightly around him. You gasp for air as you ride out your high.
Shawn continues for a few moments after you finish, making sure you ride out every second of your orgasm. His thrusts turn ragged and you watch intently as he comes undone in the mirror. He ruts into you, spilling white, sticky ropes deep inside of you. He whimpers quietly, slowly coming down.
You hiss when he pulls out, feeling the bite of being empty again. He huffs as he tucks himself back inside of his pants and you make quick work to take the dress off. You slip back into your outfit and gather up your things.
“I can't believe we just did that,” you say frantically, straightening yourself out. Shawn just giggles behind you, blushing a deep shade of crimson.
“Believe it, babe.” he hums, grabbing you up in a quick kiss. “Not done with you yet. Just wait until we get home.”
You shove the clothes into his arms and tug the cocky boy out of the dressing room. You try your best to hide the blush creeping up into your cheeks as one of the employees smiles at you. You nervously tuck your hair behind your ear and head to the register. Shawn’s face is marked with a permanent smirk as he hands over his sleek chrome card to the cashier.
“Did you guys find everything alright?” the short girl asks politely.
“Sure did,” Shawn says smugly, making you bury your face in your palm. He’s filled with an unmistakable boyish excitement as he thinks about everything the two of you just did in that tiny dressing room.
You hear the sound of his card being swiped and mentally cringe when you remember the amount he’s most likely dropping on you. You think of the jewelry and the shoes currently locked inside of his car and feel the urge to just return it all. You know it makes him happy though so you try to accept graciously, within reason. He loves you. He wants to take care of you.
He pockets his Louis Vuitton wallet and slings the large bags full of clothing over his wrists before grabbing up your small hand in his. You make your way out of the store, thinking about his promise of a long night before he speaks up,
“Maybe you need some new lingerie too.”
643 notes · View notes
How much do you weigh? what a weirdly personal question
If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? sitting in the shade reading a book
Do you think you can love someone without trusting them? yes but not in a way that will ever be truly fulfilling
What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? i live in a very rural area so i grew up with hunting for sport extremely normalized but once i actually developed and used my critical thinking skills i realized how morally reprehensible it is. literally just begging these people to use their brains.
Do you have a fairly fast or slow internet connection? eh its pretty fast
Have you ever been someplace tropical? florida lmao
Are you sensitive to caffeine? somewhat. i dont really consume it that much
How do you usually get around? driving myself
Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? no bc i’m generally pretty independent unless i reallyyyy like someone
What do you think about Kim Kardashian? neutral
Can you speak any French? je parle un peu français
Favorite yogurt flavor? i’m lactose intolerant so i recently tried dairy free yogurt and i hated it sooo i guess none
How much money do you have in your wallet right now? i dont have any cash in my wallet rn lol
What bottled water brand do you like? deer park or aquafina
Your favorite way to eat chocolate? brownies
How often do you listen to country music? sometimes.
Linkin Park or Avenged Sevenfold? neither
Last surgery you had? my wisdom teeth surgery
Have you ever played guitar? no but i wish i could
Is there someone in your life whose career/life choices you find immoral/unethical? Have you ever told that person your views? Do you find it difficult to support them (emotionally or otherwise) because of their choices? um i dont think so
What trait do you feel you lack that you wish you possessed? a little more confidence
Have you ever considered writing your memoirs? maybe
Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? i dont have very many online friends anymore but when i had a bunch i loved talking to them
Are you the type of person who pays close attention to the release dates of movies, music, etc., and will, for example, go see a movie or buy an album on the date it is released? If so, when is the last time you did so? only for something i really like.
Do you have any stickers on your laptop? a bunch
Would you rather have a job for which you had to go in early in the morning or one you had to stay late into the evening at? early in the morning so then i have the rest of the day to myself when i get off
Do you use any apps to track your health or medications? i have a workout app but that’s it.
Whose opinions/recommendations do you value most? my mom, sister, and my 2 best friends
If you could’ve been at any historical event, which would you have liked to witness firsthand? probably the women’s suffrage movement or the civil rights movement
Is there something that you really want to do but are afraid of doing? If so, why are you afraid of doing it?i want to tell him how i feel but i’m afraid i’ll ruin the friendship
What is something society “expects” you to do that you don’t want to do and/or don’t plan on doing? wear a tampon i’m sorry but i can’t do it
Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever come to your door? no
Are you well-known by people in your area? eh somewhat
Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? no and i dont want to
What's your favourite type of bird? owls!!
What tv show(s) have you been watching currently? i’m watching loki, hsmtmts, planning to watch s2 of never have i ever, and i started one piece but i haven’t watched in a while
Have you ever dated a smoker? no but that might change😳
Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? no
Have you ever been a member in a band? No.
Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No.
Do you have separate emails for personal and business? i have my school email and personal email
Have you ever missed a flight? no
Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? i think so.
Have you ever taken a ride in a convertible? i literally rode in my best friend’s convertible last night lmao
Why did you last need to use a band-aid? i dont remember
What fruit do you eat most often? bananas and clementines
Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? maybe my great uncle?
Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? no but i’ve been in a few on insta and twitter.
Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? i don’t straight up drink milk but i love things made with almond milk.
If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? elsa i want ice powers
When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? sometimes but normally during the day i’m in the living room with my family
If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? No.
Do you find piercings attractive? Yep.
Do you like potato chips? Loooove 'em.
What’s the most stalker-like/creepy thing you’ve ever done? If you don’t think you’ve done anything like that, what’s the most stalker-like thing someone’s done to you? i’ve looked up a few people’s houses on zillow in my day.
Do you think it’s a double standard that a woman can hit a man and expect to get away with it, but if a man hits a woman it’s assault? absolutely, you shouldn’t hit anyone
What’s your favorite old Disney movie and favorite new Disney movie? my top 3 are princess and the frog, tangled, and frozen 2. i also love the little mermaid
Name something “trendy” or popular that you dislike. idrk
“Dirty talk” in the bedroom…love it, like it, don’t care, dislike it, or hate it? it depends on what it is. it should also be mixed with some loving or praise talk imo
What is/are your favorite type(s) of ethnic food, and what’s your favorite food within that type? i LOVE italian food specifically fettuccine alfredo and i also love asian food such as general tso’s, sweet and sour chicken, lo mein, shrimp fried rice, LUMPIA 🤤
How would you describe your relationship with your hair over the years? i’ve always liked my hair color and thickness. i always go back and forth between growing it out long and cutting it short bc i can never choose which i like more also it has lots of red undertones so i’m thinking about dyeing it a deep red
How do you feel about your SO daily/regularly checking up on a couple of his exes on social media? hypothetically it would be a red flag to me. a clear sign they haven’t moved on from the past
Do you prefer your guy to wear cologne or not? a good smelling cologne on a man will quite literally make me bust a nut.
Ladies, how important is it to you that your SO wears/would wear a wedding ring? i’d want them to unless it didnt fit or something
What was the turning point that led you to decide for or against having children? i’m very close with my family so i’ve always loved the idea of having one of my own with my future spouse
Is having your “dream” wedding really that important to have? i definitely have ideas for my wedding and i would want it to go a certain way according to our plan but in the end if things go wrong or plans change it wouldn’t matter as long as i’m marrying the loml.
Do you consider it cheating if your SO goes to a strip club and then doesn’t tell you? i wouldn’t consider it cheating if he was just watching but i would be angry that he hid it from me
How old is too old for trick-or-treating? i dont think it matters unless ur posing a danger to little children
Do you sleep with your arms over or under the covers? depends but mostly under
Do you own any t-shirts of your favorite band? i have nsync and harry styles shirts but thats it
Fries or onion rings? Fries.
True/False: you’ve had an odd dream this week. all the time but most of the time i forget them right after i wake up
Do you find tattoo sleeves attractive? depends
Do you like carving pumpkins? Yeah.
What’s an animal you want to have as a pet but can’t? i think raccoons are adorable but its kindaaaa hard to domesticate them
Have your parents ever caught you drinking? no bc my parents let me drink in the house and i’ve told them abt every time i’ve drank at college
How would you react if your celebrity crush came to your door? i would absolutely piss and shit on myself.
Has your mom/dad ever walked in on you kissing or anything more with someone? no
The person you have a crush on is drunk and goes to kiss you, you know they don’t realize what they’re doing, but do you kiss anyways? i would stop it even if i want to bc i don’t want them to regret anything and i wouldn’t want them to kiss me if they don’t like me bc it would hurt too much.
What would you prefer to get from a guy/girl: flowers, a hand written poem, a picture he drew of you or a nice night out? i would love them all but something abt a guy taking the time to write a poem for me makes me melt
Do you any shirts with any kind of images of food on them? no.
Which holiday is the most fun to decorate for? halloween
What was the first website you had an email account on? gmail
Have you ever written a fanfic? YES AHSHDH.
Tattoos or piercings? tats for sure.
What’s the last gross movie/show/video you saw? the scene where alexei breaks the inmate’s wrist in black widow is SO GROSS i cringe every time
Would you rather live in a huuuge house or a little cozy one? definitely a little cozy one
Do you have a tutor for anything? No.
Who’s the best kisser you know? i’ve only kissed one person.
Has anyone ever threatened you with a knife? No. I'd like it to stay that way.
(If you’re a girl) Has anyone ever called you "shortie" instead of girl? no and i hope they dont
Do you have a deep voice? not really
Do you play games with boys/girls, like 'hard to get’? no thats dumb
Is there a Sonic where you live? yes i’m a whore for sonic
What do you like on your pizza? pepperoni or sausage
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dragonstoravens · 4 years
Babylon Vol. 1: Accidents Happen, Never Too Late for a Disaster
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[ID: a blue patterned banner with text reading “BABYLON.” End ID.]
(These are the final two chapters of Babylon book 1! After this we’re going to take a break until after the new year, and pick up posting book 2 then. Keep an eye out for updates, enjoy any holidays you may celebrate and whatever time off you may get either way, and I hope you enjoy the culmination of One Entire Book Of Dumbasses.)
Taglist (ask to be added or removed!): @charlottedotexe​ @glitterandstarshine​ @rainbowcoloreddays​ @the-starlight-chills​ @erased-in-stone​
General: @elywritesbydarkness @residentofthedisc @humour-and-hyperfocus @skyfirewrites @viawrites-andacts​
22. Accidents Happen
    A little laugh wasn’t usually too much to pay to buy some time to not have to talk. Azure smiled at the scrawny balding man to her left and leaned back into Trinity as far as she could without bumping him, trying as hard as she could to not make it obvious she did not actually find him funny really at all. Trinity was funny. Trinity made jokes and had wit galore. Trinity could single-handedly make her break character in less than three words. This man had none of that, and his voice sounded a little bit like a dying frog to boot. She flashed another smile and gave another carefully crafted titter before reaching her hand to touch the carafe of water on the table. Coincidentally, it was at the same moment Trinity did the same.
    Their hands brushed past each other, her small calloused hand meeting his larger, softer one for just a moment as they each sought the glass. Azure felt a jolt up her arm, followed by the now-familiar burn of blood rising to her cheeks. She’d held his hand before, fingers intertwined as they entered an event or clasped gingerly in a dance. There was something foreign about touching him casually and without planning or forethought. Something she just hadn’t quite gotten used to yet. Every move had been executed with all intentions known from the start, every touch had purpose and use. The cheek kisses were marking territory and the hand holding was to keep her from getting lost in the sea of people. Linking arms was for showing her off to mothers with too many children and a hand on the small of her back or her hip was to keep the lechers off her when she wasn’t busy keeping the harpies off him. 
    It didn’t help much that if she wasn’t careful to know when she was about to have physical contact and what kind and for how long, it made her nigh-useless. Perry had one time accidentally snuck up on her-- she’d been distracted with something-- and began playing with her hair. She’d become so jumpy the rest of that day she’d needed a sedative from Pthalo to sleep. She didn’t want to know what that would do to her if it was Trinity, the way she’d been lately. She likely wouldn’t sleep for a week. Her productivity in the workshop would grind to a halt.
    She glanced up at him, the strong jawline and the green eyes that beckoned her to never look away. She then immediately looked away, not wanting to broadcast her emotions on her face, and retracted her hand, nudging the carafe to his hand from the opposite side. She focused on everything but his hand, how smooth and soft she knew it was when it was laced with hers. The blush on her cheeks remained mild, nearly unnoticeable. Somewhere nearby someone told a joke, and she faked another laugh. Trinity poured her more water. She nodded in appreciation. She wanted to hold his hand. She’d probably get to later, on the way through the throngs of humanity to get to the car. 
    The thought soothed her, knowing that in the future she’d know exactly what would happen. The events always followed the same pattern, one that she could predict and plan for. She could fake this if she knew when it would happen, could swallow the leaping of her heart and the daydreaming. She might even be able to fake her way out of the feelings, train herself to never think about the implications of tucking her head neatly in the crook of his neck while they danced so she could whisper under the music, or the gentle smile he gave her to reassure her when she got nervous at the beginning of every dinner. She could ignore them and bury them until they died. She only saw Trinity once a month, maybe twice at absolute most if there was an update or maintenance he needed. Plenty of time in between to forget she’d ever had a feeling to begin with and return to that beloved state of platonic understanding. 
    She sipped her water, glancing at him again from the side, satisfied with her plan. As long as these things remained single nights at a time with space between, she could smother this feeling easily. Toss herself into work right afterwards every time. He hated these things still, and he’d never WANT to go to one overnight even if an opportunity did present itself. Yes, she thought, setting her glass down, I’m safe from that. Safe from seeing his face as he slept and witnessing him getting ready for bed. She could have shivered at the idea. That would throw a wrench in the whole thing.
    Good thing she was absolutely certain she would never have to worry about it.
23. Never Too Late For A Disaster
    “It’s an overnight trip. Four days, I think-- over a whole weekend.” 
    Azure could practically hear his gritted teeth and consternated expression through the phone. The phone call was strange enough on its own-- She and Trinity usually texted, or did a video chat. If they called, she was almost always the one to initiate it. She could hear his footsteps pacing back and forth as he continued. “And it’s important. I was asked to go to this one directly by my employer. He won’t be attending, but I have business to take care of.” That would explain the stress in his voice. “It shouldn’t be anything you have to worry about. Any danger we can handle. But… it’s also a couples only event, which is why I haven’t been before. I mean couples only in the sense of we’re going to be one of the few pairs there who aren’t engaged or married. Camilla and I have been together long enough to get invited, but…” 
    On the other end of the line, Trinity was struggling to find the right words. After all this time, he felt like he was right back at the beginning, asking his friend to go with him to one of these stupid things in the first place. It still felt a little like he was taking advantage of her kindness for some sort of overdone closeness that he was missing, using her friendship for something more. It itched at him, churning in his chest. “We’re going to have to sell it. More than usual.”
    At the mere mention of an overnight trip, Azure’s mouth went dry. She found herself grateful that he’d called but wishing desperately he’d texted so that she had time to make a joke or something. She wanted so badly to not want to go, to laugh at it and tease him for not having a better option than her this whole time, but instead she was, of all the terrible terrible feelings in the world, excited.
    And then he said they’d have to sell it, and she was worried again. About his reputation and her poor defenseless heart. She sighed, more exhausted than she intended to sound.
    “We have no option, huh?” Her voice was clipped, pitched higher than usual. He recognized it: she was nervous as all hell. “Four days? As in overnight three times?”
    “Yes.” He sighed. “Listen, I’m sorry. I can find a way around-- maybe I can still do it alone. Or I can find a way to handle my business besides on the cruise. He can’t argue if the work still gets done…”
    Her dumbass heart still hadn’t gotten with the program her brain was trying to send out, and she spoke before she could think. “I mean listen, what’s a weekend cruise in the name of keepin’ your boss off your back?” The answer was the fact that she was now absolutely screwed and needed a new “get over Trinity before he figured her out and never spoke to her again” plan because this was not going to help. God, and it was a cruise? The thought of all that water made her cringe, knowing full well she’d be spooked half to death the whole time. But there was no way she could let him go it alone. There was resignation in her voice, tinged with something else. Frustration, maybe? “It’ll be fine, I’ll sit in your lap once or twice and pretend to plant one on ya or somethin’ and it’ll be squared away right as rain. If it’s all gooey couples they’ll be too busy thinking about each other to pay too much attention to us.”
    “S-sure.” In his living room, Trinity finally managed to stop pacing, forcing himself to agree with her. He wasn’t about to objectify his friend just at the thought of spending a few nights together and cuddling a bit in public, he told himself sternly. He just hoped that somehow, maybe, there’d be two beds in whatever little suite they were given on the ship. Or at least a couch. “Well, if you’re sure… I’m sure your brother will be delighted to outfit us for that whole time. I’ll come to pick you up at the end of the week?”
    Azure nearly dropped her receiver. That was not enough time for her to convince herself that this would not be a big deal. Her tongue felt like it took up her entire mouth. It was already Tuesday. “He loves a deadline. I’ll tell him to keep it kind of casual, I’m sure he’ll still find a way to expose my whole ass instead of just most of it to the entire boat anyway though.” She managed to inject her joke with the appropriate cheerful tone, but the idea of her being nearly naked in that high-fashion way and Trinity perceiving her with his real, actual eyes at the same time made her feel a sickly sweet sort of nervous. She had told him how she felt about the high slits her brother always cut into her gowns. It was a staple at this point, the signature that said it had been made especially for her. Crim claimed it made her look taller. She claimed he was an asshole. They were both right.
    The bit about swimsuits caught Trinity off guard somehow, though it really should have been obvious. This was a cruise, and yes, that’s how swimsuits tended to work. And that’s what she was planning to sit on his lap with. No wonder she sounded nervous. She was leered at enough at these events, she must be worried about what people would do-- what even he might be thinking. He hated the idea of himself becoming part of the problem, making an already difficult situation even harder for his friend just because she was pretty. “Don’t worry. I’m the one who’s asking you to go, so I’m not going ask you to do anything that makes you any more uncomfortable. You can always borrow a shirt of mine if your brother’s designs are a little... too much.” Or too little.
    She could hear him trying to be helpful, trying to reassure her in that practical way he did where he offered a solution to the problem he thought he was perceiving right as soon as he saw it. It would have worked, if that charming little solution didn’t make the war tattoo in her chest speed up even further, the battle between her heart wanting and her head screaming only getting more chaotic. His shirt. On her body. Probably with the fucking smell still on it? No, no thank you, she wanted to live at least another month or two.
    “...Azzy?” She said nothing. Trinity cleared his throat. “Az? Are you still there?”
    She squeaked, unaware she’d zoned out trying to remember that citrusy smell that hung around him. “Sorry, sorry, I was just tryin’ to think about how hard I should knock Crim on his ass if he makes even half an attempt at somethin’ nude ‘n sheer again,” she lied, “Thanks for the offer. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
    “Oh, I see.” Trinity frowned-- he wasn’t completely convinced. Then again, it wasn’t really any of his business what she thought about when they didn’t have the comms in. Just because Azzy was a truly bad liar didn’t mean he had to call her on it every time, especially not when she was this nervous. She liked her privacy. No need to invade it further. “So… Thursday, then?”
    “Sure thing. I’ll see you Thursday. L-”, She caught herself, cheeks flaring. Love you, bye was not the appropriate sign off. “-ater, bye!” 
    They hung up near simultaneously, and planets apart, rested their heads in their hands with twin groans. Somehow, they could both see the writing on the wall-- things were about to get a lot more complicated.
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years
PR Stunt
Desc: Fake Dating AU. Celebrity AU. After pity posts for Sebastian skyrocketing, you two being seen together as friends a lot and with a big movie coming up, his management decides to pair you two for a PR stunt. You both agree, pranking the public seems fun and getting rid of pity tweets seems convenient. Pairing: Sebastian x Reader Warning: It’s not that good and one of my last real people fiction pieces I have left. Not beta read.
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+Pop Magazine - Articles: +Hot actors that are still on the market!+
*@lancebastian: Someone give this man a family!* *@stanfanfam: I feel so bad for him, he still isn’t with a woman or trying to build a family.* *@aliburger: Poor boy looks so alone. I’m volunteering!* _______ +Pop Magazine - Candids: +Sebastian Stan seen with his friend Y/N Y/LN in Manhattan, New York+
*@seabassbaby: I know they’re just friends but they’d make a cute couple.* *@lancebastian: Get her, Stan!* *@vanillaiceice: She’s cute af.* ________ “People are pitying you so much, it’s insane. What is so wrong with being single at your age?” you looked up from your phone at Sebastian sitting on the other side of the couch. “They’re just projecting their desires onto this.” he shrugged without looking up from his phone. “How does that not annoy you to some degree? I read it and get irritated by it.” you chuckled. “Sometimes I do, but at the end of the day it’s so unimportant.” now he looked up. “Yeah, but doesn’t that suck energy out of you to some level?” you two never talked about this specifically. “A bit.” another shrug with a small pout. “Well, let’s stop talking about that then. When’s press coming up?” you tried to change the topic. He looked at you for a second with a confused face before answering, “I think in two weeks.” “No, brunch meetings for weeks again.” you pouted like a child and got a smile back from him. “Poor baby.” he played into it and laughed. “You know they keep me sane.” you answered chuckling. “I know. I promise we’ll eat like three pizzas in one day when I’m back again, chaotic mess.” you looked at him offended. “I’m just telling the truth.” he held his arms up and grinned. “Ar-” you were interrupted by someone calling him and went back to checking your socials. You had a decent following and were friends with a few photographers, which gave you the opportunity to try yourself as a model and influencer. One of you photography friends is also how you two met and as soon as you two found your love for New York brunch meetings the friendship was sealed. “With Y/N?” you looked up at the mention of your name and saw him raise a brow. “Okay, yeah. Good, tomorrow at 11am. See ya.” he ended the call and finally saw your confused face. “Guess we have a meeting at 11am tomorrow and they also want you there.” his hand went through his hair and he exhaled a bit exhausted. “Why that?” you weren’t with his management or something. “She didn’t tell me. Maybe they want to sign you?” he was just as clueless as you and sat back down on the couch and you sat up. “That would be...sudden?” you said even more confused. “I feel like there’s something more to that.” his eyes narrowed. You shrugged taking your phone again, “We’ll find out I guess.”
___________ “We know you both don’t like paparazzi but this could benefit all of us and would be over after a few weeks.” the woman ended her little idea. “Wait, you want us to do a PR stunt, did I understand that right?” you said it out loud. A serious nod came back and a sigh from you. “Can’t believe I’m saying this but I think that would be hilarious outside of the paparazzi stuff.” he snorted beside you. “Excuse me, what?” you turned towards him and got a shrug back. “So...would you be on board?” the lady asked again. You let your head sink onto your arms on the table with an, “I guess.” You both left the office after you got handed a contract to go through to sign with the management and the comment, “I hate being friends with you.” “Did you mean being in a relationship?” he joked and got a stern look back. “Don’t take it too far, Stan!” you warned him. “Won’t. Promise.” he said with that boyish smile that guaranteed for nothing. “Idiot.” you muttered while walking out of the building onto the busy street. A hand was reaching for yours and you looked up confused. “What? Need to lay down the foundation for what’s about to go down.” he clearly loved the idea to mess around with you and the public for a while. “Dork.” a smile finally found its way onto your face and you shook your head. You didn’t mind holding hands with your other friends, so this wasn’t the problem. You weren’t so sure about the rest of what was about to happen in the upcoming weeks. “You love it.” he said nudging you lightly.
“Only if I get some good pictures for my Instagram and Twitter.” you chuckled. “I’m sure there’s gonna be some of your beloved photoshootings.” he grinned. “You’re gonna be an Instagram boyfriend, don’t you forget about that part of it.” you grinned back. “Oh god.” he had the realization hit him. “Yeah, didn’t think through that I might get back at you, huh?” you laughed.
“Lunch date?” he looked down at you after you both were finished with laughing and had walked for a block. “As long as I don’t need to play honeymoon phase love, yeah.” you bit your lip to stop the laugh that was making its way through your body. “Don’t worry, I think the eating each other alive part is one or two weeks in.” he wheezed and held the door to one of your favorite places open. “It’s gonna be hella obvious that it’s a stunt.” you pointed out. “That’s why I agreed. Why not have some fun and confuse people for a bit.” there was that boyish smile again. “Like that whole Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello thing.” you shuddered. That was obviously a stunt but there was that part where everyone kinda thought it might be true and they just wanted to get the extra publicity. “I have no idea what you’re talking about but I guess my answer would be yes.” he said before turning to the waitress that just arrived at your table. ___________ +Pop Magazine - Candids: Sebastian Stan seen having a lunch date and holding hands with Y/N Y/L/N*+ *@bellastann: I feel like our dreams start to manifest stanfam!* *@lancebastian: Not entirely sold, holding hands ain’t that special. They are friends for months now.* *@evanstackiee: Yeees! (Y/L/N)stan is real!!!* ____________ Your contract was signed, your game plan was well organized. There were appointments and activities planned out, what to do at which one and the paparazzi would be there for some of them. You kinda cringed when you looked at the little calendar in front of you but you also were about to have some fun with tricking the general public. “Just an insanely big acting exercise, right?” you looked beside you to see him read through the stuff too. “Uuh, yeah.” he said concentrated on reading. You were both extremely open with each other and rarely had any miscommunication. So kissing in public without starting friendship problems wouldn’t be so hard, but you still had a weird feeling about it. Not fear, just a feeling.
__________ The first thing you did was pretty mellow. Attending a small local event together. You did things like this before but this time you’d have to cuddle up a bit here and there and make a few Instagram Stories. “You comfortable?” he smiled down at you holding your body close to his arm. “You’re 6 foot and fit, I think there is no way in hell anyone would think this isn’t comfortable.” you gave a sweet grin up at him. “For a model you’re pretty good at this.” he joked and you poked him into his waist. “Hey!” he laughed. “You act like I wasn’t a drama kid in school. I might be good-looking but I’m also a nerd. You should know that best...space nerd.” you chuckled. “Stop calling me out like that or I’ll make you talk to that dude you find annoying over there.” he pointed at a man that had bombarded you with his boring business ideas months ago. “Don’t you dare, Stan!” you looked offended. “You wanna sit down with some wine then, madame?” he said in a posh accent. “Of course, it is incredibly instagramable.” you answered in the same way. A boomerang of your drinks with each other tagged in it and two glasses of wine later you officially had glued yourself to him. He had a very comforting vibe about him and you clearly helped with his anxious moments. A kiss was planted onto your temple and a black and white filter put on top of it. Followed by a funny selfie and a picture of your empty wine glasses. Shortly after you already left the party under the flickering lights of a handful of paparazzi. Holding hands and very close together. __________ +Pop Magazine - Gossip: Are Sebastian Stan and his ‘best friend’ dating?+ *@stanfanfam: Cause of death: That temple kiss.* *@vanillaiceice: Damn, is it the late 2000s? Seb leaving a party with a girl? Damn!* *@evanstackiee: For me it’s confirmed.* *@seabassbaby: It looks kinda staged but if it’s not I’m super happy for him!* __________ The second little thing on the list was a photoshooting together. Since you both had modelled for magazines before and with other models you were kinda in your element. It was for a mid-sized fashion magazine that published every month and you two were having fun all over the rented AirBnB. Some expensive yoga pants with a knitted oversized sweater and boots was the first thing you needed to wear for a scene depicting to come home. Falling into each other's arms multiple times definitely made you laugh because of the dumb faces he made. The next outfit was a sleeping outfit. Silk shorts and an airy white cropped shirt. Your socks were pink and had donuts on it. “Can I have them?” you gave them puppy eyes and the team laughed. Modelling while laying was hard. You needed to look realistic but also show of what you were wearing. Combined with a giant baby blowing air into your ear ended in him being pinched by you. He was clearly not prepared to see you in the third outfit. Lacey underwear and an open button-down mens shirt. You could literally see his brain work and giggled “C’mon, get it together.” He was wearing briefs and a white shirt, needing to embrace you from behind while you pretended to make scrambled eggs. “My eggs are definitely scrambled after this.” he whispered and you couldn’t hold back the genuine laugh, ending up in some good pictures. The last two outfits were a bit more editorial but still wearable and the pictures were taken outside. “Well, that wasn’t bad.” you said to him as you two walked out after changing back into your clothing. “For YOU.” he answered. “Poor baby, needed to see his friend in underwear.” you made fun of him. “Yo, it’s a different thing if I see an Instagram picture or the live version.” he defended himself. “Clearly...don’t you dare fall for me, dork.” you joked and he huffed. The walk back was silent but he looked down at you from time to time. You just couldn’t see his reaction every time he did. __________ +Pop Magazine - News: Sebastian Stan & Y/N Y/L/N modelling together. Check out these pictures!+ *@lancebastian: Damn, so this is really a thing, huh? Holy, that’s cute.* *@evanstackiee: Can they adopt me?* *@bellastann: That kitchen picture sent me into cardiac arrest!* _________ By now you were trained at sending each other stolen glances. No matter if you just needed to go to your management or when you had brunch together. But for the last three days he was in LA for the press junket of his new movie. There was this weird feeling again. It felt so close to fear but it wasn't fear. You couldn’t quite pinpoint it. *God, I’m way too used to being around you now.* *You miss not freezing to death in any given moment, admit it!* *No, real talk, I miss you.* *Realtalk: I miss you too...but admit it’s the freezing!* *D O R K !* You had taken a flight to LA the day after because an award show was next on your list. You were ten times more nervous for the dress sitting right than the man on your side. You also weren’t used to hair and makeup. You were an Instagram model, this was a luxury at experimental shoots. “You’d think I can smile on command and not look like shit...but I can’t.” you said to him before stepping onto the red carpet an hour later. “You’re looking good, stop worrying.” he said in his usual calming tone before gently pulling you forward. 10 minutes later the torture to your eyes was done and there were interviews. “What do you have to say about the rumors about your relationship status?” you were asked. “That people should care more about their life than mine...oh, and that he’s the best human being on the planet. Doesn’t matter in which way we are connected.” Sitting down at an award show with your hand being held was not were you thought you’d end up when you agreed to this but why not make memories? Your head naturally landed on his shoulder after a while. You really had missed him being in close proximity for those 4 days. His thumb softly wandered over the back of your hand. “What would you do if I’d win something?” he asked in a low voice. “Jump you?” your head went up again to see his eyes wandering over your face. “In a happy kinda way, I assume.” he had a lopsided smile on his face. “You’re thinking about that photoshoot again, huh? Literally a teenager.” you joked but saw his eyes wander to your lips for a bit too long before he concentrated on the host again. For the rest of the evening your mind went in circles about him playing that or being genuinely interested in you in that way.
__________ +Pop Magazine - Gossip: Mysterious answer to relationship question about (Y/L/N)stan+ *@vanillaiceice: They are boning, come ON!* *@evanstackiee: Look at how happy she is while she says it.* *@seabassbaby: Gosh, just say it!* __________ Today was the day you weren’t really prepared for. He had an off day from press and you were still in LA. Your plan was going to the beach and getting photographed. Well, it wasn’t your plan. It was the plan made for you. “I hate swimming in the ocean!” you mumbled. “Hey, it’s gonna be fine. You have two excuses to grab onto me, right?” he chuckled while watching you undress and revealing your red bikini. You both laid in the sun for a while, talking about his press junket and the social media reactions to this. “Wanna get wet?” you opened your eyes to a child in a man’s body wiggling his eyebrows. You punched his chest with a laugh and let him pull you up with him. Hand in hand you made your way into the ocean rather slowly, “And you didn’t want to admit that you freeze to death without me.” he chuckled. He got impatient and just grabbed your waist and jumped backwards into deeper water. After a squeak from your side and your nails clawing into his back a little bit too harshly, you got used to it. “Look. It’s fine.” he put some hair strands out of your face with his free hand. “I still hate the ocean.” you pouted, trying to overplay how fast your heart was suddenly beating. Oh hell no, you were not just slowly falling for your best friend...please? “I get that.” he put his hand onto your lower back and you put your legs around his hips. “You’re my floatie.” you giggled putting your head into the crook of his neck. “And you are...I can only assume a freezing rock.” you both chuckled.
Your head went up again to see a big grin on his face, “Fuck you.” “You love it.” he said like usual but this time you slowly nodded with a serious face and his eyes widened enough for you to notice. “Wait, I didn’t…” you exhaled deeply with attentive eyes on you. “I feel like we should just stop this. I don’t want to see this friendship break apart just because my body thinks close proximity is a good reason to send hormones out.” you got out of your system. “That’s an odd way of saying that you’re having a crush on me.” he smiled and put his other arm around you. “Yeah, well, I don’t wanna ruin this.” your eyes went down, you rarely made yourself this vulnerable. “You already did by, to say it in your nerdy words, making my body think it’s a good idea to send out hormones because we are in close proximity.” he answered with a nervous chuckle, hand going through his hair.
Your eyes met his again, “I stopped acting the moment it started, Y/N.” “Well, um, it took me till about approximately 5 minutes ago to realize that this odd feeling I have isn’t some suppressed fear.” you made fun of yourself to make the situation less awkward. “Wanna give them what they want?” his head nudged towards the beach with a smirk. “Do you mean give you what you want?” you joked and he remembered where he heard that before. “I hate being friends with you,” he bit his lip, “I’d much rather call you my girlfriend.” The reference made you melt, he remembered that dumb little conversation from two weeks ago. Your hands went from his shoulders to his head and his free hand pulled your head closer before your lips met. You didn’t care about the camera clicks in the background, you only cared about finally making out with the man that made you love brunch dates so much. It felt like an hour before you broke apart a little. Steel blue eyes were staring right into your soul and the most calming voice in the world said “I love you.” “I hope you don’t say that while thinking of me in underwear.” you joked. “Nah, don’t need to. You’re grabbing onto me in a bikini.” he said with his hands wandering down your body and a giant smirk on his face. “I love you too, dork.” ___________ +Pop Magazine - News: (Y/L/N)stan confirmed! Couple seen kissing at the beach.+ *@vanillaiceice: I’ll fistfight anyone that hates on her!* *@evanstackiee: Look at those SMILES.* *@seabassbaby: Maybe I’m crying.* *@lancebastian: She makes him happyyy.* *@bellastann: I think this gave me diabetes.* *@stanfanfam: Make babies! lol* *@Y/N: Gosh, @imsebastianstan we have heart eyes galore in these. Might need to go and get that checked out.* *@imsebastianstan: @Y/N, yeah, heard of that new disease called love. It’s attacking every part of your body and mind!* *@seabassbaby: For real...ADOPT ME!* _____________
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taeguboi · 4 years
Locked Down in Tension - Part 3 Reader x Yoongi [Suga] (More smut)
Previous parts here: 01 / 02 // Masterlist
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Stepping into the shower, you feel the warm drops of water reach your body and trail down you. You run your hands through your hair as you allow it to get wet and let out a sigh or either relief or exasperation, you aren't sure which. 
Many thoughts are running through your mind, mainly two things; your studies which you felt like you were flunking hard on, and there’s also the reason you were probably slacking on your work: Yoongi Min, your housemate.
This is probably about the fourth or fifth shower you’ve had since that endeavour last week when you practically dragged your hot housemate into your room and had the fucking of your life… Nothing had happened between you two since. You were so looking forward to a little session in the shower with another person the next day from when you had that time in your room, but it wasn’t to be. It was just your luck that as you had stepped into the shower room, another housemate decided they wanted their turn in the shower afterwards and so they just waited there, lingering like a bad disease.
Your heart sank when you were showering in anticipation only to hear Yoongi’s voice in conversation with this other housemate, the former being unable to rid the area of the latter. It sucked, it really did, but you figured it didn’t matter greatly because there would probably have been another chance that day to… talk again.
Too awkward to initiate anything more than general pleasantries, your mind had been running in circles for this past week. Was this ever a good idea? Did Yoongi only let you drag him into your room to get some sort of relief for himself? Were you just an easy target? Why wasn’t he, you know… talking to you?
About halfway through your shower, just after washing your hair and as you put the conditioner in, you’re lathering up the shower gel and… you hear a low noise. It’s sort of humming super gently, only just passing through the walls into the shower room. You try to shrug it off figuring it’s probably just a fly or something or other and start to wash yourself.
No, that sound is definitely something a lot more specific, you’re thinking to yourself… What is that? Is it really coming from the next room? Curiosity gets the better of you and you quietly step out of the shower so that you can put your ear against the wall - the one that separates this room from Yoongi’s room.
You think yourself to be going crazy when you could swear you hear your name upon pressing your ear against that cold while wall. You listen closer to try and confirm that it’s probably just your imagination, and…
Beautiful deep groans humming from Yoongi’s room sends a sensuous shiver down your naked back. It’s satisfying to listen to and so you can’t help but carry on intruding on his little private moment. It sounds as though he’s trying his best to be quiet but is finding it difficult. The noises coming from the back of his throat are accompanied with a faint sound of patting and you know exactly what this means.
You urge yourself to back away from the wall right now and just finish up in the shower and be on your way but… It’s making you feel a certain way and you subconsciously find one of your hands making its way down there where you’re starting to feel a certain need.
“Ah…” you hear him again. 
“Fuck y/n, y/n…”
“Shit” you accidentally pant out loud, your middle finger making circles on your clit as you listen and take in Yoongi’s voice through the wall.
“Wanna-wanna fuck you again” he moans, still so quiet that no one can hear but you.
As an outsider, you probably would have cringed at the thought of someone jacking themselves off to their housemate, saying their name so obviously, but he’s talking about you. You who laid so relaxed underneath him whilst he fucked your brains out and gave you an afternoon to remember.
You increase the pace of moving your finger to touch yourself, forming an ‘o’ shape with your mouth when you get yourself just right, but you quickly stop when your left leg shakes a little from the touch, knowing that you need to sit. It’s not the most classy place, but you sink down to sit on the bathroom floor, ignoring the ice cold feeling on your bare buttocks.
You throw your head back against the wall and continue to touch yourself as you visualise what’s going on in the next room. The sounds are even more so faint now that you aren’t pressing your ear against the wall, but speculations of what way Yoongi is in right now are good enough for you. Is he sitting on his bed in his boxers and shirt just like you had instructed him to in your room? Is he sitting on his chair at his desk, thrusting himself into his own hand? Does he use any toys perhaps?
You pick a favourite thought and insert a finger into your now soaked hole, successfully holding back your moans so as not to rouse suspicion. But then you stop yourself again when you think about how you could completely let loose and let him know that you know what’s going on in there. How you could just storm into his room right now without knocking and catch him red handed holding that perfect, perfect cock.
“G-Gonna cum….”
‘Ah, fuck’ you think to yourself, hearing Yoongi reach his climax and chase that high.
“Oh! So good mmm…”
This followed by some heavy panting is the last you hear of Yoongi touching himself before his moans are followed with sounds of moving about the bedroom, presumably to clean himself off and compose himself as though he hadn’t just been masturbating.
You feel empty at pondering around too long about this situation but you decide to just get yourself back in the shower where the water is still running and get that conditioner out of your hair… Well, at least your hair will be super soft after this, right?
You uncomfortably get dressed after drying off from your shower, feeling a little sore as you put on underwear, still unable to stop feeling wet about what you just heard… You can’t resist putting on some more pretty underwear, this time a transparent lace bra with plenty of straps that hug and accentuate the top half of your figure and panties to match. 
It’s hard not to recount last week’s events in which Yoongi had touched you so well and gave you that much needed release of all the tension that had been building up inside of you since lockdown began. In just the space of a week, that tension had built up all over again and to the same level as a month’s worth of stress.This just wouldn’t do; you were going to do something about it. You were going to make Yoongi notice you.
Fumbling about in your wardrobe, the drawers, and anywhere else where clothes were located, you had a deep thought about your options. Would a dress be too obvious? Who’s getting dolled up just to lounge about in their house all day? But surely a pair of trousers wouldn’t do the trick and if anything, will make you more uncomfortable?
You figure, fuck it, you’re going to go for the skirt to prevent everything… rubbing together too much. Sliding the simple black piece over your thighs and letting it settle at the waist, you start to feel extra bold about your quest to capture Yoongi’s attention, wiggling out of your panties and leaving them on the floor next to your wardrobe. 
You find just the right top to compliment it, a simple crop top also in black, nothing too fancy, and you slip that on over your head, adjusting yourself in all the right places in front of your dresser mirror. Last week, Yoongi chose to, as he worded it, ‘push his luck’. Now it was your turn to push yours.
You waited until just the right time to make your entrance from your room and across into the main living area, just as you could hear footsteps coming down the stairs you avidly listened out for specific voices.
“Ah Yoongi mate, y’alright?” you can hear Jungkook asking from the kitchen. “You’re up a bit late, aren’t you?”
“Uh, yeah I guess so… not much else to do really though, is there?”
“True, true…”
“S’up guys?” you question, coming out of your room.
“You up to much this afternoon mate? I…”
Yoongi’s jaw drops a little and he lingers in his reply to Jungkook. You hold back a smirk as he quickly composes himself to continue with a normal conversation with Jungkook.
“...er I was gonna see if anyone was up for a little gaming sesh or something…” continues Yoongi.
“Hey y/n” Jungkook smiles.
“Oh, hey y/n, ‘alright?” asks Yoongi.
“Not bad, not bad” you hum, walking over to the kitchen and towards the two guys. “Gaming sesh? Can I be in on it with you guys?” you ask politely, leaning forward over the counter.
“Uh, actually Yoongi, I agreed to call an old friend on video chat soon to catch up; it’s his first day off in forever since this whole…”
“No worries man” smiles Yoongi, patting Jungkook on the back as Jungkook makes his exit with a thumbs up and a nod. 
“I… guess that leaves us” you coyly speak, looking down at the kitchen floor as you wait for a reply.
“Tell you what, since it’s just about lunch time, let’s make some food first, huh?” you question in a more projected way.
Yoongi’s short responses make you feel a little on edge. Is this too awkward for him? Or maybe he feels bad for what’s turned into a misunderstanding? Wait, does he even think there’s any misunderstanding? This is driving you nuts again just thinking about all the possibilities, internally urging him to just speak or do something.
“Alright then” he replies briefly.
Now the other questions were running through your mind? Is this ‘plan’ a good idea? Was any of this ever a good idea? 
‘Come on, y/n. Quit running ‘round in circles in your head and just get on with it. If something happens, it happens and if not…’
So anyway, you both agree between you what to make for lunch - a couple of omelettes since it seems neither of you have had breakfast and you use this moment to your advantage that the most useful pan is in that middle drawer under the kitchen counter…
You can’t know for certain whether Yoongi is even looking at you as you bend down, but you can feel the cold air that reaches you down there as your skirt raises up from bending over. You feel a new kind of turned on about the chance that your housemate might see that you have no panties on.
Standing up again, you decide not to leave it too long and you carry on playing it cool for now, placing the acquired pan on the counter next to the cooker, meeting Yoongi halfway where the hob is and you watch him put down the few ingredients.
For a couple of seconds, there is an awkward gaze exchanged as Yoongi looks at you reaching over for the eggs. You’re the closest you’ve been to him since sitting on the couch with him last week after Jungkook had come home just minutes after the two of you had put your clothes back on.
You move away back to the other side of the kitchen to search for oil for the pan, reaching up high for one of the shelves. This time, you can feel your skirt riding upward from your body stretching upwards and you decide to tug at it a little as a poor attempt to pull it down, the intention being that he might pay more attention if other body movements are involved.
Smiling innocently, you walk back over yet again and pop open the lid of the oil then pouring a small amount into the pan. You glance over at the ingredients Yoongi has gathered to mentally prepare yourself for making the simple dish and notice something odd.
“Broccoli?” you ask in your confusion, holding it up and inspecting it almost as though it’s the first time you’ve ever seen the vegetable.
“Oh, sorry, must’ve accidentally picked that up... Maybe you could put it back whilst I beat the eggs?” he suggests coolly.
“Sure” you smile, again holding back a confident grin, seeing this as another opportunity and so you walk over to the fridge with the unwanted vegetable.
“Bottom shelf, in that drawer” Yoongi tells you even though you already knew this.
You do it; you bend over feeling half hopeful and half unexpectant that he’ll even notice your little wardrobe ‘malfunction’.
“Thank you!” he says sweetly, making you feel disappointed that he probably didn’t see yet again. Maybe it’s time to give up.
Just as you’re about to bring yourself upright again, you feel a sudden sensation of light pain / pleasure as a hand rushes against your ass.
"You just can’t behave yourself around me, can you y/n? All just because you didn't get your dirty little fuck in the shower the other day…” he mumbles, rubbing the spot he just spanked. “Tell me, did I always have such a needy housemate just begging for it?"
You let out a mischievous yet deep chuckle as you stand:
“... and imagine having my housemate touch himself thinking about me even though he said we could have so much fun… What the fuck kept you waiting?”
“You heard me, did you?” he purrs, holding your waist from behind, allowing you to move your ass about over his crotch.
“You gonna apologise for keeping me waiting?”
“You gonna apologise for being such a needy brat?”
“Good, good…”
You slam the fridge door and allow Yoongi to turn you around to face him. Throwing your arms around his neck, he keeps his hands on your waist and you give each other cute looks mixed with lust and ever so gently, your lips touch once more. It makes you feel fuzzy inside to finally get even just a small percentage of what you’ve been craving all week.
Wet sounds fill the kitchen and the adjoining living area as the kisses deepen and you find your back up against the fridge now as you’ve eased into things a lot more. The sole of your foot touches the door as you bend a knee to keep your balance and you’ve never felt more relaxed.
As the kisses become more loose, Yoongi’s mouth starts to wander away with a kiss on your chin, then back to the lips, then the chin again, and then a line of kisses going down to and along your neck. He holds you close to him, causing you to occasionally hum contentedly
He starts to lower himself down as his lips continue to explore your body. He goes from your neck down to your bare collarbone where he plants a single love bite that makes you lightly hiss and hold your breath in anticipation. 
“Hmm such a shame I never really got to see the marks I made on you from the last time… Maybe I’ll do something about that later” he hums before continuing to kiss all around you neck, your collarbone, the top of your chest, your tummy, all whilst keeping you close.
Yoongi’s hands move from around your waist and down to your ass, admiring how you feel as he slowly and sensually moves them in circling motions as he kisses your tummy a few more times.
You affectionately stroke his head and he looks up at you with an equally endearing look as he smiles openly, teeth mildly sunken into a corner of his lip. One more kiss on your stomach until he toys around with the bottom of your skirt, teasing at the idea of lifting it up, stroking a thigh from underneath, before making his way back up with the kisses in the same areas but different spots bringing a lick of pleasure through your spine.
Yoongi returns his lips upon yours and you’re making out again only this time more intense than just before. There is more of a sense of urgency with sloppier sounds and a tighter grip on your hips as Yoongi is increasingly aroused. You can feel him hardening as he occasionally grinds against you, bringing out a low grunt from the back of your throat.
“Swap places” you instruct, eager to return the favour of Yoongi seeing to you first the last time.
You push yourself up from your leaning position using Yoongi’s shoulders as support and guide him so that his back replaces yours against the fridge door. You sink to your knees for him and fiddle with the button of his jeans. Just as you manage to pop that open, Yoongi looks back at you as you look up to him and makes an unreadable signal with his head.
“Huh?” you ask bewildered.
“The counter, go behind the counter, just in case”
And that, you do. You stand up again and watch Yoongi place himself at the middle kitchen counter, his lower half out of view from the living area and therefore, you’re also out of view as you get back down there to finish what you had started.
Impatiently, Yoongi unzips his own trousers and pulls them down along with his boxers until they sit just below his aching balls. He places his hands either side of himself for balance using the counter as he watches you work your mouth on him.
This time, you don’t take him in so soon. You playfully give the tip of his cock kitten licks, looking up at him after every other one and you barely do anything more with your hand than have a gentle grip around. You tease a little more, carefully moving his dick towards his stomach so that you can trail your tongue from his balls, along a prominent vein, and back to the tip. You hold him again with one hand and begin to pump him slowly, being certain to elicit any signs of frustration you can possibly get out of him.
You bask in the way he grunts a little when that longer lick doesn’t lead to you fully using your mouth yet. You love the feeling of his fingers through your hair as he desperately tries to prompt you to do more for him but you subtly draw your head back as if to show him that you’ll decide when he gets to fuck your face.
Eventually you give in and begin to sink down onto him, starting with a couple of bobs back and forth around half of his length and then proceeding to take in more of him until you can feel the tip at the back of your throat with every movement.
You can hear his breathing getting faster in parallel with you upping the pace and you press a hand against his thigh to keep your balance when he starts to use his hips a little.
A string of groans increasing in volume and deepness escape him and you decide to go back to teasing by slowing down your movements and then returning to just licks. You swirl your tongue around his head and look up at him as you slide a thumb across it too, breathing almost as heavily as he is from the excitement and lust burning within you.
You lick your lips seductively before going back down on him, this time allowing him to completely let loose and use you in whichever way he pleases.
"Ahhh, y/n!" he drawls out, using his hands to gently cup your head so that he can control the pace and stability at which he thrusts in and out of your mouth, going fairly deep but not so much as to hurt or choke you.
As your plump lips start to redden, the more the fire in the pit of Yoongi's abdomen continues stirring, and the more something builds up inside of him, the more times he says your name. You can tell he's trying hard not to be too loud similarly to when he was in his room this morning, but occasionally the odd groan just streams out and it's music to your ears.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck…" he creaks as he picks up the pace of his hips.
You give encouraging signs for him to come for you by digging your nails into an exposed section of his thigh and having a feel at the back of the other.
"Gonna… ah!" he exclaims as he reaches his peak and you start to feel that warm liquid shooting down your throat and you hum in approval, taking in every last bit.
You continue to work your magic on him throughout his orgasm, feeling yourself getting even more wet when he says your name again.
"Fuck y/n…" he mumbles, slowing down his thrusts into your mouth as he starts to come down. You can't resist touching yourself as you take him out of your mouth, admiring his dick that's wet from only your mouth as you had successfully swallowed everything he had to give.
"Fuck, I'm sorry" he apologises.
"Huh?" you question, unsure of what he is apologising for.
"I wanted to… Well, I mean…"
"It's okay" you assure him, bringing yourself to your feet to sweetly kiss him on the cheek.
He simply smiles at you and your slightly swollen lips and affectionately rubs a thumb across your cheek.
"I think maybe we should… see to this now, huh?" he purrs, using his other hand to go under your skirt and he draws a line along your folds making you tingle.
"Please" you request, gripping onto his shoulders as he traces that line back and down to your hole.
Abruptly you find yourself yanking your skirt back down as you both hear heavy footsteps coming down the end of the staircase from across the living area and Yoongi is fumbling to lift his boxers back up and fasten his jeans.
You exchange a sympathetic look as you can see his discomfort and he can sense your frustration, watching you back away from him to make it look like you're about to cook.
"Hey guys!" beams Jungkook with a quick wave.
"S'up" you reply in unison with Yoongi as you turn your head around, trying your best to remain composed as you watch Jungkook head over to the downstairs toilet. 
"Everything alright?" you call out, wondering why he couldn't have just used the loo upstairs right down the corridor from his room.
"Yeah. Occupied" Jungkook briefly explains pointing upstairs. You had figured there must be more than three of you in today considering the circumstances, yet you had barely seen anyone other than Yoongi or Jungkook who seemed to come out of their rooms a lot more than the others, so like normal people.
"Fair" is all you reply as you hear the door shut behind him and the lock turning.
Yoongi shoots you a suggestive smirk as he approaches you.
"Now then, where were we…?"
"Yoongi!" you quietly exclaim through your teeth. "He'll be back out any second!"
Without a reply, Yoongi picks you up and places you on the counter next to the cooker and spreads your legs open.
"Just a quick…" he begins, lowering himself to your heat, "...taste" he grins, lifting your skirt up and flattening his tongue to draw another line up your folds.
"Yoongi… fuck" you coo, trying your hardest to get the will power to stop him, pushing his head away with little effort in you to do so.
Relentlessly, he carries on, sucking at your clit, making it harder for you to be subtle about this. He swirls his tongue round, making you feel so aroused and you fill with mild adrenaline that Jungkook could burst out that door at any moment and catch you.
"Yoongi, stop…" you drawl out, incapable of making your instruction sound sincere.
He waits until the flush of the toilet from the other room is audible to finally back away and smirk at you, then moving over to the cooker and the ingredients to crack the eggs for that lunch you still haven't made.
You close your legs tightly as you hear that lock clicking open and you rest your hands in your lap, swinging your legs innocently as Jungkook enters into the living area again to see you guys in the kitchen - just cooking.
"Now watch how a real pro does it…" Yoongi says, cracking some eggs open into a bowl. His words make you feel a certain way though you know he's only talking about the food.
"Hardly takes a pro to make eggs Yoongi" chuckles Jungkook listening in.
"She was doing it all wrong" says Yoongi, carefully beating the eggs with a whisk.
"How can you make eggs wrong?" laughs Jungkook. "Anyway, nevermind about that. When you're done, could you leave everything out for me please? I could do with something more nutritious in my system" 
"It's alright 'Kook," you reply. "We'll make one for you too, sound good?"
"If you don't mind…"
"Sure, Yoongi doesn't mind. After all, he is the omelette pro now…" you joke, grinning, trying to keep up the smile as you watch Jungkook plonk himself on the couch in front of the tv. 
11:56pm - You still can't sleep. All of a sudden back there, Jungkook decided he would join you two in that gaming session after all since his video call kept failing and losing signal.
It was a fun afternoon and you had even managed to beat both the guy's asses several times on Mario Kart but you couldn't help every now and then but to feel… empty.
After about an hour that consisted of eating, starting up the games console and getting into a competitive mode, you were no longer aroused, yet it was still uncomfortable down there. You had to excuse yourself to the bathroom after a few rounds of the first game so you could "accidentally" splash water onto your skirt as the best possible excuse you could think of to get changed in your room.
You opted for pyjama bottoms since it was a lazy day, (so pretty much like every other day lately,) and you sat in them still now in your bedroom, head against the wall as you sit on the bed watching videos to distract yourself / pass the time / try and bore yourself to sleep.
It felt a shame really after you had managed to capture Yoongi's interests that you still didn't really get anything for yourself. Occasionally over the past hour you had trailed a hand down there but only for a few seconds because you felt too fed up and lazy to do anything about it.
A text message pops up over the latest vlog  of your favourite YouTuber and your heart flutters a little upon reading the name.
Yoongi: You awake?
You: Yeah
You get a little annoyed that after about just five minutes, he still doesn't reply back, so you just move on to the next video on your watch later list.
Your eyes feel heavy and dry just a couple of seconds in and you allow your eyes to close.
You jump out of your skin as the handle on your door rattles and the door pops open, making you sit up from your slouch ever so quickly.
Eyes widening to see who the intruder is, you scold the person for walking in on you so abruptly like that.
"Jesus! You almost gave me a heart attack!" you loudly whisper, hand clutching to you chest as you watch him give you an apologetic smile.
Couldn't he have just warned you via that really fucking brief text conversation?... Ah, you can't stay mad at him though. In fact, you're a little relieved he's here.
"Sorry" he whispers, closing the door behind him and you turn on your bedside side lamp so he can see more clearly.
"I just er… wanted to see you" he smiles, still not moving beyond the area of where the door is.
You smile warmly at him, making him feel more comfortable to approach you as you move forward on your bed, patting the space at your side.
He takes the spot next to you and warmly smiles back.
"Now then… where were we?" he grins as you throw your arms around his neck and he gently guides you down on the bed, lips locking.
Fiction Masterlist
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x-bones-please-x · 4 years
Mal Dickens
   I stand before the junk yard, waiting for the little girl. She had come here every night for the last two weeks. I've seen her from my old wooden porch as I eat my dinner. Always there at the same time at night; never too early or late, sometimes meeting other people. I know whatever she is doing is something that is unwelcome in our small community because the little girl seemed nervous. Even from far away I could see that she didn’t want to be at that old junk yard. But I don’t blame her; I wouldn’t want to be there either. It smelled of old fish and rotten furniture, because of all the people dumping their trash in huge piles. Even if you were across the street your nose would cringe at the smell. Each little pile of trash looked like its very own mountain, claimed by the old raccoons that sleep in it every night.    I hide behind a small rusty desk chair that smelled strongly of old metal and wet dog fur. I hover my hands over the sides of the chair; too afraid to touch it in case I get cut. This girl’s secrets wouldn't be worth the visit to the ER. Just like every other night, as it hit nine-thirty, the girl arrives at the junk yard. I hear her small, quick footsteps as she scurries to the edge of the yard. She is wearing a black, oversized hoodie and old blue jeans. She is meeting someone; a tall young man in a green trench coat that hides his face. He is standing right next to the junk yard, pacing. I hold my breath, I hadn't seen him when he arrived. If he had seen me he would know I was here. I would just have to hope that he didn’t notice. The girl went up to the man and quietly spoke to him. She then proceeded to run into the junk yard jumping over different piles of trash. Moments later she comes out with a small cardboard box. She looks around, trying to see if anyone was watching. I quickly duck my head, straining it in a side position to keep it hidden. My knees are covered in dirt and are already sore from staying in one place for so long. The young man quickly takes the box out of the girl’s hand and hides it in his coat. He holds out his left hand, giving the girl a nod and murmuring indecipherably.  I couldn’t hear what the girl responds with but suddenly, they were walking away from each other, trying to make sure no one caught them in the act. It must be drugs. There is no other reason that this transaction would happen. It made sense, why else would they want to hide what they were doing? I wait, I have to make sure that they don’t see me. They were only there for a few minutes, so I couldn’t figure out all that was happening but now I have a general idea. I've been living in an old rundown apartment since I was eighteen. I haven't talked to my family since I moved out. I haven't found a stable job in three years and I'm getting desperate. I need some way to pay rent and if there are drugs hidden somewhere in this old junk yard I could sell them. That would help me get back on my feet for a little if there is enough to sell. I stand up, stretching my arms and legs. I need to find where she is hiding the drugs. I know the general direction of where it's been hidden because of where the girl had run, but if it is under something, it will be obvious that someone disrupted the surrounding trash. I’ll also have a much harder time finding the drugs. I begin to scan the section the girl ran through. Piles of old furniture and trash stood in a line, but I could see a tiny trail of old smooshed trash that lead further into the junk yard. The last thing I want to do is walk through a bunch of old food and furniture, but I need to find the drugs. If it even is drugs at all. I take a deep breath and begin walking slowly through the trail that the girl left behind. I could smell of all the different piles of garbage combining into one the further I venture into the junk yard. I could see different scraps of old bedding laying on top of old kids' toys that no longer had a purpose. They held the memories of old childhoods that no longer existed. This yard was once a clean spot of land until people decided that this looked like a good place to put all their unwanted items. One person left a small pile of toys, causing most people in the area to begin dumping everything they didn’t need in the yard. It wasn’t a problem till the smell started creeping into everyone's homes. It's been years, and no one has done anything to fix the problem because they know it will just start right back up again.   The path went straight into the heart of the junk yard. As I weave through piles upon piles of precariously placed revolting waste, I began to ponder what this little girl was doing possessing drugs. Old dusty furniture and rotten food marked the end of the path. To the left of me is a small, old, red refrigerator that has a small, brown, soil covered trowel next to it. It must be used to dig up the things that she is hiding. Freshly turned dirt sat in front of the old refrigerator, she must be hiding her drugs in there. I drop to my knees and wince, as the ground isn’t exactly soft out here. I grab the old trowel and begin the dig the loose dirt. In mere seconds I reach a small box just like the one the girl had given the other man. I drop the trowel and pull up the small cardboard box. It is covered in moist dirt that smelt of old rags. I open the box carefully. I don’t want to break it, as it is fragile from sitting in such wet dirt for so long. Inside sit a bunch of different drugs, some I'd never seen in my life. The only drug I could recognize was LSD. I knew I would be able to sell all of this for a lot of money. This is exactly what I needed. I stand up, holding the box under my shirt. I need to go home and hide this now. The quicker I sell this the better. I begin to jog out of the yard, attempting not to fall.                                                       *A MONTH LATER* I look outside at the plot of clean land that was once the junk yard. A garden was beginning to form. Little sprouts of tomatoes and flowers were all throughout the yard. People walking around, talking to each other, and I had a front row view to watch it all. I had sold all the drugs a week after I found them. I made enough money to pay for rent and food for a little while, but I am now running out of the cash. Now that food was beginning to grow, stealing some of it every now and then to sell doesn’t seem like a bad idea. It was the people’s fault for letting it stay out in the open anyway, so I shouldn’t be blamed. I walk out of my small apartment and head down the stairs. Taking a few flowers and selling them wouldn’t harm anyone. I walk out of my old red building and jog across the street. Not many people were in the garden, so I think I will be able to take a few things and not get caught. Maybe I can just say that they are my flowers anyway, so I can take what I want. Although that would never work, it’s the only option I have other than admitting I’m a thief. I walk through the garden and spot a section of tall sunflowers. That sat still, looking into the sun’s eyes, absorbing its heat and enjoying its peace. I might be able to take a few of those and sell them for a couple dollars if I get good flowers. It would be risky but desperate times calls for desperate measures. I crouch down and begin twisting one flower’s stem. I need to do this quickly, so I won't get caught. Just as I rip off the first flower I hear footsteps approach me. “whatcha doin’ bud?” I hear a gruff voice demand.  I freeze. I don’t know what to do; I've been caught. I turn around slowly, waiting for my fate. A tall, blond haired boy stands in front of me, a huge smirk plastered on his face. He knows what I'm doing. There is no excuse. “I- I was just-” I tried to begin my lame excuse, but he cuts me off. “Stealing from my garden?” he exclaims, gesturing to what I assume were his supplies sitting next to a patch of sunflowers. “I didn’t expect anyone to come after my sunflowers. Definitely not such a handsome guy such as yourself!” he crosses his arms. His amused grin tells me he’s obviously enjoying my embarrassment. I slowly stand up. I need to leave. I shouldn’t have come here to begin with. Now I’ve been caught by this lad, with his fringe that I wanted to run my fingers through. “I'm sorry, I just- I had to-” I hung my head. There was nothing I could say to fix this. And trying to find the right things to say didn’t seem to help either. “It's okay,” fringe guy said in a cheery voice. “Here, come help me plant some more flowers.” He grabs my arm and drags me to an empty section of the garden. He plops down on the hard-packed dirt, motioning for me to sit next to him. Good thing I know how to plant. We planted for hours on end. Once we started talking, we didn’t stop. We traded stories about life and other uninteresting topics. He told me about his alcoholic mother and taking care of his brother. I told him about how my parents kicked me out because of my sexuality. I listened to every word out of his mouth, paid attention to every detail he said. We could be talking about water and I would still listen to him. It was captivating the way he spoke. The day was declared over when the rain started falling. The tiny droplets transformed into heavy droplets in minutes, leaving us with no choice but to flee to our separate apartments. For the first time in a while I enjoyed doing something. I kind of liked gardening and talking to fringe guy, who I later found out was named Grayson. I might just come back to garden again.                *3 MONTHS LATER* It only took a week for Grayson and I to start dating. We found out that we had a lot more in common than just enjoying gardening. After our first few dates I told him about finding the drugs and what I did with them. He took it extremely well. We are still dating and taking care of the garden. Even though our relationship was new I had a feeling that I would be with him for life. I have started my own little garden full of different flowers next to Grayson and his sunflowers. I made friends with the gardeners around me. All of which are extremely friendly and kindhearted. I saw the girl who was selling the drugs sitting by herself in the garden. I was able to introduce myself and found out that she is doing much better now. Whenever I see her in the garden I always make sure to say hello. She is the reason I'm here now anyways. Since I started the little flower garden, Grayson was able to find me a job at a nice flower shop near my apartment. I was able to get a better apartment because of it and we are planning on moving in together in a few months. This is the happiest I have ever been in all my life. And I have the garden to thank for that.    
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itsmyusualphannie · 5 years
robot in the dorms
Title: robot in the dorms (ao3) Beta: kishere (@filiisaceaf) <3 Word Count: 5k Rating: T Warnings: Alcohol (a character is drunk at one point)
Summary: dan goes to university in florida and meets his roommate phil. after a few months, and despite dan's facade of disinterest, he begins to actually like phil and his nerdy ways. the robot that phil designs doesn't help. or: another "oh my god they were roommates" fic but COOLER because robot
Author Notes: this took me so long to write but i had SO much fun. i also wrote the scenes entirely out of order, which was even more fun. the only problem is that i now want a smol robot of my own
Bang! The door of the dorm room crashed shut behind Dan and he winced at the noise. His black suitcase thunked against his heels as he shuffled forward, glancing around the room. It was small but well-lit, with tall windows spanning the length of one wall and allowing a generous view of the campus outside. There were two beds, two dressers, and an ugly orange rug that made Dan’s eyes burn when he looked too long at it. Only one side of the room was bare, left empty for Dan to occupy.
The other occupant of the room had jolted when the door slammed, sitting up on his bed. Dan glanced at the paraphernalia sprawled across his new roommate’s bed and dresser.
“...Hi,” said Dan, after a too-long pause.
The other man had been regarding him with a smile. He hopped off the bed when Dan spoke. “Hello!” he said. His voice was bright, and notably very British. “You must be Dan!”
“Yep.” Dan trudged forward and hauled his suitcase onto the empty bed. “And you’re Phil.”
“I am!” Phil had moved closer when Dan turned around, his arm outstretched. Dan glanced down with bemusement at the hand that was being offered and shook it reluctantly. “Nice to meet you!” Phil continued. “It’s weird that they’d put both of us international students in the same room. You’d think they’d want us to be with someone who actually lives here in Florida so we’d learn more about it.”
Dan shrugged and shoved his released hand into his pocket, glancing over Phil’s shoulder at the posters adorning Phil’s side of the room. “Cool posters,” he said.
“Thanks,” said Phil automatically, then, “Oh, do you like video games?”
Dan tugged the zipper on his suitcase open and flipped the lid, revealing a PS4 with the cords wrapped tightly around it to conserve space. It was nestled between rolls of jeans and folded shirts. “Yeah, you could say that.”
“Ooh.” Phil hovered behind him. “Nice, I have an Xbox. What are your favourite games?”
“Name one and I’ve probably played it.” Dan found himself, hesitantly, beginning to like this guy and his overabundance of enthusiasm. He glanced at the CD shoved into one of his suitcase’s many side pockets. “What...music do you like?”
“That’s a loaded question,” Phil said thoughtfully. “I like almost everything. I’d have to say my all-time top band is Muse, though.”
Dan felt a smile tugging at his lips. He turned back toward Phil, attention fully on his roommate. “Oh, yeah? That’s my favourite too.”
“You have good taste,” Phil informed him. “They’re a great band.”
Dan was smiling unhesitantly now. “Yeah. They are.”
“Yep.” Phil was grinning back at him.
This, thought Dan, this might turn out okay.
This is not okay, thought Dan, just as someone’s shoulder collided with his back and sent him stumbling into his dorm room. The door had been hanging open suspiciously, but he was grateful for it now since he’d avoided face-planting into it.
Someone screamed in the hallway and Dan cringed. The mass of bodies he’d had to push through in order to get to his room was...excessive. He had no idea what was happening out in the hall and he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out.
“Oh, hey,” said Phil from his bed.
Dan stared at him dumbly. His roommate looked ridiculously comfortable and Dan was a little envious. He was sprawled across his bed, head dangling off the edge as he peered sideways at Dan, and legs propped up against the wall beside his bed
“...Hey,” said Dan.
“There’s a party going on, I think,” Phil offered. He had a textbook resting face-down on his chest.
“Oh. Cool.” It was not cool. It was only two weeks into the semester. Parties at this time were ridiculous.
Phil sighed deeply and turned back to his textbook, lifting it from his chest to peruse the crinkled pages. His head was lifted at an odd angle since there wasn’t anything to rest it on, and it suddenly looked incredibly uncomfortable. Dan watched him for a long moment, unblinking, then crossed the room to his own bed and sat heavily.
Another scream made its way into their room. Dan had not shut the door behind him, so he watched disinterestedly as two bare-chested, bellowing guys sprinted past with a flailing girl hoisted on their shoulders. More people milled around outside, their chatter indecipherable.
“Do you have any homework?” Phil asked. Dan could only see the top of his head now. There were tiny ginger strands invading the deep black of his hair.
“Always,” said Dan, although he found it entirely unfair that he should have so much work when he’d barely even started the semester.
Phil dropped the textbook onto his chest again and let his head fall back until his upside-down gaze met with Dan’s. “Want to join the riot?”
“Sure,” said Dan. Not really, he meant.
Phil tossed the textbook to the side and clambered off the bed, almost falling and braining himself against his dresser. Dan stared at his abandoned textbook as it toppled toward the edge of the bed but didn’t quite fall. It teetered ominously.
“Cool. Uh, do you drink?” asked Phil.
Dan didn’t look away from the precarious textbook. “Isn’t the drinking age different in America?”
“Well, yeah, but.” Phil shrugged, shoving his differently-socked feet into the discarded shoes by the door. “Pretty sure I saw someone lugging an actual barrel of alcohol past earlier, so I’m not sure it matters.”
Reluctantly, Dan stood as Phil waited for him by the door. “I dunno. Maybe.” Crossing the room, he pushed the textbook further onto Phil’s bed. He did not feel like the textbook appreciated his effort as much as it should have.
Phil headed out into the hallway and Dan followed him, navigating around a group of students sitting cross-legged in a circle on the floor. He didn’t know where Phil was going, but also wasn’t sure he cared to know. “Do you like parties?” he asked Phil’s back.
“Well, not really,” Phil said. Dan could barely hear him over the conversations going on around them. “But it’s part of the experience, right?”
Dan wasn’t entirely positive, but he shrugged anyway. Phil didn’t see it.
“Are you a party person?” Phil asked, glancing back over his shoulder. He almost collided with a couple making out against the wall.
It was really a ridiculous question. Dan didn’t think he had done anything at all over the past two weeks that would make Phil think he was a party person. A tiny snort escaped him, but when Phil raised a questioning eyebrow back at him, he just shook his head. “Not really,” he echoed Phil.
“I guess we’re both getting out of our comfort zones,” Phil said brightly.
Something squished under Dan’s foot. He squinted down at the floor, barely able to see it in the dim hallway lights, and realized he had stepped on a banana. Sighing heavily, he kicked it away. It slapped wetly against someone’s bare ankle. Dan hurriedly made his way after Phil, who was already a dozen paces down the hall. Someone squealed behind him, probably the person who’d just been assaulted by a banana peel.
“This looks like the life of the party,” said Phil when Dan had caught up to him. He was standing at the entrance to the common area, staring uncertainly at the chaos inside.
Dan blinked slowly at the room. There was a group attempting karaoke, their voices screeching painfully through the entire area; muscular jock types milling around a pool table, laughing uproariously and slapping each others’ backs; multiple people dangling on the couches, tables, and chairs around the room; and a dozen or so giggling in the corner with hands full of suspiciously-sloshing red plastic cups. A barrel was almost exactly in the centre of the room. A guy dressed only in tight boxer briefs and thigh-high socks bellowed “KEG STAND” and crashed into the barrel, but immediately three or four people who had been hovering around the barrel hauled him back to his feet.
“Well,” said Phil. “That looks...exciting.”
Someone vomited onto the pool table.
“I think I’ve had a great college party experience. My experience is...complete.” Dan took a long, slow step backwards.
“Yeeaah,” said Phil, dragging the word out. “Do you...want to go back to the dorm room and play Donkey Kong?”
“Yeah, let’s,” said Dan.
They did.
Two months later, Dan had no idea what made him want to go to college. He was tired literally all of the time. His eyes were so bleary when he stumbled into his dorm room that he didn’t see Phil at first. His mouth opened in a jaw-cracking yawn and he shoved backwards with his foot until it connected and the door swung shut. It was only after he carelessly tossed his backpack toward his bed that he saw Phil. One arm was sprawled across the desk as he slumped over it, fingers twitching as he dreamed. His glasses were crooked on his face and his mouth was open as he drooled a little drop of spittle onto the computer that his face was smashed into.
Dan should not have found it as attractive as he did. He sighed, rubbing at his eyes, and crossed the room to shake his roommate’s shoulder. “Hey, wake up.”
“Whuh,” mumbled Phil. He shuffled away from the touch, burying his face into the unforgiving plastic of his laptop case. The frame of his glasses screeched against it.
Wincing, Dan tried again. “Wake up, dork. You fell asleep working on your...robot thing again.”
“Huh!” With a start, Phil awoke, snorting in alarm. His arm flailed and something toppled off the desk, but he just yawned hugely and squinted around until his gaze fell upon Dan. “Oh. ‘G morning.”
“It’s afternoon,” said Dan. “I just got back from my second class.” He couldn’t look away from the glasses that were hanging lopsidedly from Phil’s nose. One side of the frame was drooping sadly halfway down his cheek.
Dan sighed and reached out to correct the placement, pushing the glasses back into their correct place. Phil just blinked dimly up at him.
“What’s today,” he said, voice hoarse with sleep.
“Wednesday?” said Dan, but it was more of a question. He wasn’t entirely sure, himself. The days all seemed to blur together, especially near the middle of the week when it was just class after assignment after class after test.
“Oh,” said Phil dumbly, and then, “Oh!” He turned frantically to his computer, fingers scrabbling at it for a few long moments before he yanked it open. Dan shamelessly glanced over his shoulder as Phil hurriedly opened his email and refreshed it. Phil ignored the multiple unread emails and opened one from a few weeks ago. He sighed deeply upon skimming over it.
“It’s not due until tomorrow night,” he said, clearly relieved.
“What’s not due? Oh, your project.”
“Yeah, but just the coding part. I can build the actual mechanical part later, and then audio will be due at midterms.” Phil shut the laptop. He scrubbed at his eyes and sighed. “I need coffee. I need to finish this, but I need coffee first. Want to go get some?”
Dan had already had about three coffees this morning, but what would one more hurt? He agreed, Phil shoved his computer into his backpack, Dan ignored his own bag and its loads of homework, and they set off towards the campus’ closest coffee shop.
They were regulars, and were both friendly to anyone who supplied them with caffeine, so the barista greeted them as soon as they walked inside.
“Hey, Bry,” Phil returned her greeting and headed toward their usual table in the corner to haul his computer out and set it up. Dan ordered their usual drinks, two caramel macchiatos, and then after a quick glance at the deep bags beneath Phil’s eyes, had two extra shots added to Phil’s. He examined his own fingers, then. They were trembling. He probably didn’t need the extra shots for himself.
“Thanks,” said Dan once Bryony handed him the drinks. He joined Phil at the table, but took his time walking over. It was disconcerting how good Phil looked, even sleepy and rumpled. “How much do you have left?”
Phil slurped loudly at his coffee before answering. “Too much. Can you get the - ?” He waved halfheartedly at his backpack sprawled beside him on the floor, and Dan obediently leaned over to dig in it and pull out what Phil was most likely referring to - a chunk of twisted metal with wheels and soldered antennae. It thunked solidly when he placed it on the wooden table next to Phil’s laptop.
Phil pet the ugly hunk, almost absentmindedly. Dan scowled down at the long pale fingers stroking the unfeeling lines of metal, wondering exactly how jealous he should feel. He took a sip of his own coffee. Maybe he did need the extra shots.
“It’s this code,” Phil groaned. He let go of the metal disaster and smashed the keyboard on his laptop, somehow managing to type something in the mess. “I’m trying to get it to perform actual functions and all it can do is drive around in circles.”
“That’s a function, isn’t it?”
“I mean. Yeah, but I want it to be unique. This isn’t…” Phil waved a hand at the innocent, hideous metal. “...I can’t even call it a robot.”
Dan didn’t know anything about electrical engineering, but he was fairly sure that it could be considered a robot. He gulped down a mouthful of macchiato instead of saying anything.
“I need...I need,” Phil muttered. He said something else inaudible, then took the lid off his coffee and buried his face in the opening, inhaling the steam.
Dan considered being concerned. “You can do it,” he said, but his tone was too flat to sound encouraging. He poked the robot thing. Its wheels squealed against the table as he pushed it toward Phil. “Robot says you can do it.”
“Robot is a liar,” Phil pulled away from his coffee inhalation just enough to inform Dan.
“Well,” said Dan. “I can’t inspire you. I only got up this morning for class because it was philosophy and I wanted to argue with the dumbass from yesterday who said Freud was a legend. Otherwise, I’d still be in bed and it’s…” He patted his pocket for his phone, and, not finding it, squinted at the screen of Phil’s laptop, “...it’s almost three.”
“What a life,” Phil said dully.
Dan patted the metal chunk. “You should just make it into an alarm clock. But like, one that attacks you if you don’t get up.”
“Huh,” Phil agreed unenthusiastically, and then, thoughtfully, “Huh.”
“I was joking,” Dan pointed out.
Phil set down his coffee. “Hmm,” he said.
“Hmm,” Dan repeated, but it reached tones of infinite suspicion. “Lester, don’t do it.”
Phil was already typing away at his laptop. “It’s a good idea,” he said. “It’s better than what I had. Which was...nothing.”
Sighing deeply, Dan sat back in his chair. Maybe he should just go with it. It couldn’t hurt anything, could it? Phil hadn’t been able to get the thing to do anything other than trundle in circles for almost a month, and his project was due the next day. Surely he would abandon it after he had to show it to his instructor.
Yeah, Dan would just go with it.
Dan had decidedly changed his mind after just one month.
“Phil!” he called, knowing that his roommate would be able to hear him over the sound of running water from their shared bathroom. He glared down at the tiny chunk of metal that had whirred across the room and attached itself to his foot as soon as he walked in the door. At first, it had been cute - but the “freely roaming the room” part was a problem. Although incredibly simple, the small robot zipped everywhere around the room and, despite Phil’s promises that it wouldn’t actually work as an alarm clock, had even climbed into Dan’s bed once. He had woken up to a chirruping metal blob on his chest, so naturally, he had screamed and thrown his blankets - along with the robot - onto the floor.
The water in the bathroom shut off. “What?” Phil yelled back.
The tiny antennae on the robot’s hulk swivelled. Dan frowned at it. He knew the thing didn’t have any cameras, but he still wasn’t sure how it heard anything or how it navigated. Phil claimed that it ran via solar power and soundwaves, but Dan had once seen it chug its way across the silent room at midnight to bury itself under a pile of socks.
The bathroom door opened, and Dan realized that he hadn’t replied to his roommate. He glanced up just as Phil stepped out, steam sweeping past him to humidify the dorm room. As usual, he was draped in far too many towels. Dan stared for a moment too long at the drops of water beading on Phil’s neck and creeping down his chest, and then he yanked his gaze away and flicked his foot to toss the metal creature across the room.
It squealed as it flew across the room, then landed lightly just beside Phil’s foot. A moment passed, and then it flipped over, whirring and chirping happily as it spun around Phil.
“Your little R2-D2 keeps attacking me,” said Dan, belatedly.
Phil scooped up his creation with careful fingers. Dan carefully ignored that his towels parted to reveal a very nice torso. “Don’t be mean,” Phil reprimanded. “He just likes you.”
“It’s an inanimate object,” Dan pointed out.
“He is very animated. And his name is Susan.”
Crossing the room, Dan hefted his backpack onto his bed. “You’ve decided that just now?”
“Yes,” said Phil emphatically.
The robot chirruped.
The dorm room was empty when Dan staggered inside. He almost slipped on a sock on the floor as he shut the door, so he cursed soundly at it. The cartoon penguins decorating it looked mournful as he kicked it to Phil’s side of the room. He dumped his backpack, heavy with the weight of textbooks, too many assignments, and stress, next to his dresser and then sat heavily on his bed.
He took a sip from the wine bottle in his right hand. The alcohol burned when it went down, warming his throat and stomach somewhat unpleasantly. Dan wasn’t entirely sure that it was actually wine.
Fucking Phil, he thought, and then repeated it out loud. “Fucking Phil.” He glanced around the room, making sure that Phil wasn’t actually there, then swallowed another mouthful of dubious alcohol. He had gotten it from the two guys down the hall that peddled suspicious goods, but nearly an hour had passed since then. Dan didn’t quite remember what he had done between then and now, and was almost certain that it wasn’t too important.
Lifting the wine bottle, he examined the contents inside. There was nothing floating inside at least, he noted, but there couldn’t be more than another sip or two left.
He took care of the rest of the alcohol in two swift gulps, then thought for a few long moments and heaved himself backwards to shove the empty bottle between his mattress and the wall. It wouldn’t do for an untimely random room check to find evidence of his sporadic lapse of judgement. It was just… “Fucking Phil,” he repeated. The words felt right on his tongue. “Fucking...Phil.” He laughed then, a helpless giggle, and slapped a hand over his mouth. He wished.
Dan let himself topple sideways on his bed, then hauled his feet up to the bedspread. His mind felt bubbly.
“Wooo,” said something from the floor.
Dan definitely did not squeal. He did not flail and kick one foot into the wall. His toe did not hurt.
Another minute passed before he regained his composure and managed to peer over the side of his bed to the floor.
Phil’s robot sat on the ugly orange rug, antennae pointed directly up at him and tiny sensors whirring indistinctly. It chirped at him, undeterred by Dan’s fragrant breath wafting down toward it.
“Oh,” said Dan. “Hi, Susan.”
Susan whistled in reply. Dan was about 96% positive that Phil had illegally downloaded clips of R2-D2’s sounds and used it for his pet project. The noises were extremely similar, in any case. Dan managed to pull his arm from where it had ended up beneath his stomach - though he didn’t quite know how it had gotten there - and reached down to pick up the robot. He brought it very close to his face to examine it, and one of its bristling wires stroked his nose.
He sneezed and put it on his pillow. It chirruped cheerfully.
“You look...cool.” Dan squinted at Susan. “You look...like you’re missing something.”
“Vroo?” said the robot.
Dan nodded confidently. His head drooped and he slowly let it fall until his forehead rested against the blankets, and there he blinked rather slowly at the indistinguishable blurs beneath him. “Yes,” he said, and then shoved himself upright.
It took him more than a few minutes to drag himself off the bed to dig through one of his dresser drawers and find what he was looking for. He managed to successfully sit back on the bed, but couldn’t quite get one leg all the way up, so he just let it dangle off the side. He piled the handful of items he had collected next to the pillow, where Susan was still patiently waiting.
“You are a cool robot,” he informed Susan. “But you are missing a thing. And that is an eyeball.” He procured the plastic googly eyeball with a flourish, although the flourish nearly broke his hand when he thudded it against the wall. “Ow,” he said.
The robot did not argue as Dan, very slowly and carefully, applied a few drops of glue to the back of the plastic eyeball. He may have gotten a bit on his fingers, but he wiped them off on his jeans. It wouldn’t hurt, surely.
“Here,” said Dan, and affixed the eyeball directly above one of Susan’s tiny whirring wheels. The fake pupil wobbled as the robot tipped on the pillow. Dan regarded it with great approval, and then he applied the other eyeball to the opposite side of the robot.
“Weeooo,” said Susan.
Dan sighed and stroked its delicate frame. “You’re such a good boy, Susan.”
Susan purred. It may have just been the motor running, but Dan preferred to believe that it agreed with him.
Dan sighed again, very heavily. “Fucking Phil,” he said ruefully.
The robot made a low, compassionate noise. Dan stared into the fake eyes he had attached. They contained so much emotion.
He felt himself tear up. “Why are you so perfect,” he mourned. “With your...stupid smarts and your stupid perfection. Stupid pretty eyes. Stupid hair.”
“Beoop?” questioned Susan.
Dan groaned and slumped sideways to lean against the wall. It was not as comfortable as his pillow would be, but since Susan was currently residing on it he decided to suffer for the moment. At least then his physical torment would match the emotions he felt. “Fine, not you,” he told Susan. “It’s fucking Phil. He’s. Too much.”
Susan beeped sadly. 
“I know, right?” Dan commiserated dolefully. “It’s just...you know?”
Susan’s fake eyes peered up at him, clearly unknowing.
Dan carefully placed a forefinger in front of Susan’s tiny speakers. “Shh. Don’t tell anyone, but...I’m a little drunk. And sad. And…” he sighed, again, “...I like Phil. So, so much.”
“Vrooo,” said the little robot.
“Do you think he would date me if I was a robot,” asked Dan.
Susan, very unhelpfully, did not respond.
Dan heaved a breath and painstakingly squeezed himself next to the robot to lie down. He stared wide-eyed at the delicate chunk of metal only an inch from his face. “You have beautiful eyes,” he told Susan, and then he fell asleep.
Dan woke up with a start when the door to the dorm room slammed shut. He jolted upright, squinting blearily toward the source of the noise. It took him a few moments, but then he was able to make out the figure standing by the door. It was Phil.
“Ungh,” said Dan, and flopped back down. His head spun, a distant memory of his drunken adventures the night before. He half-heartedly attempted to remember what he had done, but the memories were too vague to recall anything other than stumbling to his bed. He might have...talked to Phil’s robot?
“Um,” said Phil, still standing by the door. “Dan.”
With a searing bolt of clarity, Dan remembered that he had glued fake eyeballs to Phil’s robot last night. Phil’s midterms were today, which meant that part of his project had been due today, which meant that...Dan had probably ruined it. He cast desperately back into his uncertain memories, but he couldn’t remember exactly which part of the project was due.
“Fuck,” Dan said, and then, in a moment of maturity, hauled his blanket over his head to hide from Phil’s gaze. His hand was stuck to part of the fabric where he had attempted to wipe off the glue last night.
“Dan,” said Phil.
Dan was silent for a very long moment, and then he groaned quietly. “I’m so sorry, shit. I didn’t mean to do it, I was drunk.”
“You didn’t mean to do what?” asked Phil, but his tone sounded somewhat uncertain. Dan was almost tempted to pull the blanket off and look at him.
“I ruined your project, didn’t I? The fucking...eyeball things.”
“What?” Phil seemed confused now. “Oh, no, I wasn’t showing the actual robot today, the complete project is due at the end of the term. I think the googly eyes are cute, actually. They make Susan look friendlier.”
“Oh,” said Dan. His voice was muffled by the blankets. He blinked slowly in the darkness he had inflicted upon himself. “Okay. Uh...what’s up, then?” he tried, then cringed at himself.
Phil cleared his throat. “Well, um. The audio part was due today. You were super asleep earlier, so you probably didn’t hear me come in, go to sleep, then get Susan this morning and take him to the computer labs to...uh...compile the audio he’s been recording over the past few weeks for my project.”
“You...what?” Dan frowned up toward the ceiling - at least, he thought it was up toward the ceiling. He couldn’t really see where it was.
“Yeah, I told you before I started the recording. And you said it’d be fine if I recorded everything, as long as I cut out anything embarrassing. But I left it until the last minute so I had to do it all this morning before my mid-finals today. Anyway, I was just going to compile a one-hour block of random bits of audio from everything he’s recorded.” There was a shuffling noise. Phil shifting from foot to foot or moving closer, maybe. He was rambling. “But...well, he was recording last night. And I didn’t mean to invade your privacy or anything! I was just trying to find bits of audio - stuff that didn’t mean anything, just words or sounds out of order.”
“It recorded me...last night,” Dan repeated. “While I was drunk.”
“Um, yeah - ”
“And you listened to it.”
“...Yes, but - !”
“Nope.” Dan rolled over and smashed his face into his pillow. He had a very vague idea of what he had confessed to the robot last night, but he didn’t want confirmation of it. He didn’t want Phil to gently let him down in his Phil way that would make it impossible to be upset at him. At this moment, in fact, Dan didn’t want Phil to speak to him ever again.
Phil sounded cautious when he next spoke. “Do you...remember what you said?”
“Nmhphp,” said Dan into his pillow. His hand was still stuck to the blanket.
The mattress dipped beside Dan as Phil sat down on the bed. “Did you mean what you said?” he asked quietly.
“I was drunk,” Dan said weakly.
A feather-light touch trailed across his back. He shivered under the blanket. Even with the layers of material between him and Phil, he could still feel the heat of Phil’s hand. It burned him, branding him in place with the weight of his spoken confession that he never thought Phil would hear.
“Yeah,” he said.
Susan beeped from somewhere in the room, a cheerful sound that broke the heavy silence after Dan’s single word faded away.
Dan could feel Phil’s fingers tightening on the blanket, and then the comforting material was pulled away from him. The pillow was warm against his face where he was still buried into it.
“Dan,” said Phil, and so Dan rolled over, finally, to look at him.
Phil was smiling.
Dan thought bizarrely that the crinkles at the corner of Phil’s eyes were simply too deep to possibly exist. He wanted to press his fingers into them and make the smile on Phil’s lips grow even wider. He wanted to turn back around and hide from the brilliance of the expression.
“Idiot,” Phil said, unbearably fond. “I like you too.”
Dan just blinked slowly up at him.
“Want to go get coffee?” Phil asked. Still grinning, he brushed a thumb under Dan’s eye. Dan hadn’t realized a tear had escaped.
“Yeah,” he said again, and caught Phil’s hand in his, and a smile crept across his face to match Phil’s.
They stood and they left to get coffee, beaming at each other with enamoured expressions the entire way.
Susan whistled after them, then drove up the side of the bedspread onto Dan’s bed and perched on Dan’s pillow, its googly eyes spinning madly. It chirruped in a way that sounded like laughter.
“You’re such a good boy, Susan,” it said in Dan’s voice.
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godzillagirl-14 · 5 years
Wish Upon an Idol (Ch. 2)
Chapter 2
Pairing: ot7 x reader 
Summary: The Bangtan boys have the ability to grant wishes (unbeknownst to you, the brand new addition to their friend group) So when you jokingly wish you had superpowers to “help the world in a way you knew how” what happens when you wake up the next day with extraordinary abilities? 
A/N: So this chapter is more of a backstory for the reader and boys. I have no clue where I’m going with this story but I have a general idea, but if you wanna throw in ideas and theories about what you think is gonna happen, don’t be afraid to comment. Also don’t be afraid to comment if you’d like to be apart of the tag list :) 
Warnings: Drama, Angst, a lot of Action, Smut (later on), and a bad attempt at being humorous. 
Warnings for this chapter: Things get a little heated . . . sort of.
Word count: 3,054
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Launching himself out of his bed with an energy and agility he didn’t know he possessed, Yoongi burst through his door into the hallway, hightailing it to your room, six other men hot on his tail. He practically threw himself at your closed door, forcing it open and almost taking the poor thing off its hinges. The whole thing would have been comical honestly, watching the Min Yoongi run like a man escaping Hell to the bedroom of the girl he’s head over heels for, but they could laugh later. In the middle of the room is where you laid in bed. Now this wouldn’t have been so bad, had you and your bed not been alight with flames. 
You were quite literally on fire. Standing still in shock for only a minute before springing into action, all 7 boys suddenly moved as if they got a swift kick to the ass. Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin all helped to haul you from the flaming bed, making sure to pat out the lingering flames that remained on your clothes. Meanwhile, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook all ran out of the room, Taehyung and Jimin to the kitchen and Jungkook back to his room. 
Quickly grabbing the small little fire extinguisher on top of their refrigerator, Taehyung never thought he would be using the small object to extinguish the girl of his dreams. He expected to use it for a Namjoon related cooking incident, not this. Beside him, Jimin practically propelled himself into the fridge to get as many water bottles his arms could carry. Was he being a little too dramatic? Maybe, but he was determined to make sure you didn’t go dehydrated. 
Jungkook sprinted down the hallway to his room, grabbing a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers because surely you’re clothes had to be charred and gross. He was secretly elated at the idea of you wearing his clothes. He just wished it were under different circumstances. All three of them ran back to your room as quickly as they could, all meeting their doom in your doorway where they inevitably collided, sending all of the items flying. They barely had any time to get their bearings before they once again sprung into action, scrambling to get the items together. Three grown men running around like chickens with their heads cut off. You would have laughed had it not been for the situation. 
The sound of the fire extinguisher putting out the fire made you startle out of your thoughts and you unintentionally pushed yourself closer to Jin’s arms - not that he was complaining- as he soothingly rubbed the smooth skin of your arms. 
Wait. Smooth?
Pulling away from you, he examined the skin of your arms and legs, seeing as they were not covered in third degree burns. Your poor clothes however were burnt to shit. 
“She doesn’t have any burns.” Hobi stated the obvious as he took notice in the way that Jin was looking over your completely unharmed body. As if realizing that you weren’t injured, you gently pushed Jin away from you, taking a couple of steps towards your full body mirror. Looking over at your ruined pajamas and unmarred skin, you slightly pouted. “I really liked those pajamas.” you mumbled to yourself. 
By the time Taehyung had finished putting out the fire, the smoke had finally flitted up in the air, covering the room in an intense silence as you gratefully took the clothes in the Jungkook’s hands. . . And then the smoke detector went off.��
The constant and shrill beeping noise was already annoying in itself and the boys automatically cringed. But your poor eardrums; it felt like someone was brutally taking a sledgehammer to your skull while screeching in both ears. The violent shudder that wracked your body shocked the boys around you as you sunk down to the floor with your hands pressed against the sides of your head. A painful cry tore from your throat as you felt as if your head would explode. 
You faintly heard a shout from somewhere in the room before the shrill noise stopped and you immediately relaxed, however the pounding headache remained. You saw a hand trying to hand you a water bottle, but you felt too nauseous to put anything in your mouth. 
You did, however, reach out to the hand, grabbing onto their forearms and forcing yourself up, coming face to face with the beautiful Park Jimin. He gave you a small concerned smile and your felt your skin heat up. And it wasn’t because of the fire. Quickly shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you continued to hold onto his arm as you looked around the room. 
“Guys,” they’ve never seen you more serious in the short months of you living with them. “I need to go to the hospital, I think I’ve been drugged.” 
It was silent for a solid ten seconds before the room erupted into loud boasts of laughter. You once again cringed at the overwhelming noise, stopping the bile from rising to your throat. You were so confused; why were they laughing? There’s no other logical explanation as to why you felt so sensitive to everything. It felt as if they were screaming right in your ear, you could distinctly smell each of the lingering scents of the cologne that they wore yesterday, you were hyper aware of where each boy stood, being able to feel every single movement of the drop of sweat that traveled from your thigh to your ankle, you could see the tiny individual fabrics of Taehyung’s night shirt. It was all too much. 
The only logical explanation your brain could come up with was that someone had snuck into your bedroom to assassinate you, tried to drug you and when that process was taking too long, set your bed on fire. 
Yeah. . . that had to be it. 
The laughing continued and you thought you were gonna have a stroke. “Why are you so loud?!” you shouted, rubbing your temples to alleviate the headache that was forming. The room fell silent and you sighed in pure relief, leaning back into Jimin’s frame, barely registering the feeling of his arms wrapping around you as you closed your eyes. 
As you were taking deep breaths to calm yourself down, you footsteps approaching and you automatically knew it was Namjoon. How? You had no idea. You just knew. 
Placing a gentle hand on your arm, you opened your arms and came face to face with Namjoon. Your breath was knocked right out of your lungs. It’s like your were seeing him in ultra 4k HD. You were too stunned to speak. 
“(Y/n). . . you need to listen very carefully,” he spoke calmly and clearly and you found yourself entranced by his voice as you nodded. “You weren’t drugged.” you cocked your head to the side in confusion and he wanted to coo at you for how cute you looked in that moment. “We need to tell you something, but we’re going to take you to the living room and sit you down to explain everything, okay?” 
You nodded mindlessly as you let yourself be led into the living room. Sitting down on the couch next to Namjoon, he began massaging your knuckles as you looked at the rest of the boys sitting around you. A sharp exhale pulled your attention back to the boy occupying your hand. 
“Okay, let’s start from the beginning.” 
~ ~ ~
Kim Namjoon was the son of a merchant. Selling goods abroad internationally, his father sold things from exotic spices to valuable Jewelry. Namjoon worked alongside his father in their little shop, always examining every treasure his father brought home as if it were a gift from a deity. He loved it. 
As time moved along, his father enlisted the help of six others boys, as his father was getting older in age and wasn’t able to get things done as quickly as he was used to. The six boys were practically strangers to each other and Namjoon, but they kept things polite and introduced themselves as Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook. They kept things professional, only talking to each other to discuss items that were to be imported and exported. Anyone visiting the shop could sense how tense the poor boys were. It’s not like they hated each other though, they were just complete strangers to each other, not being comfortable enough to have a conversation that wasn’t about business. 
Until it happened; All seven boys were just hauling back some goods they got from trading in Africa, when they were checking the different seasonings and spices they got back. They could practically recite the list in their sleep, always seeing the same ingredient on the list every time, but not this time. As Yoongi read off the list to Hoseok to make sure they were all accounted for, he stopped short when he read an unfamiliar name. “Huh, this is a new one,” he stated, his tone nothing short of bored. 
That was when Jin walked past them, looking into the crate to see the foreign seasoning. “Well it’s about time we got something new. I was so bored with the same old stuff, I’m glad we’re spicing things up a bit.” 
It was silent for only three seconds before the sound of squeaky laughter filled the room as Jin proceeded to laugh at his own terrible punny joke. Soon the others joined in with laughing. Some were laughing at the joke, some were laughing at Jin’s laugh, but they were all laughing together. They even cracked more jokes to keep the laughter from dying out. It took them twice as long to get their job done that day as they kept having to stop from doubling over in laughter. 
After their jobs were done and it was time for them to go home, they found that they didn’t want to go home just yet. So when Taehyung had asked if they wanted to go and hangout at his house for some drinks, they all almost immediately said yes. And they spent the night drinking, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. 
They were inseparable after that, finding any excuse to hang out with one another. And soon the friendly feelings turned into something more . . . intimate. Lingering touches and longing gazes became less and less subtle the more time the boys spent with each other. Until one day, Jimin just walked up to Yoongi and placed a big fat kiss right on his lips. And then proceeded to do it to the remaining five boys. They were ecstatic that someone had finally taken initiative as they were all too chicken to do it themselves. 
So, the kisses and lingering hugs and more. . .promiscuous acts became more and more frequent. As the years passed, their bonds only became stronger, and as Namjoon’s father officially passed down the business to him to retire, they felt as if they were thriving. One day, the boys were to travel to the Middle East in order to pick up some stock and bring it back to Korea. It was no big deal to them as they have done it countless of times before. 
Just as they were finishing up their transaction, they began to explore the village for an inn that they could stay at for the night before heading back. They stopped at a stand, buying various types of foods, their stomachs practically roaring to be fed as they smelled the delicious food. Just as they were about to head back to their inn, they spotted three small children; a girl and two boys, wandering around the market as if lost. But that wasn’t what caught the boys’ attention. They looked absolutely starving. 
They watched as the little children begged many people for food only to either be ignored or to be rudely told to leave. One man even shoved the poor girl when she asked him for an apple. The seven men watched in shock at the display, observing the way the children’s shoulders slumped as they continued walking. As they got closer, Namjoon observed the amount of food in his hands before ultimately coming up with a decision. He could buy more food. 
Stepping up to the three children, he squatted down to their level, holding out the bag of food to them. They looked at him warily, but he persisted, giving them a kind smile as the girl slowly reached up and took the bag. Soon enough the rest of the boys were doing the same, handing off their bags of food to the two small boys. The three children stood in shock, staring up at them with wide curious eyes before launching themselves onto Namjoon, effectively tackling him in a hug. They did the same to the rest of the group and the boys don’t think they’ve ever smiled this hard before, but as they watched the children run off excitedly with their meals, they felt a fluttering in their hearts. 
Later on that night as they all got their rest, after buying more food and eating their dinner, Jungkook was slipping in and out of consciousness. He didn’t know why, but he had the strangest feeling that someone was watching them. 
It wasn’t until he opened his eyes and shifted in his bed did he see three pairs of glowing eyes staring directly at him. 
The poor man almost went into cardiac arrest. 
Upon discovering the three watchers, Jungkook let out a less than manly scream, alerting the six other sleeping figures in the room as they all jerked awake at the noise, trying to get their bearings as they also caught sight of the three figures in the room. 
Cue more screaming. 
It wasn’t until the three figures stepped into the moonlight filtering through the window did the screaming cease. The three children stood before them, close lipped smiles adorning their faces. Even though they stopped screaming, they were still pretty freaked out, staring at the three children for some sort of explanation. 
“We would like to thank you for your kind gesture,” said the female child, holding up her hand to stop any protests or screams from the 7 adults looking at her in fear. “But let us introduce ourselves first.” 
With that being said, the girl and two boys looked at each other, before looking back at the boys. A light began to illuminate their figures, completely engulfing them, and if that weren’t enough to freak the boys out, the children’s skin began to melt off their bodies and drop down on the floor with a wet plop. 
Once the light subsided, the children were gone and in their place stood three ethereal beings smiling down at them fondly. The 7 boys looked on in astonishment. staring at the beings in awe. 
“Hello,” the female being started. She was absolutely gorgeous with glowing golden skin and black hair pulled back away from her face. Her body was adorned in necklaces, bracelets, and rings, all glimmering in the moonlight. “My name is Kaikha. And these are my brothers Shasme and Ghokhero.” 
Shasme had blazing red skin, black hair framing his face and jewelry covering his body as well, sporting a whole extra set of arms. Ghokhero was a pale blue, completely bald, and only sporting golden bracelets on both wrists. The three stood - actually floated, as the boys looked down and found they have no feet - waiting for a reaction that didn’t come as the boys were stunned to silence. 
“If you have not figured it out yet, we are those three children you saw in the market. And we are so grateful, we would like to thank and repay you for your acts of kindness.” Shasme said, chuckling as the boys were still to shocked to speak. Kaikha, Shasme, and Ghokhero began walking towards the seven boys, placing a hand on each boy, speaking in unison. 
“We bless you with the gift of granting others what their hearts desires. May you bring happiness and humility to the world in the many years to come.” Their palms glowed bright, nearly blinding the boys as the light later faded. The three deities looked at the boys with pleased smiles on their faces. “Your act of kindness gave us hope in this dark world. It needs more people like you.” 
And with those last parting words, the three beings were gone in the blink of an eye. . . 
~ ~ ~
You stared at the boys around the room, trying to process the information they had just bestowed upon you. 
“And after that, we went back to Korea as if nothing happened. We vowed to keep it a secret so no one would take advantage of our powers. And because of this, we were able to grant your wish last night.” Taehyung concluded, having a vice like grip on Jimin’s hands. He was nervous about your reaction. 
It took a moment to collect your thoughts, but the first question that came out of your mouth was - “Wait, how old are y’all?” 
“Uhm, a couple thousand years old.” Jin answered, and your jaw dropped. You shook your head, trying to wrap your head around it all. “Ok, let me get this straight: You seven men, are actually immortal beings from Ancient Korea who were regular merchant boyfriends until one day, an act of kindness got you noticed by three Middle Eastern gods and they were so impressed by you, they gave the gift of granting wishes which apparently had the side effect of immortality and now fast forward to today, you guys are 7 of the most famous men in the world and no one knows about your secret except for you and me and now I have superpowers over a mindless wish I made after watching a Marvel movie?” 
They mulled over your brief explanation before nodding as you heard variations of “yes” “yep” and “yeah, pretty much.” Another long beat of silence took over as you took in and processed this revelation. 
“That is so. . . cool!” 
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A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as we learn how the boys got their powers in the first place. I don’t know how I feel about that backstory, but I hope you liked it. Let me know what you think. How do you feel about their backstory? How do you think the story will turn out? I’d love to hear your feedback!
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