#surah al fajr
quranindex · 1 year
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Search, Read, Listen, Download and Share #Surah #Al-Fajr [89] @ https://quranindex.info/surah/al-fajr #Quran #Islam
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muslimah255 · 9 months
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From Quran Kareem
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sabrgirl · 4 months
4 habits that will change your life ✨
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istighfar x100 a day
i cannot stress enough how powerful istighfar is. when i first started doing this x100 a day, i almost told my therapist i don't need therapy anymore because life suddenly got so much better lol. obviously, that didn't last because life isn't consistent and stable like that. nonetheless, istighfar protects you, it gives you strength through Allah's Mercy, it brings you closer to Him, it grants you peace and happiness. it doesn't take too long to do 100 times a day. just sit there after a prayer, i picked fajr, and recite 'astagfirullah' on your fingers like you would usually do tasbih after salah, or use beads etc. it takes about 5 minutes of your day and will change your life. try it every day for 1 week and see what happens.
dhikr when you wake up and before you go to bed
by doing this, you're starting and ending your day with the remembrance of Allah. my grandma used to say that the way you start your morning determines the rest of your day. it's also scientifically proven that the first thing your brain gets dopamine from is what your brain is going to look for the rest of the day. for eg, if you go on your phone as soon as you wake up, you're more likely to be tapping your phone, scrolling, going on your phone for the rest of the day. because it sets the tone!
so, if you start your day with the remembrance of Allah, not only are you getting blessings for it and improving your relationship with Him, but you'll set the tone for the rest of the day and will probably be more inclined to do dhikr later on too. i can testify that it definitely works. it's the best way to get your day started.
and when you end with dhikr, it's the same thing but in reverse--a peaceful way to end the day, easier to fall asleep and a great way to feel connected to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ. it's also scientifically proven that the condition you fall asleep in usually stays with the person all night. think about a time you've had such a good day/night and you fall asleep happy. did you wake up feeling good? what about when you've fallen asleep crying or upset? maybe the sleep was so good after but did you still wake up happy? so, if you go to sleep in a state of remembering Allah, you'll likely wake up in that state too.
now think about the benefits of doing dhikr as you go to bed and wake up every single day. you'll always be in a state of the remembrance of Allah! the Prophet ﷺ used to recite the last three surah's of the qur'an, ayatul kursi and the last two verses of surah baqarah. you can do any dhikr you'd like, 'subhanallah wa bihamdi' or 'alhamdulillah' or 'astagfirullah'. pick whatever you like.
surah mulk before bed
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (ﷺ) said:
"There is a surah in the Qur'an, with thirty verses, which will intercede for its companion (the one who recites it) until he is forgiven: Tabarakal-ladhi bi yadihil mulk (Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the Dominion)." - Surah Mulk (Sunan Ibn Majah 3786)
surah mulk has lots of benefits, and Abdullah bin Mas‘ud (one of the companions of our beloved Prophet ﷺ) narrated that “whoever recites Surah al-Mulk every night, Allah will prevent the punishment of grave by this Surah”. 
so clearly, there are a lot of benefits by reciting this surah that we will thank ourselves for in the next life - preparing for our akhirah (afterlife) is very important. you'll also end your day with the remembrance of Allah and have the specific reminder through this surah that everything belongs to Allah and is under His control. it helps me have nice dreams too.
it's not very long, it has 30 verses so it won't take a really long time.
learning a new surah bimonthly
this helps you build a relationship with the Qur'an and is a nice challenge for you to incorporate into your life. i recommend reading the translation and commentary of the surah first, so that you don't simply memorise it but know what it's about, what Allah is trying to say with the chapter and how you can live by it. but incorporating the memorisation of Allah's words into your life is a gamechanger: you'll build a bond with Allah, with the Qur'an and also with your salah too. because it's always exciting to be able to recite a new surah in your prayers - being able to do that multiple times a year is great.
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start small and you will turn these all of these into habits. remember that the Prophet ﷺ said that 'the best of deeds are those which are done consistently, even if it is a little' (Sunan Ibn Majah 4240). what do we call things that are done consistently? habits!
start with one and do it every day for 30 days. then keep going and slowly add another once the first one has become fully established as a habit. sometimes we want to rush and do everything all at once and change our lives overnight. that's the worst thing to do because you'll either never do it or, you will start, then become so overwhelmed with so many new things to do that the habits won't stay and won't be long term. don't worry, we have our whole lives :) start slow and your life will change for the better. may Allah make it easy for us all, Ameen ♡
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wordsbyhisheart · 4 months
Qur’anic Sūrats and Ad’iyyah (supplications) and Wadhāif (Litanies) to pray:
Before Fajr:
Read the three Quls three times (Ikhlāṡ, Falaq and Nās)
Read SubhanAllāhi Wa Bi Ḣamdihi 100 times
Yā Wahhābu 7 times
After Fajr
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā ‘Azīzu Yā Allāh 100 times
Sūrah Yāsīn
After Dhuhr
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Karīmu Yā Allāh 100 times
After Asar
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Jabbāru Yā Allāh 100 times
Read the three Quls three times (Ikhlāṡ, Falaq and Nās)
After Maghrib
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Sattāru Yā Allāh 100 times
After Isha
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Ghaffaru Yā Allāh 100 times
Sūrah al-Mulk
Before sleeping
Surah Fātiha (4 times)
Āyat al-Kursī
4 Quls (Blow on your hands and rub all over the body)
4th Kalima 4 times
Astaghfirullah 10 times
Durud Sharif 10 times
Anytime during the day
Durūd Sharif at least 100 times
Astaghfirullāh 100 times
Lā Ilāha illAllāh 100 times
Lā Hawla Wa Lā Quwwata illā Billāhil ‘Aliyyil Adhīm 100 times
Thursday Nights
SallAllahu Alan Nabiyyil Ummiyyi Wa Ālihi (1000 times)
Sūraah al-Dukhān
Sūrah al-Kahaf
Durūd Sharif at least 500 times
This is a general schedule for very beginners. I hope this will suffice for now.
For more daily Wadhāif and Supplications read “Al-Wadhīfah Al-Karīmah” compiled and authored by Imām Ahmad Ridā Khān (رحمة الله عليه) and also if you have more time then start reading “Dalāil Al-Khayrāt” daily by Imām Al-Juzūli (رحمة الله عليه).
Allāh knows best.
— Mawlana Mohamed Husein Qadri
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deenemaan · 4 months
[To the righteous it will be said], "O reassured soul, Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him], and enter among My [righteous] servants and enter My Paradise.
Surah Al Fajr Ayah 27-30
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farisjax · 4 months
Surah Ikhlas and Surah Al-kafirun are sometimes together known as " Ikhlaseen "
( meaning two surah of sincerity)
Prophet pbuh recited Surah al-Kafirun and Surah al-Ikhlas in the two rakats (units) of Prayer before the obligatory Prayers of Fajr (Morning) Prayers, and in the two units of Prayer following the obligatory Prayers of Maghrib (Evening) Prayers, and that these two surahs were called the purity of faith.
So u should also do accordingly in your prayers ( i.e reading Surah Ikhlas and Surah Kafirun).
Surat al-Ikhlas is equivalent to one-third of the Quran. Al-Bukhari (6643 )
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uma1ra · 1 year
Allah is calling YOU – Everything you need to know about Tahajjud!
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وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَتَهَجَّدْ بِهِ نَافِلَةً لَكَ عَسَىٰ أَنْ يَبْعَثَكَ رَب��ُكَ مَقَامًا مَحْمُودًا
“And from [part of] the night, pray with it as additional [worship] for you; it is expected that your Lord will resurrect you to a praised station.” [Quran, 17: 79]
Benefits of Tahajjud (The Night Prayer):
· By praying tahajjud, you are following the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) which he never used to miss.
· It is a way of getting your Dua answered
· Praying it will bring light to your face and soul
· It helps you fight and control your desires
· It is a way of getting your sins forgiven
· Praying it makes you closer to Allah
· It softens the heart and humbles you in front of Allah
· It builds the love of the Hereafter in your heart
· It strengthens the Quran that you have memorised
Praying tahajjud has amazing benefits that cannot be ignored: it is a means of avoiding the punishment of Hell and attaining Jannah, and we should understand the great blessings it brings of conversing with our Lord. In Surat Al-Furqan from verse 64-76, we learn that praying tahajjud is a means of avoiding hell.
Allah Most High said, “Establish worship at the going down of the sun until the dark of the night, and (the recital of) the Qur’an at dawn. Lo! (the recital of) the Qur’an at dawn is ever witnessed. And some part of the night awake for its recital, as voluntary worship for you. It may be that your Lord will raise you to a praised estate.” [Qur’an, 17: 78-79]
Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “The best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer.” [Muslim]
And he said: “You should pray qiyaam al-layl, for it is the custom of the righteous who came before you and it brings you closer to your Lord, and expiates sins and prevents misdeeds.”
{Narrated by al-Tirmidhi}
Night prayer is harder on the lower self (nafs), because night is a time of rest from the tire of the day, so leaving sleep despite the nafs desiring it is a tremendous struggle. Some have said: ‘The best of works are those the lower self is forced to perform.’
Allah has praised those who wake up at night for His remembrance, supplication, and to seek forgiveness and beg Him, saying, ‘They forsake their beds to cry unto their Lord in fear and hope, and spend of what We have bestowed on them. No soul knows what is kept hid from them of joy, as a reward for what they used to do.’ [Qur’an, 32: 16-17]
Night time is the best of times for voluntary worship and prayer, and the closest a servant is to his Lord. It is a time when the doors of the sky are opened, supplications answered, and the needs of those who ask fulfilled.
Reported By Abu Hurayrah: The Messenger of Allah(saw) said:”Our LORD descends to the lowest heaven during the Last Third of The Night, inquiring, “Who will call on ME so that I may Respond to Him? Who is asking something of ME so I may Give it to him?,Who is Asking for MY FORGIVENESS so I may FORGIVE HIM..”
Timing Of This Salah
Tahajjud prayer is implemented in the final third of a night after waking up from one`s sleep.
How to pray Tahajjud
Tahajjud prayer should be prayed in 2. So 2 rakaat per prayer. Its recommended amount is 8 rakaat, because this was the general practice of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). The minimum is 2 rakaat.
Tahajjud prayer is prayed like any normal prayer: surat Al-Fatiha is read first then any other surah. But in tahajjud prayer you can make any dua you want in sujood, whereas in the 5 obligatory prayer you can only say a dua that is from the quran in sujood.
If you want to start praying tahajjud, then start off slowly. The first time wake up 5-10 minutes before fajr and pray 1 prayer of tahajjud. Then slowly increase the amount and wake up earlier and earlier as this will be easier for you and you will get used to it by slowly transitioning and increasing the number of rakaat and waking up earlier. Even if you start by performing it once or twice a week that is fine and slowly increase it. In Sha Allah.
The Messenger (PBUH) has regarded this Salah as a great source of getting rid of satanic influence and attainment of almost all kinds of just desires and aspirations.
Narrated by Uqba ibn Amir (R.A):
“When one, out of two persons of my Ummah gets up at night and motivates himself for Wudhu despite not feeling to do so since, Shaytaan had tied knots on him. When he washes his two hands in Wudhu, one knot is loosened, when he washes his face, another knot is loosened when he wipes his head with wet hands another knot is loosened, when he washes his feet yet another knot is loosened. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala says to those behind the veil- His angels: “Look at My slaves! How much hardship he is enduring in dealing with his Nafs (inner self), so now whatever this slave asks of Me, it will be granted to him.” (Ahmad)
How to Wake Up for Tahajjud
· Sleep early: I know this one is a cliché. But it truly does make a huge difference when you sleep early because it is then much easier to wake up for tahajjud. Even if you sleep late, you may still be able to get up for tahajjud but you will be extremely sleepy and tired and this will cause you to have a lack of concentration in your salaah and you will be rushing your salaah so you can quickly hop back in bed. When you sleep early and wake up for tahajjud, you will wake up feeling fresh and alert! Try your best to plan your night time routine and be in bed by a specific time.
· Sincere intention: I personally think that this is the most important step in waking up for tahajjud. Because sometimes when you have made a true and sincere intention, you will wake up just before your alarm on your own SubhanAllah. Make a sincere intention that you will wake up for tahajjud. Don’t just hope that you will wake up or think to yourself that it will be nice if you wake up. No. Actually tell yourself “I will wake up for tahajjud” and then take precautionary measures. Because even if you put an alarm and sleep early but do not have a sincere intention, I guarantee that you will turn that alarm right off and go back to sleep. If there is one bit of doubt or unwillingness in your intention then you will not get up. Keep in mind that if you make an intention to wake up for tahajjud but don’t by accident, you will still get the rewards as if you have prayed it.
· Know the importance/virtues/benefits of Tahajjud: This is extremely important in my opinion too. Because learning about the importance, benefits and virtues will motivate you to get up for tahajjud once you know how rewarding it is and the benefits. Search about it or ask someone knowledgeable to tell you about it and it will definitely motivate you to wake up.
· Wudhu before sleeping: Ibn Abbas reported that Allah’s Messenger said: ‘Purify these bodies and Allah will purify you, for there is no slave who goes to sleep in a state of purity but an Angel spends the night with him, and every time he turns over, the Angel says: ‘O Allah! Forgive Your Slave, for he went to bed in a state of purity.”
· 1.5 hours sleep rule: There is a theory in sleep science that states that every human being completes an entire sleep cycle in 1.5 hours, therefore, try to wake up at the end of multiple 1.5 hours (e.g. 1.5 hours or 3 hours or 4.5 hours and so on), you will wake up fresh, alert and rejuvenated. If for example you sleep at 12 am, set your alarm at 4:30 am because you would have slept for 4.5 hours, although each person is different depending on how long it takes to fall asleep so calculate it depending on your sleep!
· Reading Surat Al-Ikhlaas: Recite Surah Al-Ikhlaas 3 times before sleeping and make a sincere intention to wake up for tahajjud and intend on a time that you wish to wake up within.
· Put an alarm: Obviously putting an alarm in extremely important. Put multiple alarms, not just one and put the volume really loud. You can also place your alarm far away from you so that you actually have to get up to turn if off.
· Last verse of surat al kahf: Read the last verse of Surat Al-Kahf and make an intention to wake up for Fajr.
· Dua: Constantly make dua to Allah swt to make it easy for you and give you the strength to get up for tahajjud easily.
· Start this habit in Ramadan: Since we all are extra motivated in Ramadan and feel that our Imaan is sky high, try start waking up for tahajjud in Ramadan and try pray it as much as possible so you can continue the habit after Ramadan ends InshaAllah.
We should try our utmost best to pray tahajjud as much as we can and make it a habit for it is one of the best ways to get closer to Allah and gain high ranks in the hereafter as well as a way of getting your dua to be accepted. Once you begin praying tahajjud, trust me, you will never want to stop praying it and the feeling you will get after praying it is a feeling you cannot put in words. You will feel a heightened sense of satisfaction, achievement and contentment. Just waking up while everyone else is sleeping and while everything is so silent around you gives you a sense of peace and alone time with your Lord. There is no one around you to watch you pour your heart out to Allah and there is no one watching you cry. I cannot really put in words the feeling you get after praying tahajjud. You just have to pray it to experience it. Let me be honest here: on some days where your imaan has dropped a little, it will be harder to wake up for tahajjud. BUT do not let that let you down and find ways to motivate yourself and find ways of increasing your imaan and know that everyone experiences a fluctuation of imaan in their life and you are not the only one.
Keep in mind the first step to waking up to tahajjud is first start waking up for fajr (if you don’t already) and if you struggle to get up for tahajjud after some sleep, then pray Qiyam Al-Layl which is when you pray before going to sleep after Isha. Keep trying and do not give up in the Mercy and help of Allah.
It is important to know that waking up for fajr and tahajjud is a blessing from Allah and it only occurs by His permission. Therefore, when using the advice, I have given to wake up for tahajjud, keep in mind you are only taking the means, but your hops and heart should be constantly connected to Allah who has the ability to wake you up. Pray that you wake up early and worship Him, ask help from Him.
The ultimate advice I will give is to try and not to give up. I pray that Allah makes it easy for all of us and allows us to wake up for tahajjud with ease. Ameen.
One last thing, I read this somewhere and found it absolutely beautiful:
The person who wants to pray qiyaam al-layl should realize that Allaah is calling him to qiyaam. When the slave realizes that his Master, Who has no need of people’s worship, is calling him to do this, he will respond. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you wrapped in your garments (i.e., Prophet Muhammad)! Stand (to pray) all night, except a little. Half of it, or a little less than that, or a little more; and recite the Qur’aan (aloud) in a slow, (pleasant tone and) style.” [al-Muzzammil 73:1-4].
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lightup0nlight · 1 month
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One of the most beautiful passages in the Qur’an is where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says:
🌺 ❛[It will be said to the pious]: O tranquil soul! Return to your Rabb, well pleased [with Him] and well pleasing [to Him]. Enter you, then, among My [honoured] servants. And enter you My Paradise.❜ 【Surah al-Fajr 89:27-30】
Allah mentions four gifts in this aayah:
🌿 ❛O tranquil soul❜
The first gift is tranquillity. The people of Jannah will achieve total calmness, serenity, and relaxation. And this is something we will never truly have in this dunya. No matter how rich a person is, no matter how comfortable a 5-star hotel can be, no matter how amazing that holiday was — there will inevitably be hardship, fatigue, stress, and discomfort. The satisfaction we experience in this dunya is temporary and laced with difficulties. But in Jannah, we will finally experience true, eternal bliss.
🌿 ❛Return to your Rabb, well pleased [with Him] and well pleasing [to Him]❜
The second, and the most greatest gift of all, is to meet Allah. Even in this dunya, we experience calmness with the remembrance of Allah. ❛Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort.❜ 【Surah ar-Rad 13:28 】
So how then will one be when he finally returns to Allah? When he finally meets Allah? And not only will he be pleased with Allah, but Allah will be pleased with him as well. Imagine how amazing that meeting will be. Subhana Allah, what an honourable gift.
🌿 ❛Enter you, then, among My [honoured] servants❜
The third gift is to be in the company with other righteous servants of Allah — and that includes Rasulullah salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam and all other beloved Prophets of Allah alayhumus-salaam. It includes the believing families and companions of the Prophets, as well as our pious salaf and scholars who left behind pristine knowledge and amazing pearls of wisdom that we benefit until today — may Allah be pleased with them, and have rahmah upon them. This is not reserved only for the elites or VIPs only, we can all meet them in Jannah.
🌿 ❛And enter you My Paradise.❜
The last gift mentioned in this aayah is not merely entering Jannah, rather Allah says: “Enter My Jannah.” This is His Jannah. All of these tranquillity, happiness, meeting with the pious, and other blessings upon blessings, and more rewards upon rewards — all of these are His, and out of His Encompassing Rahmah, He gives them to us for the small good deeds we did.
When we think of every single gift in this dunya and akhirah, remember that it is Allah Who gives them to us.
Remember the Giver more than the gifts.
May Allah make us among those who will meet Him in Jannah.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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quranindex · 1 year
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Search, Read, Listen, Download and Share #Surah #Al-Fajr [89] @ https://quranindex.info/surah/al-fajr #Quran #Islam
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quran-translation · 2 months
Сураи Фил Ayah: 1 أَلَمۡ تَرَ كَيۡفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصۡحَٰبِ ٱلۡفِيلِ 1. Эй Паёмбар, оё надонистӣ, ки Парвардигорат бо Асҳоби Фил[3115] чӣ кард? Онҳое, ки мехостанд, ки хонаи Каъбаро вайрон кунанд. [3115] Абраҳаи ҳабашӣ ва аскаронаш Arabic explanations of the Qur’an: Ayah: 2 أَلَمۡ يَجۡعَلۡ كَيۡدَهُمۡ فِي تَضۡلِيلٖ 2. Оё макрашонро ботил насохт? Ayah: 3 وَأَرۡسَلَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ طَيۡرًا أَبَابِيلَ 3. Ва бар сари онҳо паррандагони гурӯҳ-гурӯҳ фиристод, Ayah: 4 تَرۡمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٖ مِّن سِجِّيلٖ 4. то онҳоро бо сиҷҷил[3116] сангборон карданд. [3116] Санггил Ayah: 5 فَجَعَلَهُمۡ كَعَصۡفٖ مَّأۡكُولِۭ 5. Пас, ононро чун коҳи хӯрдашуда гардонид. ---- Башҡортса Korana,Al Fil,الفيل‎,Chechen Quran,Quran translation in Chechen,Explanation of Quran in Ch ----- Quran, Al Quran, Al-quran, The Quran, Al Quran Translation, Quran Translations, Translation of Quran, Translation of al Quran, Translations of Quran, Quran translation in various language, Quran Translation in many language, Quran Translations in worlds language, Quran translation in multiple language, Al Quran Translation in all languages, Translation of Quran in various language, Translation of Quran in many language, Translation of Quran in worlds language, Translation of Quran in multiple language, Translation of Quran in all languages, Quran for kids, Quran recitation really beautiful, Emotional recitation, Recitation, Quran recitation, Holy Quran greatest signs, The most beautiful Quran recitation, Quran burned, Al Quran karim, Quran Majid, Soothing,calm,sleep music,motivation,healing frequency,best music,peaceful,heart,Digital Bangla Hadith Team DBHT,Abdul Aziz Al Turkey ---------- Al-Fatihah,سورة الفاتحة,Al-Baqrah,سورة البقرة,Aal-e-Imranسورة آل عمران,An-Nisaسورة النساء,Al-Maidah,سورة المائدة,Al-Anam,سورة الأنعام,Al-Aaraf,سورة الأعراف,Al-Anfal,سورة الأنفال,At-Taubah,سورة التوبة,Yunus,سورة يونس,Hud,سورة هود,Yusuf,سورة يوسف,Ar Ar-Ra’d,سورة الرعد,Ibrahim,سورة ابراهيم,Al-Hijr,سورة الحجر,An-Nahl,سورة النحل,Al-Isra,سورة الإسراء,Al-Kahf,سورة الكهف,Mariyam,سورة مريم,At-Tahaa,سورة طه,Al-Ambiya,سورة الأنبياء,Al-Hajj,سورة الحج,Al-Mu’minun,سورة المؤمنون,An-Noor,سورة النور,Al-Furqan,سورة الفرقان,Ash-Shu’ara,سورة الشعراء,An-Naml,سورة النمل,Al-Qasas,سورة القصص,Al-Ankabut,سورة العنكبوت,Ar-Rum,سورة الروم,Luqman,سورة لقمان,As-Sajda,سورة السجدة,Al-Ahzab,سورة الأحزاب,Saba,سورة سبإ,Fatir,سورة فاطر,Yasin,سورة يس,As-Saaffat,سورة الصافات,Saad,سورة ص,Az-Zumar,سورة الزمر,Al-Ghafir,سورة غافر,Fussilat,سورة فصلت,Ash-Shuraa,سورة الشورى,Az-Zukhruf,سورة الزخرف,Ad-Dukhan,سورة الدخان,Al-Jathiya,سورة الجاثية,Al-Ahqaf,سورة الأحقاف,Muhammad,سورة محمد,Al-Fatah,سورة الفتح,Al-Hujurat,سورة الحجرات,Qaf,سورة ق,Adh-Dhariyat,سورة الذاريات,At-Tur,سورة الطور,An-Najm,سورة النجم,Al-Qamar,سورة القمر,Ar-Rahman,سورة الرحمن,Al-Waqi’ah,سورة الواقعة,Al-Hadid,سورة الحديد,Al-Mujadila,سورة المجادلة,Al-Hashr,سورة الحشر,Al-Mumtahanah,سورة الممتحنة,As-Saf,سورة الصف,Al-Jumu’ah,سورة الجمعة,Al-Munafiqun,سورة المنافقون,At-Taghabun,سورة التغابن,At-Talaq,سورة الطلاق,At-Tahrimسورة التحريم,Al-Mulk,سورة الملك,Al-Qalam,سورة القلم,Al-Haqqah,سورة الحاقة,Al-Ma’arij,سورة المعارج,Nuh,سورة نوح,Al-Jinn,سورة الجن,Al-Muzzammil,سورة المزمل,Al-Muddaththir,سورة المدثر,Al-Qiyamah,سورة القيامة,Al-Insan,سورة الانسان,Al-Mursalat,سورة المرسلات,An-Naba,سورة النبإ,An-Nazi’at,سورة النازعات,Surah ‘Abasa,سورة عبس,At-Takwir,سورة التكوير,Al-Infitar,سورة الإنفطار,Al-Mutaffifin,سورة المطففين,Al-Inshiqaq,سورة الإنشقاق,Al-Buruj,سورة البروج,At-Tariq,سورة الطارق,Al-Ala,سورة الأعلى,Al-Ghashiyah,سورة الغاشية,Al-Fajr,سورة الفجر,Al-Balad,سورة البلد,Ash-Shams,سورة الشمس,Al-Layl,سورة الليل,Ad-Dhuha,سورة الضحى,Ash-Sharh,سورة الشرح,At-Tin,سورة التين,Al-Alaq,سورة العلق,Al-Qadr,سورة القدر,Al-Bayyina,سورة البينة,Az-Zalzalah,سورة الزلزلة,Al-Adiyat,سورة العاديات,Al-Qaria,سورة القارعة,At-Takathur,سورة التكاثر,Al-Asr,سورة العصر,Al-Humazah,سورة الهمزة,Al-Fil,سورة الفيل,Quraysh,سورة قريش,Al-Ma’un,سورة الماعون,Al-Kawthar,سورة الكوثر,Al-Kafirun,سورة الكافرون,An-Nasr,سورة النصر,Al-Masad,سورة المسد,Al-Ikhlas,سورة الإخلاص,Al-Falaq,سورة الفلق,An-Nas,سورة الناس Afar Quran,Albanian
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coretansipa · 4 months
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[ Qur'an Journaling - Kemana semua ini akan bermuara? ]
Aku pernah mendengar pertanyaan "Lagi sibuk ngejar apa sih sampai segitunya?", ternyata pertanyaan itu bisa hadir juga ketika kita sedang hilang arah, menentukan tujuan dan mengevaluasi diri. Plot twistnya, Kita hilang arah karena memang peta kehidupannya tidak dibawa, padahal rutenya sudah jelas disusun sesuai kebutuhan kita. Jelas, peta kehidupan kita sesungguhnya sudah disusun rapih didalam al-quran.
Beranjak dewasa, baru memahami makna pertanyaan "ngejar apa sih hidup didunia?". Masa dewasa adalah ujian yang memang penuh dengan plot twist disetiap aspeknya mulai dari lingkungan, circle, pekerjaan, pendidikan dan peran-peran sosial. Orientasi-orientasi dunia yang fana ini memang ga akan ada habisnya, kecuali kita kembali dan tetap Istiqomah berada di jalan ketaatan. 
Rute kehidupan ketika sedang hilang arah salah satunya belajar dari surah al-fajr, dalam surah ini menjelaskan bagaimana caranya Allah membimbing kita agar mendapatkan cahaya rabbani dan dengan cahaya itu kita bisa berpikir untuk merubah cara hidup kita agar lebih tenang dengan mempersiapkan bekal kehidupan yang terbaik.
Adapun pesan pada ayat 27-30 pada surah Al-Fajr: “Berharaplah jalan pulangmu adalah jalan yang terbaik untukmu, jalan yang membahagiakan, jalan yang mendamaikan, jalan yang melahirkan kesan pesan inspirasi kebaikan dalam kehidupan. Karena mau sehebat apapun kita, tetap akan kembali pulang"
Maka, yang sekarang sedang berpikir dari materialistik dunia, mengejar kedudukan, mengejar harta benda dan mengejar yang mungkin dianggap bisa meningkatkan derajat dalam konteks sosial dunia, lalu ia ingin berubah menjadi taat, sungguh Allah akan mempersiapkan jannah dan jalan terbaik untuknya. Se-Romantis itu Allah tuh sama Hambanya 🥺✨
*note: btw, aku mendapatkan interest ayat ini secara tidak sengaja yang ternyata related dengan apa yang aku rasakan. Dan akhirnya aku coba untuk belajar kembali melalui channelnya ust.adi hidayat dan Ust.Dr amir. boleh di simak di link berikut ya :)
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writerfarzanatutul · 6 months
Islamic short stories 12
Rabeya scrolled mindlessly through her Instagram feed, the glow of the screen illuminating her tired face. An Islamic post caught her eye: "Fajr is an amazing prayer, a chance to greet the day with the remembrance of Allah. When you wake for no other reason but to worship Him, you've found life's purpose." She tapped "like" and absentmindedly shared it on Facebook before diving back into the social media vortex.
Suddenly, another post stopped her cold.
  "O believers! Why do you say what you do not do?" 
The verse from Surah As-Saff pierced through her indifference. Shame washed over her in waves. She barely prayed Fajr, the early morning call to prayer often serving as a cruel reminder of her shortcomings. A knot of guilt tightened in her stomach as she scrolled further.
  "Surely Allah is ever Watchful over you," another verse echoed on the screen. Rabeya's throat constricted. A choked sob escaped her lips as a single word tumbled out, 
Tears welled up in her eyes. In that moment, a seed of change was sown. The days that followed were filled with a newfound determination. The call to Fajr no longer felt like a burden, but a gentle invitation. She embraced the five daily prayers, their rhythm grounding her and bringing a sense of peace she hadn't known before.
One morning, amidst the familiar verses shared online, a new one resonated with her: "But it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided." (Surah Al-Qasas, verse 56). A genuine smile spread across Rabeya's lips and a newfound faith filled her heart.
My Instagram id : auth_farzana_tutul
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ardentpoop · 7 months
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lmao at s14 opening with a muslim guy praying fajr but of course he's doing it all wrong
you're supposed to recite surat al fatiha followed by another surah of ur choice. and you don't go straight from reciting to sujood without doing ruku. you silly bitches
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 1 year
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🥀🕊🥀 Supplication to be recited on the 19th Day of Ramadan
🥀 The Day on which Imam Ali (as) was struck on the head while in prostration in Fajr prayer at the Kufa Mosque 🥀
🥀 Pray a 50 units prayer, In every units after the recitation of Surah Al Fatiha, recite Surah Al Zilzaal. 🥀
🥀 O Allah multiply my share, in this month, on account of its abundant blessings, make easy and smooth my means and ways to reach its mercy and bounties, and do not prevent me from getting its good, O He who guides unto the unto the clear truth. 🥀
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🥀🕊🥀 Supplication to be recited on the 19th Day of Ramadan
🥀 The Day on which Imam Ali (as) was struck on the head while in prostration in Fajr prayer at the Kufa Mosque 🥀
🥀 Pray a 50 units prayer, In every units after the recitation of Surah Al Fatiha, recite Surah Al Zilzaal. 🥀
🥀 O Allah multiply my share, in this month, on account of its abundant blessings, make easy and smooth my means and ways to reach its mercy and bounties, and do not prevent me from getting its good, O He who guides unto the unto the clear truth. 🥀
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lightup0nlight · 1 year
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Allah says: ❛[It will be said to the pious]: O tranquil soul! Return to your Rabb, well pleased ˹with Him˺ and well pleasing ˹to Him˺. Enter you, then, among My [honoured] servants. And enter you My Paradise.❜ [Surah al-Fajr 89 : 27-30]
Allah mentions four gifts in this aayah.
🌟 ❛O tranquil soul❜   The first is tranquillity. The people of Jannah will achieve total calmness, serenity, and relaxation. And this is something we will never truly have in this dunya. No matter how rich a person is, no matter how comfortable a 5-star hotel can be, no matter how amazing that holiday was — there will inevitably be hardship, fatigue, stress, and discomfort. The satisfaction we experience in this dunya is temporary and laced with difficulties. But in Jannah, we will finally experience eternal bliss.
🌟 ❛Return to your Rabb, well pleased ˹with Him˺ and well pleasing ˹to Him˺❜   The second, and the most greatest gift of all, is to meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Even in this dunya, we experience calmness with the remembrance of Allah. ❛Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort.❜ [Surah ar-Rad 13 : 28]
So how then will one be when he finally returns to Allah? When he finally meets Allah? And not only will he be pleased with Allah, but Allah will be pleased with him as well. Imagine how amazing that meeting will be. Subhana Allah, what an honourable gift.
🌟 ❛Enter you, then, among My [honoured] servants❜ The third gift is to be in the company with other righteous servants of Allah — and that includes Rasulullah ﷺ and all other beloved Prophets of Allah ‘alayhumus-salaam. It includes the believing families and companions of the Prophets, as well as our pious salaf and scholars who left behind pristine knowledge and amazing pearls of wisdom that we benefit until today — may Allah be pleased with them, and have rahmah upon them all. This is not reserved only for the elites or VIPs only, we can all meet them in Jannah.
🌟❛And enter you My Paradise.❜ The last gift mentioned in this aayah is not merely entering Jannah, rather Allah says:  “Enter My Jannah.” This is *His* Jannah. All of these tranquillity, happiness, meeting with the pious, and other blessings upon blessings, and more rewards upon rewards — all of these are His, and out of His Encompassing Rahmah, He gives them to us for the small good deeds that we did.
When we think of every single gift in this dunya and akhirah, remember that it is Allah Who gives them to us.
Remember the Giver more than the gifts.
May Allah make us among those who will meet Him in Jannah.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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