#supportive moms for the win
crowthekiller · 4 days
shoutout to all the parents of queer children who don’t quite get it but are trying their best to be supportive anyway. shoutout to the moms who don’t really understand what trans means or think it’s a phase but validate and support and love their kid anyway. shoutout to the dads who realized that their casual homophobia was hurting their child and are trying their best to correct their prejudice and make their child feel loved and supported. shoutout to my parents who are the absolute best anyone could ask for. shoutout to them. you are deeply appreciated and i may not make that obvious all the time but i love and appreciate y’all more than words.
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 4 months
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YO WAIT IT’S ME!!!!!! FATHER I’M FAMOUS. if i had a nickel for every time my shit got reposted in a hate thread i’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice. um anyways i don’t want feyre to be with feyre’s man cuz feyre’s man is shite not cuz of nesta🫶🏾
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dominimoonbeam · 1 year
When I told my mom that I write "secret" romance novels, she asked what the title was.
I said that's the secret part. I don't hide that I write them, but I'm not telling anyone in rl what name I write them under because if I had to think about them reading it, I would overthink the whole thing.
She said, "But if I don't know what it's called, how will I buy it?"
I love her.
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devinescribe · 6 months
Ch.13 of “My Sunshine” [TreechxReader]
Warnings: None
You were blushing and embarrassed as he smirked at you.
"Well... those were in a folder marked to not read I thought you'd-"
"You said I could read everything," he interrupted. "Plus... it's kinda cute..."
You pouted and stuck out your tongue.
"Whatever... I'm gonna pack," you huffed turning away from him.
He truly thought you were upset with him and stood up walking over to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hid his face in the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry... didn't mean to make you upset..." he mumbled.
You couldn't keep a straight face, and laughed.
"Mm... don't laugh..." he muttered against your neck, grabbing your hands, stopping you from packing.
You blushed at the feeling and stammered out a short, "I have to pack."
"Mmm... do it later..."
"Treech, how about a compromise? You help me pack and I can give you all my attention after," you said.
He groaned, wanting all of your attention now. But he agreed.
You were wondering when the down going to hit him. The realization of what happened. What he went through. You couldn't imagine how he felt. But in this moment he seemed content laying with you as you stroked his hair.
There was a stupid grin on his face as his eyes looked lazily up to you.
"You're so cute Sunshine.... Didn't know you felt that way about me," he teased.
You could feel your face grow warmer at his words.
"I-ugh! I told you already... it's stupid," you stammered, taking your hands away from his hair. He sat up on your bed and pulled you up with him..
"It's not stupid... you'll see tomorrow, I told you I did the same thing," he mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
You looked away.
"Yeah but my poetry has a certain level of degeneracy I should not have been writing. I mean I hadn't seen you for how long?" You stated embarrassed.
"And you think I was any better?"
At his words you looked up at him. He was blushing and looking away, scared to meet your gaze.
"Are you kidding me? Really? Says you."
You both laughed, and you decided to lie down. It was late. And you had an early train to catch.
"Tomorrow, when we get home... I'll show you my poetry... promise. And maybe I'll show you what I mean in some-"
You shut him up with a kiss before you cuddled into his chest, falling asleep.
Before the sun had even risen you were up. You fetched Treech's clothes from the rack of dry clean clothes and went back to your room, softly shutting the door. You turned on a small lamp as to not cause too much light to exit.
"Treech... Treech time to wake up," you whispered.
He groaned and looked up at you groggily.
"Mornin'.... I'm up," he said sleepily, his voice raspy from just waking up.
You smiled and placed his clothes at the foot of your bed as you picked out your outfit for the day.
You were glad to leave behind the Academy rouges.
A part of you would miss the memories associated with them... but you could always have your friends visit. Well... friend. Sejanus. Coriolanus had lost your trust. But you would pretend you didn't know of his cheating. For the sake of your new life.
You hummed, picking out some flared corduroy pants and a loose white shirt. You grabbed a green jacket and your boots and began getting undressed.
You heard Treech cough and choke on his own cough you assumed. You turned to face him with a questioning look.
"You're just... gonna... I mean I don't mind but I-" he stammered, looking away. But you saw him sneak a peak.
"I mean... I don't care. If you have a problem with it I can go to the-"
"Nononono, it's ok I was just... shocked I guess."
You roll your eyes and go back to undressing.
If he had known the absolute torture being trapped in a room with you was he would have stayed in the infirmary.
Oh he loved it. He loved you. He loved this. It was torture,sure. But there was something... domestic about it. Sure, he was 18, he was going to have urges for certain things. But there was something sweet about how you trusted him and felt comfortable enough to just be around him like that. His eyes traced over every line, curve, dent, bump, stretch mark.... He loved all of it.
He had gotten out of bed and started getting undressed himself.
He heard you hum softly and turned as he pulled his pants up. You were dressed and just making sure you had everything.
"You're so pretty..." he mumbled under his breath.
"What was that darlin'?"
"Said you're so pretty..."
You both quietly left your house. Your mom was bound to be sleeping. And if she was up, you didn't think she'd even try to stop you.You took one last look at the boring plain building and scoffed. Good riddance.
You walked hand in hand, quietly and quickly to the station.
When you arrived, Dean Highbottom was already waiting there for you.
"So... this is your final decision?" He asked.
You nodded.
"Alright... if you ever need anything... I'm always just a letter away."
You thanked him for all he had done as the train whistle blew.
"Good news is you both get to ride in the actual train," he said with a small laugh. "You know they send the victors back in those same cattle cars?"
The idea of that made you upset. After all the 'victors' had gone through, you would expect the Capitol to have the decency of sending them back with some sort of comfort.
You both got into the train and noticed it was empty except for the two of you and some peacekeepers.
The train screeched to life, the whistle blowing loudly. It started moving, making you stumble a bit. You picked a seat and told him to sit by the window. When he did, although a bit hesitantly, you sat next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
After about an hour of just straight silence, the only noise being the train running down the tracks and the occasional peacekeeper walking around.
"Do you think that everyone will hate me when we get home?"
There it was.
The guilt, the fear. It was bubbling up inside of him.
"Darling I don't believe they will..." you whispered, grabbing his hands.
He pulled them away from you.
"I don't know how you can hold my hands... they're stained with death... they're the hands of a murderer," he whispered, tears starting to build up.
You saw his eyes brim with tears and you gently grabbed his hands again.
"No... they are the hands of the man I love. You are not a murderer... you are as much of a victim as anyone killed... you had to do somethings you didn't want to. You found no pleasure in what you did. Treech, I know it's going to be hard... adjusting to what happened and going back. Truly. And I want you to know that I am here for you... whenever you need me... ok?" You said, bringing him close to you, his face in your chest. You felt his tears soak through your shirt, yet you didn't mind one bit, comforting him, whispering sweet nothings into his ears, and softly stroking his hair.
You had both fallen asleep on each other, and you were startled awake by the screeching of the train as it stopped.
Steam filled the platform outside and you gently shook the sleeping boy to wake him. He jumped, waking up in a panic.
“Oh… we’re here…” he muttered, standing up and stretching.
You did the same and went to grab your two suitcases, but ever the gentleman, he swooped in to pick them up himself.
“Treech I can pick them up myself, I’m an independent woman,” you whined, trying to grab at least one.
“I know you can. I know you’re independent. But I want to help,” he said, a smile playing on his lips. “And plus… ma would kill me if I wasn’t treatin’ you right.”
You rolled your eyes and agreed. The two of you walked to the door. It opened and you saw hesitation cross over his face.
“Hey… it’s ok… whatever happens… I’m here for you…” you whispered, hooking your arm with his.
He took a deep breath, and you both stepped onto the platform.
You looked around and a smile began to grow across your face.
The clean air, the small chatter of people heading to work in the lumberyard, the sun just starting to peak over the trees, a soft fog covering the tops.
You were home.
Suddenly you felt warm arms wrap around you and the sound crying filled your ears.
A soft hand gently cupped your face and you looked to the person.
You looked at the woman and recognized her. Jet black hair with a streak of gray in the front, stormy gray eyes, and soft olive skin. Oh she looked older, but you recognized her.
“Oh, sweethearts, I’m so glad you’re ok,” she whispered in between sobs. “(Y/N), thank you… thank you for keepin’ him safe… for bringing my boy back.”
“I wouldn’t dream of letting him get hurt…”
She smiled, and hugged Treech who immediately hugged her back, crying with her.
“Oh my sweet boy… I’m so glad your home,” she whispered.
She took a step back and looked at the two of you.
“You two look… as close as you did when you were young… but…” she mumbled.
You blushed, looking away.
She grabbed your both of your hands. She had realized.
“Hm… so, you finally realized it?” She smiled.
“Ma, I knew for a while it’s just… I..”
“Well, this is exciting! (Y/N), dear, when do you go back to the Capitol?” She asked, looking to you.
There was a small silence before you smiled brightly.
“I’m… never going back.”
The three of you walked to his family’s cabin. You remembered the dirt roads and pathways.
You were getting sideways glances and dirty looks as you walked past people. They thought you were Capitol. And who could blame them. It’s not like you dressed like them. And the bright white shirt gave it away.
Clinging onto Treech’s sleeve as you walked through town was the only comfort you hand.
When you entered his cabin you sighed happily. It was closer to the edge of the woods than the others, being one of the oldest cabins in seven. And it was full of memories.
“Now, when did you two… give the rings back… I see you’ve grown into them,” she laughed, a bit giddy at the fact.
You looked down at you hands, the rings that used to be on necklaces now placed on each respective hand.
You blushed, a bit embarrassed at this.
“Well… we gave them back to each other after the games… at her house… and it doesn’t mean-“
“Oh, I’m not dumb Treech. I know what givin’ those rings mean. And it’s ok. I’m excited to have somethin’ to look forward to,” she smiled. “Your father went off to work, but he’ll be excited to know of it… Dear, do you have a place to stay?”
You nodded.
“Um yes I do. I was fortunate enough to have someone in the Capitol who is… my keeper of sorts. He’s helped and is going to help with some of the things back in the Capitol,” you answered.
“Well your parents must have been so sad at you leavin’ I couldn’t imagine,” she sighed sadly.
“Oh… well they don’t know. Nor would they care… um Ma isn’t the same woman you remember… and father changed completely… so I… don’t think they’ll miss it,” you explained.
His mother sighed, nodding her head.
“I told him he was going to lose the things he loved the most if he continued on the path he was on… don���t worry dear. Now.. if you two want you can go to this place you’re going to or you can stay. You can stay here as long as you need, until its ready… I take it you won’t mind sharing a bed with him?” She teased, winking at you.
You giggled at Treech’s outburst and how he was hiding his face in his hands.
“I don’t mind at all,” you smiled.
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inkykeiji · 4 months
lil con haul!! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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by far my favourite piece of merch from this weekend (and my favourite photo from the con HAHAHA) (∗˃̶ ᵕ ˂̶∗) i actually hadn’t even realized there was a dabi cosplayer in front of me at first—i had only spotted the plushie, and i was so over the moon about it that it took me a while to notice he was technically, kind of, standing right in front of me (my boyfriend was like ‘i can’t believe i spotted them before you did!’ because i usually spot dabi cosplayers very quickly) >.<
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and then i got these!!! and a ton of chocolate and this japanese candy that i thought was gum but was, in fact, definitely not gum (still good tho!)
anyway we had such a blast and i am sad that it’s over but happy with my lil goodies here c:
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shivroy · 1 year
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my mom made me this enchanting shawl 💕
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well that was awkward
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porschethemermaid · 2 years
1. The mutual love and cheesy-ness Gun and Tinn have for each other is unmatched.
2. Gun is going to be the best son-in-law ever.
3. Sound and Win is so damn cute I swear.
5. Mah bois slayed that stage, argue with the wall.
6. "Your Mom is okay" hit so damn hard. It got me.
7. Not the way Sound just pulled Gun into a hug and the rest of Chinzilla just being so supportive, I LOVE THEM.
8. Tiwson is still a god. He will always be a god. He is the key to everyone being successful with their relationships and actually getting the band more followers (OF COURSE THEY HAVE TALENT BUT TIWSON WAS THE ONE WHO ACTUALLY DID IT)
In conclusion, I love them. Slay.
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youmustfixyourheartt · 9 months
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The fact you're not fully into sealshipping is a shame
You'd fuck with those two so hard
thats a lot of words but i trust your opinion
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crowthekiller · 5 days
that feeling when you talk about politics with your mom and you actually have an amazing nuanced conversation about queers and trans people and trans minors and she expands her knowledge on it
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The homophobic Takaaki fics are the fucking bane of my existence. I know it's the writers choice and I don't hate any of the writers that do it, but I just hate that idea. *sniffle sniffle*
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deltagf · 8 months
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hot girls going to panera bread
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ryansjane · 2 years
mdl year in review 2022
just like last year, I thought I’d share my year in review by mdl :)
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streghe · 1 year
mom just asked me if we can go to laguna pride together
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farharbour · 11 months
an incredibly wild memory just hit me like a freight train holy shit so. back when my mom had just died my cousin (and at the time best friend) stayed over at my place for a few nights and every single night while i cried and messaged iuri over skype (it was 2013) they would put on the most barebones meenah h/omestuck cosplay and rp with people on omegle and over msparp/trollmegle fhjdnfjsdk fucking TROLLMEGLE. anyone remember trollmegle that shit was SO ass
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meezer · 2 years
discussion of transgenderism with mother 50 people injured 29 in critical condition
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