arquivoufo · 9 months
Comitê de Supervisão da Câmara dos EUA receberá informações classificadas sobre OVNIs em breve
Membros proeminentes do Comitê de Supervisão da Câmara dos Estados Unidos estão prestes a receber informações altamente sigilosas relacionadas aos Objetos Voadores Não Identificados (OVNIs). A aguardada reunião, agendada para acontecer em breve no Escritório de Segurança da Câmara, será conduzida por Thomas A. Monheim, inspetor-geral da Comunidade de Inteligência dos Estados Unidos. Essa medida…
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googlediscovery · 1 year
Supervisão humana na geração de conteúdo por IA é importante, afirma Google
Durante o evento Google Search Central Live em San Francisco, o porta-voz do Google, Danny Sullivan, ressaltou a importância da supervisão humana ao utilizar conteúdo gerado por IA. Ele mencionou que, no momento, existem problemas reconhecidos com esse tipo de conteúdo. Edward Hyatt citou Sullivan dizendo que, um dia, a IA poderá escrever conteúdo tão bom ou até melhor do que pessoas com…
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whumpsoda · 1 year
Your Name is Villain
omg I am going feral over this it gives me so many whumperflies!!! (I made a part two!! Part 2)
cw: mild restraints, mild cursing
“Greetings, Hero.”
Hero couldn’t move. His limbs were tied so tightly on every inch of his body that there was no movement possible, even his head was squeezed against the back of the large leather chair.
“Fuck you.” In response Supervillain chuckled tenderly, stepping fully into the dimly lit room, allowing for the giant metal door to shut behind him.
“I’m so glad I’m finally able to use my powers on you, Hero. Aren’t you?” 
“Fuck. You.” Hero struggled against the restraints as much as he possibly could, to no avail.
Hero knew Supervillain’s power. It was the sole reason why Supervillain was so feared, why only Hero could fight him. Hero had managed to go so long without getting too close, and yet now it was all for nothing. Supervillain had gotten his hands on him, and now there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Supervillain was mere inches from him now, tall and slender, a malicious grin plastered across his face. 
Supervillain’s hands reached out toward Hero.
They were coming closer.
And closer.
Frantic pleads and wails filled the cramped room, but did nothing to cease Supervillain’s movement.
“Shhh, hush Hero. I’m not gonna hurt you, you know that.” Fat tears began to roll out of fear stricken eyes as Hero attempted to turn his head out of reach. 
Supervillain’s icy fingertips met with Hero’s temples, beginning a tender, circular rubbing motion. “Please! Please don’t! I’ll never fight you again, I won’t, I promise-”
“Hush. Don’t be so scared, Hero. I’m going to take good care of you.” Hero sobbed, a blubbering mess as Supervillain whispered sweet nothings into his ears. 
Hero grasped onto his memories. He remembered his friends, his family, his team, all of the moments that made his life enjoyable. He cherished them, attempting to block out the dire situation. 
“Hero, focus on me, darling. Focus on my smooth voice, focus on my sweet words. Focus, Hero, I know you want to.”
“No! N-no, please! No!” Supervillain paid no mind to his attempts of resisting.
“Focus on my relaxing voice. Focus on how relaxed it makes you feel. Focus on how good it makes you feel. You love it Hero, you love the feeling. You adore the relaxation, the pleasure my voice sets upon you. Just keep listening, darling.”
Hero began slipping ever so slightly. His eyes were still tied impossibly shut, but his ears were enveloped in the sound of Supervillain’s voice. He was enamored with the words spouting from his manipulative mouth.
“You’re so relaxed, aren’t you hero. So focused on my voice, so very relaxed. You feel oh so tired, you’re body oh so heavy. You feel so serene don’t you hero? So drowsy. There you go, darling.” Supervillain hummed as Hero begun to sink into the chair, his pleading slowing to silence. “You’re so relaxed, so sleepy. My voice, you’re obsessed, it’s making you so tired. So very tired, Hero. You’re sleepy aren’t you?”
“I’m… tired?” Hero’s face softened, his eyes now shut gently. 
The rubbing on his temples continued methodically, casting a pleasurable feeling enveloping Hero’s body entirely. He couldn’t help but hug into the chair, drowsiness grasping his being.
“Yes, darling, so tired, so drowsy. So docile. And yet, you’re so focused, so focused on me. How does it feel, darling?”
Hero’s mouth twisted into a genuine, enamoured smile. “It… it feels so, good…” 
Hero was so gone.
“That’s great, darling, you’re doing so good. You’re being such a good boy.”
Hero’s eyes fluttered open slightly, the weight of his drowsy lids keeping them half open. “Really…? I am?” His doe eyes were pleading with the supervillain. 
“Oh of course, darling, the best boy.” Hero’s eyes shut slowly once again, his smile still full. 
“Thank…you, Supervillain…”
“Call me sir, darling.”
Hero hesitated, his smile faltered for a moment. 
“N-no! I-um-” his muscles tensed up in dismay.
Supervillain whispered lovingly in his ear once again. “Shhhh. Relax, focus. Let the naughty thoughts go. Just listen to me. You’ve been so good, such a sweet boy.”
“Thank you sir.”
So polite.
 The hesitancy had been washed clean from Hero’s mind. The methodical motion of the rubbing on Hero’s temples continued, no sign of stopping until they were finished. It eased Hero’s brain and body.
“Darling how do you feel? You feel relaxed don’t you? So warm and delicate. So relaxed. Does it feel good darling? It does, doesn’t it? Do you like my power now?” Supervillain appeared calm, but was ecstatic under the ruse.
“Feels.. so good, sir. So good, so nice… don’t stop sir, please.” Euphoria was flooding his senses, pleasure seeping into every crevice of Hero’s being. 
“Of course not, darling. We can’t stop when you’re doing so well.” Supervillain received a soft smile in response.
He hadn’t expected Hero to have been so easy. He expected more fighting, insults, violence, yet Hero had given up the moment Supervillain had entered the room. His mental blockades were so weak, so simple. Hero was so obedient, so very eager to please. 
“Darling, do you remember what they did to you? The heroes?” Faint confusion painted across Hero’s relaxed face, with a slight shake of his head.
“Do you remember how they hurt you? How they took you from me? How they changed you, fooled your feeble mind into becoming their pet?” 
“They… they did?” Hero was open to any and all suggestions, logic no longer clouding his mind. He would believe anything that slipped Supervillain’s mouth.
“Yes, darling. Don’t you remember, when you were my successor? When I molded you? When you were a villain? When they stole you from me? And they made you an obedient little Hero?” 
Shoved deep in the back of his brain, Hero knew it was a lie. He knew Superviallin was fooling him, he knew none of his words were real. He knew they meant nothing.
Even so, in that moment, they meant everything to Hero. He couldn’t help but believe.
“Yes sir.” The words melted off of his tongue.
“You want to come back to me don’t you? To your teacher? To the only one who truly cares for you?” Even in his drowsy state Hero nodded energetically. 
In his mind, the people he had cared for so deeply all his life, the ones in the memories he had treasured, were all fake.  They meant nothing to him anymore.
Only Supervillain did.
“That’s what I’m doing darling, I’m rescuing you.” Hero leaned deeper into the tender touch of Supervillain’s thin fingers on his temples.
“Thank you, sir.”
A moment passed in approving silence.
“Darling, can you tell me your name, please?”
“It’s… my name is Hero.” Supervillain tsked, hanging his head.
“No darling, you’re real name. Not the one they gave you.” Hero eagerly scoured his head for an answer. He wanted to please Supervillain, wanted to give the correct response, but nothing came up. 
His name was Hero… wasn’t it?
“No, darling, don’t you remember? You’re name is Villain.” Hero knew he’d never heard the name in this life. Overwhelming pleasure obstructed these unwanted thoughts. “Tell me again, darling, what’s your name?”
Hero wasted no time responding. “My name is Villain, sir.” 
“Absolutely marvelous, Villain. I’m so proud of your performance today, you’ve been wonderful to work with. Such a good boy.” Hero smiled gleefully. “And we’re finally finished! How splendid. Now just let your mind go, Villain, sleep. You can unfocus, just slip away, you’ve done so well for me. Feel your body melt into the chair. Wonderful. Sleep now, Villain.”
Hero was quickly and willingly losing consciousness, cuddling comfortably closer into the chair and restraints. A small whimper escaped his scarred lips when Supervillain delicately lifted his fingers from Hero’s head. As Supervillain stepped to the door, a faint, sleepy voice stopped him.
“G’night, sir…”
Such a sweet one.
“Goodnight, Villain.”
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la-hannya · 1 year
Been keeping away from the drama cause I'm mostly tired, want to mostly focus on the original series, and I can't wait for this fanfic to completely die truly from the death drag is doing since it's long overdue; but after reading this— it needed to be addressed. Saw some copium going on about it already.
You can say stuff like "he is a yōkai", "he was always like that", "he is too good to lower himself to the standards and morals of humans", "retcons can happen" "you see? Rumiko is supervising now", "You weren't paying attention to the story" "the translation should say this instead of this" etc etc. Sure. of course, Jan. All that shit is bs as shown in the source material a thousand times already. Ok, moving on.
but AGAIN this Sesshomaru is just not the same one. Not the same to the original anime and not the same og manga either. This is like a completely different character than what we've been shown before. Nope. Ken Narita said it best and knew it.
This one is a completely regressed version and you can die on the hill after punching me in the face "that it's the same one, it's canon" but the original one wouldn't let crap like this slide. Oh yes, I know he's not a fucking prince charming; for sure! WE ALL KNOW. But Sesshomaru had already grown enough that he gave a fuk at least about those around him. Even if he's a person who barely expresses himself. So, much so, that no matter how you view the relationship of him and Rin— you know he was still coming to see and make sure he was okay even when she was in a village that might as well be safe 💯% thanks to his brother along his wife + inugang and others. He took care of Kohaku after Kikyo died! He regretted not leaving Rin in a village earlier when she lost her life again. Here, he's whole family are accessories. You got even Shippo weirdly being his servant all of a sudden. You can measure the regression with a ruler 📐
The vibes Rumiko Takahashi is giving me at this point are: A) she doesn't give a fuk because the og story is FINISHED as she has talked before (tbh this woman didn't give a fuck starting the last half of the series cause you can look up her interviews on Rumic World/Furinkan, and she was half ass winging it by the end cause that's how much she stopped vibin with her "Magnum Opus". Thanks Sunrise) and since she doesn't give a fuk, she doesn't want to even bother looking at her own source material. This is why I've gone mostly "Death of the author" with her at this point.
B) The other thing could be as well that she's fuking this thing on purpose. "But, Gene she's supervi—" no shut up. And stop snorting the copium. You'd think if this was canon she'd be truly wanting to sell the story and this ship, but it's like she wants to make sure he along everything else is the worst possible every chapter. If she truly is supervising, cause honestly she still feels like she quickly looks over sht, goes "whatever, I'm done with this" and goes back to doing Inuyasha revamp *cough* I mean MAO. Though, it's quite understandable why she was so reluctant to allow this in the first place.
And let me tell you, the "Character becomes terrible parental unit when the next generation is born, so their past growth is thrown out the window" trope. It's OVERUSED GARBAGE that fuks up good stories 🗑️🚮 You got characters that are really similar to Sessh that are doing better in other animes for Pete's sake. LIKE "THE VILLAIN" OF YASHAHIME: KIRINMARU 🦄🤡
It's pitiful really. I dunno how anyone can still enjoy this because "uWu it gives me crumbs". Nah, have some standards. Other people can do better stories. Other people can write this better while still respecting the original story. And I'm not saying you can't enjoy some things from it, because you can (like Moroha, Kirin, the Mirsan kids, whatever). But this could've been better done. Peace.
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0-eclipse · 3 months
Assault Lily: Last Bullet - Main Story - Chapter 1, Part 9: ~Battle of Tokyo, 1st Part~
The situation continues to grow dire as the incessant battle begins to take its toll on our three Legions.
Oh, by the way! Assault Lily: Last Bullet has a brand new Taiwanese server, which is open globally! Last Bullet W is now available on Android and IOS, if you're interested, do give it a check so it doesn't die.
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xoxomyseriesxoxo · 2 years
Sorry to bother you, but you seem to be one of the more informed Bleach fans.
So the thing is, since Bleach started airing its new anime, my Twitter feed has over-filled with it (apparently liking any manga/anime equals liking Bleach...) and the waves of IH fans, who seem to enjoy it exclusively through bashing IR. I know my first mistake is having Twitter, but the author of the absolutely fantastic manga I'm into is posting extra material there, so I'm ready to bear the consequences XD
Tbh, I've never finished reading Bleach. I think I made it to Fullbringer arc, but at that point, I've finally realized that I can just stop reading something that doesn't bring me enjoyment and for a while at that.
I did ship IR back then (for obvious reasons), but I have long since moved past Bleach to better pastures, though I still love the aesthetic. (And Rukia, I probably would've finished Bleach if it was at least 30% more Rukia, no Ichigo necessary XD)
But recently, I've encountered the post that discussed how Kubo himself didn't like the old anime. I remember fandom drama being large enough that it affected him, though I know no specifics as I've always inhabited the peripheral areas of the fandom.
So my question is, is there like a big meta post, following the evolution of Kubo's relationship with his work or just some large meta posts analyzing the events of those times? I definitely don't want to dive deep back into the fandom, but I've always enjoyed reading those large meta analyses.
Again, only if that won't be too bothersome for you, you just have a lot of interesting posts yourself, so I thought you may know something like this or point me in the right direction.
Have a good day!
Hi! To be honest, I kind of feel like a dinosaur in the fandom now... I've started reading it as a kid and joined the fandom when I was in middle school and now I'm in college with a part job but to sum it up, I've seen most of the drama of the fandom back then.
The thing is that the dudebros on Twitter who act like they know everything about B/each and what was going on in the fandom back then fail to realize the fandom was made of an overwhelming majority of IR shippers (and for good reasons) or just neutrals (who didn't really ship anything in particular) but understood IR's appeal.
But lmao, not the dudebros and these stans making up things to feed their own lies AGAIN when no, K/ubo didn’t have issues with the old anime, it was rather the “fan” who asked the question who was bitter about it from the way they asked their question. He supervied it and he even gave positive feedback, including this tweet about ep.342 (which features filler stuff made by the studio) where he said the episode was really pretty (he had also reacted to IR trending worldwide on Twitter back then while the anime episode aired).
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K/ubo also said he was very involved in the anime in an interview in 2006, including the filler arcs for example with the character designs of the zanpakutos later on in the anime etc.
K/ubo also did say concerning that the H/ellverse and D/iamond D/ust R/ebellion movies aren’t canon (which makes sense, especially for H/ellverse after that recent Hell oneshot) but rather parallels to the canon story while Fade To Black IS canon (and the movie was promoted as “a movie you should go watch with your S/O" lol) so it tells you how invested he was in the old animated series. There is a whole thread on Twitter showing you K/ubo appreciated the anime, musical and live action adaptations and how IR were portrayed there if you want to check it.
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Also, the “omg IR shippers are bullies and bad people!!!!” narrative which includes these accusations about IR shippers making K/ubo run off Twitter is FALSE (it happened 6-7 years ago), he deleted his account because a p*rnstar was impersonating as him there. SJ and him took legal action and that led to him deleting his account (he made a new account a while after), so it was not due to IR shippers and fandom drama as those people claim.
Apart from that, the manga’s cancellation official announcement from SJ was sudden which explains how rushed the ending was (well, at least the part where it doesn’t answer to many questions aka if U/rahara, G/rimmjow, N/el, Y/oruichi, I/sshin, R/yuuken were alive and some of the plot holes) but the fact it was that bad was K/ubo being petty and doing that out of spite because SJ cancelled the manga. I don’t know if you can say it’s a meta about his “relationship with his work” exactly but rather how his writing went downhill because he lost the plot of his own story: you can read this pretty interesting post (this blog has pretty interesting B/each analysis posts, including this one about the ending itself). B/each’s sales started to dip at one point but it got really bad at L/ost A/gent arc and and it got worse and worse after that because he spent way too long on unimportant plots and fights (the way we all way too many chapters with that fight of his favorite character against a giant hand...) while dropping important subplots/character arcs that had pontential such as K/arin becoming a s/hinigami (which was heavily hinted in the L/ost A/gent arc and which probably explains the fillers focused on her and H/itsugaya) or R/angiku having a piece of the S/OUL K/ING in her soul before A/izen stole it from her. He also got physically sick and tired of writing this story but SJ had initially given him enough time to end the story and what did he do? Waste time until SJ had had enough and made the cancellation announcement. You have a summary of that whole mess in this post.
The post-ending claims (from K/ubo himself and from those stans) about K/ubo planning the manga’s ending since the start (chapter 1) are also false.
K/ubo is great at characters design btw (though he had the same face syndrom at one point in TYBW when drawing his characters... especially when he was drawing T/oshiro in his bankai form) but as for the storytelling, he was only good if you stop at SS, after that... Well, we know how it went. It doesn't mean we didn't get good things from the following after that tho, it just means that things gradually started to go wrong until it became too much.
I hope this answer helps you to understand the situation better. Have a good day as well!
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meatybear2009 · 5 months
The desert festible in startdew is so funny.
Like the chalenges for the villagers must be something like get to levle 3 or slay 1 slime while gill supervies/keeps you trom getting killed. Then the farmer rolls up. And merlon relizes that maybe the guy who has finished multiple monster hunter goals and has a galexey weipn might need a challange. So hes like fuck it get me 15 geods or kill 12 serpents.
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pwlanier · 1 year
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1964 Ferrari 250 LM Berlinetta by Pininfarina
Chassis No. 5901
Engine No. 5901
Internal number 138/LM
Gearbox No. 18
- 2023: 60th anniversary of the Ferrari 250 LM
- One of the absolute masterpieces in the history of the Automobile
- The 10th Ferrari 250 LM on only 32 copies built
- Rarer than a 250 GTO
- A real milestone in Ferrari history: the first car of the brand with a V12 engine in the rear center position, the last to win the 24 Hours of Le Mans before 2023!
- With Ferrari's victory at the hundredth edition of the 24 Hours of Le Mans 2023, the 250 LM is now part of a fantastic saga whose future remains to be written
- Matching numbers (chamber, engine, box, bodywork)
- History followed, restored in 1998/1999 by DK Engineering
- In a major French collection from 2002 to 2022
- Validated by the Ferrari Classiche committee, with a view to its certification
Unveiled at the Paris Salon in October 1963, the 250 LM is a berlinette version of the 250 P which, presented in the previous March, can already boast of many successes in the race, before a victory at Le Mans in 1964. Designed under the authority of Chief Engineer Carlo Chiti, it is the first competition Ferrari with a V12 engine in a central position. The 246 SP inaugurated this new architecture in 1961, but with a V6 engine.
For the 250 LM, Scaglietti has signed a masterful shape, whose tapered front draws an amazing contrast with the long and muscular back that reveals the presence of powerful mechanics. The small central arch brings lightness to the pavilion, and one of the most spectacular elements is the vast hood that rises like a cathedral to reveal the bowels of this radical machine.
With the 250 LM, Enzo Ferrari wants to take over from the 250 GTO and have it homologated in GT. But if FIA officials have turned a blind eye to the Commendatore's tendentious arguments that allowed the homologation of the 250 GTO (which he had announced as a simple evolution of the 250 GT), this time they do not let themselves go and demand the production of the 100 copies required. However, Ferrari will only produce 32, so that the 250 LM will remain in the "Prototypes" category and will have to compete against more powerful cars, the most emblematic of which will be the Ford GT40 mentioned above. Glorious protagonist of the Ford-Ferrari duel, the 250 LM beautifully defended the colors of the Italian manufacturer by compensating for its power deficit with qualities of handling and maneuverability that were lacking in other more powerful cars. Carlo Chiti had seen it right by managing to convince Enzo Ferrari to switch to the rear engine, when he was reluctant.
Moreover, the 250 LM should have been called 275 LM (according to the Ferrari nomenclature using the unit displacement) because after the copy of the Paris Motor Show, the following ones received a 3.3 Liter engine; hoping to deceive the vigilance of the FIA for the reasons mentioned above, Enzo Ferrari wanted to keep the name 250.
Given its design, the 250 LM was intended for the track much more than for the road, and most of the copies produced have experienced the throes of competition and its hazards. However, this is not the case with the car we present, whose career took place in the hands of individuals and collectors who have never engaged it in the race. It was certainly present in 1966 at the 24 Hours of Daytona, but as a simple reserve car. This is why it is now beautifully preserved of origin, as we will see later.
The complete history of this work of art is established and documented by brand specialist Marcel Massini. According to the manufacturing sheet of this 250 LM, its tubular chassis was supplied to the Scaglietti bodywork in Modena on June 24, 1964. On September 18, the assembly of the engine, carried out by mechanic Baschieri, was completed under the control of foreman Amos Franchini. It was the same Amos Franchini who supervised the assembly of the gearbox, completed on September 23 by Ivo Giusti. The official order of Luigi Chinetti, boss of the N.A.R.T. (North American Racing Team) and importer of the brand based in New York, dated the following November 6, followed on the 14th by the manufacturer's invoice. On November 20, the car was transported to the port of Livorno and embarked on board the cargo ship Maria Costa, which then left for New York. After his arrival, the car was sold by Chinetti to its first owner, Raymond John Augusterfer, residing in Philadelphia.
On February 5 and 6, 1966, this Ferrari 250 LM was used as a reserve car for the 24 Hours of Daytona by the N.A.R.T., but no damage having stopped the engaged cars, it will not take part in the race and will remain in the paddock. The following year, Luigi Chinetti took over the car and sold it in 1968 to George Arents, from Warren, then in 1969 to Walter and Irene Young, from Wilton. After a visit to Kirk F. White Motorcars (Philadelphia), the car was bought on June 29, 1970 by William B. Rearden (Villanova, Pennsylvania), for the sum of $16,500 with, in soulte, his Ferrari 330 P Spider. Rearden kept her for eight years, while she appeared in issue 37 of Prancing Horse, the Ferrari Club of America bulletin, next to the 330 LMB and the Dino 246 GTS in her collection. Its owner also had the opportunity to use it on June 1, 1974 at the Ferrari club's annual meeting on the Lime Rock circuit, then at the Ferrari Parade organized as the opening of the Watkins Glen F1 race on October 5, 1975.
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vykko · 2 years
Funny stuff to me now or weird stuff from yr 6
they made us choose leader ship roles
and several things
Proud that several years ago it was made so boarders don’t have to take the boarder leadership
you had to interview
So everyone wanted the one that meant you could work with the kindy kids
I choose wellness
it was ver wellness to try and teach 20 6-11 year old how to make origami cranes
and no one ever listen to the instructions
——————————————————————————— the environmental committee was a whole arse drama
over picking up litter on Wednesday lunch time
like the teachers threatened to cancel a secret Santa because of 10 people and bullying and they actually where going to punish the entire grade
which is som bullshit because when they dealt with someone that bullied me, it was all “everyone is friends here it was just a miss understanding” when no she grabbed my collar of my dress when I was using the bubblar and poured water from her water bottle down my back, then laughed along with her friend that watched
that one homophobic friend that tried to preach and convince at the time friend group that gay = bad,
jokes on her we all ended up being gay
Found out gay people existed
through Percy Jackson series by my friends
and I was like cool
little did I know that I’m gay
the only time we ever had the AEIOU charity for a free dress day was in yr 6
we were supposed to come with pink and blue stuff especially I think tutus for some reason
and I was hyped as I’m autistic and the days was about autism awareness
so it was “great” when people looked at me weirdly for proudly saying I’m autistic and being the most hyped
like im sorry are we not allowed to be autistic are only the people the charity helps allowed to be
my friend endo having to drag me to the office as I was like dying and tried to assure that I’m fine, I was not fine I looked like death lol
accidentally getting kicked in the head while playing a weird version of keep the ball at all costs with semi tackling at lunchtime
someone cut their hand with a can lid from their lunch and there was just a trail of blood drops to the office
Cans where banned
secretly pouring my water from my instant noodles into the bushes
I wasn’t allowed to pour it into the sink as apparently a yr 1 might burn themselves with Lukewarm water that smells like chicken by putting their face into the sink
Having my tracksuit pants rip at the crotch
as I finally applied to the “get the pants 3 sizes to big or they will rip at the crotch” rule at school
the uniform is not made well
they didn’t let us change in the bathrooms as a couple people messed around in the pool bathrooms and this was a rule till yr 7 where we finally got to get changed in privacy
and they assumed we would be all comfortable around changing in front of our peers (all girls school also there are several trans people who aren’t girls but you get it) in the tiny side rooms
so basically everyone with bras tried using the one that was the least occupied as there was too
and you just didn’t look around you stared at the corner or the wall because apparently 11-12 years will spontaneously combust if not in the geral versin
At least in yr 5 they stopped needing a teacher to supervis and help us do up our buttons in winter
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The Fletcher-Manaker Project Doctors For The Poor Series
This new Fletcher-Manaker Project Doctors For The Poor Series drive is aimed at attaining two objectives, namely (1) to earn monies for the granting of scholarships for qualified but needy students from several countries to study medicine and or nursing and (2) to make contribution to the World Health Organization as an "effective Invitation" for it to host two hands on workshops, one on using bacteriophages in clinical settings for combating multi-drug resistant bacterial infections and the other on the usage of pan available spices/herbs as adjuncts/herbs along with standard antibiotics to combat in clinical settings multi- drug resistant bacterial infections. Microbiologists and pharmacists from several major public hospitals in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, from the largest public hospitals in four states in the United States along with representatives from several African countries are targeted for attendance. (Previous drive:-https://www.tumblr.com/a-basil-fletcher-things)
This document is divided into two sections. Section 1 addresses the now usual Fletcher-Manaker Project drive to provide funding for scholarships to study medicine or nursing and Section 2 covers the drive to earn funds to give to the World Health Organization as a contribution for carrying out of the two aforementioned workshops.
Doctors & Nurses For The Poor Series For Digital Textile & Digital Surface Designers- Revenues earned from the commercial use of these images will be used for the provision of medical and nursing school scholarships to male and female students of children of textile workers and cart pushers in India, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mali, market vendors , sons and the daughters of fishermen in Sierra Leone and to students recommended by Doctors Without Borders in Nigeria and Tchad (African & Asians students will study in India), children of fishermen in Bluefields (Nicaragua), suitably qualified students from Haiti-students recommended by Doctors Without Borders and the Caribbean Coast of Colombia , in addition to two nursing scholarships to females of Mayan descent from Guatemala ( Guatemalan , Colombian, Haitian and Nicaraguan students will study in Cuba), to provide nursing school scholarships for female students of Newlands and Wallen Avenue in Portmore, Jamaica ( Excelsior Community College Scholarships via the five churches serving these communities) and to two (2) MMBS and three nursing scholarships to students of Kingston High School on Kings Street, Kingston to study in Cuba (In keeping with the Ellen Manaker’s Program presented below) and university/ college scholarships to the children of the lower middle class and working poor in Boston. USA. . Fifteen percent of earnings will be retained by the Fletcher-Manaker Project. Permission for use please of photos contact The President Brandeis University at- [email protected]
The Kingston High School Problem
Kingston High School ( formerly Kingston Secondary School and before that Kingston Senior School) is located at the northern end of Kings Street, in Kingston. It is located about 300 meters South-West of the main offices of The Ministry of Education and about 50 meters South of The National Heroes Park. In spite of its “desirable location” it remains at the bottom of the ranks of high schools in the Kingston & St. Andrew Metropolitan area with few passes in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) . The truth be told, is that for much of its recent past the school functioned in the main as a “safe place” and “day care center” for children from the violence prone communities from which the bulk of its students come from.
The problem is further compounded by the fact that, unlike the high performing traditional high schools, the Kingston High School is not owned by the Church but rather by the Government of Jamaica, which means that the school does not get the high level of supervision, guidance and material support as do the traditional high schools which are owned by the Church.
Within this context, it would appear that the administrators of the KingstonHigh School have been facing challenges finding suitably qualified students to take up The Fletcher-Manaker Project Scholarships for students to study medicine and or nursing in Cuba.It is in this light The Ellen Manaker Program is being proposed. If the Kingston High School is able to produce students who are capable of taking up scholarships to study medicine, it will be able also to produce students capable of taking up scholarships for the study of engineering and other similar scholarships provided by other organizations and educational institutions.
The Ellen Manaker Program
The Kingston High School must submit all relevant information of the candidates they are putting forward for the medical scholarships to Cuba, at least two weeks before the opening of the scholarships, to the Office Of The President of The Brandeis University. No funding shall be provided if
the requirement of documentary submission is not met. Monies held back will be set aside for future scholarships to the school.
It is being proposed that US$1,000.00 be set aside to top up the salary of the teachers who is able to have at least 100 students passing mathematics at the CSEC level , with more money being paid out for grade 1 passes and less for grades 2 and 3 passes. This means that the teacher has have an examination pass rate of 100% to get the full US$1,000.00 . The same would apply to the teachers of English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
US$ 5,000.00 will be dedicated to the above. A similar system of incentives will be put in place for the teachers of the Carbbean Advance Proficiency Examinations Units 1 and 2 in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
This program is budgeted to cost US$12,000.00 per year with the Principal and Vice-Principal getting US$2,000.00 each on the delivery of the required 500 CSEC passes and at least ten of the required CAPE passes in the first two years . Money to be put aside for a ten year drive starting 2025 after which it will be up to the graduates of the Kingston High School to continue the program. Given that the Kingston High School is about 100 meters east of the Jewish Cemetry, the local synagogue can be approached to distribute the monies on obtaining copies of the examination results.
Basil Fletcher,
C.C. alumni of Czech and Slovak universities living in Latin America and Africa, to Fatima Espinoza of Bluefields, Nicaragua, Delicia Bailey of Guyana and Della Fletcher from St. Georges, Grenada W.I.
Section 2
The Fletcher- Manaker Project is also seeking to make an " Effective Invitation" to The World Health Organization to host two "hands on hand" workshops addressing (1) the
collection, identification and use of bacteriophage in combating multi-drug resistant bacterial infections and (2) the use of common pan-available spices and herbs as adjuncts /enablers to standard antibiotics in combating multi-drug resistant bacterial infections; by donating at- least 25% of all incomes generated from the commercial use of the images provided by The Fletcher-Manaker Project..
Microbiologists and pharmacists from the major public hospitals in Kingston, Jamaica W.I., St. Georges , Grenada W.I., Bluefields, Nicaragua, Port Au Prince, Haiti, Georgetown, Guyana, Port Of Spain, Trinidad, Havana, Cuba, Bogota and Medellin in Colombia, San Jose, Costa Rica, from the largest public hospitals in the states of Florida, New York, Georgia and California in the United States. Representatives from Mali, Ghana, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Kenya would also be invited..
It is hoped that these two workshops will provided the participants with the required knowledge,and skills to use in practice bacteriophage and herbal/spice interventions to combat multi-drug bacterial infections, and will get certificates of participation at the end of the workshops.
The Fletcher-Manaker Project will also be inviting major industrial players in the production and or sales of lab equipment and the major processors and distributors of spices to contribute through the Office of The President of The Brandeis University (USA) to the World Health Organization to give financial support to the World Health Organization to fund these two workshops.
Basil Fletcher,
Lot 276-7 East,
Greater Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.
For The Fletcher-Manaker Project
C.C. alumni of Czech and Slovak universities living in Latin America and Africa, to Fatima Espinoza of Bluefields, Nicaragua, Delicia Bailey of Guyana and Della Fletcher from St. Georges, Grenada W.I.
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rebeleden · 14 days
'Deeply Troubling': Tesla Sued Over 'Racially Hostile Work Environment' Amid Surge of Racial Discrimination Litigation | The Recorder
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7virtualseo-blog · 17 days
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techmahindra001 · 28 days
Skill Development Training Program: Enhancing Employability in Today’s Job Market
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In today's rapidly evolving job market, the concept of employability has taken on a new significance. As technology advances and industries shift, the skills required by employers are constantly changing. Traditional education, while essential, often falls short in equipping individuals with the practical skills needed to thrive in this dynamic environment. This is where a Skill Development Training Program comes into play, bridging the gap between academic knowledge and the real-world demands of the workforce.
Understanding the Importance of Skill Development
The importance of skill development cannot be overstated in the current job market. Employers are increasingly looking for candidates who possess not just theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills that can be applied immediately in the workplace. A Skill Development Training Program focuses on imparting these essential skills, ensuring that individuals are job-ready and capable of meeting the challenges of their chosen fields.
Skill development extends beyond technical abilities. It encompasses a wide range of competencies, including problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and adaptability. These soft skills are just as crucial as hard skills in determining a candidate's success in the workplace. Therefore, a well-rounded Skill Development Training Program addresses both aspects, ensuring a comprehensive approach to enhancing employability.
The Role of Skill Development in Today’s Economy
In today’s global economy, the demand for skilled labor is higher than ever. Industries such as Information Technology, Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Finance are evolving rapidly, with new tools, technologies, and methodologies being introduced regularly. Employers in these sectors are on the lookout for individuals who are not only well-versed in these developments but can also apply them effectively.
A Skill Development Training Program plays a pivotal role in this scenario by offering targeted training that aligns with industry needs. For example, in the IT sector, programs focusing on coding, cybersecurity, or data analysis are in high demand. Similarly, in healthcare, training in new medical technologies or patient care methodologies can greatly enhance employability. By tailoring programs to specific industry requirements, training organizations can ensure that their participants are equipped with the most relevant and up-to-date skills.
Addressing the Skills Gap
This refers to the disparity between the skills that employers need and the skills that job seekers possess. The skills gap is a critical issue, leading to unemployment for individuals and a lack of productivity and innovation for businesses.
A Skill Development Training Program is a powerful tool in addressing this gap. By identifying the skills that are in demand and creating training modules to teach those skills, these programs help individuals become more competitive in the job market. Moreover, they offer opportunities for reskilling and upskilling, enabling workers to adapt to new roles or industries as their careers progress.
Enhancing Employability Through Practical Training
One of the key benefits of a Skill Development Training Program is its focus on practical, hands-on learning. Unlike traditional education, which often emphasizes theory, these programs prioritize real-world application. Participants engage in exercises, simulations, and projects that mimic the challenges they will face in their jobs. This practical experience is invaluable, giving them the confidence and competence needed to excel in their careers.
For example, in a technical skill development program, participants might work on actual coding projects, developing software that can be used in a real business environment. In a healthcare training program, participants could practice medical procedures or patient care techniques in a controlled, supervised setting. This type of practical training not only enhances the learning experience but also ensures that participants are job-ready from day one.
The Role of Certification in Skill Development
Certification is another critical aspect of a Skill Development Training Program. Earning a certification upon completion of a program provides formal recognition of the skills acquired. This can be a significant advantage in the job market, where employers often use certifications as a benchmark to assess a candidate’s qualifications.
Certified individuals are perceived as more knowledgeable and skilled, making them more attractive to potential employers. Furthermore, certifications often serve as a stepping stone to higher-level positions, as they demonstrate a commitment to professional development. In industries where continuous learning and upskilling are essential, certifications play a vital role in career advancement.
The Impact of Technology on Skill Development
The integration of technology into skill development has revolutionized the way training programs are delivered. Online learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and interactive modules have made it possible for individuals to acquire new skills from anywhere in the world. This has democratized access to education, allowing more people to benefit from Skill Development Training Programs.
Technology also enables personalized learning experiences. With the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning, training programs can now be tailored to the individual needs of each participant. This ensures that learners can progress at their own pace and focus on the areas where they need the most improvement. The result is a more efficient and effective learning process, leading to better outcomes in terms of skill acquisition and employability.
The Role of Organizations in Promoting Skill Development
Organizations like Tech Mahindra Foundation play a crucial role in promoting skill development. By designing and implementing Skill Development Training Programs, they contribute significantly to building a skilled workforce that can meet the demands of today’s job market. These organizations often collaborate with industry partners to ensure that their programs are aligned with the latest trends and requirements, providing participants with the best possible opportunities for employment.
In addition to offering training programs, organizations also play a role in raising awareness about the importance of skill development. Through outreach and advocacy, they help individuals understand the value of acquiring new skills and how it can positively impact their careers. This is particularly important in communities where access to education and training opportunities may be limited.
Challenges in Implementing Skill Development Programs
While the benefits of a Skill Development Training Program are clear, implementing these programs is not without challenges. One of the main challenges is ensuring that the training is accessible to all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background. This requires a commitment to affordability and inclusivity, as well as the provision of support services such as financial aid, mentorship, and career counseling.
Another challenge is keeping up with the rapid pace of change in the job market. Training programs must be continuously updated to reflect the latest industry trends and technological advancements. This requires a close collaboration between training providers, industry experts, and employers to ensure that the curriculum remains relevant and effective.
The Future of Skill Development
As the job market continues to evolve, the importance of skill development will only increase. Future trends in skill development are likely to focus on the integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics into training programs. Additionally, there will be a growing emphasis on lifelong learning, with individuals expected to continuously acquire new skills throughout their careers.
Another key trend will be the increasing importance of soft skills. As automation takes over more routine tasks, employers will place greater value on skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence. Skill Development Training Programs will need to adapt to these changes, offering a balanced curriculum that addresses both technical and soft skills.
Conclusion: Investing in the Future Workforce
In conclusion, a Skill Development Training Program is an essential investment in the future workforce. By equipping individuals with the skills they need to succeed in today’s job market, these programs enhance employability and contribute to economic growth. Organizations like Tech Mahindra Foundation are at the forefront of this effort, helping to build a more skilled and resilient workforce that can meet the challenges of the future.
Whether you are a recent graduate looking to enter the job market, a professional seeking to advance your career, or an organization aiming to build a skilled workforce, investing in skill development is the key to success. By embracing the opportunities offered by Skill Development Training Programs, we can create a brighter, more prosperous future for all.
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dirjoh-blog · 1 month
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jasonp01 · 2 months
Supporting Working Parents: Yang Fan Academy’s After School Care In Pleasanton
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In Today’s Fast-Paced World, Many Parents Are Juggling Their Careers With Their Responsibilities At Home. For Working Parents, Finding Reliable And Enriching After School Care For Their Children Is Essential. At Yang Fan Academy In Pleasanton, California, We Understand The Challenges That Working Parents Face, And We Are Committed To Providing A Solution Through Our Exceptional After School Care Programs. In This Article, We Will Explore How Our After School Care Services Support Working Parents And Benefit Their Children. The Importance Of After School Care- After School Care Programs Play A Vital Role In The Lives Of Both Children And Their Parents. Here’s Why They Are Crucial: 1. Supervision And Safety After School Care Programs Prioritize The Safety And Well-Being Of Children. Here’s How:
Trained Staff: These Programs Are Typically Staffed By Trained Professionals Who Know How To Handle Various Situations, Including Emergencies.
Secure Facilities: Facilities Are Designed With Safety In Mind, Ensuring That Children Are Protected From Potential Hazards.
Supervised Activities: Children Are Engaged In Supervised Activities, Reducing The Risk Of Accidents Or Injuries.
Emergency Protocols: After School Care Programs Have Protocols In Place To Handle Emergencies, Including Medical Incidents And Evacuations.
Parents Can Have Peace Of Mind Knowing That Their Children Are In A Secure And Supervised Environment Where Their Safety Is A Top Priority. 2. Educational Enrichment- Quality After School Care Goes Beyond Mere Supervision; It Offers Educational Enrichment:
Homework Assistance: Children Receive Support With Their Homework, Reinforcing What They’ve Learned In School.
Enriching Activities: Programs Often Include Activities That Are Both Fun And Educational, Such As Science Experiments, Arts And Crafts, And Reading Sessions.
Skill Development: Children Have Opportunities To Develop Various Skills, From Problem-Solving To Creative Expression.
Learning Continuity: After School Care Ensures That The Learning Process Doesn’t Stop When The School Bell Rings, Promoting Continuous Academic Growth.
3. Convenience For Working Parents- For Working Parents, After School Care Is Incredibly Convenient:
Extended Hours: After School Care Programs Typically Have Extended Hours, Accommodating The Schedules Of Working Parents Who May Have To Work Late.
Consistent Care: Parents Can Rely On Consistent Care For Their Children, Eliminating The Need For Last-Minute Childcare Arrangements.
Peace Of Mind: Knowing That Their Children Are In A Safe And Nurturing Environment Allows Parents To Focus On Their Work Without Worrying About Their Children’s Well-Being.
Flexibility: Many Programs Offer Flexible Scheduling Options, Allowing Parents To Choose The Days And Times That Best Fit Their Work Commitments.
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4. Social Interaction- After school care programs provide valuable social interaction opportunities:
Peer Interaction: Children have the chance to interact with peers outside of the school classroom, forming friendships and social bonds.
Teamwork: Collaborative activities and group projects teach children important teamwork and communication skills.
Conflict Resolution: In a supportive environment, children learn how to navigate social conflicts and develop conflict resolution skills.
Community Building: These programs often foster a sense of community among children, parents, and staff, creating a supportive network.
Yang Fan Academy’s After School Care
At Yang Fan Academy, we recognize the diverse needs of working parents, and we have designed our after school care programs to meet those needs effectively. Here’s how we support working parents through our after school care services:
1. Extended Hours
Our after school care program is designed to accommodate the needs of working parents by offering extended hours. Here’s how this benefits both children and parents:
Child Supervision: Children remain under supervision and in a safe environment until parents can pick them up. This ensures their safety and well-being.
Convenience: Working parents can focus on their job responsibilities with the peace of mind that their children are well-cared for in our program.
Flexible Scheduling: Our extended hours cater to varying work schedules, providing flexibility for parents who may have to work late or have irregular hours.
Consistency:Children benefit from a consistent daily routine, with structured activities and care, even beyond regular school hours.
2. Homework Assistance-  We Understand The Importance Of Academic Support, And Our After School Care Program Offers Homework Assistance In Several Ways:
Homework Completion: Children receive help with completing their homework assignments, ensuring that they understand and complete their schoolwork.
Academic Reinforcement: Our staff reinforces what students have learned in school, helping them grasp important concepts and achieve academic success.
Time Management:Children develop time management skills as they learn to balance homework and other activities.
Reduced Stress: Homework assistance reduces stress for both children and parents, as assignments are completed efficiently and correctly.
3. Enriching Activities-   Our After School Care Program Is Not Just About Homework; It’s About Creating A Well-Rounded And Engaging Experience For Children:
Variety of Activities: We offer a diverse range of activities, including arts and crafts, science experiments, sports, and more. These activities are designed to be both enjoyable and educational.
Exploration and Creativity:Children have the opportunity to explore their interests, express their creativity, and discover new passions.
Skill Development: Our activities promote skill development, from fine motor skills in art projects to physical fitness through sports.
Social Interaction: Group activities encourage social interaction, teamwork, and the development of important social skills.
4. Nutritional Support-Proper Nutrition Is Essential For A Child’s Overall Well-Being, And We Prioritize This In Our After School Care Program:
Healthy Snacks:We provide nutritious snacks to keep children energized and focused. These snacks are carefully chosen to ensure they meet dietary guidelines.
Hydration:We encourage children to stay hydrated, especially after a day of learning and play.
Nutritional Education: We take the opportunity to educate children about healthy eating habits and the importance of balanced nutrition.
5. Qualified Staff-  Our After School Care Program Is Staffed By Qualified Individuals Who Are Dedicated To The Well-Being And Development Of Each Child:
Professional Training: Our staff members have received professional training, including child safety, first aid, and child development.
Caring and Nurturing: They provide a caring and nurturing environment where children feel comfortable, supported, and valued.
Guidance and Mentorship: Our staff members serve as positive role models, offering guidance, mentorship, and encouragement to the children in their care.
Safety: Staff members prioritize the safety of all children, ensuring that they follow safety protocols and maintain a secure environment.
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The Benefits- The Benefits Of Yang Fan Academy’s After School Care For Working Parents Are Manifold:
Peace of mind, knowing that their children are safe and cared for.
The opportunity to focus on their careers without worrying about childcare logistics.
Academic support for their children, ensuring that they stay on track with their studies.
A sense of community, as parents connect with one another and with our dedicated staff.
Enriching experiences for their children, fostering growth and development.
Conclusion- At Yang Fan Academy In Pleasanton, We Understand The Needs Of Working Parents, And We Are Dedicated To Providing Exceptional After School Care Services That Support Both Parents And Their Children. Our Extended Hours, Educational Enrichment, And Qualified Staff Create A Nurturing And Stimulating Environment Where Children Can Thrive. We Invite Working Parents To Explore The Benefits Of Our After School Care Program And Discover The Peace Of Mind That Comes With Knowing Their Children Are In Good Hands.
Afterschool Dublin California l Yang Fan Academy l Dance Class
Learn More About Yang Fan Academy:
Name :Yang Fan Academy
Address :4160 Hacienda Dr STE 100, Pleasanton, CA 94588, United States
Contact :+1 925-268-7798
Website : https://yfacademy.org/
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spacecadetspe · 2 months
Jul. 9, 2024
I think some part of me has been avoiding journaling recently. It's not fun, sitting in my feelings and having no real outlet. I'm not saying Journaling isn't good for me, or that no good comes of it, but lately I've been craving distraction. No matter what I do, though, the heavy, painful feeling doesn't go away.
I had been seeing a coworker sometimes, going on very occasional dates and trying to get to know him. I was hoping that would help my feelings of isolation. But the more I get to know him, the more I realize he's just... a bit too shallow for me. I go around and around inside my head over the reasons, and I can't seem to come to a place where I really trust him. And it took me until recently to figure out why.
When we met, he said he wanted to get to know me. But the longer we go on, the more I realize the phrase was used almost entirely under the pretense of getting me into bed. Despite my dysfunction, my breakdowns and my periods of no-contact, I have given him chances to know me, only to have it all thrown back in my face. No excuse is good enough, no reason valid. When he asked why I was so reluctant to go out, I gave many different reasons (I always gave reasons).
I work 60 hour weeks.
I have a weird custody schedule that is largely out of my control.
I have plans with my family.
None of which matters to him.
When asked about my trust issues and my resistance, I try to be kind and not involve him.
I have unresolved trauma.
I need someone I can trust with my mind before I give over my body.
I have regularly scheduled breakdowns.
Now... I told this man (who is 40, by the way) about my polyamorous lifestyle and my living situation on the first date. And last week he hit me up with "So I found out you have a boyfriend."
"Yes... I told you that."
"But you're telling people we're dating."
"Yes...? Because we are."
"That explains a lot."
The sheer audacity of this man to assume things about my life! It's not like I wasn't honest about this from the get-go! So that leaves me a couple of options regarding figuring out what happened.
perhaps he didn't understand my explanation of polyamory during our first date (he said he did).
Perhaps he wasn't listening the first time I said it.
Maybe he just forgot (although that's a really weird thing to forget, considering I talk about Fortitude from time to time).
Or perhaps it's more malicious; like he didn't think the rule applied to him, or that he could somehow change my mind.
None of these options look particularly appealing to me.
But the worst thing is that he doesn't approach me with problems; he throws them at me like accusations. And honestly, it makes me feel unsafe around him. I don't feel validated when his answer to my problems is "Let it go and come be with me." And I don't feel understood when I told him exactly who I was at the outset and he throws it in my face.
"Then why won't you sleep with me?"
I've given him that answer before. That I don't trust him. And he's just giving me more and more reasons why not. And... by now it feels like I'm never going to reach him. My answers aren't good enough; he doesn't respect them. And he meets every problem I have with "just have sex with me."
I wondered for a good while if there was something wrong with me. I like sex. I love the connection and the intimacy. But I'm not in the market to have someone who creates the false pretense of "getting to know me" when all he wants is to get in bed with me.
So... That has fallen through spectacularly.
In other news, the nameless sword has gone out of control again. It went after the Archipelago, which, unfortunately, is a bit of a sitting duck recently, and Phantasos got involved.
I have never seen him angry before. Morpheus says it's been centuries. He's been through a hell of a lot, and is just now reacting to all the changes, wars, and cataclysms we've been through. I can't blame him for getting heated.
He called me to supervise, but ultimately made the call to increase the weight of the Dream Realm Atmosphere tenfold. Even Morpheus has trouble calling his dream nail, there. The elders protested, but... if I'm honest, I don't see a real problem in Phan taking these measures. This is appropriate, and I dare say the next step in training the dream spirits to be stronger.
But despite my support, Phan is still mad at me. And it saddens me, but... I don't blame him. After all, there's a reason it took me so long to start coming to the Archipelago in the first place; I happen to be a bit of a disaster.
He told me if the sword attacks his home again, he'll send it back to Tartarus "where it came from." I tried to correct him, but he wasn't having it. And how could I blame him? So instead, I gave him the one thing the sword hasn't been able to learn or copy; the Violet Fire. And in doing that, I also asked him to meet with Michael (my immediate supervisor).
Michael told Phan that he was too angry and too frightened to see through a clearer lens, and that the mighty archangel could only give what answers Phan was ready for. Any other information might as well fall on deaf ears. But at least Phantasos knows he has a support system... if only he chooses to use it.
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