#sure it contained arsenic and stained some things orange
always-a-slut-4-ghouls · 10 months
Why are dishes so fucking hard?! Why does the hard water here make it look like those fucking “grow your own salt crystals” experiments from my childhood?!
For example, this is my bitch of a drying rack and it’s made dishes so much harder! Vinegar is my only salvation
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remakethestars · 4 years
❝I want to apologize to all the women I have called pretty before I’ve called them intelligent or brave. I am sorry I made it sound as though something as simple as what you’re born with is the most you have to be proud of when your spirit has crushed mountains. From now on, I will say things like, ‘You are resilient,’ or, ‘You are extraordinary.’ Not because I don’t think you’re pretty. But because you are so much more than that.❞ 
— Rupi Kaur
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Headcanon masterlist.
They’re the camp hairdressers. You need a trim? You want it cut? You want it died? You want to shave it all off? Hit ‘em up.
The type of people that will straight-up chop their hair if it doesn't match their outfit. Somehow, it always works out? I'm looking at Micarah Tewers.
They also run a secret ear piercing — or anything else you need to pierce — parlor.
Okay, but consider: children of Aphrodite that grow up to be models.
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They can charm speak the photographers into letting them pick their own poses & not make them do seductive ones if they’re not comfortable with them.
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Some create clothing lines that represent sustainable fashion & have big names but small carbon footprints.
Some are spies.
Think about it! They know how to switch subtle bits of their personality to fit in with everyone they come across, when & when not to use their charm.
The hide outfits under other outfits & can slip one off in public to reveal the other & lose a tail.
And they'd probably be great at disguise makeup. Add a prosthetic chin, contour their nose differently, pull off their wig, & they're a completely different person.
Plus, their combat training at C.H.B. makes them the perfect agent.
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The floor next to their bunk is scattered with fabric cuttings, pins, needles, their sewing machine, serger, & measuring tape.
The number of times someone's gotten a needle or pin in their foot's a tad concerning.
Will absolutely not wear a top with an overstitched collar. Fast fashion is so tacky! Understitch is the way to go, the staple of a quality garment.
Vintage is better. Not because it's in style (that's a plus, though), but because the seams are big enough for you to let out, & it's made to last.
Experts at thrifting. Not just 'cause it's trendy or whatever, but because they're excellent at upcycling & far too many perfectly good clothes go into the land fill each year.
Make stunning dresses out of Good Will table cloths & curtains.
Or stitch two items together into one better whole.
They iron their clothes; they're not animals.
Really good at getting stains out?
Totally in on the corset bustier top trend, but they're using spiral steel boning in place of zip-ties. Because, again, they want things to last & they're not tacky.
Pass each other tips. Like to tuck your top into your tights to avoid the bulge under your skirt.
Some found big-name, organic makeup companies that don't test on animals. They use packaging that can be recycled or that's biodegradable.
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Borrow their clothes, sure, whatever, but double-dip in their makeup & die. The bacteria will give them acne. (Or is it the oils? Either way, you'll perish.)
Happy to drop their skincare routine, though.
You need to cover up that tattoo you got from C7? They got you.
Flawless makeup on a budget. Expensive doesn't always mean better.
They're taking you to the pool for a first date? Take a seat, C10 knows just the stuff. They use what Disney Princesses use.
Can guess the right shade of foundation/lipstick for you on the first couple tries.
A lot of them invest in magnetic lashes because glue's a b¡tch.
Reusable makeup wipes.
Rick says C10 kids just sit around the lake & check their reflection, but consider: working out gets them their dream bod. So, yes, they do, in fact, train.
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They just do it with intricate braids/hair gel & stylish sportwear.
And if a potential partner finds it unattractive that they’re “too muscly,” they’re no longer a potential partner.
Weapons disguised as jewelry or chapstick/lipstick.
Thalia had a mace canister that turned into a spear, & I gotta say, I.D.K. how she planned to get that through security. Imagine, alternatively, a tube that appears to be full of bright red lipstick when the T.S.A. agent opens it, but actually turns into a spear when opened by a half-blood.
(I have a headcanon that Riptide would just be a pen in the hands of a mortal. Bounced around for years as random objects until Poseidon nabbed it & took it to Chiron — recall that pen you lost?)
A pink, velvet choker that turns into a kopis with a dove embossed in the handle.
Many choose to train in heels. Might as well wear in training what they’ll be wearing when attacked in the street.
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They’ve got no time for internalized misogyny. 
“C10′s weak ‘cause they like being pretty!” Good way to lose a kneecap, Annabeth. You’ve grown up in this camp, you knew Selina, & you should know better.
They confront Piper’s misogyny pretty early on after The Lost Hero, but Piper still takes some time to get over her bias toward pink.
Are we not gonna talk about Rick’s fashion choices for Piper throughout the series? “She looks so fashionable.” To whom, Rick? To whom?
You couldn’t’ve done a little internet surfing just to see what was in style? I never leave the house in anything but jeans, Converse, & a graphic t-shirt from Walmart, & even I know she’s dressed like a middle-schooler! Probably because that’s how I dressed in middle-school… That’s not the point.
The point is just because a character likes makeup or fashion or the color pink, doesn’t mean they can’t/won’t fight for their lives & the lives of their friends if/when the time comes. And it doesn’t mean that they’re stupid or judgmental.
I don’t know a lot about makeup. Hades, I don’t even wear makeup — you can’t rub your eyes or scratch your face; it would drive me crazy. I don’t know a lot about fashion either. I don’t understand it, but I can respect it.
❝‘Jesus,’ Sara says as Branley walks past us. ‘Too cold to show off cleavage, so instead she goes for jeans so tight I can see her thong.’ ‘She looks nice,’ I say, and she does. Branley always looks put together in a way that tells me she spends hours in front of a mirror before going outside. And while I don’t understand that, I can respect it.❞
— Alex Craft, Mindy McGinnis’s The Female of the Species
According to The Lost Hero, all children of Aphrodite intuitively speak French. Cool, cool, cool — but consider, all of them also intuitively speak the language of flowers. 
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They see a red rose, and they just know it symbolizes love & passion. They see an orange lily, to contrast, & they know it symbolizes hatred. 
There’s a copy of The Language of Flowers in their cabin, and it’s full of annotations, like, So-and-so gave these to so-and-so for Valentines Day! And, So-and-so gave these to so-and-so after their kiss on the Fourth of July; they obviously didn’t do their research! 
They work together with C4 (Demeter) to provide flowers for funerals & the like.
C10 bookshelves also contain a lot of romance novels. 
Beaten up copies of Pride & Prejudice & The Fault in Our Stars with faded highlighter over the beautiful lines & annotations in the margins.
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The outside walls are a dusty pink, & the wood’s stained a dark brown that goes surprisingly well with the pink.
Inside, the walls are covered in faded wallpaper.
The southwest wall has a bay window with extra storage in the seat. (There’s not a body in there; they swear.)
(That’s an Arsenic & Old Lace reference, for you youngsters.)
The curtains have one chiffon layer closer to the window & a thicker floral fabric for inside. The thick curtains are replaced based on the season & whether or not someone’s decided to make a romper out of them.
They have a real bell jar with a real rose in front of the window. Legend has it it’s from Aphrodite herself.
Said window is a stained glass image of a dove.
The chaise lounge was probably beautiful when it was brought it, but it’s got fingernail polish & makeup stains on it now. Honestly, someone should really have that thing cleaned.
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As you might have noticed, I placed a gif of swans at the top instead of a fancast for Aphrodite. This is because I think, as I believe most Percy Jackson fans do, multiple people should play her. I'd cast Arden Cho, Camila Mendes, Candice Patton, Diane Kruger, & Gal Gadot to start with.
Visit my Aphrodite cabin Pinterest board or my headcanon masterlist.
DISCLAIMER ━━━ I know I got a tad political with this one, but I didn’t & don’t intend to offend anyone. ━━━ These headcanons are what I consider to be canon in my fanfictions. They may be others’s headcanons I’ve subconsciously filed away in my noggin. If one’s yours and you want it removed or credited, please send me your post and let me know.
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lynnsfics · 4 years
Coffee Stained Confusion Ch 18
<Last Chapter                           First Chapter                       Next Chapter>
TW: Mentions of torture
Alicia entered the room where Bucky was being held, a smirk on her face. “I cannot begin to describe how wonderful it was to see how much pain that put you both through.” Bucky stared at her but said nothing, not wanting to anger her and cause you more pain. “I must say though, the best is yet to come.” 
She seemed almost giddy and Bucky felt a knot form in his stomach. He had to do something. An idea came to mind. “Why don’t you let her go? Your thugs said it themselves, she’s expendable to you. If you let her out, you’ll have my full cooperation.” Of course he wasn’t being completely honest, but Alicia didn’t need to know that. “Oh, I don’t think you understand. Keeping her here has its benefits, it keeps you in line, and it gives us some more, uh, shall we say, fire power? So consider your request denied.” His heart sank, but he had a plan. “Where is she, can I at least see her?” 
“She’s in the infirmary in critical condition, that damn professor and his knife tricks.” Bucky felt like his chest was about to explode, he had to get to you before they harmed you again. “So again, consider the request officially denied. Don’t worry, she’ll be able to see you soon, though. When it’s your turn.” Alicia turned and walked out, leaving Bucky alone in the darkly lit room.
Suddenly, he realized how much time had passed since they first entered the facility. It was well past the check-in time, which meant Sam and Natasha would have been alerted to the mission going sideways. Hopefully they would be on their way with reinforcements soon. If not, things could go very badly, very quickly. 
While this interaction happened you were in the infirmary, starting to regain consciousness. A nurse was at your side, roughly bandaging your wounds. When she noticed you beginning to awaken she slowed her actions. 
She picked up the next bandage and as she set it on your neck she whispered to you, “My name is Maria Hill, I’m a S.H.I.E.L.D agent that Fury sent in case things went sour. Needless to say, they did. Natasha and Sam are on their way to provide backup but it  may take a while. Can you move?” You nodded your head, which took a great deal of work, but Maria took it as a good sign. “I infused these bandages with a cleanser, it will remove the limitations that they put on your powers, but it’s crucial that you don’t use them until I give you the go ahead. Otherwise we could risk going right back to where we are now.” She handed you a miniscule listening device, “This will allow you to hear me when the time is ready. But it is one way, so you won’t be able to contact me. Understood?” You nodded again. “Good. I should warn you, what they did to you, they’re about to do to Sergeant Barnes. You will be forced to watch, I cannot do anything to stop it. But you can’t let on that you know backup is coming, or they’ll be prepared. Do you think you can handle that?” “I can’t just watch him be tortured, what if they reactivate the mind control?” “That’s why you have your powers back. But only use them if it comes down to it. When you were in the chair they threatened to kill you if Bucky tried to intervene. I doubt they would do the same to him, since he’s more valuable to them, no offense, but you can’t be too certain of anything.” A guard walked past, and called over to her. “Hurry up, they need that one in the viewing room.”  Maria helped you up before the guard came over and hauled you out of the room. He led you down a series of winding halls, leading you to an empty room, the only things it contained were a chair, much like the one you had been in earlier, and a window giving a view of the torture room. 
You had to hold back a cry when you saw Bucky strapped to the chair. Running to the window, you felt something dark grab ahold of you. It would be so easy to melt the glass, to kill the two HYDRA agents that were holding you back. You tried to stop yourself, and eventually the threat of flames was gone from your mind. If you played your cards wrong, Bucky could die. A sharp pain filled your chest, although you weren’t sure what caused it, the bullet wound or the threat of a life without Bucky in it. 
The agents strapped you to the chair, a shock of pain going through your neck as they did. The professor wheeled the cart into the torture room. He looked directly at the glass, and although you knew he couldn’t see you, a chill still went down your spine. “Good evening, frauline. I hope you enjoy tonight’s entertainment. However, there will be a twist.” A patch with wires connected to it was placed onto your neck. “We believe you are ready for initiation into our ranks. This is the perfect experience to muddle your brain just enough to have you back under our control.” 
Bucky jerked forward in his chair, “Don’t you dare touch her.” He looked at the glass, and you felt an ache in your chest knowing he couldn’t really see you. “Doll, I promise I’ll get you out of here. Just stay with me. You promised you’d stay with me.”  An electric pulse went through the chair and Bucky fell back into the seat, but he remained the “eye contact” he had made with you. A whispered “You promised,” left his lips before another shock went through the chair. 
You tried to stay calm but you could feel the heat rising. The agent turned the device on, and you felt a current go through you. The professor selected a knife from his arsenal and held it up so it glinted in the light. He approached Bucky, but instead of showing fear for himself, he looked directly into the professor’s eyes. “I swear to God, if you hurt her again, I will hunt you down and make every last second of your life a living hell.” Looking directly through the glass he smirked, “Turn up the current.” An electric wave travelled through your body and for a moment you forgot where you were. You closed your eyes. You had to make it out of here, you had made a promise that you intended on keeping. Maria Hill’s voice came through the mic in your ear. “Backup should be here soon, find a way to keep him talking but don’t use the fire until the last possible second.” Looking towards one of your guards, you asked, “Is there a way I can speak with him?” The two agents shared a look, but eventually shrugged and pressed a button, turning on an intercom. “You know, professor, I always had a feeling you didn’t like me. Such a shame too, I always did so well in your class. But who knew favoritism could extend this far?” His face contorted in rage, “Do you really think you’re in a position to be talking back to me, frauline?” 
“Apparently, I do.” Bucky looked towards the glass again, silently asking what you were doing. “To be quite honest, I don’t think you know who you’re talking to.” “That’s it,” he snarled, “I will not tolerate such disrespect in my own laboratory. Tell the boss there was a code orange, the kill order has been given.”  
Bucky’s face went pale, “If you lay a hand on her-” “I will regret it. Yes, you’ve made that quite clear, Sergeant Barnes. However you haven’t done anything yet, and I believe we’re at a point where you won’t be able to do anything to me in the future.” Maria’s voice rang through your ear, “Reinforcements aren’t close enough, but code orange is serious. Initiate your powers now.” All the rage and sadness and pent up emotions came spilling to the surface. Flames burst through your skin, searing the agents next to you and burning through your restraints. You ran to the glass, and pressed a hand to it. The window started to bend, but not enough to melt the glass. Allowing the anger to be replaced by memories, you thought back to the night your parents died. The night you blamed yourself for. The heat rose and the glass turned into a smoking molten mixture. You stepped into the torture room, slowly allowing your flames to go out. You stepped towards Bucky’s chair and pulled his restraints off. Your eyes met his, and you knew that whatever was about to happen, he would be there for you.
The professor turned towards you, a prideful tone in his voice, “This isn’t the end, you know. One way or another you will fall back into our clutches. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Hail HYDRA.” With that, he attempted to swallow a cyanide pill. Bucky stepped in, stopping him.
“It won’t be that easy,” he said, shoving him into the chair. “We aren’t done with you yet. SHIELD has some questions for you,” he secured the restraints around his arms, “and I have to make good on my promise.” Bucky turned to you, his eyes full of emotion, “I thought I might never see you again, when he ordered code orange, doll I-”
You interrupted him with your lips crashing into his. He was stunned for a moment but soon returned the kiss. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer, scared if he let you go he would risk losing you again. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair, needing to be as close to him as possible, needing to know this was real. As you melted into the kiss, your heart pounded in your chest. When you were finally forced to break away for air, you rested your head on his shoulder, feeling safe for the first time in what felt like eons. “I promised you I wouldn’t leave you,” you whispered. 
A familiar voice came from the doorway, “Well, now we know what we almost interrupted the other day.” Sam and Natasha entered the room, followed by a few SHIELD agents. 
“You owe me five bucks,” Natasha said to Sam, “I told you, life threatening experiences bring people together.” 
“Sure, whatever, but how about I pay up once we’re safe outside.” Sam replied sulkily.
The agents circled around the professor, blocking his escape. Reluctantly, Bucky stepped back from you, allowing you to reignite the flames in your hands. “Alicia should be in the main holding area,” you said.
“Well, it seems like you don’t know as much about me as you thought you did.” Alicia stood in the alone in the hall.
“Where’s your backup Alicia?” you asked, venom dripping from your voice.
“My backup? Oh, he’s already here.” Confused, you looked at the professor, but he was still surrounded by guards. It was then you noticed the red book in her hands. She began to read from it in Russian, “Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak.”
“Stop!” Bucky cried out, his face contorted in pain. It was like a switch had been flipped in your mind as you made the connection. His trigger words. She was trying to bring out the Winter Soldier. 
You raced towards her, your heart racing. You tried to wrestle the book from her grasp, but despite the flames licking at her hands, she kept a tight grip on the book. It wasn’t long before she had hideous welts showing up on her skin. Your mind flashed back to the video of you killing Elaine Berlioz. The same welts appeared on her skin before her death. You stumbled backwards, letting go of Alicia. 
She continued reading, “Seventeen, benign.” Bucky’s eyes met yours, and you could see the pain he was in, trying to keep the Winter Soldier at bay. With renewed conviction, you grabbed the book directly from Alicia’s hands, one flaming hand on the book, the other setting her hair alight. She screamed and dropped it, and you grabbed it before it even hit the floor. It was incinerated almost instantaneously. After the fire on her head was out, Alicia screamed, her voice filled with anger, “You treacherous little bitch. Don’t you know it’s rude to take things from others?” 
“Don’t you know it’s rude to kill someone’s parents?” 
“HYDRA made you into what you are today. Where would you be without us?” “I’d probably be a normal college student,” you laughed, “But I wouldn’t give up what I found for the world. HYDRA didn’t ‘make’ me, from now on who I am, what I do, those are my decisions.” Your body became covered in flames and you smiled. “You branded me a phoenix, Alicia. Don’t be surprised when I rise from the ashes.”
Hey everyone, just a heads up that there’s only two chapters left after this one! Like always, likes and reblogs are appreciated! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! Love you all <3
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A home away from the hustle and bustle of city life is a dream come true for many families. But, if you’re considering a move to the country or have recently purchased a house in a rural area, you could be in for a few surprises.
One of the most significant differences between city and country living is where your home’s water comes from. In many rural homes, you’ll have a private well rather than water supplied and treated by a municipality. Well water may look, taste, and smell differently than water from a city home. It may also create unwanted effects on bathing, housecleaning, and laundry.
There are more than 15 million homes with well water in the United States, and it is generally safe to use and consume. However, there are some things you should know about owning a home with a private well that will reduce health and safety risks while making sure your family has quality water that makes life easy and enjoyable.
When you own a home with a private well, the safety and quality of the water is your responsibility. Well water almost always requires some softening and filtration to make it ideal for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. Here are several other things you should know …
1.  Well Water Comes Straight from the Ground
Well water is groundwater that is untreated. Well drillers drill down to the aquifer, which is an underground layer of permeable rock containing water. Then, a pump system is installed to carry the water up from the ground and into your home.
It isn’t hard to find drinkable groundwater. But, since groundwater is essentially rain that has moved through the soil and into an aquifer, it can absorb a lot of other things along the way. There’s much more in your well water than H2O.
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2.  Well Water is Usually Hard
Because water is an incredible solvent, groundwater will dissolve organic matter, including minerals found in the soil and rocks beneath the Earth’s surface. The minerals calcium and magnesium are what make well water hard.
Unless you live in a region where there is naturally less of these minerals, a home with a private well will likely require a water softener. If you’re building a home in the country without access to municipal water, a softening system should be installed. If you purchase an existing home, it may already have a water softener. Keep in mind, the equipment may need to be updated to  efficiently and effectively treat your well water.
Discover signs your water softener needs to be replaced, or consider having a free water quality analysis to find out how to fix problems with your well water. If you’re unfamiliar with water treatment equipment, you can learn more about how water softeners work on our blog.
3.  Well Water Can be Smelly and Cause Staining
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When moving into a house, you may notice stains on fixtures and in sinks, tubs, and toilets. Some of this could be lime scale due to hardness, however, the most frustrating stains from well water come from high iron content.
Iron is not a safety concern, but it can be a major nuisance, changing the taste of your water and causing unsightly orange stains that are difficult to remove. While there are tips and tricks for removing iron stains, the only way to get rid of them for good is to install special iron filtration systems
Patterson’s Quality Water offers Evolve Salt Free Iron Filters which oxidize dissolved iron so it can be filtered out of your water. This water treatment equipment can also filter out sulfur, which is another common well water problem. Sulfur is usually to blame for water that smells like rotten eggs.
In some cases, special water treatment media, such as Crystal-Right™, can be used to remove iron and reduce sulfur odor from well water. This specialized material can also soften water at the same time, reducing the number of treatment equipment systems needed for your home. You’ll need a local water treatment expert to evaluate your situation and recommend the best solution. Find out about other reasons why your water smells.
4.  Well Water Can Become Contaminated
Most common problems with well water are simply aesthetics, but there can also be more serious concerns. While groundwater found in private wells is less susceptible to pollution than surface water, it is certainly possible for wells to become contaminated.
Naturally occurring contaminants include elements such as uranium, radon, and arsenic, which are dissolved in groundwater as it moves through soil and rock. These chemicals are found at different levels in different regions of the United States. Your local water treatment expert can help you understand risks specific to your part of the country.
You can also check out our Regional Water Roadmap and articles in the Regional Water Problems series to research typical concerns:
Water quality problems in the Northeast
Water quality problems in the Great Lakes states
Water quality problems in the Midwest/Plains
Water quality problems in the Southeast
Water quality problems in Mountain states
Water quality problems on the West Coast
Contamination from agricultural runoff is one of the most common and problematic health and safety issues. Septic tanks located too close to a private well can also cause contamination. One of the biggest concerns is nitrate contamination. At elevated levels, nitrates pose a health risk to pregnant mothers and young children.
The EPA has more about well water contaminants and their potential impact.
The best way to get peace of mind about potential well water contaminants is to have a reverse osmosis (R.O.) drinking water system installed in your home. An R.O. system is a special form of water filtration that greatly reduces trace elements, heavy metals, and bacteria, producing great-tasting water for drinking and cooking – right from the kitchen sink!
Find out more about the benefits of reverse osmosis water and how an R.O. system works.
5. Well Water Must be Tested at Least Once a Year
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The quality of well water is constantly changing, and the best way to protect your family is to have your well tested. While it isn’t required by the government, it’s an essential step to keep your family safe. The EPA recommends that you test your well once a year for E. coli and coliform bacteria at the absolute minimum. You should also test your water for radon and arsenic, minerals such as iron, manganese, nitrate levels, and any volatile organic compounds to ensure your home’s water is safe.
If you do notice a change in water quality, (appearance, odor, taste, etc.) it’s a good idea to have your well tested, even if it hasn’t been a year since the last test.
There are at-home, out-of-the-box tests you can purchase and perform yourself. When you go this route, it is important to read what exactly the kit is testing for – not all tests are created equal.
All Water-Right, Evolve, and WaterCare professionals have access to our state-certified Clean Water Testing laboratory. They can collect samples from your well, send them to our lab, and provide you with reports on water quality. When your water is examined by Clean Water Testing, you get the peace of mind knowing your water is professionally tested by a state-certified lab. You’ll also have the added convenience and confidence to review results with a professional water treatment expert.
Buying a Home with a Private Well
Knowing area water concerns can help you take proactive measure towards protecting your well. Find out if there are known water issues in the area and if there are any contamination concerns due to runoff from agriculture or nearby industrial activity.
Before moving into a house with a well, learn about the well’s history, condition, and capacity by asking the current owner for a history log. This will help you identify what has been done to the well in the past, how much it holds, and what the flow rate is to see if it will meet your household’s needs. It’s also a good idea to ask what the home’s seller is currently doing to treat the water.
Read about specific signs of problems with private wells and continue to educate yourself.
Groundwater quality differs greatly and changes frequently. Your home may have completely different water problems than your neighbor’s down the road. That’s why the advice of a trusted, local water treatment expert can be so valuable.
Having a private well shouldn’t discourage you from moving into that dream house in the country. You simply need the right partner to help you make sure your home’s water quality is right for your family’s needs.
Patterson’s Quality Water can help!
No matter the issue, Patterson’s Quality Water team of experts can come to your home and provide a thorough water quality analysis, helping you identify solutions to your problems that leave you with the right water for life.
Call us today!  732-928-0771
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wandaseella · 7 years
TIP! If your pipes are so noisy that they sound like squeaking or hammering, you can easily solve this problem. Exposed pipes need to be anchored.
When dealing with plumbing problems, it’s important that you’re taking care of things the right way. Sometimes, it takes a good bit of advice to get you to the right solution, and these tips offer a great resource to start from.
TIP! Avoiding frozen pies is easy if you ensure no area of your house ever falls below freezing and that any pipes which are exposed to such temperatures are protected with insulation. Your pipes can freeze if temperatures around them fall below freezing.
Pump out your septic tank at least every five years to keep it in proper working condition. This keeps the sediment from building in the tank, which can cause septic tank failure or backup into your house. The cost to have your tank pumped might be a little steep, but it sure beats the alternative of dealing with sewage in your home or on your property.
TIP! If a pipe freezes, make sure you turn the closest faucet to allow the thawing water to exit. Letting the water drain out will relieve pressure in the frozen pipe, which will reduce the chances of it bursting and damaging your home.
Your plumbing experience can go a lot smoother when you know your tools, as well as how to handle them properly. Read all of the equipment’s manuals and read up as much as you can on plumbing projects. Make sure that, before you jump in and start taking things apart, you plan your plumbing repair first.
TIP! Do not pay anything until the problem is fixed. Some plumbers may require a deposit, but don’t fork over all the dough until the job is completed to spec.
Put the strainer on top of drains to catch any food that would go down and cause a clog. Clean the kitchen sink strainer any time something collects in it. The ones in the bathroom can be cleaned out as needed.
TIP! Avoid putting grease, fat, and other oils down your drain. Oils will eventually harden and clog up your drain.
If your home has a well for water and there are pink or orange stains in the sinks and tubs, this could be due to high iron content in your water. A water softener will take care of the issue. This can either be done by yourself, or you can hire a professional to come and take care of.
TIP! To make sure your garbage disposal last a long time, clean it regularly. Prevent unsavory disposal odors through regular use of citrus peel, cherry pits and dish detergent.
A sink hose that is installed incorrectly will lead to water flowing into the dishwasher. The hose at the kitchen sink going to the dishwasher should follow a specific uphill, then downhill pattern. This prevents unwanted mixing of water between the sink and dishwasher.
TIP! Make sure all the work on your plumbing is scheduled at one time. If a problem is minor, it can be wise to put off repair until you have more than one item to fix.
Don’t skimp on quality when it’s time to replace that shower head. People often times incorrectly believe that it’s alright to buy a cheap shower head. The disadvantage to doing so is that these models are not highly durable and easily break.
TIP! Check overflow holes to make sure there’s no clog. You may not even notice the overflow holes on your sink, but if you have a major water leak you will soon regret your apathy.
When your pipes have clogs and you are thinking of using a pipe cleaner, choose a cleaner that is enzyme based. These types of cleaners will use natural bacteria so that the sludge will turn into liquid form, and be removed from your pipes. Enzyme cleaners are considered one of the best the market has.
TIP! It is very important to to use lots of cold water when running your garbage disposal. Cold water helps to maintain the sharpness of the blades and makes the disposal run more smoothly.
A costly repair, in regards to plumbing, are frozen pipes. Fortunately, you can generally prevent your pipes from freezing. Insulate your outside pipes. And when the temperatures start dropping, you will want to drain your hoses and disconnect them, and then turn off all of the outside faucets. If you do this, it will help you to save on repair bills.
TIP! You can save a lot of money in your energy bills by putting in efficient shower heads. Your shower consumes a majority of the hot water usage in your home.
If you get grout in your pipes, you won’t be able to get it out by yourself. With a little effort, you can get some of the grout broken down and on its way down the line. This will work better if the pipes you have are plastic instead of metal. However, you may never be fully rid of the grout without the assistance of a professional.
Drain Cleaners
TIP! If you want to save a lot of time and money on plumbing repairs, prevention is the best weapon you have in your arsenal. Clogged drains are one of the more common issues when it comes to plumbing problems.
Keep from using harsh drain cleaners. Drain cleaners contain caustic and damaging chemicals which can destroy your pipes if used too often. Instead, if you find your drain is blocked up, look at hiring a professional to come out and look at it to see what the problem is.
TIP! Frozen pipes can cause some very expensive plumbing repair jobs. Fortunately, it is usually relatively easy to prevent your pipes from freezing.
When you’re ready to take on plumbing issues, use the information in this article to help you along the way. You need to take care of plumbing problems the proper way, or if you hire a professional, make sure you hire the right one. Give these tips the consideration they deserve.
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