#supreme kaio
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ccmilart · 9 days ago
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little doodle of my other boy
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tobiasdrake · 10 months ago
As an aside, I've always loved how they translated the names of the Kaios.
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So we have Kaio - the World King. Note that "World" here means more than a planet; it refers more to the plane of existence. The World is all things, and Kaio is King of the World.
For the dub, they half-translated his title. They translated the -o off the end into King but left the Kai part alone, making him King Kai.
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Above Kaio, we have Daikaio. He's only briefly mentioned in the manga, but he gets a filler arc to himself in the anime.
Daikaio is the Great World King. At this point, it's been established that there are actually four World Kings for each of the cardinal directions. This plays into another ever-popular idea in Japanese mythology that shows up all over the place in anime: The Four Heavenly Kings who preside over the four cardinal directions.
So now we have four heavenly World Kings, with the Great World King acting as their superior. The dub names him Grand Kai, ruler of the four King Kais. "Kai" is basically the name of their race in the English version, I guess.
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Considered a myth among the heavens, there exists an even higher lever of deity known as the Kaioshin or God of World Kings.
The dub calls him the Supreme Kai, adequately taking a step above Grand while not quite capturing the ultra-divinity of the concept.
In a hilarious bend, the Kaioshins are themselves a second set of Four Heavenly Kings governing the cardinal directions, holy shit.
But that implies the existence of an even greater deity above them, doesn't it?
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Meet Daikaioshin, the Great God of World Kings who presides over the second set of Four Heavenly Kings.
And his name? His name in the dub?
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icebuntea · 2 years ago
Do kaios eat apples? If they do, would it be cannibalism? I mean they're gods so it wouldn't exactly be that, but who knows🧎
Also, do kaios taste just like normal apples? I bet they would be sweeter than normal ones though, since they're golden and all that magic stuff...
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luimagines · 3 months ago
I sincerely believe that if Hylia or the Three Golden Goddesses wanted to punish Saiyan Reader for intervening in the Calamity, it would backfire and I don’t mean because of Saiyan Reader.
Let me explain: suppose Hyrule is actually a planet in one of the 12 universes, one that has never had a Kamisama since its creation. Within the hierarchy of Dragon Ball’s universes, Hylia or the Three Golden Goddesses wouldn’t even rank above a Kamisama and would be classified as minor deities.
If Hylia wanted to punish Saiyan Reader, she’d have to answer to the Cardinal Kaios, the Grand Kai, the Supreme Kaioshins, the Supreme Kai of Time, the overseeing Hakaishin (God of Destruction), the angel attendant of the Hakaishin, Daishinkan-sama, and finally Zeno-sama himself. There’s no doubt in my mind that all these deities would harshly reprimand Hylia or the Three Golden Goddesses for wanting to punish Saiyan Reader for their selfless, good-hearted action.
To the upper leagues of gods, the Saiyans are one of the few races capable of reaching or even surpassing the power levels of deities like them. It doesn’t help that this race exists only in certain universes, like 7 and 6, where they’ve been agents of great change. Thanks to Saiyan actions in Universe 7’s case major disasters have been prevented.
If this scenario happened after Zeno-sama’s multiversal tournament, there would be zero tolerance for such actions. While Goku unknowingly put everyone at risk, the tournament gave the universes a chance to defend themselves and prove their worth to Zeno-sama, ensuring they wouldn’t be erased. Ironically, it was Goku’s teammate who used the Super Dragon Balls to wish for the revival of all erased universes.
These gods know it’s far better to have a Saiyan especially one with a pure heart as an ally than a potential enemy. For Hylia or the Three Golden Goddesses to try to punish Saiyan Reader for doing their job would be a complete no-go. I can easily imagine the overseeing Hakaishin making it clear why they are a God of Destruction, barely needing to lift a finger to erase Hylia or the Three Golden Goddesses from existence if they refuse to comply.
And let’s not forget Enma Daio-sama, the deity in charge of ensuring every departed soul reaches the afterlife, be it paradise or hell and reincarnation. He would likely be the most vocal protester against Hylia or the Three Golden Goddesses. The curse of Demise has claimed countless lives that should not have died under such circumstances, particularly due to the uncontrolled reincarnation cycle in Hyrule. Enma Daio-sama would likely be the strongest defender of Saiyan Reader because, in his judgment, this mortal did what these “negligent deities” should have done from the beginning.
I don’t know why, but I can already imagine the upper leagues of gods putting Hylia or the Three Goddesses on trial, it would be a divine-level chaos!
As someone who knows next to nothing about Dragon Ball Z, I thought I was onto something with my last post. Only for this to come in and virtually toss it all by the window for canonical in place hierarchy that I didn't bother researching
But! I like where this is going instead.
Basically, the Hylian goddesses tried to get Reader in trouble but instead of doing anything about it, Reader looked at them and said "hold on, let me get my manager" and proceeded to implode the whole system that these ladies had in place since the beginning of the Hylian existence.
So I like this one better. XD
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cuttyclowngirl · 4 months ago
Daima EP.3 (Spoiler) Review
• Glorio shows zero concern over Kibito, Vegeta, Piccolo & Bulma not being able to enter the Demon Realm without a pin number. Perhaps this "King Kadan" Glorio was sent by figured Goku would be enough to overthrow (kill?) King Gohma. Shin (Supreme Kai) keeps trying to make Glorio slip up by asking loaded questions in a casual tone, Columbo style. Glorio responds with either answers that sometimes feel rehearsed or changes the subject.
• Shin mentioned that there was no pin number system back when he was a resident of the 2nd demon world. He mentioned the Demon Realm's different ecology, which judging from the ED, will be thoroughly explored. He explained that the 3rd world's lands float, is confirmed to be a type of demon called a Glind. The way Glorio describes them is sorta similar to the way most fantasy races would describe/complain about elves.
•I like the design of planet Batapi of the Rakka system. We'll probably never explore it.
• "Demon Realm planes function on 'Magic Power', so they're very fast." But who's "Magic Power"? Hope we find out. It explains how both King Gohma & Glorio easily traveled to Earth despite how far the nearest "Warp-Sama" is. The Warp-Sama was confirmed to be the only way to travel between Demon Realm & the Outer World. Warp-Sama is a comedically sensitive gatekeeper. Classic.
•Kid Goku with pointy ears was surprisingly off-putting for me.
• The violently chaotic way traveling between realms is depicted explains why King Gohma & co. seemed so disoriented when they landed on the lookout in EP 1.
• Despite the relay point between realms having 3 colored hatches representative of the 3 Demon worlds, I'm quite curious where the hundreds of other hatches lead. The 1st hatch only being available to palace members of the 1st world, like King Gohma, on top of Glorio letting slip that only those of the 1st Demon world can use Warp-Sama is feeding into my theory that Gloria was sent by Dr Arinsu. (Glorio works in the 1st world. How convenient) Then again, he mentioned that select members of the 2nd world also have permission to travel, maybe implying that the 3rd world is treated like a peasant country. Glorio (& likely Panzy) are from the 3rd world, of course.
• Cute detail about the Warp-Sama's of the the actual Demon world's is that their design feature the colors of their respective hatches in the relay point. (EP.1 A red/grey Warp-Sama. EP.3 A yellow/grey Warp-Sama)
• Despite being 99% this series probably won't canonize video game exclusive characters, the seal on the Demon Realm tunnel (previously a means of travel between demon worlds) sure reminds me of Chronoa (Supreme Kai of time) with what sort of look like clock hands pointing to 12,2,3,5,6,7,9 & 11:00. (Probably just a coincidence, but Chronoa is certainly old enough to have done that when Shin was an actual child, given how he's often described as a relatively young Kaio-shin)
• The introduction of the stinky gas emitted by the floating onion volcanoes making the air heavy to various degrees will help make Goku struggling in any capacity more believable, up until he gets used to it. It's sort of reminds me of the heavy gravity on King Kai's planet.
• So there's a "Sea of Darkness" in the 3rd world that can kill you instantly. (Possible future plot device/macguffin)
• Interesting camera wobbling when Goku & Glorio took on some bandits outside. Can't wait to find out who directed that scene, cuz we see it again when Glorio "negotiates" his hotel room price. It also seems like owning a gun might not be common in the 3rd world, judging by the reaction of the demon who runs the hotel.
• Money in the Demon Realm (or maybe just the 3rd world) is called "Dokuro". The demons of the 3rd world so far are pretty cute in design. But that could change as we explore further.
• The bar in this EP has very mild classic Star Wars inspo written all over it. All it needed was a band playing a silly tune. (I NEED to know what the burger meat is made of) The bar fight itself demonstrated that is relatively strong in his own right. If I had to guess from what little I saw though, I'd estimate he's probably about as strong as Goku was at the start of Dragon Ball. (Not that I care about power scaling anymore)
• Goku's segment of the bar fight where he uses set pieces like plates and his environment around him was refreshing and probably Toriyama indulging in Jackie Chan movie nostalgia. (He was a big fan of Jackie Chan)
• I like the commercial bumpers in the EP. Hope there's more than 2 going forward.
• Lmao, classic hoodlum revenge. Now Goku & co. gotta travel on foot cuz Glorio probably can't fly. More adventuring, yippee! ( I bet the note left behind says something crass & will also maybe lure our trio into a den of, let's be real here, fodder)
•Looks like we'll meet Panzy in the next EP.
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lunarsilkscreen · 8 months ago
Super Saiyan Sillyness
There's a small plot point in DBS that is really important as to the direction the series is going, but if I acknowledge it; it would be extreme spoiler content. So instead; I'm going to talk about how Super Saiyan works.
In the DragonBall series Ki is a metaphysical concept that can be used to increase your own endurance and kinetic power, without increasing your mass.
Originally, this was a small thing used by characters to shoot out magical bursts like a firearm, without a weapon. Allowing a Martial Artists to develop ranged attacks without weaponry.
As we get to DBZ however; this Ki energy becomes a way to increase your physical strength and endurance. Initially by increasing your muscle mass, and later without the forced muscle expansion that causes body degradation and extreme exhaustion.
This culminates in the Battle of Goku vs Frieza, where along with his innate spaceman genetics; Goku figures out how to use this Ki, along with his anger to transform into a super Saiyan.
What this is, is a focused version of abilities before this, developed by Roshi and King Kai. King Kai's variant being the most recognizable; Kaio Ken.
Kaio Ken, however; like the bulking Ki causes extreme wear and tear on the body. And so the Super Saiyans rarely use it after learning how to become super Saiyan.
Now, SS isn't the only type of super transformation available to denizens of Akira Toriyama's world. Frieza species seems to be able to "Go Gold" as well. Which is a full body transformation.
Similar to Super Saiyan 4 in the DBGT series, which explored the vastness of space after turning Goku into a child.
Saiyans also have a kind of werewolf transformation during the full moon, where they can't control their emotions.
This however is shown to be destructive, and akin to the muscle expansion techniques as it increases Mass equivalent to the energy gained.
The Namekians have a similar transformation showcases by Lord Slug and Orange Piccolo, which has all the same drawbacks.
What this means; is because Saiyans and Namekians and Frezians share these similar transformations and Ki generation; that these techniques should be available to every race and species.
It's just that some cultures are more ingrained with wanting to learn how to fight gooder. Or are Frieza and just Tyrants.
Vegeta and Frieza show a disdain for species that they previously believed were "inferior races". Frieza towards all Saiyans, and Vegeta to his Half-blood nephew: Gohan. Who display a completely different form of Saiyan transformation that isn't SSJ2 but is similar in power level. Dubbed Mystic Saiyan due to its creation by the influence from Supreme Kai's Magic.
But here's where it's interesting to me. As we get to Super Saiyan God mode, which is what the *real* SS legend is based on, and the Saiyan race had become extremely weak in comparison to their former abilities before the Friezers turned them into a caste of warrior conquerer slaves. Meaning they had forgotten nearly all of their *real* combat techniques that they thought made them a "superior race."
But this Super Saiyan God mode, which then can be focused into what's known as Super Saiyan Blue; demonstrates the use of Ki and it's reflection on tbe visible light spectrum.
Ki can be used raw to empower a person, but because it's non focused it will cause the body to undergo a temporary extreme physical transformation.
This is alleviated somewhat with the Kaio-Ken technique which focuses the ki to a sharper point, and allows for an exponential increase in comparison to the regular Ki power up, but has the *same* draw backs at higher levels.
Then we get to a kind of Middle point. Frieza has several forms before Gold, but they seem to be more able to limit their physical transformation to use the power gain more effectively.
In fact; Friezas stay in their supposed final form after entering permanently, and then have more forms to go, and Unlike Uzaro Form and Super Namekian form, retain a standard small humanoid size.
And here's where it gets interesting; these different forms and techniques can be combined or used interchangeably to achieve the same or similar results .
In DB:GT; Super Saiyan 4 is achieved by entering Uzaro Form, Mastering it, Turning Super while in that form, and then supressing the Ki and physical transformation to bring the user back to typical humanoid size.
With their body showcasing red fur growth over their body.
This indicates that Super Uzaro, Namek, and Frieza all use a similar method in order to achieve levels that are past Super Saiyan 3 levels.
SS3 is a unique form, because while still being Super Saiyan, it amps up the physical form of the user. It still increases the physical mass. Not only appearing to lengthen the hair follicles (which is probably just run-off ki, as the user returns to normal after use)
But bulking up as with the previous forms drawbacks.
Which means that this Bulking is the habit that most life forms exhibit when they increase their key until they figure out how to shift better.
Basically, SS3 is the Roshi Technique combined with SS transformation. And SS2 focuses the energy of SS1 better, because it doesn't exhibit the bulking drawback.
This bulking drawback is visible when Vegeta and Trunks attain their own post Super Saiyan forms as well. Vegeta commenting; "You're still using that bulky form?" At one point indicating to Trunks that he is doing it wrong.
Their SS2 forms included the bulking drawback that Goku's didn't exhibit.
So when we get to SS:God form; this looks similar to Kaio Ken, with it's red glow. Indicated a compressed form of energy, that can then be compressed into Super Saiyan Blue.
Vegeta demonstrated this with his Super Saiyan Prince form. As his eyes sparkle along the colored light spectrum indicating the varying power levels not visible in the hair.
This is different but similar to the SS4 shown in GT. Instead of the Ki run off coming from the tops of their heads as in the gold super Saiyan forms, the red ki comes out of the hair follicles across their body and from their regrown Saiyan monkey tails.
This is a strange transformation as it looks like a form similar to Ultra Instinct combined with a red variant of super Saiyan.
More on this; Ultra Instinct looks like base form. Because there is no bulking, there is no visible Ki generation at the hair follicles. Just a black-light aura.
This is because the Ki is focused to a point where it is no longer emitting from the visible light spectrum.
The drawbacks with UI seem similar to Uzaro and Kaio Ken form however. As UI takes an extreme toll on the body, and nearly loses concious control. Any less control, and it's conceivable Goku could become a mindless destructive force like Uzaro or Brolly.
Brolly is a Super Saiyan who can't control his super Saiyan powers due to extreme neglect and trauma induced by the former Saiyan culture and lifestyle. Which indicates a connection between Super Saiyan Brolly, UI, and Uzaro. SS Brolly forms (also shared by Kefla from Uni6) also showcases a greenish aura.
Demonstrating that there are different ways that different people can utilize the SS transformation and these other techniques.
What this means is that Uni7 UI Goku has potentially become stronger than DB:GT(unnumbered uni) Goku. Because he doesn't have Color inconsistencies. SS4 Goku and Vegeta in comparison, while having black hair, emit the Red Ki from their body hair, and red from their eyes, similar to Vegeta's Super Princess. SSJ4 also includes slight bulking.
However, UI has that extreme Drawback where once you've used up your energy, that's it until you take a long rest.
UI also seems different from Super Forms as you can't harness your emotional state, as one is often shown doing when they initially enter that state.
And Uni6 Saiyans, with the exceot of Vegeta's protege, entering it at will without emotion.
Hinting that the emotional burst is good to learn how to control larger amounts of Ki, but not good at focusing it down to the single point required of UI.
The SS4 Saiyan's also have a "Limit Breaker" similar to that of entering SS:God Mode. which enables them to use their transformation at will, unlike before which required becoming Uzaro, loosing control, regaining control, become super Uzaro, and then sustaining that. And maintaining it longer than 5 minutes.
Which suggests the forms are not unique to the method of transformation.
With Videl standing in for an extra Saiyan (Despite being Preggers) this also suggests that you simply need multiple people whose combined energy exceeds a certain amount, and isn't generically limited to Saiyan's.
This correlates with the other [Super Transformations] shown in the series as a whole.
What they tend to forget, is that despite being Human, Videl is one of the strongest Humans on Earth. Rivaling only Krillin, who isn't as strong as Goku simply because he doesn't have a single mind focused on becoming stronger. Also, unlike Goku, who inherited land and money from King Yama, actually needs to work for a living.
Goku isn't the strongest because he's a Saiyan either. Even Vegeta believed for a while that Goku was a low-tier saiyan incapable of meeting, much less exceeding the power level of a prince like himself.
He's the strongest because he's Goku.
This brings me to the end of this with one final observation; Goku and Trunks in Uni7. Who become Super Saiyan at will naturally. Without training, without really knowing what it is.
They're not just expanded power level from epigenetics, they have expanded powers because of the same technique that gives Goku and Vegeta SS:God powers.
Because it's the same technique showcased by Korin, Kami, Guru, and the Kai's, in "unlocking a person's potential".
Just a weaker form since a single person would only be able emit so much energy. Achieving SS:God and SS4:LB and the [Ki Expansion] technique most therefore be the same, becoming stronger the more Ki you pump into the recipient.
Ergo; Trunks and Goten have high power levels because of... Well... All that energy and training happening during the Buu saga...
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melyonza · 3 months ago
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Children's meeting
In the anime Dragon Ball Daima, Kaio-shin tells the story of the origin of the supreme Kaiosamas and the other universes. This suggests that the birth of the gods of destruction was much later in order to create balance.
So, in this post I'll write a mini AU story where Beerus and Shin met as kids. I emphasize, an AU story that is how I imagine their first meeting would have been.
Beginning of the AU story.
In this story (AU), Shin is a boy who lives in a quiet environment in the Demon World. Since he was little he was told that he would be a supreme Kaiosama in the future, but for now he lives a quiet life.
He is playing a little far from his colony when he sees something in the distance. He decides to go investigate and finds a little boy who is none other than Beerus.
Since Shin is just a child, he hasn't been told about the Gods of Destruction yet. On the other hand, Beerus has just been chosen to be a God of Destruction.
Beerus is crying because he misses his home and his family. Shin offers to help him but Beerus doesn't want to accept his help because he considers himself a danger to others. Shin doesn't understand what he's talking about, Beerus realizes that Shin doesn't know who he is (as a god of destruction) so he accepts his company.
Shin asks him how he got there, to which Beerus tells that he escaped from his guardian. For some reason, a creature appeared to him and took him there.
The children spend time together telling a little about their lives since Beerus doesn't want to reveal too much about himself so as not to scare him. At some point Beerus starts to feel hungry, Shin asks him to accompany him home but Beerus doesn't want to for fear of being recognized. So Shin tells him to wait while he goes to get food.
When Shin returns, he realizes that Beerus is no longer there. He searches everywhere for him but can't find him, so he tries to move on.
Beerus' visit reached the ears of King Abura who, upon realizing that the new God of Destruction was just a child, took advantage of the situation and what better way than killing the glind (a kind of Shin) since he knew that only that would kill a God of Destruction.
Some Glind managed to escape, including Shin. The Demon King knew he should not wait any longer, as he had to finish off Beerus as soon as possible, so he ordered the creation of a being that would kill the Glind, giving birth to the origin of Majin Buu.
Unfortunately for the king, this took a long time, but when Majin Buu accomplished his mission, he felt victorious. As Beerus did not appear, because he was asleep, he thought he had finished off all the Kaiosamas, but he did not count on Shin having survived.
Some time later, Beerus woke up. Whiss tells him what happened and that he must go meet the new Supreme Kaiosama. Beerus and Shin have their first meeting, although they met as children, the passing of the years made them forget about each other.
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yeetspace · 4 months ago
So here's some more of that Dragon Ball "Universe 14" stuff:
So basically, the kaio/kaioshin situation is switched up only slightly, in the fact that the Kaio and Kaioshin ranks have both been merged making all four of them as much more hands on attendants to their respective quadrant being both physical and spiritual representatives, leaving only the Grand and Grand-Supreme Kai(s)
Here is
Tsuntaru, the South Kai (left) (he/him)
-name derives from "Tarhunz" the Luwain rain god
-a seeming Glind
Suaideguite, the North Kai (right) (they/them)
-name derives from "Agdists" an Anatolian (???) god
-a... Whatever King Kai (universe 7's North Kaio) is
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Suuriasute, the East Kai (top) (he/him)
-name derives from Aristaeus, a greek food cultivating god (bee keeping, wine making, cheese making, olive growing etc.)
-an ogre like Yemma but little
Terudeme, the West Kai (bottom) (she/her)
-name derives from Demeter, greek nature godess
-concerning for what that implies about Tsuntaru, very much more obviously a Glind
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years ago
Hello there! Those are good in-depth character and ability examinations and explanations! I'm very happy to get to look into them!
I have a question regarding the Wolf Fang Fist. It's been a while since I've looked back to see it, but you said it functions similarly to the Kaio-ken technique, in that it increases Yamcha's strength, reaction time, and senses. Is there a particular source you're using for reference on this info, or is it an observation you made? I tried looking at the Dragon Ball Wiki, but I can't find anything about that bit of info.
Hey! And thank you!
To answer your question... There is no particular source that states what I claim. The similarity between the Wolf Fang Fist & Kaio-Ken is just an observation I made. However, what's said and shown in the manga is what lead me to the conclusion that the two techniques are similar.
A similar example is Instant Transmission. The Yardrats created the Instant Transmission technique that Goku knows, while the Supreme Kai have a similar teleportation technique that is far more advanced & doesn't rely on pinpointing the energy of someone you know.
Another instance is from the DBS manga continuity where Vegeta learns Forced Spirit Fission which is a technique similar to the Genki Dama/Spirit Bomb. There are other techniques that are similar to each other despite being developed separately & at different times. The Wolf Fang Fist & Kaio-Ken appear to be one of many instances of techniques being similar.
Both the Wolf Fang Fist & Kaio-Ken are techniques where the user enhances their battle power and physical abilities without becoming super buff like Roshi's Full Power form or SSJ Grade 3 & losing speed. The Kaio-Ken & Wolf Fang Fist share a similar principle to that, but they are techniques that not only increase strength but also speed.
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The Wolf Fang Fist technique is shown in Dragon Ball chapter 8 & 37. The Neo Wolf Fang Fist is in 117. Yamcha channels a wolf spirit and his physical abilities are enhanced. We have never seen him use the technique combined with a ki blast. Yamcha becomes faster and stronger & reacts quicker. But as for how great of an increas this is? That is unknown.
Similarly, the Kaio-Ken technique enhances the physical abilities, but also energy attacks. It is performed by controlling the ki in the body for a burst of energy.
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The regular Kaio-Ken is like an advanced version of Wolf Fang Fist that can be multiplied. This is why I at times call the Wolf Fang Fist the "mortal Kaio-Ken." Same principles, but the technique King Kai taught is much more advanced.
I think it would've been cool to see Yamcha create a Wolf Fang Fist with multipliers after he trained under King Kai. Less stress on the body than the Kaio-Ken, but still gives an increase in power. But since enemies became so strong, not even techniques like the Kaio-Ken would have been much help for any character. Is it really worth it to damage yourself while fighting an enemy who is far stronger than Super Saiyans? The risk is way higher than the reward.
Could Yamcha have possibly used a his Wolf Fang Fist technique or a twist on it after the Freeza Saga? Yes. Because most techniques don't have to be said in order to activate them. So, it is possible that Yamcha used an advanced version of the Wolf Fang Fist technique on the Cell Jr. he fought. But the Cell Jrs. can defeat Super Saiyans so... Using it against an opponent that strong doesnt add up to much.
The next time Yamcha used something like the Wolf Fang Fist was in "Yo! Son Goku & His Friends Return!" where a wolf spirit appeared behind him when he used the Spirit Ball technique to save Bulma, Puar, & Oolong. So lukely a mixture of the Wolf Fang Fist & Spirit Ball. Sadly, Yamcha doesn't fight in DBS even though he has regained his fighting spirit was shown in the OVA "Yo! Son Goku & His Friends Return!" & in the Tournament of Power Saga of the DBS anime (which was frustratingly played up for mediocre comedy). But we do get a scene in DBS EP 70 when Yamcha uses the "Wolf Fang Pitch."
I hope we see him use the Wolf Fang Fist again in the main series and that he has advanced it by learning how to multiply it or something.
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neenack · 10 months ago
Lmao I'm a little confused about the kaioshin story after reading fandom.com and the likes of wikipedia. Kai (regular apple and golden apple) are born from the fruit of the World Tree and seem to go to different schools to learn????? And there are 5 kaios, 4 of which rule the sides of the world in the galaxy, the fifth is the kaioshin and they oversee their universe.
I'm now wondering where the “world tree” itself is and how the kaioshins end up in their universes? From what I understand, before Buu's attack, Shin had a semblance of a family of 4 and they all kept track of the quadrants of the universe. After Buu, Shin was left all alone and he became the kaioshin of his universe?????
Hey anon, thanks for sending me an ask! I've never gotten one of these before so this should be fun! 😄
Already, you make me feel like a Kaioshin expert, but I just recently caught up with Dragon Ball and discovered who they were, so I'm kinda in the same boat as you lol
To answer your questions, yeah, there was a Kai for each quadrant of Universe 7 (North, South, East, West) as well as a Dai Kaioshin/Grand Supreme Kai. Shin pretty much became the de facto Kaioshin/Supreme Kai of his universe after Buu's attack in the Kai world.
Apparently, all the information about Kai being born from the fruit of the World Tree and then going to school, etc. originates from supplementary material that had an interview with Toriyama in it as far as I know. I don't think any of it has found its way into the main canon but as it stands, the only facts(?) we know about the Kais are just words of god and haven't been fully confirmed. There's a chance Daima could expand on Kai lore, but there's still so much we don't know about it yet. It's too early to say but fingers crossed!
This is pretty much what I presume is on the wiki already, but here's a translation of the guidebook that has the info on the Kais, the World Tree, and the interview with Toriyama. I hope that helps! ^^
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little-gay-boy-45 · 10 months ago
Lmao I'm a little confused about the kaioshin story after reading fandom.com and the likes of wikipedia. Kai (regular apple and golden apple) are born from the fruit of the World Tree and seem to go to different schools to learn????? And there are 5 kaios, 4 of which rule the sides of the world in the galaxy, the fifth is the kaioshin and they oversee their universe.
I'm now wondering where the “world tree” itself is and how the kaioshins end up in their universes? From what I understand, before Buu's attack, Shin had a semblance of a family of 4 and they all kept track of the quadrants of the universe. After Buu, Shin was left all alone and he became the kaioshin of his universe?????
Shin became THE Supreme Kai due to succession. His species was eradicated due to the past Buu attack. So Shin and his personal bodyguard Kibito survived (later revealed that Elder Kai is alive as well) to live and try to fulfill the supreme duties of the Kai with little to no experience in the field. Imagine the trauma that poor guy must have!
Now about their history, how things worked and how they came to be are not subjects I'm familiar with. It's not exactly plot relevant at all in the show.
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sadfruittheatre-rp · 1 year ago
you don’t get to not pick either, Bragi. That’s not an option here-
Would you rather
A: get to live on earth for eternity and abandon all of your kaio duties for good BUT you’re not allowed to ever eat any form of sweets, treats or anything you’ve ever liked again
B: get to live on earth for eternity and eat anything or do anything your heart desires but you HAVE to be promoted to supreme kai in training of Universe 7 to eventually take over that universe one day
Things My Muse Doesn’t Want to Hear or Talk About…
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"What...? What an awful choice... The food here is one of the reasons I like this universe so much... B-But I mean... If I got promoted and I could still do whatever I liked, I could eat what I like and still take time for my friends outside of my work... It would be the best of both worlds, right? I... I could make option B work with the right balance, I think..."
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duhragonball · 1 year ago
So about those rumours... They at least got the title wrong? It's Daima, not Magic, but otherwise...
I mean, sure. "Magic" was probably a working title, or an attempted translation of "Daima" or whatever.
The problem I have isn't with the accuracy of those early reports, it's the with the whole cottage industry of leakers and "insiders" reporting on projects that will get an official announcement anyway.
And the official announcement is much, much more coherent than what the rumor mill was saying. People were so eager to compare Daima to GT that they never bothered to wonder how they might be different. Why would Toriyama waste time making his own version of GT? It makes far more sense for him to do a show that happens to share one common detail with GT.
Likewise, all that chatter about the Supreme Kai in a prominent role seems to have amounted to nothing. He's in the show, clearly, but he's not the star or even the costar. Or maybe he is, but the trailer hardly supports that. But one guy jumps to conclusions and everyone repeats his supposition as though it were fact. It's dumb.
There are a lot of people on the internet who want to convince everyone that they are the expert, and that they know everything that's going on, and you have to follow their social media to stay up to date on all the latest developments. Be sure to like and subscribe, and sign up for our Patreon for extra special news we can't give away for free! They can't own the IP but they can claim to control the dissemination of new information. They make "explainer" videos offering to tell you how the Kaio-ken works, as if Goku didn't already explain it 34 years ago.
I understand wanting to know what's going to happen next, and wanting to know as soon as possible. But the information that's actually worth having will get put out there in due time. It might be later than you want it, but it'll be free, and with fewer hands adding their own agenda to it.
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year ago
So Episode 38.
This episode has much better animation, but like other ZEXAL episodes with very smooth animation, character models can look off.
Yuma notices Droite is using Photons, and assumes correctly Gauche is as well. Droite will of course leave them in ZEXAL II.
The Number 96 plotline doesn't have much role in this two-parter, other than to showcase Yuma isn't ready to fight alone yet, and Yuma & Astral's bond is very strong. Yuma learning to fight alone will be a big plot point in ZEXAL II, but not quite yet.
Utopia has a special attack name in this episode, called Hope Sword Mars Slash, Rising Sun Supreme Slash in the dub. Since it is part of this episode's title, and Utopia has a slightly different form here, I suspect this will become its own card as well, after Double Tension gets printed.
Gauche defends Droite end of this episode, and claims he will get the Original Number (Astral) before Kaito as a gesture to show off to Droite. The unrequited love triangle doesn't lead to much.
This episode debuts Cardcar D, and serves as the proper introduction to Overlay Eater, as its effect activates here.
Droite & Gauche were our mid-Season mid-bosses, similar to Rikuo & Kaio in S1 (This is Episode 13 of S2, which 24 episodes. Since the half-point, episode 12 was this episode's first part, this concludes the first half). After this, we have the Dog-chan episode, and slowly we will return to the Arclight plot. Not a lot will happen though.
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cuttyclowngirl · 1 month ago
DAIMA EP 16 (Spoiler) Review/theories
• Had a mini panic attack when it looked like Degesu was gonna drop Dende. Anyone else?
• Man, the fact this series was originally meant to be a web series isn't doing it any favors. We even saw Raditz again. Ho-ly. Dragon Ball already gets a bad rep for characters just standing around & this episode is an example of that. Someone give this episode's director a talking to, please.
• The battle between the Gendarmerie force & Vegeta was a wet fart, as expected. Mashim(u)'s defeat was especially disrespectful. But they were surprisingly good sports about it. Gaimoi giving Goku his chips was cute, at least. I almost don't wanna know what flavor they were...
• Really? Those Galactic Donut restraints are just gonna unexplained?
• That unnamed Demon woman, whom I will refer to as "Money Demon" for now, got the special-extra-character-acting-animation treatment along for King Gohma this episode. I was worried that'd be an episode 1 exclusive.
• Panzy, honey, you can fly. You don't need to follow on foot. Though I do enjoy a good "running-stops to wheeze-keeps running" gag.
• Degesu sorta implies that Shin has been an active Kaio-shin for over a millennium. He also points a gun at a baby. Yikes.
• "It's a Glind's nature to seek higher positions." Yeah? In the Demon Realm, maybe.
• To no surprise, Degesu wanted to be the Supreme Demon King. To what end? It goes unexplained since he was thwarted by a hat. (At least something came from that trade for the Eye) well, he was actually karate chopped in the throat by Piccolo, so, guess Piccolo got to take down a main antagonist... Meh.
• Panzy weaponized a fly swatter, did you catch that?
• It doesn't feel like it's over for Degesu, though. That was TOO easy.
• Goku says that Tamagami #1 looks stronger than the other two. If that's actually true, maybe it has to do with how close it is to the Supreme King's castle.
• Nah, that Dr Arinsu pan-up from a boob shot was nuts.
• Well Glorio, the time has finally come for you to confess & immediately side with Goku.
• Yo, why Kuu looking so serious? Waking up from your nap got you grumpy, bud?
• Wasn't expecting King Gohma getting the Third Eye lodged in his forehead to be so silly. I loved every second of that.
• King Gohma gets the G.O.D Toppo build, as expected. Or maybe it's closer to a certain someone's transformation towards the end of "Sand Land".
• Looks like next episode is gonna pop off like crazy.
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winterchildd · 4 years ago
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How can he be so cute??🥺
He has the cutest smile ever!😍
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