#surah anfal
navramanan · 8 months
sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart that saddam burns in the deepest pits of hell
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areejabdel-muttalib · 2 years
ۚ تُرِيدُونَ عَرَضَ الدُّنْيَا وَاللَّهُ يُرِيدُ الْآخِرَةَ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ (٦٧)
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muslimah255 · 24 days
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From Quran Kareem
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umtxqwa · 7 months
‎إِن يَعْلَمِ اللَّهُ فِي قُلُوبِكُمْ خَيْرًا
‎If Allāh knows there is anything good in your hearts,
‎He will give you better than that which has been taken away from you,
‎And He will forgive you. And Allāh is Forgiving, Merciful.
‎— Surah Al-Anfal [8:70]
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Which surah to read for husband’s love? Benefits of Surah Anfal Ayat 63
Do you wish to find out which surah to read for husband’s love gives the best results? You must learn about the benefits of the surah Anfal ayat 63 wazifa for the best benefits. The Surah Anfal ayat 63 for love wazifa is the best prayer for married women. This surah for women’s love is the best prayer to win your partner’s affection. To read more about the Surah Anfal for love, visit: https://marriageistikhara.com/surah-to-read-for-husband-love/
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fluffy-appa · 6 months
“If Allah knows there is anything good in your hearts,
He will give you better than that which has been taken away from you,
And He will forgive you. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”
Surah Al-Anfal [8:70]
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deenemaan · 2 months
But they plan, and Allāh plans. And Allāh is the best of planners.
Surah Al Anfal Ayah 30
Reciter: Sheikh Saad Al Ghamdi
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blogbyameera · 6 months
Remember this next when you buy from those companies that are funding Isr@el :
" Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert [people] from the way of Allāh. So they will spend it; then it will be for them a [source of] regret; then they will be overcome. And those who have disbelieved - unto Hell they will be gathered. " Surah Al Anfal 8:36
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wrappedinamysteryy · 1 month
Be in no doubt that Allah gives you better in return for that which you left for His sake.
"If Allah knows any good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what was taken from you, and He will forgive you; and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
📚: Surah al-Anfal (8:70)
-Manhaj of the Salaf (Whatsapp)
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“Know well that your belongings and your children are but a trial and that with Allah there is a mighty reward”
{Surah 8. Al-Anfal, Ayat 28} 🕋#learningislamtogether
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salahontime · 7 months
always you'll come to realise how his plans were way better than yours and how Allah ﷻ actually protected you from your own plans.
“But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.”
[Surah Al-Anfal | Ayah 30]
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shifa-ameen · 3 months
Surah Al Anfal
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muslimah255 · 1 year
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From Quran Kareem
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invitetoislam92 · 5 months
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Al-Qur'an | Surah Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) | Verse 64
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verses-n-moon · 7 months
There's an ayah in the Qur'an (Surah Anfal) that translates to"HE will give you something better than what was taken from you" and I don't think there's anything more reassuring and calming than the words of Allah.
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fluffy-appa · 26 days
Make a lot of Istighfar as it is a barrier from the punishment of Allah ﷻ:
وما كان الله معذبهم وهم يستغفرون
"...And Allah will not punish them while they are seeking forgiveness..."
[Surah al-Anfal Ayah 33]
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