#supper’s ready
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cosmonautroger · 10 months ago
Genesis, Supper’s Ready, Melodie TV, 1974
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severalpossiblemusiks · 2 years ago
I haven’t the faintest idea what is going on in this video, which seems pretty normal for Genesis
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pinkrelish · 1 year ago
I'd love to lay mechanic!Eddie back and suck the remaining energy out of him after a long day of work. Flipping him over to apply a deep pressured massage along his shoulders, back, forearms just any and every tender spot. I'd put on a incense and lather with him up with CBD lotion before I straddle and drain another orgasm out of him before I feed him and put him to bed. Definitely a dream of mine 🤭
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it's a personal preference prevalent in all my major work, but i like the position of Reader taking care of the love interest better. both in smut and normal situations, i just don't connect with being the one taken care of, i guess. doesn't rev my engine. however, the reverse? man. there's just something about a hard workin' man like Eddie shuffling in the door with all his exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders, hardly able to step out of his boots and fall onto the couch, where it's all my pleasure to unzip his coveralls and welcome him home with my mouth, relaxing him into true relief.
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hyunpic · 9 months ago
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ladelnet · 10 months ago
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ofleafstructure · 6 months ago
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Genesis 1972 Promo Photo
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gorgongorgeous · 7 months ago
EXPLICIT / ~7.5k words
Wolfwood could ignore it. Or, well, maybe he could have. If this were any other city. Any other night. Any other song, even, because it’s one that Vash knows—Vash, whose eyes light up even behind his stupid glasses, even more bright cyan than the neon, than clear desert sky at high noon. Because that’s the problem. Has been all along. That it can’t be, could never be, anyone other than Vash the goddamn Stampede who looks at him like that.
Between the start of Julai and the end of it, Vash and Wolfwood see if either one of them can get drunk. Or: a last supper, of sorts.
(aka Vashwood Reverse Bang post time at last let's funkin goooooo)
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pergaminaa · 1 month ago
Modern au:
When I'm speaking about Manon's stress/anxiety, I mean that she's really a mess.
One is her inability to deal with those emotions because she doesn't understand them. She was shamed out of that and it's just something she tries to ignore until she's in the middle of a panic attack.
It all goes back to early childhood; her grandmother conditioned her to behave in a certain way. If she was too upset or too worked up (even if she’s excited) it was something she’d get admonished for. She must always be perfect, and anything other than that is unacceptable.
The toxic, abusive environment she grew up in bled into her personal life. The few times she dated, she ended up with the worst kind of man. Very similar to her grandmother. It’s familiar, she knows how to navigate that. She is always hyper-vigilant, paying attention to the smallest quests, navigating a mess, and being miserable.
It’s what she knows. She knows how to handle this.
Also, she is undiagnosed and unmedicated. The entire concept is unfathomable. What would her grandmother say if she's not right in the head? Her grandmother will never accept this, and this is why Manon doesn't even think about what might be the cause of those issues.
Also, just being wired this way is going to be a sure way for her grandmother to outright disown her and find someone who is sane and not screwed up in the head to take her place. So no. She is totally fine and doesn't need any help managing anything. She's perfectly normal.
So really, with a major issue like this being ignored, Manon continues to pretend nothing is wrong. Things are okay until the slightest bit goes wrong, and she spirals. But she's mostly in denial about it. It is not because of her, but rather, the circumstances and things going wrong. Because when everything is going according to plan, she is perfectly fine.
The wake up call was when she started dating Dorian. At one point, she contemplated breaking up with him. She was going to, being with him was too overwhelming and she felt out of her element, out of control.
Dorian only has love and support for her. He doesn’t get angry, he doesn’t yell and gaslight her. He never did anything to hurt her and she doesn’t know how to navigate this. It was stressing her out and she felt like she was drowning. She can't predict anything. She can't tell when he's going to lose his temper or just... flip the script on her and blame her for his reactions.
One night she went to Sorrel, on the verge of a breakdown because she had made up her mind. It is the best course of action. There is only way to cut their losses and end things before they get too tangled up. But it pained her and she needed to talk to someone.
Sorrel was clear with her, she was self sabotaging. She has something good and she doesn’t know how to handle it. She feels safer with what is familiar, even if it means getting herself hurt.
Sorrel asked her if this was what she really wanted. To leave Dorian and all that he’s doing for her and end up with another abusive/toxic asshole. Manon said that she didn’t want to leave Dorian, but she didn’t know what to do. She can’t read any cues from him. She can’t tell when he’ll lose his cool.
Sorrel reminded her that Dorian is not this kind of person. Despite teasing him, she knows that he will never hurt Manon. Her best friend only reacts like this because she doesn’t know how to handle it better. But she deserves it. She deserves a man who worships her and has her best interest at heart.
This is why Sorrel didn’t let Manon sabotage her relationship. It was she who suggested therapy. If only for the relationship part. Baby steps, she doesn’t want to push Manon towards addressing her other issues when this is going on.
Manon took some time to become comfortable with the idea. It took hours for Sorrel to talk some sense into her, but she finally relented. She realized that she doesn’t want to leave Dorian, she loves him and wants to have a life with him. She doesn’t want anyone else, it’s either him or no one else.
She will keep this a secret. Her grandmother doesn’t have to know if only goes to therapy once a week to make her relationship work with Dorian.
Those therapy sessions weren’t easy at all. By the third one, she was ready to call it quits because it was opening up so many buried wounds and she couldn’t cope with that.
Sorrel wouldn’t let her quit though. She knows that Manon needs this kind of help and she’s so glad she realized it and took the first step. Sorrel will support her through it and even drive her to and from therapy (she did, it was the only way to make Manon go at one point)
At first, the therapy was about not sabotaging her relationship with Dorian. But as the therapist dug into the roots of this kind of sabotage, it was clear that her upbringing was the cause of all of this.
This is why the therapist referred her to another therapist because this is much bigger than just seeking a certain type of relationship.
Again, Sorrel was thrilled. Because yes, someone needed to dig deep enough to realize the amount of damage that’s been caused. And hopefully, work on fixing it.
Manon was very uncomfortable with the idea. She doesn’t want to speak about her life, her childhood, her grandmother. She loves her grandmother. She just needs to stop being careless and her grandmother is happy. She has internalized all of it, reasoning that her abuse and mistreatment are one hundred percent justified.
She also realized if the first therapist is referring her to someone more specialized, then she must be too broken to be fixed. And this is bad because:
A) Her grandmother is right, there is something fundamentally wrong with her and it can’t be fixed.
B) Dorian deserves so much better than this. So she must cut him loose rather than drag him down with her.
But she’s also a coward and can’t face telling him this. So she got Sorrel to help.
Sorrel listened to her and agreed. She will invite Dorian and speak to him. Manon will not be present, she will hide in Sorrel’s room and get herself used to not seeing Dorian ever again (the thought almost crushed her)
Dorian arrived earlier than the appointed time. Sorrel’s call scared him and he wondered what was wrong. If it’s about Manon and she isn’t the one telling him, then something is wrong.
Sorrel was calm, and she explained the situation to him. From start to finish.
Honestly, it’s all heavy stuff and Sorrel isn’t sure how Dorian is going to take it. Manon seems resigned that he’s going to leave, and Sorrel isn’t sure what to think of.
During their conversation Dorian asked multiple times where Manon is, and Sorrel diverted his attention every time. He did see her eyes fall on the closed door though, making him realize that Manon is close by.
At the end, he heard Sorrel loud and clear. If he leaves, Manon understands. She wouldn’t hold him back or make him stay. She’s too much baggage she isn’t sure she can handle herself, let alone burden someone else with her.
Hearing this, he stood up, his face unreadable.
“I would like to speak to my girlfriend,” He said in a non-negotiable tone.
Hearing him refer to Manon as such, Sorrel realized that he wasn’t leaving. He can judge her all he wants, she’s here looking out for Manon.
“She’s behind that door,” Sorrel looked at the closed door.
Dorian took offense at what Sorrel was insinuating. He wasn’t going to leave Manon just because of that. When it comes to love, he loves all of her. He doesn’t pick and choose what parts to love and what to hate.
If anything, he is glad she’s working with a professional to help her. He hates that she suffers alone like this. If she thinks her trauma and therapy is what’s going to send him away then she’s delusional.
He will especially stay to help her and support her during this time.
Walking into Sorrel’s room, he immediately went to the woman he loves. Holding her in his arms and wiping her tears, promising her that he won’t leave.
Also, telling her how proud he is that she is going to therapy.
#booklr#books and reading#throne of glass#manon blackbeak#tog#dorian havilliard#manon x dorian#manorian#sorrel blackbeak#it was a rough period and it wasn’t all fun#Dorian was supper supportive#and Manon was leaning on him during those sessions like sometimes she’d leave triggered af#and it kinda just kept getting worse and worse#to the point where he wondered if things are supposed to get THIS bad before they get better. after a lot of talking he gathered from Manon#that the therapist wasn’t being very helpful. one she kept undermining their relationship claiming that Manon is too dependent on him (just#because he’s there in the clinic for every appointment and for being super supportive) and second she wanted /insisted that Manon should#confront her grandmother which Manon refused to do and said that she can’t do it but the therapist didn’t listen and kept pressuring her#thus making her feel worse and worse. one time it got bad to the point where Manon wanted him in the session with her but the therapist#refused so Manon called him to come and take her away from there which he did but the therapist wasn’t too happy about it and said some#things to which Dorian responded that this is over and Manon is not going to continue coming to these sessions. he was serious because that#woman was getting angry and Manon wasn’t coping at all. he also knows that quitting therapy altogether isn’t really an option. he just#needs to find someone better and more understanding. he asked Yrene and recommended someone who specializes in that sort of thing. but#Dorian wasn’t going to take any risks so he went to see the new therapist himself and he told her of what happened with the previous one#he told her that Manon might be very reluctant this time and that she might want him with her#the new therapist assured him that the sessions will go according what her patient wants so him being present in every session will never#be an issue. and also she will never push her patient to do anything she isn’t ready for/doesn’t want to do#it was very rocky at first because Manon needed to trust that this new therapist isn’t going to be awful and put her under so much pressure#and stress. it took about six sessions of her testing the waters before she decided to give it a chance again#so yeah it was really rough but by the end she settled and just went with it because she doesn’t want to drag Dorian down and also she#wants to get better and honestly those pills are being so helpful it was better than being trapped in her own head for hours and hours
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cosmonautroger · 1 year ago
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Genesis, Supper's Ready, 1972
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astrosexologist · 11 months ago
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pasta-connoisseur · 1 year ago
Progvember day 2- inspired by a lyric
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“Out in the garden, the moon seems very bright
Six saintly shrouded men, move across the lawn slowly
The seventh walks in front, with a cross held high in hand”
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sy666th · 11 months ago
50 years later....
…I only realized it a couple of days ago: exactly 50 years have passed since that incredible evening that my uncle decided to take his favorite niece to a concert of an English group that he loved so much. It wasn't my first concert: I had seen others, in open-air festivals, in summer festivals, in village festivals… very well-known names that I would have seen many other times over the years (Guccini, De Gregori, i Nomadi , De Andrè, Fossati…). But as far as I can remember, this was the first time we took the car to go far away for a concert. It was the first time I heard someone singing in that strange language that I didn't understand. And the first time I saw someone dressed like for carnival, to sing. May always be blessed who takes children to concerts.
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celestie0 · 1 year ago
where is gojo u guys ☹️😞 he’s not home yet
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radiodormouse · 6 months ago
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the-shy-artisan · 7 months ago
Been making it a point to read different myths and legends to the residents lately. So far, I've read to them St. George and the Dragon and the legend of the Four Rivers of China (the four dragons).
Today, I'm going to read to them the tale of Prometheus and Pandora's Box c:
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emissary-of-dog · 7 months ago
genesis supper's ready sunday..
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