#support: nel
raijintosworn · 4 months
[ garden ] the celebration had only just begun ; surprise flickers briefly to find another out here seeking respite so soon. but then, she supposes the same could be said for herself.
"pardon. i had not meant to disturb." but as the surfeited commotion of the interior fades to the garden's sequestered cold, she sweeps her gaze over the rows of hedges lit by twilight and the flowering stems of their winter flora, the vines and ivys in plain color — surroundings far more befitting of her. she cannot help but feel more at ease in their presence than in that behind them both. so to buy that solace, she turns back to the stranger, producing from her person an ivory pinion soft as moonlight. "for your tolerance, i will return you this white feather. i presume it will be of some use to you."
Ryoma echoes the word, before shaking his head. The party had gotten a little much. While he likes people, it grows suffocating, and sometimes it's good to breathe. Clearly she must feel the same. But immediately, she offering one of those broaches for his... tolerance? Odd.
"I appreciate the broach, but it's not necessary. I don't own these gardens." He takes the broach. It's beautiful, the opposite of his own black one. He could simply offer it to her - as is the point of the game - but he finds himself intrigued by this stranger. He sits the gifted broach in his pocket.
"I, in turn, could offer you the black feather." He holds the onyx-black between his fingers, before tucking it away. "But I'd like something in return, first - your company."
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glfry · 1 year
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The way they dropped this man into my lap and expected me to stay calm is absolutely insane
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demon-snqw · 10 months
I only got the DLC last month but have to say, y'all have been sleeping on Timerra/Nel as a ship.
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moonystoes · 2 months
So...does pauline always wear that corny hulk shirt under her kit?
Who even decided to give her that nickname? She's not hulk she's a lizard.
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Does anyone see the vision
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starscreeam · 1 year
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(nel x ivy)
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four-loose-screws · 11 months
Alear / Nel C Support Translation
FE Game Script Translations - FE Novel Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
If you are interested in donating to support my work, please check out my Ko-fi here. Thank you!
Official English Localized Conversation is also below!
Alear: Nel, how are you doing? You’re not having any problems, are you?
Nel: I’m fine. Nothing has changed from before I went to sleep.
Alear: That puts me at ease. If you’re ever having trouble with anything, please come talk to me any time.
Nel: …Divine One. Before coming here, I heard from Rafal of the circumstances that led me to be able to awaken. Even though you didn’t know whether I would really awaken or not… You were able to confidently wonder whether I would come to you?
Alear: It was because I believed.
Nel: Eh?
Alear: It was because I believed that I would be able to meet you again, no matter how long it would take.
Nel: …! You really are a good person, Divine One. Please be careful not to believe everyone you meet, and get yourself hurt.
Alear: Ah ha ha… You’ve given me some harsh words yet again. But I am happy that you seem to be doing well. I’m really happy… that we were able to meet again.
English Localization:
Alear: Hey, Nel. How are you feeling? Having any trouble adjusting or anything?
Nel: I have had no difficulty. And I feel the same as I felt prior to my slumber.
Alear: I'm glad to hear that. All the same, I hope you'll come to me if there's anything you need.
Nel: Before we arrived here, Rafal informed me of the circumstances which allowed me to awaken. You had a notion of how to wake me, but you could not be assured of success. And yet you pondered whether I would come, as if to take that success as given. Why?
Alear: You're right, I didn't know for sure. I guess I just believed it.
Nel: Explain.
Alear: I chose to have faith that we'd meet again, Nel. No matter how long it took.
Nel: I see. You truly are possessed of a virtuous nature, Divine One. I only hope that your gentle disposition does not cause you to trust others unduly. Farewell.
Alear: Hm-hm! I guess I should be used to the lectures by now. Even so, it's good to see her in high spirits. Never change, Nel.
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earanie · 1 year
Tumblerines and tumblers, you're not gonna believe this, but your girl has finally gotten herself a Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza. absolutely bonkers
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rafent · 8 months
there would always be guilt swelling within the mage dragon's heart at every sight of lady nel and lord n——rafal. lord rafal. the same dragon it once sought to eradicate with hatred fueling the flames of its outstretched hands. yet now, its hands were raised for good, pressed gently to the porcelain of a teapot's belly as the fire beneath the wood dwindled to simmering crackles.
today was lord rafal's name - day, and zelestia had no clue what to give the fell dragon. they had not been as acquainted as she'd like, despite her unwavering duty to uphold him and his older sister's ideals——would he enjoy the same delights as lady nel did? should she prepare a plentiful of gifts in the light of him disregarding the first? or the second? no, the fell dragon would not bring himself to deny at least one present, right?
thus, most of the day went as proclaimed; zelestia pondered, stumbled, and tripped over itself in the endeavor of pleasing lord rafal. it hardly left his side, tending to every need of his ( though there was an evident lack of tasks, as rafal was as independent as his countenance let on ) from brief worries to more grueling acts. doors opened in advance, food offered by eager hands, and attempts at ushering the fell dragon to rest whenever he stood idle for a moment too long.
all of it was fussing, at its finest, and yet, she could not understand why her heart still ached afterward. thus an introspection led to now; hands cupping a teapot, two embroidered cups set across a table spread, and a mage dragon as confused as the set - up was simple. all this time, she came to realize, and she hadn't even expressed a 'happy birthday' yet?! oh, how stupid that was of her! a fault that, quickly, needed to be dealt with; hence, her placing the pot down to find the fell dragon before the night ended.
"lord rafal! a moment of your time, please," zelestia exclaimed——pleaded, really. breathless, she stepped before him. an unspoken apology was strewn across her face when she bowed her head, clasping her hands together against her chest as she continued, "i'm sorry! i forgot to wish you a happy birthday earlier, despite my attempts to ease any hardships you'd face today. so, um... happy birthday? i mean, happy birthday!"
when the mage dragon rose, she smiled sweetly, hands no longer clasped as she eagerly gestured to an area quite a distance away, where the earlier teatime set - up was. "i prepared tea for the both of us, if you would like to sit down and try some. unless you are more inclined to rest, then by no means shall i stop you. actually, i encourage it!"
( —— fell xenologue au ; zelestia )
As Rafal knew well, as Nil had known first, the Four Winds though humble were not to be underestimated. Each knight defined by strength and fealty that far exceeded the scant numbers to their ranks. To his surprise, they further outsized expectation in that loyalty to Nil failed to disintegrate entirely, some carried over to the man who displaced him and the very Elyos they were born to. Zelestia among them, Zelestia who despite her draconic roots was more alike a tireless hummingbird, flitting to and from Rafal throughout the day in a never-ending desire to please.
Often while speaking together, his partial expectation was that she would expend all the energy she had on her own worries. Or that his mind would simply implode from the speed of its thoughts processed. Whichever came first. "What nonsense, Zelestia. Every moment of this day has decidedly been claimed as yours. What purpose is there in asking after it now?" Arms crossed, the glowering mien above it colored by torchlight in an expression that was hostile but not unusual or - to another extent - true to the surface portrayed.
Had Rafal truly been displeased with her efforts, he would not have permitted himself to partake in one inch of them. He realized that despite his unforgivable sins, his most undeserving of natures, she conferred on him a day of comparative normalcy. Something he had not experienced for a thousand years. In a figment of reality he would not name, he had even enjoyed it; the fussing on his birthday, the bustling energy of Zelestia, and the sense of preoccupation only recently condemned.
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All of it achingly familiar - a return to fond and simpler times though he knew those times existed no more. His cold gaze slackened, a flickering warmth behind it. "Heed the words I shall only say once; for all this time, you have not allowed yourself to rest in your attentions toward me. . .so I will accept your well-wishes on one condition. You will sit alongside me without worrying mindlessly of this or that."
A heartbeat toward retrospect, the next addendum hastily immediate:
"—and you will know the value of silence."
After all, he enjoyed such pleasantries in fixed moderation, including the social aspect inherent within them. He did not even speak to Nel so brazenly or as often during their teatime. But no doubt there would be time to learn of his habits for those who knew Nil better than they knew Rafal. This, the expectant Fell Dragon invited - starting his approach toward the prepared area without awaiting response.
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hresvelged · 1 year
@nelithic sent:
⟢ locating each of the bracelet emblems proves more difficult than she had anticipated in such a formal setting. nel had underestimated how different everyone could look, arrayed in scintillating ballroom attire and glittering accessories. for many, their hairstyle and overall appearance had undergone similar, seemingly drastic transformation as well. the young adrestian emperor edelgard is one such individual who seems to be someone else altogether when not dressed in the uniform nel had grown accustomed to seeing, with full-blooded aymr in hand.
"edel— ... hm."
and for that matter, the scene that greets her when she does locate her is also not what she had expected. the young woman is surrounded — perhaps ' cornered ' is more accurate — by two of the serving mice who hover close, trying to offer her water and towelettes out of apparent concern. though the young monarch does well to conceal it, she still looks disquieted. nel approaches more swiftly, parting the two murid attendants with her arrival. "emblem edelgard?" she instinctively reaches for a nearby chair. "is there something the matter?"
There is a certain irony in the rodents trying to offer assistance when their very presence is the root of her dismay in the first place. Her typical demeanor of a blunt, commanding to-be emperor pry's to dissipate at the sight. She will never allow it so, but the discomfort she feels when she shoos away their offerings sustains itself.
Whether or not it is the intent, Edelgard feels relief once her company of one turns into two and they are no longer breathing down her neck. A quiet sigh leaves glossed lips, quirking an eyebrow in turn. She has many titles in past and present, but 'emblem' has not counted itself among those numbers. Nonetheless, she leaves it be.
"I.. can't say these festivities are going as I'd hoped." Edelgard's eyes stray towards the chair, reluctantly taking a seat. She crosses one leg over the other, arms resting in her lap. "I apologize. My last intention was to have others greet me with concern. Thank you, nonetheless." Then, she shoots a quick glance back towards the mice. For now, they steer away. "Perhaps this is selfish of me, but I have a request— Would you stay a moment longer? I just.. I need time to decipher my next move."
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arnaultdorothea · 1 year
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Nel S-Support
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crowntess · 2 years
mikoto's heart stutters helplessly in her chest.  she is too kind to place the blame entirely on odin, but she can't help to entertain the thought. after all, the promise of him becoming her savior if the festival proved to be a disaster to her is sweet... and concerning. was her partner a force of chaos? too much? or were they simply not enough? but the reminder of odin's speech pastes itself in her head, behind her eyes. he is a man of too many words and little time to speak; there is a chance of his misguided opinion!
a flute of champagne taken graciously from a passing server's platter, mikoto busies herself with focusing on the festivities around her rather than wallowing in her own anxiety. the stage, right now, seems to be quite empty. earlier, she remembers seeing a performance occur to greet the participants of the festival. there is a faint idea that comes to her— it has been some time since she's danced before an audience. ( you do not think about the reason why. it always relates to a loss you were forced to bear. )
she sips her champagne and raises her left hand to check the stability of the accessories clipped or braided in her dark tresses. when her hand rises, the three bracelets on her wrist clink against each other. each connected to the next by a thin, beaded golden chain. shiny, as odin had instructed. this would be the reason behind the day's triumph.
or, in odin's words, it would help her 'attain the sweet nectar of heaven' and whatever else his imagination had created for her.
" calm yourself, mikoto, " the hoshidan queen murmurs to herself, the rim of the glass flute inches from her lips. she takes a moment to hype herself up, holding her hand to her chest until she has calmed down. ( you almost tried to slow your heartbeat until realization struck that your heart would always be still. ) " alright; smile, do your best, and live. onwards! "
it is what arete would tell her, anyway.
starter for @ you know who you are !
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nagavoice · 2 years
It is late enough into the evening that Rhea has already counted each star as its crests over the horizon. She has stayed mostly with the other faculty as they watched the celebrations take place out in the courtyard and in cozy classrooms, warmed by the expression's on the peoples' faces and the honeyed mead she allows herself only this time of year.
The archbishop follows after some of the knights as they go to inspect the bonfire, though soon enough such a premise has given way to dancing for most. Rhea stays back - watching the circle dance, though draws closer once to sweep some fallen herbs back into the embrace of the fire.
"Oh," she says, catching herself before a stray dancer comes into her path, "my apologies…" Their hands touch for a moment, the feeling familiar.
midsommar 2022
          THE SLOW WALTZES OF THE EVENING SWELL into quicker footworks by night. Tiki now shares the dance with two or more people, her elbows wrapped around theirs as they lilt and leap around the bonfire. The embers smack their faces, and the herbal smoke wafting through the obsidian night is enough to make some of them cough, but far above the regular discomforts of a fire, their laughter rings. Tiki's joy is perhaps most palpable of all. Though she lived near civilization for decades upon decades, rarely had she ever partaken in their merrymaking. Festivals were usually celebrated in her honor, far below her perch on the Mila tree. It would take quite some time before she could attend them herself, and even then, such devotees as Say'ri remained fussful over her. 
          Not tonight, though— tonight, she sings and dances and laughs freely; liberally. Her hand is in another's, her smile reflected in their eyes.
          It's difficult to fathom how lonely her life must have been. Depraved of the closeness she had craved, yet afraid to pursue it herself; yet still angered by others' choice to prevent her from doing so. It felt as though she had been stoppered on both ends, the free-flow of her emotions corked in by the hands of others and her own. It would be comforting to think that only she could experience loneliness to such a degree—
          "Oh! Excuse me." Tiki is mid-twirl when she bumps into a figure looming by the flame, their hands meeting for the briefest of moments. Quickly, she recognizes the green hair bathed in the fireglow; recognizes the gaze that shone kindly, apologetically, towards her. Her eyes widen, and thereupon spreads a flush to her cheeks.
          —but she knows well that there are others who have shared in her experience.
           Her composure recovers quickly. "You're… Lady Rhea, am I not mistaken?" The question is rhetorical— Tiki knows she isn't mistaken. Long has she been curious of the Archbishop. There persisted an air of familiarity around her, warmer and brighter than the fire she stood in front of. The verdant hue of her hair had furthered the idea: that perhaps they are not quite so different from one another.
          She clears her throat. "Unfortunate that we must meet this way, but… fate has its ways, I suppose. I am glad to have finally run into you, besides."
          She really must leave it there; the circle of dancers she had been a part of moments ago had long since left her at her place, and she's sure the Archbishop has far more valuable things to do than idle with her. But the underlying curiosity she held rises to the surface, and a suggestion leaves her lips before she can properly consider it, accompanied by the invitation of her outstretched hand. "Well, would you care to join us?"
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malusienki · 7 months
the french lucie sounds great and i haven’t watched a full staged production of it (i’ve heard most of it though!) but the fact that alisa is GONE makes me sad…. do not separate lucia and alisa !!! aaaand post
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Alright after reading something on twitter, I re-re-read Alear and Rafal' PR support.
Saying that since Divine dragon and Fell dragon have a common ancestor in the Fell Xenologue, Nil's personality was more alike of a Divine dragon then a Fell dragon and that the reason why they are called a failure is because of their sweet character, and thus is the reason why they are more likely to be either disposed of or die due to the hostile environnement they live in, making them easier target and then... my brain was like
"So... when he said "such a sweethearted evil dragon would have died first thing in the morning in my world"... was it because Alear's kind nature reminded him of Nil....? "
Excuse me * rolls on the floor and cries*
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yusuke-of-valla · 1 year
Yes if you’re wondering, I DID spend the entire Xenologue forgetting that Alear is Sombron’s child, I am, in fact. Stupid
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four-loose-screws · 11 months
Alear / Nel B Support Translation
FE Game Script Translations - FE Novel Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
If you are interested in donating to support my work, please check out my Ko-fi here. Thank you!
Official English Localized Conversation is also below!
Nel: Divine One, come here before you return to your room.
何か、怒ってませんか? エル。
Alear: You aren’t mad, are you, Nel? Are you… going to lecture me, maybe?
Nel: This is just like you. When I say it is just like you not to know, it really is just like you. …I thank you for protecting me during the last battle. But you were injured while doing so, weren’t you?
Alear: So you noticed? Even though it’s not a large wound.
Nel: Even if it is not a large wound, pain still hurts, doesn’t it? Allow me to treat it at least.
Alear: Thank you.
Nel: …The Divine Dragon in my world was the same. You would do something like this, and put on a calm face even if you were injured. You would say that you are fine, ask if I am alright… then immediately concern yourself with those around you. Please take better care of yourself. No one can replace you.
Alear: I will be careful. I’m sorry.
Nel: You can put anything into words. Please show me with your actions next time.
Alear: Tee hee, you’re as strict as ever, aren’t you? Nel. I’ve been wanting to ask this for a while, but… do I really resemble the me that was in the other world?
Nel: Why are you asking me that all of a sudden?
Alear: I’ve been thinking about it this entire time. I was very happy when you said in the other world that you couldn’t lose me, and saved me. But I have wondered… To you, am I… the same Divine Dragon that existed there?
Nel: I… …I’m done with your treatment. Anyway, please rest for the day.
Alear: …Understood. See you tomorrow. Goodnight, Nel.
English Localization:
Nel: Divine One, before you retire to your chambers, a word.
Alear: Uh-oh. What did I do this time?
Nel: It is so very like you not to know. I noticed your efforts to shield me from harm in the last battle. And I am appreciative. In doing so, however, you sustained an injury.
Alear: So you noticed. I did take a hit, but it was nothing serious.
Nel: Even a superficial wound can be quite painful. Allow me to treat it.
Alear: Oh, thank you.
Nel: A certain other Divine Dragon I knew was also nonchalant about injuries. And always quick with empathy. The focus was always outward, on the well-being of others. As the irreplaceable centerpiece of this army, you must be more mindful of your condition.
Alear: I get it. I'm sorry. I'll be more careful.
Nel: It is easy to speak the words of such an oath. Harder to support the words with action.
Alear: You never let up, do you? You know, Nel, I've been meaning to ask. How similar am I to the Divine Dragon you knew in your world?
Nel: Why the sudden interest?
Alear: I've actually been wondering for a while. When you saved my life back in your world, you said that you couldn't bear to lose me. Does that mean... To you, am I... When you look at me, are you actually seeing the Divine Dragon you knew before?
Nel: The wound is clean. And it is healing nicely. You should take this day to rest and recover. Farewell for now.
Alear: Thanks, Nel, I will. Goodnight.
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